the benefits of regular massage therapy

Massage Therapy for A Healthy Mind & Body The Benefits of Regular Mass Therapy

Upload: lisa-hill

Post on 30-Mar-2016




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For further information regarding the health benefits of massages, visit Allure Health Studio at


The Benefits of Regular Massage TherapyBody
While massage therapy is not a replacement for regular medical
care, it does have benefits that cannot be achieved in a doctor's
office. Too often it is considered a luxury, but for many people, it
can be life changing. Here are just some of the benefits you can
Physical Benefits
This type of therapy focuses greatly on the muscle groups of the body. The professional will be able to feel where the patient is most tense. For athletes and regularly active people, relieving the tension in these muscles can make their sport more enjoyable and prevent injury. Even those who sit at a desk for most of the day can benefit by alleviating their lower back pain.
Physical Benefits
person, more oxygen equates
someone has a problem with
certain organs or is undergoing
chemotherapy, this added
Getting massage therapy isn't just for those who
need physical relief. It can also be a great way to
relieve stress. There are theories that our bodies
are directly connected to our minds. By alleviating
the tension in our bodies, our minds can also relax.
In addition, the atmosphere of the therapy room is
often one of extreme calmness. The scents and
sounds will all work together with the physical
touch to benefit your whole being.
Mental Benefits
than discourage daily headaches.
higher immune systems,
experience less physical
and depression may even
diminish with regular sessions.
Mother and Child Not surprising is that expectant mothers and new
mothers benefit greatly from this type of therapy. The
physical and mental stress relief can make for an
easy pregnancy and calmer home setting. What is
more surprising is that infant babies, especially in
premature babies, can experience healthy growth.
While most would not consider babies to be stressed,
they are going through massive changes when they
are born. This type of physical relief can be a way for
them to bond with their mother, grow in a healthy
manner, and keep their mind free to learn about their
new world.
Other Considerations
Of course, this type of treatment is not for everyone. Some people may be too sensitive for the physical pressure on their body. Others may not be comfortable with the touch. It is also important that those who are looking into therapy to help with a certain ailment or disease are not neglecting their other treatments.
Other Considerations
Medication should not be discontinued if a doctor has prescribed it, and regular check-ups by your physician are also necessary. It is also important to keep in communication with the therapist. Letting them know what feels good, what hurts, and how you felt the days following the therapy are essential to improvement.
Further Reading…
benefits of massages, visit Allure Health Studio at