the best bystander - · wigwag and semaphore • 8-we had our share of...

-s^Js rfottt Poy •nj! rca ( lit . Bystander vV w ^" , -7, ' ..... a?* 1 ~ The Best advertising medi- um to recti colored people In the west XXIV No. 19 DES MOINES, IOWA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1917. Price Five Cents RECAPITULATION 1-For four long months we've toiled and drilled From reveille to tap; W«fve studied fourteen kinds of books And made a score of maps. 2-We started off with I. D. R. And Army regulations; Disciplinary talks at all The' company formations 8-Then next they gave us F. S. R. Field service book you know; And thjen they gave us I. G. D. Which sentry duties show. |<4-And while engrossed with all these books They showed their sympathy By giving us another book 'That's called topography. > 5-Then next, problems in infantry And sure we had our fill In what you'd do and what you'd say If you were Sergeant Hill. [6-Next, court-martial manual Took nearly all our time, From early morn till late at night. Long past the hour of nine. i -We next had Mnior Tactics, And, sketching and maps galore Trench warfare with hand grenades, Wigwag and semaphore 8-We had our share of practice march O'er roads that were not shady b Carryiny strapped upon our backs, )ur litte pappoose baby 9-TK8ti when we finished our first term We were asked not to leave; But stay another month, that we Another course receive lOWe thank our God schedules are over Now we can rest a spell We thank cur God who gave us strength * To do our task so -well UMany a battle have we fought , 0'er lands that lay between / Des Moines toward Indianola, /^Which place we havenot seen That tf * same was unanimously adopted. Mrs. Mary Miles, President. Miss Ona Webb, Secretary. Headquarters, Fort Des Moines, la. October 15, 1917. Special Order No. 110. wc.c department dated October 12, 1917, the following assignment of'of- ficers commissioned October 15, 1917, from the 17th provisional raining reg- iment is announced: 89th Division, Camp Funston, Kans. Captains. Milton T. Dean, 0 R C. Charles Ecton; 0 R C. Roscoe Clayton, 0 R C. Eugene Harris, 0 R C. Abraham L. Simpson, 0 R C. Warren F. Jones, ORC. Moody Staten, 0 R C. Charles H. Barbour, 0 R C. William H. Graham, 0 R C. Rufus Reed, O R C. Samuel Reid, 0 R C. Aaron Day, Jr., 0 R C. Beverly L. Dorsey, 0 R C. Lewis W. Wallace, 0 R C. William E. Davis, 0 R C. Lee J. Hicks, ORC. First Lieutenants. Harry W. Cox, ORC. Robert T. Shobe, N. A. Benjamin H< Mosby, 0 R C. James E. Beard, O EC. Walter B. Barnes, N A. Boliver E, Watkins, 0 R C. Johnson C. Whittaker, ORC. John Combs, N. A. Richard M. Norris, O R C. Leonard 0. Colston, O R C. Arthur Freeman, 0 R C. Edward C. Knox, N A. Clay Harper, N A. James W. Alston, N A. William H Fearence, 0 R C. Albert L. Hatchett, O RC. Leonard 11. Richardson, O R C. Tillman H. Harpole, 0 R C. Marion C. Rhoten, N A. Benjamin E. Ammons, 0 R C. John M. Moore, 0 R C. Homer G. Neely, 0 R C. Jerome L. Hubert, 0 R C. George E, Edwards, 0 R C. Ewall W. Clarke, 0 R C. William B. Campbell, 0 R C. Benjamin F. Ford, N A. Lowell B. Hodges, ORC, Toliver T. Thompson, N A. "-which Grafton S. Norman, N A. William Jones, O R C. Walter Hill, ORC. Charles Young, N A Willie Johnson, 0 R C. Anderson Trapp, 0 R C. Hal Short, ORC. r Elias A. Morris, ORC. Victor Long, ORC. Elbert L. Booker, ORC. Earl W. Mann, ORC. Harrison J. Pinkett, ORC. Victor J. Tulane, ORC. Amos B. Madison, ORC. Cleve L, Abbott, ORC. Pierce McN. Thompson, ORC. Herman L. Butler, N A. James C. Arnold, ORC. Clifford W. Jones, ORC. John F, Rice, ORC. Mallalieu W. Rush, ORC. George C. Robinson, ORC. Guy W. Canady ORC. Isaiah S. Blocker, 0. R. C. William II. Clarke, ORC. Charles P. Howard, ORC. Harry E. Wilson, ORC. Carter N. Brown, ORC. Edward Turner, ORC. Charles J. Adams, N A. Harry C. Ellis, ORC. Chri s t o p h e r C. Wimbish, ORC. William H. Clarke, N A. Charles A. Shaw, ORC. Jones A. Coltrane, N A. William T. Burns, ORC. Henry H. Proctor, ORC. John Q. Lindsey, ORC. William F. Nelson, ORC. Thomas J. Henry, Jr., ORC. Julian P. Rogers, N A. John P Walker, N A. Cuby Martin, N A. William H. Benson, ORC. William H. Dinkins, 0 R C. Horatio B. Holder, ORC. Marshall Meadows, ORC. Second Lieutenants. Andrew B. Ca;lahan, ORC. James E. Ivey. ORC. Harry W. Short, ORC. Edward L. Goodlet ORC. James B. Morris ORC. Joseph B. Sanders ORC. Earl H. Nash, ORC. Wade H. Powell, OJR C. Major Williams, T vl^nes, Uug has to Fort Des Moines and 12So here's each Assumed situation; And luck to all who figure in This RECAPITULATION Written by 1st Lieut. Sylvanus Brown. Inf., ORC, ex-soldier Troop B. 9th Cavalry, Candidate of Co. No. X, 17th Provis- ional Training Regiment, Fort Des Moines, Iowa Buxton, Iowa, Oct. 10, 1917. '"pe Fannie Barrier Williajps club" of the "Iowa State Federation of Col- ored Womens Clubs," met at the resi- i nce of Mrs - Henrietta Jones, No. 14 line 4 fg/f ^ St' B J 3 J >n \ Iowa ' Oct 10th, iy17 - nd thp following resolutions A short! gro organ officers to to read a the south the negati northern plishment Ri Tht cit; furnished this first 40 per c Th erem; supplyin; remainde: Miner: farmers majority | few spec ber of tl and mec sent to companif be of mt infantry^ Morali least pi that su charge in the s; less in fi With ganizatii day, a dred £ formatji the soul given ffi they boards. Monda| Offiqjg cveryto the ne< treated the Una classes w is the pred officials. by in line' education, answer was in public sc When th^ es in readj grammar at the ar: would ha men linger! fying theirij first oppori Illiteracy! will place ~ in line fori 1917> nd thg portions in' were ad ted The averag had at least / Re ® olved ;- That the hearts of the tion. Those •' em s °* club have been shock- noncom job/ sadden ed and deeply touched by pointed coit _ 6 re P°rt of the death of Mrs. Anna Cooper-Williams who was a former officer of this cluband a faithful mem- ber and true friend, even to the time of her death. That in her death we have lost one of our best members and the church and th country mourns this day with us over the passing of a good, noble chrisian woman, a kind wife, loving daughter, sister and faithful friend. Resolved that we reconcile oursel- ves to the will of providence and ex- tend our deep sympathy and condol- ence to the husband, mother, family, and friends and that we send a copy of these resolutons to the husband, Mr. A. A. Wllams, the mother, Mrs. Cooper of Clinton, la., to the Presi- dent of the Iowa State Federation of Colored Womens Clubs, and to the Iowa State By-Stander along with the tribute attached hereto, and that we also arrange for suitable floral by the telegram attached hereto: ® the memory of Mrs. Anna Cooper- Williams:— Faithful friend thy work wel done, Labour ended—crown well won; We shall meet when all is o'er, On sweet Canaanian's happy shore. Respectfully submitted by George H. Woodson, Honorary member and on motion of Mrs. Jennie Wright the of spik io have lain Jv. p»'--"aursty / s, N A. ), j) R C. Whe bama,; WHEN IN Rock Island, ID. GO TO THE COLORED CAFE 2217 3rd Ave. For Good Meals and First Class Service W. JONES. PROP. been t Arthur Hubbard, O R C. Joseph J. Abernethy, ORC. David W. Anth&iy, Jr., ORC. Sylvanus Browne, ORC. George B. Greenlee, ORC. Vodrey Henry, N A. Beeches A. Jackson, ORC. Howard R. M. Browne, ORC. Clifford L. Farrer, ORC. Carter W. Wesley, ORC. Emmet Brown, ORC. John R. Failey, N A. Aldon L. Logan, O R O. John B. Wilson, N A. Meredith B. Wily, ORC. Arthur A. Hill, N A. Eric P. Mason, ORC. zClemmie C. Parks, ORC. George W. Hamilton, Jr., ORC. William D. Bly, ORC. Second Lieutenants. Wesley H. Jamison, ORC. Charles A. Jones, ORC. James A. Jones, ORC. James E. Fladger, ORC. Victor Ian Hicks, ORC. Julian C. Banks, ORC. Ewart G. Abner, ORC Marion R. Perry, ORC. Shadrach W. Upshaw, ORC. George G. Washington, N A. David A. Pierce, ORC. Rodney D Hardeway, ORC. Wilbur F. Stonesreet ORC. Tacitus E. Gaillard ORC, Frank L. Lano, ORC. Seymoro E. Williams, ORC. John Wynn, N A. Benjamin L. Ousley, ORC. Arthur R. Williams, ORC. Wilson Cary, N A. Hubert M. Meman, ORC. Elbet S. Wright, ORC. Stephen B. Barrows, N A. Will H. Evans, ORC. Everett B. Liggins, ORC. Hannibal B. Taylor, ORC. Pinkney L. Mitchell, ORC. William H. Hubert, ORC. Charles 0. Luok, Jr. ORC. Joseph E, Matthews, ORC. Glenda W. Locust, ORC. Lonnie W. Lott, ORC. 88th division, Camp Dodge, Iowa. Captains. George A. Holland, ORC. George W, Winston, ORC. Byrd McD. Hart, ORC. Alonzo Hoard, N A. Charles W. Owens, N A. Thomas Rucker, ORC. Samuel J. Tipton, N A. Frank W. Love, ORC. Edward C. Dorsey, ORC. Dee Jones, ORC. Miles M. Green, ORC. William Hill, ORC. Emmet White, ORC. William Gillum, ORC. Anderson N. May, ORC. Charles G. Kelly, N A. First Lieutenants. William T. Johnson, ORC. Walter L. Hutcherson, ORC. Clarence W. Harding, .0 R C. ejiell, ORC. 1 t*- Araru.d>rMitc7 -.Elliott D. aunde. Charles J. Ellis, 0 R C. Jame3 L. Elliott, ORC. Frank L. Francis, N A. John W. Bundrant, ORC. Robert A. McEwen, ORC. John B. Cado, ORC. James 0. Redmon, ORC. James H. Payton, ORC. Maceo A. Richmond, ORC. James H. L. Gaines, ORC. Clarenle K, Howard, ORC. Clarence W. Allen, ORC William H. Brooks, ORC. Ralph E. Mizelly, ORC. > Austin Simms, ORC. William H. Johnson, N A. Charles S. Parker, N A. 86th division, Camp Grant, Illinois Captains. William H. Williams, ORC. Adam E. Patterson, N A. Benjamin F. Thomas, ORC John H. Allen 0 R C. Thomas A. Rirmes, ORC. John B. Kemp, N A. James G. Hollingsworth, ORC. Matthew Jackson, ORC. Joseph Thompson, ORC. Hairy V/. Mills, ORC. James W. Cranson, N A. William W. Green, ORC. Austin T. Walden, ORC. Charles J. Echols, Jr., ORC Early Carson, N A. Gurnott E. Ferguson, ORC Virgil M. Boutto ORC. First Lieutenants. Leon Stewart, ORC. Charles H. Fearing, N A. Deton J. Brooks, N A. Wilfrid W. Lawson, ORC. John F. Pritchard, ORC. Bravid W. Harris, Jr., ORC. Jesse L. Kimbrough, N A. Charles C Dawson, ORC. Benedict Mosley, ORC. Landon Jackson, N A. Dace H. Burns, ORC. William J. Powell, ORC. Alonzo G. Ferguson, ORC Walter H, Smith, ORC. George W. Jackson, ORC. Charles J. Blackwood, ORC. Anderson F. Pitts, ORC. Thomas R. Stewart, ORC Floyd Gilmer, N A. Dennis McG. Matthews, N A Edward S. Gaillard, N A. Lloyd F Cook, ORC, Aurelius P. Alberga, ORC Harrison W. Black, ORC Charles J. Reed, ORC. P. Bentley, ORC. Merle 0. Johnson, ORC, Garrett M. Lewis, ORC, Henry G. Davis, ORC. George B. Love, ORC. John P. Burgess, ORC. Waddell C. Steele, ORC Joseph T. Jackson, N A. Jefferson H. Hudgins, ORC. A. H. Cameron, N A. Irby D. Da-; is, ORC. William S. Dawson, ORC Carey McLane, N A. Alexander E. Evans, ORC. Oscar G. Lawless, ORC Walter Lyons, N A. Frank L. Drye, ORC. Clarence H. Payne, ORC. Francis H. Gow, ORC. Lawrence Simpson, ORC. Second Lieutenants. Clyde Roberts, ORC. Russell C. Atkins, ORC., Robert S. Bampfield, ORC. Earl Ryder, ORC. Levi E. Southe, ORC. Joseph W. Smith, ORC. Ernest W. Wood, ORC. Clifton S. Hardy, ORC. William H. Wilson, ORC. Rolland T. Winstead, ORC. James B. Dickson, ORC. Leslie H. Engram, ORC. Victor C, Lightfoot, ORC. Guerney E. Nelson, ORC. Jesse J. Gleeden, ORC. Lightfoot H. Reese, ORC. James L. Horace, ORC. Thomas J. Narcisse, ORC. Charles H. Love, ORC. Alstyne M. Watson, ORC. Harry B. Peters, ORC. Washington H. Racks, N A. Robert S. Reid, ORC. Joyce G. Jacobs, ORC. Felix Buggs, N A. Reddon L. Linton, ORC. Henry H. Boger, ORC. Lovelace B. Capehart,-Jr., ORC. John Williams, N A. Daniel T. Taylor, N A. Leonard Edwards, ORC. 83rd division, Camp Sherman, Ohio. Captains. Joseph Phillips, ORC. William W. Thompson, O R Joseph Lowe, ORC. Walter R. Sanders, ORC. Henry C. Houston, ORC. William Glass, N A. Leroy H, Godman, ORC. Robert K. Stephe ORC. First Lieutenants. Arthur A. Browne, ORC. Ellsworth Gamblee, ORC. William W. Robinson, N A. Elmore S. Willis, ORC. Robert Anderson, N A. William H. Brown, Jr., ORC. Hazel L. Raine, ORC. John W. Rowe, ORC. Thomas E. Green, N A. Azzie B. Koger, 0 R C. Cheslay E. Corbett, ORC. George J. Austin, N A. Thomas J. Ratey, ORC. Pitman E. Smith, ORC. Dillard J. Firse, ORC. Samuel M. Huffman, 0 R C. William A. Stith, ORC. Jesse J. Greene, 0 R C. Leon F. Marsh, ORC. James A. Bryant, N A. hElder W, Diegs, N,A^ ga, | cotton glove? ' ' 4 big hands, C. Harold L. Quivers, ORC. Thomas M. Dent, Jr., ORC. John C. Carter, ORC. Eugene A. Dandridge, ORC. Douglas J. Henderson, ORC. Francis M. Dent, ORC. Second Lieutenants. Curti3 W. Carpenter, ORC. Cyrus W. Marshall, ORC. Douglas C. Richardson, ORC. William T. Grady, ORC. Charles W. Cardwell, O R C. Walker L. Savoy, ORC. Richard R. Queen, ORC. Norwood C. Fairfax, ORC. Nathan 0. Goodloe, Jr., 0 R C. Vincent B. Thomas, O R C. James E. Scott, ORC. Frank C. Clark, ORC. Lane C. Cleaves, ORC. 'Enos D. Smith, N A. William H. Burrel, N A. Robert E. Johnson, ORC. George E. Lee, ORC. Walter W. Scott, ORC. Benjamin Bettis, N A. Robert W. Cheers, ORC. George W. Lee, ORC. Hugh H. Wimbish, ORC. Edward W. Alexander, ORC. William L. Reese, ORC. Sewell C. Freeman, ORC. Lawrence Hawkins, ORC. Daniel G. Hill, Jr., ORC. Loring B. Moore, ORC. 76th division, Camp Dix, New Jer sey. Captains. Clifford A. Sandridge, N A. William L. Bryson, ORC. Richard Simmons, ORC, Robert B. Chubb, ORC. Peter McCall, ORC. Reuben Horner, ORC. Richard A. Williams, ORC. Thomas E. Morris, O R C. Roecoe Ellis, ORC. Thomas Johnson, N A. Lloyd A Stafford, ORC. Joseph E. Trgig, ORC. Daniel Smith, 0 R C. Thomas Grundy, ORC. Dvid K. Cherry, ORC. Alonzo Myers, ORC. First Lieutenants. Will Kernts, N A, Howard C. Gilbert, N A. Edward I. Alexander N A. Edward I. Alexander, N A. George S. Schuyler, ORC. Resen T. Brown, ORC. Russell Smith, ORC. Percival R., ORC. iFrank M. Goodner, O R C. David A. Lane, ORC Fisher Pride, ORC. Merril H. Curtis, ORC. Campbell G. Johnson, ORC. ^TSS^-siSi th? postman, " Ovtavius Fisher, ••vnj»r/es E "II? I I r, 0 R C. *" Rober m great First National Bank of Chicago -ranteu to you the William S. Nelson, ORC. Leonard J. Faulkner, ORC Robert L. Ward, ORC. Charles C. Bruen, ORC. Second Lieutenants. Archibald R . Tuck, ORC. Lucian P. Garrett, ORC Maxey A. Jackson, ORc! Wayne L. Hopkins, ORC. Bush A. Hunter, ORC. Charles W. Robinson, ORC. warren B. Shelton, ORC. Samuel C. Brown, N A. Jesse M. H. Graham, N A. Hanson A. Person, ORC. James O. Jones, N A. Ted 0. Harper, N A. Charles Jefferson, N A. Charles S. Hough, ORC. Ether Beattie, ORC. Charles M. Hayes, ORC. 7Sth division, Camp Meade, Mary- land. * Captains. Chester Sanders, O R C. Joe Dabney, ORC. Walter Green, ORC. Herbert Avery, N A. William W. Peeks, ORC. James W. Jones, ORC. Louis R. Nehlinger, ORC. Howard D. Queen, ORC. Edgar O. Malone, 0 R C. Bob Thomas, ORC. Henry O. Atwood, ORC. Milton A. McCrimmon, ORC Fletcher Sewell, N A. Vance H. Marchbanks, N A. Elijah Reynolds, N A. Sprigg B. Coates, N A. Charles C. Cooper, N. A. First Lieutenants. Laurence E. Knight, 0 R C. Oscar H. Smith, ORC. Levi Anderson, N A. Frank Coleman, ORC. Joseph H. Martin, ORC. James B. Williams, N A. William Harris, ORC. Leon M. Anderson, ORC. Thornton H. Gray, N A. Howard H. Long, ORC. Hrry Wheeler, N A. Clrence B. Curley, ORC. Louis R. Middleton, ORC. Charles H. Houston, ORC. James C. Powell, ORC. James C. Pinkston, N A. Jesse S. Heslip, ORC. Walter H. Mazyck, ORC. William I. Barnes, ORC. James E. McKoy, N A. Edgar A. Love, ORC. Napoleon L. Byrd, ORC. Shermont R. SeWell, ORC. William E. Simmons, ORC. Edward H. Harris, ORC. Judge Cross, ORC. James E. Scott, ORC. Crestus J. Kincaid, N A. John E. Leonard, N A. Horace R. Crawford, ORC. Clayborne George, ORC. Robert L. Campbell, ORC. John R. Hunt, ORC. Linwotxl G. Koger, ORC Peter L. Robinson, ORC. Walter T. Webb, ORC. Percy H. Steele, ORC. Charles C. Young, ORC. Paul W. Jones, N A. Harry D. Richardson, N A. Albert McReynolds, N A. James B Lomack, ORC Merrian C.. Hayson, ORC. j Clyde R. Brannon, ORC. J -n*| 100 Ww8 rat ago faith- ur 30>\J First Lieutenants. George P. Cooper, N A. Robert R. Penn, ORC. Edward L. Dabney, ORC. Fred D, Ramsey, ORC. Gu sWilliams, N A. ' Peige I. Lancaster, ORC. Francis E. Rivers, ORC. Barton W. Conrad, N A. Victor R. Daly, ORC. Vest Douglas, N A. Everett B. Williams, ORC. ESugene L. C. Davidson, ORC. William Blaney, N A. Abraham Morse, N A Chauncoy D. White, ORC. Lucien V. Alexis, ORC. Oscar C. Brown, ORC. Almando Henderson, ORC. William J. Turnbow ORC. William H. Weare, ORC. Edward Dugger, ORC. Elliot H. Kelly, ORC. Edward P. Rudd, 0 R C. William L. Gee, N A. Benjamin R. Johnson, ORC. Harris N. Dorsey, ORC. Robert G. Williams, ORC. Osceola E. McKaine, ORC. James M. Stockett, Jr., ORC. James P. Nobles, ORC. Otho E. Kerr, ORC. Fairel N. Smith, ORC. Archie McLee, ORC. Joshua W. Clicord, ORC. William W. Oxley, N A. James E. Scott, ORC. Frank R. Chisholm, N A. Benjamin H. Hunton, ORC. Virginius D. Johnston, ORC. Thomas H. Walters, ORC Jackson E. Dunn, N A. Benton R. Latimer, ORC. Homer C. Butler, ORC. Henry O. Lewis, ORC. James W. Thornton, ORC. Charles A. Tribbett, ORC. Oharlse E. Lane, Jr., ORC. James E. Gould, N A. Herbert R. Gould, N A. Second Lieutenants. -Ira L. Aldride, ORC. Seaborn Douglas, ORC. Elmer P. Sawyer, ORC. William N. Colson, ORC. George E. Brown, ORC. Edward D. Jones, ORC. Lawrenco A. Lee, ORC. .Carlos Sewards, ORC. Thomas J. Bullock, N A. Samuel B. Hutchinson, Jr., ORC. Joumee W, White, N A. Charles H. Austin, N A. Percy L. Jones, ORC. Warmith T. Gibbs, ORC. Wilbur E. Pannell, ORC. Lorenzo C, White, ORC. Samuel Turner, N A. Frederick H. Townsend, ORC. etc: iu*p4if T> C\ —, m brakes, att fttfcnmtiMy ptrrur«'<? mid'tir•<? in the sundry patrcsof the hi*r n«-w longer Catalog. Write for it. It's fire! A I th3 in if 'Mj *f|pp (ico of our •Ijt.- Allen Turner, N A.' Tewson S. Graety, N A. Grant Stewart, ORC. Benjamin H. Mills, ORC. Warren N. Mims, ORC. John H. Mitcherson, ORC William R. Smalls, ORC. Louis L. Watson, ORC. Walter A. Giles, N A. Thomas M. Gregory, 0 R C. Charles M Thompson, ORC John H. Simms, Jr., ORC. Levi Alexander, Jr., N A. John H. Prunell ORC. Moses King, ORC. Leonard W. McLeod, ORC. Ogbon N. Simmons, ORC. Robert M. Ilendrick, ORC. George L. Vaughn, N A. Samuel A. Hull, N A. Frederick A. Hurt, ORC. Everett W. Johnson, 0 R C. Elijah H, Goodwin, N A. Cleveland Morrow, N A. Cecil A. Howard, ORC. John W. Love, ORC. William If. Tmopson, N A. Clarence O. Hilton, 0 R C. Pearl E. Taylor, ORC. Humphrey C. Patton, 0 R C. Joseph H, Scott, ORC. Ernest W. Latson, ORC Richard C. Thompson, ORC. James A. Gordon, ORC. Joseph H. Cooper, ORC. Second Lieutenants. William Collier, N A. John E. Buford, ORC. Ernest C. Johnson, 0 R C. George C. Holloman, O R C. William R. Bowie, ORC. Leonidas II. Ilall, Jr., ORC. Alfred E. Marshall, 0 R C. Scott A. Moyer, N A. Jefferson E. Grigsby, ORC. Joseph L. Johnson, ORC. William A. Young, ORC. Horace G. Wilder, N A. Ferdinand S. Upshur, ORC. Edgar F. Malone, 0 r C. Edward W. Ford, N A. Richard S. Allen, N A. Lafayette Campbell, ORC. Adolphus F. Capps, ORC. Ernest B. Frazier, ORC. John W. Knox, ORC. Harry J. Mack, ORC. Albert C. Murdaugh, ORC. -Walter E. Parker, N A. Gloucester A. Price, ORC. Ernest Smith, N A. John Durrell, ORC. Adolph Reyes, N A. W'alter R. St. Clair, ORC. Benjamin F. Dunning, ORC. Hillery W. Johnston, O R C. 7th division, Camp Upton, Long Isl- and. jy latest^unnoriftd and American noselt'<»* in , o R c. " re- is necessary in Herman W. Porter, O R C. Baxter W. Watson, N A. Benjamin F. Wright, ORC. Henry O. Franklin, N. A. Louis H. Russell ORC. Robert W. Fearing, N A. Nello B. Greenlee, ORC. Wilfred Bazil, N A. Oscar H. Williams, ORC. Ambrose B. Nutt, ORC. Herbert H. Guppy, ORC. Above officers of the officers' serve corps are ordered to active duty on October 15, 1917. Leave of absence to take effect al once is granted all officers listed above until November 1, 1917, on which date they will report in person to their respective division command- ers. The travel directed the military service. 2 Captain Joseph Phillips, infan- try, officers' reserve corps, is relieved from duty at this camp and will pro- ceed to Chillicothe, Ohio, reporting in person on November 1, 1917, to the commanding officer 83rd division at Camp Sherman. The travel directed is necessary In th emilitary service. By order of Lieutenant Colonel Hunt. J. G. Mcllroy, Captain of Infantry, Adjutant. Ready-Made Pie Crust! Someone lias Invented a ready-raudc pie crust that will keep a year. Uy the evidences that Iiuve been encoun- tered It might be judged iliat many am- bitions cooky have been experimenting for a long time with this object in view. AVe can k'kss now where some of these new compos! tion shoe soles originated.—Providence Bulletin. I ers. are, on- rtn a. >ings C3 *rith Many Candles Made. Though candles are not so generally used as Ilio.v wore before the days of mineral illuminating oils, gas and elec- tricity, they still constitute an impor- tant article of manufacture. The can- dle is an nncleni form of lighting. The word conies from th;; Latin word, "candcre," which means to "glow." Captains. John Russell, N. A. Walter B. Williams, N A. Lewis Broadus, N A. Edward York, ORC. James F. Booker, N A. William F. Scott ORC. Hansom Johnson, N A. George C. Hall, ORC. Edward W. Spearman, ORC. Alonzo Campbell, ORC. Lorin 0, Sanford, ORC. John M. Kenney, N A. Spahr H. Dickey, ORC. Genoa S. Washington, 0 R 0. Archie H Gillespie, N A. Lesley J. Thurman, ORC. Sour Stomach. Eat slowly,masticate your food thor- oughly, abstain from meat for a few days and in most cases the sour stomach will disappear. If it does not, take one of Chamberlain's Tab- lets immediately after supper. Red meats are most likely to cause sour stomach and you may find it best to cut them out. : Relieves OATARR . the N , BLADDER; and all ! OiSCtlVgBS ll : |24HOURS; KaefcatpcufebMHUH < of (MIQY , —w— til .hqrrtiti / lo, L

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rfottt Poy • n j ! r c a ( l i t .


• vVw^" , -7, ' ..... a?*1 ~

The Best advertising medi­um to recti colored people In the west


1-For four long months we've toiled and drilled

From reveille to tap; W«fve studied fourteen kinds of

books And made a score of maps.

2-We started off with I. D. R. And Army regulations; Disciplinary talks at all The' company formations

8-Then next they gave us F. S. R. Field service book you know; And thjen they gave us I. G. D. Which sentry duties show.

|<4-And while engrossed with all these books

They showed their sympathy By giving us another book

'That's called topography.

> 5-Then next, problems in infantry And sure we had our fill In what you'd do and what you'd say If you were Sergeant Hill.

[6-Next, court-martial manual Took nearly all our time, From early morn till late at night. Long past the hour of nine.

i -We next had Mnior Tactics, And, sketching and maps galore Trench warfare with hand grenades, Wigwag and semaphore

• 8-We had our share of practice march O'er roads that were not shady

b Carryiny strapped upon our backs, )ur litte pappoose baby

9-TK8ti when we finished our first term We were asked not to leave; But stay another month, that we Another course receive

lOWe thank our God schedules are over

Now we can rest a spell We thank cur God who gave us

strength * To do our task so -well

UMany a battle have we fought , 0'er lands that lay between / Des Moines toward Indianola,

/^Which place we havenot seen That tf

* same was unanimously adopted.

Mrs. Mary Miles, President. Miss Ona Webb, Secretary.

Headquarters, Fort Des Moines, la. October 15, 1917.

Special Order No. 110. wc.c department dated October 12, 1917, the following assignment of'of­ficers commissioned October 15, 1917, from the 17th provisional raining reg­iment is announced:

89th Division, Camp Funston, Kans. Captains.

Milton T. Dean, 0 R C. Charles Ecton; 0 R C.

Roscoe Clayton, 0 R C. Eugene Harris, 0 R C. Abraham L. Simpson, 0 R C. W a r r e n F . J o n e s , O R C . Moody Staten, 0 R C. Charles H. Barbour, 0 R C. William H. Graham, 0 R C. Rufus Reed, O R C. Samuel Reid, 0 R C. Aaron Day, Jr., 0 R C. Beverly L. Dorsey, 0 R C. Lewis W. Wallace, 0 R C. William E. Davis, 0 R C. Lee J. Hicks, ORC.

First Lieutenants. Harry W. Cox, ORC. Robert T. Shobe, N. A. Benjamin H< Mosby, 0 R C. James E. Beard, O EC. Walter B. Barnes, N A. Boliver E, Watkins, 0 R C. Johnson C. Whittaker, ORC. John Combs, N. A. Richard M. Norris, O R C. Leonard 0. Colston, O R C. Arthur Freeman, 0 R C. Edward C. Knox, N A. Clay Harper, N A. James W. Alston, N A. William H Fearence, 0 R C. Albert L. Hatchett, O RC. Leonard 11. Richardson, O R C. Tillman H. Harpole, 0 R C. Marion C. Rhoten, N A. Benjamin E. Ammons, 0 R C. John M. Moore, 0 R C. Homer G. Neely, 0 R C. Jerome L. Hubert, 0 R C. George E, Edwards, 0 R C. Ewall W. Clarke, 0 R C. William B. Campbell, 0 R C. Benjamin F. Ford, N A. Lowell B. Hodges, ORC, Toliver T. Thompson, N A.


Grafton S. Norman, N A. William Jones, O R C. Walter Hill, ORC. Charles Young, N A Willie Johnson, 0 R C. Anderson Trapp, 0 R C. H a l S h o r t , O R C .

r Elias A. Morris, ORC. Victor Long, ORC. Elbert L. Booker, ORC. Earl W. Mann, ORC. Harrison J. Pinkett, ORC. V i c t o r J . T u l a n e , O R C . Amos B. Madison, ORC. C l e v e L , A b b o t t , O R C . Pierce McN. Thompson, ORC. Herman L. Butler, N A. James C. Arnold, ORC. C l i f f o r d W . J o n e s , O R C . John F, Rice, ORC. Mallalieu W. Rush, ORC. G e o r g e C . R o b i n s o n , O R C . G u y W . C a n a d y O R C . Isaiah S. Blocker, 0. R. C. W i l l i a m I I . C l a r k e , O R C . C h a r l e s P . H o w a r d , O R C . H a r r y E . W i l s o n , O R C . C a r t e r N . B r o w n , O R C . E d w a r d T u r n e r , O R C . Charles J. Adams, N A. Harry C. Ellis, ORC. Chri s t o p h e r C . W i m b i s h , O R C . William H. Clarke, N A.

C h a r l e s A . S h a w , O R C . Jones A. Coltrane, N A. W i l l i a m T . B u r n s , O R C . Henry H. Proctor, ORC. John Q. Lindsey, ORC. W i l l i a m F . N e l s o n , O R C . T h o m a s J . H e n r y , J r . , O R C . Julian P. Rogers, N A. John P Walker, N A. Cuby Martin, N A. William H. Benson, ORC. William H. Dinkins, 0 R C. H o r a t i o B . H o l d e r , O R C . M a r s h a l l M e a d o w s , O R C .

Second Lieutenants. A n d r e w B . C a ; l a h a n , O R C . J a m e s E . I v e y . O R C . Harry W. Short, ORC. E d w a r d L . G o o d l e t O R C . J a m e s B . M o r r i s O R C . Joseph B. Sanders ORC. Earl H. Nash, ORC. Wade H. Powell, OJR C. Major Williams,

T vl^nes, Uug


to Fort Des Moines and 12So here's each

Assumed situation; And luck to all who figure in This RECAPITULATION

Written by 1st Lieut. Sylvanus Brown. Inf.,

ORC, ex-soldier Troop B. 9th Cavalry,

Candidate of Co. No. X, 17th Provis­

ional Training Regiment, Fort

Des Moines, Iowa

Buxton, Iowa, Oct. 10, 1917. '"pe Fannie Barrier Williajps club"

of the "Iowa State Federation of Col­ored Womens Clubs," met at the resi-

i ™ „ nce of Mrs- Henrietta Jones, No. 14

line 4 fg/f ^ St' BJ3J>n\Iowa' Oct 10th, iy17- nd thp following resolutions

A short! gro organ officers to to read a the south the negati northern plishment

Ri Tht cit;

furnished this first 40 per c Th erem; supplyin; remainde:

Miner: farmers majority | few spec ber of tl and mec sent to companif be of mt infantry^

Morali least pi that su charge in the s; less in fi

With ganizatii day, a dred £ formatji the soul given ffi they boards. Monda|

Offiqjg cveryto the ne< treated the Una

classes w is the pred officials. by in line' education, answer was in public sc

When th^ es in readj grammar at the ar: would ha men linger! fying theirij first oppori

Illiteracy! will place ~ in line fori 1917> nd thg

portions in' were ad ted

The averag „ had at least / Re®olved;- That the hearts of the tion. Those •' ™em s °* club have been shock-noncom job/ saddened and deeply touched by pointed coit _ 6 reP°rt of the death of Mrs. Anna

Cooper-Williams who was a former officer of this cluband a faithful mem­ber and true friend, even to the time of her death.

That in her death we have lost one of our best members and the church and th country mourns this day with us over the passing of a good, noble chrisian woman, a kind wife, loving daughter, sister and faithful friend.

Resolved that we reconcile oursel­ves to the will of providence and ex­tend our deep sympathy and condol­ence to the husband, mother, family, and friends and that we send a copy of these resolutons to the husband, Mr. A. A. Wllams, the mother, Mrs. Cooper of Clinton, la., to the Presi­dent of the Iowa State Federation of Colored Womens Clubs, and to the Iowa State By-Stander along with the tribute attached hereto, and that we also arrange for suitable floral by the telegram attached hereto: ® the memory of Mrs. Anna Cooper-

Williams:— Faithful friend thy work wel done,

Labour ended—crown well won; We shall meet when all is o'er,

On sweet Canaanian's happy shore. Respectfully submitted by George

H. Woodson, Honorary member and on motion of Mrs. Jennie Wright the

of spik io have lain

Jv. p»'--"aursty/

s, N A. ), j) R C.

Whe bama,;


Rock Island, ID. GO TO

THE COLORED CAFE 2217 3rd Ave.

For Good Meals and First Class Service W. JONES. PROP.

been t Arthur Hubbard, O R C. Joseph J. Abernethy, ORC. D a v i d W . A n t h & i y , J r . , O R C . S y l v a n u s B r o w n e , O R C . G e o r g e B . G r e e n l e e , O R C . Vodrey Henry, N A. Beeches A. Jackson, ORC. H o w a r d R . M . B r o w n e , O R C . C l i f f o r d L . F a r r e r , O R C . C a r t e r W . W e s l e y , O R C . E m m e t B r o w n , O R C . John R. Failey, N A. Aldon L. Logan, O R O.

John B. Wilson, N A. Meredith B. Wily, ORC. Arthur A. Hill, N A. Eric P. Mason, ORC.

zClemmie C. Parks, ORC. George W. Hamilton, Jr., ORC. W i l l i a m D . B l y , O R C .

Second Lieutenants. W e s l e y H . J a m i s o n , O R C . C h a r l e s A . J o n e s , O R C . James A. Jones, ORC. James E. Fladger, ORC. Victor Ian Hicks, ORC. Julian C. Banks, ORC. Ewart G. Abner, ORC M a r i o n R . P e r r y , O R C . S h a d r a c h W . U p s h a w , O R C . George G. Washington, N A. D a v i d A . P i e r c e , O R C . Rodney D Hardeway, ORC. W i l b u r F . S t o n e s r e e t O R C . T a c i t u s E . G a i l l a r d O R C , Frank L. Lano, ORC. Seymoro E. Williams, ORC. John Wynn, N A. Benjamin L. Ousley, ORC. A r t h u r R . W i l l i a m s , O R C . Wilson Cary, N A. Hubert M. Meman, ORC. Elbet S. Wright, ORC. Stephen B. Barrows, N A. Will H. Evans, ORC. Everett B. Liggins, ORC. Hannibal B. Taylor, ORC. Pinkney L. Mitchell, ORC. W i l l i a m H . H u b e r t , O R C . Charles 0. Luok, Jr. ORC. Joseph E, Matthews, ORC. Glenda W. Locust, ORC. Lonnie W. Lott, ORC. 88th division, Camp Dodge, Iowa.

Captains. George A. Holland, ORC. George W, Winston, ORC. Byrd McD. Hart, ORC. Alonzo Hoard, N A. Charles W. Owens, N A. Thomas Rucker, ORC. Samuel J. Tipton, N A. Frank W. Love, ORC. Edward C. Dorsey, ORC. Dee Jones, ORC. Miles M. Green, ORC. William Hill, ORC. Emmet White, ORC. William Gillum, ORC. Anderson N. May, ORC. Charles G. Kelly, N A.

First Lieutenants. William T. Johnson, ORC. Walter L. Hutcherson, ORC. Clarence W. Harding, .0 R C.

ejiell, ORC. 1 t*- Araru.d>rMitc7

-.Elliott D. aunde. Charles J. Ellis, 0 R C. Jame3 L. Elliott, ORC. Frank L. Francis, N A. John W. Bundrant, ORC. Robert A. McEwen, ORC. John B. Cado, ORC. James 0. Redmon, ORC. James H. Payton, ORC. Maceo A. Richmond, ORC. James H. L. Gaines, ORC. C l a r e n l e K , H o w a r d , O R C . C l a r e n c e W . A l l e n , O R C

W i l l i a m H . B r o o k s , O R C . Ralph E. Mizelly, ORC. >

Austin Simms, ORC. William H. Johnson, N A. Charles S. Parker, N A. 86th division, Camp Grant, Illinois

Captains. William H. Williams, ORC. Adam E. Patterson, N A. Benjamin F. Thomas, ORC John H. Allen 0 R C. Thomas A. Rirmes, ORC. John B. Kemp, N A. James G. Hollingsworth, ORC. M a t t h e w J a c k s o n , O R C . Joseph Thompson, ORC. Hairy V/. Mills, ORC. James W. Cranson, N A. William W. Green, ORC. Austin T. Walden, ORC. Charles J. Echols, Jr., ORC Early Carson, N A. Gurnott E. Ferguson, ORC V i r g i l M . B o u t t o O R C .

First Lieutenants. Leon Stewart, ORC. Charles H. Fearing, N A. Deton J. Brooks, N A. Wilfrid W. Lawson, ORC. John F. Pritchard, ORC. Bravid W. Harris, Jr., ORC. Jesse L. Kimbrough, N A. Charles C Dawson, ORC. Benedict Mosley, ORC. Landon Jackson, N A. Dace H. Burns, ORC. William J. Powell, ORC. Alonzo G. Ferguson, ORC W a l t e r H , S m i t h , O R C . George W. Jackson, ORC. Charles J. Blackwood, ORC. A n d e r s o n F . P i t t s , O R C . Thomas R. Stewart, ORC Floyd Gilmer, N A. Dennis McG. Matthews, N A Edward S. Gaillard, N A. Lloyd F Cook, ORC, Aurelius P. Alberga, ORC H a r r i s o n W . B l a c k , O R C C h a r l e s J . R e e d , O R C .

P. Bentley, ORC. Merle 0. Johnson, ORC, Garrett M. Lewis, ORC, Henry G. Davis, ORC. George B. Love, ORC. John P. Burgess, ORC. Waddell C. Steele, ORC Joseph T. Jackson, N A. Jefferson H. Hudgins, ORC. A. H. Cameron, N A. Irby D. Da-; is, ORC. William S. Dawson, ORC Carey McLane, N A. Alexander E. Evans, ORC. Oscar G. Lawless, ORC

Walter Lyons, N A. Frank L. Drye, ORC. Clarence H. Payne, ORC. Francis H. Gow, ORC. Lawrence Simpson, ORC.

Second Lieutenants. Clyde Roberts, ORC. Russell C. Atkins, ORC., Robert S. Bampfield, ORC. Earl Ryder, ORC. Levi E. Southe, ORC. Joseph W. Smith, ORC. Ernest W. Wood, ORC. Clifton S. Hardy, ORC. William H. Wilson, ORC. Rolland T. Winstead, ORC. James B. Dickson, ORC. Leslie H. Engram, ORC. Victor C, Lightfoot, ORC. Guerney E. Nelson, ORC. Jesse J. Gleeden, ORC. Lightfoot H. Reese, ORC. James L. Horace, ORC. Thomas J. Narcisse, ORC. Charles H. Love, ORC. Alstyne M. Watson, ORC. Harry B. Peters, ORC. Washington H. Racks, N A. Robert S. Reid, ORC. Joyce G. Jacobs, ORC. Felix Buggs, N A. Reddon L. Linton, ORC. Henry H. Boger, ORC. Lovelace B. Capehart,-Jr., ORC. John Williams, N A. Daniel T. Taylor, N A. Leonard Edwards, ORC. 83rd division, Camp Sherman, Ohio.

Captains. Joseph Phillips, ORC. William W. Thompson, O R J o s e p h L o w e , O R C . Walter R. Sanders, ORC. Henry C. Houston, ORC. William Glass, N A. Leroy H, Godman, ORC. Robert K. Stephe ORC.

First Lieutenants. Arthur A. Browne, ORC. E l l s w o r t h G a m b l e e , O R C . William W. Robinson, N A. Elmore S. Willis, ORC. Robert Anderson, N A. William H. Brown, Jr., ORC. H a z e l L . R a i n e , O R C . John W. Rowe, ORC. Thomas E. Green, N A. Azzie B. Koger, 0 R C. Cheslay E. Corbett, ORC. George J. Austin, N A. Thomas J. Ratey, ORC. Pitman E. Smith, ORC. Dillard J. Firse, ORC. Samuel M. Huffman, 0 R C. W i l l i a m A . S t i t h , O R C . Jesse J. Greene, 0 R C. Leon F. Marsh, ORC. James A. Bryant, N A.

hElder W, Diegs, N,A^ ga, | cotton glove? ' ' 4 big hands,


Harold L. Quivers, ORC. Thomas M. Dent, Jr., ORC. John C. Carter, ORC. Eugene A. Dandridge, ORC. D o u g l a s J . H e n d e r s o n , O R C . F r a n c i s M . D e n t , O R C .

Second Lieutenants. Curti3 W. Carpenter, ORC. Cyrus W. Marshall, ORC. D o u g l a s C . R i c h a r d s o n , O R C . W i l l i a m T . G r a d y , O R C . Charles W. Cardwell, O R C. W a l k e r L . S a v o y , O R C . Richard R. Queen, ORC. Norwood C. Fairfax, ORC. Nathan 0. Goodloe, Jr., 0 R C. Vincent B. Thomas, O R C. James E. Scott, ORC. Frank C. Clark, ORC. Lane C. Cleaves, ORC.

'Enos D. Smith, N A. William H. Burrel, N A. Robert E. Johnson, ORC. George E. Lee, ORC. Walter W. Scott, ORC. Benjamin Bettis, N A. Robert W. Cheers, ORC. George W. Lee, ORC. Hugh H. Wimbish, ORC. Edward W. Alexander, ORC. W i l l i a m L . R e e s e , O R C . Sewell C. Freeman, ORC. L a w r e n c e H a w k i n s , O R C . Daniel G. Hill, Jr., ORC. Loring B. Moore, ORC. 76th division, Camp Dix, New Jer

sey. Captains.

Clifford A. Sandridge, N A. W i l l i a m L . B r y s o n , O R C . Richard Simmons, ORC, Robert B. Chubb, ORC. Peter McCall, ORC. Reuben Horner, ORC. Richard A. Williams, ORC. Thomas E. Morris, O R C. Roecoe Ellis, ORC.

Thomas Johnson, N A. Lloyd A Stafford, ORC. Joseph E. Trgig, ORC. Daniel Smith, 0 R C. Thomas Grundy, ORC. Dvid K. Cherry, ORC. Alonzo Myers, ORC.

First Lieutenants. Will Kernts, N A, Howard C. Gilbert, N A. Edward I. Alexander N A. Edward I. Alexander, N A. George S. Schuyler, ORC. Resen T. Brown, ORC. Russell Smith, ORC. Percival R., ORC. iFrank M. Goodner, O R C. David A. Lane, ORC F i s h e r P r i d e , O R C . Merril H. Curtis, ORC. Campbell G. Johnson, ORC.

^TSS^-siSi th? postman, "

Ovtavius Fisher,

••vnj»r/es E

"II? I I r, 0 R C. *"

Rober • m great First National Bank of Chicago

-ranteu to you the

William S. Nelson, ORC. L e o n a r d J . F a u l k n e r , O R C R o b e r t L . W a r d , O R C . Charles C. Bruen, ORC.

Second Lieutenants. A r c h i b a l d R . T u c k , O R C . Lucian P. Garrett, ORC M a x e y A . J a c k s o n , O R c ! Wayne L. Hopkins, ORC. Bush A. Hunter, ORC. Charles W. Robinson, ORC. w a r r e n B . S h e l t o n , O R C . Samuel C. Brown, N A. Jesse M. H. Graham, N A. Hanson A. Person, ORC. James O. Jones, N A. Ted 0. Harper, N A. Charles Jefferson, N A. Charles S. Hough, ORC. Ether Beattie, ORC. Charles M. Hayes, ORC. 7Sth division, Camp Meade, Mary­

land. * Captains.

Chester Sanders, O R C. J o e D a b n e y , O R C . Walter Green, ORC. Herbert Avery, N A. William W. Peeks, ORC. James W. Jones, ORC. Louis R. Nehlinger, ORC. Howard D. Queen, ORC. Edgar O. Malone, 0 R C. B o b T h o m a s , O R C . Henry O. Atwood, ORC. Milton A. McCrimmon, ORC Fletcher Sewell, N A. Vance H. Marchbanks, N A. Elijah Reynolds, N A. Sprigg B. Coates, N A. Charles C. Cooper, N. A.

First Lieutenants. Laurence E. Knight, 0 R C. Oscar H. Smith, ORC. Levi Anderson, N A. Frank Coleman, ORC. Joseph H. Martin, ORC. James B. Williams, N A. William Harris, ORC. Leon M. Anderson, ORC. Thornton H. Gray, N A. Howard H. Long, ORC. Hrry Wheeler, N A. Clrence B. Curley, ORC. Louis R. Middleton, ORC. Charles H. Houston, ORC. James C. Powell, ORC. James C. Pinkston, N A. Jesse S. Heslip, ORC. Walter H. Mazyck, ORC. William I. Barnes, ORC. James E. McKoy, N A. Edgar A. Love, ORC. Napoleon L. Byrd, ORC. Shermont R. SeWell, ORC. William E. Simmons, ORC. Edward H. Harris, ORC. Judge Cross, ORC. James E. Scott, ORC. Crestus J. Kincaid, N A. John E. Leonard, N A. Horace R. Crawford, ORC. Clayborne George, ORC. Robert L. Campbell, ORC. John R. Hunt, ORC. Linwotxl G. Koger, ORC P e t e r L . R o b i n s o n , O R C . Walter T. Webb, ORC. Percy H. Steele, ORC. Charles C. Young, ORC. Paul W. Jones, N A. Harry D. Richardson, N A. Albert McReynolds, N A. James B Lomack, ORC M e r r i a n C . . H a y s o n , O R C . j Clyde R. Brannon, ORC. J


100 Ww8 rat ago faith-ur 30>\J

First Lieutenants. George P. Cooper, N A. Robert R. Penn, ORC. Edward L. Dabney, ORC. Fred D, Ramsey, ORC. Gu sWilliams, N A. ' Peige I. Lancaster, ORC. Francis E. Rivers, ORC. Barton W. Conrad, N A. Victor R. Daly, ORC. Vest Douglas, N A. Everett B. Williams, ORC. ESugene L. C. Davidson, ORC. William Blaney, N A. Abraham Morse, N A C h a u n c o y D . W h i t e , O R C . Lucien V. Alexis, ORC. Oscar C. Brown, ORC. Almando Henderson, ORC. William J. Turnbow ORC. William H. Weare, ORC. Edward Dugger, ORC. Elliot H. Kelly, ORC. Edward P. Rudd, 0 R C. William L. Gee, N A. Benjamin R. Johnson, ORC. Harris N. Dorsey, ORC. Robert G. Williams, ORC. Osceola E. McKaine, ORC. James M. Stockett, Jr., ORC.

James P. Nobles, ORC. Otho E. Kerr, ORC. Fairel N. Smith, ORC. Archie McLee, ORC. Joshua W. Clicord, ORC. William W. Oxley, N A. James E. Scott, ORC. Frank R. Chisholm, N A. Benjamin H. Hunton, ORC. Virginius D. Johnston, ORC. Thomas H. Walters, ORC Jackson E. Dunn, N A. Benton R. Latimer, ORC. Homer C. Butler, ORC. Henry O. Lewis, ORC. James W. Thornton, ORC. Charles A. Tribbett, ORC. Oharlse E. Lane, Jr., ORC. James E. Gould, N A. Herbert R. Gould, N A.

Second Lieutenants. -Ira L. Aldride, ORC.

Seaborn Douglas, ORC. Elmer P. Sawyer, ORC. William N. Colson, ORC. George E. Brown, ORC. Edward D. Jones, ORC. Lawrenco A. Lee, ORC. .Carlos Sewards, ORC. Thomas J. Bullock, N A. Samuel B. Hutchinson, Jr., ORC. Joumee W, White, N A. Charles H. Austin, N A. Percy L. Jones, ORC. Warmith T. Gibbs, ORC. Wilbur E. Pannell, ORC. Lorenzo C, White, ORC. Samuel Turner, N A. Frederick H. Townsend, ORC.

etc: iu*p4if T> C\ —, m brakes, att fttfcnmtiMy ptrrur«'<? mid'tir•<? in the sundry patrcsof the hi*r n«-w longer Catalog. Write for it. It's fire! A I th3





(ico of our •Ijt.-Allen Turner, N A.' Tewson S. Graety, N A. Grant Stewart, ORC. B e n j a m i n H . M i l l s , O R C . W a r r e n N . M i m s , O R C . John H. Mitcherson, ORC W i l l i a m R . S m a l l s , O R C . L o u i s L . W a t s o n , O R C . Walter A. Giles, N A. Thomas M. Gregory, 0 R C. C h a r l e s M T h o m p s o n , O R C J o h n H . S i m m s , J r . , O R C . Levi Alexander, Jr., N A. John H. Prunell ORC. Moses King, ORC. Leonard W. McLeod, ORC. O g b o n N . S i m m o n s , O R C . R o b e r t M . I l e n d r i c k , O R C . George L. Vaughn, N A. Samuel A. Hull, N A. Frederick A. Hurt, ORC. Everett W. Johnson, 0 R C. Elijah H, Goodwin, N A. Cleveland Morrow, N A. Cecil A. Howard, ORC. John W. Love, ORC. William If. Tmopson, N A. Clarence O. Hilton, 0 R C. Pearl E. Taylor, ORC. Humphrey C. Patton, 0 R C. J o s e p h H , S c o t t , O R C . Ernest W. Latson, ORC R i c h a r d C . T h o m p s o n , O R C . J a m e s A . G o r d o n , O R C . Joseph H. Cooper, ORC.

Second Lieutenants. William Collier, N A. John E. Buford, ORC. Ernest C. Johnson, 0 R C. George C. Holloman, O R C. W i l l i a m R . B o w i e , O R C . L e o n i d a s I I . I l a l l , J r . , O R C . Alfred E. Marshall, 0 R C. Scott A. Moyer, N A. Jefferson E. Grigsby, ORC. J o s e p h L . J o h n s o n , O R C . William A. Young, ORC. Horace G. Wilder, N A. F e r d i n a n d S . U p s h u r , O R C . Edgar F. Malone, 0 r C. Edward W. Ford, N A. Richard S. Allen, N A. Lafayette Campbell, ORC. A d o l p h u s F . C a p p s , O R C . Ernest B. Frazier, ORC. John W. Knox, ORC. Harry J. Mack, ORC. Albert C. Murdaugh, ORC. -Walter E. Parker, N A. Gloucester A. Price, ORC. Ernest Smith, N A. John Durrell, ORC. Adolph Reyes, N A. W'alter R. St. Clair, ORC. B e n j a m i n F . D u n n i n g , O R C . Hillery W. Johnston, O R C. 7th division, Camp Upton, Long Isl­


jy latest^unnoriftd and American noselt'<»* in , o R c. "


is necessary in

Herman W. Porter, O R C. Baxter W. Watson, N A. Benjamin F. Wright, ORC. Henry O. Franklin, N. A. Louis H. Russell ORC. Robert W. Fearing, N A. Nello B. Greenlee, ORC. Wilfred Bazil, N A. Oscar H. Williams, ORC. Ambrose B. Nutt, ORC. Herbert H. Guppy, ORC. Above officers of the officers'

serve corps are ordered to active duty on October 15, 1917.

Leave of absence to take effect al once is granted all officers listed above until November 1, 1917, on which date they will report in person to their respective division command­ers.

The travel directed the military service.

2 Captain Joseph Phillips, infan­try, officers' reserve corps, is relieved from duty at this camp and will pro­ceed to Chillicothe, Ohio, reporting in person on November 1, 1917, to the commanding officer 83rd division at Camp Sherman.

The travel directed is necessary In th emilitary service.

By order of Lieutenant Colonel Hunt.

J. G. Mcllroy, Captain of Infantry, Adjutant.

Ready-Made Pie Crust! Someone lias Invented a ready-raudc

pie crust that will keep a year. Uy the evidences that Iiuve been encoun­tered It might be judged iliat many am­bitions cooky have been experimenting for a long time with this object in view. AVe can k'kss now where some of these new compos! tion shoe soles originated.—Providence Bulletin.

I ers. are, on-

rtn a. >ings C3 *rith

Many Candles Made. Though candles are not so generally

used as Ilio.v wore before the days of mineral illuminating oils, gas and elec­tricity, they still constitute an impor­tant article of manufacture. The can­dle is an nncleni form of lighting. The word conies from th;; Latin word, "candcre," which means to "glow."

Captains. John Russell, N. A. Walter B. Williams, N A. Lewis Broadus, N A. Edward York, ORC. James F. Booker, N A. W i l l i a m F . S c o t t O R C . Hansom Johnson, N A. George C. Hall, ORC. E d w a r d W . S p e a r m a n , O R C . A l o n z o C a m p b e l l , O R C . Lorin 0, Sanford, ORC. John M. Kenney, N A. Spahr H. Dickey, ORC. Genoa S. Washington, 0 R 0. Archie H Gillespie, N A. L e s l e y J . T h u r m a n , O R C .

Sour Stomach. Eat slowly,masticate your food thor­

oughly, abstain from meat for a few days and in most cases the sour stomach will disappear. If it does not, take one of Chamberlain's Tab­lets immediately after supper. Red meats are most likely to cause sour stomach and you may find it best to cut them out.

: Relieves OATARR . the N ,

BLADDER; and all !

OiSCtlVgBS ll : |24HOURS;

KaefcatpcufebMHUH <

of (MIQY , —w— til .hqrrtiti

