the best cross-platform analytic tools to monitor your web presence (for any budget)

Cross-Platform Analytic Tools to Monitor Your Web Presence

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Post on 25-Jan-2017



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Page 1: The Best Cross-Platform Analytic Tools to Monitor Your Web Presence (for Any Budget)

Cross-Platform Analytic Tools to Monitor Your Web Presence

Page 2: The Best Cross-Platform Analytic Tools to Monitor Your Web Presence (for Any Budget)

Have you been jumping from one platform to another to get a complete picture of your online presence?

Do you spend hours compiling reports?

Are you using spreadsheets to track your stats?

Page 3: The Best Cross-Platform Analytic Tools to Monitor Your Web Presence (for Any Budget)

Stop Wasting Time Measuring Your Social

Media Stats

Page 4: The Best Cross-Platform Analytic Tools to Monitor Your Web Presence (for Any Budget)

Start Spending More Time on Strategy to Grow Your

Online Presence

Page 5: The Best Cross-Platform Analytic Tools to Monitor Your Web Presence (for Any Budget)

These Cross-Platform Analytic Tools Can Help

Page 6: The Best Cross-Platform Analytic Tools to Monitor Your Web Presence (for Any Budget)

Social Media Scheduling Tools With Analytics

Find an all-in-one scheduling and analytic tool that works for you.

Page 7: The Best Cross-Platform Analytic Tools to Monitor Your Web Presence (for Any Budget)


Page 8: The Best Cross-Platform Analytic Tools to Monitor Your Web Presence (for Any Budget)

Platforms Supported by Hootsuite

• Facebook• Google+• Google Analytics• Instagram• LinkedIn• Twitter• WordPress

Page 9: The Best Cross-Platform Analytic Tools to Monitor Your Web Presence (for Any Budget)


Page 10: The Best Cross-Platform Analytic Tools to Monitor Your Web Presence (for Any Budget)

Platforms Supported by Buffer

• Facebook• Google+• LinkedIn• Pinterest• Twitter

Page 11: The Best Cross-Platform Analytic Tools to Monitor Your Web Presence (for Any Budget)


Page 12: The Best Cross-Platform Analytic Tools to Monitor Your Web Presence (for Any Budget)

Platforms Supported by SproutSocial

• Facebook• Instagram• Google Analytics• Twitter

Page 13: The Best Cross-Platform Analytic Tools to Monitor Your Web Presence (for Any Budget)

Advanced Tools to Track Your Online Performance

These third-party tools offer advanced reporting to measure key metrics for your

online presence.

Page 14: The Best Cross-Platform Analytic Tools to Monitor Your Web Presence (for Any Budget)


Page 15: The Best Cross-Platform Analytic Tools to Monitor Your Web Presence (for Any Budget)

Platforms Supported by SocialReport

• Blogger • Ebay • Facebook • Google+ • Instagram

• LinkedIn • Twitter • WordPress • YouTube

Page 16: The Best Cross-Platform Analytic Tools to Monitor Your Web Presence (for Any Budget)


Page 17: The Best Cross-Platform Analytic Tools to Monitor Your Web Presence (for Any Budget)

Platforms Supported by SumAll

• Facebook• Instagram• Google Analytics• Twitter

Page 18: The Best Cross-Platform Analytic Tools to Monitor Your Web Presence (for Any Budget)


Page 19: The Best Cross-Platform Analytic Tools to Monitor Your Web Presence (for Any Budget)

Platforms Supported by SimplyMeasured

• Facebook • Google+ • Instagram • LinkedIn • Pinterest

• Tumblr • Twitter • Vine • YouTube

Page 20: The Best Cross-Platform Analytic Tools to Monitor Your Web Presence (for Any Budget)


Page 21: The Best Cross-Platform Analytic Tools to Monitor Your Web Presence (for Any Budget)

Platforms Supported by Socialbakers

• Facebook• Facebook Ads• Google+• Instagram

• LinkedIn• Twitter• VK

Page 22: The Best Cross-Platform Analytic Tools to Monitor Your Web Presence (for Any Budget)


Page 23: The Best Cross-Platform Analytic Tools to Monitor Your Web Presence (for Any Budget)

Platforms Supported by Quintly

• Facebook • Google+ • Instagram • LinkedIn

• Pinterest • RSS • Twitter • YouTube

Page 24: The Best Cross-Platform Analytic Tools to Monitor Your Web Presence (for Any Budget)

KPI Dashboards

See your KPIs (key performance indicators) at a glance. Use these tools to track progress

toward your goals.

Page 25: The Best Cross-Platform Analytic Tools to Monitor Your Web Presence (for Any Budget)


Page 26: The Best Cross-Platform Analytic Tools to Monitor Your Web Presence (for Any Budget)

Integrations supported by Cyfe• AddThis • Alexa • Amazon Web Services • AWeber • Basecamp • Bing Ads • Bitly • Campaign Monitor • Chartbeat• Compete • Constant Contact •• dfp by Google • Eventbrite • Facebook • Facebook Ads • Flickr

• FreshBooks • GetResponse • Gmail • Google AdSense • Google AdWords • Google Alerts • Google Analytics • Google Calendar • Google Trends • Google Webmaster • Google+ • GoSquared • GotoWebinar • Highrise • iContact • Images

• Infusionsoft • Instagram • iTunes • Klout • LinkedIn • MailChimp • Marchex • Mixpanel • Moz • PayPal • Pingdom • Pinterest • Quantcast • QuickBooks • Recurly • RSS Feeds

• Salesforce • SendGrid • SERPs • Shopify • SlideShare • Stripe • Text • Twitter • Unbounce • Vimeo • Weather • WordPress • Xero • YouTube • Zendesk+ Custom widgets

Page 27: The Best Cross-Platform Analytic Tools to Monitor Your Web Presence (for Any Budget)


Page 28: The Best Cross-Platform Analytic Tools to Monitor Your Web Presence (for Any Budget)

Integrations supported by Dasheroo• Aweber • Emma• Monitor • Constant Contact• Eventbrite • Facebook • Facebook Ads • GetResponse • Google AdWords • Google Analytics • Google Sheets • Infusionsoft• Instagram • LinkedIn

• MailChimp • PayPal • Pinterest • RSS• Salesforce• Shopify• SurveyMonkey• Stripe • Twitter • VerticalResponse • YouTube • Zapier+ Custom widgets

Page 29: The Best Cross-Platform Analytic Tools to Monitor Your Web Presence (for Any Budget)


Page 30: The Best Cross-Platform Analytic Tools to Monitor Your Web Presence (for Any Budget)

Integrations supported by Klipfolio• Adobe Analytics• Alexa• Asana• AWeber• Basecamp • Bitly • Box• Buffer• CA App Synthetic

Monitor• CallRail• Campaign Monitor • Chargify• comScore Digital

Analytix• DB2•• Dropbox• Eloqua• Email Attachment• Delighted• Excel

• Facebook • Facebook Ads • Files• Firebird• Freshdesk• FTP/SFTP• Fusebill• Glassdoor• Google AdWords • Google Analytics • Google Calendar• Google Drive• Google Maps• Google+ • Google Search

Console• GoSquared • Harvest• HubSpot• iFormBuilder• Infuisionsoft• Insightly

• Instagram • Intercom• Intervals• JIRA• KISSMetrics• Lighthouse• LinkedIn • Localytics• MailChimp• Marketo• Mixpanel • Moz• MSSQL• MySQL• New Relic• Nicereply• Optimizely• Oracle• Pardot• Pingdom • Pipedrive• Podio

• PostgreSQL• QuickBooks• Quintly• Radian6• RSS Feeds• Salesforce • Sendible• Searchmetrics• Shopify • ShoreTelSky• Slack• Smartsheet• Stripe• SurveyGizmo• Swrve• Sysomos

Heartbeat• SybaseTaleo• Talkwalker• Todoist• Toggl• Topsy

• Trello• TrendSpottr• Twitter • Unbounce• Uservoice• VKontakte • Webtrends• Wistia• Xero• XMLA• Yahoo Finance• YouTube• ZenDesk• Zoho+ Custom Widgets

Page 31: The Best Cross-Platform Analytic Tools to Monitor Your Web Presence (for Any Budget)


Page 32: The Best Cross-Platform Analytic Tools to Monitor Your Web Presence (for Any Budget)

Integrations supported by Geckoboard

• Airbrake• Amazon Web Services• appFigures • Basecamp • Bitly • Buffer• CSV• Campaign Monitor • Chargify• Chartbeat• Clock• Delighted• Excel• Facebook • Facebook Ads • Flurry• FreshBooks • Get Satisfaction

• GitHub• Google AdSense • Google AdWords • Google Analytics • Google Calendar• Google Sheets • Google+ • GoSquared • Heroku Data Clips• Highrise • HubSpot• Image• Instagram • Intercom• JIRA• Jenkins• Klout• LinkedIn

• MailChimp• Mandrill• Mention• Mixpanel • New Relic• PagerDuty• PayPal • Pingdom • Pipedrive• Pivotal Tracker• Positionly• QR Code• Pinterest • Quantcast • QuickBooks • Recurly • RSS Feeds• Salesforce

• SendGrid • Server Density• Shopify • StatusCake• TeamCity• Text • Trello• Tumblr• Twilio• Twitter • Uservoice • Vimeo • YouTube • Zendesk+ Custom widgets

Page 33: The Best Cross-Platform Analytic Tools to Monitor Your Web Presence (for Any Budget)

See the complete list with more details: