the best way to take care of synthetic turf tennis courts

The Best Way To Take Care Of Synthetic Turf Tennis Courts

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Post on 22-Jan-2017




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The Best Way To Take Care Of Synthetic Turf Tennis Courts

Synthetic turf tennis courts are constructed to cater the growing demands of players.

Polypropylene or Polyethylene grass fibers infilled with a specially graded sand top dressing are used for making of

the synthetic tennis courts

The sand comes in different colors but green and natural clay color is famous among the users.

This is the best court option for places where heavy construction equipment can't be accessed.

This can be installed over any base types like concrete, asphalt or any type of older courts.

As the surface is constructed by the help of a laser grading equipment, it leads to quality level playing with free-

draining option.

The construction of the surface depends on the user's preference of ball speed and foot play.

A court constructed with more sands delivers slow play and creates a slide and slip effect on the surface.

But when constructed with less sand generates faster play and proper stability on surface.

Most people install this court option as it can be installed without any heavy equipment, but it deteriorates gradually if

there is no proper maintenance taken place.

Let's know how to take a good care of the surface to maximize its lifespan.

The under surfacing area can be affected if the scheduled maintenance isn't followed for some period.

:- Make sure to blow or sweep the leaves or dirt which are the reason for the debris build up.

:- If the court has dirt marks on surface you should brush to remove it.

The dirt can contaminate the sand infill if not removed for long time.

Drag brushing of silica sand particles prevent the sand from

becoming compacted and makes the tennis court court permeable and easy draining of rainwater.

Contaminated system can cause algae formation on the court. So always check the drainage system.

In every month, perform a thorough cleaning of the court in order to remove the debris build up.

Some precautions to follow while cleaning the court :-

Do not use hard bristled attachments, brushes or brooms for synthetic courts.

:- Do not use ammonia based cleaner as they contain abrasives that is harmful for synthetic surface.

While using cleaning machine, make sure you are moving in a straight line only and not turning the wheels sharply.

Without a proper cleaning of this court type, the water system can be clogged and block the pore to stop water

from draining away.