the bethlehem starthe bethlehem star - clover...

The Bethlehem Star is published 6 mes/year by Bethlehem United Methodist Church, 4 Wesown Road, Thornton PA 19373, (610) 459-3482,, Deadline for copy: the 7th day of the month prior to publicaon. Editor reserves the right to edit for content and space. Unsolicited material is welcome! Bethlehem United Methodist Church PO Box 57 4 Wesown Road Thornton, PA 19373 P: 610-459-3482 F: 610-459-0811 TRUNK OR TREAT 1 WOOFI NEWS 2 THE LITTLE CHURCH THAT CAN DOES IT AGAIN! 3 GARDEN OF EATIN 4 THE LIRBARY CORNER 4 Inside this issue: The Bethlehem Star The Bethlehem Star October /November 2014 Calling all princesses, pirates and parents! Outreach to the community and spread THE WORD and the CANDY to young families in our area. TRUNK or TREAT is coming on October 25th, 5-7 pm. DID YOU KNOW?... Last year, more than 250 people were exposed to our church and our message through this event? Trunk or Treat visitors have gone on to attend Bethlehem church services and children’s ministry? Parents have thanked Bethlehem for providing a safe and fun event for families. But.... It can’t happen without you! Email [email protected] and offer to decorate a trunk (will you win first prize?), provide candy, work the parking lot, or be a greeter. Free food and hot drinks will be provided, and all participants and visitors will be eligible to enter the raffle for a $100 Target Gift Card.

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Page 1: The Bethlehem StarThe Bethlehem Star - Clover Bethlehem Star is published 6 times/year by Bethlehem United Methodist

The Bethlehem Star is published 6

times/year by Bethlehem United

Methodist Church, 4 Westtown

Road, Thornton PA 19373, (610)


Deadline for copy: the 7th day of

the month prior to publication.

Editor reserves the right to edit for

content and space. Unsolicited

material is welcome!


United Methodist Church

PO Box 57

4 Westtown Road

Thornton, PA 19373

P: 610-459-3482

F: 610-459-0811







Inside this issue:

The Bethlehem StarThe Bethlehem Star October /November 2014

Calling all princesses, pirates and

parents! Outreach to the community

and spread THE WORD and the

CANDY to young families in our

area. TRUNK or TREAT is coming

on October 25th, 5-7 pm.


Last year, more than 250 people were

exposed to our church and our

message through this event?

Trunk or Treat visitors have gone on

to attend Bethlehem church services

and children’s ministry?

Parents have thanked Bethlehem for

providing a safe and fun event for



It can’t happen without you!

Email [email protected] and

offer to decorate a trunk (will you

win first prize?), provide candy,

work the parking lot,

or be a greeter.

Free food and hot drinks

will be provided,

and all participants and visitors

will be eligible to enter the raffle

for a $100 Target Gift Card.

Page 2: The Bethlehem StarThe Bethlehem Star - Clover Bethlehem Star is published 6 times/year by Bethlehem United Methodist


Scripture tells us to “Remember his

(Jehovah God) marvelous works that he

hath done; his wonders…”, Ps 105:5 KJV

And so with joy I look back on this relatively

quiet period in the Woofi Ministry and can see his

hand working.

Events since the last report:

1. One member of the Kenya Team took two with

the book that shares the Gospel.

2. I revisited a family where I had given a little girl

and her brother each a Woofi and shared the Gospel

with them. Her mother told me she sleeps with it

every night and her brother still has his visible in his

room. I asked little 5 year old Kayli, “What does

Woofi want you to know?” and smiling broadly she

replied, “Jesus loves me!” This still warms my heart

since their father is ‘missing in action’, so to speak.

I wanted them to know they have a Father, their

heavenly Father.

3. One of our mission minded teens on a mission

trip this summer gave one to Knapps of Siloe Church

in Soyapango, ElSalvador South America for their

ministry there.

4. Traveling this summer, I had a God moment. On

a one night stop with a Christian missionary family, I

had hoped to have time to share with their two girls.

In the short 24 hour period, I relied on the Lord and

caught the moment. But it was only one little girl

who was up early enough before school and took

time to chat with me. She had already accepted

Christ, but she was excited to have Woofi and

confided that she would like to use Woofi to share

the Gospel with her friends. The interesting thing

about this is that the mother did not think it

necessary to give the other gal, a young teen, a

Woofi. I keep my own stock of Woofi and thought I

had two in the car. Lo, I only had one.

5. Your church bank gave one to our own Alice

Zweigle who is now in skilled care. She is not able

to communicate well. But she has been a

foundational giver financially to the Woofi ministry.

Alice has also bought her own stock and shared

God’s love with Woofi herself. The gift of a Woofi

was not really to remind her of God’s love because

she knows that, but to uplift her spirit as she might

be reminded of how the Lord had used her and

blessed others through her.

6. Your church bank gave out Woofi to one family

(church members) when one of their children was

hospitalized. Now that family had ordered three to

be given to their friends…and it is not even

Christmas or birthdays!!

7. Maris Grove has suddenly had an upswing in

orders (4) for their grandchildren. And one lady who

staffs our hair salon gave a donation.

8. At the May BethMeth Fair, two of our church

member’s children attended the Woofi booth. These

dear ones had saved their pennies and each bought

their own Woofi. This says a lot for their desire and

their parent’s good training.

9. But there is still more. My desire to find an outlet

for sharing ‘God loves you and wants you in His

family’ to children who are being placed in foster

homes or being adopted is one step closer. After

searching the internet and coming up with many

organizations that were too ‘politically’ correct to

allow sharing the Gospel with Woofi (but would

give them without the Gospel including faith based

hospitals), I have connected with one (Bethany) that

will. I desire prayer as I will be meeting with them

Oct. 21st.

Remember what God had done. But look forward

to what he will do. Woofi will again be available at

a table in Agan Hall in November for

Christmas presents.

Woofi Gifts available

in November


Exciting News from the Mission Field By Harriet Widlund

Page 3: The Bethlehem StarThe Bethlehem Star - Clover Bethlehem Star is published 6 times/year by Bethlehem United Methodist


Once in awhile you come across a recipe that is simple, but packs a great deal of

flavor, and this is one of those recipes. I made it last week for a party and it was a

hit! The best news is that it's also healthy.

This dressing can be served drizzled on thick slices of homegrown tomatoes and

slices of fresh mozzarella. I served it on roasted red peppers that I had prepared.( In

a pinch "Trader Joe's" jarred roasted peppers are very good). Use your imagination and be creative! Hope

you like it as much as I did.

There are no set measurements for this, you just have to "eyeball" it. In a fry pan add some good quality

olive oil. Add some finely chopped shallots to the warmed oil and sauté until soft with a little

color. When it is almost where you want it to be, add some finely minced fresh garlic (the finer the dice

of garlic, the more intense the taste), sauté a little longer. Add some Balsamic vinegar (a higher quality is

important). Up the heat a bit, and stir until the mixture is of a syrup consistency. Take pan off heat and

add the herb or herbs of your choice. I used FRESH oregano as I dislike dry (it tastes bitter), thyme

would also be very good.

Let the dressing cool, drizzle over select item and serve with crusty bread. Enjoy!

by Jan Samuelian

LIBRARY CORNER: by John McGrath, Librarian

We have been blessed recently by a donation of a

few books by George MacDonald. For those of

you unfamiliar with MacDonald, he was a Scottish

clergyman and prolific novelist who lived between

1824 and 1905. He is considered one of the great

novelists, Christian or otherwise, of the Victorian

period. C.S. Lewis once said “I have never

concealed the fact that I regarded him as my

master; indeed I fancy I have never written a book

in which I did not quote from him.” He was also a

mentor of Lewis Carroll.

MacDonald’s books are filled with Christian

heroes and heroines who struggle with the ups and

downs of everyday life in 19th century Scotland

and England. Although their adventures involve

some trying times, their Christian faith and values

see them through in spite of the cultural pressures

of the day, not unlike what we are going through

today. MacDonald’s characters have universal

appeal and the books have a timeless charm.

MacDonald’s books have long been neglected.

Part of the reason for this, I believe, is the fact that

he wrote in the Scottish vernacular. For example:

“Gien the man ‘at has her to see tilt dinna ken to

luik oot for a storm o’ iron shune or lang teeth ony

moment…” or “We maun be honest i’ that as

weel’s i’ cornor herrin’, or onything ither ‘at ‘s

coft an’ sell’t atween man an’ his neibor.”

Reading an entire book written in this style would

be exhausting, even for someone with Scottish

blood like me. But our editions of these

MacDonald’s novels are edited by Michael

Phillips who had a life-long passion to bring

MacDonald’s works to a modern audience. He

“translates” much of the Scottish brogue into

readable English and the results make for a more

enjoyable experience. Pick one up and give him a

try. I’m sure you’ll want to read more.

Page 4: The Bethlehem StarThe Bethlehem Star - Clover Bethlehem Star is published 6 times/year by Bethlehem United Methodist


Would YOU wear a Chicken Hat to

recruit passing traffic on Glen Mills

Road? September 20 marked the

third recent Fall Chicken BBQ and

Flea Market outreach event, but it

was the first to use the “Chicken

Hat” technique to lure BBQ

enthusiasts onto the property.

Many, many thanks go to the over

50 enthusiastic folks from the

church that helped out that day

through their gift of time, and to the

many others who donated baked

goods and flea market items.

Our goal was to raise awareness of

the service we provide to the

community both directly and

through the organizations we

support. How did we do? For the

BBQ alone, out of over 200 tickets

sold, we welcomed 25 families/

individuals for a first time visit to

the church, as well as countless

others who shopped at the Flea

Market. We were successful in

getting the strong message of our

service activities to those that

attended through our strategically

located information table, signage at

the white elephant table, and slide

show in Agan Hall depicting past

service projects. Although we are

still awaiting a final tally, estimates

predict at least $1500 earned to

donate to service organizations:

Hands on Homes, Good Works, and

Samaritans Purse.

Possibly the best outcome from the

BBQ was just plain having some fun

for the whole church. There were

many compliments for all the

The “Little Church that Can”

Does it Again! by Charles Baker

activities: “the chicken was the best

ever, the bake sale table was great,

this is fun having folks come to our

church, I like getting to work with

folks from the other

service…” Some additional

benefits: One person saw the info

on a Bible study and attended the

next week, another provided a good

lead on a potential client for Good

Works home rehab. Even those not

directly involved in the service

organizations can feel the

satisfaction of their efforts in helping

raise over $1500 and increasing the

awareness of BUMC in the local

community. Who among you is

ready to wear the Chicken Hat…

September 2015?

Saturday, October 25 - Trunk

or Treat, 5:00-7:00 PM.

Saturday, November 1- Kenya

Dessert Talk Back

7:00-9:00 PM in Agan Hall.

Friday, November 7 - Friday

Fun Night; 6:00 to 8:00 PM.

Saturday, November 8 -

Service Saturday - 9:00 AM

Saturday, November 8 -

Hymn Sing 7:00 to 8:30 PM.

Sunday, November 9 - Church

Conference following the 10:30

service. Lunch will be served to

those who are planning to stay.

Friday, November 21 to

Sunday, November 24: Senior

High Retreat

Saturday, November 29:

Decorate the Sanctuary for



December 12, 13 and 14

Christmas at Bethlehem

7:00 to 9:00 PM.

Watch for more details in the

next issue of the Bethlehem
