the bible in ten easy lessons · 2018. 4. 17. · lesson 10: god’s people in god’s place again...


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Page 1: The Bible In Ten Easy Lessons · 2018. 4. 17. · Lesson 10: God’s People in God’s Place Again . 3 ... The passages that Jeff will be preaching from in 2 Samuel can be found at


The Bible In Ten

Easy Lessons

Page 2: The Bible In Ten Easy Lessons · 2018. 4. 17. · Lesson 10: God’s People in God’s Place Again . 3 ... The passages that Jeff will be preaching from in 2 Samuel can be found at



Lesson 1: God’s People in God’s Place

Lesson 2: The Fall

Lesson 3: Abraham & the Promises

Lesson 4: David – King of God’s People

Lesson 5: Solomon Gets it Wrong

Lesson 6: Exile – God Punishes His People

Lesson 7: The Coming of the King

Lesson 8: The Death of the King

Lesson 9: Jesus is Raised, Jesus is King

Lesson 10: God’s People in God’s Place Again

Page 3: The Bible In Ten Easy Lessons · 2018. 4. 17. · Lesson 10: God’s People in God’s Place Again . 3 ... The passages that Jeff will be preaching from in 2 Samuel can be found at


A scenic flight – how to use these studies…

The aim of ‘The Bible in 10 Easy Lessons’ is to take some of the confusion out of reading the Bible by providing an overview of its main themes and events.

Knowing the big picture overview helps you make sense of the ‘fine detail’; those stories that you perhaps have heard about before, like David taking down Goliath, or Daniel in a den of Lions, but you’re not sure what they have to do with anything much else in the Bible. At that point reading the Bible becomes confusing or frustrating, and we tend to just dip into the Bible at random, treating it like a dictionary, or a compilation of good stories, or rules.

These studies will be like taking a scenic flight over a spectacular but varied landscape. From up high we’ll be able to see the main points of interest - but naturally, we won’t have time to land and study many things in detail. By the time our flight is over, hopefully we’ll have gained an appreciation of the overall landscape and how it all fits together. This will help us to see how all the events of the Bible hinge around the greatest event in the history of this planet: the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

It’s my prayer that as we work through 2 Samuel on Sunday mornings, these studies will help you in some way to make sense of the difficult and sometimes odd passages in that part of God’s Word. The passages that Jeff will be preaching from in 2 Samuel can be found at the end of each lesson. If you’re doing these studies as part of one of our Bible Study groups, it would be good to have read the passages and thought about the questions before hand.

These studies owe their origin to a series of sermons and studies produced by Creek Road Presbyterian Church and to the children’s ministry material “The King, the Snake and the Promise” written by Phil & Louise Campbell at Mitchelton Presbyterian Church. (The pictures on the front cover are the visual aids that go with each lesson in “The King, the Snake, and the Promise”).

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Recommended Reading If you’re keen dig deeper and think more about the big picture of the Bible, here’s a few books that are very helpful.

God’s Big Picture – Vaughan Roberts (IVP) In this overview, Vaughan Roberts paints the big picture, showing how the different parts of the Bible fit together under the theme of the kingdom of God. He offers us tools to read it with confidence, enthusiasm and understanding. Vaughan points us to the Bible’s supreme subject, Jesus Christ, and the salvation God offers through him.

The Goldsworthy Trilogy - Graeme Goldsworthy (Paternoster Press)

Three books in one - Gospel & Kingdom, Gospel & Wisdom and Gospel in Revelation (all of which are out of print separately). Here Goldsworthy (looks at how the Bible can only be understood through the eyes of the gospel. This trilogy follows the Bible chronologically to give the reader a complete overview of evangelical biblical interpretation. Graeme taught for many years at Moore Theological College in Sydney and worked for some time at St. Stephen’s Coorparoo.

One for the kids…

The Big Picture Story Bible – David Helm & Gail Schoonmaker (Crossway) No child is too young to begin learning about the greatest love story of all - God's love for his people, as portrayed in the Bible. David Helm and Gail Schoonmaker have created a colourful collection of Bible stories written especially for children ages 2-7. This book presents the big picture of Scripture, recounting the unified story that runs through the Old and New Testaments. Simply written and beautifully illustrated, this book teaches children the Bible's overarching message so they can begin to appreciate the fulfillment of God's promises to his people. (All of these titles are available at Koorong)

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Lesson 1: God’s people under God’s rule in God’s place What do you see as the main events of the Bible?

Read Genesis 1:1—2:3 1. Notice the following pattern in each day of creation: And God said, “Let there be… God called… And it was so… And God saw that it was good. And there was evening and there was morning the first/second… etc/ day.

What do you think this pattern tells us about God and the world?

2. Notice also the following pattern over the week of creation:

Day 1: Light & Darkness Day 4: Stars, Sun (light) & Moon (darkness)

Day 2: Water & Sky Day 5: Fish (water) & Birds (sky) Day 3: Land & Vegetation Day 6: Animals & Man

What do you think this pattern tells us about God and the world?

3. What does the passage show us about humanity’s special place in God’s plans?

Read Genesis 2:4-25 4. What more do we learn here about God’s creation?

5. Notice the order of relationships that God establishes:

GOD worshipped by... MAN his help-mate/companion is... WOMAN they rule over... ANIMALS What does this tell us about God’s plan for the world?

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6. In Romans 1:20 we are told that creation testifies certain things about God. What can we tell about God from creation? What areas of creation help you personally to appreciate the greatness of God?

7. What was Jesus’ role in creation? What do the following

passages say, and how will they shape the way we respond to Jesus?

John 1:1—3 Colossians 1:15—17 Hebrews 1:3

8. One helpful way of describing the big picture of Creation is:

God’s People in God’s Place under God’s Rule What have we learnt about God’s People [humanity’s relationship with each other]? What have we learnt about God’s Place [humanity’s relationship with Creation]? What have we learnt about God’s Rule [humanity’s relationship with God]?

Pray together about the encouragement and challenge raised by God’s Word through this study. Note prayer points below for other members of your Bible Study. Pray for people that you’re connecting with:

Bible Study needs Friends we’re praying for

For next week’s study have a read of Genesis 3. This coming Sunday Jeff will be preaching on 2 Samuel 1-4. Why not have a read during the week?

“Ignorance of the Scripture is

ignorance of Christ”


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Lesson 2: The Fall You’re stopped in the street by a TV reporter who asks for your opinion on what’s wrong with the world. How would you answer?

Read Genesis 3:1—7 1. Genesis 3 records the rebellion of Adam and Eve against God’s rule. This is often referred to as “the Fall”. How is the fall typical of sin?

2. What was the serpent’s strategy?

3. What do you think is the essence of Adam and Eve’s sin? Read Genesis 3:8—24

4. In the last study we saw the order of relationships (in the left column below) that God established:

GOD _____________________ worshipped by... tempted... MAN _____________________ his help-mate/companion is... who persuaded… WOMAN _____________________ they rule over... they sinned against ANIMALS _____________________

…fill in the blanks (right column) to show how this order is overturned by sin.

5. God punishes Adam and Eve for their rebellion. How is the world now different?

Skim through Genesis 4—11 (note the main events)

6. How do these chapters show the spread of sin and the worsening situation in the world?

7. Despite all the bad things that happen in these chapters is there any evidence that God is still acting graciously and blessing people?

8. Because of the Fall, life in the world is a mixture of good and bad, achievement and frustration. In what specific areas of life are you feeling this?

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9. Think for a moment and write down the areas in which you are tempted to think that God doesn’t know what’s best. In what areas are you rebelling against his good rule?

10. In the first study we described the big picture of the Creation as: God’s People in God’s Place under God’s Rule

Humanity’s relationship with each other was very good, (open with no shame Gen 2:25)

…how has the Fall affected God’s People?

Humanity’s relationship with the Creation was very good (Genesis 1:29-31; 2:15)

…how has the Fall affected God’s place?

Humanity’s relationship with God was very good (Gen. 3:8 gives a glimpse of what they may have enjoyed) …how has the Fall affected God’s rule?

Pray together about the encouragement and challenge raised by God’s Word through this study. Note prayer points below for other members of your Bible Study. Pray for people that you’re connecting with:

Bible Study needs Friends we’re praying for

For next week’s study have a read of Genesis 12. This coming Sunday Jeff will be preaching on 2 Samuel 5:1—16. Why not have a read during the week?

“As we go to the cradle only in order to find the baby, so we go to the Scriptures only to find Christ”

Martin Luther

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Lesson 3: Abraham and God’s Promises “Do we renovate or demolish?” It’s a question hundreds of home-owners have asked themselves each year. Do you think that’s the kind of question God has been asking himself in Genesis 3—11? In what ways A pattern has been emerging in Genesis 3—11: i) Humanity sins ii) God brings judgment iii) God also acts in grace Read Genesis 12:1—9

1. What does God promise Abram (Don’t panic, he gets a name change in Genesis 17) in these verses?

2. Compare Genesis 11:4 with Genesis 12:2. What do these verses tell us about humanity and God?

3. How do God’s promises to Abram reflect a return to the good creation of Genesis 1-2?

4. After the Fall, God’s judgment speech in Genesis 3:13—19 is dominated by one word: ‘curse’. What is the dominant word in these promises to Abram?

5. If Creation was ‘the beginning’, in what way do God’s promises represent a ‘new beginning’? What do we learn about God through these promises?

Read Genesis 15:1—6

6. In this chapter God repeats his promises to Abram. But what new things do we discover about God and Abram in these verses?

Read Hebrews 11:8—12 & Romans 4:18—25 7. In the New Testament Abraham is considered an important person. How does the example of Abraham help us better understand how we’re saved by Christ?

8. We, like Abraham are saved by trust in God’s promises. This is quite a surprising way for

God to deal with us. What are some other ways the people think they’re put right with God?

9. When is it hard to trust God? (Any parallels between Abraham’s life and yours?)

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10. What things can we do to strengthen our trust in God’s promises? Be specific

11. God’s good Creation of Genesis 1—2 was destroyed by sin in Genesis 3. But now God promises Abraham that his descendants will be: God’s People in God’s Place under God’s Rule

God’s People: Abraham’s descendants would become a great

nation (Genesis 12:2; 15:5) God’s Place: These descendants would possess the Promised

Land (Genesis 12:7; 15:18—21) God’s Rule: These descendants would be God’s own people

(Genesis 17:2, 7—8) …So God isn’t going to demolish, he’s going to renovate! God’s People God’s Place God’s Rule Genesis 1-2 Adam & Eve The Garden of Eden God’s Word Genesis 12 Abraham Canaan Covenant

Pray together about the encouragement and challenge raised by God’s Word through this study. Note prayer points below for other members of your Bible Study. Pray for people that you’re connecting with:

Bible Study needs Friends we’re praying for

This coming Sunday Jeff will be preaching on 2 Samuel 5:17—6:23. Why not have a read during the week? For next week’s study have a read of 2 Samuel 7

“When you are reading a book in a dark room, and find it difficult, you take it to a window to get more light. So take your Bible to Christ.”

Robert Murray M’Cheyne

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Lesson 4: David, King of God’s People If a friend asked you, “describe the big picture of the Bible to me, what’s it all about?” … what would you say? Think back to before you started the ‘Bible in 10’. In what ways is your answer different now to what it would have been then? God’s promises to Abraham are coming to fulfilment. In Exodus we see how a country (Egypt) who cursed Israel was cursed by God. And… from Exodus through to 2 Samuel we see God’s promises to Abraham gradually (and somewhat messily) come to fulfilment.

1. Read the following passages (noting how the promises to Abraham are being fulfilled)

Genesis 50:24—25 Exodus 1:6—7 Joshua 21:43—45

Read God’s promises to David in 2 Samuel 7:1—17 2. What does David want to build? What do God want to do first?

3. Who has been responsible for David’s “good fortune” so far? (vv.8—9)

4. What does the future hold for David and his family? (v.9, 11—15). What about the future of Israel? (v.10)

5. Can you see similarities between the promises God is making to David, and the earlier promises to Abraham? What new features have been added?

Read David’s response in 2 Samuel 7:18—29

6. In praising God’s generosity, how does David summarise the Old Testament story so far?

7. Under the rule of David (and eventually Solomon), the borders of Israel grew to encompass the small surrounding nations. What is the scope of King Jesus’s rule?

8. Read Matthew 12:42; 27:37; 28:18. How does Solomon’s glorious reign compare with

Jesus? How is Jesus less glorious and more glorious?

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9. What does it mean in practical terms that Jesus is King over us? What does Jesus call his disciples to do in the light of this great authority that is given him because of his death and resurrection?

10. We have been following the Bible’s storyline through the idea of: ‘God’s People in God’s Place under God’s Rule’

…in other words ‘The Kingdom of God’. So although Israel now have a human king, his job is to get all God’s people to live under God’s rule. Under Solomon it’s ‘so far so good’. Could this be it? Could this be God’s kingdom? Or will Solomon and Israel make the same mistake Adam and Eve made? Here’s where up to in the emerging story of God’s Kingdom:

The Kingdom of God God’s People God’s Place God’s Rule Established in Genesis 1-2 (& lost in Genesis 3)

Adam & Eve The Garden of Eden

God’s Word

Promised in Genesis 12

Abraham Canaan Covenant

Foreshadowed in 2 Samuel 7


Land, Jerusalem, Temple

Sinai Covenant

Pray together about the encouragement and challenge raised by God’s Word through this study. Note prayer points below for other members of your Bible Study. Pray for people that you’re connecting with:

Bible Study needs Friends we’re praying for

This coming Sunday Jeff will be preaching on 2 Samuel 7 which we’ve already dipped into. Why not have a look at 1 Kings 4:20; 4:21; 6:1-3; 10:4-9 and note which promise of God is being fulfilled in each reading. For next week’s study have a read of 1 Kings 11 & 12.

“Jesus saw himself as the key to Scripture and it as the key to himself”

J. I. Packer

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Lesson 5: Solomon gets it wrong Think about your own experiences of life. Do you tend to forget about God when things are going well or when things are going poorly? Why is that? In 2 Samuel 7, God promised King David that his family would rule over his people forever. Under Solomon it seems as if that promise has also been fulfilled. This is the golden age of Israel. But what goes up usually comes down. Sadly, this is true of Solomon. It’s an exhilarating ascent, but a spectacular fall. Unfortunately we

really do see the Garden of Eden revisited. Look back at 1 Kings 3:1—4

1. Are there any hints here that Solomon might have been heading for trouble? List them. Read further back. Deuteronomy 17:16—17

2. Long before Solomon, God had given very clear guidelines for any king of Israel. What three things are to be especially avoided?


3. The above gives us some ‘key performance indicators’ to Solomon’s rule.

Strike 1… Read 1 Kings 10:26 & 28. What has Solomon forgotten? Strike 2… Read 1 Kings 10:27. What has Solomon forgotten? Strike 3… Read 1 Kings 11:1—8. What has Solomon forgotten?

4. What does God do as punishment (1 Kings 11:9—13)? Read 1 Kings 12:1—24

5. What are the political reasons for the splitting apart of Israel?

6. What are the underlying spiritual reasons? If time permits have a look at 2 Kings 17:1—23 and 2 Kings 25:1—26 for the ‘end of the story’ for Israel and Judah.

7. If Solomon was so wise, how could he go so wrong? Are there any warnings here for us? 8. Throughout this period of history, Israel and her kings refuse to be God’s

holy people. As followers of Jesus we’re also called to by holy (1 Peter 1:13—16). What does this mean in practical terms? How are you going at this? Is there any real difference between your life and attitudes and those of your friends who aren’t following Jesus? Why, or why not?

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9. God put Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden but their sin destroyed it. God brought Israel into the Promised Land, but their sin destroyed it…

But now, the Prophets announce that God is faithful to his promises: …a new covenant is coming where sin will be forgiven …a new rescue is coming that’s bigger even than the Exodus …a new heaven and a new earth is coming, recapturing Eden’s peace and perfection And all this will happen through a King from David’s dynasty, but also a surprising figure who’ll look very ‘unlike’ a king. A suffering servant. So how is the pattern of ‘God’s People in God’s Place under God’s Rule’ is developing? How would you fill in the last section?

The Kingdom of God God’s People God’s Place God’s Rule Established in Genesis 1-2 (& lost in Genesis 3)

Adam & Eve The Garden of Eden

God’s Word

Promised in Genesis 12

Abraham Canaan Covenant

Foreshadowed in 2 Samuel 7


Land, Jerusalem, Temple

Sinai Covenant

At the end of 1 & 2 Kings


? ?

Pray together about the encouragement and challenge raised by God’s Word through this study. Note prayer points below for other members of your Bible Study. Pray for people that you’re connecting with:

Bible Study needs Friends we’re praying for

This coming Sunday Jeff will be preaching on 2 Samuel 8:1—10:19. If you get a chance read ahead. For next week’s study have a read of 2 Kings 24

“Christ is the scope of Scripture”

Richard Sibbes

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Lesson 6: Exile - God Punishes His People Sometimes people ask, ‘is God dead?’... ‘If He’s there then why doesn’t He do something? Why is the world in such as mess? Doesn’t God care?’... When do people tend to ask these sorts of questions? Read Lamentations 1:1-22 1. Lamentations is a book written in at the time of the Exile. What reasons are given for the Exile?

2. What emotional effect did the Exile have on the people of Judah? Why do you think it

had such an impact?

Read Lamentations 3:19-33 3. In the midst of great despair what is the writer’s basis for hope?

As we saw in Study 5, Judah has been punished for her sinfulness by being conquered by the Babylonians. Jerusalem and the Temple are destroyed and thousands of prisoners are dragged back to Babylon to live as exiles. How could God do something like this? They are exiles in a foreign land, what about God’s promises to Abraham – promises that they’d be a blessed nation in their own land? It’s the Fall all over again – God’s special people rebel against his rule and are thrown out of their land as punishment. So has God given up on Israel? Or does He plan to restore it? The answer can be found in the words of the prophets.

4. According to the prophets, what will happen after the Exile? Jeremiah 29:10-14 Ezekiel 37:21-28

Jeremiah 16:14-15 Ezekiel 36:33-36 Jeremiah 31:31-34 Isaiah 65:17-25

Read Romans 8:18-39 & 2 Thessalonians 1:5-10 5. Like the exiles in Babylon, 21st Century Christians are also aliens in a land that is not our ultimate home. How does the promise of our heavenly home help us to deal with life?

6. What pressures do we face to compromise our faith in Christ? What words of advice

does 1 Peter 2:11-12 have to offer? What specific things can we do to put these verses into practice?

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Under the rule of David and Solomon we caught a brief glimpse of the Kingdom of God as we had seen in Eden…

‘God’s People in God’s Place under God’s Rule’ But the bubble burst! Human sin again brought it all undone. And while God remains faithful to his promises, things don’t look good at the end of 1&2 Kings – the end of the Old Testament Story.

The Kingdom of God God’s People God’s Place God’s Rule Established in Genesis 1-2 (& lost in Genesis 3)

Adam & Eve The Garden of Eden

God’s Word

Promised in Genesis 12

Abraham Canaan Covenant

Foreshadowed in 2 Samuel 7


Land, Jerusalem, Temple

Sinai Covenant

Prophesied in the prophets

Faithful remnant of Israel

Restored Land, Jerusalem, Temple

New Covenant written on the heart

Pray together about the encouragement and challenge raised by God’s Word through this study. Note prayer points below for other members of your Bible Study. Pray for people that you’re connecting with:

This coming Sunday Jeff will be preaching on 2 Samuel 11:1-12:39. If you get a chance read ahead. For next week’s study have a read of Matthew 1:1-17

Bible Study needs Friends we’re praying for

“The Lord does not shine upon us, except

when we take his Word as our light.”

John Calvin

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Lesson 7: The Coming of the King What’s in a name?... Share with the rest of the group the meaning of your name (if you know it). Do you think it’s a good reflection of your character?

The OT finished with a problem: What has happened to God’s promises to Abraham? Would there ever be “God’s people in God’s Place under God’s Rule’? We now come to the heart of the Bible story. God’s plan all along was to fulfil His promises in Jesus. Jesus will succeed where Adam failed, where Solomon and the other kings failed, where Israel failed. He is the serpent crusher, the one who

fulfils God’s promises to Abraham and David. Read Matthew 1:1 and look through genealogy

1. Who are the two people that Matthew describes Jesus as the ‘son of’? What do you think might be the significance of introducing Jesus this way?

2. Along with these two people, Matthew highlights which particular event? (1:12, 17) Why do you think Matthew would want to highlight this event as he introduces Jesus?

Read Matthew 1:18-21

3. What do we learn about Jesus’ name here? How do you think that relates to the way Matthew introduced Jesus in the genealogy of 1:17?

Read Luke 1:1-4

4. What do you think Luke means when he introduces his Gospel in 1:1 as being about “the things that have been fulfilled amongst us”?

5. The striking thing about Matthew 1-2 and Luke 1-2 is the joy that breaks out at the birth

of Jesus. What quality of God are people rejoicing about?

6. Share with the group something that has struck you about the way God has been faithful to His promises in sending Jesus.

7. If someone asked you, “who is Jesus?”, how would you reply? How has this study affected your answer? Why should everyone alive take a good look at Jesus?

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Mark 1:12-13 shows Jesus being tempted by Satan for forty days … he succeeds where Adam failed … he succeeds where Israel failed … Jesus is the one who will bring in God’s Kingdom … he will establish: ‘God’s People in God’s Place under God’s Rule’

The Kingdom of God God’s People God’s Place God’s Rule Established in Genesis 1-2 (& lost in Genesis 3)

Adam & Eve The Garden of Eden

God’s Word

Promised in Genesis 12

Abraham Canaan Covenant

Foreshadowed in 2 Samuel 7


Land, Jerusalem, Temple

Sinai Covenant

Prophesied in the prophets

Faithful remnant of Israel

Restored Land, Jerusalem, Temple

New Covenant written on the heart

Pray together about the encouragement and challenge raised by God’s Word through this study. Note prayer points below for other members of your Bible Study. Pray for people that you’re connecting with:

Bible Study needs Friends we’re praying for

For next week’s study have a read of Galatians 3:20-31. This coming Sunday Jeff will be preaching on 2 Samuel 13:1-16:14. Why not have a read during the week?

“We must never edit


A.W. Tozer


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Lesson 8: The Death of the King What do people say about Jesus? What opinions do you hear in the media, at work or school or uni, or round about? On what do people base their opinions?

Paul had to remind the Christians at Galatia that he whole Bible story comes together in the death of Jesus. He reminds them that God’s blessing of righteousness (forgiveness) only comes to us through Jesus’ death. To prove the point, he takes them back to Abraham…

Read Galatians 3:6-9 1. Abraham’s righteousness: on what basis did Abraham receive the miraculous gift of

righteousness? (verse 6 – check out the passage Paul is quoting here: Gen 15:6)

2. Abraham’s children: what defining characteristic identifies a person as a true descendant of Abraham?

3. Abraham’s blessing: The Scriptures knew that blessing would flow through Abraham, but who receives this blessing? (verses 8-9 and check out the passages being referred to here, Gen 12:3, 18:18, 22:18)

4. How does Abraham’s blessing – the miraculous gift of righteousness – come? Read Galatians 3:10-14

5. How much of the law do you have to keep, to avoid the curse of the law?

6. How are faith and law opposed?

7. How does Jesus redeem us?

8. Why did Jesus redeem us?

In the last study we saw why Jesus was born: to deal with the problem of human sin. In this study we have seen God’s solution: the death of Jesus. Jesus kept the law perfectly and didn’t deserve to die, unlike us. But Jesus’ death was about a great swap: He takes the death we deserve so we can get the blessing only He deserves. So salvation is about trusting in Jesus, in fact, Paul says salvation was

always a matter of faith (Gal 3, Romans 3-4)

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9. The Galatians took their eyes of Jesus and His cross. What other things are we tempted to focus on instead of the cross of Jesus. What other “solutions” do people offer?

10. What is likely to cause you to take your eyes off the gospel?

Galatians 3 (and Romans 3:20—4:25) show us how the blessing of forgiveness promised to Abraham actually comes about. The last study alerted us to the fact that it would come through Jesus. That’s the who. But we have to see the how as well… Forgiveness comes:

… NOT because Jesus was a great teacher … NOT because Jesus was a great miracle worker … BUT only through Jesus’ DEATH on the cross can there be:

‘God’s People in God’s Place under God’s Rule’ The Kingdom of God God’s People God’s Place God’s Rule Established in Genesis 1-2 (& lost in Genesis 3)

Adam & Eve The Garden of Eden

God’s Word

Promised in Genesis 12

Abraham Canaan Covenant

Foreshadowed in 2 Samuel 7


Land, Jerusalem, Temple

Sinai Covenant

Prophesied in the prophets

Faithful remnant of Israel

Restored Land, Jerusalem, Temple

New Covenant written on the heart

Pray together about the encouragement and challenge raised by God’s Word through this study. Note prayer points below for other members of your Bible Study. Pray for people that you’re connecting with:

Bible Study needs Friends we’re praying for

For next week’s study have a read of Acts 13:13-39. This coming Sunday Jeff will be preaching on 2 Samuel 16:15-20:26. Why not have a read during the week?

“There is not a word in the Bible

which is ‘extra crucem’ which can

be understood without reference

to the cross.”

Martin Luther

Jesus’ death

Page 21: The Bible In Ten Easy Lessons · 2018. 4. 17. · Lesson 10: God’s People in God’s Place Again . 3 ... The passages that Jeff will be preaching from in 2 Samuel can be found at


Lesson 9: Jesus is Raised, Jesus is King People often long for a better world. What relevance do you think the resurrection of Jesus might have to that? Read Matthew 28 (Jesus’ Resurrection and God’s Promise to Abraham) 1. What does the risen Jesus command the disciples? (vv.18-20)

Read Gen 12:1-3 & Matt 1:1 2. What then is the significance of what is happening here as the risen Jesus talks to His


3. Look at v.20. Jesus hasn’t just risen for a while, only to die later. He has come alive permanently (‘I am with you always’). What does this tell us about His victory over the curse of sin and death?

Read Acts 2:22-41

4. How did Jesus rise from the dead? (v.24) Why?

5. What is the significance of Jesus’ resurrection against the background of God’s promises to David?

6. What does this tell us about the identity of Jesus? (v.36)

7. What then is the appropriate response people should make to Jesus? (vv.38-39)

8. Why should we invite other people to make this response to Jesus?

9. “Jesus’ resurrection is bigger than the ultimate party trick”. In what ways has this study shown you just how significant the resurrection of Jesus is? 10. It was God who raised Jesus from the dead – showing that the curse of sin and death awas paid for in full. If God sees Jesus that way, how should we

treat Him?

11. The resurrection shows Jesus to be the ruler of God’s world. To be ‘God’s people in God’s place under God’s rule’ means following Jesus. How does that change:

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a. Our dreams for the future of the world?

b. Our hopes and ambitions for our own future?

c. Our whole view of the world and what life is about?

The last study showed us how Jesus’ death dealt with the curse on sin. Only through Jesus death can salvation and forgiveness come. This study shows us the guarantee that Jesus’ death dealt with the curse: He beat death by rising from the grave. We have also seen that this means Jesus is the risen ruler of the world. So,

‘God’s PEOPLE in God’s PLACE under God’s RULE’ are the people who follow the risen Jesus.

The Kingdom of God God’s People God’s Place God’s Rule Established in Genesis 1-2 (& lost in Genesis 3)

Adam & Eve The Garden of Eden

God’s Word

Promised in Genesis 12

Abraham Canaan Covenant

Foreshadowed in 2 Samuel 7


Land, Jerusalem, Temple

Sinai Covenant

Prophesied in the prophets

Faithful remnant of Israel

Restored Land, Jerusalem, Temple

New Covenant written on the heart

Pray together about the encouragement and challenge raised by God’s Word through this study. Note prayer points below for other members of your Bible Study. Pray for people that you’re connecting with:

Bible Study needs Friends we’re praying for

For next week’s study have a read of Revelation 21:1-8 &22:1-6. This coming Sunday Jeff will be preaching on 2 Samuel 22:1-23:7. Why not have a read during the week?

“He who has the Holy Spirit in his

heart and the Scriptures in his hands has all he


Alexander Maclaren

Jesus’ Death & Resurrection

Page 23: The Bible In Ten Easy Lessons · 2018. 4. 17. · Lesson 10: God’s People in God’s Place Again . 3 ... The passages that Jeff will be preaching from in 2 Samuel can be found at


Lesson 10: God’s People in God’s Place Again What do you think is the best thing about being a follower of Jesus? What do you think is the hardest thing about being a follower of Jesus? We have the great privilege of seeing all God’s promises fulfilled in the death and resurrection of Jesus. But that doesn’t mean following Jesus isn’t sometimes difficult. This is still a sinful world, full of evil and pain. We live between two great events:

1. Jesus’ victory over the curse of sin and death (in His death and resurrection); and 2. Our full experience of the blessing that brings (when Jesus returns to claim His victory—

or we die and go to be with Jesus).

Meanwhile, we follow Jesus in this sinful world … The Book of Revelation gives us a dramatic picture of ‘God’s People in God’s Place under God’s Rule’. It is a picture that we must keep hold of — John says you are blessed by reading his book (1:3) — that’s because it shows us that the blessing promised to Abraham is waiting for those who follow Jesus.

Read Revelation 21-22 1. John’s readers were experiencing persecution for following Jesus. What do you think the

promises of 21:5-8 would have meant to them? What should they mean to us?

2. How is life in the city of God described?

3. What is done away with once and for all?

4. How often do you thank God for the present blessing of forgiveness? How often do you thank God for the future blessings of heaven? 5. How big is your view of what Jesus has done for you – taking you from the

hopelessness of curse to such rich blessing?

6. We saw in this study that the way you see the future has a great effect on how you see the present. What does that mean for you?

7. How does your life reflect that fact that you have the sure hope of heaven?

8. How fervent is our plea “Come, Lord Jesus”? How earnestly do we desire His return, and the salvation of others for His glory?

Page 24: The Bible In Ten Easy Lessons · 2018. 4. 17. · Lesson 10: God’s People in God’s Place Again . 3 ... The passages that Jeff will be preaching from in 2 Samuel can be found at


The Bible story goes from the perfection of Eden to the perfection of the city of God— heaven. It is the amazing story of how paradise was lost through the foolishness of our sin —and how it was regained through God’s incredible love and mercy. The turning point in all this is the death and resurrection of Jesus. And because He has reversed the curse, we have all the blessings of God: forgiveness in this life, and in the world to come eternal life.

The Kingdom of God God’s People God’s Place God’s Rule Established in Genesis 1-2 (& lost in Genesis 3)

Adam & Eve The Garden of Eden

God’s Word

Promised in Genesis 12

Abraham Canaan Covenant

Foreshadowed in 2 Samuel 7


Land, Jerusalem, Temple

Sinai Covenant

Prophesied in the prophets

Faithful remnant of Israel

Restored Land, Jerusalem, Temple

New Covenant written on the heart

Pray together about the encouragement and challenge raised by God’s Word through this study. Note prayer points below for other members of your Bible Study. Pray for people that you’re connecting with:

Bible Study needs Friends we’re praying for

This coming Sunday Jeff will be preaching on 2 Samuel 21, and 23:8-24:25. Why not have a read during the week?

“Do not try to make the Bible

relevant; its relevance is axiomatic.”

Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Guaranteed by Jesus’ Death

& Resurrection. Consumated in the New


Page 25: The Bible In Ten Easy Lessons · 2018. 4. 17. · Lesson 10: God’s People in God’s Place Again . 3 ... The passages that Jeff will be preaching from in 2 Samuel can be found at