the biblical role of deacons in the church old powrpoint version

is the Deacon God would have me to be Tony Williams 2009 Chairman of Deacon Ministries First Baptist Church, Woodstock, GA

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Page 1: The biblical role of deacons in the church old powrpoint version

is the Deacon God would have me to be

Tony Williams 2009 Chairman of Deacon Ministries

First Baptist Church, Woodstock, GA

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Cruise Ship

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Aircraft Carrier

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Grounded and Confused

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Equipped and Launched

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1. Deacons and Elders ~ Two Distinct Offices� These are the offices of the Church

� Deacons are not Elders� Elders are not Deacons

� The terms , Elder, Pastor (shepherd), and Overseer(bishop) are used synonymously in the New Testament

� Elders had the role of the general oversight of the


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2. The Office of the Deacon was created for thePurpose of handling the Benevolence Ministry� The Biblical account is clear ~ Acts 6: 1-3And in those days, when the number of disciples was multiplied, there arose a

murmuring of the Grecians against the Hebrews, because their widowswere neglected in the daily ministration. Then the twelve called themultiple of the disciples unto them, and said, it is not reason that weshould leave the word of God, and serve tables. Wherefore, brethren, lookye out among you seven men of honest report, full of the Holy Ghost andwisdom, whom we may appoint over this business.� The Apostles were not to give up “preaching the word”� The seven were to look after “This Business”

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3. The purpose was to “Free” the Apostles to Prayand Prepare to Minister the Word of God

� Some understood this passage to mean the role of the deaconswas to oversee “the business” of the church

� The text says “this business”, not “the business” � “This business” refers to the business of benevolence Deacons are to share with the Pastor the burdens of church

ministry; they are to shield the Pastor and relieve him ofburdens so that he may devote himself to a spiritual ministry.

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4. The early Deacons were selected for theirSpiritual Qualifications� God is looking for “Core Qualifications” as in:

� 1st Timothy 3� Acts 6

� Not external characteristics, but internal dynamics� Men of good reputation, full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom

… Acts 6:3� And they chose Stephen, a man full of faith and the Holy

Spirit… Acts 6:5

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God may have to “Disqualify” you to “Qualify” you.

� The first 40 years of his life he thought he was a “Somebody” � The next 40 years he found out he was a “Nobody” � The last 40 years of his life he found out what God could do

with a “Nobody” D.L. Moody

Consider Moses:

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5. Deacons are to be capable of serving the Lordin Spiritual Ways

� Stephen was a man of “Spiritual Power” ~ Acts 6:8Full of Faith and Power, he did great wonders and signs

among the people.

� Philip was gifted in Evangelism ~ Acts 8:5-7 He preached Christ to them and multitudes with one

accord heeded the things spoken by Philip

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6. The word “Deacon” means “Servant”

� Comes from the Greek word “Diakonos” which can betranslated deacon or minister.� The Pastor is the ministering leader in a New Testament

Church, the deacons are ministering servants.

� The root meaning is� “To raise dust in a hurry or by hastening”� Not to stir up confusion, but to be busy serving� Deacons are the Pastor’s assistants in ministry

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� Diakoneo ~ root meaning suggests� “Personal help to Others”

� Diakonia is found 34 times in the NT and means

� Service at the Table in Luke 10:40 and Acts 6:1, etc…

� Diakonos is found 29 times in the NT and the primarymeaning is to serve tables.

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7. The Office of Deacon requires a Godly Life

� Much of 1st Timothy 3 speaks of the reputation in thecommunity.

…Good Standing and Great Boldness in Faith

� Reverent� Not double-tongued� Not given to much wine� Not greedy for money� Holding the mystery of the Faith with a pure conscience

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� Tested� Serve as deacons� Found blameless� Husband of one wife� Ruling their children

well� Ruling their houses



ReverantNot slanderersTemperateFaithful in all things

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8. The Office of Deacon requires a firm grasp onSound Doctrine.

� They must possess the mystic secret of the faith� Christian Truth as hidden from ungodly men

� The church is a Content Oriented body. � The church is a doctrinally driven community, built upon

Truth Every member should have this approach in fellowship and

deacons more so.

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9. The presence of Deacons should advance theUnity of the Church� Acts 6:5, when the Apostles laid out the plan to create

this office “the saying pleased the whole multitude” � Complaints about the Benevolence Ministry stopped. � Any time a church has deacons who are properly doing

their jobs, the church is more likely to be at unity.

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10. The presence of Deacons should advance theEvangelism

� The creation of the office of Deacon was to eliminatecontroversy and to get the Church back to fulfilling itsmission.

� Acts 6:8 ~ Then the Word of God spread, and the

number of disciples multiplied greatly in Jerusalem and agreat many priests were obedient in the Faith.

� When a church has Deacons who are in God’s Will, the

cause of Christ will spread rapidly.

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Tony Williams 2009 Chairman of Deacon Ministries First Baptist Church, Woodstock, GA

“If we are going to win this world to Christ,it will take all of us.” Pastor Johnny Hunt