the bicycle bible lessons


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Copyrighted, 1891,


Bloomington, Ill.


Page 4: The bicycle Bible lessons

Books, Geography.

1. Ezra.

2. Acts.

3. Deuteronomy.

4. Ezekiel.

5. Titus.

6. Nahum.

7. James. . Zered.

8. I. Samuel.

9. Matthew.

10. Proverbs. . Libya.!

11. I. Kings. . Haran.

12. Galatians. .Media .

13. Zechariah.

14. Genesis.

15. II. Timothy.

16. Isaiah.

17. II. Peter.

18. Job.

19. Luke.

20. II. Chronicles.


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.The covenant with Abraham.Gen xvii

.The unconquered Canaanites.Joshua xxiii

• The sin of Solomon.I. Kings xi

.Thp council at Jerusalem. .Acts xv

.The sons of Jacob...Gen. xxix

.Paul’s first recorded sermon. Acts xiii

• Period of presentation.John ii

• Conversion of Samaritans. Acts viii

.The fiery furnace. Dan. iii

• Roman government of Palestine.. Stalk. L. C-, par. 26-27

• Paul’s two years at Rome.Acts xxviii

.Prophecy of the messenger.Mai. iii

• Division of the land.Joshua xiii

• Opposition of the Jews.Acts iv

.Appointment of Moses. .Ex. iii

.The Philippian jailer.Acts xvi

.Judah taken to Babylon.II. Kings xxv

.Saul rejected as king.I- Sam. xv

.Appointment of judges.Judges ii

.The covenant with Jacob. .Gen. xxviii


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Books, Geography

21. Ephesians. Arnon-

22. Leviticus. Damascus.

23. Mark... Beersheba.

24. I. Chronicles. Decapolis.

25. Jude. Hazeroth .

26. Psalms ... Shushan..

27. Revelation. Jericho-

28. Hosea. Sidon.

29. Romans. Marah ...

30. Daniel. Cana.

31. Lamentations. Bethlehem

32. Philemon. Persia.

33. II. Samuel. Euphrates

34. Hebrews. Peraea —

35. Esther.!. Hermon..,

36. II, Thessalonians. Phoenicia .

37. Micah. Nain.

38. Joshua. Chaldea..

39. John. Tyre.

40. Amos.Olivet ...


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.Period of opposition..John xviii

• Prophecy of the four empires.Dan. ii

.The reign of Manasseh...II. Kings xxi

• The sins of Lamech.Gen. iv

.Revolt of the ten tribes.I. Kings xii

.Translation of Enoch..Gen. v

.Baal worship in Israel.I. Kings xvi

.Judah receives the blessing.Gen. xlix

.The advice of Jeremiah.Jer. xxvii

.The exodus.. • -Ex. xii

.Work of John the Baptist. Matt, iii

.Reformation under Hezekiah .II. Chron. xxix

.Paul’s appeal to Csesar.Acts xxv

.David made king.II. Sam. v

.The covenant at Sinai... .Gen. xix

.Period of popularity.John vi

.Judas Maccabaeus.Stanley’s Jewish Church, Yol. Ill

.Solomon’s temple ..1. Kings v

Captivity of Israel foretold. . Amos v

• Grecian government of the world.......Stk. Paul, par. 75


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Books. $

41. Judges.


42. I. Corinthians.

43. Habakkuk. — Capernaum.

44. II. Chronicles.

45. Exodus .

46. I. Thessalonians_

47. Jeremiah. ... Thrace.

48. II. John. ... Carmel..

49. Romans. ... Nebo.

50. II. Kings. ... Tarsus...

51. II. Corinthians. ... Judsea.

52. Genesis. ... Cyprus.

53. Ruth. ... Ephesus.

54. Matthew. ... Gilboa.

55. Job. ... Shiloh.

56. Revelation. .. Jabbok ... .

57. Joshua.. ... Italy...

58. Jonah ... ... Bethany.

59. Ephesians. .. Dan—city.

60. Isaiah. ... Illyricum.


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-The sin of Ananias.Acts v

-Haggai’s reproof.Hag. i

-Period of preparation.John i

... Conversion of Cornelius. Acts x

... .Golden calves of Jeroboam.I. Kings xii

-Giving of the law. .Ex. xx

-Tower of Babel. Gen. xi

.. .Reformation under Ezra.Ezra ix

... .Joseph sold into Egypt .Gen. xxxvii

-The flood.Gen. vii

-Period of the resurrection.Luke xxiv

-Commission of Ezekiel. .Ezek. ii

_The Jews in Palestine-Roman period, Stk. L. C., par. 28-38

-Jacob obtains the blessing.Gen. xxvii

... .Belshazzar’s feast...Dan. v

^.. .Saul anointed king . I. Sam. ix

_ Descent of the Holy Ghost.Acts ii

_The call of Samuel. .L Sam. iii

.. .Shem’s blessing. -.Den. ix

_The death of Joseph.Gen. 1


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61. Judges.

62. Zephaniah.

63. Hebrews.

64. I. Kings.

65. Numbers .

66. Colossians.

67. I John.

68. Ezekiel.

69. Acts.

70. Psalms.

71. II. Kings.

72. Philippians...

73. Malachi.

74. Exodus.

75. Jeremiah.


Asia Minor.

Sea of Galilee.


Dead Sea.

Philippi .

Plains of Moab.



Sinai .






Nineveh .

76. 1. Peter. . Jordan .

77. Ezra... Corinth

78. Mark..Gaza...

79. I. Corinthians.Syria...

80. Ecclesiastes. Greece .


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. .The book with seven seals.Rev. v

. .Conquest of Canaan.Josh, x

..Jacob’s removal to Egypt.Gen. xlvii

. .The covenant with Adam.. Gen. ii

. .Israel taken to Assyria.II. Kings xvii

. .Ahab rebuked by Elijah. .I. Kings xvii

. .The return from Babylon..Ezra ii

. .The second coming of Christ.Rev. xxii

. .The decree of Cyrus.Ezra i

. .Paul’s address at Athens. ..Acts xvii

. .First prophecy of Christ...Gen. iii

. .Reformation under Josiah.II. Kings xxiii

. .Entrance into Canaan.Joshua iii

. .Daniel's position in Babylon .Dan. i

. .Paul’s death.II. Tim. iv

.. The second temple . .Ezra iii

.. Peter put in prison. .Acts xii

. .Solomon anointed king.I. Kings i

. Distribution of the nations .Gen. x

. .The covenant with Isaac.Gen. xxvi


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81. Joel.

82. Leviticus....

83. II. Timothy.

84. Numbers.

85. I. Chronicles-

86. Galatians.

87. Nehemiah.

88. Daniel.

89. Luke .

90. Haggai.

91. II. Corinthians..

92. Deuteronomy-

93. John..

94. I. Samuel.

95. III. John.

96. Nehemiah.

97. Song of Solomon

98. I. Timothy.......

99. Obadiah..

100. II. Samuel.



Csesarea Philippi.






Etham .. .





Wilderness of Sin.




Mount Hor.



Ur of the Chaldees.


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. .Roman government of the world.Stk. Paul, par. 76

. .The tabernacle at Shiloh.Joshua xviii

. .Captivity of Judah foretold.Isaiah xxxix

. .Message to the church at Ephesus...Rev. ii

. .The fall.....Gen. iii

. Demand for a king.I. Sam. viii

. .The creation. .Gen. i


. .Oppression of the Midianites.Judges vi

. .Reformation under Jehu.II. Kings ix

. .Commission of Paul and Barnabas.Acts xiii

. .The promise to David. .II. Sam. vii

..Paul made prisoner..Acts xxi

. .Ark taken by the Philistines.I- Sam iv

. .Conversion of the Ethiopian.Acts viii

. .Idolatry in Rehoboam’s reign ..I. Kings xiv

. .The call of Abraham. .Gen. xii

. .Jews outside of Palestine-Roman period, Stk. Paul, par. 77

. .Rebuilding of the walls.Neh. iv

. .Journeys from Sinai to Canaan. .Wilderness Div. of Geog.

..The worship of Diana .Acts xix


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Five Books of Law-

Genesis. Exodus. Leviticus. Numbers. Deuteronomy.

Twelve Books of History—

Joshua. I. and II. Samuel. Ezra. Judges. I. and II. Kings. Nehemiah. Ruth. I. and II. Chronicles. Esther.

Five Books of Poetry-

Job. Psalms. Proverbs. Ecclesiastes. Song of Solomon.

Five Large Books* of Prophecy— (Major Prophets)

Isaiah. Jeremiah. Lamentations. Ezekiel. Daniel.

Twelve Small Books of Prophecy—

Hosea. Joel. Amos.

(Minor Prophets)

Obadiah. Jonah. Mic?H. Nahum.

Habakkuk. Zephaniah. Haggai. Zechariah. Malachi.

Four Books—History of Christ—

Matthew. Mark. Luke. John.

One Book—History of the Church—

The Acts of the Apostles.

Fourteen Books—Epistles of Paul—

Romans. Philippians. I.-II. Timothy. I.-II. Corinthians. Colo3sians. Titus. Galatians. I -II.Thessalonians. Philemon. Ephesians. Hebrews.

Seven Books—General Epistles —

James. I.-II. Peter. I.-1I.-III. John. Jude.

One Book of Prophecy— Revelation.


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Three Continents—

Europe. Asia. Africa.

Five Islands—

Cyprus. Patmos. Crete. Melita. Sicily. Acts 13-4. Rev. 1-9. Tit. 1-5 Acts28-1. Acts28-12

Ten Waters-

Mediterranean Sea, Acts 27-! Adriatic Sea, Acts 27-27. iEgean Sea. Acts 20-16. Black Sea (Acts 2-9). Caspian Sea (Gen. 8-4).

Twenty Cities—

Shushan, Neh. 1-1. Ur of the Chaldees, Gen.ll-! Babylon, Dan, 4-30. Nineveh, Jonah 1-2. Haran, Gen. 29-4.

Jerusalem, II. Sam. 5-6 Tyre, I. Kings 5-1. Sidon, Matt. 15-21. Damascus, Acts 9-3. Antioch, Acts 11-26.

Tigris River.Dan. 10 4. Euphrates R. Gen. 15-18 PersianG’lf, (Gen. 10-10) Red Sea, Ex. 14 21. The Rivt r Nile, Ex 2-3.

Tarsus, Acts 21-39. Colosse, Col. 1-2. Miletus, Acts 20-17. Ephesus, Acts 19-1. Troas, Acts 16-8.

Philippi, Acts 16-12. Thessalonica,Acts 17-1 Athens, Acts 17-16. Corinth, Acts 18-1. Rome, Acts 28-16.

Twenty Divisions—

Media, Dan. 8-20. Persia, Ezra 1-2. Chaldea, Gen 11-28. Assyria, II. Kings 17-6. Mesopotamia, Gen. 24-10.

Arabia, Gal. I. 17 Palestine, Gen. 12-7. Phoenicia, Gen. 49-13. Syria, II. Sam. 10-18. Asia Minor, Acts 16-6.

Thrace, Acts 16-11. Macedonia, Acts 16-10. Greece, Acts 20-2. Illyricum, Rom, 15-19. Italy, Acts 27-1.

Africa (Matt. 27-32). Libya, Acts 2-10. Egypt, Ex. 1-1 Goshen. Gen. 45-10. Ethiopia, Acts 8-27.


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From Egypt to the Red Sea—

Land of Egypt

Land of Goshen



The Red Sea .

. Ex. 7-4

Ex. 8-22

. Ex. 12-37

Ex. 13-20

Ex. 14-1 to 15-22

From the Red Sea to Mt. Sinai—


Elim .

Wilderness of Sin .


Mount Sinai (arrival at)

Mount Sinai (departure from) .

. Ex. 15-23

Ex. 15-27

. Ex. 16-1 to 16-36

Ex. 17-1 to 18-27

. Ex. 19-1

. Num. 10-11

From Mt. Sinai to Kadesh-Barnea-

Taberah .



Wilderness of Paran

Kadesh-Barnea .

. . Num. 11-3

Num. 11-4 to 11-34

.. Num. 11-35 to 12-15

. Num. 12-16

. Num. 13-1 to 14-45

In the Wilderness 373^ Years—

The Sabbath breaker

The rebellion of Korah .

The censers . . . ,

The plague

Aaron’s rod

Num. 15-32

Num. 16-1

Num, 16-36

Num, 16-41

Num. 17-1

From Kadesh-Barnea to Plains of Moab—


Mount Hor

Ezion Geber

River Arnon

Plains of Moab

Num. 20-1 to 20-21

Num, 20-22 and 33-38

. Num. 21-4

Num. 21-13

Num. 22-1 to Josh. 3-14


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Ten Waters— Mediterranean, Num.34-6. River Jordan, Josh. 1-2. Lake Merom, Josh. 11-5. Sea of Galilee, Matt. 4-18. Dead Sea, Gen. 14-3.

Brook Jabbok,Gen.32-22. Brook Arnon, Num.22-36 Brook Zered, Deut. 2-14 Brook Kedron,John 18-1. Brook Kishon, Jud. 5-21.

Ten Mountains— Hermon, Matt. 17-1. Lebanon, Ezra 3-7. Carmel, I. Kings 18-19 Tabor, Judges 4-6. Gilboa, I. Sam. 31-8.

Ebal, Deut. 27-13. Gerizim, Joshua 8-33. Moriah, II. Sam. 24-16. Olivet, Mark 14-26. Nebo, Deut. 32-48.

Twenty Cities— Northern Cities.

Dan, Judges 18-29_Caesarea Philippi, Matt. 16-13.

Galilean Cities.

Bethsaida, John 12-21. Cana, John 2-1. Capernaum, Matt. 4-13. Nazarpth, Luke 2-39. Tiberias, John 21-1. Nain, Luke 7-11.

Central Cities.

Samaria, I. Kings 16-24 Jericho, Josh. 2-2. Shechem, Gen. 12-6. Bethany, Luke 24-50. Shiloh, Josh. 18-1. Jerusalem, I. Kings 14-21.

Southern Cities.

Bethlehem, Matt. 2-1. Hebron, Gen. 23-19. Beersheba, Gen. 22-19.

Western Cities.

Gaza, Judges 16-21. Joppa, Acts 10-5. Caesarea, Acts 23-23.

Six Cities of Refuge—(Josh. 20-7.)

1. Kedesh. 2. Shechem. 3. Hebron. 4. Bezer. 5 Ramoth-gilead. 6. Golan.

Five Divisions— Seven Nations.—Amorites, etc., Deut. 7-1. Twelve Tribes.—Reuben, etc , etc., Josh. 18-10. One Kingdom.—Kingdom of David, II. Sam. 7-9. Two Kingdoms.—Israel and Judah, I. Kings 12-21.

Five Provinces.— Galilee, John 4-43. Decapolis, Matt. 4-25. Samaria, John 4-4. Peraea, John 10-40. Judaea, John 4-3.


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The bible is the history of

the World, the Family, the Nation, the Church,

The history of the World begins with the creation and ends

with the distribution of the nations. This may be divided

into three periods,

Adam, Enoch, Noah.

The history of the Family begins with the call of Abraham and

ends with the death of Joseph. This may be divided into four


Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Judah.

The history of the Nation begins with the birth of Moses and

ends with the death of Christ. This may be divided into five


Moses, Joshua, Judges, Kings, and Empires.

The history of the Church begins with the descent of the Holy

Ghost and continues to the present. This may be divided into

three periods,

Peter, Paul, John.

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(Divisions J THE WOELD.

- (Periods.) Adam. Enoch. Noah.


The creation . # Gen. I. 1 The creation of man . . Gen. 11. 7 The covenant . Gen. II. 17 The fall Gen. III. 6 The first prophecy of Christ

(The “Seed of the Woman”) Gen. Ill 15

The curse


* Gen. III. 19

His translation . Gen. V. 24 His faith , , Heb. XI. 5 The seventh from Adam .


# . Jude —. 14

His sons # # Gen. Y. 32 The flood—Mt. Ararat Gen. VII. 1 Shem’s blessing . Gen. IX. 26 The tower of Babel # Gen XI. 9 The birth of Abram . • Gen. XI. 26

First Twenty Generations. * Adam. Shem. Seth. Arphaxad. Enos. Salah. Cain an. Eber. Mahalaleel. Peleg. Jared. Reu. Enoch. Serug. Methuselah. Nahor. Lamech. Terah. Noah Abram.


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Enoch. Noah.

Gen. I. 1

. Gen. II. 7

Christ d of the Woman”'

dam .


Gen . II. 17

Gen. III. 6

Gen. Til 15

Gen. III 19

. Gen . V. 24

Heb. XI. 5

.' Jude 14

Gen . V. 32

Gen. ^ MI. 1

Gen. IX. 26

Gen XL 9

Gen. XI. 26

enty Generations.












Abraham. Isaac. Jacob. Judah.

Abraham— His call

Removal to Canaan

The bondage foretold

The covenant .

“In thy seed” (Gal. III. 16)

Isaac— His birth

‘‘In thy seed”

Jacob— Obtains the blessing

“In thy seed”

His sons, Judah and Joseph

Descent into Egypt

Judah— Receives the blessing

Death of Joseph in Egypt

Gen. XII. 1 . Gen. XII. 7

Gen. XV. 13

. Gen. XVII. 9

Gen. XXII. 18

Gen. XXI. 3

.Gen. XXVI. 4

Gen. XXVII. 36

Gen. XXVIII. 14

Gen. XXXVII. 26

. Gen. XLVII. 1

. Gen. XLIX. 10

. Gen. L. 24

The 12 Sons became The 12 Tribes. Reuben .

t i . Reuben.

Simeon t i . Simeon.

Levi . The Priests.

Judah . Judah.

Issachar . . Issachar.

Zebulon Zebulon.

Gad . Gad.

Asher . Asher.

Dan . Dan.

Naphtali »l . Naphtali.

( Ephraim. Joseph . ‘ J Manasseh.

Benjamin . (t . Benjamin.


Moses—(See Wilderness Div. of Geography.)

The oppression in Egypt . . . Ex. 1. 13 Appointment of Moses

The exodus

The covenant at Sinai The law

The tabernacle

The priests . Ex.

The offerings. The feasts

Appointment of Joshua The death of Moses

J oshua— Entrance into Canaan

Conquest of Canaan .

Division of Canaan

Judges— Appointment of Judges

Seven Oppressions.

1. Mesopotamians Jud. 3-8. 2. Moabites . Jud. 3-12. 3. Philistines . Jud. 3 31. 4. Canaanites . Jud. 4 2. 5. Midianites . Jud. 6 1.

Ex. III. 10

.Ex. XII. 41

. Ex. XIX. 5, and XXIV. 3

Ex. XX. 1

. Ex. XXV. 9 XXVIII., 1, and Num. III. 6

. . Lev. I. 1

Deut. XVI. 16

Num. XXVII. 18

Deut. XXXII. 48

. . Josh. I. 10

. Josh. VI. 1

Josh. XIII. 1

. Judges II. 16

Fifteen Judges.

6. Ammonites Jud. 10 17-.'.

7. Philistines . Jud. 13 1...

The people ask for a king

The school of the prophets





..5. 6. 7. 8.

: 9. 10. 11. 12.

.13. 14. 15.

Otkniel Ehud Shamgar . Deborah . Gideon . Abimelech Tola. . . Jair .

Jud 3 9 Jud. 3 15 Jud. 3 31 Jud 4 4 Jud. 6 11 Jud. 9

Jud. 10 Jud.10

Jephthah . Jud. 11 Ibzan Elon . Abdon Samson Eli . Samuel

Jud.12 Jud. 12 11 Jud. 12 13 Jud. 13 9

I Sam. 1 9 I.Sam. 3 4

I. Sam. VIII. 4

I. Sam. XIX. 20


Three Kings over the Twelve Tribes-

Saul- -David- Saul anointed king Saul acknowledged king . Saul rejected of God . David anointed king Death of Saul . David made king of Judah David made king of the twelve David builds Jerusalem . Christ the Son of David Christ the Son of God . Solomon anointed king Solomon builds the temple The revolt foretold . Death of Solomon


. I. Sam. IX. 17 I. Sam. XI. 15

I. Sam. XV. 26 . I. Sam XVI. 13 I. Sam. XXXI 8

. II. Sam. II. 4 tribes .II. Sam. V. 3

II .Sam. V. 7 . II. Sam. VII. 16

. Psalm II. 7 . I. Kings I. 39

. I. Kings V. 5 . I. Kings XI. 31

1. Kings XI. 43

Nineteen Kings over Israel—(975 to 721 B. C.)

Jeroboam Nadab. Baasha. Elah. Zimri.

Omri. Ahab. Ahaziah. J(eh)oram. Jehu.

Menabem. Pekahiah. Pekah. Hoshea.

Jeroboam made king Omri builds Samaria . Ahab rebuked by Elijah . Captivity in Assyria foretold Israel taken to Assyria

Jehoahaz. Jehoash. Jeroboam II. Zachariah. Shallum.

. I. Kings XII. 20 I. Kings XVI. 23

I. Kings XVII. 1 . Amos V. 27

II. Kings XVII. 6

Twenty Kings over Judah—(975 to 586 B. C.)

Rehoboam. Ahaziah. Jotham. Josiah. Abijah. Athaliah. Asa. Joash. Jehoshaphat. Amaziah. Jehoram. Uzziah.

Rehoboam, the son of Solomon Captivity in Babylon foretold Jehoiachin taken to Babylon Zedebiah taken to Babylon Jerusalem destroyed

Ahaz. Hezekiah. Manasseh Amon.



Jehoahaz. Jehoiakim. Jehoiachin. Zedekiah.

Kings XII. 17 Isa. XXXIX. 6

Chr. XXXVI 10 Jer. Lit. 11

II. Kings XXV. 9

Empires. Peter. Paul. John.

Babylon—(The Seventy Years’ Captivity.) Peter— (Organization of the Christian Church.) Daniel taken to Babylon Daniel I. 1-7 The day of Pentecost . Acts II. 1 Ezekiel in Babylon Ezek. I. 2 Opposition of the Sadducees . Acts IV. 2 Nebuchadnezzar’s dream Daniel 11. 31 Opposition of the Pharisees . Acts VI. 14 Daniel's vision of the beasts Daniel VII. 1 Persecution—death of Stephen Acts VII. 59 Belshazzar’s feast . Daniel V. 28 Conversion of Samaritans Acts VIII. r. o

Media and Persia—(The Restoration.) Conversion of the Ethiopian . Acts VIII. 27

Prophecies of . Daniel II. 32, VII. 5, VIII. 3 Conversion and appointmentof Paul Acts IX. 15

Prophecy concerning Cyrus Isaiah XLIV. 28 Conversion of Romans—Cornelius Acts X. 1

Prophecy of the seventy weeks Daniel IX. 24 Conversion of Greeks—Antioch . . Acts XI. 29

Proclamation by Cyrus . . Ezra I. 1 Paul—(Extension of the Church.) Zerubbabel—the temple rebuilt Ezra III. 8 First missionary journey Acts XIII. 2 Haggai and Zechariah, the prophets Ezra V. 1 Paul’s preaching . . Acts XIII. 16 and 46 Ezra, the scribe . . Ezra VII. 6 Council at Jerusalem . Acts XV. 6 Nehemiah— the walls rebuilt Nehemiah VI. 15 Second missionary journey . Acts XV. 40 Malachi—prepare the way . Malachi III. 1 Paul’s first epistle I. Thess. V. 27

Greece—(The Septuagint.) Third missionary journey Acts XVIII. 23

Prophecies of . Daniel II. 32, VII. 6, VIII. 5 Paul made prisoner . Acts XXI. 33

Prophecy con’ing Alexander the Great . Dan. VIII. 21 Paul’s death . II. Tim. IV. 6

Rome—(Fulness of the Time, Gal. IV. 4.) John—(Future of the Church,)

Prophecies of . . Daniel II. 33, VII. 7 Banished to Patinos . Rev. I. 9

Prophecy concerning Kingdom of Christ. Dan. II. 44 Message to the seven churches Rev. I. 11

Reign of Augustus Csesar . . Luke II. 1 The future of the church . Rev. IV. 1

Annunciation to Zacharias . Luke I. 13 The second coming of Christ Acts I. 11,Rev. XXII. 20

Annunciation to Mary

Jesus Christ born

Reign of Tiberias Csesar

Preaching of John the Baptist

Jesus baptized

Jesus crucified

Jesus buried

The resurrection

The ascension

Luke I.

. Luke II.

Luke III.

Matt. III.

. Luke III.

John XIX.


7 1 1

22 19

Mark XV. 46 Matt. XXVIII. 7

Mark XVI. 19

Names of the Apostles. Matt. X.—Mark III.—Luke VI.—John I.

1. Peter (Simon Cephas). 9. James (son of Alpheus). 2. James (son of Zebedee). 10. Thaddeus (Lebbeus). 3. John (brother of James). 11. Simon (Zelotes.Can’nite) 4. Andrew (bro. of Peter). 12. Judas (Iscariot). 5. Philip. Matthias, elected in place 6. Bartholomew (Nathaniel) of Judas. Acts I. 15-26 7. Matthew (Levi). Paul (Saul), chosen apostle 8. Thomas (Didymus). to the Gentiles. Acts IX.

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