the binghamtonpress, wednesday evening, january … ny... · jp the binghamtonpress, wednesday...

Jp THE BINGHAMTONPRESS, WEDNESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 20,1937. on yFoBows *- Ap I've Settlement oi Briggs Mfg. Strike Aids Sentiment on Exchange G. M. REGISTERS GAIN Power Production Shows Big Increase Over 1936 Figures 6 Adam* Kip 1 Air-Wjy Kl 3 Allika J mi 10 Alleghany 1 Al Chem & 7 Allied Sir* 5 AHU-Ch. -MXK T Am Can 4 Am Car & Kdy 9 Am Crystal Suz !70 Am 'Kneaus Til im Am A Knr 1'ow . !* Am Hide & hvi 5 Am* Internal 2 Am Lneo ill Am Metal 42 Am l'ow &. l.t n Am nail 4 .St 3 ' 15 Am Jtoll Mill : 2 Am Snn-lt A R |1«. Am Stl Kdr* i 5 Am Tel A: Tel t H Am Ton B 15 Am Wat Wk» .'i Am Wool pf US Anaconda 1 Armour Del High Low Noofl IS I P * 17% 4«i 4\ 4>S 15U 15V, 15»i 4Vi i\ 4H 234 V* S34& 23U-J 174 n^ 17^ *0 7S=»i £u 115 lilt. 11. 61 »* 31 >- tH, 12\ >\ H s « •15*, 01% l«U »u wn If.' •12 IO* 12', .S*» 11*4 -tut, 112 1»4 pf New York. Jan. Suf-(Associated' Press)—stocks rallied one to three TT.lhts In today's market with mo- tors. Steele, rubbers an* special- ties well out In front. A better tone to the labor news brought active buying from the start.' The -pace slowed later and the. ticker tape w as almost at a standstill while the President was delivering his Inaugural address. Lead In? JsWes held around their top-'- near the fourth hour. Tho Chief Executive's speech, fol- lowing the line expected by most Wall street observers, apparently had no particular market effect. Sentiment -was aided by settle-, ment of the Briggs "'.Mfg. strike at Detroit, .prospects of &n early ad- justment of theV glass workers' dis- pute and the possibility Federal au- thorities might induce General Mo- tors officials and union : heads to hold a peace conference at "Wash- ington. " .;." . Bonds improved, but commodi- t i e s w e r e mixed. Favored shares included Chrys- ler. General Motors. Briggs Manu- facturing.- Studebaker. Y eUow Truck. Hudson. U. S. Steel.'Beth- lehem. "A. M. Byers. Crucible, Re- public. American Steel Foundries. V. S: Rubber. Goodyear. Sears Roebuck. Woolworth. Douglas Aircraft. Armour & Co.. Para- mount. Loew's. : Warner Brothers, Lambert. -Philip "Morris. Long-Bell Lumber, American Encaustic Til- ing. Thompson-Starrett, Amoriein Crystal Sugar. Fajardo Sugar. Western Union. Indian Refining. Westinghouse.- Du Pont. General Electric. Southern Pacific and- Northern Pacific- ' American . Telephone '• slipped when its chief subsidiary, the .New York Telephone Co.. an- ' nounced a w-age boost . a s Feb. 1. : . . ' - :-.;-•• Steel shares -received a little help. ,i from the midweek review : " of -"iron Age" Which found the •'automobile lahor 'controversy tho •only : unfavorable . factor confront- ing the steel Industry. Oil" and-, utility companies. . It was said, have appeared with large orders."'in addition in- creased demand was noted from railroads, structural fabricating shops..and farm/machinery mak- i'ers,'- •..' ... "••';'• "."!•• •"• .-;:; •''-'. It was pointed out. though, re- cent extensive buying of . steel products has had in it an ele- ment of protecting against possi- Mc strike difficulties in coal "mines and steel plants. '.'/•'• Holders of the utilities took no- tice', of the Edison "Electric Intl- tute's power production figures for the week ended Jan. 16, disclos- ing an increase of .9. of 1 per cent over the preceding period. •The total was 14.9 per cent ahead of the same 1936 week,. ; . Sterling, at . the beginning of . foreign exchange transactions, was off 1-16 of a "cent at $4.90*4. The French franc was .00 1-16 of •a,', cerit lower at 4.66*» cents. Retail Prices at Johnson City, '•'••"••'•• Endicott Public Markets Best dairy Creamery I.srge six* Medium »!za Dock eggs. BCTTEB EGGS lb lb. Ill lb. lb. lb. lb. '40c 3*c 30c 27c 4Jc 3k •10c 2Sc 39e CHEESB Old Cottage ..Whola milk chees* Swiss chees* MILK ' Sweet tnllk. trade A. raw . at. lie Buttermilk qt. «c Sweet, cream .'. qt. 75c FRCITS AND VEGETABLES Apple* bn. 11.00 11.26 I1.S0 11.71 Bearit. dry lb.. 10c: 3 for 25c I'-ctts ; .- qt lie i Kodive •'... hcadtlOc Uort.cradirb Balf-plnt IV Horxcradlib root " lb. to* leeberi letttic* head 5c s- Celery. buocb- fee: 3 for 15c: 4 for 2.V TabbsR* lb. 2c < strut. qt. 5; Home-grown Itttuct buncb 5c I.cek bunch 5«. Onion* 6 lb» for 25c Ory oTiloni lt>. 10c Par it* J bonch .V rotatoea pk. 30c 3 « : bu, |1.15 fl 30 ft'ii il af;, ' lb 2; Tomato** lb 15c: 2 lb». 25c Salsify . buncb I'c ."Plnacb. new 3 lb# for 25c Sttte pciroe- bn $1.75*2 no JJarUftt rf»n bn 7.v $1 .VI Cocorabcrx each 5c ORE-.SEI) rorLTRT Rw-y roartlng fowl*, 6-e lb* 1M) Arm HI I Arm lit pr « T&SF 10 All Kefiu 5 Auburn Auto " - S Aviation l.'orp '. R IlHliluhi Loc 31 Halt A Ohio '.S Harnolall 13 Itendix Arirtt - S Bpth Stl I ItoclnK Alrpl ' S Horden 7 Brigs* Mfg 2.1 Build MfR flBudd Whrel S Burr Ad Mach . 13 Butto Cop & 75 S Calif Pack 27 Calumet & Hec II Can D G Ale 41 Canad Pa'c K^CeJa'nese 4 Cerro de PHS- . 4 Certaln-teed "•' • 4 Cbes 4 Ohio 3 CM M St V A P pf 13 Cbry*ler li) Colgate-Palm 1 Coll & Atk 23 Colura G A Kl 2 Coral Invest Tr 0 Coml Solv 50 Comwltli A Sou II Con Edi»"-'••- 1<? Con Oil :•••• 15 Con Text 5 Container Corp 13 Cout link B 15 Cdtit Mot' ' OCont OH Del 12 Corn Trod 5" Coty .9 Cuban-Am Sug 2«! Curtiss'Wright 15'Wr A 3 I»rrrr St Co . fl Pel Lack A W • 3X Ppuslas Aire (1 d u r o h t deX 0 El & Mu» ~ fi Kl Auto I; 4 Kl Boat - . 21 Kl row-A Lt - 2 Erie B B 2 Klrrtton- T*B 44 G*ii Elcc II (ien Foods r 2> Geti C. . A El A 2ll (iPIl Mot' •l", Geo. Heal A - f t ,"n Gillette . 32 Gimltel Bros 21 Gnhel . IS l.iH'licl Bren- 1S Gooilrich 17 TAB 13 lir.iham-l'alge » Gt" ><>• By pf - 2 Gt " Went Suj \C> llmwt-lirr B 31 Houston Oil Co: Hudson Mot.;• lft Hupp Mot •"'•"•' I IllliioU Cent cOIntrrlaVe Ir. 5 Int HarTerf 24 I nit Nirk <>n 39 Itit Pap A P pf 12 Int Tel A Tel .6 Johni-Manillle 30 Krnnrrntt ••'•'•. TO Llbbry-O F til 17 Llgg A My B SS .I/oew'* 11 (P> R Mark Truck* « Marsh Field C.S MrKess A Hob 9 Mid-font Pet • 24 Minn-Mol Imp 3 Mn-Kau-T ' 21 Montgom Ward 3 Mother Lode " 4 Murray Corp 14 Nat ni*r.dt 5 Nat Cash B 12 Nat Dairy-Pr . 12 Nat-Distill 20 Nat PotvALt I.Nat Tea 14 Newport Indust 2*J N Y Central . 1 NYNHAH 15 No Am Avlaf 17 North Am 10 Northern P*c 2fl Ohio OH ' 9 Omnlhim II Otis Stl M Tarkard Mot 434Param Pict 12 Park Flab S Pathe Film 5 Patlno Mln 2« Penn-Dlx Ce'ov 11 Pfnn BB 1 People* GLAC 12 Phelps Dodge 7 Phila B C A I 5 Philip Mnrrii 4 Phillip* Pet 7 Pitt Srr A B 14 Pres«o.d fill Car 31S 91% 7o»4 1S3\ ^7'T, 27.** 4 I • 54 IWVj ei, 75 ' 32Vi 311, . 9», 23>-. '30% 27>-i TC»; •33 Vi 27", • .VIU 13*1 in^, -33«i. 8?i II 17'i ni^i Hi SH'.i <ZI*4 17 f,7'i 3«.-i. 121T* , 20^, .\Sl^ 19 75 -" 1!'\ 3!H 16'4 16'i 1% - 2H 4% d,3H im 7'i 12 W 7W . 21H .117 l!"i 73«i 1M) li •41J4 l-'i 21 r.H an-. , ro.V ; •.'•"43 -' 3-V 66H •*-H «2 3H ? i:\ 11% 16<» G2 14<, 2\% 34's. tfli-, m l'vi'S. 1^ Ort-j 971 27 U 7f>-\ ia»«.-j ?•*» 7I>4 31 ! i 31 *'* 9'S •ja\ ;»i\ 271, 7f.'^ .»H 27 TsVS MX 10 Vi ;i2'» . ou 41 l.«*i : 31 ir.% 29*4 tn*i ic*, d3*i n\ 12Hi 20H 88V() is*; 7l»i im; «3*i Hi', 1. : *rt!i l* t 3 41. 701,' - i 12 7% 20" 1 ! 117 is*. s 11 Pub Sec ' S Pullman '£> PurV oil iaoita.ll,. X.' Itaillu K-itbO 17 Bern It J nd 3. Ited 'Mot W lt« I'll!" « s tl ' " 2s K<> .Tub H . 6 Sjinva> Mn 1 Sell, ukj l'i-till 19 Seaboard Air 2 Si aboard. Oil 22 S«:.r.- llocb a St-rn l• '. • ;t Shattuet. 1U'Shell I nion 21 Situiiiuu* li.' So'on> -V.H num 2 Sou Cal Ed S-.u P.ic Sou By 15 Spark* With- Sp«rry Corp Siil Brinds Sl.l G\K! Sid oil Cal Slil nil lnd Std Oil N J Stt« Jrt: Warn Stone A: Web Studetiakcr in Superior Oil 2ii Switt A Co 6 Ten CO>p , 16 Texas Cotp •• . •6 Tex Gulf Sul i II Tex l'ac C&O I 112 Tex Pac 1. Tr 42 Thoiup»i'ii-Star 14 Tide-Wat •5 Timk-lK-t Ax 1 Tltuk Boll 11 . 8 Trai^iiiuerica »«?».] 11 Tri-Cout Corp :\ Twent iVn-FoxF H In Curli'lilr •iii* Motors, Steels!(-^^.'^^S^SS Lead Advance in Early Rally 51 toou 91* \'j II a 17 11 o 20 - i v ! 1-' < 1/1 {*« f 31 i 14 S'i 3«)»» 70 >j 35U 27i .V. 9 -2.-I 1 .. 6'» r.i'-.. i."i 41 i7t Ni't 30 17 2S 50 W l'i'i 3IU 49'., ^7S »S 22 H JB 4-e% ii» 19^ 301* •v.»- 2«'.Vj 12% &!•** 4I'»*. L'IN. 1JH •M\ 21U, 71% li'.'i. 10'j ;w* 62lj «9 stv a JTi t-'i 31 vm 12 11 30 17 2>. 50% 1«',, 31% 49 27% 27 V >% >>% 22% 1-'^ 45% 4S% 09 19 U ;i0% 10% 52% 09 21% 12% «% ») 0% 30% 37;-, 42 II 1% 43 M% 30 17 2S .'<! lti's 31% IS\ Today's Farm Produce Prices New York. Jan. JO — (A**orUtrd Pre»»)—Kgg*. IC-t-'jO; unsettled. Mixed colors: Special pack*. 24"<i <i2"»; standards. 21% : flrsU. 22>^« 23%: relrlgeratorj. first*. 19<g20%. While egg"*: Besale of pr*mlum marks. L-Jti.TO:. nearby and mid- western prt'miiiiH marks. 27&2S'. ex- chiugv siiielils, 26; exchange medi- ums, 23%Sj2;%. Broun _.'gg»: Kxtran fancy. 27; nearby and western sin^cial i»uk«. 20; nearby nieiliums, 23%*j23%. Dm k eggs: Kxtra fancy, 294i30; other nearby. large fancy, 27<rjt2S.. 15% 12% 45% 4'% «$% 1'% 29% 15% 5 20% UH 52 39T, .to% 13*5 S 20% 21% 71% lfi 10% ! - Cal 1$ «-* 21% 117 73 5 17S% 179'j 9 I'ti Oil 2 Fit Pac 11 Unit "Air Lines 14 Unit Alrcr Corp 33 I'uited Corp 11 liiit Uriig It I lilted Gas Imp 4 U S Indus Alco 5 U 8 Pipe 13 V, 8 Beal A lm 21 V S Bllt.tKT Jl F 8 Smelt B 9.S F'.S Steel 1 Fnlt strs A 9 1'tll P A .lit A SO Vanadium . 0 Va-Caro Chem 50 Walworth " 103Wnrticf Pirt •— 2Tiw | 4 Warren Bros . ,*", | 33 West l.n T> 1 3«; 1 II Westin-h Air llfv! 6 West Kl A M 70% c, White Mot 02 Wilson. A Co- 10 Woolworth 45 Yell Trk It C 4 Youngst Sli A T •II Ti H; ;. SON. 17 07% 5% 121 %• 20% S^% 1J I9< 10 J.o.; t 101% V ' 9 l"l% "131 22% •2U% 7% 15i~ 15%- ss% &•!% 17% 52% 23 30% ' 7% 15% • 10 3*Vi 07% 1>% Ti-1 8V' ' fi% 7% 1% 31% -. s 1 *. lo%" 17% 11%. K% no%' 151% -27 . » % (••'•^ 2S% 77 K SI il}» 20% 12% '52 - 40% 15% 14 S% 20% 21% 71% 10% 10% '.-vs% 101% 9 131 " '23 30% 7>* 15 5 16 3s% 0>S'.i. -la'ji •"•2;, .s*> S»is • : - t 1% 31 '.V% 11% 10% 11% si% 50 l.Vi% 20% 9% 01% 27% 11 \\ 31% ST k - lrjx H% 62 i i 50% 151% 27 9% . «-'» r K n% (Triers Paid Loral Producer*) (Quoted by L. V. Baker) . Crade 1A,. white. 2Sc: grude—A. mixed. 2.V. Wholesale: Western fresh,- 25c. Chlrogo. Jan. SO — (Associated Press)' Iluttir, 3.127. Unsettltd: en atm-ry specials (93 icore), VS^fi 33: cxtr-l.. 1921. 32; extra firsts, t90 6t9li. .il%r, t 3i%: firsts. (<«4J«)); 3O%0(31; standards, (90 centralized rarlotsl. 32. Eggs. S.M3I easy; extra firsts lo'- cal. 2I>,. ears. 220: fresh graded firsts 21%. cars, 22: current uncials. 20%. . New York. Jan. ;6-r-( Associated Press) f Butter. 7.:M7. slightly lirmer. ' Creamery higher thaii ex- tra, 3.*%«iol%: extra, (92 sixire). 33irl33%; firsts. ($Sg91 Froirn). 31% Si.Tl;' seoonils. (slttC*? *eoresl, ;U)V4 •j.31%; Ceiitralind (90 score). 32%. Ch<M<j<e, 2CS.19I. quiet but steady.' and unchanged. - . (Prices Paid Loral I'roilurrrs) . jQuotcl by L. V. Baker> •Creamery, tub, pound, 31c; cream ery.' print, pound. 36%c. Hay (Price* Paid I-ocal Producer*) (Quoted by, Fnlon Milling Co, -Eiidleott, N. Y.) Baled ha J-No.. 1 ttTnothy. dollr- ered at the "mill. $12.00 to $14.00 per ton; No. 2 timothy. $10.00 to $12.00. delivered. Baied straw, $S.0O to $10-00. per Ion,- delivered. State Produce « ii'i 13% 23-S. 13%. oCs.- i'0% 42% .31... 60 .'.v 0%- '•&•' 33 :;%: cv% •.".7% '*.*(" -ili% ••n'. " 2\ 25*>. 19% ;ll>'«% rvr% im'V i.;% 143 •"•0% 77% icn% 70 21% 11% 50% 11% 7%. 57% 1% 19— : ;r2' - 33% . 21 h% n% 401., 4:i% O'i l.V-j 32%, 29% 1 ; % 23% lSty 11% 2*% 4', in% 15 9 42% M% tfi .so .Vl% lt!% 20% 0 7% 33% .12%- ' 3% «£' .wi>, m. 10 • . 20«;.. 2%" 21% 10 Ulsl, . o3%- 101% n% nt mi |0' ( 10>% 73% 21% .4^ 2!% 13% . 30 • 11% 7% 37% 1% -1N% 23>'. 2>%' ,13% "% 4D i:l% 6% 15% 32% 29% iv% 22 \ 17'^ 11% 27 % 4% io: '<-'% 5H% .V.% 2 1 - 7>i W% 11% 26 r .0 il.'i uJJ 235 11 41 i 22-s. : o% 7% 3;% 4-1% 37% i',% 10 20% 2% 25% 19 ||K% lvl% 102% "13% 111 00% 77% 10S% 75% 21% 1>H. 21% ,14 30% 11% : "•% 57% 1% . 1>% . 32 33$ - 21 :«% 13»* ll'J Ill's 4:i- l fi's 15> I Si. r.% |s M% New York, Jn'n.'SO—(Associated. Press) —(State- Denirrtmeiit nf-AgrlcuKure nnd Marke'tit) \~\ The i following ' quotations represent prices on" sales of state grown produce . by commission mcrfbants imd other ."original receivers . on ~ the New' York iity" downtown wholel-nle dlstrii-t up to .s a. m. .'...'" .- • • Fpstate supplies of fresh fruits and vegetables - were nipdrrate. The .- de- inaini was slow, for all kinds of pro- duce.' The market was: about steady for apples and potatoes, and dull for cabbage, earrots. onions, and pears. CaliHage, New: York western section. 50 pouhif siek l>anish white. 5OVG0. poorer around 10; red. 507ji(>5.-' poorer around 40; bulk Danish white : per ton jobbing sales.' 2».tK'(§23.oO. .-Carrot's. New York western sre.tlons, topped bushel baskets washed 75!gl.Ul. POOWT. fli.lfilC - ;-• J •-'."' . •Onions. -New. York .w,stern sections. -•fl--'poitnrL rtck yellow t*, s. "No. 1. fiO *i05. some. 70'<ri75. poorer, medium si/e. I •((Kiro. Orange county. 50 pound sack ! yellow 1". S.-. No. 1, .606105, poorer,-5n J fri.Vi. nieiliyin' to small siz»-. 35i5i l,"»-. ' red 5o pound sacks'. F. s. No. 1, W§,| 75. some S(V';i'SV poorer. 5O';i.fi0; Potatoes, upstate round - while V. S. No. l r . 2 2-Vi/2.IO Long Island llio podhd'sack' Grren mountain, F. S. No. 1. »oiith side. 2.90S12.W. poorer. .2.75. Maine IK) pound sack Green mrinntalu, F. S, No. 1. 2.I>)^2.7J. ' • Potatoes New York. Jan- 2u—(Associated Pre»») --•Potatoes, .45. "steady " to -slightly stronger.- Sacks loo., pounds. No. 1." upstate, round white. 2.poft2.-Vi: .Long Island,- Green m'oilritain, 2.75452-95; Maine Green mountain. 2.004r.2.75. Bblk per -ISO pound*. No. 1. Maine, Greene nfountain, Lftifi 1.75. New crop, Irtislirl'crate S o . I, Florida, red bliss, t*5«J2:iS; Cuba, red bliss, 2.00^2.12% . Rubber Market i . New York. Jan. SO—(Associated. Press) —Crude ruidK-r futures opened steady. 13 to .11 higher,; March, 20.994121.00: May,' 21.00^21.03; *Uly,-2fl.SlQ2O.0O, (Continued From Page One) Local Market Pricet POULTRY-ANU UEATS . . tQuoted by L V Baker) Price* r*ld . Local ' Producer* PLULTBY'-LIT* fowl* light. 13c; lira fowN. beary 17c: dre»*ed fowl*, light 18c; dressril towls heavy 23c- : FRESH MfcA'1'3—Prime. »ieer*~pounO I5'ffil8c' pound.. I4«t.'l5c. rrarlings pound, foci; spring lambs, 15c pound. New -York Bank Stocks New York. Jan. 21!—(Associated Prcs») -t.V Y. SeciiritvlH-alers Association'': •'".- Bid Ask.-.! •"••"•• FRKSH MEAIS-Cow*. pound. 12c; medium steers ' 14c. hindquarters, pound 14c. forcquariers pound I2(3l5r. —- SMOKED HAMS Small pound 25c: large skinOaik pound: 25c. Call fornla ham*, pound. 17c: bacon, -ood.nd jlQ-v . - . - .-.;..';.•. FBESH POBK; LOINS -• Wettern piiuml i'Jii22. :: frish *hnouler 17c. Boston nutts pound '19c SALT I'OHK—Weatern feet or more and stilted on steel corner'posts some'30 feet above-a drenched and. umbrellaed crowd is the motion picture camera stand, the one bright spot in a dreary scene, and : bright only he'eause some ..enterprising movieman was smart enough to bring along a largo'Randy umbrella .Which affords hifi outfit some protection. It .is imposuible for anyone to 'Mi d o w n fltid work - In comfort. Kvery bench is a 'small ' water- course. All through the press stands'" men are' standing Up dictating or huddling under •Improvised oilcloth .shelters.. Just back of us in coveted, sec- tion B for- which representatives, senators and cabinet officers have been seeking,ticket's all week, wo- men in expensive furs, slickers. Hsh skin ulsters and rubber coats are huddled, completely \vater-logged ABEL HOLDS CITY'S TRAFFIC TOLL LOW, CITES LOS ANGELES 1,734: Fatally Injured There In 1936, He Reveals r r After Visit a-nd the iva pork.- barrel I3OO0: barrel 3100. oarrel. J4JOO; brisket pork Bank of.Man ' Bankers Tr Bklyn .Tru-t C*ui H m BkATr Chase Nst City '•• j Chem Bk A Tr j Comtnvrriil j Co'nl-VBk A Tr } Corn E v , Bk A T ] Kmpiri Tr ! First. .Natl ' «i. I 1i>% i«S 9 12% 33 £ V.% 2%. M> 1«.> Guaranty Tr Irving Tr La'wyerf Tr , Miiti'ufR' tureri. N Y Trust Public Title GAT Tr 53!$ 71 U3- = 133 ' 50% (I mi--. 2(17 * jii, fiy% 2s'.'. 2F-V" 310 16% 5! . Cit% 113% 52 13% -V.% 75 110 I"'-. •'•2% 40 71% 213 n% ! 7<-»4 ; -•;•% i 2193 III ; :A- -•2% • l!o% 51 16% Po.ondi tub. lie. "•£•• LARD Wholrsal* !4%e; compound,' pound. .'HAT AND STRAW :. (Quoted br Clark* Fi^d Co.) Pricet "l*atd l'rodicer» : ' When Oellfrred *' • BAl.E^ HAI-.No 2 »14isi«i|-(O0. WHEAT STRAW. $11.00: oat straw. JIO.OO BUCKWHEAT GRAIN—$2.»* per lOO pounds OATS--Bush*i. 62c. Bihghamton. Is fortunate insofar as fatal traffic accidents are con- cerned. In the oplnlcn of. Police Chler f^icey C. Abel. In the city of Los A.ngeie?, where the chief recently visited. 1,731 persons were fatally injured in. traffic accidents during 1936.- while only 15. persons were killed in a like manner in during the s.-ime period. . ''. -• > ('"needing that' (he California .city's population is 20 times great- er than. Hinshntnton's population. P. T. Campon Addresses Italian Historical Group "Peter T. Campon of 17 Rutherford street, returned today from Boston, Where he addressed the annual din- ner, of the Italian Historical so- ciety, composed of American and Italian authorities on history from Harvard. Yale and other Pastern universities and colleges. The af- fair was held Monday night. Two hundred men'and women attended. Judge- Frank Leveroni, Boston jur- is;, presided. -. Mr. Campon had for his guests James .Mullen/ formerly of Binghamton and now of New Arlington; suburb of Boston: Mris. Mullen, their daughter. .Marguerite, rind Miss Margaret O'Connor. He spent Tuesday wMth his brother, Philip, formerly of Binghamton, but now' residing In. N e w York.'' Taxing Capital Called Threat to Recovery John Godfrey Saxe, Head of State Bar, Says Plan ' Kills Business : Albany, Jan.. 10^—(Associalcd Press)—John Godfrey Sax*, pres- ident o f "the N e w York State B^r association said In an article pub- lished In the State Bar Bulletin today that taxation of capital as Income "constantly works against recovery." Declaring that the association had adopted a resolution recotn-'. mending "proper treatment" of capital gains and losses for tax purposes to Improve business conditions and revive trade. Mr. Saxe said his basic objection to taxing' capital" "has lo do with the prosperity of the country," rather than form of tax or mat- ter of definition." "This basic objection is that tho .inclusion of capital gains ai" income for. tax purposes consti- tutes a living, economic agency, continually-at work," he wrote. "It is an agency which- con- stantly works against recovery, because It . is a deterrent to or- dinary business transactions . by reason of the IncalculablUty of the amount of the tax upon a fu- ture sale, when a purchase, at an earlier date, Is In -contemplation. "It is^an agency.which steadily works for adversity, because It is a deterrent to .realizing paper profits in cash and this Inevit- ably leads to top-heavy' markets, . followed by collapse and depres- sion." Mr, Saxe declared that th* American public is easily "mis- led" by reported "Increases in th* English and Canadian incoms tax rates. . . • '•'••":.-' "No .matter how high English and Canadian income tax 'rates may be they are applied only to true Income and the individual pays no Income whatever on any gain hi) makes on his capital," he said. '• •-'•;.. .. 'These countries do not kill th« * goose that.lays the. golden eegK " They Insure its life, so that their revenue of golden -eggs ; may steadily Increase." the chief points out that. 115 times ; p . j . <M« J M L* $ as many persons were killed there. 11*11*11. lYlejl and IViaCilineS, I>is Angeles has-.l"population of about 1.300.000 compared to Blh'g hammn's SO.OOo. - "On Sunday. Jan. 3." Chief Aliel said. "10 persons were fatally In- jiiFed in I.fy> Angeies." adding "that Is about the • •average" Sunday out there." that, for a LIVESTOCK East beneath umbrellas'"of many colors of which black predominates sleek : —shiny—wet—black. " . j Even as late as midnight last night, when. Uncle Sam's weather bureau 'confirmed a formal predic- tion of• *deet or snow, those seats 'were at a-"premium.' right now thc>- aren't worth a dime a bucket, or gallon. .• •! ; '' The United States Marine band- Xtiiuher I. musical organization of the armed *b;rce.* of the United States and commonly known as the President's, own. occupies thel ^iruviy'..packfug sow small raised stand just in front j |, ra yjv.« largely 900 of us and immediately- below the | . r j,„ f - , :i0 h n ]' ( | orr r«, loo: slow. President's gallery.; Tuba Payers; w0 , k . ,„ y , ^d'-moro lower': cows carrying- their instruments it a- j h , rilljr t , own , Drn . frn . . m ,,ii„ m .usually, depressed, otherwise lhey[ j might, find themselves drowned out I in a hurry. EAST IIPFFALO Buffalo, .Tun, Press)—(United States Ai-rtcollore) „— Hogs. 700: little done, scattered sales .'and bids 'steady: good to choice." 1S0-220 pounds/ 10.KJ' some held unevenly higher; trm-kPil in'. 10,50 9.3000.75; rough Shown Y. M. C. A. Group P, J; McMaJion of tho. New York State Electric and Gas Co. pre- sented a film. "Men and Ma- chines.", in his address before the industrial Training group of the Y'. M. t \ A.'. Tuesday night. '•'The film showed that .more men arc employed as a developtnent of S0~'A*<.oclatedl;the' use of machines in industry. Dep.irlme.nt of ' Bar Silver New York. Jon. in—I Associated rrc's») - B^r silrcr • Jt<-ailr. and unchanged at 41%, ' " " Cut Material in Strips for Easy' Laura Wheeler Quilt FLOUR GRAIN AND FEED. (Quoted by Geo Q Moon A Co.) Whole**!* FLOJJB—Per barreL In quarter*, oeit No. iTpa^nts. $S.1H: pastry, barrel. $7.15;.graham, barrel. $0 90: buckwheat, in 10-pound sacks. $|5.0i) h*r hundrrd- welght. •."'--•*•'".'• DAIRY FEEDS - 24 per cent dairy ration, parked, ton. $13,00: stock feed, no-pound sack*. $1100, Of course the tisii.tlly.-orderly preparation for the high moment, of ari Inaugural ceremony Is' c o m - ! plclelv missing here today. Every- thing Is sloppy, literally as well as figuratively. No crowd can be en-1 thusiastlc under such circum- i stance.". It is dreary and yet the amazing thing about it is that in the park between- the plaza and Congressional Llhrary and the new- Supreme Court building the um- brellas which an hour ago "were so few nnd scanty are thickening out lrto solid masses, with good na.- lure'd croud.' taking the drench. yearling;. V.W .wiiglity ..helferi,."T.nO; low cutter nod culler" eoivs,. 3.501J 1.50; fleshy off'rlnss around ', 5.00; plain lishfWeight hulls. .-.OO'rT.VO. Calvj-s, ij'»; re^lrrs dull, largely 50 Inner: good to eholce. 12.50. .Sheep. 1.000; la.mbs actire. «te:n|y; good |r> etin!ce . ewes and Wethers. 90 down. 10.75; nirilimn and. mixed.. 0.50 #10.23; few. Kioiin pound*. 950Vt0.75; .•iged ewes to. O.fO; mixed grades, 4.00 «t5.2*. " - G.. E. Maclay of tho industrial •service division of the state. Edu- cation, Department led a discussion about, the present motor Industry strike.- ,,*•'. ••'"'•'• Dutch Village Broadcasts in Honor of Roosevelt 10,000 Sets of License Plates Issued Here Five hundred sets of 193" au- tomobile license plates, were is- sued at the Binghamton office' of. the. Motor Vehicle Biireau ye-fer-' day. a sharp-drop from the T.'i'i sets issued .Monday, a'ciordlng i> Howard H. Puller, special deputy' county cler"k in charge of the of- fice. . - '. • . - . * This in a k os 10.000.sets issued to date, with '-.'an : eq'mi' number of' applications e^p'-.-i-ted to be received, before tho 19!6 IK censes expire Jan. 31. - PORT DICKINSON Amsterdam,. The Netherlands, Jan.' 211—(AssiM-lhted *Pre!.s)—-The village nf oudvr L ?8Pmeer, s'upposed- ', ly the home of President- Roose- velts' ancestor?, prepared today to broadcast a special short, wave radio- program In honor of his second Inaugural, NEW. YORK Nrw York. Jan. 10—(Associated Pre«s) (Slate Depa'rtmcnJ of Atrlriillure Be- porl of New .York snd Jerser 'City l.ireslork Market)—Oil He." .TOO inrlud- I ing 150 dire.-t. Steer«. dull, imlhlng CHENANGO FORKS Chenango Forks, Jan, ; 20—The Home Bureau' will hold an all-day meeting in Bed Men's hall Jan. 20. COBS AMI DAI FOODS-Bccleanedj but chattering Jike mad against the j ,,„ R Vironjt: medium r.2.y-i'f*he hostesses will be Mrs. Frank pt^u*?tfrl!?%i£%& 2S3: r h r fl V°t SJ«S n !«^VV b tew r K ^ ! ft* w* »&*«»? •— "^ v - ^»«^ M... „. A. PV «,„, $ll.rri: yellow bolted mrnl. ton. $15.00; ,ht , nrst ™*C " !l " 0 r a low ru,nc j 5/25; h-.vyurlghts. n,75'.i7.oo. Cowshtnd Mrs. I.eslo" F.utts. ' Hc.ivy sprlrfcri Hea»> fowl* l.jrtt fowl* Broiler* fi«e»».. Dark* LIVE roCLTRT Cut!* Poultry. r.».i*y Poultry light <i"« ?e Duck*, lit* Hfoihrs T»rkcy» li«e lurkej*. dressed Capo'si. dre*»ed MEATS - I 1 : i.n »IM cii ll fon. chunk i •• f routs Slew beef I'lsi* bctl Dil.y htm* lle.irlcb**** Frttb bim t.crr> crown II im'.iurg Hoinemtd* uu».ife SLurtcr roaii pork l.eml. chop* L*g Af iamb Mntton chop* • Pork lolat V*al taopt Veil roasts S-B»»re . Vf »l pl»t» <t. wtr.g ,iKb Veal cutlet* Salt port »rdf pork Presk **Arb tmct* Ff-rfh pi* tlT»t Rabbit* Rtv-fl*l fntrt r»t,ron W(*Ur* roiinr) ttelk V\V»%» f fi alrlM* «»e«k . tr**t*rb porter6(0»* lb lb lb lb. 27e 80c 20-- *>< 25c 2Sc li. 23c 2V 'A: lb 32c lb SOc l,Vc IV lb 2.c lb ISe lb 2ll 11'. -•'•<• !.*< nj lb 28c Ib SOc 4c lb. ?..-c li. I yellow c*m.'ton. $13 00; standard fine i middling, toft, *l3.*s:i; o'l nienl. $49i«. MIsi'KI.LANEOljS - vtbent balk $.52.00; birley. whole, bulk. $10.'*; gluten. $43 Of) PEANUTS *ND POPCOBJt itinotcd by Newel! ft Trneidell Co ) tVhnle*al* i'EANCTS— Raw lumoo 100 poondl 9c. POPCORN Great Sonth American tcllo« $tnf* per bundrrd«*i(ht MILK MOLAMES SliOAR (Quoted br Jameion-Mo'Tc* Co.I vThotetal* CONDENSED MILK - Per eat*. ein* tiM-5iLm> EVAPORATED MILK - P*r c*»t csiis $.*25«3 45 SL'UAR Cm*, retinrd. $•'. 20. MOl.ASSK.S—F»ncy ep«n kettla, iilloo *^«70c 41 W P*r PINE TREE PATTERN 1389 ib ib Chhftk . ib :.v i v - Ib Z* XV • K*" lf< 2-V lb. 12c 14c l«c Ib 10c l i t lb r9c Ib iSf lb J5f 2«C , ».V. J lb* » c lb IV 2V j ib I2e i v s*c >: alion » to come will treasure this product of your needle, a quilt r-if-'ed lb ^Oc Me j en,lr * 1 >' * rom >'rip» ol equal width, that you snip off to site, a* needed. ib i.V Then it> Ju*t a mailer of jolnlnp tip sinus—indeed ah ca*y bit of lit? atSt * " , ^4f t M 13c Its- IV : Pitting to form a 9*-,-fnch block.. lUlWrt 13S» contains complete. lb a$c rit | »| mp | c inrtructioPi for cuttlnp, in H< ir< ROI.I.r.D OATS. RICE HEAMI IVhaleMl* ROLLED OAT.«U-P*f W Oonnd bit $3 15. . - New fork *« marrow l(o pounds, liijsi, Nrw Tofk tliit*. medium. 100 pound*. $1 35. New York state |.tM tinins, |or, ('Oiind*. $SO0i wh.te kidney, loo pound*. $I0CQ Kli I. n;r.«k Ro*» lOO poaael* faacf $5.00«3 50 . Sutely plr.e tree.«-^an effective quilt motif for any room! " Orricr- fF.tiF.TAni.E9 AND rRtlTB tQuotto bv klobicao Co.) VE«;EiAltLES - Pepper* $JflO«.*i*ti r-r .-rite was bean* $-! :'i'.(4t>. oer ! hamper potato**, hon crown $I.U0*| l..'o a t. j»;•. I onion*. Sfl potrrrrlt; T5c« $1.00; rabbifr. pound. -I to 5 tent*; carrot* T.V to 11,00 t bmbtl: whit* turnip* 7.V t o $ 1 0 0 i bntfcel- rotabafas CO pound* for 7** FlU'lTR—California l*mont. boi of .v*i. $7.00: ir*pefruiL p*r bot $.<o<- 3 00. Ib lie |r> i>nfdage chart, of quill to tjclp »rr.»ngc ,b , ? ' 2 i . ; a n d double bed site, and a d ' * gram': of block w| sewing and finishing, together with j the blocks for single hlcK tervrs as.a guide nrc»srd ;5e lb 23c l»c. *** , *J- <1 for plating the patches and. nugjsfsts contrasting materials. 8#*rd io crnu In stamps or ccln (roln preferred) for this- pattern lb ?<•.• lit* IV »b **V lb tV wv { Nrxv ib X$y V.e Ib ISc 40c { to The Binghamton 1'resa Needlccraft Department, %2 Kiihth avenue. Wrk, N. V. Write plainly p.tlterii number, your nime and address. . .... -.-•",.' . . HIDES AND ITRl lOooted bi nintbamtos For A Bide Co 17*1 SniooehsBB* Street) . Cowblde*. e eeot* per ooan4; bnli" bides. 4 cent* per pound, ralftkln*. 75 to $1*3 »<rh ftorsehid. * No I $1.00 to »: Vi per bid*: »ne. p-km» ti ***bts to | | :<> each fl »- wool, st cent* p*f pound FUR.H-Ceon. $2 50 to $7«*i **eb: red "oi. $10f> lo $€0rj eacb mink $3 00 to * - ••"> e»eb: f r*y fnt. $i 5o io $2 23 e-rk: *konk w (n f?00 *seh; maikrati. 50 tent* to $1 *A »»cb. ol drums. When today's I'resblent accepted j his nomination at I-'r.mklin Field 'n , Philadelphia there was a-scene sim- j liar to this one. The difference | that the crowd at Franklin Field 1 took an Intermittent wetting "from summer showers which finally s u s - j pended in a weather miracle. .But this Is a cold winter rain splashed 'on at a temperature of about 40. I intslstent. penetrating and Increas- Irig. '., .":-• I 1 A line of shiny black limousine* j s'.vings around the Senate wing; of the Capitol and with it the; of the President of the United States—comes gust, after j gust of storm In fresh fury. Mr. Itoosevrlt goes Into the of. flee ot try* sergeant at arms for temporary shelter from the. ele- mcnls. the colors of the Marines move- forward to position on the flank nf the now thoroughly drenched band. It is zero hour for the wettest Inauguration In American history. It I* time to slop, too. bemuse the telegraph key Is wet, tho con- nections are drenched a n d . "the operator Is taking a steady series of shocks from the sending key which Is likely to go out of com- mission at any. moment. And it Is raining Just about twirr- hard now as It w a s an hour ago. - . Administration Letters .Issued by Jones Estate I/>tlers of administration in the estate of Fred O. Jones, who -died Jan. IS. were Issued by Surrogate Benjamin Baker today to the wife, Mrs. Sarah Jones, of Kndlcotl. Two daughters, Mrs, .Iva. FtlverraJft and Miss Helen Jones, hoth" of "Kmllcou. also will share in the estate. to 25 higli-r. rtllliT trades up \ low iiitt,"r "and rutier. l.rKMj ' st rone nioM : 3.25. f fUri; f."'i\ good Imf i|iiot;ili|e to O.fiO ' Venlers 'aml rjilves. f.s) Including 610 direct. VcaleM scirce. '.'• undertone wo.ik: good to choice niedinm.weights, I 13 00W.1.1..V). Henry c.ilrej improved ac- tion at fully steady, prices; plain and medium' -TO and r.lj/iiniinds. 0.50; few ! 2d pounds. r.,75^nT>i4im to b.ircly i good. 2'6 piititujSt*. t •"••. ! Slurp nnd lambs. 3.020 Including 3 1000 dire-1. l.inilw a'loiit steairy; com I mnn to ihnlre New York *Mtc. 7."'0 ; «»li.oo.» sheep nominal, j llog«. 1.4*0'IncludlnB dlreil: j m.irWel 20 lower; 1*1 |toiini|«. average, i P'lO; <.| pound pigs. S 25. Mr. and the puro-nt Mr«. Bubcit Clark are i .- of ft, daughter born nt 175: hufehers medium up to the Binghamton City hospital. She has .been hanie'd Carol Sue. The churchcK of Chenango Forks are assisting in. preparations for the Five Lower Sunday School'as- sociation meeting to be held at North Kenton Jon. 30. The following are officers of the Pocahontas lodge recently elected: Pocahontas.- Mrs. Ilobert Graves, W'onoiuih. Mrs. .Carl Palmer; Powhatan, Sumner Johnson; Prophetess. Mrs. Henry -.Prenticci Keeper of Iler.ords. .\ils.« Kvelyn Porter; Keeper of -Wampum. Mrs. tireri Bennett; Collector of Wn- P'lm, Mrs. P,ohctt English: Trustee. Mrs. M. (5. Patilngton. Port hickInsoii,} Jnii. 2(1—Com- '. ttcemen for the "ensuing .'•• >;ear were elected by members of Boy Scout Troop 21. at a;-meeting held' In. the-Port Dickinson Union School Monday night. * p e l Howard, assp- ciatc- director .of - . Susquclnango Council, wasF present: " : Newly elected committee .head*. are; Chairman. Elwood Tiffany; vice chairman, Henry B. Graham. J ; secretary, E. Francis" Burtis;- terasurer. Kranklyn Kcyes; educa- tional advancement, Raymond Jewell and Joseph Grieser; trans- T>ortati«in, (.'arlton CHiver: nnd deputy commissioner, Glen A. Slater. Richard Holmwood. scoutmaster,, and John (?chr. assistant scoutmas- ter, will remain in office. . The Port Dickinson Girls' 4-H. club will meet in the school building tonight at 7:30 o'clock. Miss Mabie Bottle, president, an- nounced today. - Earl J. Hlbbard was elcctsd president of the Port Dickinson Volunteer Fire department a t * meeting held In the village hall Monday nlghL . Other ofneers elected were: Vice president. J- Glen Jcnks; treasurer,', GrAham. Jr.;. secictary. B. E. Dwyer; foreman. Kenneth Hoi ton; assistant foreman. Chitks Hakes; sergeant-at-arms. V>'il!ls W«iod; and trustee for three years, Gilbert C. Lowe, former president .iVM^A. «-,^-^-—• ATTKXn I>ESSKRT M'XUHKO.N Women of (he Ogden M. K. churrh. HUlrrril. will attend a dewert luncheon at Ihe home of Mrs. F. K. Sloan. Il« Chenango street. Hill.-rest. Thursday at 1:J0 p. HI, < HICACiO t'hleato. Jan. JlLl(,\«4nelaled Pre»«) (t nlted Slates Drparlmenl .of Atrl- eulliirel -Hog.. 15.00(1 Including *...V»! dir«rt: «loxv. arrnind 10 higher than; Tuesday's, average; ««ws . strong to shade hleher: top. 10..-.V bulk good and i choice, pound. 10 2o'.t ln.30; eom- purable, i'sv.»l75 pound, largely fi.Vwj 10 2'.: good. Ion.50 pound sows. O.|04j otii I 'a ftlc .".'ion. ft Ires. 3.W0: rood to prime fed «ti<r« and yearlings firm; sprinkling < hoiee to prime offering* strong to 13 higher on shipper »e« count: enriy lop 11.35; see. rsl load*. 13.63*31(23; sliable .»prlnkllng loppy rnllle hcrct reduced receipts m»ln Kimnlstlng fa<tor: dressed beef trade i remains very sluggish; largely »le«r| run: slocker* and feeders wesk:i •weather and adverse Influence; meaty] yearling* on country aieount np l» SOO; thin kinds. 8..7>«i«.23: all »hc i stoik ready to strong: atrongsfclgbt cutter in** up lo &.00 In Isolated In- stance*; hull* weak to EM down lo 5.7S; wale'rs strong at 11.30 down. Sheep. 10.000, imludlng 1,000 direct: early »ale* fed w^atern lambs folly atrady al 1050: balk held steady to nnetenly'higher: packers resitting up- turn; fed western lambs predominating In tiin: few Colorado*, nstires and fed western ewe* Included; bett western *we» br Id upward front 0.00, MRS. SCHWAB TREASIRER Mrs! N.tthah Schwab ha" 5 been eleeted treasurer of the Hebrew Ladies' Aid society instead of Mrs- Nathan Samuels. Who was elected r.rcMdent, as previously anno meed. TOWNSKXITEHS^TO Mi:irr Port Dickinson - HiHcrest Toun- send club will hold an entertain- ment and business meeting «t ln * Port Dickinson school Thursday »t 7:3n p. m. r i / i WILL MEKT TOXIGITT Chenango Valley Post. 31427. V. F. W.. will meet nt ihe post room*. '71 Chenanro atreet, to* night at 7:JO o'clock. U^jJf^&S^Ma^if^:^ BERKSHIRE MUTUAL FIRE 1 INSURANCE HELPS YOUR ENTIRE COMMUNITY! Whr-n policyholder, save al least 207r* «" ln-»r* anrc co-da, that Mving U •pent for other neceMltle* •—thus making for better bu-ine**. BERKSHIHK MUTUAL hai returnetf over $2,000,000 In e*»h (livlHends to its policyholders. Why not lnv4j»Ujrate? Atk ynur Lot*! Agrni to rtttm r°* r «*'** Itumtmiu* i« **• BERKSHIRE MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY l-ifor-xvarfeW IMS PITTONRLD, MA^ACIIUSETTS DIVIDENDS PAID FOR OVER 100 YEARS I Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

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on yFoBows * -



Settlement oi Briggs Mfg. Strike Aids Sentiment

on Exchange


Power Production Shows Big Increase Over

1936 Figures

6 Adam* Kip 1 Air-Wjy Kl 3 All ika J mi

10 Alleghany 1 Al Chem & 7 All ied Sir* 5 AHU-Ch. - M X K T Am Can 4 Am Car & Kdy 9 Am Crystal Suz

!70 Am 'Kneaus Ti l im Am A Knr 1'ow .

!* Am Hide & hvi 5 Am* Internal 2 Am Lneo

i l l Am Metal 42 Am l'ow &. l.t n Am nail 4 .St 3

' 15 Am Jtoll Mill : 2 Am Snn-lt A R |1«. Am Stl Kdr* i 5 Am Tel A: Tel t H Am Ton B

15 Am Wat Wk» .'i Am Wool pf

US Anaconda 1 Armour Del

High Low Noofl IS I P * 17%

4«i 4 \ 4>S 15U 15V, 15»i 4Vi i \ 4H

234 V* S34& 23U-J 174 n ^ 17^ *0 • 7S=»i £u

115 l i l t . 11. 61 »* 31 >-

tH, 1 2 \ > \

Hs« •15*, 01% l«U

»u wn

If.' •12 IO* 12', .S*» 11*4

-tut, 112 1»4


New York . J a n . S u f - ( A s s o c i a t e d ' P r e s s ) — s t o c k s ral l ied o n e t o three TT.lhts In today's m a r k e t wi th m o ­tors . Steele, rubbers a n * spec ia l ­t i es w e l l o u t In front .

A bet ter t o n e to the l a b o r n e w s b r o u g h t ac t ive b u y i n g f rom the s tart . ' The -pace s l o w e d la ter a n d the. t icker ta pe w a s a l m o s t a t a s tands t i l l w h i l e t h e P r e s i d e n t w a s d e l i v e r i n g h i s I n a u g u r a l a d d r e s s . Lead In? J s W e s h e l d a r o u n d t h e i r top-'- n e a r the f o u r t h h o u r .

T h o Chief E x e c u t i v e ' s s p e e c h , fo l ­l o w i n g t h e l i n e e x p e c t e d by m o s t W a l l s t ree t observers , a p p a r e n t l y h a d no p a r t i c u l a r m a r k e t ef fect .

S e n t i m e n t -was a i d e d by sett le- , m e n t of the B r i g g s "'.Mfg. s t r ike at Detro i t , .prospects of &n early a d ­j u s t m e n t of theV g l a s s w o r k e r s ' d i s ­pute and the poss ib i l i ty F e d e r a l a u ­t h o r i t i e s m i g h t i n d u c e G e n e r a l Mo­tors of f ic ia ls and union : h e a d s to h o l d a p e a c e c o n f e r e n c e a t "Wash­ing ton . " . ; ." . •

B o n d s i m p r o v e d , but c o m m o d i ­t i e s w e r e m i x e d .

F a v o r e d s h a r e s i n c l u d e d C h r y s ­ler. G e n e r a l Motors . B r i g g s M a n u ­f a c t u r i n g . - S t u d e b a k e r . Y e U o w Truck . H u d s o n . U. S . S t e e l . ' B e t h ­l e h e m . "A. M. B y e r s . Crucib le , R e ­publ ic . A m e r i c a n Stee l F o u n d r i e s . V. S: Rubber . G o o d y e a r . Sears R o e b u c k . W o o l w o r t h . D o u g l a s Aircraft . A r m o u r & Co . . P a r a ­m o u n t . L o e w ' s . : W a r n e r Br o the r s , L a m b e r t . - P h i l i p "Morris. L o n g - B e l l L u m b e r , A m e r i c a n E n c a u s t i c Til­ing . T h o m p s o n - S t a r r e t t , A m o r i e i n Crysta l Sugar . F a j a r d o Sugar . W e s t e r n U n i o n . I n d i a n Ref ining.

W e s t i n g h o u s e . - D u Pont . Genera l E lec tr i c . S o u t h e r n Pacif ic and-N o r t h e r n Pacific- '

A m e r i c a n . T e l e p h o n e '• s l ipped w h e n i ts c h i e f subs id iary , the

. N e w York T e l e p h o n e Co.. a n -' n o u n c e d a w-age boos t . a s

F e b . 1. : • . . ' • - :-.;-•• • Stee l s h a r e s -rece ived a l i t t le he lp . ,i f r o m t h e m i d w e e k rev i ew

:" of - " i r o n A g e " W h i c h found the • ' a u t o m o b i l e lahor 'controversy tho

•only : u n f a v o r a b l e . fac tor c o n f r o n t ­i n g the s tee l Industry .

Oil" and-, ut i l i ty c o m p a n i e s . . It w a s said, h a v e a p p e a r e d w i t h l arge o r d e r s . " ' i n add i t ion i n ­creased d e m a n d w a s noted from ra i l roads , s t r u c t u r a l fabr ica t ing s h o p s . . a n d f a r m / m a c h i n e r y m a k -

i'ers,'- • •..' ... "••';'• "."!•• •"• .-;:; •''-'. It w a s pointed out . t h o u g h , r e ­

cent e x t e n s i v e b u y i n g of . s t ee l p r o d u c t s h a s h a d in i t a n e l e ­m e n t of p r o t e c t i n g a g a i n s t pos s i -M c s t r i k e diff icult ies in c o a l "mines a n d s t e e l p lant s . '.'/•'•

H o l d e r s of the ut i l i t i e s took n o ­tice', of the E d i s o n "Electr ic In t l -tu te ' s p o w e r p r o d u c t i o n figures for t h e w e e k e n d e d J a n . 16, d i s c l o s ­

i n g a n i n c r e a s e of . 9 . of 1 per cent over the p r e c e d i n g per iod. •The tota l w a s 14.9 per c e n t a h e a d of the s a m e 1936 week, . ;

. S ter l ing , a t . the b e g i n n i n g of . f ore ign e x c h a n g e t r a n s a c t i o n s , w a s • off 1-16 of a "cent at $4.90*4. T h e F r e n c h f ranc w a s .00 1-16 of •a,', cerit l o w e r at 4.66*» c e n t s .

Retail Prices at Johnson City, '•'••"••'•• Endicott Public Markets

Best dairy Creamery

I.srge six* Medium »!za Dock eggs .



lb lb.


lb. lb. lb. lb.

'40c 3*c

30c 27c 4Jc

3k •10c 2Sc 39e

CHEESB Old Cottage

— ..Whola milk chees* Swiss chees*

MILK ' Sweet tnllk. trade A. raw . at. l ie Buttermilk qt. «c Sweet, cream .'. qt. 75c

FRCITS AND VEGETABLES Apple* bn. 11.00 11.26 I1.S0 11.71 Bearit. dry lb.. 10c: 3 for 25c I'-ctts ; .- q t lie

i Kodive • • ' . . . hcadtlOc Uort.cradirb Balf-plnt IV Horxcradlib root " lb. to* leeberi letttic* head 5c s-Celery. buocb- fee: 3 for 15c: 4 for 2.V TabbsR* lb. 2c < strut. qt. 5; Home-grown Itttuct buncb 5c I.cek bunch 5«. Onion* 6 lb» for 25c Ory oTiloni lt>. 10c Par it* J bonch .V rotatoea pk. 30c 3 « : bu, |1.15 fl 30 ft'ii il af;, • ' lb 2; Tomato** lb 15c: 2 lb». 25c Salsify . buncb I'c ."Plnacb. new 3 lb# for 25c Sttte pciroe- bn $1.75*2 no JJarUftt r f » n bn 7.v $1 .VI Cocorabcrx each 5c

• ORE-.SEI) r o r L T R T R w - y roartlng fowl*, 6-e lb*

1M) Arm HI I Arm lit pr « T&SF

10 All Kefiu 5 Auburn Auto " -S Aviation l.'orp '. R IlHliluhi Loc

31 Halt A Ohio '.S Harnolall 13 Itendix Arirtt -S Bpth Stl I ItoclnK Alrpl ' S Horden 7 Brigs* Mfg

2.1 Build MfR flBudd Whrel S Burr Ad Mach .

13 Butto Cop & 75 S Calif Pack

27 Calumet & Hec II Can D G Ale 41 Canad Pa'c K^CeJa'nese

4 Cerro de PHS- . 4 Certa ln- teed "•' • 4 Cbes 4 Ohio 3 CM M St V A P pf

13 Cbry*ler li) Colgate-Palm

1 Coll & Atk 23 Colura G A Kl

2 Coral I n v e s t T r 0 Coml So lv

50 Comwlt l i A Sou II Con Edi»"-'••-1<? Con Oil :•••• 15 Con Text 5 Container Corp

13 Cout link B 15 Cdtit Mot ' ' OCont OH Del

12 Corn Trod 5" Coty .9 Cuban-Am Sug 2«! Curtiss'Wright 15'Wr A

3 I»rrrr St Co . fl Pel Lack A W •

3X Ppuslas Aire (1 duroht deX 0 El & Mu» ~ fi Kl Auto I; 4 Kl Boat - .

21 Kl row-A Lt -2 Erie B B 2 Klrrtton- T * B

44 G*ii Elcc II (ien Foods

r2> Geti C. . A El A 2ll (iPIl Mot ' •l", Geo. Heal A - f t ,"n Gillette . 32 Gimltel Bros 21 Gnhel . IS l.iH'licl Bren-1S Gooilrich 17 TAB 13 lir.iham-l'alge » Gt" ><>• By pf -2 Gt " Went S u j

\C> llmwt-lirr B 31 Houston Oil Co: Hudson Mot.;• lft Hupp Mot •"'•"•'

I IllliioU Cent cOIntrrlaVe Ir .

5 Int HarTerf 24 I nit Nirk <>n 39 Itit Pap A P pf 12 Int Tel A Tel .6 Johni-Manillle • 30 Krnnrrntt ••'•'•. TO Llbbry-O F til 17 Llgg A My B SS .I/oew'* 11 (P>

R Mark Truck* « Marsh Fie ld

C.S MrKess A Hob 9 Mid-font Pet •

24 Minn-Mol Imp 3 Mn-Kau-T '

21 Montgom Ward 3 Mother Lode " 4 Murray Corp

14 Nat ni*r.dt 5 Nat Cash B

12 Nat Dairy-Pr . 12 Nat-Dist i l l 20 Nat PotvALt

I.Nat Tea 14 Newport Indust 2*J N Y Central .

1 NYNHAH 15 No A m Avlaf 17 N o r t h Am 10 N o r t h e r n P*c 2fl Ohio OH '

9 Omnlhim II Otis Stl M Tarkard Mot 434Param Pict 12 Park Flab

S Pathe Film 5 Patlno Mln

2« Penn-Dlx Ce'ov 11 Pfnn BB

1 People* GLAC 12 Phelps Dodge

7 Phila B C A I 5 Philip Mnrrii 4 Phillip* Pet 7 Pitt Srr A B

14 Pres«o.d fill Car

31S 91% 7o»4

1S3 \ ^7'T, 27.** 4 I •

54 IWVj

• ei, 75

' 32Vi 311 ,

. 9 » , 23>-.

' 3 0 % 27>-i TC»;

•33 Vi 27",

• .VIU 13*1 in^,

- 33« i . 8?i

I I 17' i ni^i Hi SH'.i <ZI*4

17 f,7'i 3«.-i.

121T* , 20^,

.\Sl^ 19 75

-" 1 ! ' \ 3!H

16'4 16'i 1 %

- 2H 4%

d , 3 H i m

7'i 12 W 7W

. 21H .117

l!"i 73«i

1M) li

•41J4 l - ' i 21

• r.H an-.

, ro.V ; •.'•"43 -'

3-V • 66H


«2 3H ?

i : \

11% 16<» G2 14<, 2\% 34's.


m l'vi'S. 1^ Ort-j 971 27 U 7f>-\

ia»«.-j ?•*»

7I>4 31 !i 31 *'* 9'S •

•ja\ ;» i \ 271, 7f.'^ .»H 27 TsVS M X 10 Vi ; i2 '» .

o u 41 l.«*i :

31 ir.% 29*4 tn*i ic*, d3*i n\

12Hi 20H 88V() i s*; 7l»i i m ;

«3*i H i ' ,


: *rt!i l * t 3

41 . 701,' - i 12 7%

20"1! 117

is* . s

11 Pub Sec ' S Pullman '£> PurV oi l iaoita.ll,. X.' Itaillu K- i tbO 17 Bern It J nd 3 . Ited 'Mot W lt« I'll!" «stl ' " 2s K<> .Tub H . 6 Sjinva> M n 1 Sell, u k j l ' i - t i l l

19 Seaboard Air 2 Si aboard. Oil

22 S«:.r.- llocb a St-rn l• '. • ;t Shattuet.

1U'Shell I nion 21 Situiiiuu* • li.' So'on> -V.H num

2 Sou Cal Ed S-.u P.ic Sou By

15 Spark* With-Sp«rry Corp Siil Brinds Sl.l G\K! Sid oi l Cal Slil nil lnd Std Oil N J Stt« Jrt: Warn Stone A: Web Studetiakcr

in Superior Oil 2ii Switt A Co 6 Ten CO>p ,

16 Texas Cotp •• . •6 Tex Gulf Sul

i II Tex l'ac C&O I 112 Tex Pac 1. Tr

42 Thoiup»i'ii-Star 14 Tide-Wat A» •5 Timk-lK-t Ax

1 Tltuk Boll 11 . 8 Trai^iiiuerica

»«?».] 11 Tri-Cout Corp :\ Twent iVn-FoxF H I n Curli'lilr


Motors, S t e e l s ! ( - ^ ^ . ' ^ ^ S ^ S S Lead Advance in Early Rally

51 toou

9 1 *


II a

17 11 o


- i v ! 1-' < 1/1 { * « f

31 i

14 S'i


70 >j 35U 2 7 i .V.

9 -2.-I1..

6'» r.i'-..

i . " i 41

i7t Ni't 30 17 2S 50 W l'i'i 3 IU 49'., ^7S

» S 22 H JB


ii» 1 9 ^ 301*

•v.»-2«'.Vj 12% &!•**

4I'»*. L'IN. 1JH •M\ 21U, 71% li'.'i. 10'j

• ; w *

6 2 l j «9

stv a

JTi t-'i


vm 12 11

30 17 2>. 50% 1«',, 31% 49

27% 27 V >% >>%

22% 1« 1 - ' ^ 45% 4S% 09 19 U ;i0% 10%

52% 09 21% 12% «%

») 0%

30% 37;-, 42 II

1 % 43 M % 30 17 2S .'<! lti's 31% I S \

Today's Farm Produce Prices

New York. Jan. JO — (A**orUtrd Pre»»)—Kgg*. IC-t-'jO; unsettled.

Mixed colors: Special pack*. 24"<i <i2"»; standards. 21% : flrsU. 22>^« 23%: relrlgeratorj. first*. 19<g20%.

While egg"*: Besale of pr*mlum marks. L-Jti.TO:. nearby and mid-western prt'miiiiH marks. 27&2S'. ex-chiugv s i i ie l i ls , 26; exchange medi­ums, 23%Sj2;%.

Broun _.'gg»: Kxtran fancy. 27; nearby and western sin^cial i»uk«. 20; nearby nieiliums, 23%*j23%.

Dm k eggs : Kxtra fancy, 294i30; other nearby. large fancy, 27<rjt2S..

15% 12% 45% 4'% «$% 1'% 29% 15% 5

20% U H 52 39T, .to% 13*5

S 20% 21% 71% lfi 10%

! - Cal

1$ «-*

21% 117

73 5 17S% 179'j

9 I'ti Oil 2 Fit Pac

11 Unit "Air Lines 14 Unit Alrcr Corp 33 I'uited Corp 11 l i i i t Uriig It I lilted Gas Imp

4 U S Indus Alco 5 U 8 Pipe

13 V, 8 Beal A lm 21 V S Bllt.tKT Jl F 8 Smelt B

9.S F'.S Steel 1 Fnlt strs A 9 1'tll P A .lit A

SO Vanadium . 0 Va-Caro Chem

50 Walworth " 103Wnrticf Pirt •—

2Tiw | 4 Warren Bros . ,*", | 33 West l.n T> 1 3«; 1 II Westin-h Air

l l f v ! 6 West Kl A M 70% c, White Mot

02 Wilson. A Co-10 W o o l w o r t h 45 Yell Trk It C

4 Youngs t Sli A T

•II Ti H; ;. SON. 17 07%

5% 121 %•

20% S^% 1J



J.o.;t 101% V ' 9

l"l% "131 22% •2U%

7% 15i~ 15%-ss% &•!% 17% 52%

23 30% ' 7% • 15%

• 10 3*Vi 07% 1>% Ti-1 8V' ' f i %

7% 1%

31% -. s1*.

lo%" 17% 11%. K % no%'

151% - 2 7 • . » %

( • • ' • ^

2S% 77 K


il}» 20% 12%

'52 -40% 15% 14

S% 20% 21% 71% 10% 10%

'.-vs% 101%

9 131 " '23

30% 7>*

15 5 16 3s% 0>S'.i.

-la'ji •"•2;,

.s*> • S»is

• : -t 1%

31 '.V% 11% 10% 11% si% 50

l.Vi% 20%

9% 01% 27% 11 \\

31% STk-

l r jx H % 62 i i 50%

151% 27

9% . «-'»rK

n %

(Triers Paid Loral Producer*) (Quoted by L. V. Baker) .

C r a d e 1A,. white. 2Sc: grude—A. mixed. 2.V. Wholesale: Western fresh,- 25c.

Chlrogo. Jan. SO — (Associated Press)' — Iluttir, 3.127. Unsettltd: en atm-ry specials (93 icore), VS^fi 33: cxtr-l.. 1921. 32; extra firsts, t90 6t9li . .il%r,t3i%: firsts. (<«4J«)); 3O%0(31; standards, (90 centralized rarlotsl. 32.

Eggs. S.M3I easy; extra firsts lo'-cal. 2I>,. ears. 220: fresh graded firsts 21%. cars, 22: current uncia ls . 20%. . New York. Jan. ;6-r-( Associated Press) f— Butter. 7.:M7. slightly lirmer. ' Creamery higher thaii ex­tra, 3.*%«iol%: extra, (92 sixire). 33irl33%; firsts. ($Sg91 Froirn). 31% Si.Tl;' seoonils. (slttC*? *eoresl, ;U)V4 •j.31%; Ceiitralind (90 score). 32%.

Ch<M<j<e, 2CS.19I. quiet but steady.' and unchanged. -

. (Prices Paid Loral I'roilurrrs) . jQuotcl by L. V. Baker>

•Creamery, tub, pound, 31c; cream ery.' print, pound. 36%c.

Hay (Price* Paid I-ocal Producer*) • (Quoted by, Fnlon Milling Co ,

-Eiidleott, N. Y.) Baled ha J - N o . . 1 ttTnothy. dollr-

ered at the "mill. $12.00 to $14.00 per ton; No. 2 timothy. $10.00 to $12.00. delivered. Baied straw, $S.0O to $10-00. per Ion,- delivered.

State Produce

« i i ' i 13% 23-S. 13%. oCs.-i'0% 42% .31...


.'.v 0%-


33 :;%:

cv% •.".7% '*.*("

- i l i % ••n'. " 2 \ 25*>. 19%

;ll>'«% rvr%

im'V i.;%

143 •"•0% 77%

icn% 70 21%

1 1 % 50% 11% 7%.

57% 1%

1 9 — : ;r2'

- 33% . 21

h% n% 401., 4:i%

O'i l.V-j 32%, 29% 1 ; % 23% lSty 11% 2*%

4 ' , in% 15 9

42% M % tfi .so .Vl% lt!% 20%

0 7%

33% .12%- '


«£' .wi>,

m. 10 • . 20«;.. 2%"

21% 10 •

Uls l , . o3%-101% n%

n t mi | 0 ' (

10>% 73% 21%

.4^ 2 ! % 13%

. 30 • 1 1 % 7%

37% 1%

-1N% 23>'. • 2>%'

,13% "% 4D i:l% 6%

15% 32% 29% iv% 22 \ 17'^ 11% 27 %

4% i o :

'<-'% 5H% .V.%

2 1 -7>i W% 11% 26 r

.0 il. 'i

uJJ 235

11 41

i 22-s.

: o% 7%

3 ; % 4-1% 37% i ' , % 10 20%

2% 25% 19

| |K% lvl%

102% "13% 111 00% 77%

10S% 75% 21% 1>H. 21% ,14 30% 11% : "•% 57%

1% . 1>% . 32

33$ - 21 : « % 13»* l l 'J Ill's 4:i-l fi's


I Si. r.% | s M%

New York, Jn'n.'SO—(Associated. Press) —(State- Denirrtmeiit nf-AgrlcuKure nnd Marke'tit) \~\ The i following ' quotations represent prices on" sales of state grown produce . by commission mcrfbants imd other ."original receivers . on ~ the New' York iity" downtown wholel-nle dlstrii-t up to .s a. m. . ' . . . ' " .- • • Fpstate supplies of fresh fruits and

vegetables - were nipdrrate. The .- de-inaini was slow, for all kinds of pro­duce.' The market was: about steady for apples and potatoes, and dull for cabbage, earrots. onions, and pears.

CaliHage, New: York western section. 50 pouhif siek l>anish white. 5OVG0. poorer around 10; red. 507ji(>5.-' poorer around 40; bulk Danish white : per ton jobbing sales.' 2».tK'(§23.oO. .-Carrot's. New York western sre.tlons, topped bushel baskets washed 75!gl.Ul. POOWT. fli.lfilC - ;-• J • - ' . " ' .

•Onions. -New. York .w,stern sections. -•fl--'poitnrL rtck yellow t*, s. "No. 1. fiO

*i05. some. 70'<ri75. poorer, medium si/e. I •((Kiro. Orange county. 50 pound sack !

yellow 1". S.-. No. 1, .606105, poorer,-5n J fri.Vi. nieiliyin' to small siz»-. 35i5i l,"»-. ' red 5o pound sacks'. F. s . No. 1, W § , | 75. some S(V';i'SV poorer. 5O';i.fi0;

Potatoes, upstate round - while V. S. No. lr. 2 2-Vi/2.IO Long Island llio podhd'sack' Grren mountain, F. S. No. 1. »oiith side. 2.90S12.W. poorer. .2.75. Maine IK) pound sack Green mrinntalu, F. S, No. 1. 2 . I>)^2.7J . ' •

Potatoes New York. Jan- 2u—(Associated Pre»»)

--•Potatoes, .45. "steady " to -s l ightly stronger.- Sacks loo. , pounds. No. 1." upstate, round white. 2.poft2.-Vi: .Long Island,- Green • m'oilritain, 2.75452-95; Maine Green mountain. 2.004r.2.75. Bblk per -ISO pound*. No. 1. Maine, Greene nfountain, Lftifi 1.75. New crop, Irtislirl'crate S o . I, Florida, red bliss, t*5«J2:iS; Cuba, red bliss, 2.00^2.12%

. Rubber Market i . New York. Jan. SO—(Associated. Press)

—Crude ruidK-r futures opened steady. 13 to .11 higher,; March, 20.994121.00: May,' 21.00^21.03; *Uly,-2fl.SlQ2O.0O,

(Continued From Page One)

Local Market Pricet P O U L T R Y - A N U U E A T S .

. tQuoted by L V Baker) • Price* r * l d . Local ' Producer*

P L U L T B Y ' - L I T * fowl* l ight. 13c; lira fowN. beary 17c: dre»*ed fowl*, l ight 18c; dressri l t owl s heavy 23c- :

F R E S H MfcA'1'3—Prime. »ieer*~pounO I5'ffil8c' pound . . I4«t.'l5c. r r a r l i n g s pound, foci; s p r i n g l a m b s , 15c pound.

New -York Bank Stocks New York. Jan. 21!—(Associated Prcs»)

-t.V Y. SeciiritvlH-alers Association'': • ' " . - Bid Ask.-.!

•"••"•• FRKSH MEAIS-Cow*. pound. 12c;

medium steers ' 14c. hindquarters, pound 14c. forcquariers pound I2(3l5r. — -

SMOKED HAMS Small pound 25c: large skinOaik pound: 25c. Call fornla ham*, pound. 17c: bacon, -ood.nd j l Q - v . - . - . - . ; . . ' ; . • .

FBESH POBK; LOINS - • Wettern piiuml i'Jii22. :: frish *hnouler 17c. Boston nutts pound '19c

SALT I'OHK—Weatern

feet or m o r e a n d s t i l t ed on s t e e l c o r n e r ' p o s t s s o m e ' 3 0 feet a b o v e - a d r e n c h e d and. u m b r e l l a e d c r o w d i s t h e m o t i o n p i c ture c a m e r a s t a n d , t h e o n e b r i g h t spot in a d r e a r y scene , a n d : b r i g h t o n l y he'eause s o m e . .enterpris ing m o v i e m a n w a s s m a r t e n o u g h to br ing a l o n g a largo 'Randy u m b r e l l a .Which affords hifi outfit s o m e p r o t e c t i o n . • It . is imposuib le for a n y o n e to

'Mi d o w n fltid w o r k - In c o m f o r t . Kvery b e n c h i s a 'small ' w a t e r ­c o u r s e . All t h r o u g h the press stands'" m e n a r e ' s t a n d i n g Up d i c t a t i n g or h u d d l i n g u n d e r •Improvised o i l c l o t h . she l ters . .

Jus t b a c k of us in coveted , s e c ­t ion B for- w h i c h r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s , s e n a t o r s and c a b i n e t officers h a v e been s e e k i n g , t i c k e t ' s a l l w e e k , w o ­m e n in e x p e n s i v e furs , s l i ckers . Hsh sk in u l s t er s a n d rubber c o a t s are h u d d l e d , c o m p l e t e l y \ v a t e r - l o g g e d



1,734: Fatally Injured There In 1936, He Reveals

r r After Visit

a-nd the

iva pork.- barrel I3OO0: barrel 3100.

oarrel. J4JOO; brisket pork

Bank of .Man ' Bankers Tr Bklyn .Tru-t C*ui • H m BkATr Chase Nst City '••

j Chem Bk A Tr j Comtnvrriil j Co'nl-VBk A Tr } Corn Ev , Bk A T ] Kmpiri Tr ! First. .Natl '

« i . I

1i>% i « S 9

12% 33 £ V.%


M > 1«.>

Guaranty Tr Irving Tr La'wyerf Tr , Miiti'ufR' tureri. N Y Trust Public Title G A T


53!$ 71

U 3 -= 133 ' 50%

(I mi--.

2(17 * j i i ,

fiy% 2s'.'.

2F-V" 310

16% 5! . Cit%

113% 52 13%

-V.% 75

110 I"'-.

•'•2% 40 7 1 %


n% ! 7<-»4 ; -•;•% i


I I I ; • : A -

-•2% • l ! o %

51 16%

Po.ondi tub. l i e . "•£••

L A R D Wholrsal* !4%e; compound, ' pound.

. ' H A T AND S T R A W :. (Quoted br Clark* F i^d Co.)

Pricet "l*atd l'rodicer»:

' When Oellfrred *' • BAl.E^ H A I - . N o 2 »14isi«i|-(O0.

WHEAT STRAW. $11.00: oat straw. JIO.OO

BUCKWHEAT GRAIN—$2.»* per lOO pounds

OATS--Bush*i. 62c.

B i h g h a m t o n . Is f o r t u n a t e inso far as fa ta l traffic a c c i d e n t s are c o n ­c e r n e d . In the o p l n l c n of. P o l i c e Chler f^icey C. Abe l .

In t h e c i ty of Los A.ngeie?, w h e r e t h e c h i e f r e c e n t l y v i s i ted . 1,731 p e r s o n s w e r e fata l ly in jured in. traffic a c c i d e n t s d u r i n g 1936.- w h i l e o n l y 15. p e r s o n s w e r e ki l led in a l ike m a n n e r in t h i s . c i t y d u r i n g t h e s.-ime per iod . . ''. -• > ( ' " n e e d i n g that' ( h e Cal i forn ia .c i ty's p o p u l a t i o n is 20 t i m e s grea t ­er than . H i n s h n t n t o n ' s p o p u l a t i o n .

P. T. Campon Addresses Italian Historical Group

"Peter T. Campon of 17 Rutherford street , returned today from Boston , Where he addressed the annual d in­ner , of the Ital ian H i s t o r i c a l s o ­ciety, composed of American and Ital ian authori t ies on history from Harvard . Yale and other P a s t e r n univers i t i es and col leges . The af­fair w a s held Monday night . T w o hundred m e n ' a n d w o m e n attended. Judge- Frank Leveroni , Boston jur­is;, presided. -. Mr. Campon had for his g u e s t s J a m e s .Mullen/ formerly of B i n g h a m t o n and n o w of N e w Arl ington; suburb of Boston: Mris. Mullen, their daughter . .Marguerite, rind Miss Margaret O'Connor. He spent Tuesday wMth his brother, Phi l ip, formerly of B i n g h a m t o n , but now' residing In. New York . ' '

Taxing Capital Called Threat to Recovery John Godfrey Saxe, Head

of State Bar, Says Plan ' Kills Business :

A l b a n y , J a n . . 10^—(Associalcd P r e s s ) — J o h n G o d f r e y Sax*, pres­i d e n t of "the N e w Y o r k State B^r a s s o c i a t i o n sa id In a n article pub­l i s h e d In t h e Sta te Bar Bulletin t o d a y t h a t t a x a t i o n of capita l as I n c o m e " c o n s t a n t l y w o r k s against r ecovery ."

D e c l a r i n g t h a t t h e associat ion h a d a d o p t e d a reso lu t ion recotn-' . m e n d i n g "proper t r e a t m e n t " of c a p i t a l g a i n s a n d lo s se s for tax p u r p o s e s to I m p r o v e business c o n d i t i o n s a n d rev ive trade. Mr. S a x e sa id h i s bas ic object ion to t a x i n g ' c a p i t a l " "has l o d o with t h e prosper i ty of the country," r a t h e r t h a n f o r m of tax or mat­ter of def in i t ion ."

" T h i s bas ic objec t ion is that tho . i n c l u s i o n of cap i ta l ga ins ai" i n c o m e f o r . t a x p u r p o s e s consti­tu tes a l iv ing, e c o n o m i c agency, c o n t i n u a l l y - a t w o r k , " he wrote.

"It is a n a g e n c y w h i c h - con­s t a n t l y w o r k s a g a i n s t recovery, b e c a u s e It . i s a d e t e r r e n t to or­d i n a r y b u s i n e s s transact ions . by r e a s o n of t h e IncalculablUty of t h e a m o u n t of t h e t a x upon a fu­ture sa le , w h e n a purchase , at an ear l i e r date , Is In -contemplat ion.

" I t i s^an a g e n c y . w h i c h steadily w o r k s for a d v e r s i t y , because It is a d e t e r r e n t to .realizing paper profits in c a s h a n d th i s Inevit­a b l y l e a d s t o t o p - h e a v y ' markets, . f o l l o w e d b y c o l l a p s e a n d depres­s i o n . "

Mr, Saxe d e c l a r e d that th* A m e r i c a n pub l i c is easi ly "mis­l ed" by r e p o r t e d "Increases in th* E n g l i s h a n d C a n a d i a n i n c o m s tax r a t e s . . . • '•'••":.-'

" N o .mat ter h o w h i g h English and C a n a d i a n i n c o m e tax 'rates m a y be t h e y a r e app l i ed only to true I n c o m e a n d the individual p a y s no I n c o m e w h a t e v e r on any g a i n hi) m a k e s o n h i s capital," h e sa id . '• •-'•;..

. . ' T h e s e c o u n t r i e s do not kill th« * g o o s e t h a t . l a y s the . go lden eegK " T h e y Insure i t s l ife, so t h a t their r e v e n u e of g o l d e n -eggs ; may s t e a d i l y Increase ."

the ch ie f po in t s out that . 115 t i m e s ; p . j . <M« J M L* $ a s m a n y p e r s o n s were ki l led there . 11*11*11. lY le j l a n d I V i a C i l i n e S ,

I>is A n g e l e s h a s - . l " p o p u l a t i o n of about 1.300.000 c o m p a r e d to Blh'g h a m m n ' s SO.OOo. • - "On S u n d a y . Jan . 3 . " Chie f Aliel

s a i d . "10 p e r s o n s w e r e f a t a l l y In-jiiFed in I.fy> A n g e i e s . " a d d i n g

"that Is about the • •average" S u n d a y out there ."

that , for a



b e n e a t h umbrel las '"of m a n y c o l o r s of w h i c h b lack p r e d o m i n a t e s — s l e e k : — s h i n y — w e t — b l a c k . " . • j

E v e n a s l a t e a s m i d n i g h t last n i g h t , w h e n . U n c l e S a m ' s w e a t h e r b u r e a u 'confirmed a f o r m a l p r e d i c ­tion of• *deet or s n o w , t h o s e s e a t s 'were a t a-"premium.' r ight n o w thc>-aren' t w o r t h a d i m e a b u c k e t , or g a l l o n . .• •! ;''

T h e U n i t e d S t a t e s M a r i n e band-Xt i iuher I . m u s i c a l o r g a n i z a t i o n of t h e a r m e d *b;rce.* o f the U n i t e d S t a t e s a n d c o m m o n l y k n o w n a s the P r e s i d e n t ' s , o w n . o c c u p i e s t h e l ^iruviy'..packfug sow s m a l l ra i s ed s t a n d jus t in front j |,rayjv.« largely 900 of u s a n d immedia te ly - b e l o w the | . r j , „ f - , : i 0 hn]' ( |orrr«, loo: slow. P r e s i d e n t ' s ga l l ery . ; T u b a P a y e r s ; w 0 , k . ,„ y , ^ d ' - m o r o lower': cows carrying- the ir i n s t r u m e n t s it a- j „ h , r i l l j r t , o w n , D r n . f r n . . m , , i i „ m .usual ly , d e p r e s s e d , o t h e r w i s e l h e y [ j m i g h t , find t h e m s e l v e s d r o w n e d out I in a h u r r y .

EAST IIPFFALO Buffalo, .Tun,

Press)—(United States Ai-rtcollore) „— Hogs. 700: little done, scattered sales .'and bids 'steady: good to choice." 1S0-220 pounds/ 10.KJ' some held unevenly higher; trm-kPil in'. 10,50

9.3000.75; rough

Shown Y. M. C. A. Group

P , J; McMaJion of tho . New Y o r k State E lec tr i c a n d Gas Co. • pre ­s e n t e d a f i lm. "Men and Ma­chines ." , in h i s addres s before t h e i n d u s t r i a l T r a i n i n g g r o u p of t h e Y'. M. t \ A.'. T u e s d a y n ight . ' • ' T h e f i lm s h o w e d t h a t .more m e n a r c e m p l o y e d a s a d e v e l o p t n e n t of

S0~'A*<.oclatedl;the' u s e of m a c h i n e s in industry . Dep.irlme.nt of '

Bar Silver • New York. J o n . in—I Assoc ia ted rrc's»)

- B^r si lrcr • Jt<-ailr. a n d u n c h a n g e d at 41%, ' • " "

Cut Material in Strips for Easy' Laura Wheeler Quilt

FLOUR GRAIN AND FEED. (Quoted by Geo Q Moon A Co.)

Whole**!* FLOJJB—Per barreL In quarter*, oeit

No. i T p a ^ n t s . $S.1H: pastry, barrel. $7.15;.graham, barrel. $0 90: buckwheat, in 10-pound sacks. $|5.0i) h*r hundrrd-welght. •."'--•*•'".'•

DAIRY FEEDS - 24 per cent dairy ration, parked, ton. $13,00: stock feed, no-pound sack*. $1100,

Of c o u r s e the t i s i i . t l ly . -order ly p r e p a r a t i o n for t h e h i g h m o m e n t , of ari I n a u g u r a l c e r e m o n y Is' c o m - ! p l c l e lv m i s s i n g here today . E v e r y ­t h i n g Is s l o p p y , l i t era l ly a s we l l as figuratively. N o c r o w d c a n be en-1 t h u s i a s t l c u n d e r s u c h c i r c u m - i stance.". It is d r e a r y a n d y e t the a m a z i n g t h i n g a b o u t it is t h a t in the park b e t w e e n - the p laza and C o n g r e s s i o n a l L lhrary a n d the new-S u p r e m e Court b u i l d i n g the u m ­bre l las w h i c h a n h o u r a g o "were s o few nnd s c a n t y are t h i c k e n i n g out l r t o so l id m a s s e s , w i t h good na.-lure'd c r o u d . ' t a k i n g the d r e n c h .

yearling;. V.W .wiiglity ..helferi,."T.nO; low cutter nod culler" eoivs,. 3.501J 1.50; fleshy off'rlnss around ', 5.00; plain lishfWeight hulls. .-.OO'rT.VO.

Calvj-s, ij'»; re^lrrs dull, largely 50 Inner: good to eholce. 12.50.

.Sheep. 1.000; la.mbs actire. «te:n|y; good |r> etin!ce . ewes and Wethers. 90 down. 10.75; nirilimn and. mixed.. 0.50 #10.23; few. Kioiin pound*. 950Vt0.75; .•iged ewes to . O.fO; mixed grades, 4.00 «t5.2*. " -

G. . E . Mac lay of t h o industr ia l •service d iv i s ion of the state. E d u ­cat ion , D e p a r t m e n t led a d i s c u s s i o n a b o u t , the p r e s e n t m o t o r Industry s tr ike . - • , , * • ' . ••'"'•'•

Dutch Village Broadcasts in Honor of Roosevelt

10,000 Sets of License Plates Issued Here

F i v e h u n d r e d se t s of 193" au­t o m o b i l e l i c e n s e p l a t e s , were is­s u e d a t the B i n g h a m t o n office' of. the. Motor V e h i c l e Bi ireau ye-fer-' day . a s h a r p - d r o p from the T.'i'i s e t s i s sued .Monday, a'ciordlng i> H o w a r d H. Pul l er , specia l deputy' c o u n t y cler"k in c h a r g e of the of­fice. . - '. • . - . * T h i s in a k os 10 .000 . s e t s i ssued to date , w i t h '-.'an: eq'mi' n u m b e r of' a p p l i c a t i o n s e^p'-.-i-ted to be r e c e i v e d , be fore tho 19!6 IK c e n s e s exp ire J a n . 31 . -


A m s t e r d a m , . T h e N e t h e r l a n d s , J a n . ' 211—(AssiM-lhted *Pre! .s)—-The v i l l age nf oudvrL?8Pmeer, s'upposed-

', ly t h e h o m e of Pres ident- R o o s e -ve l t s ' ances tor? , prepared today to b r o a d c a s t a spec ia l s h o r t , w a v e radio- p r o g r a m In h o n o r of h i s s e c o n d Inaugural ,

NEW. YORK Nrw York. Jan. 10—(Associated Pre«s)

— (S la te Depa'rtmcnJ of A t r l r i i l l u r e B e -p o r l o f New . Y o r k s n d J e r s e r ' C i t y l . i r e s l o r k Market )— O i l He." .TOO inr lud-

I ing 150 dire.-t. Steer«. dull , i m l h l n g


C h e n a n g o F o r k s , J a n , ; 2 0 — T h e H o m e Bureau' wil l hold an a l l - d a y m e e t i n g in B e d Men's hall J a n . 20.

COBS AMI DAI FOODS-Bcc leanedj but c h a t t e r i n g Jike m a d a g a i n s t the j ,,„ R „ Vironjt: medium r.2.y-i'f*he h o s t e s s e s will be Mrs. F r a n k

pt^u*?tfrl!?%i£%& 2S3: rhrflV°t SJ«Sn!«^VVbtew r K ^ ! ft* w* »&*«»? •— "^v- ^ » « ^ M... „. A. P V « , „ , $ll.rri: yellow bolted mrnl. ton. $15.00; , h t , n r s t ™*C " ! l " 0 r a l o w r u , n c j 5/25; h- .vyurlghts . n,75'.i7.oo. C o w s h t n d Mrs. I.eslo" F.utts. '

Hc.ivy sprlrfcri Hea»> fowl* l.jrtt fowl* Broiler* fi«e»».. Dark*

LIVE roCLTRT Cut!* Poultry. r.».i*y Poultry light <i"« ?e Duck*, lit* Hfoihrs T»rkcy» li«e lurkej* . dressed Capo'si. dre*»ed

MEATS - I1 : i.n »IM cii

ll fon. chunk i •• • f r o u t s Slew beef I'lsi* bctl D i l .y htm* lle.irlcb**** Frttb bim t.crr> crown II im'.iurg Hoinemtd* uu» . i f e SLurtcr roaii pork l.eml. chop* L*g Af iamb Mntton chop*

• Pork lolat V*al taopt Vei l roasts S-B»»re

. Vf »l pl»t» <t. wtr.g , i K b Veal cutlet* Salt port »rdf pork Presk **Arb tmct* Ff-rfh p i * tlT»t Rabbit* Rtv-fl*l fntrt r»t,ron W ( * U r * roiinr) t t e l k V\V»%»ffi a lr lM* «»e«k

. t r * * t * r b porter6(0»*




lb .

27e 80c 20-- *>< 25c 2Sc li. 23c 2V 'A:

lb 32c lb SOc

l,Vc IV lb 2.c lb ISe

lb 2ll 1 1 ' . - • ' • < •

!.*< nj lb 28c

Ib SOc 4c lb. ?..-c

l i .

I yellow c*m. ' ton . $13 00; standard fine i middling, toft, *l3.*s:i; o'l nienl. $49i«.

MIsi'KI.LANEOljS - vtbent balk $.52.00; birley. whole, bulk. $10.'*; gluten. $43 Of)

PEANUTS *ND POPCOBJt itinotcd by Newel! ft Trneidell Co )

tVhnle*al* i'EANCTS— Raw lumoo 100 poondl

9c. POPCORN — Great Sonth American

tcl lo« $tnf* per bundrrd«*i(ht

MILK MOLAMES SliOAR (Quoted br Jameion-Mo'Tc* Co.I

vThotetal* CONDENSED MILK - Per eat*.

ein* tiM-5iLm> EVAPORATED MILK - P*r c*»t

csiis $.*25«3 45 SL'UAR Cm*, retinrd. $•'. 20. MOl.ASSK.S—F»ncy ep«n kettla,

i i l l o o *^«70c





ib ib


. ib :.v i v - Ib Z* XV • K*" lf< 2-V

lb. 12c 14c l«c Ib 10c l i t

lb r9c Ib iSf

lb J5f 2«C , ».V. J lb* » c

lb IV 2V j

ib I2e i v s*c >: a l i o n » t o c o m e wi l l t r e a s u r e th i s product of y o u r n e e d l e , a quilt r-if-'ed

lb Oc Me j e n , l r * 1 > ' * r o m >'rip» o l equa l w i d t h , that you sn ip off to site, a* n e e d e d . ib i.V T h e n i t > Ju*t a m a i l e r of jo ln lnp tip s i n u s — i n d e e d a h ca*y bit of

lit? atSt * ", 4f t M 13c Its- IV : P i t t i n g to form a 9*-,-fnch block.. l U l W r t 13S» c o n t a i n s c o m p l e t e .

lb a$c rit | » | m p | c i nr t ruc t ioP i for cutt lnp, in H< ir<


ROLLED OAT.«U-P*f W Oonnd b i t $3 15. • . - New fork *« marrow l(o pounds, liijsi, Nrw Tofk tliit*. medium. 100 pound*. $1 35. New York state |.tM tinins, |or, ('Oiind*. $SO0i wh.te kidney, loo pound*. $I0CQ

Kli I. n;r.«k Ro*» lOO poaael* faac f $5.00«3 50 .

S u t e l y plr.e tree.«-^an e f f e c t i v e quilt moti f for a n y r o o m ! " Orricr-

fF.tiF.TAni.E9 AND r R t l T B tQuotto bv klobicao Co.)

VE«;EiAltLES - Pepper* $JflO«.*i*ti r-r .-rite was bean* $-! :'i'.(4t>. oer

! hamper po ta to * * , hon c r o w n $I .U0*| l..'o a t. j»;•. I onion*. Sfl potrrrrlt; T5c« $1.00; rabbifr . pound. -I to 5 tent*; carrot* T.V to 11,00 t b m b t l : whit* turnip* 7.V to$1 0 0 i bntfcel- rotabafas CO pound* for 7**

FlU'lTR—California l*mont. bo i of .v*i. $7.00: ir*pefruiL p*r bot $.<o<-3 00.

Ib lie |r> i > n f d a g e chart , dl . igr . im of quil l to tjclp »rr.»ngc , b , ? ' 2 i . ; and d o u b l e bed s i t e , and a d ' * gram': of block w |

s e w i n g a n d f in i sh ing , t o g e t h e r w i t h j

the b l o c k s for s i n g l e

hlcK t e r v r s a s . a g u i d e

nrc»srd ;5e

lb 23c l»c. ***,*J-<1~£ for p l a t i n g the p a t c h e s a n d . nugjsfsts c o n t r a s t i n g m a t e r i a l s .

8#*rd i o c r n u In s t a m p s o r c c l n ( r o l n p r e f e r r e d ) for this- p a t t e r n lb ?<•.• lit* IV »b **V

lb tV wv { N r x v ib X$y V.e Ib ISc 40c {

to T h e B i n g h a m t o n 1'resa N e e d l c c r a f t D e p a r t m e n t , %2 K i i h t h a v e n u e .

W r k , N. V. W r i t e p la in ly p.tlterii n u m b e r , y o u r n i m e and

a d d r e s s . . . . . . - . - • " , . '

. . HIDES AND I T R l lOooted bi n intbamtos For A Bide Co

17*1 SniooehsBB* Street) . Cowblde*. e eeot* per o o a n 4 ; bnli"

bides. 4 cent* per pound, ralftkln*. 75 to $1*3 »<rh ftorsehid. * No I $1.00 to »: Vi per bid*: »ne. p-km» ti ***bts to | | :<> each fl »- wool, st cent* p*f pound

FUR.H-Ceon. $2 50 to $7«*i **eb: red "oi. $10f> l o $€0rj eacb mink $3 00 to * - ••"> e»eb: f r*y fnt. $i 5o io $2 23 e-rk: *konk w (n f?00 *seh; maikrati . 50 tent* to $1 *A »»cb.

ol d r u m s . W h e n today's I'resblent accepted j

his nominat ion at I-'r.mklin Field 'n , Phi ladelphia there w a s a - scene s i m - j liar to this one. The difference | that the crowd at Frankl in Field 1 took a n I n t e r m i t t e n t w e t t i n g "from s u m m e r s h o w e r s wh ich finally s u s - j pended in a weather miracle . .But this Is a cold winter rain splashed

'on at a t emperature of about 40. I intslstent. penetra t ing and Increas-

Irig. '., .":-• I 1 A l ine of s h i n y b lack l i m o u s i n e * j

s'.vings a r o u n d t h e S e n a t e w i n g ; of the Capitol and wi th it t h e ; arrlv. i l of t h e P r e s i d e n t of t h e United S t a t e s — c o m e s g u s t , a f t e r j gust of s torm In fresh fury.

Mr. I toosevr l t g o e s Into t h e of. flee ot try* s e r g e a n t at a r m s for t e m p o r a r y s h e l t e r f rom the. e l e -m c n l s . t h e c o l o r s of the Mar ines move- forward to pos i t ion on t h e flank nf the n o w t h o r o u g h l y d r e n c h e d band . It is zero h o u r for t h e wet te s t I n a u g u r a t i o n In A m e r i c a n h i s tory .

It I* t ime to s l o p , too . b e m u s e the t e l e g r a p h key Is wet , tho c o n ­n e c t i o n s are d r e n c h e d a n d . "the o p e r a t o r Is t a k i n g a s t e a d y s e r i e s of s h o c k s f r o m t h e s e n d i n g k e y w h i c h Is l i k e l y t o g o o u t of c o m ­m i s s i o n at a n y . m o m e n t .

And it Is r a i n i n g Just a b o u t twirr- n« hard now a s It w a s an h o u r a g o . - . •

Administration Letters .Issued by Jones Estate

I/>tlers of adminis trat ion in the e s t a t e of Fred O. Jones , w h o -died Jan . IS. were Issued by Surrogate Benjamin B a k e r today to the wife, Mrs. Sarah J o n e s , of Kndlcotl . T w o d a u g h t e r s , Mrs, .Iva. FtlverraJft and Miss He len Jones , hoth" of "Kmllcou. a l so will s h a r e in the es ta te .

to 25 higli-r. rtllliT trades up \ low iiitt,"r "and rutier. l.rKMj '

st rone nioM : 3.25. f fUri; f."'i\ good Imf i|iiot;ili|e to O.fiO ' Venlers 'aml rjilves. f.s) Including 610

direct. VcaleM scirce. '.'• undertone wo.ik: good to choice niedinm.weights,

I 13 00W.1.1..V). Henry c.ilrej improved ac­tion at fully steady, prices; plain and medium' -TO and r.lj/iiniinds. 0.50; few

! 2 d pounds. r.,75^nT>i4im to b.ircly i good. 2'6 piititujSt*. t •"••. ! Slurp nnd lambs. 3.020 Including 3 1000 dire-1. l.inilw a'loiit steairy; com I mnn to ihnlre New York *Mtc. 7."'0 ; «»li.oo.» sheep nominal, j llog«. 1.4*0'IncludlnB l . n o d lre i l : j m.irWel 20 lower; 1*1 |toiini|«. average, i P'lO; <.| pound pigs. S 25.

Mr. and t h e puro-nt

Mr«. B u b c i t Clark are i .- of ft, d a u g h t e r born nt

175: hufehers medium up to the B i n g h a m t o n City h o s p i t a l . She has . b e e n hanie'd Carol S u e .

T h e churchcK of C h e n a n g o F o r k s are a s s i s t i n g i n . p r e p a r a t i o n s for the F ive L o w e r S u n d a y S c h o o l ' a s ­s o c i a t i o n m e e t i n g to be held at N o r t h Kenton J o n . 30.

T h e f o l l o w i n g are officers of t h e P o c a h o n t a s l o d g e r e c e n t l y e l e c t e d : P o c a h o n t a s . - Mrs. I lobert Graves , W'onoiuih. Mrs. . C a r l P a l m e r ; P o w h a t a n , S u m n e r J o h n s o n ; P r o p h e t e s s . Mrs. H e n r y - .Prenticci K e e p e r of Iler.ords. .\ils.« Kve lyn P o r t e r ; K e e p e r of - W a m p u m . Mrs. tireri B e n n e t t ; Co l l ec tor of Wn-P'lm, Mrs. P,ohctt E n g l i s h : T r u s t e e . Mrs. M. (5. P a t i l n g t o n .

P o r t h i c k I n s o i i , } Jnii . 2(1—Com-'. t t c e m e n for t h e "ensuing .'•• >;ear w e r e e l e c t e d by m e m b e r s of Boy S c o u t T r o o p 2 1 . a t a;-meeting held' In. t h e - P o r t D i c k i n s o n Union School M o n d a y n ight . * p e l Howard , assp-c i a t c - d i r e c t o r .of - . Susquclnango Counc i l , wasF present : " :

N e w l y e l e c t e d c o m m i t t e e .head*. a r e ; C h a i r m a n . E l w o o d Tiffany; v i c e c h a i r m a n , H e n r y B . Graham. J ; s e c r e t a r y , E . Francis" Burtis;-t erasurer . Krank lyn K c y e s ; educa­t iona l a d v a n c e m e n t , Raymond J e w e l l a n d J o s e p h Grieser; trans-T>ortati«in, (.'arlton CHiver: n n d d e p u t y c o m m i s s i o n e r , Glen A. Slater .

R i c h a r d H o l m w o o d . scoutmaster , , a n d J o h n (?chr. a s s i s tan t scoutmas­ter, wi l l r e m a i n in office.

. T h e P o r t D i c k i n s o n Girls' 4-H. c l u b wi l l m e e t in the school b u i l d i n g t o n i g h t a t 7:30 o'clock. Miss M a b i e Bot t l e , president , an-n o u n c e d t o d a y . - E a r l J. H l b b a r d w a s elcctsd

p r e s i d e n t of the Port Dickinson V o l u n t e e r F ire d e p a r t m e n t a t * m e e t i n g he ld In the vi l lage hall M o n d a y n l g h L .

Other ofneers e l ec ted were: Vice pres ident . J- Glen J c n k s ; treasurer,' l l f n i y . l t , GrAham. Jr . ; . secictary. B. E. D w y e r ; f o r e m a n . Kenneth Ho i t o n ; a s s i s t a n t f o r e m a n . C h i t k s H a k e s ; s e r g e a n t - a t - a r m s . V>'il!ls W«iod; a n d t r u s t e e for three years, Gi lbert C. L o w e , f o r m e r pres ident

.iVM A. «-, -^-—•

A T T K X n I > E S S K R T M ' X U H K O . N W o m e n o f ( h e O g d e n M. K.

c h u r r h . H U l r r r i l . wi l l a t t e n d a d e w e r t l u n c h e o n a t Ihe h o m e of Mrs. F . K. S l o a n . I l « C h e n a n g o s tree t . Hil l . -rest . T h u r s d a y a t 1:J0 p. HI,

< HICACiO t'hleato. Jan. JlLl(,\«4nelaled Pre»«)

— (t nlted Slates Drparlmenl .of Atrl-eulliirel -Hog. . 15.00(1 Including *...V»! dir«rt: «loxv. arrnind 10 higher than; Tuesday's, average; ««ws . strong to shade hleher: top. 10..-.V bulk good and

i choice, pound. 10 2o'.t ln.30; eom-purable, i'sv.»l75 pound, largely fi.Vwj 10 2'.: good. Ion.50 pound sows. O.|04j ot i i

I 'a f t lc .".'ion. ft Ires. 3.W0: rood to prime fed «ti<r« and yearlings firm; sprinkling < hoiee to prime offering* strong to 13 higher on shipper »e« count: enriy lop 11.35; see. rsl load*. 13.63*31(23; sliable .»prlnkllng loppy rnllle hcrct reduced receipts m»ln Kimnlstlng fa<tor: dressed beef trade i remains very s luggish; largely » le«r | run: slocker* and feeders wesk: i •weather and adverse Influence; meaty] yearling* on country aieount np l» SOO; thin kinds. 8..7>«i«.23: all »hc

i stoik ready to s trong: atrongsfclgbt cutter i n * * up lo &.00 In Isolated In-stance*; hull* weak to EM down lo 5.7S; wale'rs strong at 11.30 down.

Sheep. 10.000, imludlng 1,000 direct: early »ale* fed w^atern lambs folly atrady al 1050: balk held steady to nnetenly 'higher: packers resitting up­turn; fed western lambs predominating In t i in: few Colorado*, nstires and fed western ewe* Included; bett western *we» br Id upward front 0.00,

M R S . S C H W A B T R E A S I R E R Mrs! N . t thah S c h w a b ha"5 been

e l ee ted t reasurer of the Hebrew Lad ie s ' Aid s o c i e t y instead of Mrs-N a t h a n S a m u e l s . W h o was elected r.rcMdent, as p r e v i o u s l y anno meed.

T O W N S K X I T E H S ^ T O Mi:irr Port D i c k i n s o n - HiHcrest Toun-

s e n d c l u b will ho ld an entertain­m e n t a n d b u s i n e s s m e e t i n g «t l n * Port D i c k i n s o n schoo l Thursday »t 7:3n p. m. r

i / i

W I L L M E K T TOXIGITT C h e n a n g o V a l l e y P o s t . 31427. V .

F . W. . wi l l m e e t nt i h e pos t r o o m * . ' 7 1 C h e n a n r o atreet , to* n i g h t at 7:JO o'c lock.





Whr-n policyholder, save al least 207r* «" ln-»r* anrc co-da, that Mving U •pent for other neceMltle* •—thus making for better bu-ine**. BERKSHIHK MUTUAL hai returnetf over $2,000,000 In e*»h (livlHends to its policyholders. Why not lnv4j»Ujrate?

Atk ynur Lot*! Agrni to r t t t m r°*r «*'** Itumtmiu* i « **•


l-ifor-xvarfeW I M S



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