the biochemical journal, vol. 93, no. 3

The Biochemical Journal, Vol. 93, No. 3 EDGAR LEDERER

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The Biochemical Journal, Vol. 93, No. 3


Biochem. J. (1964), 93, 449

The Origin and Function of Some Methyl Groups in Branched-Chain'Fatty acids, Plant Sterols and Quinones



Delivered on 23 March 1964 in Friend8 House, Eu8ton Road, London, and on 29 May 1964in the Univer8ity of Leed8

Imagination is more important than knowledge Albert Ein8tein

The title of this lecture shows clearly the threetopics treated: we shall first give a summary of thevarious ways invented by living cells for producingmethyl-branched fatty acids, the most conspicuousbeing C-methylation with methionine and in-corporation of propionic acid.We shall then inquire about the origin of the

'extra methyl group' of the C28 sterols, e.g. ergo-sterol, of fungi, and of the 'extra ethyl group' ofthe C29 sterols, e.g. ,B-sitosterol, of higher plants.We shall learn that in the C-methylation leading totuberculostearic acid and to ergosterol, contrary toexpectation, only two of the three hydrogen atomsof the methyl group of methionine are transferred,and we shall also learn that both carbon atoms ofthe ethyl side chain of the C29 phytosterols comefrom methionine. We shall speculate about themechanism of these C-methylations.In the third part of this lecture, we shall inquire

about the biological function of the methyl sidechain of vitamin K and the ubiquinones, and weshall see that schemes can be devised that suggestan essential function of this methyl group in oxid-ative phosphorylation and perhaps in otherbiological reactions of these compounds.

Bio8ynthe8i8 of methyl-branched fatty acid8Four different mechanisms that can lead to

methyl-branched fatty acids are known: (1) C-methylation with the participation of methionine;(2) incorporation of propionic acid; (3) incorpora-tion of the branched chains of leucine and iso-leucine, leading to the iso and anteiso acidsrespectively; (4) incorporation of mevalonic acid.The first three mechanisms are well documented,

principally in bacterial lipids, and the second andthird also operate, to a limited extent, even inhigher animals; the fourth has been observed inbacteria, higher plants and animals.

(1) C-Methylation with the participation of methio-* Address: Institut de Chimie des Substances Natur-

elles, C.N.R.S., Gif-sur-Yvette, Seine-et-Oise, and Institutde Biochimie, Faculte des Sciences, Orsay, Seine-et-Oise,France.


nine. The C-methylation of numerous phenolic andterpenoid compounds by transmethylation frommethionine was first discovered by Birch, English,Massy-Westropp, Slaytor & Smith (1958a) andBirch et al. (1958b) and proved in a brilliant seriesof investigations (for reviews see Birch, 1957, 1962).In the field of methyl-branched fatty acids, C-

methylation from methionine was first described byLennarz, Scheuerbrandt & Bloch (1962), whoshowed that in Mycobacterium phlei [14C]tuberculo-stearic acid (10-methylstearic acid) (I) is formed

H3C*[CH2]7*CH(CH3)*[CH2]8*CO2HTuberculostearic acid (I)

from oleic acid in the presence of [Me-_4C]methio-nine. In this work, Lennarz et al. (1962) haveproved the sequence:

ClStearate -+ oleate -+ 10-methylstearate

Methionine is also the methyl donor for a methyl-branched acid isolated from the antibiotic variotin(Tanaka & Umezawa, 1962 a, b). In our Laboratory,the origin of the C-methyl group of tuberculo-stearic acid from methionine has been confirmedwith the human avirulent strain H37R2 of M.tubercUlos0i (M. Gastambide-Odier, unpublishedwork).

It is very remarkable that in lactobacilli,E8cherichia coli and many other bacilli a closelyrelated reaction leads from monounsaturated acids,such as vaccenic acid (ci8-octadec-11-enoic acid), tocyclopropane acids, such as lactobacillic acid(cis-11,12-methyleneoctadecanoic acid) (II), or its


H3C- [CH2]5 *CH-CH*[CH219- CO2HLactobacillic acid (II)

lower C17 homologue. Here, too, methionine is theC: donor (Hofmann & Liu, 1960; O'Leary, 1959;Chalk & Kodicek, 1961).The question at once arises: can a 9,10-methylene

acid (III) formed from oleic acid be a precursor oftuberculostearic acid (I) (see Scheme 1)? Sometime ago, we tried to answer this question by incu-

Bioch. 1964, 93



bating a 14C-labelled 9,10-methyleneoctadecanoicacid (dihydrosterculic acid) (III) with M. phlei.The fatty acids were then extracted and theirmethyl esters separated by gas-liquid chromato-graphy. The tuberculostearate fraction was foundto be devoid of radioactivity (R. E. Noble & D.Mercier, unpublished work). This negative resultdid not discourage us and we decided to approachthe problem by another route. If a cyclopropanederivative is a precursor of tuberculostearic acid,then the methyl group of the latter should containonly two of the hydrogen atoms of the originalmethyl group of methionine. The formation of thecyclopropane fatty acids was studied in detail byLaw, Zalkin & Kaneshiro (1963) and Pohl, Law &Ryhage (1963). The latter used [Me-D3]methionineand found that, as expected, two deuterium atomsare incorporated into a C17 cyclopropane acid.They proposed the mechanism shown in Scheme 2by analogy with the reaction of a sulphoxoniummethylide described by Corey & Chaykovsky(1962).Dr Law, having come to Gif-sur-Yvette for a

few months, and encouraged by results on ergo-

*CH2H3C*[CH2]7 *CH CH * [CH2]7 *C02H

Dihydrosterculic acid (III)


H3C *[CH2]7 *CH*CH2 [CH2]7 *C02H


Scheme 1. Possible biosynthesis of tuberculostearic acidfrom dihydrosterculic acid.

sterol biosynthesis discussed below, grew M.smegmat8 in the presence of [Me-D3]methionineand isolated labelled tuberculostearic acid.Mas spectrometry showed unambiguously that

only two deuterium atoms were incorporated(Jaur6guiberry, Law, McCloskey & Lederer, 1964).(The small peak at m/e 315 is completely accountedfor by naturally occurring 13C in the molecular ion.)Further, the extensive work of Ryhage & Sten-hagen (1960a, b) on mass spectrometry of fattyacids enabled us to locate the deuterium within themolecule. Cleavage of bonds on either side of thebranched carbon atom gives rise to peaks (m/e 171and 199) with a mass difference due only to C-10and the attached methyl group. The increase of thisdifference by two mass units (m/e 171 and 201) inthe spectrum of the deuterated compound thusshows that the two deuterium atoms are located inthis group (Fig. 1) . Since non-labelled tuberculo-stearate is also present, all peaks due to fragmentscontaining the methyl group appear as doublets(e.g. m/e-199 and 201, and 269 and 271) when com-pared with the spectrum of the non-labelled ester.

This result prompted us to reinvestigate in moredetail the possible role of dihydrosterculic acid(III) as a precursor of tuberculostearic acid. Otherconsiderations pertinent to this problem arediscussed below (see p. 456). For some time tuber-culostearic acid was thought to be the only lipid ofmycobacteria formed by C-methylation. Morerecently, evidence has been obtained in Gif-sur-Yvette that the methyl carbon atom of methioninecan also be incorporated into mycolic acids ('highmolecular P-hydroxy acids with a long side chainin a') (Asselineau & Lederer, 1960); the biosynthesisof these compounds by the condensation of severalmolecules of long-chain fatty acids has been re-ported (Gastambide-Odier & Lederer, 1960;Lederer, 1961 a, b); from unpublished work by

Adenosine- S [LCH2]2 *CH *CO2

CH3 NH3+|,-H+

Adenosine-S * [CH212*CH *C02

OH2 NH3+

Adenosine S.[CH212]CH C02NH3+

Scheme 2. Mechanism for formation of cyclopropane acids proposed by Pohl et at. (1963).

R R'R\ /'

/ C\H H

R\ 7HjR'C-C




M. Gastambide-Odier it now seems that one of themycolic acids of the human avirulent strain H37R.of M. tuberculo8i8 contains a cyclopropane groupderived from methionine.

Moreover, studying the biosynthesis of themycolic acids of M. smegmati8, Etemadi & Lederer(1964) observed the incorporation of 14C fromlabelled methionine. Et6madi, Okuda & Lederer(1964) propose the structure (IV) for the oc-smegmamycolic acids, where the carbon atom ofthelateral methyl group comes from methionine (andthe carboxyl-terminal 24 carbon atoms from tetra-cosanoic acid).

(2) Incorporation of propionic acid. After sug-gestions by Woodward (1956) and Gerzon et al.(1956) it was proved by Corcoran, Kaneda & Butte(1960) arid Kaneda, Butte, Taubman & Corcoran(1962), as well as by Grisebach, Achenbach &Grisebach (1960) and Grisebach, Hofheinz &

Achenbach (1962), that the branched chain oferythronolide, the macrocyclic lactone moiety ofthe antibiotic erythromycin, is formed in vivo bythe condensation of several molecules of propionicacid. The same pathway has been shown by Birchet al. (1960) for methymycin, by Grisebach &Achenbach (1962) and by Gilner & Srinivasan(1962) for magnamycin etc. Kaneda & Corcoran(1961), as well as Grisebach et al. (1962), have shownthat, as expected, methylmalonic acid is the activeform of propionic acid (for a review see alsoGrisebach, 1964).We have found in Gif-sur-Yvette that the

'propionic acid mechanism' is also operative in thebiosynthesis of several methyl-branched lipid com-pounds of mycobacteria. From experiments byGastambide-Odier, Delaum6ny & Lederer (1963a)it seems that phthiocerol (Va) is formed by thecondensation of a Cso precursor with propionic



oc-Smegmamycolic acids (C77H15003 and C7.H15403)(IV; m = 15-19, n = 12-16)

x 5


H3C - 02C *[CH218 CH-*[CH2]7 -CH3*CH3:199,

Methyl tuberculostearate(mol.wt. 312)

II1 199I' 171


JA ... .1 11


74 (b)187

x 5

l 171

.Iil,llj,l,h ,,0lltllll150

200 250

171'H3C* 02C - [CH2]8,H.CH2]7*CH3


201:Methyl [D2]tuberculostearate

(mol.wt. 314) M-43201 C71~~il_ _ _ _ _ _ LL



Fig. 1. Mass spectra of (a) methyl tuberculostearate, and (b) methyl [DJItuberculostearate.29-2




100 -





75 _

50 -


.1.170 100


I 11300


0 1

70 1 oo

314= M1



45r,1Vol. 93




Phthiocerol (C36H7403)(Va; n = 20 or 22)


Phenol-glycol B (C32H5804)(Vb; x+y = 16)

C from 0-3 of propionic acid; 'C from methionine.

acid. An analogous structure is found in the'phenol-glycol B' (Vb), the aglycone of mycoside B(Demarteau-Ginsburg & Lederer, 1963). Here,also, propionic acid serves as precursor for thebranched end of the molecule (M. Gastambide-Odier & P. Sarda, unpublished work).Mycocerosic acid (VI) is apparently produced by

the condensation of a normal C20 fatty acid with


AH3 1E3 H3 1HC32 mycocerosic acid (VI)

H3C&-CH2]16-CH2-CH-CH2-CH-CH:C*CO2H*CH3 *3 . CE3

C27 phthienoic acid (VII)

four mol. of propionic acid (Gastambide-Odier,Delaum6ny & Lederer, 1963 b). The phthienoicacids (VII), which are produced only by virulentstrains, are most probably built up in a similarway.Fatty acids derived from propionic acid seem

not yet to have been found in higher plants. In theanimal kingdom, however, representatives with oneor several methyl branchings are known, whichhave been proved to be derived from propionicacid, namely cx-methylbutyric acid and a-methyl-valeric acid from the nematode Awcari8 lumbricoides

(Saz & Weil, 1960, 1962), and the 2,4,6,8-tetra-methyldecanoic acid (VIII) of the preen gland of



the goose, first isolated by Murray (1962). Thestructure (VIII) of this acid has been confirmed byOdham (1963); its biosynthesis from propionic acidwas reported by Noble, Stjernholm, Mercier &Lederer (1963).

(3) Biosynthesis of iso and anteiso acids. Iso andanteiso acids with 15-17 carbon atoms are princip-ally produced by bacteria (Akashi & Saito, 1960;Macfarlane, 1961; Thorne & Kodicek, 1962d).

Lennarz (1961) has studied in detail the role ofisoleucine in the biosynthesis of 12-methyltetra-decanoic acid by Micrococcus lysodeikticus and hesuggested the reaction sequence shown in Scheme 3.The analogous formation of the isomeric 13-methyl-tetradecanoic acid from leucine was also proved.

Horning, Martin, Karmen & Vagelos (1961) havedescribed a system synthesizing long-chain fattyacids from rat adipose tissue which catalyses thesynthesis of iso and anteiso long-chain fatty acidsfrom iso and anteiso short-chain fatty acyl-CoAderivatives respectively.

(4) Incorporation of mevalonic acid. Althoughmevalonic acid was discovered by Skeggs et al.

H3C -CH2 -CH -CH -C02- H3C -CH2-CH -CO -CO2HII

CH3 NH3l CH3

-CO2+ CoA-SH

Malonyl-CoAH3C-CH2*CH-[CH2ll0*CO2H -- - H3C-CH2-CH-CO-S-CoA

CH3 CH3Scheme 3. Biosynthesis of an anteiso acid by Micrococcus lysodeikticuw (Lennarz, 1961).


SECOND JUBILEE LECTURE(1956) as 'acetate-replacing factor' for lactobacilli,and despite its most important role in the biosyn-thesis of terpenoids and steroids in plants andanimals, its function in bacteria is still obscure.Bacteria seem to be incapable of synthesizingsterols (for references see Asselineau & Lederer,1960), and no authentic sterol has ever been iso-lated from bacteria grown on a synthetic medium.The traces of 'steroidal fractions' isolated fromsuch bacterial cultures represent less than 0-001 %of their dry weight, whereas other living organismscontain 1-4-7 % of sterols (see Asselineau, 1962).Thorne & Kodicek (1962a-c) studied in detail themetabolism of mevalonate in lactobacilli and iso-lated a series of unsaponifiable unsaturated com-pounds. Mevalonate thus contributes very little tothe bulk of the branched-chain fatty acids found inNature, except for the apparently rare existence of3,7,11,15-tetramethylhexadecanoic acid (phytanicacid) derived from phytol (Klenk & Kahlke, 1963;Lough, 1963) and the prenoic acids studied byChristophe & Popjak (1961).

Function of branched-chain fatty acids. In dis-cussing the function of the branched-chain acids werealize that we are leaving the firm ground ofexperimental evidence. The most obvious differencebetween a straight-chain acid and a branched-chainacid is in the respective melting points. Except forthe iso acids, which have practically the samemelting point as the corresponding straight-chainacids, all branched-chain acids have lower meltingpoints. If one assumes that a low melting point isa desirable feature for the metabolic functions offatty acids, the branched-chain acids are certainly



more useful than the saturated ones; but now thatwe know that some of them at least are synthesizedfrom unsaturated acids, which melt still lower, onecan only wonder about the 'sense' of spending theprecious methyl groups of methionine in that way.The use of propionic acid for chain-lengthening

and chain-branching is of obvious value in pro-ducing saturated low-melting fatty acids; and wemay well express our admiration for the goose,which has 'chosen' such an elegant solution tothe problem ofproducing a stable, low-melting lipidnecessary for impregnation of its feathers, makingthem hydrophobic.

Biosynthesi8 of the C-24 8ide chain of phyto8terolsThe brilliant investigations of Bloch, Cornforth,

Lynen, Popjak and others (for reviews see Bloch,1957; Lynen, Eggerer, Henning & Kessel, 1958;Cornforth, 1959, 1961; Arigoni, 1960; Popjak &Cornforth, 1960) have elucidated the pathway ofbiosynthesis of sterols in yeast and higher animals.They have shown that the major steps lead fromacetate via mevalonate to farnesol and then tosqualene, which is cyclized to the C30 precursorlanosterol. This then loses three methyl groups andundergoes isomerization to desmosterol (IX)(Stokes, Hickey & Fish, 1958), the immediate pre-cursor of cholesterol (X) in the animal organism.For some time it has been tacitly assumed that in

higher plants the biosynthesis of sterols follows thesame pathway (for an excellent review on plantsteroids see Heftmann, 1963). In recent yearsseveral groups ofworkers have confirmed this; theyhave demonstrated the incorporation of radio-



Ergosterol 8i-Sitosterol(XI) (XII)

Vol. 93 453


activity from labelled acetate and mevalonate intoplant triterpenes and phytosterols (Bennett, Heft-mann, Purcell & Bonner, 1961; Nicholas, 1962;Baisted, Capstack & Nes, 1962; Gros & Leete, 1963;Johnson, Heftmann & Houghland, 1964). It thusseems fairly certain that the 27 carbon atoms of theskeleton of the phytosterols come from mevalonate,via lanosterol and (perhaps) desmosterol (IX). Butwhat is the origin of the C-28 'extra methyl group'in ergosterol (XI), brassicasterol and their deriva-tives, and of the C-28 and C-29 'extra ethyl group'in f-sitosterol (XII), stigmasterol etc.?

'Extra methyl group' of the C28 sterols. Let us firststudy the origin of C-28 in ergosterol (XI), as thetypical representative of the C28 plant sterols. In1957 it was reported that formate can serve as asource of C-28 in the biosynthesis of ergosterol(Danielsson & Bloch, 1957) or of the C3. triterpeneeburicoic acid (Dauben, Fonken & Boswell, 1957).In the same year Alexander, Gold & Schwenk(1957) showed that methionine was the direct donorof the C-28 methyl group of ergosterol, and Parks(1958), using a cell-free ergosterol-synthesizingsystem, found that S-adenosylmethionine wasmore efficient than methionine as a methyl donor.

Alexander & Schwenk (1957) concluded fromexperiments with 14C- and tritium-labelled methio-nine that all three hydrogen atoms of the methylgroup were transferred to ergosterol. This seemed inagreement with previous work of du Vigneaud,Rachele & White (1956), who, using intramole-cularly labelled [Me-14CD3]methionine, had shownconclusively that the whole methyl group is trans-ferred to the acceptor molecule in N-methylationleading to the biosynthesis of choline and creatine.In reality, the findings of Alexander & Schwenk(1957) are not conclusive. If one disregards theisotope effect of tritium and if only two hydrogenatoms were transferred, the T:14C ratio in ergo-sterol would be 66-6 % [the T :14C ratio of thestarting material (methionine) being taken as100 %]. Alexander & Schwenk (1957) found theratio to be 86-91 %. However, if the isotope effectof tritium is accounted for, these values can beconsidered to be in agreement with the transfer ofonly two hydrogen atoms. [The maximum isotopeeffect of T at 250 is approx. 55 (cf. Melander, 1960),i.e. the loss of the T atom can be 55 times slowerthan that of H. If one assumes only a very smallisotope effect, e.g. 6, the theoretical value for thetransfer of CH2, in the experiments of Alexander &Schwenk (1957), would be 92 %.] In view of thisuncertainty we decided to use [Me-D3]methionine.A methionine-less strain of Neurospora crassa wasgrown for 4 days in the presence of [Me-D3]-methionine. The cells were harvested and saponi-fied, and ergosterol was isolated from the unsaponi-flable residue by gas-liquid chromatography. The

eluate from the column was submitted to massspectrometry. The mass spectrum of 'normal'ergosterol (XI) shows the molecular peak at 396,with a strong peak at m/e 253 representing thetetracyclic ring system (which has lost H20 and theside chain). The mass spectrum of ergosterol pro-duced by N. cras8a in the presence of [Me-D3]methi-onine shows a molecular peak at 398 (no trace of apeak at 399 other than the 13C isotope peak of m/e398) and the peak at m/e 253 unchanged (Fig. 2).This proves that the extra 2 mass units are in theside chain, as expected (Jaureguiberry et al. 1964).In these experiments it was thus found that only

two hydrogen atoms of the methyl group of methi-onine are transferred with C-28 of ergosterol, inagreement with the similar result for the methylgroup of tuberculostearic acid (Fig. 1). How canwe explain these results? Several possibilities mustbe considered: (1) The CD3 group of methionine inits activated form as S-adenosylmethionine is notstable and partly exchanges its deuterium with thewater of the medium. This can be ruled out, as theabove-mentioned experiments of du Vigneaud et al.(1956) showed the stability of the CD3 group underconditions of N-methylation. Further, it wouldindeed be fortuitous if exactly one atom of deuter-ium were lost in this manner. (2) S-Adenosyl-methionine is not the immediate precursor, butmethylenetetrahydrofolate. This seems most im-probable, as Kisliuk (1963) has shown that thetransfer of a C1 unit from methylenetetrahydro-folate to homocysteine to form methionine is irre-versible. Moreover, the experiments of Alexander& Schwenk (1957) and of Parks (1958) showed thatmethionine is the most efficient donor for thebiosynthesis of ergosterol. (3) A cyclopropanederivative is an intermediate. This is an attractivepossibility, all the more so in view of the situation(discussed above) with lactobacillic acid (II) andtuberculostearic acid (I). S-Adenosylmethioninecould thus lose one hydrogen atom to give an'ylide' as source of a carbene, which would add tothe double bond of the acceptor molecule (oleicacid or desmosterol) to give a cyclopropane deriva-tive (a carbene could add to an unpolarized doublebond; an ylide would add only to a polarized doublebond); this would then be hydrogenated to theC-methyl compound, namely tuberculostearic acid(I) or ergosterol (XI). An isomerization of thecyclopropane derivative 24,25-methylenedesmo-sterol could lead (Scheme 4) to 24-methylene-cholesterol (XIII) (see below). We have recentlyspeculated about different other possible mech-anisms of formation of 24-methylenecholesterol(XIII) (Hugel, Vetter, Audier, Barbier & Lederer,1964).Other hypotheses were suggested by Dr Bianca

Tchoubar, during a discussion of our results:

454 1964


(a) It is known that hydroxymethylation of C=Cdouble bonds occurs easily (Prins reaction: seeArundale & Mikeska, 1952; Yang, Yang & Ross,1959). The formation of a hydroxymethyl deriva-tive from a methylated sulphoxide or N-oxide hasbeen described by Pummerer (1910) and Polonovski& Polonovski (1927). One could thus consider the

possibility of the oxidation of the R-S(CH3)-R'

group of adenosylnethionine via the sulphoxide+

R- S(CH3) -R' to the hydroxymethyl derivative


R-S(CH2 -OH)-R', which would be the activehydroxymethylating agent. After dehydration andreduction the newly formed methyl group wouldcontain only two of the original hydrogen atoms of


M-(H20 + side chair

271M-(side c

1i,l,, I[sII iI.Il i,111253 (b)



n) 5EX_H3



I 301


Ergosterol (mol.wt. 396)

I I3350


HO (mol.wt. 398)h1111 I I II1 I



I I ,.


363M-(H20 + CH3)

378 396 =1M-H20





JIIhII, 40400

Fig. 2. Mass spectra of (a) ergosterol and (b) [D2]ergosterol.

tD-9 p bH3 UH3

D LLD D3 DC 2 J1 --,


\Desmosterol 24-Methylenecholesterol


Scheme 4. Possible ways of formation of 24-methylenecholesterol. The three compounds in square bracketsdo not seem to have been detected yet.

















455Vol. 93


f -- -- +. I


methionine. (b) A more attractive possibility(Scheme 5) involves the existence of an ylide (B),leading to a precursor (D) common to the forma-tion of both cyclopropane and C-methyl groups. Inrecent papers on 'model pathways for enzymaticdemethylation', Oae, Kitao, Kawamura & Kitaoka(1963 a, b) have postulated that dimethyl sul-phoxide reacts with acetic anhydride to give theylide intermediate (A). We might thus suggest theformation of an analogous ylide (B) by oxidation ofS-adenosylmethionine. This would then react witha double bond (C), previously polarized by linkagewith an enzyme, to give the intermediate (D).Reduction of (D) would give the C-methyl com-pound (E), whereas a cyclopropane derivative (F)could be formed by cyclization accompanied byliberation of the enzyme.

C29 sterol. After some initial speculations(Robinson, 1955; Arigoni, 1959), the origin of the'extra two carbon atoms' of the C29 sterols ofhigher plants has been studied recently by severalgroups of authors. By analogy with the role ofmethionine as methyl donor in ergosterol biosyn-thesis, ethionine could have been assumed to be anethyl donor for the biosynthesis of the C29 sterols.


H3C- S CH2 I


Adenosine-S CH2 +






Adenosine-A-CH2 EnzymeI C



bE-I I(E)



Scheme 5. Postulated (Oae et al. 1963 a, b) ylide inter-mediate (A) in the reaction of dimethyl sulphoxide andacetic anhydride, and the reaction of a postulated ana-

logous ylide (B) (formed by oxidation of S-adenosylmeth-ionine) with a double bond (C) (polarized by linkage with anenzyme) to give an intermediate (D) that would give a

C-methyl compound (E) on reduction or a cyclopropanederivative (F) on cyclization and liberation of the enzyme.

This rather improbable pathway has been ruled outby Castle, Blondin & Nes (1963), as well as byNicholas & Moriarty (1963), who have madeparallel incorporation experiments with ethyl-labelled L-ethionine and found much less incorpora-tion than with methyl-labelled methionine.

Castle et al. (1963) seem to be the first to havepublished a detailed scheme showing the formationof the ethyl side chain of sitosterol (XII) from twoC1 units (Scheme 6). They grew pea seedlings(PisuM sativum) in the presence of L-[Me-14C]-methionine and isolated radioactive sitosterol.They had previously shown that in Pisum 8ativumradioactive mevalonate is predominantly incorpor-ated into ,B-amyrin. Since there was no incorpora-tion of labelled methionine into P-amyrin, theyconclude that 'the radioactivity incorporated intothe steroid cannot reasonably have arisen via themevalonate route; consequently, carbon atomsnumbered 1 through 27 inclusive should not belabelled. This leaves only C-28 and C-29 as reason-able positions for the radioactivity in agreementwith the mechanism shown in the formulas'.Nicholas & Moriarty (1963) have reported similarexperiments for fl-sitosterol (XII) produced bySalvia officinali8.

Bader, Guglielmetti & Arigoni (1964) fed DL-[Me-14C]methionine to rhizomes of Menyanthe8trifoliata and isolated radioactive spinasterol (XIV).Degradation showed that all the isotope was in theethyl side chain and that both carbon atoms wereequally labelled, thus proving conclusively thatC-28 and C-29 come from methionine. Theseauthors also consider a 24-methylene derivative asa possible precursor for the second methylationstep (Scheme 7).The interest of our own Laboratory in the origin

ofthe side chain ofphytosterols stems from work on' queen substance ', the pheromone of the queen bee(Barbier & Lederer, 1960; Pain, Barbier, Bog-danovsky & Lederer, 1962). During this study, thesterol of queen bees and worker bees was shown tobe principally 24-methylenecholesterol (XIII)(Barbier & Schindler, 1959). As most insects areincapable of synthesizing sterols (Clark & Bloch,1959a, b; see also review by Clayton, 1964), thisbee sterol, which had previously been found only insome marine invertebrates (Idler & Fagerlund,1955), could have been a transformation product ofsome plant sterol. We then showed that 24-methylenecholesterol (XIII) is rather easily iso-lated also from the pollen of various plants(Barbier, Hugel & Lederer, 1960). As bees feed onpollen, their 24-methylenecholesterol (XIII) ismost probably directly of dietary origin.More recently, we have analysed pollen sterols by

mass spectrometry and have found (Table 1) thatthey are a mixture of C27, C28 and C29, sterols with

456 1964

SECOND JUBILEE LECTUREone and two double bonds (Hugel et al. 1964).A similar series of sterols has also been found in thespores of the fern Poly8tichum filix ma8 (Dup6ron,Vetter & Barbier, 1964) and in the cotyledons ofPhaBeolu8 vulgari8 (Dup6ron, 1964).

The C27 sterols are most probably desmosterol(IX) and cholesterol (X); the latter had alreadybeen found by Tsuda, Agaki, Kishida, Hayatsu &Sakai (1958) in red algae and by Johnson, Bennett& Heftmann (1963) in higher plants (Solanum



Scheme 6. Biosynthesis of plant steroids (Castle et al. 1963).


Scheme 7. Postulated biosynthesis of spinasterol (Bader et al. 1964).

Vol. 93 45D7


Table 1. Analy8i8 of pollen sterolsThe results are those of Hiigel et al. (1964).

Sterol composition (% of total)

Mixed pollenChestnut (Castanea vulgaris) pollenHazel (Corylus avellana) pollen

C27 sterols C28 sterols15 503 230 25

Lanosterol -

_ I /~~~~IjD CH3






Scheme 8. Postulated biosynthesis of pollen sterols (Hugelet al. 1964).

tuberosum and Dioscorea spiculiflora). The C28sterols are 24-methylenecholesterol (XIII) andprobably campesterol (XV), or a stereoisomer (anergost-5-en-3-ol). The C2, sterols contain com-

ponents with an ethylidene side chain, e.g. fuco-sterol (XVI), and with an ethyl side chain, e.g. f-sitosterol (XII). From this study, in which thesimultaneous presence of all the members of a

possible biosynthetic series had been demon-strated, the sequence shown in Scheme 8 was

proposed.For an experimental study of this scheme, we

wished to use a fucosterol-producing algal strain.Contrary to our expectation, several strains ofNitella and Nitz8chia grown on a synthetic medium

produced no fucosterol, but only C28 and C20sterols with saturated side chains at C-24. Finally,the marine brown alga Laminaria 8acharina was

incubated in sea water at 150 for 1 week in thepresence of [Me-14C]methionine; this gave a goodyield of labelled fucosterol (XVI), which was thendegraded. Ozonization gave acetaldehyde (Scheme9), which was isolated as its 2,4-dinitrophenyl-hydrazone. This was oxidized to acetic acid, whichwas then split into its two C, fragments by theSchmidt reaction. The carboxyl carbon (C-28) gave5100 counts/min. and the methyl carbon (C-29)gave 5700 counts/min., showing that both carbonatoms of the ethylidene group of fucosterol were

equally labelled and come from methionines(Villanueva, Barbier & Lederer, 1964). This findingthus confirms and extends Arigoni's results (cf.Bader et al. 1964).We have thus learnt new facts about the origin

of the methyl group of the C28 steroids and of theethyl group of the C29 steroids. But what is theirfunction? Here the field is still open for the wildestspeculations. There seem to be no investigationsexplaining the necessity or the use of these sidechains for plant organisms. It is well known,however, that the animal organism is capable ofdistinguishing phytosterols from cholesterol. Letus mention only three aspects of this problem:(1) Phytophagous insects are very often obliged totransform plant sterols into cholesterol by elimi-nating the one or two extra carbon atoms, whichthey seem to dislike [see review by Clayton (1964);for a discussion of steric factors in relation tosterol side chains and the fitting of sterol moleculesinto a 'functional space' in insects, see Clayton &Bloch (1963)]. (2) It is known since the early workof Schonheimer (1931) that plant sterols are onlypoorly absorbed by the intestine in comparisonwith cholesterol. Glover & Morton (1958) havereported that very little transfer of sitosterol fromthe lumen to the mucosa occurs and that it is thespecificity of this transfer mechanism for sterolsthat is responsible for the non-absorbability ofphytosterols. Swell, Trout, Field & Treadwell(1959) consider that the principal block in phyto-sterol absorption occurs within the mucosa, in thetransfer from the mucosa to the lymph; this maybe esterification by cholesterol esterase or chiylo-

C2, sterols357475

458 1964


211 03 28 CHO+ /S/\/ ~~28 CH 29 IH

29 CH3


Scheme 9. Ozonization of fucosterol (Villanueva et al. 1964).

micron formation. For a discussion of the im-portant problem of the possible hypocholesteraemicactivity of phytosterols, see Kritchevsky (1958).(3) Ergocalciferol (vitamin D2 derived from ergo-sterol) is much less active in chicks than is chole-calciferol, the corresponding vitamin D3 with thecholesterol side chain (Massengale & Nussmeier,1930; see also Harris, 1954). A more detailed in-vestigation of the numerous aspects of animalmetabolism ofphytosterolsmight well be rewarding.

Possible function of the 2-methyl group invitamin K and the ubiquinones

In the first two parts of this lecture, we weremore concerned with the origin of methyl groupsthan with their function. In this third part, weshall, on the contrary, be principally interested inthe function of a particular methyl group inseveral natural quinones having important bio-logical activities. Three principal groups of natural

2-methyl-3-oligoisoprenyl quinones are known:the vitamin K compounds (XVII); the ubiquinones(coenzyme Q) (XVIII); the tocopherol quinones(XIX) produced by oxidation of the tocopherols(vitamin E). [The 2-methyl group of the ubiquinonescomes from methionine (Rudney & Parson, 1963;Olson et al. 1963). Nothing seems to be knownabout the origin of this group in the vitamin E andK series. In the plastoquinones (Kofler et al. 1959;Crane, 1959 a, b), which are involved in electrontransport in the chloroplast, the 2-methyl group ismissing. These compounds do not seem to beimplicated in oxidative phosphorylation.] The2-methyl group seems essential for the biologicalactivity of all these compounds; in the first twogroups, the double bond in the isoprene residuenearest to the quinone ring is also essential(Brodie, 1961).Let us first consider the situation with vitamin

K. The simplest compound having vitamin K

O 0 0

C 0a,CH3 H3C* C CH3 H3C CH3







C) .1,<0f H+H3C R


459Vol. 93

EDGAR LEDERERactivity is menadione (2-methyl-1,4-naphtha-quinone). All other vitamin K-active compoundspossess this 2-methyl group (Fieser, Tishler &Sampson, 1941). From the work of Martius &Esser (1958) and Billeter & Martius (1960) it seemsthat menadione is only a provitamin K and that theanimal organism 'hooks on' an unsaturated iso-prenoid side chain, thus producing vitamin K2-20for instance.We try to show below that both essential

features, the 2-methyl group and the fly-doublebond in the side chain, co-operate in the formationof the methylenequinone chromane (XX), whichseems to be a key substance for the biologicalactivity of these compounds. The discovery of theformation of this category of compounds stemsfrom attempts to explain the role of quinol phos-phates in oxidative phosphorylation. Clark,Hutchinson, Kirby & Todd (1961) were the first to

show that the oxidation of quinol phosphates(XXI) generates 'active metaphosphate', whichreacts with AMP to form ADP, or with inorganicphosphate to give pyrophosphate (Scheme 10).Since quinones of the vitamin K group and theubiquinones have been suggested as possible inter-mediates in oxidative phosphorylation (Brodie &Ballantine, 1960a, b; Brodie, 1961; Asano, Brodie,Wagner, Wittreich & Folkers, 1962 a, b; Gruber,Hohl & Wieland, 1963), the question must beanswered how, in vivo, a quinol phosphate might beformed from a quinone, without participation of anenergy-rich compound.A simple mechanism (Scheme 11), involving a

1,2-addition of phosphate to one of the carbonylgroups of the quinone, has been proposed byWieland & Pattermann (1959). Clark & Todd(1961) have suggested a participation of the f,y-double bond of the side chain, placing the phos-



Red. + j + LOsP OH]

Ox. 0

| RO-PO32

O~ ~~~~~~~~~~ (

RO-P-O-P-OH11 11v 0

Scheme 10. Oxidation of quinol phosphates to generate 'active metaphosphate', which subsequently reacts withAMP to form ADP or with inorganic phosphate to form pyrophosphate (Clark et al. 1961).

0 HO O-PO3H-

ji I+HsPO4~-+I P4. . OH- +

O 0N


Scheme 11. Mechanism for the formation of quinol phosphates proposed by Wieland & Pattermann (1959).

460 1964


phate on C-4 instead of C-1. Chmielewska (1960)has proposed another mechanism (Scheme 12),involving the double bond of the side chain and1,2-addition of phosphate to a methylenequinone.Brodie (1961), Russel & Brodie (1961) and

Asano et al. (1962a, b) have obtained evidence forthe enzymic formation of a 6-chromanylphosphate(XXII) from vitamin K as an intermediate inoxidative phosphorylation.



H3C C15H31


More recently, Vilkas & Lederer (1962) havemodified the scheme of Chmielewska (1960) bysuggesting a 1,4-addition instead of a 1,2-additionof phosphate to a methylenequinone chromane(Scheme 13).

Calculations of differences of bond energies showthat the isomerization of a quinone to a methylene-quinone is considerably favoured by the simul-taneous cyclization of the unsaturated side chain toa chromane. Thus, in the reactions shown in

Scheme 14, one must supply 20-3 kcal./mole to(XXVI) to isomerize it to the methylenequinone(XXVIa), whereas (XXVII) and (XXVIIa) havenearly equal stabilities (Vilkas & Lederer, 1962).The mechanism shown in Scheme 13 was first

presented at the IIUPAC meeting in Brussels, June1962, and published in December 1962 in Experi-entia. Unlike several other speculations on oxid-ative phosphorylation, it has rapidly receivedexperimental proof, at least in part.In May 1963, Folkers and his group published two

preliminary communications (Wagner et al. 1963 a;Erickson, Wagner & Folkers, 1963) suggesting theformation of a methylenequinone chromane (XX)by the following reactions: (1) Vitamin K1-20(XVII) was treated with sulphuric acid to give they-hydroxyquinone (XXVIII); this then reactedwith acetyl chloride giving the 5-chloromethyl-6-chromanyl acetate (XXIX) (Scheme 15); similarly,the y-hydroxyquinone derived from ubiquinone-20gave with acetyl chloride the corresponding 5-chloromethyl-6-chromanyl acetate. (2) During thisacid treatment, vitamin K1-20 also gave an oilycompound to which Wagner et al. (1963 a) ascribedthe structure of the dimer (XXX) formed fromtwo molecules of the methylenequinone (XX). Inthe meanwhile, in our Laboratory, Mamont,Azerad, Cohen, Vilkas & Lederer (1963) had alsoinvestigated the dimerization reaction and de-scribed the conversion of vitamin K1-20 in per-chloric acid-acetic acid into a dimer obtained asyellow crystals, m.p. 77-79°. The infrared-absorp-






Red. + ATP

Ox. + ADP




Scheme 12. Mechanism for the formation of quinol phosphates proposed by Chmielewska (1960).

Vol. 93 461


(2) \(3)





(4) [H-]



(5)(6) (XXII)

Ox. +ADP


Scheme 13. Mechanism for the formation of quinol phosphates proposed by Vilkas & Lederer (1962). Reaction(1): vitamin K (XVII) or a ubiquinone (XVIII) is isomerized to a methylenequinone chromane (XX).Reaction (2): the methylenequinone adds phosphate at the 1,4-positions to give the benzyl phosphate (XXIII)(such 1,4-additions to o- orp-methylenequinones are well known; Hultzsch, 1948; Martin, 1956). Reaction (3):an intramolecular migration places the phosphate on the phenolic hydroxyl group. Reaction (4): reduction ofthe benzyl alcohol (XXIV) thus produoed gives the chromanyl phosphate (XXII) described by Asano et al.(1962a, b) and considered to be an intermediate in oxidative phosphorylation. Reaction (5): the chromanylphosphate isomerizes to the quinol phosphate (XXV). Reaction (6): the quinol phosphate is oxidized to give'active metaphosphate' and the quinone, as proposed by Clark et al. (1961). For more details and for alternativepossibilities, see Vilkas & Lederer (1962) and Clark (1963).

462 *1964



11 CH3

11 CH3




o 0

CCH3 Hg12

R0 0



Scheme 14. Isomerization of quinones to methylenequinones. For reaction (1), AH(xxVI,)(XXVta) is 20-3 kcal./mole; for reaction (2), AH(XXVU)-(.XXVa) is 0 3 kcal./mole (Vilkas & Lederer, 1962).




(XVII) C\,-CO*Cq


Scheme 15. Formation of 5-chloromethyl-6-chromanylacetate (XXIX) from vitamin K1-20 (a) by treatment withsulphuric acid to give the y-hydroxyquinone (XXVIII),which then reacted with acetyl chloride (Wagner et al.1963a;Ericksonetal. 1963), or(b) directly by treatment withacetyl chloride in perchloric acid (P. Mamont, R. Azerad,P. Cohen, E. Vilkas & E. Lederer, unpublished work).

naphthachromanol (XXXI) prepared by reductionand cyclization of vitamin K1-20.A further confirmation of the existence of the

methylenequinone was obtained by treatingvitamin K1-20 with acid in the presence of anexcess of styrene (Scheme 17). After careful chro-matography of the reaction mixture, a yellow oilwas obtained: the elementary analysis and thenuclear-magnetic-resonance and mass spectra ofthis compound were in agreement with the struc-ture of the condensation product (XXXII)(Mamont et al. 1963). There seems to be no doubtthat these reactions, reported independently fromtwo Laboratories, prove a ready isomerization of2-methyl-3-oligoisoprenylquinones to 2-methylene-quinone chromanes. Cameron, Scott & Todd (1964)have shown that such isomerizations can also occureasily with simpler methyl-substituted quinones.

Dimerization of c-tocopherol and its derivativeshas been described by Schudel, Mayer, Metzger,Ruegg & Isler (1963). Here, too, the internediateformation of a methylenequinone is considered tooccur.The preparation of a 5-chloromethyl-6-chro-

manyl acetate (XXIX) described by Wagner et al.(1963a, b) also provides support for reaction (2) inScheme 13, the 1,4-addition to the methylene-quinone to give a benzyl alcohol derivative.

P. Mamont, R. Azerad, P. Cohen, E. Vilkas &E. Lederer (unpublished work) have now obtainedthe 5-chloromethyl-6-chromanyl acetate (XXIX)directly from vitamin Kl-20 by treatment withacetyl chloride in perchloric acid, in a yield of 70 %(Scheme 15). By treatment of the 5-chloromethyl-6-chromanyl acetate (XXIX) with silver dibenzyl


tion and nuclear-magnetic-resonance spectra ofthis pure compound are in agreement with formula(XXX) (Scheme 16). Moreover, the same dimer isobtained by oxidation by ferricyanide of the

463Vlol. 93


0C CH8W X ~~~~~~~~2H+,2e





| Ferricyaideif

or 03


Scheme 16. Dimerization of vitamin K1-20 (a) directly in perchloric acid-acetic acid or (b) by oxidationof the naphthachromanol obtained by reduction and cyclization of the vitamin (Mamont et al. 1963).




Scheme 17. Reaction of vitamin K1-20 with styrene(Mamont et al. 1963).

phosphate, Wagner et al. (1963 b) obtained, afterdebenzylation, the 5-phosphomethyl-6-chromanylacetate (XXXIII) (Scheme 18), which they considerto be 'more productive than previously reportedhydroquinone [quinol] monophosphates and 6-chromanyl phosphates for studies of biologicaloxidative phosphorylation'. These authors con-sider the possibility that the oxidation of thebenzyl phosphate might give 'active phosphate',eliminating the necessity of the migration of thephosphate group (reaction 3 in Scheme 13)(Erickson et al. 1963). This point awaits furtherexperimental study, all the more so since theexistence of other phosphorylated energy-richintermediates, e.g. phosphohistidine (Boyer et al.1963) or a phosphorylated NAD derivative(Griffiths, 1963) has been demonstrated in recentwork on oxidative phosphorylation.

Let us finally examine another aspect of themethylenequinone problem.





Silver dibenzyl phosphate;debenzylation



/,N 0CH2*0 *P03H2




Scheme 18. Synthesis of 5-phosphomethyl-6-chromanyl acetate (Wagner et al. 1963b).

If such compounds really operate in oxidativephosphorylation, then structurally similar com-pounds should act as inhibitors.Howland (1963) studied the uncoupling and

inhibiting properties of 3-alkyl-2-hydroxy-1,4-naphthaquinones, and found that those thatpossess a 2',3'-unsaturated side chain at the 3-position (e.g. lapachol and lomatiol) appear to un-couple oxidative phosphorylation, whereas thosethat are saturated at this bond (e.g. hydrolapachol)act as phosphorylation inhibitors, in much thesame manner as oligomycin. Howland (1963)concludes that his results are also in favour of theinvolvement of chromanes in oxidative phosphoryl-ation.One of the most potent inhibitors of oxidative

phosphorylation in whole mitochondrial and insubmitochondrial particles is atractyloside (Bruni,Contessa & Luciani, 1962; Vignais, Vignais &Stanislas, 1962; Contessa & Fassina, 1963; Vignais& Vignais, 1964), a hypoglycaemic drug, thestructure of which (XXXIV) has been establishedby Ajello, Piozzi, Quilico & Sprio (1963). [Thishypoglycaemic action could be explained by itsactivity as antagonist of oxidative phosphorylation(inhibition of mobilization of hepatic glycogen).]

C4H- C02 CH2









Hydrogenation of the methylene group abolishesthis activity (A. Quilico, personal communication),thus showing that at least one of the 'active sites'of atractyloside is the methylene group.During a recent visit to Gif-sur-Yvette, Dr V. M.

Clark suggested to us that atractyloside, the agly-cone of which is a homoallylic alcohol, could easilyform the corresponding cation by elimination of thehydroxyl group and would thus become capable ofadding phosphate. Vignais & Vignais (1964) havecome to the conclusion that atractyloside acts bycombining reversibly with a phosphorylated energy-rich intermediate.Another hypoglycaemic compound, hypoglycine

(XXXV), also has a methylene group (activated bythe adjacent cyclopropane ring). De Ropp et al.(1958) state that reduced hypoglycine is inactiveand that oxidative phosphorylation is inhibited inliver mitochondria from hypoglycine-treated rats.A great many antibiotics and toxic compounds

contain actual or potential methylenequinone ormethyleneketone structures: Dr P. Vignais andDr P. Vignais-Daumas (Grenoble) have kindlyagreed to test several of these and have found thatepisclerotiorin (XXXVI) inhibits oxidative phos-phorylation at a concentration of 50 gg./ml. (i.e.0.1 m ); citrinin (XXXVII) at the same concen-tration is inactive, whereas sarcomycin (XXXVIII)was inhibitory at a concentration of 1 mm. Thisstudy will be extended and should provide someuseful information about the mechanism of actionof several of these compounds.

Let us now leave the particular problem ofoxidative phosphorylation and reconsider vitaminK, which acts in higher animals as a specificcatalyst for prothrombin synthesis. Here, again,two principal structural features are necessary: the2-methyl group and the fly-double bond in the 3-isoprenoid side chain (Fieser et al. 1941). We thusexpect that, even if prothrombin synthesis is notdirectly linked to oxidative phosphorylation, amethylenequinone chromane will be shown to bethe active form. This active form could add to thiolgroups of enzymes (for addition of thiols to methyl-ene compounds, see review by Larsson, 1962) or

Bioch. 1964, 93

Vol. 93 465


Cl OH3 OH3°sfk" P /CH3


HC,, 110



O;t~S T, CH3 Ilk<, CO2H

HOj2C ' 0 00"


Citrinin Sarcomycin(XXXVII) (XXXVIII)

other active groups or compounds, other thanphosphates.We expect that the near future will bring most

interesting developments in this field. To quoteLouis Pasteur: 'It is characteristic of Science andProgress that they continually open new fields toour vision'.

I thank Dr J. H. Law, Dr Bianca Tchoubar and Dr M.Vilkas for reading parts of the manuscript and for manystimulating discussions. The author's work mentioned inthis lecture was, in part, supported by a grant from theNational Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases(U.S. Public Health Service), Grant AI-02838, and bygrants from the Commissariat X l'Energie Atomique,Saclay, Seine-et-Oise, for the purchase of isotopes.


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