the book of pentano - all things uru the book of pentano.pdf · exploration of this world! it will...


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Post on 06-Jun-2020




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The Book of Pentano !










By Hitana (This Story has been corrected and approved by Kered. Thanks for the lots of laughter, pally!)





In the shadow of a hill lay a large and beautiful landscape. Wide green meadows, dark forests, glistening rivers and lakes and in the distance even high mountains were to seen. Behind the hill lay the coast of this island and the murmur of the sea joined with the soft rustle of the leaves in the wind. The air was warm and the breeze carried the scent of grass and flowers upon it, and above in the blue sky small clouds sailed by. Suddenly the air on the hill shimmered strangely and a figure materialized. It was a man with a long cloak and strange glasses on his face. He looked around for a while adjusting the settings of his glasses as if to have a close look at some parts of the island. Then looking around he found a stone and sat down, then took out from a pocket of his cloak a small leathery book and from another pocket he took out a quill pen and a bottle of ink which he careful put down beneath his seat. He opened the book, then picked up the quill and the ink, dipped the quill into ink and began to fill the empty pages of the book. Many years have passed since I made the decision to learn the Art. It took me a long time, but today I have finally completed the work on my book Koshad Nevin and can look happily at it.



Today is the day after my Korfah V’ja. The Maintainers have checked and approved the Age and yesterday the ceremonies took place but I didn’t become over elated by this.

That doesn’t mean that I don’t approve my own achievement – no, it’s just that I didn’t like to be in the public eye after all that happened many years ago.

I met Namis again. He also was here as an inspector of Koshad Nevin. He briefly told me that the inspection team has met a little tribe of Ahrotantee in the southeast of the island. So my Age is inhabited! I’m really excited about what Namis may tell me about them tomorrow. He also said that he would like to visit me here more often. He seemed to have changed too after all this time, so I have nothing against him accompanying me for I will surely need help with the exploration of this world! It will be certainly interesting to go on a journey with him…

With these words he closed the book and put his things back in his cloak. He then searched for a suitable place for his Korvahkh prior to him leaving. He found a dead tree with a hole in the middle, which looked fine to him. The tree felt and looked like stone. He put the book into the hole, opened it and linked back to D’ni. Then he rested while looking forward to the next day…




“Good morning, Teshan. How are you today?” Namis asked after he had sat down. “I’m fine, thanks. Well what can you tell me about the Ahrotantee?” “That’s what I like about you, Teshan. You come straight to the point! All I can say is that there isn’t much to say. We have had just a brief look from a distance. “They seem to be a quite primitive culture; they live in huts and clothe themselves very simply. The only thing they seem to be skillful at is farming. They have a lot of fields which they manage well. “We could also hear they have their own language. Therefore I would suggest that you send some Linguists to Koshad Nevin to teach the Ahrotantee some D’ni, as it will be necessary that they understand us, if they are to be useful to us in some way. “Also you should send some Legislators to them, so that they know how to behave towards us. After all you don’t want them to be disrespectful, do you?” “No, of course not! All right, I will have a message sent to the Linguists and Legislators immediately!” “What do you intend to do apart from that?”



“Well, I think I will start with an exploration of Koshad Nevin. I will deal with the Ahrotantee when they have learned our language and how to address us! Do you want to come with me on that journey?” “Sure I do! I’ve already told you that I would like to visit you more often. There’s not a lot happening in the moment, so I think they can do without me for some time. All I have to do is pack, so when do you want to meet?” “How about the fifth hour? I should think we both will have finished all our tasks by then” “Yes, I can make that! Well then, see you later my friend!” After they had said goodbye to each other Teshan had to smile. He was glad his friendship with Namis had stood the test of time, although they hadn’t seen each other for a long while. During that period Namis had understood that Teshan needed some time for himself and so he hadn’t disturbed him. He took out some sheets of paper and started writing the two letters. Then he called a Messenger and instructed him to deliver the letters. Next day the Linguists and Legislators arrived at the same time as Namis, who explained the way to reach the village to them. Then Teshan opened the book and they all linked.




Namis took a deep breath of the fresh air then turned around to Teshan. “Really, I can’t say often enough how impressed I am by your achievement, Teshan!” Teshan smiled and said: “I would like to explore the whole island, to map the area and to take samples with which I can collate that what I have created matches what I have written!” “That’s a good plan! I hope I can help, but in case not, I hope you don’t object if I just enjoy the beauty of this world!” Teshan’s smile broadened. So Namis still enjoyed the good things in life! He turned around to face the sea and went down the hillside slowly with Namis following looking around all time. On the shore Teshan took his first samples of water and sand. He had brought a lot of test tubes for his samples which he kept in a little box so they would be safe. So they continued on for a while. Sometimes Teshan took a sample, drew on his map or he sat in front an object for a while and sketched it filling up his journal more and more. At the end of the day they pitched their tents



under the shadow of some trees and ate something from their packs. They had spoken little throughout the day and even now they had nothing to say to each other but the ensuing silence was not unpleasant. Next morning they woke up refreshed and after a little breakfast they broke camp. During the day Namis often brought interesting objects to Teshan’s notice. For example there was a kind of weeping willow, which had round and odd coated leaves instead of the usual long, slim leaves. They watched birds with strangely formed beaks and dazzling coloured feathers and also the many insects which scuttled over the earth. There was a kind of bee which had a strange blue fur, some large ants, beetles with colorful carapaces and large pincers on their heads and some which were hard to spot because of their natural camouflage. They observed who ate whom or what, who was best avoided and those that could defend themselves effectively. Teshan couldn’t stop drawing and collecting interesting samples as his interest in them was purely scientific. He was captivated by the beauty of his world but also found himself looking at it with a professional interest. Every day brought new wonders with it. In the deep forests they found wild animals resembling rabbits, deer, foxes and other creatures but with small



unfamiliar differences. Namis thought of names for them and Teshan had to laugh sometimes at his imagination. Although they didn’t speak much with each other, they had a good time and Teshan enjoyed it very much.


On the fourth day they reached the mountains as a lot of time had been spent exploring. Luckily they had prepared well against the snow and the cold. As Teshan was older and not as fit as Namis he found it hard to make the ascent. Namis was always several meters in front of him and never seemed to tire. The air was getting thinner and the temperature was dropping. However the snow was no problem as their stout boots could cope with it and the effort became worthwhile, as by the time they had climbed up half way of the mountain they were able to enjoy breathtaking views. For a long while they just stood there and let the vista sink in, then they made their way down again and set up camp for the night. The nights in the mountains were even colder than the days and they were both lucky to have such thick sleeping bags. They also fortified themselves



with a hot mulled wine which Namis had brought with him. Next morning they returned to the valley and travelled through marshland now. After all of the beauty of this world the marsh created a strange impression to them. They saw dead trees, had to stand the smell of stagnant water and often walked through mud holes. “It’s odd that this exists!” Teshan said thoughtfully. “I never wrote about it!” “Well, there are always anomalies in every new Age whether you want them to be there or not! I mean, you didn’t intend that there would be Ahrotantee but here they are!” “Yes. How do we say: The Tree of Possibilities is large and only the Maker knows all of its branches.”

Namis just nodded. The marsh had left them in a melancholic mood and they did not feel happy until they had left it far behind. They had now reached the northeastern coast of the island. Here the seashore was rocky and craggy and the waves of the sullen sea were breaking constantly on the rocks. They stood spellbound for a while realizing the power which the sea held. They made a detour around the village. Namis said that the Ahrotantee lived to the southeast, close by the sea and to a river. Finally they arrived back at their starting point and linked back to D’ni. In all they had almost spent a month in Koshad Nevin.



There they said their goodbyes and promised to keep in touch with each other. After resting for a short while, Teshan started his analysis and evaluation of the samples. He spent a day and a half examining the samples under the microscope or trying to get them to react with other substances. His results were unsurprising. The sea water contained salt-, the rivers fresh water. The land was mostly fertile and most of the fruits which they had collected were edible. These along with the obvious balance of this world were good indicators for an inhabitable Age. But Teshan hadn’t intended the Age to be inhabited. He had created it so that he could live there alone. He shrugged and thought: “It doesn’t matter. If I’m lucky I might benefit from people living there!” Then he went to bed and slept for a long time and in the morning he received the report of the Linguists and Legislators which he read with interest. The Ahrotantee are quite primitive but friendly. They were very surprised and shocked to see us appear, and seemed to be very shy after that. We however succeeded in starting to communicate with them. We couldn’t make sense of their language but it isn’t necessary to! When they started to trust us, we began teaching them our language.

By the way: They call themselves the “Pentano”.



They proved to be fast learners and can now speak D’ni well enough, that you can have a simple conversation with them. Still you shouldn’t expect too much from them!

The timidity of the Ahrotantee and the awe that they hold us in made it easy for us to teach them an appropriate code of behavior. They showed a fast understanding here too and didn’t disagree when we told them that they would have to obey the Master of their world. In our opinion they are best suited in farming the land, so you could use them to obtain good food.


Both reports were of the same opinion and confirmed what Namis had said, that the Ahrotantee weren’t very advanced. Teshan was interested in the people inhabiting the Age he had created, however he felt that the Ahrotantee were nothing in comparison to the D’ni, so he did not question the findings of the reports. Teshan’s train of thought was interrupted by Namis’s arrival. He looked up at him and nodded. Namis sat down and asked: “So, what do you want to do next?” “I have just received the report and intend to visit the Ahrotantee myself!”



“Really? Can I see the report?” “Sure. Here, take a look!” “This confirms what I have already told you. So why do you want to go there?” “Well they reside in my Age and I would like to see myself how they live and work. After all you said we could benefit from them!” “Correct. But your interest is only scientific, isn’t it?” “Are you questioning my motives, Namis? I don’t view the Ahrotantee in any other way different than you or anyone else in D’ni! They are only a further part of my scientific investigations into this world!” “Sorry I didn’t mean to question you but you know we Maintainers must be ever vigilant even with regard to our friends, and yes it would be a pleasure for me to accompany you in this exploration!” “I’m glad you’re willing to come with me! At least I won’t feel totally isolated now! It’s too late to go now but how about tomorrow morning at nine? Do you think you can be here so early?” “Yes, I think so. I’m a responsible citizen these days, Teshan!”



“Good. I see you at nine my friend!” Namis arrived on time and they immediately linked to the Age and he led Teshan to the village. On the way they discussed how to deal with the Ahrotantee. Finally they reached the edge of the village. Through the trees they could see the land on which the village stood. They were at the western side of the village, where the fields and most of the animal pens were. The people they saw wore simple, homemade clothing. The men wore leather trousers, simple shoes, linen shirts and wide straw hats, which protected them from the sun. The women wore brown dresses made of linen, which had long slits at the side so that they could move more easily. Their hair was tied up or bound to a plait, so that it didn’t affect them while working. Close to the fields there were silos made of wood with roofs that seemed to consist of clay and straw. In the pens there were animals that resembled cattle, goats, sheep and chickens. The cattle had matted fur and very long horns, the goats were oddly shaped and with large eyes, the sheep had rather short and curly fur and the chickens just looked weird. “Come, let us go and have a closer look!” Teshan said to Namis and they left the cover of the trees.




When the people saw them, they knelt down and lowered their heads submissively. Namis told them to go to the village square, as he and Teshan wished to address them all. They set off and the crowd followed them at a respectful distance. As they walked Teshan looked around and saw many kinds of shops such as a butchers and bakers. The houses were all made of wood and had clay ovens. The village was very large and when they reached the square where market stalls stood, they had barely seen half of it. The news that their Masters had arrived and wanted to speak with them had spread like wildfire and the people had gathered in the square waiting expectantly. Teshan and Namis had a look around and tried to estimate how many people were there. Teshan thought there were at least 70 persons whom he could see but there were no children visible as they were probably hiding at their parents. Finally Teshan cleared his throat and said: “Nation of the Pentano. I am Teshan of the D’ni and the Master of this Age. Other D’ni have been here and taught you respect for us but now my friend Namis and I have come to learn more about your ways.



“I will now pick one of you to serve me and show me around your village and to explain your culture.” Teshan glanced at Namis to see if he had any thoughts on who to pick. He moved his head slightly and pointed at a young woman. Teshan looked at her. She appeared to be around 30 years old with long black hair and a pretty face. Other than that Teshan couldn’t see any distinctive features except that on her right arm she wore a black bracelet. He pointed at her saying: “I choose you!” The woman looked up in surprise. She had brown eyes and in her face Teshan read something which he couldn’t interpret. Then she lowered her head meekly and walked slowly towards him. Namis dismissed the others then turned to Teshan and said: “Let us find a place where we can pitch our tents!” Teshan nodded and signaled for the woman to follow them. They walked to the northern edge of the village and pitched their tents there. From here they could be in the village quickly to see how the people lived but still maintain a respectful distance from the Pentano.


When they had set the camp up, Teshan turned to



the woman who stood silently to one side and asked her: “What is your name?” “My name is Sela, Master.” She spoke fairly good D’ni but with a strong accent. “I’m pleased to meet you Sela. Could you bring us supper now and later I will have some further tasks for you.” “Yes Master.” she replied and left. Teshan and Namis sat down together at a small table in front of the tent and waited, then after short while Sela brought them a tray with steaming soup, bread and several fruits on it which she put down in front of them and waited for further instructions. “Sela, I want you to come tomorrow at nine to serve breakfast then lunch at one and dinner at eight in the evening. “Should I need your help with anything I will let you know in good time. So you will have the chance to take care of your own things. When we are finished eating, please clear the table. After that you may go!” “Yes Master.” she replied then waited in silence while Teshan and Namis ate. The soup was tasty but contained strange vegetables and small meat balls. The bread had come fresh out the oven and tasted slightly sweet while the fruits, which they ate as dessert, were both sugary and juicy. After dinner they relaxed in their chairs feeling sated then



Sela disappeared and after a while they both went to their beds. Next morning Sela served them with breakfast, afterwards Teshan asked her to show Namis and himself around the village and to explain what crops they grew and how the harvest had turned out, whether the livestock bred well and if the fishing was good within the area. He also wished to view the various locations so as to get a fully rounded picture. Sela answered every question as best she could. “The soil in our fields is very fertile but we try to not overuse it. Sometimes we let a field stay fallow so that it can recover. We grow vegetables and fruits some of which you ate yesterday.” They walked down into fields and Sela pointed out the various things they had been talking about. “Now is the season of Waern, Moldni, Paetno and Suinda. The first two are vegetables and the other two are fruits. In the Malevi…I mean the silos, we store the corn for our bread.” Then they went down to the animal pens. She pointed at the “cattle” with the long fur and said: “These are the Naerni. We got the meat that was in your soup from them. We also use their skins for our clothes and their tallow for our candles.” She continued: “The milk came from the ‘goats’, the wool from the ‘sheep’ and the eggs came from the ‘chickens’.” Almost all the animals were eaten but



Sela said some tasted better than others. After they had finished looking around there, she led them to the bay.


We have reached the end of a long day and we have learned many new things about the Pentano and I’m really surprised by how much they know. How can the experts from D’ni have overlooked all this? I don’t understand why the Pentano have been given such a low rating. Yes, they are Ahrotantee. But this does not signify that they are automatically primitive. In my personal opinion the Pentano are a quite advanced race.

They aren’t as advanced as we are but that is to be expected as their civilization has developed at a different speed to ours. The Pentano have adapted their environment to cater for all needs but now have reached a plateau and are not progressing any further because they have not found any reason to.

So although their civilization is quite advanced it’s still seen quite primitive in relation to ours. I know which material resources they have and which could be of use to me but now I want to understand about the people themselves.

Teshan yawned and stretched. He blotted the wet ink and let the book lie on his desk then he undressed and got into bed. He had slept well since arriving and the satisfaction of what he might



accomplish lulled him to sleep. Next morning Teshan asked Sela to sit at their table. She seemed to be very surprised and they noted her nervousness for she sat down some distance from them and looked at them both shyly. “Sela, please tell us about your people!” Teshan asked her. “You wish to know something about us?” she asked surprised. “Yes please.” “Is there anything in particular that you are interested in?” “Does your race have a recorded history?” “There are legends, Master. They tell us that our ancestors lived on another island and came here by boat but then the story becomes…puzzling and I am not sure if you would be interested in it.” “You mean it becomes mystical or religious? Please tell us more!” “I do not know the meaning of those words but I am sure they fit. We worship the gods of fire, earth, air and water. We…believe that they have created us. We consist of all elements in this world. The gods gave our ancestors a rich land but they were foolish and wasted it. “But the gods were gracious and…gave them boats



to find another land. “The crossing was dangerous and without the aid of the gods they would have not made it safely. They were told to show more respect for the elements and to not make the same mistakes as before and because they heeded the words of the gods the Pentano have lived here for a long time and have a good life. “The gods were obviously pleased that we showed respect and so they gave us other gifts to make life easier, so now we live a simple life in tune with the nature and we are content.”


Teshan sent Sela away after several hours. He then glanced over to Namis who gave him an odd look. “What?” Teshan asked. “Nothing…I’m just astonished that you show such strong interest in the Pentano.” “Don’t you find them interesting? I think they are fascinating. Their skills and knowledge are astonishing!” “Teshan, they are Ahrotantee! Nobody who isn’t of our blood can be worth anything! And I shouldn’t have to remind you that it is a breach of our laws



to side with the Ahrotantee!” “Who says that I’m siding with them!? I just find them interesting from a scientific point of view! It’s not fair of you to accuse me of something like that!” Namis shook his head. “I didn’t mean to accuse you, Teshan. It’s just that such things have already happened in the past. You think your loyalty to D’ni is unshakable, but then…events happen, that appear to show that it isn’t. I just want you to be careful. I don’t want to be the one who will have to arrest you!” Teshan looked at him surprised and shook his head in disbelief. How could Namis believe that the Ahrotantee were other than objects of research to him!? During the evening they barely spoke to each other. Teshan felt displeased about the fact that Namis had thought so negatively and so he wasn’t in a talkative mood. The next day Namis had to go back to D’ni on important business and Teshan was quite relieved that he had gone. As he walked through the village he saw all the excited activities. Then he went to the edge of the village and walked around it, and found Sela standing by a small pond, staring into space. Teshan slowly approached and stopped a little way from her. She startled when she heard him and



looked surprised. Teshan saw that strange expression in her eyes again. Was it wistfulness? He wasn’t sure. He barely knew anything about Sela but yet he had a feeling that there was something special about her.


“Hello, Sela. How are you?” Teshan asked in his friendliest voice hoping that she would trust him more but she always was so cautious. “I am…fine, Master. Is there something you wish me to do?” “Yes. Please call me Teshan.” “Te-, I cannot do that Master! You are…” “Yes, I am the Master of this Age and as such I am asking you to call me Teshan!” “As you wish, Mast-…Teshan.” “Sela, I would like to understand more about you.” “About me? There is nothing you need to know about me, Teshan.” “I don’t think so. Please forget whatever the Legislators told you.”



“What is it that you would like to know about me, Teshan?” “What do you normally do? Do you have a family to care for?” “A…family…yes of course.” “So, how does your husband feel about you working for me?” Suddenly her eyes flickered and she shook her head and raised her arm, on which she wore the black bracelet, which had attracted his attention when he had first seen her. Her eyes filled with tears. “I…he died five years ago, Teshan.” “Oh…I’m really…sorry.” “Sela, where are you?! Father’s ill again!” a young man ran up to them calling out. He looked at Teshan and Sela and saw tears in her eyes. He looked back at Teshan and said angrily: “What have you done to her!? Why can’t you leave us in peace?! We were better without you!” Teshan looked shocked. Sela looked at him contritely and tried to calm the man down. “I’m sorry, Master. This is my brother Kannayo. He…has a quick temper. Come let us go see to father!” With this she took his arm and pulled him away. Kannayo still looked at Teshan angrily but



didn’t say anything else.


Namis returned this morning. I didn’t mention the events of the last few days.

But when he hears how I conduct myself with Sela, he will surely say that I shouldn’t interest myself so much in the Ahrotantee!

But I can’t help myself. The Pentano are unbelievable! However it’s Sela I’m most interested in. She is so…different. I don’t have the knowledge to be able to ever understand her at the moment! I shall have to be careful and ensure Namis never realizes how much I’m interested in her…!

Still I want to learn more about her. Maybe Namis is right and my loyalties are changing, but I don’t feel I could ever accept the Pentano as “friends”. Not only because they are Ahrotantee but also because they are so suspicious of us.

Perhaps they think we would destroy their ecology? They don’t want us here, Kannayo showed me that yesterday. Lord knows what they say about us, when we aren’t there?

Teshan shook his head and then turned in. He had hoped to find peace here but now his mind was crowded with many thoughts which bothered him and made him restless and so sleep didn’t come easily that night.



Next morning Sela made no mention of the events of the previous day. Teshan told her to clean the tent while he went on a walk. Namis was in a good mood and he never realized that Teshan was often preoccupied with his own thoughts. Today Teshan collected samples of fruits, vegetables and other things the Pentano ate, in order to examine them more closely later. He also found out about their preparation and storage methods. It was very hot when they returned and Namis felt like taking a short nap. Teshan agreed and went into his tent. Sela stood by his desk staring at the opened journal. Teshan’s eyes narrowed. He went over to her and grabbed her arm. Sela startled and looked at him fearfully. She seemed to make herself smaller as if to ward off punches. Teshan looked at her angrily and said: “By Jakooth, what are you doing!? Are you reading my notes!?” “No Master, I did not touch the book. I have just cleaned up as you asked and then I just glanced at it. Please, I will never do it again!” “I hope so, for then I really would have to punish you! Now go!” She scurried away and Teshan gazed after her



shaking his head. Then he looked at the book. It was opened at the page where he had sketched Sela’s face the previous evening. “By the Maker, I must have forgotten to close it!” Teshan said to himself. No wonder that Sela had stared at it. After all that had happened she must have wondered why there was a drawing of her in his book. He hoped she didn’t think too badly of him now!


During the last week the weather had been oppressively hot, but now it broke and the rain came. Grey days were followed by moonless nights and Teshan spent the time in analyzing the last samples. Namis had returned to D’ni again and Sela had the day off. The heavy raindrops pattered against the wall of the tent but Teshan didn’t allow himself to be disturbed by this. It was something else that had broken his concentration. Recently a close relative of Sela’s family had died. She came to him to ask for some free time, as she needed to prepare herself for the ceremony. Teshan had said yes, as now he had learned to take



care of himself. He had asked Sela if he could take part in the ceremony as it was the first death in the village he had heard about and he wished to know how they buried their dead. Sela had at first been hesitant saying that strangers weren’t normally allowed to take part in such a ceremony. She never said that Teshan would be out of his element but he understood her unspoken implication. He sighed and looked through the microscope. He had other things to do but his thoughts were of Sela and the Pentano. “In all probability I will never gain their trust as we are from totally different cultures and we have nothing in common with each other!” This saddened him. He had lived with the Pentano for a long time now and still they didn’t accept him and if the situation didn’t change he doubted whether he could remain with them anymore. When he walked through the village they showed him their deference but he knew that they cursed him behind his back for remaining here and disturbing their “tranquility”. Sometimes he felt that the Pentano had become more than just an “object of scientific interest” to him. Namis appeared to have been right but Teshan had no regrets. He just had to be careful to ensure that Namis wouldn’t realize it… He raised his head and massaged his neck. Then he



stood up and went to the doorway for some fresh air. The visibility was low as there was so much rain falling but what he saw was Sela. She was standing in the center holding her face up to the rain and Teshan wondered what she was doing. He knew that the monsoon season was important to the Pentano but the celebrations “for the blessing of the fields” wouldn’t take place until the monsoon season ended. Sela was the only person standing outside. What did her family think about her behavior? Had she always been like this? Teshan couldn’t help being interested in her. He ran over to her and stood shaking his head, then gently he put his hand on her shoulder but she flinched again. “Is everything all right with you?” Her dark brown eyes met his and she shook her head. He heard himself saying: “Come, I’ll take you home!” He took her arm and led her to her parent’s hut and he could feel her trembling as they walked. When they arrived he knocked at the door. Her mother opened it and looked at Sela. “Oh Child!” she said shaking her head. She pulled her daughter inside and closed the door, leaving Teshan standing on the step. The rain had soaked his clothes, so he ran back to his tent to change them. Then he sat down at his desk.




Two weeks later… Damn, I should have realized earlier! Namis’ thoughts of Sela are not pure but lascivious!

He returned shortly after the monsoon season had ended so I couldn’t risk talking with Sela any further. I recommenced my analysis work which I had stopped since the incident with her.

Namis said he was bored and wished to take a walk. After a while I too needed to go out for some fresh air. I looked around but couldn’t see him. Then I passed a hut and heard his voice coming from behind it with a flattering tone. But what worried me the most was that I heard Sela’s voice too. She sounded desperate and she was pleading with him…

I went a little further and called his name out loud. Immediately he appeared. I didn’t ask him any questions but acted calmly, but inwardly I seethed with anger!

The bastard! He’s just pretending to be the upright citizen! How could I let him take me in? He hasn’t changed! He still lusts after every beautiful woman he meets and I’m certain all he wants to do is get her into his bed!

I won’t stand for that! Sela…he would…destroy her. He doesn’t care how vulnerably she is. He’s just an unsentimental bastard and if he ever just touches her he will have to deal with me no matter what consequences may follow!

Sela…still amazes me. I don’t know why she delights me so



much. Maybe it’s because she’s so different to every other woman I’ve ever met but I must speak with her again…

The opportunity arose on the next day. He sat at his desk and pretended to be working while Sela cleaned around. After a while he looked up at her and said: “Can I speak with you, Sela? “I would like to apologize for shouting at you when you were looking at my book and I would also like to know how you feel about me!” She stopped and looked at him surprised. “You do not need to apologize, Teshan. “I was in the wrong! But how I feel about you…I do not understand what you mean.” “Surely you must have a view about me? I mean, you have been my…maid for some time now. So you must have some opinions!” “I am not sure, whether…” “Speak frankly, there’s nothing you need to fear!” She nodded slowly. Then she looked straight into his eyes and said: “I see a man upon whom the shadow of the past still lies and in his face sadness is edged. Will this man ever be touched by the light of happiness again? This is a question I cannot answer, but I am sure he searches at the wrong place!” Having said this she left the tent. Teshan stared after her in surprise. Had she realized from the little



he had said to her that his interest in her was more than Master to servant?


Teshan rubbed his face and sighed. What was wrong with him? He felt uneasy with the feelings he had at the moment, but they were familiar to him and yet they seemed to come from another time and place and felt as alien to him as the Pentano once had seemed. He lit his pipe and flipped through his journal until he came to the page, where he had sketched Sela’s face. He stared at the drawing for a while but that didn’t bring him understanding. He was interested in her…yes, but was that all? Shaking his head he leaned back into his seat. Next morning he went for a walk again. Neither Sela nor Namis were anywhere to be found and Teshan couldn’t stop worrying that Namis had taken Sela somewhere. He looked closely around the village and didn’t see them and so his fears grew. He decided to climb the hill close to the southern edge of the village from where he could have a clear view of the whole area. He started climbing then stopped in shock as he saw Namis standing there holding Sela by her wrists and trying to kiss



her, while she was making repeated efforts to run away. Namis was becoming angry and Teshan knew that he could lose his temper and strike her at any moment! He ran up the rest of the way to them and pushed Namis away roughly then placed himself in front of the terrified Sela and gave Namis a defiant stare. Namis frowned surprised by Teshan’s reaction and smiled thinly. “So I wasn’t wrong about you!” he said. “No, Namis. I just want you to leave her alone. I never want to see you again! You are a lying bastard! So just get lost!” Namis raised his hands in defense then turned and ran down the hill as fast as he could. Teshan stared after him angrily and hoped that would be the end of it. He turned around to Sela who was still standing there shocked. He went over to her and put his arms around her. This time she allowed him to touch her without flinching. He felt her shaking and stroked her back to calm her. He had never been so close to her. He smelled the scent of Nahira flowers and Selschwa on her hair. He felt her frail body. She laid her head on his shoulder and he heard her breathing slowing down. He hesitated for a moment then kissed her tenderly on the neck. He felt that this would be soothing rather than affectionate but immediately she stiffened.



She slipped away from him suddenly and turned around. “Sela, I…” “Why are you doing this to me, Teshan?” she asked quietly. “Because…because I love you, Sela.” She turned around and looked at him with tears in her eyes. “If you truly love me, then you would realize that I am not yet ready!” she said shaking her head. He looked at her sadly. “You must let the past go, only then you will see the light of happiness again!” “If only it were that easy but I loved my husband Gornim and when he died something in me died as well and I do not know whether it will ever come to life again. So please, please give me some more time!” “I will but I hope we can be friends until then? You are such a delightful and interesting person. I would be pleased, if you would show me this world from your point of view, Sela. I think I will learn a lot from that.” A tender smile appeared on her sad face. She looked at him and nodded. “As you wish.” she said and walked away.




Am I doing the right thing? God, I don’t know what’s happening to me! It is so long ago, that…

Have I really fallen in love with her? It feels like it to me and yet I still can’t believe it.

I have spoken the truth, when I told her that I love her. But I…it just exploded from me. Was that really me that was speaking?

Yet something has happened…I have changed and now I’m siding with people who aren’t of my race. There are two daemons fighting inside me now. One says: “Be happy, Teshan, whatever the price!” The other is saying: “It goes against everything in that you believe Teshan, return to D’ni before it’s too late!”

But it already is too late. I have learned to respect the Pentano but I have learned to love Sela as well. My loyalties haven’t really been steadfast and now I have betrayed my race! Me, who had been a good citizen all his life! It’s crazy!

All I’d wanted to find was happiness but what I have found is misery caused by the attitude of the D’ni towards the Pentano.

If Namis returns and accuses me I’m really in danger! I will be finished!

But now I want to banish these unhappy thoughts. A light has appeared in my darkness and the light is Sela.



I’m looking forward to going out walking with her and I will try and see things from her point of view…

From then on Teshan and Sela met every morning in front of Teshan’s tent and visited many places. The first of these places lay in the mountains and Sela said it was a special place where the power and the magic of the gods could be felt. They met in the early morning and walked north, towards the Dernvar-Mountains. When they arrived they ate their lunch before commencing climbing. Teshan talked about the D’ni, something Sela knew little about, but as she had explained everything to him about her country he wanted to return the favor. The climb was hard for Teshan but luckily they only went half way up. Sela said that they couldn’t climb up the top as the air was too thin and it was far too cold. Even here they were both glad that they had warm clothing. They climbed upwards to a height of 1200 meters and Teshan could see the whole area. Many months ago he and Namis had explored the western slopes of the mountains and he had enjoyed similar views then but now there was subtle difference. Sela told him to close his eyes. Teshan looked at her in surprise but did as she had asked. He



wondered why she had brought him up here if not of the view. “And now”, she said “listen!” Teshan listened but he couldn’t hear anything besides the howling of the wind. “I don’t hear anything unusual.” “Listen, focus your mind!” Teshan took a deep breath and did as she told him. Then suddenly he could hear “it”. It was like…a chant. A song that hovered over the landscape. A song of the country and the voices were the trees, meadows, forests, mountains and rivers. He had never heard anything so beautiful before. Even though he had never understood the beauty of music, he was totally enthralled by this “song”. Now he knew why people loved music for if one listened in the right way, something deep inside was touched. After a while he asked quietly: “What is this?” “We call it the hymn of the air. That is why you have to climb up this high. You can only hear it from here. Together with the view it lets you feel the whole grandeur of this country.”




Teshan was right. Sela did have a totally different view on things. He began to rediscover Koshad Nevin anew. It was if he had never really seen the island but now with his new found enlightenment he felt he knew everything about it. “How could have I been so blind?!” He felt now that he had stopped looking for scientific answers and had looked through Sela’s eyes, new vistas of beauty opened up all around him. They remained in the mountain region for their next stop, but this time they didn’t climb the mountain but went inside it. Sela led him to the entrance of a cave and told him to follow her. The cave was large and very beautiful and Teshan felt it must hold special significance for the Pentano, yet he could see nothing out of the ordinary. The rock sparkled because of the moisture and the minerals; he could hear water dripping and could see stalagmites and stalactites. They found a dry spot, sat down then Sela said: “Watch the end of the cave while the sun sets!” As it was late afternoon it wasn’t long before the



sun sank down. What happened next made Teshan gasp: The sunlight flooded through the entrance of the cave and illuminated the interior. The rock around them seemed to gleam and shine as if it contained gold, silver and diamonds all in one. This went on for half an hour until the sun finally disappeared. “This happens only twice a year, first before we celebrate Tenusha and secondly after we celebrate Horalma. To see the rock shine in all its glory is just…magical. “We call it the laughter of the stone.” Teshan nodded, fascinated. He knew that Tenusha and Horalma were the feasts for the summer and winter solstice. He sighed. The transience of this moment made it even more beautiful and increased his desire to return to this place at the next solstice. Three days later they journeyed to the widest river of Koshad Nevin. The Pentano called it Jelra. Teshan was now learning Pento so he knew that Jelra meant “the crying one”. So he was all the more interested in why it was so called. Sela led him to a place where the river roared through a steep valley with unbelievable speed and discharged into a great lake. “The river cries only in this season because there is melting ice coming down the mountains and it



makes the river grow as you see it now.” She pointed to the lake. “We call this lake “the comforter”, because he calms the Jelra down. Do you want to go swimming? The water down there is wonderful!” He looked at her in surprise. “Swimming?! I’m…afraid, I can’t swim.” She smiled and replied: “That does not matter! It is very easy. Come, I will teach you!”


I still can’t believe what happened yesterday! Sela just ran down to the lake, undressed down to her underwear and told me I had to do same. Then she just jumped into the lake but I went in rather more cautiously because it was very cold.

She showed me how to swim and I copied her. At first I was frightened I would sink but then as I became more confident it was okay. I still felt a bit clumsy but Sela smiled and laughed for the whole time and her joy was infectious and after a while I could understand why she enjoyed it so much!

It’s like flying in water. Then after a while I just floated on my back and looked at the sky above me. It was so beautiful!

Sela…god I couldn’t take my eyes off her. She is actually way too young for me but I feel young again. I’m experiencing a



long forgotten desire rising up again and so I feel it doesn’t matter that there is such a great age difference between us. I just want to enjoy these feelings! It’s like reliving my youth again. What has she done to me!?

They waited a further four days before commencing the first of the three planned excursions. It was only a short journey to the vast grasslands. “Isn’t it a bit dangerous to be here?” Teshan asked. “As the grass is so dry there is surely a risk of fire!” Sela shook her head. “We will have plenty of time to leave if a fire starts.” It was very hot. Teshan wiped the sweat from his brow. Suddenly there was a crackle in the grass and flames arose which started to spread and destroy everything. “What do you call this?” Teshan asked as calmly as he could. “This is Uereyn, the roaring and raging one. She destroys because she is angry that Liaro, who is the rain, will come soon to stop her. She fights an endless battle against him but he always manages to win in the end!” “Why is it that all these events are connected to myths? You know, there are other explanations for them!” She smiled slightly. “I thought that you would find



our explanations strange! But there are no other answers for us. Your point of view might be just as correct as ours but why should we accept yours?” “I don’t have anything against your beliefs but there’s also a scientific explanation for them.” “For us…science never existed. The things are as they are. Everything we know comes from records which are very old. The gods taught these truths to our first ancestors and they handed it down to us. Their explanations are enough. They are completely logical to us.” “Excuse me I didn’t want to upset you. It’s just that I…have to get used to this!” She smiled again. “Yes, I understand.”


After they had left the dry grassland, they now went to the rocky coast in the north east. Teshan had always found this place very impressive. “Every element has a strong and weak side. Fire is dangerous but we also need it to warm ourselves or to cook the food. Water is sometimes calm and clear, and sometimes…sinister and dark. Wind brings rain or helps the fire. Earth gives us bounties or not and it can make everything shake and come



down. “There is no way to influence this because the things are as they are. Everything we do is not inflicting the country too much pain. For it hurts the country when we take its treasures away.” “The earth is shaking? Does this mean there are earthquakes here?” “If it is that how you call it. The last was eight years ago. We say the earth wakes up with fright, in the way one wakes up after a bad dream and that is why she is shaking.” “What was it you wanted to show me here?” “The power of the water. It is always sinister and dark here. Rock eating ghosts are cowering on top of the waves and destroy the coast more and more. It is in a permanent change. If you come back here in a year it will look different again.” “Rock eating ghost? Oh you mean the white foam on the top of the waves!” She just shrugged and led him along. Their final visit was in the marshland. “Why are we going to this place? I didn’t find it very…beautiful!” “It is not always about beauty. Everything has something good and bad, something beautiful and ugly. This place is what we call the moaning earth. She moans because she dies and because her children die. But she does not know that something new will grow!



“The marsh makes you sad and you want to leave? “That is why this is a place of death. Nobody likes to face the death and that is why you want to go. But sometimes it is necessary to make oneself aware of the fact that all things are perishable!” “Is there a “thereafter” for you?” “You mean something like…Ashvern, I think. The soul of a dead person travels there. It is a place where the beauty is just discernible. Apart from that this place is…empty. “If you wish, you can meet your ancestors and relatives there but it is mostly a place to…be aware of the greatness of all things. This is because you are in a lot closer contact to the gods as it was ever possible in your life.” “This sounds…fascinating. What else can we see here?” “Something you will surely like. We call it the cheering of the bygone. We will however have to wait until tomorrow morning and we will have to rise up in time to be able to see it.”


Teshan just nodded although he didn’t like the



thought of spending the night here. In spite of all he slept well and even had to be woken up by Sela. “It is time! Look, there!” She pointed to the place where the sun just had risen. Sunbeams broke through the tangle of dead branches and filled the place with a magical light. All the dark corners disappeared and suddenly the marsh wasn’t weird anymore. “Why do the bygone cheer?” Teshan asked after a while. “Because light means new hope and happiness. That is why we say someone sees the light of happiness or not.” “Do you think you will see it again?” “Someday…maybe.” “May it be possible, that it is already there and you just don’t want to see it?” “Teshan, I know how you feel for me and I have learned to care about you too. But I have fears. We are from totally different worlds with completely different views. “You are married, you even have a child! You can’t leave them alone! You said yourself that you might get arrested because you have committed a crime against your race, and you are a stranger here and you will stay thus, no matter what you do.” “I am married but there’s no love for my wife or child anymore. They didn’t care what I was doing



after we broke up and they won’t care now! If I only return one last time and destroy the books, we will be safe here. “I appreciate your point of view and I accept it. And I think your people will become friends with me, after you show them that I’m not like the other D’ni and that they can trust me. “For a long time I didn’t have any hope. Now I have and I won’t let it go away again! “I thought I could see the light of happiness with writing Koshad Nevin but I only saw it when I started to get to know you better. Sela, I know I can’t force you to anything but I don’t think that this is necessary! Just allow the light of happiness to shine for you again!” She looked at him for a long time. Then she slowly took his hand and dragged him to the next tree where she kissed him tenderly. In this moment time stood still. It might have taken an eternity or just a moment before she slipped away from him again but that wasn’t important. The only important thing was how he felt and he felt as if the whole light of happiness had streamed into him.




“All right, the plan is clear. I go back to D’ni and burn the Korvahkh and the Kormahn. While this book is burning, I link back here and we are safe! You stay here, is that clear?!” “I hope you know how dangerous this is! Namis just could be waiting for this! It is strange enough that he did not already come back to arrest you.” “I will look after myself, darling. Have faith!” Teshan gave Sela a kiss and linked to D’ni. The first thing he saw in his study were four Maintainers and Namis. He acted as fast as he could, grabbed the Korvahkh from the table, barged through the five and ran away. He didn’t realize that someone else materialized after him. Obviously he had taken them by surprise as they didn’t manage to hold him. They however recovered themselves fast and followed him. Teshan already could feel that he really wasn’t fit enough to keep such a sprint for a long time but now he had to clench his teeth and just keep going. He could hear his pursuers following hard after him and suddenly he remembered the last time he had run that fast. At that time he had been a pursuer,



now a role reversal had happened and he found it strange to think that he was the one who was now being chased. He felt as if the old Teshan had died and he was happy about that. Finally he reached a section of roadside from where the rocks fell down 60 meters into the deep lake. He opened the book and looked back over his shoulder to the chasers who had almost caught up him. He stretched out the arm holding the book and put his hand on the window. They had almost reached him when he disappeared and the book flew down into the dark, deep water. “Damn!” Namis swore. He looked at the Maintainers angrily. “Out of my sight you incapable idiots!” Having said this he turned around and ran back to Teshan’s house. In the meantime Teshan had linked back to Koshad Nevin. He looked around surprised. He had told Sela to wait right here for him! “Oh, no she followed me!” he groaned, went back to the book immediately and re-linked. A short time before Namis had reached Teshan’s house. When Teshan materialized, Namis was already waiting for him. Teshan looked around the study bewildered. Where was Sela!? He heard a strange noise behind him and as he started to turn he received a hard punch in his back. He collapsed groaning and finally turned to look



Namis in the face. Namis stood over him, held a heavy stick in his hand and had an almost maniacal look on his face. “You are really too soft, Teshan!” Namis said almost pitifully. “And you are a goddamned bastard!” Teshan shouted hoarsely. “It’s all your fault! You had to fall in love with her! I just wanted to do my duty. You could have been a good citizen, Teshan! But you have chosen pain. Well, you can have it!” Saying this he swung the stick again. Teshan just managed to avoid it and scrambled to his feet. He drew away from the completely mad Namis and saw Sela in a corner. She sat there curled up, fear and pain in her eyes. In the flickering light Teshan could see that Namis had punched her. “You swine!” he shouted and grabbed a stick too. “Don’t tell me you wanted to preserve me from breaking the laws! You wanted to break them yourself! You lusted after Sela!” “Yes, but nobody would have found out! You would have being punished and I could have brought the Pentano under my control!” “You would never have succeeded with that! But that isn’t important anymore. You will pay for hurting Sela and you will pay for lying to me!”



Saying this Teshan lunged at Namis and tried to punch him but Namis managed to parry the blows. Again and again Teshan tried it to hit him, then as they passed Sela, Teshan shouted: “Use the Kormahn! It’s the only really thick book in my shelf!” Sela rose up immediately and ran to the shelf while Teshan kept Namis at bay. Teshan gave Sela a last look. “Meh neree waht”, he shouted at her. “I love you too!” she answered and put her hand on the open window in the book. When Namis saw what Sela had done he screamed: “No!” and lunged for her. But Sela had already disappeared and Teshan managed to hit Namis who fell down allowing Teshan to run to the book. As he started to open it Namis lunged at him and pulled him down. Teshan lay there wheezing and looked at Namis in anger who whispered hoarsely: “You have lost! You will always be the loser, Teshan!” Teshan shouted: “No. You won’t take my happiness away!” then he struggled to his feet and nutted Namis so hard that he heard the crack of his nose breaking. Namis screamed and fell to the ground allowing Teshan the opportunity to run back to the book, picking it up and holding it over the fire. Then he looked back to Namis who still lay on the ground holding his nose. He shook his head and put the hand on the open window in the book and disappeared leaving the book to fall into the fire.



Namis crawled to the fireplace moaning and tried to save the book and nearly burnt his hand. But it was already too late. The page with the window was almost destroyed and the link couldn’t be made anymore. Enraged Namis tore a page out and let it fall down into the hearth. He stood still for a moment then finally he turned away and went out.


After a while Shama came down. She wanted to see whether Namis had arrested her unfaithful husband. She entered the study and stood still because of the wreckage she saw there. The room lay in a strange semidarkness and in one place she could she a dark fluid gleaming. Was this blood?! She went to the fireplace and she saw the slightly charred page. She picked it up and stared at it. Then she looked to the bookshelf and back to the fireplace. The book Koshad Nevin was missing! She nodded and shrugged. Then she left the room and ordered her servants to clear up the mess. In the meantime Teshan had arrived on the island again. He sat there for a long time breathing deeply and his whole body was aching. After a while he crawled to Sela, who also sat on the ground and still seemed to be in shock. He held her in his arms and they remained that way for some time.



Then after a while Teshan stood slowly up and helped Sela to stand. They then went to the tree, where everything had begun almost a year ago. He took the Korvahkh back out and walked down to the sea with Sela and threw the book into the water. Then he took her hand and smiled at her. “Come”, he said, “let us begin our new life together…” Several weeks later The pain is gone, the reminiscence of these horrible events faded away. Today I gaze satisfied out of the window of the hut, which I have built for Sela and myself. Other Pentano have helped me with this. Sela told them everything about me and now they finally trust me.

Constantly my eyes return to my new partner. I love watching her, enjoy everything about her. Although the last months have brought us closer together, there’s still something fragile in our relationship…

I’m aware of the fact how ephemeral this all is and that’s also the reason why I savor and enjoy every second. I have fought long for this and now I’ve got my reward!

Looking back, it’s just amazing! I have changed so much! I think that in my heart I longed for it and that I knew that when this happened it would alter my way of thinking and living but to others I had to pretend to remain the same.

The more I understood Sela and the Pentano, the more my attitude changed until I was on their side in the end. I had a hard time adjusting to my new beliefs but in the end I happily



accepted them!

This will be my last entry. There’s no reason to keep a journal anymore. I store the memories from every place in this wonderful world in my heart. I don’t need ink or paper anymore to record them. It’s enough to go to these places. I don’t need more.

What will the future bring Sela and me? I don’t know and it doesn’t matter. As long as we walk in the light of happiness, nothing else matters!

I thank the Maker for giving me this second chance. He gave me strength when I didn’t have it and he gave me joy in the form of Sela. I have found happiness after a long time and have become young at heart again.

The circle is closed, the last word written. May our future always be filled with the light of happiness!



The End !

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