the boy in the striped pajamas -...


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Page 1: The Boy in the Striped Pajamas - · TheBoy in the Striped Pajamas by: John Boyne •The
Page 2: The Boy in the Striped Pajamas - · TheBoy in the Striped Pajamas by: John Boyne •The

The Boy in the Striped Pajamas by: John Boyne• The intention of this bundle is for the chapter book The Boy in the

Striped Pajamas to be read as a class read aloud with either writing prompts or class discussion points. • Each chapter is represented with a question that is meant to engage

students and allows them to critically think about and relate to the story. • Where appropriate, the chapters have been combined, but that will be

specifically noted on the top of the slide. • Slides can be used as a class interaction piece, or as notes for the

teacher. • I have also included worksheet extensions to help with character

identification and comparison. Use them at your discretion.• Enjoy!

Page 3: The Boy in the Striped Pajamas - · TheBoy in the Striped Pajamas by: John Boyne •The

Chapter 1: Prompt for Response

What can you infer about the book just from looking at the cover?

*Walk around the room with the book or pass it around while giving a brief intro to the text. Let the students really look at the cover and see what they come up with.

Page 4: The Boy in the Striped Pajamas - · TheBoy in the Striped Pajamas by: John Boyne •The

Chapter 2: Prompt for Response

How does Bruno react to his new house?

Based on what you know about this time period in history, predict what he may have seen out the top window.

*Tie in to Social Studies / History: Have students research WW11, concentration camps, Nazi’s…anything that extends their learning.

Page 5: The Boy in the Striped Pajamas - · TheBoy in the Striped Pajamas by: John Boyne •The

Chapter 3: Prompt for Response

Describe the relationship between Bruno and Gretel.

Is it a typical sibling relationship?

Who are the “other” children?

*Give students a chance to share their predictions about the “other” children with the class.

Page 6: The Boy in the Striped Pajamas - · TheBoy in the Striped Pajamas by: John Boyne •The

Chapter 4: Prompt for Response

Draw what you think the view out the window might look like.

*Allow students to share their drawings and talk about why they drew what they did. This would be a great opportunity to have a student lead class discussion.

Page 7: The Boy in the Striped Pajamas - · TheBoy in the Striped Pajamas by: John Boyne •The

Chapter 5: Prompt for Response

Write a letter from Bruno to Father regarding Bruno’s thoughts/feelings about their current situation.

*Journal Entry: Write a letter to someone you know about something that bothers you or something that you would like to change but aren’t sure how…

Page 8: The Boy in the Striped Pajamas - · TheBoy in the Striped Pajamas by: John Boyne •The

Chapter 6: Prompt for Response

Does Maria’s story change the way Bruno feels about his father? Use text evidence and examples to support.

*Remind students what text evidence is. Give examples to get them thinking about the chapter in terms of text evidence.

Page 9: The Boy in the Striped Pajamas - · TheBoy in the Striped Pajamas by: John Boyne •The

Chapter 7: Prompt for Response* Chapter 7 is long, so it’s split into 2 reads. 1st ½ prompt is as follows:

Make a list of characters (that we know so far) and explain the role of each and how they function and relate to each other.

*This would be a good opportunity to teach or remind students about T-charts and how they can be helpful to keep our notes organized.

Page 10: The Boy in the Striped Pajamas - · TheBoy in the Striped Pajamas by: John Boyne •The

Chapter 7: Prompt for Response* Chapter 7 is long, so it’s split into 2 reads. 2nd ½ prompt is as follows: Obviously mother doesn’t want father to know that Pavel helped Bruno clean up after his fall...Based on what we know so far, why do you suppose that is?

Page 11: The Boy in the Striped Pajamas - · TheBoy in the Striped Pajamas by: John Boyne •The

Chapter 8: Prompt for Response

Discuss grandmother’s feelings (as she so freely shared them here) towards Father and his “job”.

Do you share her opinion? Defend your stand.

*Extension: Have a class debate with students on each side of this topic. Allow them to freely state their own opinions, as long as they can logically support whichever side they’re on.

Page 12: The Boy in the Striped Pajamas - · TheBoy in the Striped Pajamas by: John Boyne •The

Chapter 9: Prompt for Response

Paraphrase the information from today’s chapter.

*Bruno is becoming increasingly interested in what goes on on the other side of the fence. Make a prediction about how he might satisfy his curiosity.

Page 13: The Boy in the Striped Pajamas - · TheBoy in the Striped Pajamas by: John Boyne •The

Chapter 10: Prompt for Response

Answer Bruno’s questions from the end of the chapter…

1) Why are there so many people on that side of the fence?

2) What are you all doing there?

Page 14: The Boy in the Striped Pajamas - · TheBoy in the Striped Pajamas by: John Boyne •The

Chapter 11: Prompt for ResponseDo you think having this chapter as a flashback is meaningful to the story?

Explain why we need the information it provides.

Page 15: The Boy in the Striped Pajamas - · TheBoy in the Striped Pajamas by: John Boyne •The

Chapter 12: Prompt for Response

Is Bruno making a wise choice by keeping his secret?

*Opportunity to talk about secret keeping and the value or disadvantage that can result from it, depending on the circumstances.

Vocabulary Builder: Value: a person’s standards of what is important.

Vocabulary Builder: Disadvantage: a position that is less than favorable.

Page 16: The Boy in the Striped Pajamas - · TheBoy in the Striped Pajamas by: John Boyne •The

Chapter 13: Prompt for Response

List the possibilities of what could have happened to Pavel.

*Class discussion stemming from what students interpret from Lt. Kotler’s words and actions.

Page 17: The Boy in the Striped Pajamas - · TheBoy in the Striped Pajamas by: John Boyne •The

Chapter 14: Prompt for Response

Is there ever any such thing as a “reasonable lie”?

Why or why not?

Is it dependent on situations and circumstances?

*Journal Entry: Write about a time when you told a lie. Was it hurtful or helpful to the situation?

Page 18: The Boy in the Striped Pajamas - · TheBoy in the Striped Pajamas by: John Boyne •The

Chapter 15: Prompt for Response

Why do you suppose Bruno chose to admit nothing to Lt. Kotler?

How do you think Bruno’s handling of the situation made Schmuel feel?

Page 19: The Boy in the Striped Pajamas - · TheBoy in the Striped Pajamas by: John Boyne •The

Chapter 16: Prompt for Response

Compare the changes you see in Bruno (character traits, attitude, actions) now, with when he first arrived at “Out With”.

*Students share out their answers and compare / contrast with answers of their classmates.

Page 20: The Boy in the Striped Pajamas - · TheBoy in the Striped Pajamas by: John Boyne •The

Chapter 17: Prompt for Response

Sketch a family portrait of Father, Mother, Gretel and Bruno.

Use what you know about each of the characters to be as accurate as possible.

*This could be turned into a project as well, where students showcase their portraits on card stock.

Page 21: The Boy in the Striped Pajamas - · TheBoy in the Striped Pajamas by: John Boyne •The

Chapter 18: Prompt for ResponseIs the boys’ “plan” a good idea?

List the consequences they may face if they go through with it.

Vocabulary Builder: Consequences – result of an action.

Page 22: The Boy in the Striped Pajamas - · TheBoy in the Striped Pajamas by: John Boyne •The

Chapter 19: Prompt for Response

Respond to the final events of the book.

Did you ever imagine this would be how the story ended.

How does this make you feel?

*Discuss as a class how students react to the ending.

Page 23: The Boy in the Striped Pajamas - · TheBoy in the Striped Pajamas by: John Boyne •The

Chapter 20: Prompt for ResponsePut yourself in either Father’s, Mother’s or Gretel’s place...

How would you feel in terms of missing Bruno?

What could you do to possibly “Cope” with the loss?

Vocabulary Builder: Cope – deal effectively with something difficult.

Page 24: The Boy in the Striped Pajamas - · TheBoy in the Striped Pajamas by: John Boyne •The

Story Extension

Show the movie “The Boy in the Striped Pajamas” in class and have students follow a ’movie quest’ as they watch.

*Visit my TpT site to find the already made movie quest for “The Boy in the Striped Pajamas”