the bubble cursor

THE BUBBLE CURSOR Introduction to Human-Computer Interaction Craig Kershaw & Francesco Bonadiman

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Post on 05-Jul-2015




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We have created the bubble context menu, a new design for context menus combined with the bubble cursor to facilitate the access of the most frequent items in a context menu. Thus, we have decided to exploit the bubble cursor technique and incorporate in it the "hot items" principle presented in the paper regarding the bubbling menus. At first sight, our project looks exactly like a normal bubble cursor. When a user right-clicks on an item, the cursor is surrounded by a bubble that extends its field of action and a number of targets appears. By moving the cursor, according to the basic principle of the bubble cursor, the nearest target is always selected at any time and the bubble is resized dynamically depending on the proximity of surrounding targets. By right-clicking on an item on the screen, it is expected that a context menu would appear from which the user is able to choose the desired option. The improvement we have made is that what now appears is the bubble context menu: the elements of the context menu are represented as bubbles and arranged in a circle around the bubble cursor. Their position is fixed and the size depends on the frequency with which you click on them, which means that, if an element is used very often, it will have an extended area, be the first item selectable and provide an easy selection to the user. The user can use a left-click to select the item in focus and a further right-click to close the bubble context menu. On the other hand, an option that is not frequently used will remain the same size and will have a lower visual impact. We believe that this technique may turn out to be extremely useful: in fact, once the user has learnt the disposition of objects within the context menu, you can scan it without even looking at the menu that has just appeared. This way, the technique is very similar to the single-stroke gestures from the bubbling menus paper, where the menu uses the curvature of a gesture as a discriminating factor to trigger different commands.


Page 1: The Bubble Cursor

THE BUBBLE CURSOR Introduction to Human-Computer Interaction

Craig Kershaw & Francesco Bonadiman

Page 2: The Bubble Cursor


Paper by T. Grossman and R. Balakrishnan

CHI 2005 Best Paper Award Winner

Target acquisition technique

Dynamically resizes cursor activation area

Depends on proximity of surrounding targets

Only one target is selectable at any time 2

Page 3: The Bubble Cursor


Improvements in pointing performance

significant impact on usability

Attempts to beat Fitts’ Law

By dynamically increasing the target width

Reduces target acquisition times

Performance equivalent to point cursor selecting

targets with size as bubble radius width 3

Page 4: The Bubble Cursor


Circles always captures the closest target first


Page 5: The Bubble Cursor


Continuously updates the radius of the bubble

Minimum distance between:

Furthest point of the closest target

Nearest point of the second closest


Page 6: The Bubble Cursor


Implemented as bubble context menu

Right-click on item bubble cursor activation

Circular targets surrounding cursor


Page 7: The Bubble Cursor


Facilitate access of most frequent items

Like “bubbling menus”

Size depending on frequency of clicks

Left-click to select the item in focus

New right-click to close

Selecting becomes instinctive

Gesture-like 7

Page 8: The Bubble Cursor

DEMO Thank you!