the buggy cart

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  • 7/27/2019 The Buggy Cart



    Suji and his sister Nipu lived in Kalutara, a small town in Sri Lanka. Their school was

    not far from their house. Every morning on his way to work, their father took them to

    school in his car. Sujis friends, Navin, Arosha and his sister Ranmali, also went with

    them in the car. When Sujis father came home for lunch, he brought the children home

    from school. After lunch he went back to his office.

    One day the price of gasoline went up and Sujis could not pay for so many car

    trips. He decided to eat his lunch in the office and he paid Tikiri to bring the children

    hone in his buggy cart.

    Tikiri was about forty years old, but he looked older than that. His back was

    bent. His face was small and his eyes were deep. His hair was turning grey.

    Tikiri lived in a very small cottage close to Sujis house. The roof was made of

    coconut leaves. It only had one room, but that was enough. He lived alone and had no

    relatives or friends. Twenty or thirty years ago he came to the village from some place

    else. Even after 30 years, people said that he was a stranger to the town.

    His only companion was his bull called Kaluwa, Kaluwa means the black one.

    About eight years ago, Tikiri bought Kaluwa and trained him to pull the buggy cart.

    Kaluwa was smart and he understood Tikiri very well.

    Every morning Tikiri used to take the buggy cart downtown. He stopped near

    the bus station and waited for passengers. There were usually people who came to

    Kalutara from nearby villages. Some came to get treatment at the hospital. Others came

    to do their shopping. From the bus stations, some of them would walk, but others would

    take buggy carts.

    But there were some days when Tikiri waited from morning to evening without

    getting any passengers, and then he went home empty-handed. On those days Tikiri had

    no money to buy food for himself, but he always made sure that Kaluwa at least had

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    some straw to eat. On days when he earned extra money Kaluwa got one bucket full of

    copra meal. That was Kaluwas favorites food.

    When Sujis father asked him to bring the children to and from school, Tikiri

    was happy to have a regular job.

    At first, Suji and his friends didnt like the buggy cart. It was slow and

    uncomfortable, and Tikiri did not look smart.

    But slowly the grew to like him. Tikiri was very kind and polite. They had more

    freedom with him than with their own fathers. They also had more fun.

    Before the school bell rang, Tikiri was waiting at the school gate. Navin always

    came out running and he liked to jump into the buggy cart. Kaluwa shook his head.

    Navin liked to hear the sound of the bells around the bulls neck. Arosha used to come

    out with his sister Ranmali and they sat on the back seat. As Nipu was small, Tikiri

    always had lifted her up and put her in the cart. Suji was the eldest and sat on the front

    seats. When everybody was in the cart, Tikiri got on the drivers seats, looked back,

    checked the number of children for the last time, and started his daily ride to the

    childrens homes.

    First Kaluwa started to trot, then after a few minutes, he slowed down. Tikiri

    ordered Kaluwa to run faster. He followed his masters command for a short while, but

    then he slowed down.

    From the small road in front of the school, the buggy cart moved on to the main

    road. It turned to the left. There were more cars then and Tikiri had to be more careful.

    He heard the tooting of a bus behind the cart. He let it pass. The bus went past the

    buggy cart, and Tikiri continued on leisurely.

    The first stop was at Navins house. Even before the buggy cart stopped completely, he

    already jumped out. Tikiri always had to shout at him.

    Wait till the buggy stops!

    Navin walked up to Kaluwa, patted his neck and ran into the arms of his mother.

    She was always waiting at the door.

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    Then it was the other childrens turn. Tikiri turned at the Na tree junction, and

    went past the railway crossing. He dropped Ranmali and Arosha. The last children to

    get down were Suji and Nipu. Tikiri got down and opened the gate. Kaluwa quietly

    walked towards the house. Once Suji and Nipu got down, Tikiri went back home for his

    lunch and a nap.

    The trip to and from school in the buggy cart became familiar for everybody,

    especially for Tikiri and Kaluwa. Tikiri didnt need to command Kaluwa anymore. The

    bull knew where to slow down, where to turn and where to stop.

    The children loved Kaluwa. They patted him on the back. Sometimes they even

    gave Tikiri their pocket money to buy food for Kaluwa. Kaluwa seemed to understand


    One morning Tikiri woke up not feeling well. He had a fever. He decided to see

    a doctor, so he got into the buggy cart and drove to the hospital.

    The doctor gave him some medicine and told Tikiri to go home and rest.

    Kaluwa brought him home. He was still not feeling well, but he had to bring the

    children home from school. He looked up at the sky. It was still too early to go school.

    He had time to lie down for a short time. He went inside the house and fell asleep.

    Kaluwa started to chew his straw. After some time he felt sleepy too. Suddenly

    he looked up at the sky. The sun was almost over his head.

    Isnt it time to pick up the children from school? he asked himself.

    He looked inside the house. Tikiri was still sleeping.

    Should I wake him up?

    Kaluwa was thinking,

    Ill shake my neck and the bells wake my master up.

    But when he saw his master, he knew the old man was really sick. He had never

    seen Tikiri sleeping during this time of day.

    He needs a rest. But the children have to be brought home from school. What

    can I do?

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    Quickly Kaluwa drew the buggy cart out. He was very careful because he did

    not want wake his master up. He looked back to make sure Tikiri was not coming

    outside. Then he got out onto the road. Kaluwa knew that he had to hurry because it was

    almost time for school to be out.

    Just as he arrived at the school gate, he heard the school bell ringing. He was on

    time! Kaluwa was tired, but he was happy because he was there before the children

    came out.

    Soon children started to scream past the school gate. Arosha all got in. Kaluwa

    turned his head and looked back at the children. Everybody was there.

    Where is Tikiri? Arosha suddenly asked as Kaluwa pulled the buggy onto the


    Where is Tikiri? The other children shouted too. They looked round. There was

    no sign of Tikiri. Kaluwa started his usual trot.

    The children were quiet because they were surprised. Would Tikiri join them


    The school bus whizzed past the buggy cart, children inside waved at Suji.

    Kaluwa stopped for a while and continued on his run.

    The buggy cart arrived at Navins house the main road. Navin did not jump out

    of the buggy cart as usual, but waited till Kaluwa stopped. He quickly got down and

    knocked on the door. When the door opened and Navin went in, Kaluwa looked back,

    shook his head and started to pull the buggy cart along the road.

    Kaluwa came to the turn. He waited till the car went past, turned right and

    walked on.

    They came to the railway crossing. The gate was open. He could have just gone

    on, but he stopped before going past the crossing. He looked to the right, then to the left,

    and finally he quickly went past it.

    Arosha and Ranmali got down at the gate and walked up to the house. Kaluwa

    waited till they went in the house. Only Suji and Nipu were left to be dropped at home.

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    Kaluwa felt that it was little late. He started to run. There were no cars on this

    part of the road. Kaluwa stopped in front of the gate.

    Suji said.

    Kaluwa, wait. I will open the gate. Nipu, dont get down.

    Suji opened the gate and walked in front. Kaluwa came up to the door and

    stopped. Nipu opened the door and ran in. Suji patted Kaluwa on his back, caressed his

    and followed Nipu in to the house.

    Mummy, Tikiri was not there today, Nipu shouted.

    How did you get home? Who brought you?

    We came in the buggy cart, Suji replied.

    Who drove it?

    Nobody. Kaluwa brought us home.

    Their mother couldnt believe it. She went the door and saw the buggy cart

    going out past the gate. She could not see Tikiri. Usually he closed the gate before he

    left, but today it was left open.

    The buggy cart was clopping along quietly, and Kaluwa was smiling. He would

    be home soon. When his master found out what he had done, he would surely pat his

    back and smile at him. The he would get a bucket full of his favorite food. It was a

    special day for Kaluwa and the buggy cart.

  • 7/27/2019 The Buggy Cart




    Disusun Oleh :

    Nama : Fatimah. N

    Kelas : VII C


    Jln. Pramuka Argasunya


  • 7/27/2019 The Buggy Cart




    Disusun Oleh :

    Nama : Novita N.

    Kelas : VII C


    Jln. Pramuka Argasunya


  • 7/27/2019 The Buggy Cart




    Disusun Oleh :

    Nama : Rustina N.

    Kelas : VII C


    Jln. Pramuka Argasunya