the calls companies want to receive in today's economy

© 2006, 2007, Kathleen T. Kurke REAL Calls: The Calls Clients want to answer! ERE Fordyce Forum June 12, 2009

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Session from the Fordyce Forum 2009, presented by Kathleen Kurke.


Page 1: The Calls Companies Want to Receive in Today's Economy

© 2006, 2007, Kathleen T. Kurke

REAL Calls: The Calls Clients want to answer!

ERE Fordyce ForumJune 12, 2009

Page 2: The Calls Companies Want to Receive in Today's Economy

© 2006, 2007, Kathleen T. KurkeERE Fordyce Forum 2009


I’ve always said…

“We are in business to help make our clients more successful.”

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© 2006, 2007, Kathleen T. KurkeERE Fordyce Forum 2009


Yeah, Right.Let’s not kid ourselves. We are in business

to make money.

- but -

Our success is a function of our ability to help our clients make

money and save money.

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© 2006, 2007, Kathleen T. KurkeERE Fordyce Forum 2009


•New perspective on where our work fits within our clients’universe

•Apply new ideas to each part of our job

•Connect it all with the Money Circle

•So all our calls are calls our clients are eager to answer

Open our eyes to a New Perspective

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© 2006, 2007, Kathleen T. KurkeERE Fordyce Forum 2009


New Perspective

Recruiter’s Perspective:“Who do you want to hire?”

Client’s Perspective“How can I keep my company


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© 2006, 2007, Kathleen T. KurkeERE Fordyce Forum 2009


Client Perspective








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© 2006, 2007, Kathleen T. KurkeERE Fordyce Forum 2009



-noun1 b : a vital or unsettled matter <economic issues>


1 : a line of general direction or movement 2 a : a prevailing tendency or inclination

. . . that could effect a company.

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© 2006, 2007, Kathleen T. KurkeERE Fordyce Forum 2009


•Can be social, technological, economic and/or political variables

•Can be converging, diverging, speeding up, slowing down or interacting

•Can be unique to an industry or sector, or more generalized

•Are neither positive or negative. They just ARE.

Issues & Trends

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© 2006, 2007, Kathleen T. KurkeERE Fordyce Forum 2009


Current Examples

•Rising unemployment

•Aging population

•Piracy on the open seas

•Displaced worker violence

•Tightening credit crunch

•Volatile stock market

• …

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© 2006, 2007, Kathleen T. KurkeERE Fordyce Forum 2009


Client Perspective








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© 2006, 2007, Kathleen T. KurkeERE Fordyce Forum 2009




a : an intricate unsettled question b : a source of perplexity


a: a favorable juncture of circumstances <the halt provided an opportunity for rest and refreshment>b: a good chance for advancement or progress

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© 2006, 2007, Kathleen T. KurkeERE Fordyce Forum 2009


ProblemBrain drain from retiring workers

Issue/TrendAging population

OpportunityEmerging market for new services


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© 2006, 2007, Kathleen T. KurkeERE Fordyce Forum 2009


ProblemHR deluged with applicants


unemployment ratesOpportunityWider applicant pool


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© 2006, 2007, Kathleen T. KurkeERE Fordyce Forum 2009


ProblemLess disposable income available for consumer discretionary spendingIssue/Trend

Tightening Credit Crunch

OpportunityIncreased demand for high interest rate loans


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© 2006, 2007, Kathleen T. KurkeERE Fordyce Forum 2009



Issue and Trend ???



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© 2006, 2007, Kathleen T. KurkeERE Fordyce Forum 2009


Let’s try this out . . .•Health Care Industry

Issues & Trends?– Problems & Opportunities?

» Who cares?

•Financial ServicesIssues & Trends?

– Problems & Opportunities?» Who cares?

•Information TechnologyIssues & Trends?

– Problems & Opportunities?» Who cares?

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© 2006, 2007, Kathleen T. KurkeERE Fordyce Forum 2009


Client Perspective








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© 2006, 2007, Kathleen T. KurkeERE Fordyce Forum 2009


New Perspective•Here’s what we do:

We help companies find, attract and hire talent to solve problems and capture opportunities that will help them make money and reduce expenses to increase their profits.

•Remember:Our success is a function of our ability to help our

clients make money and save money.

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© 2006, 2007, Kathleen T. KurkeERE Fordyce Forum 2009


Types of Money Calls•Marketing Calls

•Business Development Calls

•Job Order/Spec Development Calls

•Candidate Development Calls

•Presentation Calls

•Prep Calls

•Debrief Calls

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© 2006, 2007, Kathleen T. KurkeERE Fordyce Forum 2009


Make them REAL

•(R) Relevant

•(E) Evidence based

•(A)Action Oriented

•(L) Leading to Money

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© 2006, 2007, Kathleen T. KurkeERE Fordyce Forum 2009


Money Calls •Begin the call with Conviction and Bias for Action.

•Gather information by asking questions to understand Issues & Trends, Problems & Opportunities.

•Make them REAL.

•Close the call with summary of understanding, and commitment to action.

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© 2006, 2007, Kathleen T. KurkeERE Fordyce Forum 2009


Marketing Calls•Establish credibility by acknowledging connection

between Issues & Trends, Problems & Opportunities℡ “For many of my clients, rising gas prices are wrecking havoc on their

travel budgets and putting a real dent in margins over the past two quarters.“

•Present candidates in terms of how they can solve a SPECIFIC problem or capture a SPECIFIC opportunity℡ “I’ve evaluated a candidate that has a track record of renegotiating

fixed price agreements with suppliers, saving over $14m in annualized expenses.”

•Close for agreement around the problem or the opportunity.℡ “Are you struggling with similar challenges in your company?”

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© 2006, 2007, Kathleen T. KurkeERE Fordyce Forum 2009


Practice: Marketing Calls•Establish credibility by acknowledging connection

between Issues & Trends, Problems & Opportunities℡ “For many of my clients, concerns about balancing reimbursements

rates with patient satisfaction are wreaking havoc on their staffing ratios.”


•Present candidates in terms of how they can solve a SPECIFIC problem or capture a SPECIFIC opportunity℡ “I’ve evaluated a candidate that has a track record of 98% patient

satisfaction with less than a .01 morbidity rate. His supervisors really valued that.”


•Close for agreement around the problem or the opportunity.℡ “Are you struggling with similar challenges in your company?”℡ WHAT CAN YOU SAY HERE?

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© 2006, 2007, Kathleen T. KurkeERE Fordyce Forum 2009


Business Development CallsAsk questions to understand Issues & Trends, Problems & Opportunities

℡ What are the Issues in your competitive marketplace that are impacting your company’s success?

℡ What are the external trends that are impacting your company’s success?℡ What’s going on in your world that’s making it hard for your company to generate

revenue?℡ What’s going on in your world that’s making it difficult for your company to improve

margins? (that = save $ in THEIR terms)℡ What are the top three priorities on your CEO’s plate right now?℡ When you win in today’s competitive marketplace, why do your customers say you’ve

won?℡ If you lose in today’s competitive marketplace, why do you lose?℡ What business problems does your company help your customers solve? (although, you

can often get that from their web site.)℡ If you could change one thing that you think would help your company generate more

revenue, what would that be? Who’s got the authority to do that?℡ If you could change one thing that you think would help your company reduce costs,

what would that me? Who’s got the authority to do that?

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© 2006, 2007, Kathleen T. KurkeERE Fordyce Forum 2009


Job Order Development CallsAsk questions to understand job specs & required

qualifications in terms of Issues & Trends, Problems & Opportunities℡ “Before we go into the specifics, let’s back up. Tell me about the

Business problems you’re trying to solve that prompted you to create the role. Because filling this Recruiting Assignment is going to be hard work, cost you a lot of money, and take a lot of time. If I can help you avoid those, but still solve the problem, you’ll be hero!”

℡ “What problems does the person in this role need to solve?”℡ “What opportunities does the person in this role need to capture?”℡ “Most companies in this world exist to generate profit for the

stakeholders. That means some of the people in the organization contribute to generating revenue, and others contribute to reducing costs. Where in that equation does this role fit?”

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© 2006, 2007, Kathleen T. KurkeERE Fordyce Forum 2009


Candidate Development CallsPresent opportunities in terms of problems to be solved and opportunities

to be captured℡ “I’m an executive recruiter, and I work with my clients to help them attract talented

individuals with a track record in expanding marketshare through on-point product roll-outs. Who do you know that likes to do that?

Gather data about candidate backgrounds in terms of the problems they’ve solved and the opportunities they’ve captured, not just duties and responsibilities. ℡ “Most companies in this world exist to generate profit for the stakeholders. That means

some of the people in the organization contribute to generating revenue, and others contribute to reducing costs. Where in that equation are you in your current job?”

℡ “What have you done to increase revenues?”℡ “What have you done to decrease costs?”℡ “What have you done to improve the process?”℡ “How do you stand out amongst your peers?”℡ “What are the most significant problems you’ve helped your current employer solve?”℡ “What are the most significant opportunities you’ve helped your current employer


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© 2006, 2007, Kathleen T. KurkeERE Fordyce Forum 2009


Presentation Calls•Leverage opportunity to establish credibility and


•Present Candidates in terms of Issues & Trends, Problems & Opportunities

℡ “She had noticed that Sarbanes Oxley was a fact of life in the ITsystems world (issue), and that the pressure to get compliant could cost her employer millions (problem). She successfully implemented an audit protocol that enabled her current employer to go-live with a new system, meaning that they saved $2m.”

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© 2006, 2007, Kathleen T. KurkeERE Fordyce Forum 2009


Prep Calls•Highlight the Issues & Trends that are driving Problems & Opportunities

•Draw focus to similarities between problem solved & opportunities captured

Tell Candidate:

℡ “What you’ll learn is that what they need done is what you love doing. . .”

Tell Client:

℡ “What you’ll learn during tomorrow’s meeting is how passionate Jeremy is about solving the problem that is currently front and center for you . . .”

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© 2006, 2007, Kathleen T. KurkeERE Fordyce Forum 2009


Debrief CallsEvaluate Fit in terms of problems & opportunitiesAsk Candidate:℡ “Are you clear on what they need to accomplish (problem solved &

opportunity captured)?”℡ “Can you do what they need done? Highlight for me where you’ve

done that in your past.”℡ “Do you want to do what they need done?”

Ask Client:℡ “Are they clear on what you need to accomplish?”℡ “Can they do what you need to accomplish?”

Share examples you learned during candidate debrief.

℡ “Do you want them to do what you need done?”

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The Money CircleThe Money CircleMake Every Call a Money Call!Make Every Call a Money Call!

Where have your friends in

the industry have been

interviewing? What have they liked/not liked?

Who do you know who can solve problem


What critical problems does your company need

to solve?

Tell me about your

experiences in working with ...(person X).

Tell me about you– What

are you looking for in

your next job?

What do you see as some of the issues & trends effecting

our industry today?©2003, 2005 Starbridge Group inc.

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© 2006, 2007, Kathleen T. KurkeERE Fordyce Forum 2009


Client Perspective








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© 2006, 2007, Kathleen T. KurkeERE Fordyce Forum 2009


We are in business to make placements, BUT…

NEVER Forget that:

Our success is a function of our ability to help our client make money and save


Which is impacted by Problems & Opportunities;

And are created as a result of Issues & Trends.

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© 2006, 2007, Kathleen T. KurkeERE Fordyce Forum 2009


Closing Thoughts•Be BOLD in your actions and commitments.

•Match prospecting strategies to the executive at whatever level you’re calling

•Link business issues to problems you can help solve

•Where ever you are in doing the job, BE THERE 100%.

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© 2006, 2007, Kathleen T. Kurke

REAL Calls: The Calls Clients want to answer!

ERE Fordyce ForumJune 12, 2009