the cannon that modernized japan - university of...

THE DAILY SUN GAINESVILLE FLORIDA JULY 1901 Jtt1ir- iV r ZU- f r 17 1fi 1 i xFr M r i + + SMALL U TUBE HM Vermiform Appendix and Its Probable Function OF APPENDICITIS TIM Cawwa tf the and the ff Fiititing It The Way MM Qptratkn f ferftwtf Dfea M Mankind AppcaikMM te sot a disease of mod en times thovgb Its nature and moth 4c ef treatment are the result of careful observation by one of our well kaewa BKrfera surgeons while engaged la peetBftortem work It may be safe to ay that appcodl- eKI Is as old as mankind for In tadylag very oM IiUtorles wherein are gives the Alagnown of the physl chuw we read of cases of Inflnmmn lien ef the bowels Intestinal disorders llto ailments tile symptoms of KHteb prove that they most the been appendlcltla Appendicitis te Inflammation of the vermiform appendix a small blind tube averaging two and a half la length and a quarter of an Inch In diameter attached to the coccum at Its Inner nod posterior part It Is wade of a very sensitive raucOus mem tirane containing Revcrnl glands The appendix Is part of the digestive tract Its function It la Moved being to fabricate thatpart of the Intestines though as yet there Is no absolute proof of this Careful study of a child from whom the colon has booli re- moved Until be reaches the ago of manhood has revealed no Irregular- ities of any nature The caaacs of this disease may grouped under heads stenosis wklck mean closing up impaction tie entraace of foreign bodies not nee CMwrlly seeds exposure and Injury IB fgbtiRg this disease nature three methods of disposing of the toxic iMterial 4t ch rgiBg them Into tbo Irite6il cavity stadias them Into the Ipwete aad discharging theta thiWBfk aa fetteraal woaoO In If the dtoclMirre be not too rapid while the peritoneum Is taking them nature again makes an effort to- ward off the threatened danger by walllag the poteoao s matters In thus lecallzlBg them still so aiding the pby klan or surgeon in his work If Iwwever the discharge be sudden as is the case whea the mass bursts the whole of the fterltoatHtn becomes In which la called aseptic pcrlto- 4Us nail thk Is eaerally fatal After the dlajposta has revealed the ittseaae better decides whether the h eae fer or external trsatattRt er fer separatloa In the 3tjtr the greatest ot care la do MMiulrt as semetimcs an Immediate peratkA Is necessary while at other tines It reset be delayed oftea for Ibevrs aatll the condition of the pa tkat kea been brought to that point at wfclch swgeoa caR feel It Is safe tn 0 heats The operation determined upon the aest carefal arrangements to perfect antisepsis ate made and the patient Is placed In a full state of The eperatlag surgeon then draws a laMgiaary line from the navel to the Mperlor spine of the right Wf tea dividing that line into three parts Uar the Inner side of the middle third the appendix la normal case will be found though In rare cases It has been found on the left side Led la extremely rare cases otherwise Displaced Having satisfied himself of the under which It will be found an from two to Are lu haw long Is made In the skin Some cf the best argtons pride themselves on the fuallncss of their incisions In this op- eration Tlio fatty tissues are then cut through the small blood vessels are secured and then the muscular wails of the abdomen ore separated laying Into view tho peritoneum This is a serous secretive lining cam potd of ttvo layers On cutting t ruusb this the edges of both layers n clamped so as to enable the jrocn to reunite them when the glen shall have ben compoteil The Intestines are vUlblo anti tbo affected toctloii IK very tenderly through the opening where tb nature and extent of ItifWiloa era made known Hot towels moistened wlth salt water art a pMd to the intestine while It te exiMMMil Tbe tword tenderly chnracterhtea the cf oiKratlojj as the rrrgroa bo more tlwn careful to preveat- iny rupture or the append for wltottU l s liuppcn while be Is f rating the jms tvtiuld quickly ttikou up by the peritoneum and otbr UUK UH lusts b and the resulting coujlkntk Q3 make the outcome very uncer talL the sjoMntory a vtwl adjoin tag Urt appendix Is next I f1 and tf a colon Is tied rr r f r rcLh- tjf dyad min fa cut nr 5 Tbi j- uUiaop kt jMHSsd back V i es A PIOILEM Met evil HOW Inches lip oaT Ute cue Ute an- a tltetl tenor exact- t opera 1 the 1i1 kept r b t t lei toe large 1 I1 l3 t WJ cl1rn Disease Is Per t 1 1 Lad t gym s b- et foam r takes- w the- M tae tclae case vie a secure- r a a F t a ty f p sur- er ti t maw drawn r4 r hole near void the t turD < ¬ ¬ > ° + ° ° ° ± tblii to prevent the Mrmlag olr The romotal stoic ncrnnipllsbed the Intestine I rcpJnnd the cf the peritoneum tarrfttlly npproxl mated and tile muscular walla fatty tissue and skin arc hmucbt toreftKr by subcutaneous and cutaneous su lures In the majority of cases no com- plications cusulug the patient Is ready for discharge In two weeks James M myth M H In New York World THE COOPERATIVE CONTEST Business Are In the Plan Which Will Issue Votes The handsome pianos and diamond ring to be given away In the Co- operative Contest will be the grand- est distribution of prizes ever offered in Alacbua county Parties trading with any of the fol lowing stores will be given vote for every penny spent Gainesville Furniture Company furniture Phlfer Morris Co cloth lug and furnishings Gainesville Hard- ware Co plumbing and hardware Mrs F T McCormick millinery W M Johnson drugs and medicines C Smith shoes nnd jewelry Mrs R Wilson dry goods and notions Saun dera Earle groceries and feed- stuffs City Bakery broad and pastry- P Y Smith fresh meats Crawford Davis livery and sale stables The Sun printing nnd publishing Tbe Drown House meals and lodging X Francisco Itannna Hoasc fruits etc Kddlns Mfg Co lumber and building material Standard Fertilizer Co fertilizer Votes will be given on all orders for job printing at The Sun office and on subscriptions as follows The Dally Sun three months subscription old subscribers GOO votes new sub- scribers 0d votes 2BO six months subscription old subscribers 1200 votes new sub- scribers 1500 votes 5 one years subscription old 3500 votes new subscrib- ers 4500 votes For a club of five oneyear subscrip- tions before 12 oclock noon Aug 18 1909 old subscribers 30000 votes new subscribers 35000 votes For fe club of ten sub scriptions before 12 oclock noon Aug 18 1909 old subscribers 30000 votes new subscribers 35000 votes There Is no limit to the number of clubs each contestant may secure The SemiWeekly Sun 1 one years subscription 500 votes For a club of flve oneyear subecrlp- tinti 6 Hi votes For a club of twentyfive oneyear subscriptions 35000 votes There Is no limit to tho number- of clubs each contestant may secure Mud Keen the Up In I dulnti H is Htrlftly njnilunf tb law fur the driver cf ntv nubile run vvynnrr to ullmv tin nirmlus if bl vehicle to pfilliil whit n iun who hUM MIMI the Ktill4b nu tniHillc By day or nl lit the uiiuluwH f hansoms carriages or what not vbntb er drawn by borMex ur propiIKul b electric power must bt su cpcti ti public InsjKTllon ns to allow a plait view of those occupying the Interior A closed rl wouldnt get n block tore n London bobby would nub driver and bale him to n magistrate office where be would get no mercy The law Is based on the theory that clwed vebHi lond tln melv s easily to the coinuib lL n of rubbery or mur- der and that they may uUo uasUt a criminal to nmku his escape Balti- more Sorry Ho Gpokol lie was very deferential but be was a deacon In the church and he felt that be hId n right to criticise I hope youll pardon me ln raid If 1 suggest tbnt your sermons are ah- TK prosy I suppose suggested tin itilnbter Ob IK not that Init too loup nut you mustnt biome UM for that returned the minister plf asttatly if you knew a little wore I wouldnt have Lu Ull you u iiiuvii- WlKfM asked wl rtber bii st lf Talleyrand replied Yes One born to b M ling has some one to shave him but they who Require klag- ilouu shave tlivmH ves DkMiyslus tyrant of Syntcu not daring t- fvtumlt blnMi lf to M barbers b ml3 If F It to bare sJaj nl bill own beard with thin tb d4 ire exfx touts c fr It prnted ides Art one 1 I 125 Curt n It den Itt let the ItklAlUn pu tUUlctiif koIIIII I tot If to S d r h b dour b Th- at sub- scribers six montha ruts American Shaving Napoleon thaw- ed iowlti walnut shells r tat I L it s etat v yr waaw- t i ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < > > = > > < + THE CURE FOB SCROFULA The urual symptoms of Scrofula are enlarged glands of tho node sores und ulcers on the body skin affections catarrhal troubloi weak eyes and general poor health The inherited poison transmitted througli the blood and weakens this fluid and in plaro of its nutritive of the entire Thousands of children born with a scrofulous ttlnt have spent their childhood in constant physical suffering and grown to manhood or womanhood handicapped by ill health and stunted growth and perhaps later some disease of bones or joints SS S their early life would havo prevented this It would havo A Ji their systems and each to grow into strong healthful manlfood or womanhood S S S is tho best remedy for Scrofula It goes down to the bottom of the trouble and cleanses the circulation of all scrofulous matter the weak diseased blood with strength and healthbuilding qualities and under the purifying effects of this great remedy nil symptoms of pass away S S S no mineral in any form nndis an absolutely safe treatment for children oven infants- or persons of any AgO Literature about Scrofula and medical advice free THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO ATLANTA GA ABOUT ADVERTISING NO 7 The Cannon That Modernized Japan By Herbert Kaufman Business is no a man to man con tact in which the merchant and the patron establish a bond any more tle is a handtohand grapple where bone and muscle and sinew outcome Trade- as well as war has changed in its aspect both arc now fought at long range Just as a day army of heroes would have no opportunity to display the individual valor of its so a merchant who his personal acquaintanceship for success is a changed her policy of exclusion to foreigners a fleet battered Satsuma fortifications The Samu rai who had hitherto considered their blades and bows discovered that one cannon was mightier than all the swords in creation if not near enough to use them Japan profited by the did not further ramparts were battered to but was ont experience and proceeded to modernize her methods The merchant who doesnt advertise is pretty much in the same position as that in which Japan stood when her eyes were opened to the fact that times had changed The long range publicity of a competitor will as surely destroy your business as the cannon the foreigners crumbled the walls of Sat suma Unless you take the lesson to heart unless you realize the importance of advertising not only as the means of extending your business but for defending it as well you must be prepared to face conse quences of a folly as great as that of a duelist who expects to survive in a contest in which his adversary bears a sword twice tire length of his own Dont think that its too late to begin because there are so many stores which have had the advantage- of years of cumulative advertising The is grow ing It will grow even more next year It needs increased trading facilities just as its hungry for new neighborhoods- But it will never again support neighborhood stores Newspaper advertising has eliminated the strength of being locally prominent and five cent street car fares have cut out the advantage of being around the A store five miles away can reach out through- the columns of the daily newspaper and your next door neighbor to its aisles while you sit by and see the people oh your own block enticed away without your being able to retaliate or supply new customers- to take their place It is not a question of your ability to stand the cost oi advertising but of being able to survive without it The thing you have to consider is not only an extension of your business but holding what you a ready have Advertising is an investment the cost of which is in the same proportion to its returns as seeds are to the harvest it is just as preposterous for you to consider publicity as an expense as it would be for a farmer to hesitate over purchasing a fertilizer if he jhrit he could wiiijby increase his crops t it S S S fills the circulation with scrofulous matter which the vitality n cleansed and purified the blood of the nourished and ersoa counts upon pasta corner disc llI b I c II saps v r tp T- a ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = BUSINESS DR GKO S WALDO DENTIST Graham Building East Mcln Street N Phone 91 Also Long Distance R EDWARD CLARK DENTIST Offices in Graham Building over Saunders Earles store Phone No 356 UiVEKE B MOKKlb DENTIST Once ores Galnearllle National L Pkoae 29- 0JR J H ALDERMAN DENTIST Office over Duttoa ft Coa R u- Phoae 280 Galaeaville Fla E BAKER ATTORNEYATLAW SOLICITOR IN OHANOERY GAINESVILLE Alaobua Co Office ia Haymani Block f BRDINAND BAYER ATTORNEY AT LAW lA XS7IILB PlOHiIIA- GIB tell your ally im- iov d and unimproved tit el it g and Bead 1 at o what you offer for sale 2141a CARLISLE ATTORNEY AT LAW Lad Solicitor in Equity Estate Ouu neiDK cud G a ra Practice All business promptly u cded to Office neit e OAiKanviiB Pi t tn HANK CLARK THOS W FIELDING CLARK FIELDING LAWYERS tractIce la all Courts State aat Federal Ofilcea Over Gainesville Natloaal Bank Gainesville Florida ITS FRESH EVERY DAY The Bread Pie and Cake you eat should be nutritious The finest flour mixed with pure rich milk and baked In the purity fashion make our goods the most delicious it la possible to produce KEYSTONE BAKERY hone 165 R T Schafer Prop N Norton HoTdfies Books Stationer Sonienirs Sheet Pictures 206 East Liberty Strict GfllSESVILLB T F THOMAS UNDERTAKING CO FULL LINE OP NEW GOODS AGENTS FOB XOMJJIESTS TOMBSTONES and IRON IEXCE- St Fee our tastriei- it line Mat cJ CARDS u D I l ok I w ILl ° f rr 1 Ilea dui c r i f Miss I t and Picture Frees f FLORA 1 i 1 luOta 0 ioU tanerI eltrupt etter4ed 0 Bell Dh rt P k hits e to I p r atteztlea O- rt to- nm ez r < > > < >

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Page 1: The Cannon That Modernized Japan - University of · THE DAILY SUN GAINESVILLE FLORIDA JULY 1901 Jtt1ir-iV r ZU-f r 17


Jtt1ir-iV r


f r 17


i xFr M





HM Vermiform Appendix and ItsProbable Function


TIM Cawwa tf the and theff Fiititing It The Way

MM Qptratkn fferftwtf Dfea M Mankind

AppcaikMM te sot a disease of mod

en times thovgb Its nature and moth4c ef treatment are the result of

careful observation by one of our wellkaewa BKrfera surgeons while engagedla peetBftortem workIt may be safe to ay that appcodl-

eKI Is as old as mankind for In

tadylag very oM IiUtorles whereinare gives the Alagnown of the physlchuw we read of cases of Inflnmmnlien ef the bowels Intestinal disorders

llto ailments tile symptoms ofKHteb prove that they most the beenappendlcltla

Appendicitis te Inflammation of thevermiform appendix a small blindtube averaging two and a halfla length and a quarter of an Inch Indiameter attached to the coccum atIts Inner nod posterior part It Is

wade of a very sensitive raucOus memtirane containing Revcrnl glands

The appendix Is part of the digestivetract Its function It la Moved beingto fabricate thatpart of the Intestinesthough as yet there Is no absoluteproof of this Careful study of a childfrom whom the colon has booli re-

moved Until be reaches the ago ofmanhood has revealed no Irregular-ities of any nature

The caaacs of this disease maygrouped under heads stenosiswklck mean closing up impactiontie entraace of foreign bodies not neeCMwrlly seeds exposure and InjuryIB fgbtiRg this disease naturethree methods of disposing of the toxiciMterial 4t ch rgiBg them Into tboIrite6il cavity stadias them Intothe Ipwete aad discharging thetathiWBfk aa fetteraal woaoO In

If the dtoclMirre be not too rapidwhile the peritoneum Is taking them

nature again makes an effort to-

ward off the threatened danger bywalllag the poteoao s matters In thuslecallzlBg them still so aiding the pbyklan or surgeon in his work IfIwwever the discharge be sudden asis the case whea the mass bursts thewhole of the fterltoatHtn becomes In

which la called aseptic pcrlto-4Us nail thk Is eaerally fatalAfter the dlajposta has revealed the

ittseaae better decides whether theh eae fer or external

trsatattRt er fer separatloa In the3tjtr the greatest ot care la doMMiulrt as semetimcs an Immediate

peratkA Is necessary while at othertines It reset be delayed oftea forIbevrs aatll the condition of the patkat kea been brought to that point atwfclch swgeoa caR feel It Is safe tn

0 heatsThe operation determined upon the

aest carefal arrangements toperfect antisepsis ate made and thepatient Is placed In a full state of

The eperatlag surgeon then drawsa laMgiaary line from the navel to

the Mperlor spine of the rightWf tea dividing that line into threeparts Uar the Inner side of themiddle third the appendix la normalcase will be found though In rarecases It has been found on the left sideLed la extremely rare cases otherwiseDisplaced

Having satisfied himself of theunder which It will be found an

from two to Are lu haw longIs made In the skin Some cf the bestargtons pride themselves on thefuallncss of their incisions In this op-

eration Tlio fatty tissues are thencut through the small blood vesselsare secured and then the muscularwails of the abdomen ore separatedlaying Into view tho peritoneum

This is a serous secretive lining campotd of ttvo layers On cuttingt ruusb this the edges of both layersn clamped so as to enable the

jrocn to reunite them when theglen shall have ben compoteil

The Intestines are vUlblo antitbo affected toctloii IK very tenderly

through the opening where tbnature and extent of ItifWiloa eramade known Hot towels moistenedwlth salt water art a pMd to theintestine while It te exiMMMil Tbetword tenderly chnracterhtea the

cf oiKratlojj as the rrrgroabo more tlwn careful to preveat-

iny rupture or the append for wltottUl s liuppcn while be Is f rating thejms tvtiuld quickly ttikou up by theperitoneum and otbr UUK UH lustsb and the resulting coujlkntk Q3

make the outcome very uncertalL

the sjoMntory a vtwl adjointag Urt appendix Is next I f1 andtf a colon Is tied rr r f r rcLh-tjf dyad min fa cut nr 5 Tbi j-

uUiaop kt jMHSsd back V i es











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et foam

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tae tclae










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tblii to prevent the Mrmlag olrThe romotal stoic ncrnnipllsbed

the Intestine I rcpJnnd the cfthe peritoneum tarrfttlly npproxlmated and tile muscular walla fattytissue and skin arc hmucbt toreftKrby subcutaneous and cutaneous sulures

In the majority of cases no com-plications cusulug the patient Is readyfor discharge In two weeks James M

myth M H In New York World


Business Are In thePlan Which Will Issue Votes

The handsome pianos and diamondring to be given away In the Co-

operative Contest will be the grand-

est distribution of prizes ever offeredin Alacbua county

Parties trading with any of the following stores will be given votefor every penny spent

Gainesville Furniture Companyfurniture Phlfer Morris Co clothlug and furnishings Gainesville Hard-

ware Co plumbing and hardwareMrs F T McCormick millinery WM Johnson drugs and medicinesC Smith shoes nnd jewelry Mrs R

Wilson dry goods and notions Saundera Earle groceries and feed-

stuffs City Bakery broad and pastry-P Y Smith fresh meats Crawford

Davis livery and sale stables TheSun printing nnd publishing TbeDrown House meals and lodging X

Francisco Itannna Hoasc fruits etcKddlns Mfg Co lumber and buildingmaterial Standard Fertilizer Cofertilizer

Votes will be given on all ordersfor job printing at The Sun officeand on subscriptions as follows

The Dally Sunthree months subscription

old subscribers GOO votes new sub-

scribers 0d votes2BO six months subscription old

subscribers 1200 votes new sub-

scribers 1500 votes5 one years subscription old

3500 votes new subscrib-ers 4500 votes

For a club of five oneyear subscrip-tions before 12 oclock noon Aug18 1909 old subscribers 30000votes new subscribers 35000 votes

For fe club of ten subscriptions before 12 oclock noonAug 18 1909 old subscribers 30000votes new subscribers 35000 votes

There Is no limit to the number ofclubs each contestant may secure

The SemiWeekly Sun1 one years subscription 500

votesFor a club of flve oneyear subecrlp-

tinti 6 Hi votesFor a club of twentyfive oneyear

subscriptions 35000 votesThere Is no limit to tho number-

of clubs each contestant may secure

Mud Keen the UpIn I dulnti H is Htrlftly njnilunf tb

law fur the driver cf ntv nubile runvvynnrr to ullmv tin nirmlus if blvehicle to pfilliil whit n iunwho hUM MIMI the Ktill4b nu tniHillc

By day or nl lit the uiiuluwH fhansoms carriages or what not vbntber drawn by borMex ur propiIKul belectric power must bt su cpcti tipublic InsjKTllon ns to allow a plaitview of those occupying the InteriorA closed rl wouldnt get n blocktore n London bobby would nubdriver and bale him to n magistrateoffice where be would get no mercyThe law Is based on the theory thatclwed vebHi lond tln melv s easilyto the coinuib lL n of rubbery or mur-der and that they may uUo uasUt acriminal to nmku his escape Balti-more

Sorry Ho Gpokollie was very deferential but be was

a deacon In the church and he feltthat be hId n right to criticise I

hope youll pardon me ln raid If 1

suggest tbnt your sermons are ah-TK prosy I suppose suggested

tin itilnbterOb IK not that Init too loupnut you mustnt biome UM for that

returned the minister plf asttatly ifyou knew a little wore I wouldnt haveLu Ull you u iiiuvii-

WlKfM asked wl rtberbii st lf Talleyrand replied Yes

One born to b M ling has some one toshave him but they who Require klag-ilouu shave tlivmH ves DkMiyslus

tyrant of Syntcu not daring t-

fvtumlt blnMi lf to M barbers b ml3 IfF It to bare sJaj nl bill own beard with

thin tb d4 ire exfxtouts

c f r It







Curt n

It den



ItklAlUn pu tUUlctiif koIIIII

I tot

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S d r h b

dour b




six montha



ShavingNapoleon thaw-


iowlti walnut shells

r tat I


it s etat v yr waaw-

t i
















The urual symptoms of Scrofula are enlarged glands of tho nodesores und ulcers on the body skin affections catarrhal troubloi weakeyes and general poor health The inherited poison transmitted througlithe blood and weakens this fluid and in plaro of its nutritive

of the entire Thousands of children born with a scrofulous ttlnthave spent their childhood in constant physical suffering and grown tomanhood or womanhood handicapped by ill health and stunted growthand perhaps later some disease of bones or joints S S S

their early life would havo prevented this It would havoA Ji

their systems and each to grow into strong healthful manlfoodor womanhood S S S is tho best remedy for Scrofula It goesdown to the bottom of the trouble and cleanses the circulation of allscrofulous matter the weak diseased blood with strengthand healthbuilding qualities and under the purifying effects of this greatremedy nil symptoms of pass away S S S no mineralin any form nndis an absolutely safe treatment for children oven infants-or persons of any AgO Literature about Scrofula and medical advicefree THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO ATLANTA GA


The Cannon ThatModernized Japan

By Herbert Kaufman

Business is no a man to man contact in which the merchant and the patronestablish a bond any moretle is a handtohand grapple where bone andmuscle and sinew outcome Trade-as well as war has changed in its aspect botharc now fought at long range

Just as a day army of heroes wouldhave no opportunity to display the individualvalor of its so a merchant who

his personal acquaintanceship forsuccess is a

changed her policy of exclusion toforeigners a fleet battered

Satsuma fortifications The Samurai who had hitherto considered their bladesand bows discovered that onecannon was mightier than all the swords increation if not near enough to usethem Japan profited by the didnot further ramparts were battered to

but was ont experienceand proceeded to modernize her methods

The merchant who doesnt advertise is prettymuch in the same position as that in which Japanstood when her eyes were opened to the fact thattimes had changed The long range publicity of acompetitor will as surely destroy your business as thecannon the foreigners crumbled the walls of Satsuma Unless you take the lesson to heart unless yourealize the importance of advertising not only as themeans of extending your business but for defendingit as well you must be prepared to face consequences of a folly as great as that of a duelist whoexpects to survive in a contest in which his adversarybears a sword twice tire length of his own

Dont think that its too late to begin becausethere are so many stores which have had the advantage-of years of cumulative advertising The is growing It will grow even more next year It needsincreased trading facilities just as its hungry for newneighborhoods-

But it will never again support neighborhood storesNewspaper advertising has eliminated the strength ofbeing locally prominent and five cent street car fareshave cut out the advantage of being around the

A store five miles away can reach out through-the columns of the daily newspaper and yournext door neighbor to its aisles while you sit by andsee the people oh your own block enticed away withoutyour being able to retaliate or supply new customers-to take their place

It is not a question of your ability to stand thecost oi advertising but of being able to survive withoutit The thing you have to consider is not only anextension of your business but holding what you aready have

Advertising is an investment the cost of whichis in the same proportion to its returns as seeds are tothe harvest it is just as preposterous for you toconsider publicity as an expense as it would be for afarmer to hesitate over purchasing a fertilizer if he

jhrit he could wiiijby increase his cropst it

S S Sfills the circulation with scrofulous matter which the vitality

ncleansed and purified the blood of the nourished and


counts uponpasta


disc llIb





r tp T-











Graham Building East Mcln Street NPhone 91 Also Long Distance



Offices in Graham Building overSaunders Earles store PhoneNo 356



Once ores Galnearllle National LPkoae 29-



Office over Duttoa ft Coa R u-Phoae 280 Galaeaville Fla



GAINESVILLE Alaobua CoOffice ia Haymani Block




GIB tell your ally im-iov d and unimproved

tit el it g and Bead1 at o what you offer for sale 2141a



Lad Solicitor in Equity

Estate Ouu neiDK cud G ara Practice All business promptlyu cded to Office neit

e OAiKanviiB Pi t tn




tractIce la all Courts State aatFederal

Ofilcea Over Gainesville NatloaalBank Gainesville Florida


The Bread Pie and Cake you

eat should be nutritious Thefinest flour mixed with pure

rich milk and baked In thepurity fashion make our

goods the most delicious it la

possible to produce

KEYSTONE BAKERYhone 165 R T Schafer Prop

N Norton

HoTdfies Books StationerSonienirs Sheet Pictures

206 East Liberty StrictGfllSESVILLB







and IRON IEXCE-St Fee our tastriei-

it line Mat cJ

















and Picture Frees f




1luOta 0 ioU tanerI














rt to-

nm ez r




