the carolina times (durham, n.c.) 1971-05-22 [p...

JB CAROLINA TIMES SATURDAY, MAY U, 1971 Ella Wilder to Perform in "Patience" at Duke Bta Of?i Wilder, a .Junior at NOCU, will perform In this yMr 1 ! Savoyards pro- duction of "Patience" by Gil- bert and Sullivan, on May 20, 21. 22 in Duke's Page Audi- torium. Mies Wilder, who studied with Mattiwilda Dobbs in a workshop at NOCU last sum- mar, will dng the part of a "rapturous maiden" in "Pa- tience. n This show marks the ninth year that the Durham Savoyards have presented a G b S operetta. The musical and dramatic directors are Allan Bone and Samuel Selden; Bobbi Wilson is returning as the coreograpber, and Sharon Muir will do the set and cos- r THIS WEEK-END I \u25a0\u25a0On TelevliioaflHH; Thursday H 11:30 a.m. FOLK GUITAR Laura shows how bar chords are made and teaches the C sharp and F sharp minor chords. She tings "Lonesome Road" and "Los Cuatro M u 1e r o » . " WUNC 1:30 p.m. IRONSIDE "Check. Male, and Murder" lronside visits what promises to be a relatively dull convention of crime- fighters. in the first half of this two-party story but he finds a large amount of adventure awaiting him. Raymond Burr stars as the crippled policeman, with Don Mitchell and Barbara Anderson. Guests include Hermione Gingold, Alain Patrick and Karin Dor. WTVD 8:30 p.m. - NORTH CAROLINA PEOPLE - Joe Stalling*, president of the Stuifcot Body at UNC-Chapel Hill, and Miss Cathy Ster- ling,- former student body president at N.C. State at Raleigh, are interviewed by Willisim C. Friday, president «f the Consolidated Univer- sity of North Carolina. WUNC ? 9 p.m. MOVIE "Chamber of Horrors" Patrick O'Neal, Ces are Danova, Laura Devon and Wilfrid Hyde-White star in this suspense thriller about a murderer sentenced to hang nnlv he gets away and seeks revenge on his con- demns*. WRDU 9 p.m. - MOVIE - "The Champagne Murders" A killer strikes the rich set along the Riviera of France. Anthony Perkins. Suzanne Lloyd. Yvonne Furneaux and Stephane Audran star. WFMY 9 p.m. - NORTH CARO- LINA ISSUES - "Our Social Institutions" Tonight's panel will examine North Carolina's institutions for earring for the deaf, blind and retarded, and also will study the growing use of "hallways houses" and simi- lar innovations. The panel will comment on questions from the viewing audience via telephones in the studio. WUNC 9:30 p.m. DAN AUGUST "'la the Eyes of God" Dan learns how sacred a young priest holds the secrets in his confessional even that knowledge that would reveal a killer. Burt Reynolds Bradford Dillman star. WRAL 11 p.m. MOVIE "Count the Hours" Teresa Wright and Macdonald Carey star in this drama about a man and his wife who are charged with mur- der. WRDU . 11:20 p.m. MOVIE "Baby, the Rain Must Fall" An ex-con fights his way into the music world of rhythm and blues. Steve Mc- Queen. Lee Remick and Don Murray star is this drama. WRAL Friday Highlights 4:10 pm? TWILIGHT ZONE "ln Praise of Pip" A bookie learns that his son is dying of wounds re- wived in combat This news proves to be the father s ticket to the Twilight Zone. Rod Sterling wrote and pro- duced this chiller. WRAL 530 p.m MOVIE "Journey Into F" ea1 "" Joseph Cotten. Orson Welles. Dolores Del Rio, Ruth War- rick and Agnes Moorehead star in this World War II drama about Nazi agents ami an American whoi has valuable information. WRDU 7 p.m. GLEN CAMPBELL - Guests on th Good Time Horn tonight ai'r Dean Martin, John Rvner :»n«i singer Anne Mur- ray. WTVD 8 .10 p.m. NAME OK THE GAME - "Ait the Old I'amiiiar Face" - Publisher Glenn Howard seeks to find those who have threatened his life Gene Barry stars, with guest performers Bur- gess Meredith, Lois Nettle- ton, Anne Baxter and Ste- phen McNally. WRDU 9 pm. - MOVIE - "Father Goose" ' 1965 1 A history prolessor .turned beachcomber discovers that there is more to life than boats and cocoanut trees when a comely young gov- erness invades his island sanctuary. Cary Grant and Leslie Caron star. WTVD 9 p.m. NET PLAYHOUSE BIOGRAPHY "Dante Gah Ui" Tortured by conflict ?nd intense i umantic visions, pre-Raphaelite painter-poet Rossetti in- habited a very personal and private helL Director Ken Russell recreates the artist's spiritual netherworld of un- realized loves and" dreams, drugs and demon rum. Oli- ver Reed plays the lead role. WUNC 10 p.m. SPECIAL "Venice Be Damned" Jose Ferrer narrates this re- port on the slow demise of the golden city of Italy. The fabulous art and heritage of Venice is threatened with extinction as industry and "progress" invade the city. WRDU 10:10 pm. 1971 WEIL LECTURE ON AMERICAN CITIZENSHIP - "The Stu- dent Vote Challenge to Riskless Politics" King- man Brewster Jr., president of Yale University, delivers this lecture. WUNC 11:30 p.m. - MOVIE DOUBLE FEATURE "Hell Below Zero" stars Alan Ladd and Joan Tetzel in an Antarctic adventure drama; "Cruisin' Down the River" stars Dick Haymes and Billy Daniels in a musi- cal about a riverboat. WFMY Saturday H 7 30 a.m. MOVIE "Curse of the Swamp Creature" is a science fiction tale about mutant beings who terrorize a coastal community. John Agar and Francine York star. WRAL S p.m. MOVIE "Charlie Chan in Shanghai" stars Sidney Toler as the un- defeatable Oriental de- tective. In today's ad- venture, Charlie leaves his beat in Honolulu to track down a band of international thieves and murderers. WRDU 1:30 p.m. PUTT PUTT The Putt Putt Parade of Champions, Match No. 3, pits two top proicssionals for prize monev Today's match is between Rick Smith of MuncK'. lnd, and Chuck Roberts of Fort Collins. Colo. WTVD S p.m. SPORTS Championship wrestling is presented. WRAL 2 pm. - BASEBALL - The Angeles Dodgers meet the Cubs at Chicago in National League Baseball. WTVD tume design. Elvtn Strowd is the producer. "Patience" was first per- formed in London, England, in 1881. It was the sixth show that Gilbert and Sullivaui collaborated on since their beginning in 1871. This show followed only "H.M.S. Pina- fore" and "The Mikado" in the length of Its first run, and it is regarded as having their most operatic music. "Patience" was the first show to be performed in the Savoy Theatre, which, inci dentally, was the first theatre in Europe to completely use electric lighting. The name Durham Savoyards was taken from this theater. 1:30 p.m. - MEN FROM SHILOH James Drury and Lee J. Cobb star in this western about a huge spread, its owner and the men who protect it. WTVD 10 p.m. - BEAUTY PAG- EANT The Miss U.S.A. pageant is broadcast live from Miami Beach, Fla. WTVD, WFMY I p.m. MOVIE "The Big Shot" stars Humphrey Bogart, Susan Peters and Richard Travis in a 1942 tale about an ex-coo who tries u> go straight but finds himself drawn to the wrong side of the law. WRDU Already famous for their satirical jabs at English society of the late 1800's, Gilbert, this time, chose to poke fun at the artistic, "aesthetic," re- volt against the restrictions of Victorianism. 2 p.m. - LARRY KANE SHOW Popular music and dancing teen-agers are featured on this show, broadcast from Houston, Tex. Laffy Kane is the host. WFMY 11 p.m. MOVIE To- night's horror feature on "The Web" will be "The Hypnotic Eye," starring Jacques Bererac. WRDU Two poets, Bunthorne, a "fleshly" poet, and Grosvenor, an "idyllic" poet, are rivals for the affections of Patience, a pure and simple Milkmaid. 1.. Li accepting the part, her first in a large scale opentta, Miss Wilder feels that it is perfect for her. Her other re- cent credits include the role of a singer in last year's NCCU production of the "Share- cropper", a soloist in the choir of "God's Trombones," and the lead soloist in the NCCU choir presentation of Mozart's Vespers in 1970. Miss Wilder is singing with the NCCU Choir \u25a0gain this year. She is also the president of MENC; and enjoys dancing, reading, and swimming in her spare time. Her hometown is Franklinton, N. C. Singing the role of Patience is Sheila Berninger, a graduate student at UNC. Richard Wat- son, a Duke professor, will play the part of Bumthome, and Charles Smith, a Durham minister, Grosvenor. Other members of the cast are: Betty Setzer, Lady Jane; Carol Wendt, Lady Angela; Carolyn Styer, Lady Ella; Amelia Jester, Lady Saphir; Rod Ironside, the Duke; Jake Waggoner, the Colonel; Mc- Laurin Meredity, the Major; and Samuel Hammon, the Solicitor. 11:35 p.m. MOVIE "Long Ships" is an ad- venture drama. Richard Widmark and Sidney Poitier ?tar. WRAL S p.m. MOVIE "Gun fury" is today's Frontier Feature. Rock Hudson and Donna Reed star. WRAL The orchestra of 30 pieces will be made up of selected musicians in the Triangle area who are members of the North Carolina Symphony. The Savoyards, a partici- pating member of Allied Arts, was organized in 1963 by the Durham Theater Guild, and had produced an operetta an- nually in May. Last year's pro- duction was a twin billing, "H.M.S. Penagore," and "Trial by Jury." Says Miss Wilder, when asked about the group: "In the short' period I have been associated with the Savoyards, Midnight MOVIE "Fire Over Africa" stars Maureen O'Hara in an ad- venture story about lost treasure and voodoo. WFMY Indecision is costly but hasty action sometimes costs more. You'll love The duty shoe with fully contoured comfort 117 ' H( Vt \vJ Q/djfynShw Downtown Durham Cr * ' .JBV r / y SPECIALIST?George Mercer, a black U. S. Postage Service visual information specialist, has designed a postage revalued symbol. Through the use of the design, the USPS will continue selling two popular pre-stamped en- velopes when new postage rates go into ef- fect on May 16. Mr. Mercer is a 47-year-old artist who has held a variety of art positions in Washing- ton, D. C., New York City and other metro- politan cities. Before joining the Postal Service three years ago, he was employed in the advertising art department of a Washing- ton daily newspaper. Prior to that time, he was a staff artist for the Afro-American newspaper in Baltimore, Maryland. "Have Children When You Are Young" Old Wife's Tales RALEIGH - The old say- ing "Have your children when you're young so you can be young with them" seems to be another old wives tale. tionate. This was true regard- less of the family's social class, the sex of the child, or the time between children. For a classic research study of child rearing doesc.not sup- port this belief. The common assumption that younger mothers have more energy, more flexibility, and thus more affection for children, is not supported by the study. There may be two explana- tions for this: Researchers found that older mothers - those who started their families after age 22 - were somewhat warmer and more affectionate toward all their children than were younger mothers. Mrs. Faye Haywood, ex- tension family relations specia- list, North Carolina State Uni- versity, says there was very little difference in the two groups of mothers where the first child was concerned. One: Younger mothers who have two or more chil- dren rapidly are still making a marriage adjustment with their husbands. Their attention is torn between the children and concern for their Neither the child nor the hus- band gets all his needs met. Two: The responsibilities of several children, a husband, and a household to run, call for more emotional maturity than most young wives possess. Any young wife needs a few years to develop maturity in the relationship with her hus- band before the children come along. However, for all children past the first one, the older mothers were more affec- I have found it to be quite rewarding. Professional atti- tudes and musiciai ship by all the members, and a plea- sant atmosphere have been greatly displayed. J«ll O? » * -eq l'e-r.l ' i 1«« « > ' G«n«r«| F»odt CorpO'At^ Msb Hal Morrow Midnight - 6 A. M. WSSB is the only Durham Radio Station that stays on 24-hours a day 7 days a week, 365 davs a yeai\ 1490 Radio No. 1 Durham Chinese quietly increasing activity in Africa. with «»CH ci«im check for $3 worth or garments cleaned at (regular price .., ? Brought in Monday, . isHHi Tuesday or Wednes- day! '' < Sava with r? ????? ? SHIRT c *l-70 dry .l..?i», CMgj.l V TOT I op«n I am.-4 p.m. Dally T w OpM «:M L.m.-f P.M. Mon., Tuei., Wed. Reg. $1.90 tam"; , ? W. Club Bird. TOMS (0 } Northgmt e I One HOUR Shopping Center "mmifim:' BsKSr- THE MOST IN'DRY CLEANING our * eW Jf* at '°" 1Mkl( i I ? Cor. Hillsborough ft Wh St IKV6RHOUSB IMPORTED RARE i jtl _____ SCOICH fjjfmfN |i FIFTH Hi YLWw I fiouss I I f I if ** 111 | | IjfOUSt I\&(m§wiisKr ll \u25a0 Also available in Tenths. i LAWRENCE HAR' J<R * ilO IS CONFINED TO A WHUEL CHAIR HAS | | Che Car|ji|aCuiKS \ 310 Baxter St. r #> \u25a0 ... S. | Residence ' For Sdk |j || BUY ONE AND MAKE A CONTRIBUTION TO A 8 y MAN WHO GAVE HIS ALL TO SAVE ANOTHER £ Ecological dispute aired by Soviet ministers. 4B

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Ella Wilder to Perform in "Patience" at DukeBta Of?i Wilder, a

.Junior at NOCU, will performIn this yMr 1! Savoyards pro-

duction of "Patience" by Gil-bert and Sullivan, on May 20,21. 22 in Duke's Page Audi-torium.

Mies Wilder, who studiedwith Mattiwilda Dobbs in a

workshop at NOCU last sum-

mar, will dng the part of a

"rapturous maiden" in "Pa-tience. n

This show marks the ninthyear that the DurhamSavoyards have presented a

G b S operetta. The musicaland dramatic directors areAllan Bone and Samuel Selden;Bobbi Wilson is returning as

the coreograpber, and SharonMuir will do the set and cos-

r THIS WEEK-END I\u25a0\u25a0On TelevliioaflHH;

Thursday H11:30 a.m. FOLK

GUITAR Laura showshow bar chords are madeand teaches the C sharp andF sharp minor chords. Shetings "Lonesome Road" and"Los Cuatro M u 1e r o » .



"Check. Male, and Murder"lronside visits what

promises to be a relativelydull convention of crime-fighters. in the first half ofthis two-party story buthe finds a large amount ofadventure awaiting him.Raymond Burr stars as thecrippled policeman, withDon Mitchell and BarbaraAnderson. Guests includeHermione Gingold, AlainPatrick and Karin Dor.WTVD

8:30 p.m. - NORTHCAROLINA PEOPLE - JoeStalling*, president of theStuifcot Body at UNC-Chapel

Hill, and Miss Cathy Ster-ling,- former student bodypresident at N.C. State atRaleigh, are interviewed byWillisim C. Friday, president«f the Consolidated Univer-sity of North Carolina.WUNC

? 9 p.m. MOVIE"Chamber of Horrors"Patrick O'Neal, Ces areDanova, Laura Devon andWilfrid Hyde-White star inthis suspense thriller about amurderer sentenced to hang

nnlv he gets away andseeks revenge on his con-demns*. WRDU

9 p.m. - MOVIE -"TheChampagne Murders" Akiller strikes the rich setalong the Riviera of France.Anthony Perkins. SuzanneLloyd. Yvonne Furneaux andStephane Audran star.WFMY

9 p.m. - NORTH CARO-LINA ISSUES -"Our SocialInstitutions" Tonight'spanel will examine NorthCarolina's institutions forearring for the deaf, blindand retarded, and also willstudy the growing use of"hallways houses" and simi-lar innovations. The panelwill comment on questionsfrom the viewing audiencevia telephones in the studio.WUNC

9:30 p.m. DAN AUGUST"'la the Eyes of God"

Dan learns how sacred ayoung priest holds thesecrets in his confessionaleven that knowledge thatwould reveal a killer. BurtReynolds BradfordDillman star. WRAL

11 p.m. MOVIE"Count the Hours" TeresaWright and MacdonaldCarey star in this dramaabout a man and his wifewho are charged with mur-der. WRDU. 11:20 p.m. MOVIE"Baby, the Rain Must Fall"

An ex-con fights his wayinto the music world ofrhythm and blues. Steve Mc-Queen. Lee Remick and DonMurray star is this drama.WRAL

Friday Highlights4:10 pm? TWILIGHT

ZONE "ln Praise of Pip"

A bookie learns that his

son is dying of wounds re-wived in combat This news

proves to be the father s

ticket to the Twilight Zone.

Rod Sterling wrote and pro-

duced this chiller. WRAL

530 p.m MOVIE"Journey Into F"ea1


Joseph Cotten. Orson Welles.Dolores Del Rio, Ruth War-rick and Agnes Mooreheadstar in this World War II

drama about Nazi agents

ami an American whoi hasvaluable information. WRDU

7 p.m. GLENCAMPBELL - Guests onth Good Time Horn tonight

ai'r Dean Martin, John

Rvner :»n«i singer Anne Mur-ray. WTVD

8 .10 p.m. NAME OK

THE GAME - "Ait the OldI'amiiiar Face" -PublisherGlenn Howard seeks to findthose who have threatenedhis life Gene Barry stars,

with guest performers Bur-gess Meredith, Lois Nettle-ton, Anne Baxter and Ste-phen McNally. WRDU

9 pm. - MOVIE -

"Father Goose" ' 1965 1 Ahistory prolessor .turnedbeachcomber discovers thatthere is more to life thanboats and cocoanut treeswhen a comely young gov-erness invades his islandsanctuary. Cary Grant and

Leslie Caron star. WTVD


"Dante Gah Ui"Tortured by conflict

?nd intense i umanticvisions, pre-Raphaelitepainter-poet Rossetti in-habited a very personal andprivate helL Director KenRussell recreates the artist'sspiritual netherworld of un-realized loves and" dreams,drugs and demon rum. Oli-ver Reed plays the lead role.WUNC

10 p.m. SPECIAL"Venice Be Damned"Jose Ferrer narrates this re-port on the slow demise ofthe golden city of Italy. Thefabulous art and heritage ofVenice is threatened withextinction as industry and"progress" invade the city.WRDU

10:10 pm. 1971 WEILLECTURE ON AMERICANCITIZENSHIP - "The Stu-dent Vote Challenge toRiskless Politics" King-man Brewster Jr., presidentof Yale University, deliversthis lecture. WUNC

11:30 p.m. - MOVIEDOUBLE FEATURE"Hell Below Zero" starsAlan Ladd and Joan Tetzelin an Antarctic adventuredrama; "Cruisin' Down theRiver" stars Dick Haymesand BillyDaniels in a musi-cal about a riverboat.WFMY

Saturday H7 30 a.m. MOVIE

"Curse of the Swamp

Creature" is a science

fiction tale about mutantbeings who terrorize acoastal community. JohnAgar and Francine York

star. WRAL

S p.m. MOVIE"Charlie Chan in Shanghai"

stars Sidney Toler as the un-defeatable Oriental de-

tective. In today's ad-venture, Charlie leaves his

beat in Honolulu to track

down a band of internationalthieves and murderers.WRDU1:30 p.m. PUTT PUTT

The Putt Putt Parade ofChampions, Match No. 3,pits two top proicssionals forprize monev Today's matchis between Rick Smith ofMuncK'. lnd, and ChuckRoberts of Fort Collins.Colo. WTVD

S p.m. SPORTSChampionship wrestling ispresented. WRAL

2 pm. - BASEBALL -

The u» Angeles Dodgersmeet the Cubs at Chicago inNational League Baseball.WTVD

tume design. Elvtn Strowd is

the producer."Patience" was first per-

formed in London, England,in 1881. It was the sixth show

that Gilbert and Sullivauicollaborated on since theirbeginning in 1871. This show

followed only "H.M.S. Pina-fore" and "The Mikado" in the

length of Its first run, and it

is regarded as having their most

operatic music."Patience" was the first

show to be performed in theSavoy Theatre, which, incidentally, was the first theatrein Europe to completely useelectric lighting. The name

Durham Savoyards was taken

from this theater.

1:30 p.m. - MEN FROM

SHILOH James Druryand Lee J. Cobb star in thiswestern about a hugespread, its owner and themen who protect it. WTVD

10 p.m. -BEAUTY PAG-EANT The Miss U.S.A.pageant is broadcast livefrom Miami Beach, Fla.WTVD, WFMY

I p.m. MOVIE "TheBig Shot" stars HumphreyBogart, Susan Peters andRichard Travis in a 1942 taleabout an ex-coo who tries u>go straight but findshimself drawn to the wrongside of the law. WRDU

Already famous for theirsatirical jabs at English societyof the late 1800's, Gilbert,this time, chose to poke funat the artistic, "aesthetic," re-

volt against the restrictions ofVictorianism.

2 p.m. - LARRY KANESHOW Popular music anddancing teen-agers arefeatured on this show,broadcast from Houston,

Tex. Laffy Kane is the host.WFMY

11 p.m. MOVIE To-night's horror feature on"The Web" will be "TheHypnotic Eye," starringJacques Bererac. WRDU

Two poets, Bunthorne, a"fleshly" poet, and Grosvenor,an "idyllic" poet, are rivalsfor the affections of Patience,a pure and simple Milkmaid.1.. Li accepting the part, herfirst in a large scale opentta,Miss Wilder feels that it is

perfect for her. Her other re-cent credits include the role

of a singer in last year's NCCUproduction of the "Share-cropper", a soloist in thechoir of "God's Trombones,"and the lead soloist in theNCCU choir presentation ofMozart's Vespers in 1970.

Miss Wilder is singing withthe NCCU Choir \u25a0gain this

year. She is also the presidentof MENC; and enjoys dancing,

reading, and swimming in herspare time. Her hometown isFranklinton, N. C.

Singing the role of Patienceis Sheila Berninger, a graduatestudent at UNC. Richard Wat-son, a Duke professor, willplay the part of Bumthome,and Charles Smith, a Durhamminister, Grosvenor.

Other members of the cast

are: Betty Setzer, Lady Jane;Carol Wendt, Lady Angela;Carolyn Styer, Lady Ella;Amelia Jester, Lady Saphir;Rod Ironside, the Duke; JakeWaggoner, the Colonel; Mc-Laurin Meredity, the Major;and Samuel Hammon, theSolicitor.

11:35 p.m. MOVIE"Long Ships" is an ad-venture drama. RichardWidmark and Sidney Poitier?tar. WRAL

S p.m. MOVIE "Gunfury" is today's FrontierFeature. Rock Hudson andDonna Reed star. WRAL

The orchestra of 30 pieceswill be made up of selectedmusicians in the Triangle areawho are members of the NorthCarolina Symphony.

The Savoyards, a partici-pating member of Allied Arts,was organized in 1963 by theDurham Theater Guild, andhad produced an operetta an-nually in May. Last year's pro-duction was a twin billing,"H.M.S. Penagore," and "Trialby Jury."

Says Miss Wilder, whenasked about the group: "Inthe short' period I have beenassociated with the Savoyards,

Midnight MOVIE"Fire Over Africa" starsMaureen O'Hara in an ad-venture story about losttreasure and voodoo. WFMY

Indecision is costly buthasty action sometimescosts more.

You'll love

Theduty shoe

with fullycontouredcomfort


H( Vt\vJQ/djfynShw

Downtown Durham



.JBV r / y

SPECIALIST?George Mercer, a black U. S.Postage Service visual information specialist,

has designed a postage revalued symbol.Through the use of the design, the USPS willcontinue selling two popular pre-stamped en-velopes when new postage rates go into ef-fect on May 16.

Mr. Mercer is a 47-year-old artist who has

held a variety of art positions in Washing-ton, D. C., New York City and other metro-politan cities. Before joining the PostalService three years ago, he was employed inthe advertising art department of a Washing-ton daily newspaper. Prior to that time, hewas a staff artist for the Afro-Americannewspaper in Baltimore, Maryland.

"Have Children When YouAre Young" Old Wife's Tales

RALEIGH - The old say-

ing "Have your children when

you're young so you can beyoung with them" seems to beanother old wives tale.

tionate. This was true regard-less of the family's social class,the sex of the child, or thetime between children.

For a classic research studyof child rearing doesc.not sup-port this belief.

The common assumptionthat younger mothers havemore energy, more flexibility,

and thus more affection forchildren, is not supported bythe study.

There may be two explana-tions for this:

Researchers found thatolder mothers - those whostarted their families after age22 - were somewhat warmerand more affectionate towardall their children than wereyounger mothers.

Mrs. Faye Haywood, ex-tension family relations specia-list, North Carolina State Uni-versity, says there was very

little difference in the two

groups of mothers where the

first child was concerned.

One: Younger mothers

who have two or more chil-dren rapidly are still makinga marriage adjustment with

their husbands. Their attentionis torn between the childrenand concern for theirNeither the child nor the hus-band gets all his needs met.

Two: The responsibilities ofseveral children, a husband,and a household to run, callfor more emotional maturitythan most young wives possess.Any young wife needs a fewyears to develop maturity in

the relationship with her hus-

band before the children comealong.

However, for all childrenpast the first one, the oldermothers were more affec-

I have found it to be quiterewarding. Professional atti-tudes and musiciai ship byall the members, and a plea-sant atmosphere have beengreatly displayed.

J«ll O?»

* -eq l'e-r.l' i 1««

« > 'G«n«r«| F»odt


MsbHal Morrow

Midnight - 6 A. M.WSSB is the only Durham Radio

Station that stays on 24-hours a day7 days a week, 365 davs a yeai\

1490Radio No. 1 Durham

Chinese quietly increasingactivity in Africa.

with «»CH ci«imcheck for $3 worth orgarments cleaned at(regular price ..,

? Brought in Monday, .isHHi Tuesday or Wednes-



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Ecological dispute aired bySoviet ministers.
