the carswell times - carswell primary school

The Carswell Times 23rd October 2020 We celebrated harvest today by sharing bread in class. We talked about what we are thankful for, learnt about the importance of the harvest in cultures all around the world and watched a video made by Selina, the deacon at Trinity Church. It was a lovely morning for our community and I saw a lot of children eang their crusts! Well done to all and thank you to Selina!

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Page 1: The Carswell Times - Carswell Primary School

The Carswell

Times 23rd October 2020

We celebrated harvest today by sharing bread in class. We talked about what we are thankful for,

learnt about the importance of the harvest in cultures all around the world and watched a video

made by Selina, the deacon at Trinity Church. It was a lovely morning for our community and I saw a

lot of children eating their crusts! Well done to all and thank you to Selina!

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The chairs in Year six had had enough of being sat on, swung on and moved around with-

out being asked and protested about it this week. They started a ‘sit in’ and the class

were shocked to find they had to stand or sit on the floor to do their work. After much

debate and compromise from both sides the strike reached a suitable resolution for all

and relations between both parties are much more positive today.

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This human can... In this article, I interviewed Sam in Red Admiral class about his amazing

maths magic card trick!

Hi Sam, you showed me the most amazing trick! I took piles

of cards from a cut pack and swapped them as many times

as I liked, turning each pack I chose upside down. You then

told me how many cards I’d turned, how many red cards

there were in that group and that they were all even. Then

the best bit was when there were two odd cards and you

told me what they were!

How did you learn to do it?

Sam: I used Youtube, you can learn lots on there; it’s not just

for watching people play video games.

Did you have to practice it lots?

Not really, I practiced it about three times on my parents be-

fore getting it right. If you follow the instructions and remem-

ber them it’s quite easy.

How is the trick done?

I’m not going to tell! But it involves maths skills like the ones

that are taught in class…

Mysterious! How do people react to the trick?

They have very surprised faces, that’s the best bit about doing


Do you want to be a magician?

Not really actually, I like learning and may find something

completely different to learn on Youtube next time.

Well thank you for sharing this with us Sam, and good luck

with your future learning!

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Carswell School Newsletter

FOCS are excited to launch our new on-line web giving page at https:// to really boost our fundraising efforts during our socially

distant times.

We’d like to thank everyone who has already visited the page and donated, as well as en-

gaging with our half term hamper give away. The money raised will be uploaded to the

site in the middle of next week and will really help towards some of the transformative

projects the school have in mind, as well as our usual teaching and pupil resources.

To help kick start our digital fundraising page initiative we are inviting pupils to partici-

pate in our ‘1864 Watercress Green’ challenge, to complete by the end of October half-

term. As our Infant school was first built in 1864 and Carswell is the ancient name for wa-

tercress, we are challenging our pupils to think of an idea for a challenge using the fig-

ures one, eight, six and four and the colour green. Please see the booklet that we hand-

ed out to chidlren this week.

You can sponsor your child/children for their 1864 Watercress Green challenge directly

on or go one step fur-

ther and create your own mini-campaign page for your whole family by clicking on the

Sponsorship Button on the home page. Families who want to do this can set a fundrais-

ing target, say £50, and create their own challenge criteria and competition date. A short

video can be made of your family challenge and posted onto your sub-campaign page as

proof of their achievements. Using the handy share buttons on the webpage you can

communicate with your loved ones and friends far and wide this half-term.

Be as imaginative as you like with the 1864 Watercress Green challenge and remember

to share your achievements with your friends!

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Please scan the QR code below to go to make a donation to support our

wonderful school

Please click on the link below for the local authority SEND newsletter

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Below is a reminder about making sure we all have a healthy pack lunch and eat the right amount of

different food groups to keep our bodies healthy. It is now more important than every to eat healthily

and keep our immune systems strong! Please share the diagrams below with your child/ren.

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Please note we will add to and update this constantly and strive to give

you dates as far in advance as we can

What When Where

Start of Term 1 Thursday 3rd September 2020 Starts at 8.40/8.50am

Pre Loved Uniform Day Friday 18th September 2020 at 9am School Playground

FOCS Zoom AGM Meeting Thursday 24th September 20 at 6pm Zoom—Zoom details to come via PM

Tempest Individual Photos Thursday 8th October 2020 Carswell School

INSET Day Friday 9th October 2020 NO CHILDREN IN SCHOOL!

End of Term 1 Friday 23rd October 2020 Ends at 3:00/3:10pm

Start of Term 2 Monday 2nd November 2020 Starts at 8:40/8:50am

Rec-Y6 Flu Vaccination Wednesday 25th November 2020 Carswell School

End of Term 2 Friday 18th December 2020 Term ends 1:10/1:20pm

INSET DAY Monday 4th January 2020 NO CHILDREN IN SCHOOL!

Start of Term 3 Tuesday 5th January 2021 Term starts at 8.45am

End of Term 3 Friday 12th February 2021 Ends at 3:00/3:10pm

Start of Term 4 Monday 22nd February 2021 Starts at 8:40/8:50am

End of Term 4 Wednesday 31st March 2021 Term ends 1:10/1:20pm

Start of Term 5 Monday 19th April 2021 Starts at 8:40/8:50am


End of Term 5 Friday 28th May 2020 Ends at 3:00/3:10pm

Start of Term 6 Monday 7th June 2020 Starts at 8:40/8:50am

End of Term 6 Wednesday 21st July 2020 Term ends 1:10/1:20pm

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We are having our Monday morning and Friday celebration assemblies via Zoom this

term but continue to celebrate all the great learning, kindness and Carswell spirit that

we see around the school on a daily basis. To ensure maximum learning time we are giv-

ing one special certificate each week, nominated by the class teacher.

Dan in Red Admiral class for always striving to be the best he can be and

for being a wonderful role model to the class

Afre in Purple Emperor class for always being kind to others and for giving

her all in everything she does

Everyone in Swallowtail class for a fantastic first term of the year, you are

all superstars!

Erin in Monarch class for always making good choices, working hard and

doing everything with a smile on her face!

Lewis in Tortoiseshell class for trying really hard to focus on his work this


James in Wood White class for always being positive, helpful and


Arthur in Chrysalis class for being so knowledgeable about this week’s


Charlie in Peacock class for trying really hard with his rhyming words and

persevering when he found it difficult

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Dear Carswell community,

This has been a long term (eight weeks!) but has finished with a warm and fuzzy morning of sharing, reflecting and learning about Harvest. There were some lovely poems shared by children. Along with all the wonderful activities and fund-raising that has taken place by FOCS and the always impressive kindness of the children we all feel here that we have kept that sense of community spirit that makes our school special.

I had a wonderful afternoon with Red Admiral as they performed their very own version of Dragon’s Den. Each group pitched an idea to the dragons (who were actually staff dressed very snappily...ssshhh...) which included pricing and per-centages of the profit. It was nerve –wracking for them but they showed calm-ness under pressure and firm bargaining skills that landed some of them a lucra-tive deals.

All of their products were designed to clean the oceans of plastic and pollution; all in all a terrific activity with lots of areas for learning and challenge.

All the children have been given their 1865 Watercress green challenge booklets to do over the half term. Not only will it raise funds for FOCS to support us in re-furbishing the dining room but will also keep the children's brain’s growing over their time at home. Good luck to all who take up the challenge, you can do a lit-tle, a few activities or go for the whole thing!

It’s been great to see so many of you wearing masks on the gate so thank you. We’ll continue to balance the need for ventilation in classrooms with staying warm and comfortable next term. We have heaters in every room and are mak-ing sure we air the rooms at break and lunch.

I hope everyone has a restful half term. Remember, if anyone in your household develops symptoms or anyone in your household takes a test can you please let us know by emailing the office at

[email protected]

so we can make sure we’re all continuing to stay safe.

Again, enjoy your half term. See you all soon.

Mr Crandon