the catholic church in the european union...courte biographie du futur secrétaire général de la...

COMECE | Square de Meeûs 19 – BE-1050 Brussels | Tel. +32 2 235 05 10 – Fax. +32 2 230 33 34 | Email [email protected] Website: | Twitter @ComeceEu | Facebook Comece EuropeanBishops Short biography of the future General Secretary of COMECE Born in Madrid in 1962, Rev. Fr. Manuel Barrios Prieto spent his childhood and youth in Rome studying in an English school. After attending the Pontifical Major Roman Seminary, he was ordained priest in the Basilica of San Giovanni in Laterano in 1988. He studied philosophy and theology at the Pontifical Gregorian University, obtaining the title of Doctor of Theology in 1998, and graduated in psychology at a Spanish state university. He is recognised European psychologist specialised in psychotherapy by the European Federation of Psychologists' Associations (EPFA). Since 2011 he has been Director of the Secretariat for Ecumenism and Interreligious Dialogue of the Spanish Episcopal Conference and for twenty years he has been priest at the parish of Santa Catalina de Alejandría in Madrid. Previously, he was Episcopal Delegate for Family Pastoral Care in the Archdiocese of Madrid (2002-2011), Archpriest of the deanery of Barajas (2003-2012) and Professor of Theology at the Religious Sciences Institutes of San Agustín (2000-2011) and San Dámaso (2001-2010). THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN THE EUROPEAN UNION

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Page 1: THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN THE EUROPEAN UNION...Courte biographie du futur Secrétaire général de la COMECE Né à Madrid en 1962, le Père Manuel Barrios Prieto a passé son enfance

COMECE | Square de Meeûs 19 – BE-1050 Brussels | Tel. +32 2 235 05 10 – Fax. +32 2 230 33 34 | Email [email protected] Website: | Twitter @ComeceEu | Facebook Comece EuropeanBishops

Short biography of the future General Secretary of COMECE

Born in Madrid in 1962, Rev. Fr. Manuel Barrios Prieto spent his childhood and youth in Rome studying in an English school. After attending the Pontifical Major Roman Seminary, he was ordained priest in the Basilica of San Giovanni in Laterano in 1988.

He studied philosophy and theology at the Pontifical Gregorian University, obtaining the title of Doctor of Theology in 1998, and graduated in psychology at a Spanish state university. He is

recognised European psychologist specialised in psychotherapy by the European Federation of Psychologists' Associations (EPFA).

Since 2011 he has been Director of the Secretariat for Ecumenism and Interreligious Dialogue of the Spanish Episcopal Conference and for twenty years he has been priest at the parish of Santa Catalina de Alejandría in Madrid.

Previously, he was Episcopal Delegate for Family Pastoral Care in the Archdiocese of Madrid (2002-2011), Archpriest of the deanery of Barajas (2003-2012) and Professor of Theology at the Religious Sciences Institutes of San Agustín (2000-2011) and San Dámaso (2001-2010).


Page 2: THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN THE EUROPEAN UNION...Courte biographie du futur Secrétaire général de la COMECE Né à Madrid en 1962, le Père Manuel Barrios Prieto a passé son enfance

COMECE | Square de Meeûs 19 – BE-1050 Brussels | Tel. +32 2 235 05 10 – Fax. +32 2 230 33 34 | Email [email protected] Website: | Twitter @ComeceEu | Facebook Comece EuropeanBishops

Breve biografia del futuro Secretario Generale della COMECE

D. Manuel Barrios Prieto è nato a Madrid nel 1962. Dopo aver passato l’infanzia e la giovinezza a Roma studiando in una scuola inglese, è stato ordinato sacerdote nella Basilica di San Giovanni in Laterano nel 1988, essendosi formato presso il Pontificio Seminario Romano Maggiore.

Ha studiato filosofia e teologia alla Pontificia Università Gregoriana, ottenendo il titolo di dottore in Teologia nel 1998 e si è laureato in psicologia presso un’università statale spagnola.

È riconosciuto come psicologo europeo specializzato in psicoterapia dalla European Federation of Psychologists' Associations (EPFA).

Dal 2011 è Direttore del Segretariato per l’Ecumenismo e il Dialogo Interreligioso della Conferenza Episcopale Spagnola e da venti anni è parroco della parrocchia di Santa Catalina de Alejandría a Madrid.

In precedenza, è stato Delegato Episcopale per la Pastorale Familiare nell’Arcidiocesi di Madrid (2002-2011), Arciprete del decanato di Barajas (2003-2012) e Professore di teologia negli Istituti di Scienze Religiose San Agustín (2000-2011) e San Dámaso (2001-2010).


Page 3: THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN THE EUROPEAN UNION...Courte biographie du futur Secrétaire général de la COMECE Né à Madrid en 1962, le Père Manuel Barrios Prieto a passé son enfance

COMECE | Square de Meeûs 19 – BE-1050 Brussels | Tel. +32 2 235 05 10 – Fax. +32 2 230 33 34 | Email [email protected] Website: | Twitter @ComeceEu | Facebook Comece EuropeanBishops

Courte biographie du futur Secrétaire général de la COMECE

Né à Madrid en 1962, le Père Manuel Barrios Prieto a passé son enfance et sa jeunesse à Rome où il a étudié dans une école anglaise. Après avoir fréquenté le grand séminaire romain pontifical, il a été ordonné prêtre en la Basilique Saint Jean du Latran en 1988.

Après des études de philosophie et de théologie à l'Université Pontificale Grégorienne, il obtient le titre de docteur en théologie en 1998, et est diplômé en psychologie d'une

université d'État espagnole. Il est reconnu comme psychologue européen spécialisé en psychothérapie par la Fédération européenne des associations de psychologues (EFPA).

Depuis 2011, il est directeur du secrétariat pour l'œcuménisme et le dialogue interreligieux de la Conférence épiscopale espagnole et fut, pendant vingt ans, curé de la paroisse de Santa Catalina de Alejandría à Madrid.

Auparavant, il a été délégué épiscopal à la pastorale familiale dans l’archidiocèse de Madrid (2002-2011), archiprêtre du doyenné de Barajas (2003-2012) et professeur de théologie dans les Instituts de sciences religieuses de San Agustín (2000-2011) et de San Dámaso (2001-2010).


Page 4: THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN THE EUROPEAN UNION...Courte biographie du futur Secrétaire général de la COMECE Né à Madrid en 1962, le Père Manuel Barrios Prieto a passé son enfance

COMECE | Square de Meeûs 19 – BE-1050 Brussels | Tel. +32 2 235 05 10 – Fax. +32 2 230 33 34 | Email [email protected] Website: | Twitter @ComeceEu | Facebook Comece EuropeanBishops

Kurzbiografie des zuküknftigen Generalsekretärs der COMECE

Pfarrer Dr. Manuel Barrios Prieto ist 1962 in Madrid geboren. Er verbrachte seine Kindheit und Jugend in Rom, wo er eine englischsprachige Schule besuchte. Nach dem Besuch des Päpstlichen Römischen Seminars wurde er 1988 in der Basilika San Giovanni in Laterano zum Priester geweiht.

Er studierte Philosophie und Theologie an der Päpstlichen Universität Gregoriana und erlangte 1998 dort den Doktortitel in Theologie. Zudem absolvierte er ein Studium der Psychologie an einer spanischen staatlichen Universität. Er ist Psychologe im

Fachbereich der Psychotherapie der Europäischen Föderation der Psychologenverbände (EFPA.)

Seit 2011 ist er Direktor des Sekretariats für Ökumene und Interreligiösen Dialog der Spanischen Bischofskonferenz und seit zwanzig Jahren Priester in der Pfarrei Santa Catalina de Alejandría in Madrid.

Zuvor war er bischöflicher Delegierter für Familienseelsorge in der Erzdiözese Madrid (2002-2011), Erzpriester des Dekanats von Barajas (2003-2012) und Professor für Theologie am Institut für Religionswissenschaften in San Agustín (2000-2011) und San Dámaso (2001-2010).