the collision of cultures chapter 1 unit 1...human sacrifice based religion *diff. between european...


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Page 1: The Collision of Cultures Chapter 1 Unit 1...Human sacrifice based religion *Diff. between European and Native American Warfare Southern Civilizations: Inca 1200 AD Roads/Public Works

The Collision of CulturesChapter 1 Unit 1AMERICA BEFORE COLUMBUS



Page 2: The Collision of Cultures Chapter 1 Unit 1...Human sacrifice based religion *Diff. between European and Native American Warfare Southern Civilizations: Inca 1200 AD Roads/Public Works

America Before Columbus1. Millions living in America

◦ 20-40 Million?

2. Spanish Arrive in 1492

3. By time English arrive in 1600s, millions have died


4. Guns, Germs, Steel

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The Clovis People11,000 y.a.

Land Bridge at Bering Strait

Stone tools, Hunters

Before that?

Using Boats

How long have they been here?

Settle from South-North?

Europeans prior to 1492?

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The Archaic Period8000 B.C.

Hunter Gatherers

Stone Tools

◦ Later: nets, fish hooks, traps

◦ Even Later: Agriculture

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Southern CivilizationsSouth American Civs. Left most evidence

1200 BC- Olmec People

1,000 BC- More complex Civs. Develop

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Southern Civilizations: The Maya800AD

Yucatan Peninsula

Written Language

Numerical System

Very Accurate Calendar

Advanced Maize based Agriculture

System of Trade

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Southern Civilizations: Azteca/Mexica1300 AD

Tenochtitlan◦ 100,000 by 1500AD

◦ Schools

◦ Organized Military

◦ Slave Work Force

Conquered other tribes

Human sacrifice based religion

*Diff. between European and Native American Warfare

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Southern Civilizations: Inca1200 AD

Roads/Public Works

“Statist” Society

Social Planning

“Immortal” nobility

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What do we usually think of when we think of Native Americans?Describe one to me…

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Northern CivilizationsNorthern N. America

◦ Hunting/Gathering

◦ Fishing

Inuit=Nomads◦ Seals, Moose, Caribou

Pacific Northwest◦ Salmon

◦ Permanent Settlements

West Coast◦ Chumash

◦ Fishing

◦ Small Game

◦ Edible Plants

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Northern CivilizationsSouthwest

◦ Adobe

◦ Maize Farming

◦ Hope, Ute, Apache

◦ Large irrigation systems

Great Plains◦ Shoshoni, Wichita, Iowa, Pawnee

◦ Agricultural

◦ Corn, grain

Large, permanent settlements

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Northern Civilizations: East of the Mississippi RiverForested land

Farming, Hunting/Gathering, Fishing

Cherokee, Creek, Lenni Lenape, Iroqouis

Curated the forests◦ Planted trees in rows

◦ Used as gardens

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Northern Civilizations: CahokiaMississippi River Valley

1200 AD

40,000 People

Agriculture Based

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Northern Civilizations: East CoastFew large permanent settlements

Linked by linguistic groups◦ Algonquian

◦ Iroquois Confederacy

◦ Muskogean Tribes

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Northern Civilizations: CultureReligion: Linked with natural world

◦ Polytheistic

◦ Nature based

Varied Roles◦ Men farm and Women prepare meals, tend children

Or◦ Men hunt, war and Women farm, gather, etc.

Men leave for extended periods

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Europe Looks Westward11th C. Leif Eriksson

◦ Landed in new world

◦ Colony Fails

◦ Don’t return

Pre 15th C. Mostly unaware

Why not?

Chinese ships had traveled to Africa, and maybe even West Coast of North America by 1300s, why hasn’t Europe?

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Europe: Middle AgesToo Weak

Too Decentralized

Too Divided

The Black Death (1347)◦ Population recovers by late


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Changes in 1400s: Demand for Exotic GoodsIncreasing demand

The “Orient”

Marco Polo (early 1300s)

Growth of powerful merchant class

Improvement in navigation technology

Travel easier than before

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Changes in 1400s: New Governments and New TechnologyMore united/powerful

Feudalism gone

Monarchs under “divine right of kings”

Religious Drive◦ Convert others

Sea Routes to Asia Practical◦ Land routes dangerous


Prince Henry the Navigator

Bartholomew Dias: Cape of Good Hope

Vasco da Gama


Sails to India

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Christopher ColumbusB. Genoa, Italy

Trained with: Portuguese

Sailed for: Spain◦ Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile

◦ Strongest Monarchy in Europe

Believed: Could sail West to reach Asia◦ Misjudged size of the world

◦ Didn’t know anything between

◦ Thought Asia was bigger

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Columbus’ Voyages1492

◦ 90 Men

◦ Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria

◦ Leaves August 1492

◦ Arrives in Bahamas 10 Weeks later

◦ “Indios”

1493◦ Leaves short lived colony on Hispanola

1498◦ Reaches Mainland

◦ Finally Realizes that it’s not Asia

◦ 1502: Explores coast of Central America

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Early Spanish Exploration1513: Vasco de Balboa

◦ Crosses Isthmus of Panama

1519-1522: Ferdinand Magellan◦ Killed in Philippines

◦ First circumnavigation

1550: Coast of North America Explored up to

Oregon in West

Labrador in East

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The Spanish Empire

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The Spanish Empire




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Save Souls

Jesuit Missionaries

Missions (CA mission system 1700s)

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Gold10x as much gold and silver as rest of world combined

Later: Starting agriculture business to make a profit

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Glory: The Conquistadors1518: Hernando Cortes

◦ Conquers Aztecs

◦ Uses enslaved tribes for helps

1538: Francisco Pizarro◦ Conquers Incas

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Northern Outposts1565: St. Augustine, Florida

1598: New Mexico territory◦ Don Juan de Onate

◦ Pueblo land

◦ 500 men

◦ Encomienda System◦ The right to extract labor from the natives on large tracts of land

◦ Santa Fe (1609)

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Pope’s Rebellion1680

AKA: Pueblo Revolt

Religious leader

Angry at discrimination

Kills hundreds

Captures Santa Fe

Spanish stay out until 1696◦ Rebellion crushed ◦ Pueblo given right to own land◦ Religious toleration◦ End of forced labor◦ Intermarriage and assimilation

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The Columbian Exchange

The transfer of plants, animals, and ideas between the old world and the new world.

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Disease in the new world◦ Measles◦ Influenza◦ Smallpox

Hispaniola: 1490s- 1,000,000 natives

By the 1600s, under 500

The Mayans lost 95%

After first contact, disease often reached

natives before Europeans arrived.

Europeans: God’s will that they should

conquer New World.

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Spanish PoliciesForced Labor

◦ Worked on Islands

◦ Didn’t work on mainland


Natives were “Savages”◦ Sub humans

In less than 50 years, the empires of the new world were destroyed!

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The ResultsNatives lived in contact with Spanish

◦ New dialects

◦ Intermarriage◦ Often forced

Mestizos◦ Mixed race people

◦ #s dominated population

Importation of African slaves by 1502

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The Arrival of the English1497: John Cabot

◦ Looking for Northwest Passage

Prior to 1600s:◦ Costly wars

◦ Religious strife

◦ Changing economy◦ Wool production from food prod.

◦ Declining food supply

Population growth: 3-4 million (1485-1603)◦ Scarce land

◦ Growth of wealthy merchant class

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MercantilismA person or nation can only grow rich at the expense

of another .

Must trade with other nations◦ Sell more than buy

Wealth (Gold)=Power

Acquire colonies as a source of raw materials and

a market to sell manufactured goods.

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Religious Struggles Push Expansionism 1517: Protestant Reformation (Martin Luther)

Calvinism: John Calvin (Swiss)◦ Elect

◦ Predestination

1529: King Henry VIII: Anglican Church◦ English Reformation

Queen Mary: Turns England back Catholic

1558: Elizabeth I◦ Turns England back Protestant

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PuritansSought to “purify” the Anglican church of Catholic rituals.

Separatist Puritans◦ Refused to attend Anglican services

◦ Did not want to leave church of England, wanted to be separate from it until it was purified

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James IDivine Right of Kings

Taxation of Puritans (illegal?)

Favored Catholics

Caused Separatists and others to look outside of England for a home

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The First Settlements1588: Spanish Armada Defeated

◦ England becomes worlds strongest Navy

1583: Newfoundland◦ Sir Humphrey Gilbert

◦ Ship Sunk, no colony made

1584: Sir Walter Raleigh◦ Explore coast

◦ Names Virginia

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Roanoke: The Lost Colony1585

◦ Richard Grenville

◦ North Carolina Area

1586- Sir Francis Drake Arrives with Supplies

◦ Evacuates starving colonists

1587: Second Attempt◦ 91 men, 17 women, 9 children

◦ No supplies for 3 years

1590: Colony deserted◦ “Croatoan”

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North America Divided1606: James I issues a charter

Virginia->South: Colonized by London Merchants

North of Virginia: Colonized by Plymouth Merchants.

Leads to Jamestown in 1607. First permanent English settlement in North America.

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