the colonies and britain grow apart


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The Colonies and Britain Grow Apart. King George : Br. Monarch that reigned during Am. Rev. Proclamation of 1763 : Forbade colonists from settling W of App. Mtns. Speculate : To buy as an investment Quartering Act : Act requiring Col. to house Br. Soldiers. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: The Colonies and Britain Grow Apart
Page 2: The Colonies and Britain Grow Apart

The Colonies and Britain Grow ApartKing George: Br. Monarch that reigned during

Am. Rev.Proclamation of 1763: Forbade colonists from

settling W of App. Mtns.Speculate: To buy as an investmentQuartering Act: Act requiring Col. to house Br.

Soldiers.Sugar Act: Law placing tax on sugar, molasses

and other products.Stamp Act: law requiring legal & commercial

doc. to carry a stamp to show that it had been paid for.

Page 3: The Colonies and Britain Grow Apart

Colonists Defy ParliamentDefy: Openly resistPatrick Henry: Member of Virginia’s

H.O.B.Sons of Liberty: secret society formed to

oppose Br. policies.Boycott: Refusal to buyAssembly: legislative body (Col.


Page 4: The Colonies and Britain Grow Apart

How did the colonists react when parliament took over the assemblies’ power to tax?

1) Stamp Act Congress: drafted a petition and sent to King George

2) Boycott3) Sons of Liberty

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Page 6: The Colonies and Britain Grow Apart

The Americans have not acted in all things with prudence and temper. They have been driven to madness by injustice. Will you punish them for the madness you have caused?....My opinion….is that the Stamp Act be repealed absolutely, totally, and immediately.

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Why was boycotting an effective way to protest?Non-violentFinancial consequences

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Why did Parliament pass new laws governing the colonies?Br. Needed to pay off debt from F&I

War and also to pay to have officers regulate laws in the Col.

Page 9: The Colonies and Britain Grow Apart

If you were a colonist what would you have done to protest the Stamp Act?

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If you were a Br. Official in the colonies, how might you have responded to the protests?

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Section 2Who was Crispus Attucks?

Af. American, victim of the Boston Massacre

Page 12: The Colonies and Britain Grow Apart

IdentifyDeclaratory Act: Act passed by Br. That

affirmed their superior authority over the Colonies. (Parent/Child)

Duties: Taxes placed on imported goods.Townshend Acts: Acts passed in 1767 to tax

imports in the colonies.Writs of Assistance: Search warrants used to

enter homes or businesses to search for smuggled goods.

John Dickinson: PA lawyer, opposed Br. Policies of passing laws without consent of colonies (H.O.B.). Explained his beliefs in famous pamphlet.

John Locke: English philosopher, wrote that “no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty or possessions.”

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Daughters of Liberty: Org. of women to protest Br. policies.

Samuel Adams: leader of the Boston S.O.L. The Boston Massacre: incident in 1770 in

which Br. troops fired on and killed Am. Colonists.

John Adams: lawyer who defended Br. Soldiers accused of murder in Boston Massacre.

Tyranny: A gov. in which a single ruler has all power.

Thomas Gage: Br. General who ordered troops in to Boston.

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Tea Act: Act passed by Br. Parliament that placed tax on tea.

East India Company: Br. company sold tea directly to colonies.

Committees of Correspondence: Organization formed to exchange info. about Br. Policies and Am. resistance

Boston Tea Party: 1773, colonists protested the Tea Act by boarding Br. ships and throwing 90,000 lbs of tea into the Boston Harbor.

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Boston Massacre 3/5/1770

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The Boston Massacrewas a street fight that occurred on March 5,

1770, between a "patriot" mob, throwing snowballs, stones, and sticks, and a squad of British soldiers.

Several colonists were killed and this led to a campaign by speech-writers to rouse the ire of the colonists.

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How did this happen??The presence of British troops in the city of

Boston was increasingly unwelcome.The riot began when about 50 citizens attacked

a British sentinel. A British officer, Captain Thomas Preston,

called in additional soldiers, and these too were attacked, so the soldiers fired into the mob, killing 3 on the spot (a black sailor named Crispus Attucks, ropemaker Samuel Gray, and a mariner named James Caldwell), and wounding 8 others, two of whom died later (Samuel Maverick and Patrick Carr).

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What was the result?A town meeting was called demanding the

removal of the British soldiers and the trial of Captain Preston and his men for murder.

At the trial, John Adams defended the British, leading to their acquittal and release. Later, two of the British soldiers were found guilty of manslaughter.

6 out of the 8 soldiers were acquitted of all charges.

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Section 3: The Road to Lexington & ConcordWhat was the result of Lexington and Concord?

First military engagement of the Rev. War“Shot heard round the world”As Br. Troops march to Concord (Col. Stored their

ammunition there) they passed through Lexington where they encountered American troops. (Paul Revere warned that Br. were coming)

Both sides engaged in fire, Americans lose (greatly outnumbered)

By the time the Br. got to Concord, the Americans were waiting for them in force. The weapons depot was saved, and the British were forced to retreat,

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The Intolerable ActsAfter Boston Tea Party

Closed Boston Harbor until damages were paid

Increased Br. power over MassachusettsThomas Gage (Br.soldier): Governor of

MassachusettsIncreased number of Br. troops in Mass.

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Paul Revere: Boston silversmith (Boston Massacre), one of the messengers that warned of the Br. Arriving in Concord.

Loyalists: Americans who supported the British

Patriots: Americans who sided with the rebels.

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The Siege of BostonSiege: When enemy forces surround a town or city in order

to force it to surrender.Second Continental Congress: America’s gov’t during

Rev. War. Met in Philadelphia, created the Continental Army.Ethan Allen: leader of patriot group of fighters known as

the “Green Mountain Boys.Continental Army: America’s patriot army during the

Revolution.Artillery: Cannon and large gunsBattle of Bunker Hill: Battle in which Br. Heavily

outnumbered Col. Br was victorious but loss a tremendous amount of soldiers. (showed that Col. could hold their own against Br.)

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The Conflict SpreadsOlive Branch Petition: document that

asked King George to restore harmony btwn. Br and colonies. King rejected the petition and announced new measures to punish colonies.

Washington: American General. Had experience during F &I War. Trapped Br. troops in Boston.

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Rebellion Becomes Revolution

Thomas Paine: recent immigrant from England. Belived that all men should have the right to vote. Strongly opposed King George “Royal Brute”. Felt America would be more successful if it were independent from Br. Published these ideas in a pamphlet, “Common Sense”.

Became an instant success and led more Americans to be more in favor of independence from Br.

Richard Henry Lee: delegate from VA, est. each of the colonies to become independent states and to dissolve all connection with Br.

D.O.I: Formal document which addressed reasons for declaring Independence from Br.

Thomas Jefferson: Excellent writer from VA, wrote DOI in two weeks.

Page 25: The Colonies and Britain Grow Apart

Year Br. Actions Am. Actions

1763 Proclamation of 1763: prohibits settling W of 13 col.

Settlers ignore proclamation

1764 Navigation Acts strictly enforced

1765 Stamp Act passed Stamp Act Congress drafts petition, boycott Br. goods

1766 Stamp Act repealed

1767 Townshend Acts passed

Br. goods boycotted

1770 Townshend Acts repealed except for tea tax

1773 Cheap tea sold to colonies

Boston Tea party

1774 Intolerable Acts passed

First Continental Congress protests, Br. Goods boycotted

1775 Troops march to Lex & Concord

Minutemen resist