the columb · the columb an • ci"anlint'll, an)1 oomo on. lo'y bo to b. lh...

THE COLUMB AN CI"anlint'll, an)1 oomo on. lO'y bo .. id to b. lh. (.,.l tr-nlOlber of lo' e. B. auly moot ro mmonly proolue.. th at paIIion in t b. minol but clo lin... pre tv" il. A \rUG friend il Dol born en ry day ; it i>he. t 10 b. cou rloolla lo . II- iotimat ilh felY; for Ibough perbap< w. rna)' h I, ra use. for to t I.m lUre we .hall hafe I... occas ion or .so r_ro_"' _. _ Ther. i• n infinile d .1 of Iru lh in IIli. Ibor l par a;; rap b : u gr.'at yt"t IUccee, )eu that was nol fiBI hi ...,! . 1 by IlOmelbing ,.. ry I m. Il." JNFLCF. ':OP n il: lif"O. '111r. l VE4TUI:n.- A Paris a llonomtr hat Ilub · li.hrd the " .,, 11 1 of .w enly )'I"'" oo.."a· .ionl upon 'he influ rnce of Ih. moon upon l be FrlIm the n.W moon lo lh. firs l qua rt. r it raine<1(dn rin g Ih. pniOtlof Iwenly yror embraced ,n lhe al eul lice) 7GI do)" ; from the fir I quar ler 10 Ih. lall moon it rain ed IH ,- , .I. , a i from Ihe full nioon 10 Ihe la I '1uart. r ,t n ined 76 1 day a ; and from the la I quarlrr In Iho nOw moOn it nined 606 daya. So 'h t doriog Ihe moou'd lh er e wne 1,009 rainy days, alld duri ng ber decre""e only 1,,1ij7. a clitTer C'nce o f T he is more liktly to h ave be.n . ccidenlal tb.n Ihe r ull of any ,,"tural Cluse, and Ih. con- clua on which w. dr ir. froml bo olal. mr DI ia, Ihal lh. mooo bra 110 iull""oee upon Ihe w.alher, Anll ion" alrength lita nol in ii' Lnl, war kl nor in ita guanlc, bul in lb. hoarU ol lb• .l""'PI.. Virl"" iatho imprognable ... II, &galOJI whieh D.ither Iy nnny nor cunning nor (or,'o ean pre,..i l. and wloil. a people po .. iI, tb.y are in rinc ible and of them · ". 1-.. unah. ra llly f,.e. Wh .n one afmil y of children going to acbool in d .. n and ,,>. 11 m. nd ed dothiog, il l. 111a veald...1 in f a'o.. ofth . ir mol h.r. On. mi hI roach Ih I lhClte .hil<i r. n loar IOmG valua blo I llI. t Iooca ., ... hai .... r tb.y migbt toe laughl al Ichool. No, er to tngage in a nob l. t n· for fur hoy. no power 10 der il 'mportanl . 111. Tb. re II 00 poI .hon "" hom bl . wh.,. a man may not be a be n. · faclor in the rase of Irulh. Wraltb, !>n uly, bappinr, , may' f. de away , bUl lbe memory of . good deed nel'<r d ies. Like. frieDdly I. por bluing w rongh darknr ... il cornel to our aid, wh en mu. t nerd e<),cheers wilh ils prc ,it'l1ce the gling and !inking healt into rt neweu action, .nd enlw in.. br ighl hope wilh Ihe dreari- ne", of Ihe I' Th em.mory of. good der d like ';0001 itself, ia immortal- ronneet· ing lI . af en and eartb. lhrough Ih. souJ. of men, Tb e follolfing bu Leen lold , .nd ",ill do lo tell api n. An OOJOcia le j lldge in Ihi. Stale br tn kirked by a borae worel of tht a MOi,l. nl Wal .. nl to Iho Court 11" '11 in I...ion. ..\ nother of the jodge. on lhe bench al Ihe I.IJI ', af "'r Ihe in- t ("lIi grnct'. mon'd an acJjouromft1f , a.I hi. associate had b•• n ,.vere ly ' kickrd L)' a and slaled , Ly a b pl\Ul Ihat 10. now loy l. nlil,le. A Iowyer hereupon :Iroeo and obft rvrd, in I !Olr mn tone, ir aueh W3S lb. c.... il wao a gTP.lIL pilY Ihe ,,'bol. Cour l could ne l be kie\t . d b v tame aDimal. - [Cinci nl13li Comm er ci al . ' , Th . ler ln "c1eTPr fd lo" " ia !'O f" '1"enl. Iy . ppIUHl , loJ 10 lb. , trw pe"OIlI the cosI of . cqui ring and pr•• ervlng Iho litlo. Tb e Ilau eri ng di.- linclion iJ o1rlai llN , by lb d .p rlure of m.ny doll u a, and " ,Iained by a con:;!ant dn in upon Ih. pun e. Web ue notic l.'<1 Ihal your U d. 'er f.llows" oflt n lurn oul d. TiliJh poor fellows, wbich .pithel ia Ihen 'ppli.d lO Ibpm, in Ibe way of &laid.nre "OIl s) 'mpalb}', b)' those wb o ha\ 'e hr.n par tiall )' supporl. d (ro m Iheir g,"r rooit)' , PIII LLl rs' ""na: sec· ollll lrial of Ihe fire annihilator wu gil'rll at Do.lon la I Fri,la)', the Glh illltan!. The buildin!! wal allowed to burn 'iIIl he flamel I,aolbu" t throllgh Ihc roof and walls, and il l><' e. m. the general opin ion Ihat it would bor n dOll'n. At Ihil moment Iwo annihi· lator,i w('Ie set in opt'rati t>ot and the flamE' S rompld . l)' eXlinguishrd in .Lo ul half. min lllt'. P OI.\ Co4 ' Ir. - \V. " "', a.n ..·].l(' r in tIle <.;llU rch , to the r\r.w Yo:k II I'r :lIt1 1 ,lnll nf)t only the f'xi:oll t.'ncc of a rluralily of wit' (,,!I. bn l th e p ropri "' )' and uli lily of Ihe praclice (J1t mo'ral and rcli;.tious groUnu.i.- Tire :llnr",on< h.v r b. en one il r bor g.d "ith polY i;" :lIJl)', Lui 'il L ')' h a \"e hl'rctufore stooJ. lII,ule o. c!.·nil't.l thc :,lkl!3tiun. Mr. Phl'lps lO,' ron>litution o( Ibe Un it<'C! Stal"" du.• n .. 1 furb:J 111(" JlI1 11c1i c... or ETlu:a "I TII STEAM . -- Th. Pall i., Par. paJ'<r. " )'1 Ih.1 expe ri, 111("lIh h:l for lOme )"('in pa.!', bt.. "t" o made w ith tltlt'r conlbint d with steam , OD board of gOfrrnm.n l .....e1.. Tb . rClUIt hu ",'Cn tlrat a rna,. be . lTeeled , bul .. I tbe inllammable n.t ure of etber re nd. rs it It ha' j u.1 been resolv ed to r. - elhr r b)' chloroform, and l ,,"0 cngiDf'I of ,i xl)' horse power or. 10 be placed in Ihe Ga llie, to rn able experi m. nts 10 Le made, An Cl thr r ::. lle ll1 pt WI:i made, a li me since. at thO!! Il ippoclrolnC') P:t ri.i. to w h'c tIte I'wlJlcm lIfs tct'ring L311oons, ..-\h:l1] oou, in l-hnpe like n W!l :aIL ', filleu wilh pr:lS1 an d attemrt rd to Le gll"Jr. 1 hy mean .o( a , haft of wood, o,,' pende,l boril olltall)' . ",ith ""il at the rnd, to ae t L;' rudder. To tll ia sIJa1'l W:L1 nffixrt1 B plalfon u, wit h :l. 5 1,' a l ll c n,i nflof four horN:' power, working a f ur \V ""ith th r('tl t('rlllin:,1 likl' lhrpe of a winlhuill, Th e rxpcrimrllt was in prc:!t"ncc of se\'cra l fclcutific I,ut wa.-l "TIIY OF As n T Ii<i'Li tor)' of word <is tI, . hi lory or Ir.d e a ?d . Your n ' ry app3rd i:l :l 4h l,; uoll:l r)·. Ihe baJ ond tdL.. Uj tlt:\l it fi rtlt mJol1 t.'! at Bnj'oun", '; ('amIJr:cs Ihal thry r:l1Ul' from (;a 1llbra y da lll,, :"k from ))a m:tScu 3; nrt1\1 from th e cit)" of F:tlllt' n:tlme i oordwain. or t'OnlO\"l1 fro ln \':}; ('urranl . floUi Cor in th; tht: guineJ, lh:lt " lIS or illina ll)' coin. ,1of guld brougbl Irolll the Afrlcau co:ut, so c:\lIrt! ; calmut, that it WO'fl 'n, at 1t ' :t.St in p:ltt" of hair , h:lS been tilt' th 3.t we now :\IJJ Ibf'n er nu c:u icuNi :In.1 1II""lill' to India and Ibe East; J el the girc 'lAndi ng witn c. o:s th at we vnCe importl'J Hum th", 'ncc ; for calico i:i CrO IH Calcul, and mo. ,lin from a cil)' in Al iali e T llrk, ')', ------ -= -= __ ND, O H.EGON, SATU H DAY, OCTOBEIt 30, 1 52. OL YMPIA, r vn L. 1. 1' l io1 1.111:1 ' ,' \TU \ "AT 1' U O A T D\ WILEY PI. mcELR OY . J \1', \1' 11 1:> , '1', F. ', 1'111. ' COL U j\1 13 11\ N. my IM<l f. llow than hil m3!t.r ·1 comrnan.l, " Th e ' ," " ,' OI' UIl" L IlW. . lb .r oll"'r pllr\ oQS ," a""ro T .. I third, D , I" II it to d 'I k II '1 I IT G OLD TU I 1 TlUU' ,. (, r Pat. :-O AJI '- I S T'. ·. .. - ••T " OI.L' ,- 0 .- L••• "-' 0- e I 'n1U r one. " up )"ll Ur re IVlow lIlt! J:i a cop)' ot the law 10 re- uecn hunt rl'(l and fifty·onr, &.! to - '-" .... .. r_ . 1 t d it I ' h t l Ol l G r.r.AT '·:xr lTr. s,-! - E n "ry day th e TII KCf: of 0 1 ? I 1 OUrr't '.Jt t latio n to 1 'lO'13 .1! l' , nt the I t c-ssio n of t. e or free eireu ation or tra ntluiJ· pt"opit" th roug h Pana!1I3 . pl'tt'ft r 10 h -come th e rl ight ful destruc tive . ecid nl. 0 , 'II" t res I1:< 1 m) sc t I,t api s- ( ·on grl' ... It will be 1.:(" 11 tLat it red uce I ,od nt" w'p:I fI" ... ami other In .t! mo ra . excited a.b out III reee nt Ih:'!t eve r occurred in lh i3 t ount rT, • __L \'1 IOU !lUUt'ranl-: myu' 0 rrgri W l-n u g l . pnn.l' IIl:lth'r, and all lither l,rud .silJlIl uf d f 1 I ., ..... W01 rm ' Iu::ult' r.. 1 Ilalil d t, I n spit•. of head- th e r3k'" of 11( "':' p:lpC': pOiI p:lIl tCularl.J l:rw ill('nnl i. jl, k nt with llh' pro\ i ious (Jf llli:i »covcne 0 J nwl lJ IU the nt'i;L oor a 1·lace on lak.. AI-ent tWn 0' Ie 1 Britt' , sore throat alld I went bra rc lv rho-c scut to Callfurrll:l and Oregon, nlHl 1 .:1 act , nro Itt'r('),y rl' p ,'at .. l. hl:o(l.' nwlhtl\'t'n th e Id hcrg ic narivcs IN be- of t htl :.!tJlh of Au [UlIt, Lbo T erm'_ IUI':.. llll ll" 1u ,\ ,I\' ll uer . on. I ploughed III ) ' 'Yo)' 10 tI,. office . gr t3 t iurpmvemcut (In the old 1.1\ : :i r.c . H, ,'wI Lc il furth er en.. I "I, Th at ""' .a ng I . 111.... 11'1"', and anXIOII<10 pr ocur . kallle r " il h ,t5O 1 """° "" un nl, "0' 0"" vr- ar, when Hut Ly ",. il. or ,. ' "" At through l ilt". ",n.n w l bU ,i It th e fire Inti "\ ." AC'!' 10 nmcnd tho 0,,1 ,'nll 'tl, ' " , .n whcn, a li-t of uncalled for Irlh'rs 1I11a ll b.. an In In)" COhlp:lny 'h at Ju3V W LoUDII rrum Buff. I" fur Ilttroit, w run in- I ' .... hi" 'U bl u \Q the mine s. to IIJ ' tht' p'tt 1r 'l1er LU! ...... and some ". i ·" II!); (<.I r all mOlllt u f3. 11(1. b"t e vvry t In ;'; 10 fl ·n.. hnt' Ss 10. tie work- act t, r educe und modifv tho mte-, (.f p ." ".hetl in Iny 1ll',wtll,al",r \lrinh 'c1 in an)' 11 '1 t I .I I I' I 4;" Uh , I I. I oJ , •• " I ), r. l '-' W 10 11m 4J t lc tI I-COVtl'y h·1I t lrt!'e hundrl'C nto f1llOn :'4 wl'n; IL S ol pllpr t ,,·ill Ll'" JI -e Olll illUl'll • .lui I at I tl t' I1H'f1 , lJng urfo rt' t )(',)' 1H' ;!3n to "ppl'ar,_aa , '" III" L ' llite,1 ' 11 01 ' or .- c1gn 13 11::;\1:1,- ,' , ",lIa l·u1Jli.I"'ll \' f ;"'" I "I I '" I '1' 1 'I If 1'1 ' I I I. r .. o:t .. I' a t.'1)' 1 1I4 ".Ig ll 11 JfWa tu _tor)' rl'a tivcth t> r<: lu, al'l 3r l I hl t tho »tcAnl r r an "1 11 ,)11(If t U ' rul,.> II a'r", UIl Il Df(' a' n IJlII g 1 Ie anh 'rll ut'IOfl" 11I f': to hiller Illlr l>o.",' :' '' 1):ll'l "'',1 Mar ..·I, tlli nl In luc h hannC' ti ll' cirl'n- 1II I f II . aJ I( 1 .I I ' II I I 1I , . , I ' D 0 :Jil l Ie lUI:' ('3 II go 1 \V1a,leh tlICJ' oo" s of the Ogd\'u burgh, nnd \Y ruck ... , , . ,. , .. way .. It WII 1 I Ie u 10Yl' 1', ( i.!ht rt.' 11 h Ul1 lln d Illt l fifty,o nc, :llt o n within I lto of of said I'IOJucl'd, With Il, .. wInch tlil'.)' furwur.l of thc "h l·,·I·h ou,!II·, on ,hi' I:uLoanl AI l\ r.I •.I I 'iI:\ Io. , " p:llh (r olll thc to tllr of- HI! il l'n3('t('(I II,, ' th ,' nnd 1I0u."t' offiCI'. Lr I t I'. Li I I O ( I ('If r (' .n It .. ) lhrt'(,IO II t'r I l ' I If ' , \ I 1 110m n''''p,.d:au c nat ivrl in th., .. ito C!. 11w IlrU!,t' lIt'r'" hi lt k r.n ri'!· nl" tqtl :Ut' , "' r In . . '. ,. ,. ICfl. .-'Vmeone r. mJ st' W3S lip II) uf of lh e ll ilitt tl Sl atr !ll of ppro\' \'t .\ ug:u.. t :10, }Si .-l:l. I I Lo I vd II d b IU , "O\}; IOf (' .. . r1 .. ddluon. 1 II I.. rl!On. fl , J , th e h01l5« ', :';r\' rr 31 limrs h (" 3I'pl'art'd at '\ .r . ., ., 1.1 I '1'1 f J \ rIOt r 1\ QU ' ,1l8 to th q I 1I:0011t· t.'1) )r(orc cullis a \ Il be.oral JaJuction to ,-rerl ,. aJn flllrn. . . ' , UlC r!ca U1 Ct , rom l:XI&lencc of th (' pn "ClO u) 10 ahu-.i· [('mut"r continuM on her l'OUrto '. bt r" bt J" , llo e w," ,low , look," g . u,l watching my I'ro- .nd . n,'r the ILirlieth ,lay o( 5 'p t. m b« an\ll (rom Ih. ' . un lil e h"d r "" II. mil frota 1••• sresl. \ Yh ile 1 wa! a .. hund n'ti an,) fiftJ -two, U;c On ctr-L"o r .. I. ate 0 foot for th o · n pI ctj of coo ll d Lt'rorr h"r u I U ' iJcJ till r.. rt»JJ.u, auJ charl t',1accorJin. "y, he3.\ 'y :-t r ,p Il cc nllt'd t,he ' til .lrl , JOI.III upon all print nl In:tttl'f lhrou l!h th e e Illnf'nt -- n"l:. I I I 1 ,. I' I. I II T, :\1 f 1 ),1 S I 0 •. ,:> II n 10 opp' ''' ' w lie I au .y l tn , Ilor , om'l1 ,lor. r. I' )' s'. no r r, Imp, 1uail of 111(' ( 'nill 'll S t:Ilt.·';, iuska d of tLe IlIIlIIt"I!l:,l cly, nnd probability liugui "lhing Iwr fir l.", The bkiJ W':Ul cO\'crl'd Ttl. I.. no.i n, cr nl!(' OW' n lite aUlhflfizN In ft - I 21 011 ," La . !he puLl1 :hcr fllml cl! ent('fr u ·1 Tl\tt' now (.· h:argl",I, . h:l1t be as follon, 10 I.:l tllat III a or two3 gfltXlly number of I for mi _1 t:'s with (r:lg mrnu Ind p.r. cr iH' tul, cri(llioD' (oJr _ T he Culumbian :" n ch rn:'ln . up antI sCPIl1g about I wil: Each n \YMp3per, pt·riooical, un "iJIlK Ull th dr W:l)' to tLi:s Ill''' ' IOn.. t'hllging r..r lift·. l : 1.0. B. I.. , fay"tt•• ; IlIle OU.:o HH·SS 0 rar1)' 1. W3. "! :UI13.1t:d . Our rin'ular, or oth er :11tid e of pr inlt:d 1Jl:\lt t.' r, EI I ·1 flJn1' a rcJ ral,iu Lela ", .- as , oecupW '" ' C . l'l'll I .. office IlaJ uone mu ch \\ a rk for 111m, anti \\ C not t'xt.:telling three ounCL '1 in wri l"h' sh:lll " c: .hop ..,l IlJo:-e who Ih t" I La)' awuL 1. )0 Uh'n, wntul!n anti dultJren) nJl H \1, I "'l(}; ; all rtSprd l'd hiel greatly . Ibt' St'ul to anr pnrt CJ f Hllitctl SI:lt't')I fur t'xpt. 'th tlUn Will III t1'Ct w:th JllUccrss , antI wc of \\'11010 UIwl ha \" t) p _riJbed . \ Yh n lhe J ·s t.\\ I 1. ,1., (. ,I I1 tho ur hl yOIl wa:l 'he },oy \\'ho W:L i not l ODe ccnt :lUJ fur e"n-y a(Milional ounct' or oon6dcn t! from Our Own pr op.-lIer :o tr ut·k 1I ;'r,. hn opt- 'D .c,1 and' I &\I t S' I tv bl·t up thi, morning , Hobrrl A slorm)" fr:tctioil an one Ct 'nl 1"0n31 tha t ,f prop... "I' Iy conJuct - I lhe water rn. fwd HI 111 ton t'n ll, the I )A \"I fl T}.SF.) I:; I I I morning t h i.., In J lough work YOU ha\ ' e I tlball bl,) charget! · al:d wh en t,d they :\re . ce rt'lin of m3kin g tbt'ir pile be-I t'alJin in:l n in tall t anti u iu:{ alUIOf, Lirn- ' t', ',', '!: '", II', .')' i 'I'" :1111; 1 h311 CJ ( it,' s.aid he t'}'t'ing kcc ill ,)" u!,r.n :t'ly nl'w.. n.'"I'p,' r or p"'ri-·Jic:al ;. I<o id " I [r 5 1I: ;',r.,: I< ; ':11'1 told InC'i r, wben we l' lu; rtc; ly or in th .;"ollice ore re IIrnlOg,- 'rullla tar, S<pt. 13. I "':'f 10 \1' , \\" n, .e.l' laliv ; !" d II o:k uo, go for word . nd do I wh .' r. 'he ", i,1 periodirol or new .pap er i, \I wou ld ap!"" r II... 10 hrar th'l a I, ..e "",ell from Ibi, c. u>c, awl ia co", '- D. ,,- ,\ Po. \- , l'o\\'litz ; II) uull O ll u o l T lh l C WCltt hf'.r, or i. p. .'lill fj, uart crly or Jl '1lrIJ' in oblaintd a at::n l. in lift', by br,.. king r tlf .. nue ,,:h o Wl 'rc :-; :-: ' , F ORI)I, S t' II., ; lln$t C ,(., n )' a ,cW t rops a J, tllne j I:t.J t :lDce at tl lt OffiC Ll \\'hf ro th e is , lUI neck) bu l .u cb a thrng nt>arly hat btocn . on lIlam df'l.:k , Jumping oYer'" t ' ll. ' t·. 'I' ,. u",' I< l'o, 1\ ,'w y ", k' 1 .dd, d, to my .elf. llIail, d , evidrllce of bur h paym rnt i, A genll eman in'l he 1I0rlhe rn port of lho board ,-[Jloat oll Journal. P. F, Bn,' ms r lf:l.lI, i'\ l':\' DII:lgiur .' Hibht : :' thl" to of1i r l' of d elh'cry in lOch up6ct n , I.g l! coad l, and F s. 11 01.1, _, l)1 City ; g rea t :'Plfl t. ''\ 011 hJtI a traloin b Ihat i man ner ti l()' u ffice D, 'putmcnt Rhall for some tlmc 10 ha \'e J isloc:ttetI .\ . .\ . Ih : ' oY I S"au h'; u o:Tl t't1li:J b ---)' tS:; worth mOr e to by gem·rnl rlgulolionl'i pre!l cribc, oue-h alf his necic. H O\\'l"\' tr. hoJ rr covt'rt"d, sUl'd D, lI e" I: I'ellu', Co\'\' 1" lri.\I,y'. br,;in !rIc with Ilran thowan d. of dol brs, ! of II,,' ,,,,i,1 rol .. 0111 '1 >h. 1I Le r h"!!ed. - th. , taRe comp. ny for dama gel • • nd rec ov· !.. !:lud " I, I J on '=ill put Jou r hall,J to Ihp plough I rmtl peli Ot'licali not \ wt nty thousa.:ul doll rll. \Vith H. J o4 C}r;: k) S, P ra ir if'. anJ look back, Tht. : gn'at I ?"('f on..: ounce :tntl a hnlf, he Weu! :.IiIlgt ·ntl), to work) aJll coon buill I. wi. coullty , )'oullg 1I1\ 'n now.a·d,,)' • •,; th.y are afra,,111I1 Ihe 5tal" wb"re pubhlh",l, .hall b. rharg. lip a ro l""",1 fo,tnne. He now humorous- .\, :\1. 1\ ;.:: p () (" :ol Puint. of wor.... T ht ,)· \\'3nt to lin' ras,)" , \\lllk 1 ·.1 one ,half the ra tt'. bt' forc men tioned: I)' ancr ls lhat he would h3l'e been :--... :-:. " ' 11. 1.104:.1. • City. tile faCI IS, we cann ot w orth I Pr o,·itlt:ll, T hnt Imnll :111\1 p l'ri- rich. had ht nol blokcn his ncek.-[ Cincin - h:"'in g, n 'put ation, property, or any goOO , Otlicnl .:: , or ofll' nrr , "w i na il Co w lUercial . wi thout \\'orking. nyc, S!f1\' ill;; for ii , I p:lInph lrtli nlJt clll1tniuill"; more than ,ix' ,", ' 11 - - - - -- - f;j (!J B 11:.18 m [] C!) 'J) 6:). ,n,,,1h rp my r)'e 0 11 '1°1\. y oun g lIlall.' ocla l O I'"g"s, ",h,," . ellt ill pa ekag ," , Upon \\'11:),( opl'Jn'ntl y littl o ine iden ls Wt'iHhin;.: at k:l !'l l (·igh l O Ul1c... ·"I , lo onl! ad· Th e Rl Sht Spirit i or Success In Lif e. b.ll!; lh c ,,,,,lI. b,'in,; "I' lIlell ; I ""'I appar en t · olr"SF, all,1pr rpai.l hy affixing po, t' g" , tamp,; A "IO r.Y r or. rr.l " """ DI: " II .'. 1 '1 lillie incid enl ' , an,1 yel Ihry are a part thereto , , h. 1I be drarg, ·,t 0111) ' ha lf of er nl T Lis i:-; tltt' title of a book rC t.. 'em ly pub. of th (> gff'at 1Il0r:t 1 woof into whi ""h our fllf ra eh ounce or fraction of an ounCt'. 110t- ii.hrll whi lh ptinciplt: oJ DC- habit . WrB\'C Th ey tbrln a Ihe calculal ""J 0 11 e31.: 11 11011 on wh ich l ucre in lIlU.t :11"" 3)'5 thc rt"sult of l.. n1: iutluenN's :trti(·lc of l'o uch pack ;Jgl} woul;] cf· drp t'lhl. It .h o',u wIJ3t II1ay be a('coma and thc polint of others, So, that 1 ' I't',1 tllat :ullounl. T he ptl,.. l lgt.: Oil all r'b !u'L! by pc r8r H"r:U1 Ct'- Ly rt llOh ing 10 whal J1I:1:l ,) rail a Iud,}" hil, or an unlud'y tr:al1 :-it'li t wall cr t-hall prq Jaid by J,:, o without llch y.-in alorms turn, i'i in (ad th e (r ut' rl:' 6ult of wLa' th r or otht rwis", Or "h:1 11 be rh ar gl:J uouLlc lhc tr in Iu,u ihin t', aud O\'('r1(":tpi'ng pelt)' pait ha :'l wrough t oui. IIIcntif)nt·tl. ... " 10 wh at i ", r ig ht : 1011 To lUDI C it migh t h ,,\"e :\ Juek)' '2. A wl Ill' il flllth"r Tll at (}t":-ill: aLlc to be llunr , The hrro of Iht tale Ilit . Ihat lI.lf p uLl i. h \· r of--- 3nll I, al1 book ."' , hound or nut O\ 'a aftt'r lca\·ing K booJ) at the hl'"d of hi. cia.. : ohscur!' Ipph' nticc, ,houIJ hDppt'np\ 1 to lour poufIIl.., ul'cmt"ci m:lt- i.i :'I pllic ntiet'd 10 I printer) follu \ving 1IIf' l't, ju :"I I wr did, 01 half l.a l fou r on a It'r, un\1 }OL31l be rh n!ga}.h' - of <,x trad from Ihe conclulhng ch:apttr , aLa rmy winter'" rnuflliug, in )Ir . :-Oimr.ou'li cent :ln OUtlct!. tvr :1 11 d u.l:1n..,,":; 1111,1.·, I L' lit.n :m inlt"rC:tting inciden l, .m tl wi ll giYt" prin ting office; frolll Ih::l t tim..: he lh rt"c I hvu .... "w I a lill two cen:. nn our r.' :ld,," a idea of the cha rac ltr became my fJ. I fr ienJ . (fir :l!1 d ;513nc,"s O\','r tllIl·e tholl<l; and "f hi. work : • Al 21 I wu wilh a good Irade Ihor. nul,", 10 willch fifty I','r r,' n!. , i ..l1 be ., Id. d 1 h ' .I f ' oughl)" lc 'arneJ. in. Ili l wh,·rt: Iho ie H n' t ..... th. I or )' rar 0 my r .,. "l <n r . Al 22 I wu m"" te r of 1\\0 hund red nnd w,th . "lt L'II\I( 1"'C'p;1l<I ,nll,1all prllll." In'l · wilh Mr, Ih.1 hc ha,1 <ngaged 10 I I bl II . h b 11 L . I I do a brge aluoun l of work fo r. publi ,hin", ninel)' doll ars . ";; e +, 'I W ;;?II . .. f e ,n',); rr , hou.e in ',he r it)', Soffir i.11I lim . h.d Al 23, a profilable pape r an,l printing w en .ry,. .e pu " l,r" 0 ne'\. 'pa" e rs to aec ompli Ah it witho ut :m c:t tra ff.. t'. (3)Jli ,hnu :n t was for $31... a nJ to r3ch other (rom fori. But ont ('v rning, low:lrds the close ' HO\y much moncy llid )·ou e3TO Ja i l th t. ·ir rt'$p<'cli\'c orlin "s of fr ee f h . b h 1-1' lJ .1 )' r ar , Rob<'rl /' a,krJ tilo publi5bcr, \\ ho of po.'itag(l, 0 11\) cop)' of ("ach o I t' JO , t r pHil uh rr ..u upn1)' app<'3ft'd contrin 'd to !nee' me at thi ll timt'. ::IU1llU:lJ" ,alsu Ih·.n.l (0 in the Ol1i Cl'. IIc Mr. \"Cfe 1 ro I II 1 11 J 21nne lo;:rthrr \ \' h C' n the office I Two hu ndr ed :lutl nin r t)' tlollar tl' . c1l"ar l' U,l' 0 .; III I ll'lr pu I Icntwnll, II s. au • I d . .' sir ' ("" for lh e f'.8ll1e fre t.. ..of :l1!l·. I he u. r oJtt' fur Ihe H erli ng , 1\Ir, l;lmp,nn ' , publi:Jll'Il' of w ' ·kl" p. p.,. m',)' s. nd 10 loltl UI th3t the wor k 1111131 be finid Jt'd in I JU lot wh at 1 l'Jpt'dt 'tl: hon'! bou,;ht r ad, actua l witi ,in t'lw cOlln thrc,' da)" .1 Ihe f. rl h. lt and Ihat we OIUSl l llle J ou rn al officc, and In rl" ln (e; and am ii ' , d 01 br I)' l.Icili r our': !H" carl }"' in lht' morn . gtl ing to le t )'ou up in Lusine!l, I IPe that )' OU wJlcrc 1 lelr 1 )1 I}lh: an pu 1:, ing. It w .. Illy duty 10 open tI ,. offire alld Colli lake cnre of own, therefore I ran ':;r;;o . r;'. I TI prrp::tr it (or work. safdy tru al you with m inl·. You :tre not I.:c •• 1. J n .... Il .turt le r ena.e fl, l:tt It T ' '1 c 1 ' a(r:Jid of dit1iclIlIi rs.' no nc.wIlp3pt. 'r, p('rJOt-llca l, 1l1 n. gaztnr, or om , n il r" ' m pson. " anI you I " . I 1. h' I' or po n' e,1 p'p 'r or ma llrr . ba ll Lo en h lb l 10 up :uJtI do HO!lC'rt' . work to·morrow 1, 0 , II n Ul' -' )" It or any ',It. to DC St ut III rnll'S of ill thi :4 nct 1I ,0rnmg. 11. lookl pr elly lirk to-n i- hl all ,f by IluI IS meant • ehallr e e\'rnt. II". ' fi I I l ' 11 p. " d" ,. .1 e I In " " tI . t I f 1I f'l peci 1 1.:( , un c:\'! t Ie oWlI1g con UI OUS anu mud not Comc Into lhe ofllie till .t ne r It Ing W:l.5 h: 11:1 u ri conseq ucnce o IC b I, kfu l .' I hl ,1 takr n a . eTer r rolJ .' bu.ill ... h.b itl showlI by the bo),. u : . , " ", The Ir I kd I And now when poor Ch. r1es Fuze r on " r.'T. It 'h' ,llI he ,enI \\l lh ollt all) rO'er }O mar f' li S bot I, " , or wrapnt" r or III A ('o\'('r or \vraprwr opr n 'I'b b . r ' . Mr . . bd,oldlllg my ro mforl. ble home and at tbe or .idel >0 Ihat tho c h;;'c1" r of ,\ gray ha:red old hurkJta in our mar- UJ e ..1 ,or eUll,ne I,m""r '" Uoberl , do YOll Io e ahrd '" th. morUlng landll h. ot h. r d.y, cI II. ,1 lIIe. lu r ky I II I' I Lo d kd ', ,,' p lbe Cillcillnnli COllllll,'rcid , fuught undergoing a leal .1the navy yanl in Vi" and Tom , hl' I II be up by aoJ 'onr of fortune '. J rna c,r can 310('1 . may, . wilh Napolt.. 'On through ffi06t of hit C:lm· gioia, by Ihe t"xpt"ri mrllt of cutt ing a mpl.. lin e lake my aharm "' :a1 ch anl l hang it up lay 10 hi,"? U I to all, I 1" r.l!I[It ' r.- p-,igll. CI; , th3t of ... ia i l1 c1udl'tl. He ha.. on the l [,lh of rn 'ry month in Ih e )"ll U , Ly lour bt-d }Oid",. li d up, lir ill good 1 111 hre -Iu ect ss In an )· dtpar tm ent of 11ft" , l !h Tt :;h;I!I he no o r. .. lx.. "I.'n woundrt! t'igLt ti m('s, htier, il wn. antI ob,. r,·ing c. lcCully th e dcca,) ' of (,3ch kill.' can on l,)' come from an u i:l lhe Ic rj' imate p fl l1lt.,tl l1n th e nOer II' Jlubh · aup pot; rt:ally, \Vh::J. , is luilitar:y glori·? i3m ple -e3r h saln}llt' br ing l ep:u:lilt·u into " . ' II ' fi fl' h' , eallGn or "1 10" the cover or ,,,, aPI« r th ere- I I' I th I l td' d' " l It' t Mr,' an lwr rr(\ To "" in no rt'. u 01 n arm. uu lOe illS reso utlon to f ' " .," k lO i It wil not now 1m)' Hill Like l ie ret:' pa rl! , :tnt f'IC I p:Jr trcatt' In a I ,. \\'illinRtont"o I 'fork- to work bOl1tdly nncJinJ u. '!l lr io ll I)' j 0, nor an } \\ IItlll o or m:lr :i ul n t J nor r $t of llie hUlll:ln hp must toil on, un · (erent under the A l('OOnru l1 of hOrJe-radi h (lUt into I l"IAn \\'h I 1.-1 .nd th• • habita m f rm.d in bo hood upon Ihe ,'o,'er or ,,,,,,pp. r lhcrrof, exerpl Iii lbal IlCriud " f the >OIII'S eterna l ru t. of Mr. J arVI' . Tb . r<lulL ' oI Ih.... eX""n- f 'Ii: 'II h 'lk r- en We Wt'u ,10 ,"" "" " a I r" m('ntiou:t ,:- , . Uf 0 J. Ihr nnd :ltl11r l"SJ of th ", "p..n:on to whom 0 n,1 ) WI I e ml IWrd (or .WII to ra g,,"d hO"'i or Ih. ) w,llI nCH r he \\ cll formed. The) it i. 10 b' .e nt. TlllnD, T here sb. 1I be no m. nla will be vcry voluabl. lo 'b. publir. , enillays, .ilh... in the opon air or. e.l· ",Ihoul. I h. rold \Vas .. Irem. Ind .he llllu,l "" 'Hought al home. I tl . I I ' ., A N Foo, .-,\ n old,f.. t.ioned formfr . lor, whi l. olher mi lk will lurn qui t. sour. wi I f ' !'\ h F I' ("P \·' or ot Id llllg t'nc 0:"Ct. '" Or \\' 1' 1 se\'t'nty Jt ::a rs uf 3gr. who lin" not morc A comp:tny h:lS ht' tn fon n ed in London nt D. urlOU, l ort . roo n fot' such rr iutt. ' 11 p:tpl'r; awl if th :;c cowli tioll .';' I 'I r C" I' I u", I.r II,. ft"nle of lb. "'-- " .XI ", '_ Somf'bod \."' II." S Iht'TC ar c two kind of got tho Ind "ank IIl to 8 1lf'3Ctru l I :-iTF.RN&. TI OS AI. (;0 :,, 0r.£"'1 or ScIl:J\C£ a rc not cow li ed with luch printed m nUd l l;'ln n \'t'o ml e. ron l 1II(' lnnl I, I:l. i ne\'l,r .. , ... .....,., \.J't:"..-.. " '1 >Iumber, wllb Ihe agre. abl. "xpectal ion of .ND STA" 'T1cs .- Tho "' ationa l I ntell il, ..,n- sb,1I b.' , uLject 10 leil er post,"e' and nil Ti.i:.oIl1,e eil)', .nd ,lrclorr"he nnrr will . g.tion Com!",ny, 10 ..Willi, a lino of fin-! ta"' ll jan : inlo one yon putyonr ...... t- 'a u I cloo,e in Ihe Inornin,;. In rer Itatcsr t he .1T0rta of Mr. K.n nedy , matlrr a$nL by mai l from ono p':1 tb . li e would looorr w:uk an hundr ed mil" cia. 11< III bip! belw 'n E nglaod and Cal- (001. into the ID t pal- and .aerediLly Ibol llimt- .. it H rmed, 1'0 .hi. f of Ih. Ce nml Jlu re. u, (or tb . C"IIIab- Unit.d S13!<'1 10 anolb er Ibe postage of Ihan rid. in a n ilway ln in, :II CUlls , vi. tb e of 1,; 000\ Hope. It i. , profound W<to our Ilumber. - 1'0111 .nd I li..ll"",nt of. n Intern .li onal Congre.a of which i. nol fixed 1,'1 tb. p 'ro," ,iolla of Ih i, he do.. , all mod.rn improvement>, citi<1 to build tI••IO of iron Blld *ry Th. Vank ... lIi1lkeep in ..nti ", . On. " cr. aro UJc<l by tb. alarm walcb , oll. - lwo l;ri. nee . nd :ita ti Ii"", h.,. . inlrm lt'd a act , ball u nl ... lb. &3 1U ' lk: enlilled 10 be includt, l, u n inn onti oo upo" lb. c""lonu '" mu eh brg'!r lhan the Grrat inTenl.d a chi (or - Ihre.-:-fou r! Cou\ol il L. morning? nnmber of Iho dill ingnilh etll ilerar y m. n of ni free 'of po8lagt' bo ch.rged wilh Iclk r of hi, boyhood. hryond other hi p' wh. n aod anolber b.. i .. cd madli ,' It'l lime Ie get ul" Tom,' said I Ihaing Eo rope in Ih. ir furth.ran ce, .nd are """tage ' . up aloo hll ar I r- , OF 111F. J " " A ASD OT Ur.C. .... t 10 prove ,or ruee ful. Aeling SEC. 0\. An d be it furlher enart ed, ThaI Who ..i,1 1I111 .. birlh-da )'1 are Ih. mil.· , '" 1' , h!," , h. growled . rougbl y. on Ibe Inl!ll" I,on of Mr. Kennedy , Ih. ol!t- if the !,u\.li.her of any "..ri o<1ical , aft " i. ,- Sr.... .- The Ilrili, h :\dminlt )' d i. .. aton... Ion th. hi hw&\' of lif. !" It i l ia Dn boie -y .hp ., be old no. , !l nl I . m ..ek, Tom, .nd you rem. mbe r e.n of lb. !lelgian Go, ernmrnl. nt1fr ror. iog Ih re e mOlllh . p re" iouol)' notifi"l lh 'L I,i. palch .d we ll -.,'po ,n l.d "un eJ In,g .hlp al I. u. ag conce it. Th . ' bul till. bu nI h. day wbon .- wbo,l • Ir. S ,mp""n ... id,' I r..l p nding "ilh Ibe 1lI ". nl of other Eu ro- pllb liea ti" n ill no t lak, 'n oul of 1 10,. otlire to .n,l tendrr for the I'nrpo . of . xplo rlng Iho I P< nt.,.) a d lb. 'ourn )'ouog &J .. er ' he was. !'io. WU n,,1 10 be rOil. 1• .1. II . !,,,an nations, h.... takr n Iha inilia l;,'e by wbich it i. •enl for ,Id i"er)'. conl inu•• '0 Jam ,and Chilla A eorre spond .• nl of ·"::' nd n io Jl aaly wordo nnk l. woon whic!l inj....,. w.. nol gOIng to get up aueh a stormy mor. ra iling a me. ling at Hru l ad a n. xt mon,h forward ouch Imblieati on in Ihe lIlail Ih" Ih" "'a llOnal l lll.Il'g. lIc<r .adduce l th .. wh.1I bnl I:', \V th. Ihan ter min ' ..i.. ... LUL IOn worda r. it, . 10 (,ar l)"' not he I li e W&A not . fo tht u;rc' ro ., It t' n '. nl one th "t should It" IIIflunce wllh ' \ d bo " OJ d J. f1 r-.' ,. ' gOing r pre 0 rgana z.IORan n t rna 10 ' r tJltllla ;o,ll' r to otTs ec luch pU 1Jliral' ,un , . . r f ile . :aIf'. TO:l ct'rb n f'ltee we m"y the curcI it ami (ur. tlt iug ta w y th IC r. }O ",t or Ir. !lim!"on, ",or for m., nor al l)ci enti c ConV'.' Bu on Qn.ll'I .l, .. . cnl lll. y dispose 01 tho .,m,' fur tIll' po-!- Con gr ... "' pro" ',rng or a ,e .. - proph .t , o(our o"u d t ini ... . Wb at .. ya f b' h' anybod)' he, Hb was not Dir. rtor of Ih. Hoyal Ob er .. lor.v al Brna, ag r , unl ••• the publi, "rr shan pay il ; anol .. alld " Xl" orallon , 1 10. ora e!. I . • !In•• ,of "I II "!' obelac:l 10 go'ng to g. t up .f he n.,.e r dId .n ) more I. la.. I,... dJ re....d 1\Ir. Kennrdy on Ih. "h.n,v l'r nny pr inkd matter of .nT o{.'.-. , , ' . ., . 10",,1.. In wh' ,ch alon. 1IOird I lory Del 1 work! . l ubJ l'c t, f'x plai ni ng th e thl\t h2VCbeeD criptioll, (('Ct' i\',.J J uring one quartt'r ur I A Carler, wh o ,rn Prll. la, If a parpnt II for nObility con.lf l.", many Ire hke Tom) wI." 'n a tle- taken :lnd tht prog:rawmt! th ai wlll bl' IIt' rc . fi»cul year , sha ll have rCllIninNt in the htTiCOI ill III th l: or (' Poll. CTlm", on' lh31 acco unt III' :I ff' Learning iJ obtain d only 1>J labo r; it m:lnd IS r:':llIc u pon f(J r. a lIUle t' xtra It il propo' t'd to the wilhout h cin;; fOf the ,,.hole h• . nuw In B'-flU', \ Id t fJ;-ll i ult of th e III .. on, In ti cann ot bought wilh money' if it coul d ..trurl, No! th ry I r.: not gOlOgto work lSO, <.;ongrcss Inlo BeC' tioofl) e"dl of " hich f1 b311 uf an y '1\1:\ftcr the po. "I hn1 .'ltl"r at Cana(3 ) nUH't)' :;IX y t',lrg 01(1) h. IJ atH) art 10 grow up Ig?Ontl1ce I nd the rich ouM alway. he intdfig ot. not th(l' y" . til" in.vt'l liaation. cornm itlt·d 10 it. f'l'lch office IJ hn. U"lcH th o nuJ crt'liit tho l licarl}" . th e rn:lmta ln, 3uJ An f"X rt l ar mer o'}wn c NU\V.!I ,, :It .,,,I.n l aom. hody mil 1 grl r be fi...l I. chon will L. df\'oled to" gene- (I,o eoe of . ueh aale in his '10alterly . c- TI I'ili I', . n. cal,' . Ih r m 101 II ef,d nn ployruent. I ,. ,. I L_ h" ,oh- up . and It mu be cr rlii nlJ o..c of U!I I ral tt'rritor,! and I'opulat"on ' " d I . I n H 'r (" an" two , I II III III I I - mr n :arc --- -- CN'( cc an ra In; a cu t rom tlX' II I- ft'1l 1 I h:tcJ the right to 1 4.!f' lIi ,ht 'out th t.> Sfcond to : 'produ C'lwn ln tlcon ..un .: ion '." CC, lUlll" cr a ed 10 '1 pl'nJ more than tilt')' r: lIl af· Tlwnl' ure "'0 rt"lui 'trs in tho mare. H that tim" r l:i tl,. 1l,',rd 10" the Itat. of .1 c t' .n'd >h"el ' l nohcl" .IS th e P o:st Olfil,; t,: Vql..1t tmt.:n I flJrcl,aud UIOfl ." th3n lh", ')"call l'ntluu:, chvil·t.)' cf a fril·ptl -It o wlh a I .\ A L I I b lhe \ ' I. U I ,on ID \ 1 11 f f; J•. uarnm' cy I U C4·.. ld fel 'I • llt.. itln, 1 ft: rru it migLt he ha13rJou mor" II,') Th e Intl'lligrnct'r .. uggf'lls lha t SI:C. 5 A be it further ('nncltt l Tha' Til",· \'irlllt" of prosp, rit)· 1!1 ble nih. I' t 111;1 ; u:i J? an taCIOW , Qut.>,· n or Eng land OfIlhr s..:oUi6b hiatorian) t? ot'l up, 'fIr I WJi in:l proru.... p.. as th c (or mation of the Cl,nglcu WI '" a ll :"0 11lu ch the M CIlUd ,,' clioo of Ihe 01 '( ( t.n. Ihe \·itut· of adn. ·uitJ i l"vrlituut'. lUen arr In... ·:Ip'" • l" 0 11('1. \ 110. Sir CtUaL ALI ,:h . "' a' "i::,..,lIy, .\ merieall i" ,", it < il illl!"" lalll, 11.',al , Ih is li'l, II " An 3\ 1 I:' ", .,.lr f)' an " r,d,,<" tI,e I TIi "e arc lIuW lil'e f 1II .l e col k g. " ill 1'" ;n , 10 Ihe I' li- n, • : !' or a Tv imr"' .. III n it t';' libe Ii... . I rSU3 1 0111 haLl nL> more ('If. I t UllomI Luuntry "ihouhl Lto ,UIt.l1lly rf 1 }(, lCut .J In ,I, r.lIn til (l'1 .1t"g " IU l ult.. 'll OI.JJ . ludi, lIIi.l . I j(o..;l'J n••;] t..> l!a,vca Wlft' gl\'en to wlhllng. ,,01 e huu IU' boo ht, f«11 aDd,po. •.

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Page 1: THE COLUMB · THE COLUMB AN • CI"anlint'll, an)1 oomo on. lO'y bo to b. lh .(.,.l tr-nlOlbero f lo' e B. auly moot rommonly proolue.. th at paIIion in tb. minolbut clo lin...pre


CI"anl int 'll , an)1 oomo on. lO'y bo ..idto b. lh. (.,.l tr-nlOlber of lo' e . B. aulymoot ro mmonly proolue.. th at paIIion int b. minol but clo lin... p re tv" il.

A \rUG fr iend il Dol born enry day ; iti> he. t 10 b. cou rloolla lo . II- iotimat ilhfe lY; for Iboug h perbap< w. rna)' h I ,ra use. for tot I . m lUre we . hall hafe I...occas ion or .sor_ro_"'_. _

T her. i• • n in finile d . 1 of Iru lh in IIli.Ibor l par a;; rap b :

u 1\ot h1l1~ g r.'at ~\"cr yt"t IUccee, )eu thatwas nol fiBI hi...,! . 1 by IlOmelbing ,..ryIm.Il."

J NFLC F.':C£ OP n il: Moo~ lif"O. '111r.

lVE4TUI:n.- A Paris a llonomtr hat Ilub ·li. hrd the " .,, 11 1 of .w enly )'I"'" oo.."a·.ionl u pon 'h e influ rnce of Ih. moon uponl be w~lhtr. F rlIm the n.W moo n lo lh.firs l qua rt. r it raine<1(dn rin g Ih. pniOtlofIwenly y ror embraced ,n lhe aleul lice)7GI do)" ; from the fir I quar ler 10 Ih. lallmoon it rain ed IH ,-, .I. , a i from Ihe fullnioo n 10 Ihe la I '1uart. r ,t n ined 76 1 day a ;and from th e la I qu ar lrr In Ih o nOw moOnit nined 606 daya. So 'h t d ori og Ihemoou'd i ncr ra~ lher e wne 1,009 ra inyday s, alld duri ng ber dec re""e only 1,,1ij7.a clitTerC'nce of Hl~!"da)'''' T he d i ffercn~ ismor e likt ly to h ave be.n . ccidenlal tb.nIhe r ull of any ,,"tural Cluse , and Ih. con­clu a on which w. d rir. fromlbo olal . mr DIia, Ihal lh. mooo bra 110 iull""oee upon Ihew.alher,

A nllion" alrength lita nol in ii' Lnl ,warkl nor in ita guanlc, bul in lb. hoarU ollb• .l""'PI.. Virl"" iatho imprognable ... II,&galOJI whieh D.ither Iynnny nor cu nningnor (or,' o ean pre,..i l. and w loil. a peo plepo .. iI, tb . y are in rincible and of them ·".1-.. unah. ra llly f,.e.

Wh.n one a fmily of ch ildren goingto acboo l in d ..n and ,,>.11 m. nd ed dothiog,il l. 111 a veal d...1 in fa'o.. ofth. ir molh.r.On. mi hI roach Ih I lhClte .hil<ir.n loarIOmG valua blo I llI.t Iooca., ...hai ....rtb.y migbt toe laughl al Ichool.

No, er ~ilale to tngage in a nobl. t n·ler pri~ for fur ,.~u hoy. no power 10,~.der il ' mportanl . 111. T b. re II 00 poI.hon"" hom bl . wh.,. a man may not be a ben.·faclo r in the ra se of Irulh.

W ra ltb, !>n uly, bappinr , , may' f. deaway , bUl lbe memory of . good deed nel'<rd ies. L ike. fr ieDdly I. por bluing w ronghdark nr... il cornel to ou r aid, wh en mu. tnerd e<), cheers wi lh ils prc ,it'l1ce the ~trug·

gli ng and ! ink ing healt into rt neweu acti on ,.nd enlw in.. br ighl hope wilh Ihe dreari­ne", of Ihe I're ... nl. The m.mory of. goodderd like ';0001 itself, ia immortal- ro nnee t·ing lI . afen and ear tb. lhrough Ih. souJ. ofmen,

Tbe follolf ing . I~ r)' bu Leen lold , .nd",ill do lo tell apin. An OOJOcia le j lldgein Ihi. Sta le hav rn~ br tn ki r ked by a boraeworel of tht a MO i,l. nl Wal to Iho Court11" '11 in I...ion. ..\ nother of the jodge. onlhe bench al Ihe I. IJI', af"'r h.ori~ Ihe in­t("lIigr nc t'. mon 'd an acJjouromft1f , a.I hi.associate had b••n ,.verely ' k ickrd L)' ahors~. and slaled , Ly a b pl\Ul l i n~u"" Ihat10. now loy l.nlil, le. A Iowy er hereupon:Iroeo and obftrvr d, in I !Olr mn tone, ir auehW3S lb . c... . il wao a gTP.lIL pilY Ihe ,, 'bol .Cour l could ne l be kie\t . d bv tame aDimal.- [Cinci nl13li Comm er cial . ' ,

Th. ler ln "c1eTPr fd lo" " ia !'O f" '1" en l.Iy . ppIUHl, loJ 10 i Dd;JCr;min~It"J', lb. , trwpe"OIlI iln~ne the cosI of . cquiring andpr•• er vlng Iho litlo. Tb e Ilau eri ng di. ­lincl ion iJ o1rlai llN , by lb d.p rl ur e ofm.ny doll u a, and " ,I ained by a con:;!antdn in upon Ih. pu n e. W e bue notic l.'<1Ih al your U d.'er f.llows" ofl t n lurn ould.TiliJh poor fellows, wbich .pithel ia Ihen'ppli.d lO Ibpm, in Ibe way of &laid.nre"OIl s)'mpalb}', b)' those wb o ha\'e hr.npar tiall )' supporl. d (ro m Iheir g,"rrooit)' ,

PIII LLlrs' ""na: AN ~1l1lL.lTOn. .-The sec·ollll l ria l of Ih e fire annihila tor wu g il'r ll atDo.l on la I F ri,l a)' , th e Glh illltan!. T hebui ldin!! wal a llow ed to burn 'iIIlhe flamelI,aol bu"t throllgh Ihc roof and walls, andil l><'e.m. the general opinion Ihat it wouldbor n dOll'n. A t Ihil mome nt Iwo ann ihi·lator,i w('Ie set in opt'ra ti t>o t and the flamE'Sr ompld. l)' eXlinguishr d in .Lo ul half.min lllt'.

P OI.\ Co4 ' Ir. - \ V. " "', rht·l p~ , a.n ..·].l(' r intIle ~lnnllol1 <.;llU rch , wril e~ to the r\r.wYo:k II I'r :lIt1 1 nYo,," i n .~ ,lnll ju slifJ in~, nf)ton ly the f'xi:oll t.'ncc of a rluralily of wit'(,,! l urgin~ th e p ropri "' )' and uli lily of Ihep racl ice (J1t mo'ral and rcl i;.tious groUnu.i.­Tire :ll nr", on < h.vr b. en one il r borg.d "ithpolY i;":l IJl)' , Lu i 'il L')' ha\"e hl'rc tufore stooJ.lII,ule o. c!.·nil't.l thc :,lkl!3 tiun . Mr. Phl'lpsIhill~ lO,' ron>litution o( Ibe Un it<'C! Stal""d u . • n .. 1 furb:J 111(" JlI111c1ic...

CO),l CIN'A1IO~ or ETlu:a "I TII STEAM .-­

T h. Pall i., Par. paJ'<r. " )'1 Ih.1 expe ri ,111("lIh h:lr~ , for lOme )"('in pa.!' , bt.."t"o madew ith tltlt'r conlbintd with steam , OD boardof .....e1.. Tb . rClUIt hu ",'Cntlrat a ~real ":l\' i n~ rna,. be . lTeeled , bul ~..Itbe inlla mmable n.tur e of etber re nd. rs itdan~erous. It ha' j u. 1 been resolv ed to r. ­J11. cl~ elhrr b)' chlo roform, and l ,,"0 cngiDf'Io f ,i xl)' horse powe r or. 10 be pla ced in IheGa ll ie, to rn able experim.nts 10 Le made,

An Clthr r ::. lle ll1 pt WI:i made, a ~horl li mesince. at thO!! Il ippoclrolnC') P:t ri.i. to w h'ctIte I'wlJlcm lIfs tct' ring L311oons, ..-\h:l1]oou,in l-hnpe like n W!l:aIL' , ~n~ filleu w ilh pr:lS1an d attemrtrd to Le gll"Jr. 1 hy mean .o( a, haf t of wood, o,,'pende, l boril olltall)' . ",i th~ "" il at the rnd, to ae t L;' r udder . T otll ia sIJa1'l W:L1 nffixrt1 B plalfon u, wit h :l.

5 1,' a l ll cn,infl of four horN:' power, workinga fur\V ""ith th r('tl t('r lllin:,1 p:t.ll (lI ~~, likl'l hrpe s;l il~ of a winlhu ill , Th e rxpcri mrlltwas lII n ~ c in pr c:!t"ncc of se\'cra l fclcutifictn~n, I,ut wa.-l uu ~u l' L' (' s.",fu l.

~ "TIIY OF ,rott~ As n C03,nn:an~-

T Ii<i'Li tor)' of word < is tI,. hi lory or Ir.dea?d . cOlU lllr r~~ ", Your n ' ry app3rd i:l :l

4hl,; uoll:l r)·. I he baJ ond tdL.. Uj tlt:\l itwa~ fi rtlt mJol1t.'! at Bnj 'oun",'; ('amIJr:cs Ihalthry r:l1Ul' from (;a 1llbra y ~ da lll,,:"k from))a m:tScu3; nrt1\1 from th e cit)" of t h ~ F:tlllt'n:tlme i oord wa in . or t'OnlO\"l1 fro ln Coruo~

\':}; ('urranl . floUi Cor inth; th t: guineJ , lh:lt" lIS or illina ll)' coin.,1 of guld brougbl Irolllthe Afrlcau co:u t, so c:\lIrt! ; ca lmut, that itWZL~ WO'fl'n, at 1t' :t.St in p:ltt" of c3m C' I '~ hair ,Su~h h:lS been tilt' m~nufa,.tll r in~ rro~r(':o: '

th3.t we now :\IJJ Ibf'n er nu c:u icuNi :In.11II""lill' to India and Ibe East; J el theworJ~ g irc 'lAndi ng witnc.o:s th at we vnCeimportl'J Hum th",'ncc ; for calico i:i CrOIHCalcul, and mo.,lin from ~I o",ul, a cil)' inAl iali e T llrk,')',------

-= -= ====='-""_==_-=-=-C'"~-=~~__ND, OH.EGON, SATUHDAY, OCTOBEIt 30, 1 52.OLYMPIA, rvn L. 1.

1' l io1 1.111:1 ' , ' \TU \ "AT 1' UOA T ~ l on :'\ l ~ n, D \

WILEY PI. mcELROY.J \1', \1'11 1:> , '1', F. ~hE :. n n "

',1'111.' COL U j\113 11\ N . my IM<l f. llow than hil m3!t.r ·1 comrnan.l, " Th e ' ,"" ,' I·OI'UIl".· L IlW. . lb.r oll"'r pllr\ oQS ," a""roT..I ~Ia rch third,D , I" II it to d 'I k II '1 I I T G OL D O~ TU I 1 TlUU' ,. (, r Pat. :-O AJI '- I S T'.·. .. - ••T " OI.L' ,- 0 .- L••• "-'0-e I 'n1U r one. " a ·~ up )"llUr re IVlowlIlt! J:i a cop)' ot the law 10 re- uecn hunt rl'(l and fifty·onr, &.! rtl at r~ to • - '-" ..... .. r_ •. 1 t d it I ' h t lOll G r.r.AT '·:xr lTr. s,-! - E n "ry day th e TII K Cf: J It", ~ D R U.1 J. l\f~" LOsT!-On~ ofnll~\l 0

1? I \:Ol~ra~cou~~, 1 OUrr't ' .Jtt latio n to 1'lO'13.1!l' , P:l'~ " l l nt the I t ~c-ssion of t . e l~t3~tl or fre e eireu ation or t ra ntl uiJ· pt"opit" th rough Pana!1I3 . pl'tt'ft r 10 h -come th e IUtI~t rl ight ful ~1l' 1 destruc tive . ecid nl.

0, ' II" t J ~m'h l, resI1:<1 m) sct

I,ta p i s- ( ·on grl' ... It will be 1.:("11 tLat it red uce I . ,~ ,od nt"w'p:I fI" Jl ~·ri oo i ,·a l ... am i othe r I~ore In.t! mora . ex cited a.bout III reeen t Ih:'!t ever occurred in lh i3 t ount rT, •__L\ ' 1 IOU !lUUt'ranl-: myu' 0 rr gr i W l-n u g l . pnn.l' IIl:lt h'r, and all lith er l,rud .silJlIl uf d f 1 I . , .....

W01 rm ' Iu::ult' r... 1 Ilalild t , In spit•. of head- th e r3k'" of 11("':' p:lpC': pOiI~ t=r . p:lIl tCularl.J l:rw ill('nnl i.jl,k nt with llh' pro\ i ious (Jf llli:i »covcne 0 ~o J nwllJ IU the nt'i;L oora

1·lace on lak.. f~ ri fl , AI-ent tWn 0' Ie 1

Britt' , sore thr oat alld cou~ h , I went bra rc lv rho-c scut to Callfurrll:l and Oregon , nlHl 1.:1 act , nro Itt'r ('),y rl' p ,'at ..l. hl:o(l.' nwlhtl\'t'n the Id hcrg ic narivcs I N be- !1 1.b~ rnurnill~ of thtl :.!tJlh of A u [UlIt, LboT erm' _ IUI':.. llllll" 1u ,\ ,I\' ll uer . on. I ploughed III ) ' 'Yo)' 10 tI,. office . gr t3 t iurpmvemcut (In th e old 1.1\ : :i r.c . H, ,'wI Lc il furth er en..I"I, That " " ' .a ng I . 111.... 11'1"', and an XIOII<10 pr ocur . kalller A~'.lic. " il h ,t5O1"""°"" un n l ,

" 0' 0"" vr-ar, when Hut Ly ", . il. or ,. ' "" At thr ough lilt". ,Jri l,lin~ ",n.n w l bU,iIt th e fire Inti "\ ." AC'!' 10 nmcnd tho 0,,1 , 'nll' t l, ' " ,.n whcn, a li-t of uncalled for Irlh'rs 1I11all b.. a n I n t (" rt~Kt In In)" COhlp:lny 'h at Ju3V W LoUDII rrum Buff. I" fur Ilttroit, w run in-I ' .... hi" 'U ~ bl u ror! I~ CtI \Q e~l'lortt the mine s. • to IIJ' tht' p'tt1r'l1er ~dt"1 LU! .......and some

" . oltj ~' t" . i ·" II!); (<.I r all mOllltu f3. 11(1. b" t e vvry t In ;'; 10 fl ·n..hnt'Ss 10. tie work- act t , reduce und modi fv tho mte-, (.f p." ".hetl in I ny 1ll',wtll,al",r \lrinh 'c1 in an) ' 11 '1 t I .I I I' I 4; "Uh , I I. I oJ , •• " I ), r. l'-' W 10 11m 4J t l c t II-COVtl'y h·1I t lrt!'e hu nd rl'C nto f1llOn:'4 w l'n ; drnwn~! ILS ol pllpr t ,,·ill Ll'" JI -e Olll illUl'll • .lui I at I tl t' I1H'f1 , lJng urfo rt' t )(',)' 1H';!3n to "ppl'ar ,_aa I h) ~ t a,,"' ,' " III" L' llite,1 ~ t . te.<, ' 1101 ' or .- c1gn 1311::;\1:1,- ,' , ~'\I t1 1.1~t ",lIa lla~ l·u1Jli.I " 'll \' f ;"'" I"I I '"

I'1' 1 'I If 1'1 ' I I I. r .. o:t .. I ' a t.'1)' 1 1I4 ".Ig l l 11J f Wa t u _tor)' rl'a t ivc th t> r<:lu, al ' l 3r l I hl t tho »tcAnl r r an r~ thl~

" 1 11,)11(If t U' r u l,.> II a'r", UIl Il • 'IIrr ~' ''3't'I' Df(' a' n IJlIIg 1 Ie anh 'rll ut'IOfl" 11If': to ~Ce th~ hiller Illlr l>o.",' :' '' 1):ll'l "'''',1 Mar ..·I, tlli nl In luc h 11 C'", ~pn.f,I f'r hannC' ti ll' bn!.· .~t cirl'n - 1 II I f II .aJ I ( 1 . I I ' II I I 1 I , . , I ' D 0 :Jil l I e lUI:' ('3 II g o 1 \V1a,leh tlICJ' h il r~ oo" s of the Ogd\'u burgh, nnd \Y ruck... , , . ,. , .. way .. uu~ It WII 1 I Ie ~no \\' u ~ 10Yl' 1', ( i.!ht rt.'11 hUl1 lln d Illt l fifty,onc, :llt on within I lto rnllg~ of l!di \'~I")' of said I'IOJucl'd, With Il,.. lt er~ wInch tli l'.)' ha\"l~ furwur.l of thc "hl·,·I·h ou,!II·, on ,h i' I:uLoanl

A Il\ r.I •.I I 'iI:\ Io. , " ~ ,rt lrf' {·,t ."l c p:llh (r olll thc hO\l ~ c to tl lr of- HI! il l'n3('t('(I II,,' th ,' ~ri , a h' nnd 1I0u."t' offiCI'. Lr I t I'. Li I I

O (I ('If r (' .n It.. ) lhr t'(,IO

IIt'r I ~_ l ' I If ' , \ I ~u,; 1 110m n''''p,.d:au c nat ivrl i n th., ..ito C!. 11w IlrU!,t' lIt'r'" rn~i l1~ hi lt k r.n ri'!·

nl" tqtl :Ut' , "' r In . ~ . '. ,. ,. ICfl. .-'Vmeone '(~'H r. mJ st' W3S lip II) uf H~'lrl'J el)tati\' (':) o f lh e ll ilitt tl Sl a tr !ll o f ~ ppro\' \'t .\ ug:u...t :10, }Si.-l:l. I I Lo I vd II d bIU , ~ "O\}; IOf (' .. . r1 ..ddluon. 1 II I..rl!On. fl , J , th e h01l5«', :';r\'rr31 limr s h (" 3I'pl'art'd a t '\ .r . • . , . , 1.1 I '1'1 f J f' !~ \ rIOt r mo,'~ 1\ QU ' ,1l8 to th qIv.t·:"JIl ~l 1I:0011t· t.'1) llIiIl U~I 'S )r(orc ,h~ cullis a

\ Il be.oral JaJuction to ,-rerl ,. aJnflllrn. . . ' , UlCr!ca U1 Con~ l l :\.'! :a~mu Ct , I ~ t rom l:XI&lencc of th (' pn"ClOu) 10 ahu-.i· ~non- tl.~ [('mut"r continuM on her l'OUrto'. bt r " bt J" , llo e w,",low , look," g . u,l watch ing my I'r o- .nd . n ,'r th e ILirl iet h ,lay o( 5 'pt.mb« an\ll ~~ (rom Ih. ' . un lil e h"d r "" IOm~ II. mil frota

1•••~t;1 :~;b/m:tltt~~:~·::::i'~~~r ""illl ;::~C~r? sresl. \ Yh ile 1 wa! alon~ illt~J L' ot1ic(' ~ a ..i ~hh~n hund n'ti an,) fiftJ -two, U;c l)Ntag~ On ctr-L"o r ..I. ate 0 foot for th o · n pI ctj of coo ll d Lt'rorr h"r ~ l1&i u

IU' iJcJ till r..rt»JJ.u, auJ charl t',1accorJin."y, he3.\'y :-t r, p Ilcc nllt'd t,he ' til. lrl , ~ ot JOI.III ~t upon all pr int nl In:tttl'f I l:t~in rr lhrou l!h th e e t.nLI ~ Illnf'nt -- n"l:. I I I 1 ,. I' I . I IIT, :\1 f 1 ),1 S I 0 •. ,:> ~ • II , "'Vmt_me~ n p~('r( 10 opp' ''' ' w lie I • • au .y l tn u ·

AGE,~T~. , Ilor , om ' l 1,lor. r . ~ r I' )' s'.no r r, Imp, 1uail of 111(' ( 'nill 'l l S t:Ilt.·';, iuskad of tLe ~ h l ' IUI? r~ IlIIlIIt"I!l:,l cly, nnd th~ probability liugui "lhing Iwr fir l.", The bkiJ W':Ul cO\'crl'dTtl. n, cr nl!('OW' n lite aUlhflfizN In ft - I 21 011 ," La . !he puLl1:hcr fllmlcl! ent('fru ·1Tl\tt' now (.· h:argl",I, . h:l1t be as follon, 10 I.:l tllat III a J~y or two 3 gfltXlly number of Ifor mi_1 t:'s with ft vati [l~ (r:lg mrnu Ind p.r.

cr iH' tul, cri(llioD' (oJr _ T he Culumbian :" I I ~lJ' 11I ~'h ~ n ch rn:'ln . up antI sCPIl1g about Iwil: Each n \Y Mp3per, pt·riooi ca l, un ~'Bkt l }O p "'c u la to r~ "iJIlK Ull th dr W:l)' to tLi:s Ill''' ' IOn.. t'hll ging r..r lift· .l : 1.0. B. (~ O t: D" , I.., fay"tt•• ; IlIle OU.:o HH·SS 0 rar1) ' ~ 1. W3."! :UI13.1t:d. Our rin'ular , or oth er :11t id e of pr inlt:d 1Jl:\lt t.' r , EI l~o)r . , \ lo . I ·1h~ flJn1'a rcJ ral,iu Lela", .- as , oecupW'" ' C . l 'l' ll I .. office IlaJ uone mu ch \\ a rk for 111m, anti \\ C not t'xt.:telling three ounCL'1 in wri l"h' sh:lll " c: .hop ..,l IlJo:-e who un,l t'rt~k ~ Iht" I La)' awuL 1.)0 Uh'n, wntul!n anti dultJren) nJlH \1 , .~ . ;\' 1. I1 \~ I . I .I ·t. ' 1 I "'l(}; ; all r t Spr d l'd hiel greatly. Ibt' St'ul to anr pnrt CJ f tl ll~ Hllitctl SI :lt't')I fur t'xpt.'th tlUn Will III t1'Ct w:th JllUccrss , antI wc of \\'11010 UIwl ha \" t) p _riJbed . \Yh n lheJ " "'I.n~ ·s t . \\ I 1.,1., (. ,\'\ :n pt'~f ,I I 1 thourh l yOIl wa:l 'he },oy \\'ho W:Li not l ODe ccnt :lUJ fur e" n-y a(Milional ounct' or ~rc tol~rabl, oon6dcn t! from Our Own p~r. ! pr op.-lIer :o tr ut·k 1I; 'r,. hn ~}W opt-'D.c,1 and'I &\I t S' Tno:'l~i' ~ 11~lm: I tv bl·t up thi, morning, Hobrrl ~ A slorm)" fr:tctioil ~f an ounc,~ one Ct'nl n , IJitio~\~1 1"0n31 knowlc41~, tha t ,f prop..."I'Iy conJuct - I lhe water rn. fwd HI 111 ton t'n ll, filhn~ theI )A \"I fl ~ T}.SF.) ~~!;t ~ ~~ I:;I I I morning th i.., In J lough work YOU ha\ 'e II tlball bl,) charget! · a l:d wh en th~ ~t:J~1J t,d they :\re. ce rt'lin of m3kin g tbt' ir pile be-It'alJin in:ln in tall t anti u iu:{ alUIOf,Lirn-

I I~ A J. c ' t', ',','!:'", I I', .')' I·i 'I'" :1111 ; 1 h311 CJ ( it,' s.aid he t'}'t' ing 1Il ~ kcc ill,)" u! ,r.n :t'ly nl'w..n.'"I'p,' r or p"'ri - ·Jic:al ;. I<oid " I [ r 51I: ;',r.,: I< ' 1' . " :; ~~: 'S ~,il~e",,~; ';I"" "' ; ':11'1 f'l?e'.·~p told InC 'i r, w ben we l' lu; r tc; ly or y,, ~;-iy in a,I T~~c:,'.t th .;"ollice ore re IIrnlOg,- 'rullla tar, S<pt . 13. I:~:~~~Ie t~l~ri~~'il:~'71v "':'f M.~ppu~ 10\1' , \\" ~I I ~ ' , ' n, .e.l'laliv ; !" d ~ II~ II o:k t ~ uo, ~oJ go for word . nd do I wh .' r. ' he ",i,1 periodirol or new .paper i, \I wou ld ap!""r II... n~.I)' 10 hr ar th'l a I,..e "",ell from Ibi, c. u>c, awl ia co", '-I ~ D. ,,- ,\ ~ Po.\- , l'o\\'l itz ~'nrlll ' ; II) Utllll~'J l n~1 uull

Oll u

olT ~ :)~~U ~ lh

lC WCltthf'.r, o~ J . ,li\"l~n'( I , or i. p..'lill fj, uartcrly or Jl'1lrIJ' in ~all oblaintd a at::nl. in lift', by br,.. king r 'luel1~r tlf ..nue <orwe~i an.'t ,,:h o Wl'rc

:-; :-: ' ,FORI)I,S t' II., Cl l i ('k ~'l~I I' ; ' 11 ~ lln$t C,(., n )' a ,cW t rops a J, tllne j I:t.J t :lDce at tl l t OffiCLl \\'hf ro th e QW~ is, lUI neck) bul .u cb a thrng nt>arly hat btocn . ~1Cf"pmg on I h~ lIlam df'l.:k , Jumping oYer'"t ' ll. ' t·. 'I' ,. u",' I< l 'o , 1\ ,'w y ",k' 1 . dd, d , to my.elf. llIail, d , ~nd evidrllce of bur h paym rnt i, A genll eman in'lhe 1I0rlhe rn port of lho board ,-[Jloatoll J ournal.P. F, Bn,'ms r lf:l.lI, i'\ l':\' DII:lgiur ~ ~ . ' Hibht : r i ~ ~lt :' cx~ lajmcJ thl" pu~li !oha, fumish ~\J to t l lt~ of1i r l' of delh'cry in lOch Sta~ w,, ~ up6ct i ~ n ,! coadl, andF s. 11 01.1,_, ~ l)1Orl.~m City ; ~ ~ l th g rea t :'Plfl t. ''\ 011 hJtI a traloinb Ihat i man ner ~ til()' Pl)~t u ffice D,'putmcnt Rhall !Up~cd for some tlmc 10 ha \'e J isloc:ttetI.\ . .\ . I h :'oY


S"au h'; u wort ~ l o:Tl t't1li:Jb---)' tS:; wor th mOre to by gem ·rnl rl gu lolion l'i pre!lcribc, oue-h alf his necic. H O\\'l"\'tr. hoJ r r covt'r t"d, sUl'd~ D, lI e " I: I' ellu ', Co\'\' 1" lri.\I,y' . br ,; in !rIc w ith Ilran thowand. of dolbrs, ! of II,,' ,,,,i,1 rol .. 0111'1 >h. 1I Le r h"!!ed. - th . , taRe comp. ny for dama gel • • nd recov·

!..!:lud " I, I ~cc J on '=ill put Jou r hall,J to Ihp plough I:\cw~ p:l,pa, rmtl peli Ot'licali not wl'i 1!hi !1~ e r~u \ wt n ty thousa.:ul doll rll. \Vith t h i ~J "lI~ H. J o4 C}r;: k) S, J adc~n':i P ra irif'. anJ ~O l look bac k, T ht.: g n'a t l J. l ~ lt \,,' i~h I ?"('fon..: ounce :tntl a hnlf, \~hen (' ircu l~h'J he Weu! :.IiIlgt·ntl ), to work) aJlll coon buill

I. wi. coullty , )'oullg 1I1\'n now.a·d,,)' • •,; th. y are afra,,111I1 Ihe 5tal" wb"re pubhl h",l , .hall b. rharg. lip a ro l""",1 fo,tnne. H e now humorous-.\, :\1. 1\ ;.:: p () (" :ol Puint. of wor..... T h t ,)· \\'3nt to lin' r as,)" , \\lllk 1·.1 one ,half the ra tt'. bt' forc men tioned: I)' ancrls lhat he would n~ver h3l'e been:--... :-:. " ' 11. 1.104:.1. • \\"' ath i n~t on City. tile faCI IS, we cann ot ~r t :l, n~'lhillg w orth I Pr o,·itlt:ll, T hnt Imnll neW." pa per~ :111\1 pl'ri- r ich . had ht nol blokcn his ncek.-[Cincin-

h:"'ing, n 'putati on, pro pe rty , or any goOO , Otlicnl .:: , publ i:J1 l-~1 mQn~hly or ofll'nrr , "w i nail Cow lUercial .wi thout \\'orking . nyc, S!f1\' ill;; for ii , I p:lInph lrtli nlJt clll1tniuill"; more than ,ix',",' 11 - - - - ---

~ :...! f;j (!JB 11:.18 m[] C!) 'J) 6:). ,n,,, 1 h r p my r )' e 011 '1°1\. youn g lIlall.' ocla l O I'"g" s, ",h,," . ellt ill sill~h' pa ekag ," ,Upon \\'11:),( opl'Jn'ntly littl o ine iden ls Wt'iHhin;.: at k:l !'l l (·igh l OUl1c...·"I , lo onl! ad·

Th e Rl Sht Spirit i or Succ ess In Life. b.ll!; lh c ,,,,,lI. b,'in,; "I'lIle ll ; I ""'I apparen t · olr"SF, all,1prrpai .l hy affixing po, t' g" , tamp,;A "IO r.Y r or. rr.l " """ DI:" II.'. 1'1 lill ie incid enl ' , an,1 y el Ihr y are a part thereto , , h. 1I be drarg,·,t 0111)' ha lf of ~ er nl

T Lis i:-; tltt' title of a book rCt..'em ly pub. of th (> g ff'at 1Il0r:t 1 woof into whi""h our fllf ra eh ounce or fra cti on of an ounCt' . 110t­ii. hrll whi lh int:ulcnt rl lh~ ptinciplt: oJ DC- habit . WrB\'C our 41r~ t i nie c , Th ey a r~ t br lna wilhritauJin~ Ihe JI()~ t3~'~ calculal ""J 0 11 e31.: 1111011 on wh ich l ucre in l il~ lIlU.t :11"" 3)'5 :-l eh't'~ thc rt"sult of l..n1: tr ain iutluenN' s ~1'lnl:t h' :trti(·lc o f l'o uch pack ;Jgl} woul;] cf·drp t'lhl. It .h o',u wIJ3t II1ay be a('coma and thc II::artin~ polint of othe rs, So , that 1' I't',1 tllat :ulloun l. T he ptl,..l lg t.: Oil allr'b !u'L! by pc r8r H"r:U1Ct'- Ly rt llO h ing 10 wh al J1I:1:l ,) rail a Iud,}" hil , o r an u nlud ' y tr:al1:-it'li t wallcr t-ha ll l~ prqJaid by ~ l am p~J,:,o ~ trl i~ hl lhtal l without llchy.-in alorms tur n, i'i in (ad th e (r ut' rl:'6ult of wLa' th r or otht rwis ", Or "h:111 be rh ar gl:J uouLlc lhct r in Iu,uihint', aud O\'('r1(":tpi'ng pelt)' ob~ pai t ha :'l wrough t oui. rnl~~ fir~t 31~\"c IIIcntif)nt·tl.fl :1 cl~ ..." 10 :l l'compl i~h wh at i", r ig ht :1011 To lUDI C it migh t h ,,\"e '~cmrJ :\ Juek)' ~cc. '2. A wl Ill' i l flllth "r cn~ch~ , Tll at(}t":-ill:aLlc to be llunr , The hrro of Iht tal e Ilit . Ihat lI.lf puLli. h\·r of---3nll I, al1 book."', ho und or un l.,o un ,I ~ nut wCI~IHng O\'a

aftt'r lca\·ing K booJ) at the hl'"d of hi. cia..: ohscur!' Ipph' nticc, ,houIJ hDppt'np\ 1 to lour poufIIl..,~hl\1I b~ u l'cmt"ci .m a l l1\LI~· m:lt­i.i :'I pllic nt iet'd 10 I printer) ~Rtl l hc follu \ving 1IIf'l't, ju :"I I wr did, 01 half l.a l fou r on a It'r , un\1 }O L31l be rh n!ga}.h' '~' l l h po~I.1:" - of<,x trad from Ihe conclulhng ch:apttr, lI tj~ aLarmy w inte r'" rnuflliug, in )Ir. :-Oimr.ou'li on~ cent :ln OUtlct!. tvr :111 du.l:1n..,,":; 1111,1.·,I L' lit.n :m inlt"rC:tting inciden l, .mtl wi ll giYt" prin ting office; bl'caus~ frolll Ih::l t t im..: he lh rt"c Ihvu ...."w I 1I 1t1 1 ' ~, alill two cen:. nnour r.':ld,," a corn~'ct idea of the cha rac ltr became my fJ. I frienJ. o~nt' t (fir :l!1d;513nc,"s O\','r tl lIl·e tholl<l;and"f hi. work : • Al 2 1 I wu fre~ . wilh a good Irade Ihor. nul,", 10 willch fifty I','r r ,' n!. , i..l1 be .,Id. d

1 h' .I f ' oughl)" lc'arneJ. in. Ili l C:l~:' wh ,·rt: Iho ~ :\lIl~ m~y i e H n'

t ..... th. I or )'rar 0 my r.,. "l <nr . Al 22 I wu m"" te r of 1\\0 hund red nnd w,th."lt L'II\I( 1"'C'p;1l<I , nll,1 a ll prllll." In'l·wilh Mr, ~im p'0n, Ih.1 hc ha,1 <ngaged 10 I I bl II . h b 11 L . I Ido a brge aluoun l of work for. publi ,hin", ninel)' doll ars . ";; e ' ~b"'· +, 'I W;;?II . .. f e ,n',); rr ,hou.e in ',he r it)' , Soffir i.11I lim . h.d l~rn Al 23 , a p rofilable pape r an, l printing w en .ry ,. .e pu " l, r" 0 ne'\.'pa" e rs~ i\. ("n to aec ompliAh it without :m c:ttra ff.. t'. (3)Jli,hnu:n t was for $31... anJ l'.:"rtoJh":lI~ lU~y ~ e lJt l to r 3ch other (romfori. But on t ('vrning, low:lrds the close ' H O\y much moncy llid )·ou e3TO Ja i l th t.·ir rt'$p<'cli\'c orlin"s of pUhli rati~~ , free

f h . b h 1-1' lJ .1 )' r ar , Rob<'rl / ' a,krJ tilo publi5bcr, \\ ho of po.'itag(l, 0 11\) cop)' of ("ach;o I t' JO , t r pHil uh rr ..u upn1)' app<'3ft'd con tr in 'd to !nee' me at thi ll t imt'. ::IU1llU:lJ" ,alsu Ih·.n.l (0 t',aeh.adual , tl u()~rlbc r,in the Ol1iCl'. IIc ~ nd Mr. ~imp:,on \"Cfe 1 ro I I I 1 11 J21nne lo;:r thrr ~omtt imr. \ \' hC' n the office I Two hu ndr ed :lutl nin r t) ' tlolla rtl' . c1l"ar l ' U,l' 0 .; III I ll'lr pu I Icntwnll, I I s. au • !e ~

I d. . ' si r ' ("" ctlpt ~ for lh e f'.8ll1e fret....of!l·. I he

u . r oJtt' fur Ihe H erling , 1\Ir, l;lmp,n n ' , publi:Jll'Il' of w ' ·kl" p. p.,. m',)' s. nd 10loltl UI th3t the wor k 1111131 be finid Jt'd in I J Ulot wh at 1 l'Jpt'dt'tl: ~ hon'! bou,;ht r ad, actua l .s uh~~ r iGc r witi,in t'lw cOllnt·thrc,' da)" . 1 Ihe f. rlh.l t and Ihat we OIUSl l llle Jou rn al officc, and Inrl"ln (e; and am ii ' , d 01 br I)'l.Icili r our': !H" carl}"' eno~gh in lh t' morn . gtl ing to le t )' ou up in Lusine!l, I IPe that )'OU wJlcrc 1 lelr p~l'crs t~C 1)1 I}lh: an pu 1:, 1·ing. It w.. Illy duty 10 ope n tI,. offir e alld Colli lake cnr e of ~ou r ow n, th erefore I ra n • S~'~ ~'o py ~ ':;r;;o . r;'. ~ 1"'" lag~ . I T Iprr p::trr it (or work. safdy tru al you with minl·. You :tre not I.:c ••1. J n .... Il .t urt le r ena.e fl, l:tt

It T ' ' 11\1~' c 1 ' a(r:Jid of dit1iclIlIi rs. ' no nc.wIlp3pt.' r, p('rJOt-llca l, 1l1 n.gaztn r, or .ot h ~om , n il r" 'm pson. " anI yo u I " . I 1. h ' I ' or po n' e,1 p'p 'r or mallrr . ba ll Lo en hlbl

10 ::;t' ~ up :uJtI do HO!lC'rt'. w or k to ·morr ow 1, 0 , II W~9 . n(Jt n Ul' -' )" It or any ',It. ~ t to DC St ut III t1 ~(' rnll'S of ~:'lta "'c ill thi:4 nct1I,0rnmg. 11. lookl pr elly l ir k to-n i- hl all ,f by IluI IS meant • ehallre e\'r n t. I I" . ' fi I I l ' 11 p . " d" ,.

. 1 • e I In " " tI . t I f 1I f'l pec i 11.:( , un c:\'! t Ie ~ o oWlI1g con UI OUS u~anu mud not Comc Into lhe ofllie t ill .tne r I t I n g W:l.5 h: 11:1 uri conseq ucnce o IC b, kfu l .' I hl ,1 takr n a . eTer r rolJ . ' bu.ill... h.bitl show lI by the bo),. u "~ n't" : . , " ",

T he Ir I k d I And now when poor Ch.r1es Fuze r on " r.'T. It 'h',llI he , enI \\l lh ollt all) rO'er}O In~t' r '~ an , mar f' li S bot I, " , or wrapnt" r or III A ('o\'('r or \vraprwr opr n ~ 'I'b b . r ' • L~ .

.n~II,.ard Mr . l;iUlp~n'a ,I i~eelion.. . bd,oldlllg my ro mforl. ble hom e and p~ra,"~' 1 at tbe e~d': or . idel >0 Ihat tho ch;;'c1" r of ,\ gray ha:red old hurkJ ta in our mar- UJ e ..1 ,or eUll,ne I, m"" r '"Uoberl , do YOll Io e ahrd '" th. morUln g landllh. oth. r d.y, cIII. ,1 lIIe. lur ky I II I ' I ~ ' Lo d kd', ,,' p lbe Cillcillnnli COllllll, 'rcid, fuugh t under going a leal . 1 th e navy y anl in Vi"

and Tom , hl' I II m~I II' , be up by fou r.~ cJ~,' aoJ 'onr of fortune'. f:l.\"o r i tf'~ , ' J I I~ rna c,r can 310('1 . Ic.rt' ~ n may, . dcr~ wilh Napolt..'On th rough ffi06t of hit C:lm· gioia , by Ihe t"xpt"rimrllt of cutt ing a mpl..l in e lake my aharm " ' :a1 ch anl l hang it up ~vot~IJ lay 10 hi,"? U I ~y to all, I Su c~~ss l ~ll n C'~ w,lt.h~u t. ~t~mo\" ;, ug HI~h 1" r.l!I[It' r.- p-,igll.CI; , t h3t of i l1 c1udl'tl. He ha... on the l [,lh of r n 'ry mon th in Ih e )"ll U ,Ly lour bt-d }Oid",. lid up, l ir ill good lt t'::J. ~ 1111 hre -Iuect ss In an )· dtpartm ent of 11ft" , S~CO~D . l !h Tt :;h;I!I he no '~ orG or. c t)mm~.. lx.."I.'n woundrt! t'igL t ti m('s, hti er , il wn. antI ob,. r,·ing c. lcCully th e dcca,)' of (,3chkill.' • can on l,)' come from an u i:l lhe Ic rj' imate I1I c~t1on pfl l1lt.,tl l1n th e ~a1llc nOer II' Jlubh · aup pot;ed.mort:ally, \Vh::J. , is luilitar:y glori· ? i3m ple-e3rh saln}llt' br ing l ep:u:lilt·u into

" . ' II ' fi fl' h ' I ~ , eallGn or " 110" the cover or ,,,, aPI« r th ere- I I ' I th I l td' d' "l It' t Mr,' an lwr rr(\ To "" t holl~h in no rt'. u 01 n arm. uu lOe illS reso utlon to f ' " . , " k lO i It wil not now 1m)' Hill 1J n.':l~ . L ike l ie ret:' pa rl! , :tnt f'IC I p:Jr trcatt' In a I ,.\\'illinRtont"o I ' f ork- to work bOl1tdly nncJinJ u.'!llr ioll I)' j 0, nor an } \\ IItlll o or m:lr :i ul n tJ nor r $t of llie hUlll:ln rac~, hp must toil on, un · (erent u~an n.rr, under the IUperint tnJt.m ~t" A l('OOnrul1 of hOrJe-radi h (lUt into I l"IAn

\\' h I 1.-1 • . nd th• • habi ta m I' ~ f rm.d in bo hood upo n Ihe ,'o,'er or ,,,,,,pp.r lh crr of, ex er pl Iii lbal IlCriud " f the >O III'S eterna l ru t. of Mr. J arVI' . Tb . r<lulL' oI Ih.... eX""n- f 'Ii: ' II h ' lk r-en We Wt'u ,10 ,"" "" " a I r" m('ntiou:t ,:- , . Uf ~ 0 J. Ih r nnd :ltl11rl"SJ of th "," p..n:on to w hom r~ 0 n,1 ) WI rr~ne I e ml IWrd (or

'~,ow don,~ .WII ~'nUlng to rag,,"d hO"'i or Ih. ) w,llI nCH r he \\ cll form ed. T he) it i. 10 b ' .ent. T lllnD, T here sb. 1I be no m.nla will be vcry voluabl. lo 'b. p ublir. , enillays, .ilh... in the opon air or. e.l·",Ihoul . I h. rold \Vas ..Irem. I nd .he llllu, l "" ' H ough t al home. I tl . I I ' . , A N O~I> Foo, .-,\ n old,f..t.ioned formfr. lor, whi l. olher mi lk will lurn qui t. sour.wi I f ' !'\ h F I' ("P \·' or ot Id llllg t'nc 0:"Ct. '" Or \\' 1' 1 se \'t' nty J t ::a rs uf 3gr. who l in " not mo rc A comp:tny h:lS ht' tn fon ned in London

nt D. urlOU, l ort . ,3i~ (" r. roon fot' such rr iut t.'11 p:tpl'r; awl if th :;c cowli t ioll .';' I 'I r C" I' I u", I.r II,. ft"nle of lb. L~· "" I .rn "'--" .XI",' _ Somf'bod \."' II." S Iht'TC arc two kind ofgot tho &I~rm Ind "ank IIl to 8 1lf'3Ctru l I :-iTF.RN&. TI OS AI. (;0 :,,0r.£"'1 or ScIl:J\C£ a rc not cow lied with luch printed m nUd l l;'ln n \'t' o m l e. ron l 1II(' lnnl I, I:l.i ne\' l,r .. ,... .....,., \.J't:"..-.. " '1 ~>Iumber, wllb Ihe agre. abl. "xpectal ion of .ND STA" 'T1cs .-Tho "' ationa l I ntell il,..,n- sb,1I b.' , uLject 10 leil er post,"e' and nil Ti.i:.oIl1,e eil)' , .nd ,lrclorr"he nnrr will . g.tion Com!",ny, 10 ..Willi, a lino of fin-! ta"'l l jan : in lo one yon putyonr ...... t­1)' 1n~ 'a l o,~ u I cloo,e in Ihe Inornin,; . In rer Itatcsr ~Iat the .1T0rta of Mr. K.nnedy , matlrr a$nL by mai l from ono p':1~f tb . li e would loo orr w:uk an hundr ed mil" cia. 11< III bip! belw 'n E nglaod and Cal- ~oor (001. into the ID t pal­and .aerediLly Ibol llimt-.. it H rmed, 1'0 .hi.f of Ih. Cenml Jlu re. u, (or tb . C"IIIab- Unit.d S13!<'1 10 anolb er Ibe postage of Ihan rid. in a n ilway ln in, rrg.rd ill~, :II CUlls , vi. tb e of 1,;000\ H ope. It i. ,profound W<to ou r Ilumber. - 1'0111 .nd I li..ll"",nt of. n Intern .lional Co ngre.a of which i. nol fixed 1,'1 tb. p'ro,",iolla of Ih i, he do.., all mod.rn imp rovement>, citi<1 conklll i';.I <~I to build tI••IO of iron Blld *ry T h. Vank ... lIi1lkeep in ..nti",. On." cr. aro UJc<l by tb. alarm walcb, oll. - lwo l;ri.nee . nd :itati Ii"" , h.,.. inl r m lt'd a ac t , ball u nl... lb. &31U' lk: enl illed 10 be includt, l, u n inn ontioo upo" lb . c""lonu la~-" '" mueh brg'!r lhan the Grrat inTenl . d a chi (or iil::i·i~""a\O.,- Ihre.-:-four! Cou\ol il L. morning? nnmber of Iho dill ingn ilh etll ilerar y m.n of ni free 'of po8lagt' bo ch.rged wilh Iclk r of hi, boyhood. ~~'::'~<"j."" hryond other hip' wh.n aod ano lbe r b.. i .. cd • madli

, ' It 'l lime Ie ge t ul" T om ,' said I Ihaing Eo rope in Ih. ir furt h.ran ce, .nd are """tage ' . pieki n~ up aloo •hll a r I r - , EXM.Or. A" I O~ OF 111F. J " " A ASD OT Ur.C. ....• G~u t • 10 prove .ltog~t ,or ruee ful . A el ing u ~ - SEC. 0\. An d be i t furl her enarted , T haI Who ..i,1 1I111 .. birlh-da )'1 are Ih. mil.·

, '" 1', h!," , h. growled . rougbl y. on Ibe Inl!ll" I,on of Mr. Kennedy , Ih. ol!t- if the !,u\.li . her of any "<1ical , aft " i. ,- Sr. .. . .- T he Ilrili,h :\dminlt)' b~ ,' . di... aton...Ion th. h i hw&\' of lif. !" It i l ia Dnboie -y .hp ., be old no.,!l nl I . m .. ek , T om, .nd you rem. mbe r e.n of lb. !l elgian Go,ernm r nl. nt1fr ro r. iog Ih ree mOlllh . p re" iouol)' notifi"l lh 'L I,i. palch .d • we ll-.,'po,n l.d "un eJ In,g .hlp al I. u. a g r1 ill'~'1 conce it. Th . ' bul till. bu nIh. day wbon .-

wbo,l • Ir . S ,mp""n ... id,' Ir ..l p nding "ilh Ibe 1lI".nl of ot her Eu ro- pllb liea ti" n ill not lak,'n oul of 110,. otlire to .n,l tendrr for the I'nrpo . of . xplo rlng Iho I P< nt .,.) a d lb. 'ou rn )'ouog &J ' he was.!'io. T~IO WU n,,1 10 be rOil. 1• .1. II . !,,,an nat ions, h.... takrn Iha inilia l;, 'e by wbich it i. •enl for ,Idi"er)' . conl inu • • '0 J am ,and Chilla .e~ . A eorre spond .• nl of :;'~·~n~:'~ ·"::'nd ~~ r<~ 1 nn"l io~ io De~ Jl aaly wordo nnkl. woon whic!l inj....,.

w.. nol gOIng to ge t u p aue h a stormy mor. ra iling a me.ling at Hru lad a n. xt mon,h forward ouch Imblieati on in Ihe lIlail Ih" Ih" "'allOnal l lll.Il'g. lIc<r .adduce l th.. f~cI wh .1I bnl I:', \V th. pilg~imag~ Ihan termin ' .. i..... LUL IOn worda r. it, ~ .Il1n~ 10 (,ar l)"' not he I li e W&A not . fo tht u;rc' ro . , It t' n ' . nl one th "t should h :l\ ~ It" IIIflunce wllh ' \ d bo " OJd J. f1 r-.' ,. ' gOing r pre 0 rganaz.IORan n t rna 10 ' r tJl tllla;o,ll' r to '"fho~ otTsec luc h pU1Jlir al' ,un , . . r f ile . :aIf'. TO :l ct'rb n f'ltee we m"y the curcI it ami (ur. tlt iug ta w y th IC r.}O ",t or Ir. !lim!"on, ",or for m., nor al l)ci enti c ConV'.' Bu on Q n.ll'I.l, .. . cnl lll. y d ispose 01 tho .,m,' fur tIll' po-!- Con gr... "' pro" ',rn g or a , e re~onno.. - proph .t, o( our o"u d t ini ... . Wb at ..ya f b' h'o ~ anybod)' e1~e-nol he, H b was no t Dir. rt or of Ih. Hoyal Ob er ..lor.v al Brna , ag r , unl ••• the pub li, "rr sha n pay il ; anol ..n~e alld " Xl" orallon , 110. orae!. I . • !In•• ,of "I II "!' obelac:l 10

go'ng to g. t up .f he n.,.e r dId .n) more I. la.. I,...dJ re....d 1\Ir. Kennrdy on Ih. "h. n,vl'r nny pr inkd matte r of .nT o{.'. - . , , ' . ., . 10",,1.. In wh',ch alon. 1IOird I lory Del 1work! . l ubJ l'c t, f'x plai ni ng th e M'~P' thl\t h2VC bee D cr iptioll, (('Ct' i \ ' , .J J u ring on e qu artt'r ur t h ~ I A V .:TE la~,--S I~ :l" Car ler, wh o ~'n.;"l ,rn P rll. la, If a par pnt II l,mpr,~on ('(1 for nObility con.lfl.",

II ()~ many Ire hke T om ) wI." 'n a tle- taken :lnd th t prog:rawmt! th ai wlll bl' IIt' rc . fi»cul year, sha ll have rCllIninNt in the htTiCOI formf'~Y ill cOlc,l~ man III th l: ~mpl?,)' o r (' Poll. CTlm" , :;,~ lI on' lh31 acco unt III' ch l l~r{'n :I ff' Learning iJ obtain d only 1>J labor; itm:lnd IS r:':llIc u pon th~m f(J r. a lIUle t'xtra a~(' r pura~cd , It il pr opo' t'd to cJiv id~ the wilhout hcin;; ca ll~'l l fOf durin~ the ,,.hole \Va,," l lI n~t o.n , h• .nuw rl, .I Jl n~ In B'-flU' , \ Id t fJ;-ll i ult of th e III an~ or.('(tuc~.. on, In ti cann ot ~ bough t w ilh money' if it could..trurl, No! th ry I r.: not gOlOgto work lSO, <.;ongrcss Inlo BeC' t ioofl) e"dl of " hic h f1 b311 uf an y ~ut cl'tt i n '"' '1\1:\ftcr the po."Ihn1 .'ltl"r at Cana(3 ) nUH't)' :;I X y t',lrg 01(1) h. IJ atH) a rt h,3LI ~ 10 grow u p I ~ Ig?Ontl1ce I nd the r ich ouM alw ay. he intdfig ot.not th(l'y " . ,p ur.u~ t il" in.vt'l liaat ion. cornm itlt·d 10 it. f'l'lch office IJhn.U"lcH th o ~lUe nuJ crt'liit tho l licarl}". t: r i m~ . th e ~o\'I·rnmen.t rn:lmta ln, 3uJ l'~U- 1 An f"X rt larmer o'}wn • c

NU\V.!I ,,:It .,,,I.n l aom.hody mil 1 gr l r be fi...l I.chon will L. df\'oled to" gene- (I,o eoe of . ueh aale in his '10alterly . c- T I I'ili I ' , . n. cal,' . Ih r m 101 II ef,d nn ployruent. I , . , . I ~ L _ h" , oh -up . and It mu be cr rlii nlJ o..c of U!I I ral l' ta tl~ lt c. t t'r ritor,! and I'opulat" on ' " d I . I n H'r (" an" two , I II III III I I - mr n :arc --- -- CN'( cc an ra In; a cu t rom tlX' I I I-ft'1l1 I h:tcJ the right to 14.!f' ;i)\~ lIi ,ht'out th t.> Sfcond to :'produ C'lwn lntlcon...un .: ion '." CC,lUll l" ~ n cr f1U ~ ' r t1)t1 la ta.o.lI ~ ~r14 a . t' ~ , d i LC PO ed 10 '1 pl'nJ more than tilt')' r: lIl af· T lwnl' ure "'0 rt"lui ' trs in tho mare.


that tim" r l:i tl,. 1l,',rd 10" the Itat. of .1 c t ' .n'd >h"el' ll nohcl" .IS th e Po:st Olfil,; t,: Vql..1t tmt.:n IflJrcl,aud illdul~ t: UIOfl." th3n lh",')"call l'ntluu:, chvil·t.)' c f a fril·ptl-Ito lUt~ 1 ~ wlh a I . \ A L I I ~' I b lhe• \ ' I. U I ,on I D prf'~rlbc \ 1 11 f f; J • . uarnm' cy I U C4·.. l d fel 'I

• llt.. itln, 1 ft: rr u it migLt he ha13rJou mor" II,' ) Th e Intl'l ligr nct' r ..uggf'lls lha t SI:C. 5 A I ~ I be it further ('nnclttl T ha ' Til",· \'irlllt" of prosp, rit)· 1!1 t-cml't" ranc~; ble nih. I~ j)nur., I't 111; 1; ~ u:i J? an taCIOW , Qut.>,·n or England OfIlhr s..:oUi6b hiatorian)t? ot'l up, ' fIr I WJi in:l proru.... p..r~ pi l a . as th c (or mation of the Cl,nglcu WI '" a ll :"0 11luch ~f the M CIlUd ,,' c l ioo of Ihe 01'( ( t.n. Ihe \·itut· of ad n.·uitJ i l"vrlituut'. lUen arr In...·:Ip'" • l" 0 U~·I1. 11('1. \ 110. Sir CtUaL ALI •

~:~ ',~~d ,:h . 'I~rm "' a' r>~in~ "i: :,..,lIy, .\ meriea ll i" ,", it < il illl!"" la lll, 11.',al , Ih is l i' l, II " An 3\ 1 I:' ", .,.lr f)' an" r , d,,<" tI,e I TIi "e arc lIuW li l'e f 1II.le col k g. " ill 1'" ;n , 10 Ihe I' li- n, • : !'or a w~~n. Tv imr"'.. ~ • III n it t';' libe Ii.... I rSU3 10111 haLl nL> more ('If. I t Ullom ILuuntry "ihouhl Lto ,UIt.l1lly rf 1}(,lCut .J In ,I, r.lIn til (l'1.1t"g " IU I~ c l ult..'ll ~t.l. t", :o , OI.JJ . l udi ,lIIi.l . I j(o..;l'J n•• ;] t..> l!a,vc a Wlft' gl\'en to wlhllng. ,,01 e huu IU ' boo ht, f«11 aDd,po.• .

Page 2: THE COLUMB · THE COLUMB AN • CI"anlint'll, an)1 oomo on. lO'y bo to b. lh .(.,.l tr-nlOlbero f lo' e B. auly moot rommonly proolue.. th at paIIion in tb. minolbut clo lin...pre

- 1l Fl ht J E ditors ' T ablo. I " , T h.· hri/ " I : .-;:. " '·lid.III," C"p·.. - • .' I 0 - I ' ''I cr Abl1l.t a 111r g . , . 1 • . , S J.J - \ \ \' 1 \ , . :I I. " I,: U. \ : , :l v . l lf· :11 f t"o OIl , , •• 0 f" I .1 t 1' l i1HC) tl a : " I Il ~ I l.J . ( ,O\"(", :l rJ l \ I ' a t u u s I " l l on . UUI t) U u tll " !' l" " ,- ~ u " u ..l in St'nal<"T Jl E CO , . ) ..' . . bo I J I tI u \ ~ w " , k. ', ' 'l ' I"'l< a sen-1110n was ur n ,. III ••ectn U ern . ' • ( So I ' . " '. ' ~ . , ' ,- ....l. . -. . •. . ,. ~r., .. an an-a r.f .• uI III ' J .'fO ,.. . . " , .~ , . II ' 1" I II " . _ ow, " an l a rv 11<1- 17 01 ,) , om . n ''''1.:;"" ~ " . .\1 , 1" 'l x " .O\. t1 . oa",endlll. n l for ,lre~ 'I .r ' (P I .\ , 1'1 I ; I: I :<0 1' :'- I ' . " '1. I ..., J , ,uar. 1I1i1<' - ; Ih. , ,I has an n et llenl f, It .mvn~ , ' Ilw g"",1 I· uf :'\l""l' " ':': t I ' 0 . . ~ ., • •~ _V~I~ .l ', .. the wav th . \' .1.. 1lI••• ie W.I~ np the Sound under a 1'11 11 1.lliolla,, : ..1 a - II.' :11:.1 '!Ie eOl., ' l rne,"on ?f •

"-.1 .1an l l lllu ' :l t ~ · . 1114. t it h 3~ one tlf the IJl-,t L)' t!lt" su.l.len awl uuc-rouiomous 8PP .1.-I' r..wdi: g "'. l h'~lo '1 ' . }'" _ sruead of e.IOIa.. , wi th head" ind, ' gl lll.t .';11." \ .,,, 1 .1001 Il , p..t at San h~nc lS.eo.. d h ("' 11 of' a Jar -e black m:.\ 11 up tuatters III a comnu- .1,Y til parlll .,..I.l t • w1111 .111 Ilf' t "'~.lIY 1 .1 1I 11I lIJ (~l'I a r.d dlrt'c lln07. a ' "l, ..h,) . O r l o b ..-r 0:£, 1" \ :.1. ,rid u f, "1 herb Irs 10 ti ll' worl ; l at IIC.l r - a uve 2 111 0 110 t ictn 0> . .' .. I. ' I I' I I 1 J vcu rta tu- \, b ll Ii :-JII..' 11.,,1 t u O..31-1l1 :. kUl~ ..·.II .t· of the I I I ' I tf I) .oJj .k d II . •

. . I . l 1 . ('II from the net....hl.orin.r 1 I,1S \ " " ( to, 111 :I t ( 111" 11 . , a o l.J • I t il ' I m ll p e IOn lot re f ) oc an SSID,- - - - - " :I n ils ~":' ~Ii ru l pUlrit"s rPlH3111 unoccu- 13 \ Ul g It l' n ( 11\ 0 I ~ l I" • • , I . , lar . . l lL at 11 11)' 1 1,(".llItiful '"t.lcki" t lJ I it has 1.:; ' ('1" :11111 H.:11 1\\ ;l\ &c at a eost no t t"J:r\."CtJiIlO'd •.. • I a l ' " h '11 r. t r 1" l ' I' 3 '1 In 11 111 0'1 herscbaek to t it •. ' lI , c H IC", -u. 1 .1" t. .n..LH ' t S, lilo e l . I I ' . " e

,. Matters an uuD&& n gener . I led; Ih at il :"! inn au..1aI e .0 U'1o .. C. nu- PhIIIlS 'J . to " ' . I .I 1' . Ll'CII our 1,1t".1..ure t. \\ 1111<'0'..- 1 re ast 01 :; s 10 000, and 31'p rt1pri3t inK half a rniHiOQ

d " I fl ' t or t h f rt It st.em. that van - we could scnrcel v lilt C nne Ul I\ er a com I I 'd I ' ~ ' Loth L" kt t ffi II:" rc"kr"n~ .' til another caluu.n it \\ i ii l,t' Io(" r fUIII I ~ h the l.ello t om.... u e aru e e 0 UIlI' \ f r)' ,:a t'.. . ' I. • • I " ~ et-le JJ has hl'CJI com"1\\hich brought Il r a ongltl ~ ( I ~ cOlul13U,) s t to ('ar ry 0 ~ I'C In 0 (" ec •f , dI";l r lli t' I ul,li!l,.,... of rt:{' •• CuIulUl ,j, bn ill tht.'Calit"urn i:l luarkd j tLat i 1~ watt'r ou lIullt3r,) malJot 11\, hat.1 tll.kclI pl.I' t' l llWlI pt3l1cer , II, our I . ' ! ('h," '3Ilt Ilew n h:trf. She look-.:u 'r r alh' 1U3

K-! Mr. ~'Lj ltK oppo~('d Ihe am~1Il1~lcnt .

un " f I P ' fi I. • II ,] I n I l lS ronn ~dablt' PIl · p, !: ,I ro grcoan undt'r h..e h uge rUL1 , klg , l ~ , 1 0 • I ll un n'" the ut.bate tht' Ch:ur ~lgnt1l rhe:tn " in lilt ir rro,ul('du, l,r"l"""'l't.lrOl luo- rv\\ f r l~ lI n t' l lu :lll (' l1 I IJ allj"o t .e a CI IC , ut· ln l..tll lI,: IUd ,l lla l I. • 11 ' ,,11 :\1 c.: ~ : n i fiCl' n l as ~hc pn rl" lI " , I L r r wa) t o l lt' r pbc " I I " . ' 0"11 b b' lI t1 0 , M il A' IJ d . , I I I 1 . t l ~ t ron 'l ol l III \\htch the lat- II' IO\\U and prl' ",('nlt l 1\ 1 r. ~. .. , O l l " l ~ ' I . I " I I \ l\cr :Ul :lr or I, Ie (' t an II p".. II..!J I t Oh U\)li:\. Pu~r .... .nnd, (..Lou Ui" CO,h t ; th:lt irs fi..h(,r1t"s lur \\ 1:1 (', cex , 5:l · 1emy 111 le ~ - \ " . !.. . " I - \\ . '"' ] t '""'I 'It I u of (h.!> in:ltion, and the 1' / ll/ nu 111 \\' Il l ' I ~ 1C "rorl r l3l ion 1,i11 :lnd the hill U for the rt''''\ .

• . I ' I'L I . & a .. · ' lIr n SNl aud al:n :l Uh Cf'SSlOU 01 ' lit l ' lIW,I1I.lI S I. l' t II no \\ l ' o 1 ~ I l' I . ' . . 0 "t nCQ ur;a. lutnt I,,. bl \~n , ) a n('utr.l ntw~- mon, 1n3t'kc rd , ho l ui, It. rrmg , .. r ., , t: I t a \\ as .. I' , . I I t 1 " I ~ IW .ll!l nt.Hle h) n'a~h II, rd lcets Oil l ,C 11,ll ion 01 boats rrop cll t'(l In "hole Or In part. fO 1 · d ,J S 311 . r " 1 r '5 " " J1 :'lI'k lI0 t'mcnte " Ut!t' plllY- of tht.s..' ll on ..tcrs, RIH :l r~( 'n il l n \\It l , )' • I d I) ' 11 I ' IJ4),JM'"r-

ud~ \ .,) tCtl to lilt' 1JJ1t'if'st.. 0 rl'- cap:iblc of tt 1l1g' 10:'\ C a- gOt. a." J I j C l a ~l , ' ,, ' h ' ", " ,\ . " I , . ' mu h the lar" ('st 311d lin ('~ t ! kill :Ind al>l hly of H: r COUIIU:l1I a . url ll ;! I I)' .. l'all! , , . " • '

1n in ~ Df'ral, and tht" rt"rrilor)' Dau h (If those on t h ~ Atlantic ; thar r x ten ..l\ t! co.11 JU t.nti' " rd,:, .1I . ~ 1 J " ll ~ ) ~, thl,; I II,.. ' .11.11 t It. y.arc l e . :> h ~l 3lll'cuee !lit e ha~ becn cupl'c rct.l alill l ~ r.T, ( I , ~ I. K rNU!IH,,1 1 ~ l s OPP?SI.

t10r:' to tho

~ C I h . . . .. rt' t ul,, " . r 1 ·i1 Ii""o"errd in lUallV , >r) I '. II'lui,l ...d oIl.11 ,,' ·,on of " r.thou,all'! berr)'· !"VL III/ ' p'lI l1 l1 n. "f tI,e klll,l we lon,e eH r I k 1 1 . . . OtJ I ntnch l".II'nlelOlJolI of 1111, s u l ~e cl ul . I" s I' me. IfI . 0 UIII 'I r,\l T In I I . Ull n,' a ••• Ig , ' . "f I ,. A. ,t I' not .rob.•hl'lhnt we shall " ' " nr,e". nil' (j 110" ., g , " ,t \la , p:r, 16 t. oI in he " ould I,n. o to go iuto

Th:1! "':1 i,1 n,'lnip::l pCr 11 :'11 thui (3r l,e~n elirril·I,· JIf>rlioUI of our counlry ; that our bll,'s \\ a~ forct'll to ~ u;,mll t , so ar as: 0 I ~ ~l , . I I ' OCl'an cralt. "~I a)' "he ne\'cr go uow n," II to fllll'stivn in )(;'n fPt hy r{'mark's. • ; o . . . . ILl ' . . I . ,I , t" ' f ,r)' b}' his lit I " d l"11oc;:o 1) of tl!t>JIl :-ol) n t 1(' cunOU:-4 \·:111 _ I ~ .n \llral in J\v!itk . W~ I N" w ll1lO" lis C'OIU IlIII!' comrnert.·lal ad,·anta l1 l's are mfiJlltt y SIIPt.' - 1u~ t r1\ t'n W I I I l.lI ll t ' I , Jllg I, - . , • ' • • ~ J r . Ib oGcn rr(llied contending it w:u

l ' 0 0 1 '1 . " " t lI e 'J ,t l ll :\\' > "a f- IV III " :lt t l1 t'ffi withoul d lar" C' . . . I ' I'tthonllJ tt" l ify . If it h l :il 'IIt ,/ LCl.'n " d ~"olt ll rior 10 311y poss(':!.'it tl L)' IOl1thcrn Url'goll j I e ll'.'s m " IC I t ' ;-:- C01lfillPll r, III 0 I lUl :i I , C 0 " ~'. If our colull1n~ CXlllbl t a tll'art 1 poor l,conumy II) pO..l pOUl'1 lee ex('cullon qr

. I I . I I' I f I II' fl · I , . . If nOIthrc n O,,'"o n can be exed'e.1 III , . ... . • . I k I " .k ·1 . . 'o.,.. .t I,"d ' .e 'l Dl'.10 the intt.'I t>",t of Ort'gon 10 g rnera , " d th:lt from Iht' Ca~('atle mounl :uns to t it ' 3 · I h.' : ~ It.'S" t il' r l t ,,, ...111. • b • 0 1111

the way " f IH'\\"5, lIr a r c olhcrw lsl' ac ". 11 C \ 0 1 ,\\ It 11 ,L (: It I ,u..: " JJ l I AUU

l,ut. WRr t~ntu ~ from :lnr (Iuartt.·r, in nn\, cific orean, ami frolUtile Colulu!JjJ rivt'r tol h- - ..'nlUlu ·Jh~t "h ~ n It. ~t'lr: t.' table P l" liJu etl Unl" -l'ota t oc..~ , OIllOlllS' I)l ll~- jug in i ll t c re~l , tlu.' (-JUse lila)" Lt.' found in l'Or1\i


t . G t I h did. . .•. I . d L B Ul if Ih y Ilig t la)' IOW:Ht t t' r :IKlI l ;:j: lII t>. , llillS E(lu ''s tOllIalol'';; &C.-Oll t Ie an · . , 11 r. WINsuppnr ('( r e ameD tnCIi tiDfoh . P.l :ln tl tllpn Sl'\' \\h dht.' r, a8 In f.'\IIlIlj" furty.mnth parallel of norrh alliu (', ul IThou\!llllll l't'l lhc the'l't'IH i ' the lUollth." • . " . ' 'k " 1 I ' ", the fac t tl laL w c lI:w o rccl'h" ~tl n o fOrl'lgn .Mr, (;L4 n J.: rt'J"t1iou) .

' " ' . I 01 . , " " . lie coast wc bhoulJ Ii c to mow w lcre It IS, . • .n.uaru ' ls, :l ('ammon (':lUS\: wlllllvl Jai n u. rOl11 parnh vd ,)" fe\\.' sett lements la as ) ~t l'h u&l'\'I'chancc IIb l1I1C t1n'l'y r..a ~on('uOur' . 1 I' I papers for the l a ~t two wfO rk s. Mr. I h w (lll t AD ~1l1 he W:l:4 III f" 'Or or the

' . . . I -, :'opl)le Ireo. "" far ns Ir lOd ' 0 "~eO"'IIIO J I I d b I oi ta IIwitL AL L or Or..gon, ana C6mmOn I s&U(' . - been mad..., &c. t.:on'lut' rcu yd nut l1clItroJ t.d hcro, ::Uu.tolJ- •. ' , ' , . ' . o . 113\')" J ar t lI l lt t.put, U oppaec !C

. I r • Go ~ , r~- ~ I wdl nnd Ihe eKI. 1III, I,,00 of nur; , rr,·s .. !' . N . l' . v rnihV'l}' nnd I'1h", , .. p<'Tl lodar " r<'g"", so m r >s W,' W. belieY' Ihe for. goino lo a correel Ilrer tlrall rUII il.lo lire Sound, ddcnDlne. . , . ' 0 ,)Jr., TlO" 0" TIl l. , I.·AI:.' C'" "".AT. •. . • ~. ' , I ,.I I .~ . I Ilh ' 0, ." '. I II III conlt·Jlll' Ialloll. Official inrorm:ltion h::lu (,cell r ro cl'I \·ctl J h, ~ IjUe,t1 on "":IS b .:r n on t lat part UI) 1 3. \· ~ beor n 3t. t', 13_'! uccn :lpproPrJ3 t"t ro I:. h lt~ 1Il e n l , c a pabl e of de Ulon~tr"ti()n bJ facts; / to m tp l Ui't hc"moulh ,. )11 ,"pnr:lUCf Wll I :l - . II I 1\., . . I I' e II)' re' II,., " 111" Ul l n'l' lI f l,roviJ in


'. for th c purc1lue'· f h " " • " h " !I1:lhn lJ' I ~I J. ' lca ra~ U :1 1;)9 IH) 'Iua 111 f'l - ... .. .. , l"!,b column. , I ~ the .a.h·ancemenl 0 I e 111- and now we would ill·lul..- " e w. 1101 '·n· hi. mu.rderolls ':"n.l. Calmly 01, .1 I • wt arr· [)7'" S~ rg,'an l J ">lCS II AI.L, 1'. ;\[. at Flo jl'c l ed~ the basi. of . tr e,I}' ree"nll)' arran g. of a .i le for lIovy y . rt] und d.pol, atAlitl. re.l. of Ih, ' tem lorr. "'I:TII of ,he Co- tiled. if for no olher reason Ib n our geo· e,1 .u~J, c l of lIn. ,kelch , ur re y Ih. ~Iound , SleiLacoom, h.. "gain remitt ed 10 11.<. A . d bd \\','en Mr . \\'<'I,sl" r and "Ir. Cra",I" wo< agre,'d to.lumLi.:l ,·' w (' ~re willing I:.. rraJ r rs bC:lr 3n graphil·al po..ilion, to:l tel"ritorial go\"un. \ an~ choot e his I'mition of dcf~ne l:' t\ o few Itlch indrfati galJlo agf.>nl"" woultl 500n ton , on b c.h ~ l f of. tlll'ir ~(,spt..cti\" e gon 'rn. 'J.he ~<, ~'onl .1 part , pro \"id i n~ ,fo.r tho co'?-imp:llti lll l·l'ld eDce.-" nol that we lo"~ ment of our 0"'11 1 ai os of trcmblin fP a.,ita.lion !-houk hUi .!'lal- . r In('uts , 11115 proJd , which WD. s sf nt (lo\~11 I'l dl~U 01 1hl, ~on t ra"c i for :l It:UID:&}l(1 nl!-• . h I R ~ '" . g 0 r-: • ed fi J ouLliJour prt'S,cnt sulJscriptlOn I::t. I, ' a !lO ecial 3('1'e nt Mr \V31d l was suhtntt. \Va\" IIIconnceflon u'llh a dr)' ,Jock to Call.( r ...,\f I~, hut t al We OTC 01J1C rno e. To the imm igrant we would say-Iud. 1,01 W E'It. rUP":fcd form. illS e)'£'s na5<h ) 1'(", ) 1 1'1' 1 ' , .. 0 'C; • d n tl,' rorl'I 'I" \\" 1' r" J' t' r. I.~1 1 \" C:\.S IV Xan 2~

· " . " . Ii tl ' . ca . "' uWA.!lT u .-_Two hundred lurt les 10 carry It"( 0 l lt' ."I ('ar3g"3 ong: res.q, a n 0 t: l ' " t' . ~ - ~. , ... J- "'• •· \\ e r"' , ~,on I.r. beh' H , Ihat rom Ie nOrlhern alld . uch I' ooulh. m Oreg on- anti" . reetlOg " hIS (nrm to II, UllM,l t.n- in O'tgon: ·-I)'. ...m. n. 2 .lIh of Jllly \\,a. refu, . d on t\\'o gro llnd, : ~Ir . l;wl " otT'!f(.J an alOeudOlenl pro.VI.

li me Ihe d••I)· " , ll, of the 'un away "ju" be }" b<lwe.n Ihem." , ion, c,st a look of m"d d,·r",nee on all W. bid on allihe " >OFT SIII:L' •• ," a, we F il1ll, Th,t il reeogni ud the r i ~h ts of th e .Iill. for Ihe pur eh ...." of . ........1. and. fiUongtile nightl ), dillw t.'l'4from tht' NtO res 0{ Ihe It woald be a ltilfl1l11nJ riJic ulou!'l cJe ~ arount.l (('soh'ing li kl~ 3n iIlll"'lrious pr eJ c- l\!os,juit o King ; and Se cond, That il 5ur- lhem out, (~ be lI9:('UII1 :1 Trconno~~ct!All . and t I'mt th r r ' . . h I I ' nrc aro an:<iou. to gel up a II proeo,,<ion" d d th P '·nee f Gu. nden-I lo the an,1 expllll ' lIon of tho eOllra•• of n"ngall on

nue, . Jl"<S:' on. 0 .'0 nfo • n parlure flOIU Iruth for u; 10 ""] Ihal . oulh- ce>oor , nl l.asl to die " , t . lO m e", . 00 u. for carry ing Ihe mail. througLoul lhis parI S~nl ·I~ C ~ l;~.. ~ . b:. bo. ~ ' n:, ical lo u, ed i.y

whaling " e", el1 in Ibe region. ofolf C.lm,.or ~~p~r~" It sln.nes nol ol·on .~ ,·rn Or. gon i. nol a Lea.uliful an~ highly fa · ~ack. 'I1m, ,f ood hr, nwaill";; the !, .'u e 01 of Ihe eounlry. Ih~;. ho~o"~f N::~r" b~lO. lJ

e!" il,g" S trait!, and also . ueh parlof lb.

fm .r or ll."" IO" u ng p..rl lOn ~l our coni' vored eoulllry , pOlScuong magn "nd hfe or ,1.,lh-. modd for th. pene.l of all Th e intell ig. nee in a " en . ral aspec!. i, not Chill, s,"", Str."I . 01 )o.!"'r, nnd ac3.<,JI, nl, Ihan :ha l of "Oregor. 10 general." f.rlile \'OlIe)'., leeming wilh Ihe produce of arti. I- " his unn hi, braud !- hi. ~ r. ..1hL. u::rA bill !l:l.. Leen pre. euled in Ihe a. f"vora ble as ..ould h'e d• ..ireJ . "., lie dir.ctl), in th e rvule of .Vl'~eb pro.the ><>ulh. rn porl iOllof wh ich hu org.D' of an iuldli genl and induslr iou, popul l\tion, ""MI.I)'!" Uniled Slat. s house of ror.... senlali..e., pro. c~.e.•lin!! In aud h om CI,lO., belli!; Ihe ,

lro-· I


- - - ho . h t d r ' .. in . " ' . . • " f . fi . , ~ I . f" C II " " ,vn. of 1\lr. ~e ...ard 's h,lI ou thll.uhJeel.UI O'«'n- m..: 'W "':'11 WI ' 0 e I\C • and rurrounded lnth rIch mlD('s of the pre · ShOft rr l"plte fur poor Lru:n . SWI t as ,·.Jing or w e e t'cllon 0 Juuges uy Ie peo, F URTur.n FROM CenA-EAnTIIQITAK ~ AT d .d' . . I I' hi" I . . .. fO I ' I' 1hi ' BI I. \\. . A opt, .10rll"llOTJ In .. a Ion t ,' re 0- lenr ) . eiou. m. tals. So would it be "'Iu .lI)' ab,urd Ihe firey torch thai . ummoned the bold anJ pIe, 10 Ihe wrralOll ea 0 r.gon an' .' ann•• S r . JA(;O.- . e,"p ae. amor, , . .Ib " fi Id f I bo .. the norrh I f a' ~e\\' Ori tanJ from lI a\'303, bring• •d. Till: TEllCA"TCTECCRANT•

. .. ; OUr c 0 a r " 10 - Iv <onleud Ihal her commercial facilil ie. h" ,ly highl ander to Ihe lUuolering pace 0 sola. vice. from Ih.t lpl. c. 10 Ihe :lOti , of AIIGust. \I r. IIIASO>l, from the eoulluiltee 01\ For -U llJu<:h "" \Se can .allend 10. were 1l0t tqual lo tllC reqi remenl.dem.nJed I.anerick mead , so went forlh th e signal 10 Th o ex.cution of WUllple. for Ihe W e copy from the 1'Tibnnr: . ign Rdlltion., r"porl ,n on the .ubject of

U Ihe .. Colum b..,," ba. Le. n I[CTIONAL for the expo rlnlion of her . urplu, product . ; Ihe t ribe., th.t illip,'.ding danger murd er of hi. wife, io I' ulk eoun ly, 1 00~ .. Tbe aulh orili .. had at la. l.ueee. JeJ in ,I,e l \ .hu"nl "!",e l ; ranl, ...ith Ihre. n:so ill-owitlt~rd to~he 1"'0 divL.ioQ& of our com· Or in m. n)· olh er way. Ihal her peolil. are brood. d o'er Iheir fal• • l Forth lh ey came plae . on the 8 1h insl. f.netin/; oUl lh ,' place of Ih. publicalion of ' ion: , a. tullow" : . .Inon ter n lory. ,t h.. tn<ln.ored 10 be nof p.culiarly 0" apart a. the recip ienl. of "i; h ,IUH' "nd . Ion. . . Th. old man on . . . I.a vo~ del Pueblo. About .:0 ) p, " on. . I . ,~ol..rd , A, Ihe 0l'lI l1on of the S.n•.lo,f ·I - ....erting nolhi ng Ih.1 we are aWare of bl. s;ing' dellied 10 the r. st of m. nkind ; hil crutch Ihe ehiM the molber and Ihe . ~The O}..< t.c~ ' e..on '" eorlllng-na) • •upp... . J .10 be concerned in il. puhlic,t ioll lhntllll the pre,,,,,ut. "hostufro vf ItLrhe ~Uh rim

. t.l h r. 11 t.l d" .t " 's e\'en IIEll F:. \\ c ha\'c f1e n ' ('u up sen·r ... :mtl Ji .drlLulion h:H] It W:'IS slar('d. Ol'fn nn r Ie grnnl 0 a fJg t o 'Way ougr touO''t:lrranlt' y i c , ewan 109 a promJ ou t we do r.ty Ihal htr coun try is compa~ I IJ tl H chil,fs. wi th all S t.·sllually ·s ~lII i ll t' I . f U " th o 1 1/ ' I nd d and t hr~wll into l,riS(1'1 \ tCHitor)' of ~ 1t.'1 i co at tho IslhlllU8 lJrTehu-coulinuanc:e of th o t>lme unlil lb ~ whill...s of 01 h d I ' f I ·k 'I · n 83uee· II::l l1 s 0 oUr SO l' ~D, It£; I s11Ia apprl' l(' C ., • d I I I I' Ll' t

e r:>ti"e l)' fille", an I nl goo c alms c, nuol tribes poure d forlh ron, ,uls I, " '" 1''''" . J . I I . I f cI 'rk in Ihe hou, . of Drako Brolh e," & Co. . nh 'I" c , eonCe e, ,y t lat . upu '" 0 000our peol,le ara r" pecl ed, and Ih. y botome now be h.d Ihere wilh out the pureLa•• of I rre~t. down and clo.ed around th.i, k"" , wIuc, . Olll' st" ngers, a", JU' ge. 0 I .cd 1 'en arres led and a y oung man em- of ii, eili,,'ns, .nd now Il,e proprrty of citi-1' !>ec<.1 in po......ion of . lI lbe rig hl. and them ' furthellnoro Ihal i[ Ih. peol' lo of ~ ma"stic foe ! Ihe ndicle . hO\'e pronounced tLo sw. e1e, l, 1~ 1~)','d' in anolh. r ~Ierea n l i le hou. e, impli. z<'ns of tire IIniled Stat•• , n. the .arne ispri ,·il,...t . 10 whieh Ih.~ fa)' c1, im, and to I ' 0 h.' k Ii I ! . . II · "ern.. J '1 ' .01 ' and be. t lIa" ored, 111111 they had .VOl l"lt d. "a ted in Ihe maile r man.g. d 10 Clcape on I'r. .. 'n lcd by Ihe c.orre .pomlence and docu-which 7he . conc.ive Ih~Jn <cl ves ' UI~ . ent i. soul,.m . regon I '~ •• l ie" '" e}s .re "1 he}' foubh l .-I n y con~ue" . !Jnl Wh y dOl'S nollh. San F nnd ~nern. boar d of a ve'lStl, ' rntn~, .ce~m.l',nJ lng th o . me.....g<J of the

I d .' ? . tI U · ed ~/ y ' . "Or.gon In g. n~ra l, we beg leave 10 de- firsl-- mento d."len< in Ihe on-h' r line come up " New . had ju,t rt aehed lI avana Ihnllh. Pre",lent,.'t 1',noll·omp, lIbl. wllh t!re .rig.I.. U " lI" u• .of . ,e n,1 tAl e~. VIZ. DlUr lo ~ Ih.1 0plll ion. .. Linl. ~og• •n.I . II.," y. bl.nch . nJ ",.mbmt," " , : . 01 f . I ril of Sl. Jago d. Cub. h. d b•• n · nearly OIl)' of thIS l .o. orn m. !,I .lo prM.ent. lb.• acparate !"rn'or~ l .go,.r.ment , w, lb . 11 lei slip their barking . n, leelh, in mo,l I~ere for Ibear s~pph", 1lI,I.' n 0 gomg ~ Id.!tro 'ed by nn ea rlh~u.k.. Aboll l I I; subj? et furth,'r I.y ,,.g,,t: allOn.Ihe conco m,tAnl' ' '''lOg tberefrom. Vlslts of Stranlen . aJm ired confmion . But th. wd l direel.,1 Shoal · water ba?! TI~e Sound cn.n.suppl~ perM; ' 10. sl Ihei r Ih •• , .AlI who could hndI. .~",,,../, ~ho ~ld tb . (. v,·ernm .nt of ?t.ltr-

\\'hiLsI Ihe .. ColumLio.n" h.... boende.a- It h.... not unfr'qu.ntly been the cas• • blows of Ih. b. ,i . "eJ m.d. man)' of hi. a.- a ,Iozen sud l CI"", \lllbout perc.mng Ihe gone on 100,,01 of v. ... 1s10 pori . leo proPOda~ a r,~~al of .Ieh nrgo~~I~n~b

. h b' 0 ,·Lugh i upon it II \ s"reat u('al of ..ieko t" :i pre\'ai)pcl in It :-hould 0 aCCt t' to on y upon. DCI~ 10 ~ • cO~'UID••at.lOn o~ I 0 0 .~ tCl .pe- heretofore, Ih. t peroon. vL, iting our lerr ilo, s. i1. nts bil. Ihe dn. ' , and shoo~ Ihem frol!" .' . Hav~",,-mo'li)' y.liow (tver-and Ihe propo ,ilion. from 1II0xico, nor ~ncoJl.i.teol"fied. 'Ddudwg a f.1l .nd ,mp,uual repre. ry for tlle purpose of examining our coun · hi. sides, us woulJ the LaYN hon from In. u:?' \\ . un,I" .lan,l lhoi 'Iu, t• • numb er morl "lit was unu.ually e


l, Th e ac. ...ilh .Ihe dem. ml. m~de hy tilla u.,vero-

. ... lion of lb. advanlag... of our counlry Iry, and . eeuring claim., on arrh'in;; nt Ihe hu,lI e.. hide , . b3k.. off Ihe darli of I,i. pur · of immigrant f.mili.. hove an ive,l al Cow· count ., low.v, r, lak.n oul h] Ih . sl. am- men! 1." refe.reneo 10 ~,d granl. .~r St l~em'Mt , 10rlh.r wilb n tnllhful ac · head of the SoUud, (Olympia), have tarri . d SUera. lie conle.te,1 ev. ry illeh of glOom lilz ,. " ding. and are p ursning Ih. ir '"y in- . hlp eN..... 1 City, were grntly .i:agger- d7~ITJ, 1hnt


o (.o,~rr,~en l ~11!'0 U~~.f' tar b d 'n b '·L · b d .L d I 01 'Ih II I I . I . . h f l ' Th" letl . I. Mat M .Iall • cammltl. to " ,lJI ' I 1_counl o mlsreprcsen IOns. roo w, , .re. ut. ,or .... DIg I, an .... nul .y uro e ...iII, .Imosl iUr-Th~m.•n en«!'Y, w, ,. 0 I I ~ III en or In .."'~ . 0 e 01111 ' , .. , . a " 'D ' • W.. ~N dull nnd Ihe .hi . zen . 10 pl'Oleet Ihom in righl • • broa",

KaN 10 our cOulltry -.b...... nnder wh Ich IheIr backs upon onr town and eoolltry- motto of <It.p <I"p:1Ir In ev.ry mo••m,·nl. tHe kIOd of new. we Iil:e 10 hear , although . •U.IO... ~ Yh 01 ' d" P ns \fell al al home, wilhi n th l! phoTe of ita. • . d ' ed bl h r d fl ' bloed I d n 01 pin g In por t was mue re uc. . . . . . . . b'we baYe L,.. n compelled to , nbm,t, and pro. d"'ppolnlcd aud Iseourag - unf..o," y I al .or e" ery rop 0 '" b Ie , a ' e Ihe)' mu, t oxp.el 10 haYe a lA' ' ea.., n 10I Jur L.,Jl!t lOn i and !",ould M~ICO, WII 10 ••

jed. and impro TCment . I,ighly importnnt impr=ed, wilh whallhey =.anJ giving sbould pn), th e [1';n,lty ., "omm. nc. with . Qftile n ne mb.r, w. arc J) " 'TRl' CTIO:< OF OrrrCR• .- For ""mo r.e.'IJOo.Lle, f,.'1 10 roeo~sid~r bor J>OOI"ond n. c. ... '1 ; . ud wh ir. we eX' ''' el to con· Ih.1 impre••ion 10 abr oad. T hey :.TbbC<°km~·' ''I 'rrn . ·I-ho. y. h.~f". lold, are " OiDginl o the Chicke. lcs counl n-. 1II0nth., !IIr. W m. \\'. Rn .....l1 nnd hi, t on eO,ncerlnmg fn,,~ ~~'UI, ' I wlU


Ihen ~. . " r- . . . . . n °' . e '0' g o'y or • grn.. ' . . ' 0 • • I . COlli' t Ie lui}' 0 I". u overnm ell to <0,','"

h uue 1II Ih. ugHaho n of Ibt s. , ubJ"c1s In aro Dot 10 blcune. Dut hoW'.. tb lS! Til e nole. of dr •• dful wor h,d almo>l and from all necounts Ih. y ,n il fin,1 a fi"l l brolh er, w.lI, know~ a. plon.era m t I' 0y, - II . iti ng ,.blio" , wilh Ih. 1 RonuhlieIh I f Ih 0 S h II . tl h I h I' I . bod (I d Ih I::i I tI ter trade vf C,hforOl. ha fe I,..n bu.. ly en- a ex . ' 11 r- ,e "'11 enure 0 our way- so .rn re- u~ I'. rooos, g.oera ~ , are '0'.0 w .0 r.ache,1 Ih? ~O\.• • w ' ere ' e 0 ",.• • t I n. rol. )' 0 a~ ore, evera gen er" , u l """d in trans rling' .nd Ian ling oJ1tcr. , "o d to advl,l . ueh IDe..Dre. U w. l,'re~ rYeKon ..eeJ not fur a . npFos, Ih, t haY' Ju.t cro, s«1 the plalll ', and nm <e 1II oHn~fu l cr " IS, a~<l e'c'll the \\,oh·• • were have viailed thll l'l aee,l he preoent week, tO


g':;'nrt-d froU1~hoalwal.r ha)' in Oregon, I~he ~?nor of the country and Ibo ugbu ofour ('«Ipl e wi. b 10 d.pri , e th. t ~rritory of OU r I. rr ilory in Ihe !'Cnson of r. in. !II. ny howli ng ~orth th eor , r<'Spon, e . Th e look for s. ~IIJ olher point . on th e eoa.t. in the Dn)' of IIta elhzens.

y reo rvcd r ighl. of whi ch il may right· of tb em having len famili•• in \\, illnmell . f:lar-o.fT COln!nhe bl",?,l.,~ad bheafr~l lhd' Ic " I~: ~~d ...-..- \ V h I I r. I ,.. ' I lian Francisco. Up 10 Saturd.y la.l, th .y La id on the labl••nd to be pr inted.. lu rn t"( Wit t lelr ..:;l IW:l& n en s a Jom u....r e ave lCre 0 o r~ nrg tC ",,'U 0 no- d ' 11 I h II h III I 'd h bJ [fally I.. in po.....;oo. It can .. ils "alley d,,,,e to. lJIa~ their . lay ns , hort •• tl I df I I" 0' ' II Y . '11/ ' lOd plonl e 10 a o\'Cr l ireo I ou,,", n. "I' _ r. Bnooxr. al on I • I. o. reao n-

0' ,e , ren u r. v" ry . n . on. ,. h ce Ihe fact th at .. a neW' . te. m 1111 I th I I d III" Cr e k ' . ttd ' th Ib I ' I h' b wuw:a, JJ in polili cs \ti moot fe:lr of JUolcl ta- lJOIbiLle~ Th ey eortnot nfford to spewl two e ! " I "hi h :lIId inscroi table Ihe old . '. " " near "'" lore" OW3r ~ . tl ltl0n (' , W1 0 m )J«:c , " It" . " com ) . I g . . . 10 prnce, . of ereeh on by :lrr. H . L. Y r.,- and on the l'OlIlh " de of 1II,,,,on Bay . Up. . r.eNvro and ord. red to b" pronlt'<1,

lion flOlu thl~ rlu. ft ..r, " nd .n~~ an Ihe and Ihree w••k~ I?nn.cxplorulloofor Ihem· n ~:An ~to~~ ." h. ,·' ew.d Ibe remro~c:meu~ LEn at S.att le, IUoulh of Ihe D ewa lnish 10n exomininJ; Ih.m ye.t.rd.y, JIIr . Hu...l1 The follo\Vingi.Mr. Bl'Ookt'or_Iutiorr:be r.dila wblch ,I. local dlYl" on. m,}' aelv... On a",vlOg 10 our l o~ n. Ihey fiud wllh , IIsd.I~ , an·1 as . Ih. n. w ar". e

lJhnp . ' d b' I toll '11 b I found th nl they had beon 10t. lIy d.strny .J, /I ..ol ml Th .1 Ihe Ex oeuliv,, !>c .... jlltll.-\" . h U . ffi ' I' d . proached hi• •IHttl'lJ'y l-h ] eol "he tf)~('( t em rl\ 'er, an w lC I , we ar e ( , WI e real y • f l. . d d . . . 'I (' f ill ' h."ard. \ e WII to pursu e ou r way ;'\ I· nOone su e,enl )' mlerr, le In thm , ellle ' Irk ' iO, · ti 11 lh . . I' i'\ Le I hnnng Ih. appearo ne" 0 uemll: ponn . ,n- col10 lulnrm I IC " " ernm enlo ox,co I '"

TEO in a m.nner which we eone"i ,~t will i lllong. t u. as 10 go to Ihe Irouh!. of ro~~ . 1 I Ie t nel ' l . ea 'r: h tave~, '" en .to go lOla operallon Il:lry 10 l ov. m r nox, 10 lI,e IIIUlI. broken up, and Ih. ir 1Il.,,1 'n. unI.,,,. II" American hold ers of Iho righl of

• " . . ' . . .. ' nll e' to 00 upon lie Wree e ilia c . " AND NO "'ITA"E." Hu zza for Se. tt le !- li rel}' gone. What h.. been th o ooe..ion wa), aero,," tho hlhmu. of T.huanlep<'C bal r,be mo.1 erJl ~.l u e"e .10 our IOler.'t , for . ~I", gln n.gtbem .ny .~"f.clory I n ~ormnllon 10 .. Chorze ! ChCll<,-eharKt ! On! I:".ol. y-<>. !" It would L. folly 10 snppo<e that Ihe mill of thi_, " ', a my, ter}'. Somo of onr on or before Ih. lir. 1 day of Marc h nexl, beWHeL[ le",lory. w. thoul regard to pollllel rel .lI on to Iho d,ffer.nt ••ct lOn. of our The S i,.a, h ehi. f., wer o m.dd ene,1 now '11 . d II ' I ' I fi.l . n n.n account for il al lho rarng• • of I'UI in full po", e••ion of Iheir tro""rt

y.ndI I d·.,. h I I r I ' r II \\' t not pro \"c:Ll(goo ::II ago. mmc O il r, I. I " I


or oc:a Inen:n e.., country . and those w 0 " ouJd prot.hl)' be to f, t uz ,' , at lIC 0" 0 t lell true ,0 ow... d ' I ' m"ine r..b prob ably J rulll-ft. h fho 10"" franehi"". Ihi. ~'Ov.rnmo~1 wi I procoed 10· . . I f ' . '- d ' I'd h i Ye,l c'r bcsid• • t. n ,ng gr<aly to Impro"' " Ill ' I' II " ' : , . .WIlb regard to cous.. of complalOt her . · glad 10 010 so, nol Lelng Ih. m, c1re. properly an , room", an .I? ~ne so , p a anx, mo· . , " . i. a very &eYere on~ .10 th. ,u!'e • I proleet the m 10 t lO oeeupah~n .nd on~o)'.

lofure . n<lnow rxi. ling in rcf"enc . to Ibe informed in lion Ihereto. As W e h1\'e "e? 10 the ~ u r:· J\ .r . aul. . lIIell, wOlllen, Ihe fiuo toWD·., ~e of SeaU le, .and 1~l e ferhle ... \\'el1 a' to the eIUz' n. of Snn I' ranc, . en, ' 1 ~Il'nl Ih"reof ; ar~d that , f tLlI .lelermlO"t 01 . I 'r f ff: ' btl b ( d I fi d '11' Id llldren. all 10 • pomp .n,1 nee of eounlry around It, by allr acllOg Ihllher th e who now look upon oy.lerK .. nee""... ry for lion . houM ocea.. on a ruplnro bolwoo n tl 0

p;u au pr.~~ po" JDO 0 a aors . ween ~' uw roa ' . lIe)' n no one WI ,;,g 10 glorlotIJ war .... orm',1 10 the le.lh .wilh fnrmer th o IoOOn: r and th o cap ilali, t . On daly usc.- [Snn Francisco Whi g, OcI, 5 . Iwo Hl'l'u ~J je., Ibi. Go'" will relytbe l ifO dl\l., OD. of ?regon. we. han oel 1'1.101 Ihtm Ihrough Ihe eo~ntry . ~hu., sworJ •• i nd , hat ld., and ' P" " , an.d . tlek.•, with i~ ro!' ements! We hope 10 boor of . for j U'lIli e~tion in Ihe ey... of mankind up-forlh U,.I our law m. king 1' II local,d "'Ihout chari IIr eompns<-1lltbout lal" f"c· .nol .I on•• , conlm,' need a charge 10 flank I' J ELAND- T he Fi .her)' Qu . ,l ion has Ion Ihe o~h !!1l li on of en ry G o..rnmen~ toIOIOe ,uly miles frOD' Our uear t . t .ell:.- lor)' inform.tion ns to tbe country ':"'unablo amI rea r. wilh war'. 1I10. t d. afening. , !e .~ IJ acOre. 01 olh crs .re ong. eea;:J to ex'dle IIn' a, in""" in Ihe bU' ine" l protect Ihllo righto of il. own citizens , .ndtUdl ll ; 11.. 1 • tOlfn.hip of our bn<l hal '0 plocftre a' guide-in an incl , m. nl , ea. on rl~or, . TI ~e calm. Ieloll. edt.d ben, g.thh,~,"gd The rainy ••"son would "em to ha ve circles, Ihough the ciscu,.i on , Iill eonlinu... upon Ih. fl~rolll "n~ Ih. i~defensiblo -:iol'-

• 1I«,'OICeIl10neeo ccte scrt.,am, was t ar " 01 , . I I Th " ' 1 t t Ih t lh-matlp tlllnby:\!(,x lco ofptlvnrcrightindnati onalL" D al,proplll l<d f,r educal ional pur po<e•• of Ihe year, . ud.n almoollotaluncone' lll abol~ ' Ibe b.ll le'• •Iorm lo . ay- eomm. nced io .o h .arn..l. r or I le ...1 . • mlO,.terr , ra pers s ". e . " r L . .01 d ll f h fi 00 . " I k Lid [ r WIll soon be amicably adJu,l .d. Le t.x p~u to ' II w I "rr row OUr r- on lhe, l~rt 01 our CItizens In rcl t.' r('n ~ r to --"J.~,. on Mcll afT- ,', two weE' 8 we a\"o 18 a most a con ~nuoul!; The min i ~l tr i ll journ:ll-, now rCJuficJe ntly Hoth tile Se na te nOlIHou.~ of R cp reaeo-

den ; rbal uno f gur counhu, t1Jrough If'g- tLptn, It I ,i Lur nalur allhal tht')' :-houhJ Il'a,·(' I And, d-d be he ",bo 6' '1'1 cn~ holtJ-tDoU,b . oUlporing of cht' cIrIDentll, J ccomp:lmeJ II)" a ~se rt that absolute rE'("iprocit ., as far a, the tati\"cs ;ldjau.rn~ on tl~e 3 h .\ of AUlu t, . till lin mismanagomcnr, io net . tt ach.d to our , llOre. wilb di" PI.oinlm.nt aud eha..rin. For thr ee long h~un Ihe grollu~1 wa. imm. nse flock. of wild gee. e and duck, fi.h ol i.. arc eone.rened wit! h. co nc.ded uoon, afrer tanally p"""lOg the usual appro-any juJ iCiol Ji , lr iel ; Ib.1 we have nol oUr We arc happy III " y , how" ·. r, !ha~ nu d" t1 ~ I! l fl e:l} ,~' • h"'frJ:hng cro"I'dd 'b" "b·'tI ' ~UI wbo. e nigh lly [lUrrangu ,", 03 tho}' .\Scel' by Ih. IIriti .h, ~nd Ihal Ihe , prialiD.u bill. folr ,he .rru}· , navy, poet olIi-' . f . . I I ' . b' . I ' . ee....' e ".aence 0 " 0 wou e I • \1 "- 'II' I " . d I bl lion ,nllihus bo.elllet! ce , &c.Hue propon,wo 0 r('pr CMnI1l1..... t'. IU I Ie fOg- lIupro u lU. ul, IDr ISIJarucu ar, " manafellt- to \11e-ngth a cru ,I II Boslon" reach- around our aanctuw, Olt put !il to IS 1t tire- ron e!Ome (iut'~ . :

· • -- ~. . • • • !'S. " • .~ _ • Ad Vice. from IndIa . tate Ihal th.ra •• a Th . I. D F 1:1' 1 d.. Iall v. I1:bl)· ; Ib.t a cJlOrI<._ loll.gale 109 ,tself . mong our eIlIE. Us. A..I "" ,," y - . d ,he spot bearin~ a \V"pon eh.r..... will, lIItu re'••\\,,·.1 r..lorer.' Tucro I. a com- b c .\ . h I Ih I Ie B • • te. OI O<)al r . ran 10 ~Ir ore,,, ' &' U ~reat pro •• , Ily I l ew 10 urm," SI G' b M' . .. IiIh i. }.", ial crccp t<<l lhecntraDc. of the im- . ral inlr lligenl gentl~n -visill'" uur dealh'. sure mt8lCnger. and in lb. hcalof fort even in th i., how....- \> £ In'E I" A , ' re \Viii beann.xtd 10 the IIri li.b pos- ncar • . el....' ·'er • • ou l . I l&&Ipp., u;

. . . .L \ \' iJ'- II . •. . . 1(1'0 took ddiborat.c aiDl-a dread . x mrl s u. 1 22 . 1 Ilenona ""ro ac.1deulIligah vn IlltO <D C "'m ttle VI "}', ren· place till. ....e<" 10 ..arch of cl..m. , ul lea. 1 ' .n, ' . - LUo OF PI.E:<TT ! ....on. . I d h d b I..... board,. . d difti II . Ih ' f ' . I'lo. ,on followed-.nd Ih. mlghl}" worroer '1 III II I . ed t 0 cal , an • num er e• •~ ov ru <fll>g ~ "'utile cu ~ III ell lUel n O~E 0 eUr cll ...·n. \\.....g.ner"us enough to rvlled into the dud . Wil Lout a . hriek or JQr Dy referena. to OUr:><i. erl i. ing col- , 1 10 . Ieamer . ag. en IU am. a and wer e dron,,"",of punwn: ,hell w.y 10 th IS counlry ; Ih.t throw a, id, hi••vocativ n., and aC<'Ompany 'ro' n ha ""ri,hed from the .arlh and th o. ' :soul ham p!~n , w, lh 1,100 plS. engers,

. I t' L h ,I. h . . J; 1- . d ' • I " umn. , it will be aceo Ih. t the" K.nd,1I The BlI\lSh funds hav. b••n depr ... "" IiQr Th. , hip Robort Centre, deatroyIOl. ... l'r...u a lOra . vo er. lv.o re .... n rom. of t e 'lrang.u 10 ",d Ihell parp ose. Ihal ...., rched LIOI c1......11'01I1 nol t. I the d I . b ' f bl I f II I ve t b Ii I N Y k Ib . Ilof ' ..... 1w..J of tb· l of 0 Ih " Lt I I h ' b Ih' ,.} Comp.ny" h.~e reeeiH n orgo nceeSSlOn }' I ,e un a"ora e accoUll • 0 ,e lOr . y re. ow or on a nlK I ..u

a-· • . ..~ rt-goo. I. ~ ,mmlgra· ' 8\leh in~.nces. bo mult iplied; I. : u••11 : ,·e~j. ~o~tn h: !. n .. ~.. 109, , to Ih. ir fvrmer sloek of gooJ. , b), Ih. reconl Th e J1t1l aloe crop b... improv r<.1 ' ·.r}' 20. wu !oodiDg al Ih. fool of Wall "'"'!.tIWD,tell r WIlfully or Ih' ough 'gnOMlnee,) bocome f, ulII,ar \l'llh e.ery norl of tLo le" 1 h . C'd er.hly. and th rr. ,. no doubt Ihal half for S,U • • nelSCO, and had .bout half. ear-

J - .. N I ' II' b hi lb .. k r, arrival of onc of their Vl·S:~..}~, th e " G . \ \"'.t1,,.llia.uadingaTlSt

nambor from join- ri lr.ry and be er er re.dy 10 aid . n,1 " ,.j I I AO ~. yt wu b !' ! nor \ r hO ~ 'log. the illfrclcd J i,t riol. will be &3,.d. go of lum bor, liq uor. baUer and lloarOlliug m:r ..Ill ·Ill. ; Ih.1 aU th . filii, ac· in . n ;)' J'OI,ib le m' Dner <ill,. ; I.y i n f~r~ ! nn'. I~o;o:::..,~oo:r~~ :J.;:':: ~ .';,';r~~~;.. Ken<l\lI ." Tb iel i. an elll.rpri. ing cowpony, OOord. It was Ihoughll h. v.-I andGlrge"'00 .nd t bird rat. cJ. ima in lOuthr rll Or. mation or an aClual eEeur: ion "htll r nir. i muck' foand, and wh"t i.0I0rt' , Ihey . d rerli,e liberall y. lD'"" Capl . lIlarcy of th e U . S. Army, wOllld be a tol.IIO<II. Th. YO I was..I.

had Lot I • K1 . d th I ' fi f ~ I 'IlooJ. I. n biB1>00_ bleaebi.~-uob.ried ! " We hope Ib.\ 1 north ern Oregonian. \ViiI do wh""o reporled ma_cre I!y II." C.".'an. u.d al $ r.o,OOO "00 tho c.rgo .t 8-10.000•..~ . • I . ~ ap at occupu' ; ~ cd, for tile bent' t 0 t~.I01e who may'l , " (hei r buy in nnd tr ac.l ing with AlJl"CllTISING chf"~ cxcitt.t! 10 much Ie-OIalIOn at one hint', .n10S"nnto confirmed Ibf I poin t..aIl lh. pubhc. ,"UIW'ng. hAll beerr localed '" to bt eome ..tll.u, \\ e "~'l , haJr.e oft· our " n .,11 be Iff. hy rho' Poolm or lb. n" . g f t f'l '11 bbard Poet •••p G

t dw "ct tL t t ' h b ' . \' . nJ . li.' lh.t ,he will lOOn a lIip to I'u mrrchantH " arrh' t'd nt SI. l.,oui. on tbe 2Blh 0 Augu.t ) 01('11 0 ;'1 r. u a.." ml-=f en". ,; a . "' on on ~eg•• et .. e. n 1'·lhu rg)·. and aro,,,e to I , i ll, po r ~,"ee of; ~'I s., u..,j. ir .umd tn . Indueomo•• i. otTer'" i~ ' ,,, I I in b>ood h. allh, .ral. anol lha l of John S. Towers • • Supe r,

luaUlft' l.eJ tuwartl. our tt"rnt ory , L~" oU de. this m Ljt.oet if ,,;e \\'i~h eH 'r 10hll\Cour t. f'rri· tile .1' of frti ghl I nJ p....enC...··-JlortlandI ' Vo It-arn from t~. ~ Tit/us, t 18 inll'ud rnt of printing. Gt nr ral Fu ller waap. rlul en vr gore rn m. nt. &e. lory Ili rd. il nol b. , . i.1 by d .i' e... · Tim... t"o "1,I. ndi<l "ha..f. ar e telllg eon. lru elt d to- Commodoro Slewa, t was I.izeol wilh ":i ect . d a. CLief J ustie. of lIliD.sota.

N l11Y we L"", .. Ih. abo,.e ~J be f uel' , an" thai we .... inl, o' pilal,le; w""l ;n,; in Ihe I \\'e oineo", ly hope Ihal th. hrig m.y nt l on tho .ColulUhia river- one at SI . lI e1en•• • n ap"l. elie fit 0. Ih. 22d of Augu,t al hi. IlOir Ex Gov. Vane. tff Ohio, . cnlem-• •

lhr1 ~Oll) ample g:~unfl foc Qur clMim of common courlesif'1I of l i ~e, :tnt! ir;nor. 1I1 or;be (Ii!'lappoint.c:d in coming here for want or l

loy lb~ P. ]\I ••S . S. Co., and. th e atht" .~'y rarm, :l rljoin i n~ n :>rdentow n, rot. J . I' l IUI he porar) ' ilud fl '\..n.,~ of Henry Clay , died near

Pt'('31allon :and -o Yert'IJiutJ', we ... c DO just the very l erritory in ",11;"'h we'l it e. Lcd l l:lI"- .n~.r , Lut ou the contnr')' l r\lflt thal ~Jr. FO:J: at lUI place , opJlOl. •Ie. th had recoyt red hi. con5cioll . n('~(I , and hopra Urbana on rho _uth of Augu&t~1 I t l n were r.nler:ainfd of his Ipt"cdy recover)".h ' Ifh] Ihey .•hould ~Ol. be .. kepi before u. r.form p t n. glig. ncc . !togc·lI..r, and ' , h" Will be BU ppl;. " with all tho familiee 'ive~. AI5O--I .,. 1 l ie unml gra 'on ". ' IQr Copl. in Dnehan.n left N.w York

Ih< l"Of,I.·." " Ith"ul gl\lng gooJ ground ,·x.mplify I,y \\'0' 0 ..... llet:D, th, t w. hOTrI Ihal , an ge l into ht r. .\ I Ih i••e"",," of lconllnu.d 10 pour 111 al lllOD~II•• , r~porllDg [l7" 1I0)'d lI amilt on, [ale Public Prinl.r, o.n Ihe 2 111 A I,,~ull for H"n!.k~.g, to. re­~r IIIUL~;e lo an, . I'" ruon of our lIl·i. hIN,. · hOllle. !Ie," rur a. many a. "i.h .,· ttl,· in I'ht' p ':\r, :I trip :1~ :vund L"idcciu~I)' Ihe 1 .~t ', ncaf a ~ou~alltl wagons I lt ll lx:l'll~d , and will l"l'et (rum fort). 10

601 thoul\3nd tlollnre 11""90 (' AUfie~ Ol~ th e E ,I. ndll SlltlOO.

on,; t. rr!<>Jr · !on,. ten itvr" , >r.,1c. " ', (. .. Ihn u t " . "I" 'n fn, ull wI" . m"y wish 10 . e\l le ut an)' poml Ihal Ihero ..... a gr<at deal of sutTen n;; for u ndr~ a blind alll. ndDlenl 10 Ibe Gi!'il and Al exa..dlla on Loul.,.n. bas beell(lQ t \. d b. ll<! ·1· 1,. ...• aH rr...t!, I I~lI : call. 01 "l"'''' 10.10>n. ' , 1.: ,< tile 1••: ...[ ..f Il,C ~o ll /l . I . : w. nl ? f I,rov;" oo>. Di1.' lomal ic Bill. alUlo,' d..lroy eol by fir• •

Page 3: THE COLUMB · THE COLUMB AN • CI"anlint'll, an)1 oomo on. lO'y bo to b. lh .(.,.l tr-nlOlbero f lo' e B. auly moot rommonly proolue.. th at paIIion in tb. minolbut clo lin...pre

CYk1" P A I. J.tI .

~r.'lttQlOl' tlltfo n •

' Vl\1. SET01' OGDEN,CU:lDHSSfO . ' IERCIIA '!"

l'tpt. ~,l sn~'O~JL' D,o. T,

G •Abonl. lb, . lI i,am CIo,k. J. R.~b·.

G EO. A BE RN ET H Y &. CO.~

OR I:r. ozt ("I,. , . 0.1:0'0, T EU ITOlr•80.... 8. 18'2. lit

1.. \ 1 "'1 . ·r I I. III.\t. t II.

nALCH & I>ALl\1ER.!i'l]§J!C9ffi, ~0~

Sn: IL '~(;09M , I' I.'V.:l" · 'UU , u;ORt:cn ;o.; TERRITO RY.

~pl. S. ta va, I t!

U l :->Rr T OO.IY . ... . J On", .ttb·:H EN RY TOOM Y & CO, ,,

I.UMIlt :1l .\ S Il l' flOIl l:Ct: MCIlCIiA T S;.A ;\ Il fll , F.R.&.L «:o'lliJ6!110 ff AG • i i I

Corn.. of ll. b lllmfJ and M. rcbGlI:lAN FIlMiC I ' 0.

"qoc. I, IP:... l i(

P. A. MARQU , .AITOR t:Y A ' 0 cotlti £LOJ{ AT LAW;

Eo D. \VARBASS~ . ',O.: .\UlIIN r HODIlCt: &.. IY.IlCII.II'(DI .::

Ctl W I.1TZ .. .\11.118. b T .Sc p!. n,18:'1. h f

l>. It lJi. etow. Q'Iine , A. hr ._:

BlGELO\V & BROOKS,.1 7' T U /~ .Y E }' .S A T , L ,A 11";

Ol!m...., Tbuntoa COQnt,. o. T.1I(

W. C , H olhlan. \ Vm. i. C rpctIte:'" 'oo d fo l'd c. ho i... II '" •

C:OJ/.tt/ .'iSI/J'y MER (,·/lA. 7'. ,.~, 'n "'IIPI'ING AGE "fS.

.·In. , CLA ~ U K.,;·r n oo r J.;JllCK If IL P IHf'j~"c"lIIeato~lr"', ("'lw a Bau" , lad . ...0.

, 'f(" J."rat,ciuo , Vulifi •l;o:'i SIU:-L .IH: :i TS S OLI CIT ED.

G. A. BA R.NES,WII OU:'. AU: AND RJ:T AJ L DC,U...r.a '"


01. ' .MI' IA , Pl·CET' . IOl·~D.!!tpl. 18 $2. .,(

,V.B. ON.! Y; . .AUCT /Q N ANr CO~lJotl. rO!'lIolF.I1CIIA H

AND LAND AGENTr aO:·T ..t atn , ( ;O r n N' 19 Il~JC I

• 1'0R'n.A:-LD,O:T.S'~l G. 18:'2. Itr


Salmon Barrels.

OI,mpia.!'tpL I. '6~. III




J(EEPS con. tanlly on b.nd • ,toe,,)••1011..Ql('nl (lr t C',dM odiae.

. U1J mpi. , Au,. 21l.18:.2. rtf


T ile Und."'.ntd uKe,. ~ia prof.ont.1 .mCal to lbra public .. a C•• il Eo.iowt and

1 ntorel Conny...n r ia aU Dla1t~11I louchin., d..... &.e.. &.c.

For f..rtbet pa'~ C Qlal'l appl, 10 ,II. A. GOLDSBOROUGH.

OI1mJ,iI, AUI" ~,,18S 1 'lit- - -------- - - - -


P..~ILSON8 wi.h inl 10 pu icb.. .om. 1'~ a ll~perior tow n klta in Olympia. 00 fftSOn.b le

lerma, na De aocem8lOdettd b, callin, onA. I. r o.:.

PILLO,V & DREW.W atch uen Ilt ortInIlewelen ,

1" "" /, 6</11'«• •')U rl< au Oak " •.,NEAl. ntE WA••U DO U t:.

PORTLA. D.O.T.W.teb.. .nd C1oc:h ....... .nd "1"'1<0<1 io '.

WOf"kaumlika aNDDer, and. \ V. lTwln._ .Rio .DeIPiM made to order, or CaJt(.,.,.ie Gold._~orJ...d,~L la. HUt. 311

;;0 1\ SEW BARIlEI.S m:aJ. asp_I; r.,U ~'the ~.Imon traJe. on lund and (or ..Ie.AII '1""i .. 01cool'""'£O don. in ib. but all"It .n~at lbe .bortnt notiee b,

IAAAC WOOIJ &. 801'( 8 .Olympi•• o. 'f. StpL I. '62. 1I(

I : T A1'S. W ARD'" C..•• n. " .DdL . pl. odid ~AW MILL, 2 naiJea

.bOn OlJmpiaallb.ral1.oro. SbuLe·. . A:-fD f.O L IC I ~OR 1:'1 CU A . CS:RT t

Ii... , . La aow iD fun ofl"'lLton, "hi'" 'U... in., Ioc.ateJ perm.aQtOtI, in the C' lt} of PMt-Ih' l ar. prepo'rJ t. ,10 .. ilb diapaleb .11linol uf laol. .. ill I' rutIeo bl. Piot....n In lb• ..,i·..wior. lD .n, qUln tily ,.nd oa rt'alOClab~ Uraaa. OM Coaru or 0 T.-rit«y.

oj ~~I:~e:b~~=~~C:~loJ, U1dUI'lOU Yrnilb · bi~~r:w.6.iDI.~201'1'/

BJotl. oppetill the c.IH.\ 1'1'.11'ARD '" Co. _,..,.. ..

!ltpl . $. 18J'. 3ml

FOR SALE.ON ,.: lari' . od• •ubltantia l W.-\GO~. with

doub l. b mtM ••U-lirel, new. Apply 10lllltl'llON P. )\0 t::l.

Ol, - pIo.


Oc' oI",, 3(),b. IR5'.

-Fo n SAN F HANCISCO !O I 31 T:V t if l'OIlTI;R'S I./.\'R.

C • .- - rr an Ct . ' l ' ll t: !'.biP 1't:1l8 1A.n,1 h.iz JA~ I':'''' r." 1.1, th ill' Cranhf'n i... GIl Purt Sound , rolrI rurmlnl "' I ul.rl, t..1"~n r u...•. ..' L .I,lth the ~Ib_ prif'lll "ill be ~iJ in cub • nnd a"J Ih••bon port. All ONtr.ror

IlQ d,In-.r y b, 10008 promptl , euended tn. Add",..• J . l: IIHIU I.\N. W II.I.fAM l' tl IlT ER.

OIJMpi. , Otl 30, 1,,:'1. Stf- ~f'I '" I J , 1 8.s ~ . III ".n "·n nd aco.

r.J'II£eubJCtit.. r i. now r"l"f'i,inl. dir«l fromLondon and r.;..... York.1'1a~o . · ranei.c:o, .

I1'Q.,..1 ' awf1nwnl or


I ) ORK••10.'. 101_ <.11..... \', n,..a. s.Jeratus , ·ro*co. Fraoklin

~01'u. Cook 811)"01, PLl" a. 8 01r . C.~blru·TOOl., n .rd•• I,.. Cutlery. 11n Boo" 'DJ~hoe. . N.. IItJle 11.... . Clothfn elliCOfOl . Sb irt.I ~ ll " DriJlia,., m . nket .. eamp b U"', Paintl.n..IClII•• tlplrlta ·rurpenti nt!. Window .1a-, .....uliful' f"'timf'na or Ol.... . re. J)r ul a .nd Medieln..-,H: 4"lIdinl Uoou. Ullink nook. an d SI.tionr..."N'.no" .nd brow biued Ax.... W••1I,..J •• he.• &e. . (or lodi.n Ir. de . Ha-V- .nd cro• •­r,ut ....nd mill ftl... h c., &.e., f"t ..Ie . t N ewl"lore or th,., Ken d.1I Co., bl .

JO S. CUS U MAN..Ol,.mpi., Od. 30. 18.52. alI


, 0 Tll r. (TII U :.N8 O t' TII CR STOS CO L':"iT r :

T he a ndtr ll;,ne..l t ollt dor, ol l.te•• f,.Iinl him­, .I f un\tt r dtt'p oblip tion. 10 thf' cidlen. of Thur.toa ('ollnl" for thtir kin d anJ .entlem3nll t,...l­m4'nt.auJ likuri«- tho prompt J1t11m t ot of the ir U'l.",wbl'n c.lIed ufIOn , he IhC'",(o1eI. k.. lhil m. lhodor Ffoh u ning lo th tm Inbit , ince' t! th. nb,!: lhey na., aU Ii,.. I thou .-nd )·",.-.njo, roodbt-.ldl, .nd n....t r . anl lOr. flrOruaiOllor ' Ul'hloodIbinp of this Ii.... lbey on.n occuiona pro\t..dtd for YOllr humblfl lIet-rant,

A. BE :"i'TO:'t MOSES,C ",ltt'caor o( Tne..

- T errlfi-;Oalo ~t tho S~Utl~·.-17'imbcr,piics,.sltillg1cs . BA ton & PALMEH. "THE COLU~I BIAN." TIlE KEN DALL CO..Un 'h " l st of ;'<-p:. ", b., nlt rnhcg,lo I "T.I CI.Ell oul . o<l r• •dy Ior teking on boa rd, IlIERCHANT8Et 8HlPPINO AGENT8,., W£ r.KI.Y ''';11"......1;1:- 1.'· 11'. ' - 11£11 Al OJ.l'lIl/·I ,I. 1'1'(;/:'''/'8 SOL'.y /\i

p:l ~"t·d ovor t he ~o tl l h . It was ~'t l rj' sevc re ] -.L three or four U'C"Of'Iof 'I'imber, ."IIMl enJ S lc liaco o lIJ , .-n;.;cl HOUll d , nJld 01 )"1111'111, .-lI l~.~l· . So n u d . S J. " 1.1' ' I ,. C Ir.t Xew Odf"ans - d iJ um r-h dOl III:tge a t A n- ShmgltL Inquire of • f • • ."l. . ... r· .\..\ . 09, 'A ..::,,;: , and :, ,, " lIl1 ah. (; ,. ; ("h , d"'lon~ :; . , ~ "., IJ. S. MAY:i ARU. .5:1111 jF I'aIlC{lICO, ~JhrO I' Il it. XB U'/,/l.! t: t s 1'01,1']'[(":::;. O "nl"r. In Or". Prodnc " n n .·C.·, and e ther I'lact , - hlli . 'I '" n." .. t d isas _ . " " 1'_' Ocl.• 1. IS " ,~ , CAIIO()~:S o( pi.. .. bewed 1;11,1.. t .hip ,p ,,,, DE \ 'OTED T,. T ilE 1:'iTE HJo:STS OF J. VMIIER 8 I11 r p t: R. • AN U G£ Nt:RAI.

l i N - Jawed lumber, sh in a;It:8, ISlhs, ("'ON wood. 0 THAU ous in i t' drct: ts a t l\ln 'I t ' .• .1. 0 sto r m at c; . ,. . ) 1' ( "O"\"Al t .\ . J . \Y . "I 1.I:\' . ..lmon.f..libul , r oc.lti . h, (I)·.t('r ' ,\Yh:tlc oil va. ta tou . KEno:\ I.\' (;I·:~~:H .\I., A"\"l) TilE~1I coml'arahlc to it in se ven ty , h a!' eve r McCON AHA e, WILEY grain anJ Urr Kc.J; p-educ-' generally, fcru ished al TEU RITO HY :\ fl HT II ()F T If E CO. IIAVP. on h. Dd.•nd are r('n. t. nll, rft' ci"ifllLt'rl1 l'xpt'r il'n r cJ , t' x('C),t th e memorabl e .l ':J. .u . '" , lilt! ahOt1C<'1 BatieI' anti ar rhe In..-,t rruon.Ioll" I, Ul\ lBI.\ HIrER IN PAKTH ' Vl•.\IL bylh irline orpa("ktt ~ipal yil: rone of 18 :1.-' . ..1l fof WyS nnd (. " u lI $d oTS fit La e , a nd rllt... . .'I' he aue nuc n of .hill owners i. 1Cfll llt'ctru l. At the A()' ilih~ t i o ll ur .. number or int tlli b hil' ~ 'OT()M AO , e a.,t. A. U. Ho1'c,

1.. d • U,i, U. W . KEN u.\I.I •• C pi 11. J . G cee,It l'uIlUllCIICl'll ('311)" o n the l :-t of Septcrn - HOl. IC I'ft lWS IX CII AXC~H \·, I)" eclicue . . It , gentl emen N orlh of ,IH' Colu lllbia lti,er - whu nn- Schoont r "·It. \ ti KI••N'. C'l>' . G. w, Pinkkm.

I,•.-r . aUII Llew and rained '~~· \' i~ l~ J1(,'\' " 'T" Il~I , .t1rn.1'hll ~t' '1 , \. t'r ~ 1 1 C';;H~ .o f l he' ITr~ . I ' ~~'~~~~~~~ 0:'lr~~~l llr~ra31:J: :.:.('g u l slly JC ween ~:i::l~~~.lhl:rk~~ri~1I1t~~:~'I~:~J p:r. l :;:~:~e ~~l: I ~ AI' ~.cod(:"O-O'Dl~~.nIC~IROC '~T•••R v \\' ,\1 '1 ,',:I] t hat tb y :Ih J night. re 0 I C.l1 r·tr . mo r\'. . fiJI .' p~cla a ." 11 Ion "«,1 C , i !. :O:ehr." Uarn. rifCOYt·... Capt. H .tha\\aY. lrH~WJl h!l.fV'r'ifnro"",,rIY eondu-ted , in thtir ,i cillilv . \. J _ nJ' \,. . I lletin of th e ~tJ ,..."I\ 'S: z rven lO.Clu!le• m the 1.' ,Il,t ll cl and S ullremc Courts . ~, W ' :l ,-- ,-' ". ,.. ~ l i lt UD \VAH.E, LI Q UO H S , '

tit'''' III a m., k II ' ' rz in II (r 1 Thf!)' will .UtnJ to CrUblD'Il casce tbrougbcut tbe ~ IIrig , I ( ; " 0. Em f'I)"," Capt. . II"on, th e uod rni l(bl'lol h:1\'1' bf'C'1I iu(lur(..1 to rn ' _Itt: ill- ..... t one a C IO~ ' 115 1110 It g, Ie b:l C T erritor)'. ma.v he rrli l..J upon (..-r .a fe ca ": I B ~" of Ihe IlnJ rrt lllrinz It Ihr place .t""".,dr .i/:'1II1rd . PUOVI SJONS,

r:,g ,rl with tl'r nb le fu r),. In:meTi sc tn:ea: T ilEY i:EFl:R TO frt' i ~h t and comfort.M ., I ccomm Olh,uon o( Ilalle('u- I Wr ..It'f'm it bOlh nn n('('r a r., . nJ innpt'd itnt 10 t\(;UUa; LT U UAL IMPLEM E NTS, c . ,\'o"l·r~ torn up by lh l; roots, faUing illto th e /.)(' 111. • It' lltcr inhl. IUIla: li tl or proru\..t'" C•• i ll tuo oflt'n Which will be euh.n,td at low prieta rqr ()'flon~ l r t'd ,'1 or in Illl' y::ards, n3shi ng fenCl' S or 11111l. Thomu II . Brntoa, S f. I .oui", Mi SSOtlfi . Or..Ir ,.. for gooJ .. carefully filleJ InJ wlth Ol.1I lilt! U AeIII J1mAl)('f'tUJll!!t.) ",jlh r(': .1\1 10 1('luh l lO f'rodur r or for Cub.

. c.I I I ' I t ~ li on. J obn U. \\.rUN. U. :0:. Sena~or (urn Ca l (Ir la)" Ittl b rough tnholu t by lhe l'1ItalJli.hlllfl nt ora pr".. in F ur frr iglal, " U M ' (' or olhf" " u.i n....ppl, Ie,whJ I I 'V~r IIn p(' l'( t It'lr tCH t'll j . •OUSC1'! f orn il . . F iJr pl rl icul ilr1 .I'PI~· to the Mal ter' on boa rJ, • new an.1gro winr: r O,tlllUy, lik e Ih.t hON~ring on J I)~ E "II GUS IDi AN . Allflnl .w't'rC unroofed, aOl1 tlIn 1 {' l plt' :'I ~ 1f1l IJ ai es li on. J '141;:r Rolhton, Flar r:ll11rnto Cify, Ca1. II r to Pll ~l"t· . ~onllli. Le i It a'Jllice to ' ''y , th"l ir " ." Curt lf'r of 2nd "ntl ~"in .lre,,'t.. OJymvia , orWl'r(' \'XI'OS."I to th e pi til l.' S ~ pelt ings of t he 11,,11. J , 1\'('rly .foh nw n, " .. LA ..." Yl-:TTt: BALC H. ~re . ",,' , ulllaill t'J , wt! will u' e ncr, etTurI 11l{ Ii. AU-:IUt I-;TT , San F rUlcitCo,filJ rtJ l ; Ju~lIHhlt'd to this (':Hne the \InWt' l . li on. T . B utl ('r I" iug . Sa n " Mlrilu:oorn, I' uget ~ound . lry"d¥lll)ce the mI N or 11I" . l'eol' le, 11111 h,. MOlltl ..mcr" 211 door from C~lif~rnia . 'reel.

. I' I '11 If i 'n tiu t' li on. Thorn.. I·:willg , Ohio. C yltU:S l ' AI. \H:I ~ , Irulhful rr(lr (', r n1&l ion of ib .upt'rior a..Iun lal(f'a ~l"lJ l , 6, 185': . IIrC~)m '~ nMlllr :\l1CC 13 , " ' 1 1 Ie I' 51 g , Hon. J ohn ~fcnou:: . I , E x-G ov. C .liforn ia. C lllif,Hniu lll t re('t W hlll rf, :':ian l ' rand aco. r l!J aiJ in lhe . pt N l IfU I4'ment lJf Iii. ; ~---th L' fIoud w:tO! progr~s.,i n~ .\\'ith ::a lil rlDin~ 1::1- li on. P . II. IlUHU'U," .. Oct. 9, 18.\2 . :,If "r ,y df'll,irubl r porlio .. uf Orf'Kon. J1ut lII houlJ n "t NEW YORK CASH STORE,Jl;llit)'. lly two o'clock It Lcrlmo c" Hlcli l li on . J ohn

r1," I('k h, ."'J!j' c . fr Olln .~ hio . . Ran --- --- - ---- - - - -8- - . due (lI'I t OUrll i mfr. t 1H." ~ivrn lojU 41i1, . n f's prn C 1

tha t \ \"nter strt'r t cOllhl nOl l~S l' 3 pC !'110111 t' r - Editor. 0 ' a( cor nil". an, r3nlrrll,I,,, N E \V GOO D dilure cr l ~bor,lImtli and call~I.I~ ~n .1' ~'lI.•tj,e i . 11 ,\ :i . C. T J-: IUn' &. e n., lban'.

Bioll. :lnd !'omo W'" t lem r n t\'llO. e anxiety fl .llciJeO. onr.r.oN' . ~ rre~n"tllO other .nJ 10.0' 10'1110" "ocah nn. on I U ll i l:~~~~~r~:ll tb:i~~l l~::~a::: ;,r::;:wOIJl1 l u,ot permit. tlll 'm to f t'sl , L:u('ly h :~tl Vic Tru rU, ~a l" Il1 . To Arrl , ·e•• E:l S il i l. h Thrnclnn," Ihe ':d::ie ~~II . "~I (' r~ ifl.~~,~ ry W~lI br ,uil~bll . Il~ t' UJI 1um~,. tha t th,y Ilill cont ia fte alt in:c t o tC3l'h thei r , tort'!", :mJ sC'~' u re Il lLlr I(ohr rt N ('Wf'1I &: Co., Chempoc-g. HU.:'i II EIU,; E \ ' F:HYUOD Y ! :i~7t:J'" fo;::U~i~ ~a~ro~:~It::auoll 0 ao ..Irrll. II'()- Ilrt'ir WI'" 1n owII alan .t in ll.e to" o prlJ\Jok:; lJt'forc th,'y were c'nl ir d y r u in etl. J ohn ~.rrl , MlIr1'n ill" . A t· l1' ,I . ,MI;,I' PI. \· o~ ~ R D C~ It willfle oa r ol"joctlo pro~ole int l'rHI " or all, ~tw \"orll, on r uCl'c·. Sound, "hlre tbt', k«p

At ~u l1 r i$o , aud lah·r this morniug, th e lion . J . N. P, _ Ott, ~hyor or Orrgon City. Mu l, .\SMl,M, Pu1 lK ,1iIi ~~ unbi'''' b, party or~~:: aQ 1'lew, .lnd unlram . N n.l aotl, on hind .nd (or _ 1e" lI b. In"' " t rri c •n.~pE."d of Ih e city \\' 35 ~ Ioom)" iOtlt' l'd, TIll' (: ('11 . It( M.!tlcC. n rr. . ' SU·lIa r, Ihr ,u l, l' rlnlll,e ro.' cut :Sawa, Gr indalon _ . melW b, In, w,". _ t of men.p' ''y ,cljq ue orfOlC_ all kinda or mtrt'h.nd iu uwalll rrqul red ill"od h:tfing subl11t"rgt'll \Vat u ~t rl'c t , f'Jrcrd \ V . \V. Ch'rm• n , Port lan..1. Flour , Brood Axes,lron , GI...w~re. Air, h e. &c. tion wha ll"\'r r , . nd 'Aill recci,·. did.tion from "0 CGahlry.

. f6 d J 11" frui l &. Stew.rt, , . hourly ('xpt 'c lt'tI pcr l'ihi(," Thracl3D," * otl, Mu . "'lurt t' in Iho di.cb lrgc or our dUly a. joumaliwt .. r.;. " : •.\ '('.-:'1. furn i.htd "itb ('arl OU or Pile••i l ~ way into tht" Il o rt", 0 r cs an Wt.' mgs \\'. n . Afflf'('k , 1.3(. , t tte. trr, from ~an }~"ndteO. Wilh a JellllniusLion IIriell1 tl1 . dhcre to lb i. po. Squ lrr Ilm~r , ebinl~a.&r.of St.. Fr and., J) ::1uphill , Conti ::a nll Gon~ ru- li on. I...e N. t:bry. \V t. idby· a hllnd. A"l' ly al lhe oJJ IUnJ. ..ilion. w (" I('n c it with lh e inl tllil'ftlt ()("O(oICl of 1\", York, ~pt. I. 11\1 . IIrJi l ~'o l s lrccl' , ncarl y Uf 10 1!I\'ir ,c\l~ r:ll in · H I_l i n~. &: I' cttYJ.: ro'fe. " on Townwnd. M. T . F'Ut ~oss. Nor1b Columb i. lo dtcide "htlbf'r Ih. public-l ionlfr ~ , 'ctiollS \\'ilh UoJJ :I . O ly mpia, oct. 23 , 18.sZ. 7t( Olympia., Oc l. " 1852. -tlf of a lie'" pl~r on Ibe principks H t '.!rlh willlJClTh , ~ I()\fcr nnrt ion of Ih e lIIukct hom.t." - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - to thei r adnDuge or not.

wa. ro ll r ,1 to 'ih e d rplh ur ..\'rra l f,·rl.- NOTICE C ailtd SI a/rs D is/ rit 'l e ltterl of Orr;;"o , I l' Jo: It Ms :,\ w ll i no~ anl l awning fn m ('s. WH(' ,..C'~lt (,H' , l I ~ h~lt"" liyen th.t IrUer. or • ..I miniatration " 'i thin :lnll fo r t he Count)· o r l ..ew i ~. ~ !~ per yenr- :I per .Is Inonllll ,i ; l llis~: rlUliIUl L,' ly Ilhoul , th ll zlTle antI tlU cO\·· hut! bf'f'n I J'lnleJ to the und craigntd. by Ibe A LOSZO H. DII.I.ISDOIJGU, l . 1',\,rABLE I AD\·AS ? r.. . ..l'lin", of scvr ral Luilc.1in~.,. l n l torn up, an d ·piolMlCI Cour t or Tburillon Counly , Ores on, on TI l J)1\·OrCL' . J . . \\ 11.1-. \ ,del: .; I.,1 in roll. in "ar iou& pl . cos, and ,be ....,. o( T IIO MAS W ADt:, ~octlOl><d , boar· lIl AItY n'LL'~ "OUr-II. ) • l\[cELHO \'.

I _. 1 • inl (I.te 18111 OetoLer. 18j 2. · T he Jl.I,iJ M. ry U illinooul h is btreby n()lifif'~ ' t . • . .nut Il' :\; I, t he ftrrct!'l mo~:t ly I CyOlt."u 10 ~I- All ptrlOn. in l..! r btrtllO "IIi..! "t. lto are r,.,,]u IN tb.t 00 tbe Iwcol ,. • • illh (26 Ib) d., of )fa , In ·L. h . IIA ~TI:"'l G • , . W. P ETTYuItO\ I•.d l'~Ct',"" Wer t" eyery fe w J:tr tl~ obstructeu bJ 10 (OInt' ron...rd anJ ftll lt! the .me "'ilb mtl.- the )""" r of our l .ord one thou. and eif!hl hund red ALfnt:D A. I"LC1UU: U.thl' pro..,t r:ltcJ fVrllL'i of vcucraLk and bc-au· AI.o all pr n ona h n in, d . imJ ' I eln. t IIl hJ N t . tt ~nd firty lW9' t.he aa.i.J. "'IOLU)D, l ! iII !obo~,b 61rd L B I-IASTI GS &. COtiful ~11 JtIe tr t'(" , .hou!J prnto t them (troperl, .alhtnciealN ",i lh in In my officehit pdlllon to tbe DI.l rlCl C ourt of • • l;' .

It W'L' a mel an ch oly .pccl,c1. 10'" lb. lim. I',coc,ibrd bY~~;;:I.IAM n OJ,TO S. ,h. United 8.. t~. . ..i\hin .n~/or I~' Co:!n;: o( C01lllllISSION IllEROHANT8,tire e:l r~ antl l'uh url' of ) ' r a n thu. llC'3 tt t'n 'u Admini'lrltor. L~17i~i.o~;~:n~or"'\be( If:~::in;~ ~u:e~to :iZ A~D WIIOL&iAL£ Dt:.&..LU' IX rR OD\."(; E,

io ;\ · n i .. hl. In ~011l 0 in."tancrI i mmen s(' Olyml'I•• T bul1Ilon en., Ocl. l A, IS52. 3w7 ."Jullrry. \\ hicb pt'titio n "ill como on II) be j't,rt 7~"rrt _"'cd. J.\vrtAtr n Ortg"• .to"'Ocl lC' ~ \H' r e ~ n'ppt:tJ off like ville ,trillS, beard .1 the nnl tcnn of Court in .a id eounly. C inN or 8qoare Timber Pil ts. ISbiuCIH .oJ:Iud iu ot lll' r~, t rees 1fcr e lorn up by t ht" TO SlIIP O'nTNERS AND AIIMt : JA~n:s c . tiT~.ON ( ;, CJt,k:. .r C\hcr IUlut'C'r rurniahrd IL , bort nOlie'.rools anu lnlire l,)" dc... lro)·('tJ. H amilton · l' J. n. Cha pman, Au,. ror Petitioner. aDd on rOUGoaMe lerDaLfl"'d i. at pr • • ent imp,..,hl. fro m Ih. IIlA STERS OF V ESSELS. Octobo, Z. IH5Z. S.. ~ ""1'1. U, 1852. Sit

" ,"II,,'r of f"lI en I....., a mI 1001<" wry 1,1< . r[11H: un~.,ai,n.~ i. JUI complrtinR.n fIc.I , CO\'lTLITZ- ][O'T1?L I -----:~--:lf;:-::;I=-----th t' path of a hu r rir anc through th e fnrr l"l. lent new ,'y , ~ ~ £., . 1.n. \V 0 1 ceolin (;or Crn11lfOnt . trcl.' t 1he Ih mage in tl1 is . DII Y DOC K A Oren t Dhidcrn.l lllll ! I E : 1~ ·~~~I~~;~:~rc:ui~~ r~~~T!~~;I~~"::frr~pC'd il nlso \'cry grl'n t , a lll l i :lcil t ll, . o it th rt e mil... ~low Ol1m pia. on t.b. we.t .id. or th e Tilt: sunMC~H D "~ H b.a~ i n g lelil- Oft.. througho ut th e entire ti ty. It is yet too barbor, whicb will aoon be reed, Illr Ibe~mmo . lN .nJ «reltl, Impront.l hi, Il ou.... u:.r Offi c(' 10 !\Io rr iwll'~ DuiluinJ! .,..(,3r1r to l, ~timale th o Ie&!: of prapt'r ty, Lut d. lion uf . hip o.per. a Dd IDU~" rur th e "'flai r at the C Q \ \' L1T V L.\~.ol~r. , i. "IAIS &l RECT ORECO, CtTY:it is '110 Iioubt vcr y Ji(reac. So sudden and un, ur their n t- - auch ., caulkinc, COl1PCtlDi . ~~~, p'lr,.el:alou"oltrt~ ••',:::,"'~.lIodalc Ihe publle wltb thl' !II t",t I R tf . '

n 1 I _perr inl .nJ repl irinl gr ner. lIy. ..- .. ~ H. loP ~-=--:-::-:::-:::':-:::-::7.::;:---fXl'eeleU w• • lh el'rogr cn or lhc oo< , llal Agoodoppo,luni 'y ..ill no" bo prcaonlrJ (or ' 11 U II' //O I' ~E <; FOR SALE OR RE NTlil ,I,· ti m. ,n < lell . f,r r Ih r da nger be came ,h. rep. i, or.....I..(lbooc..i.h ing to ... illh. m' .'i . ' ) , , I. ' - . .iIUl lliut'lI t , to prrsur\ C 31l)' lhinf, or mom ent. a~l'e, ur th(! opp .nluni ty pl'f'HotA1• • nd "ill find C.n.1 all time. be bad upon rr l\-:m l ble ,tr r m. . .A LAuea: two Ilory house on lh,I• f II I ' ··.t 'u, ', .11n. ' ....' . con,.n,·.nce. (or tbl t niJrno_. I han a rrlar of hor... . at t h ~ r (' ald ~n~e ~ f l eOfncorof \\' . lltr an lll·i ,..t . trte l.. II "

.... '" () I ~ lUcre 13 nt.!' on our lcaH~ u · .. J r ,-- -- - ~Ir• •~orJ, .0 Ihal tru f'lIe1'l ~. n rcosch OI)'ml'la 111


in U"' mpi. . T b hoult ' i. wcoll c.lcu :11(' 5:4 tolrr t'l. h 3\'C bcen fortuna le ('ooug h to kel~~f~t~11'ti1:~:~h~u~~~~ra~;~~I~~~~; one J., frmn CO\,.lil L l..nJIn~ . lal f'tt"fur a " holf'Clle .wrt . t 'ur If'r ...It.,r .rcur",1 th eir book. . The Slo rm i...nding in biJI. ~..i,n..inl llt' 1uan' ily .n~ ..pil I tr _!:. .\. Cf,AR"~ .ppl" o AI. .... ~l. O IO NS.s!illra..;ngwit hl;rcat fur) ·. :llenar. flil · ')' or . uch • • m'lbe ' «j u;rrJ . - R E-A L ESTATE AGENCY. I UI/mpi· , l'tI't. I . ·.' 2. 1t(tin;:; ~l~nt h~ r~ :tnu IIlt'fl', in oil f'loths anu A Il&r\ ofa careo now 00 n:lu1in .:, ''fauing to Ih t"i r :t rm~pit :t in wa- J OH :i L. B UTLER. T if f: Qn ,I f'~f'tlI' a j;!f'fIl .. fOd' . nhd ownf'ra . Of/C' t,rfOW: lI o t· !u~ ])1. T. P t' fa: r'~ S~e ~ ,.., 1

1- . _ lown lOla,'" fl 1 h1r ' . , an 01 r r groW'"1 Ul nllp ia, :\"o\'C'lUbcr l et h, 1 "I. 5I I r ; ot htt'l ' .. rl~ ::Il wor k in th e .Lop. \\'1111 Oct . HI. 18 j 2. 6l r to",n. on f'n..,.t . ~t>toun,l . Ir~ 1' rt'f'IIrrJ 10 _II of 'rh ~ Colin li on J>i.tri et of P u t 'd Soundth~ l10vtl po u rin!t OTf'r th...jr cou ntrrs, en- rutthu" Ru l t •• ' _C.....ho.,.. A. proprny ..l . • t.l Th ~tlr,H orinb l u Jlft.·St"r\·c IOmt'lhi ng froUl de- ~E l ·J· GOODS th fCl Ul bt\Ul th. ~unJ ia r lll piJ ly ,; rou-;"g in to im . VI t L;1Iu ,'J orgalll.ll.' . eo OCD Af;-1Il ruclio ll; alill oth t'r~ .t ill , nre mo uut N on .., rorl.n« . nd ,.. llIr. lhf'1 in 'il" ("a rl, .pplir_ ' ioM I S I)Il~OS 1'. ~lo ~E fIl.-l'ollec tor of. Cus·

I . .Iollr., EI. e cCe,l to rrl,·c p er rrom uph.li_1s df'.irou. ur r rntit"h lCl inu".ll'fH'n tL t OIll ~ N C. , ( ,If the Dkttrict--aL 01ymp\&.II.n ",bat k, wading through t I e 8 tr~ e t., gl\'. lIH J< : U J A ' )0;, u !\II corumunir.tioll. rrqu_~nc .i n ro.rm~t ;on a. to I \\,'ILLIA. I \V. MILI.EIZ. - Survc.yor of C UI-in : ai,I ;10 tJ t'n rou!'3grmf'n t 10 the sutrt· r t' r~ . tbt"..Ide o( properl,. &c•• lA lb•• Ji. tncl, .h..uld I'tlm, c ., for th e Port o f :ie. qll all}.•

p :~~ ' f'br~;~t ~u,;r;~:~~I~~'I~ :tC, I ~~~,o~~~ C~~~18TINO ill plrl or Ihe r~llo"inl atl k\es. be aJJ'~,J~~~IOSS ,'L GOl. ll SnOn O (;(iu. :O;cp . II, I r)2. 1tf

bot . fh·rword. said nol 10 r lre~ .">00,000 e~r" .a!.", (~. ri::~~;~;'~t~; OI''''I,i. ,8tpL I I. IS',2. Itf , Cl'LE.I1I:" STORE.f....·u tlr. lrfJy"d. 8a t in.U. .. C E EXTRAORDINARY I

The golo bPclme a It r... t Coedutol • NO WH OL E S . 1.1.: A"n Il R T .\II. ! !f'a ! (' :1 ~ou l a . Th e wharvtl wrtd nil ~\\'ppt Fint Salin \ r,...; R T~ ~ .Il.JVA r! 'J ' Ur. uDdenic:netl h'1' in.1 permanently.IOC'aIN.otl' :tnd with th rUlIf'Yrral of the inhabitant.. Cloth ,Ju • , V .W ,. , ~ . bimteJ( . l Ol1 mpia In Ibl mereantd~ .ba.. .

" rintl"r Ot'Mto, " ; O~ \\ .ttr .Irf"e(, htotft'H'n Thud an.1 } onrth , DIM b... no" on h. nd and i. ecin. lan tJ, f«ft.lD,[l7'" n rn . Ednl'Y o f X~ C . hi , Leen <,o n- n.ndbrt~k~. &-e. the~ndf'rallnet.lwillal~y.lJlI found ru dy 10 Ic tooi. 10 Ita. ••uLl 01 Lb. c:ououl• .

< C.... TIN WA RE Or c r\.' ·' f' rip tion. n Ktll. wllb ne,)ln.. aad d.-pak h,.U ml Dnet 0(' Amonl hi• • ...,rtmcDI ml Y bto (ouadur mf>U bJ (h, S r na tc . . ullrge to G30te- , U wo rk in Ih e line or G d G .mal~:__•__ , s roVJ;S. Slll P, G U:'i, AND B I.ACJ.:SM Il' l1I,'C. Dry 00 s, roc.erIes,

(:oodba,b'. aJNi,bl cookin, ato. .., _od An~ kno.. inl blOlatlf 10 be p<,, rompMonl l' II \ Rnw \RI' IlI )O'J'S & S IIOES,

•i..... GROCERIES. Min tn ti, ...ti.r. cti. n In Ih. ....o' ion of anI • TI:"l 'W.\ih:, ClJ T L E H Y, "rATClfES. JE\VELRY.Su.... T •• •Coo... M. I..... ; .n~ . 11 b",nch.. of lb••bo• • buoln~, (' om . C 1 0TIII :'i L: &.c 1.'.1 ,\ '" y ,1I i " 'I C'T f.'.", C'.'" Mf'tlle to .n an.hor . rM{'l«l(ull, IDlkll. . U lh. ' . 4 t, , ' ... v ... ~ -.... ..1\' i1Jt!gar.l'epp*r, AII. p'u . NutAl#(', patron'le on the &unJ. u . uffic.ienCh.nd. _ill All o( ."bleb " Ill be IOIJ Uhea pcr lh. 1IIbe

8&leflIU', Potuh, Soep, bt .m.,It>,ed for tha t purpose. .. d l'tlpnt. . .. . I )I LI,OW A vnt:w h... .Cudl.,.. Tobecco, Brlnl on your ' Val on•• Carta, Gon .. Sbipi r ' hOne JfSlfTlU. or. purt~n r f OOlh ,,111 do jua. rt'lt'e'".d direct 'rom

An.l. uri••y of other .niel... All of whicb W.tcbH. Cloc~., t\e., Ih.1 ", ant rf'JMllrinl' .nd well to ('. II. lM:fore ml't.llh•., ~ur~'.L N'.w York, • I. ,... . nd rich"ill he ",hi cbeerer tban .0011. beve t!\'f'f b~ thly will be .u"nded 10 _Ithoul dllll,-or '"ue ..A worJ 10 tho ",1M La ftI tf!tam l. . ~ u.ortm~nt "r \VATGHr.:t101.1 in \hi. pllCC'. ASI)R..:\\" J . MOS1:8. oNt" for ne", on and the, ",ill be 6l1od in th e Q S" I (I" I,. D .\n~ .:s. .nd J &W}:LRV, eoa.illl1llC

coone of timo. Ol,mpill, . • pl. 7. 1 .". '! o( GuIJ .nd ~il .....r IhlUliDIOlympi. , Ort. 10. 18' 2. ;'1 1_ II . C.\ L KIN8 . VALU ABLE LAN D C L.A I M Wol~~~1'~iIC:,~hi '. ~Ioo-";;~G~.IdCl!lilb!::l.....ithWANrrED! Ol,mp;•• OcL2 . IS:'2. tIl

- - - - ' Vl\ NrI'ED ! FO~I,:~i~,F.u':;h~Dbic~n~~ ':il;~ I': Mtr~~:o~D~n~:~~J~rl~' iIt)~ O~ DUSIU: L8 Cnn.berri~ r~ ,,~, ic:h tbe 1.. fram. dw.l hn. boolt, 1811• •.IICI. wltb II • (; uld I' ",n. in G~Id .nd sit.... tl olJeft ;J bi.brat aurht rrlce ,,&II be paid. A GOOD W.gon Imh... I "lit flY. b.1r of l'rab le Impro'fcmtonla. T h"re i. r ob Cb';D•• v Nt Ch&i.oa. G.Md U N C:ba.lD';- A .J. MOSES. • lown lot to • • GOd .\V' go;n maker. _ .ho Dpt.'n Ib.. cl.lm.• ~etal " pc..r r. ilinI Sp t in,- " uf Si!\·t r T .. . !Id T altl. poocMI ;

Ol, mpil. OCI. 16,18.;2 . 61t unde rsl.nd. allhrafKM. of bl. hual nr ... . . . n Ul- l part!",atf'f' The wbnle claim h c01'r rnl ""Ilb tbe Sih rr .nIl ,her .....t.....du('emen t to haye bim &ocate bimadl iD the tow. I"oat ..Iul h&. \.im r. Gold DrKe k ... "db .u. •Blac1.'s/nitl, lYanted o( Ol, mpi.. It i. ~""I,'ooIly'b. looMoitu.tion (or . ' u m .... "bell . Hi !••n~ To C...!» .

I.. n. C.\I..KIN S. mill on tb, Sound. O~ S'oc:k ' ''UllOenl.a Wt". Sil~ r o.... ;'- T Ibe lown or SMul.. A 100 1.1 m.ll:k.amith Olymp i• • Od.2. IfW2. 4u " ot l.rlDl.nJ p rticul rs in,qir" or &l&r, II&II,",- afklT.w.La... pp;

11.. ran hue cooalant ~mpI07~D\ hy .rpl,ia' I - -'-'::.-7-:-:= -=-:-:-'::7:::-:-=-=-- - - 1 uua:I,u w &. UHOOKS, Hriu"Di. Tn l'otI .or.! P.lcbf'Q i .ooon '0 11. S. 1.\ YSA IIO. 0 L Y M P I A H 0 US E, AUornel ' " 1.&... nly!Dpi. . Il-J. anJ 1'-, 11...1"1\0 lo i

Stau! r,Oel.!-t. 18:;2. :u5 (' ORS ER o r )I .US A:'lill flr.CO SD "T Its,: l:.l~, ~pe. I.! 61. Itr J..,ook io G... aDd l"'nlll Clock- ;

Dry Goods Groceries, OIJIDpla Bakery and B OLY)lPIA. ?REGON. -.:«>RS ES ! CUITANS!! fl~~~~n';'.~p &c., .... &c.'...- rrHE u"""'.nod woold -poe" TilE,anJoroilood bu,•• ..,.~ TRII _..... bor 100.. 10 In. AUo( .. bi<b,.;U ... ......... I- r....." ,\RDlVA E, CasvCkE r.&c. rulll lo(o' m lb. public lb.1 Ih .. 1I0..... . r ""hi" .nt.....o· '1 ~ en . ' ~ I""'" od ro<1l ~ 13 11152

.'Jll&bJ~ ror d.. _.ot. of iauaia'ranu I·qat erriYinr• • I ,., .re p~red \0 rlll n iah DrMtl, meGt lot lb. ~m~ or lb. II I I' ~~ h~ n~~halr bre i.· I_ ' 0 . rt., 'JloIIlOSIl ok .. , - 1",..lInl P" b... iD (a",iIIl "'0 tb• ....-. '-'" 1 · ' iI" G . ENTS

brr l t·irot,,~;'j'"::YN":l.kD . ~::.~.'t::::'::,,~~::~nh,tiu r.ml6b• • od ..... wilbtho r.,.tho .., oed.. . • ...· ,· .. l.tood.'...,p nd.,ID' Io_ . NEW ARRAN EMr 8fttde. DeL 15, 185'2. 3..8 eJ on Ib. ..horleet notice. 01,_,. beT the poinl ",bmlh in roed~mod~~·1 't- t,.~ehp:=::h m;'....I;= I AVIN(; bfft rnaJeby .biell the

"'leo UH', Unttt r. Ew. PolMoN. &.c. from lb. Cola a ri......~ik. the 8ouDJ, pleu- ~t:I(I'''':JlJ ~lutO~wlil& rift1' .iII do • •1110 c. 1I .1!nJrnil l'lqf . 1 1n01"e .1II hie :" ·EF. D &. lllTRD. a,.. rertl...Dd alb.,. .1~lnr to 10 don tb f' j , fU bl 1 ul pi. cI.r 10 It.. cou'" of . abofl hnM. b II . t.. •• 0

Olympill,8t'pL I . JSS, . llr 800nd .iII lind lhi. lb. beat poi_t to Nrt from , .1 ~{ ria :;. !..fI't . I_QUid"Jl"'Ct ruUt aD..".De.1O 1M P;Gb . 1' " ..... . 'ras .uil.hI. boeb lor lhat purpoM can be fynWb N .rae- ' J O. E-P JI "£80. tic thlt h• • :1 . 1« •• or mil hi. ,- kn , . ~~ i.:"()..; tt Tbonda; • M.l ••11

- ' I L L I A,. D. RTOl ELL, .1 ......""b1. ,.,... , • . I 0 1 m '. !lor' . ~ 18"2 . lit HOTr.r. oil on ' b..".-.~( ...... "" . na. I.- 0 ....... Ci' 10 V , .nol ICOl\lIll ISSIO , lIl EnCHANT, rrt••"'ruom.r.,n,hodlo'b_wWun,'be!D. _ ' _ f'-'.-.. • -- • _ 1 locoltty (... "" Ioa_,. do T ..

'.. l oo llh.... IO'

EOMll,'U llYL\"E8TEIt. Lbt of !.etten Ol)'mpo. \ ' 011... 0" I _ .11'.. , - '~toa4ooI d'ol b.. ..Nu. c. ~r'1nanl·••·ireproor&.oree. Ol,mpla.S'tpt I, '.a Itt R P.MA11fINO· lb Ibe Pow.omt . II Olymp ia, lin .nd Th i:J ref1 _. , ~::".: "

" AN FRA NCI80 . ------: - 'fit . 31'1. HI:;2 : l' t faOa . dHiroua or rtlI In, I C I berJ&ln r IN r, ht ..N.D. W .Il. I<. m. k_ ... FOR ALE. U.k.,WilU.m ", .J\. .... M;.. r",od ..C. oboukl ,pr1ywll 10 I t r G

d ripcion 01 "'''1'0'1''1 on hi. o.. n ...ount. bol ] SE T OF TIICNt: 1l T OOLtl'. bl nlow u r:ta. W . I..a Rom' yn IIt:RIII: R7 J E AL. .. I , •"oo H, b... I" g" " .... nl 01 m.rdl.ndi.. . U. A. n.u::'iF.s. nurro Anolmo J. 3 M"", CApt.Uro. OI, mpi•• ept. l . ·n. II -:j.: F ll \ L A 0 {ODfor on·.onl'lmnml. · Ol,mpt•• S.pL to , mi. tI Clu .. J.m~' Mintlt C.~ . I G... • • •

lI a rftrt'll:trulll lrn den hi. Itnlctl lo . n1 pet. - - - - - - -- - - - C~-hm'l1 Orin ton .\ t' llri. m 3 SMITJ-I' EXr Rlt: ' ! HI 8 wu, t.. It a ,» T. 10 RA.O'aon In C.llfomi. or O"'lon, "ho lila" "l_h 10 em· SHAY & WA'TKI l' S CUUf'( Thotn.. r.1 ;:e (, flOrae ... . \ ' . U I • "

' . & , O.y (L•• IV. RrwT bom.. rr l•n: ....''''''..•.IN.. II'I'P'" I I . a In ton , .pi", an ·Ient ror lb. ..I. at domMlie pt~ue. or 8M 0 •• d Ho B-"d ~ ~ I • , mcrch.ndin. P arpen....n an use ws en. n .....po" ...... 1 "'iJc".. ~,~omon~. 3 I .. I.AI",:I 1\. w,'O. y NO ~ R til ......

!'=-rpl. 6, 18.s,. It r I)t:SPf\Gl't·ULI. \ · inform th.dli. F'ure-on J.... ~ :;~ t:·1i

, · 'J W~HrI ~~y ..~al~a f,::.t?"job7 J ' C.~. MU Y WM'" un. or Olympia. &hip 0",...,.... rlaht't nr. \ v . II . 2 ~"aln \'t I, . m . I " n : ~I( ~" ~ u. n ~rllaeoMl 'e" } 'ort ' .." .,. Iq t-' I.... •

aDd t be people on tbeBounJ . ent r.Ib', :: jG, fft' ln Willi.nt 81~~bar h. ;, 4 \~~~~b'~:-I.i.:'" ~Dd ~i Olhtr inwr~r potk 1tll'\ ia 1, - d _ ia: ...1bll tLfll .,. pf1'(IVN lo do.U "0.... Had&e,f\ 0, ~mnh ,(\(_"10 . I . 1 . .' A. with aood maJ.e ~ , a' C m ,, 111 r1 _. ""'Ib ...eonneelf'tJ .1111 Ihe .bo,.. buin.., on 'lb. abor. IUn. Ifrnr, J !o'lr. hI ' ; " 1"'''' J e 11,1. ' ln tI ••Q~t~ll" hllDoM'lf Lba\be . au 1.111 I'" . d , in .it, IInotice and on tb. moal rNlOn ' em l,. J \ViIIi. WI "'ho~' ~.~ . . .•, Il;;ru' If! 1'1'Uf" .!C0 Ii." bOa w . U " l.O _at ....r C.n. "lad a .. . r..~~~~..

Sh irt can I.e r pei....J, ud bouw. ~rec:1N " i1h' Man.h J o.i4h 3 . T.nt ,on ~.. arlill 1:1 .' l'l.l n a '~L1 r. ' \)'18 , .. f. I ., ... pre- y ..d i-r-k h• and io a manor r n~1 to be Ntl...... , in l wql . 9 . r... .rhl blp' ~rrTfll r.Il, b R. 'Ihim•••lh "he. "'~ lJ,,

0ge . f ott boa,J. • ... t- K • · 1 •

polPl or work~nlbir. 00 the l' . ci8c coul. maa , . \ I.I'I".:D \\ I1h. ro • or fr",bl i • PP y"'. . • . IfTH . A Uto. Ie ' 1 t·~ 0 . el II'.~b('P o!' fa in IIr ~t. I) l.aboa l:br~lorb" .. . . r II ":r J I J: . Itt .,. 1 IfUl yml >l . , tXt. 2, 16:a2. CI' )1. I • ~ I 'DIO:\ , • . . . Jol'. '

Page 4: THE COLUMB · THE COLUMB AN • CI"anlint'll, an)1 oomo on. lO'y bo to b. lh .(.,.l tr-nlOlbero f lo' e B. auly moot rommonly proolue.. th at paIIion in tb. minolbut clo lin...pre



_ - - - - - • Xl)j)1' 'Sl-::S- - - I P I~ ()'P l-:C I'1; S I I. lliro. J :t O h)Jl ~ the I't'op!n , en .l to the honor of" . .'l a . , I II ~" II lt.·lIlouc ·I". cl',l11!ilJ01t iltiO Il . l ~ j l ... S .... . .. . __ n Hi rIS Ii Jl t:Hlf) UIC\f. Llij 'L:fi\T UHt: tin ace mas Il hp . t l h·l , t h :lt l ~ '1 r.mce iv uo lcng-~ ....;..I] .~ .. . I III J:\I 'Hs -- - = - -- .- --- -- -I er deemed e uu ..fortune, bUlll. (,J, ult .anJauUtN.

.. ... • .. 1:( ,(lh ~E I. I. I. H :-- k:-' \ • '... L ~ i 1'1 1'-:: ! \ I I ~ \1 \ 11 :-0J t: \ UtsJlU' Co (j 1)li'Gl) It ~{ 'S ]~ XPItESS . .r.I r' ~ II.IC~~IO~ 01 ' T IlE: . . II 1, 1I1 ~ (/lull 1'1 110>1 lessened when we lind IOcb\ who were.. lircc u I ro b riur III ~ l ' IO;\ l . I:H UtH I' ' 1 0m: a "\1 f l '\ \ \\I TII Til l" l -4 4 p LO.",n O:"\ (J tJ .\H ILHLY, T i lL :\ OHT IIoJ \ 3utdgC. thu.i I' I, {\' J wit h in our gr..p, ' od

J n r) \ t ' ,- \ t • \ U I:tCII A\: l \ ,t . . 'I' fJ U H I 4'( ,'() ' \ ' B IU I'I S ll l l l1 : ~: D I ~ BlJ HG I I , A :\ J) ho we ve r trite ..I,.", rm y bc thc rem ark It III no'J\ I"0I1,r 1.1 11. 1 ' ; ' JOII I ~I ~ (l~ n I ."t'~~I 'lI \1't' T I . O l c n l " T. , ~~ r- . 1( 0 I !' \(' IJ IC \1 \ 11. ': 1: t-. \ Mo II I r CO. 'l'O UCI II \; (;lI umt,ot.ll \V l :..,,-; r~l1 :\ SI r: H HE\·I E"· S, the Ictl. trut'. thal Ihc cultivation of hlcrdture brlll/tS:H ili pI, 3, rtlm n" a \ f'f UIC'l0 "''; O~T l. \ \ h~ ~ .'11' " TlHUU< U. - - 'J"1IJ: II..;aJ . 1\ I a m a t It: 4\~ A~U It:I Own rewar.l, t!ltl nt'!:lcc t of II bn ng. ita own:'llill I tr l r \,. ,1 a,. :l reason for t lu.:lr H' , II,CI '\, I: ann te thr eneeuee of Mn chant. , Tn~ Io x I ' TIll n t t; II I I:\ t 10 1 \ t il Olt :"i l \ A Z'i11 ;\ .l of,a• •N II("\ JIll. l' on- \~~ III A( K\\ OO II· ... '1 )( :\ uru n u \·AI.,HI ,\ I \ Punn bnlt"nt \\ irh th~·8<.l ' Ie\¥,{. tbtlle(lJre, tbeILt·t ).;lH'W 111...· r: ·t1IJ" 10 Ill" 10 ~ r . ( :I. )Uf I J ..I_, f ,..c bcl" and !auu tie- t~ ro ' l~ ho)ln OIH .' I I ( \ "1 I'" .\ \ I I ~.\ \ \ I' \ \ I lanJ Urr ,;:-on t: 1 1 ~ IIJ (H p,:~ll S!..- , I I 1 '" &. C I ' M h ' Amenc an Ill1bh"hr r. " ' ''l lo'Ct fully l~" to inVite theIh31 tI.l·\ ,.11 1I0 l 1.. ilt \t 1111 '1. UfC1: t'In , h' our Countm'" HOUle N aU"lotr,. . ..nJ I " l l "~: ' , d t:a';lr r ROlli /.! :\ ~ ; th • I _ ~ A u IM T( • ~(lll . " I' . , ! l l' '~ r " , especial euen uon o( tbell f, 1I0~ C11l£C n. to the Re4

.. \1' loC"r ll..MdU. ~Ot.ll Hoot.. Icc. ., I Au,., t,,1I 0 :'\: 1. KO:\:t . LllIna touehina et rhe , !) F ulton , nnd , 1 (, QI,l ..t ... , :\ \ w \ ork, peiute cf the ... n ·n U l't rlO,llc.l1i here referred to,..'\. Itt:tl"l' ohl t. U 1 11~ eon t1l:-1 If h, Our eooda we Impor1 dlrret from ~,. VIf 1'orll. I ) f~ 1t . t~arar 1:1 1J ~n \ n n , on .. UC. l : ,v· Ie-.mJ~;ch hla;ul. hy .\ Ui t:'II (~1I d lJ'JA' r bu ilt all- '1'111 ' :-;1: pr uoJ ,c.a1t are the critical censers or fn llllg ccn tideut r hat III ,I \l lll~ It" the_, Will not only

did not growIt' ''' J I' ~ II ' :l k..l h ~· \~OU I I I -horten rrr t 'fuy Chprn ~hlr • • nJ one of the fillft rf" · ... ..\ po l ...Utla. Ihr t , ••( II. l . l ~. '~~ Jh 111,: . t, 1fI ' ",. -("1 11 I the Ilrlll"h ltt"1l1a'it IC anJ htt'rary world, By .u bllt't't'c the IOfl.I ,nl t"!c"tll of popular lnteliiz ence,iii dJ.P'- u ' l h\·o cl:all..·' po.:u d Ihe W) , 10 J J lna: III S ew YOlk City "' III "'",p our . (I.)('k wt'll ~..IlHJ .lJ . AilUI ':, 111 I hI' · 1' t il I . tC3,ID III I ""1' tht":-;: '.mthl'rn an~ \ \ Ul t HIN~l('Ii , 1Iy !\ (' ~ Iht"lr cn UCI. lm•• the)' alII rl'l dcrs III the Melcction of but \Ii III, at tW uUle lime, a.Jd fo the gent'ra' blip-",1101.11 len gthen III ! nig hts " r'l,phrd " lth en!! tbm;: 10 our hnt'. • ] t"J J)0 It \ }) O 1),1, " . , ti ll~(' 1 and It)"'-l 10 lilt !\ orth ll'IJ l ;urOI '9, fll:HlIlal l , aluabJ(' hook. anJ hy the C'lJHomt'. plIlC"1I of 1he n:thon, 1Iy IIlllJarllOil to tho publIC

• 11 .\CCOUNT n OOKS of t ..e'1 d,tT("rt'nt m:t". from ~ 4 1.. . ~ 'I=" C 111\ Ihe ... nil m~ li t h l) tlh "mt Ill. I"Inch they l' reaen l often"lh'fISle the nec('8Alty of ItllnJ II h. althCul ..hmulu.sfor u. Ill, h urJcr of 'n..It W":'\!'I.O~rTN of a j ,lllh ,t:lptll C':l1g \"n c· C.p to Nuprr.Uol .l. of the t>Ht '11I· llty " I l SOO tonll, II t-i. V"\(, ll l~ ' I. tj \ t .•~\ " mn , - ;'\o uJlln("cllon 'l' 1\h 111I ) Illlwr cl prrll. compau) ' l c o n lJu lu n~ work. t~\) yolumlnou. for genNa l ex" h Ilt-e lunl I'lt·. ..urc

m:'ll1 \\ ho wn"" llrownC' III l ilt' H tI 1Ol.:\,- r-~r .nJ bmJ UI,. olanuUr.c:ur~l to d ll! ohl\t r , n~ Jo n J ck" I '~ :1.1 . ~ I I ') I t J "~ ~ IV 'lI l'~O I ~tt ::Il~l .~ l~e . ul,.erl lx:r li ~ ,U1 ~ 101ll 1'1ttl'J the 1Il t,l ~t ') li t t: lIl ~ anu nlltlon. T ht"V till a pl..ce wblch Arnellcan Tf-:ID1S-l'a \ tIlt nt. 10 be m3,1( 10 Allvanoe.I 1 I J I be ti t I f" r he" a ll' MOUA:\:U !'tIS J.... OO .... .. IIII.I1U·C' c· o d u\ .0' . '.If,·ct ur. ~ ' I II VI . I I J I 11 1('.1 1IIU IAtcnc..:to • I ~ th d t f ib • I' " 3 00u I 1 I 115 I:\... I" WOUt . .. .. I tl , ~ l " t I • ftr 'f. ,. eol y l'anl mJo ",tla Ih, (lIIIII "n, " . 11 .l.n lo r. I IIUJ the I' IIC' al\ t , t"Ufl\ C \ 1.1·rc_ U ti li IIUI;;tl lne. COIlIl t! !tupp y , or "'y I'ICU N 1}1'1l"1 11 or on) one 0 e lour \(:..1.......... .... per 1~

~ U1:m of pl:E r t l' lukll1; , I UJ nl", :I) IIkctl . c~unl! .O()~ . ;.' ~ " 10 S .: R Y CountlO"" ... ' I \ IUhl from thc f,)II" \\ III'; 1Htallng mort' . lm:lly to tho .ff.uu , polltac"l. reh- I'or :In, IWO •• 6.00 "I t tt . U TTO)l 1 )1 1 . nc .\~ l l l. t. S 4 .. . ' 'f • d'" (,l~Olt(1 . 'II (Uf!r e.. .\ ):t'ntl . 1J:lou. " cJentitic .nll httury .oftbo conlinent o( l l-·or an,. lhrr(' .. 7.00 tI

I) .. ' J 0 It: lJ . 1I0ult' .0J UNk t urDlture 0 ("" t ri cacui'" .... OilO U I) I' t I ~ ; ;Jq t 'otnm31l,1 ~ (" \.. \ ork, !\ft r" T IIOmr l'ol'ln . II ltchcoek I:urnpt". T hey arl' C'ondu ctt"J b) the be t t. lC'nt u( f or 1\11 f"u r of Ihc n r" lt w.. H,IlO '"A C' ur lOU I [ air la tr)' took I,b ( c o n I. • l ~or:UT I F.RY f Boo eu' \\· u u nhohu . , ~r ' \v I I;o)~:'y e IIIr ll:\;~ : 1111 ;~; of \ \ Itr~rl1 II tlt:1t II l\ tr vool., .. .I.o lll~ \~' . Ih , t t . rra t Bntain • anJ arc " r:ga, w Will. lbe must un .. or ma ,.!twOO(J'. '1 .~J.IO t' . 3,00"

)It),,u J ~ !h a lUer 1111 one 01 our w\· rI1 I I' -11 1:'\ ~" k • ~ li a;neo" ~t m:nu r. cturt'. AIJo) 01: :-;AluuJ.lY. \ 1,, 1 ':1th• • 1 ~ o·r' ut.k. .. . ~t . fur l"I C'UIIlf" llto 1",lly. .. I: 1. «,lark. (l Hlan t unl \\h lCh mt('relt or ..Xltl te the C' IY' l:or Illllt kwooll ah,l three He' le.... . 9,.00 •t u A g<'ntl r ll1an \\ho \\ 3!4 tou ll,. 11 11 .....• ~ roo N

,' C ' - 300 dOl: t !cclt'tl 111 \ 1 Ill\u ll ' II Il lv:u u I\ 1II!) ll\llt t' . .. t raul, HUlUrall 111:1l..1 we1M. \ VhOl' \ Cr aub.c rl1Jclll. to tb(" 1U all. I ur B1If" kwootl anJ f"ur Hcva..: \... . I O,l)1l 04

't U:UlltCtl \\ lib ' hr ('U!'I to m! of th ose \ \' ~"l+I , \ \ I IJ~c:Y:~~~~rrt'~~ I;'f"r our tl:3111' • 1 ••C'II ~I " b\ Iht' 1,(' ,rl!ll\ \\111 cOlllltd with thl' lI onolulu, ti . l . .. ~1a ' chl~1 ~ Jllt t rh~~ lIIay r("~ J Ihe "hlellt r eph':H' ll ta t ~\ (". of tluPIIIlCII'IlI I . B O~ ,\ H U SCo I' J' & CO•• l'ubh"lberw,I It~ I , ell.oJ ttl I,l()k out for l\ b..t1 until :111 Ule <iOL IJ l· t:N 8 - U. jit lf"Y'. ~n,) (1ft . IOU·. m~k(' . Itlr ~d l k.UO\'II. fllY otltl I Illh-J '''I..tell \ I.all Iot l' , ~ :~:II~~~J' Oreg on :: ~;'.\l ~~t~ea;. " ,) 5~:::{~ IOto wh ich th\' pcople 0 l . re3t fltalll Ilrc 79 I uhon :::Ilrttl, entrancr .H UolJ :;1. N'nr York ,l ...·rt h~ ,n 'N' rloubh O!:t.:nllit.:J.. l' ed mg H'rj 6ne. t UIOrtmrn t c:u:rolTrr(",J. of . 1I,0I ;t:.t·... O'llh\ 1> ,\ N1\ i\l ,\ lo re;;on em . AlI..n , '\l d \ lIlh y &. Co) . • --- -

I I· I •. d I . - ' .. ,tbout .ltt n.a.l lJU ca. ca . nJ', ... ... • • 4- 1 .. ' J •. ( . II 'RI"'R'" 'IOX'fll l v ~ I \G \ZI :'i'"h ('p) . au{ n 'w ' l l I" 111a • .: a c:optn. \. uuf("«t ant.. • hI it f" r 8.n l ' rl nCI' ( Oon the 3rt1~ al o( tbe p3.1 ~dOfl,l . I ~,tjnJ r •....8 · rilin• T i lE ED[:"B UHGII RE\'l E\V .• £4 ..,.1 ~ . 1 ~, / ~ I:-

r lT",r l to .....~ C' U rl a lw-I, hl' ,non t IUtO tile 1:l 1.1:11O:R ~l" U S EAl. I' n •.~..... . .~. Cor\lng ..eniltrl. IInJ ma l.. :\0 J("tentloo ",t I'.anuua. I~11 :;e l.ll :soanJJ L r'7J: ) &. ' ~,~ • Ii the f't pou("nl of tliC' \\ 1,IiI p:u t)' In (i rNt Ufllnlll, T he contlOur J lIueCf .. of llal. \1a('1.Ine p....l! h '~' C' :lJ.,Jn nn,l I nl t' u"t) o ne of tllf' bt rth, lJook. M. nl(ulJ \\' ruen . Ocup UtJOl -. l u ~ '1he 1'3narns H. l' ruaJ 18 now U1 o(\Cratlon• • nJ I , i on . \ \ Iz- x(' ha\ln~ fr..", It" cornrn('nC'co mellt lld 'focatt'l.l llrN um llCntl Ibe _lroni Nl Inotl'fe " t o die Pu tl r.~ 10\\ h happ('nrJ 10 1.... o("\,u JII('11 a1 th~ IltIll' 'force ti l•. ,,"c. llie ear,. runnlUg t.. \\ Itliul • ft W IUlle. tlf (; " rgo 1:j;, ~mk . 1 I 00 .. o. anJ thtl rl.;hlA of tbe l'eol'le. \ \"hen the ",ar. ap' nlJk("It till mor.., Iyorlh) of till' uJ p",Cl'lenlc'J (...11\ a 13() IU Ih e :act (.o f um trt'lttn ·. U li ra) , SC'H Ot)J BO O K S n. l 'allW' n!:f" u ' 'fIll thu. !ole tnabl cJ to .'e .bout

l(rUl " alt l.ak ~ ~ I y ' . enEGORY Pro nl lor. J1:1.!eo tly of (lJ; t c r ~I ~ l n I1 10n , ~ :n wl a;N agam. t ~ ?r \\ 11h ",Iuch It h:a tM'tt l r("('('1\'I'd h) lht! pulitic.

• .\,. u .-w"IJ ,o t ak ' . 35 mil,.. of the n yrr nllu llauon. anJ at.o the ('s · JO S I. I II \ \ .. , • P I ranl'e 11\ n UIIOl h l ory rulf r... anJ J Ulll1i .... h l('h 1Jll' prMenl numhrr u ('ml,dh..hf't1 with Iw por...J1I ~d:mh', 1 .. IIlJ 11\.', l~ ..o e """"" a " 0 III t.: :-'3undt r" gt !le. comr !("l". ,)('nll c alHI Jan i er ht r tofole aUtn Jml thc IllnthnJ; Office III the Flfa r roof lI. nkuu; H OI~e. (f lm r ()('rurrf'\l' til" . cconJ grnt " trug ~ le of l:ns:1Ilm1ll rtlltli of the r lllmrnt ..\ ftIfinelln \'nl l'lII In lhll arnl'fI"3J for me n \l cGume·. do .. In boatl uli c';hagrCll . 1t 1he) Will be lan,lt'J hom

lof M OI~ t 2"omc ry llnd M("rchaot dr cet•• • I n run' l\\l lh our own ('oulltr) . tlu. !te\l ew tir. t uuftlrlt.,I, lI ryulJl , \IIlJ U Vll'W tof their re.IJt'nC('l!ll . ItccomI-"

•• ( ; 0001 ( ; ( ,I 'n p:tclJ:ml,...1 th~ h r rl !i,',1 Uro..... n·•• ~mlt h·•• !I'llrra, ·. ( . r. mm4r • ttI6 . tu m(" u" fll'l' of t:I pcnu· . :It lbe CODlpany', ('lOCO, C3I1fo"". the ll:ll; of rClI"lanCl', ruaJe b, ILA unanll\\ ("uhl.., 11IIcJ \VI th o tl~ l n:\ 1 lIk\'lcht'. of 111 .:" hterary ch"..fl:mal ,', it ) OU C:\lwo l com.... ht'u' , go to thr CILl ~ llur,n·•• lJ. vr•• lh ) ·• •" bouuo lI·•• "" toJJa rJ. ,,"haC. t A1l'" I\'fIlIl. I ~cf t 6~ I~': ._ ! tf _ _ _ _ anJ d Otlu("nt np(M'llll III Ilthalfo flUlht nllble Ih;ht. I"t:ler . C'tlwn, UJ.t.nCJI t.lllltWllnJllhcJ III IcUe,. anJ

.•,t1' 111 t 's ~t'l tL " I nJ 1 ...("II AlIlbmetlc. . · T ht' f....n..." lI lg "1 11 be the n ln of farC' to San \" 'EI IS ]' \}>GO & CO 'S the hall!tof 1t'J:I.!l latlon I nd e 'en the thronc lbd f 11("1( nr ,' . ,YIII I.., IllaJe Ibe tuhJ(,,(, t or artlc1. &DtIlgo.:.: II I I da :-'" ' 1 1 l a J ti.nJ tl t'j Oln("y'", \!nrae·•• Mlk heU·• • nJ Smlth·1I ti C'OI;" "'ra uC' I~ '-1ft c:aLIII ~ J l.j • .:J cllbm. ;!.210 , ttl 4 ~ " , 41 \ , lollemble. 'J he en pluc .od. . tunll gl1e1encl thHI. lp lctllf!l\IIIIUittr::r.t IOlillolO . ub4t"i} u("ntn umbnt,

• l l \ ~ r,~;), mc, ~3 1~ J ~, n • ral'bl~·•• Pn m. ry anJ, with •.\, ,!a. ca. . tct"rllt". S::UO. • Al'I. .\:\ TlC .\ :'\ U 1'.\ ClrtC o( IhQlle C' \e nla. l'fUCnlet.1 10 tbe :l:lgt !i01 tbat t l l.~ 1 J'he ('Irculall'.)n of Ibe \111:UlIle IIInow sid,.I rt' :till fUll. Willard'. Il u wry (,of U. 8 ., 10 t.n. h h ~nJ T be ratea of fare to A.PIQ.....llI Will he- 1ft ca1t- E X P RE S S l lll K U I ~ h ("J J ournal t'J.hlt..i l llie trun t loort,-. 11 urt' l,f thoOl.anol, :llld I. r('';11 1311) t'::rl f" uJm R' III "~rv rart

.. i "or hr a t'f"n' ,. ' :\).;" ,U F-a IJ ahc, " J o ~~m.b, io ;6lJ:' 2J caLIII SIS aleerage, ~ J 5. t t . tboae pen Juu. J ..: to be fuunJ . l~r lu p ll, In tht' lol the L:ulon. ~o elrult Will be ..pur.J II) ;cu,lerl~\ c, it U Ja1IJOS,.oi. ILIt' to ad lutl ) OU he rt', McC linlock·• •WeII of lo rN CreClk Gram- 'l or (r("rght or I 'I IUII~CI , apply tl}Ch.... ~ ..\ \"!ut. A J OiNT S rOC K CO MP AN Y _ Capit al langu. gc. l lJilI;n U~n CCW" OOronH~~ itOapp:art'nt, I It 1\ . rt :lt :\ Ilth.lH \1 "" ", k, t'oth III rt:J:ard to ,be)UlI • 'c ) ;u u IJIIJrcf'&'<l " mUL, , . flt') , .at II e olTice o~ tL" co rn palll~ :I . ~o 1II \ \ \,. t f3 00 000-0tliu In M. Dunnau'. Ilew fire." lhllt a t I l'n~ t h the le:lllt'r. of tht' J ory r :u l,. . 1l11Ilchlll... IIlIJ \a!l cty of ill rontell"". an~ Ua a~~p~

" " . II M damr J1 'u hc U) !'Corn to Anth on . I('ne. of the ( . atreet Cornt'r or \\ . nen New ).'o,k . ' bet t: I ( lwhom tbe IhullJ l'I''' o( H~ eloquenco \. I're ~"i>CC l lI l. lion to the waUf" 01 tht' Amcflcan mlnJ. Jhol,; ) la , sal ' . AnJ . I rN t ... " tt 1 o( otht:r School noqk. . . cPt 18t( I l,roo' block, ~f ont40mery at. r~ C' t , \Vttn I I or- Iy J lrctted found It too powerful an m. truml'nt to utmo~t ('.IHe ,,,III 1'I! tak('n to pn' lWnt. faithful . nd

t~'k r 311)' ~Ihantab~ of y ou , I will th er eforl' ' ''' ebak r'a Quarto, octa'fO School , 11 ,1 I\ u:.k.ct IUIlllnd Macramento . lbc rt'l lalro 'hy onltnllry mN.~' antlllt'IlCOtht" N ' pltlulO g pl('lureof cllrrpnt l:llI; h. h hlf" rature, . biJeumlrns Lao." Ulch ull' !Ir l. U:\ (T ED 8T AT &8 Al L ST l:A \l :;IUI' CO lHI. E( Tt1R" . tablu be-d the " Quar1('rly," 0 a'1I la dltltn gul.h t!J lIothtng will bo IJ IDuteJ wblch c. n otTend tho

'll li~ \\ 1 '1 too nlneh for h er J t Jieato ncrv cs . ",· . Ik("r'••nd Col.b'. School ami l' oektt tuck co~ s £cn . a WJTlI Till : II t'nry '\·dl ~ . ' \ ' dham G f argo, among Ibc Amt rlcan Ut'prm , mo-t l. tWIQU. tu le or the mee. t IIOn.e o( moralily.:U1d she u ll cn:tI a liuull tcrt'a m 30tl ru.~heJ DICtlOC.f1e.. P :\ (; (fI C \ ( \ tL 8 LE AMSI1I1' CO\f PA~ \" J obn. on L I " l n~slOn . J ames ~rcK I" , I _ _ .\. an agrecahlo I OJ lJl.t ructl\ C puLh,.ation ~riu to I h~ ca bin T h is lm..u .li t th e Ca ptai n \\ o r~r's IhCUOD&'1....octa. l'I. nJ l 'lm~. • . • __ . " • ":hJ1h P. ' Vllh:amtl, Alphen. fle )nol,J4, . ' T il E LO~DOX QTA HTELY RE\ 'IE\V family rt'llJ mp; ID IUI1 portio' I o( (H it \&4t Repob.

g , I'bllllp·. anJ l"&mr-ou s ~.huon of the I ~u. l .dft'ln D Morg . n, AI('u nder \ ' C . smulI' l 1 he the J' u1l1i. btr. are l!tlcrmlOC'J Ih3t It . ball d k , and ~ cro\\ 11 of p.'\J.~n)!t' r.., m :llIJ)' 0'l!r . Uyron. ~ oore. antl Durua oetno O~LY TUftOl.'OII I.INC TO ('AI IFOU:flA ASD lI enry D. R)ce . wberehl to countencu~at Illlluencc wbJcb IlJI ~~W4 wI~hou t a .U(-ellUI in tht'! IItcralure ot the ,..orld .uhol:1 wc"' 10 noc turnal tlt5IJabJUlJ. nutun b .,Jlhon 111 MorOC'CO Clotb (jI lt and ~betp bmd· o r..CGO,\ '-Tnr..OUI,1I TICKET:; No\'f Fon ED\\' (S n . ~H)n(; .'\N I Pr esident, e, ful 11....1 eJ: ~rtcd Ol: "U1'~ tbelr .;ncaaure, . J Irc tAch num~r of tbe )l agtWne will ('onlaln 14,.1,inL.> the b wCjI' cabin to 3I ct'rla in \, ha l wa."" 109 ' . , SALE I J A~n:~ McKAV, 81'cretary, two greal rohtl caJ partl".. Ut ma \' a t r; n u ~us \ • p' ge. octno, IIltlouhll' column. . Tbu 1'olamea ofthe ro,, ~ Ou r fri ':-Ihl ho\\ \·\ t' r, n\ ail in", lu m · ~maner editions o( all the P OC'IJ in &nnt blOJ.. II " • oJ J J J I I ST t. \' fSI IIP T hiScompan1 , bUlOi compleletJ ill orl:lniu. jfort1s throuz b

fhthclr r~.pec:tnt orglln_i or 1IJr o' a~~...r. tbl''' :(l}ro, Will prNlt'n! POIrl,. two

I f I .. ' I f ' n b • T r, ' l',en I nf"W ou I e rnjl lnt' . 1 ' th n II 4bou I' now rcaJy to und~rtake a gcnt' ral mu lIahOD 0 t elf an agoDlt punclp ea • 1111 ur' lhoutllull ' I e' o( tho cholce~t of thc MllCCllao..8(: f 0 t ie IIOlse :lUI con uSlOn, \ \1l :i roo n WI. • II . II ~r Ita ea complote ILLI~O.S. 2:.:'00 tonti ' II . J . l u rlal("lO, I"Xr n t' SS '}~O R\\"ARUING Al' rSCY ASD ing a long lIell t'Sof ) C'IIU. thellC 1\1'0 le4J lug l't'f.i I I g f I A ( '1 m1co m(l)r tably t n~on~l undcr the bl:Lnkc~ of ~~:.~~~~• ••I:~~O~~ M~C~"oc~!. Oauttlltr . · U. 8 . Xuy CommanJe ~ , btl ng n,ow rraJ, for 5cr- CO \ Ur iSS IO N DUS IN t:&i , the· ~~ rebaae ~nd :OlhcaI. huc con"en1,. tN thc 1"1Ior, , th~ l. len1. ~~~~h l~t~rr,~~;: \~i11 ~;~ t.l~~i:~ny e;:,~rn~~'n;~e'N",on e of the de!rrl ed Led. A :000 ~1f"et lon c( Alrku1un.1 ....ork. . 'fltf' , will Icu e (..,r* aplO\llj lll , ~ ..y D~1 . direct, u lo of Gold Duat, DuUlo" . Dd DIU. of }: u haDglll • dmJ the mt!uence, of th~ allh('rt'nu ef tbe \ \ big . n ,} l "olum("s C",.J)UleflC... ~ut.: Iho ) 11"" .nd I mba-

f 1 . 1 1 . . Olkod orW'. 8rwnl. b . nd FrenC'h Gramma,.. on MonJay. Alml ...6tb• •t 'J o d ock. I . )1" pro- tho ra1mnt I UJ col1«tlon of N ote•• Bill• • nd ,T orJ P1!II~ of.Urf"at Druuo. I "umltera.A t~r :I. consu t3110n, 1C\'f"rl. p 1)" l( l:1n5 .. C;'";ml n G~m:na,.. aud RN der.. c~lt ly . from her Jller••t lb~ foot of \ Van ea atfect, Aecounu , tbe ftJnnrJl ng of GolJ VUlt. Bullion Men o(tbe hlght'S1 hlt'r ~r1 ri nk . D' l,; . _ _

tll--eiJ t"d Ihnt a drorlu cal ~tient s hould be Gttm.n. ~rench . anJ ~pan .. b Dlctionafl. . ~ orlh HI'ftr. to connec~ wldl the , .nJ S~e! al. o " acu lt' • • P. "ceI••nJ I' rt",ll:bt I nf't~:J"e:~~·a-:~~h4~I~e~:n~~~~~l'~~~\[::~ T EIU I::5.fnW d Upon hcarin,r the dt".C; Ion of the ~.r.n ..h, } rr~eh aDd Germ.n Boob . GOLDF....r N GAT]~ .. o~ . 11 d'*lIptaon•• ln ~nd ~twetn tbe Cl11 0; Nr~: 1:ame o( the mOlt r"llfeadt'nt nl~ee on the f.Croll Tbreo Doll" . a ,('II. IH' T wenty.fin cenll •d?Ctorg, a IUD; of tho . ick ruan approach cd J ht .bo"e " a1I . hortly .be . JdeJ to by the am · '1.",00 ton. , LICUlt'n3nt l 'ete,.,n. U. S .Nny . com. \ ork Ilnd tbe city o( S4D I rancl.c O. Dnd lb p tof fame Amon th o rflgular contrtbuto" to 1ho nlltnbtr. 'J be first 'fotume l. now rta d,. , neadyh 1m anJ excil imoo : ....1 o( l. rgo In' uiC*i per Chpper Sblp••lmoal du." ~Inder. ",hlcb . re. mt'r. i, orJert'J to rU I. in at clpal eille' and to",nl an C.lI fornla. conn~ting al l r onJo o' Q Ul rter' HeY"," w("re 8ou the)' Scott bound In muthn • • t T wo n oll. tI . T ho \ Vork

1.4 r allu.:r ! lIon 't submit to lh t ope ra t ion , anJ "e 10. '18 the . u.enuh:hot ~~pubhC I~ our 1'. n. m31 to be In rt J.JIII('u I mmt~h a t t' ly on an,,'al New York w~h the I I ~ea ~ th. ...\ Ol("lr!I't ;r1'Cl~ l l 'ockh1H1 (ill pr~t o.1ltor) AppetrrfOn 'Fc r8'u~ m:!l1 be obulnt"ll of 8 0tJkR ller. and Periodicalfor tucre nCl'f'r w:l.S :my thi ng lopptd In our ~~d~r:.-?hc ~' orden" 1U prompl y . t· o( th~ p. ngeu at Ib. t pOint, 10 1&11Jir ect for ~o~!~.nk~rtth:r~I :~ C.n,d~rE~~r~ i ":~J. ~~~. l ~n . \Vor dJWon b. Lord Mah'~, Ur. Mllm~ ( whoflo Agt nta. onJ of the l'ubltah".. .hou-"O that 13.:1cd mOre than r\ week. I,.\RVfS & tlITCII COCK, SJ..n h t UCI8CO without . n1 del. , . • IOl;'Iton. \Vells & Co.'. E uropean EJ prtM. lartit la 00 Oriental hter.ture hl Te ~n hlgbly LI~ra l :Hran lt~mcn t& Will be mad~ lbe

Sf 18 1 8~2 2U San Yranc~o. r be .c commodallon" of theu . team.hip'.1r T he hue CltabhsheJ omcn .nd (altbful . genl. !(lfI tet!moo,) .nd that wounde rrul women o( ' CJence, T rade and ~Ith 1 0 tma. lr ra for c.ffortt In nrc ul..L.lZI P T YI:.T.-Duri ng lbc su mmCr pt. .. uD. urp. slt'tl, . nJ thfY hu e praWN .to be t~e f..t- in all {he prlllclpl.l C1 llc. and town' tbrougbout I~fI. & mt'niU c, wltb m. n1 otbt'rs acafC'ely IfII tang tho \ \ ork• • n. 8 pt clmeo Numl.en " 111 btl

. . • SA l ' S A l ' A 1'1 L L I CIt e"" r. ucehN - the UllOOIf bumR made thtl . I I b ted T ben gain in lbe Edm burgb RCVle\., aUI,phoo gratu llOu. ly.1 -16 , w r n bt'm~ !lu rea m th o upper pa r t ::;.AN D ' S \. \.", from Ne w York to tbe h tbrnu. ,n ICl'('n the E u tt!rn, ~hJJt (' and weal.ern State. : t'liergeu c IC't.c,.. 'b ' - . " th • II !II ' J'he l)ubh. ben \·,,11 _apply mil l . nd cityoub.f Ill ' · fl' . t . .:.. J f ' tll£: I • furm hOO \'t lth Hon c:h('llu It I' enou~ "' menu on I' ,0 owtng name, an,.

o !&SOur l , nn one 0 t 10 clln e n! uclIlg I~ QUART DOTTLES . d., . ..nd (tJurtrt'n boult , . nJ the fi otdm ( illte I n al U lOesat:ngera • J h I bl lone wbieh it migbt be u aoc1ated :- we rtrcr tOIKn w ra. whon p. yment II maJo 10 Ihem to ad·h:ntl pr~.. ttl for bread, h:n io6 wor n Ihrood- For PurU, in&, the DlooJ, and for the cure o( from Panllma to ~JD }'rJncu eo m ele'fen d",,.••nd ror k1hll H cunt ,. o( trcu ure IIll:: ot er '\1 ua l~ IJ t'lfrc)'I Napier Urough . m MllcklIlto-h anJ ' In Ce. Cl ubtl.u lIl'llot.l upon llberal lllrm.. Mu.Lure the Jlosr lt.3li ty of Lis neighbors, by h i! Suofut. . • , M ercu ll a~ l.h&eaIlCf, e1gbtftD hOUri. . f~:Hal~:' a::o~nc~t ~~~ IC~hr:r~:ll a:~~etlbo uX:I~ n~lc 1~tcCa ul~ y i the n;,t of whom Ju 'lOg hi. lo n ~ con. h:) coverl for cach volume ,\,,111 be furm.h DtJ bl tbt('x (rrruo laziness , tbey thoug ht it an ac t Rbeumatiam.. Cul&ncoas .Eru ption. , Th e Pan. m. RailroaJ II now 10 opt n lll)ll, anJ Sta tell. ell, Inu ion with til. ReView actullllJ wrote, on tho a \ ~ I ublilb ers u.nd Agent. nI .r wt'nt1· th e ct nLa lIeb.h rity t L b' A rd' I b S tubborn t.:lcetl , L ComplalOt. tbe car. runnml to wllbm • few 1011".. of G,)rgo I 'r b ' 11 ' N ' I tabr h fJi t 11 eragt' one tbHd of tho artlclt , that graC'ed ILoI h!ll r t'rwun. J tlIlflnt: the \\ ork ~a r l, ,..111 pltaIC Ii>

l a . 0 ury 1m. COO . JDI ' e was Dy, prI*" DroncblW1, c.a, . t Ibe head of nver nnlgltlon. e1 \\ 1 ,mm late 1 e. . .. 0 Ict'. . I hanl I ct . while tbe un l1'cru ll adrnlrt"() ea..y. (urnu b tb"'lr namt'• • n,) aJdre .. to the .o\re-nta.-C:UflC'tl to'r.trd s th e p1:lce of Interm en t. Dnd Sa h n.h~UD:l , Con. umptioD. PaueDgen gOiDg forward by lh~.e . ",cl•• it ia lbe principal town, an Calt~ornh' .nd run lIlf'Jn- l .. f th! i:.t •rtp l' blllb t"J .0 u ttn;I 'ft'ly 111 our 0\\11 Oro('r. (or number. from the comIDt"nCfOment canlte,ng met by one of tlt e eitizen~ th e follow . Fu er Sorel , F t m. lo Complunu . con6dently cspedcd. Will make tbe qUlcll.t'.t tn p ger.oo tJacrrt ;;n . cco:nt. ur t exurpuae• 0 C; Il nJ the pa; r nt ;OIlIItry It....e 11. in no m' Dner of now ,", ' eon \ crution took"lace: Err _ ptl .., . LoN 01 ApeULe, ere r performed from N.. l~or" .. tHo Yra. c:illCo. ~~ . ~~::. ar: r:;: J~I::O:ouce s:l~:e-::;'fue~.ldoubt .. to t b~1t Brft t l~tnl1e mtl il. AdJ r;,t-~ pl iJ, lI arrtr &. nrothe~ 82PI lI

" lI allo ! what h , vc '\ ou tb er e 1" Pimple., BiJ.. Oft1enl .~.,., Ac., &0. . FAn1r tppJ,o-',OQ wm be nt'C'eal ry to a,ee:ure IJlg P 8 : r . CA HTt:U. _ _ . trH t l' ew \ ork,'" I ~ .." J Tb e value or tb" medlclao II no'" waJell f. for WhlcJ l IIpply to Cbar let A W fulot'v , S; • IE ' ER '

I ?Or 0 J . Ir. S.. .. kno.. n.ond ...,y d.y the fi eld of II. we fuln_ •• • , ' h. offic. of ,h. Compool•• • 177 W.., . " ee" G. norol Agenl on Cob . rDI. . .T I \\ ESTMIl\Il ST REVIE\\. _h \Vhat :Ll'C you go lDg to do with tu m 1" ut.e aded. It i• • ppro,ed and blgbl, rtCommeDtl.. corner 01 W arrcn . LrCcl New York. &opt. 0, 1 8~'2 . It ( fb " ahlo J ournal "' " t .t llbluhocJ unJer the pi ElJu clU(Onill.h Bury h im I) r t J by pby. i.e\an.. and ad lD\U~ lo be the mo. t " , • ---- - - - - - - -,-- , -,--- tronl ge and , up(lort o( l~O ultra· llberal' l '0 . l}I.,J . _ _ • _.. Whal ' i. he uead 1 I dlun' l be.r of po" erful , nJ ...rebiDK prep. ' . lioD Crum lb. ' 001. p AClne MAII. 8T I. ,\ M8 1111 CO lll'A :i Y. A.DANIS & CO. S of lb. Un u. h 1I0u", . f Common., .moni whom - - - -- -~--------

his dOOlb '; · ,btl bu .... bta D . mployed ID pn cu<e. . T b..... m.blp Col .~bi' .,A. V. 81. I..Roy, Tre asure Par~el P ackage and Freight Ro" buek, ~"II , \Jow, jng, )·ror...., Long of Ibn P o r t h" ". ,\ .·.. d CIII)· ••, ~ 11' t d I b h . bl h , opNl uon CI.ltt' the remotest parta of the CommanJer. "llll cne L3Wa \\ bllrf pt & n F r. n· J J London UOI'feu lly , Mil . Man l1le&.u, .ud oLhrll nev c S KINGSt CY AND WIFE T EAC II U !I.

. 0, e I... . no t a, . ut e .IUlg 3S ayaum , and consist.a In remo'tng dlaeueJ achon Cl eo. on the arn",1 ofthe m:'lil l't.earner (,om Pan· EX PRES S Al'D nalDClnud Dot be quotal , conaplcuou. ly n,urt'l.l. • • 4 • " ,""tl l ~, for be 111 ou t 01 corn and l.~ tw 131. In the ab.orb iollanJ If!'c retrog In m. n, 10"11 , whb tbe U. s. m.i .. (or Oreloa . loaeh la~al BANKING HOUSE It ,..•• (or ' 0 001 }ta n unc!t'r ~be t'dlton. 1 Ju ror" l 'ril l . th ird qiliutcr Will commoaee on \V~Iv work for anJ ." X. lUre aelJoa l etfccta, unUli . ted, the care o( an, .o\alClna• • nd it!tufOlnr Without dela, with~n- 1 . . ion o( J eremy lJt'ntbam. rO!",bjc~ fsct it oLtlUle.1 d31. M( thu J . No . tuJt'ol r~Yed ror hot'

it T h3 t i:, too ern,,1 for ci, il i z~1 ~plc.- 'f.ruleot diVaII• • b,ulreqUIln th.e aid of llatUIIUlatll . ~r. and m.,11 fl}r tbe stu m"" from ~aD t) ancllCO I> t~Pt:CTPUL I. Y inftJrmthe ublie tbat hu . Ibe.aobuquet of Ibe mouth.ple~ oJ UCnlb:!lDl fU1.- than n hal qU'rUr, unll'lI b1 flIpr"" Il'~p.I'll i\'~ h im two l ,w-hc~ of con1 m stolf, altt n ti'ft , or .nhlot'ptlC me..hcme. In dlllt'uCI of frorn l' ans ma. A S1 f~ I nJ cODllnolhou. " ,e r \" In catabh. heJ . bOUle in l'~rt laD :' we are Th lt wr~ K hu cn.r been upcclally clnotoJ t" the rnt:nt. Dnd no ~I ame dlopped frtJm lbo roll unUIPO-

hg J • • 1 l' " Y tho . kin .nd nt' h, a combination of thn e tbree . tea rner Will connect With the Columbia, taWing g cJ t f d t d f ' Irea t t( ple1 which lI.tercal lbe rnJ" of tho pf"ople ' u~ of , nIInU:lnce I' ~ lv C'n to the In ch. r.rat er t l:ltt ~ct' 111 m bunr l 31 Ve " . • cla of m(\(hCl I .~ent. ls hi&hly deail1ble. All (1I.lI lCngt !l (or ~t . Helt'n. , Portland, and 0"1 on nuw prer " ~ .0 o~ar Q an ror? lU pele. baa been IIfd, It will be ramrmbcfeJ, \" Itb l T ho 'Iuartel'l will conar.t of t'le""n week. each,

I.f r. S. railed the caVl'r an ti a! kcd , In Ius tbeM! pro~r llCi a re comblDed lDth l. prt par:ation i C,ty. r or pau age or hght rrelghl, apply 10 OrC'g on , Cnhform a., the .\ tla u h c Sla tes and a aeneJ of power(ul llllcJt'. , tenJ mg to lhe rNUC. "l the foUo,YmC rit e. of tUItion : ,usual d ra~mg ton e : and In. LeaJ of operatiDi IIUccea&l'fcl} upoa t be E. KNIGHT , Ai ·1. P. M. ts. S. Co., Europe, hon of T or,. arlll clcl u.Ud I lc Ul leg~1 hcrcdJt3r) ! ~ or l'ru nary Scholars each, Sf, 00

II I -5 J I l ·h·c-l-l-e · J : '1 lIysrcCl, u thO! muort 'nece-ardy do wben t. kt n Officc, t OUier SJcrl mt olO& I.etdetJ ortT , lrttlA GOl.D Dl' 'l,T \' AI.UADLE rA CK AG r. ~ ughLs.kingl' l' rerOI"h vtf , &c. 'fhc 4i to:..mJ mt:' Gco "'r:.tphy C ra mm er &. Ar ithm etic 7 00I , .!\"o, bu t )·ou ca n . oon blac1l11." .rparale1, . Ibr y operate Nm~ltlLlleouaJy • • ntl 10 810 h &ncuc o, or to JO ME PII DUIW RO"', aod enry n riety'of frt lght ' dn elopmt ntll maJ. Il few yt:ar••mre. re ,pcclln K I~ l athema ll ;5 an d Nah~r31 S cit"nC'c.. ' 7 00t, ]) ..r. i. v-c O-D b-(), .:;'" loerftct harrouuy whea ~nit'n).te l eJ In ilil. (orm. Agent. Port lanJ Orr~n. "" c dllp alclJ per P .}t . S . S Co..'. S lcamera., our the wJ'("k hed ami, tht n, unbeard of horro1llof eoml" l G k L r I."} L ... I 9 00

) oJ III torHC I'roperty trenglbena the dlJ:Clllon. anJ .'N. n, r u ..ngf"r! can!,ot bte r~ce l 'fN on balrJ rC'gu br Sem.mon lbly l: lpreu, bC'f e on or ~nnchee of the ! llinlOg pop~lltllon of E nqland, re t' , ' 1 In., 3n~ rt nc 1 311g U3o E'S,

A IL · I ' I ' Impro\ ea the I ltpttltl'. III al~rnlve tendtOcl wllhoat tla t ll (rom the l:omp.ny • offiCC'... lIlJout tbe IOtb and 2,j,b of CJch month in tlllle to fln t , ppl"areJ In at.. fllu. l\ ot only hne lIa :a f~ 1 Dr.L\\:mg:m Pamlin g , {"1tm , 5 00

qu~r oo lling cu orne r tn ~t rt eu. liS "mCi 011 the accumulation I of morblJ rn.U('r : IoCpt18 tf connoct with the Panama . ' tlclc. ("..t r bt'CIl di rf'Cttd .g am. t the afol1NDenu lII' \ \ ' e \.,ou:J aMure till, CIUJ,.('II. of Por ll. nd endItt'ad IOtO a n auCllon &t o rt', ::u.d lookmg ~ DJ JU anU'ltpllC inftucocc neulralrtCll the "HU' , N St L~'-- ' Vc aro !rep:lrcd to fonn rd end INSUR E I'd IIbutetl, the work ha. _Irloml mllll1N an unre· \ ICTnl h thai Il u the J t."1Il t:n of lhtl T rn lcn of lbec ra \dy .tt Ih~ knig ht of l h~ Lammer, iu - by \'I!uch the J lst.a..e I' fOiteroo. Ita unlf"rm ' uc- e,v age Ine ~ I T reallure 3n ....Iuoble. 10 any amouol. I\'nlme cruUollo ogaml t tbe alhancc of Chu rch llllll j l l1l1hUillon 10 m:lko II ("\ .:ry \\ ::'11 worthy or Ihtu(jui rr cl- , CUI In cun nr .nd relieving tbe varlOU' dille c, Through by Daylight from Ohamp<leg H.nin.a: . upenor ndvanl.gc. for the (orw4nlina: State, thul \I! tu:ally ,~edu l~g to a bohab the 10 Pllr p. l ron ll~ (". A M , ol)n 11'1 Iho numl~ r o( achofllrt

" Ca ll I bid , air 111 for .... hlch It " rKOlnmended, u ettaLlished by II G""a ,'i\ ro r.\ n.. ~r."":"') of r aebgu and }~n~ ighl . we "re en.lolN to afford h.ment. ry )(ell&lon of 1.ngl. nJ , and C\~nt tl ll ll) IWIll ,... rrant , It ,",'Il l be olganlUt! Into prlm.ry•• 1 C trh inl y ," rrpl ied the :m ctione cr U1ultiluJe 01 f. ct. , i.f'-J G:Y~ :....:J~ merebaou and othcn mereued faCilities bet" cen to rt'rnove tbo . ttll ..\" tlOa: m"rka of feUJ . lllm' l m. le allJ (ernll. le dep.rtm('lut•• F requeot ehADJ:'n. , - - E D£ Pt JIS baa JUlt e. tablll heJ • fine or 8.10. Fn ncllCOIn J Oregon willeb contmue to alllct the Drlulh nati on. It of book. wilt he . \ OIJa! and no JXlIU. will b,

I'~?U ~an b,..J.II" . . LI VER CO) tP L.\Il'ti· A:\U S :U.T RUE UM. ~ . Sta be- (r~m Champ~g to Salem. whICh i. m ill, Note., :w.dothcr ~olltct :oa., aUtoded to h.... recently beeolno th~ mt~lum through which . pe.rN 10 m. \ceit aU our ~.~tr"oa can dc-sire.~\ t'11, t ht'n , , .a ld the w:lg) waIlu ng off, N'ew YOlk. J uly 27, 1849. well .weht.l " nh . uperior AmeriCiDbonn. 'J'bll promptl, . CoW('n l)romu,gntf'll hi... rl e-traJo doclrlhf!'lll . 'f o Iboae 1l1lroaJ . the fmt llution Iioid. (lot It

IC j bJlI JvUgood n ig h t ' " !t-fenu,. A. n.&.D. ~ands-(;f'nt lt'mt'n : WorJ. beiDI tbe daill bne. the Q en ....1111nn Ch ampo. E.';:C II.\SGE OS which wll 1;11"0 It Incrcaaro Interest to the num('r" t11ron'l' Indu("f'mpnt. 1U . n,. in Ih fl 'rpmlory~ li lt('lin but fecbl1 I prea my ft('hnlP, In conn,ml eJ 00 the Im... l of tbe "'". , hlagton, and ot. er 1I0 z,1 0:O> , OUtadmlrera here .nd.dcaeVtl be re,o! th~t :: rt!at ~f1 commoJ l(HJ. au,l ncw. beaulIfu1l1 ll tu~\('d aad,..

1 hrre i~ a y pry (unn y German custom the IlleumA' 1nu lhgt1lce thl t my wlft" la rt1ltored . leamer. . Abo. one , te. mer IC3Ve& Salem eyerl Nr.W YORK f~rmer In mllny p. r.lIcu!3u the " ('. tmmlitcr l, e4 Ialy 8CCellllhll1 from aU (lOID l. IQ Ihe T ernto ry.-rOIlCcr n m2' th e coufl'hing :mu no- c.b Io \'fiu(l" tl) l>frft'ci health hy the \I.e of Jo ur an•• losLle morn~n l' HohCJ ting • •bare of palronaite, the r ll;L \ IH I ' )'1110 .I e,," u POUUt a pol ~lIca l (:l1lh e:tol\ely alht"J. to tb.. l Boa.rd c:ln he. hlul, 011 rC<l.. onabie tu m.. in aomo of

h- . 0 I T' 0 ~rnr.nll1 . Bhe wal . nh ctttl \\ Ith a leH re cu- proprietor pleJ&elt hunet )f 10 t'rnploy non e but ex" . . t , of our o\vn countrf. , nnd then ·fore we rna,), wllh \ht'! bCllt l:lmd,,~. ID thl"' City , lind H"vtlral you. ,cJllfl ng t t" ler \lce- '!DJC at. C JU.rC'h I,," ' . neoua dllCUCthat con rell Ihe \\ hol(",u l f:aC'o Ilf penence..J drnen alld .:enLlemanly Il~D'" CALT I\IU r. .' , out any n lraorJ lllary effort of cbant )', Le mJu cctlf per. on. ur 1.oth IIOUtt ('.li n obtain pl lle~ wht!11I.'J.c rpJ IJI:ln stop' .:1t d lft'crru l prnoJ .. of 111.>1 tho IlO that It would hu e Iot ("11 mroa1hlo S.1MUE L CLARK) Sa ll'm, CI ~ C I :f:"' ATI , 10 chemh It a' an I"I ?rItC worthy of bell1l pngralt. j thcy ('an ~y Iht l! IKJftrJ 10 " bole or In ptI ri bJ' IId lbCouru, ",tcps b..,c1,;: (roIn t he pulpi t , and 10 totlch any part that wu frre from tbe bamor t'(' pl 1 ~ If \V II. REES, Ch atnpoE'g 4 ~T. Lo UI" , N Into o. r more ge!"liil lOll. I t bru recently Lt" n w uog mornlOp and e"eninX'.. Any comman'"Itan(b a nd LloW8 hll no"(' . Th~ en ll~ con ~ the 1.. 1Iod fau and bod,. "'ftCcn'f t' ~tJ with .c alf'll . .. ..' _ . • • • .. NI:' \ On LI A ,,; ~ , unlled WUh. the f orelgo Qual lerly ltC\ ICW. Ihc l"~ (jona . ,},JrtNetl to J . mes U . Wi lbur or C. S.g r..g lio n im ital e h i. exa mple , ::md d~turb like IhOtMl of a fi.b . the h. lr f.,.11 out ID lar~e :'\ B\\ 1 H..\:\:SPOR1.\ 110~ nou I E ~ M N • RAS LISCO &c; Inore aUrscH"e .(eaturc. of tbo .two HC'U W3 bCU1~ Klng. ley an reft fllnee tl) the acbool aecoromOt!I'

1 · h · Iq'1llntJtlei . nJ walk-ml nU M'll lbo mOlt ncrucu.- • , . now cemblON m the \VeatmIDl. tt'r, and Ihu• • ~I Halla fur board Will be promptl,. I ttonded tot 1Cu- r Vlct". a t no 01 fO r h fllt' . tmg .'001:....u It affected Lbt' JOIn tl m lre K'vcrt l, 11:.0 '\t o r..F.GQX CITY TO I'oAI el(, Depol ita recei"oJ OD apocial or gencra) a~oll nt . dia, ,reali, to It. \'Slut! .. a htcmry ('CriDdlcal. . cpt18 If ' J A8 . fl . Wll.ovn,

• I h ~ 11 'Dy other parL Hhe l utTered s l", a long:tlmo V) U lil <!lm&. t'iLl~ Q)0 <B 3 .. Ltt~er. of cra ,ht gl.,cn on our boua!' 10 Si n - -.~ T h. man who IU ' ar poml<d , com-I"."00 "hllon or ,h. Ii.... eonnoc'ed .. lth g.' '' . 1) l'C\\·E I.L'" Co. ' I Cb.mpo<g, . r. no.. FroncllCO. • • TH E NORT H BRITI SH HEVIEW, '1'1 m T U \ 1. \ '1'1~ \ C \DFl\IY

mlth~ t o c."tam lne Int o 1111 o w n co nduct , has cr.l J eoltllily••nd a proa rauo? of the nt n ou. fI).... \I . prtp arN to rcct l' e. 1I0ro aoJ forward Rood. GOLI> Dt:8T DO~ Gl I T AT 1I1GII E qT RA,!TR i• • work of more rocenl onJ IO tbl n tboaa _Iready • l 1 . ~ ~ »r r po rled 10 par t, auu :Liked fo r powe r tO i~cm r hY. lClansJ be1b In Europe 'nd Amerac., of all dnctl[ltlon. , to a all:'m. and al ber pJacei • ADA~1 S &. CO. dtllcnbod-but II, ne'trlhle,., det tmed to occupy J . Itt . I{IEI ron , "IU~ C I f'A L,st ud tor (lCft'Ons an d>rJ H" FJ )'1l; if haJ nbsurtod the \Ho. 1 rMllf\lliec. Without atT«t· above QU tho moat .....aMloki lerm.. AMII! to;- N E \VI-:LL & CO , Ar enu • • • prominent . place In tho Uepubhc oCLeUt r.. ISl t d ' th t f ) ' G T ,1 1t~ h:ul know n how much th; rc ,r J.i to d o 110': • curt. or IClreel,. afflJ.r:Jlni' rrh ef . llnd tbe Allen . McKlole, t5r C" .-Orf llon City. Stpt. 18. IA82. tf T ho .rellt u cl.ilIJ tical movomcnt IDScoll. nJ hncv;,~.~n~n T~ I::~~ti ~UUO~ n:,'.;"i~ i:I

,:he \\ ou M o r \ f'f ha ve underlaken th .: job.-'-: hut ~,,'~hca) . 11.1 11 waa una"'~IIn$; . u.nlll llhe hapi'I" Craw lord·. W bar( Doal, do d,) DUG"':' &. CO'8 led 10 i~ tlIlabliabmtn t• •Th n e 1'1" no J ournal in fancy, y" parent. aad gu.nhanll IlMinne- to .rnJ

) Iy u~J , our ~.napanll.. l"he dlSl&1f!' waf pro- Capt \I urra.r-on board the W uhlngton 0 E tbe Uaned Kiagdom ",b leh 3ppured to meel thC' the IICh I 1M, ed I r bel1Bos lo n l ost.. nocneed &all rhea m, b~n het " bole IIJatetD, in ler ~ n. l"ie'" C'll '" Co.-Cbampex-g, ' r egon . xprcss. necHSitiea of Ihe A~ti Nali olla l ~Chu rch :a; illt ion. :::" hhfllln:: .n~uty :(': ':0 1=~I;n...:t~ \0-

SnPaLiug o f illten cnt io n a claap said the :Oa1~:'p~t~~t~I~~~~~~~ht:et:·~~:i ~~: ~!lswolclh &A(;o.I~_ - Salem, '''T ILl. ber".ner eonnt el with AD.' :\f S &. I n~tedd the rnol uho~ cb·.L1Hd

~y lho t isrupliun td hgm cf! and morality of the in h abi tl n~ 001 ....ol1u'-;'·d al.'" " j nt!\ er i n l r r ~ ened but oOee 8e.rapanU. for lix week•••nd laking in . U le.I \\~o~~t D k.&n~ M II ~ f CO' S t'...YPU }:~~ . r on rI. \ NU. O UI·: . 10 uce a new .~e ~ Ing... p.•ClOlt I elJac~r. (lltCl.Uy lhe.t al)('h u-chf fl "III be f'mployed u will

~ , I than d tha ab . • uc 0• • a"..,. I e. GUN. onJ. tbroul b them to In new (lOIIltlolla .0 rYatlon .nor CD~ I HI} mob tho hll:hell Jnt ntal . nll mer. l ImproYemeolan d t ha t 1f:l~ k t w cr n an I rJsh man DJlll h i! oae oun bouJe-. t e 00"' c:nJoy. lwUI'f C lla rnp o('g', f't' pt 18 tf • , give utl\'fOnce to their new pcrcel'hofl' or ~L.\w nnd o( t ll('l . r.J olarll lh., cb,lef bJeet.w ife ",h i) .. the \f rre cxc hancr in fb t.i rorn: heallh than for ) e&fS PleYlOU t 10 taklD': tbe S.,· _ _ • _ _ CAI I Fo~ r .\ , T n r. AT I. C liT \ Tr. J1t & Et:n o ri . Chu rch l' olrcy-tbt ll new ay mfttb lC~.-thclr new llln (': If 0 . , tlM

d til f4 il ., . I t ]0 g t ~ ' li panU&. Th o objecl ln ouking dUllCOrnlnUhlcu· T il F \V I LLA ~IET fE HOUSE \ \' e hu e "atabhaheJ ai(' nelct: M all1h e prmci' f1111 0Iion••\. itbout aome orglln of thoughI than IIny lK-A I tOr nnd noMo Ac:a~ emJ' bU.llJm~ ta n. e 0 oWin g lJ W 1:1 g? or m)' tlon I•• thl t . U ",ho ba'e . uff'rreJ lU . be h.all. m' l 4 I' ~ :'Ii ' pellO W' :md camp' In the UmI11U:!l . ROKue Hlver .h~ n u tan l. II cnce the . pontl nN>u, air eemenl of ('II e!t'c c ?n a aile comm~n. In, a Y.18W 0 ~

pa ll.1S: On~ brok,.n head , four .k l~kt. a Loot know \'fbere . nJ to wboru to .... ply lur rehcf l .oJ I '.. TII EOt~~~":~{'sI~~E..~g ~ou kl re. t.. and Shuta mlhl"l. and p"ltI . 1I \\ 1 I lI h~ to lIen,1 let· the J{r t mulf r mmd. Imong lbt m. In thoJ n~ee' :i::l~~ ~v(,,~;:~:~t~li~~~I~:)~::~o:31 'r=n~J:lCk, and the end fir a n .x~hehc. tbat not In n Ul ) , U • complete elJre Will be the .. . ~ 11 fl bl ( . d:a d he bl pee ten or packaR~ to .ny of the mlRlJIJ:' dl.l ncLl of tllty of a ncw outlt t o( 0lllfllo(t .nd the ImlneJ late I " ', .1 ' fi laob d ftbe

- -. - - -- . . ruull )ll wlfc uhltea wltb me la hcartft:lt ,baIlk. " u J In orm • !I("n . n t pu IC R' r.~ Xorthern California . nd ()reClln , can forw. rd crU lion o( tho North llnuab iteYlt w. T ho ba, i amp e aceamDJoIUa tion' 0{ I "pe.rtmenla 0R lteh tr waYfI, " No ma o can c ll ht' r Ilv(" - . nll bth e\ e me, :;:- f" ul1emen, Ie~I, .~b ll be tilhreet ntly taken cb.r~ o( Lb_ b,. tbis nprt' .I,y IClVlIIg the UlaU,.r 1101 the ollice (If II." Journal u thel:... nge1i.Nnoft hel'iloeleentb ICbt?Ol. • ' .od' Ii the

p iOUlI)' or. d lr r lgh tE'Otuly w ilhoul a wife ." Yours 'lIIr f" .~I)·., 4 ~ re:~ I;O:~ ::ty : f ~orlll=~~te':~':~ ~cA~ or AD.\ MM&. Co.., Portlllnd, aoJ OregoJl CII,. . ~Dlury J nor i. it to be over~JrN U ona C?' llit tow: : e:: t5~~~;:lc~• •1.';':~~n~~r~Jlt)l~:ukioA ver y w lckell otd bac heJor o f ou r arf)u aIlJ I ~ C J C f ~ t. U ~"t.~{ N ,\ ZER:. oJ to &CcolnlDodate ,..,Ih board . nd lod&: ln rr~I ~bO T REA ~U H E f OR\\' .\ r..o r.n L'RD En I ~ A t:nA :'H r. drlk lt~g r blrlC ttlll llCS of tbo tUD", and the gra ad Ort"gon City . nd l ..raJ ette..a nee sa}1 10 t hi" II Oh, , ,,, I IUfrt' rin~. and ~~~' ~nlC 1~~I~t1':Ofl; ~:h ~~;'::~f':;r Itn., fn or him wllh thr ar I.. tron. ge. · Co llt'ctlnn, maJt , and all E lp re.. buaino.. ct. fhllJc,plcw~llch nO~~/' JStDut:ili.~J Il~·ny of Tb o tu m: of tbe In. m ullon wUl commence ..5ever Ina1~ pu rify an l1 ch:Ulc n th e heart )J ;hat tbe for~ solU l; Irt. t ('m e ~t . to ""hlch ht' h.. . ut.-' Th ankful (or Ihe hber. 1 patron. p . Iread,. re" tended to With f1 romptnea llnd ch"patcb. ~ t) 0.;I::: r::do: ~~ow~~va:. t:J '~I':~::~ follow. : . .

. - I( n bod hi. n. me. I' Irof' .nd attura te. IO th(' t.nt r f" l,.ed. he wuuld rUV'-'c:tfiJlly f'ohclt . ;Ol.ltnu.nce M'l' t18 tr DUGAN &. CO lllclttcd IIl lh l. aMe work. and iu the NJ.nO 1Ikrar e pnnr tenn . Ihe 211 \ Ve:Jne.J. y i~ March I

A n old blthl")or haYmg~n J:lUghf'd al uf hi, knowlf'>t!,e and behtc'r. S\VlIOiaDdlIolr..lWcubeJ of the aame. J . 1.0{)~US, I ropnetor. . - - --- - - - - I .t I y z:Jumlller lerm,lhe 2d \ If eJp -.J.y la J une ,by a p:1rt)· of pretty Slrl 5, toM th tm_' ) OU thy 27th d. y or July. t !\';9. lltflln! ,nfl. 1- .. .. .. 4 G I'; U RU E JI . E~S IG N , \ In ( rupo I" _ _ I 'I~ term. tho ad W",I:JfllIt.1ay m ~ptember i

r maIl pot at oes I ' ' \V m • b ' II C. S. \VOOIH1UJ.1. "hyor. I GEORGE II . • LA~DEnS, OIl£GO:'( 1.4.:'(1) A:'Ii U 1. l' )(IIHt OFl' ICf I ' . . ' Vlll1cr term. the2d \\ rtln~ay IDDecember.a t" ~ . C :lJ C ~ma ' t) . ' ... • BlUu lnrd 1lbC'n ,.. Ibeae d,. l..i nlul.h rJ ,..orb .re ' T be term. will be i&'tl'ft'c Wf'oeb eacbpnl~loe," I3 IJ one of Ih t'IU, • bUl We ar t" Prt'pl tf'd . nd m lJ , wl.I.llf'a le allll rch il. "" .\ C01UII!'!lIOS ) t t JU..IU ST, _76 ~Ion lgotncr)' Stree t , S an 1· r:\IICISCO . nd C!ver tun e ber n. by tho blCh\'1l t ortter of l'ICbo-- T uiuon-primu l alud -_'0: 6 lI 'b do f..iSiu d 'l IlC' ! ' (J & D. S.nd.. J) rugCI~r .nJ I·~em l.! .,I OO 1' 111· .\ . 41) DE AI..}:l t l:'i ~1l:n<: IJ .\S IlISE. Wl llr«th o Orel:oll J um~r I IIJ prottUce, OIl I" tic al."ll1,.anJ pohlrc:ll lIIIg.c lly. we need not be pr r term. Board m.y LoI:U~l~ in ~::lc r~mt'

. • ton ' Uet t. oor!'r r o( , \ UIt, m. r\~w \ ork.• :'CoIJ I 'WPI I t f r On T(.A:".: ll, Or-t (. ON. comml alon, anJ nab cA.b aJull,-," un tbe, au rpuJiN h.J Iinll lht'nI (KCWP111l1 . uch a pr"UJ lha-. • G. II . ATK INHON . Secretary.A n tnlln·u.Ju:l.1ou t \\I"t ad \t~r tist's l o nam e . 110 b,. Dn.Ju it u gt'nfln ll,. throaghout thtl I, nllf"J _ .\ 1.0 Will lIt'lI lanJ cJalms or town Jot., on hbe,..1 pre emlnec arnon, the It\('r• ., producllon of the N. n Mr. K.eeler 011 l& t be , hi tlhe . um·

cl u lJ ren for a Ima ll col1ll""nlfat ion IIt' !:l\ ! ~aW' I an~ C.n.J~ . Pn ce ~ I pe-rb.>ul,· , III \;at J OS l:PII \ \' 'J u. ur e B, , term. . • • IworlJ ; anll tho ncg-h'Ct of their high ~la ima upon Iller tr rlll, on • tour to th~ _a~... butea


he la well acq ua in ted w,lll lIu!' c')aSll irfi and dell.for" " . I IVIr• •·Sf .I N 1.r.1I o,; t R\ • \ o n , AN D ) It r fcor to ~o , (. ~ 1IIC'., 8l\!t rn , I . J . l>r, cr. E, q" j thc ("onlll ldt:rallOIl or all c1aaes ef the mtelhitcot .oon n. l'tlul hlo-ho i. "ulhorlu J 10 obtam .pplll·I t ' I d I . } or a:alc ~t () t ("~ lln ( II,. loy oor 1I ~,.nl" , II'Htl:!nJ ; Capl. rn ,lZ' a ll ~ , \ ..lllcou' cr. llllJ If • •\1. CUllllQluuty. wvuld nect'Nal1ly argue I ('orre.ponJ IrlliU. phllolO(lhica' he for tho In'htuhon ,\

J:unan I", (.I ~J 'V~ . moo l I 3n u:trmOOIL'U~ I 1.1 0 . •\ IH. tr:\ t: r In' do. to. I Olt \ UlHI f :i\1 \ S'. 1\. 11I;:h1uO. ::;1. lJcJu u , I Ituiil ,ud' lleu nC'e 10 tho gr"l H1 tcre. tt " f lhe cOin t:Om l~'ICzlI tf"acher \'f'UJ be'~cur~1 W lb. um';.1I:J 1O "~ Iv tit.: c lu lJrt' u 8('1'1 8. l ~h~ = . If . 11'1 1::-- tf ~ r Il l U; :\5, o. T \ ,f t ' Jl t l ~ tf lUun wcal. Uut a "J'l!It of phiiowpillclli In'lury fll'!' t1R If .- r G. II . A.