the colville examiner (seattle, wash) 1912-10-12 [p 3] · 2017-12-18 · you cannot beat the...

You cannot beat the Leader) V/VH VI *f flffftm Alii Mnn QuaHty or trader Ser- I QUIlg 171811, UIQ I^l^ll^ The policy of this Great Store is better merchandise, better service than can be JkM 111 A J If s&Kwi rliddle-Aged Man or ciples The Leader has grown —— from a small businessto one of the largest in Stevens \u25a0 1 W^ County. rhP KftV You connot beat the Leader anywhere for Honest, Up-to-date Wearing Apparel YOU read about the Olympic games; the contest for suprem- acy; men competing in skill, swiftness, strength. Business is like that; a little. We're trying to excel in our business; not so much to beat somebody else, but to excel ourselves. Our goal is "the highest service to our customers;" we want every man who comes to this store to get what's best for him. Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes are the best clothes made; we sell them because we know it, and because they belong to just such a store, and just such a service idea as this. We can fit any man, and we can satisfy any taste in color, style, weave; and any price-idea. Come in any day and see what we have, whether you want to buy or not. You're welcome, Beginning now we are able to offer you complete stocks in fall suits and overcoats in all the latest styles. Come in and see them. New Fall Furnishings—the latest patterns and colorings in shirts. Beautiful cravats, 25c up. Newest styles in hats. Colville Leader The Colville Examiner, Saturday, October 12, 1912 Page S We're going to put the right sort of clothes on all the men who come to us—young or old; the kind that makes a man look well-dressed. "JOHN" CarllMle'n A|i|il<-n Break Itei-unl. From Colville News Bureau: While there are very few statistics upon which to base a comparison, it is very safe to say that F. G. Carlisle, owner of the Gem Fruit farm, located in the "Bonnievale" district, about one mile south of Kettle Falls, Washing- ton, has established a record for the production of perfect Jonathan apples on young trees. A number of competent Judges who have visited Mr. Carlisle's ranch this hummer have been heard to re'iiark that there was no better kept orjhard in the northwest. Mr. Carlisle is tho- rough and painstaking to the highest degree. He neglects nothing, and he leaves nothing to chance. He .voiks hard all the time, just as hard witn his head as with his hands. He gathers in- formation by study, observation anil experiment, and he has the ability to put liis knowledge to practical use. Kvery detail of the business receives his personal attention. That it pay a to do things right is demonstrated by the results obtained. Mr. Carlisle has just finished deliv- ering his crop of Jonathan apples to the Fruit Growers' Union. His young or- chard is now in Its fifth year, and the following record speaks for Itself: Number of Jonuthan trees 5 ; ears old, 164. Number of boxes of extra fancy, 414. Number of boxes of "C" grade, rive. Number of boxes of culls, four. When one comes to realize what these figures mill, he will appreciate how marvelous this record is. In the first place tills shows an average of over two and a half boxes to the tree. For 5-year-old trees this alone Is remark- able, but the astounding part of it is that over 97 per cent of the total yield was extra fancy! Tha best growers in certain of the older districts say that they are well pleased if they get as high as 35 per cent extra fancy. The number of boxes of the different sixes is given below: Seventy-two apples to the box--one box. Eighty-eight apples to the box—ten Ninety-six apples to the box--nlne boxes. One hundred and four apples to the box—eighty-nine boxes. One hundred and thirteen apples to the box—one hundred and seventy-one boxes. One hundred and twenty-five ipples to the box—one hundred and ten ooxes. One hundred and thirty-eight apples to the box—seven boxes. One hundred and fifty apples 'o the box—sixteen boxes. One hundred and sixty-three apples to the box—six boxes. All these apples were packed by Manly Hughes under the strict rules of the northwest fruit exchange, and were subjected to a riuid inspection both by Manager Dexter of the St'svens County Fruit Growers' Union and by Inspector Kosderka of the state de- partment of horticulture. Absolutely no fault could be found by them.— Charles J. Webb, secretary-treasurer of Stevens County Fruit Growers' Union. Sd-ieiix Cnunly'M Winning*. From Colvllle News Bureau: Stevens county s prize winnings at the Spokane fair are as follws: Colville Chamber of Commerce—First on sugar beets, first on table carrots, the Spokane fair as follows: A. Potter, Chewelah —Second on sheaf red clover. H. W. Sterrett, Northport—First on Missouri Pippins, First on Swaar ap- ples. But four plates of apples were exhibited, and two won first. William Hughes, Crystal Falls—First on best sheaf spring wheat, Mr si on col- lection rare and promising vegetables, first on white onions, second on timo- thy, second on long radish, second on clover hay, fifth on sheaf and shelled grain, fourth on forage crops, second on winter radish, first on sheaf red clover, second on dried sweet corn, sec- ond On red onions, second on sunflower. All of the exhlhils were used at the Colville Yep-Kanum, and Secretary W. W. Campbell and Inspector .1. C. Kaki« helped to arrange the booth at Hpokane, Although Colville really made the ex- hibit, the booth was In the name of Stevens county. Out of eighteen competitors on non- irrigated apples, wo won fifth. We also won the Great Nortliern ipd" clal, a silver cup, for best collective exhibit. Among a dozen competitors for the ljest organization exhibit, we BCori-d 705 points out of a possible 1000. In addition to the other prizes, this county received firm prize on mineral exhibit, and ulho prize on gold uicd silver ore (from White Elephant, Ori- ent). s.HT.-icr.ii Applicant*. From Colvllle News Bureau: According to reports Just issued by- State .Superintendent of Schools Henry B. Dewey the following candidates for teachers' certificates at the recent teachers' examination passed satisfac- tory grades and have b<;en Issued cer- tificates: J. F. Aber, R H. Ball, Mrs. Laura B, IJarr, Mabel Baußhman, Mabel IS. Bentley, Mrs. John Busch, E. Clark \u25a0Campbell, Mrs. 11. A. M. Clianey, C. \u25a0Grace Cooper, Aura M. Easley, Ethel 10. Kdgar, Mary B. Miller, Irene Geaowuy, Oeorge Olberst)n, Muriel J. Gn.iay, M.-b. Josephine W. tUtt, B, B. HerK».-BlMflrncr, Helen Johnson, Howard E. Leea, Emma. F. I-inse, Hattle ft. Maupln, E. H. Max- well, Grace D. HcClain, Alice T. Mc- Miii-in, Kxlo Miller. O«orge .1. M.\ i». W. E. Nelson, Mary O'llellly, Julia K. Potter, Orace Khides, Mrs. Joycelyn HhodeH, Mrs. Mury LS. Behusrle, Kattia M. Scroggs, Mrs. Anna Sherwood Frank L. Slncock, Leila D. Smith, U D, Stan- nard, Frank L. Stonehouse, Viola It. Taylor, C. W. Vandewalker, Mrs. Mary I. Vosper, Ayleen Green. Wanted for Awault. Prom Colville News liureau: Sheriff William Miller returned Sut- urday night from Trail, 11. C, having In his charge Arthur Kelley, wanted for assault with Intent to kill. Some weeka ago Kelljy, who had hroken Jail at Hepuhllc, shot a man named Mac- Donald hecause he claimed that Mac- Donald had been unduly familiar with his Indian wife. Kelley was concealed by the Indians bear Kelley Hill and ul- timately was helped over the line into British Columbia. The Canadian au- thorities found his trail at Hosaland and fololwed it to Trail, wh're it was Hevrrent Ke«olnll< na I'aurd I. Col- ville City Council. Whereas, William Scott Prlndle. late of Colville, Washington, has beon called to that "home from which no traveler Whereas, for rr.nny years said Wil- liam Scott I'rlmlle contributed Lin time and hla fortune towards the betterment and the up-hulldlng of the city of Col- ville; and. Whereas, at the time of his death he wan a member of the city council of said city and for irany years had ren- dered invaluahK hut gratuitous, ser- vice as such official, and that by roason of his prohlty, love of honesty and fair dealings, he endeared himself especially to those with whom he worked for the good of the city; new, therefore be It Resolved that we, the present city government of said city, extend our sympathy to the family of our de- oeased citizen; thai these resolutions bf spread upon the minutes of our reg- uUtr meeting and that a copy thereof be fi.i warded tv the family of the de- NniMCounty Apple* In l>rmilu<l. Ahuri evidence of the Increasing pop- Ularlty of Stevens county apples In tin: oast, we note the presence of an flit- noli merchant thin week, who bought two carloads fur shipment. The con- signment consisted of on* carload .if Jonathan! and \u25a0 car of WaKeners and Winter KananuH mixed. The gentleman \u25a0topped off here and spent a day XI the gueHt of the Loon Lake irrigation Com- pany.—ljOOD Lake Time* SIOO 11.-.inr.l »100. The. readan of tins paper will be pleased to learn that there la at leaHt one dreaded dlmaso tl at science Inn been n.M<• to cure In all ItH stages, iuhl thai la eatarrb. Hall's ditarrh Ci r.. Is the only positive cure now known to the medical frati rnity. Catarrh >eln« a OOnitttUtlonal disease, requires a .'on \u25a0tltutional treatment Hall's Catarrh Cure 1h taken Internally, acting direct- ly upon the Wood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease and glvlni; the !< i strength by building n> the OOUtltUtlOn and assisting nature In <<<>- IriK ItH work. The proprietors have ho much faith In ItH curative powers that they offer one hundred dollars for i.ny case that It fulls to cure. Send for Hut of ti-nliriiimi.'tlH. I Address K. 3, CllfcNiiV ft CO., Toledo, Ohio. Hold l.y all druggists, 76 cent*. Take Hall's family I'ills for co istl- patlon.—Adv. A contract has heen let for a new $7000 union high school building at Kettle Falls, to be completed hy Feh- ruary 1, 1918, Special I'linnrn' I 1.1..11 Meeting' From (Julvllle News llureau: A special inuetliiK of the local farm- ers' union i \u25a0 called for Saturday, Oclo- ber \i. for tht purpoM of discussing MYINI rnuttii m. among which In the grain suck proposition for next seuson. Tin: union Intends Importing their Hacks for the future direct, thereby Setting the lowest possible price, ami It Is doxtred to learn the approximate number of Hack* to be used In thin Motion by members. Another matter of the greateat Im- portance to the farmers of this suction Is a local warehouse. At the present time there are no adequate facilities In Colvllle for marketing such products anil grain, ami It < to bo hoped that the unlun membership will be Increased to v point that will allow a warehouse to be built here for the handling of root ami grain crops ho that when a market Is found, the produce can be de- livered. There in no reason why the Farmer should not handle hia products In the same manner as any manufac- turer, and to do tills requires shipping facilities, which at present tire not to be had. A oordlal Invitation Is extended to all who are Interested In matters pertaln- lriK to the welfare of the fanning com- munity, whether union members or not, to attend this meeting and discuss all such mutters as »ay come up. Meeting will he hold in the union headquarters, third floor of the Rickey block, at 1 o'clock p. m. A. S. Jones, proprietor of Lee Phar- macy, Chlco, Calif., Bays: "I have been selling l'Viley & Company's medicines for years. Folev's Hone;' and Tar '.' im- pound 1 consider has no equal and Is the one cough medicine I can recom- mend to my friends as containing no narcotics or other harmful properties." Carroll Drug Company.— Adv.

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Page 1: The Colville examiner (Seattle, Wash) 1912-10-12 [p 3] · 2017-12-18 · You cannot beat the Leader) V/VHVI*f flffftm AliiMnn QuaHty or trader Ser-IQUIlg 171811, UIQ I^l^ll^ The policy

You cannot beat the Leader) V/VHVI*f flffftm Alii MnnQuaHty or trader Ser- IQUIlg 171811, UIQ I^l^ll^The policy of this GreatStore is better merchandise,better service than can be JkM• 111 A J Ifs&Kwirliddle-Aged Man orciples The Leader has grown ——from a small businessto oneof the largest in Stevens \u25a0 1 W^

County. rhP KftV

You connot beat the Leader anywhere for Honest,Up-to-date Wearing Apparel

YOU read about the Olympic games; the contest for suprem-acy; men competing in skill, swiftness, strength.

Business is like that; a little. We're trying to excel inour business; not so much to beat somebody else, but to excelourselves.

Our goal is "the highest service to our customers;" wewant every man who comes to this store to get what's best forhim.

Hart Schaffner & Marxclothes are the best clothes made; we sell them because we knowit, and because they belong to just such a store, and just such a

service idea as this.

We can fit any man, and we can satisfy any taste in color,style, weave; and any price-idea.

Come in any day and see what we have, whether youwant to buy or not. You're welcome, Beginning now we areable to offer you complete stocks in fall suits and overcoats inall the latest styles. Come in and see them.

New Fall Furnishings—the latest patterns and coloringsin shirts. Beautiful cravats, 25c up. Newest styles in hats.

Colville Leader

The ColvilleExaminer, Saturday, October 12, 1912 Page S

We're going to put the right sort of clothes on all the men

who come to us—young or old; the kind that makes a man lookwell-dressed. "JOHN"

CarllMle'n A|i|il<-n Break Itei-unl.

From Colville News Bureau:While there are very few statistics

upon which to base a comparison, it

is very safe to say that F. G. Carlisle,

owner of the Gem Fruit farm, locatedin the "Bonnievale" district, about one

mile south of Kettle Falls, Washing-ton, has established a record for theproduction of perfect Jonathan appleson young trees.

A number of competent Judges whohave visited Mr. Carlisle's ranch thishummer have been heard to re'iiarkthat there was no better kept orjhard

in the northwest. Mr. Carlisle is tho-rough and painstaking to the highestdegree. He neglects nothing, and heleaves nothing to chance. He .voikshard all the time, just as hard witn hishead as with his hands. He gathers in-formation by study, observation anilexperiment, and he has the ability toput liis knowledge to practical use.Kvery detail of the business receiveshis personal attention. That it pay a todo things right is demonstrated by theresults obtained.

Mr. Carlisle has just finished deliv-ering his crop of Jonathan apples to theFruit Growers' Union. His young or-chard is now in Its fifth year, and thefollowing record speaks for Itself:

Number of Jonuthan trees 5 ; earsold, 164.

Number of boxes of extra fancy, 414.Number of boxes of "C" grade, rive.Number of boxes of culls, four.When one comes to realize what these

figures mill, he will appreciate howmarvelous this record is. In the firstplace tills shows an average of overtwo and a half boxes to the tree. For5-year-old trees this alone Is remark-able, but the astounding part of it isthat over 97 per cent of the total yieldwas extra fancy! Tha best growersin certain of the older districts saythat they are well pleased if they get

as high as 35 per cent extra fancy.The number of boxes of the different

sixes is given below:Seventy-two apples to the box--one

box.Eighty-eight apples to the box—ten

Ninety-six apples to the box--nlneboxes.

One hundred and four apples to thebox—eighty-nine boxes.

One hundred and thirteen apples tothe box—one hundred and seventy-oneboxes.

One hundred and twenty-five ipplesto the box—one hundred and ten ooxes.

One hundred and thirty-eight applesto the box—seven boxes.

One hundred and fifty apples 'o thebox—sixteen boxes.

One hundred and sixty-three applesto the box—six boxes.

All these apples were packed byManly Hughes under the strict rules ofthe northwest fruit exchange, andwere subjected to a riuid inspectionboth by Manager Dexter of the St'svensCounty Fruit Growers' Union and byInspector Kosderka of the state de-partment of horticulture. Absolutelyno fault could be found by them.—Charles J. Webb, secretary-treasurer ofStevens County Fruit Growers' Union.

Sd-ieiix Cnunly'M Winning*.From Colvllle News Bureau:

Stevens county s prize winnings atthe Spokane fair are as follws:

Colville Chamber of Commerce—Firston sugar beets, first on table carrots,

the Spokane fair as follows:A. Potter, Chewelah —Second on sheaf

red clover.H. W. Sterrett, Northport—First on

Missouri Pippins, First on Swaar ap-ples. But four plates of apples wereexhibited, and two won first.

William Hughes, Crystal Falls—Firston best sheaf spring wheat, Mr si on col-

lection rare and promising vegetables,first on white onions, second on timo-thy, second on long radish, second onclover hay, fifth on sheaf and shelledgrain, fourth on forage crops, secondon winter radish, first on sheaf redclover, second on dried sweet corn, sec-ond On red onions, second on sunflower.

All of the exhlhils were used at theColville Yep-Kanum, and Secretary W.W. Campbell and Inspector .1. C. Kaki«helped to arrange the booth at Hpokane,Although Colville really made the ex-hibit, the booth was In the name ofStevens county.

Out of eighteen competitors on non-irrigated apples, wo won fifth.

We also won the Great Nortliern ipd"

clal, a silver cup, for best collectiveexhibit.

Among a dozen competitors for theljest organization exhibit, we BCori-d705 points out of a possible 1000.

In addition to the other prizes, thiscounty received firm prize on mineralexhibit, and ulho prize on gold uicdsilver ore (from White Elephant, Ori-ent).

s.HT.-icr.ii Applicant*.

From Colvllle News Bureau:According to reports Just issued by-

State .Superintendent of Schools HenryB. Dewey the following candidates forteachers' certificates at the recentteachers' examination passed satisfac-tory grades and have b<;en Issued cer-tificates: J. F. Aber, R H. Ball, Mrs.Laura B, IJarr, Mabel Baußhman, MabelIS. Bentley, Mrs. John Busch, E. Clark\u25a0Campbell, Mrs. 11. A. M. Clianey, C.

\u25a0Grace Cooper, Aura M. Easley, Ethel 10.Kdgar, Mary B. Miller, Irene Geaowuy,Oeorge Olberst)n, Muriel J. Gn.iay, M.-b.Josephine W. tUtt, B, B. HerK».-BlMflrncr,Helen Johnson, Howard E. Leea, Emma.F. I-inse, Hattle ft. Maupln, E. H. Max-well, Grace D. HcClain, Alice T. Mc-Miii-in, Kxlo Miller. O«orge .1. M.\ i».

W. E. Nelson, Mary O'llellly, Julia K.Potter, Orace Khides, Mrs. Joycelyn

HhodeH, Mrs. Mury LS. Behusrle, KattiaM. Scroggs, Mrs. Anna Sherwood FrankL. Slncock, Leila D. Smith, U D, Stan-nard, Frank L. Stonehouse, Viola It.Taylor, C. W. Vandewalker, Mrs. MaryI. Vosper, Ayleen Green.

Wanted for Awault.Prom Colville News liureau:

Sheriff William Miller returned Sut-urday night from Trail, 11. C, having Inhis charge Arthur Kelley, wanted forassault with Intent to kill. Someweeka ago Kelljy, who had hroken Jailat Hepuhllc, shot a man named Mac-Donald hecause he claimed that Mac-Donald had been unduly familiar withhis Indian wife. Kelley was concealedby the Indians bear Kelley Hilland ul-timately was helped over the line intoBritish Columbia. The Canadian au-thorities found his trail at Hosalandand fololwed it to Trail, wh're it was

Hevrrent Ke«olnll< na I'aurd I. Col-ville City Council.

Whereas, William Scott Prlndle. lateof Colville, Washington, has beon calledto that "home from which no traveler

Whereas, for rr.nny years said Wil-liam Scott I'rlmlle contributed Lin timeand hla fortune towards the bettermentand the up-hulldlng of the city of Col-ville; and.

Whereas, at the time of his death hewan a member of the city council ofsaid city and for irany years had ren-dered invaluahK hut gratuitous, ser-vice as such official, and that by roasonof his prohlty, love of honesty and fairdealings, he endeared himself especiallyto those with whom he worked for thegood of the city; new, therefore be It

Resolved that we, the present citygovernment of said city, extend oursympathy to the family of our de-

oeased citizen; thai these resolutionsbf spread upon the minutes of our reg-

uUtr meeting and that a copy thereofbe fi.i warded tv the family of the de-

NniMCounty Apple* In l>rmilu<l.Ahuri evidence of the Increasing pop-

Ularlty of Stevens county apples In tin:oast, we note the presence of an flit-noli merchant thin week, who boughttwo carloads fur shipment. The con-signment consisted of on* carload .ifJonathan! and \u25a0 car of WaKeners andWinter KananuH mixed. The gentleman\u25a0topped off here and spent a day XI thegueHt of the Loon Lake irrigation Com-pany.—ljOOD Lake Time*

SIOO 11.-.inr.l »100.The. readan of tins paper will be

pleased to learn that there la at leaHtone dreaded dlmaso tl at science Innbeen n.M<• to cure In all ItH stages, iuhlthai la eatarrb. Hall's ditarrh Cir.. Isthe only positive cure now known tothe medical frati rnity. Catarrh >eln«a OOnitttUtlonal disease, requires a .'on

\u25a0tltutional treatment Hall's CatarrhCure 1h taken Internally, acting direct-ly upon the Wood and mucous surfacesof the system, thereby destroying thefoundation of the disease and glvlni;the !< i strength by building n> theOOUtltUtlOn and assisting nature In <<<>-IriK ItH work. The proprietors have ho

much faith In ItH curative powers thatthey offer one hundred dollars for i.nycase that It fulls to cure. Send for Hutof ti-nliriiimi.'tlH.I Address K. 3, CllfcNiiV ft CO.,

Toledo, Ohio.Hold l.y all druggists, 76 cent*.Take Hall's family I'ills for co istl-


A contract has heen let for a new$7000 union high school building atKettle Falls, to be completed hy Feh-ruary 1, 1918,

Special I'linnrn' I 1.1..11 Meeting'From (Julvllle News llureau:

A special inuetliiK of the local farm-ers' union i \u25a0 called for Saturday, Oclo-ber \i. for tht purpoM of discussing

MYINI rnuttiim. among which In thegrain suck proposition for next seuson.Tin: union Intends Importing theirHacks for the future direct, thereby

Setting the lowest possible price, amiIt Is doxtred to learn the approximatenumber of Hack* to be used In thin

Motion by members.Another matter of the greateat Im-

portance to the farmers of this suctionIs a local warehouse. At the present

time there are no adequate facilities InColvllle for marketing such products

anil grain, ami It < to bo hoped thatthe unlun membership will be Increasedto v point that will allow a warehouseto be built here for the handling ofroot ami grain crops ho that when amarket Is found, the produce can be de-livered. There in no reason why theFarmer should not handle hia productsIn the same manner as any manufac-turer, and to do tills requires shippingfacilities, which at present tire not to behad.

A oordlal Invitation Is extended to allwho are Interested In matters pertaln-lriK to the welfare of the fanning com-munity, whether union members or not,

to attend this meeting and discuss allsuch mutters as »ay come up. Meetingwill he hold in the union headquarters,third floor of the Rickey block, at 1o'clock p. m.

A. S. Jones, proprietor of Lee Phar-macy, Chlco, Calif., Bays: "I have beenselling l'Viley & Company's medicinesfor years. Folev's Hone;' and Tar '.' im-pound 1 consider has no equal and Isthe one cough medicine I can recom-mend to my friends as containing nonarcotics or other harmful properties."Carroll Drug Company.— Adv.