the communit churcy newhs - · new clas roos spacem ther. aree probably 10 member0 i...

THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS VOL. VII STOW, OHIO, FRIDAY, JULY 18, 1941 NO. 29 FOOLS Fools they are that try to build on the sweat and blood of others; fools are they that try to build themselves by pulling others down; fools are they that impose and levy burdens on others while they themselves gloat in their in- feriority. This gang of fools has ex- isted since the world began, and, lo, our age is infested with many of this deadly breed. True and worthy building begins on a foundation called service, and, without exception through the ages, men who have heaped about them a worthy honor and fame have been those who served their fellows, their age, every- body, everywhere, world without end. All this because they gave un- stintingly and without greed or selfish gain to all mankind. Jesus Christ illuminates history as man number one in this regard. This Man of Galilee holds first place in the hearts of all races today. His name is above all names for He gave His matchless wisdom, His exemplary life, His love, sympathy, all, He gave it for all the world and that all men of all ages might be benefitted. The fatal mistake of Mussolini, the Dictator of Italy, is to build again the glory that was once Rome's at the expense of millions and m'llions of dear people, creat- ed in the image of God', but who have no part or interest in the wild scheme of the Italian Dicta- tor, slaves by the millions to gratify the gloat and passion for power of the man who would say, I am God's anointed, but whose fingers drip with the blood of those whom he enslaves. If this human dictator had a true love for man he would be doing some- thing constructive for all men everywhere and not alone a scheme for Italy. FOOLS, FOOLS, these mortals are, and will they ever learn ? The fatal mistake of Adolf Hit- ler is in his mad dream of world conquest operating with the mightiest forces of destruction that the race of men has ever known. His whole display of ter- ror, destruction, and human slaughter will all pass, it will oc- cupy a sordid page of the world's history, it will shock the races that are to follow. Nevertheless, like a house built on the hand, the day shall test its foundation and it will crash, for it is a self- ish and bloody design to destroy the weak, to crush the small, to enslave the many that the German Nation be superior and by right of conquest be lords of all the earth. FOOLS, yes, FOOLS, for here men will find a law, and that "law is that a Nation is glorified not for her brutality but only for her service, her service to all the world. No Nation has long surviv- ed by appropriating, or theft, or oppressing, or violating the divine rights of others. The true and last- ing glory of any people lies in their solicitude, their kindness, and their good-will to all men every- where. FOOLS, FOOLS, are men when found fighting against the sacred rights of the children of men. If the world would stand all men everywhere must be neighbors. Our statesmen must plan the good, the uplift, the prosperity of all

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Fools they are that t ry to build on the sweat and blood of others; fools are they that t ry to build themselves by pulling others down; fools a re they that impose and levy burdens on others while they themselves gloat in their in-feriority. This gang of fools has ex-isted since the world began, and, lo, our age is infested with many of this deadly breed.

True and worthy building begins on a foundation called service, and, without exception through the ages, men who have heaped about them a worthy honor and fame have been those who served their fellows, their age, every-body, everywhere, world without end. All this because they gave un-stintingly and without greed or selfish gain to all mankind.

Jesus Christ illuminates history as man number one in this regard. This Man of Galilee holds f irst place in the hearts of all races today. His name is above all names for He gave His matchless wisdom, His exemplary life, His love, sympathy, all, He gave it for all the world and that all men of all ages might be benefitted.

The fa ta l mistake of Mussolini, the Dictator of Italy, is to build again the glory that was once Rome's at the expense of millions and m'llions of dear people, creat-ed in the image of God', but who have no part or interest in the wild scheme of the Italian Dicta-tor, slaves by the millions to grat i fy the gloat and passion for power of the man who would say, I am God's anointed, but whose fingers drip with the blood of

those whom he enslaves. If this human dictator had a t rue love for man he would be doing some-thing constructive for all men everywhere and not alone a scheme for Italy.

FOOLS, FOOLS, these mortals are, and will they ever learn ?

The fa ta l mistake of Adolf Hit-ler is in his mad dream of world conquest operating with the mightiest forces of destruction that the race of men has ever known. His whole display of ter-ror, destruction, and human slaughter will all pass, it will oc-cupy a sordid page of the world's history, it will shock the races that are to follow. Nevertheless, like a house built on the hand, the day shall test its foundation and it will crash, fo r it is a self-ish and bloody design to destroy the weak, to crush the small, to enslave the many that the German Nation be superior and by right of conquest be lords of al l the earth.

FOOLS, yes, FOOLS, for here men will find a law, and tha t "law is that a Nation is glorified not for her brutal i ty but only for her service, her service to all the world. No Nation has long surviv-ed by appropriating, or theft , or oppressing, or violating the divine rights of others. The t rue and last-ing glory of any people lies in their solicitude, their kindness, and their good-will to all men every-where.

FOOLS, FOOLS, are men when found fighting against the sacred rights of the children of men. If the world would stand all men everywhere must be neighbors. Our statesmen must plan the good, the uplift, the prosperity of all

10 T H E C O M M U N I T Y C H U R C H N E W S

STOW COMMUNITY CHURCH liKORGE M. HULME . . . . Minister *!5)> Ardniore A v.. Akron. U N-JUS.'.


Stow, S u m m i t Co., Ohio. P u b l i s h e d weekly . S u b s c r i p t i o n pr ice 50c a

E n t e r e d as second c lass m a t -ter May 4, 1937 a t t he P o s t o f f i c e a t Stow, Ohio, unde r Act of M a r c h 2, 1879. Off ice of p u b l i c a t i o n , 360 W. Ar-ndale Rd., Stow. H. J. S t o o k m a n , i-.'d-itsr.

races, and if Christianity be worthy of its founder it must have one high and hoTy passion, that the happiness of all the world.


B I B L E S T U D Y L E S S O N July 20

Printed Text—1 Cor. 5:9-13; Titus 2:1-8.

Golden Text—Ye are the salt of the earth. Matt. 5:13.

It is a difficult thing to live the right kind of life if associa-tions are constantly with those who are living in sin. Paul taught that the church should have no company with a "fornicator, or covetours, or an idolater, or a re-

viler, or a drunkard or an extor-tioner.'

Naturally, this doesn't mean that one should not speak to a neighbor guilty of some known sin, or refuse to w,ork beside a non-believer, or deal with him in a business way. But it does mean that parents can refraiin from bringing such people into their home in a social way, mingling with them as a recreation and let-ting their children come in con-tact with those whose ideals are lower.

Specifically, if a Christian comes to the conclusion that drink is ha rmfu l to him and his family— and Paul classes drunkenness as a sin—then it seems that the simp-lest way to make a stand on the issue and obtain reinforcement in this resolution is to s tar t choosing friends who do not drink. This will remove the constant tempta-tion which is thrown in his way when associating with drinking friends, and it will bolster up his own convictions to be among friends who are taking the same stand.

The light of the world is the light of a perfect un-derstanding. Our thorough knowledge of our pro-fession brings to the ceremony an unmistakable note of sincerity.

Funeral Parlors with homelike surroundings.

The McGowan Funeral Home

T H E C O M M U N I T Y C H U R C H N E W S i.ft-

NU-WAY CLEANING AND PRESSING There is a D i f f e r e n c e — I N V I S I B L E S H O E R E B U I L D I N G

KNIGHT SERVICE CO. WA-2224 2041 Front St. Cuyahega Falls

You remember the story of the man who said he would lift the wagon out of the mud puddle. Someone said "Why you can't do that." He replied "Certainly I can. I 'll use my head and get four other strong men to help me!"



Members of Mrs. Cumpson's class, who picniced at Nelson Ledges last Wednesday wish to thank Mrs. Ralph Nichols who furnished transportation to and f r o m the picnic grounds.


Bill Denton To Preach

This coming Sunday morning July 20th, 10:45 a. m. Rev. "Bill" Denton will preach at the Graham Road Baptist Church. The regular pastor, Rev. Douglas, is away on vacation leave during the months of July and August.

Attendance at Graham Road Baptist Church Bible School last Sunday was one hundred sixty-five

which included nine visitors. <$>


Bible school picnic of the Stow Community church will be held Saturday, Aug. 2. The place will probably be one of the Metropoli-tan Parks. To make arrangements the picnic committee will meet at the home of Albert Hall, William-son road, this Saturday 7:30 p. m.



The Apostolic Church of God has opened a mission in the building at 116 Munroe Falls road, Stow. Services are held each Wed-nesday, Saturday and Sunday at 7:45 p. m. and Bible school at 10:00 a. m. each Sunday morning. Preaching by Sister Mae Ronk. Everyone invited.


P A T R I O T I C D U T Y *

A meeting of the P. T. A. Execu-tive Board was called by Mrs.

For Sundaes, Sodas, Ice Cream—All Dairy Products See


10 T H E C O M M U N I T Y C H U R C H N E W S

Cundiff for Wednesday of this week when plans were made for the National Aluminum Drive which the government has request-ed the P. T. A. to supervise in Stow. This will occur on Thursday of next week July 24th. Volun-teers with cars are wanted to help make the collections. All house-holders who have old or non usu-able aluminum kettles, pots, or pans are requested to have them ready for the collectors. In case you are missed call Mrs. Cundiff and she will see that your alum-inum is collected.

By all helping in this drive much can be done to relieve the aluminum shortage and also show the world where we stand on the mat ter of preparat ion for National Defense.

<•> —

BOYS P I C N I C Members of Boys Bible class

Number Seven meet at 2:00 p. m. th 's Saturday at the church f rom which place they will sojourn to picnic in one of our parks. $

T H E A D D E D R O O M Dear to the heart of our minis-

ter is the erection of additional class room space on the rear of

M A R H O F E R C H E V R O L E T General Service Garage

Telephone OV-8919


Marhofer Block S T O W O H I O

the present church building. The plan seems to be to use this for t h i three largest or adult classes. While we believe that much need-ed repairs should first be made to the present building and that the same should not be undertaken unless the cash is on hand to pay the bill, it is suggested that if the three classes who will benefit most are sufficiently interestd and really "sold" on the proposition of new class rooms, ^ should not be such a difficult matter, for it 's generally conceded that what folks really want they will find some way to obtain. For instance think of the electric refrigera-tors possessed by our church nem-bers, the cars, the new summer clothes, etc. Each individual must have been sold on the idea before the sale was made. So it is with new class room space. There are probably 100 members in these three classes combined. If all are sold on the idea as being most important and vital, ten dollars f rom each one would be forth-coming without even asking. Then with this $1000, by doing all the work ourselves, we might have the class rooms. But are we all sold on the idea?



Larry Keenan with David and Marvin Kutinsky attended the Twin Coach Picnic at Meyers Lake Canton last Saturday.

While Miss Finney of Alliance, Ohio was a week end guest of Patsy Slabaugh and parents they attended a popular concert at the Cleveland Public Auditorium last

E. M. Guise Coal & Supply Co. OV-8711 MUNROE FALLS, O.

T H E C O M M U N I T Y C H U R C H N E W S i.ft-

Saturday evening. Before they return to their Long

Island home this past week Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Witsaman were entertained Wednesday with a dinner at Louie Youngs by Mr. Witsaman's sister Janet and hus-band Kennc;h. On Thursday even-ing their aunt, Mrs. L. G. Witsa-man of Akron gave an informal dinner party for eight of her nieces and nephews.



Mrs. J. F. Tonbert, grandmoth-er of Miss Sally Bannerman, Elm road, is visiting relatives in De-troit.

Garage for rent—171 EdgewViod Drive, Stow. (C. H. Durbrow). Adv.

Carol and Mary Zimmerman spent several days last week vis-iting their cousins at LeRoy, Ohio.

Carl Armstrong of Knoxville, Tenn., is visiting his cousin Mrs. Bart Ridenour of East Arndale Ave.

Antiques Repaired Rcfinished

Cabinet Work Upholstering

Clint E. Worcester Darrowville . . . .Te l . WA-7553

Charlotte Ballis spent last Sat-urday at the home of her friend Grace Price at 140 South San-ford.

Dr. Henry's class of boys who won the banner last Sunday met outside in a tent. I t seems Keith Hall is president of the class.

C. C. Bush, Elmwood road, Stow has been under the weather the past twelve days but had hopes of returning to work this week.

For Sale—White Rock Broilers, dressed free. W m . Huston, 2nd house Lillian road, Stow or call WA-9647. (Adv.)

Esther Circle f rom the Good-year Heights M. E. church picnic-ed at the home of Mrs. Myrtle Stout, West Arndale road, last Wednesday.

Deep and shallow well electric pumps, new .and reconditioned. Special low price on new pumps while they last. E. F. Kastens, Plumbing, East Graham Road, Stow. OV-8926. (Adv.)

Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Mowery for-merly of Stow, now of Clarksville, Tennessee, are visiting this week with former friends and neighbors on Liberty Road.

Chestnut tomato stakes y2c per lineal foot. 2x4's, 2x6's, 2x8's, 4x4's and inch chestnut. Also walnut, poplar, cherry and oak. Joe A. Mitten, 142 Thorndale. OV-8725. (Adv.)



KENT-STOW MARKET On Kent Rd.—Top of Hill—Fourth of a Mile Past Fish Creek

Telephone Kent 4234

10 T H E C O M M U N I T Y C H U R C H N E W S

Paper Hanging. Prices reason-able. Work guaranteed. Call even-ings, WA-8297.

On Wednesday of this week the Meadow.brook Garden Club held their meeting at the home of Mrs. Arthur Amlung. Mrs. Clifford His-sem was assistant hostess.

Broilers. Leghorns, 25c lb.; heavies 28c lb. Also heavy hens. Dressed free. Damons, OV-8781. (Adv.)

Mr. and Mrs. H. Dalcher and twin daughters have re turned to their home in Philadelphia, Pa., af ter spending sometime visiting the William Daleher family, East Kent road, Stow.

FOR SALE —1937 Plymouth Coupe in good condition, good tires, built in factory radio, and heater. No tax. Inquire 191- E. Kent Road, Stow or phone OV-8526. (adv.)

The Bible school voted last Sun-day to turn one hundred dollars of their money into the church build-ing fund. This was to help pay for roof repairs and the new copper gutters and spouting that was recently installed.

Keep the flies out. Screens of all sizes and kinds made to order. Trellises and garden fences. Segel-horst, 734 Hudson Road, Stow. (Adv.)

Visitors last Sunday at the home of the Hendersons', Baumberger road, were W. D. Patterson and daughter Doris of Mt. Vernon, Ohio, and L. L. Johnson and child-ren Rae, Kathryn and Hugh of Akron.

Light Hauling, rubbish or any-thing up to t'/2 or 2 ton, local or trips. Call O. L. Cook, WA-8121. (Adv.)

When we called last week C. V. Cross expected to have enough of his home completed Monday so as to be able to move in that even-ing. Son James ranks on the job as

chief carpenter and electrician. We accept cotton stamps in

trade for any cotton products. Stow 5c to $1.00 Store. (Adv.)

Visitors last Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bish-op, Hiwood drive, included Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Whitmyer of James-ville, Wis., Mr. and Mrs. Vander-sall and family, Mr. and Mrs. Pierce and family and Frank Rian ar.d family all of Akron.

One dollar adjusts any machine in your home. Repairs on all mak-es. Have one used electric porta-ble and one electric cabinet ma-chine. Price reasonable. Free sew-ing course with machine. Singer Sewing Center, 2373 Front street, Cuyahoga Falls, WA-8429. (Adv).

In appreciation of the solo by Miss Betty Bishop last Sunday mcrning Rev. Hulme said that it "fills our hearts with pride to see our girls and boys advance in the great fields of usefulness. Nothing can make a parents heart rejoice

Experience Is A Great Teacher

Get Your Upholstering, Cabinet Work, Anything in

Furniture at McGRAIL


150 E. Kent Rd. Stow, O.

T H E C O M M U N I T Y C H U R C H N E W S 11

The government urges you to buy coal NOW. I can deliver your favorite kind now but later on—this, may not be possible.

Place your order NOW. Call WA-8121

Cook Coal Delivery and Light Hauling like seeing their children go for-ward." Both Mr. and Mrs. F r a n k Bishop were at church a t the time.

Waited—Mowing of any kind with new Allis Chalmers mower, also will do plowing and fitting. Go'Jd work. Reasonable price. Cash. Louis Griggy, Ritchie road, Stow. (Adv.)

Judson Russel and family re-turned last Sunday f rom a week's trip through the Great Smokey Mountain National P a r k in North Carolina and Tennessee. Mr. Rus-sell remarked that one day of their trip they were in six states, name-ly, Ohio, Vest Virginia, Kentucky,




;; Dentist $ !> DR. W. B. OCKER f «; Credit Extended > • OV-8510 9 a m. to 9 p. m.J » Spaght Bldg.. Stow j

Virginia, Tennessee and North; Carolina.

Those present in our Bible school orchestra last Sunday morning included Mr. Otis Max-well, Director, Mrs. Shakespeare, pianist, Harold, Bab and Bill Ham-ilton, Sonya Thayer, Bob Weyrick, Jean Olson, Jack Olson, Dale Cumpson, J immy Cox, Sally Ban-nerman, Marc and John Byron Stockman and Florence Ayers. We enjoyed their playing very much but think the audience a re inclin-ed to talk o r visit too much dur-ing the opening number.

Wanted: A large number of new choir members—-people who like to sing, men or women, to attend choir practice at Stow Com-munity Church. Start about Sept. 1st. (Adv) .

Br r-r-r-r . Beware the Ides of March—"Bill",—for there a r e some women in Stow that are go-ing to watch Bill Large when he puts his 40th bir thday money in tlje box.

FOR SALE — 24" Banner Fur-nace. Good condition; including pipe for first floor, Ernest Bowen, Hudson Drive. WA9624.


Ritchies Meat Market The Home of Better Meats

N. L. Ritchie, Prop. 407 Ritchie Rd.

T H E C O M M U N I T Y C H U R C H N E W S 11


CENTRAL CASH MKT. WE DELIVER OV-8521 Quality Meats, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables and Groceries


L E A N 7 - R I B PORK CHOPS 291 lb.


Bacon BRANDED 25^ ib.



15^ lb. MARKET

S W I F T ' S Pork & Beans 3 t a l l cans29^ C H A R M I N

Toilet Tissue 4 r o l l s25/ D U R K E E S B R A N D OLEO 2 - 35^

S W I F T ' S

Brookfield BUTTER 39*