the community art proposal2

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  • 8/13/2019 The Community Art Proposal2


    The Community

    Art Proposal

    Our community art project is to create

    a mural for the playground at St

    Cecilias primary school.

    Our mural will meet the needs of the client, the children and teachers at St Cecilias, by: It is the schools 75thanniversary since their opening, so this will be incorporated into the

    mural. This will be done by having lettering on the mural displaying the 75 years.

    The house colours of the school (red, yellow,blue and green) will be incorporated into the


    We found it was important that the childrenof the school were involved in the production

    of the mural, so they will be choosing the

    contents on the mural and painting part of the


    St Cecilia is the saint of the school therefore itis important to include this in the outcome, aswell as the theme of music due to St Cecilia

    being the patron saint of music.

    In order to display the 75 years since theschool was founded, we will include a timeline

    of events from the schools history and history

    in wider society.

    We will use the following materials to create the mural:

    Acrylic and emulsion paint, as this is typically used for outdoor outcomes. Yacht varnish to prime the wooden boards of the mural. Sealant to protect the surface of the mural once finished.

    Hopefully, the outcome will include and look like this:

    A musical score with a treble clef to act as a timeline along the length of the mural A blue background, representing the blue of the St Cecilia uniform Large geometric shapes in the schools house colours (red, yellow, green blue) Hand print lettering on selected shapes on the mural Toys from the decades to emphasise the progression of time Silhouettes of life size children on the design

  • 8/13/2019 The Community Art Proposal2


    Musical instruments to reflect the theme of music Historical events from the decades

    For the mural, each individual in the group have taken a specific decade to emphasise the history of

    75 years since the founding of St Cecilias. My lead role therefore is the 1940s. This means that my

    aspect of the mural will focus entirely on the important things that happened in that era, such as the

    creation of the t-shirt and the ball point pen. These ideas will be incorporated into my boards for the

    mural and display the progression of time since the opening of the school. Therefore this means that

    each individual will have a separate era but will join together to create a timeline of history.

    The mural could have the potential to continue into the future and develop by:

    The timeline being extended into the future to continue the timeline of history. The children could help more into the further production of the mural by becoming involved

    in adding hand prints or their own flare in general to the piece.

    It is important that as a team we produce

    the best quality outcome. To ensure this

    we will hopefully equally spend the same

    amount of time on our individual sections

    of the mural, and to the best standard.

    Images of the mural will also be sent to the

    school when stages are completed, so that

    they are aware of the progression of the

    outcome. The mural will be quality

    controlled by teachers from the school.

    Previously we have kept to a deadline on a

    community project; the set design for

    Bugsy Malone. This means that it is almost

    guaranteed we will keep to this deadline. Our mural will be consistent because the contents of it

    were agreed by everyone and therefore were a joint effort in the brainstorming of ideas.

    The stages that will take place in order to complete the mural are as follows:

    The boards will have to be prepared with varnish, which has already been started. The lettering and the shapes will have to be cut out and prepared with white paint so that

    the handprints can be done by the children at St Cecilias

    Apply base coat to the boards, which will be blue Things can then be drawn onto the boards; music scores, geometric shapes, historical

    events, toys, musical instruments, book characters, silhouettes of children

    It will then be sealed with varnish or Protect Guard Once finished we will then transport the boards to St Cecilias