the completion of 30 great cycle

The Completion of 30 Great Cycle Orbits.

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Page 1: The Completion of 30 Great Cycle Completion of 30 Great Cycle Orbits The Biggest Evolutionary Event in Earth History

The Completion of 30 Great Cycle Orbits.

Page 2: The Completion of 30 Great Cycle Completion of 30 Great Cycle Orbits The Biggest Evolutionary Event in Earth History

The Completion of 30 Great Cycle Orbits The Biggest Evolutionary Event in Earth History Page 1

After careful analysis of both prior extinction and evolutionary events since the creation of our Sun, AbundantHope has determined that the solar system has completed its 30th Great Cycle Orbit around Milky Way center. Planet Earth is about to experience the biggest evolutionary step forward in the history of mankind. In recent years, we have been made aware, through many means, such as this very discourse, of certain galactic facts of universal life. The solar system revolves around the Milky Way in an orbit that takes some 206 million years. Before the Earth was formed – created – at least 4-1/2 billion years ago, the Sun took form and began its first Great Cycle Orbit approximately 6 billion years ago. This corresponds to 30 Great Cycle Orbits completed by our solar system, 22 of which have been completed since the creation of Earth. Based on a study of historical dates as provided in The Urantia Book (1955) and Phoenix Journals (1987) in conjunction with certain telepathic messages received from various Celestial Beings also known as Ascended Masters, members of the AbundantHope team have discovered that during each quarter point in the Milky Way Great Cycle Orbit, the Earth enters a cosmic cloud of energetic forces that initiate great evolutionary leaps. In the last 500 million years five known extinction events have happened very close or within these evolutionary periods while other extinction events have happened at the midpoint of these quarter points. Each 90-degree quarter begins at the tips of the cross within the circle. Candace Frieze, founder and spokesperson for AbundantHope states "As to the quarter spokes in the Milky Way Grand Cycle wheel, life is seeded during one of them, and massive evolution comes at each quarter turn, because of the gamma rays and god particles. Earth was basically 'given' two grand cycles to mature and this is IT. It is of greater importance I am told than all the other quarter turns.” A recent crop circle depicts the nature of the Great Cycle Orbit: The Milky Way Energy Cross

The study shows that the Sun was created at the last or 4th quarter point of the first Great Cycle Orbit approximately 6 billion years ago before beginning its second Great Cycle Orbit of 205.5 million years. According to the The Urantia Book, the mammalian era began about 50 million years ago during the last major evolutionary Great Cycle Orbit 4th quarter period. We have now completed that time in which our entire solar system is to remain in its present state of evolution.

The Divine Plan is for all human life within the solar system to achieve at least the awareness of cosmic consciousness by the end of this Great Cycle Orbit which is reaching its conclusion now with the time of Kali (Chaos). This means that mankind of Earth must immediately become aware of what cosmic consciousness is and take the necessary steps to raise his individual level of consciousness to that state of knowing awareness.

Page 3: The Completion of 30 Great Cycle Completion of 30 Great Cycle Orbits The Biggest Evolutionary Event in Earth History

The Completion of 30 Great Cycle Orbits The Biggest Evolutionary Event in Earth History Page 2

Within the Great Cycle Orbit, there are five lesser orbital cycles or wheels within wheels in the Cosmology of The Milky Way Galaxy, also known as Orvonton by the Celestials in The Urantia Book. The first Minor Cycle Orbit is the one we are most familiar with – the annual orbit of Earth around the Sun. The second Minor Cycle Orbit is a cycle of our solar system around the central star Alcyone of the Pleiades Star Family which takes 25,860 years. Thus, the popular “belief” that the Zodiacal Precession of the Equinox is due to the tilt of the Earth’s axis is only partially correct information.

The knowledge of how we pass through the Ages and in general, Cosmology, has been long forgotten and is often explained away as the simple wobble of the Earth’s axis in regards to the changing of the constellations at heliacal (dawn) rising each morning, just before sunrise. In reality our Sun is streaming through space on another orbit, the second Minor Cycle Orbit, in the chain of increasingly larger 3rd, 4th and 5th orbital wheels that are all synchronized as they roll-up into the final 6th Great Cycle Orbit around Milky Way center. A 7th orbit exists as well, as the entire Milky Way Galaxy orbits about the center of all.

The fact that these multiple consecutive orbits are completing together at this time as we enter these intersecting energy streams is proof that there is a Divine Plan and that evolution is purposeful. One need only to seek the answer to verify this for it is an unquestionable fact of history.

As the solar system continues its Minor Cycle Orbit around Alcyone we experience epochal Astrological Ages that occur every 2,155 years to which influences have been synchronously and continuously reflected in the historical events of past ages. Just as the epochal precessional ages are reflected in the progress of time, so too are the larger cycles of being in the cross-formation energy streams of increasingly larger events; major evolution happens periodically at the four corners or every 51.375 million years of the Great Cycle Orbit.

Thus, as this present age, the Age of Pisces, draws to a close, the Minor Cycle Orbit, concurrently with the close of the 4th quarter period of Great Cycle Orbit #30, comes to an ending – and with it – the biggest evolutionary event in the history of mankind. As a result we are moving into a new frequency vibration where no expression below the fourth, and eventually the fifth dimension, can continue to exist on Earth. As such, the time now comes for the need to reconstruct and have guidance into this higher state of experience. Indeed, there is a Divine Plan. The Plan involves many, many beings, human and otherwise, from within and without the Earth's planetary structure. The Divine Plan is based upon the Will of God (Spirit, Universal Mind, or whatever name you might choose to call the indefinable Infinite Intelligence). Divine Mind always proceeds in an orderly, evolutionary pattern predicated upon its principles of Universal Law. Wherever this Divine Plan affects mankind, he is always made aware so that he will have the opportunity to cooperate and grow upward in this evolutionary spiral.

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A Correlation Study of the Divine Plan

Using the "suddenly" event dates given in Part III of The Urantia Book – The History of Urantia (Earth) – a Great Cycle Orbit model was constructed with four quarter periods for each orbit, from the present back to the time the Sun took form 6 billion years ago. By aligning each period to key evolutionary events in history the following results were produced:

Since the start of the first Great Cycle Orbit, the Sun has completed 30 orbits around the Milky Way from which 10 major evolutionary Great Cycle Orbit events of the past are shown above. We are now in the beginning of Orbit #31. A visual presentation of the three most recent orbits is given below.

Extinction Events in the Great Cycle Orbit – Why Historical Dates Do Not Match

In The Urantia Book, the occurrence of “suddenlies” in evolution reveals that there is purposeful force behind the evolutionary process. In between the key evolutionary events of being in the Milky Way energies however, certain known extinction events have happened. These extinction events are points in time that happen to line up to one of the four quarter energy points of the Great Cycle Orbit or at the midpoint of a given quarter cycle. A visual of Great Cycle Orbits #28 and #29 is presented below.

Great Cycle Major Evolutionary Event Sub-Cycle Est. Actual UB Rounded UB Paper

Orbit #1 Point of Creation of the Sun 4th

Quarter 6,010,875,000 6,000,000,000 57:4.8

Orbit #6 the Sun became an "Isolated Blazing Orb" 4th

Quarter 4,983,375,000 5,000,000,000 57:5.1

Orbit #9 Angona Began to Pull the Planets from the Sun Start 4,521,000,000 4,500,000,000 57:5.4

Orbit #11 Organization of Jupiter & Saturn systems 3rd

Quarter 4,007,250,000 4,000,000,000 57:6.6

Orbit #16 Solar System Nebadon Registered as Monmatia 3rd

Quarter 2,979,750,000 3,000,000,000 57:6.8

Orbit #26 Earth’s crust stabilized, first ocean created 2nd

Quarter 976,125,000 1,000,000,000 57:8.1

Orbit #28 Life seeded by Life Carriers in the Oceans W-C-E 2nd

Quarter 565,125,000 550,000,000 58:4.2

Orbit #29 Marine-Life Era began Start 411,000,000 400,000,000 59:1.2

Orbit #30.A Early Land-Life was ending 3rd

Quarter 102,750,000 100,000,000 60:2.14

Orbit #30.B Mammalian Era began 4th

Quarter 51,375,000 50,000,000 61.1.1

Orbit #31 5th

Planetary Mortal Epoch Start 1937 CE 1955 CE 52.7.14

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Five Major Extinction Events have been categorized in the last 500 Million Years – worldwide events that affected the entire planet either by Earth Changes, asteroid impact, or climate change caused by e.g., volcanism. The following table summarizes these events. Note the “RM Ratio” column. RM or Radiometrics refers to Carbon 14 dating where the age of minerals is tested within the stone rocks, for Stone Age cannot be determined by any known conventional method.

This is significant information from The Urantia Book. The Celestial Forces that manage and govern planetary development actually tweak the ultra-frequency energy waves – radioactivity – over long geologic periods to influence evolution according to plan. Thus, conventional methods of dating extinction events of long ago are incorrect as this demonstration of revelation of truth shows.

By the actual dates given below, the following table demonstrates that the Master Physical Controllers began to decrease radioactivity subsequent to life being seeded by the Life Carriers approximately 550 million years ago. Thus, the further back in time you go, Carbon 14 dating techniques begin to fall apart simply because mainstream science treats radiometric dating as linear when in fact, radioactivity has always been governed by the Master Physical Controllers, specifically, the Energy Transformers (UB Paper 29:4.15-18). Note: Dates given are in Millions (Ma).

Orbit/Qtr Extinction Period MSM Date

RM Ratio

UB Date Extinction Events

30 / 4th

[1] Cretaceous – Tertiary 65.50 1.27 51.375 Craters, Huge Volcanism…. Asteroid Impact (Yucatan)

30 / 2nd

[2] Triassic – Jurassic 201.40 1.30 154.125 50% Sea Life Perishes ….Gas/Volcanism or Impact

30 / 1st

[3] Permian – Triassic 252.28 1.40 179.813 90% Life Perished…. Carbon Dioxide Injection

29 / 4th

[4] Devonian – Carboniferous 359.00 1.55 231.187 Worldwide decline in marine life

29 / 2nd

[5] Ordovician – Silurian 443.00 1.57 282.563 85% Sea Life wiped out, extensive volcanism. Scorpion

28 / 1st

[*] Proterozoic Era – Oxygen 2,200.00 3.89 565.125 Beginning of Transition to an Oxygen Atmosphere

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Ordovician-Silurian mass extinction

The third largest extinction in Earth's history, the Ordovician-Silurian

mass extinction had two peak dying times separated by hundreds of

thousands of years. During the Ordovician, most life was in the sea, so

it was sea creatures such as trilobites, brachiopods and graptolites

that were drastically reduced in number. 85% of Sea Life was wiped

out. 443 Mya. UB Date: 283 Mya.

Devonian-Carboniferous mass extinction Three quarters of all species on Earth died out in the Late Devonian mass extinction, though it may have been a series of extinctions over several (Est. 25) million years, rather than a single event. Life in the shallow seas were the worst affected, and reefs took a hammering, not returning to their former glory until new types of coral evolved over 100 million years later. 359 Mya. UB Date: 231 Mya.

Permian-Triassic mass extinction The Permian mass extinction has been nicknamed The Great Dying, since a staggering 96% of species died out. All life on Earth today is descended from the 4% of species that survived. The event turns out to have been complex, as there were at least two separate phases of extinction spread over millions of years. Marine creatures were particularly badly affected and insects suffered the only mass extinction of their history. CO2 overtook O2. 252.28 Mya. UB Date: 180 Mya.

Triassic-Jurassic mass extinction During the final 18 million years of the Triassic period, there were two or three phases of extinction whose combined effects created the Triassic-Jurassic mass extinction event. Climate change, flood basalt eruptions and an asteroid impact have all been blamed for this loss of life. Many types of animal died out, including lots of marine reptiles, some large amphibians, many reef-building creatures and large numbers of cephalopod mollusks. Roughly half of all the species alive at the time became extinct. Strangely, plants were not so badly affected. 201 Mya. UB Date: 154 Mya.

Cretaceous-Tertiary mass extinction The Cretaceous-Tertiary mass extinction - also known as the K/T extinction - is famed for the death of the dinosaurs. However, many other organisms perished at the end of the Cretaceous including the ammonites, many flowering plants and the last of the pterosaurs. It's suggested that the decline was due to flood basalt eruptions affecting the world's climate, combined with drastic falls in sea level. Then a huge asteroid or comet struck the seabed near the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. 65 Mya. UB Date: 51.375 Mya.

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Crossing the Finish Line

Earth has been given two cycles (#29 and #30) to "get it done" from seeding that happened in Orbit #28 to the maximum allowable time prior to the next evolutionary step – Orbit #31 – in the Divine Plan. We have also been given information known for over 25 years that the solar system has already completed 22 cycles since Earth's creation 4.5+ billion years ago. Orbit #9 was in fact 22 cycles ago. We were given some 206 million years to represent the Milky Way cycle period. The above model is based on a 205.50 million year sequence – close enough to the mark.

The smaller Minor Cycle Orbit that our solar system revolves around is that of the central star Alcyone of the Pleiades Star Family. Our solar system completes that orbit in 25,860 years. The popular “belief” that the Zodiacal Precession of the Equinox is due to the tilt of the Earth’s axis is only partially correct information. The 30th Great Cycle Orbit is completing just as the Age of Aquarius dawns. The Age of Aquarius began back in 1937. The Age of Pisces orb of influence overlaps however until 2028 so we are technically in an axial age period where both are in effect. The Pleiadians called it "The Waterman Era”, and had given the information in 1975. The Waterman Era is Aquarius - The Water (Man) Bearer.

Whatever the case, the numbers given are proof to gain of the validation of how the symphony of these cycles work within the Divine Plan. As it happens, in one Milky Way orbit Cycle of 205.50 million years, Earth has experienced its orbit-cycle pattern around Alcyone exactly 1,987 times. In the last 4.521 billion years, the same period of time that our Sun completed 22 cycles around the Great Central Sun, we have gone around Alcyone a total of 7,948 x 22 or 174,856 times! That's a whole lot of forgotten history.

Finally, The Urantia Book shows us that Radioactivity has been governed through time according to geological and evolutionary requirements. As such, a Radiometric Ratio is applied to show that UB dates do in fact correspond to mainstream media dates pertaining to extinction events. The fact that extinction events also occur near the quarter points or at the midpoint between two quarter points further demonstrates the significance of both past and present times of evolutionary growth. Perhaps we are only now re-discovering these facts for they were taught long ago by the ancients. The Milky Way and Alcyone energies are shown by evolutionary results throughout the history of Earth. The converging of these energies, when they intersect as upon us now, coincides with the coming breath of God, the WAVE. Isn't it exciting to anticipate such a thing knowing the proof of how these energies have affected Earth so amazingly in the past?

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