the complexity of acquisition in the dod bureaucracy warfighter integration

The complexity of acquisition in the DoD Bureaucracy Warfighter Integration

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Page 1: The complexity of acquisition in the DoD Bureaucracy Warfighter Integration

The complexity of acquisition in the DoD Bureaucracy

Warfighter Integration

Page 2: The complexity of acquisition in the DoD Bureaucracy Warfighter Integration

Acquisition is a serious matter...

Page 3: The complexity of acquisition in the DoD Bureaucracy Warfighter Integration

Acquisition is a serious matter...

Page 4: The complexity of acquisition in the DoD Bureaucracy Warfighter Integration

That was funny, but this is real...

Page 5: The complexity of acquisition in the DoD Bureaucracy Warfighter Integration

“Get a computer on a Desk”References, Policy and Guidance

2006 DoD CIO Strategic Plan2006 Enterprise Transition Plan2006 Quadrennial Defense ReviewAF-CIO Policy Memorandum 02-03: Enterprise Software Initiative (ESI) PolicyALMAR 068/97: Marine Corps Access to the Internet Permissible and Prohibited ConductALMAR 135/98: Direction of Marine Corps Information Technology in the Future; Interoperability and StandardizationALMAR 148/95: Marine Corps Policy and Guidance for Global Command and Control SystemsALMAR 154/98: Information Technology Advisory 98-02: U.S. Marine Corps Common/Component ConfigurationsALMAR 227/98: AIS Program Management ALMAR 232/96: Chief Information Officer and Information Management Implementation ProcessALMAR 388/97: Guidance for Internet Use: Publication of Unclassified Information on the World Wide Web (WWW)Army Regulation 25-1: Army Knowledge Management and Information TechnologyASD NII Memo: Electronic Mail Records and Electronic Mail Retention Policies for the Department of Defense (DoD)ASN RDA Memo 11-2-2005: Managing Changes to the DON IT Applications Operating on NMCICJCSI 3020.01: Managing, Integrating, and Using Joint Deployment Information SystemsCJCSI 3170.01B: Requirements Generation SystemCJCSI 6211.02B: Defense Information System Network and Connected SystemsCJCSI 6212.01B: Interoperability and Supportability of National Security Systems and IT Systems CJCSI 6900.01A: Telecommunications Economy and Discipline Clinger-Cohen Act of 1996CMC Message: Phase 1 Rationalization of Legacy Applications and Software for the Transition to the Navy Marine Corps Intranet (NMCI)CMC Message: Preparing for Legacy Applications Transition to the NMCI CMC Message: Use of the Legacy Applications TransitionCNO Guidance 2007Defense Business Enterprise Architecture, System Accountability, and Conditions for Obligation of Funds for Defense Business System ModernizationDepartment of Defense Memo: Ensuring Quality of Information Disseminated to the Public by the Department of DefenseDepartment of Defense Smart Card Senior Coordinating GroupDepartment of the Navy Information Technology Policy Guidance for Fiscal Year 2007 ExpendituresDepartment of the Navy Memo: Designation of Department of the Navy (DON) Application and Database Management System (DADMS) as an Authoritative Data SourceDepartment of the Navy Privacy Impact Assessment GuidanceDITPR-DON Registration Guidance for 2006DoD 5220.22-M: National Industrial Security Program Operating ManualDoD Appropriations Act Fiscal Year 2001, Sec 8102DoD Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2000, Sec 8121DoD Appropriations Act for FY 2002, Sec. 8104DoD Auth FY01 Sect 1061DoD Auth FY99 Sec 2223DoD Auth. FY01, Sec 811

DoD CAC Policy Memo DoD CIO Memo PKI 8-12-00DoD Collaboration Tool Interoperability StandardsDoD DAR Policy MemoDoD Data Administration Changes DoD Enterprise Resource Planning SystemsDoD Enterprise Software InitiativeDoD ESI DFARS AdditionsDoD Interim Acquisition GuidanceDoD IRM Strategic PlanDoD IT Portfolio Repository (DITPR) Guidance for 2006DoD IT Registry Guidance for FY05DoD Memo: Clinger-Cohen Act Compliance Certification of Major Automated Information Systems for Fiscal Year 2005DoD Memo: Component Support Department of Defense IT Portfolio Review ProcessDoD Memo: Encryption of Sensitive Unclassified Data at Rest on Mobile Computing Devices and Removable Storage MediaDoD Memo: Protection of Sensitive Department of Defense Data at Rest on Portable Computing DevicesDoD Memo: Removal of Personally Identifying Information of DoD Personnel from Unclassified Web SitesDoD National Defense Appropriations Act FY04 Sec. 8084 a-cDoD Support for SmartBUYDoD Telework PolicyDoD Web Site Admin PolicyDoDD 8115.01 Portfolio ManagmentDON ASN FMC Enterprise Resource Planning Memo DON ASN RDA Enterprise Software Initiative Memo DON BPA Best PracticesDON Business Initiative CouncilDON Business IT Pre-Certification GuidanceDON CIO Letter Inherently Governmental and Commercial ActivitiesDON CIO Memo 19 December 2005: DON Business IT System Pre-Certification and Registration GuidanceDON CIO Memo 21 Oct 2005: DON Deputy Chief Information Officer (Marine Corps) Fiscal Year 2006 TaskingDON CIO Memo 21 Oct 2005: DON Deputy Chief Information Officer (Navy) Fiscal Year 2006 Tasking DON CIO Memo: Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer Telework ProgramDON CIO Memo: Department of the Navy Electronic Records Management and Record Electronic Mail ManagementDON CIO Memo: Department of the Navy Open Source Software GuidanceDON CIO Memo: Minimum Criteria For Funding Information Technology InvestmentsDON FISMA GuidanceDON Forms Management Program Manual 5213.1DON Functional Area Manager DON Guide IT Perf Measure

DON ILC Charter 1-18-01DON IM/IT Strategic Plan FY 2006-2007DON Information Requirements Reports Manual 5214.1DON IT Cap Plan GuideDON IT Infrast Arch, 1.0DON IT Invest Eval HdbkDON IT Registration Database Guidance for FY05DON IT Registration DB Guidance 2004DON IT Standards GuidanceDON IT Wrkforce Strat PlnDON Mgmt Soft AppsDON Objectives for 2007DON PKI Implement PlanDON Policy for Issuance, Use, and Management of Government- Provided Mobile (Cellular) Phone, Data Equipment and Services, and Calling CardsDON Policy on the Use of Extensible Markup Language (XML)DON Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) Implementation Guidance UpdateDON SC-PKI PolicyDON Smart Card ReaderDON Smart Card Tech.DON Spectrum MOUDON Standard Subject Identification Code (SSIC) Manual 5210.2DON Strat Vision SpectrumDON Strategy for Achieving Consistent Information Assurance (IA) Training, Certification, and Workforce ManagementDON Sup DoD IT Port Rev ProcDON Telework PolicyDON Under Virt Corr 11-01DON Web Policy MessageDON XML Naming and Design and RulesDON XML PolicyDTG 021419Z FEB 99: Department of the Navy Information Technology Enterprise-Wide Investment PolicyDTG 081547Z FEB 07: Department of the Navy Privacy Impact Assessment GuidanceDTG 091502Z APR 07: DON Civilian Information Assurance Workforce Identification, Tracking, Monitoring, and ReportingDTG 091749Z MAY 07: DON Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) GuidanceDTG 161552Z MAY 07: Updated DON Guidance for BEA Compliance Assessment to Address Additional Requirement of the RPILM IRBDTG 171952Z APR 07: Safeguarding Personally Identifiable Information (PII)DTG 202041Z AUG 07: DON Security Guidance for Personal Electronic Devices (PED) DTG 221246Z AUG 07: DON Federal Information Security Management Act Goals for FY 2008DTG 232026Z JUL 07: Safeguarding Personally Identifiable Information from Unauthorized Disclosure

DTG 242018Z MAY 07: Continuity of Operations Planning Across the Department of the NavyeGovernment Act of 2002Elec Sign Commerce ActExecutive Order 13011Executive Order 13103Executive Order 13111 Executive Order 13231Executive Order on Critical Infrastructure Protection Federal CIO Council Strategic Plan FY 2007-2009 FOIA of 1991FORCEnet Requirements / Capabilities and Compliance PolicyFY 2006 IT Budget GuidanceGIG ES Core Enterprise Services Implementation Memo GISRA of 2000GPEA of 1999GPRA of 1993Homeland Security Presidential Directive/Hspd-7 How to Use the Federal RegisterHSPD-7 Crit Infra Ident Prior ProtHSPD-8 National PreparednessInfo Infra Prot. ActInformation Assurance Training, Certification, and Workforce Management; DoD Directive 8570.1Information Technology Exchange Program Implementation within the Department of DefenseInhert Gov Comm Act GuideIPv6 Interim Transition Guidance IPv6 Memo IPv6 Transition Plan Coordination and Interim Tasking IT FY 04 Budget GuidanceIT Policy Guidance on FY2005 IT ExpendituresJoint Pub 3-13 Doct on IOJROC DMS/COE/NCES Requirements Memo Knowledge Management Strategy MemoLegacy Applications Transition GuideMARADMIN 003/98 MARADMIN 003/99MARADMIN 037/02MARADMIN 038/02MARADMIN 039/01MARADMIN 053/01MARADMIN 062/99

MARADMIN 083/99MARADMIN 121/02MARADMIN 123/99MARADMIN 135/98MARADMIN 573/00MARADMIN 608/01Marine Corps Strategy 21MCO 2400.2 MCO 2410.2BMCO 3090.1MCO 3093.1C MCO 3093.2 MCO 4855.10BMCO 5210.11DMCO 5210.13C MCO 5211.5MCO 5239.1MCO 5271.1AMCO 5271.3MCO 5720.76MCO P1070.12KMCO P5211.2BMessage: Department of Defense Information Assurance Certification and Accreditation Process (DIACAP)Metadata Registration Memo National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) Bulletin, Availability of electronic records management guidance for PKI digital signature authentication and secured transaction recordsNaval Power 21Naval Transformation RoadmapNavy Marine Corps Portal Policy Guidance Memorandum Number 1Navy Marine Corps Portal Policy Guidance Memorandum Number 2 (Alignment)Navy Shore-Based Oracle Database Enterprise License AgreementNCES Definition StudyNMC Record Disposal ManNMCI Application Rule SetOffice of Management and Budget Information Quality Guidelines 2-2002OMB Bulletin 12-16-2004 Issuance of Office of Management and Budget's Final Information Quality Bulletin for Peer ReviewOMB Circular A-11OMB Circular A-119OMB Circular A-130OMB Circular A-76OMB EGov Strat

OMB Memo 00-10 GPEAOMB Memo 00-13 PrivacyOMB Memo 00-15 GPEAOMB Memo 03-18 (eGov Act)OMB Memo 03-19 FISMAOMB Memo 03-22OMB Memo 96-20OMB Memo 99-05 PrivacyOMB Memo 99-18 PrivacyOpen Source Software MemoOPNAVINST 2201.2OPNAVINST 2201.3OPNAVINST 2800.3OPNAVINST 3050.23OPNAVINST 3430.26OPNAVINST 3432.1 OPNAVINST 5230.22 OPNAVINST 5230.23 OPNAVINST 5230.24OPNAVINST 5239.1B OPNAVINST 5530.14COPNAVINST 9410.5A OSD Memo: DoD-Wide Continuous Process Improvement (CPI) / Lean Six Sigma (LSS)OSD Policy for FY07 OMB A-11, Exhibits 53 & 300, and NDAA, section 32Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995PDD 63 Crit Infra ProtPres. Mgmt Agen, Person.Privacy Act of 1974 (Amd)Radio Frequency Authorization (RFA)Remote Access to Enterprise E-mail From Non-DOD ComputersSea Power 21SECNAV Memo of 22 Aug 05: Designation of the Department of the Navy Deputy Chief Information Officer (Navy) and the Department of the Navy Deputy Chief Information Officer (Marine Corps)SECNAV Memo: Designation of the Department of the Navy Deputy Chief Information Officer (Navy)SECNAV Memo: DON Critical Infrastructure Protection SECNAV Memo: Transformation Through Lean Six SigmaSECNAV Memo: Transformation Through Lean Six Sigma: Round OneSECNAVINST 2075.1: Department of the Navy Use of Commercial Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) Devices, Services, and TechnologiesSECNAVINST 2400.1 Electromagnetic Spectrum Policy and Management SECNAVINST 3501.1A: Department of the Navy Critical Infrastructure ProtectionSECNAVINST 5000.2C: Implementation and Operations of the Defense Acquisition System and the Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System

SECNAVINST 5000.36A: Department of the Navy Information Technology Applications and Data ManagementSECNAVINST 5070.2D Naval Library and Information Centers SECNAVINST 5200.40SECNAVINST 5210.16 DON Forms Management Program and Information Requirements (Reports) Management ProgramsSECNAVINST 5210.8D DON Records Management Program SECNAVINST 5211.5DSECNAVINST 5212.5DSECNAVINST 5239.3A: DON Information Assurance PolicySECNAVINST 5420.188ESECNAVINST 5430.7N: Assignment of Responsibilities and Authorities in the Office of the Secretary of the NavySECNAVINST 5510.30ASECNAVINST 5510.34ASECNAVINST 5510.36SECNAVINST 5720.47B: Department of the Navy Policy for Content of Publicly Accessible World Wide Web SitesSECNAVMAN 5239.1 Information Assurance Manual Section 508Section 515 of Pub Law 106-554 H.R. 5658 / 21DEC2000Task Force Web MessageTPPU Concept for Net Centric Operations Withholding of Information that Personally Identifies DoD Personnel

Page 6: The complexity of acquisition in the DoD Bureaucracy Warfighter Integration

Fix It ! : H.R. 1232 - Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform Act - March 2013 Introduced in House of Representatives - Feb 25, 2014 Passed in the House - What does it do and will it fix the problem? (not a law yet so many unknowns)

- Changes to Chief Information Officers - Development and implementation of the Federal Data Center Optimization Initiative - Government wide IT asset inventory and elimination or consolidation of duplicative websites - Create a stance that cloud computing is beneficial. Allows establishment of cloud service working capital funds. - Prohibits an executive agency from issuing a solicitation for certain covered contract vehicles unless the agency performs a business case

analysis and obtains approval from the Administrator for Federal Procurement Policy (FPP). - Directs the OMB Director to: (1) establish a Federal Infrastructure and Common Application Collaboration Center to serve as a focal point for

coordinated program management practices and to develop and maintain requirements for the acquisition of IT infrastructure and applications commonly used by federal agencies, and (2) designate Assisted Acquisition Centers of Excellence (AACEs) to develop areas of specialized acquisition expertise within various executive agencies. Sets forth authority for AACEs to implement best practices, assist agencies in expedient and low-cost interagency acquisitions by engaging in repeated and frequent acquisition of similar IT requirements, and assist with recruitment and training.

- Requires the OMB Director to submit to Congress: (1) a five-year strategic plan to develop, strengthen, and solidify IT acquisition cadres; and (2) a plan for improving management of IT programs and projects.

- Directs the FPP Administrator to prescribe regulations requiring a comparative value analysis to be included in the contract file when the federal government purchases services and supplies offered under the Federal Strategic Sourcing Initiative from sources outside such Initiative.

- Permits executive agencies to state in solicitations that awards will be made using a fixed price technical competition under which all offerors compete solely on nonprice factors and the fixed award price is pre-announced in the solicitation.

- Requires additional information concerning blanket purchase agreements and IT investments to be made available to the public. - Establishes guidance with respect to the validity of open source software as a procurement option required to receive full consideration

alongside other options (in merit-based requirements development and evaluation processes promoting choices based on performance and value) in a manner free of preconceived preferences based on how technology is developed, licensed, or distributed within the federal government. Prohibits such guidance from modifying the federal policy of following technology-neutral principles when selecting and acquiring information technology.

- Requires federal computer standards to include guidelines necessary to enable effective adoption of open source software. Directs the OMB Director to issue guidance for the use and collaborative development of open source software within the federal government.

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How can you help?

- Learn the system- Work as a team- Don’t take “no” for an answer