the concept of maximal frequent itemsets

Kuo-Yu Huang NCU CSIE DBLab 1 The Concept of Maximal The Concept of Maximal Frequent Itemsets Frequent Itemsets NCU CSIE Database Laborat NCU CSIE Database Laborat ory ory Kuo-Yu Huang Kuo-Yu Huang 2002-04-15 2002-04-15

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The Concept of Maximal Frequent Itemsets. NCU CSIE Database Laboratory Kuo-Yu Huang 2002-04-15. Outline. Introduction Max-Miner MAFIA GenMax Conclusion. Introduction(1/2). Interesting datasets with long patterns Questionnaire results Transactions database - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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The Concept of Maximal FrequThe Concept of Maximal Frequent Itemsetsent Itemsets

NCU CSIE Database LaboratoryNCU CSIE Database LaboratoryKuo-Yu HuangKuo-Yu Huang


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OutlineOutline• Introduction• Max-Miner• MAFIA• GenMax• Conclusion

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Introduction(1/2)Introduction(1/2)• Interesting datasets with long patterns

– Questionnaire results– Transactions database

• Contain many frequently occurring items• A wide average record length

• Apriori-like algorithms are inadequate– Enumerates every single frequent itemsets

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Introduction(2/2)Introduction(2/2)• Maximal Frequent Itemsets

– If it has no superset that is frequent.– eq

• Items: a, b, c, d, e• Frequent Itemset: {a, b, c}• {a, b, c, d}, {a, b, c, e}, {a, b, c, d, e} are not Fre

quent Itemset.• Maximal Frequent Itemsets: {a, b, c}

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Max-Miner(1/4)Max-Miner(1/4)• Efficiently mining long patterns from database

s– R. J. Bayardo– ACM SIGMOD’98

• Max-Miner– Abandons a bottom-up traversal– Attempts to “look-ahead”– Identify a long frequent itemset, prune all its subse


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Max-Miner(2/4)Max-Miner(2/4)• Set-enumeration tree• Breadth-first search

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Max-Miner(3/4)Max-Miner(3/4)• Candidate group

– Head: h(g)• Itemset enumerated by the node.

– Tail: t(g)• An ordered set and contains all items not in h(g)

– eg:Node {1}• h{g}: {1}• t{g}: {2, 3, 4}

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Max-Miner(4/4)Max-Miner(4/4)• Support counting

– h(g), h(g) t{g}, h(g) {i} for all ∪ ∪– If h(g) t{g} is frequent, then any itemset e∪

numerated by a sub-node will also be frequent but no maximal.

– If h(g) {i} is infrequent, then any head of a ∪sub-node that contains item I will also be infrequent.

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MAFIA(1/4)MAFIA(1/4)• MAFIA: A Maximal Frequent Itemset Alg

orithm for Transactional Databases.– D. Burdick, M. Calimlim, and J. Gehrke.– ICDE’01

• MAFIA– Integrates a depth-first traversal of the itms

et lattice with eiffective pruning mechanisms

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– Check Head Union Tail is in MFI• Stop searching and return

• PEP– newNode = C i∪– Check ==

• Move I from C.tail to C.head

• FHUT– newNode = C I∪– Whether I is the leftmost child in the tail

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GenMax(1/2)GenMax(1/2)• Efficiently Mining Maximal Frequent Ite

msets– Karam Gouda and Mohammed J. Zaki.– ICDM’01

• GenMax– A backtrack search based algorithm for mi

ning maximal frequent itemsets.

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GenMax(2/2)GenMax(2/2)• Superset checking techniques

– Do superset check only for Il+1 P∪ l+1

– Using check_status flag– Local maximal frequent itemsets

• Reordering the combine set• Diffsets propagation

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database # of Items Average length # of records Maximal pattern length
















Type I

Type II

Type III

• Type I:– normal MFI distribution with not too long maximal patterns.

• Type II:– Left-skewed distribution with longer pattern

• Type III:– Exponential decay distribution with short maximal pattern

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