the conservative resurgence

The Conservative Resurgence

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The Conservative Resurgence. Focus Question. What are some of the key issues in the 2012 presidential race?. Roots laid during the New Deal. Conservative critics of the New Deal Power concentrated into central government “Dictatorial” policies of FDR Violated ideas of laissez-faire - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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The Conservative Resurgence

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Focus Question• What are some of the key issues in the 2012

presidential race?

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Roots laid during the New Deal

• Conservative critics of the New Dealo Power concentrated into central governmento “Dictatorial” policies of FDRo Violated ideas of laissez-faire

• Did not see much traction during the Depression

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American Isolationists• Felt U.S. had to remain outside world affairs

o Dismayed by U.S. saber-rattling prior to World War II

o Opposed to United Nations• Stressed America First ideology

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Anti-Communists• Cold Warriors

o Opposed to communism in any formo Saw a need to remove Communists from

positions of trusto Sponsored numerous anti-communist groups

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Failed to Make Headway

• High Point of New Deal Coalitiono Most Americans accepted the premiseso Republicans bought along

• Conservatives in the wilderness

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Tentative Beginnings• Election of 1964• Nomination of Barry Goldwater

o Arch-conservative Republicano Defeated the moderate Rockefeller

• Defeated badly by Johnson

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Tentative Beginnings• Election of 1964• Nomination of Barry Goldwater

o Arch-conservative Republicano Defeated the moderate Rockefeller

• Defeated badly by Johnson

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Signs of Hope• Cracks in the New Deal coalition

o Southern whites dismayed by Civil Rightso Tensions of the 1960s frightening moderateso Lack of progress in Vietnamo able to gain a victory with Nixon in 1968

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Election of 1980• Watershed for the Conservative Movement

o Democratic President Jimmy Carter weak• High unemployment• High inflation• U.S. struggles against Iran

o Republican Ronald Reaganpositive, charismatic

• Able to attract blue-collar Democrats• Solidified GOP gains in the South

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Age of Reagan• Promoted “Morning in America”• Set a pro-business agenda

o Slashed tax rate dramaticallyo Promoted deregulationo Broke the Air Traffic Controllers Union

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New Federalism• Promised a smaller government

o Shifted programs to the stateso Attempt to cut domestic spendingo Reduce tax burden

• Created a new national trend

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Reagan Doctrine• Set a new tone in the Cold War

• Challenge Communism (Roll-back)o Sponsored massive military build-upo Sponsored insurgents in Latin Americao Promoted negotiations with Gorbachev

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Reagan Revolution• Reagan as the “patron saint” of conservatives

o Pushed de-regulationo Expanded under Clintono Grew by leaps under George W. Bush

• Legacy of “low taxes”• Promotion of character

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However,• Deregulation led to scandals

o Savings and Loan collapseo Junk Bondso Pentagon Spending

• Tax burden largely unchangedo 1981: 19.4% national income in federal taxeso 1989: 19.3% national income in federal taxes

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Income Redistribution• Marginal tax rates slashed for the wealthy• “Trickle-Down effect”• Wealth shifted toward the top

o Top 1% saw share of wealth rise from 22 to 39%

o Bottom 20% saw wealth drop 7%o Middle-class began to shrink

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Budget Deficits• Budget Deficit tripled from 1980 to 1989

o Saw an increase in taxes and feeso Never submitted a balanced budget

• People did not seem to noticeo Belief that prosperity was enjoyed by allo Stagflation endedo Reaganism offered promises of material


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Reagan Legacy• Cemented alliance between social conservatives

and economic conservativeso Consolidated “Solid South”o Republican Party far more conservativeo Pursued policies that future administrations

might make changes Reagan couldn’to Promoted conservative judiciary (politicized

judicial selection)