the constitution of united states of america 4.docx

THE PRESIDENT, PRESIDENT’S CABINET AND THE VICE PRESIDENT CONTENTS: 1. THE PRESIDENT OF U.S.A • INTRODUCTION • QUALIFICATIONS • ELECTION • TERM • SUCCESSION • IMPEACHMENT • PRIVILEGES • POWERS 2. PRESIDENT’S CABINET • INTRODUCTION • FORMATION • MEETINGS 3. THE VICE-PRESIDENT PRESIDENY OF U.S.A • INTRODUCTION • FUNCTIONS 1. THE PRESIDENT OF U.S.A: INTRODUCTION: The President of USA has been vested with executive powers by the constitution and hence is the chief executive of the entire country. His powers are so enormous, wide and overwhelming that he is referred to as the foremost ruler of the world. The President of USA is supreme in executive sphere and is master of his cabinet, as he chooses them as personal team advisors. He is not bound to the cabinet’s decisions, but rather

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INTRODUCTION:The President of USA has been vested with executive powers by the constitution and hence is the chief executive of the entire country. His powers are so enormous, wide and overwhelming that he is referred to as the foremost ruler of the world.

The President of USA is supreme in executive sphere and is master of his cabinet, as he chooses them as personal team advisors. He is not bound to the cabinet’s decisions, but rather cabinet has to follow his instructions, otherwise they are bound to quit the cabinet.

The US president is elected by the people and thus enjoys greater measures of popular support. Thus the American constitution has made the President the real head of the State.QUALIFICATION:The constitution provides that the Presidential candidate must be;

1. A natural born Citizen of United States2. Must not be less than 35 years of age3. Must have resided not less than 14 years in the country

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The constitution does not bar a woman, a Negro or a person of any other race or religion to be elected as the President. However no woman or Negro has ever been elected as President. On the religious basis no non-Christian has ever won the Presidency. USA is predominantly a protestant country and no Catholic person has ever been elected as the President, except for J.F. Kennedy.ELECTIONS:The constitution provides for indirect elections of the American president. He is elected by an electoral college consisting of as many presidential electors as is the number of members in the “house of the congress.” This Electoral College is constituted in each state, and the method by which these electoral colleges are to be elected is to concern of the States. Initially they were elected by the State legislature but now states let the people elect the electoral colleges.

The system of elections is based on calendar. The Electoral College members are elected on Tuesday after the 1st Monday in November of every leap year. On 1st Monday of December they meet in their respective States to vote for President. The result is sealed and is sent to the Chairman of Senate by each State. On 6th January of New Year the Congress meets in its joint session to count the votes. The person securing majority of the votes would than declared the winner of the Presidential election. On 20th of January the winner is sworn in as President. In case no candidate secure majority of the total votes, the House of Representatives will than elect one person from 1st three candidates who has secured highest number of votes than the two. In such case each State also has to exercise a ‘One vote’ to elect a President. If no president is elected than after 4th March the Vice-President becomes the President.TERM:The President is elected for the term of four (4) years. According to the 22nd amendment, ratified in 1951, he can not be elected for more than two terms.

Initially there was no restriction of number of terms of elections. In fact President Roosevelt was elected for the 3rd and 4th term in a row.

SUCCESSION:The Article-II, section-1, Clause-5 of the Constitution provides that if the President’s office falls vacant due to his death, resignation, impeachment or inability to discharge the duties, the vice-President succeeds to his office for the remaining period of his term. If both President and Vice-President are unable to perform their duties they would be succeeded by Speaker of the “House of Representatives”, Presidents Pro-Tempore of Senate, Secretary of State and so on.IMPEACHMENT:The United States President can not be removed directly by the Congress as he is not accountable to it. The only method of removing the US President is by “Impeachment.” The method of Presidential impeachment requires the House of Representative to adopt a resolution called “article of impeachment” charging the President with certain high crimes and directs the prosecution before the Senate; which acts as judicial tribunal for impeachment and is presided over by Chief Justice. The impeachment is than put to vote in senate and two-third (about 67%) majority is required to convict the President.

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• In 1868 President Johnson was a subject to impeachment but he could not be convicted due to lack of required majority

• In 1974, President Nixon became subject to impeachment because of the Watergate Scandal. But he resigned & escaped the process.

• Again in 1998-9, President Clinton was subjected to process of impeachment, but like President Johnson he survived the process due to lack of required majority.PRIVILEGES:• The President is immune from arrest for any offence during his tenure. He is not subject to any court. He can only be punished for any offence after his removal from the President’s office.

• The President receives a salary of 400,000 a year.

• Occupies an official residence in the White House.

• During the travel to foreign countries, Air force-1 (Boeing 747) is at his disposal. Air Force-1 also performs as a flying Presidential Office. President is also provided with armored Cadillac limousine when traveling in Washington and its surroundings. When Traveling inside USA he is provided with a Helicopter.

• The President is also given a high security during and even after his Presidency.

The President enjoys various other privileges during his Presidency. He also receives some Privileges after the end of his presidency. These Privileges include;

• Free mailing• Free office space• The right to hold diplomatic passport• Budgets for office help and staff assistance• Receives pension (since 1958)

POWERS:As said before the constitution declares the President as the executive of the country and vest all powers in him. During the last century the powers of US President have increased enormously. Today he has become so powerful that he has no counterpart in power in the democratic world.

The President of US enjoys following powers:

1. Executive Powers2. Diplomatic Powers3. Legislative Powers4. Judicial Powers5. Financial Powers

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These powers can be explained as followed:1. EXECUTIVE POWERS:The American president has the following executive powers:(a.) CHIEF ADMINISTRATOR:The President is the head of the national administration and supervisor of its operation. All executive operations take place in his name. He has power & responsibility for the enforcement of constitution, laws, treaties and judicial decisions of Supreme Court within the country or outside. He has broad powers to manage national affairs and workings of the federal government. He can issue rules, regulations and instruction called executive orders, which have binding force of law upon federal agencies but do not require congressional approval. He also exercises complete power over his cabinet and its members. All cabinet members are appointed by him and do as he directs them to do. He is mainly responsible for the administration of national government and supervision of administrative departments and agencies.(b.) POWERS OF APPOINTMENT:The President has power to appoint superior officials of the country such as secretaries (ministers) and other heads of executive departments and agencies, Ambassadors to foreign countries and international organizations such as UNO and NATO, judges to the Supreme Court and other high ranking federal officials. However he needs Senates confirmation over these Superior appointments. He can also appoint inferior officials for which no Senate confirmation is required. If the Senate’s majority members are from the party to which the President him self belongs, than he would have no problem in confirmation of Superior Officials he prefers.(c.) COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF:The President is the Commander-in-Chief or the Chief of the armed forces, and is responsible for the defence of the country. He appoints all military officers, supervisors and directs the work of the army, navy and the air force. He also presents budgets for military expenditure and employees, troops for the offensive and defensive purpose. The President can declare war with the approval of Congress and also make peace without the Congressional consent.(d.) MAINTAINANCE OF LAW AND ORDER:President is responsible for the maintenance of Law and Order throughout the land. He may use his powers to maintain order, even with force, in part of the country where there is resistance. The President can take action to restore Law on Order on his own if the matter is of federal jurisdiction. If it is of State jurisdiction he can restore order on the request of the State Legislature.2. DIPLOMATIC POWERS:Under the constitution, the President is the federal official primarily responsible for the relations of the United States with foreign nations.• He formulates foreign policy• Appoints all diplomatic representatives or ambassadors to foreign states with the consent of Senate. He also receives Ambassadors from foreign States.• He has power to enter into executive agreements with foreign states. For this he does not require Senates ratifications.• He does not have exclusive rights to declare war against any country. For this he requires Congress’s approval. However he can ceasefire or terminate hostilities in order to bring an end to war on his own, with out the consent of the Congress.

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• The President has the sole authority to recognize a new State or a new government is foreign States.The President of US is aided by his Secretary of State and the State Department in order to carry out countries foreign relations. Some times Department of Defence also plays major role in formulating President’s foreign policies.US PRESIDENT IS DIPLMATIC DICTATOR AT WAR:The enlargement of diplomatic powers in the hand of President along with the role of Chief-Executive and Commander-in-Chief under his belt has placed in his hands the power to bring the country at war that congress has been forced to acknowledge. Thus the President’s prerogative of declaring war, half wars or undoing war has virtually swallowed the Congressional right to ratify the declaration of war or declare war on it self. All these powers were generated to greater extent during the World War 1 and 2 and especially during the Cold War, and even though these threats are over the Presidents of US continue to use and misuse these powers. All these powers point out that the US President is dictator of foreign relations.3. LEGISLATIVE POWERS:Under the doctrine of “Separation of Powers” the President of the United States has limited legislative authority. That power has been enormously vested in the Congress. The President can not summon, prorogue or dissolve the Congress. He is not a member of Congress and can not initiate any bill directly. Congress can make any Law and pass any bill against his wishes. But despite this constitutional limitation, the President as the Chief formulator of the public policy has a major legislative role.(a.) VETO POWER:All the bills that Congress passes are subject to President’s approval. He may deal with them in following manners:

• He may assent the bill and it will became act or affective

• He may take no action on it and with in 10 days it becomes an ACT, if Congress is still in session.

• He may take no action on it and with in 10 days it is killed, if Congress is not in session. It is known as “Pocket-Veto” of the President.

• He may return the Bill with or without amendment

• He may directly VETO the bill, and unless two-third of members of each house of Congress votes to override the veto, the bill does not become law.(b.) MESSAGES:The President can send messages to the Congress suggesting some legislative measures; which can not easily be ignored by the Congress. In annual and special messages to Congress, the President may propose legislations he believes is necessary.(c.) PROPOSAL FOR LEGISLATION:The President of US can recommend measures to the congress for the legislation. He may either send proposal for new legislation or amendment to the old legislation.

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(d.) EXTRA-ORDINARY SESSION:The most important occasion for Presidential messages and legislation related proposals to be put forward to Congress is the annual State of the Union Address. Here, before the joint session of the Congress, the President outlines the status of the country and his legislative proposals for upcoming year or years. In case the Congress is not in session, the President has power to call extra ordinary session of Congress to consider special matters of urgent need. However, Congress is not bound to accept the President’s recommendations at special sessions.4. JUDICIAL POWERS:Like the legislative powers, the constitutional doctrine of “Separation of Power” also limits the judicial powers of the President and vests it more in the judiciary under the Supreme Court. However, the President does exercise some important and influential judicial powers. These judicial powers are as followed:

• He has power to Pardon some one who has broken the federal law – Except in case of impeachment.

• Power to Reprieve, which postpones penalty of execution.• Power to grant Amnesty.

However; President can not grant pardon or reprieve to offenders convicted under state laws.5. FINANCIAL POWERS:The President is the real financial manager of the country as he directs and controls the finances. Although the Congress has power to control the federal financing in theory, but in practice the President actually controls the finances. Under the direct supervision of the President, the national budget prepared; which placed before congress for approval. However, congress can not amend or change it. In order to practice his financial powers, President is aided by the Finance Department and his hand picked members of cabinet.His diplomatic powers have become so enormous that not only he can veto the work of American Congress but also in some ways the work of foreign assemblies. He has free hand to do what he desires at home and abroad. With nuclear and military supremacy, the position and powers of the American president have become most perilous in the world today.In other words we can say that the President of United States is virtually a dictator both domestically and internationally.