the cook, the thief, his wife & her lover (1989) - peter greenaway - film review

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  • 7/30/2019 The Cook, The Thief, His Wife & Her Lover (1989) - Peter Greenaway - Film Review


    Film Review Space & Environment

    The Cook, the Thief, his Wife & her LoverDirector: Peter Greenaway

    Figure 1 Figure 2

    The Cook, the Thief, his Wife and her Loveris a romantic crime drama that was both

    written and directed by Peter Greenaway in 1989. The film depicts a narrative which

    follows a gang leader (Gambon) and his troublesome acts with his associates as they

    dine daily at a restaurant in which he recently purchased (Figure 1). His wife

    (Mirren), who attends dinner with him, is tired of her sadistic husband and finds a

    lover in Michael (Howard), a fellow diner, and from then out begin a relationship

    together in secret. The production is notable for its incorporation of graphical

    violence and nudism which shocked audiences during its initial release.

    Greenaway has produced a uniquely styled film which may not sit well with certain

    viewers, but the productions artistic style and theatricality is undeniable. The film

    owes its art direction to Dutch still life paintings, where the style was originally

    derived from, but also involves something suggestive to gothic themes within the

    kitchens of the set. Everything about The Cook, the Thief, his Wife and her Loverhas

    a powerful sense of menace and has an insanely strong taste in terms of flavour in

    theme that is portrayed effectively through the films cinematography. Writer Webb

    states that;

    The Cook, The Thief His Wife & Her Lover is the cinematic equivalent of a spicy food

    dish. It's not for everyone, but it has a lot of distinct tastes to offer those who are

    willing to venture out of their comfort zone(Webb, 2010)

    The opinion in which Webb shares is agreeable in many senses sharing an overall

    justification, but furthermore the idiosyncratic elements do expect an acquired taste.

    The Jacobean influences arguably provide for the starting point from where the

    distinct flavours begin, involving an uncommon and robust style choice which hadn t

    been as expressive within cinema. Audiences viewing from a narrow point of viewpossibly gain an insight for the film being distasteful, but from an open-minded

  • 7/30/2019 The Cook, The Thief, His Wife & Her Lover (1989) - Peter Greenaway - Film Review


    perspective, the production opens expressive doorways of gloriously rich

    performances that complement the lavish set design, and help to elaborate both an

    intricate and ostentatious plot enticing spectator attention from start to finish.

    Figure 3

    Nudity was a bold choice from Greenaway, and was seen as a shock by viewers,

    especially in the scenes which involved vivid sexual activity. In modern cinema,

    scenes of a sexual nature usually either heighten the tempo or express a deep

    romance, however, here it is hard not feel as if the scenes are purposely composed

    to provide a break from the obnoxious behaviours of Albert and the chaos which

    unfolds within the restaurant, to instead develop a mellow, calmer mood in a

    soothing space within the kitchens. Ebert acknowledges;

    The sex scenes in this movie are as hungry and passionate as any I have seen, and

    yet they are upstaged by the rest of the film, which is so uncompromising in its

    savagery that the sex seems tranquil by comparison(Ebert, 1999)

    Eberts opinion shares a view that debatably could have various interpretations or

    meanings, with one possibly stating that these sensual scenes arent as hungryor

    passionate as the other acts which, in a sense, is acceptable. The juxtaposition

    between characters provide for this vibe as the conventions build upon these scenes

    in a satisfying manner. For example; the animosity you feel towards Alberts treating

    of Georgina as a viewer strengthens the way in which you interpret the bond

    between her and Michael. This reflection argues that the true elements which

    present the more profound emotion within different areas of the film are the ones

    that lead to the affective events. Additionally, suggestive comparisons between the

    relationships of food and sex are drawn on over these scenes, and also imply similar

    ideas between life and death.

    Figure 4

  • 7/30/2019 The Cook, The Thief, His Wife & Her Lover (1989) - Peter Greenaway - Film Review


    On top of the films already graphical nature, the set and costume design as well as

    the sound production all complete this as an experience to remember. The Cook,

    The Thief His Wife & Her Loverinvolved many artists in its production and combines

    multitudes of talents and skills to create a cinematic experience which expresses a

    lot of finery in regards to the desired things in life, however, suggests that no matter

    how wonderful or visually pleasing things appear, the negative hungers that

    humanity crave will still seep through. Reviewers Frederic and MaryAnn Brussats

    share a similar view.

    Beneath the thin veneer of civilization lovely art objects, fine clothes, gourmet

    food, and classic literature our insatiable appetites for cruelty, violence, racism,

    and power keep us slathering at the level of beasts.(Brussats, 2004)

    All of these elements united create a highly melodramatic artwork. The peculiar

    theatrical camera work from Sacha Vierny, the beautiful costumes design from Jean-

    Paul Gaultier, and the chillingly pulsating soundscape from Michael Nyman, all makeThe Cook, The Thief His Wife & Her Lovera highly dramatized and emotional film

    which grips and disgusts viewers while entertaining in a horrifically comedic way.

  • 7/30/2019 The Cook, The Thief, His Wife & Her Lover (1989) - Peter Greenaway - Film Review


    Review Bibliography


    Webb, C (2010) available at:;

    The-Thief-His-Wife-&-Her-Lover.htm [accessed online on 12 December 2012].

    Ebert, R (1999) available at:;

    1010301/1023 [accessed online on 13 December 2012].

    Brussat, F & M (2007) available at:; [accessed online on 12December 2012].


    Figure 1: http://cdn2-


    Figure 2:

    Figure 3:


    Figure 4:
