the counsel

Group C – Ashlyn Natal The COUNSEL One day a man woke up from a heavy dream. He opens his eyes and wondered where he was. He looks to his left and saw mountain of trash, it was a dark place full of garbage. He smells the suffocating unpleasant odor of that place and then he chills from the thought that the place was like hell. The man says: MARC: oh God! What a messy place. I would never put myself in that place. Afterwards he looks to his right and saw a beautiful place he’d never seen before. For him it was like wonderful paradise, a very green place with bright blue sky. It was refreshing, the cold water from the falls and the touch of the wind to his face. The man says: MARC: Man oh man! This is what am telling yeah! I can swim in that awesome falls all day long. He was about to move when someone calls him from behind. KURT: Hey dude! (rushing toward the man) do you know this place? MARC: Nah, I just woke up from a terrifying dream and then I found myself lying in this “I don’t know man!” place. KURT: The same thing here man! But wait dude! Look (pointing to a girl who was still asleep) MARC: Com’on lets wake her up.

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role playing about mother earth


Page 1: The Counsel

Group C – Ashlyn NatalThe COUNSEL

One day a man woke up from a heavy dream. He opens his eyes and wondered where he was. He looks to his left and saw mountain of trash, it was a dark place full of garbage. He smells the suffocating unpleasant odor of that place and then he chills from the thought that the place was like hell. The man says:

MARC: oh God! What a messy place. I would never put myself in that place.

Afterwards he looks to his right and saw a beautiful place he’d never seen before. For him it was like wonderful paradise, a very green place with bright blue sky. It was refreshing, the cold water from the falls and the touch of the wind to his face. The man says:

MARC: Man oh man! This is what am telling yeah! I can swim in that awesome falls all day long.

He was about to move when someone calls him from behind.

KURT: Hey dude! (rushing toward the man) do you know this place?

MARC: Nah, I just woke up from a terrifying dream and then I found myself lying in this “I don’t know man!” place.

KURT: The same thing here man! But wait dude! Look (pointing to a girl who was still asleep)

MARC: Com’on lets wake her up.

The two men approach the sleeping girl but did not hesitate to wake her up because the girl was dirty and smelly.

MARC: oh boy! I would never wake that poor and smelly girl.

KURT: how could you man, I will woke her up, you can go if you want but am staying

MARC: o’right it’s your decision. Am leaving and get myself a nice bath with that falls.

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As the man approaches the green land, two ladies confronted and stop him from passing through.

BERNICE: oh dear young man, you cannot get through.

KURT: why? Is this your place?

GWYNETH: we are the guardian of this place and we can’t let you in.

KURT: oh man! Get me through, I want to have a good bath, can’t you see? I’m soaking in my sweat.

BERNICE: I’m sorry but we can’t

KURT: Why!

GWYNETH: This is the home of Mother Earth, if we let you in you would destroy this place too.

KURT: what are you saying? I never destroy something, you can see my house, it was neat and clean.

BERNICE: of course, who would want a dirty and smelly house, but your trashes? Where did you throw them?

GWYNETH: how about the smoke of your car and cigarette?

BERNICE: and your plastic factory? Where do you think all your waste and chemicals dump?

BERNICE: in the river. You’ve killed a lot of living things under that river.

MARC: and if I didn’t do that how can I live?

BERNICE: you have polluted not only the river but also the air from that plastic factory.

GWYNETH do you see that place, that smelly and dirty one? The one you’ve said you would never put yourself there? It was all your waste, you and many others like you.

BERNICE: you belong to that place. Not here. Mother Earth is suffering because of you.

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Man: I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to. I was just doing it to live, to have a nice living. I never thought this was the consequence of doing such thing. Please forgive me.

BERNICE: you should not beg us. It was not our duty but to the Mother Earth.

MARC: where can I find the Mother Earth?

GWYNETH: The mother Earth is suffering because of you. The mother earth needs help.

The two ladies suddenly disappear and the gate to the paradise closed. The man decided to go back where he left the other man and a girl.

KURT: why did you come back?

MARC: I don’t know man, I could not get through.

KUT: why?

MARC: it was my fault, I became so eager and selfish that I did not think about the Mother Earth. Maybe I should get to that poor place and clean it up so Mother Earth would let me past to her paradise.

KURT: If that’s what you want man, I’m still trying to help this girl. I could not wake her up.

And so the man goes to the dirty and smelly place. He will try to please the mother earth by cleaning his mess but another man stops him from passing through.

Man3: my lord, we’ve been waiting for you

Man: lord? Me? I think you’ve mistaken me.

BENJAMIN: yes, I’m sure my lord.

KURT: I’m here to clean this place, I am not your lord.

BENJAMIN: you’ve made all this mess my lord, you want this place to be like this.

CARL: let him be man3, I’m sure he cannot clean the mess he’d made

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ASHLYN: I’ll bet on that my dear. A type of man like him, selfish-irresponsible creature could not stand a place like this.

(CARL and ASHLYN together)

BENJAMIN: stop it you two, remember he is still our lord.

CARL: you mean lord of the mess?

ASHLYN: I love that girl! Welcome! Lord of the mess!

MARC: no! I’ve change, I will make things good now, I will clean the surroundings, I will use all my resources to work this thing out.

CARL: too late for you Mr. Mess. Your money does not work here.

ASHLYN: that’s true no matter how rich you are before, your wealth is nothing but a trash here.

MARC: no! This can’t be happening to me, I’m really sorry Mother Earth for I was too dumb to make all this mess. Please forgive me! I will change everything.

The man came back to where he left and found out strange thing happening to the poor girl.

Man2: hey man! Thank goodness you’ve come, I don’t know what to do, the girl started to glow.

MARC: oh dude, I think I know what is happening.

The man walks closer to the glowing girl and kneels.

MARC: dear Mother Earth, please forgive me for what I’ve cause you. I know it was all my fault why you’ve become like this. Please give me a chance to change.

ERICA: Man! What would you do if I gave you another chance, I have suffered a lot.

MARC: I will stop polluting the environment dear Mother Earth, I will clean all the trash around. I will make stop using and making plastics, starts saving water and protecting the wildlife. And the trees, Mother Earth, I will make them grow again, stop cutting them

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off and make the earth green again. I’ll assure you Mother Earth that I will inform every one the consequence of destroying our home.

ERICA: Very well said man. This is your last chance. Prove to me that you have change.

The man wakes up from his dream, he looks to his left and it was his study table, he look to his right and it saw his lamp open. He remembers his dream and starts saving the Mother Earth by doing all the things he’d promise.