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Trinity Season August 3, 2014 The Covenant Renewal Service Providence Reformed Presbyterian Church 9124 Sappington Road, St. Louis, MO 63126 314-843-7994

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Trinity SeasonAugust 3, 2014

The Covenant Renewal Service

Providence Reformed Presbyterian Church

9124 Sappington Road, St. Louis, MO 63126314-843-7994

If you are visiting our church today, we welcome you to our worship service and Christian community. Please find the registration book in the foyer of the church, and help us serve you better by leaving your name and contact information. We promise to keep this information confidential and only use it for personal contact with you and your family. Join us downstairs for coffee after this morning’s service.

Sunday School classes have been suspended for the summer months. Tonight we will gather for our Evening Prayer service at 6 PM. Brandon Porter will be reporting on his summer mission trip to Greece. We will enjoy a cookout again together on the church parking lot immediately after the service.

If you are unfamiliar with our form of worship, please feel free to speak with one of the Pastors or Elders. We have resources that will help you understand the biblical rationale for why we worship the way we do. Visit our website for articles, essays, and other helpful information on our worship and life at Providence:

The Lord’s Supper is observed every Sunday as the climax of covenant renewal worship. We invite to the Lord’s Table all those who are baptized disciples of Jesus Christ, under the authority of Christ and his body, the Church. By eating the bread and wine with us as a visitor, you are acknowledging to the elders of this local church that you are in covenant with God as an active member of a congregation in which the Gospel is faithfully confessed. If you have any doubt about your participation, please speak to one of the elders or the pastor before or after the service. Note: The middle circle of cups in each tray contains grape juice, the larger outer ring contains wine (the grape juice has a darker color than the wine.)


In the Bible trees are given to man for food and medicine as well as beauty and shade. Trees are an emblem of God’s glory in the world and so are fitting symbols of God’s people. We can flourish “like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither” (Psalm 1:3). The growth of the kingdom is likened to a rising, spreading tree (Ezek. 17; Matt. 13:31-32). Adam’s fall severed us from access to the Tree of Life, but united to Christ we again have access to its life-giving fruit. (Rev. 22:2).

This is Trinity Season and so the color of the Table cloth and pulpit scarf is green, symbolizing life, growth, and the maturation of Jesus kingdom.

The Tree of Life (Front Cover)

The EntrancePrelude! ! ! ! ! Mr. Bill Hoover, organWelcome & Announcements[Kneeling] Silent Preparation for WorshipCall to Worship! ! ! Pastor Jeffrey Meyers

Pastor: Let us rise and worship God, in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.Congregation: Amen!

†Hymn #132 “Wondrous King, all-glorious”! ! Trinity Hymnal †Salutation & Responsive Scripture! The Lord be with you!! ! ! ! ! Ruth 2:4! ! And also with you!! It is good to give thanks to the Lord,! ! Psalm 92:1-2! ! To sing praises to your Name, O Most High!! To declare you steadfast love in the morning,! ! ! ! ! And your faithfulness by night.

†Pastor: Let us pray to the Lord:Almighty God, unto whom all hearts are open, all desires known, and from whom no secrets are hid, cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of your Holy Spirit, that we may perfectly love you, and worthily magnify your glorious Name, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen!


Pastor: Dearly beloved brethren, if we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us, but if we confess our sins, God, who is faithful and righteous, will forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Accordingly, the Scriptures move us in many

The Morning Service

The Lord’s Day — August 3, 2014Trinity Season

Preparation For Worship: Psalm 92Organ - Mr. Bill Hoover

Welcome & Announcements - Pastor Jeffrey Meyers

places to acknowledge and confess our many transgressions and sins. Therefore I exhort all who are here today to accompany me with a pure heart and a humble voice, unto the throne of heavenly grace. Come let us worship and bow down.! And kneel before the Lord our Maker[kneeling] Let us therefore humbly confess our sins to God our Father:

O God, our heavenly Father, I confess to you that I have grievously sinned against you in thought, word, and deed, not only in outward transgressions, but also in secret thoughts and desires that I am unable to fully understand, but which are all known to you. I am in need of deliverance from your enemies and from my own infirmities. For this reason, I flee for refuge to your infinite mercy, seeking and imploring your forgiveness and deliverance, through my Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen!

†Pastor: Now lift up your head, arise, and hear the good news. . . !

Ascension†Pastor: Lift up your hearts!! We lift them up to the Lord!†Let us give thanks to the Lord our God!! It is proper and right to do so.†Truly it is good, right, and beneficial that we should at all times and in all places give thanks to you, holy Father, almighty and everlasting God, who with your only-begotten Son and the Holy Spirit are one God, one Lord. We praise you Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and we worship your triune fullness of life and glory. Therefore, with angels and archangels and all the company of heaven, and with the church on earth, we praise and magnify your glorious Name, evermore praising you and singing . . .†The Sanctus

with vigor

fff Ho ly!- Ho ly!- Ho ly!- Lord, God of Hosts! Hea ven- andearth are

full of Your glo ry!- Ho san- na- in the High est!- Bless ed- is he who

comes in the name of the Lord. Ho san- na- in the High est.-

†Hymn of Praise: #127! “Let us love, and sing...” !!! Trinity HymnalThe Old Testament Reading: Psalm 1! ! ! !

This is the Word of the Lord!! ! Thanks be to God!†Psalm 1! “How blessed is the man”! ! !! ! Anglo-Genevan Psalter

How blessed is the man whose walk is notIn evil counsel which the wicked plot,Who does not stand where sin its pleasure offers And will not take his seat among the scoffers; But his delight is in God’s covenant law:By night and day he ponders it with awe.

Behold, the righteous man is like a treeWhich by the streams yields fruit abundantly, Whose leaves are green and shall not fade or perish; In all he does the righteous one shall flourish.But wicked men are not like him, for they Resemble chaff that winds will drive away.

Their downfall and destruction is at hand:The wicked shall not in the judgment stand,Nor sinners in the righteous congregation.The LORD our God shall judge their generation; He watches o’er the way of righteous men,But doomed forever is the way of sin.

The New Testament Reading: 1 Timothy 3:6-16! ! ! This is the Word of the Lord!! ! Thanks be to God!! †The Gospel: John 10:1-21! This is the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ!! ! Praise be to you, O Christ!†We Confess our Faith: Luther’s Sung Nicene Creed

Sermon Text: Mark 4:1-20 ! ! ! ! ! !! !! Pastor Jeff MeyersSermon: THE RIDDLE OF THE SOILS! ! ! ! XV. EXPOSITION OF THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO ST. MARK

Hymn of Response: #317 “Almighty God, thy Word” Trinity Hymnal

The Tribute OfferingWe Offer Ourselves Through Tithes and Offerings ! ! Offertory†[Hands Raised] The Doxology! ! ! ! !! ! Trinity Hymnal, p. xvi†Prayer of Dedication†[Hands Raised] The Lord’s Prayer

The Sacrifice of PeacePrayer of Thanksgiving & the Bread of LifeHymn #272 “Behold! the mountain of the Lord”! !! Trinity HymnalPrayer of Thanksgiving & the Wine of GladnessPastoral Benediction: “Now may the body and blood of our Lord. . .”†The Song of Simeon (Nunc Dimittis): Luke 2:30-32

Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy Word; for mine eyes have seen thy salvation, which thou has prepared before the face of all people; A light to lighten the Gentiles, and the glory of thy people Israel. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

†Pastor: Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good.! Congregation: And his mercy endures forever!

Pastoral Prayer: O Christ, Lord of all, supporter of the weak and comforter of the afflicted, strengthen the tempted and raise the fallen. Watch over the lonely and those in danger. Give hope to the despairing and sustain the faith of the persecuted; Remember your bride on earth, and come quickly, Lord Jesus, to make all things new. Congregation: Amen!

Benediction†Closing Hymn "God be with you"!! ! !

†Commission: Matthew 28:18-20†Benediction: Numbers 6:24-26†Three-fold Amen†Postlude

The Westminster Shorter Catechism

Q. 74. What is required in the 10th commandment?

A. The tenth commandment requires full contentment with our own condition, with a right and charitable frame of spirit toward our neighbor, and all that is his.

Q. 75. What is forbidden in the 10th commandment?

A. The tenth commandment forbids all discontentment with our own estate, envying or grieving at the good of our neighbor, and all inordinate motions and affections to anything that is his.

August 3, 2014 – 6:00 PM

Scripture Reading: Matthew 16:21-27 ! ! ! !! Pastor Jeff Meyers†Hymn #348! “O bless our God with one accord”! Trinity HymnalPrayerMission Trip Report: Brandon Porter†The Beatitudes     "Blessed are the poor in Spirit"! !! See handoutScripture Reading: Genesis 32:13-21!   Message: LOSING YOUR LIFE †The Lord’s Prayer   ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! !! (see handout)Prayer Requests & Prayer†Hymn #339 “O Trinity, most blessed Light" !!! Trinity Hymnal†Benediction

Evening Prayer

Sermon Notes and Prayer Requests

AnnouncementsNursery Volunteers Today:

Morning Service – Lu GreenoEvening Prayer Service – Volunteer Needed

Nursery Volunteers Next Week:Morning Service – Jessica Murphy

Evening Prayer Service – The Pratt Family

New PRPC Directory — If you were not contacted via email to fill out the online form for the new directory, please pick up a form from the book table in the foyer to fill out.

Rooted Mission Trip — Next Sunday evening we will have a report from the team that traveled to Moore, OK, this past week to build sheds for the victims of the tornado damage last year.

PRPC Web Page & Facebook — Don’t forget that our web page has all the past sermons (and some Sunday School) lessons available for download as mp3 files. We’ve also got photos of VBS and other events uploaded to our Facebook page.

Mission Report — Tonight Brandon Porter will give a report on his summer mission trip to Greece. Join us tonight at 6 PM and afterwards for a cookout on the church parking lot.

Summer Morning service begins at 10 AM Today Evening Service w/Cookout Brandon Porter’s Mission Trip Report Sunday, Aug. 10 Evening Service w/Cookout Rooted Mission Trip Report Sunday, Aug. 17 No Evening Service Sunday, Aug. 24 Evening Service w/Cookout

Church Calendar

The Lord’s Service Explained

SingingIt would be wonderful if we could sing most, if not all of the liturgy. After all, why say it when you can sing it? James Hastings Nichols describes the typical Reformation service in the 16th century:

In classical Reformed worship the ‘liturgy’ in the strict sense, the people’s part, was all sung. It is not the spoken prayers, taken by the minister, but the sung liturgy of the people which must be studied in the first instance to comprehend the meaning of early Reformed worship.

That may come as a surprise to modern Protestants. We typically say everything and then only sing the hymns. Colossians 2:15-17, however, commends us to let the word of Christ dwell in us “richly” by singing “psalms, hymns, and Spiritual songs.” The Word dwells in our midst richly or gloriously when it is sung. Singing glorifies and beautifies speech. When you love someone you use heightened, glorified poetic speech and you sing those words to your lover! Somewhere Augustine sloganizes this fact: Cantare amantis est (Latin: “only the lover sings”). Lovers don’t merely talk; they sing. Love beautifies. We sing to those we love. We sing about that which we love. Just as poetry is glorified written communication, singing is appropriate whenever plain talk is not enough.

The Lord’s Day service is the context where we express our gratitude and love for God. Here we are called to glorify God with our speech. Adoration is a state of the soul that only singing can appropriately express. Follow the progression. Poetry is glorified words. Glorified words are glorified still more when they are sung. The union of many voices makes singing even more glorious. Still again, complex harmonies glorify congregational singing. Finally, the sung word is made yet more glorious when accompanied by instrumental music.

Such a rich conception of congregational participation is true to the best in Reformation theology and practice. For example, a steady stream of men were trained in Calvin’s Geneva and sent out as missionaries into all of Europe to establish the Gospel. The Reformation was not simply an intellectual, doctrinal movement—a mere attempt to propagate ideas or doctrines. The Reformation, whether led by Luther or Calvin, was a full-fledged liturgical reformation.

You didn’t just come to Calvin’s Geneva in the 1500s to learn doctrine; you came to learn how to worship God. You came to be formed into a worshiping community. You were trained to sing. To sing your faith! To sing the Apostles’ and Nicene Creeds. To sing the Word of God. To sing your prayers. To sing the Lord’s Prayer. Especially, to sing the inspired hymnbook of the Church, the Psalter! You were trained in a new manner of living fitting for the Gospel. You were trained to be incorporated into a Christian army of Psalm-singing worshipers! This is what it means to be a Reformation Christian. You are a singing Christian, a participant in a congregation of singing, justified believers! The bottom line is that we should learn to sing more of the Divine Service!

Officers and Resource People

The Session (Pastors & Elders)

Rev. Jeffrey J. Meyers! 314-842-9329 (O) ! Senior Pastor! 314-842-9309 (H)

Jason Carter! 636-257-2441

Joel Montgomery! 314-984-8074 Ken Pratt! 314-416-1176

Monte Shields (Clerk)! 314-849-0597 Allan Wamsley! 314-560-9602

The Deacons

Jack Boeve (Chairman)! 636-461-1398 Bryan Carter! 314-296-8302

Lane Greeno 314-229-0801 Dan Hayes! 314-984-9814

Paul Schmidt ! 314-307-4369

Steve Shaffer! 314-616-9062 Pat Staebel! 314-303-4369 Paul Svezia! 314-406-9101

Todd Tageson! 314-892-8982 Bob Wooldridge! 314-963-9671

Women in the Church Officers

President: Donna Byerly! 314-689-6021 Vice President: Debbie Zintel! 314-221-8913

Secretary: Ryan Herwick 314-296-3277 Treasurer: Kathy Pratt Prayer Chain: Donna Byerly [email protected]: Mary Beth Denney, Ryan Herweck

Bethel: Cassie Linton, Denise Gerstung, Crystal Schmidt

Kitchen: Tracy Boeve 636-461-1398 ! Maggie Montgomery 314-283-0319

Hospitality: Barb Hoover! 314-966-3523 ! Deborah Shields 314-849-0597Wedding Coordinator: ! Barb Hoover 314-966-3523

Church Staff

Rev. Jeffrey J. Meyers! 314-842-9329 (O) ! Senior Pastor! 314-842-9309 (H)

Paul Jaeggi, Sr.! 314-843-7994 (Church) ! Asst. to the Pastor! 314-631-4394 (Home)

Ryan Van Horn, Youth Pastor! 314-620-3744

Rev. Tim Weston! 314-814-2019 Pastor to International Students !

Bill Hoover (Music Dir.)! 314-966-3523 Madeline Mitchell (Secretary)! 314-724-4117

[email protected]

Pastoral Interns

Ryan Van Horn! 314-620-3744

Home and Foreign Ministries

Ross Dixon! RUF Ministry (Mizzou) Jamison & Laura Galt! New York City

Shane & Kim Gibson! New Orleans, LA Bryan Walker! US Army Chaplain

Emad & Michelle Mikhail! Middle East Dan & Becky Young! Mexico

Blake & Cathy Purcell! Russia John & Cathy Rug! Chile

Brian & Jessie Steadman! New York City Khen & Rith Tombing ! India

(Covenant Children’s Home)! Tim & Rosamma Weston! ISI (St. Louis)