the curse - notes and sample answers


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Mapping of Characters

Datin Sharifah and Datok Zulkifli En.Saleh (father) Wife Crazy, Pontianak-looking woman

(rich, adopted parents) (angry and bitter) (Crippled and senile) (Madhuri’s real mother)

Azreen (daughter) Madhuri (adopted daughter)

(Hard-headed, independent, smart, brave and loyal) (Beautiful, obedient, adopted, 2nd wife of Haji Ghani)

Old Lady Haji Ghani (Madhuri’s Husband) Fatihah

Wise, traditional healer, Azreen’s true friend Head of village, old, 1st wife, old,

Ostracized by the villagers, accused as the evil witch infatuated with Madhuri bitter at Madhuri

Nek Mohd Asraf Awang the Bomoh

Mohd Asraf’grandmother Azreen’s school-mate, Madhuri’s secret love Superstitious, practices weird things

Old and sick

Puan Kamsiah Puan Normala

Ignorant, believes in superstitions and tradition The village gossiper, main cause of havoc in the village

Siti Julian

Kind, open-minded, caring Azreen’s college-mate, cares deeply about Azreen

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Nek Madhuri’s real mother Awang, the Bomoh

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Day One

Rubber Estate

A body was discovered


Azreen received news of Madhuri’s death

She reluctantly went back to Malaysia

She had nostalgic memories of her childhood during the flight

Day Two

En.Saleh’s House

Puan Normala and the gang were gossiping about Madhuri’s sudden death


En Saleh was furious Azreen brought her sick and senile mother while as Azreen felt the same way because En. Saleh did not wait for her to pay

her last respect towards her dead sister.

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Day Three

Azreen visited the Old Lady but she was not at home

Azreen saw Asraf at the village centre.

She asked about Madhuri’s death but Asraf was reluctant to go into details

Azreen prepared breakfast for her mother who suddenly exclaimed that Madhuri’s life was in danger and Azreen had no sister.

En.Saleh was chopping wood when he heard odd sound. He went to investigate but found nothing.

Awang the Bomoh was terrified by the Pontianak-looking figure who dashed past him

Azreen visited the Old Lady who told her that Madhuri’s death was not an accident and Haji Ghani and his men covered up her death

Fatihah was bitter when her husband fell in love with Madhuri.

She was determined to get her husband’s love back

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At home, Azreen discovered torn photographs of Madhuri but her father interrupted her.

Azreen attended to her fragile mother who was still haunted by the accident that caused her leg to be useless.

Her mother told Azreen not to blame herself and be true to herself.


Azreen recalled the incident with the runaway bull and how she had taken blame for letting the bull out because she thought she was helping

Asraf. Unfortunately, the bull caused an accident which involved her parents and her mother lost her leg as the result. She got the beating of her

life from her father.

She recalled the mysterious woman lady was always following her and Madhuri around.

She also recalled Asraf’s meeting Madhuri for the first time and he was immediately smitten by her and totally ignoring Azreen. She ran to the

Old Lady for comfort. Unexpectedly, the Old Lady told Azreen her secret that she had killed her abusive husband in self-defense and was outcast

by the villagers.

Azreen recalled how she had gone on her exchange programme and met her adopted parents who treated her like their own daughter

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Day Four

Azreen met Asraf at the market place and learnt that Awang the Bomoh had been burning some odd things around the village.

Azreen got a letter from Julian and Mahuri’s letter was enclosed. Madhuri wrote that she was happy and had a secret to share with Azreen.

Fatihah and Haji Ghani had a heated argument.

Day Five

Azreen’s mother passed away.

Azreen recalled an incident where she and Madhuri tried to replace their mother’s broken basket.

That night, Azreen saw a face in the window

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Later, Madhuri’s room was on fire.

En.Saleh came and rescued Azreen and put out the fire.

Azreen fled to the Old Lady’s house and spent the night.

Day Six

Fatihah went out at dawn to seek Awang the Bomoh to get a charm to win back her husband.

She stumbled with the crazy woman and fainted

The Old Lady stumbled on Fatihah who fled the scene immediately once she was conscious.

Asraf was worried because Nek’s cough was getting worst. He tried to get some herbal plants but the market was flooded. He went to the Old

Lady’s place and pleaded with her to come to the village to treat Nek. The Old Lady reluctantly went with Azreen. The Old Lady treated Nek.

Unfortunately, her presence was discovered by Puan Kamsiah and Puan Normala who plotted a plan to oust her from the village.

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Day Seven

Nek’s condition improved but the Old Lady was worried by the sudden improvement.

Azreen went home and saw Awang the Bomoh around her house. She confronted him. Awing told her about the commotion at Asraf’s house

caused by Puan Normala and her gang.

Azreen rushed there to save the Old Lady. She came face to face with Puan Normala’s sickle. She was saved by her father and the crowd


At night time, Siti came and told her that Nek had passed away and a mob led by Asraf was heading towards the Old Lady’s house for revenge.

Azreen rushed to the Old Lady’s house to defend her. During a shuffle with Asraf, Azreen was pushed and she stabbed his foot using a spade.

The torch in Asraf’s hand fell and rolled towards the house and a fire started. Azreen went into the house to save the Old Lady but she was

trapped. Before she died, she told Azreen to learn to forgive. Azreen was saved by her father who dragged her out of the burning house.

Azreen went to confront Asraf who told her about his secret relationship with Madhuri.

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Azreen was devastated and ran off to a quiet place and fall asleep.

Day Eight

Azreen visited Maduri’s grave.

Awang the Bomoh told her that Madhuri was adopted and the crazy woman was her real mother. He also admitted that he was the one who left

the door unlatched in the bull incident. Azreen was shocked but she believed his story.

She went home and saw the mysterious lady was pointing towards the woodpile. En.Saleh appeared and Azreen told him about what she knew.

They went to the woodpile and when Azreen saw the parang with latex on it, she realized it was her father who had murdered Madhuri.

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En.Saleh recalled that fateful morning when he had caught Madhuri with another man(Asraf) in the rubber estate. Madhuri would not reveal

the man to En. Saleh but she told him that they were in love and wanted to run away together. En.Saleh was so angry that he did not realize he

had killed his beloved daughter and Madhuri knocked over a latex container, thus came the ‘white blood’ mystery.

Azreen ran away. She knew there was nothing left for her in the village.

En.Saleh was shocked when he saw the crazy lady was coming towards him and he suffered a fatal heart attack

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1. A young Indian boy woke up late to tap rubber.

2. He hurried to the tool shed to take his equipment.

3. Before reaching the shed, he stumbled upon a large root and fell down.

4. Standing up, he stared at the thing and was very shocked to find a dead body full of blood.

5. He screamed and ran to the village to inform the villagers.

B. Chapter 1

1. Azreen Salleh, a Malaysian student in London was on her way to go back to Malaysia.

2. She didn’t want her friends to know the reason of going back to Malaysia.

3. She was a bit reluctant to leave as she had examination and she had to postpone her exam.

4. She wanted to avoid her friends and questions but unfortunately met Julian Ng.

5. She had to explain to Julian the reason of going back.

C. Chapter 2

1. On the flight, Azreen ‘s mind wandered off to her sister , Madhuri.

2. She remembered how she despised/ hated her sister.

3. The comparison made by people around her caused that feeling.

4. Madhuri – prettier, charming, filial, well-liked, polite, soft-spoken.

5. Azreen – shorter, bespectacled, fiery tempered, obstinate, stubborn.

6. Azreen also remembered how good her sister was to her, the happier time she had and they were inseparable.

D. Chapter 3

1. The gossip-monger of the village spread lies about Madhuri being murdered, having white blood and all the villagers were cursed.

2. Azreen reached KLIA and then took a connecting flight to Langkawi.

3. Her adopted parents, Datin Sharifah and Datuk Zul were waiting for her at the airport.

4. Datin Sharifah reminded her husband not to tell a word about Madhuri’s death to Azreen.

5. They drove her to a jetty and took a ferry to Azreen’s village.

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E. Chapter 4

1. Azreen arrived at her house and entered the house.

2. A few women were still inside listening to the gossip monger telling gossip about her sister.

3. Azreen was angry at them and without acknowledging / greeting them; Azreen pushed her bag and stormed past the living room.

4. Pn Normala told the women how disrespectful Azreen was to them, how Azreen was so vengeful to the family.

5. Datin Sharifah asked Azreen whether she wanted to go the burial ground.

6. Azreen coaxed her adopted mother to tell her the truth about Madhuri.

7. Datin Sharifah told her about what she knew.

8. Azreen went to see her mother in her mother’s room.

9. Her mother didn’t recognized her and kept on calling her Madhuri.

10. Azreen pushed her mother to the graveyard.

11. Her father angrily demanded her to go home and brought her mother along.

12. Azreen defied her father.

13. Hj Ghani stopped her father and Datin Sharifah pushed her mother’s wheelchair home.

14. Azreen stood still at the grave.

15. On the way back, Azreen met Asraf whom she had a crush when she was 13.

16. She reached home late and everyone had left the house.

17. When she opened her window she saw a sudden movement and a dark shape fleeted away. The person looked like Madhuri.

18. Pn Fatihah, Hj Ghani’s first wife was angry as her husband was so engrossed with Madhuri.

19. Pn.Fatihah took the curtain brought by Madhuri to their home and went inside a room full of Hj Ghani’s possession. She took out a

‘keris’ and ran the dagger through the curtain.

20. She felt satisfied looking at the torn fabric.

F. Chapter 5

1. Azreen went into the jungle early in the morning. But the Old Lady of The Forest was not at home.

2. Azreen left the house and went to the market. She bought some food.

3. On the way back, she met Asraf. She asked Asraf to tell her what had happened to Madhuri.

4. Asraf told her how Hj Ghani and his men had cleared the place where Madhuri was found dead.

5. Azreen helped her mother to wash her face at the sink.

6. Her mother didn’t want to eat nasi lemak but asked for porridge.

7. Azreen cooked porridge for her mother and her mother reminded her of what had occurred when she was little.

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8. Her mother seemed incoherent and rambled on claiming that she must warn her sister being in danger.

9. While chopping wood with his parang, En.Salleh saw movement in the shrubbery beside his house. Then, he heard someone weeping.

10. Awang , the bomoh was very scared when he saw a woman with thick ,long grey hair, pale gaunt face and large creepy eyes weeping.

11. Azreen visited the Old Lady of the Forest. She felt so comfortable and she laughed for the first time.

12. The Old Lady advised Azreen the importance of being tact, feminine and patience.

13. The Old Lady of the Forest confirmed that Madhuri was murdered.


1. It had been a dare by the others.

2. All the children in the village were told by the parents that the old woman was a witch who had killed her husband.

3. One day she went to the house and knocked on the door.

4. As she called out for the old woman, her friends scampered and some looked petrified.

5. Azreen was sure the Old Lady was not wicked even when the Old Lady tried to scare her away.

6. She kept on going to the house from that day onward until the Old Lady became friendly with her.

7. Azreen would visit her twice a week and Azreen would run to the Old Lady’s place when she had huge fights with her parents.

8. The Old Lady quietly welcomed her presence.

G. Chapter 6

1. Azreen was shocked to hear about the murder.

2. The Old Lady confirmed it as she saw Madhuri’s body lying on the ground before it was taken away.

3. The Old Lady said they covered up the death to protect the innocent and guilty parties.

4. The Old Lady was also assured Azreen that the truth would surface one day.

5. Pn Fatihah entered Madhuri’s room. She remembered how Madhuri became part of her life.

6. Azreen entered Madhuri’s room and found torn photographs.

7. Her father scolded her for entering the room and grabbed her upper arm leading her out of the room.

8. Azreen recalled an event which affected her life.


1. Asraf told her he needed money to buy a motorcycle and had applied for a job in the farm from Mr Mohan on the third day, Azreen paid

him a visit. But the gate was opened and there was a commotion.

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2. Asraf got a scolding from Mr Mohan for letting the gate open and the bull escaped.

3. Azreen interfered and confessed that she was the one who opened the gate.

4. Everybody was surprised.

5. Then there was another commotion, the bull rammed into her parents‘motorcycle. Her mother lost lots of blood and because of the

incident, she lost the use of her leg.

6. En Salleh went to see Mr Mohan and Mr Mohan told him that Azreen had admitted of letting the gate open and the bull escape.

7. She was caned at the back and leg. But she was loyal to her friend and did not tell a soul.


1. The Old Lady was a young woman from the mainland and married a young man from the village.

2. They were happy at first. She adapted her life and joined the villagers at any occasion which needed her help. She was a good cook and

she also knew how to prepare herbal concoctions to treat many illnesses.

3. Then her husband lost his job and he was stressed out. He started to hit her.

4. He became an alcoholic and abusive. But she kept it all to herself.

5. She endured all the abuse. But one day, while she was cooking, her husband kneed her in the stomach and kicked her when she went

down. At that time she was holding a knife but the knife fell down to the floor.

6. He forced himself on her and she took the fallen knife and stabbed him.

7. Her husband died. The villagers found her and the dead body.

8. The police let her away after taking her statement and she was called all kinds of names such as a mad woman, a husband killer and so

on. The villagers started to avoid her.

9. She had no money and had to leave her house. So she went into the jungle and found a deserted house. She took refuge in it and made

it her home.


1. Azreen was an intelligent girl in school.

2. She was selected to join an exchange student programme in Penang. Her teacher had arranged everything including her foster parents.

3. Her parents did not make a fuss at all about the programme.

4. The two months programme was good for her.

5. At the end of the programme, her foster parents sent her back to her village and brought a wheelchair to make her mother’s movement


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6. Her father did not like what the foster parents did.

7. Azreen told her father to be more open-minded and that her foster parents were kind and generous.

8. A year later, she received a scholarship to further her studies in London.

9. Her foster parents also helped with her allowance.

H. Chapter 7

1. Mohd Asraf’s grandmother was coughing badly. She also had a fever.

2. Asraf went out to buy lunch before leaving for school.

3. Hj Ghani went to visit his wife’s grave .he recalled how he heard the news and how he reacted after seeing the lifeless body.

4. Hj Ghani saw movement at the grave and saw a woman looking like Madhuri.

5. Meanwhile at Azreen’s house, her father accused her of not latching the chicken coop.

6. She denied it was her fault and her father demanded her to clean it up.

7. She found a dead carcass of a chicken. After she turned back for a while, the carcass was gone.

8. Asraf met Azreen at the market and told her about what the bomoh was doing.

9. She received a letter from Julian Ng and he enclosed Madhuri’s letter to her.

10. Her sister mentioned about her being happy and she had one happy secret to tell Azreen.

11. Pn Normala told her about her superstitious belief such as the rain, her meetings with a woman roaming at the graveyard and the loud

argument between Hj Ghani and Pn Fatihah. The argument was about Fatihah stealing and disposing of Madhuri’s things .

12. Mohd Asraf fought with Hj Ghani as Hj Ghani insulted all women in general including his wives.

13. The meeting between Azreen and Asraf made her realized how she dislikes him for playing with her emotion. Because of that she

crushed her sister’s letter down the lane.

14. When she wanted to retrieve the letter, she couldn’t find it anywhere.

I. Chapter 8

1. The village experienced heavy rain for four days.

2. Azreen’s mother died on the fifth day.

3. They buried her next to Madhuri.

4. That night, Azreen entered her sister’s bedroom and recalling a good memory of her mother and sister.

5. She mourned their death. It was the first time she cried unreservedly.

6. When she wanted to close the window, she saw movement outside and went to investigate.

7. She couldn’t find anything.

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8. She smelt smoke from Madhuri’s room. The wall was on fire.

9. She tried to put out the fire but backed out from the room as the smoke burnt her throat and lungs.

10. Her father appeared from behind and pushed her outside. He threw soil upon the fire tirelessly to put the fire out.

11. The storm helped them to put out the fire.

12. Her father collapsed on the ground when it was over.

13. Pn Fatihah went to see the bomoh discreetly early one morning. This is to get a charm to attract the husband attention back to her.

14. On her way, she saw a silhouette looking like Madhuri. Pn Fatihah fainted.

15. Asraf’s grandmother’s condition was getting worse.

16. En Salleh went to Awang’s house and demanded him to explain his actions.

17. The Old Lady of The Forest met Pn Fatihah on her way to find the ulam and herbal plants.

18. Azreen went to the Old Lady’s house for comfort. She slept there until dusk.

19. She ate there and wanted to sleep at the Old Lady’s that night.

20. Someone suggested to Asraf to go to the Old Lady’s place for vegetables/herbal remedies as she lived on higher ground that are not

affected by flood.

21. The Old Lady advised Azreen to forgive those who wronged her as she did. By doing that she would feel better and would feel contented

with life.

22. Asraf went to the Old Lady’s place and urged the Old Lady to help him.

23. Azreen coaxed the Old Lady to go and see Nek’s condition on her own.

24. The Old Lady was a bit reluctant to go until Asraf vouched for her safety.

J. Chapter 9

1. Azreen accompanied the Old Lady to Asraf’s house.

2. The Old Lady checked Nek’s condition and gave instructions on what to prepare while she went back to her house to collect barks, roots

and herbs necessary for the treatment.

3. The villagers didn’t like this . Pn Normala especially started the gossip about the curse that they would get if they let the Old Lady


4. The Old Lady prepared her remedies for Nek. Nek regained consciousness and felt much better.

5. Pn Fatihah prepared breakfast for Hj Ghani but he refused to eat them.

6. Nek’s condition improved. Yet the Old Lady was not satisfied.

7. After she went back to take the eggs at home, she saw Awang. Awang told her about the crowd of villagers going to Asraf’s house.

8. She had an argument with Pn Normala.

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9. Someone pushed her from the back and she fell down. All the eggs she gathered were shattered.

10. Her father came to the rescue.

11. Pn Normala wanted him to deal with his daughter and warned Azreen that if the Old Lady didn’t leave the village, there would be a

death among them.

12. Asraf told her that Nek had recovered. The Old Lady went back to her place and left Azreen with Asraf.

K. Chapter 10

1. Azreen stayed there until dusk.

2. She went back to her house, cooked dinner , prayed and then ate dinner with her father quietly.

3. When she was about to sleep , a loud knock surprised her.

4. Siti told her about Nek’s death and Asraf went to the Old Lady’s house with a group of men feeling angry towards the Old Lady.

5. Azreen grabbed her slippers and ran as fast as she could to the Old Lady’s.

6. Seven men and Asraf were there . Asraf with a torch and hoe in hand tried to batter the house down.

7. She tried to stop Asraf but he pushed her down. Taking the spade she stabbed his feet. As he fell down, the torch dropped and rolled

towards the house.

8. The house was on fire.

9. The fire spread very fast. She rushed into the house and tried to find the Old Lady. The Old Lady was stuck as the pillar fell down on her.

She told Azreen to save herself and asked Azreen to forgive the people who wronged her.

10. Her father came to the rescue again and carried her out of the burning house.

11. She was so angry at Asraf and attacked him like a wild cat.

12. Asraf told her about his sadness towards the death of 2 persons he loved the most. He told her about his affair with Madhuri and they

were going to run away to KL.

13. Azreen ran away in disbelief to the secluded place the Old Lady showed her.

14. Then she forgave everyone.

15. On her way back, she met Awang. Awang told her about Madhuri’s real mother and the illicit affair. Awang also told her that it was he

who let the gate wide open. He also told her that Hj Ghani knew about the affair.

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L. Chapter 11

1. Azreen was shocked to hear what the bomoh told her.

2. She saw the woman near the wood pile. She was trying to show Azreen something.

3. She told her father about the woman.

4. She asked her father to tell the truth about Madhuri.

5. Her father bent down behind the wood pile and there’s parang in his hand.

6. The parang had something sticky and white on it.

7. She knew her father was the one who killed Madhuri.

8. Her father had an encounter with her sister in the rubber estate and she was hugging another man, not her husband.

9. In rage, he stabbed Madhuri for committing adultery and for bringing shame to him.

10. Azreen left her father.

11. She didn’t realize the woman standing behind the coconut tree.

12. The woman took the parang trying to kill him.

13. He was shocked and had a heart attack.

14. En Salleh died.

M. Chapter 12

1. Azreen visited her family’s grave before she left.

2. Before she left, she saw the woman smiling to her.

3. Her foster parents waited for her and sent her to the airport.

N. Epilogue

1. Julian Ng waited for her in London. He wanted to give his support to Azreen.

2. Asraf took a teaching course in KL and left Langkawi.

3. She felt gratified to Julian.

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1. Using details from the novel you have studied,

State an event which you feel should not have happened

Explain why you think the event should not have happened

Support your answer with close reference to the text

How to answer


1 I choose The Curse by Lee Su Ann.

The event that I feel should not have happened is Madhuri’s marriage to Haji Ghani.


Event should not have happened

2 Madhuri was in love with Asraf and the feeling was mutual. They would not have met in secret in the

rubber estate if she was not a married woman. This could have prevented her from being killed.

Reason 1


3 I also think that the marriage had caused the relationship between Pn Fatihah, the first wife, and Hj

Ghani turned sour as soon as Madhuri became the second wife. Pn Fatihah felt that Hj Ghani gave

more attention to Madhuri as she was younger and more attractive. They had their first big argument.

The argument was about Puan Fatihah stealing and disposing of Madhuri’s things. This would not have

happened if Madhuri did not marry Haji Ghani.

Reason 2


4 Puan Fatihah had also turned into a bitter and vindictive woman after her husband married Madhuri.

She took the curtain brought by Madhuri to their home and went inside a room full of Hj Ghani’s

possession. She took out a ‘keris’ and ran the dagger through the curtain. She felt satisfied looking at

the torn fabric. She used to be a very nice and gentle person.

Reason 3


5 In conclusion, I feel that Madhuri’s marriage to Haji Ghani had broken 3 hearts, Madhuri’s, Mohd

Asraf’s and Puan Fatihah’s. This would not have happened if Madhuri did not marry Haji Ghani.


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2. Using details from the novel you have studied,

Describe what happens at the end of the novel ( students can choose either epilogue or chapter 12 as the end of the novel)

Explain why you find the ending either happy or sad

Support your answer with close reference to the text



1 I choose The Curse by Lee Su Ann. At the end of the story, Azreen lost everyone that she loved so for me this novel ended sadly.




2 First, she lost her beautiful sister, Madhuri who was found dead in the rubber estate. She immediately came back to her village from London but she was denied the final goodbye when her father, En. Saleh did not wait for her and buried her sister.



3 Next, she lost her beloved mother who died five days after Madhuri. Her mother was already sick and her mental state was affected where she sometimes got confused of the past events. It is also very sad that she did not know that Azreen was not responsible for the accident that paralysed her.



4 Azreen lost her mentor, the Old Lady in the fire which almost cost her life if En. Saleh was not there to pull her out from the burning house. It was an accident caused by malicious series of gossips and discrimination by the villagers led by Puan Normala. The Old Lady was like her mother and and her best friend.



5 She also lost her father who succumbed to a massive heart attack after he was surprised by the crazy woman who came to him with his ‘parang’.



6 In conclusion, she lost everyone that she loved and had no reason to come back to her village. That is why it is a sad ending to me.


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Based on the novel you have learned,

Write about an important incident that you remember ( example : How Azreen first met the Old Lady of the Forest)

Give reasons why you remember the incident

I choose The Curse by Lee Su Ann. In my opinion, an important incident from the novel is when Azreen first met the Old Lady.

Azreen first met the Old Lady when she was challenged by her friends to go to the Old Lady’s house. The villagers believed that the Old

Lady is an evil witch, so they forbade their children to go to the Old Lady’s house. However, Azreen’s curiosity and bravery led her to the Old

Lady’s house. As she called out for the Old Lady, her friends scampered and some even looked very scared. When she met the Old Lady and the

Old Lady asked her to go away, she did not think the Old Lady was evil. After that day, Azreen kept going to the house until the Old Lady became

friendly with her.

In my opinion, this incident is important because after the day they became friends, the Old Lady became the person Azreen talked to or

turned to whenever she had problems. For instance, Azreen would go to her house whenever she got into fights with her father. The Old Lady

would listen to her problems and calm her.

Apart from that, this incident is important because from the Old Lady, Azreen had learnt to forgive the people who had done her wrong.

For instance, Azreen had forgiven her father for murdering her sister, Madhuri after understanding the reason of her father’s action. If Azreen

had not met and befriended the Old Lady, she might not have forgiven the people who had done her wrong. As a result, she might not go back

to London feeling free and feeling like a new person.

In conclusion, the important incident is when Azreen first met the Old Lady because of the above reasons.

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Based on the novel you have learned,

Which event is the most interesting event for you

Give reasons for your answer

(Students can use the same answer as in question 3; just change the phrase from ‘important incident’ to ‘the most interesting event’.

I choose The Curse by Lee Su Ann. In my opinion, the most interesting event from the novel is when Azreen first met the Old Lady.

Azreen first met the Old Lady when she was challenged by her friends to go to the Old Lady’s house. The villagers believed that the Old

Lady is an evil witch, so they forbade their children to go to the Old Lady’s house. However, Azreen’s curiosity and bravery led her to the Old

Lady’s house. As she called out for the Old Lady, her friends scampered and some even looked very scared. When she met the Old Lady and the

Old Lady asked her to go away, she did not think the Old Lady was evil. After that day, Azreen kept going to the house until the Old Lady became

friendly with her.

In my opinion, this event is most interesting because after the day they became friends, the Old Lady became the person Azreen talked

to or turned to whenever she had problems. For instance, Azreen would go to her house whenever she got into fights with her father. The Old

Lady would listen to her problems and calm her.

Apart from that, this event is the most interesting because from the Old Lady, Azreen had learnt to forgive the people who had done

her wrong. For instance, Azreen had forgiven her father for murdering her sister, Madhuri after understanding the reason of her father’s action.

If Azreen had not met and befriended the Old Lady, she might not have forgiven the people who had done her wrong. As a result, she might not

go back to London feeling free and feeling like a new person.

In conclusion, the most interesting event is when Azreen first met the Old Lady because of the above reasons.

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Based on the novel you have learned,

Which event has affected the main character

How is the main character affected by the event mentioned

Support your answer with evidence from the text

Students can use the same answer as in question 3; just change the phrase from ‘important incident’ to ‘the event that has affected the main


I choose The Curse by Lee Su Ann. In my opinion, the event that has affected the main character from the novel is when Azreen first

met the Old Lady.

Azreen first met the Old Lady when she was challenged by her friends to go to the Old Lady’s house. The villagers believed that the Old

Lady is an evil witch, so they forbade their children to go to the Old Lady’s house. However, Azreen’s curiosity and bravery led her to the Old

Lady’s house. As she called out for the Old Lady, her friends scampered and some even looked very scared. When she met the Old Lady and the

Old Lady asked her to go away, she did not think the Old Lady was evil. After that day, Azreen kept going to the house until the Old Lady became

friendly with her.

In my opinion, this event has affected the main character because after the day they became friends, the Old Lady became the person

Azreen talked to or turned to whenever she had problems. For instance, Azreen would go to her house whenever she got into fights with her

father. The Old Lady would listen to her problems and calm her.

Apart from that, this event has affected the main character because from the Old Lady, Azreen had learnt to forgive the people who

had done her wrong. For instance, Azreen had forgiven her father for murdering her sister, Madhuri after understanding the reason of her

father’s action. If Azreen had not met and befriended the Old Lady, she might not have forgiven the people who had done her wrong. As a result,

she might not go back to London feeling free and feeling like a new person.

In conclusion, the event that has affected the main character is when Azreen first met the Old Lady because of the above reasons.

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SALEH 20-year-old intelligent student Short and bookish Tomboy Independent Highly opinionated and outspoken Courageous Sensitive Kind and value love and friendship Perceptive and rational Brave/fearless

Is chosen for student exchange programme Obtains scholarship to study in a university in London Excels in both academic and sports Plays hockey with the boys in school At young age she stays in Penang for two months during student exchange programme Never afraid to speak her mind, voices her opinion, stand up for herself and her loved ones Confronts her father regarding Madhuri’s death Hates it when people compare her to Madhuri Cries her heart out over the sense of loss of her sister and mother Befriended the Old Lady although others label her as a witch and a murderer Willing to sacrifice her own life to save the Old Lady during the fire Willing to take the blame for the escaped bull to save Asraf’s job Able to deduce that the white blood on Madhuri’s body is actually latex Do not believe the superstitious about the village being cursed, the pontianak, the ritual, the witch and rumours. Faces the punishment/beating from her father calmly although she is not guilty Stabs Asraf in the foot with a spade to stop him from breaking the Old Lady’s house and confronts him and demands an explanation for his actions. Tries to stop the angry villagers from hurting the Old Lady when she comes to the village to treat Asraf’s grandmother.


Azreen’s father A hardworking farmer Physically strong with big fists Hot-tempered, full of rage Strict and traditional father Judgmental Has hidden love and courageous

Works in the farm Does chores such as chopping wood and mending fences and roofs Azreen is blamed and beaten severely for her parents’ accident with the bull Loses control and ends up killing her daughter Madhuri after seeing her with another man Caned Azreen when she was a child Scolds her for stealing mangoesteens Used to eat his meals alone and in silence Saves Azreen’s life during the fire in Madhuri’s room Saves Azreen’s life during the fire in the Old Lady’s house Saves Azreen from the angry crowd when the Old Lady comes to the village to treat Asraf’s grandmother

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Judgemental, biased and unfair

Shows preference towards Madhuri, his adopted child and resentment towards own daughter Misjudges Azreen and punishes her severely such as in the bull incident Wrongly accuses her for doing something she has not done such as forgetting to latch the chicken coop

3 MOHD ASRAF A handsome teacher Loving and responsible Coward Emotional/irrational Sly and underhanded

Admired by girls including Azreen during his school days Takes trouble to care for his grandmother Takes leave from work when Nek is sick Plans to pursue a teaching course in KL so that Nek can get better medical treatment Finds the courage to see the Old Lady and asks for herbal medicine to cure his Nek Persuades the Old Lady to come to the village to help his Nek when her condition gets worse. Lets Azreen takes the blame for the bull incident that causes her mother to lose her leg. Lets his feelings overcome his sound judgment Leads the angry mob to the Old Lady’s house after Nek dies and accidentally burns the Old Lady’s house and kills her. Fools around with Azreen’s feelings as a mean to cover up his personal feeling for Madhuri.

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4 MADHURI Azreen’s adopted/dead sister Young, pretty, charming and graceful Good and obedient daughter Kind and self-sacrificing Naive

Was found abandoned as a baby and brought up by Azreen’s parents as their own daughter Was found dead/murdered in the rubber estate by the Indian rubber tapper. Appeared in many school concerts and photos Was invited to recite poetry (syair) at wedding ceremony Asraf was attracted to Madhuri the first time he saw her when he came over with a basket of fruits to offer his sympathies to her family after the bull incident. Haji Ghani fell in love with Madhuri the first time he listened to her melodious voice reciting syair at wedding reception. Helped her parents with the house chores Took care of her ailing mother such as preparing her favaourite porridge and fed her Listened to her father and agreed to be the headman’s second wife although she loved Asraf. Used to protect Azreen when she was scolded or beaten by their father Helped Azreen to find rattan in the forest and wove a new basket to replace their mother’s favourite basket when Azreen ruined it after carrying heavy durian Consoled and soothed Azreen when she felt guilty for causing her mother’s accident She thought she would be able to persuade Haji Ghani to release her and allow her to marry Mohd Asraf. Looked up to her husband’s first wife and was unaware of Fatihah’s resentment and jelousy towards her.


Lonely and isolated Wise , rational and strong

Physically, mentally and verbally abused by her alcoholic husband. As a result, she finally kills him in self-defence. Lives in the forest alone away from the villagers Villagers label her as an evil witch after she kills her abusive husband Villagers forbid their children to go near her in the forest Skilled in traditional herbal medicine. Treats Asraf’s grandmother with herbs, tree roots and bark from the forest and her garden. A good counsellor as she is able to give good advice and to talk with Azreen about her personal development and educational achievements. Teaches Azreen the importance of forgiveness. Able to reveal the important information regarding the people involved in Madhuri’s murder. Confirms that Madhuri was indeed murdered.

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Friendly, caring and motherly

Able to live independently and self-sufficient without the help of anyone Provides friendship and comfort for Azreen. Azreen turns to when she has disagreement with her parents. Used to plait Azreen’s hair Willing to take risk and come to the village to treat Asraf’s grandmother knowing the villagers would resent her there.


1. Write on a character that shows responsibility in her or his actions . Support your answer with evidence from the novel.

Based on the Novel “The Curse” by Lee Sue Ann, a character that shows responsibility is Mohd Asraf as he is being shown as a filial

grandson and cares about her grandmother.

Firstly, he takes care of Nek, especially when she is sick. Mohd Asraf is concerned about his grandmother’s deteriorating health. He

is willing to take leave from work as to take care of his grandmother. In addition, Mohd Asraf’s effort to look for the cure for his

grandmother further exemplifies that he is indeed a responsible person.

Secondly, Mohd Asraf wants to take Nek to the mainland which she will get better medical care and when offered with a teaching

course in Kuala Lumpur, he plans to take Nek with him as he will get better medical care than staying in Langkawi.

Thirdly, he gathers his strength and courage to face the Old Lady in his effort to cure his grandmother. Not only he asks her to

provide the herbal medicine, but he also persuades her to come to the village and treat his Nek.

In conclusion, based on the evidences given above I would say Mohd Asraf is truly a responsible person. He is willing to do

anything for her grandmother.

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2. Write on a character that is exemplary. Support your answer with evidence from the novel.

In the Curse by Lee Sue Ann, the character whom I think is exemplary is the Old Lady of the forest. Throughout the novel, she

shows strength of character and wisdom.

When she first moves to the village as a newlywed, she is popular among the villagers and she enjoys a blissful marital life with her

husband. Everything changes as her husband who becomes an alcoholic and starts to abuse her and finally she retaliates and kills him in

self defence. From then on, the villagers treat her like an outcast. She is forced to move out of the village and makes an abandoned house

her home. She gathers her strength and starts a new life. She even grows her own vegetables and becomes self-sufficient. She lives alone

for years until she befriends Azreen and becomes her mentor and consoles her whenever she has a fight with her parents.

When Asraf approaches the Old Lady for help, she is hesitant about going back to the village. Yet she agrees and doing so, she puts

her life at risk. When she is trapped in the burning house, she tells Azreen to save herself and she perishes in the fire. Even at death’s door,

she reminds Azreen about the importance of forgiveness and tells her to heed all the advice she has given her.

The Old Lady is therefore an exemplary character as she is strong, wise and honourable.

3. Who is your favourite character? Give reasons to support your answer.

The character that I admire most is of course, the pretty and charming Madhuri from the “The Curse”

Madhuri is Azreen’s elder sister and she is about 24 years old. Madhuri is liked by everyone in the village and also by her parents

because she was very filial and obedient. As a good and obedient daughter, she helped her parents in household chores. Madhuri used to

cook chicken porridge for her mother and feed her. Besides, she had never gone against her father’s wish when she married the man that

her father chose for her. She was married to Haji Ghani who was the village headman and he took her as his second wife. Even though she

knew that Haji Ghani was married but just to obey her father’s wishes, she was ready to be the headman’s second wife. The sense of

obedience in Madhuri’s character really attracted me and I learnt to love my parents more after reading this novel.

The second reason why I admire Madhuri is because she was very pretty and charming. She was introduced to the readers when

Azreen recalled about her sister’s beauty during her journey back to Malaysia from London. Madhuri was featured in many photos and in

school concerts when she took the role of the beautiful Puteri Gunung Ledang. Madhuri was very graceful and elegant in her costume

during the concert. Azreen herself admired her sister’s beauty when she took part in the concert. All these prove Madhuri as a very

beautiful and elegant daughter and I too admire her for that.

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The third and final reason why I admire Madhuri’s character is because she was a kind and thoughtful person. She was very kind

to Fatihah, Haji Ghani’s first wife when she wrote about her to Azreen. She even praised Fatihah and took her as ‘Kak’ because she looked

up to her as an elder sister. Each time when her father, Encik Saleh scolded or caned Azreen, Madhuri took it in a positive way that is, her

father trying to educate her younger sister. As a kind hearted sister, she was always there for Azreen to console and comfort her after

being scolded or caned by their father. When Azreen ruined her mother’s favaourite basket carrying durian, Madhuri, being a kind and

thoughtful sister helped her to find some rattan in the forest and wove the basket together the whole night to replace the ruined one. I feel

that Madhuri is not only kind but always thinks positive in each and every incident that happens around her. This is what inspires me to

think positively in my life in order to achieve success.

Mentioned above are all the character traits why I admire Madhuri, the most beautiful lady in this novel. I wish I could be as

graceful as she is and an obedient daughter to my parents.

4. Choose a character that portrayed good or positive traits. Give reasons to support your answer.

In the novel ‘The Curse’, the main character is Azreen. She has a father and his name is Encik Saleh. Encik Saleh has portrayed

positive traits throughout the novel. Firstly, Encik Saleh is a loving father.He found Madhuri abandoned by her crazy mother in the paddy field. He took her home and

raised her like his own daughter. He never told her that she was adopted. Next, he was a protective father. Even though he seemed cold and unloving but his actions showed that he loved Azreen. When

Madhuri’s room was on fire, it was En. Saleh who pushed Azreen out of the room and thus saved her life. He then put out the fire using wet

earth. Furthermore, he came to Azreen’s rescue when Azreen was confronted with Puan Normala’s sickle in a scuffle in front of Mohd

Asraf’s house. Moreover, En Saleh rescued Azreen from being burnt to death when Azreen tried to help the Old Lady who was trapped in

her burning house. All these showed that he truly cared for his daughter’s safety.

Finally, En Saleh was a loving husband. Datin Sharifah and Datok Zulkifli gave a wheelchair to his wife to make it easier for her to

move around. En. Saleh showed his displeasure at the gift but the following day he built a ramp from the veranda so that she could get in

and out of the house easily.

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1. Love between


Azreen and


8-9, 25,


Azreen and Madhuri love and care for each other especially when they were younger.

Madhuri was always protective of Azreen against the punishment meted out by their


2. Parental love



228 Madhuri’s mother loves Madhuri despite having abandoned her. It is the love that

makes her wants to kill Salleh.

Azreen and

her father



86, 95

Azreen’s father love her but her father tends to be strict with her. She is often punished

by him. He wants her to behave herself. This shows he cares enough to discipline her

201 Azreen was saved by Saleh from danger. He saved her just in time before the Old Lady’s

house collapsed on her during the fire.

189 Saleh rescued Azreen from Puan Normala and her mob whom she has confronted.

Saleh and





Saleh loves Madhuri like his own daughter although she is adopted. He regrets killing

her in a moment of blind anger.

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Azreen and

her mother


49 She takes care of her mother by cooking her breakfast.

29-32 She was concerned when her father does not inform her mother of her sister’s death.

3. Children’s love

Azreen and


- Despite always being angry at and canned, Azreen still loves her father. She forgives

him for killing her sister.


Love between

husband and


Saleh and

his wife

142 Saleh takes good care of his wife although she is paralyzed and has Alzheimer. She dies


Haji Ghani



42 Haji Ghani loves Madhuri and dotes her. He is very generous by buying her jewels and

beautiful expensive clothes

32, 42,


He is heartbroken when she dies and he really misses her.

Fatihah and

Haji Ghani



Pn Fatihah loves her husband. She resorts to consulting a bomoh for charms to win

back her husband’s affection.

179 She takes the trouble to prepare his favourite dish for him.

43-44 She is very jealous of Madhuri whom he adores and to keep peace in the house, she

pretends to be kind to his second wife.

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5. Scandalous love Mohd Asraf






Their love will not be accepted by the society if they have been caught together. It is

adultery because Madhuri is a married woman. No matter how true the love is, one

must live and love within the laws that govern a society.



1. Among adults

The village is a small community

and the people who gather

together for occasions like

kenduris like to gossip. They are

simple folks who are easily

deceived into believing anything.

63-65 All the stories around the Old Lady whom they call the witch are

to incredible to be true, but the villagers believe in them. The

villagers think she is a cannibal who eats children for dinner after

turning them into squirrel or rats.




Puan Normala loves to gossip. She told the women-folk that

Madhuri is murdered and she has shed white blood not long after

Madhuri dies.

2. Among

children At school

57-61 Noor, the daughter of Puan Normala is as bad as a gossiper as her

mother. She enjoys telling juicy gossips in school, even scandalous

ones like hinting that her teacher, Mohd Asraf, has only eyes for

Madhuri, a married woman.

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1. Madhuri’s


23, 132 The villagers believed that they are cursed as Madhuri has shed white blood when she dies. This is

because they believe in the curse she put has made Langkawi remained undeveloped for a long time.

They blame the curse for all the problems they face.

75 The fact that Madhuri dies at a very young age and the way she dies leaves an indelible impression in the

villagers’ minds that it was the work of ‘evil’

2. The


of the



40, 53,

75. 97,



The appearance of a pale gaunt face lay with long think hair and large creepy red eyes wandering around

the cemetery, rubber plantation and forest has led to the speculation that she is a ‘pontianak’. The

bomoh is relieved that she has not attacked him and sucked his blood.

3. The Old Lady

62-63 The villagers believed that the OL has supernatural powers as she can make powerful concoctions. There

are stories of her turning children into squirrels and rats and eating them.

103, 171 She is barred from entering the village since she kills her abusive husband many years ago. They believe

that if they let her enter the village, more disasters, evil and curses would befall them.

185-189 Nek’s death has sparked the fire in Puan Normala’s heart to start the cause of teaching the OL a lesson.

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She spearheads the angry mob that led Mohd Asraf and his men to the OL’s house in the forest.

171 The villagers blamed her for the floods and continuous rain and they are suspicious that whoever she

has contact with will be cursed.

4. Certain


123-124 Leaving a chicken with its neck broken outside someone’s house will bring bad luck to the family.

216 Haji Ghani’s keris is reputed to be able to fly at night and seek out its owner’s enemies.

54 The villages still seek the bomoh when they need help in warding off disasters such as floods, fires,

saving a marriage and using charms and amulets to win back husbands who have gone astray.

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Children should

love and care for

their parents

27 Azreen’s attitude towards her foster parents, Datin Sharifah and Datuk Zulkifli.

There was an exchange programme in school and Azreen, being a top student, was chosen to go. Azreen got

along well with her foster parents, so well that their relationship continued even after the two-month

programme ended. Datin Sharifah and Datuk Zulkifli would visit Azreen and her family in Langkawi often.

Two years back, they even sponsored her studies overseas. In fact, they treated Azreen very much like their

own daughter.

50 Azreen always help her mother to prepare a bowl of porridge for her breakfast and takes care of her needs

after she got involved in an accident that caused her to be paralysed.

117 Asraf has a responsibility towards his grandmother. She is an old woman. He always checked on her health.

He buys lunch for her.

He also went to look for medicine that would help to ease his grandmother’s pain. When he found out that

the market was filled with flood, a man told him to go and see the Old Lady as she knows a lot about herbs

and how they can cure diseases. So, he went to see the Old Lady by the village and begged her to go into the

village to treat his grandmother. He was willing to go against what the villagers believed in by bringing the

Old Lady into the village.

Be responsible for

your actions

211 Awang confessed to Azreen about being responsible for leaving the gate unlatched. He was stealing some

chickens from the farm and he said that he was in a hurry that he had left the gate wide open. He did not

know that the bull was going to walk out through the gate on its own. He was thankful that Azreen

confessed to something that he did. This incident also resulted to the fact that Azreen’s father and mother

hit the bull and her mother was paralysed. Because of that, she got a beating of a lifetime from her father,

En Salleh.

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203 Mohd Asraf and his dark secret. He was in love with Madhuri, who is Haji Ghani’s second wife and was

planning to run away from the village with Madhuri as he was offered a teaching course in kl. When he told

Madhuri about his plan, from her reaction, he knew trhat she loved him too. He said that her love was pure

and innocent. Madhuri was to confess everything to her husband and sked his permission to release her.

She was convinced that he was a reasonable man and wanted the best for her. However, after leaving

Madhuri at the plantation, a few hours late, he heard the news that she was dead.

222 En Salleh took the responsibility of his action of killing his adopted daughter, Madhuri by confessing about

it to Azreen, indirectly. When En Salleh viciously flung the parang on the ground near Azreen’s feet, Azreen

saw a stain of something white and sticky. Like a tree sap. She then remembered when she first arrived

from London, Puan ormala was gossiping how Madhuri had white blood. She figured out that it was not

blood, but white sap from the tree that stained the clothes when Madhuri must have knocked the cup over.

Learn to forgive

201 The Old Lady’s advice to Azreen.

After his grandmother died, Asraf went to the Old Lady’s house to take revenge. He was followed by the

villagers who were also angry towards the Old Lady’s house. Asraf tried to whack the door and he pushed

Azreen away. Azreen found a spade next to her, grabbed it and stabbed at his foot. He dropped the hoe and

the torch fell and rolled towards the wall of the house. The fire caught at the wooden wall and with a

sudden spark, it rose hungrily like an unstoppable giant. Azreen crashed into the house. She called out, but

there was no response. Then she saw the Old Lady was lying beside her stove and she ran towards her. She

tried to help the Old Lady up and get out from the house, but the Old Lady’s led was stuck.

The Old Lady told her to leave her and save herself but Azreen refused. Then, she told her to learn to forgive

before it’s too late.

205 Azreen’s feelings after she learns the truth about everything.

After she found out what happened between her sister and Asraf, she ran away. Finally, she found herself

looking down from the tall cliff that plunged straight to the sea. Her bones trembled and her breath caught

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at her throat. Gasping, she crumpled to her feet. She curled up her body on top of the rock. She shut her

eyes and wished herself away from the island. She did not awaken until she felt the warmth of the rising

sun from behind the hills across the straits.

The warmth touched the tips of her fingers and spread slowly to her chest. The frozen anger within her

melted slowly. She was reminded by the Old Lady’s advice before she died.

232 Azreen returned back to London and it showed that she had already forgiven everyone for doing the wrong

things they had done.

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The following are the novels studied in the literature component in English language.

Catch Us If You Can – Catherine Macphail

The Curse – Lee Su Ann

Step by Wicked Step – Anne Fine

Choose any one of the novels that you have studied and answer the question below.

“Love is important in a family.”

How is this shown in the novel that you have read? Support your answer with close reference to the text.

3. Using details from the novel you have studied,

State the theme

State the event which shows the theme stated

Support your answer with close reference to the text

How to answer???


1 In order to answer the above question, I would like to choose The Curse by Lee Su

Ann. Love is important in a family.


The theme discussed

2 This was shown very clearly in the commitment and responsibility shown by

Azreen’s parents to their daughters, Azreen and Madhuri.

Event 1

They took care of those two with good care. For instance, although Madhuri was adopted,

but Encik Salleh and his wife loved Madhuri as much as they loved Azreen. They took her

from the rice field and raised her up like their own daughter. They also made sure that

Madhuri married a good man like Haji Ghani. This is due to the fact that Encik Salleh and

Evidence from the text


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his wife wanted Madhuri to be happy and lead a good life.

3 Apart from that, Encik Salleh also showed parental love towards Azreen. Event 2

This can be seen when he saved Azreen from danger three times. One of the times was

when a mob rushed towards the Old Lady’s house after Asraf’s grandmother died. During

the riot, Asraf accidentally dropped the torch he was holding and as a result, the Old Lady’s

house was on fire. When Azreen entered the house to help the Old Lady, the Old Lady’s leg

was stuck and she would not be able to help the Old Lady. Encik Salleh grabbed Azreen out

and saved her just in time before the Old Lady’s house collapsed on her during the fire.

Evidence from the text


4 Finally, love in a family is also shown by the relationship between Azreen and her

sister, Madhuri.

Event 3

They were very close with each other when they were small. They always went out

walking or cycling together around the village. They were inseparable. Azreen would sit on

the carrier at the back of the bicycle as Madhuri cycled to the market or post office to do

some chores for their busy parents. They would also cycle past the paddy field.

Moreover, Madhuri always protected Azreen whenever she was in trouble. For instance,

when their father and mother was mad at Azreen for stealing mangosteens, she ensured

that Azreen ate for dinner

Evidence from the text


5 In conclusion. The events above proved that this novel showed that love is

important in a family.


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The following are the novels studied in the literature component in English language.

Catch Us If You Can – Catherine Macphail

The Curse – Lee Su Ann

Step by Wicked Step – Anne Fine

Choose any one of the novels that you have studied and answer the question below.

“We should love our family members.”

How is this moral value shown in the novel that you have read? Support your answer with close reference to the text. How to answer???

(Students can change the answers in the first question to answer this question: just change ‘love in a family’ to ‘we should love our

family members’)


1 In order to answer the above question, I would like to choose The Curse by Lee

Su Ann. We should love our family members.


The theme discussed

2 This was shown very clearly in the commitment and responsibility shown by

Azreen’s parents to their daughters, Azreen and Madhuri.

Event 1

They took care of those two with good care. For instance, although Madhuri was

adopted, but Encik Salleh and his wife loved Madhuri as much as they loved Azreen.

They took her from the rice field and raised her up like their own daughter. They also

made sure that Madhuri married a good man like Haji Ghani. This is due to the fact that

Encik Salleh and his wife wanted Madhuri to be happy and lead a good life.

Evidence from the text


3 Apart from that, Encik Salleh also showed parental love towards Azreen. Event 2

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This can be seen when he saved Azreen from danger three times. One of the times was

when a mob rushed towards the Old Lady’s house after Asraf’s grandmother died.

During the riot, Asraf accidentally dropped the torch he was holding and as a result, the

Old Lady’s house was on fire. When Azreen entered the house to help the Old Lady, the

Old Lady’s leg was stuck and she would not be able to help the Old Lady. Encik Salleh

grabbed Azreen out and saved her just in time before the Old Lady’s house collapsed on

her during the fire.

Evidence from the text


4 Finally, we should love our family members is also shown by the relationship

between Azreen and her sister, Madhuri.

Event 3

They were very close with each other when they were small. They always went out

walking or cycling together around the village. They were inseparable. Azreen would sit

on the carrier at the back of the bicycle as Madhuri cycled to the market or post office to

do some chores for their busy parents. They would also cycle past the paddy field.

Moreover, Madhuri always protected Azreen whenever she was in trouble. For instance,

when their father and mother was mad at Azreen for stealing mangosteens, she ensured

that Azreen ate for dinner

Evidence from the text


5 In conclusion, the events above proved that this novel showed that we should

love our family members.
