the da vinci code i short sweet


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Page 1: The Da Vinci Code I Short Sweet
Page 2: The Da Vinci Code I Short Sweet

1. Article by Ralph Miller

There has recently been a tremendous amount of excitement

around the symmetry and geometry that is contained in DaVinci's

drawing called "Proportions of the Human Figure." The popular

novel, "The DaVinci Code" by Dan Brown tells of how there is a six-

pointed star hidden within the drawing. One idea around the six-

pointed star is that the 2 intersecting triangles represent a

symmetrical union of male (yang) and female (yin). This is

particularly interesting since the greater human condition seems to

be out of balance, with a preponderance of yang, or masculine


So the idea of a coming together in balance and harmony would be fantastic.

There is a lot of information that suggests that the world is about to enter into a new

feminine era. There are ideas of a major shift for mankind elucidated in many traditions.

Hindu tradition speaks of a transition from a previous age to the age of Kali. Kali

represents the feminine destroyer. Kali also represents the vindication of truth over lies.

The Mayan calendar is coming up on its completion. The Mayans also believed in a shift

for mankind.

In many ways we sit on a precipice where lies and manipulation by governments,

religion and the media literally control our lives. We have world leaders who are engaged

in wars and the slaughter of 100's of thousands of innocents.

It is tempting to believe that a secret and sacred geometry lies within our own physical

bodies. Even so, I have always been somewhat skeptical about secret codes. There have

been a number of attempts to uncover a perfect symmetry within DaVinci's work.

I have seen some constructions within the drawing that have been made by others,

towards the end of espousing certain conclusions. For example, some think that the star

represents something called the Merkaba. The Merkaba is a star tetrahedron which

represents the human energy field (or light body).

This is just one example.

I wanted to see how they did it … how they came to their conclusions. So I worked on it

myself, using information about the drawing that I had researched. I discovered that

some of the conclusions that others made seemed to be somewhat arbitrary. I could not

understand how they got from A to B, and they seemed to ignore subtle clues in

DaVinci's drawing.

So what is the DaVinci code? What is the hidden information within the sketch?

The real starting point with DaVinci's "Proportions of the Human Figure" is in the work of

an ancient by the name of Vitruvius who was an architect. Vitruvius developed the

concept of 'squaring the circle' which basically involves constructing a square with an

equal surface area to a circle or visa-versa. DaVinci was fascinated by the ideas that

Vitruvius had about squaring the circle.

DaVinci's drawing contains both a square and a circle with unequal surface areas. There

are clues within the drawing that can be used to 'square the circle' and 'circle the

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square'. This is the starting point. This construction, which can be accomplished without

any measuring device, is called the Vitruvian Man.

I did exactly that myself, and discovered some remarkable symmetries in DaVinci's

drawing. In fact, I constructed the geometry with only a protractor and a straight edge.

But upon completion I wanted to check the surface areas of the circles and the squares

to discover if Vitruvius was correct.

First have a look at the drawing that I did, along with notes in the margin about the

utterly fantastic symmetries it contains.

At the end of this chapter, a print of a slide show is available which explains the

concept in depth, please refer appendix I for the same.

Now, while I was able to make the above drawing with only a protractor and a straight

edge; I still wanted to check to see if Vitruvius was correct in his squaring the circle

thing. Following are the measurements I took off the original drawing that I did. (the

image above is slightly reduced in size however)

Drawing Measurements

DaVinci Circle Radius is 3.33" (the largest circle) DaVinci Square Side is 5.51"

Blue Circle Radius is 3.105" (supposed to be the same area as DaVinci's square)

Black Square Side is 5.90" (supposed to be the same area as DaVinci's circle)

Following are the calculations that I made from my measurements:

DaVinci Circle Surface Area is 3.33 x = 34.84

Black Square Surface Area is 5.90 x 5.90 = 34.81

Blue Circle Surface Area is 3.105 x = 30.288

DaVinci Square Surface Area is 5.51 x 5.51 = 30.36

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The surface area of the square that I constructed is nearly the same as DaVinci's circle

(only off by 3/100's of a square inch!). And the surface area of the circle that I

constructed was very nearly the same as DaVinci's square. How cool is that!

Now on to the next bit. I had some time ago seen another representation of proportions

of the Earth and Moon in this drawing. But again, the work was arbitrary as if the author

was trying to prove a point, rather than to let the geometry reveal itself. Personally, I

had a suspicion that the earth/moon proportion indeed was in the drawing.

If you look at the distance from the top of the head to the arc of the blue circle (this was

the Vitruvius construction) and use that distance as a radius, you can draw a circle

around the head. Another circle can then be constructed that is the exact height of the

man, with the center being exactly at the groin. (Notice the faint line DaVinci has at the

groin … this is one of the clues.)

Again, I wanted to check to see if the small red circle and the large red circle were in the

same proportion as the moon and the Earth. Following are the measurements of those

two circles.

Drawing Measurements

Small Red Circle Radius is .75"

Large Red Circle Radius is 2.755"

I then went to the Goddard Space Center web site for the data on the diameters of the

Earth and the moon.

Astronomical Measurements

Earth Mean Radius is 3,963 Miles

Moon Mean Radius is 1,080 Miles

Finally, I performed the calculations. Incredible. Actually, I

think the photo to the right is not quite in proportion, but I

liked the photo anyway.


Earth Radius/Moon Radius = 3,963/1,080 = 3.67

L Red Circle Radius/Red Circle Radius = 2.755/.75 = 3.67

Finally, I wanted to mention the astrological event of November 9, 2003 called the

Harmonic Concordance. There was an amazing synchronicity for me, because I was

working on writing this article during the week just prior to November 9th.

The Harmonic Concordance as I understand it, is a very symmetrical pattern called the

Grand Sextile which forms a 'Star of David' in the pattern of the Sun, Moon and planets.

This is a very rare occurrence, and what makes it even stranger is that it was

accompanied by a full Lunar eclipse. I am not an astrologer, so I can't really interpret

what this all means, but I was able to obtain an astrological chart, because I wanted to

check for the 'Star of David', as I had heard that it was in there.

So we've got a full Lunar eclipse and a very rare astrological aspect that coincide on

November 9, 2003. Here is the chart:

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The symmetry and synchronicity of this is amazing. "As above, so below" takes on real

meaning when you think of the Star of David revealed by DaVinci and in the sky on

November 9th. The drawing contains much, much more hidden information. Notice some

of the other clues (more faint lines at the elbows; at the shoulders). I will not try to

elaborate any further now. I just wanted to present part of the information here.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention one more obvious synchronicity. I've had DaVinci's drawing

on my website for the past three years. I've always been fascinated by it.

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Appendix I

Diagram 01: First, you will notice that DaVinci has two small marks on the 'collar bone.' One mark on each

side. These marks are clues within the drawing. Construct a circle with the mark as the center of the

circle, and a radius that extends to the fingertips of the figure's left hand.Image 1 of 14

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Diagram 02: As in the previous step, construct another circle with the second mark as the center, and a

radius out to the fingertips of the figure's right hand.Image 2 of 14

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Diagram 03: In this step you draw a straight line from the corner of the square in DaVinci's drawing,

through the navel, and then intersecting the arc of the circle opposite the corner. You then draw another

straight line from the other corner.Image 3 of 14

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Diagram 04: At the point where these lines intersect the arcs of the two circles, a distance is defined from

that point to the feet of the figure. That distance is duplicated into the width of a square. Basically, you

create a square using that distance. This new square you have just made has exactly the same surface

area as the original circle in DaVinci's drawing.Image 4 of 14

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Diagram 05: Next you cast a circle that intersects the fingertips of the figure's horizontal arms (rather

than the figures up-stretched arms). This circle (blue) has the exact same surface area as the original

square in DaVinci's drawing.Image 5 of 14

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Diagram 06: Then you construct a circle with the center at the top of the figure's head (crown chakra),

and a radius that extends out to the arc of the blue circle. Also, you can notice the very faint line that

DaVinci left on his drawing right at the groin.Image 6 of 14

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Diagram 07: Using the line at the groin as a center (root chakra) you construct another circle with a

radius to the top of the figure's head. These two newly constructed circles (in red) have exactly the same

proportions (within 1/100th of a percent) as the radius of the moon has to the earth.Image 7 of 14

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Diagram 08: You can also notice two more faint lines. The first line is across the chest (heart chakra) and

is right at the nipples of the figure. The second line is a little bit below the knees of the figure.Image 8 of 14

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Diagram 09: Construct two lines across these two faint lines.Image 9 of 14

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Diagram 10: At the point where these two lines (green) intersect the arc of the red circle, draw two

vertical lines.Image 10 of 14

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Diagram 11: Then each intersection of the horizontal lines (green), vertical lines (black), and the arc of

the circle (red) becomes the center of new circles of exact size to the circle at the top of the head of the

figure. Put one more of these circles at the feet of the figure.Image 11 of 14

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Diagram 12: You can then complete the construction of two perfect equilateral triangles that form a six-

pointed star of precise proportions.Image 12 of 14

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Diagram 13: Finally, if you return to the faint line at the groin, and draw a horizontal line (pink) that

intersects the two vertical lines (black); and then two more lines extending to the top of the original

square you made; you will have formed a new triangle of exact proportions to the Great Pyramid of

Giza.Image 13 of 14

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Diagram 14: Remember, none of these lines were placed arbitrarily! Within DaVinci's original drawing

there were marks, faint lines, and clues as to so much more. It is almost as if he must have made many of

these same lines himself, and then erased all but very subtle clues.Image 14 of 14

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2. Article by Ralph Miller

Since I wrote the first article about the DaVinci Code, I have

received emails from readers who have suggested that there is

more information contained within Leonardo DaVinci's drawing

"Proportions of the Human Figure". I have continued researching

the subject myself as well. In order to give some more of the information, I decided to

write this second installment. I would also like to thank those who have sent me these


There seems to be a connection between all things. In other words, the nature of reality

itself, or at least what we would consider consensual reality or 3D, seems to be

holographic in nature. Each part of nature contains clues that unlock the puzzle of all the

rest of reality, or to the whole of creation. DaVinci's drawing contains incredible

information that shows the connection between humans and all of reality. There is a

geometry hidden within the human body that reflects the geometry in everything else.

During an Ayahuasca journey, many people experience a perception of everything as

part of an extraordinary mathematical equation. They see themselves in mathematical

form. From nature around them to even their thoughts and emotions, everything is

somehow represented as part of a beautiful mathematical geometry. Ayahuasca unlocks

or awakens the visionary brain. The visionary brain completes the human ability to

perceive. It unlocks the capacity of a greater seat of understanding that is located in the


This expanded perception of reality cannot be simply intellectualized. We are used to

conceptualizing ideas with our 'thinking' minds, and this is far too elaborate and

complicated to grasp at that level. There is however, an expanded state of consciousness

that elicits a 'knowing'. Knowing is quite different from 'understanding.' This knowing

relies on a perception and trust that comes from the heart. It is very strange, because as

soon as you trust … is as quick as you know.

Somehow 'knowing' is the feminine counterpart of masculine 'understanding'. We have

had generations of conditioning around understanding, to the point where much of the

art of knowing has gone dormant. This is all changing now. We are moving through a

transition as humans. We are moving back to remembering our feminine selves.

The first DaVinci Code article showed step-by-step how a perfect six-pointed star could

be constructed within the human figure. Some suggest that the six-pointed star also

represents two three-dimensional tetrahedrons. A tetrahedron is a four-sided solid,

where each side is an equilateral triangle. The two interlocking tetrahedrons together

form a solid called a star tetrahedron.

At the end of this chapter, a print of a slide show is available which explains the

concept in depth, please refer appendix II for the same.

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The star tetrahedron also represents what some believe to be the human energy field,

also called the Merkaba. I don't think any of us can be certain that the human energy

field looks like this, but there are some very synchronistic relationships that are


If you place a star tetrahedron inside of a sphere, with one of the apexes of the

tetrahedron at the 'North' pole and one at the 'South' pole of the sphere, then the other

six apexes of the star will touch or intersect the sphere at 19.47° above and below the

"equator" of the sphere.

Consider the fact that the earth is a thin solid crust that is rotating at great speed

around what is basically a liquid magma center. The result is an upwelling of great force

that occurs at 19.47° North and South, that seemingly comes from nowhere. In any case

the result is that a large amount of volcanic activity occurs at those latitudes. It is

theorized that these forces are hyper-dimensional in nature and cascade into three-

dimensional reality resulting in volcanoes.

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Mauna Loa Hawaii 19°, 28' N of equator

Mauna Kea Hawaii 19°, 36' N of equator

Mexico City Mexico 19°, 23' N of equator

Dzibalchen Mexico 19°, 28' N of equator

Georgetown Grand Cayman 19°, 18' N of equator

Mount Emi Koussi Chad 19°, 47' N of equator

Mount Kalsubai India 19°, 33' N of equator

Xiangkhoang Laos 19°, 17' N of equator

Potosi Bolivia 19°, 13' S of equator

Yasur, Tanna Island Vanuatu 19°, 31' S of equator

Mount Samuel Australia 19°, 13' S of equator

Gweru Zimbabwe 19°, 31' S of equator

Many of the sacred sites of ancient civilizations are also located at or very near to 19.47°

North or South of the earth's equator including the Pyramid of the Sun at Teotihuacan,

Mexico (19°, 36' N of equator).

Further, volcanic activity is pronounced at 19.47° on other bodies in our solar system,


The Sun Sunspot activity and the region

of peak temperatures is limited to 19.5° North and


Venus The presumably active major

volcano complexes Alpha and Beta Regio are near 19.5°.

Mars The vast Olympus Mons shield

cone volcano is at 19.5°.

Jupiter The red spot is at 19.5°.

Neptune In 1986 Voyager II discovered a

similar spot at 19.5°.

Another synchronicity that occurs in DaVinci's drawing is that you can take the two-

dimensional six-pointed 'Star of David' and if you interpret it as a view of a three-

dimensional object it is a perfect dipyramid. The pyramids that were constructed by the

Egyptians were not 3-sided tetrahedrons but were 4-sided pyramids, because they had a

square base, plus four triangular sides. A dipyramid is simply two pyramids stuck

together at their base.

If you rotate the dipyramid represented by the Star of David in DaVinci's drawing, by an

amount equal to 36.26° (90° minus 19.47° divided by 2) the dipyramid will move into a

perfect right-angle, two-dimensional view. The pyramids of Egypt were not quite perfect

pyramids, as they were constructed slightly squatty. But even so, there is definitely a

connection. Remember they are located at 19.5° North latitude!

At the end of this chapter, a print of a slide show is available which explains the

concept in depth, please refer appendix III for the same.

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The ayahuasca journeys unfold reality into an extraordinary fractal mathematical

representation. There is such a vast amount of information that is encoded into us

already; it is simply a matter of unlocking the brain in order to perceive it. Somehow

there is a connection between the dimensions of the human body to the earth; to the

location of volcanoes; to the location of sacred sites; and to even to the pyramids


Incredible! To review, you have a perfect six-pointed Star of David in DaVinci's drawing,

which can be extended into a three-dimensional star tetrahedron, unfolding a story

about unknown hyper-dimensional physical forces occurring at 19.47° North and South.

The two-dimensional Star of David can also be represented as a three-dimensional

dipyramid, that when rotated by 35.26° which happens to be a mathematical factor of

19.47°, will return back to a two-dimensional representation of a dipyramid. Half of the

dipyramid is a perfect equilateral pyramid.

The divine nature of man is hidden inside of reality itself, and the true nature of reality is

hidden within humans. In our modern world we have developed myopia to such a

degree, that we have collectively distorted our perception of where we really are and

who we really are. But, many are making the journey back. A journey of remembering.

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Appendix II

2D View: This is the Star of David, which is a perfect six-pointed star, or two interlocking equilateral

triangles. See the first article entitled The DaVinci Code in order to understand how this six-pointed star

was constructed.Image 1 of 2

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3D View: You can extend each triangle into a three-dimensional tetrahedron. A tetrahedron is a four-sided

solid, each side being an equilateral triangle. Two interlocking tetrahedrons here are called a star

tetrahedron. With the apexes aligned at the North and South poles of a sphere that contains the star

tetrahedron, the remaining points of the star will intersect the sphere at 19.47° North and South.

Image 2 of 2

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Appendix III

Diagram 01: This is the Star of David, which is a perfect six-pointed star, or two interlocking equilateral

triangles. See the first article entitled The DaVinci Code in order to understand how this six-pointed star

was constructed.Image 1 of 9

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Diagram 02: Here you simply construct lines from each triangle apex to the apex just adjacent.Image 2 of 9

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Diagram 03: Rotate the drawing 35.46° clockwise.Image 3 of 9

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Diagram 04: The Star of David becomes … a three dimensional dipyramid. A dipyramid being two pyramids

joined at the base. Remember a pyramid has a base that is a perfect square.Image 4 of 9

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Diagram 05: The dipyramid is then rotated back (counter-clockwise) first from 35.46° to 24°.Image 5 of 9

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Diagram 06: … then to 12°.Image 6 of 9

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Diagram 07: … finally to 0°. This is back to a two-dimensional representation as well.Image 7 of 9

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Diagram 08: Take away the bottom pyramid from the dipyramid, and you have a perfect pyramid.

Image 8 of 9

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Diagram 09: The precise measurements of the Great Pyramid of Giza are given here for your information.

You can see that while very close, it is not a perfect pyramid.Image 9 of 9

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3. Article by Ralph Miller

There are many mysteries hidden inside of Leonardo DaVinci's drawing called

"Proportions of the Human Figure." It seems likely that DaVinci had an understanding of

certain hidden secrets that had been passed on from ancient sources. It is interesting

that DaVinci very cleverly hid most of these mysteries. For some reason he just did not

put them in plain view. DaVinci wanted them to be


In the Ayahuasca temples, many people who participate in

ceremonies emerge in a world where all of reality can be

represented in very complex mathematical formulas or

relationships. The incredible design and beauty of creation,

has an underlying organization that is unbelievably

complicated and elegant. People see fractal patterns, which

are part of these infinitely complicated geometric patterns.

DaVinci was also aware of the mathematical anomaly called

the 'Golden Mean' that, as it turns out, is found throughout nature. The Golden Mean is a

relationship between three different dimensions that form a ratio. The ratio itself is

actually a unique number called Phi symbolized as the Greek letter Phi or . Phi was likely

named after the 5th century B.C. Greek mathematician Phidias.

In geometry this ratio is found in a Golden Mean rectangle, the uniqueness of which is

found in its ability to self-replicate. By starting with a simple square that is divided in

half; the diagonal or hypotenuse of one of the halves of that square can then be used as

the length of radius forming a circle or an arc that will define the length of a rectangle.

The rectangle will include the original square, plus another Golden Mean rectangle. The

next rectangle is smaller but also contains a square plus another Golden Mean rectangle.

This process is self-repeating.

The Golden Mean is represented in DaVinci's drawing called "Proportions of the Human

Figure" in an elegant manner.

At the end of this chapter, a print of a slide show is available which explains the

concept in depth, please refer appendix IV for the same.

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Mathematicians call the Golden Mean or Phi an imaginary number, because it has no

precise equivalent. The Golden Mean is simply a number, which computed to three

decimal places is 1.618. The exact decimal amount is actually a number that continues

infinitely. Tenths ... hundredths ... thousandths ... ten-thousandths ... hundred-

thousandths, etc. It doesn't matter if you are at the 10,000th decimal place, it will go on

for 10,000 more. If you want to look a Phi represented to 20,000 decimal places see this


Nobody really knows when humans first became aware of Phi, but it was used in the

construction of the Egyptian pyramids and the ancients of Mexico used Phi while building

their temples. Perhaps the knowledge of Phi is a remnant of a vast inner knowledge that

humans once had access to. Archimedes, the Greek mathematician, was fascinated by it.

Plato thought that the universe itself had finite limits, rather than being infinite. He also

thought it was in the shape of a platonic solid called a dodecahedron (soccer ball shape),

which can be constructed by using the number Phi.

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If you have ever seen a cross-section of the shell of a marine

animal called a nautilus, you would have noticed that the growth

of the spiral starts from what seems like a single point into swirls

of ever-increasing dimension. As the nautilus shell grows, it

increases in size exactly in proportion to the Golden Mean.

Crystals are shaped and grow in proportion to this same ratio. In

fact, everything in nature is related to this ratio, because it

underlies reality.

The DNA molecule which is the basis of all life has a

measurement of 34 angstroms long by 21 angstroms wide for

each full cycle of its double helix spiral. The dimensions form a

Golden Mean rectangle where 34 divided by 21 almost exactly

equals Phi.

I had said before that Plato thought that the universe was

shaped like a dodecahedron. DaVinci too was fascinated with

platonic solids like the dodecahedron and the idea that Plato put

forth that it represented the shape of a finite universe.

NASA began collecting data with the Wilkinson Microwave

Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) on cosmic background radiation during

October of 2001. Cosmic background radiation allows scientists

to peer into the past to the time when the universe was in its

infancy. Fluctuations in this radiation can also tell scientists much

about the physical nature of space.

In February of 2003, NASA released the first data from this

probe. In October 2003, a team including French cosmologists

and Jeffrey Weeks, a mathematician, used this data to develop a

model for the shape of the universe. The study analyzed a

variety of different models for the universe, including infinite vs.

finite as well as a number of shapes. The conclusions from the

data in this study revealed that the math adds up if the universe

is finite and shaped like a dodecahedron. This conclusion is

almost unbelievable when you consider Plato had the same idea

nearly 2,500 years earlier.

Finally, I found it very interesting that the point of origin of the Golden Mean rectangles

on DaVinci's drawing was in the heart chakra. It seems that when a person comes into

emotional, psychological and spiritual balance that the heart chakra opens up. At least

that is what we are discovering. When their hearts are open, people experience the

beauty of their humanity in an extraordinary way. Creativity and inspiration flow freely.

They begin to experience life within the soft feminine field of their own human divinity.

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The Institute of Heart Math in California is doing cutting edge research on the energy of

the heart within a brand new paradigm. Heart Math calls the 'balance' that I mentioned a

state of coherence. When the human heart is in a coherent state, a powerful vortex of

measurable energy flows freely.

According to the Institute of Heart Math, the human heart center or chakra generates a

bioelectromagnetic field that is by far the strongest aspect of the human energy field.

The bioelectromagnetic field of the heart is around 5,000 times stronger than that

produced by the brain, and can be measured several feet away from the body with

Super Conducting Quantum Interference Device (SQUID) magnetometers.

The infinite source or connection to all that is, is within all of us. There is growing

scientific evidence of this. There are ancient secrets that point to this. There are

shamanic plant medicines like ayahuasca that teach us this.

Ayahuasca has the ability to help us resolve and balance our humanity. It can heal us in

a multitude of ways. It can wake us up and show us a secret bridge from the physical to

the infinite and immortal that is within.

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Appendix IV

Diagram 01: The DaVinci Code is revealed through the various lines that are contained in the drawing. The

lines represent distances between various parts of the human body. I measured the distance from the line

crossing the collarbones to the line representing the vertical location of the root chakra in the groin area.

The distance was 1.82Image 1 of 13

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Diagram 02: Then construct a square of 1.82 inches by 1.82 inches.Image 2 of 13

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Diagram 03: If you move the square to line up with the line on the wrist, you will notice that the distance

to the collarbone mark is also 1.82 inches.Image 3 of 13

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In order to construct a Golden Mean rectangle, you first have to bisect the square into two halves and

draw a diagonal line through one of the halves.Image 4 of 13

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Diagram 05: The diagonal line becomes the radius of an arc (or circle) that can then be constructed.

Notice the vertical line that DaVinci drew on the right shoulder. The arc intersects here.Image 5 of 13

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Diagram 06: The point at which the arc bisects an extension of the horizontal line on the top of the square

will define the length of a new rectangle. This rectangle has proportions such that it is a Golden Mean

rectangle.Image 6 of 13

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Diagram 07: Golden Mean rectangles are unique in that they contain a square and second Golden Mean

rectangle of smaller dimensions.Image 7 of 13

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Diagram 08: As previously stated the Golden Mean is an imaginary number that is approximated to three

decimal places as 1.618. This ratio is also equal to the proportion of the length of the rectangle divided by

the length of the square; or alternatively the length of the square divided by the height, or shorter

dimension of the smaller 'new' Golden Mean rectangle.Image 8 of 13

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Diagram 09: Each successive division of the 'smaller' Golden Mean rectangles results in a new Golden

Mean rectangle composed of a square and another still smaller Golden Mean rectangle. Geometrically the

origination of this progression of successively smaller Golden Mean rectangles is a single point that is

infinite. The smallest Golden Mean rectangle could always be divided into another square and another still

smaller Golden Mean rectangle.Image 9 of 13

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Diagram 10: Even though the progression is infinite, this small yellow Golden Mean rectangle is the

smallest that I wanted to try to show you. It is interesting that the location is directly over the Heart

chakra. The heart is the origination point.Image 10 of 13

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Diagram 11: The actual geometric replication of the Golden Mean starts from an infinite point and moves

outwards in an ever-increasing spiral.Image 11 of 13

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Diagram 12: The spiral resembles a vortex emerging from the heart.Image 12 of 13

Page 51: The Da Vinci Code I Short Sweet

Diagram 13: The nautilus like many other creatures in nature grows in a spiral shape that increases

according the Golden Mean.Image 13 of 13