the daily bul letin. · v j, k hp fpiww "i",wwn.,', npp the daily mbulletin. no....

V J, K HP fpiWW "I" ,wwn .,', npp THE DAILY m BUL LETIN. No. 174. HONOLULU, II. I., TUESDAY, AUGUST 22, 1882. to liMs Nub.irrlptlun jirr lloolh. THE DAILY BULLETIN Is published every morning by the Daily Bulletin Pcm.ihhino Co., and cireulntcd throughout the town, and forwarded to the other Islands by every opportunity. t Subscription, 00 cts. por nionth. G. C.vitsox Kf.nyon, . . Editor. All communications to be ad. dressed, Malinger Dally Bulletin, Post Oilteo Uox No. 14. J. 0. Ci.isvion, Maungor. A Steam-Ploug- h at Work. ) A Farjjo. Dakota, letter to tho Boston Journal says: After nil that lias been done with reference) to bringing out a steam-plou- gh in this country, it remains for an ingenious Englishman to invent and place in suscessful working a steam-ploug- h. Mr. J. C. Allen of Leeds. England, agent for John Fowler & Co,tho man- ufacturers of steam-plough- s at Leeds, is accomplishing some excel- lent work on tho Aurora farm, belonging to Captain Thomas W. Hunt, at Blancliard, Dakota. It is attracting a great deal of atten-- i tiou, and fanners arc coming long. 1 - distances to sec the plough at work. I a Two enormous traction engines arc . I jfc placed about 1)00 to 500 yards apart. i f ' Beneath each cusrine. and belted to ' the boiler, is a steel drum about five feet in diameter. To this drum is attached a steel cable about three-quarte- rs of an inch in diameter, 500 yards long, and capable of sustain- ing a weight of thirty tons, which drags the plough to and fro across the field. The plough is a frame- work of iron resting upon two large wheels. On each side of this frame arc firmly fixed six plows with coul- ters that cut six furrows sixteen inches wide each time the machine crossMJthe field. On the arrival of the PJv at the end of the furrows the gauge changes position, and tho plows that have been in the air are lowered and ready to start back. One man is sufficient to guide the plow, and, seated over the body of the machine, directs one of the two large wheels in the furrow last turn ed by means of a hand-whee- l. Each engine is of about forty-hors- e power, and weighs about sixteen tons. "When the plow reaches one side of the field the engine on that side moves ahead eight feet, the opera- tion taking three and one-ha- lf min- utes only, and the plow is started back to the other side of the field. The plow will break from twenty-fiv- e to thirty-fiv- e acres per day, ac- cording to tho soil, location and lay of the land. etc. It also does har- rowing. Alta, July 30. A plough of similar kind is now being set up at Sprcukcl'H plantation Maui.. A publu trial of it will lie held there in two weeks when Mr. Spreck-cl- s returns from Hawaii witit Mr. Fowlqr a member of the above-name- d firm. THE Hawaiian Journal, " Ko Pak Aina," owned and edited by Kawainui Bros. ; lias a weekly edition of 3,200 copies, and is the best advertising medium. Of- fice, No. C Merchant st. 1 WATER I WATER I IRRIGATION after this data (June Ik limited to (4) four hours per day, From 0 to 8 In the morning, and From 1 to 0 in the evenlug. Permission to Irrigate durini; ruoro convenient hour? will be granted on ap- plication to tho Kupotiutenpeiit. Persons found Irrigating except dur- ing Hpeoiued, hours will have their pri- vileges stiepcuded without notice, Q. D. VltfiKTU, Supt. Water Worts. Approved: Signed, S. K. Kaai, Minister oi Interior. 134 B. F. EHLERS & Co., DRY GOODS IMPORTERS, All tho Latest Novelties in Fancy Goods 71 HONOLULU CLOTHING EMPORIUM " GRAND v my 4f j VjPoM? Goods sold w W V M . W ' from 30 to 50 per cent below the usual prices during the next 30 days. M. Mellis, New York Life Assets, Purely This Company desirable form of The tontine policy issued this Company yields BERGER, Agent those offered by any other company 71 C. O. A. KRAFT, JEWELER, OPTICIAN, Dealer la Hawaiian Curiosities. Store In the "Hawaiian Gazette" build-4- 4 ' Ing, opposite the Bank. AX ECKART, Jlnrmiactunng Jeweler, No. 113 ana no iiorei street. - lou Clins. D. Gemsch, Practical c "Watchmaker. tx3 Hotel Street, opposite the 123 3m International Ilotol. -- a D. W. CLARK, Watch Maker and Jeweler, Always on hand a nice stock of Clocks and Jewelry.T3u Impairing Watches nqd Clocks a Spocl ally, .No. oo lioiet oueei. 32 Drink Fisher's CHAMPAGNE CIDER 1 So favorably known throughout the Hawaiian Island. Sold by all rchpectable dealers. No. 13 Liliha St., Honolulu 71 A LI. PERSONS SEEKING -- tX- ...... mnlnvmunt. , and all narties , either n Honolulu or at any or the Islands tn the Group in want of Employees will please make their known to the anderslKncd, who will do all in their power to till their orders. P. C. Joncn. jr., J. 11. Athcrton, R. F. Dillingham, Employment Committee Y. M. C. A. 1 jmm G. II. RORERTSON, Drnvman best teams In town. Tislenhonft N. 05. 15 LIME AND BRICKS Ex Bark Almy, FOR SALE In quantities to suit, At Lowest Prices, M By Cabtu: & Oookb Received by every steamer. INDUCEMENTS Offered at tho ESECOND ls ANNUAL w R. B Jvii w KjTrK 104 Fort St. s Insurance Co. Surplus, $10,000,000. Mutual. better returns than For particulars apply to every policy, by General Ilaw'n Islands. M want ltobcrt LeorH, K, Cooke. LEVERS & COOKE, T,cwct- - &. Dirkfiiiti. Importers and Dealer in Lutulmr and all kinds of Iluildin Materials, fort street, Honolulu. 1 WILDER & Co., Denlcrs in Patuts, Oils, Nails, Salt and Building Materials of every kind, cor. Fort aud Queen sta., Houululu. 1 A LLEN & ItOllINSON. Dealers in il aud nil kinds of BuildlnL' Materials, PalntH, Oils, Nails, etc. HOLLISTER ,t Co., Wholesale and Import- ers of Tohaceos and Cigars, and Mnin.fariiircrx of 3oda Water, Ginger Ale, &c, &o. 13 & PHILLIPS, Practical Plumbets, GasFlttersand Copper-Hmlth- s, No. IS Nuimnu st., Honolulu. House aud Ship Job Work promptly executed. 17 tCHR. GERTZ, No. 80 Fort st. and dealer in Gent's, Ladles' and Children's boots, shoes aud MlpperR. 03 BROWN fc CO., Importers and In Ales, Wluce and Spirits, No. D Merchant St.. Honolulu. 12 HONOLULU IRON Works Co. Steam engines, snjjar mills, boilers, coolers, Iron, brass and lead eastiugsj machinery of every description made to order. Particular attention paid to ship's blacksmithing. Job work executed on short notice. 1 JAMES H. HANLON Blacksmith and Farrier. Is now permanently located at the shop on Klin: street, lately occupied bv Mr. Geo. Wc-t- . 112 Ir. De Fries, Veterinary Surgeon. The Doctor has Inst returned from a tour around tho Islands, and holds fla- ttering recommendations from numerous mana'gurti and private owners of horses for his skill 'and capabilities In curing all manner of (llsc-ise- and complaints In stock. All orders to be left at ,Tas. Dodd's Pantheon Suthles. 116 Redwood and Cedar FEET LONG,- - for silo In any qnan 7 titles, by 34 Aluck & nontNftow. FORT STREET. Commission Merchants. OlmiH SprcckoN. Wm. (I. Irwin. WM.G. IRWIN & COMPANY, ' ' Sugar Factors mid Commission Agents, Honolulu. 1 Gi W. MACFAULA.NE & CO., Importers and Commission Mer. chanta. Robinson's Fire-Rro- Building, Qucoti street, Honolulu. 1 TT HACKFELD & COMPANY, JUL. General Commission Agents, Quceu street, Honolulu. AS. CLEGHOKN & Co., Importers tfommlssiou Merchants, Deal- ers In General Merchandise, Queun and Knahunmnu su., Honolulu. 73 H. A. 1. Cartor. V. C. Joiit,Jr. U R EWE R & CO. Shipping and Commission Merchants Queen street, Honolulu. qMIKO. H. DAVIES CO., Import-.1- . er.-- i and Commis-do- Merchants: !H;ciil8 for J.lovd'8 ntid the Liverpool UnuorwritotH, Jiriusli una torclgn In surauco. Company, and Northern Assur-nnc- e Company. 71 Ea, HOFFSCHLAEGER & CO., and CommisAlon Mcr- - chaitu, IKnolulu, Ouhu. 1 JO HN T. WATERIIOUSE. Importer and Dculer in General M,, tucea m., Honolulu. 1 MS. GRINI1AUM & CO., of General Conmiiiisiou Merchant lll.llollllll. i M. S. GRINB AUM & C O. , Comtnis-jlo- Merchants. 214 Califoinlii street, Kan Francisco, Cnl. i "7 T. LENE H A Ni-C- O ., Importers and Commission Mer. chantti, St., Honolulu. 1 S. N. CdMli). J. II. Athrrtoii. pAiiTL E & COOKE. Shipplnc and Commission Mer. clianU. Importers and Dealers in Gen. eral Merchandise, No. 60 Kuijj street. Honolulu. 1 WO CHAN & Co., Impottors and General Dealers In English. American and Chinese Pro- visions, Plantation Ton aud General Supplies. Also, white and colored eon-tra- niaiiinj:, all qualities and prices. B3r No. 22 Ntuiami Street, opposite Mr. Afong's. 81 n.n.Wllllnmn, A.ClKm-tnnugk- , W. II.DImund WILLIAMS, DIMONU & Co.. ' ' Shipping and Commission Mer- chants, Union Block, comer Pino and Market strcwls. San Francisco, Cul. Aor.NTs ion Pacific Mall Steamship Company, Pacific Steam Navigation Company, Cunard Royal Mall Steamship Company Cnl. line of Packets from New York, Hawaiian Hue of Packets, fthina Traders Insurance Co. (limited), Marino In? tirunro Co. of London. 71 QIIARLGS T. GULICK, NOTARY PUBLIC, Agent to tako Acknowledgments to Labor Contracts, AND GENERAL BUSINESS AGENT. OQlce, InMakce's Block, corner Queen and Kaahumanu streets. Honolulu. 21 TO UN A. HASSINGER, " Agent to take Acknowledgments to Contracts for Lubor. Interior ?fllec, Honolulu. T E. WISEMAN, 27 .Merchant st. Heal Estatti V.raployment Agent and General Oillco nusiness. Telephone, No. 172. 10 THE CELEBRATED Liliknlani Tanifesto ! OP THE ELECTION CAMPAIGN of February, 1832, . Translatd by II. L. Hholdon; publ'ftlicd by T. O. Thrum. Price, : : 2G cents. May be had at J. "W. Robertsru & Co'a 40 PEOPLE'S LINE OF Jamks Dorm, - . Proprietor. NUUANU VALLEY ROUTE t Up trip: I.PMP W. U. Irwin A. Cn. A.M. ii!l.'i, 7!(K), SYi)0, I0::J0. P.M. 11! :()., 2:00, 4 :()0, r.tlO.Osilfl, OiOO Powu trljm: I.eavi! Met. nfJ. II. I'.ity. A.M. t!:3t, 7:U0, 8:'J0, 11:00. P.M. l!i: 15, 2:110, 4:40, 5:40, 7j00,0!3O Sunpav Time Taiilit. Up trip; Lomq W. a. Irwin i Co'. A.M. 9:00, 10:00. P.M. 12: 10, 2:00, 4:00, 0:30, 8tl6. Down trip: t.uuxu lint, of J, II. 1'utr, a.m. 10:110. P.M. 12:15, 2:1(0, 4:30, 7:10, 9:10. BEHETAN'IA& I'UXAIIOU ST. ROUTB Up lrlp: I.vau W O Irwin .1 C'oV, A.M. 0:00, 0:50, 7:45, 10:00. P.M 12:05, 2:00, 4:00, 5:10, (5:45, 10 Down trip': Ltnc I'unnliou ftioct, A.M. 7:25, 8.10, 11:10. P.M. 12:45, 11:10,4:30, 0:10,7:10,10:20 Sunday Timi: Tabu:. Leave the Stable, cor. Fort and Hotel sis., for Piuiiihoti Street, Loiik Brancli Ratlix, fare 50 cU., baths Included t a.m. 0:30 to Walklkl; f):00, 10:00. aud 12:15. P.M. 2:00, 4:00 to Walklkl; G: and 8:45. Uuwn trlpi: I'unnliou flrwct, A.M. S:00, 0:30, 10:30. P.M. 12:40, 3:10, 6:30. 7:10, 0:00. WAIKIK1 ROUTE: Out trips: Leave W. Q. Irwin & Co.'a a. M. 7:45, 10:00. p. M. 2:00, 5:10, Down trips: Leave Walklkl. a. M. 8:20, 10:50. P. m. 2:50, 5:50. Sunday trips : Ixwo ftabloa. a. M. 0:30. P. M. 2:00, 4:00. Leave Walklkl : a. M. 7:10. p. m. 2:50, 5:10. The Long Ilraueh Baths will bo the tei minus. Professionals. SR. DOLE, Lawyer and Notary Pub- No. 15 Kaaliiimatiu st. II T M. DAVIDSON, Attorney ntLaw fJ ' 24 Merchant street. 1G PRANCrSM."lIATCII,Attornoy' ;. -- - at Law, 15 Kuahtunanu st. 23 '.; T OHN RUSSELL. Attorney nt Law, m, J Olllce, corner of Fort and Merchant . streets (up stairs) 115 0m , RICHARD F. IJICKERTON, . and Counsellor at Law. Money to lend on Mortgages of Free- - holds. Ofllee, No. 34 Moreliant st. I pECIL BROWN, ATTORNEY aud Coun.-ell- or nt Law, Notary Pub- lic, and Agent for taking Acknowledg- ments of Instruments for the Island of Oalttt. No. 8 Kauhutnanu street, Hono- lulu. 1 WILLIAM O. SMITH, Attor-- T T noy nt I, a w, No. 3(5 Merchant street. 73 lin M. HAOAN, M. D., Ph3'sician & Surgeon, Oflloe, 223 Fort street. OfTlce hour from 10 to 12 a.m.; nnd 3 to 5 f.M Itesldeuce 1!)4 Nuiiunu St. 101 DR. G. TROUSSEAU begs to notify friends that he has resumed practice In Honolulu. Residence nnd" consulllng room, No. 73 Punchbowl st, oppor-lt- the makal gate of the Queen't. Ilospit.-il- . Consulting hours from 0 a.ra to 12. Telephottu No. jn:. fiC Ira D"; EMERSON, ivsldcnoe and con-- roomh at No. 2 Kukui t. corner of Fort. Telephone No. 1J!. rW2m A FULLER, Surveyor for Bureau Veritas. r TOKAY TAVLOR. Teacher of PUno. '' forte nnd Organ. Tuning In all Its branches. 40 Cm W E. R(rVHLL, Consultinrr n Constructing Englneeri ollle 38 Merchant street. 80 2m ..- - "." '" ..l.;i.:ii.ri"li.iii!j M. W. McChosnorv & Son, I'roprietoH Honohiln Ttttuwry; DiialorH in llid, Tallow & Iwatber, AIho, Grocfrie. Trovi.don3 71 ult, etc., ete., cU, ,..,n

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Page 1: THE DAILY BUL LETIN. · V J, K HP fpiWW "I",wwn.,', npp THE DAILY mBULLETIN. No. 174. HONOLULU, II. I., TUESDAY, AUGUST 22, 1882. to liMsNub.irrlptlunjirr lloolh. THE DAILY BULLETIN




HP fpiWW "I" ,wwn .,', npp


Nub.irrlptlunjirr lloolh.

THE DAILY BULLETINIs published every morning by the

Daily Bulletin Pcm.ihhino Co.,

and cireulntcd throughout the town, andforwarded to the other Islands by everyopportunity.t Subscription, 00 cts. por nionth.

G. C.vitsox Kf.nyon, . . Editor.All communications to be ad.

dressed, Malinger Dally Bulletin, PostOilteo Uox No. 14.

J. 0. Ci.isvion, Maungor.

A Steam-Ploug- h at Work.

) A Farjjo. Dakota, letter to thoBoston Journal says: After nil thatlias been done with reference) to

bringing out a steam-plou- gh in thiscountry, it remains for an ingeniousEnglishman to invent and place insuscessful working a steam-ploug- h.

Mr. J. C. Allen of Leeds. England,agent for John Fowler & Co,tho man-

ufacturers of steam-plough- s atLeeds, is accomplishing some excel-

lent work on tho Aurora farm,belonging to Captain ThomasW. Hunt, at Blancliard, Dakota.It is attracting a great deal of atten-- itiou, and fanners arc coming long.

1 - distances to sec the plough at work.I a Two enormous traction engines arc

. I jfc placed about 1)00 to 500 yards apart.i f ' Beneath each cusrine. and belted to


the boiler, is a steel drum about five

feet in diameter. To this drum is

attached a steel cable about three-quarte- rs

of an inch in diameter, 500yards long, and capable of sustain-ing a weight of thirty tons, which

drags the plough to and fro acrossthe field. The plough is a frame-

work of iron resting upon two largewheels. On each side of this framearc firmly fixed six plows with coul-

ters that cut six furrows sixteeninches wide each time the machine

crossMJthe field. On the arrival ofthe PJv at the end of the furrowsthe gauge changes position, and thoplows that have been in the air arelowered and ready to start back.One man is sufficient to guide theplow, and, seated over the body ofthe machine, directs one of the two

large wheels in the furrow last turned by means of a hand-whee- l. Eachengine is of about forty-hors- e power,and weighs about sixteen tons."When the plow reaches one side ofthe field the engine on that sidemoves ahead eight feet, the opera-

tion taking three and one-ha- lf min-

utes only, and the plow is startedback to the other side of the field.The plow will break from twenty-fiv- e

to thirty-fiv- e acres per day, ac-

cording to tho soil, location and layof the land. etc. It also does har-

rowing. Alta, July 30.A plough of similar kind is now

being set up at Sprcukcl'H plantationMaui.. A publu trial of it will lie heldthere in two weeks when Mr. Spreck-cl- s

returns from Hawaii witit Mr.Fowlqr a member of the above-name- d


THE Hawaiian Journal, " KoPak Aina," owned and

edited by Kawainui Bros. ; lias aweekly edition of 3,200 copies, andis the best advertising medium. Of-

fice, No. C Merchant st. 1


IRRIGATION after this data (JuneIk limited to (4) four

hours per day,From 0 to 8 In the morning, andFrom 1 to 0 in the evenlug.

Permission to Irrigate durini; ruoroconvenient hour? will be granted on ap-

plication to tho Kupotiutenpeiit.Persons found Irrigating except dur-

ing Hpeoiued, hours will have their pri-vileges stiepcuded without notice,

Q. D. VltfiKTU,Supt. Water Worts.

Approved: Signed, S. K. Kaai,Minister oi Interior. 134

B. F. EHLERS & Co.,

DRY GOODS IMPORTERS,All tho Latest Novelties in Fancy Goods71




v my 4fj VjPoM?

Goods sold w W V M .

W'from 30 to 50

per cent below theusual prices during the

next 30 days.

M. Mellis,

New York LifeAssets,

PurelyThis Company desirable form ofThe tontine policy issued this Company yields

BERGER, Agentthose offered by any other company71 C. O.


Dealer la Hawaiian Curiosities.

Store In the "Hawaiian Gazette" build-4- 4

' Ing, opposite the Bank.

AX ECKART, JlnrmiactunngJeweler, No. 113 ana no iiorei

street. - lou

Clins. D. Gemsch,



tx3 Hotel Street, opposite the123 3m International Ilotol. -- a

D. W. CLARK,Watch Maker and Jeweler,

Always on hand a nice stock of

Clocks and Jewelry.T3uImpairing Watches nqd Clocks a Spoclally, .No. oo lioiet oueei. 32


So favorably known throughout theHawaiian Island. Sold by all

rchpectable dealers.

No. 13 Liliha St., Honolulu 71

A LI. PERSONS SEEKING-- tX- ......mnlnvmunt. , and all narties, eithern Honolulu or at any or the Islands tn

the Group in want of Employees willplease make their known to theanderslKncd, who will do all in theirpower to till their orders.

P. C. Joncn. jr., J. 11. Athcrton, R. F.Dillingham, Employment Committee Y.M. C. A. 1

jmm G. II. RORERTSON,Drnvman best teams

In town. Tislenhonft N. 05. 15


FOR SALE In quantities to suit,

At Lowest Prices,M By Cabtu: & Oookb

Received by every steamer.


Offered at tho


w R. B Jvii w KjTrK

104 Fort St. s

Insurance Co.Surplus, $10,000,000.


better returns thanFor particulars apply to

every policy,by

General Ilaw'n Islands.



ltobcrt LeorH, K, Cooke.

LEVERS & COOKE,T,cwct- - &. Dirkfiiiti.

Importers and Dealer in Lutulmr and allkinds of Iluildin Materials, fort street,Honolulu. 1

WILDER & Co., Denlcrs inPatuts, Oils, Nails, Salt

and Building Materials of every kind,cor. Fort aud Queen sta., Houululu. 1

A LLEN & ItOllINSON. Dealers inil aud nil kinds of BuildlnL'Materials, PalntH, Oils, Nails, etc.

HOLLISTER ,t Co., Wholesaleand Import-

ers of Tohaceos and Cigars, andMnin.fariiircrx of 3oda Water, GingerAle, &c, &o. 13

& PHILLIPS, PracticalPlumbets, GasFlttersand Copper-Hmlth- s,

No. IS Nuimnu st., Honolulu.House aud Ship Job Work promptlyexecuted. 17

tCHR. GERTZ, No. 80 Fort st.and dealer in Gent's,

Ladles' and Children's boots, shoes audMlpperR. 03

BROWN fc CO., Importers andIn Ales, Wluce and Spirits,

No. D Merchant St.. Honolulu. 12

HONOLULU IRONWorks Co. Steam engines, snjjarmills, boilers, coolers, Iron, brass

and lead eastiugsj machinery of everydescription made to order. Particularattention paid to ship's blacksmithing.Job work executed on short notice. 1


Blacksmith and Farrier.Is now permanently located at the

shop on Klin: street, lately occupied bvMr. Geo. Wc-t- . 112

Ir. De Fries,Veterinary Surgeon.

The Doctor has Inst returned from atour around tho Islands, and holds fla-ttering recommendations from numerousmana'gurti and private owners of horsesfor his skill 'and capabilities In curingall manner of (llsc-ise- and complaintsIn stock.

All orders to be left at ,Tas. Dodd'sPantheon Suthles. 116

Redwood and Cedar

FEET LONG,- - for silo In any qnan7 titles, by34 Aluck & nontNftow.

FORT STREET.Commission Merchants.

OlmiH SprcckoN. Wm. (I. Irwin.

WM.G. IRWIN & COMPANY,' ' Sugar Factors mid Commission

Agents, Honolulu. 1

Gi W. MACFAULA.NE & CO.,Importers and Commission Mer.

chanta. Robinson's Fire-Rro- Building,Qucoti street, Honolulu. 1

TT HACKFELD & COMPANY,JUL. General Commission Agents,Quceu street, Honolulu.

AS. CLEGHOKN & Co., Importerstfommlssiou Merchants, Deal-

ers In General Merchandise, Queun andKnahunmnu su., Honolulu. 73

H. A. 1. Cartor. V. C. Joiit,Jr.U R E W E R & CO.

Shipping and Commission MerchantsQueen street, Honolulu.

qMIKO. H. DAVIES CO., Import-.1- .

er.-- i and Commis-do- Merchants:!H;ciil8 for J.lovd'8 ntid the LiverpoolUnuorwritotH, Jiriusli una torclgn Insurauco. Company, and Northern Assur-nnc- e

Company. 71

Ea, HOFFSCHLAEGER & CO.,and CommisAlon Mcr- -

chaitu, IKnolulu, Ouhu. 1

JO H N T. WATERIIOUSE.Importer and Dculer in General

M,, tucea m., Honolulu. 1

MS. GRINI1AUM & CO.,of General

Conmiiiisiou Merchantlll.llollllll. i

M. S. GRINB A U M & C O. ,Comtnis-jlo- Merchants. 214

Califoinlii street, Kan Francisco,Cnl. i

"7 T. LENE H A Ni-C-O .,Importers and Commission Mer.

chantti, St., Honolulu. 1

S. N. CdMli). J. II. Athrrtoii.pAiiTL E & COOKE.

Shipplnc and Commission Mer.clianU. Importers and Dealers in Gen.eral Merchandise, No. 60 Kuijj street.Honolulu. 1

WO CHAN & Co.,Impottors and General Dealers

In English. American and Chinese Pro-visions, Plantation Ton aud GeneralSupplies. Also, white and colored eon-tra-

niaiiinj:, all qualities and prices.B3r No. 22 Ntuiami Street, opposite

Mr. Afong's. 81

n.n.Wllllnmn, A.ClKm-tnnugk-, W. II.DImund

WILLIAMS, DIMONU & Co..' ' Shipping and Commission Mer-

chants, Union Block, comer Pino andMarket strcwls. San Francisco, Cul.

Aor.NTs ionPacific Mall Steamship Company,Pacific Steam Navigation Company,Cunard Royal Mall Steamship CompanyCnl. line of Packets from New York,Hawaiian Hue of Packets,fthina Traders Insurance Co. (limited),Marino In? tirunro Co. of London. 71


Agent to tako Acknowledgments to


OQlce, InMakce's Block, corner Queenand Kaahumanu streets. Honolulu. 21

TO UN A. HASSINGER," Agent to take Acknowledgments toContracts for Lubor. Interior ?fllec,Honolulu.

T E. WISEMAN, 27 .Merchant st.Heal Estatti V.raployment

Agent and General Oillco nusiness.Telephone, No. 172. 10


Liliknlani Tanifesto !


ELECTION CAMPAIGNof February, 1832, .

Translatd by II. L. Hholdon; publ'ftlicdby T. O. Thrum.

Price, : : 2G cents.May be had at J. "W. Robertsru & Co'a



Jamks Dorm, - . Proprietor.

NUUANU VALLEY ROUTE tUp trip: I.PMP W. U. Irwin A. Cn.

A.M. ii!l.'i, 7!(K), SYi)0, I0::J0.P.M. 11! :()., 2:00, 4 :()0, r.tlO.Osilfl, OiOO

Powu trljm: I.eavi! Met. nfJ. II. I'.ity.A.M. t!:3t, 7:U0, 8:'J0, 11:00.P.M. l!i: 15, 2:110, 4:40, 5:40, 7j00,0!3O

Sunpav Time Taiilit.Up trip; Lomq W. a. Irwin i Co'.

A.M. 9:00, 10:00.P.M. 12: 10, 2:00, 4:00, 0:30, 8tl6.

Down trip: t.uuxu lint, of J, II. 1'utr,a.m. 10:110.P.M. 12:15, 2:1(0, 4:30, 7:10, 9:10.

BEHETAN'IA& I'UXAIIOU ST. ROUTBUp lrlp: I.vau W O Irwin .1 C'oV,

A.M. 0:00, 0:50, 7:45, 10:00.P.M 12:05, 2:00, 4:00, 5:10, (5:45, 10

Down trip': Ltnc I'unnliou ftioct,A.M. 7:25, 8.10, 11:10.P.M. 12:45, 11:10,4:30, 0:10,7:10,10:20

Sunday Timi: Tabu:.Leave the Stable, cor. Fort and Hotel

sis., for Piuiiihoti Street, Loiik BrancliRatlix, fare 50 cU., baths Included t

a.m. 0:30 to Walklkl; f):00, 10:00.aud 12:15.

P.M. 2:00, 4:00 to Walklkl; G:and 8:45.Uuwn trlpi: I'unnliou flrwct,

A.M. S:00, 0:30, 10:30.P.M. 12:40, 3:10, 6:30. 7:10, 0:00.

WAIKIK1 ROUTE:Out trips: Leave W. Q. Irwin & Co.'a

a. M. 7:45, 10:00.p. M. 2:00, 5:10,

Down trips: Leave Walklkl.a. M. 8:20, 10:50.P. m. 2:50, 5:50.

Sunday trips : Ixwo ftabloa.a. M. 0:30.P. M. 2:00, 4:00.

Leave Walklkl :

a. M. 7:10.p. m. 2:50, 5:10.

The Long Ilraueh Baths will bo the teiminus.


SR. DOLE, Lawyer and Notary Pub-No. 15 Kaaliiimatiu st. II

T M. DAVIDSON, Attorney ntLawfJ ' 24 Merchant street. 1G

PRANCrSM."lIATCII,Attornoy' ;.-- - at Law, 15 Kuahtunanu st. 23 '.;

T OHN RUSSELL. Attorney nt Law, m,J Olllce, corner of Fort and Merchant .

streets (up stairs) 115 0m ,

RICHARD F. IJICKERTON, .and Counsellor at Law.

Money to lend on Mortgages of Free- -holds. Ofllee, No. 34 Moreliant st. I

pECIL BROWN, ATTORNEYaud Coun.-ell-or nt Law, Notary Pub-

lic, and Agent for taking Acknowledg-ments of Instruments for the Island ofOalttt. No. 8 Kauhutnanu street, Hono-lulu. 1

WILLIAM O. SMITH, Attor--T T noy nt I, a w, No. 3(5 Merchant

street. 73 lin

M. HAOAN, M. D.,

Ph3'sician & Surgeon,Oflloe, 223 Fort street. OfTlce hourfrom 10 to 12 a.m.; nnd 3 to 5 f.M

Itesldeuce 1!)4 Nuiiunu St. 101

DR. G. TROUSSEAU begs to notifyfriends that he has resumed

practice In Honolulu. Residence nnd"consulllng room, No. 73 Punchbowl st,oppor-lt- the makal gate of the Queen't.Ilospit.-il- . Consulting hours from 0 a.rato 12. Telephottu No. jn:. fiC Ira

D"; EMERSON, ivsldcnoe and con--roomh at No. 2 Kukui t.

corner of Fort.Telephone No. 1J!. rW2m

A FULLER, Surveyor for BureauVeritas. r

TOKAY TAVLOR. Teacher of PUno.' ' forte nnd Organ. Tuning In all

Its branches. 40 Cm

W E. R(rVHLL, Consultinrr nConstructing Englneeri ollle

38 Merchant street. 80 2m..- - "." '" ..l.;i.:ii.ri"li.iii!j

M. W. McChosnorv & Son,I'roprietoH Honohiln Ttttuwry;

DiialorH in llid, Tallow & Iwatber,AIho, Grocfrie. Trovi.don3

71 ult, etc., ete., cU,


Page 2: THE DAILY BUL LETIN. · V J, K HP fpiWW "I",wwn.,', npp THE DAILY mBULLETIN. No. 174. HONOLULU, II. I., TUESDAY, AUGUST 22, 1882. to liMsNub.irrlptlunjirr lloolh. THE DAILY BULLETIN

TUESDAY, AUGUST 22, !82.ri- -


Auction tale of House on Bcrc- -

Jtania street, by Mr. E. P. AdamsiI nt 12 noon.


p Y. M. C. A. Bible Class, at theBJLyceutn, nt 7:130.

'1$ Excelsior Lodge, at 7:30.

$ GOVERNMENT PSIHTIITG?. PATltONAGE.w Saturday's P. C. A. has a very

article on " GovernmentPrinting Patronage." The whole

& matter is briefly explained, to the"

entire satisfaction of tha Advertiser ;

i' but the Bumxtin does not sec it ini a precisely similar light. Not thati we think', the Government notices' aud other Government documents

f Bhould appear in every newspaper? published in the kingdom this is'r,neilhcr necessary nor economical.("Nor do Ave for one moment supposei that the Bui.txrix should he madeStlic vehicle of Government notices

arid other Government documents.

I .'Therefore, let not the Advertiser beso credulous as to believe, or so

, weak-minde- d as to imagine, that wo, are guilty of uttering " lamentations

' bout Government printing putron-age,- "

or arc desirous of securingofficial favor." But we do hold,

,i "with the Advertiser, that all Govern-

ment documents of a public nature'bhould be " printed in journals cal-

culated to promote geneial pub-licity;" and further, contrary to theAdvertiser, that Mich documents arcnot at the present time being soprinted.

We are free to admit that of thetwo foreign journals published onSaturdays ,l it is reasonable that theone of tho largest circulation shouldreceive the patronage" and that "twoare not needed." No doubt tho twoforeign journals Advertiser andGazette representing as they do thotwo parties of " Ins " and " Outs,"embrace very nearly the whole ofthe foreign readers in the commun-

ity, and publication in these twojournals " would MillicicnUy diffusepublications " for foreign informa-

tion.Yet we cannot admit that " publi-

cation in cither one of the nativeb journals would sufficiently diffuse

publications for native information."It may be true that the three native

i journals h.ive " about an equallylargo circulation," although we havereason for thinking it is not true.Be that as it may, it is an easy mat-

ter to prove that publication in theEleU alone does not " sufficientlydiffuse for native information;" for

"there are large numbers of nativet pvople, regular readers of the A'ttn- -

koa or Jtc Ain-- , who never see thef Ji'lele. Notwithstanding our limited

acquaintance with Hawaiians, wo' could name dozens of native familiesright here in the city who patronizeona or other of the first namedpapers to tho exclusion of the last.Moreover, we arc confidently assuredby intelligent llawaiians, who have

' no interest in tho matter one way orthe. other, that a considerable mnjor-- ,ity of the native people are notreaders of the J'Jlele. And for thatreason all Government notices and

i other documents intended for publicinformation should appear in at

l least one of the other native jour-

nals. Wo are not saying that Gov-

ernment patronago should be with-

held from the Mlcle, but we do assort that confining it to tho Elela is

not calculated to promote " publicconvenience."

It is, no doubt, magnanimous of

' parties lu power " to " allow pub-

lic document) to be printed" in suchan organ as the


Gaiette, fortbesakeof "promotinggeneral publicity ;" but it is hard toconvince the public that those same"parties in power" have not shownthemselves to bo "thin-skinne- in

their treatment of tho adverse por-

tion of the unlive press. Wc, in ourshort-sightedne- fail to sec whyone native journal should "sulllcicnt-l- y

diffuse" information among the

native population, when two foreign

journals arc needed for a similar"diffusion" among tho much smallerfureigu population. Perhaps theAdvertiser can make it clear.

Maui.(Krom our own Correspondent.)

A short time before noon of Wed-

nesday we arrived at Kahului, aftera voyage of nearby 20 hours fromHonolulu. A few minutes' rido onthe railroad (not in Pullman cars)brought us to Wniluku. Those whohave made the same voyage neednot be told that I, not being a verygood sailor, was in a condition toenjoy a rest much better than a tripamong the plantations that after-

noon. Thursday I went to Wuihccand took a hasty glance at what wasgoing on in that part of the country,while Friday and half of Saturdaywere spent in seeing the sights onthe Sprcckels' plantation.

One story with slight variationsmay be told of all of the plantationswhich I have seen. The mills haveshut down, but preparations arcmaking for a big run late in theyear. Machinists are all busymaking repairs and improvements inthe machinery. And the same energyis shown in the work out of.doors.All hands are busy plowing, plant-

ing and cultivating the fields. "When

I baw eight yoke of oxen drawing asingle plow it occurred to me thatan improvement on that method ofplowing is at least possible. Thebight of the steam plow running ontho Sprcckeln' plantation addedstrength to tho conviction. Twosmall engines draw a gang of threefourteeii-inc- h plows back and forthacross a field with a speed fargreater than horses. The successof this plow does not seem equal tothat reported from Minnesota andDakota, but the amount of workdone by a given number of oxenhero would, probably, differ morefrom that done by the same numberthere. All things considered, thesuccess of this plow seems encour-

aging. "When I saw it, it was plow-

ing ground which had no.vcr beencultivated before.

The meetings carried on by Mr.llallcnbeek and others certainly dida considerable amount of goodmore or less permanent. Their in-

fluence seems to have extended toforeigners almost as much as to thollawaiians.

Coming to Laliaina qn Saturday Ifound the Lahnina plantation, likethose of East Maui, tho scene ofgeneral activity. All arc preparingto make the next crop larger thanany has been in tho past. T.S.II.

Wk heard of a little incident thatoccurred on Sunday, at Wnikiki.Since the revival services of Mr.Hallenbeck, a number of young menhave been going round and holdingmeetings, trying to carry on the goodwork, and especially to induce thollawaiians to be more earnest andunited in the church. A party ofthese weut to Wnikiki on Sundayand hold finite a good meeting there.During the course of tho meeting ahaole, speaking excellent Hawaiian,got up and asked if ho might be al-

lowed to speak. lie was allowed todo so, and, after premising that holoved tho Hiv'piian intensely, ho an--

nounced that they were practising afalse religion, that the only true re-

ligion was the Mormon form of be-

lief. It was with great difficulty thatlie was persuaded to cease from hisun-call- for attacks on the Chris-

tian religion. How will the popula-

tion of the Islands bo affected ifMormons arc allowed to proselytize,and then withdraw their converts toSalt Lake ?

The Mokolii took 27 lepers toMolokai last night.

It is reported that the Ileeia Plan-

tation has been sold for 8500,000, toa Company.

A Chinaman, it is said, was knock-

ed down and run over by an cxp:csswagon on Sunday.

Evangelistic meetings are held atKakanko every Sunday afternoon inHawaiian.

Colonel and Mrs. Jndd gavo afarewell partj' to Gen. Comly, attheir residence, last night.

Take a look at the Cartoon on theHawaiian situation, by the HawaiianNast, and shown ,in front of J. W.Robertson & Go's store.

Ok Nuuanu street yesterday anexpress was wrecked by a rope of astreet awning catching on the top,and nearby dragging it off.

Wr. call attention to the ArtesianIce Company's notice in anothercolumn, and also to the account ofthe Steam Plough on our front pageand our Maui Correspondence.

The number of Government offices

one man may hold is unlimited. Wehear of one individual who is a Post-

master, Sheriff, School Superintendant, Customs. Collector, &c. Justfancy how much work he must haveto do 1

Mk. Malcolm Brown was, yester-

day evening, married to Miss Smith-ies, at thcrcsidencp of the bride'sparents. None but the relatives ofboth were present.

Wi: ro.iccd an excellent fern al-

bum m Williams', the photographerson Fort street. It will well repayinspection by all lovers of the curious aud beautiful.

Mk. and Mrs. Keochlin will give aparty to their friends this evening,at the l esidenee of the French Con-sula- t.

Mr. and Mr&. Koechlin in-

tend leaving by the next steamer forParis.

Staiiuing affray at Ookala. TwoChinamen quarrelled about a duckand one of them lipped the otheropen with a knife. The sufferer nowlies in a critical condition. Ordershave been given in case of death tohold a post-morte- Tho assailantlies in Hilo gaol.

A well-to-d- o citizen of Honolulubeing one day twitted regarding theshabbincss of his pants about theknees, said it was tho result of muchpiety ; perhaps so, but how do youaccount for the " pukas " in thatpart of your pants " where motherssmite their young," that, he replied,arises from a long acquaintance withtho stool of repentance. Do you recognize cur witty friend ?

Yestkkuay wo were witness of apleasing ceremony in the BethelChurch tho marriage of Mr. ErnestKopkc, of Lihnc, Kauai, with MissJennie Hines, of this city. Thebride wore a handsome dress ofwhite China crepe, trimmed withwhite satin and rich lace, and awreath and veil of white tulle. Thegeneral comment was that it was thohandsomest bridal costume seen fora long while. A novel feature wasthat the bride's attendants were Mr.J. C. Glade's six young children,all tastefully arrayed. The Rev. Dr.

Damon performed the ceremony In

the presence of a large attendance offriends of the bride and bridegroom.

2 Chinaman for an affray and 1

kanaka for wife beating at the PoliceCourt this morning.

Is Chambers yesterday Messrs.P. C. Jones, jr. and J. O. Carterwere elected assignees in tho matterof Dnvid Cr )v,n'n;;burg's estate.

The Interior Department havebeen quite busy making out orderson the Finance Department; pro-

bably over S 100,000 has been paidalready.

The Suez sails to-da- y nt 5 p.m.

for San Francisco. The consignee'smail, by the Suez, will close at 4:80p.m. at W. G. Irwin & Co.'s. TheGovernment mail will close at 3 the Post-olllc- c.

The Italian mau-of-w- CristoforoColombo on going out of the harborran aground in trying to avoid acollision with the schooner Uilaina.The Captain of the Uilama ran itashore, for the same reason.

A gentleman informed us j'estcr-da- y

that a short time ago, while hewas away from home, his house was

broken into, and money, jewellery,and liquors were stolen. lie placedthe matter in the hands of thopolice, and, a day or two afterwards,a messenger from the police ofllccwas sent to him, asking him to statethe value of the articles stolen, audalleging as a reason that althoughthe goods might not be recovered,still the value of them might be ob-

tained in time to give it to him be-

fore he left for Europe on tho nextsteamer. The gentleman naturallysupposed from this that the robberwas kuown to tho police, and statedthat that his desire was not to getthe value of the things stolen, but topunish the thief. However, so far,the police hac not made any dis-

covery in the matter, and most prob-

ably, the gentleman will go awayand impress other intending visitorswith an unfavorable idea of the se-

curity of property in these islands.

Auction Sales by E. P. Adams

This Day, Tuesday,Aug. 22ud, at 12 noon,

On tho Premises of St. Andrew's Gallic-dra- l,

THE HOUSEFormerly occupied by the Clergy.

To b Removed within. 10 days,

E. P. Adams, Auctioneer.


WING to tlie enhanced demand forO Ice Irom tho

Artesian Ece Works,I nm unablo to fully supply my newcustomeis without neglecting the oldones. I hope in a shoit time to fill allorders freely; but for tho present tho'--e

who were not my customers previous totho 15th August, need not expect a regu-lar supply.

W. E. FOSTER, Proprietor.August 22, 1882; 171 3t

irAXTED-- A Second-han- d ErecchLoading r.HOT GUN. Com.

munlcatc with J. W. Robertson &Co.1G!) lw

Y tinted Immediately,A GIRL to operate on a Sewing Ma-

chine; al mi, two Drcssmukcr.Apply to lire. A. M. Mellib' Dress

Making Establishment, 101 Fort st.1G2 2w

WANTED. A llvo man with moderwho Is botli mer-

chant and accountant, can hear of agood business opportunity by address-lu- g

C V D., Jlullutln olllcc. Principalsonly. All communications strictly con-fidential. 105

HARD SOAP,Toilet Sonps, nine Mottled Soap,

iii't received. Our toilet soaps arobeautiful and cheap', families would dowell to examine.

96 X. 8. OLKaiIOUN'& Co

Elegantly Furnished EoomsTO LET,

FAMILIES or SINGLEI70R with nil the convenien-ces and comforts of a home, with

Use of Parlor.Rooms are largo and well ventilated.

Terms, Strictly ModerateMRS. SCHRADER.

Corner of Hotel and Alakca streets.r,i Urn

Now Millinery !

Now Millinery !

New Millinery !


CHAS: J. FSSHEL'St72 Popular Store.

7-- -

i v x


" Contract" and " Imperial,"now

White and Colored,For sale in quantities to suit. Also,

Choice Selections of

Wall Paper,Including

Latest Styles of Decorations.


Carriage tjgfl: Builder.

Buggies, Carriages, Express Wagonsand every kind of vehicles


Blacksmithing, horse-shoein- g,

and all kinds of repairing donc,

LOST The centre-piec- e of a Goldyset with five small pearls.

The finder will bo hamltomelv rewauledon returning same to J. W. Robertson &Co. JG5 lw

LOST, on Saturday evening, on theItoad, between Mr. Henry

Carter's and' Mr. .1. S. Walker's pie-mls-

two pieces of MUSIC "Tanliuu-ser,- "and "Secret Love." The Under

will receive the thanks of the owner byleaving the mmc nt the ofllcc of J. V.Robertson s. Co's. 143


FOJt SALE.30 Shares East Maui Plantation Co.2G Shares Hawaiian Agricultural Co.

5 Shares Pacific Sugar Mill.12 Shares Waianae Company.50 Shares Grove Ranch Plantation Co.

WM. O, SMITH & Co.,Stock Rrokcrs.

Honolulu, Aug. 17, 1882. 170 lwTTIOR HALE, LOT No. 124, In Knpio-J- -

lanl Park, dimensions ul s U00,facing tho beach, and well fenced. Ap-ply to C. O. I!i:umi. 143

?OR SALE, a two-seat- wagon '

with pole and shafts, and adouble harness, nearly new, priceS150. May be seen in rear of No.20 School st. W. G. Neodham. 72

17 OR SALE, a MULE C A It T .X Apply to

102 H. Hackfcld & Co.


SALE, one new Scow, capable ofholding 10 ions, built by G. Euimes,

and now In good order. For further partieulars apply to Tm:o. 11 D.vvir.s & Co.



TAGEatWailtlkl. Incpiiro at S.G. Wilder A Co's. 107 lw

j63L& FOR SALE OR LEASE AflHWB7'Store Iiullnii)!; and Outhouses.UStoSSStiiTlmt desirable store foimerlyoccupied by L. Turner, nt Waiohluu,Hawaii. For particulars apply to L.Turner. Waiohinu; or to A. S. Cloghorn&. Co., Honolulu. 'liiO lm

rrXVO OI'FICES TO LET, on the secA. ond floor of tho building occupied

by J. W. Robertson & Co' ISO




Page 3: THE DAILY BUL LETIN. · V J, K HP fpiWW "I",wwn.,', npp THE DAILY mBULLETIN. No. 174. HONOLULU, II. I., TUESDAY, AUGUST 22, 1882. to liMsNub.irrlptlunjirr lloolh. THE DAILY BULLETIN




t -

-- a

L 4m A


i -iiiimmiii - M - - - - -m '. : v ...wmti t


TELEPHONIC.UiiiKind Head, Aug. 'J I, U:30 n.m

Light E. wind.A ship 1o the Southward.

Arrivals.August 21

Am schr Rosnrio from San FranSchr Pohoiki from Pohoiki

Aug 22Stmr Iwalani from KauSchr 31 ana from Kulutihaelc

Departures.August 21

Stmr ..ehun for Maui and Molokai,tmr Kilauca llou for KahuluiStmr Mokoiii for MolokaiSchr Kckiuiluohi from HanalciSchr Catarina from Hanalci


Vessels Leaving this day.Stmr C R Bishop for KauaiStmr Likelikc for windward portsStmr Suez for San FranciscoSchr Malolo for llakalauSs'hr Knluini for WninluaSchr Lc'alii for KnholulclcSchr Manuokawai for IlanamauluSchr Emma for AVaianac

Passengers.For San Francisco, per E. L. Pct-tingi- ll,

Aug 19 II. M. Thurman.For Coos Bay, per Hera, Aug 19.J. II. Daggett.From San Francisco, per Eureka,

Aug 21 Mrs D M McLcod, Mrs J.V LcCount, A. Anderson, C. Eppin-ge- r,

J Kavanagh, Mrs Ida Pcnhallon,II. B. renhallon.

For Kahului, per Kilauca Hou,Aug 31 W O Atwater, II Gregory,and 45 deck.

Cor Maui and Molokai, per Lehua,Aug 21. II Cotton, wite and 2 chil-

dren, J Cowan, Mrs T R Clark, twoMiss Lishman, and 35 deck.

Vessels in Port.II. 15. M. S. Sappho, Clark.Brit stm Sue, Dodd,Gcr lik JoH'fn,Gr bk Adolph, KoppelmannGer Bk Paradox,Haw brig .N'inlto, CameronAm bk E I. l'ettlngill,Am bktne Jane A Falkluburg, ForbesAm bktne Ella, Brown.Am bgtnc Cousuulo, HowardAm liktnu Eureka,

, Am schr KoMirio,

,V Vessels Expected.Iilg Nnine From Don

Haw bk Chlclayo fm Newcastle, July?Am bk Emerald fin l't Gamble, JulyllBr stmr Canton, fm Sau Fran, Aug 12

'JSS Australia, from Sydney, Aug 28

Bt stmr Ilansa, tm St Michaels, Aug13k Obcron, fm Liverpool, AugBk Emma, from l'uget Sound, Aug IB

' Haw bk Kale, fm Bremen Sept. Stmr City of Sydney from S F. Sept 3

Am bk Martha Davis, from Boston SpHaw bk Iohiul, from Bremen. OctNorbk Innicoi, fin New York, Oct 17Br bk TJllock from Livei pool, DeeMary Dodd, fm Humboldt,Bark Forest Queen fm l'uget PoundM. E. Smith fm Ptigct Sd, l'orMahukonaBktno Klikitat, from Puget SoundBk Camden, from Puget Sound

p Br bk Glcngaber, fin Liverpool,r Brit ship British Ambiseador, NC.NSW

Kic bk Rcmljlo, from Nc, NSW dueGer bk IViho, fm HongkongAm bktne Monitor, from Humboldt, for

Mahukona,Am brig Hazard, from S.F. for Kahului

' Am schr Claus Skreckels, from Eurekafor Kahului

P in;in TUB .MOST


N Isidor Rosenorantz.0 Communications to beS Left at J. W. Robertson & co's

,, nnHE Hawaiian Journal, " KoHa- -

X ivaii Pak Aina," owned and' edited by Kawninui Bros. ; has a

weekly edition of 3,!i00 copies, nndis the best advertising medium. Of-

fice, No. C Merchant at.

WATER! WATER!IRRIGATION after this date (June

Is limited to (4) fourhours per day,

From 0 to 8 In the morning, andt From 4 to fi la tho cenlng.

Permission to irrigate during more$ convenient hours will be granted on ap- -

plication to the Suporlntenpent.I Vorfons found Irrigating except dur- -

, lng specified liours will have their prl- -

,vlleges siiiended without notice,G. I). Fitnr.Tii.

Supt, Water Works.Approved: Signed, S. K. Kaai,

Minister of Interior. 121.,g '' .'" " i!"; j j.

gjf Shirts and Hosiery,JkN Fancy and Ulue Flnnuo! Shirts,

JP Wnito Shirts in grat variety,Imported expressly for this'marknt.

i.. . . .. 78 lw :V. b. UlL'gllOt'll ii VQ.

Oceanic Steamship Oomp'y,


Iron Stoainor Suez,l)OIl. COMM.tSDKR

Will leave Honolulu

FOR SAN FRANC3SCOon August 'Jnd,

For freight or passage, having bipcrloraccomodations, apply to121 Wm. G. Inwi.v& Co., Agents.


The flue clipper bktne

Jane A Fallcinburg,Forbes, ... - Master,

Will have quick dispatch for the aboveport. For freight or passage apply to

Castlu &. Cooke, Agents.


4W& The clipper bktneElla,

Brown, - Master,Will have quick dispatch fortho aboveport. For freight or passage apply to

C. Bkkwkk & Co., Agents.


Chas. Brewer & Co. will dispatch the

Bark Amy Turner,Newell, .... Master,

From Boston, on the 15th October next,If sufficient Inducement offers.

Orders for goods should go forwardat early date to Insure shipment. Forfurther particulars apply to14 1 3w C. Bnnwnn & Co., Agents

s&y&l&fc Steamer Likelike,King,' - Muster.

Leaves Honolulu each Tuosdny at1 p.m., touching at Lahnlna, Maa-lae- a

Bay, Makena, Mahukona,I.aupahochoe and llllo.

Returning, r'i 1 1 touch at all thenlovc ports, arriving , at Honolulueach Sunday a.m. 1



FOR SAN FRANCISCO,The Splendid Steamship

Australia,Cargill, . . Commander,

Will leave Honolulu for San Franciscoon or about August 28- -

FOR SYDNEY via AUCKLANDThe Splendid SteamshipCity of Sydney,

Dearborn - Commander,On er about Sept. 3.

For freight or passage apply toII. Hackfeld Si Co., Agents.

T. R. FOSTER & Co.'sLine of Steamers

The Iwalani,Bates, Commander

Runs regularly to Kona and Kau,as per following Time Tabic:

Lkavks Honolulu at 4 im. onMonday, July S Thursday, Aug. 21Thursday, July 13 Monnav, hept. 4Monday, July 24 Thursday, Sept. 14

Thursday, Aug. 3 Monday, Sept. 25Monday." Aug. 1 1

Auitivus at HonoluluTuosdav, Julv 11 Friday, Sept. 1

Friday, July 21 Tuesday, Sept. 12Tuesday, Aug. 1 Friday, Sept. 22Friday, Aug. 11 Tuesday. Oct. :iTuesday, Aug. 22

The C. R. Bishop,Horry, Commander

Leaves Honolulu everyMonday, at fl imi., for Nawiliwili,Koloa, Eleele, and Waimea, Kauai.

Retukninr lkavesNawiliwili every Friday evening.

Schooner " Emma,"win leave Honolulu EVERY TUES- -


Returning Saturdays.For freight or passage, having superiorcabin accommodations, apply to theCaptain on board. l!5t


The Brig Ninito,extensive repairs:

with a good Inventory, and well foundIn sails, rigging, &c is now ollored forsain. For particulars Inquire of

117 A. J. Caiiiwiikiut.

l'astuvaye Notice.persons having hon-o- or other

animals In the pastures at KEWA-LO- ,

reiidunce of Mr. 8. M. Carter,) arehereby notified to communicate In

"to paitvrngo nliurges with thuundnr.ilgucd, othcrwlso such ntitmitldwill he liable to he Impounded.July 81, 1882.. (lG0,lw) W, L.(Wiloov.

"Pive HifieroutViows "


'pK '

KEAI.AKEKUA BAYAnd Kaawaloa, Hawaii,

The place where Capt. Cook was killed.




Have just received

Ex " Consuelo,"CO barrels Lime,

20 barrels G. G. Flour,

60 cases Medium Bread,

Cases Soda Crackers,

Cases Fancy Crackcri,

Leather Belting,

Babbit Metal,

Cane Knives,

Sewing Machines,

Ball Twine,

Etc., Etc., Eto.


II HACKFELD & Co.Aug 7th 1C1


The Folloiaing GoodsTo arrive on the

S.S. " Hansa " from London,Due hero on August 27th:

Tons Black Annealed Fencing Wire,assorieu,

Tons Galvanized Iron Roofing, storkurann,

Nests round and oval Galv. Iron TubsGalvanized Iron Buckets,Tinned. iron Saucepans and Kettles,Cases One Knives,Cases Taper Saw FilcsCases Butcher Knives,Barrels of J. B. White Jk'Broa' Portland

Cement,Cases of Box Irons,

A small assortment of


ttftflfll fl .,W tiki I rUfrrla'

A Large Assortment-- or the


Fine Wall .PapersAND

BORDERS!Just recolvcd, and for sale by


KSf- A- Call and examine. 14"

Drink Palmer & Co's

GINGER ALE75 cents per dozen 48

Cs Medium Bread,ex Caibarlcn, for sale In

aunntlticH to unit by06 A. S. Clkqhoiin Oo.



F. HORN, Practical Confectioner,Pastry Cool; and Baker.

No. 71 Hotel t. Tolophono 71. C9

TTNMO.V FEKD (JOMI'ANV, A. W.VJ Bwhh, M'iu:i'-e- r. See atlvciiiHe- -

mrril on other page, 28





-- AT-

CHAS. J.124

PHIL STEIN,Carriage Maker,

Nos. 28 and 30 Fort street,(above Hotel.)

Now Carriages of all kindr,on hand and built to order.

Repairing, Fainting and Trimming75 promptly executed.

Artesian Ice Works

ICK DKMVKUhl) to all parts of thocity and suburbs at all liours of the

day.Orders from tho other Islands prompt-

ly attended to.Ofllcu at W. K. Foster's, Saddler,

Fort street.106 Telcphouo No. 111. 2m

ICE MANUFACTORY.Ice delivered to all parts of the

Cltv. Shinning supplied in quantitiesto suit. Telephone, No. 68. Oflleo atWilder & Co.'s. 18

FOR SALE, a No. 2

Warehouse Feed MillGrinds from 5 to 10 tons per day.

Also, pulleys, bclti, etc., all In goodorder; can bo run by steam or horsepower, jutst tho article for a plantation.


HAY, OATS, CORN,"Wheat, Bran, Barley, Whole and

Ground, Mixed Feed, etc.



of the moot comfortable andONE located cottages In Honoluluto rent, furnished, or will Fell furnitureon tho most reasonable terms. Housecontains Ove rooms with gardcu and allconveniences. Rental of House, :)0per month. Furniture entirely new andcomplete. Reason for disposal ownerleaving the Kingdom. Apply at onceto J. K. WtPf.MJK.v,

138 Real Kstitc liroker

"VTOTICE I beg to notify my manyJ.1 good fi lends ami customers that

Mr. W. Peterson .

Has charge of my

DRAYAQE BUSINESS,And that ho will be pleased to uccoin--

odate them In that line with the

Best Teams on tlio B iilt

Sxrr Ring up Telephone No. Wi-f- eit

When you want toamsj or leuvefordersat tho office on Queen street, betweenWilder'? and "Don'sott's. Don't forgetthu Number, CO.180 I m O..U. RonUltTdOH.


mmek 'Jfc- e&. 1,. . ' i- -i .,


Lewers & Cooke,

Lumber Merchants,Keep constantly on hand a full

assortment ol

Lumber of all Kinds.Paints, Oils, Varnishes,

1 Brushes of all sorts.Wall Paper, Nails,

71 Spikes, Ac,, &c

The Patent Indestructible.Shaft-Sprin- g


By their use all rattling of the shaftis preeuled.

F.very pair warranted. Try them andyou will use no others.

For sale by

G. WEST,141 2w No. 70 Queen street.


Just IJccoivod per

ark Edward May,A small lot of tho celobratod

PILSENER BEER1Which wo offer, in quantities, to

suit purchasers. Also

Wines and Liquors!IN

Warranted good Qualities.120 2w Ed. Kofuchlasger & Co.


Californian Mules !F.xpccted per Lady Lampson.

8 Apply to 0. Brewer i. do.

rj.EORE LUCAS, rSrSiAiv- - uontracior 5flfiiiSaiJ&.

and IJulldpr,-5- ;)

Houolulu Steam Plaulng Mills, Kspla- -uaiu!, iinnotuiu.

Manufactures all hluds of Mouldings,Rrackets, Whnlow FramcR, Blinds,

Sashes. Doors, nnd all Kinds of Woodwork dnlfh. Turning, Scroll nnd HandKftwiri;:. All Kinds of Sawlug and Pinn-ing, Morticing and Tenanting,

Orders promptly nt'tmdrd to nnd worknmiranteed. Orders from Iho .other Is-lands BollcKi'il a

' 1

Page 4: THE DAILY BUL LETIN. · V J, K HP fpiWW "I",wwn.,', npp THE DAILY mBULLETIN. No. 174. HONOLULU, II. I., TUESDAY, AUGUST 22, 1882. to liMsNub.irrlptlunjirr lloolh. THE DAILY BULLETIN


f M.MINERNY,ji' and Dealer In

ftoothing, Boots andljsj Toilet Articles,' Pouket





Shoes, Perfumery,

kQents Furnishing Goods, Trunks, Valises,Traveling Bags, Watches, Diamonds, Jewelery ami Sllvor-wnr- etc.

Northeast Corner of Fort and Merchant sts., Honolulu.


I'Full Lines of Superior Furnishing Goods,


! Gold Medal Waltham WatchesI- -' May 13

Hr Call and



Bruce Cartwrltdit. YT.

Union Feed CompanyCARRIES THE

Largest and Best Stock

HAY, GRAINft- - Ct All tlaunrinfinn imr? minrimtftrtu lf Vaati n full unnnlv


02 ESSend orders to

FIRE WOOD!First quality of beet Arc wood

For Sale Cheap!JDlther In cord wood cut nud split to

order. JQ- J- All wood delivered topart of the city without

f extra charge.

! n






Send orders to

Enterprise Planing Mills,127 Fort street,


A $'10 Cord.Apply to

S. M. CARTER,I8f Ira



P.M.S.S. Wharf.


Just received ex Furness Abbey.

1200 Coils of Manilaaud Sisal Hope, all sizes.

For sale low by

93 2m A. W. Pelruo & Co.

$10.00 Reward

Will be paid for information thatlead to the conviction of

whoever maliciously cut the tailfeathers off, and plucked the backand breast feathers out of a Peacockbelonging to me. A further rewardof $10 will be paid for informationleading to the conviction of whoeverBxole 3 rcachicks about a month old,belonging to me, from Pawaa onWednesday the 24 th ulto.

Geo. H. Luce.Pawaa, Little Britain, Juno 9, 1882

WILDER & Co.,GoEaiul Agents for tho

Mutual Life Insurance Co.of New York,

The Largefat, Safest and Most

Economical Life Insurance Co

in the world,

Caeb assets, over 890,000,000

For information concerning thoCompany and for rates of insuranceapply to WiLDfcu fe Co., GeneralAjrents; or J. E. Wiseman, Solicit- -

01? -

Cutlery, etc., cto.

of those Oolobrtvtod "a


S. Luce A. W. Bush.

AND FEEDon hand.

A. W. BUSH, Fort St., Honolulu.

THE OLD CORNEREstablishes, 1858.

Hakt Dnos., : j Proprietors.

MEALSServed up In first-clas- s atyle at all hours

Open from 2 a. m. to 10 p. m.

Always on hand

Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes&c, Ac. Also,

Iced Dviiilcsl




For sale at25 A. W. RiciiAnnBON's



and JOB

rxEOirreD at tiie



fyu iailij j$nllt


After Them All.One day last summer, Jay Gould

stopped at Jackson, Michigan, whileon his way from Chicago to Detroitto meet some big man who wascoming across from Fort Wayne.While wandering around the depothe was accosted by a thick-se- t, middle-

-aged man with gray eyes andugly nose, who blurted out :

" Say, ain't you Jim Keenc ? ",l No, sir," wni the reply."llccaiiso, if you are, I'm going

to punch your head 1 " continuedthe man. "Jim Keenc busted mybrother-in-la- w all to smash on thewheat business, and I've sworn tobreak every rib in his body if 1 overget hold of him."

The man with grey eyes walkedaway, shaking his head, but in fiveminutes ho confronted Gould againand said :

"Say, old fellow, I believe yourname's Vanderbilt ?"

"No, Iain not Vanderbilt," wasthe rcplj'.

" Because, if you arc, one of yourconductors on this road bounced meoff a train, and told me to get satis-facti-

out of Vanderbilt, and I'mready to take it here and now ! "

He went off as before, lietd a briefconference with the station agent,and tlicn crossed Gould's path andgrowled :

" Is your name Russel Sage ? ""No."" Because, if it is, you can get

ready for a roll in a mud-hol- e 1

liussol Sage cleaned out my onlyrich uncle in a stock speculation,and I've sworn to mangle him onsight ! "

Gould must have suspicioned thatone more inquiry was coming, forhe closeted himself in the telegraphollicc, nnd had been there only a fewminutes when the thick-se- t manhalted tinder the window and said toa friend; "Jim, 1 want to find thatgent and ask him if he is Jay Gould,because if he is, he's the worst pillin the whole lot, and I'm going tomake a dog meat of him in just tenseconds 1 "

Our vivacious Parisian contem-

porary, Lc Figaro, has hit upon aningeuious expedient for effecting ajourney round the world without anyexpense whatsoever to the traveler,which expedient it fervently recom-mends to enterprising but impecuni-

ous tourists for their adoption. Thefirst thing the wanderer does is tobecome a Jew. Having performedthis preliminary feat, he must con-

trive to effect a lodgment upon someportion of the Czar's territory.Thence he will be immediately ex-

pelled and conveyed gratis to Lcm-bcr- g,

in Galicia. At Lemberg hewill be received by Mi. LawrenceOliphant, who will forward him tothe United States at the cost of theJewish relief fund. Arrived in Am-

erica, the traveler puts on the rai-

ment nnd demeanor of a Chinese.He will then be conveyed to theFlowery realm free of charge by aphilanthropic company bent uponeliminating the Celestial elementfrom tho States. Immediately onbeing set ashore in a Chinese portho should give out that he is a bornRussian, intrusted with a secret poli-

tical mission, and therefore travelingin disguise. The Chinese author-ities will at once cause him to betransported to their northwesternfrontier, where tlioy will hand himover to the Russians. These, assoon as they find that tho strangeris a Jew, will pass him on to thecapital of Austrian Poland, andwhen, for tho second time, he ar-rives in Lemberg. he will have "puta girdle round about tho earth "quite as inexpensively, if not alto-gether as expeditiously, as ever Puckdid in his best days. LondonDaily 7'cleiraph,

Shirts and Hosiery,Fancy and Bluo Flannel Shirts,White Shirtfl in great variety,Imported oxpretsiv for this market.78 Vw A. S. Cleghorn & Oo.

DILLINGHAM & CO.Importers and Dealers In

Hardware, Agricultural Implements,House Furnishing Goods, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, &c.

Have made large additions to their stock ofgoods

To which they Invite the attention of buyers.

Simple and cheap devices for holding Tubular Lanternsunderneath the body of a carnage, for the purpose of


The "Warner" TubularLantern Holder.

argg5XvggNof Tubular


New styles of Plows, Harrows,Cultivators, tfec, &c.

A full line of Tinware, and many Novelties, new so this market, toonumerous to, mention.

Call and examine our stock.125 DILLINGHAM & CO.. Fort Street.

JOHN N0TT,Tin, Cppper and Sheet Iron Worker,

Plumber, Gas Fitter, &c.

Stoves and Mangesof all kinds.

Plumbers' stock and metals,House Furnishing Goods,

Chandeliers, Lamps, &c.

Just Receivedex Kalakaua,

Table and Pie Fruits,Nice Breakfast Goods, such as

Candle Fish, Salmon andPie; Pork In Bib. Tins.

Sultadle for families. For sale by06 A. S. Clkohokn Co.

Patience,Claude Duval,The Pirates of



Motbers'sDa Hallc-I.- u Hand. Banjo arrangoment,Dip me in ile Golden Sea,Blue AlMitlan Mountains,Since last wo met,Mfe,The White Roso from Mothor's Grave,The World goes round and round,Dars one more ribbcr for to cross,Thefloln' for tho cows,The Old Refrain,My little baby brother,

Days of Youth,tip the rnarlow woods.

Jolly UtterThe new Racquet Galop,Pattl'8 Xcbo Song,

tho roadway.







At Mrs. A. M. Mellis' Cloak andMantle Department,

No. 101 Fort Street, : : HonoluluOrders executed nt short notice. 72

Just Received,Per bktnc Kureka. a full Hue of

BYCICLE SHIRTSSilk, merino and cotton.

Pajama Suits, Etc.01 A. W. Richardson fe co.

La.Smith's Musical Album, 1 2 3 i 8 0,Children's hour ofPrl.e Piano School, by Karl Urlmch,Ocms of Waldtcufol,Modern Gems.

Blessed Dreams,In the gloaming.The Tryst,Across the fields,My (tear flttle Home o'er the Sea,Lea K Morta,Poor little Swallow,Does your heart beat true to mo,Reminiscence,I hold my heart so still,Her I love and her alone,Bright land of gold,

Caprice Lancers,Rural Festival aVltlhMtudes Heverlo,

cek'brfttodHard Klrke Polka.

J. W. ROBERTSON & CO.,Have just Rccoived

The following RSew Rflusic:Opera and Bound Music:




Songs :









J)orUcrotii'A Mlnuutto,

Instrumental :

... i- -