the daily bulletin...all business communications to be ml. dressed, manager dully bulletin, post...

i t w I I ' If. K .'Sin i w : i.l ,;., mm wrrn: PaWJBy 'J 'I '! "I Tl7,; . .. T"73Jg 4$ .( 'i JaifeiS ? fySM'wr THE DAILY BULLETIN No. 23o, HONOLULU, II. I., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1882. OUDSORIPTION GO CENTS PER MONTH. The Daily Bulletin Is pu1llslicfl cvcrj' morning by (ho Daily Bulletin Puhmsiuku Co., nnd clrculnlctl throughout tlic town, nnd forwarded to tho other Islniiilx by every opportunity. ' " SillAcrlptlon, 150 ct. per month. G. Caiisok Kkxyok, Editor. All business communications to be ml. dressed, Manager Dully Bulletin, Post Offleo Box Np. 14. Telephono 250. .T. G. Ci.kvioii, Mnnngcr. THE LARGEST SAILING SHIP IN THE WORLD. Wo clip tlio following from the Belfast, ircfWyiVciM of Aug. 10th: On tlio occasion of a visit just paid to Messrs. Iltirlnml & WolfPn estab- lishment wo had nu opporutnity of inspecting tlio Inst stiip launched from tlioir yard tlio Walter II. "Wilson. This vcssol is a few feet longer than tlio Lord Downshirc, and in other respects is correspon- dingly superb. Named after a partner in tho whichknown ship- building iirn by whom sho lias been constructed, tho Walter H. Wilson adds another branch to tho well' won laurels of Messrs. Harland & Wolff, n, sister Jihini to tho G. W. Wolff built on the snmo stocks sonic timo ago), sho is tho largest sailing vcssol now afloat. The former ship is, howover, only about two-thir- of tho lattcr's size. The measurement of thoWaltcr H. Wilson is 15 feet x 42 foot S inches x 25 foot tho burden being 2, 4G1 tons. Sho is built of iron, and furnished with four masts, which aio supplied with topgallant yards, in which respect shu differs from tho Lord Downshirc. She' is built'from u distinct model, which appears to'bo adopted for the first time. Its distinctive features ro a great increase of "shocr" and an extremely yncht-lik- o appearance when ill the water despite her enor- mous size. This ship is built for Mr. Samuel Lawthcr, J. P., and is solely owned by him. Tho Wulter H. Wilson sailed on Friday for San Francisco, via Cardiff, with a cargo of steel "blooms" and coke, under tho command of dipt. Gcorgo Scott. We ' loam from another soufcqjA thaVtfthe W. H. Wilson spreads p0,000, febt of canvas. Lille, Sessions, Butlittrat, N. S. W. ll. H. the judge (loq.): "Has not the Jury agreed yet? I will have to order 'them to bo locked up nil night." Sergeant Buz Fuz, returning from jury room. "They will bo agreed diiectly, your Honor, they're all unanimous except three or four. " It being remarked by iv lady at a paily that there were just 111) persons in the room, a gentleman disagreed with her, and dechucb that there were 'JO. ' To settle the question all piesent ranged themselves around the room, and a counting was gone into. "Thjrty-uinc,- " exclaimed tho lady in triuuiph. "And tlieo-fortc- " (foyty)-crie- d the goutlemnii, laying bin" hand on that instrument. Our now servant girl enmc in n liniisoni. As she learned the ways of the place, tho became moiu utter Hllll. Tho other day there was n knock,' at tho door. The missis re- quested the servant to go nnd answer it. llerruply ,was, "Would you kindly V'li'i Miss EniilyV My lmir is in cuil-papcrs- ." Mclbourn Bulle- tin. ' Jitt Arrived Per 110 days from Liverpool, , Invoices of Assorted Goods, " ' including ' S$cvcrnl Now Linos '' .. . 1 'I ' - I.. V ..!.. JKijVcr iieiwe mown in iioi.uuhh. " I Small mollis and quick returns, ut .Mm . J, T, "NVatvnioiiwo'H. (nsflm :'.', B. F. EHLERS & Co., DRY GOODS IMPORTERS, AU tho Latest Novoltios in Fancy Goods Eoccivcd by every steamer jpr T)rp Q!liJ? p l?rP DELIGHTFUL NEWS! TO THE LADIES OF HONOLULU AND THE VARIOUS ISLANDS. MH3. A.M. MELLISvhols admitted to be the lending Millinery and Dress. muKcr, niodeslc In the Kingdom, begs leuvo to sny to her many numerous Lady friends tlutt her new flock of Beautiful goods recently ordered are now beginning to arrive, which Include all (ho very Intent French and American fashions, In Ladles' unil Chlldicu's huts and bonnets nnd dress patterns of rich and rare designs. MRS. MELLIS sirlclly.supeilittcnds all work, and being always so thoroughly competent and particular with her patrons' orders, it Is not strange that nil Lndies of fashion nnd taste arc her customers. Ladles with their children nro Invited to call.and sec samples of the new Fall and Winter etylcs In her Millinery department, nnd tiln to fee the new nnd Intent plumes, feathers, trimmings, etc. Every pains taken to please the most fnstedlous and nil work guaranteed In every respect. ' ' HONOLULU CLOTHING EMPORIUM, A. K. MELLIS, JProitrletor, Bargains will be sold at the above Estab- lishment previous to the arrival of the Iloliclay Goods ! A. M. MELLIS, 104 A. KRAFT, JEWELER, jkOPTICI AN, Dealer In Hawaiian Curiosities. Store In the "Hawaiian Gazette" bulld-4- 4 Ing, opposite the Bank. Chas. D. Gemsch, Practical W Watchmaker. BfiT" Hotel Street, opposite the 12.J ;iiu Iuteinatlonnl Hotel, -- a D. W. CLARK, Watch Maker and Jeweler, Always' on luind a nice stock ot ISWatohes, Clocks and Jowelry."a Itepnlrlng Watches and Clocks a Speci- alty, No. Co Hotel Sticct. ;V2 Telephone, No. 240. Xotice. DURING my nbencu finm this Kinp. Mr. Thoinns Taxnatt will iu t for me under a full Power of Attor- ney. 1). W. CLARK. N.H. In order to niako room for a larger stock of new styles of clocks, Mr. Tu hunt I will fell the clocks, &c, &c., now on hand, at greatly reduced prices. 220 Artesian ice Works ICK DKMVtiltlH) to all parts of thu city and Htibiiibs. )nleiH fioin the other Islands prompt- ly attended to. Ulllee at W. K. FosTint'ri, Saddler, Fort street. 150 Telephone Ko. 111. 2m ICK MANUFACTORY. HONOLULU all pints of thu CItv. Shipping supplied in quantities to Milt. Telephone, No. SU. Ollleo at Wilder As Co.'s. 18 NOTICE. The pnttneishln hereto, between Chin Lock i: Lee Clint, (under tho llrm nnme of Wing Cluing C'liiin ic Co.) lb heieby dis- solved by mutual coii'.ciit. The busi- ness will now be cairled on under tho llrm nnme of LEE CHAT, No. 411 Nuu-un- il stieet. Honolulu, Ocl. 21, 1US2, 22U Iw Fost blrcct, Honolulu. H. S. TIIEQLOAN. TAILOR, 204 FORT ST. (olirrtLuori, C Jt. Cooke. W ER S & COOKE, (sueccs'ors to Lewcis &, Diuksmi,) Importers ami Dealers lu Lmnbir and all kinds of Building Materials, i'ort street, Houoluln 1 WfLDER & Co., bcalcrt) in l'nluts, Oils, Nails, Salt and lluildliig Materials of eery kind, cor. Fort and Queen sts., Honolulu. 1 ALLEN & ROUINSON, Dealers in ami all kinds of lluildliig Materials, Paints, Oils, Nnlls, etc. 71 BROWN & PHILLIPS, Practical GasFIttorsand Copper- smiths, No. IS Nuummst., Honolulu. Houho and Ship Job Work piomptly executed. 17 tetJOm. GERTZ, No. 80 Fort st. and dealer m Gent's, Lndies' mid Children's boots, shoes and slippers. 0.1 BROWN & CO., Importers nnd lu Ales, Wines and Spirits, No. !i Merchant st., Honolulu. 12 J HONOLULU IRON t&ft Works Co. Steam engines, stignr 'fc'iiiills, boiler's, coolers, lion, brass nnd lead eastings; machinery of every description made to older. Particular attention pnhl to ship's bl'icksnilthing. Job work executed on short notice. 1 G-- . WEST, Carriage Jg, Builder. Buggies, Carriages, Express Wagons and every kind of vehicles manufactured. BliM'kuniithiiig, horse-shoein- g, and all kinds of repairing done. Vilson Brothers, I ' - J I S B - v.HuriBii& -- 1 riENKRAL BLACKSMITHS. vX Horse Shoeing a specialty A nrst-clas- s man being specially engaged for that w oik. Ship and Wagon work faithfully attended to. Shop cm the Esplanade, op. lloppcr's.201 rpiIE Hawaiian Journal, " KoIIa-J- L avaii Pai:," owned and edited by Ivnwainui Bros. ; has a weekly edition of 3,200 copies, and ib the best ndveitisiiiu; medium. Of-iiu- c, No. 0 Mcjclmnt d, I Commission Morchants. Geo. W. Mncfnrliinc. H. R. Mncfnrhine. G. W. MACFARLANE & Co. IMPORTERS, COMMISSION MER. CHANTS ani Sufar Junctors, Firc.Proof Building, 52 Queen street, Honolulu. II. I. ACIhNTS for The Walknpu Sugar Plantiillon, Maul, The Spencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii, Tliolfecla Sugar Plantation, Oahu, Huelo Sugar Mill, Maul, Huclo Sugar Plajitatlon, Maul, Puiibm Sheep Ranch Co., Hawaii, J. Fowler & Co. Plow and Port- able Trnmw ay Works, Leeds, Mln lees, Watson &Co's Sugar Maehln cry, Glasgow, Glasgow nnd Honolulu Line of Packets. IW ClntiK hi.rocktl. Win. O. Irwlu. WM. " G. IHWJN & COMPANY, ' Sugar Factors and Coininlsslon Agents, Honolulu. l TT IIACKFELD & COMPANY, - General Coiiiinisluu Agents, Queen street, Honolulu. i AH. CLEOHORN & Co., Importers Coiimilslmt Merchant", Deal- ers In General Merchandise, Queen and Kaaliiiuinun st., Honolulu. 78 It. A. P. Curler. . p. c. Jones, Jr. p U II E W ER & CO., Shipping and Commission Merchants Queen street, Honolulu. 1 rpilEO. H. DAVIES & CO., Import-- ers nnd Coininlsslon Merchants ; ngents for Lloyd's nnd the Liverpool Underwriters, British nnd Foreign In- surance Company, and Northern Awur. ai'cc Company. 71 TOfl N T. WA'rKHTiniTRK. w Importer nnd Denier in General Mcrchiuulik'', Queen st., Honolulu. 1 s. giIu'baum & co, 1 Importers! of Gcncial Mer- chandise and Conimliislon Mercliants Honolulu. s i TVf S. GRINBAUM & CO. , Commission Morcnajits, 124 Ca ifoinlii street, San FrahcJsco, Cal. j V T- - I H NE II AN & C O ., -- - Importeis nnd Commission Mer-clmnt- Nuiinnu St., Honolulu. 1 " H. N. Castle. j. 11. Athcrlon. QASTLE & COOKE, Y Shipping .mil Commission Mer-clmnt- Importeis and Dealers In Gen. end Meiehandlse, No. 80 King street. Honolulu. j ING WO CHAN & Co., Importers and General Dealers In Lngllsh. Amei lean nnd Chinese s, Plantation Tea and General .Supplies. Also, wldte and colored con- tract matting, all qualities and prices. JBSTNo. 22 Nuiiituu Street, opposite Mr. Afong's. Sl H.n.Wllllam, A. Clioeiliruusli, r . 11, J)miiu T71LLIAMS, DJMOND & Co.. T Shipping and Commission jit.r. chants, Union Block, coiner Pino and Market streets, Han Finiielu'o, Cal. .uiumk ton Pacific Mall Steamship Coinpnny, Paelllu Slciuii Navigation Company, Cuminl Royal Mall Hteniuliip Company Cal. lino of Packets from New York, Hawaiian Hue of Packets, China Traders Insurance Co. (limited), Mailne Insuraueu Co. of Loudon. 71 A. S. CLEGHORN & Co. Have received a large iissoitinent of Colonial Saddles, to suit all classes of put chasers, per S. S. lt!l Australia. JOHN N0TT, Tin, Copper nnd Bheot Iron Worker, Plumber, Giis Fitter, &c. Stoves and Ranges of nil kinds. Plumbers1 stock and metals, ' House Furnishing Goods, Tt Cliuiidelieis, Lumps, &c. Just Received e.v Knl.iknun, TjiI)1o mill Tic Fruits, Nleu Uic.ikfast Goods, such as Candle Fish, Salmon ami Pie; Pork In fllli. Tins, Suitable for fmullles. For sale by U(i A. S. Ci.iUiiioitN Co. jggjSSfG. II. ROBERTSON, DriiMii.ui best tennis lu town. Tclcuh'jue No, 03, 15 Professionals. W AUSTIN WHITING, Attorney and Counsellor 11 1 Law. Agent to take acknowledgments of Instiiimeuls. Ka.ihuniiinu St., Honolulu. 20 J. M. MONSARRAT, A rroiJXr.Y AT LAW and Notary IX. Public. Real Estate m any pail of tho Klngdo bought, cold nnd leased, on commission. Loans negotiated, Legal Documents Drawn. No. 27 Merchant si. (Gnetlc Block), , 10(1 Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands, SB. DOLE, Lawyer and Notary Pub- - No. 15 Ka.thuniaiiu st. 11 M. DAVIDSON.Attorney ntLnw 24 Merchant stieet. 10 PttANCIS M. HATCH, Attorney - at Law, 13 ICiialiimi.iiitt st. 23 J0,1 m s:':,' Mloiiicy at Law, corner of Toil .md Merchant stieets (up stahs) llBilm piCHAItl) F. DiCKEIlTON, f-- 1 Attorney unit Couimellnr at I nv. Money to lend mi Moilgagi of Free- holds. Olllce, No. ;M Mcroluiiit st. 1 flKCJII, I5ROWN, A'lTORNKY ami Counsellor at Law, Noi.irv Pub-H- e, mid Alien t for takinii Acknowledg- ments of liisMiiiueiits for the Wand of Oahu. No. 8 Knaliiitii.iuu stitet, Hono- lulu. 1 ILL1AM0. SMITH, Attor- - ney at Law, No. SG Merchant Btro"' . 7Jtlm DR. G. TROUSSEAU begs to notify fi lends tlmt he hns resumed practice, hi Honolulu. Itesldencu and consulting rooms, No. 73 Punchbowl st, opposite the, in.ikal gate of the Queen's Hospital. Consulting hours from !l to 12. Telephono No. l'JJ. 30 im DR- - KMERSON. lvshlenee and rooms at No. 2 Kukul st.. coi ner of F01 1. Telephone No. 140. Jit) 2m' A FULLER, Yeiltas. Surveyor for Bureau J. W. Yuiiulloy, TEACHER OF MUSIC, VIOLIN, and the Cultivation ok mi; Voici:. Insini'-lio- also given In Sight Remlinir,' Choir, Chorus nhd part Singing. For iiaitlcii!.'.rs4iliplv at 201 lm WfiLLiJ' Music Stoic. WJIAY TAYLOR. Teacher of Pinno- - " forte and Oigan. Tuning lu nil lnmclies. Ao ,, W E. ROWELLonsulting and y Coiistiuetlug Engineers oltlco .58 Meichnnt sti-eet- . 802ui, J. WILLIAMS & Co. 120 Fort Street, . . Honolulu,' Portrait and landBcapo 3Pliotoj-iailiorH- . ' 180 ly QHAULES T. GULICK.i NOTARY PUBLIC, ' Agent to take Acknowledgments to Labor Contracts, AND GENERAL BUSINESS AGENT.' Olllce, In Makec's lllock, coiner Queen' and Kiiuhiinmnustii'ats, Honolulu. 21 WI L LI A M A U L I) , "" AgeluTto . take Ac'knnwledgments to Con-trac- for Labor for the District of Koiia' Island or Oahu, at the olllce or the Hono- lulu A atcr Works, loot or Nuunnu st. 181) tr JOHN A, HAS SINGER, Agent to lake Acknowledgments to Conduct for Labor. Interior 'lfllee, Ilonolulu. 7 C. akanaI ' Chinese and Hawaiian Trans. ' latornnd Intcrpieter, No. 48 King street, Honolulu. Translations of cither of the nbovo languages liuido with accuracy and dis- patch, and 011 icaMiiiablc teims. 2011 JH. iiRUNs7cop7iind(lauger, , Water Timks of any dimensions, Cooperage, No. 10 Fort street, Honolulu. Oil Casks, Shooks nnd Hoop Iron rnn-22- 1 stuntly on hand snd for sale, ly A FRESHLOT OF WATERS' Colonial Oandiosi Just received at A. S. Cloghorn & Go's, 181 per S. S. Auaisiilia. 4 M. cChoBnoY & Son, 'OlU'lctoiK IlOllotlllll 'I llllllKfv. De.ilurrt in Hides, Tallow & Leather, Also, GrocencH, Provisions etc. 71 Salt, etc., etc., t2T Cent's Evening Dress Coats mid Suits to bo had 11 1 the Honolulu Cloth, v lug Empoiium of A. M., No. 104 , Poitaticct. i022y i J v t v ifV' ' n 3t1 m hi &?58wS .'-- "'i ,.in st, iVi SWFM ".Ai l h - id 4 ' vJiis&a V ; Mrk .H '''Wmiiii rf inBBil

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Page 1: THE DAILY BULLETIN...All business communications to be ml. dressed, Manager Dully Bulletin, Post Offleo Box Np. 14. Telephono 250..T. G. Ci.kvioii, Mnnngcr. THE LARGEST SAILING SHIP






If.K .'Sin

i w :

i.l ,;.,mm

wrrn: PaWJBy 'J 'I '! "ITl7,;. ..T"73Jg

4$ .( 'i JaifeiS ?fySM'wr



The Daily BulletinIs pu1llslicfl cvcrj' morning by (ho

Daily Bulletin Puhmsiuku Co.,nnd clrculnlctl throughout tlic town, nndforwarded to tho other Islniiilx by everyopportunity.' " SillAcrlptlon, 150 ct. per month.

G. Caiisok Kkxyok, Editor.All business communications to be ml.

dressed, Manager Dully Bulletin, PostOffleo Box Np. 14. Telephono 250.

.T. G. Ci.kvioii, Mnnngcr.


Wo clip tlio following from theBelfast, ircfWyiVciM of Aug. 10th:On tlio occasion of a visit just paidto Messrs. Iltirlnml & WolfPn estab-

lishment wo had nu opporutnity ofinspecting tlio Inst stiip launchedfrom tlioir yard tlio Walter II."Wilson. This vcssol is a few feetlonger than tlio Lord Downshirc,and in other respects is correspon-dingly superb. Named after apartner in tho whichknown ship-

building iirn by whom sho lias beenconstructed, tho Walter H. Wilsonadds another branch to tho well' wonlaurels of Messrs. Harland & Wolff,n, sister Jihini to tho G. W. Wolffbuilt on the snmo stocks sonic timoago), sho is tho largest sailing vcssolnow afloat. The former ship is,howover, only about two-thir- oftho lattcr's size. The measurementof thoWaltcr H. Wilson is 15 feetx 42 foot S inches x 25 foot thoburden being 2, 4G1 tons. Sho isbuilt of iron, and furnished withfour masts, which aio supplied withtopgallant yards, in which respectshu differs from tho Lord Downshirc.She' is built'from u distinct model,which appears to'bo adopted for thefirst time. Its distinctive features

ro a great increase of "shocr" andan extremely yncht-lik- o appearancewhen ill the water despite her enor-

mous size. This ship is built forMr. Samuel Lawthcr, J. P., and issolely owned by him. Tho WulterH. Wilson sailed on Friday for SanFrancisco, via Cardiff, with a cargoof steel "blooms" and coke, undertho command of dipt. GcorgoScott. We ' loam from anothersoufcqjA thaVtfthe W. H. Wilsonspreads p0,000, febt of canvas.

Lille, Sessions, Butlittrat, N. S.W. ll. H. the judge (loq.):"Has not the Jury agreed yet? I willhave to order 'them to bo locked upnil night."

Sergeant Buz Fuz, returning from

jury room. "They will bo agreeddiiectly, your Honor, they're allunanimous except three or four. "

It being remarked by iv lady at apaily that there were just 111) personsin the room, a gentleman disagreedwith her, and dechucb that therewere 'JO. ' To settle the question allpiesent ranged themselves aroundthe room, and a counting was goneinto. "Thjrty-uinc,- " exclaimed tholady in triuuiph. "And tlieo-fortc- "

(foyty)-crie- d the goutlemnii,laying bin" hand on that instrument.

Our now servant girl enmc in n

liniisoni. As she learned the ways ofthe place, tho became moiu utterHllll. Tho other day there was n

knock,' at tho door. The missis re-

quested the servant to go nnd answerit. llerruply ,was, "Would youkindly V'li'i Miss EniilyV My lmir is

in cuil-papcrs- ." Mclbourn Bulle-

tin. '

Jitt Arrived

Per110 days from Liverpool,

, Invoices of

Assorted Goods," ' including

' S$cvcrnl Now Linos'' .. .1 'I ' - I.. V ..!..JKijVcr iieiwe mown in iioi.uuhh.

" I Small mollis and quick returns, ut

.Mm . J, T, "NVatvnioiiwo'H.(nsflm :'.',

B. F. EHLERS & Co.,

DRY GOODS IMPORTERS,AU tho Latest Novoltios in Fancy Goods Eoccivcd by every steamer jpr T)rp Q!liJ? p l?rP



MH3. A.M. MELLISvhols admitted to be the lending Millinery and Dress.muKcr, niodeslc In the Kingdom, begs leuvo to sny to her many numerous Ladyfriends tlutt her new flock of Beautiful goods recently ordered are now beginningto arrive, which Include all (ho very Intent French and American fashions, InLadles' unil Chlldicu's huts and bonnets nnd dress patterns of rich and raredesigns.

MRS. MELLIS sirlclly.supeilittcnds all work, and being always so thoroughlycompetent and particular with her patrons' orders, it Is not strange that nil Lndiesof fashion nnd taste arc her customers.

Ladles with their children nro Invited to call.and sec samples of the new Falland Winter etylcs In her Millinery department, nnd tiln to fee the new nnd Intentplumes, feathers, trimmings, etc. Every pains taken to please the most fnstedlousand nil work guaranteed In every respect. ' '


Bargains will be sold at the above Estab-

lishment previous to the arrival ofthe Iloliclay Goods !

A. M. MELLIS, 104


Dealer In Hawaiian Curiosities.Store In the "Hawaiian Gazette" bulld-4- 4

Ing, opposite the Bank.

Chas. D. Gemsch,Practical W Watchmaker.

BfiT" Hotel Street, opposite the12.J ;iiu Iuteinatlonnl Hotel, -- a

D. W. CLARK,Watch Maker and Jeweler,

Always' on luind a nice stock ot

ISWatohes, Clocks and Jowelry."aItepnlrlng Watches and Clocks a Speci-alty, No. Co Hotel Sticct. ;V2

Telephone, No. 240.

Xotice.DURING my nbencu finm this Kinp.

Mr. Thoinns Taxnatt williu t for me under a full Power of Attor-ney. 1). W. CLARK.

N.H. In order to niako room for alarger stock of new styles of clocks, Mr.Tu hunt I will fell the clocks, &c, &c.,now on hand, at greatly reduced prices.


Artesian ice Works

ICK DKMVtiltlH) to all parts of thucity and Htibiiibs.

)nleiH fioin the other Islands prompt-ly attended to.

Ulllee at W. K. FosTint'ri, Saddler,Fort street.150 Telephone Ko. 111. 2m

ICK MANUFACTORY.HONOLULU all pints of thuCItv. Shipping supplied in quantitiesto Milt. Telephone, No. SU. Ollleo atWilder As Co.'s. 18

NOTICE. The pnttneishln hereto,between Chin Lock

i: Lee Clint, (under tho llrm nnme ofWing Cluing C'liiin ic Co.) lb heieby dis-solved by mutual coii'.ciit. The busi-ness will now be cairled on under thollrm nnme of LEE CHAT, No. 411 Nuu-un- il

stieet.Honolulu, Ocl. 21, 1US2, 22U Iw

Fost blrcct, Honolulu.


204 FORT ST.

(olirrtLuori, C Jt. Cooke.

W E R S & COOKE,(sueccs'ors to Lewcis &, Diuksmi,)

Importers ami Dealers lu Lmnbir and allkinds of Building Materials, i'ort street,Houoluln 1

WfLDER & Co., bcalcrt) inl'nluts, Oils, Nails, Salt

and lluildliig Materials of eery kind,cor. Fort and Queen sts., Honolulu. 1

ALLEN & ROUINSON, Dealers inami all kinds of lluildliig

Materials, Paints, Oils, Nnlls, etc. 71

BROWN & PHILLIPS, PracticalGasFIttorsand Copper-

smiths, No. IS Nuummst., Honolulu.Houho and Ship Job Work piomptlyexecuted. 17

tetJOm. GERTZ, No. 80 Fort st.and dealer m Gent's,

Lndies' mid Children's boots, shoes andslippers. 0.1

BROWN & CO., Importers nndlu Ales, Wines and Spirits,

No. !i Merchant st., Honolulu. 12

J HONOLULU IRONt&ft Works Co. Steam engines, stignr

'fc'iiiills, boiler's, coolers, lion, brassnnd lead eastings; machinery of everydescription made to older. Particularattention pnhl to ship's bl'icksnilthing.Job work executed on short notice. 1

G-- . WEST,Carriage Jg, Builder.

Buggies, Carriages, Express Wagons

and every kind of vehicles


BliM'kuniithiiig, horse-shoein- g,

and all kinds of repairing done.

Vilson Brothers,I ' - J I

S B - v.HuriBii& -- 1

riENKRAL BLACKSMITHS.vX Horse Shoeing a specialtyA nrst-clas- s man being specially engaged

for that w oik.Ship and Wagon work faithfully

attended to.Shop cm the Esplanade, op. lloppcr's.201

rpiIE Hawaiian Journal, " KoIIa-J- L

avaii Pai:," owned andedited by Ivnwainui Bros. ; has aweekly edition of 3,200 copies, andib the best ndveitisiiiu; medium. Of-iiu- c,

No. 0 Mcjclmnt d, I

Commission Morchants.Geo. W. Mncfnrliinc. H. R. Mncfnrhine.



Sufar Junctors,Firc.Proof Building, 52 Queen street,

Honolulu. II. I.ACIhNTS for

The Walknpu Sugar Plantiillon, Maul,The Spencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii,Tliolfecla Sugar Plantation, Oahu,Huelo Sugar Mill, Maul,Huclo Sugar Plajitatlon, Maul,Puiibm Sheep Ranch Co., Hawaii,J. Fowler & Co. Plow and Port-

able Trnmw ay Works, Leeds,Mln lees, Watson &Co's Sugar Maehln

cry, Glasgow,Glasgow nnd Honolulu Line of Packets.

IWClntiK hi.rocktl. Win. O. Irwlu.


' Sugar Factors and CoininlsslonAgents, Honolulu. lTT IIACKFELD & COMPANY,

- General Coiiiinisluu Agents,Queen street, Honolulu. i

AH. CLEOHORN & Co., ImportersCoiimilslmt Merchant", Deal-

ers In General Merchandise, Queen andKaaliiiuinun st., Honolulu. 78

It. A. P. Curler. . p. c. Jones, Jr.p U II E W E R & CO.,Shipping and Commission Merchants

Queen street, Honolulu. 1

rpilEO. H. DAVIES & CO., Import--ers nnd Coininlsslon Merchants ;

ngents for Lloyd's nnd the LiverpoolUnderwriters, British nnd Foreign In-surance Company, and Northern'cc Company. 71

TOfl N T. WA'rKHTiniTRK.w Importer nnd Denier in GeneralMcrchiuulik'', Queen st., Honolulu. 1

s. giIu'baum & co,1 Importers! of Gcncial Mer-

chandise and Conimliislon MercliantsHonolulu. s i

TVf S. GRINBAUM & CO. ,Commission Morcnajits, 124

Ca ifoinlii street, San FrahcJsco,Cal. j

V T- - I H N E II A N & C O .,-- - Importeis nnd Commission Mer-clmnt-

Nuiinnu St., Honolulu. 1

"H. N. Castle. j. 11. Athcrlon.QASTLE & COOKE,Y Shipping .mil Commission Mer-clmnt-

Importeis and Dealers In Gen.end Meiehandlse, No. 80 King street.Honolulu. j

ING WO CHAN & Co.,Importers and General Dealers

In Lngllsh. Amei lean nnd Chinese s,

Plantation Tea and General.Supplies. Also, wldte and colored con-tract matting, all qualities and prices.

JBSTNo. 22 Nuiiituu Street, oppositeMr. Afong's. Sl

H.n.Wllllam, A. Clioeiliruusli, r . 11, J)miiuT71LLIAMS, DJMOND & Co..

T Shipping and Commission jit.r.chants, Union Block, coiner Pino andMarket streets, Han Finiielu'o, Cal.

.uiumk tonPacific Mall Steamship Coinpnny,Paelllu Slciuii Navigation Company,Cuminl Royal Mall Hteniuliip CompanyCal. lino of Packets from New York,Hawaiian Hue of Packets,China Traders Insurance Co. (limited),Mailne Insuraueu Co. of Loudon. 71

A. S. CLEGHORN & Co.Have received a large iissoitinent of

Colonial Saddles,to suit all classes of put chasers, per S. S.

lt!l Australia.

JOHN N0TT,Tin, Copper nnd Bheot Iron Worker,

Plumber, Giis Fitter, &c.

Stoves and Rangesof nil kinds.

Plumbers1 stock and metals, '

House Furnishing Goods,Tt Cliuiidelieis, Lumps, &c.

Just Receivede.v Knl.iknun,

TjiI)1o mill Tic Fruits,Nleu Uic.ikfast Goods, such as

Candle Fish, Salmon amiPie; Pork In fllli. Tins,

Suitable for fmullles. For sale byU(i A. S. Ci.iUiiioitN Co.

jggjSSfG. II. ROBERTSON,DriiMii.ui best tennis

lu town. Tclcuh'jue No, 03, 15


W AUSTIN WHITING, Attorneyand Counsellor 11 1 Law.

Agent to take acknowledgments ofInstiiimeuls.

Ka.ihuniiinu St., Honolulu. 20

J. M. MONSARRAT,A rroiJXr.Y AT LAW and Notary

IX. Public.

Real Estate m any pail of tho Klngdobought, cold nnd leased, on


Loans negotiated,Legal Documents Drawn.

No. 27 Merchant si. (Gnetlc Block), ,

10(1 Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands,

SB. DOLE, Lawyer and Notary Pub- -No. 15 Ka.thuniaiiu st. 11

M. DAVIDSON.Attorney ntLnw24 Merchant stieet. 10

PttANCIS M. HATCH, Attorney- at Law, 13 ICiialiimi.iiitt st. 23

J0,1 m s:':,' Mloiiicy at Law,corner of Toil .md Merchant

stieets (up stahs) llBilm

piCHAItl) F. DiCKEIlTON,f--1 Attorney unit Couimellnr at I nv.Money to lend mi Moilgagi of Free-holds. Olllce, No. ;M Mcroluiiit st. 1

flKCJII, I5ROWN, A'lTORNKYami Counsellor at Law, Noi.irv Pub-H- e,

mid Alien t for takinii Acknowledg-ments of liisMiiiueiits for the Wand ofOahu. No. 8 Knaliiitii.iuu stitet, Hono-lulu. 1

ILL1AM0. SMITH, Attor- -ney at Law, No. SG Merchant

Btro"'. 7Jtlm

DR. G. TROUSSEAU begs to notifyfi lends tlmt he hns resumedpractice, hi Honolulu. Itesldencu andconsulting rooms, No. 73 Punchbowl st,opposite the, in.ikal gate of the Queen's

Hospital. Consulting hours from !l n.into 12. Telephono No. l'JJ. 30 im

DR- - KMERSON. lvshlenee androoms at No. 2 Kukul st..

coi ner of F01 1.Telephone No. 140. Jit) 2m'

A FULLER,Yeiltas.

Surveyor for Bureau


and theCultivation ok mi; Voici:.

Insini'-lio- also given In Sight Remlinir,'Choir, Chorus nhd part Singing.

For iiaitlcii!.'.rs4iliplv at201 lm WfiLLiJ' Music Stoic.

WJIAY TAYLOR. Teacher of Pinno- -" forte and Oigan. Tuning lu nillnmclies. Ao ,,W E. ROWELLonsulting andy Coiistiuetlug Engineers oltlco.58 Meichnnt sti-eet-



J. WILLIAMS & Co.120 Fort Street, . . Honolulu,'

Portrait and landBcapo3Pliotoj-iailiorH- . '

180 ly


Agent to take Acknowledgments toLabor Contracts,

AND GENERAL BUSINESS AGENT.'Olllce, In Makec's lllock, coiner Queen'

and Kiiuhiinmnustii'ats, Honolulu. 21

WI L L I A M A U L I) ,""


take Ac'knnwledgments to Con-trac-

for Labor for the District of Koiia'Island or Oahu, at the olllce or the Hono-lulu A atcr Works, loot or Nuunnu st.

181) tr

JOHN A, HAS SINGER,Agent to lake Acknowledgments to

Conduct for Labor. Interior 'lfllee,Ilonolulu. 7

C. akanaI '

Chinese and Hawaiian Trans. '

latornnd Intcrpieter,No. 48 King street, Honolulu.

Translations of cither of the nbovolanguages liuido with accuracy and dis-patch, and 011 icaMiiiablc teims. 2011

JH. iiRUNs7cop7iind(lauger,,

Water Timks of any dimensions,Cooperage, No. 10 Fort street,

Honolulu.Oil Casks, Shooks nnd Hoop Iron rnn-22- 1

stuntly on hand snd for sale, lyA FRESHLOT OF WATERS'

Colonial OandiosiJust received at

A. S. Cloghorn & Go's,181 per S. S. Auaisiilia.4M. cChoBnoY & Son,

'OlU'lctoiK IlOllotlllll 'I llllllKfv.De.ilurrt in Hides, Tallow & Leather,

Also, GrocencH, Provisions etc.71 Salt, etc., etc.,

t2T Cent's Evening Dress Coats midSuits to bo had 11 1 the Honolulu Cloth, v

lug Empoiium of A. M., No. 104 ,Poitaticct. i022y

i J v t


' n3t1



.'-- "'i

,.inst, iVi



- id 4



; Mrk


'''Wmiiiirf inBBil

Page 2: THE DAILY BULLETIN...All business communications to be ml. dressed, Manager Dully Bulletin, Post Offleo Box Np. 14. Telephono 250..T. G. Ci.kvioii, Mnnngcr. THE LARGEST SAILING SHIP

hi iwTifiirii nil iiiii hi iiiini'H"iimniiiiiii iii' i m 'ii'iiii1"

i ,:9tg?m?iwM imMrrx')m2&.- - ?mmwEmAr msm t 'm mmwm.mwm& sskv "2wp :mmm an" - v mEmimHDaa91. , .. .. ... - - . i










Iii Inilj. iHlWin.

THURSDAY, NOV. 2, 1882.


Entried of boats for llic races ntllio.Ariuory, nt 11 o'clock.

Mr. Adams will null at 12 noon,at Suit's Room, valuable sugar, Kaloanil Pasture Lands.

'AFTERNOON,Kinder Clinton lliblo Class, at !J.

EVENING.Sociable, at Jlolhcl Vestry, 7: !J0.(;. a. n., k. 0rr. iiaii,

,1'ire Department. 7:110.

MINUTE GUNS.Yesterday, the Alaska was

to be Hying her Hug half-ma- st

high. On enquiring we foundit was to honor thu memory of lleur-Admir- al

iteaumonl, who had died in

August. The deceased gentlemanentered the service in 1838 as :i

midshipman, and when ho retiredwas in charge of Portsmouth NavyYard, lie was about 01 years ofage. At noon 151 minute gunswere fired.

THE FIRST HAWAIIAN COIN.AVk have-- been shown n silver

meihtl, a little larger than a dime,but much thicker, which has brcngot up by Messrs. Hroglio & Spear,the, enterprising jewclera of J'ortstreet. The obvcr&c bears a fullfiicc portrait of His Majesty, withllie' legend, "Kalakaua 1., Ka Moi oHawaii," and on the lcvcrsu is awreath of Iniuel. leaves encircling aurouh, surmounting the figures1882. It is intended to be worn on

bangles, and can be had in cithergold or silver.

MORTUARY REPORTFor the month of October. Causeof death: Asthma .", Aneurism 1,

Abcess 1, Bronchitis 1, Consump-

tion G, Cancer I, Croup 1, Dropsy8,, Dibcase of Lungs 1, Disease ofHeart 2, Dysentery (5, Gangrene 1,

Old Ago 5, Paralysis 2, Teething 1,

unknown l.'S, "Whooping Cough 1.

Total 51.Comparative monthly mortality.

October, 1878, 17 deaths; October,187!l', hi deaths ; October, 1880, oldeaths; October, 1881, 10 deaths;October, 1882, f I deaths.

. . J.soXlI. DltOWN,Agent Hoard of Health.

PATRIOTIC ENTERPRISE.AVe have iccoivcd advance sheets

of a little woik which is to be scat-

tered broadcast over tho world. J;AVilliams & Co., the well-know- n

photographers, on Fort street, haveprepared n handy little .Tourist'sGuide for gratuitous distribution inall pails of the globe.

It is a well-writt- little article,and' fairly points out most of theobjects of interest in the group, andthe means of attaining a view ofthem. It will be , illustrated byminiature- photographs of places ofinterest. The enterprise of under-

taking such a thing will be seenwhen we st.tto that it is intended toissue u first edition of 50,000 copies.

AVe trust that Mr. William'sefforts to render the Wands a popu-lar resoit for foreign tourists willmeet its due reward.

A PUZZLE.AVe have received a copy of the

Union Volunteer, a payor devotedto the interests of tiie soldiers andbailors engaged in the war. AVo ex-

tract the following puzzle from itsinteresting columns: "A duel waslately fought in Texas by AlexanderShott' and John Nott. Nott wasshot and Shott was not. In this casoit is better to be Shott than Nott.There .was a rumor that Nott wasnot shot, and Fhotl avows that heshot Nott, which proves cither thatthe fihofiShott shot at Nott w as nothhot or that Nott was shot notwith-

standing. Circumstantial evidenceio not always good. It may bo madeto appear on tiial that the shotShott shot tihot Nott, or) as acci-

dents., with iirearnib nrofrequont,"may be possible that tho shot Shotttthot shot Shott himself," when thewhole atfair would lesolvo itself IntoIts original element, and Shott wouldbo shot and Nott would be not. AVe

think, how eer, that tho shot Shottshot shot not Shott hut Nott; anyway it is hard lo tell who was shot.

SHIPPING NOTES.Yr.n:itbAY, at 1 :U0 Km., the

Diitish steamer Madras, Captain

Bradley, 2G days from Hongkong,arrived in poll. She was boardedby the Port Physician, "ins she hadhoisted tho yellow Hag outside. Thiswas done ns n measure of precau-

tion only, as there was no sicknesson board. She is en route for Vic- -

loiia, B.C., and has 10!) passengeisfor there, and none for this port.She will land GOO tons freight here.She is built in Stockton, 1,G72 tons

burthen, ami is owned by Lcaroydof London.

Tho AVnichu will bo hovo down forrepairs.

The Now York Maritime Jtccis- -

ter, of Oct. 11th, reports: BarkBcmijio, Howes, from Now Castle,N.S.AV., for San Francisco, via Ho-

nolulu, with coal, met with threesuccessive gales on July 3rd, 0thand 12th, between lat. 20.3G S. and31 S., and between 1GG K. and 171

AY. The vessel Htiflercd consider-ably in hull, sails and ligging,started topsides badly, carried awaysome top spars, and threw over-

board 2." tons of coal. Sho fortun-

ately had a Meant pump aboard, andhaving secured the rent m her side,in atempoiary manner, she madefor Lcvuka for repairs, ,the cost ofwhich is estimated at no less thanX.'iOO, Two hundred tons of coalwere discharged to get at the leak,and have been sold. She was stillat Lcvuka on Aug. 2.

Kliuoi' Areruon, Humphries, "vasloading at New York, Oct. 11th, forHonolulu.

The schoojicr Emma will go to-

day at 1 i.Jt. to AVaialua and AVai-ana- c,

as she has been thoroughlyoverhauled and repaired.

The Hovcro brought .r7f,000 feetof lumber and 50,000 laths to Allen& Bobinson.

The Buena ATista brought 52!), 1Wft. of lumber and 75,000 shinglc3 forHaekfcld & Co.

LOCAL AND GENERAL ITEMS.S. J. Levey won tiie " Livermotc

Pet" throw 50.

AVk hear the Government Houseboat crow has disbanded, and willunite again under a ficsh leader.


Has the coinage question had thatconsideration and discussion whichits importance demands?

JK3y Ex Zcalandia, Gents linoTweed Suits, at Clias. .L Fishcl's.

Am. the Norwegians now in Oahugaol were put to work on the roadson Tuesday, by order of the Mar-

shal.. -- -- -

Mh. Ellin is again to the frontwith his bales of stock--. Tuesday,25 shares of Telephone Stock at, $50.AVednestlay, 20 shares Star Mill, at8500.

oA most glorious picnic was held

on Saturday by courtesy of Mr. F.Brown at his AVaikiki residence.No less than sixty-on- e ladies werethere and not one of the baser sex.The whole day was spent in enjoy-ment and bathing.

AVr. hear that Mr. Hinckley, wild

had his passport stopped by Dr.1'odgors, has written a very' vulgorletter to both doctors, addressing itto Dr. Fitch. AVe nr c sure allright minded men will reprobatesuch disgraceful conduct.

337 Good unbleached cotton

lly.udb, for only?! 1.00, ut Clias.

J. Fishcl's LcadingJlilliuory llouso.

Tin; Hawaiian red' libbon leagueof libei ty and freedom now numbers

about 30 members. Many "of itsmembers say that they do not thinkbut wish to show that'they slaud",up

for their rights.

Two boat-loa- of wtockago werebrought fioni tho Niagara on Tues-

day, and sold for lirowood to China-

men. The wheat U washed entirelyout of the hold, so there is no fur-

ther fear of an epidemic from thatdirection.

Tin: lion. J, H. AVitlkor ycfalcrdnytook charge of tho Auditor General'sofllce. lie has been for sonio weeks

getting things ready, and yesterdaywas formally installed in his olllcc.AVe feel sure 'he will llll- - the post tothe Mthi'twliou of sll MrtlwV

Tr,r':: ! fMiu Cuxii.v has not lost anything

by stopping his free lunch but, onthe contrary, has gained. AVo im--

dcrsland ho ceased giving them nttno request ol a prominent temper-ance man, who urged him not tomake tho place so attractive to boys.

A i.i'.rrr.u was received from Eng-

land by the last mall, by Mr. LevyIsaac, in tho Chamberlain's olllcc,from a friend, in which the safe ar-

rival" of Hid Hawaiian youths wasnoticed, and what is more interest-ing to Knglishuicn contained somedried buttercups and daisies. Mr.Isaac Will be happy to show them toany one desiring to sec once again"sweet llowors from home."

G3J"AVInU? open front shirts, atClias. J. Fishcl's Leading MillineryHouse. : -

fCyPlain Sateens nil colois,' atClias. J. Fishcl's Leading .MillineiyHouse. 235

-- .KjHOOO ymds of Qucchco nil wool

flannel, from 25 cts. up, at Chns. J.Fishcl's Leading Milium y House.

LONDON GOSSIP.(1IY VliANKUlt.)for tho Dally llnllctln.)

Tho movement to raise a monu-ment to Longfellow in AVestminsterAbbey is one which is deserving pfsympathy and support. We hng-lis- h

admired tho pleasant numbersof tho blameless bard almost if notquite as much as they were admiiedi... i.: ..... t. ... l...ij() jun u vu i;iiiiuii viftiuii. it iii.ij ui.', i

too, that wo had ;i jpster apprecia-tion of tho majority of his poems."Hiawatha" notwithstanding, Long-fellow was essentially a lit itinli poet,a bard of , Old as well u of NowEngland, therefore it itr only rightthat wo should do .oursolycs thohonour of 'placing Something to helpto keep his memory green in AArest-minst- cr

Abbey. Theoo are, my views,'and yet I would ask il there is not adanger of making the LongfellowMemorial Committee a ratherridiculous body ? It would bo justas wiso-t- o appoiuta committee ot thowhole nation, with power to addtho names of nobody to a list whichincluded at the outset of tho under-taking those of Alfred Tennysonand liobcrt Bt owning. Ouco letthe suspicion arise that it is morowith a desire to advertise themselvesthan with the view of benefiting thoundertaking that men arc joiningtho committee, and tho thing be-

comes a mark for tho shafts of theThe work should bo nobly

done, or not at all.

Atiction Sales by E. P. AdamsSale of Valuable

Sugar, Kalo & Pasture Lands!la Lnliiiiiiii, .Muul.

Uy order of Trustee of the LunaliloEstate, I shall offer for site, for cash, attliu Court llou-ei- n Lnhalnn, Island ofChilli, at 12 o'clock noon,

Thursday Nov. 2d,The following pieces of Land, eleven

Lots In llic

Alnipuaa of Polaimi !

Awnided 8"!), J), Apan.i 25 to W. C.Lunalilo, e,s follows!

Lot 1 Pasture Tiind lying on tiie Sea

Lot 2 Caac and Pasture- Land,acre.

fALotU Cniip, Piistuio and Kalo Land,11 IKWUM MUIL"S

Lot I Kalo Land, 1 0 acres.Lot r Kalo Land, 8400 neie.Lot (i Ktiln Land, 0.100 acre.Lot T Kalo Land, aeie.Lot 8Knlo land, acieLot l lVluro land, 10 0 antsLot 10 Cine and Ptisliuu land, 55 ."50- -

100 acresLot 11 Kilo land, mostlv taken up

with kulcanus wl ole area 7 acres.1 1 lots In tho Ahupuaa ol Kuholiloa,

A wind 855!) 1), ApantiSO, toAV. C. Luna.-lilo- ,ns follows:

Lot 1 Kalo land, aeroLot 2 Kalo land, 1 0 acreLot 11 Old kalo land, 0 acreLot 1 ICnlo land, 1 aeroLot 5 IValo land. icioLot 0 Kalo and kuln land, 0 acreLot 7 Kalo land, acreLot 8 Kalo land. acfcLot tl Kalo and kula land, 0 neieLot 10 Pastille hind, GO 0 acresLot 11 Pastuie land, U0 0 aeres

6 lo!$ in tho land ol Kukuikapu,Award 277 to AV.O. Lunalilo, as follows:

Lot 1 Cane and kalo land, 12 0 aeLot 2-- & kalo hind, 11 G8.100 aeLot U Cimo Si knltf'lnnd, 14 7.100 acLot 4 Cnno & kalojand, 11 noLot 5 it k.ilgi land, 8 0 uttLot (I Cnno & kalo land, 11 lieThe areas given aio c.clu-lv- of kule- -

iiuiH within thu lioiindarles.tJ.E:i)oi;i:,fTiii8tee. -

E. V. Adam!, Aurl'r.

VSrANTEn, Inimedl-itoly- , Niir,e Olrl,Yi to lake care of 2 children. Ap-

ply at thi-- i olllee. 2!W

DIiaJIoiiKO Acceiteil.TITHE l.Mdertiincd accepts the Cliql--

lunge of .hunt) P. S.iunders, to playa auittli sflinoof Dlllnptls of 500 points.Die bm 2 out of 11, o.i Wvduvodiiy oven-ln;-

Nov. Bth. 1832, at a place agreeableto both pintle.".

JACK MA.KAIWI.Honolulu, Noy,,J, 1882. 2U5 Ut

Xoticc to C'oiibIkiicc&;1vt-i- f. Consignees of merchandise

per JiritlKli S. S. ".MiulrnVjBrntllcv. commander, will

please enlor their goods nt the CustomHouse, and pay frelRht at tho olllco ofthe ttmtcrgljrncii. All goodi remaining,on the wliiirf after 8 p. in. will be nt'tliurisk of the owners thereof.!W5 lit. 11. HAcfthiM) Sz Co., Agcntrt.

Notice.18 1IKHKHY GIVEN TONOTICE Ihnt'nt n meeting held

on the !ilsl day Oct., 1882, of Hitliscrlliuislo tjie stock ol the I'.utkmt Sugar Co., It

IW voted to accept n Chatter of Iueorpo-ratio- n

granted to them and their iwmi.ciittiMnml under thueorporatoname and style of the Pmiktin BunrCo.,on the 20th day of Oct., 1882, and Hinttho corporation, under mild Charter,thereupon organized itself and electedthe Xollowhvg named olllcers of theCompany:.

J. Austin President,i S. I.. Atsnx A'lce l'icsrtdcnt,

P. C. .loxns, ,m...Sco'y it Ttc.isuicr,J. O. Caiitkh Auditor,

Notion Is father given that pursuantto the terms of mid Clmitcr, " No'Sfock.holder shall individually be liable forthe debts of the corporation beyond theamount which shall lie due upon theslinre or Bliurcs nelu or owned byhini'-elf- .

233 P. C. .Toxnp, Jit, Scc'y.

TSotico.IS HEHEIJY GIVEN TONOTICK that at a meetinir held

Oct. 21ft, 1882, of Mibseiibeis to thuStock of the Oaomea Sugar Co., it wasvoted to accept aChaitarof Incorpora-tion granted to them and their iiHsouintcin nd Hiiccessoiv, inider the corporate nameand Htvlc of the Onomea Supir Co., onIhe 20th day of October, 1882, and Hintllic corporation, under aid Charter,theiciipon organized ltclf and electedthe following named olllccrs of theCompany:

S L AUSTIN" PresidentJ AUSTIN Vice-Preside-

P.C.IONKS,Jn Stcittnry "G 11 ltOSS TieasurerJOCAltiyJU Auditor

Notice is further sjivcti that )ursunut tothe teins of wild Chaitei, "No Stock-bolde- r

shiill individually be liable forthe debts of theeoiporallon beyond theamount which shall bo due upon theshare or sliaic held or1 owned by him.

P. C. JONES, .In., Scc'y.


FIJ T31K PVMaW.OAVNEltS of Ileal Estate will always

to their aduintage to placetheir homes and lands in my care fordis)'o-nl,n- s I am the only acknowledgedHeal Estate Urokcr on the Islands,

Agents nail PhmtcrH, and all other em-

ployees of mechanics and laborers willdo well to notify mo when vacancies oc-


Leases, deeds, bonds, mortgages, andall other legal paqers ill awn in properfoim.

Bills Collected,Books and accounts kept,

MillCiibtom entries,Letters and Engrossing done,

and geneial business office work ofevery deseiiption attended lo and alwayson the most reasonable leims.


Ofllce 27 Meichnnt Street, Honolulu.Telephone 172. P. O. Uo.v, 315

Wanted.6 Good Rough Carpenters,

For llume w ork. Apply to '

232 1 w . AV. G. imVIN & Co.

WANTED. Immediately, a centrallyCottage, within ic.ison-a- h

i) wjilkhifr dihtanco lo busines'sgituii.lion on the AVaikiki side of Foil street.Jlust have three bedrooms.

223 2w J. E. AVlHKMAJf.


Watch this space !

233 lw1

, , '

KARflSTlC-S- a

WALL PAPERS,Ceiling Decorations,



A.splendid and varied



- - - -TfrfPO L E T O N K ' O O T T AGE,X contnbiinj; 7 rooms, with stabling

and every eonvnience, situated on llioP'abu, about 1 i"l! fiom town. AVaterbutt in. For pnrilculaia applv lo

A.. FERNANDEZ.iu: mi AtJE, 0. Hull & Son's.


Notice, f V 1,

Regatta, November 16, 1882.pnrties who have bonta lo cnlrrALLfoe tho llnccs oit' Ills Majesty's

lllrthday, are Invited to meet tho Exceti.livo CoianilUev at thoJVHBOrJ3nThtiredny, Nov. 2, nt 11 a. m.

J. U. Kawaimui, -

FllANK OODKltKT, '231 2t Secretaries.

h Bj' '&''




Pendants, UiitlStniulXamiiMT

A splendid and varied assortmentJust Opened I


C2P Fort Nli-ccf- . -- a

b fe b k b230 ly

Irrigation! "rjtUIGATION, nfterthls dale, Is strict:X ly forbidden, e.ccpt between ,

The JloiirN or O lo S n. in. , ;

nml 4 to O . m.CHAS. B. AV1LSON,

Supcrinlendcnt AVntcr AVorks.Appro ed ;; E. Ufsit, .

Minister of Interior.Honolulu, Oct. 24, 1882. 126

Creme de la Creme.THE Ice Factories arc in full blast,. and to are '

HAltT'SElite Ice Cream Parlors!

They are ust ficc.lng, which is

Vhut yon cant hi this Weather,and don't you forget it I

Ice Cream can bo had from 11 a. 11 p.jii. nt

1IAKT BROS..Elite Ice Cicam Parlors,

177 80 HAtol Mrect.


Best California Butter, in'tubs and jars,1Barrels Prime Pork, . .

Barrels Extra Jlcss Beef,Hal Muriel s e.trn Family Beef,' '

Cases Fnlrlunk Lard, 5 and 10 lbs.. .

Cases Codfish,Bags California Potatoes, r 'Bags AVlioIe Barley, - ?

Bags Ground Bailey,Bags Wheat, !

Bags AVhito and Pink Beans, , ',

2!A11 aio oil'ered nt low prices. ,

BOLLES &'Co.Honolulu, Oct. II), 1882. 223 2w


; EEB SALMON!To arrive by the "Ella," (f

For sale bv'23 1 at O. Brewer & Co.

i Geo. tivciiiig;Ii,ftoal Ettato and Gonoral Buslnois Aenl-- .

88 King street, Honolulu.Solicitor for the " Saturday Press."

. 233 lm

oiders for Chincso Cooksand Domestic Servants. ' '


SALE, a splendid Sorrel Horse,quiet, in harness pr Middle. Also,

good second-han-d Eprc.s, cheap.233 lw GEO. CAVENAGII.

FOB SALE, n No. 2

Yai'diouse Feed Mill. Grinds from 5 to 10 tons per day.

Al.sp, pulleys, belts', etc., all In oodorderi can be inn by Htonm or horaopower, just the article foi'a plantation.



AVheat, Uran, Barley, AVliolc andGround, Mixed Feed, etc.


aAVO OFFICES TO LET, on the.secfloor of tho building occupied

by J. AV. Robertson & Co Mil

Furniture For Sale.COMPLETE set of Furniture for sale,

rear cottage, No, 2 AdamsLime, corner Hotel street. Call anyevening Uih month. 230 lw

sJlWh& A SPLENDID Opportunity Is&&18 lW"llem)tobuy ,thc Popu.

,,r Lodging House recentlyoccupied and conducted by Mrs. AVhlle,at, Id Foit street. Tim piemlsos contain1 store, 17 bediooms, kitchen, dining andbath room. The rooms arc all lilcelyfurnished and in perfect ouler. Forfuither partlculais apply to present pro.prlolor, F. AV. AVALLAOE, 123 Fort st.,Honolulu.? - , i . ' ' aifl

I7LEGANTLY FURNISHED Roomsor double, with all tho

conveniences and tomfoils of a home.Rooms nre' lnrge and well venillalcd.Terms sti icily moderate.' Apply at No.2 Adtiiub Lane. 211 lilt

17011 SALIC, a MULE CaRT,X Apply to

102 H. lldcUfhl & Co A- -

V. sftt. v'rsM$0i-kji:- vl Jfe&S LJLl.Jt

:s& Mitiafi fittiteff.i;fr


i- -






Page 3: THE DAILY BULLETIN...All business communications to be ml. dressed, Manager Dully Bulletin, Post Offleo Box Np. 14. Telephono 250..T. G. Ci.kvioii, Mnnngcr. THE LARGEST SAILING SHIP




LjF ' J''s.'f!fgy laaBiy:1 bpAt

v -- S M':'

TELEPHONIC.Dlmond Head, Nov. 2, 0:30 n.m,

Light Enstcily wind.Scljr Ncttio Morrill off port.

-t.- i-fr r r ., ...r-v-

jJnmvALs.Nov. l

Ilk Uticim Vistft from Port GnmbloJhit stmr Mudwsrfrom Hongkong

Nov 2Schr Knnln f.tom WninnnoHehr SVaiollfiom Kcokcfi .

Schr Bfillo Morris from Lstnni


Kchr Liikn'for Kohnln '

Schr Mary K, Foster for Kona, KnuNov 2

vessels Leaving this day.U S'S Alaska for IliloKchr Kinnm for WninnnoKchr l'nunhi for OoknlnSchr Mco lj"oo for KoolnnSclir Lcnhi for KoholnlclcStmr Jns Mnkcc for Kauai

PASSENGERS.From San Fmiicisco, per Kaln-knu- n,

Oct 31 Mrs C E Stackpolcami son, Miss Nellie II Dix, W PCro6ks, WW Coons, G Is Klihcd,.1 TSIiiplcy, J II Ciiiiimiiiga, W C

Maston; K T S,Sicgllchl, It T Red-sho-

A. flcrnunii, J" C Jenkins, CG Ihown, ft Hopkins, J Cramer.

From Kauai, per James Makcc,Nov 1 15 C Spalding and 2 deck.

VESSELS IN PORT.15r stmr Madras, BradleyBrig Consuelo, 1 low arilEktifc,JancJA'Fnlkinburg Clnm SpreckcH. ' ; itllnwbklojiinl,Hnwbilg Nlnlto, CameronBark Iriuc6sV p " ' ' fAm liarkHopci Aspulct -

Tern Kit SapRktiieEuickaBlc BevcreBark Kalnkann, MillerBark Bucna Vista

VESSELS EXPECTED.ltlK "! Jfma- - From DanRkEinma, from Paget Hound, Aug 18

BktuvEmma Augusta, fin l't Gnmblo forKnhului, Oot 7

Hilt tm Suez, Dodd, fm S F. Nov 17Stmr Zeiilandlii, from S. F, Nov 20Stmr Cit v of Sydney, fm Sydney, Nov 20B.irk Lizzie Marshal, fm lt GambleBr bk Ulloek'fm LI erpool, DecBk Abcr Amnn fm Glasgow, DeoBktno Discovery, fm S F., Nov 14Am bktnc Klikltal,Bk Noitli Star, from cwcnstioRr ship Amlussatior, lm NewcastleBark Amy Turner from BostonGer bk Livingston from Hongkong,Am bktne Amelia from Port GambleSclir Joseph Bins from Hum lioldt duo

A. Q. ELLIS,a fOC1C BROKER, will buy or sell

O Plantation Stock, Bonds, mmOther Mnikctablo Securities,

At tliulr market alue for cash.S15 OflU c w 1th E. r. Adams, Auct'r.


118 Merchant Street, Honolulu,NO. (Established In 1870)

Sugjr jpiorilatlpn, Ballrond,Telephone, anil other Corporation Stock,

Bonds and Similar Securities Boughtm , and Sold on Commission.

Money loaned on Stock Securities.Honolulu, Oct. 1st, 1882. 214

r '

Notice.Ladies of St. AndrcwV Sewing

.Society will meet on WEDNES.DAY . Afternoon, at !J o'clock, nt theSchool Boom. A full attendance 1

as business of impoitinur willbe dlseupcd. flH 2t

Notice.the temporary absence of

DUBING G. Irwin fiom this King,dom, Mr. W. M. Gii'kakd will attend tothe business of our house.

220 2m AVM. G. IRWIN & CO.

All persons owing money,NOTICE &c., to Her Hlghncm RuthKecllkolani nro hereby iequeted tomako their paj monts to

210 lm " A. WIDEMANN.

Having purchased fiomNOTICE. W. Bush, all hi light, titleand Interest hi the Grocery Business, onFort Mieet, it Is my intention to carryon the same under the firm name of S.

J. LEVEY & Co., and I hope, by htrlctattention to business, and the wants ofmy customer., to merit a share of theliberal patronage bestowed upon mynrcdeeosor, Mr. A. W. Biihlij

im s. J. levey."

I hereby give notice thatNOTICE. disposed of my qrpceryUusiness to Mr. S. J. Levey. All ac.counUs4lifi?btildbus.iiies3 nro tobe(paidlolilinJnir' ',' '

Thanking the public for tho liberalpatronage they have been to be.htowuponmr, I Mould respectlully asklor a continuance of the mmo to myBiiecessor. ' A. W. BUSH.

larOiderH for the Union Feed Comp.any will be received as usual, andpiompt dellveiy guaranteed. 225 lm. r- -r

Dining my ab.senco fromNO'l'lCE. Kingdom, Mr. Frank M.

Hatch, will collect the rents duo fiomall piopcity belonging to Mrs. NannieR. Biewcr, and also make wiles of cnttlofrom the Kaneoho Estate. .

221) 2iv V. C. JONES, .Til... .'

Dm lug my absence fiomNOTICE. Mr. Joseph O. Car.ter will act for mo uniicr a lull rower

3fe.l'AClFIU MAIL Stcain- -

fcfcSfc ship Company.

FOIl SAN FRANCISCO,Tlio Splendid SteamshipCity of Sydney,

Dcaibom - - Commander,

Will lcavo Honolulu for Snu Francisco' on or about Nov. 20.

FOlt SYDNEY via" AUCKLANDI ,.; Thc Splendid Steamship

Zcalaudia,Webber, Commander,

On or about Nov. 20,For f i eight or passage apply to

II. 1Iackki:m) fc Co., Agent?.

Oceanic Steamship Oomp'y.

,h.N THE A 1

Sscaal Iron Stoamor Suez,1)01)1), - - - COMMANUKIl

Will too Honolulu


For freight or passage, having superioraccomodations, apply to121 Wm. O. Iuwix & Co., Agents.



JabsSsSi' clipper bgtncConsuolo,

How aid, . . Master,Will have quick dlxp.ttch for the abovepoit. For fi eight or passage npplv to

Wm. Q. Iiiwin &. Co., Agent.


Kg- -

The clipper b.irk

Kalakaua,Miller, .... master.

Will have quick dispatch' for the aboopoiu For ficlght or passage apply to

F. A. hciivuiT.u & Co., Agents.

,, Steamer Likoliko,& King, - Mnstcr.

Leaves Honolulu each Tuesday nt4 p.m., touching nt Lnhulnu, Mnu-lac- a

Bay, Mukcna, Miihukonn,Lnupahoehoo mid Hilo.

Bcturnlug, will touch at nil thenlovc ports, arilvlng at Honolulueach Sunday a.m. 1

T. R. FOSTER & Co.'s

Line of Steamers-l- -


The Iwalani,Batj:s, - ... - Commander

Runs regularly to Knna and Kau,as per following Time Tabic:

L,i:avj:s Honolulu at i im. onThin sdny, Oct. B Monday, Nov. 27Monday, Oct. 10 Thuisday, Dec.4 7Thursday, Oct. 20 Monday, Dec. 18Monday, Nov. 0 Thursday, Dec. 28Thursday, Nov. 10

Aitmvrsj at Honolulu:Friday, Oct. 13 Friday, Nov. 24Tuesday, Oct. 24 Tuesday, Dec. 5i'rmay Nov. a Friday, Dec. 15Tuesdt Nov. 11 Tuesday, Dec. 20

The C. E. Bishop,Borry, --- Commander

Leaves Honolulu i:vj:iivMonday, at 5 r.M., for Nawiliwili,Koloa, Elcelc, and Yninien, Kauai.

Rktuunini! leavesNawiliwili every Friday evening.


Schooner Ehukaim .will run lcgularlyTO WAIALUA EVERY MONDAY,

Rctuiniug on Thuisday, wciitlicrpcimltting.

For freight or passage apply to theCaptain on boaid, or to

181 A. F. Cooke, Agent.

Schooner JSju "Emma,"Will leave Honolulu EVERY TUES.


Returning Satuulays.For ficlght or passage, having superiorcabin accommodations, apply to theCaptain on board. 154


Onice, corner Nuuanuand Queen streets,Honolulu, H. I,,

Ajjont for the following Packets:Wallele, jj-t-

, Waioli,Waiehu, J$F&rf AVaiinalu.Malolo, fynSisQ Kalima,Mann, S9K& Julia,

Ka Mol, and Ehukai.

Ked Flag, with, "Whiter Ball.181

Cs Medium Breadex Caibaileu, for sale In

miantllles to MiitjbyOt A. S. Cl.LOlIOIlN & o'O.

lloyal Ilinvaiiiui Agricul-tiir- al

Society.of the Drafts of intendedCtOPir.S of tho Society may now bo

obtained fiom the undersigned membersof the OrgaulIng Committee.

Those dcsiious of joining tho Societycan do by paying the annual subscilp.Hon of iS lb either of the undcisigned.



Honolulu, Sept. 150, ltJ33. iiO'J



Millinery House-- OF


Finest and Richest Goods

Ever shown In this Kingdom.

Tin: iiKAinsrtMJiiisiyitv iiouhje



Elegantly Furnished EoomsTO LET,

FAMILIES or SINGLEI70R a llh nil the convenien-ces and comforts of a home, with

Use of Parlor.Booms are largo and well ventilated.

Terms, Strictly ModerateMRS. SCHRADEE.

Corner of Hotel and Al.iKea streets.172 3m


A Largo Assortmentov am:


Fine Wall PapersAMI

BORDERS!JusfieeeUcd, and fot- - sale by


tt, Call and examine. 147

- ij H t .

i i V . 1'j


t i

. iV




WARE-ROOM- Nos. 50 mid 58




FURNITUREIn the Kingdom,

whiohwill be

Sold at tho. Lowest Rates.




Made to Older at blioit'nollce.

i-- o;


,' Agent,

.lephone No. 1J2.aPJT 207

Water Notice.Olllce !up't "Water Wolks,

Honolulu, July i), 1SS2.pert-ro- lint lag AVatcrI'ii lieges

arenolllled that their Water Hatestiro payable semi-annuall- in advance,at the olllce of the Superintendent ofWitter Works, foot of Nituanu street,upon the 1st dnv of .lanunry nnd July ofe.icii year. un AS. is. w 1 IjSU ,

Sup'tAVatcrAVotks.S. K. Kaai, Minister of Interior. 201

UNION FEI'.D COMPANY, A. W.Manage'' See inheilUe-itte- ut

ou other page, , 28






aA Fait

Ladies' nnd Gent's

Gold and Silver Watches HoActual weight.

Just to liniul.of Gold.

livery "Walcli wnvrnnlctl as GrossWgtrepresented.


l7HlJBT0CIItt!IYthallSniriailSjC4S9lUgpoitinlliwThtotHa. .


Facsimile ol Silver Cases. (21S)

FURNITURE SALE-A Large Stock of Pttinituio Mill be cle.ucd out

tom.tke 100111 our

Stock of toper bteamcr. This well

and BedroomEasy Chairs, TuikUh Chairs, Wardiobes,

Spring Mattiesscs-- , Olllce and Diniitg-iooi- Chain, Ac, Ac,

All of'wliicli will be .sold sit or less.and e.amiue

Music Store,177

Tho long-Expecte- d Book,

(( r irn a nirw rmirnrf HTTuitvu ahjj iimaaMrs. Lucy G-- . Thurston,"

Has atilvcd, and is for bale at

A. L. SMITH'S, Fort ttvccl.222 Piicc, $1.7.) each. 2v

JUST HECEIVEDE s.s. Hnnsn, and late arrivals,FJ103I THE COAST,

Cases of the tclcbtatcdBlue Grass Kcntuckey "Whi8key,

In glass and demijohns, superior to anybrand lit this market.

Cases Hcimltagc Dourboii Whisky," O. F. O. Sour Mash Whisky,

FauniiO Whisky,' Cutter No. 1 Whisky," Hennessey 1, 2 and i) Stnr Isr.tmly," Richot Star Pale Riamly," Rurke's Tlueu Star Iiish Whisky," Rurkc's Puru Malt Scotch Whisky" Loehiel Scotch Whisky," Extra Sifpet 'or Port A inc." Extra Superior ry Wide," No. 1 C.lifornia Port," He-i- t Puaidsof Cla-tt- .

" Rest Rrattds of Ma. eh.i Wines," " Kcv" III and Janmica Rum," "Golden Fleece" Jamaica Rum,

naskcts Het Stone Jug C!In,Cabcs Green and Red Case Gin "Key"

braiii'," P. Raidmakers tv. CoV Ptio Medal

Genuine HollatubGiii," Foster's Pale Ale, pis and rps." Gennlsscs' XXX Poller, pl & qts." St. Louis LngirlJccr," Pilsner Lager Ueo , pH nnd pts." Tcimaiit's and' JellrcyV Pale Ale," Rudweinei'sCelelni'ted Lager Heer

iiia lh.iui(l pint .

" C. Fm 'o's Champagne, cps and pts." "Eclipse" Champagne, (its and pts." RhlncWlnc," Ginger AVIne," Angelica Wine,

AIfo 11 Hirtall iuvnlev of theColooratod 'Minoral Wator

"Fcnoodone,"expressly for tioplc.d ell

; mates.All iie alimu goods wanaittcd.

m lm IV, Lonolmri & Go

in "' "' j HHB

IBM , r ' yHHBfl 3 XrIBIHbk

hi a t. ;gm

m Mm

M. Urt'Iiicriiy,Aijentfor (hi JCiiudom.

N. 11. Rcwaro of imita-tions, as I have discoveredscveml silver watches hear-ing the name of " WnllhninWntches," which arc of SwissAraiutfaetiiie, and nro sold asgenuine WaUham Avalches.

VSviixtcCrttirgiiatIIut swonwitiytezAff

Fac-sliuu- k ClfCSv. 1 uulll



-selected .stock includes

.Furniture, Lounges,.ii ,

uIOj and 107 Fort Stieet, Honolulu.

PLANTATION GOODS.,nc:..,i.. i',.n:.,.,



Larco Holiday Goods arrive


auction prices,Call nt





'Helvetia Laces,Tuck Packing, Jf if' "''

Sugar Cooler, 'ffClmitlets, ,'!

. "lJHemp Packing, ith or without India j

Rubber. ,s' ' ?'"!

llmluwl I.'.M.n,. ... ?.'VII..! L......1

Hoes, , i3Canu Knives, illi or without hooks, ,

lliind and Smith Hammers, v ,TjHt

Shovels, A'.'es,Jacksciews, Vices,

Stc.iiu.iiipu Riuahes. ,"Patent Steam pipe

LubilrnllugOil,Cement, Steel Ralls,

Sugar and Coal Hags, "Twine, &c, Ac.

For sale by ,

II. IIAOKFKLI) & Co.Oct. 10th i

JiikI Weceived, per Sue,From San FrnncUco,

iWMM Ft ir m mt

1HL UVlfcbi blYLtb HIK I A


Tilmmed iiiid Uutiimmeil,

Alsc;. in Strau and Itoueli Plush,

Ueautiful Plumes and Flowcis.CAUL AND SHE THl'.M.



Ladies' Uncloi'wouv' , -A- Kl)-;. ,

Child van1 a Clottiny. ,

.j . . MltS. WILKINSON, 'lBl',ly - ' ,-

- lOJFoititatt,' ' .l.'i JSSQTJLrf '.'i. vkLm i t '1tb jTiiar.3 r h.'M f ; j v j- jfi -

'M-i- f

Wliim :;r"-v:::- u &: ;rjj&$ ,:tx: 3WVLSr'JtiS- -





--. ts.

r3 ;j. -

4vf-"- 3


rw.iv v tiSiivi . iV





HabbitMilnl. .


Pickaxes, f--'



1 .



Page 4: THE DAILY BULLETIN...All business communications to be ml. dressed, Manager Dully Bulletin, Post Offleo Box Np. 14. Telephono 250..T. G. Ci.kvioii, Mnnngcr. THE LARGEST SAILING SHIP

Jf .. i ii . iwi mi. n.i..'i Wl im MIWWII "T1 ' ' " " .. MIt rwHBlEi.i ' - " I8J ' WST""


. 'fa'








l.'l s. .




m- -



Importing and Manufacturing Stationers.PUBLISHERS,

Printers and Book-Binder- s,

Nos. 19 and 21 Merchant stroct,

The Oldest, Largest, and CheapestStationery Establishment in the Kingdom.

Keep constantly on hand a large assortment ofBlank Books, or nil descilptlons;

Foolscap, Legal and Dill dip, tJoin mil nntl Trlnl Ualanco Papers,

Linen Paper anil Envelopes, nil sizes;

Writing and Copying Inks, in quarts, pints and cones,

Mucilage In nil sizes, especially adapted to this climate;Diawlng Paper mid Pencil",

Tracing Paper nutl Cloth.Tiimsll Books, Field ami Level Books, for ilieuc

of Surveyors and Engineers ;

Memorandum and Pass Books,Silver ilnd Pciforated Card Honid,

Shipping Tans, Shipping llecclpt Hooks and Pads,Nolo, Draft, and llecclpt Books,

And numerous other articles in our line to he found in a wetI kept stock

NSUSBC! MIUSBC!Wo hnvo made such niiniigciiiunls with our Music Agents, as will cnablous

hereafter to keep on hand n full assortment, and aNo to receive the latest pkcts as

Ihev aic published. Any special order will receive our best and prompt attcn.lion. 18j- -


Watchmaker and Manufactur-

ing Jeweler,

Nos. US and 115

Splendid New Stock of Solid

J'Jleiant Gold and

Sll ver.Plalcd Win e, &e., &c.

3fhe lai(ir luUeii.u

THURSDAY, NOV. 2, 1882.

A victim to the cruelty of asiiothcr-in-lu- appeared in a London

Police Comt recently, asking theCouil's intcrfcicncc in the matter.Mr. Lushinglou, the complainant,

stated that one evening she paid him

a visit and nichcntly turned him outof doors. Vpon healing of so

uncommon a feat the magistrate was

utiicken with astonishment and ex-

claimed, ""What! did she eject youf i om your own hoiibo '" Theapplicant for pi election lcplied thatbliu had certainly done so, adding thatlie had, as a matter of tact, liecnglad to get out into the stieet safeand bound. 'So would you, sir,"he added, "be only too glad to runif you had such a mother-in-la- w asI've got. Only Inst night she saidshe would 'spillhcato me,' and 1

know she would have done so if Mic

could only have got hold of me.

After 1 had escaped her she turnedround and thrashed her dnugher,my wife, and then she made my ownmother, who happened to he in thehouse, lly for her life. She hassworn that she will murder the lotof us one of these days and I fearshe will keep her oath." The Lon-

don 7 'elciroph, fiom which this storyis takencomments upon the affair:"Jlcyond doubt a mother-in-la-

whose view of her duties andin that character pi ompts

her to expel her son-in-la- w fiom hisdomicile by force, to administer abound healing to her daughter, andto tenify that mation's mother-in-la- w

into piccipitate and ignominiousMight, all in the course of an aftci-dinn- er

call? is mi exceptionally ener-

getic specimen of her class. We allknow what the man is who, sacinthe way of kindness, would lay hishand upon a mother-in-la- hutsuicly the tcimagant, w'iosc exploits

aic lecorded in police annals, shouldhe lcgarded as one not iucludclwithin the nilc."


Manufattuier and dealer in all kinds ofSaddlery and Harness.

Oideis f i om the other Islands ptompllyattended to.

SOU Corner Foit and King sts, ly

No Bush Whaoking Here.LIVES SAVED by pur.

chasing jourHorso Equipments y-MR-

Fiom W. FENNELL, jT-J- --

PuiLtkal Meclianlc.D'J King sliect.rXo Peter Punk block here. SOU



Fort Street, Honolulu.

Gold and Plated Jewelry,

Silver Watches.


DIAS & GONSALESNo. r7 Hotel Street.

INLAID WOE,KFiom Madeira :

Woik Doxesand Tables,Parlor Tables, "Wilting Desks.

Paper Knives, Holers,Ulou', llandkeichlef, fc Jewchy 15ocs,

Hair Chains, Necklaces,liiacclets,

Brooches, &c., &c.

Wicker Baskets and Mats,AVllIow Chairs,

Umbrolilciy and Crochet AVoik,

All the above will be found in gieataiicty, and excellent tpiallty,

together with all theusual stock of a

Dry Goods Establishment.A nil will vou handsomely for

the double. atU ly


IRON ROOFING,'1 and SO (binge,

0, 7, 8 and 9 feet lengths.


r.istein Clear Squaic 1'dged

WHITE OAK PLANK,Fiom 1 to 1 in. in thickness,

llecelved ex lalo nriirnls, and for sale inijuantiliestosult, by205 lm ALLKN & 11015INSON.


siMimzkr? srw!trr-?T45- M


begs to notify to the public of Ilonolulu and tiavellers to and fiom

all foiclgu ports that

He has PurchasedIhcBtibiucss and Stock in Hade of the

Honolulu & San Francisco Express &

Transfer Conpy,

And that he pioposes to cany on thebusiness in good style; in fact

oveiythlng will bo ilnuo

" Up to tho Handler '

All persons u'lpiliing furnltuie, bag.gago or goods ot any description shift-ed, tiansfeucd or shipped xlll find It totheir ailvnutagu to applj to him ill hisolllee, King street,

Telephone No. 130,ss low lutca us poasiblu. I, .. 187

DILLING-HA- &Importers mid Dealers In

Hardware, Agricultural ImplementsHouse Furnishing Goods, Points, Oils, Varnishes, &o.

Have made large additions to their stock of goodsTo which they Invito the attention of buycrf.

Weston's I i fle re n tial DPulley''n&tt'" " fcfcC,:wwyHWiL U 0 ' iragj" fty?-- j tTuyL.-gij-

ctii Bill mUehF u l:WVWO ArfK.

.s CiW '!SlflBERRY Mlfirf7iBrrmFlTgliTintrT"t"'i

1 1

Kerosene ,OH,

For family use. the high- - r2RC3l icsi uii urine


A full line of Tinware, and

Call and examine oar stock.

ADDITIONS to our formerGltEAT ex Suez, Kalakaua, mid Cityof Sydney, of

Ship Chandlery & Ship Stores:Cordage hemp Manila, cotton duck,Flax-- canvas, llax sail twine, beeswax,Ulocks, oars 8 to 24 ft j'shackles,lialcs of oakum, hooks and thimbles,Club blocks, snatch blocks, rowlocks,Iron stiap blocks, mast beads, shlcves,Metallnc and patent hushing,Btockbolm tnr, pitch, coal tar, tar oil,Bright and blacK ainlshes, wiicrlgglngMarline, seizing housclinc, ratlin, ,Bpunyain, caulking irons, copper tacks,Iron tacks, conuicting links,Marlln spikes, cuulklni; mnllcts,Mast hoops, hand spikes, pitch mops,Tar biushcs, &c.Paints and Paint Oil, a full assortment

of all kinds and colors;Pacific llubbcr Paint, a new lot, includ.

all the unions colors;Brushes Paint, vninish, pencil, white-

wash, paste, ailist, shoe, sciub, andsash a good assortment of each;

Axes and hatchets, wood and Bhinxlin":Ship l.inleinsand side-light- s the Regu-

lation article.

Groceries and Provisions.A full nssoitmcnt of fine groceries, in.

eluding some choice vaiicties ofcanned goods:

Table plu fruits, jams and jellies, a newin tick', put up by a ncwlhm, andwe can highly recommend them as,being something ically nice;

A new lot of Teas, including some supe- -

l lor Japan varieties;Sugai Rellncd and raw;Hams, bacon, lard, smoked beef, in tins,

new article;Curried fowl, cunled oysters,Plum pudding, kits salmon bellies,Kits mackerel, kits tongues andCodllsh, cheese, Oxfoid sausage, latins;Raisins, In , . and i boxes;RaUins, in tins; cm mills in 4 & 71b liusPickles, in 1 gal., gal., (ps, & 5 gal kgsCora slaich, tapioca, xcimicelll,Macaroni, diled apples, niiinc", plums,

peaches and pears.FLOUR AND BREAD.

Golden Gate e.xtia family, Eldoiado,Golden City, Giuliani, out and corn mealMedium bread, assorted ciackcrs,Ginger snaps, tally, saloon pilot biead,Swln biscuits, rite and tollec,Whale and sperm on,Speim candles, 4s and Os.

All of the noove will be sold at (hoJkst jrurlret Mates,

Buyers arc most respectfully invited and examine our stock.

I!).--) BOLLES & CO.

THE OLD CORNEREstablished, 1858.

IIakt Bitos., : : Pioprictoi's.

M E ALSSened up in llrst-clas- s style at all houis

Opon from 2 a, m. to 10 p. m.

Always on hand

Cigars, Tobacco, Pipesi:e., ixtc. Also,

Icccl Hx'iiilcs!




Beaver Eofroshment Room,Finest Biuuds of Tobacco,

Clguis, Cigarettes, elc,

Always in slock

Ice cold Sodnwatcr and Ginger Ale.

II. J. NOLTE,209 tf Piopilctor.


So favorably known thioiighout theHawaiian Islands. Sold by all

loHDOL'tnblo dealeis.INoJULilihuBt., llouoluln 71




fMMBHHWBmany Novelties, now this market, too numerous to mention.

(177) DILLINGHAM & CO., Fort Street.






BiueoCaitwilght. AV. S.


Largest and-- OF-



Invoices for

styles Plows,

xTIIE- -




Hotel S74.

LAUGE the famous



All and keep fullhand.

orders A. St.,


to lcceive further ordcis any Paper or publishin the Eastern States, Canada, and

the piefcnt time wo receive by over hundred and fiftydllleicnt Papers and in the Fienth, and

Is large, enabled to furnish the Papers andlow rate 1B2

. .A n(i't&viJkand JJulldcr.-asSaggjj- g

Honolulu Steam Planing Mills,llouoluln.kinds of

AVlndow Fiaincs, Blinds,Saslics. Ddois, and Kinds of

finish. Turning, Sciolland Hand.Sawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan-ing, Moi t Icing niul

Oideispioiiiptlyattended to mid wolkOulers fiom thu other Is-

lands solicited



At fcl3 per Coid.

Apply to

A. !F.

315 Dm Foot of Niiimnu street.


.A.t a Cord.Apply to

M. CARTER,187 I! M. S. S. Wharf.


Per bktuo Eureka, full Hue of

BYCICLE'SHIRTSSilk, uiuilno and cotton.

Pajama Sliits,01 W. & co,

..! i Yl

,1 !' i'(l If




Largo Knlo

upon favorable terms.

New ofHarrows, Cultivators,

&e., &c. . ,


Luce. A. V. Bush.


Best Stock




iUkti-f- l. .Tucr .' f

For sale at25 A.



F. Practical Confectioner,Piiutry Cook and Baker.

No. 71 Bt. Telephone

Ercncli Oalf Skins.A INVOICE of

"Pishor & Brand."

All I All weights, 10 to 1U kilo

Diroot ImportationEx City of Sydney,

E2?"Goaii(l sco litem.

Of description, guarantees to a supplyconstantly on

to W. 13USII, Fort Honolulu.


Subscription Departmentnio prepared for Magazineed California, Europe.

At eeiymail onuMagazines, published English, German,

Scandinavian Languages,As our subscription list we aio

Magazines at a of Subscijptiou.


Esjiln-uad- o.

Mniiufactuios all Mouldings,

all Wood-woi- k








Etc.A. lUclumlsou






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