the daily notember dloak sale - library of …...(vlow a large yellow-and-whi-cow, with. rnnrt tall:...

1 DLOAK AT II our imDOrtations are now on r a find it to her interest to look through our unrivaled selections Be fore purchasing. Many of the designs are exclusively our own, and cannot be found elsewhere. Ths following garments were bounht at much less than value, and we now offer them, 25 per j J. laee trion m AVffinrn a TiTT M ihimi iiiiViiLiUfi uh -- uai s . . ... AS CA 'jnonair nasn raietuu, uw Bearer Bnsslan Circulars, fur collar, $7 9. iseai rmsu L,oog loam, w. London Walking Jackets, $2 60. All-wo- ol Cloth Astracliaa Trimmed New- markets, $12 50 J SUk Plnaii Paletots, $25. DilMniiii and MlviiifV Cloak, and Have. locks, $5 to $7. I Grand display of Opera Cloaks, Paris Short Wraps and Fine & Tailors and Importers, 38 Madison, t .... l.ii.. of tbrlr aarlraled BtorU oT ImtJortod Olotha tor Fall aad Winter, eomprt.lDs; all the 1 alesU Dealeraa la eillm..'i Wear, Price as reaeaaabla aa ttioM of aay Fsrat-elu- Tallara la the Called State, MVttamplea applleattoa to tbaa nave left meaiuM. - Ko in ember. It la economy ta set Use brat. RELIABLE GOODS- - REASONABLE PRICES Adler Bro. irusris BOOTS AND SHOES, SGI ?lalu Street, sstVOrdpra from it. r enniry will twelve I utalnier Hit mww im. I1EWG00DS. Tievr Lrsulsiana RIolasMes, Ooldon Sjrup, Maple Syrup. Plain and Self-KUlu- g Buck-whea- U J. P. BUCKHAM & CO. DRS. A. WESSON & SON, Jfo. SSJ 3Iain Street. 1 importer. Wholesale and Retail Dealer la OTJNS, RIFLES, PlctLS, All kinds of Amrounitlen, Fine Poeket autlery, tlcitsors, Fishing Tackle, Seines, Nets, en. ore-ja- m eially selefted fine Uatnmerless and mer Oum. el'4 St tin at,, Nenipkls, Tenn Man- - ttfaeturlng and repairing donain first-ela- ss mso. Wer. ari'lieMmnJTejithmie SHEA & MCCARTHY, rropr I40, 142, 144 Front st, Memphis OF THIS LARGEST BOILKR BH0P8 XS OSH SoatU, and the only complete Boiler and Works in ths city. !SatiftarT ot liay jIhI Iron-wor- k of every ale. anr I pilots, bpeeial attention given to aata- - A. J. VIENNA- & CO. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IS Guns, lUIlcs, Ammunition AND FIS111MJ TACKLE. No. 3J7 Malu Street, Mciuptat. TUlt larmat and bent assortment in the city. r.ite etinnlieri et Ihe Inwr.t prire.. oaa Otistos. J a. 0. B. Gaoevaioi OVERTON & GROSVENOR, Real Estate Dealers AGISTS ANI BROKERS, OFFICE, 284 SZCOND ST BJ. IC Cor. Reooa aael Cenrt, KFJtrniS, ... TENNESSEE. EAL K STATU BOUSHT AND BOLB, TAXES R PeH, Rent. CoMerteJ. eto.. on J. O. SCHMIDT As SON, (Buooessor to J. G. Schmidt) , 6' V . m MMti.aruv v whn mm. and retail S-- dealers in n. smnttlon,'l"l- - fir Hotels and Residences. Burglar and tire-Pro-of Sales oiwned and repaired, t ectrie up-I;i- always on hand. Repairing done and war- - y.ieteil Senil 'ft. ewtnlogne ercl t'Jle'L JRESlDl.N(:tS,lAllSlSJtS10KEH0l'SES FOR KF.XT OB HAM.K. offering, on liberal terms, BMI desirable 1AM tu West Tennessee. At Withe in'.'.es from Mernpln.. on L. and N. tine larse ro.ul.n.-- . wilh room;: uiiestoreliouiie. . Ne l un lots anil psroels land. At Atoka Station, on the C, O. and S. W . R.R., V miles Irom Memphis, collates and dwell-Ing- e, all in nrst-clas- a repair, with all necessary convenience.. Also, a new livery stable and drug h,, Mh.mi wiahin. to secure small tarias lor the cultivation of cotton, grain, fruiU, etc., for the Memphis or Northern Hiar-V.t- .. I am ortnnn. soeoial inducements in little litai, ranging from an. 40, U and 80 acr, tracts. Also, larer tracts, containing 100, 200. SU1, 400 and 50 acres all of which, with gocd improve- ments and in high state of cultivation, nTen. lent for shipment from Atoka, and is situaud In healthy country, where there are good schools and charch... .Addr tTTra T.nn. STRAYED. BATTLE Two bulls and two oows. A liberal C J reward will be pid if .delivered to J. La- - Croix's Suk Vark, I'belsea, or any information leading to whereabouts. I One small red cow, with test cut off. One larre dun cow. blind in one eye. Liberal rawara. keturnlo 221 MAHISUN STHKhf. "10W Sndy-red- , rhlta snotl V-- ln left ear. undercut in nth tsar: three years old. btrayed September elh reward, UOOSM AND HOARD. LOOM AND BO ARD One large and one small LV loom, with board, at :fcM Second street. elorant rooms, with beard and superior aocouiinod&tlors. kttvi Msdison street. and 1 large front, with dressing BOOMS and closets 1 medium-sis- o caioa. TOOMS-Wlth- out board. J.1 PARK HOTEL. i f AKD18 Market street-Boa- rd. H wt single JLvj rooms, f.) per weeg transient., si per ay ilh or without board ITOOMS At U Poplar street. TnOAEliiNlx First-clas- s boarding by the day J ) or week, at 8o Monnie street, T0OM! AND BOARD liy week or monin, at I V 2i Second street. Also, day noarix. VciOM Desirable furnished room, with boardi o rrrt emen preferred, at lii Court ft ".'i:"iiXI Kuoil -- At afchelby street. Also, w boarders takes e v - A larire, pleasant front room, with , at moderate prtoe. Also a few day 11 l-- OOUBTfiT. "ant furaUbed front rooms with i i,.rrtTaJd. llijGo-rts- t t plnuabi iuruirlied rooms witk 1 HI A TiT pT. SALE Murray Ridgely, up r exhibition, and every lady will -- . , neiial nriPP A TiTflTl HUT find lei I Tailor-mad- e all-wo- ol Cloth Dresses $14 90. Ol&retl Serge Salts, satin trimmed, $7 98. All-wo- ol Flannel Salts. $9 87. Colored Silk Bresses, $15. Deary Black Silk Suits, $24 50. Children's Dresses, $1 25. Miosis' Dresses, $1 75. All-wo- ol Wrappers, $5. Costumes. Co-- , mi Memphis, Tenu. enr prompt atlefelleBv Illaatrated is .any siiernsv on Hppiirnilnii. FOB SALE OR RBT. PIANOIn first-cla- ss eonditinn At 210 t'nUrn tref. LOST. A small n. tent-lev- .tlvme wah'k. Five dollars fur its return to JUH.X a. JONES, IHy Poplar St. H ORSK- -A bay horse, US hands high ; marks .on left shoulder and a small cue at top of the left hind hoof, and a Tory long tail. I will pay a reward OI 110 lor Bis return to NO. 1 MONROE RT Removal. A fV MXRBLB YARD To No. 34 Waj.hin.t..n 4 V. street, near Main. I will sell Marble to suit ine frices of pi urchasen. Call and fee me before purvhasi ng; it will pay you. T"S. MAYDWFT.L. FOUND. 13RCKKTB00K With name of A. G. Hall on this office. X OT OF PAPERS-Contaln- ing a list of sub-- S J scribfrs to the Memphis and Kansas City Rat roni, aooounts tor engineers' services, eto., wan round on the street several days ago and left at tin- - ' fflee. The owner can them. PERSONAL. T H. W. M. FUOCA Office, northeast corner .i y mnerson ana Alain t'reets. General Offioeaod Doioiciiiiiry Practice. Office hours, 10 a. m to 1 aim irom to o p--. m. MRS. l'HILLIPS, has removed from. 55 street to 'Hi Second street. C1ISTKRN8 B'ILT Repaired and warranted! T.l.nhnn, awl. T.CT1HBINS. STRAYED OR STOLEN. rOW-R- ed and white (nearly white) cow : V marked. erou in one ear. under.hit in tbe other: short taili bored lu horns. Liberal re- - wsrd if returned to A. M. Wood, 24 ii Roes avenue. ( low A large yellow-and-whi- cow, with. V rnnrt tall : on the left hip is marked with an M of Wt ' rayed or was stolen from me Will pay a liberal reward on her de- livery to me at 79 Sixth street, Chelsea. P. BATJER. HORSE On October Kth, a elaybank horse, black mane and tail. A liberal for hts return to Humboldt Park, terminal ol Vance street. "INDIAN PONIES From Cullin's pasture, on J. old sigh road, Monday night, Sept. 29th, four Indian ponies two bays, and the others can not describe, but would know them noon elrht. lor which I offer 110 reward for their return to sftocTarl. II. It. t'hARKK FOR RENT. n-W- COTTAGES-O- ne at 13! Mosby and one at l North cocond. Apply at tr Second St. JAM KS REILLY. lTRNrFHED front room, with board; also. S I1 or 4 day boarders wanted in private fantly, 5 nu nu tee wan ot t;ourt nqqare. p. tnis otrce, I E?K ROOM-- In office of ContinenUl Fast i rrcigat Line, .HI Aladxon street. 1.1 01'SE 103 Robeson street; 7 rooms. I Apply at satre. nWO Fnrnished Front Room, single or suite. JL at .t Alain street, rpWO Tery rfoe Unfurnished Rooms, without .i Hoard, at xiu Vance street. "ODOMS Unfurnished, without board, at 155 i a fn-ip- street, earner Lltiden. "VnCKLY FURNISHED ROOMS At 32n Second XI street, opposite Brackett s stable. Apply at 4S MONROE .t, K'ELY furnished front room, southern posure: also other rooms, at 56 Monroe st. Vl'RMSHKD ROOMS i1 At XT Mnlberrr street. FOR HALK. CJ V LOON A nrst-ola- saloon, eligibly located. . i wen Mooned, nneiy inrnisDed, and doing p ,ying business. The proprietor. dstru ot g tig in other business, wi'l sell on reasonable terms. Adoress L. this othoe. LMKM-- A beautiful farm of 173 acres, 12 miles I Fouih of Memphis, on Hernando road: irood dellng of 4 rooms; 3 tenant houses, and all n reftarT oat bnildinra. PlentT of food wator. i'. ne orchards. A baigain can be had, and on tVijn.iB terms. II A TO RETT ft KTRATTON, 2; Main st 131 ANO One second-han- d 7 octave piano, with alt modern improvements, almost new: will sell very cheap tor cash tall and see it at &, V- i'suisun's Muslo Store, 223 Second street. A f ARK AND P1IAEI0N An e: gentle L mare, and a phaeton as good as new. Sold s p irato.y ApplT .1 Ml r'ERSOJ EXTENDFD. lt AUTIFl'L 'ARM-- Of 320 acres, 2.X) open --l and in cultivation, 2 miles south ol Bailey's, on M. and O. Railroad. Nice dwelling, two new I'.rne, windmill, and all improvements and ooa-vc- ti ence needed on a first-clas- s farm. All new ai:d iu S'Kd order. Will be sold very low and on very rsaonaule terms of payment. R. A. PARKER, 3rtS Front st. O ACRES AT BOON'S STATION On M J and C. Railroad. 7 miles from citvt 35 arrei wit! d dwelling ot brooms and outbuildings. y. 'Ui, or tbe whole tract for 54UIH, on easy lerras. M IN I KK PARKER or A. J. MART street. 1 Ii UT-- 1 R0TTIiG BUGGY By one of the 1J best Northern makers; costfi0: price fit), Rut little uttd. WM. L. V ANCE. Vll KAP-- AH kinds of Nl'RSKRY STOCK. V i B. HART 4' 0U SALE ON MONTHLY PA YM E X TS S2 1.0 I S adjoining State remale College, beau t I'ullv situated, one block from street cars. Hon.. s erected to suit purchasers, and sold on ii. out ily payments. An eay way to ret a new e nod nave high rents. Address JAMKS H. or T. A LAMB, 2v Main street, over M.:iislorils Book. lore. 1 Al-- A" BARGAIN 100 acres rich!and, J J with excellent dwellinshonse, good water, art oreUard, also barn, tenant house and other birtidingai, all under good fence, on M. and T. K K., ti miles south ot Memrhis, Price il2XI; ,' balance 6 and 12 months. Apply to Minter Parker or A. J. Martin, .'i Main street. khShY COW-O- ne . half breed Jersey cow, rj with calf, three weeks old; No. I r.i'k.r; also, one Jersey Bull CtUf (lacking one sixty-- . ourth of full blood.) App'y at 31 MAIN STREET. 'I HS "AVID PARK HOMESTEAD On South I .l.i k son street, on corner of Davie and Pos-- lon sienues; handsome grounds (about3.3acre, ruli tanlial improvements. Terms easy. Apply to M tier I'srker or A.J. Martin, gig. Muin steeet. )l.ktiE Ml LES and ." UoRSKb Ap.dy to Matt Monaghan, Jeftersnn street, or JtiSBl'hNKY. New Raleigh road. f"R. V?7"R. CUNNINGHAM Is now here L from California to sell her home on Jackson s r ct. near Raybutn and Poston avenues; nice renames end grouuds. See W. A. WHEATLEY, 2S1 Main st. XT fcW AND segoSdHaKd M aCHINERY -- i ' Of every description, at one-ba- if the price ol nrw. Jones's mj 5 ton Wagon Scales and Dia- mond Cora Mills, at JT C. GATES & CO 'S. 210 Front st. IJi ANOS LOW FOR CASH G nod eerond Piako; second-han- d Ksaag l'l-i- lost newSNIU); on. new Wilts Piano. 1 he-- e Pianos must be sold. Good chance for a bjr.ain. E. WIT .MANN k CO. LJlANO One new Upright Emerson Piano, 1' eiaon Cabinet Grand; will sell at a sit.Tifice. Call at corner Sixth and Jaokson streets. Fort Pickering. Uawkins's drug store. .' ...... . .... ..,. i i m i rasilljl ja&xwa VI Apply at 110 Market street. ENNKSSEK STATE CKItTIFICATEs Re- - eeivable for any and all dues to the State OVERTON k GROhVENoR I I 'ii'?B new and elegantly nnuned bouse 1 x now being built on filth st., bet. Kerr and Krr'l, Chelsea; a riMiing, outhouses complete ex. eelicnl well and eistern: I t S2 by 14n. feet, on st.rrtt ear line. Apply to MINTER 1A IttCbR or ti. J MARTIN. 2J Main street, our. Madison. I'APERS-CHE- aP- AT THIS OFFICE. lvi M.'l K A second-han- d No. 3 Ames Engine, J power; gM.d as new, and very POKTEK i MACRAE, atlt) Front st, I tsl DtNCh. M Carroll avenue, Good neitfb. 1 Easy termg J. P. Alban, al Main. ANING MILL Pi Sash. Doer and Blind Vachlnsry, with En n good . P0Di4F, Wearr-a-, 111. - '. - 4t" j n- ' if .i. THE MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL-THUESDA- Y, NOTEMBER 6, 1884. AMUSEMENTS. IIXBRIE'S TO EATER. Lwin and Manager loTr Nights and On Matinee -- Commeheln Wedaeadajr, Kov. 0th. R.irs famoijs . Unglisli Opera Comp'y 40 ARTIST 0 tVLh CHORUS AND ORCHESTRA. Wadnmd.iT Night and Saturday Matinee QUEEN'S LACK HANUKERCHIE. Thursday and Saturday LITTLE DC KB. Friday Night MAISCuTT. Seats at Ilollenberg's. Monrf.v. Not. MAY tTLMBrl. , WANTS. 8rst-cl- yetng; men for the MEN-T- wo of introducing a tiJ-Vj- 'Vl'Va";11" ele. Aiiplyat 4o NORTH COURT ST. LADY A lady of experience and culture to pleasant position paying tK) per month, after proper trial. Address A- - Y. R., this office. Two lads, fourteen to sixteen yean old : BOYS write food hands and rive good ref- erences. Also, three young ladies for sales de partment. Apply before :.) o clncx Jtt. X r. ir. r. nr. .ti r. n. Two Silk Dress Onod Mon; SALESMEN salary and permanent em: p!oyment. AdUres. A B, tnis nmr-- o 00K Apply at Conrtitteel. rpWO gentlenlen cr gentleman and wife to oo- - x. cuey tront room. lurmsnea, wnn Address 11. U. this office. nno rest a Cottage wita b or B rooms, in roos. repair. Address C, this office. TTOKHU AND Phntnn or Don Cart for the win I I tor for their keeping to be used by ladies only. The best of care guaranteed. Auuress this office. T ADIES ANI UKNTLKMKN. BOVS AND J-- J GIRLS To learn the simplest, most easily aeooired system ot SHORTHAND in the world Course, 44 on n court street. A GENTS . Address St. . Louis Electric . Lamn . 1 i ii r i: i c J XI Co. Ol. uoaii. mo., 1 ir UIBIO. vui. auu terms ef power Marsh Electrical Lamp. AGENTS It will pay any intelligent manor wanting orofitable emnloTment to write for my illustrated circulars and terms of azancT for the celebrated M1SSUUK1 bilSAl WASHER, which, by reason of its great intrinsio merit, is meetingwitn sucn pnenomenai success. Address J. WORTH, Berenteenth and Franklin avenue. St. Louis, Mo T ADIKS AND GENTLEMEN In eity or coun- lU try, to take light work-a- t their own homes) S3 to $4 aday easily medet work sent by mail ; no canvassing. v e nave gooa aemana tor our wort and lurnifb steady employment. Address, with stamp. 290 Raoe street. Cincinnati, 0, (L GOLD WATCH-CASE- S Chains, Jewelry. W etc., for cash. J. N. MUMUKUiffll Main rilUO Sinrle Kooms furnished, with or without L board; private family preferred. Address BOARD, this office, stating location and price, B OARDERS At 9i Madison street. i rrr TONS Ran. Iron Bones, Feathers XKJKJyj and Metals. Send rnribelist. New and iwnrih.nd ffnnds for sale. Address S. GABAY, Agent and Commission Merchant. 409 to 4!S Shelby street LOCAL PAKAURArilS. Who will care for the ward bummer niw? - Only one vote for Butler and West c tat in Shelby. ' No matter i,ow election goes, the world ;'iiu move. The case ol W. J. Kidtr, lor kliline Koennicker, was on tilal i'd the Criminal Court yesterdrty. A contract for building 100,000 yards of levee work at Old Town, below Helena, was awarded yesterday by Capt. Sears to Messrs. P. M. Winters and J. J. Coons. An old Virginia dinner will be given by the ladies of the First Presbyterian church to-da-y if Cleveland is elected, and Boston baked beans if Blaine is the suc- cessful candidate. Licenses to marry were issued yester- day to Henry Kelly and Vinie Snelling, A. J. Moaeley and A. Bowen, Wm. Foree and Millie Bolton, Charles White and Kobinson, Edward Kathrina and Jennie Minor. In the Circuit Court yesterday suit for f 3000 was entered by TliolUan Lancas- ter against tre Louisville and Nashville railroad, and by Ba-- V. Story against the Memphis and Little Rock railroad for $10,000. , it is about time the city railway com- pany was fiubstitutint: close cars for the summer Vehicles, which, with their black curtains, 'ook like hearses. Ladies com plain of the cold drafts of air they are to in those cars. Hadden's lake, on Main street, near Georgia, has nearly gone dry. Another rain is needed, if for no other parpnse than to that formidable obstruc- tion. It came and went without anyone finding out the necessity for it. The suburban streets are daily throng- ed with tramps, and housekeepers are considerably annoyed by the impudent manner in which they sneak into back yards and enter back doors uninvited. Some of them are so persistent in their demands for something to eat as to alarm unprotected ladies, who can get rid of them only by shutting the door in their faces. The Bradstreet Agency report 205 failures in the United States during the week ending October 31, 1S34, against 234 vin the preceding week and 19. 154 and 1.(5 in the corresponding weeks of 18S2 and J SSI respectively. Middle States, U7; New England StateB, 20; Southern States, 54 ; Western States, 79 ; Pacific States and Territories, 45, and Can- ada, 31. Total in the United Statos and Canada, 2:iG. Everybody that wants steal good din- ner, well cooked and appetizingly served, should go to Bvrd's old) stand, on Main street, opposite Court Square, where the lad i ee of the First Presbyterian church will set out all the good things the Mem- phis market affords in most tempting ar- ray, to be served by some of the hand- somest and best of the women of tbe city. Plenty of room and plenty to eat for all that may call. The election of a president and Board of Directors for the next year of the Mo- zart Society was postponed from last Mon- day evening to so that a full vote might be cast. Every member is inter- ested, and a large attendance is looked for. The programme for the first grand concert this season has been decided upon, and in point of variety and excel- lence will be ahead of anything yet pre- sented to the associate n. embers and their . - friends. ; Police Conrt proceedings yesterday: Wm. Brannon ge Washington $5, Dick Hashes $2, all for being drunk; Mat Smith, keeping saloon open, (5; Tcm McKinney, illegal voting;, discharged; George Friedman, same, discharged ; Al- bert Davis, same, discharged; P. Thomas, disorderly, $3; P. Callahan, disorderly, $5; Pat Jones and Pete Lannigan, disor- derly. $3 each ; Wm. Walsh and D. Mc- - Farland, drunk, Jim Glass, larceny, continued. AMUSEMENTS. Gran's Ortrra t'oinpany. . Grau's Opera Companv opened their en- gagement last night at Lenbrie's Theater with J he ij'uen: lAice liandkercliifj to a small audience, the excitement on account of the Presidential election preventing a larger attendance. The opera is of the brightest, and is full of harmony, and, with a good company and agood-humore- d house, always leaves a good impression. It was evident in the first act that the company was laboring at a disadvantage, and there was a feeling of disappointment and weariness among the audience until about the middle of the second act, when the singers warmed up to their work, and a duot followed, supported by the entire chorus, in one of the most charm- ing passages of the opera, which aroused the drooping spirits ot the audience and secured a storm of applause. The third act opened well and from that mo- ment until the curtain fell upon the last chorus, the applause was generous and well merited. Wlule the company is not a very strong one and the chorus not very large, it is well trained and fully equal to the task of rendering the list of operas billed for the week. Miss Bessie Gray, who sung the part of the "Queen," has a sweet, light soprano, and Miss Helene Cooper as "Dcnnm Irene," makes a carnc-in- g figure and possesses a voice clear and bell-lik- e and ot considerable power. MUs-Am- Har.-e- y as the "King" was good in one or two solos and a duet, and Miss Kittie Avers sustained the part of the "Marchioness" acceptably. Mr. Joseph Greensfeldcr has made a reputation as "Prime Miuister," which was fully sus- tained last night. He is a perfect come- dian and never fails to please. Little Dul.e will be presented for tbe first time, except by children, in this city. The feople Theater. The company this week is one of the best that ever appeared in this city. The singing of the Electric tiuartetle is sim- ply grand. Th first part is very tine and the olio keeps the audience in good humor throughout. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. J. W. Outlaw and wife to Mrs. Mary Bennett, part of lot 4, in block 38, 21Jx 21i feet, ou St. Martin street, for $1450. J. Ii. Fellows to Mollie E Kyle, S4 acres in section (, range ( west, township 1, for $5.l. M. O. Wyatt and wife to M.JS. Chapsky, lot j, A. S. Brown's subdivision, Walker avenue, 50x148 feet, for $200. M. S. Chapsky and wife to M. D. Wyatt, lot 21, A. S. Brown's subdivision, for $500. Maty E. Pillow to II. Bensdorf and wife, part ol country lot 502, for $2500. tuts r lKKn. J. M. Bea'.tie to W. S. Beard, trustee, to secure I. H. Johnston in the sum of $2037 74, lol 1, 23x150 feet, on west side of Second street. M. O. Wyatt and wife to C. F. Keder, trustee, to secure M. S. Chapsky in the mm of $:!!l '.P. I, lot 21, A. S, Brown's sub- division. LAW REPORTS. haarery Caart McOaweiil, Judge. Calendar for Xcvember dth: Xos. 4799, 4S01, 117, 2000, 47s,4s;K, 4SS7, Thomp- son vs Thompson ; 4S.sS, Ware vs Walton ; 4"Slr, Wert vs lush; 4S;H), Mentgea vs Mentfcrea; 4S!il, tirecnlaw vs Wheatlev; 4S'.C, Carnes vs Kerr; 4S'J3, Baker vs 1U-ke- r; 4S!4, McClunuhan vs Harris; 4S1I5, Jones vs Jones; 4S'., Fontaine vs Lea; 4S57, Ainuionett vs lleard ; 4S,.iS,' Empire F. Company vs Isaacs. 'Ire-ai-t "oart-Piere- e. JUge. Calendar for to-da-y: Nos. 7942, rsri and 79S5, from Tuesday's calendar; S03J, Margaret E. Higirins vs.Cheeaf.fikke, Ohio LATER RETURNS From Shelby County Increase the Re publican Majority to Kearly Twelve Hundred The Election For Congressman Still a Hatter ot Doubt Returns from Two Coun-tie- s $ot Yet KeceiTed. ": ',. The returns from the country districts came in slowly yesterday, and at a late hour the official vote of the Fisherville in the Ninth and Forest Hill in the Tenth had not been received. As the vote in both places is usually close, the result cannot materially change the foot ings already made at the sheriff's office. The Kepublicau .Legislative ticket, so far as Shelby county is concerned, elected by a much greater majority than it was supposed it could possibly reach, and will uot fall below 1100. The vote for Congressman, minus the two precincts mentioned, gives Taylor, Republican, majority of 1140 over Harris, Democrat. The vote for the Legislative candidates was iu proportion. "There were perhaps 200 Republican tickets voted in the county which bore the names of eleven electors instead of ten. When the vote Was counted they were thrown out by the judges under the following section of the code of Tennessee Sec. 802. If there be two tickets rolled up togeth- er, or if any ticket contains the names of more per. sons than the elector has a right to vote lor. in either of these cases such ticket shall not be n um bered in taking the ballots, but shall be adjudged voiu. The Republican Executive Committee gave notice yesterday that they would contest the election on this ground, or in other words they notified the sheriff that a question would be raised, and that the ballots must be preserved until decided All attempts made by the Appeal yes terday to obtain the result of the election for Congressmen in the three outside counties were unsuccessful, except as to Hardeman, where the result was just as anticipated. A special dispatch from ivar will be found 6Ut;ng Mr nar. .le a majority in that county at about 650. His friends claim that he has carried Tip- ton by 250 and Fayette by 400; whicM, if correct, elects him by 174 votes. The returns from districts not included in 'yesterday morning's report will be found below. FIRST DISTRICT. For President Cleveland and Hen- dricks, 223 ; Blaine and Logan, 2i5. For Governor Wm. B. Bate, 223 ; Frank T. Reid, 208. For Railroad Commissioners John H. Savage, of Warren, 223 ; G. W. Gordon, of Shelbv, 223; J. A. Turley, of McMinn, 223 ; A. M. Hughes, sr., of Maury, 205 ; W. W. Murray, of Carroll, 205; M. J. Condon, of Knox, 265. For Representative in Congress J. M. Harris, of Shelby, 227; Zach Taylor, of Tipton, 209. For Senators for Shelby County J. S. Gallowav, 217; J. D. Montedonico, 227; Wm. J. Smith, 252; H. B. Ramsey, 270. For Representatives for Shelby Coun- ty James F. Hunter, 227 ; M. R. Patter son, 227 ; Alfred Froman, colored, 219 ; M. J. Kelly, 223; J. S. McKinley, 225; S. H. Havnea, 2G3; Wm. A. Fields, colored, 259; J. W. Vernon, 264; Green Evans. colored, 259 ; T. J. Brogan, 264. SECOND DISTRICT. For President Cleveland and Hen dricks, 172 ; Blaine and Logan, 304. For overnor-T-w- u. liaie, my; Frank T. Reid, 302. For Railroad Commissioners John H. Savage, of Warren, 162; G. W. Gordon, of Shelby, 162; J. A. Turley, of McMinn, 163; A. M. iiugnes, sr., oi aiaury, mjs; W. W. Murray, of Carroll, 302 ; M. J. Con- don, of Knox, 302. For Representative in Congress J. M. Harris, of Shelby, 178; Zach Taylor, of Tipton, 303. For Senators for Shelby County J. 8. Galloway, 103; J. D. Montedonico, 169; Wm. J. Smith, 279; H. B. Ramsey, 2S7. For Representatives for Shelby County James F. Hunter, 186; M. R. Patterson, 169; Alfred Froman, colored, 109; M.J. Kelly, 166; J. S. McKinley, 169; S. II. Haynee, 2S1 ; Wm. A. Fields, colored, 281 ; J. W. Vernon, 2s0 ; Green E. Evans, cot ored, 280; T. J. Brogan, 277. THIRD DISTRICT. For President Cleveland and Hen- dricks, 179; Blaine and Logan, 201. For Governor Wm. B. Bate, 179; Frank T. Reid, 196. For Railroad Cemmissioners John II. Savage, of Warren, 174; G.W. Gordon, of Shelby 174; J. A. Turlev, of McMinn, 174; A. M. Hughes, sr., of Maury, 199; W. W. Murray, of Carroll, 199; M. J. Con- don, of Knox, 198. For Representative in Congress J. M. Harris, of Shelby, 180; Zich Taylor, of Tipton, 195. For Senators for Shelby County J. 8. Galloway, 179; J. D. Montedonico.,. 178; Wm. J. Smith, 175; II. B. Ramsey, 178. For Representatives for Shelby County James F. Hunter, ISO; M. R. Patterson, 178; Alfred Froman, colored, 176; M. J. Kellv, 181; J. S. McKinley, 179;' S. H. Havnes, 179; Wm. A. Fields, colored, 177; J. W. Vernon, 177; Green E. Evans, col- ored, 17S; T. J. Brogan, 178. . SEVENTH DISTRICT. For President Cleve'.aad and Hen- dricks, 140; Blaine and Logan, 320, For Governor Wm. B. Bate, 142 ; Frank T. Reid, 319. For Railroad Commissioners John H. Sav8ge, of Warren, 125; G. W. Gordon, of Shelbv. 125; J. A.Turley.of McMinn, 125; A. M." Hushes, sr.. of Maury. 320; W. W. Murray, of Carroll, 320; M. J. Condon, of 320. For Representative in Congress J. M, Harris, cf Shelby, 138; Zach Taylor, of Tipton, 321. For fenators for Shelby County J. S. Galloway, 139; J. D. Montedonico, 139; Wm. J. Smith, 318; H. B. Ramsey, 320. For Representatives for Shelby County Jas. F. Hunter, 140; M. R. Patterson, 14J; Alfred Froman, colored, 1.10; M. J. Kelly, 139;' J. S. McKin'ev, 140; S. H. Havnes, 319 ; Wm. A. Field's, colored, 320; J.W.Vernon, 320; Green E. Evans, col- ored, 321 ; T. J. Brogan, 323. EIGHTH DISTRICT WITHE. For President Cleveland and, Hen- dricks, 72 ; Blaine and Logan, 125. . For Governor Wm. B. Bate, 72; Frank T. Reid, 125. For Railroad Commissioners John II. Savage, of Warren, 66; G. W. Gordon, of Shelbv, 66; J. A. Turlev, of McMinn, 66; A. M. Hugh"8, sr., of Maury, 125; W. W. Murrav, of Carroll, 125 ; M. J. Condon, of Knox,"l25. For Representatives in Congress J. M. Harris, of Shelby, 79; Zach Taylor, of Tipton, 118. For Senators for Shelby County J. S. Gallowav, 67; J. I. Montedonico, 67; Wm. J. Smith, 121 ; H. B. Ramsey, 121. For Representatives for Shelbv County James F. Hunter, 67; M. R. Patterson, 67; Alf'ed Froman, colored, 67; M. J. Kellv, 67; J. S. McKinley, 67; S. H. Havnes, 121 ; Wm. A. Fields, colored, 121 ; J. W. Vernon, 121 ; Green E. Evans, colored. 121 ; T. J. Brogan, 121. EIGHTH DISTRICT URUNSWK K. For President Cleveland and Hen- dricks, 61 ; Blaine and Logan, St. For Governor William B. Bate, 61 ; Frank T. Reid, S4. For Railroad Commissioners John H. Savage, of Warren, 51; G. W. Gordon, of Shelby, 51 ; J. A. Turlev, t f McMinn, 51 ; A.M. Hughes, sr., of Maury, S4; W. W. Murray, oi Carroll, 84; M. J. C'judon, of Knox, S4. For Representative in Congress J. M. Harris, oi Shelby, 54 ; Zxch Tavior, of Tip- ton, !0. For Senators for Shelby County J. S. Galloway, 61 ; J. D. Montedonico, 61 ; Wm. J. Smith, 84 ; II. P.. Ramsey. S4. . For Representatives for Shelbv County James F. Hunter, CO; M. R. Patterson, 60 ; Alfred Froman, colored, 51 ; M. J. Kelly, 60; J. S. McKinley, 60; S. H. So; William A. Fields, colored, S3; J. W. Vernon j St; Green E. Evans, colored, S3 ; T. J. Brogan, 85. EIGHTH DISTRICT LOG USJON. For President Cleveland and Hen- dricks, 74; Blaine and Logan, 72. For Governor William B. Bate, 74; Frank T. Reid, 72. For Railmad Commissioners G. W. Gordon, of Shelby, 74 ; J. A. Turley, of McMinn, 74; John H. Savage, of Warren, 74; A. M. Hughes, sr , of Mann-- , 72; M. J. Condon, of Knox, 72; W. W. Murray, of Carroll, 72. For Representative in Congress J. M. Harris, of Shelby, 73; Zach Taylor, of Tipton, 72. For Secators for Shelby County J. S. Gallownv, 74; J. D. Montedonico, 74; W. J. Smith, 72; U. B. Ramsey. 72. For Represantatives for Shelbv County James F. Hunter, 73; M. R. Patterson, 74; Alfred Froman, colored, 53; M. .). Kelly, 74; J. S. McKinley, t7; S. H. Hay nes, 72; William A. Fields, colored, 72 ; J. W. Vernon, 72 ; Green E. Evans, colored, 72; T. J. Brogsn, 72. NINTH DISTRICT MASONIC HALL. For President Cleveland and Hen- dricks, 147; Blaine and Locan, 1:15. ForGovernor Win. B Bile, 147; Frank T. Reid, 13". For Railroad Commissioners John U. Savage, of Warren, 146; G. W. Gordon, of Shelbv, 14ti; J. A. Turley, of McMinn, 14i; A. M. Hughes, sr., of Maury, 1:15; W. W. Murray, of Carrol), 135; M. J. Condon, of Kuox, 135. j For Representative in Cougrrsa 'J. M. , Ha-ri- s, of Shelbv, 146: Zach Tavior, of Tipton. 135. For Senators for Shelby County J. S. ivallonay, H7; J. 1). .Montedonico, 147; Wm. J. Smith, 135; n. a Ramsey, 135. For Representatives for Shelbv County lames F. Hunter, " , M. K. Pttersi.n. i 147: Alfred Fromai, colored, 147; M. J Kelly, 147; J. S.; McKinley, 146; S. H. iBsniet. i:5: Wm. A. Fields, colored, 135: 3. W. Vernon. 135; Green E. Evans, col ored, 13a; T. J. Brogan, lio. FOURTEENTH DISTRICT OBiKTERT. For President Cleveland and Hen dricks, 303 ; Blaine and Logan, 458. For Governor n imam a. uate, rye; Frank T. Reid, 461. For Railroad Commissioners John H. Savage, of Warren, 23 ; G. W; Gordon; of . . t Hni t .ft 1 .lir.lf: n.o; sneioy, ZB-i- ; J. a. j.unev,ui juuiuiud, son; A. M. Hugbes, sr., ot .Maury, 459; W. W. Murray, of Carroll, 459 ; M. J. Condon, of Knox, 453. For Representative in Congress J. M. Harris, of Shelby, 329; Zach Taylor, of Tipton, 427. For Senators lor sueioy tjounty j. a. Galloway, 334; J. D. Montedonico, 331 ; William J. Smith, 423 ; U. B. Ramsey, 418. For Representatives for Shelby Count- y- James F. Hunter, 327 ; M. R. Patterson, 331; Alfred Froman, colored, 328; M. J. Kelly, 328; J. S. McKinley, 324; 8. H. Idaynes, 430; William A, fields, colored, 421 ; J. W. Vernon, 426 ; Green E. Evans, colored, 427 ; T. J. Brogan, 433. SEVENTEENTH DISTRICT ISLAND 40. For President Cleveland and Hen- dricks, 15; Blaine and Logan, 11. For Governor Wm. B. Bate, 15; Frank T. Reid, 11. For Railroad Commissioners John H. Savsge, of Warren, 15; G. W. Gordon, of Shelby, 15 ; J. A. Turley, ofMcMinn, 15 ; A. M, Hughes, sr., of Maury, 11 ; W. W. Murray, of Carroll, 11; M. J. Condon, of Knox, 11. For Representative in Congress J. M. Harris, of Shelby, 15 ; Zach Taylor, of Tipton, 11. For Senators for Shelby County J. 8. Galloway, 15 : J. D. Montedonico,lo ; Wm. J. Smith, 11 ; H. B. Ramsey, 11. For Representatives for 8helby County Jame8F. Hunter, 15; M. R, Patterson, 13; Alfred Froman. colored, 15; M. J. Kelly, 15; J. 8, McKinley, 15; S. H. Havnes, 11; Wm. A. Fields, colored, II; J. 'W. Vornon, 11; Green E. Evans, colored, 11 ; T. J. Brogan, 11. SEVENTEENTH DISTRICT m'cONNELL's. For President Cleveland and Hen- dricks, 51 ; Blaine and Logan, 150. - For Governor Wm. B. Bate, 50; Frank T. Reid, 151. For Railroad Commissioners John H. Savafje, of Warren, 51 ; G. W. Gordon, of Shelby. 51; J. A. Turley, of McMinn, 01; A. M. Hughes, sr.. of Maury, 150; W. W. Murray, of Carroll, 150; M. J. Condon, of Kno.t, 150. ' For Representative in ConorreAs J., M. Harris, of Shelby, 30; fcach Taylor; of Tip ton, lol. For Senators for Shelby Countv J. S. Galloway, 47 j J, D, Montedonico, 50; W-- . J. smith. 180: H. B. Ramsey. 155. For Representatives for Shelby County James F. Hunter, 51; M. R. Patterson, 51; AJfred Froman, colored, 49; M.J. Kellv. r,1; J. 8. MeKinlev. SI: 8. H. Haynes, 150 ; Wm. A. Fields, colored, 149 ; J. W. Vernon; inu; ureen ji. r vans, coi ored, 149 ; T. J. Brogan, 1(30. EIGHTEENTH DISTRICT. For President Cleveland and Hen dricks. 158: Blaine and Logan. 145. For Governor Wm. B. Bate, 158 ; Frank" T. Reid, 145. For Railroad Commissioners John H Savage, of Warren, 153; G. W. Gordon, of Shelby, 155; J. A. Turley, of McMinn,153; A. M. Hugbes, sr., of Maury, 144 i W. W. Murray, of Carroll, 144; M. J. Condon, of Knox, 144. For Representative in Congress J. M Harris, of Shelby, 155;ach Taylor, of Tinton.146. For Senators for Shelbv County J. 8. Gallowav, 162; J. t. Montedonico, 157 Wm. J. Smith. 142 1 H. B. Ramsey. 144. For Representatives for Shelby County James F. Hunter, 158; Mr. R. Patterson; 156: Alfred Froman, colored, 154; M.J. Kelly, 157; J. S. McKinley, 15; 8. H. Hayes. 145; Wm. A. Fields, colored, 144; J. W. Vernon, 14'j ; Green E. Evans, col ored, 144 ; T. J. Brogan, 145. 1U EDEMAS FOR HARRIS. llarrla Iefata Taylor Iss Hardeman County by 630 Votf-a- . UrSCIAL TO TBI APflAL.I Bolivar, Trnn., November 5. Harris's majority is 552, with four preciucte to hear from, which will increase it to at least boo, Man son, Democrat; is elected to the Leg- islature by 600 majority. Stovall, Demo crat, for Senator, and Vancy, for floater, will have 6o0 maiontv. ihe Democratic State and national ticket and candidates for Railroad Commissioners had about the same majority as the Legislative candi dates. 15. tOWEXSTEIX fe BROS. Hosiery Department. Tremendous bargains in . Hosiery, beyond competition. We offer 500 dozen Ladies' solid colored and striped cotton hose, genuine oil colors, at 25c per pair; regular price 50c. These are genuine bargains, and cannot be duplicated this season. Would advise an early call to avoid disappointment. Handkerchief Department. We shall place on sals an unusually fine assortment of Handkerchiefs. They are all fresh and desirable and will repay an examination. Ladies' white embroidered handker- chiefs. Ladies' colored embroidered handker- chiefs. Ladies' printed border handkerchiefs in narrow and wide hems. . Ladies' white hemstitched handker- chiefs in narrow and wide hems. Ladies' mourning handkerchiefs. Gents' printed border handkerchiefs in narrow and wide hems. ' Gents' white hemstitched handker- chiefs in narrow and wide hems. Ladies' and Gents' white and colored silk handkerchiefs. The above are all our own importa- tion, and we offer them at prices very much below the actual value. "Our Sialoou. One of the neatest and best appointed saloons in the city is that of George Stevens, at 320 Second street, and which under bis management, has acquired con siderable reputation as Gur Saloon. Here everything in the way of the finest imported aiid domestic w ines, liquors and cigars may be had at all hours, and visit ors are sure of prompt and courteous at tention. Mr. Stevens is always glad to see his friends, and will do the right thing by 1'iein. Mttarmri Kevublifiin. Ave. IS. 1884. iHg aropiuino price or quinine may Dave been caused by the large shipmenta of Collins' AgueCiiro into the malarial and cbilla and fever districts throughout the South and West, where formerly it was supposed nothing; bnt quinine would cure. Judging from tbe large shipments daily of this remedy Irom Ma lubnratnry of the Collins Bros. Drug Co., Sec- ond au'l iuo streets. It looks nsif Collins' Ague Cure was taking e llacs of all other remedies for chills. Full Line Neckwear, Latest novelties, at Johnston & Vance's. Advire to Mother. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should always be used when children are cutting teeth. It relieves the little sufferer, at once ; it produces iatural, quiet sleep by relieving the child from pain, and the lit- tle cherub awakes as "bright as a button." It is very pleasant to taste. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, re- lieves wind, regulates the bowels, and is the best known remedy for diarrhea, whether arising from teething or other causes. Twenty-fiv- e cents a bottle. Memphis Floral Company. Fine lot of new Baskets, etc. Fine Cut Flowers. Jnst lleoelTeil, A full line of Fall Overcoats. JOHKSTOX A VHXCE. 305 and 307 Slain. Memphis Floral Company. Fine lot of 'new Baskets, etc Fine Cut Flowers. 'ur.ery Grounds and Greenhouses Of II. Moore, florist, two blocks south of Hernando curve, telephone 427; red car line. Lovers of flowers are respectfully invited to visit my nursery grounds. You will find a great line of blooming and dec- orative plants, cameiias, roses, azaleas, etc. ; also a lare collection of direct im- ported bulbs, hyacinths, lilies, tulips, etc To plant bulbs with success, now is the right time. Prices are reasonable. Leber ltros., Fresco ArtUts. All styles, 370 Main street. See our ad. J. lVlli, Vudcrtaker, 330 J Second street near Union. (.'leaning and Dyeing. .Ladies and gents ciotnes cleaned or dyed in any color; ostrich feathers, lace curtains, by Louis Riegel, No. 68 Jefferson street. Goods received bv axnresa. Suits Made lo Order By Johnston A Vance. 305 and 307 Main. I.ace Curtains A specialty at Memphis Steam Laundry, 224 Second street-- Go to Joliuiou ate Vance For Boys' and Childreu's Clothing. Foa a good dikmeh go to Landman's, at Henry l.uehrraann's old stand. Oysters served in every style. The best wines, liquors and cinrs can always be had at Our Saloon, 326 Second street.. Slisrla Made le Order By JoLi-fio- & Vance, 305 and 307 Main. .e SHOT DEAD. A Dairyman Kills Mis wife's Parameit With a Horse Pistol, Firing' Without The 0t Warning at the Back or Bis Head-- lie Falls With a Ballet In His Brain. At 11 o'clock yesterday morning a man on horseback dashed out the new Raleigh it road in the direction of Tipton county. He had just shot his wife's lover dead. in The horseMan. WaS Henry l"mith who did keeps a dairy on Breedlove avenue, near the new Raleigh road, about a quarter of a mile east of the Leath Orphan Asylum. He has a wife and several children ana until lately has been living a quiet and of peaceful hie, though the dairyman and his wife bad an OCCASIONAL QUARREL about trifling affairs.. The thought there mirrht ha infidelity on her part was the last thins that entered his head. She is for not especially good-lookin- and if there had vr been a whisper aeainst her char acter it had never reached his ears. About four months ago a Texan named is. W. Kaiser, who came through here with a herd of cattle, succeeded in forming fn A BUSINESS TRANSACTION of some sort with Smith, and put np at his house. After they had been living to- gether abotlt a month Smith began to sus pect that improper relations existed be-- 5 i i . , v-.- i i iween nis wire auu jvaiacr, auu ulsbci vug them more closely his suspicions were confirmed. Still he had not proof positive and waited. Yesterday morning wmith INTERCEPTED A NOTE addressed to his wife by Kaiser. He re- - fnwui tn divnlra the contents, but at once . . it , proceeded ' to take a summary, inouga cowardly, revenge. Going out into the cow lot about 11 o'clock, he found Kaiser thAen. Anoftced in attending to the cattle, He did not speak to him, but waited until HE TURNED HIS BACK, Men; drawing a horse pistol, he took de- liberate nitii and shot him dead in his tracks, the bullet penetrating the back of his head, rne oniy wunetm to utow was Smith's father-in-la- The murderer et nnni mnnnted a fleet horse and made ranidlv awav. Three men on horseback were sent in pursuit by Chief Davis. PERSONALS. Ms LIlt French; of Senatobia, is in tne city on a Tisiti Attorney-General Lea afld Judge Bright, of Brownvine, are at Gaston 8. J. L. Frost, who has been quite ill for some time past, is on tne streets again. Dtjnscomb Bros, were yesterday admit ted to membership by the Merchants x.x chance. , Tnjo ivtnraitn rpntprdav telephoned Mr. J. M. tioodbat from Hernando that his maiority in the Second Mississippi District would be about 5000 votes. Miss Hattib" MatKB, VCCT? of Greenville, Miss., who has been visiting friends In this city) during whien tithe she made many warm friends, returned home on the Will s. Hays Tuesday evening, . H. Fpstexheu; it. J. Lynn. M. C. Fearce, Jno. 8. tool andi Jno. K. Speed were yesterday chosen directors of the Merchants' Exchange Mutual Aid Asso- ciation for the ensuing year a of the former board. The ladies of the First Presbyterian church invite tbe gentlemen of Memphis to a dinner to be given by them to-d- at Byrd's old stand, on Main street opposite Court Square. The ladies themselves will be in attendance at the tables. At the election for the Board of Di- rectors of the Cotton Exchange- Mutual Aid Association, held yesterday, the fol- lowing were chosen: W. T. BoWdre, Henry J. Lynn, W. F. Taylor, J. T. Pet-ti- t and R. L. Coffin an entire new board excepting Henry J. Lynn, The following visitors registered at the Cotton Exchange yesterday : H. C. Mc-Ku- tt, Arkansas; A. Lea, Fulton; C. L. Wilder, Jackson, Miss.; W. L. Taylor, Mason; D. F. Bowman, New Albany; E. D. Slater, Corinth; 8. H. Moore, Hunts-vin- e ; A. B. Qarralton, Clarksdale, Miss ; Dr. F. W. Davey, Holly Springs; a T. Mallory, Louisville ; F. Fentress, Bolivar. We know that eveiy.friendjof CoL Jo- seph Lenow will be saudened this morning at the information of the death of his gifted and accomplished daughter, Hen- rietta, wife of Dr. A. 8. Grisby, which event occurred at Marion, Ark., yesterday morning. We learn that the old gentle- man is completely overcome by this sad bereavement, which, has fallen on his home like a thunderbolt from a cloudless sky. One of his distinguishing character- istics is the love of home, kindred and friends. Mrs. Grigsby will be greatly missed, ' not only in her own home but among her neighbors. She was fitted by education and habits to be a companion to him whose home is now so desolate. Her mind was a vast storehouse of knowledge, and there were few women who possessed so many and varied accomplishments. Her funeral will take place from the resi- dence of her father on Walker avenue, to- morrow morning at 10 o'clock. LITERARY. On the 1st of December, 1884, will be begun the publication of a new monthly magazine of thirty-tw- o pages, to be de- voted exclusively to the care oi infants and young children and the general in- terests of the nursery. It will be known as Babyhood. Its purpose will be to be- come a medium for the dissemination among parents of the best thought of the time on every su' ject connected with the needs of early childhood. It will deal with all topics relating to the child's phys- ical and mental development (in so far as they do not encroach upon the province of tbe physician) ; with dress, food and general nursery economy. The editorship of the departments relating to general nursery routine and cooking will be in the hands of Marion Ilarland, author of Com- mon iSense in the Household, etc. All medi- cal and hygienic articles will bounder the supervision of L. M. Yale, M.D., lecturer adjunct on diseases of children, Believue Hospital Medical College. Among other writers whose has been prom- ised may be mentioned CoL George E. WariDg, jr., sanitary engineer; Mrs, E. W. Babcock, author of Household Hint; Mrs. Christine Lsdd Franklin ; W. N. Hailmann, author of Kindergarten Culture in the Fam- ily, etc ; II. U. Ballard, principal of Lenox Academy, and president of the Agassis Association ; Prcf. Anelo Heilprin, cura- tor of the Philadelp' ia Academy of Nat- ural Sciences: D. F. Lincoln, M.D.; author of School Hygiene. Price of subscription, $1 50 a year"; single numbers, fifteen cents. 1AKJAL NOTICES. Buy your Shirts at May's. F' Y try pure sure Hope Soap. ; vonr children Smith's Worm OiL m pit is Floral Compant. Fine lot of net Saskels, etc. Fine Cut Flowers. 1 latest novelty iu ladies' slippers is tht I'arisian opera just arrived at V0KGELI A CO.'S., 271 Main st. Xo. 326 Second street is the place ftr gentlemen to go who wish fine brands of whiskies, wines, cigars and courteous treatment. A slight cold, if neglected, often attacks the lungs. Brown's Bronchial Troches give sure and immediate relief. Sold only iu boxes. Price 25 cents. The Herbal Chill Cure, the best touic and known. A certain and sure cure for chills. Price tl per bottle. Send stamp for circulars. Any reference given. Address John C. Kucker, Lynrhberr, Va. Durkee's Salau Dbessino and Cold Meat Sauce. The finest mayonaise for meat, fish and vegetable salads, and a su- perb table saoce. It far surpasses any home-mad- e dressing. Everybody lines o sot forget to add to your lemonade or soda ten drops of Angostura Bitters. It imparts a delicious flavor and prevents all summer diseases. Be sure to get the gen- uine Angostura, manufactured by Dr. J. G. B. Siegert & Sons. r , . LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE. Free Trade and Farmers Right. To the Editor, of the Appeal : On or before December 1st nine-tenth- s of the cotton crop of 1884 will be harvest- ed and turned over to the commission merchants to pay for advances. It will then begin to leak out thst the crop is very short ; shorter than it has been for several years, and the price may begin to advance, but hardly in a speculative way. for there is too much of the staple raised for the world's immediate need. With the price of cotton always going down while in the producer's hands, and the price of la- bor always holding its own, the present crop has cost all it will realize to make and to harvest it. The farmers are to blame in that they will overcrop. There is not one of us who does not put in more cotton than we can possibly pick out with the home force, and we" are therefore compelled to look abroad for assistance. lae uemanu lor extra labor gives that labor a licUtious value, and the expense eats up tbe profits. But outside of this the farmer is lliu worst handicap- ped man on earth. He has to pay the same price for rnakir.j: a ml gathering his crop wi ether the m. ia ten cents per pound lor bis cotton or six cents. IDs la' Lor has to compete with the labor of the entire world, while for everything he pur- - I rhases he is compelled to pay heavy duties in order to prolet-- t home mannfactuma. i Hive u free trade, aud permit t.a to sell' our produce wherever it will bring thej best price and also to buy what we need j where it can be got cheapest and we will J prosper, not on other peoples misfortunes, but on the leiritimate fruits of an honest exchange of commodities. Vour-fifth- s of I the Uemocratic party of the I'nitsd State are free traders at heart ; the other lif.L : and five-fifth- s of tbe Republican party are proip,-t:- ot,.ihat is, they really behave that it is just, honest and salutary to take the hard earning) ot the laboring classes and jriva them to manufacturers to enable the latter to thrive. The excuse is that the jtoternrhehteSpendltUres must be met, and that there is no way practica- ble except by imposts on foreign impor tations, i et, somehow, me expenses oi States, counties irld mrWcipal Corpora- tions are met without any suca Imposts. free trading' four-fift- .being the tail. course, cannot taint ot wagging tne dog, which Ifl cdmpnetid bf the other fifth conjoined with the entire Republican party, and are compelled to call them- selves believers in a tariff with incidental that is, unavoidable) protection. No pub- ic economist has yet devised a method of raising revenue by the only just and hon- est way of direct taxation, which, at the same time, will be fair, equal and impar- tial in its bearing on all classes. We tried once by way of a tax on incomes, bnt it was a scandalous failure, and while it was operation it made more scoundrels and more to demor iz the community than any fitheT financial experiment that has been tried since tue pyramids were built. Until some political 'finan ier suc- ceeds in inventing some admissible plan direct taxation, all we can hope for is that tariff burdens may be reduced to the smallest possible magnitude, and that they will be placed on such articles as people mav dispense with, and not ou the neces sities of li f a. In tbe mean time let us pray the peace of Jerusalem, and trust that some day the burden-bearer- s may be re- lieved of something of their heavy loads, and that the true, but no less shameful, cry that the rich are becoming richer and the poor poorer, may no longer be heard the laud. j. s. c. M ESTHER'S We offer to-da-y several Urge lots of fine Merino and WOOL UNDERWEAR For Men, Women and Children at very low priefs. HE I) IllTiXKElS. Choice Angora and Mission Blankets at remarkably low prices. At f4 35, a splendid heavy soft Wool eleven-quart- er -- Blanket. At $1 98, a very good heavy ten-qua- r ter Blanket. At $8 25, the best Blanket made. Carriage Robes. Plusb, Fur and Wool Carriage and Buggy Robes, ssssssssssaasssss. dents' and Boys' Overcoats. We open to-da- y some choice styles . W 111UU WW vuw Sh. svyuuu fAiws. ' CLOAKS. Every day brings novelties in Silk Plush Cloaks, Cloth tailor-mad- e Newmarkets, Silk Pelisses and Paletots, Ladies' and Children's Jerseys. . rsa'liady BaieL C. B. GALLOWAY A CO PaorxliTOX. Rates 2 60 and $3 per day. aooording to aise and location ot room. J M Crawford. Mo WK Harper, Tenn B 1) W heelock, Ala C L Sackett, Ala K F Blomers. ky KM Alexander. N T W K htosrt, Tenn HL Martin, Ark D W Davidson, Ohio M R Powell, St Louis B J Holland, Ky AC Lewis, Miss C J Fillmore, Tenn M 0 Wicker, Miss H H tleorge, Louisville W P Swift, Ala HC Turner, Louivllle Franeis Fentress. Tenn Satnnel Klrkinen, Ala JDeen, t lonis E D Sister Aw i Miss Dr HA Meody, Ala Mrs M L EUiXiAl A H Littlejohn, Miss B W Keed, lenr. C t Matfn; Baltimore J M Thomas. Ohio JTShielf.Tr. Tnn E J Gower, Nashville H N Faalkinburg, Arc U Halshouser, Tenn L S Lake, eity W C McNutt, Ark P F Carmody, N T E J Wendel, Tenn BM Martin. Tenn J L Friedman, Ohio N W Baptist, 'lenn J M Yowng, Tens Gen W J Smith, city 8 S Garrett, eity C L Smith, Miss TJ Stead, NY G F Pepper, NV GB Morris, NY F Marigold, Tenn Mrs H B Leurn, Miss Mi.. II Cnoner. Onera Co II k'leal. finer. Pft Miss K Ayres, Opera Co J ti Greensfelder, Op Co M Figman Aw, Opera Co E Harvey w, t'pera CO urau, vpera vo M Gran. Opera Co 3Ji R Orey, Opera Co E P Coleman, Mo W M Iiailey, Miss f P Redmond. Ark M Robertron. Ya V W Dancv. Miss W J Owen. Miss Mrs! Keed, Tenn Miss Reed, Tenn Mise Annie Seay, lenn v lenn E Harrnl. Ark l)r F Moore. Ark T C Hindman, Ark II II Donohoo. Mo C. T. Wilder, ir. Mis. Wm M Given, Ky TC Reed, Tenn ; l Cunningham, Eng JTFollette, Oil'S J Fjferrell. Ky r J Smith, Tenn T M Laitderdalet Tenn W a Cock rill. Tenn li N Pharr, Ark Mr. T. M Klli.. M.i 11 w wall, lens Mrs X W McNeill. Tennliddie McNeill. Tenn Miss E McNeill. Tenn- - II II Perry, Tenn Mifs AB Perry, Tenn Miss Mitchell. Tenn t) M Buchanan, Misa K J Kdwards. Ks Mrs Butts, Mo J H Sothoron, Mo J S Barton, Miss J R Engel, NY. J Sturm, Tenn J Griffin, NY J F Kiday, NY J J Fitxpatrick.NT J Maycock, 111 J Rhelalmer, Miss W 11 Morse, city J S Webb, eity. ttaataata Hatel. European plan. Enlarged and refurnished, Prioes according to sise and location of rooms. W. H. BINGHAM Makaoes. J W Brown. Ark J G Sands. Ark I) Shelby, Ky J R Reans, Tenn GW Reaves, Ark John Howard. Ark WU P.nson, Tenn S R hacfordi Tenn John Hirsch.Tenn J II, Dui ke. Ark LG Shinault, Miss WT Jackson.' Tenn Ben T Reeves, Tenn CH Rutland, Tenn LP Berry, Ark Jaa T Barton, Ark Chaa Quillen. Ky DF Bowmsn.Ind J V Monier, Ark J McBmoks, Tenn J S Galloway. lenn Casey Young, DC RH Riven, Tex Mrs T L Dickinson, Tex G R Banks, Tenn MK Key, Ark WM Rowlett, Tenn Dr E McCoy Aw, Tens J Little, Ky ' F Hawkins, Miss J Hirsh Aw, Tenn Miss Ash urn. Pa CV Benjamin, La E 8 Wood. Ark 7. A Hakes, Ia - RBCarnea.Tenn W C Hill, Miss R W Roland, Ala J E Porter, Tenn 8 G Carnes. Ark H Soloman, Tenn H J Carpenter, Tenn WM Duddrow, Tenn N Strau'o, Ark E S Doming, Pa - W P Slaughter, Tenn 8 M Taylor, Tenn J P Fransh, Tenn , P T Ra ford. Tenn SM Smith, Tenn E C Turbeville. Tenn WH Person. Tenn SB Sanford, Tenn. SEW CLlKGSBOf HOTEL. Strictly 1 rasuleat. Aaaerleaa aael Eorspeaa Plaaa. Rates; S2. 83 so aael S rer Day. Rooms, ai and St SO. Beatnlar Meala, sec I.. D. HfJHT, Haasfer. W A Clarkson, Ma TH Stewart. Mo Charles Benjamin, La S L Doan, Tenn J B Allen, Tenn E H Speaks. MAC R R W B Carlew, Tens A McAvay Aw, Ark okatj's orgxa coupakt. Mis Lixtie Gorxles, Miss Young, TF Callahan, J 8 Slattery, C L FibbetU, A Schwercke, L Heller. GN Galloway. C Stewbery. Miss Kate DeWolf, Miss Marie Gonxaley, F U Rennothy, Miss Belle Wilson, George F aiding, CW Haywood, H CDepew. DandrntT IS EEMOVKD BY THE CSC OF COCO A 1KB, And it stimulates and promotes the growth of the hair. Burnett's Flavoring Extracts are the best VtL CHtXftMCB KUCTIUC BP.T, aw 1UfexBrle, si mSt smsi.j far th cttrf Wf ansjiMiat hm pnenwun wxm, HftsdTT T oVaUitw exf tJxr ibstsUITw ore j --CTtifa, from waW a l Kivi 1 1 pwrrassMipw n to bsMJiav Theft Is Team SM haw UttdsJ It, SDe wmMmmm rroaa iiaamuM, an fart. My tt)!e-- a oi ifarea Lais with texctric belts asstm- - t.d a car aUl ills heata t to. Tata H for lkON& arcilM txLKCTJUC ftlXT CO, m 9imUcmkU i sttacn. Hi. far gala by J. ay TOCeiLI efe (71 aael die Mats Wt.. Wf mptls, Tsaa. 0. B. PARKE a. 8. W. PARKER. . B. PARKER & SON Rental Agents AND REAL ESTATE BROKERS 285 Main Street. SPECIAL attention given to the rental depart Close collection, andiprompt settle- ments will be onr motto. HENNINGS IMPROVED orr ELASTIC SECTION CORSET M a. Tm meti r. ukd iriv. t. eeUoB than ... ne or prlr. peu wu ' ln.i bee - phjifeuuM, maxt JSSS.e A . V 2iu A iij ! ' i I, arses, -- w HBXTF.R BleUaa. MltN. A. BET AT, lt3 Taaal Bt , Hew Urleaaa, SraeiaLTira r Maiixo FLAGS AND BANNERS, Ani Deaisr in ail sipli cf Tarakbernaliai fr Societies, AitTaUtlcrc, sej Clubs. i SII sa,&l. et aiLVEa tMSBOIUIKirk Ma4e W order. Seal for esumatu. I TEST YOUR BAM POWDER Brands advertised as absoltruly pore .eSrOxra?. TMI TEST I - ne fat! tee down en a hot tn til seated, hsa remove the c?er and smell. tot wUlaottasx. .aired to detect the n sssnss .1 ll A Si W WSJ" DOES NOT CONTAOI r7Tf. s Mcvn i rata THE TEST CF TS CtZS. PRICE BAKF0WD3 CO, Dr. Price's Special FlaTorim Extracts, IteetfeasslaatexexeiSBSsalasearalsMrsMnasl Dr. PrrcVs LupuIIa Ytast Q For Light, Bealthy Bread, The Best Dry Baa Teast ka tb. World. FOR SALE BY GROCERS. CHIOAOO. st. Loum Proposals for Levee Repair Work. Ustixn 8tTg Kkqtkikx Or'ici.l Mrf.t.Tg!.. October 25. 1SS4. f ritSit.m PROPOSALS in dnnlicate will b. r. l j eervnn nni ia o ciock noon, jaovemuer o. 1SS4, at this office, fur repair of tb. Long Lake Levee in Argansas, The character of the work Is topping, repairing wave wash-hol- and Slling gaps. From S15,UU0 to 5,000 will be available for this wnrlr Proposers are requested to examine wora oeiore bidding. The line extends from the head of Long Lake down to Old Town. m.nV forma foe nntno.ills. Instructions to bid' ders, and specifications concerning the work may be obtained by addressing this office. Proposal! anna, n. a.l- - n. If.fmi larnllll.S. The Unite ! btntes reserves tue rignt to reject any or all proposals. Proposals must be addressed to the undersigned and marked on envelope: " Proposals for Levee Repair Work, Long Like. Ark.-- ' CLINTON B. SEARS, Capt. Knsrs., I). S, A. Proposals for Levee Eepalr Work TJkitkd State Exoisfee's Office, X M.ueum. Tv.. November 2. 1S84. I OnAT.Ttrinrnnn.Ale in dun teat, will be reoeived O at this office until 12 o'clock noon,- November 8, 1834, for construction and repair of the leave frnm Arlcan... flitv t V Amos BavoU. Ark. The amount to be expended will be about $75,- - 000, of which tbe united Mate will expend so,' find, enrl nther n.rties Srrfl.flOO. The bids willbe for the whole work, a bent S25,-0- cubic yards, and the successful bidder will be expected to make a double eontraet, one with the undersigned and the other with the local levee aiithtirities. Bidders are requested to be present at the open- ing of bids. Blank forms for proposals, instruc- tions to bidders, and specifications eoncerning the work may be obtained by addressing this flffirta. Pronosals mnst be made in the forms fur nished, and the guarantors must jiutify to the amount of S20.000 each. The United States reserves the right to reject any or an proposals. Pronosals must be addressed to the nndersigneel and marked on envelope. "Proposals for Levee Work, Arkansas Ulty to Amos Bayou. CLINTON B. SEARS, Captain of Engineers, D. 8. A. WINTERSWIITH'S CK.y-CUR- E! Sir : I waive a ruit I have pbyygd (or many yean, tbe vaiue oi your remeoy rn'mpi'ii m w ejuy. in reply your request, what I know of your Air CUICU fcwu vautaj in ,aiiee is a t.miir mttar m.nv athpr remedle. had falls From the opportunity 1 have bad to Judge. I da not hesitate loespresa my belief, that your CblU Cure Is a vali able specltlc, and perlorma aU yoa promise lor Ua very . fiaUBEKAlf. W. a. TBV CO.. ot Sags Tree, Tenn., eey: Your Chill Cure has beeo a big success la tht. country. O. K. Wood.. ol Eagle Creek, wa. cured alter having chills Dloe moot lis. Twoof our neigh- bors' children were cured alter all otherremedlea had tailed. Wecaa all no her ChiU Core hesa aow. w. Q. rt i a. i A W. B. HCTDlIICltSOW, Casey Creek, Ky. aayst One bottle cured three children. t- - ifott bvsxk bt tu Dftrjesisnra. -- lohn Iiilly, Importer and Dealer In WINES, LIQUORS AJfD CIGABH, 332 Front St, Bft. Monroe and Union, Memphis. Melsttrei MiMer, Weigher. Scoop. HUNTER Drdr, Kic Washer, Tomato. Pnmpkin, Starch. VtOHLO.. Wan and Fruit Strainer. Twelve articles in one. ftt mtttt More o1J fhtm in ether Stret and Sifters ccsmbined t UwttyboAy lik tam I W make lare Siftexs ana Mixara tat haaU and poarax. e rue Tbe H uster Sifter Mfr Co.. Ooclnnari, O.. 4u Canal Su. New York. TERS Aram wsnted far m KhcKcrl rettttics and tluatcx Sifter Look Book L., N. 0. &T.Ry. Co. Mcwrnts, November 4, 1884. rpniS eotnpany is now prepared to issoe through Bills of Lading to all potouon the isioo river between vicksbnrgand Ureenwoad, Miss, Call at I'reiKht office, 31 Madison street, to hay bill, of lading signed and rates quoted. J. 8. IIAVAHl a. f. a MOP IE I invited to Bend the sddresa to Tmt Swift rccino Co., Drawer a Atlanta. Ga , for a cr.y ct thvir trratise on BHxm sxA bkin Ulscssfi. k Ui Lo mailed free. CANCER FOR MANY YEARS. A family servant has been afflicted Tor many years with a eanoer on her nose, and was treated by same of the best physicians, and the old reme- dies use! without benefit. Finally we gave her Swift's Specific, and she hss been completely cured. JOHN HILL, 1'rurei-t- , Thomsi o, lia., August 16, 1884. NOSE EATEN OFF! John Naves, a yonng man near here, had a can- cer on his fdea had eaten away his nose and part of his cheek, and was extending up to bis eyes. AS a ia.t resort ne nu vui on d.iii - aw cific. and it has entirely eared him. His face is all healed over with new flesh, and his general health is excellent- - His recovery wu wonderful. M. t. CKUJJLby, M.U., Oglethorpe, Ga., August 16, 1884 CANCEROUS FACE. T have for many years suBered with a cancerous affection on my face, which has been tn ire'y re- moved by the use of a lew bottles of Swift', 6pe- - eiue. i. tv . vuiiM en. Indian Springs, Ga., April 10, 1884. CANCER FOR 5 YEARS. A woman with a canceroai ulcer of five year, standing and live inches in dia eter, has bean entirely relieved by six bottles or ewilt s bpeeine. I consider its effects wnnderfnl, eltnovt miracu- lous. KbV. JKS.-- 11. CAMPliELL. Columbus, lis., August 111, 1884. We are every day receiving the most wonderful reports from the use of Swift's Specific in the treatment of Cancer. Sufferers from this class ol disease, should not fail to send for onr treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases and Cancer Treat ment. Onr remedy is entirely vegetable; no mer cury, no potash, a other mineral. THE 6Wm SPECIFIC CO., TrawerS. Atlanta. Oa. jVThe Largest J. lmJ Merchant Tailoring ftty 177 and Clothing Houae Vvn in America. JT I WANAMAKER 1 1 & BROWN, ft- - OAK HALL, J ) Philadelphia. I A full lino of card aamplea of 'kJR k the treat piece goods stock wiU be fouad with. T. RANDOLPH & CO., SALES AGENTS,' Memphis, Tenn. CHANCERY SALE OF REAL ESTATE. No. 329H (Rl Chancery Court of Shelby county etate of lennessee, use, etc-- , vs. r. r. isaller etal.: and ho. lulu City of .Memphis vs. W M. Farrinrton etal. TJV virtue of an interlocutory decree for sale JJ entered in the abuve cause on the litb dayot December. 1M3. M. B. 41. page (A. 1 will sell, at public auction, to the highest bidder, in front ot the Clerk and Master s othoe, courthouse ot bbel by oounty, leiuphis, lenn.. ou SulHi-da- y . K.rrmsrr a, 1HH4, within legal hours, tbe following descritied prop erty, situated in the laxing-lnstric- t ol pbflty county, Tenn., t: One-hal- lot 8.1, fronting 21 feet and V'-- i Inches on east side of Front street I ranninr back 14S7V leeta beginning on east line rront now .'z leet tornex soutn irom south line of Court street: thence south with rrou Row 21 feet 9V- - inches to south line of lot 81 tlienceeaxt with said line oi lut WI, UK': feet to rot alley; thenoe north with said alley 21 feetfiVC inches: thenoe west parallel to Court Mreet 14XV2 feet to the beginning, being same lot on which is house o. Tut, being third storehoure south o' Cuurt street, and owned byW.M.and Mary i1. I arrinrtij., reoples lus. Co. and E Terms ut Sale tin a credit of ? usnlhst net. with security lmn reuinsi; relsmptiwO uarred. iu,, vvn urr id- -i R. J. BLACK. Clerk and 3uj.ft.-r- . By fleo. lUll.ry, Pepnty Clerk and .Masur. J, W . Hampton, Solicitor. CONTRACTORS, Jacobs's Patent Yheel Railroad Barrov, Western Wheel-Scrap- er Co.'s Dray and Wheel Scrapers, -- RAILROAD PJLOWS, CAMP UTENSILS. BrottLers cfis Oo, I?os. 310-31- 2 Front Street- -- MemPhii, Tenn. Woodruff Lumber Company a. wnnisslfr. PvesMnL m. T TWA HAH. Vey stsssl Traaa lTlftnnlacttvera f atad Dealer) la CYPRESS, POPLAR. COTTONWOOD, WALNUT, OAK AND ASSI Doors, Sash, Bllatts, Holdings, SAW MD PULNTNtt MIXIJS. Twortli Front St., Wear Oaa Works. A. P. Taylor. Hanacer, t t Peoples Insurance (So. OfficeID Madison Street, Memphis, Tenn. CASH CAPITAL, $200,000 tBInsures all Classes of Merchandise, ii. t. rreaiaes- - V lee SUGGS & FETOT ;t7Hot.toat.ti v and 262 - J. C HEELT. a. II. A3SH JTo. 367 I & 894 Fernet AUl. COTTON Xos. 75 - 77 - 70 - 81 - N. W. The and ONLY and THOSJ. H.ALLIIT, I Meatahls TU4M. II. 1UE3I, Jr., 81 and 88 278 280 J. B. St.. ISO TO 171 AND susel Brass sad Ilwaaa sTroasa, Cotton Presses, Powers, Oin Gearing. Railroa Mteamboat Bras PIP. k7..n..V. Taarlaa!. Wnelr 4 and Material Generally Xawaaass Storehouses, Dwelllags.Sa uttmojr, PARKER, secretary. eelt. Barrows, GROCERS, COTTON FACTORS And. Commission merchants, Front Street. Memphis, Tenn. Brooks, Neely & Co. WHOT.ESAT.r.l GROCERS, GOTTOM FACTORS COMMISSION MERCDAKTS. Front strjet. Memphla, Tenn. Levee Contractors Solid Steel Scrapers, Columbus Koad Plowsv Jacobs's Patent Bolted Columbus Rootes, Parrent I.SUKi. SPEERS, LARGEST TheBest Sample Yield Guaranteed. BICH'D. H. ALLEN & CO., BANKERS & COHmSSION OERCOAIITS, I3rV6at H- - Allen A. WACV AKO CO. WHOLESALE LIQUOR DEALERS AND FRONT GODrfDl. J. R. GODWIN & CO. Commission Merchants, S2G Front Buildifl Churches 260 cfij And Cor. Tne LIVERHORE FOUNDRY & LIACHINE Co ADAMS STREET.. ....MEMPHIS, TJSfllJfe. MA5TJFACTTJBKR8 DIALFR.S raatfasra, rnllry. Nlsskftlsssr. i.niMas. IslMien. fal. rilllnn., iiassa. yjantors. mnlrrmUh Dnrl Ttertalv. Murn Gin and Machine Gomp'y MAXrFACTUItEKS OP Eclipse and Anti-Fricti- on Cotton Gins, FEEDERS, CONDENSERS TBESSES, HTATlu mi tswiats, Boileni. Sharilnir. PnllertL Etc Railroad, SteambMt Architectural Work. Cotton w. a. loos, EDW1BD WHOLESALE D.T. WHOLESALE TO. 3QO STREFT. it. Oalbrea4h CSfritiii.t. Ail kinds t t If and W. I- - - Presltlsat. BBOOKS. H. a. a ; : OF IH Bora and Plle. aijaraaiser and s and A Ce. car Speed - HARDWARE, ..IVro-rtxll-x- i sw. Tortn 83 - 85 utreet, Jr., PROPRIETOR. COMPLETE lu the city ew iera. uiaai aUiLN, Street, 3V STREET' TVTEMPIf "S. , jUDeMVUXHS. - Jul on. Slemnhli. Taaa. work, Disre,s.wii" V- - .'"-- . " ZT Vrewtlaa and OraamaBtal Iron Work, tmw iIatm.' rT'nTVTT. Factors HOOI, w. h. joTaaa DEALERS W W. OROCGXSS. , MKMP 1TTK. TEB eELIXCl R. L. CO VV. Dlllard Cofli. J. R. OObVVIS, gf I. k. livdwi. A C. J. C. u. t. PCKTER, ct Parte Maon. asiostun suso given to icraritf iewliinsia ivrn-tvfiitTTx- - W,B.Galbreath&Co. Tobacco and Cigars, NO. 333 MATN ST.. MEMPHIS. TENN. POBTEB, Baeeeasort to FOSTER, CO Cotton Factors FHOMT Vafle MACRAE. " IFholewAle Dealers and PulIlhera Sole AgenU for the following first-Clas- s Instmmrntsi 1 1 A 1VIIL.aliaKll BACH, liaHI.I H, .!. raakl eft , i.: i. aa. WHtltlN'K. AMa eft II AM LIH, il.U eft W4R(R, riUVIITi VAtixVXl e" l ll.,4lkllll 4MI HKAV. sa-- A NEW PIANO KoR lof Writ for Oalaloeurei. faosu 3 t and 3.1 k.I' 4s l MEMPHIS PLANTERS INSURANCE C0I.IPM1Y OFFICH IX COMlAJVYS MAUISOJI, MEMPHIS. O. T. Prea't. J Ifts. OVEaTOat. Jr fles-rrs- s 1. 1 a. aAlJIC, Berlarw, xunaoTom U. BROOKS, of Brooks Neely ACo i. B. elALbKkA J., cf Pr;rerty lainrrg. bisoiu cauaUa. GIN -- arexrix.. aajtr U. ct MIU.9, TATLCIt BT POKTEK, s orTllry Klorrs, it reurnable rule. Couimenoed bntiness In IH7. LUafaS FAlli, U, aasr alillea, A Home komoeny, aeespeouully lit luar natroaac,, . , " - .

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Post on 23-Apr-2020




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Page 1: THE DAILY NOTEMBER DLOAK SALE - Library of …...(Vlow A large yellow-and-whi-cow, with. rnnrt tall: on the left hip is marked with an M of Wt 'rayed or was stolen from me Will pay



II our imDOrtations are now onr a

find it to her interest to look through our unrivaled selections Be

fore purchasing. Many of the designs are exclusively our own,

and cannot be found elsewhere. Ths following garments were

bounht at much less than value, and we now offer them, 25 perj

J. laee trion

m AVffinrn a TiTT

M ihimi iiiiViiLiUfi uh -- uai s

. . ... AS CA'jnonair nasn raietuu, uw

Bearer Bnsslan Circulars, fur collar,$7 9.

iseai rmsu L,oog loam, w.London Walking Jackets, $2 60.

All-wo- ol Cloth Astracliaa Trimmed New-

markets, $12 50 J

SUk Plnaii Paletots, $25.DilMniiii and MlviiifV Cloak, and Have.

locks, $5 to $7.

I Grand display of Opera Cloaks, Paris Short Wraps

and Fine


Tailors and Importers, 38 Madison,t .... l.ii.. of tbrlr aarlraled BtorU oT ImtJortod Olothator Fall aad Winter, eomprt.lDs; all the 1 alesU Dealeraa la eillm..'i Wear,Price as reaeaaabla aa ttioM of aay Fsrat-elu- Tallara la the Called State,

MVttamplea applleattoa to tbaa nave left meaiuM.- Koin ember. It la economy ta set Use brat.


Adler Bro.irusris


sstVOrdpra from it. renniry will twelveI utalnier Hit mww im.

I1EWG00DS.Tievr Lrsulsiana RIolasMes,

Ooldon Sjrup,Maple Syrup.Plain and Self-KUlu-g Buck-whea- U



Jfo. SSJ 3Iain Street.

1 importer. Wholesale and Retail Dealer la

OTJNS, RIFLES, PlctLS,All kinds of Amrounitlen, Fine Poeket autlery,tlcitsors, Fishing Tackle, Seines, Nets, en. ore-ja- m

eially selefted fine Uatnmerless and merOum. el'4 St tin at,, Nenipkls, Tenn Man- -ttfaeturlng and repairing donain first-ela- ss mso.Wer. ari'lieMmnJTejithmie


I40, 142, 144 Front st, MemphisOF THIS LARGEST BOILKR BH0P8 XS

OSH SoatU, and the only complete Boiler Works in ths city. !SatiftarTot liay jIhI Iron-wor- k of every ale.anr I pilots, bpeeial attention given to aata- -


Guns, lUIlcs, AmmunitionAND FIS111MJ TACKLE.

No. 3J7 Malu Street, Mciuptat.TUlt larmat and bent assortment in the city.

r.ite etinnlieri et Ihe Inwr.t prire..

oaa Otistos. J a. 0. B. Gaoevaioi


Real Estate DealersAGISTS ANI BROKERS,

OFFICE, 284 SZCOND STBJ. IC Cor. Reooa aael Cenrt,



J. O. SCHMIDT As SON,(Buooessor to J. G. Schmidt) ,


. m MMti.aruv v whn mm. and retailS-- dealers in n. smnttlon,'l"l- -

fir Hotels and Residences. Burglar and tire-Pro-of

Sales oiwned and repaired, t ectrie up-I;i-

always on hand. Repairing done and war- -y.ieteil Senil 'ft. ewtnlogne ercl t'Jle'LJRESlDl.N(:tS,lAllSlSJtS10KEH0l'SES


offering, on liberal terms, BMI desirable1AM tu West Tennessee. At Withe

in'.'.es from Mernpln.. on L. and N. larse ro.ul.n.-- . wilh room;: uiiestoreliouiie.

. Ne l un lots anil psroels land. At AtokaStation, on the C, O. and S. W . R.R., V milesIrom Memphis, collates and dwell-Ing- e,

all in nrst-clas- a repair, with all necessaryconvenience.. Also, a new livery stable and drug

h,, Mh.mi wiahin. to secure small tariaslor the cultivation of cotton, grain, fruiU,

etc., for the Memphis or Northern Hiar-V.t- ..

I am ortnnn. soeoial inducements in littlelitai, ranging from an. 40, U and 80 acr, tracts.Also, larer tracts, containing 100, 200. SU1, 400

and 50 acres all of which, with gocd improve-ments and in high state of cultivation, nTen.lent for shipment from Atoka, and is situaud Inhealthy country, where there are good schoolsand charch... .Addr tTTra T.nn.


BATTLE Two bulls and two oows. A liberalCJ reward will be pid if .delivered to J. La- -Croix's Suk Vark, I'belsea, or any informationleading to whereabouts.

I One small red cow, with test cut off. Onelarre dun cow. blind in one eye. Liberal rawara.keturnlo 221 MAHISUN STHKhf.

"10W Sndy-red- , rhlta snotlV-- ln left ear. undercut in nth tsar: three yearsold. btrayed September elh reward,


LOOM AND BO ARD One large and one smallLV loom, with board, at :fcM Second street.

elorant rooms, with beard and superioraocouiinod&tlors. kttvi Msdison street.

and 1 large front, with dressingBOOMS and closets 1 medium-sis- o caioa.TOOMS-Wlth- out board.J.1 PARK HOTEL.

i f AKD18 Market street-Boa- rd. H wt singleJLvj rooms, f.) per weeg transient., si per ay

ilh or without boardITOOMS At U Poplar street.TnOAEliiNlx First-clas- s boarding by the day

J ) or week, at 8o Monnie street,

T0OM! AND BOARD liy week or monin, atI V 2i Second street. Also, day noarix.VciOM Desirable furnished room, with boardi

o rrrt emen preferred, at lii Court ft".'i:"iiXI Kuoil -- At afchelby street. Also,

w boarders takese v -A larire, pleasant front room, with

, at moderate prtoe. Also a few day

11 l-- OOUBTfiT.

"ant furaUbed front rooms withi i,.rrtTaJd. llijGo-rts- t

t plnuabi iuruirlied rooms witk1 HI A TiT pT.


Murray Ridgely,


exhibition, and every lady will-- .

,neiial nriPP

A TiTflTl HUT find lei I

Tailor-mad- e all-wo- ol Cloth Dresses$14 90.

Ol&retl Serge Salts, satin trimmed,$7 98.

All-wo- ol Flannel Salts. $9 87.

Colored Silk Bresses, $15.

Deary Black Silk Suits, $24 50.

Children's Dresses, $1 25.Miosis' Dresses, $1 75.All-wo- ol Wrappers, $5.


Co-- , mi

Memphis, Tenu.enr prompt atlefelleBv Illaatratedis .any siiernsv on Hppiirnilnii.

FOB SALE OR RBT.PIANOIn first-cla- ss eonditinn

At 210 t'nUrn tref.LOST.A small n. tent-lev- .tlvme

wah'k. Five dollars fur its return toJUH.X a. JONES, IHy Poplar St.

H ORSK- -A bay horse, US hands high ; marks.on left shoulder and a small cue at top ofthe left hind hoof, and a Tory long tail. I willpay a reward OI 110 lor Bis return to


Removal.A fV MXRBLB YARD To No. 34 Waj.hin.t..n4 V. street, near Main. I will sell Marble to suitine frices of piurchasen. Call and fee me beforepurvhasi ng; it will pay you.



13RCKKTB00K With name of A. G. Hall onthis office.

X OT OF PAPERS-Contaln- ing a list of sub-- S

J scribfrs to the Memphis and Kansas CityRat roni, aooounts tor engineers' services, eto.,wan round on the street several days ago and leftat tin- - ' fflee. The owner can them.

PERSONAL.T H. W. M. FUOCA Office, northeast corner.i y mnerson ana Alain t'reets. General OffioeaodDoioiciiiiiry Practice. Office hours, 10 a. m to 1

aim irom to o p--. m.

MRS. l'HILLIPS, has removed from. 55street to 'Hi Second street.

C1ISTKRN8 B'ILT Repaired and warranted!T.l.nhnn, awl. T.CT1HBINS.

STRAYED OR STOLEN.rOW-R- ed and white (nearly white) cow :V marked. erou in one ear. under.hit in tbeother: short taili bored lu horns. Liberal re- -wsrd if returned to A. M. Wood, 24 ii Roes avenue.( low A large yellow-and-whi- cow, with.V rnnrt tall : on the left hip is marked with anM of Wt ' rayed or was stolen from me

Will pay a liberal reward on her de-livery to me at 79 Sixth street, Chelsea.


HORSE On October Kth, a elaybank horse,black mane and tail. A liberal

for hts return to Humboldt Park, terminalol Vance street."INDIAN PONIES From Cullin's pasture, onJ. old sigh road, Monday night, Sept. 29th,four Indian ponies two bays, and the others cannot describe, but would know them noon elrht.lor which I offer 110 reward for their return to

sftocTarl. II. It. t'hARKK

FOR RENT.n-W- COTTAGES-O- ne at 13! Mosby and one atl North cocond. Apply at tr Second St.

JAM KS REILLY.lTRNrFHED front room, with board; also. SI1 or 4 day boarders wanted in private fantly, 5

nu n u tee wan ot t;ourt nqqare. p. tnis otrce,

I E?K ROOM-- In office of ContinenUl Fasti rrcigat Line, .HI Aladxon street.1.1 01'SE 103 Robeson street; 7 rooms.

I Apply at satre.nWO Fnrnished Front Room, single or suite.

JL at .t Alain street,rpWO Tery rfoe Unfurnished Rooms, without.i Hoard, at xiu Vance street.

"ODOMS Unfurnished, without board, at 155i a fn-ip- street, earner Lltiden."VnCKLY FURNISHED ROOMS At 32n SecondXI street, opposite Brackett s stable. Apply at

4S MONROE .t,K'ELY furnished front room, southernposure: also other rooms, at 56 Monroe st.

Vl'RMSHKD ROOMSi1 At XT Mnlberrr street.

FOR HALK.CJ V LOON A nrst-ola- saloon, eligibly located.. i wen Mooned, nneiy inrnisDed, and doing

p ,ying business. The proprietor. dstru ot g

tig in other business, wi'l sell on reasonableterms. Adoress L. this othoe.LMKM-- A beautiful farm of 173 acres, 12 milesI Fouih of Memphis, on Hernando road: irooddellng of 4 rooms; 3 tenant houses, and alln reftarT oat bnildinra. PlentT of food wator.i'. ne orchards. A baigain can be had, and ontVijn.iB terms.

II A TO RETT ft KTRATTON, 2; Main st

131 ANO One second-han- d 7 octave piano, withalt modern improvements, almost new: will

sell very cheap tor cash tall and see it at &,V- i'suisun's Muslo Store, 223 Second street.A f ARK AND P1IAEI0N An e: gentle

L mare, and a phaeton as good as new. Solds p irato.y ApplT .1

Ml r'ERSOJ AUTIFl'L 'ARM-- Of 320 acres, 2.X) open

--l and in cultivation, 2 miles south ol Bailey's,on M. and O. Railroad. Nice dwelling, two newI'.rne, windmill, and all improvements and ooa-vc- ti

ence needed on a first-clas- s farm. All newai:d iu S'Kd order. Will be sold very low and onvery rsaonaule terms of payment.


J and C. Railroad. 7 miles from citvt 35 arreiwit! d dwelling ot brooms and outbuildings.

y. 'Ui, or tbe whole tract for 54UIH, on easylerras. M IN I KK PARKER or A. J. street.1 Ii UT-- 1 R0TTIiG BUGGY By one of the1J best Northern makers; costfi0: price fit),Rut little uttd. WM. L. V ANCE.

Vll KAP-- AH kinds of Nl'RSKRY STOCK.V i B. HART

4'0U SALE ON MONTHLY PA Y M E X TS S21.0 I S adjoining State remale College, beau

t I'ullv situated, one block from street cars.Hon.. s erected to suit purchasers, and sold onii. out ily payments. An eay way to ret a new

e nod nave high rents. Address JAMKS H.or T. A LAMB, 2v Main street, over

M.:iislorils Book. lore.1 Al-- A" BARGAIN 100 acres rich!and,J J with excellent dwellinshonse, good water,art oreUard, also barn, tenant house and otherbirtidingai, all under good fence, on M. and T.K K., ti miles south ot Memrhis, Price il2XI;

,' balance 6 and 12 months. Apply to MinterParker or A. J. Martin, .'i Main street.

khShY COW-O- ne . half breed Jersey cow,rj with calf, three weeks old; No. Ir.i'k.r; also, one Jersey Bull CtUf (lacking onesixty-- . ourth of full blood.) App'y at

31 MAIN STREET.'I HS "AVID PARK HOMESTEAD On SouthI .l.i k son street, on corner of Davie and Pos--

lon sienues; handsome grounds (about3.3acre,ruli tanlial improvements. Terms easy. Apply toM tier I'srker or A.J. Martin, gig. Muin steeet.)l.ktiE Ml LES and ." UoRSKb Ap.dy to

Matt Monaghan, Jeftersnn street, orJtiSBl'hNKY. New Raleigh road.

f"R. V?7"R. CUNNINGHAM Is now hereL from California to sell her home on Jackson

s r ct. near Raybutn and Poston avenues; nicerenames end grouuds. See

W. A. WHEATLEY, 2S1 Main st.XT fcW AND segoSdHaKd M aCHINERY--i ' Of every description, at one-ba- if the priceol nrw. Jones's mj 5 ton Wagon Scales and Dia-mond Cora Mills, at

JT C. GATES & CO 'S. 210 Front st.

IJi ANOS LOW FOR CASH G nod eerondPiako; second-han- d Ksaag l'l-i-

lost newSNIU); on. new Wilts Piano.1 he-- e Pianos must be sold. Good chance for abjr.ain. E. WIT .MANN k CO.

LJlANO One new Upright Emerson Piano,1' eiaon Cabinet Grand; will sell at a

sit.Tifice. Call at corner Sixth and Jaoksonstreets. Fort Pickering. Uawkins's drug store.. ' ...... . .... ..,.i i m i rasilljl ja&xwaVI Apply at 110 Market street.

ENNKSSEK STATE CKItTIFICATEs Re- -eeivable for any and all dues to the State

OVERTON k GROhVENoRI I 'ii'?B new and elegantly nnuned bouse1 x now being built on filth st., bet. Kerr andKrr'l, Chelsea; a riMiing, outhouses complete ex.eelicnl well and eistern: I t S2 by 14n. feet, onst.rrtt ear line. Apply to MINTER 1A IttCbR orti. J MARTIN. 2J Main street, our. Madison.



lvi M.'l K A second-han- d No. 3 Ames Engine,J power; gM.d as new, and very

POKTEK i MACRAE, atlt) Front st,

I tsl DtNCh. M Carroll avenue, Good neitfb.1 Easy termg J. P. Alban, al Main.

ANING MILLPi Sash. Doer and Blind Vachlnsry, with Enn good .

P0Di4F, Wearr-a-, 111.- '. - 4t" j n- ' if .i.


IIXBRIE'S TO EATER.Lwin and Manager

loTr Nights and On Matinee -- CommehelnWedaeadajr, Kov. 0th.R.irs famoijs .

Unglisli Opera Comp'y40 ARTIST 0

tVLh CHORUS AND ORCHESTRA.Wadnmd.iT Night and Saturday Matinee

QUEEN'S LACK HANUKERCHIE.Thursday and Saturday LITTLE DC KB.Friday Night MAISCuTT.Seats at Ilollenberg's.

Monrf.v. Not. MAY tTLMBrl. ,

WANTS.8rst-cl- yetng; men for theMEN-T- wo

of introducing a tiJ-Vj- 'Vl'Va";11"ele. Aiiplyat 4o NORTH COURT ST.

LADY A lady of experience and culture topleasant position paying tK) per month,

after proper trial. Address A- - Y. R., this office.

Two lads, fourteen to sixteen yean old :BOYS write food hands and rive good ref-erences. Also, three young ladies for sales department. Apply before :.) o clncx

Jtt. X r. ir. r. nr. .ti r. n.Two Silk Dress Onod Mon;

SALESMEN salary and permanent em:p!oyment. AdUres. A B, tnis nmr--

o00K Apply at Conrtitteel.

rpWO gentlenlen cr gentleman and wife to oo- -x. cuey tront room. lurmsnea, wnn

Address 11. U. this office.nno rest a Cottage wita b or B rooms, in roos.

repair. Address C, this office.TTOKHU AND Phntnn or Don Cart for the winI I tor for their keeping to be used by ladiesonly. The best of care guaranteed. Auuress


J GIRLS To learn the simplest, most easilyaeooired system ot SHORTHAND in the worldCourse, 44 on n court street.

A GENTS . Address St..

Louis Electric .Lamn.1 i ii r i: i c JXI Co. Ol. uoaii. mo., 1 ir UIBIO. vui. auu

terms ef power Marsh Electrical Lamp.

AGENTS It will pay any intelligent manorwanting orofitable emnloTment to

write for my illustrated circulars and terms ofazancT for the celebrated M1SSUUK1 bilSAlWASHER, which, by reason of its great intrinsiomerit, is meetingwitn sucn pnenomenai success.Address J. WORTH, Berenteenth and Franklinavenue. St. Louis, MoT ADIKS AND GENTLEMEN In eity or coun-lU try, to take light work-a- t their own homes)S3 to $4 aday easily medet work sent by mail ; nocanvassing. v e nave gooa aemana tor our wortand lurnifb steady employment. Address, withstamp.

290 Raoe street. Cincinnati, 0,

(L GOLD WATCH-CASE- S Chains, Jewelry.W etc., for cash. J. N. MUMUKUiffll MainrilUO Sinrle Kooms furnished, with or without

L board; private family preferred. AddressBOARD, this office, stating location and price,

BOARDERSAt 9i Madison street.

i rrr TONS Ran. Iron Bones, FeathersXKJKJyj and Metals. Send rnribelist. Newand iwnrih.nd ffnnds for sale. Address S.GABAY, Agent and Commission Merchant. 409to 4!S Shelby street

LOCAL PAKAURArilS.Who will care for the ward bummer

niw?- Only one vote for Butler and Westc tat in Shelby. '

No matter i,ow election goes, theworld ;'iiu move.

The case ol W. J. Kidtr, lor klilineKoennicker, was on tilal i'd the CriminalCourt yesterdrty.

A contract for building 100,000 yardsof levee work at Old Town, below Helena,was awarded yesterday by Capt. Sears toMessrs. P. M. Winters and J. J. Coons.

An old Virginia dinner will be givenby the ladies of the First Presbyterianchurch to-da-y if Cleveland is elected, andBoston baked beans if Blaine is the suc-cessful candidate.

Licenses to marry were issued yester-day to Henry Kelly and Vinie Snelling,A. J. Moaeley and A. Bowen, Wm. Foreeand Millie Bolton, Charles White and

Kobinson, Edward Kathrina andJennie Minor.

In the Circuit Court yesterday suitfor f3000 was entered by TliolUan Lancas-ter against tre Louisville and Nashvillerailroad, and by Ba-- V. Story against theMemphis and Little Rock railroad for$10,000. ,

it is about time the city railway com-pany was fiubstitutint: close cars for thesummer Vehicles, which, with their blackcurtains, 'ook like hearses. Ladies complain of the cold drafts of air they are

to in those cars.Hadden's lake, on Main street, near

Georgia, has nearly gone dry. Anotherrain is needed, if for no other parpnsethan to that formidable obstruc-tion. It came and went without anyonefinding out the necessity for it.

The suburban streets are daily throng-ed with tramps, and housekeepers areconsiderably annoyed by the impudentmanner in which they sneak into backyards and enter back doors uninvited.Some of them are so persistent in theirdemands for something to eat as to alarmunprotected ladies, who can get rid ofthem only by shutting the door in theirfaces.

The Bradstreet Agency report 205failures in the United States during theweek ending October 31, 1S34, against 234

vin the preceding week and 19. 154 and1.(5 in the corresponding weeks of18S2 and J SSI respectively. MiddleStates, U7; New England StateB, 20;Southern States, 54 ; Western States, 79 ;Pacific States and Territories, 45, and Can-ada, 31. Total in the United Statos andCanada, 2:iG.

Everybody that wants steal good din-ner, well cooked and appetizingly served,should go to Bvrd's old) stand, on Mainstreet, opposite Court Square, where thelad i ee of the First Presbyterian churchwill set out all the good things the Mem-phis market affords in most tempting ar-ray, to be served by some of the hand-somest and best of the women of tbe city.Plenty of room and plenty to eat for allthat may call.

The election of a president and Boardof Directors for the next year of the Mo-zart Society was postponed from last Mon-day evening to so that a full votemight be cast. Every member is inter-ested, and a large attendance is lookedfor. The programme for the first grandconcert this season has been decidedupon, and in point of variety and excel-lence will be ahead of anything yet pre-sented to the associate n. embers and their

. -friends. ;

Police Conrt proceedings yesterday:Wm. Brannon ge Washington $5,Dick Hashes $2, all for being drunk;Mat Smith, keeping saloon open, (5; TcmMcKinney, illegal voting;, discharged;George Friedman, same, discharged ; Al-

bert Davis, same, discharged; P. Thomas,disorderly, $3; P. Callahan, disorderly,$5; Pat Jones and Pete Lannigan, disor-derly. $3 each ; Wm. Walsh and D. Mc- -Farland, drunk, Jim Glass, larceny,continued.

AMUSEMENTS.Gran's Ortrra t'oinpany. .

Grau's Opera Companv opened their en-gagement last night at Lenbrie's Theaterwith J he ij'uen: lAice liandkercliifj to asmall audience, the excitement on accountof the Presidential election preventing alarger attendance. The opera is of thebrightest, and is full of harmony, and,with a good company and agood-humore- d

house, always leaves a good impression.It was evident in the first act that thecompany was laboring at a disadvantage,and there was a feeling of disappointmentand weariness among the audience untilabout the middle of the second act, whenthe singers warmed up to their work, anda duot followed, supported by the entirechorus, in one of the most charm-ing passages of the opera, which arousedthe drooping spirits ot the audienceand secured a storm of applause. Thethird act opened well and from that mo-

ment until the curtain fell upon the lastchorus, the applause was generous andwell merited. Wlule the company is nota very strong one and the chorus not verylarge, it is well trained and fully equal tothe task of rendering the list of operasbilled for the week. Miss Bessie Gray,who sung the part of the "Queen," has asweet, light soprano, and Miss HeleneCooper as "Dcnnm Irene," makes a carnc-in- g

figure and possesses a voice clear andbell-lik- e and ot considerable power. MUs-Am-

Har.-e-y as the "King" was good inone or two solos and a duet, and MissKittie Avers sustained the part of the"Marchioness" acceptably. Mr. JosephGreensfeldcr has made a reputation as"Prime Miuister," which was fully sus-tained last night. He is a perfect come-dian and never fails to please. Little Dul.ewill be presented for tbe firsttime, except by children, in this city.

The feople Theater.The company this week is one of the

best that ever appeared in this city. Thesinging of the Electric tiuartetle is sim-ply grand. Th first part is very tine andthe olio keeps the audience in good humorthroughout.


J. W. Outlaw and wife to Mrs. MaryBennett, part of lot 4, in block 38, 21Jx21i feet, ou St. Martin street, for $1450.

J. Ii. Fellows to Mollie E Kyle, S4 acresin section (, range ( west, township 1, for$5.l.

M. O. Wyatt and wife to M.JS. Chapsky,lot j, A. S. Brown's subdivision, Walkeravenue, 50x148 feet, for $200.

M. S. Chapsky and wife to M. D. Wyatt,lot 21, A. S. Brown's subdivision, for $500.

Maty E. Pillow to II. Bensdorf and wife,part ol country lot 502, for $2500.

tuts r lKKn.J. M. Bea'.tie to W. S. Beard, trustee, to

secure I. H. Johnston in the sum of$2037 74, lol 1, 23x150 feet, on west side ofSecond street.

M. O. Wyatt and wife to C. F. Keder,trustee, to secure M. S. Chapsky in themm of $:!!l '.P. I, lot 21, A. S, Brown's sub-division.


haarery Caart McOaweiil, Judge.Calendar for Xcvember dth: Xos. 4799,

4S01, 117, 2000, 47s,4s;K, 4SS7, Thomp-son vs Thompson ; 4S.sS, Ware vs Walton ;

4"Slr, Wert vs lush; 4S;H), Mentgea vsMentfcrea; 4S!il, tirecnlaw vs Wheatlev;4S'.C, Carnes vs Kerr; 4S'J3, Baker vs 1U-ke- r;

4S!4, McClunuhan vs Harris; 4S1I5,Jones vs Jones; 4S'., Fontaine vs Lea;4S57, Ainuionett vs lleard ; 4S,.iS,' EmpireF. Company vs Isaacs.

'Ire-ai-t "oart-Piere- e. JUge.Calendar for to-da-y: Nos. 7942, rsri

and 79S5, from Tuesday's calendar; S03J,Margaret E. Higirins vs.Cheeaf.fikke, Ohio


From Shelby County Increase the Republican Majority to Kearly Twelve

Hundred The Election

For Congressman Still a Hatter otDoubt Returns from Two Coun-tie- s

$ot Yet KeceiTed.

": ',.The returns from the country districts

came in slowly yesterday, and at a latehour the official vote of the Fishervillein the Ninth and Forest Hill in theTenth had not been received. As thevote in both places is usually close, theresult cannot materially change the footings already made at the sheriff's office.

The Kepublicau .Legislative ticket, sofar as Shelby county is concerned,elected by a much greater majority thanit was supposed it could possibly reach,and will uot fall below 1100. The vote forCongressman, minus the two precinctsmentioned, gives Taylor, Republican,majority of 1140 over Harris, Democrat.The vote for the Legislative candidateswas iu proportion.

"There were perhaps 200 Republicantickets voted in the county which borethe names of eleven electors instead often. When the vote Was counted theywere thrown out by the judges under thefollowing section of the code of Tennessee

Sec. 802. If there be two tickets rolled up togeth-er, or if any ticket contains the names of more per.sons than the elector has a right to vote lor. ineither of these cases such ticket shall not be n umbered in taking the ballots, but shall be adjudgedvoiu.

The Republican Executive Committeegave notice yesterday that they wouldcontest the election on this ground, or inother words they notified the sheriff thata question would be raised, and that theballots must be preserved until decided

All attempts made by the Appeal yesterday to obtain the result of the electionfor Congressmen in the three outsidecounties were unsuccessful, except as toHardeman, where the result was just asanticipated. A special dispatch fromivar will be found 6Ut;ng Mr nar..le a majority in that county at about 650.

His friends claim that he has carried Tip-

ton by 250 and Fayette by 400; whicM, ifcorrect, elects him by 174 votes.

The returns from districts not includedin 'yesterday morning's report will befound below.


For President Cleveland and Hen-dricks, 223 ; Blaine and Logan, 2i5.

For Governor Wm. B. Bate, 223 ; FrankT. Reid, 208.

For Railroad Commissioners John H.Savage, of Warren, 223 ; G. W. Gordon, ofShelbv, 223; J. A. Turley, of McMinn,223 ; A. M. Hughes, sr., of Maury, 205 ;

W. W. Murray, of Carroll, 205; M. J.Condon, of Knox, 265.

For Representative in Congress J. M.Harris, of Shelby, 227; Zach Taylor, ofTipton, 209.

For Senators for Shelby County J. S.Gallowav, 217; J. D. Montedonico, 227;Wm. J. Smith, 252; H. B. Ramsey, 270.

For Representatives for Shelby Coun-ty James F. Hunter, 227 ; M. R. Patterson, 227 ; Alfred Froman, colored, 219 ; M.J. Kelly, 223; J. S. McKinley, 225; S. H.Havnea, 2G3; Wm. A. Fields, colored,259; J. W. Vernon, 264; Green Evans.colored, 259 ; T. J. Brogan, 264.


For President Cleveland and Hendricks, 172 ; Blaine and Logan, 304.

For overnor-T-w- u. liaie, my;Frank T. Reid, 302.

For Railroad Commissioners John H.Savage, of Warren, 162; G. W. Gordon, ofShelby, 162; J. A. Turley, of McMinn,163; A. M. iiugnes, sr., oi aiaury, mjs;W. W. Murray, of Carroll, 302 ; M. J. Con-don, of Knox, 302.

For Representative in Congress J. M.Harris, of Shelby, 178; Zach Taylor, ofTipton, 303.

For Senators for Shelby County J. 8.Galloway, 103; J. D. Montedonico, 169;Wm. J. Smith, 279; H. B. Ramsey, 2S7.

For Representatives for Shelby CountyJames F. Hunter, 186; M. R. Patterson,

169; Alfred Froman, colored, 109; M.J.Kelly, 166; J. S. McKinley, 169; S. II.Haynee, 2S1 ; Wm. A. Fields, colored, 281 ;

J. W. Vernon, 2s0 ; Green E. Evans, cotored, 280; T. J. Brogan, 277.


For President Cleveland and Hen-dricks, 179; Blaine and Logan, 201.

For Governor Wm. B. Bate, 179;Frank T. Reid, 196.

For Railroad Cemmissioners John II.Savage, of Warren, 174; G.W. Gordon, ofShelby 174; J. A. Turlev, of McMinn,174; A. M. Hughes, sr., of Maury, 199; W.W. Murray, of Carroll, 199; M. J. Con-don, of Knox, 198.

For Representative in Congress J. M.Harris, of Shelby, 180; Zich Taylor, ofTipton, 195.

For Senators for Shelby County J. 8.Galloway, 179; J. D. Montedonico.,. 178;Wm. J. Smith, 175; II. B. Ramsey, 178.

For Representatives for Shelby CountyJames F. Hunter, ISO; M. R. Patterson,178; Alfred Froman, colored, 176; M. J.Kellv, 181; J. S. McKinley, 179;' S. H.Havnes, 179; Wm. A. Fields, colored, 177;J. W. Vernon, 177; Green E. Evans, col-

ored, 17S; T. J. Brogan, 178. .


For President Cleve'.aad and Hen-dricks, 140; Blaine and Logan, 320,

For Governor Wm. B. Bate, 142 ; FrankT. Reid, 319.

For Railroad Commissioners John H.Sav8ge, of Warren, 125; G. W. Gordon, ofShelbv. 125; J. A.Turley.of McMinn, 125;A. M." Hushes, sr.. of Maury. 320; W. W.Murray, of Carroll, 320; M. J. Condon, of

320.For Representative in Congress J. M,

Harris, cf Shelby, 138; Zach Taylor, ofTipton, 321.

For fenators for Shelby County J. S.Galloway, 139; J. D. Montedonico, 139;Wm. J. Smith, 318; H. B. Ramsey, 320.

For Representatives for Shelby CountyJas. F. Hunter, 140; M. R. Patterson,

14J; Alfred Froman, colored, 1.10; M. J.Kelly, 139;' J. S. McKin'ev, 140; S. H.Havnes, 319 ; Wm. A. Field's, colored, 320;J.W.Vernon, 320; Green E. Evans, col-

ored, 321 ; T. J. Brogan, 323.


For President Cleveland and, Hen-dricks, 72 ; Blaine and Logan, 125. .

For Governor Wm. B. Bate, 72; FrankT. Reid, 125.

For Railroad Commissioners John II.Savage, of Warren, 66; G. W. Gordon, ofShelbv, 66; J. A. Turlev, of McMinn, 66;A. M. Hugh"8, sr., of Maury, 125; W. W.Murrav, of Carroll, 125 ; M. J. Condon, ofKnox,"l25.

For Representatives in Congress J. M.Harris, of Shelby, 79; Zach Taylor, ofTipton, 118.

For Senators for Shelby County J. S.Gallowav, 67; J. I. Montedonico, 67;Wm. J. Smith, 121 ; H. B. Ramsey, 121.

For Representatives for Shelbv CountyJames F. Hunter, 67; M. R. Patterson,

67; Alf'ed Froman, colored, 67; M. J.Kellv, 67; J. S. McKinley, 67; S. H.Havnes, 121 ; Wm. A. Fields, colored, 121 ;

J. W. Vernon, 121 ; Green E. Evans,colored. 121 ; T. J. Brogan, 121.


For President Cleveland and Hen-dricks, 61 ; Blaine and Logan, St.

For Governor William B. Bate, 61 ;

Frank T. Reid, S4.For Railroad Commissioners John H.

Savage, of Warren, 51; G. W. Gordon, ofShelby, 51 ; J. A. Turlev, t f McMinn, 51 ;

A.M. Hughes, sr., of Maury, S4; W. W.Murray, oi Carroll, 84; M. J. C'judon, ofKnox, S4.

For Representative in Congress J. M.Harris, oi Shelby, 54 ; Zxch Tavior, of Tip-ton, !0.

For Senators for Shelby County J. S.Galloway, 61 ; J. D. Montedonico, 61 ;

Wm. J. Smith, 84 ; II. P.. Ramsey. S4. .For Representatives for Shelbv CountyJames F. Hunter, CO; M. R. Patterson,

60 ; Alfred Froman, colored, 51 ; M. J.Kelly, 60; J. S. McKinley, 60; S. So; William A. Fields, colored,S3; J. W. Vernon j St; Green E. Evans,colored, S3 ; T. J. Brogan, 85.

EIGHTH DISTRICT LOG USJON.For President Cleveland and Hen-

dricks, 74; Blaine and Logan, 72.For Governor William B. Bate, 74;

Frank T. Reid, 72.For Railmad Commissioners G. W.

Gordon, of Shelby, 74 ; J. A. Turley, ofMcMinn, 74; John H. Savage, of Warren,74; A. M. Hughes, sr , of Mann-- , 72; M.J. Condon, of Knox, 72; W. W. Murray,of Carroll, 72.

For Representative in Congress J. M.Harris, of Shelby, 73; Zach Taylor, ofTipton, 72.

For Secators for Shelby County J. S.Gallownv, 74; J. D. Montedonico, 74; W.J. Smith, 72; U. B. Ramsey. 72.

For Represantatives for Shelbv CountyJames F. Hunter, 73; M. R. Patterson,

74; Alfred Froman, colored, 53; M. .).Kelly, 74; J. S. McKinley, t7; S. H.Hay nes, 72; William A. Fields, colored,72 ; J. W. Vernon, 72 ; Green E. Evans,colored, 72; T. J. Brogsn, 72.

NINTH DISTRICT MASONIC HALL.For President Cleveland and Hen-

dricks, 147; Blaine and Locan, 1:15.ForGovernor Win. B Bile, 147; Frank

T. Reid, 13".For Railroad Commissioners John U.

Savage, of Warren, 146; G. W. Gordon,of Shelbv, 14ti; J. A. Turley, of McMinn,14i; A. M. Hughes, sr., of Maury, 1:15;W. W. Murray, of Carrol), 135; M. J.Condon, of Kuox, 135.

j For Representative in Cougrrsa 'J. M., Ha-ri- s, of Shelbv, 146: Zach Tavior, of

Tipton. 135.For Senators for Shelby County J. S.

ivallonay, H7; J. 1). .Montedonico, 147;Wm. J. Smith, 135; n. a Ramsey, 135.

For Representatives for Shelbv Countylames F. Hunter, " , M. K. Pttersi.n.

i 147: Alfred Fromai, colored, 147; M. JKelly, 147; J. S.; McKinley, 146; S. H.

iBsniet. i:5: Wm. A. Fields, colored, 135:

3. W. Vernon. 135; Green E. Evans, colored, 13a; T. J. Brogan, lio.


For President Cleveland and Hendricks, 303 ; Blaine and Logan, 458.

For Governor n imam a. uate, rye;Frank T. Reid, 461.

For Railroad Commissioners John H.Savage, of Warren, 23 ; G. W; Gordon; of

. .t Hni t .ft 1 .lir.lf: n.o;sneioy, ZB-i- ; J. a. j.unev,ui juuiuiud, son;A. M. Hugbes, sr., ot .Maury, 459; W. W.Murray, of Carroll, 459 ; M. J. Condon, ofKnox, 453.

For Representative in Congress J. M.Harris, of Shelby, 329; Zach Taylor, ofTipton, 427.

For Senators lor sueioy tjounty j. a.Galloway, 334; J. D. Montedonico, 331 ;

William J. Smith, 423 ; U. B. Ramsey, 418.For Representatives for Shelby Count- y-

James F. Hunter, 327 ; M. R. Patterson,331; Alfred Froman, colored, 328; M. J.Kelly, 328; J. S. McKinley, 324; 8. H.Idaynes, 430; William A, fields, colored,421 ; J. W. Vernon, 426 ; Green E. Evans,colored, 427 ; T. J. Brogan, 433.

SEVENTEENTH DISTRICT ISLAND 40.For President Cleveland and Hen-

dricks, 15; Blaine and Logan, 11.For Governor Wm. B. Bate, 15; Frank

T. Reid, 11.For Railroad Commissioners John H.

Savsge, of Warren, 15; G. W. Gordon, ofShelby, 15 ; J. A. Turley, ofMcMinn, 15 ;

A. M, Hughes, sr., of Maury, 11 ; W. W.Murray, of Carroll, 11; M. J. Condon, ofKnox, 11.

For Representative in Congress J.M. Harris, of Shelby, 15 ; Zach Taylor, ofTipton, 11.

For Senators for Shelby County J. 8.Galloway, 15 : J. D. Montedonico,lo ; Wm.J. Smith, 11 ; H. B. Ramsey, 11.

For Representatives for 8helby CountyJame8F. Hunter, 15; M. R, Patterson,

13; Alfred Froman. colored, 15; M. J.Kelly, 15; J. 8, McKinley, 15; S. H.Havnes, 11; Wm. A. Fields, colored, II;J. 'W. Vornon, 11; Green E. Evans,colored, 11 ; T. J. Brogan, 11.


For President Cleveland and Hen-dricks, 51 ; Blaine and Logan, 150. -

For Governor Wm. B. Bate, 50; FrankT. Reid, 151.

For Railroad Commissioners John H.Savafje, of Warren, 51 ; G. W. Gordon, ofShelby. 51; J. A. Turley, of McMinn, 01;A. M. Hughes, sr.. of Maury, 150; W. W.Murray, of Carroll, 150; M. J. Condon, ofKno.t, 150. '

For Representative in ConorreAs J., M.Harris, of Shelby, 30; fcach Taylor; of Tipton, lol.

For Senators for Shelby Countv J. S.Galloway, 47 j J, D, Montedonico, 50;W-- . J. smith. 180: H. B. Ramsey. 155.

For Representatives for Shelby CountyJames F. Hunter, 51; M. R. Patterson,

51; AJfred Froman, colored, 49; M.J.Kellv. r,1; J. 8. MeKinlev. SI: 8. H.Haynes, 150 ; Wm. A. Fields, colored, 149 ;

J. W. Vernon; inu; ureen ji. r vans, coiored, 149 ; T. J. Brogan, 1(30.


For President Cleveland and Hendricks. 158: Blaine and Logan. 145.

For Governor Wm. B. Bate, 158 ; Frank"T. Reid, 145.

For Railroad Commissioners John HSavage, of Warren, 153; G. W. Gordon, ofShelby, 155; J. A. Turley, of McMinn,153;A. M. Hugbes, sr., of Maury, 144 i W. W.Murray, of Carroll, 144; M. J. Condon, ofKnox, 144.

For Representative in Congress J. MHarris, of Shelby, 155;ach Taylor, ofTinton.146.

For Senators for Shelbv County J. 8.Gallowav, 162; J. t. Montedonico, 157Wm. J. Smith. 142 1 H. B. Ramsey. 144.

For Representatives for Shelby CountyJames F. Hunter, 158; Mr. R. Patterson;

156: Alfred Froman, colored, 154; M.J.Kelly, 157; J. S. McKinley, 15; 8. H.Hayes. 145; Wm. A. Fields, colored, 144;J. W. Vernon, 14'j ; Green E. Evans, colored, 144 ; T. J. Brogan, 145.


llarrla Iefata Taylor Iss HardemanCounty by 630 Votf-a- .

UrSCIAL TO TBI APflAL.IBolivar, Trnn., November 5. Harris's

majority is 552, with four preciucte to hearfrom, which will increase it to at least boo,Man son, Democrat; is elected to the Leg-islature by 600 majority. Stovall, Democrat, for Senator, and Vancy, for floater,will have 6o0 maiontv. ihe DemocraticState and national ticket and candidatesfor Railroad Commissioners had about thesame majority as the Legislative candidates.


Hosiery Department.Tremendous bargains in . Hosiery,

beyond competition. We offer

500 dozen Ladies' solid colored andstriped cotton hose, genuine oilcolors, at 25c per pair; regularprice 50c.

These are genuine bargains, andcannot be duplicated this season.Would advise an early call to avoiddisappointment.

Handkerchief Department.

We shall place on sals an unusuallyfine assortment of Handkerchiefs.They are all fresh and desirable andwill repay an examination.

Ladies' white embroidered handker-chiefs.

Ladies' colored embroidered handker-chiefs.

Ladies' printed border handkerchiefsin narrow and wide hems. .

Ladies' white hemstitched handker-chiefs in narrow and wide hems.

Ladies' mourning handkerchiefs.

Gents' printed border handkerchiefsin narrow and wide hems. '

Gents' white hemstitched handker-chiefs in narrow and wide hems.

Ladies' and Gents' white and coloredsilk handkerchiefs.

The above are all our own importa-tion, and we offer them at prices verymuch below the actual value.

"Our Sialoou.One of the neatest and best appointed

saloons in the city is that of GeorgeStevens, at 320 Second street, and whichunder bis management, has acquired considerable reputation as Gur Saloon.Here everything in the way of the finestimported aiid domestic w ines, liquors andcigars may be had at all hours, and visitors are sure of prompt and courteous attention. Mr. Stevens is always glad to seehis friends, and will do the right thing by1'iein.

Mttarmri Kevublifiin. Ave. IS. 1884.iHg aropiuino price or quinine may Dave

been caused by the large shipmenta ofCollins' AgueCiiro into the malarial and cbillaand fever districts throughout the South andWest, where formerly it was supposed nothing;bnt quinine would cure. Judging from tbelarge shipments daily of this remedy Irom Malubnratnry of the Collins Bros. Drug Co., Sec-ond au'l iuo streets. It looks nsif Collins' AgueCure was taking e llacs of all otherremedies for chills.

Full Line Neckwear,Latest novelties, at Johnston & Vance's.

Advire to Mother.Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should

always be used when children are cuttingteeth. It relieves the little sufferer, atonce ; it produces iatural, quiet sleep byrelieving the child from pain, and the lit-

tle cherub awakes as "bright as a button."It is very pleasant to taste. It soothes thechild, softens the gums, allays all pain, re-lieves wind, regulates the bowels, and isthe best known remedy for diarrhea,whether arising from teething or othercauses. Twenty-fiv- e cents a bottle.

Memphis Floral Company. Fine lot ofnew Baskets, etc. Fine Cut Flowers.

Jnst lleoelTeil,A full line of Fall Overcoats.

JOHKSTOX A VHXCE. 305 and 307 Slain.Memphis Floral Company. Fine lot of

'new Baskets, etc Fine Cut Flowers.'ur.ery Grounds and Greenhouses

Of II. Moore, florist, two blocks south ofHernando curve, telephone 427; red carline. Lovers of flowers are respectfullyinvited to visit my nursery grounds. Youwill find a great line of blooming and dec-orative plants, cameiias, roses, azaleas,etc. ; also a lare collection of direct im-ported bulbs, hyacinths, lilies, tulips, etcTo plant bulbs with success, now is theright time. Prices are reasonable.

Leber ltros., Fresco ArtUts.All styles, 370 Main street. See our ad.

J. lVlli, Vudcrtaker,330 J Second street near Union.

(.'leaning and Dyeing..Ladies and gents ciotnes cleaned or

dyed in any color; ostrich feathers, lacecurtains, by Louis Riegel, No. 68 Jeffersonstreet. Goods received bv axnresa.

Suits Made lo OrderBy Johnston A Vance. 305 and 307 Main.

I.ace CurtainsA specialty at Memphis Steam Laundry,224 Second street--

Go to Joliuiou ate VanceFor Boys' and Childreu's Clothing.

Foa a good dikmeh go to Landman's, atHenry l.uehrraann's old stand. Oystersserved in every style.

The best wines, liquors and cinrs canalways be had at Our Saloon, 326 Secondstreet..

Slisrla Made le OrderBy JoLi-fio- & Vance, 305 and 307 Main.



A Dairyman Kills Mis wife's ParameitWith a Horse Pistol, Firing'


Warning at the Back or Bis Head--lie

Falls With a Ballet InHis Brain.

At 11 o'clock yesterday morning a manon horseback dashed out the new Raleigh itroad in the direction of Tipton county.He had just shot his wife's lover dead. inThe horseMan. WaS Henry l"mith who didkeeps a dairy on Breedlove avenue, nearthe new Raleigh road, about a quarter ofa mile east of the Leath Orphan Asylum.He has a wife and several children anauntil lately has been living a quiet and ofpeaceful hie, though the dairyman andhis wife bad an


about trifling affairs.. The thought theremirrht ha infidelity on her part was thelast thins that entered his head. She is for

not especially good-lookin- and if therehad vr been a whisper aeainst her character it had never reached his ears. Aboutfour months ago a Texan named is. W.Kaiser, who came through here with aherd of cattle, succeeded in forming fn


of some sort with Smith, and put np athis house. After they had been living to-

gether abotlt a month Smith began to suspect that improper relations existed be--5 i i . , v-.- i iiween nis wire auu jvaiacr, auu ulsbci vugthem more closely his suspicions wereconfirmed. Still he had not proof positiveand waited. Yesterday morning wmith


addressed to his wife by Kaiser. He re--fnwui tn divnlra the contents, but at once

. . it ,proceeded ' to take a summary, inougacowardly, revenge. Going out into thecow lot about 11 o'clock, he found KaiserthAen. Anoftced in attending to the cattle,He did not speak to him, but waiteduntil


Men; drawing a horse pistol, he took de-

liberate nitii and shot him dead in histracks, the bullet penetrating the back ofhis head, rne oniy wunetm to utowwas Smith's father-in-la- The murdereret nnni mnnnted a fleet horse and maderanidlv awav. Three men on horsebackwere sent in pursuit by Chief Davis.


Ms LIlt French; of Senatobia, is intne city on a Tisiti

Attorney-General Lea afld JudgeBright, of Brownvine, are at Gaston 8.

J. L. Frost, who has been quite ill forsome time past, is on tne streets again.

Dtjnscomb Bros, were yesterday admitted to membership by the Merchants x.xchance. ,

Tnjo ivtnraitn rpntprdav telephonedMr. J. M. tioodbat from Hernando thathis maiority in the Second MississippiDistrict would be about 5000 votes.

Miss Hattib" MatKB, VCCT? of

Greenville, Miss., who has been visitingfriends In this city) during whien tithe shemade many warm friends, returned homeon the Will s. Hays Tuesday evening,

. H. Fpstexheu; it. J. Lynn. M. C.Fearce, Jno. 8. tool andi Jno. K. Speedwere yesterday chosen directors of theMerchants' Exchange Mutual Aid Asso-ciation for the ensuing year aof the former board.

The ladies of the First Presbyterianchurch invite tbe gentlemen of Memphisto a dinner to be given by them to-d- atByrd's old stand, on Main street oppositeCourt Square. The ladies themselves willbe in attendance at the tables.

At the election for the Board of Di-

rectors of the Cotton Exchange- MutualAid Association, held yesterday, the fol-

lowing were chosen: W. T. BoWdre,Henry J. Lynn, W. F. Taylor, J. T. Pet-ti-t

and R. L. Coffin an entire new boardexcepting Henry J. Lynn,

The following visitors registered at theCotton Exchange yesterday : H. C. Mc-Ku- tt,

Arkansas; A. Lea, Fulton; C. L.Wilder, Jackson, Miss.; W. L. Taylor,Mason; D. F. Bowman, New Albany; E.D. Slater, Corinth; 8. H. Moore, Hunts-vin- e

; A. B. Qarralton, Clarksdale, Miss ;

Dr. F. W. Davey, Holly Springs; a T.Mallory, Louisville ; F. Fentress, Bolivar.

We know that eveiy.friendjof CoL Jo-seph Lenow will be saudened this morningat the information of the death of hisgifted and accomplished daughter, Hen-rietta, wife of Dr. A. 8. Grisby, whichevent occurred at Marion, Ark., yesterdaymorning. We learn that the old gentle-man is completely overcome by this sadbereavement, which, has fallen on hishome like a thunderbolt from a cloudlesssky. One of his distinguishing character-istics is the love of home, kindred andfriends. Mrs. Grigsby will be greatlymissed, ' not only in her own home butamong her neighbors. She was fitted byeducation and habits to be a companion tohim whose home is now so desolate. Hermind was a vast storehouse of knowledge,and there were few women who possessedso many and varied accomplishments.Her funeral will take place from the resi-dence of her father on Walker avenue, to-

morrow morning at 10 o'clock.

LITERARY.On the 1st of December, 1884, will be

begun the publication of a new monthlymagazine of thirty-tw- o pages, to be de-voted exclusively to the care oi infantsand young children and the general in-

terests of the nursery. It will be knownas Babyhood. Its purpose will be to be-come a medium for the disseminationamong parents of the best thought of thetime on every su' ject connected with theneeds of early childhood. It will dealwith all topics relating to the child's phys-ical and mental development (in so far asthey do not encroach upon the provinceof tbe physician) ; with dress, food andgeneral nursery economy. The editorshipof the departments relating to generalnursery routine and cooking will be in thehands of Marion Ilarland, author of Com-

mon iSense in the Household, etc. All medi-cal and hygienic articles will bounder thesupervision of L. M. Yale, M.D., lectureradjunct on diseases of children, BelievueHospital Medical College. Among otherwriters whose has been prom-ised may be mentioned CoL George E.WariDg, jr., sanitary engineer; Mrs, E. W.Babcock, author of Household Hint; Mrs.Christine Lsdd Franklin ; W. N. Hailmann,author of Kindergarten Culture in the Fam-ily, etc ; II. U. Ballard, principal of LenoxAcademy, and president of the AgassisAssociation ; Prcf. Anelo Heilprin, cura-tor of the Philadelp' ia Academy of Nat-ural Sciences: D. F. Lincoln, M.D.; authorof School Hygiene. Price of subscription,$1 50 a year"; single numbers, fifteen cents.

1AKJAL NOTICES.Buy your Shirts at May's.F' Y try pure sure Hope Soap.

; vonr children Smith's Worm OiLm pit is Floral Compant. Fine lot of

net Saskels, etc. Fine Cut Flowers.1 latest novelty iu ladies' slippers is

tht I'arisian opera just arrived atV0KGELI A CO.'S., 271 Main st.

Xo. 326 Second street is the place ftrgentlemen to go who wish fine brands ofwhiskies, wines, cigars and courteoustreatment.

A slight cold, if neglected, often attacksthe lungs. Brown's Bronchial Trochesgive sure and immediate relief. Sold onlyiu boxes. Price 25 cents.

The Herbal Chill Cure, the best touicand known. A certain and surecure for chills. Price tl per bottle. Send stampfor circulars. Any reference given. AddressJohn C. Kucker, Lynrhberr, Va.

Durkee's Salau Dbessino and ColdMeat Sauce. The finest mayonaise formeat, fish and vegetable salads, and a su-

perb table saoce. It far surpasses anyhome-mad- e dressing. Everybody lines o

sot forget to add to your lemonadeor soda ten drops of Angostura Bitters. Itimparts a delicious flavor and prevents allsummer diseases. Be sure to get the gen-uine Angostura, manufactured by Dr. J.G. B. Siegert & Sons. r , .

LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE.Free Trade and Farmers Right.

To the Editor, of the Appeal :

On or before December 1st nine-tenth- s

of the cotton crop of 1884 will be harvest-ed and turned over to the commissionmerchants to pay for advances. It willthen begin to leak out thst the crop isvery short ; shorter than it has been forseveral years, and the price may begin toadvance, but hardly in a speculative way.for there is too much of the staple raisedfor the world's immediate need. With theprice of cotton always going down while inthe producer's hands, and the price of la-bor always holding its own, the presentcrop has cost all it will realize to makeand to harvest it. The farmers are toblame in that they will overcrop. Thereis not one of us who does not put in morecotton than we can possibly pick out withthe home force, and we" are thereforecompelled to look abroad for assistance.lae uemanu lor extra labor givesthat labor a licUtious value, and theexpense eats up tbe profits. But outsideof this the farmer is lliu worst handicap-ped man on earth. He has to pay thesame price for rnakir.j: a ml gathering hiscrop wi ether the m. ia ten cents perpound lor bis cotton or six cents. IDs la'Lor has to compete with the labor of theentire world, while for everything he pur- - I

rhases he is compelled to pay heavy dutiesin order to prolet-- t home mannfactuma. i

Hive u free trade, aud permit t.a to sell'our produce wherever it will bring thejbest price and also to buy what we need j

where it can be got cheapest and we will J

prosper, not on other peoples misfortunes,but on the leiritimate fruits of an honestexchange of commodities. Vour-fifth- s of I

the Uemocratic party of the I'nitsd Stateare free traders at heart ; the other lif.L :

and five-fifth- s of tbe Republican party areproip,-t:- ot,.ihat is, they really behavethat it is just, honest and salutary

to take the hard earning) ot the laboringclasses and jriva them to manufacturersto enable the latter to thrive. The excuseis that the jtoternrhehteSpendltUres mustbe met, and that there is no way practica-ble except by imposts on foreign importations, i et, somehow, me expenses oiStates, counties irld mrWcipal Corpora-tions are met without any suca Imposts.

free trading' four-fift- .being the tail.course, cannot taint ot wagging tne

dog, which Ifl cdmpnetid bf the other fifthconjoined with the entire Republicanparty, and are compelled to call them-selves believers in a tariff with incidentalthat is, unavoidable) protection. No pub-ic economist has yet devised a method of

raising revenue by the only just and hon-est way of direct taxation, which, at thesame time, will be fair, equal and impar-tial in its bearing on all classes. We tried

once by way of a tax on incomes, bnt itwas a scandalous failure, and while it was

operation it made more scoundrels andmore to demor iz the community

than any fitheT financial experiment thathas been tried since tue pyramids werebuilt. Until some political 'finan ier suc-ceeds in inventing some admissible plan

direct taxation, all we can hope for isthat tariff burdens may be reduced to thesmallest possible magnitude, and that theywill be placed on such articles as peoplemav dispense with, and not ou the necessities of li fa. In tbe mean time let us pray

the peace of Jerusalem, and trust thatsome day the burden-bearer- s may be re-lieved of something of their heavy loads,and that the true, but no less shameful,cry that the rich are becoming richer andthe poor poorer, may no longer be heard

the laud. j. s. c.


We offer to-da-y several Urge lots offine Merino and


For Men, Women and Children atvery low priefs.

HE I) IllTiXKElS.Choice Angora and Mission Blankets

at remarkably low prices.

At f4 35, a splendid heavy soft Wooleleven-quart- er --Blanket.

At $1 98, a very good heavy ten-qua- r

ter Blanket.

At $8 25, the best Blanket made.

Carriage Robes.Plusb, Fur and Wool Carriage and

Buggy Robes,ssssssssssaasssss.

dents' and Boys' Overcoats.

We open to-da-y some choice styles. W 111UU WW vuw Sh. svyuuu fAiws.' CLOAKS.

Every day brings novelties in

Silk Plush Cloaks,Cloth tailor-mad- e Newmarkets,Silk Pelisses and Paletots,Ladies' and Children's Jerseys.

. rsa'liady BaieLC. B. GALLOWAY A CO PaorxliTOX.

Rates 2 60 and $3 per day. aooordingto aise and location ot room.

J M Crawford. Mo W K Harper, TennB 1) W heelock, Ala C L Sackett, AlaK F Blomers. ky KM Alexander. N TW K htosrt, Tenn H L Martin, ArkD W Davidson, Ohio M R Powell, St LouisB J Holland, Ky AC Lewis, MissC J Fillmore, Tenn M 0 Wicker, MissH H tleorge, Louisville W P Swift, AlaH C Turner, Louivllle Franeis Fentress. TennSatnnel Klrkinen, Ala JDeen, t lonisE D Sister Aw i Miss Dr H A Meody, AlaMrs M L EUiXiAl A H Littlejohn, MissB W Keed, lenr. C t Matfn; BaltimoreJ M Thomas. Ohio JTShielf.Tr. TnnE J Gower, Nashville H N Faalkinburg, ArcU Halshouser, Tenn L S Lake, eityW C McNutt, Ark P F Carmody, N TE J Wendel, Tenn B M Martin. TennJ L Friedman, Ohio N W Baptist, 'lennJ M Yowng, Tens Gen W J Smith, city8 S Garrett, eity C L Smith, MissTJ Stead, NY G F Pepper, N VG B Morris, N Y F Marigold, TennMrs H B Leurn, Miss Mi.. II Cnoner. Onera CoII k'leal. finer. Pft Miss K Ayres, Opera CoJ ti Greensfelder, Op Co M Figman Aw, Opera CoE Harvey w, t'pera CO urau, vpera voM Gran. Opera Co 3Ji R Orey, Opera CoE P Coleman, Mo W M Iiailey, Missf P Redmond. Ark M Robertron. YaV W Dancv. Miss W J Owen. MissMrs! Keed, Tenn Miss Reed, TennMise Annie Seay, lenn v lennE Harrnl. Ark l)r F Moore. ArkT C Hindman, Ark II II Donohoo. MoC. T. Wilder, ir. Mis. Wm M Given, KyTC Reed, Tenn ; l Cunningham, EngJTFollette, Oil'S J Fjferrell. Kyr J Smith, Tenn T M Laitderdalet TennW a Cock rill. Tenn li N Pharr, ArkMr. T. M Klli.. M.i 11 w wall, lensMrs X W McNeill. Tennliddie McNeill. TennMiss E McNeill. Tenn- - II II Perry, TennMifs A B Perry, Tenn Miss Mitchell. Tennt) M Buchanan, Misa K J Kdwards. KsMrs Butts, Mo J H Sothoron, MoJ S Barton, Miss J R Engel, NY.J Sturm, Tenn J Griffin, N YJ F Kiday, N Y J J Fitxpatrick.NTJ Maycock, 111 J Rhelalmer, MissW 11 Morse, city J S Webb, eity.

ttaataata Hatel.European plan. Enlarged and refurnished,

Prioes according to sise and location of rooms.W. H. BINGHAM Makaoes.

J W Brown. Ark J G Sands. ArkI) Shelby, Ky J R Reans, TennG W Reaves, Ark John Howard. ArkW U P.nson, Tenn S R hacfordi TennJohn Hirsch.Tenn J II, Duike. ArkL G Shinault, Miss W T Jackson.' TennBen T Reeves, Tenn C H Rutland, TennL P Berry, Ark Jaa T Barton, ArkChaa Quillen. Ky D F Bowmsn.IndJ V Monier, Ark J McBmoks, TennJ S Galloway. lenn Casey Young, DCR H Riven, Tex Mrs T L Dickinson, TexG R Banks, Tenn MK Key, ArkW M Rowlett, Tenn Dr E McCoy Aw, TensJ Little, Ky ' F Hawkins, MissJ Hirsh Aw, Tenn Miss Ash urn. PaC V Benjamin, La E 8 Wood. Ark7. A Hakes, Ia - RBCarnea.TennW C Hill, Miss R W Roland, AlaJ E Porter, Tenn 8 G Carnes. ArkH Soloman, Tenn H J Carpenter, TennW M Duddrow, Tenn N Strau'o, ArkE S Doming, Pa - W P Slaughter, Tenn8 M Taylor, Tenn J P Fransh, Tenn ,P T Ra ford. Tenn S M Smith, TennE C Turbeville. Tenn W H Person. Tenn

S B Sanford, Tenn.

SEW CLlKGSBOf HOTEL.Strictly 1 rasuleat.

Aaaerleaa aael Eorspeaa Plaaa. Rates;S2. 83 so aael S rer Day. Rooms,

ai and St SO. Beatnlar Meala, secI.. D. HfJHT, Haasfer.

W A Clarkson, Ma T H Stewart. MoCharles Benjamin, La S L Doan, TennJ B Allen, Tenn E H Speaks. M A C R RW B Carlew, Tens A McAvay Aw, Ark

okatj's orgxa coupakt.Mis Lixtie Gorxles, Miss Young,TF Callahan, J 8 Slattery,C L FibbetU, A Schwercke,L Heller. G N Galloway.C Stewbery. Miss Kate DeWolf,Miss Marie Gonxaley, F U Rennothy,Miss Belle Wilson, George Faiding,C W Haywood, H CDepew.


And it stimulates and promotes the growthof the hair.

Burnett's Flavoring Extracts are the best

VtL CHtXftMCB KUCTIUC BP.T, aw 1UfexBrle, si mStsmsi.j far th cttrf Wf ansjiMiat hm pnenwun wxm,HftsdTT T oVaUitw exf tJxr ibstsUITw ore j --CTtifa, from waW

a l Kivi 1 1 pwrrassMipwn to bsMJiav Theft IsTeam SM haw UttdsJ It, SDe

wmMmmm rroaa iiaamuM,an fart. My tt)!e-- a oi ifarea

Lais with texctric belts asstm- -

t.d a car aUl ills heata t to. Tata H for lkON& arcilMtxLKCTJUC ftlXT CO, m 9imUcmkU i sttacn. Hi.

far gala by J. ay TOCeiLI efe

(71 aael die Mats Wt.. Wfmptls, Tsaa.0. B. PARKE a. 8. W. PARKER.



285 Main Street.SPECIAL attention given to the rental depart

Close collection, andiprompt settle-ments will be onr motto.




Tm meti r. ukd iriv. t.eeUoB than ... ne or prlr. peu wu'ln.i bee- phjifeuuM, maxt JSSS.e A . V2iu A iij ! ' i I,

arses, --w


MltN. A. BET AT,lt3 Taaal Bt , Hew Urleaaa,

SraeiaLTira r Maiixo

FLAGS AND BANNERS,Ani Deaisr in ail sipli cf Tarakbernaliai fr

Societies, AitTaUtlcrc, sej Clubs. i

SII sa,&l. et aiLVEa tMSBOIUIKirkMa4e W order. Seal for esumatu. I


Brands advertised as absoltruly pore.eSrOxra?.


ne fat! tee down en a hot tn til seated, hsaremove the c?er and smell. tot wUlaottasx..aired to detect the n sssnss .1







Dr. Price's Special FlaTorim Extracts,IteetfeasslaatexexeiSBSsalasearalsMrsMnasl

Dr. PrrcVs LupuIIa Ytast QFor Light, Bealthy Bread, The Best Dry Baa

Teast ka tb. World.FOR SALE BY GROCERS.

CHIOAOO. st. Loum

Proposals for Levee Repair Work.Ustixn 8tTg Kkqtkikx Or'ici.lMrf.t.Tg!.. October 25. 1SS4. f

ritSit.m PROPOSALS in dnnlicate will b. r.l j eervnn nni ia o ciock noon, jaovemuer o.1SS4, at this office, fur repair of tb. Long LakeLevee in Argansas,

The character of the work Is topping, repairingwave wash-hol- and Slling gaps.

From S15,UU0 to 5,000 will be available for thiswnrlr

Proposers are requested to examine wora oeiorebidding. The line extends from the head of LongLake down to Old Town.

m.nV forma foe nntno.ills. Instructions to bid'ders, and specifications concerning the work maybe obtained by addressing this office. Proposal!anna, n. a.l- - n. If.fmi larnllll.S.

The Unite ! btntes reserves tue rignt to rejectany or all proposals.

Proposals must be addressed to the undersignedand marked on envelope: " Proposals for LeveeRepair Work, Long Like. Ark.-- '

CLINTON B. SEARS,Capt. Knsrs., I). S, A.

Proposals for Levee Eepalr WorkTJkitkd State Exoisfee's Office, X

M.ueum. Tv.. November 2. 1S84. IOnAT.Ttrinrnnn.Ale in dun teat, will be reoeivedO at this office until 12 o'clock noon,- November8, 1834, for construction and repair of the leavefrnm Arlcan... flitv t V Amos BavoU. Ark.

The amount to be expended will be about $75,- -000, of which tbe united Mate will expend so,'find, enrl nther n.rties Srrfl.flOO.

The bids willbe for the whole work, a bent S25,-0-

cubic yards, and the successful bidder will beexpected to make a double eontraet, one with theundersigned and the other with the local leveeaiithtirities.

Bidders are requested to be present at the open-ing of bids. Blank forms for proposals, instruc-tions to bidders, and specifications eoncerningthe work may be obtained by addressing thisflffirta. Pronosals mnst be made in the forms furnished, and the guarantors must jiutify to theamount of S20.000 each.

The United States reserves the right to rejectany or an proposals.

Pronosals must be addressed to the nndersigneeland marked on envelope. "Proposals for LeveeWork, Arkansas Ulty to Amos Bayou.

CLINTON B. SEARS,Captain of Engineers, D. 8. A.


CK.y-CUR- E!

Sir : I waive a ruit I have pbyygd (or manyyean, tbe vaiue oi your remeoy rn'mpi'ii m wejuy. in reply your request, what I know of your

Air CUICU fcwu vautaj in ,aiiee is a

t.miir mttar m.nv athpr remedle. had fallsFrom the opportunity 1 have bad to Judge. I danot hesitate loespresa my belief, that your CblUCure Is a vali able specltlc, and perlorma aU yoapromise lor Ua very

. fiaUBEKAlf.W. a. TBV CO.. ot Sags Tree, Tenn., eey:

Your Chill Cure has beeo a big success la O. K. Wood.. ol Eagle Creek, wa. curedalter having chills Dloe moot lis. Twoof our neigh-bors' children were cured alter all otherremedleahad tailed. Wecaa all no her ChiU Core hesaaow. w. Q. rt i a. i A

W. B. HCTDlIICltSOW, Casey Creek, Ky. aaystOne bottle cured three children.

t- - ifott bvsxk bt tu Dftrjesisnra.

--lohn Iiilly,Importer and Dealer In


332 Front St,Bft. Monroe and Union, Memphis.



HUNTER Drdr, KicWasher, Tomato.Pnmpkin, Starch.

VtOHLO.. Wan and FruitStrainer. Twelvearticles in one.

ftt mtttt

More o1J fhtm inether Stret and Siftersccsmbined t UwttyboAylik tam I W makelare Siftexs ana Mixaratat haaU and poarax.e rue

Tbe H uster Sifter MfrCo.. Ooclnnari, O.. 4uCanal Su. New York.

TERS Aram wsnted far mKhcKcrl rettttics andtluatcx Sifter Look Book

L., N. 0. &T.Ry. Co.Mcwrnts, November 4, 1884.

rpniS eotnpany is now prepared to issoe throughBills of Lading to all potouon the isioo

river between vicksbnrgand Ureenwoad, Miss,Call at I'reiKht office, 31 Madison street, to haybill, of lading signed and rates quoted.

J. 8. IIAVAHl a. f. a

MOP IEI invited to Bend the

sddresa to Tmt Swift rccino Co., Drawer aAtlanta. Ga , for a cr.y ct thvir trratise on BHxmsxA bkin Ulscssfi. k Ui Lo mailed free.

CANCER FOR MANY YEARS.A family servant has been afflicted Tor many

years with a eanoer on her nose, and was treatedby same of the best physicians, and the old reme-dies use! without benefit. Finally we gave herSwift's Specific, and she hss been completelycured. JOHN HILL, 1'rurei-t- ,

Thomsi o, lia., August 16, 1884.

NOSE EATEN OFF!John Naves, a yonng man near here, had a can-

cer on his fdea had eaten away his nose andpart of his cheek, and was extending up to biseyes. AS a ia.t resort ne nu vui on d.iii - awcific. and it has entirely eared him. His face isall healed over with new flesh, and his generalhealth is excellent- - His recovery wu wonderful.

M. t. CKUJJLby, M.U.,Oglethorpe, Ga., August 16, 1884

CANCEROUS FACE.T have for many years suBered with a cancerous

affection on my face, which has been tn ire'y re-moved by the use of a lew bottles of Swift', 6pe- -eiue. i. tv . vuiiM en.

Indian Springs, Ga., April 10, 1884.

CANCER FOR 5 YEARS.A woman with a canceroai ulcer of five year,

standing and live inches in dia eter, has beanentirely relieved by six bottles or ewilt s bpeeine.I consider its effects wnnderfnl, eltnovt miracu-lous. KbV. JKS.-- 11. CAMPliELL.

Columbus, lis., August 111, 1884.

We are every day receiving the most wonderful

reports from the use of Swift's Specific in the

treatment of Cancer. Sufferers from this class ol

disease, should not fail to send for onr treatiseon Blood and Skin Diseases and Cancer Treatment. Onr remedy is entirely vegetable; no mercury, no potash, a other mineral.

THE 6Wm SPECIFIC CO.,TrawerS. Atlanta. Oa.

jVThe Largest J.lmJ Merchant Tailoring ftty177 and Clothing Houae Vvn

in America. JT


&BROWN, ft- -

OAK HALL, J )Philadelphia.

I A full lino of card aamplea of 'kJRk the treat piece goods stock

wiU be fouad with.T. RANDOLPH & CO.,




REAL ESTATE.No. 329H (Rl Chancery Court of Shelby county

etate of lennessee, use, etc-- , vs. r. r. isalleretal.: and ho. lulu City of .Memphis vs. WM. Farrinrton etal.

TJV virtue of an interlocutory decree for saleJJ entered in the abuve cause on the litb dayotDecember. 1M3. M. B. 41. page (A. 1 will sell, atpublic auction, to the highest bidder, in front otthe Clerk and Master s othoe, courthouse ot bbelby oounty, leiuphis, lenn.. ou

SulHi-da- y . K.rrmsrr a, 1HH4,within legal hours, tbe following descritied property, situated in the laxing-lnstric- t ol pbfltycounty, Tenn., t: One-hal- lot 8.1, fronting21 feet and V'-- i Inches on east side of Front street Iranninr back 14S7V leeta beginning on east linerront now .'z leet tornex soutn irom southline of Court street: thence south with rrouRow 21 feet 9V-- inches to south line of lot 81tlienceeaxt with said line oi lut WI, UK': feet to

rot alley; thenoe north with said alley 21 feetfiVCinches: thenoe west parallel to Court Mreet 14XV2

feet to the beginning, being same lot on which ishouse o. Tut, being third storehoure south o'Cuurt street, and owned byW.M.and Mary i1.I arrinrtij., reoples lus. Co. and E

Terms ut Sale tin a credit of ? usnlhst net.with security lmn reuinsi; relsmptiwO uarred.iu,, vvn urr id- -i

R. J. BLACK. Clerk and 3uj.ft.-r- .

By fleo. lUll.ry, Pepnty Clerk and .Masur.J, W . Hampton, Solicitor.

CONTRACTORS,Jacobs's Patent Yheel Railroad Barrov,Western Wheel-Scrap- er Co.'s Dray and Wheel Scrapers,



BrottLers cfis Oo,I?os. 310-31- 2 Front Street- -- MemPhii, Tenn.

Woodruff Lumber Companya. wnnisslfr. PvesMnL m. T TWA HAH. Vey stsssl Traaa

lTlftnnlacttvera f atad Dealer) laCYPRESS, POPLAR. COTTONWOOD, WALNUT, OAK AND ASSI

Doors, Sash, Bllatts, Holdings,SAW MD PULNTNtt MIXIJS.

Twortli Front St., Wear Oaa Works.A. P. Taylor. Hanacer, t t

Peoples Insurance (So.

OfficeID Madison Street, Memphis, Tenn.CASH CAPITAL, $200,000tBInsures all Classes of Merchandise,

ii. t.rreaiaes- - V lee

SUGGS & FETOT;t7Hot.toat.ti

vand 262 -

J. C HEELT. a. II.


JTo. 367


&894 FernetAUl. COTTON

Xos. 75-77 -70-81-N. W.

The and ONLYand

THOSJ. H.ALLIIT, I MeatahlsTU4M. II. 1UE3I, Jr.,

81 and 88

278 280

J. B.



susel Brass sad Ilwaaa sTroasa, Cotton Presses,Powers, Oin Gearing. Railroa Mteamboat

Bras PIP.k7..n..V. Taarlaa!.Wnelr 4

and Material Generally


Storehouses, Dwelllags.Sa

uttmojr, PARKER,secretary.



GROCERS, COTTON FACTORSAnd. Commission merchants,

Front Street. Memphis, Tenn.

Brooks, Neely & Co.WHOT.ESAT.r.l


Front strjet. Memphla, Tenn.

Levee ContractorsSolid Steel Scrapers,

Columbus Koad Plowsv

Jacobs's Patent BoltedColumbus

Rootes, Parrent



LARGESTTheBest Sample Yield Guaranteed.


I3rV6atH-- Allen





Commission Merchants,S2G Front







MA5TJFACTTJBKR8 DIALFR.Sraatfasra, rnllry. Nlsskftlsssr.

i.niMas. IslMien. fal. rilllnn., iiassa.yjantors.mnlrrmUh Dnrl Ttertalv.

Murn Gin and Machine Gomp'yMAXrFACTUItEKS OP

Eclipse and Anti-Fricti- on Cotton Gins,FEEDERS, CONDENSERS TBESSES, HTATlu mi tswiats,

Boileni. Sharilnir. PnllertL Etc Railroad, SteambMt Architectural Work.


w. a. loos, EDW1BD




it. Oalbrea4h

CSfritiii.t.Ail kinds

t t If


W. I---Presltlsat.

BBOOKS. H. a. a

; :


and Plle. aijaraaiser

and sand

A Ce.


Speed - HARDWARE,..IVro-rtxll-x- i sw. Tortn

83-85 utreet,Jr., PROPRIETOR.

COMPLETE lu the city

ew iera.uiaai aUiLN,

Street, 3V


-Julon. Slemnhli. Taaa.

work, Disre,s.wii" V-- .'"--. " ZT

Vrewtlaa and OraamaBtal Iron Work,tmw iIatm.'



HOOI, w. h. joTaaa





R. L. CO VV. Dlllard Cofli.J. R. OObVVIS, gf I. k. livdwi. A C.J. C.u. t. PCKTER, ct Parte Maon.

asiostun suso given to icraritf iewliinsia

ivrn-tvfiitTTx- -


Tobacco and Cigars,NO. 333 MATN ST.. MEMPHIS. TENN.


Baeeeasort to FOSTER, CO

Cotton FactorsFHOMT



" IFholewAle Dealers and PulIlhera

Sole AgenU for the following first-Clas- s Instmmrntsi

1 1 A 1VIIL.aliaKll BACH, liaHI.I H, .!. raakl eft ,

i.: i.

aa. WHtltlN'K.AMa eft II AM LIH, il.U eft W4R(R, riUVIITiVAtixVXl e" l ll.,4lkllll 4MI NEW PIANO KoR

lof Writ for Oalaloeurei. faosu 3 t and 3.1 k.I' 4s l MEMPHIS


xunaoTomU. BROOKS, of Brooks Neely ACo

i. B. elALbKkA

J.,cf Pr;rerty lainrrg. bisoiu










s orTllry Klorrs, it reurnable rule. Couimenoed bntiness In IH7. LUafaS FAlli, U,aasr alillea, A Home komoeny, aeespeouully lit luar natroaac,, .



