the daily phoenix.(columbia, s.c.) 1867-11-14. · 2017. 12. 15. · 1 71 dlily paper $8 a year...

1 71 D lily Paper $8 a Year "Let our Just Censure PH (Ell I Attend the True Event." BY JULIAN A. SELBY COLUMBIA, R. C.. THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 14, 1867. Tri-Weekly 95 a Year VOLUME III-NO. 204. THE PHOENIX PUBLISHED DAILY AND TUI-WKRKXT. im ULEANgR, r.vr.r.v WEDNESDAY MOHNINO. BY JULIAN A. SELBY, CITY PRINTER. Office on Ifain atroot, a foi» doom above Taylor (or Camden) street. TERMS-IN'AD VANCE. SUBSOBIFHON. Daily Paper, six months.$4 00 Tri-Weekly, " " . 2 50 Weekly « " . 1 GO ADVERTISEMENTS Inserted at 75 cents per square for the first Insertion, and 50 cents for each subsequent. Weekly 75 cents each insertion. tor A liberal discount made on the above ratee when advertisements are inserted by IA« month or year. AGENTS. Spartanburg-Hiram Mitchell. W. C. Moore, Abbeville. J. R. Allen, Chester. Julius Poppe, Anderson C. H. 8. P. Kinard. Nowberry C. H. W. T. Sims, Union. J. M. Allen, Greenville GOOD NEWS FOR THE Poon,-The Nashville Gazette says: "Men con¬ versant with matters agricultural as¬ sure us that from ten to fifteen fold the usual amount of wheat will be sown this fall. Our planters have become heartily Rick of cotton. Thousand:} on thousands of ncros de¬ voted last year to the delusive staplo will be sown in wheat. Tho call for seed wheat is most extraordinary. From two to three thousaud bushels could be sold here daily if obtainable. The mills have ceased making flour because it is more profitable to sell the wheat for planting." An engraving machine-the most wonderful specimen of human in¬ genuity we ever saw-constructed by Messrs. G nert ant & Field, of Leaks- ville, N. C. It letters with an earn and rapidity we never sow equalled. The first stroke of the drill is one- eighth of an inch deep upon any kind of metal. Impressions of living men can be taken from a model and curved upon metal in an astonishing short time, and with a beauty of precision that is astounding. It is getting to be a common prac¬ tice in New York for establish mon Ls, especially banks aud insurance com¬ panies, employing a largo number of clerks, to provide for thom a free lunch within the building where they work. C. HAYNESWORTH. C- J. CARROLL. HAYNESWORTH & CARROLL, FASHIONABLE HAIR CUTTING and SHAVING SALOON, Plain street, a few doors below R. C. Shiver's old stand. HOT, COLD and SHOWER RATHS on short notice. Nov 7 Ladies' Industrial Association. MME. DEMOREST f. Bulletin of Ladies' and Children's Fashions, fir fall sud winter, with paper patterns; also, Hair GrimperB, Needles stuck liko Pins, Mark¬ ing Cotton, and various fancy articles. _OetL31__ PHAMS AND BACON. 5TIERCES Raltiinoro City-Curod PIG HAMS. 2,000 lbs, Sugar-Cured Breakfast Bacon. 8 tirkins Choice Gosh*n Hinter. Just to hand, and for salo low. Oct 31 GEO ROH SYMMERS. 'Wolfe's Sctilcilain Schnapps have been beforo tho American public for tho last eighteen years. * Kerosene Oil. -I rv BARRELS PURE KEROSENE OIL Xv/ just received, and for salo low, by Oct 0 J. A T. R. AGNEW. Your beauty, your health, your easo may bo restored, by using Heinitsh's Quoen's Delight. Fish! Fish! ! DUTCH HERRING. 400 lbs. SMOKED HALIBUT. Bbls. No. 1 Mackerel. " No. 3 Bids. Blue Fish. 400 lbs. splendid Codfish. Oct 25 JOHN (5._SEEGEnS A CO. Gen. Lee and his Lieutenants, THEIR Early Lives, Public Services and Campaigns, with over thirty fine Por¬ traits, by author of "Tho Lost Causo." Napoleon and Queen louisa, of Prussia; hy Mublbs !.. Prico ii SO »nd $2.00. Inez, a Tale of Texas; by author St. Elmo. Price $1.75. Early and Lato Paper*, by Thackeray. Hand-Look of Practical Cookery, for Ladies and Professional Cooks; by Prof. Blot. Diary of a Rrfngeo, bv a Lady of Virgi¬ nia, Ac. For sale at MoCarter's bookstore. Od 2d_R. L. HUYAN. Napoleon and Queen Louisa, THE Vory Latest, by Louisa Mnhlbach. 92.00. Birds of Prey, a Novol, by M. E. Rrad- don. 75 cents. Caste, a Novel, by tho author of "Mr. Arie" 50 cents. And many othor new NOVelo. Frank Forrester's Complete Manual for young Sportsmen. Dinks, Mayhew and Hutchinson, on tho ^rfow stock of Episcopal and Catholic Prayer Books. DUFFIE & CHAPMAN'S Bookstore, Oot 25 Main street, Davis* Building. SPECIAL NOTICES. TAKE A CHANCE. ONLY $2 00, no gift concern, but a splen¬ did SILVER PITCHER, worth MOO and more, at T. \Y. RADCLIFFE'S, for thc benefit of a ucodv au i r.Inicici family. Oct 20_ Bartlett's Ucvernlblo Sewing Ma- clilne«-Tho most ported and simple ma¬ chino made, for stitching, hemming, tuck ing, braiding, Ac. ONLY #25. A now supply of tho UNIVERSAL CLOTHES-WASHER AND WRINSER. Price $5. JOEL KETCH UM, JR. A CO., July 30 j_A pents. Mrs. Wámlow'i Soothing Syrup- Foa CHILDREN TEETHINO-Greaiiy facili¬ tates tho process of teething, by softening tho gums, reducing all inflammation-will allay AM. TAIN and spasmodic action, and ÍH SUIU". TO REGULATE TUE BOWELS. Dcpeud upon it, mothers, it will givo rest to ^your- sclvoa and RELIEF AND HEALTH TO YOUR IN¬ FANTS. We have put up and sold this arti- clo for years, and can say in confidence and truth of it, what wo have never beon able to say of any othor medicine-NEVER HAS IT FAILLI) IN A SINQLE INSTANCE TO EFFECT A COBB, when timely used. Nevor did we know au instance of dissatisfaction hy any ono who UBod it. On tho contrary, all aro delighted with its operation, und m terms of commendation of its magical ef¬ fects und medical virtues. Wo speak in this mattor "WHAT WF. DO ENOW," after years of experience, and pledge our repu¬ tation for tho fullillmout of what wo hero declare. In almost every instance where the infant is suffering from pain and ex¬ haustion, relief will ho found in fifteen or twenty minutes after the syrup isadminis turad. Full directions for using will accoin pany oach ot le. Re sure and call i>.r "Mus. WINSLOW'S SOOTHINO SYRUP," Having the fac-aimde of "CURTIS & PEB- KINS" on the outside wraDDor. AU otlmr» aro baso imitations. Sold by Druggists throughout tho world. Price, only 35 (.tb. per bottle. Offices-215 Fulton street, Nev. York; 205 High Holborn, London, England; 441 St. Paul street, Montreal, Canada. Sept 17 Jtimo TO THE AFFLICTED-Nothing has as yet been presented in the way of a Tonic, possessing such properties as Pauk- nin's Hepatic Ritters. They invigorate tho system and impart now life to u uonati- tution shattered and worn out by th" t moat distressing disease known as Dys;-- pj ¡a. They should bo tried by all thouc thus affected, and will never fail to gi.e relief. For sale bv all druggists. April ll 'Oily Du. C. H. MIOT, AHeUt. Wolfe1« Sriiiciiiiin Schnapp« are íold hy al) grocers and apotliecaries. NEW MAUUIAGE GUIDE.-^An Es¬ say for Young Men, on Physiological Er¬ rors, Abuses mid Diseases, ineidert to Youth and Early Manhood, wliich croate Impedimenta to MARRIAGE, with bur« means of relief. Sent in sealed lotte* en¬ velopes, free of charge. Address. Dr. .7. SKILLIN HOUGHTON, Howard Associa-] tion, Philadelphia, Pa. Sept 25 8mo DEW OK THE ALI'S. For salo wholesale by all tho grocers in New Orleans, Charleston, Mobile, Savan¬ nah and New York. DEW OF THE ALPS Received the first promium at tho Paris Exposition. DEW OF THE ALTS. Tho manufacturers of tho above cordial not only received the first premium at the Paris Exposition, but wero decorated by tho Emperor. DEW OF THE ALPS. For salo hy all the druggists, grocers and fruit stores in the United States. BRANDY, RUM AND WINES. 5,000 cases old Cognac Brandy, imported especially for private use. 300 cases old Jamaica and St. Croix Rum, bottled before tho war. 10,000 cases Madeira, Sherry and Port- somo very old and superior-various brands: all warranted puro. Fer salo by UDOLPHO WOLFE, Aug 16 3mo 22 Beaver st., Now York. ESTABLISHED IN 1828. HATt UKI.Oil's HAIR DYE.-Thia splendid Hair Dyo is tho best in tho world. Tho only true and perfect Dye*jaarmless, reliable, instantaneous. No disappoint¬ ment. No ridiculous tints. Na* ural black or brown Remedies the ill rffcsU nf bad dyes. Invigorates the hair, leaving it soft and beautiful. The genuine Ul Bignod WU- liam A. Batchelor. All otheis aro mere imitations, and should ho avoided. Sold by nil druggists and perfumers. Factory 81 Barclay street, Now York, tar Beware of a counterfeit. Dee ll ly FANCY GOODS. CALAFACIO GLOVES and PADS, Oom Plasters. Moen Fun, a toilet powder, Luhin's, Coudrav's, Yankee Soaps, Bun", Ivory and Woode.\ Comok, Comb Brushes, Bay Ruui, Hair Bi ushes, fine assortment, Colognes, Toilet Extraéis, Sponges, Tooth-Picke, Bneking Bottlee, Tubon and Nipples, Night Tapera. Italian Violin String*, and various other things too numerous to mention, for sale by FISHER A HEINITSH, Oct 8 Druggists. TO THE LADIES! jOiCk^K FRESH ARRIVALS bv -Nnam¬ ier-rom New York of tho El NEST Janel CHEAPEST Ever ofTerod in Columbia: also, CLOAKS, CORSETS, ZEPHYR WORSTED, HAIR BRAIDS, Ac, Ac., at » Mus. C. E. REED'S, next door to Mr. E. Pollard's drug store, Main st. Nov 12_ 3mo_ GRAND LODGE ANCIENT FREE MASONS OF SOUTH CAROLINA. THE ANNUAL COMMUNICATION of tho Most Worshipful Gravd Lodge of Ancient I reo Masons of South Carolina, will he holden at Masonic Hall, Charleston, on TUESDAY, 10th November, 1867, com¬ mencing at High Twelve. Worshipful Masters and Wardens or Delegates of subordínalo Lodges, Orand Officers and Past Masters, will take due notice and govern themselves accordingly. It. S. BRUNS, Nov 12 6 Orand Secretary. Tl»«? (fcuitker Li ii i ni« n< ; the best lini¬ ment for family use; can b<> ed internally ami ont wai div. lt is a great pain destroy¬ er. It kills paiu -nd a1', kinds of aches* Sold hv_Ki..he- A- Hehrtbh. ..COMAKISB RESTAURANT." C. MINCRT & CO., - - Proprietors. «ÈT*-*-** - - . rrRIÍS establishment, on »ho North-east 1 corner ol' Lady and Assembly «troet«, lins bei n r«*-opened. LUNCH will oorved cvetv day, from ll till 2 o'clock. Perfect sr Jsfr.ction gua¬ ranteed to all. Givo me a vail, Gentlemen. Nov li Imo OUR Ft O USE, BY D. McOTJINNIS, On A "tenthly Street, E's' ^'i<le, Opposite the North End t.f the Market. LUNCH over} day, from ll to 1 o'clock. OYSTERS, F j P Ii »and GAME, of kinds, served in tho host stvles at all hours. Tho best of" WINES, LIQUORS, REER, SEGARS and TOBACCO, constantly on hand. Oct 0 3mo LIQUORS. WISES, SUGARS, TOBACCO, ¿G., » AT WHOLESALE ANO RETAIL» THE UNDERSIGNED has fitted flj^==glup IIÍH establishment, and bas ro- raajS33|ceived a large ntock of the titn-st qualities and brands of LIQUORS, WI NHS, ALES, SEO ARS, Smoking und Chewing TOBACCO, etc.; SYRUPS, COR¬ DIALS and other articles. ALSO, JELLIES and BRANDY FRUITS of home production. In tho rear of tho wholesale store, he bas a handsomely appointed SAMPLE II O O BI , Su WHERE tho best of everything is \¡s¿y dispensed. ItEFRESIIMEN'TS OF all kinda-FISH, OYS- ... fTERS, GAME, MEATS, Ac. '. -furnished at short notice,' -, "and in tho very best styles, ft- SCPPEIl UOOMS. ^ ATTACHED to the estab- v 'liahment aro commodious rooms, where private DINNERS and SUPPERS will ho furnished for any number of persona from two to 150. LUNCH every dav, at ll o'clock. Tho Proprietor pledges himself that be will continue, as heretofore, to un* his ut- inOnl endeavors to give perfect sat* faction to bin patrons and gut sta. _Sept24 T. M. P'»' LOCK. Proprietor. To All Who Van L,l<niei- Wolfe's Scbiodam Schnapps ia manufactured Holland hy a process only known to the proprietor, s mi is warranted tho purest Liquor over manufactured. "roil, ON THF. CORNER OF HAIN A\l) CASHES STREETS, COLUMBIA, S. C., "S now receiving fresh additions to his » stock of FAMILY and PLANTATION GROCERIES ! FIRST-CTJASS GOODB always op band at prices guaranteed aa low aa any in thia market. MST ALL GOODS purchased at my store w)U nc delivered, FREE OF DRAYAGE, to any part of thé eity. GEORGE W. PARKER, Corner of Main and Camden streets. Oct 34 Imo Dr. George Smith's Dental Labora¬ tory. THE subscriber offers inducc- «SSamenta-in thc wavof OOOD WORK *3iffl?and LOW PRICES-to ono and all requiring bib professional services. Give him a call. Perfect satisfaction guaran¬ teed or no charge. OfVico on Camden street, nearlv opposite tho Park Nov 3 " DENTKTOYT THE UNDERSIGNED, having been for eomo timo associated with tho late Dr. D. P. Gregg in DENTAL SURGERY, purposes continuing the busi¬ ness in tho office recently occupied hy the deceased. Tho patronage of my old friends, and the public generally, ÍH respectfully solicit¬ ed. Ofllce over T. W. Radcliffe's Jewelry Store, Main street. D. L. ROOZER. Oct 26_gmo Administrator's Notice. NOTICE ia hereby given that the under¬ signed has been duly appointed aud qualified as Administrator dc bonis non, with thc Will annexed, of ELIJAH WIL¬ LIS, deceased, who formerlv resided in barnwell District, South Carolina. All persona who aro indebted to the estate must account to mo, and thoao per¬ sons who aro in possession of tho real and personal property sequestered under tho laws of tho Confederate Government, aro hereby notified that, unless possession thereof ia delivered to mo, amicably, I will bo compelled to resort to tho tribunals of the United States to enforce possession. JOHN PRESTON, Esq., of Columbia, is mv Attorney, and communications may be addressed to him. CHARLES B. COLLIER, Nov 5 9 Of Cincinnati, Ohio. S.&W.C.SWAFF1D SHERD 48 WUAl I PALL ASK W CLOTHING NOW IN STORE. a ns nm' tn» TO SW. AFULL LINE OF SHIRTS, HOSIERY, UNDER GARMENTS, GLOVES, TIES, TRAVELING SHAWLS. BLANKETS, ETC. New Style PAPER and LINEN COLLARS. A splendid line of FRENCH and ENG¬ LISH CASS1MERE. which will bo made tn order in tho LATEST STYLES and at LOW PRICES. Everything that ia new in thc way of n T s i N. R.-Our CLOTHING is nearly all of OUR OWN MANUFACTURE. WALKER'S BLOCK, Sept_20 MAIN STREET. State South Carolina--Eichland Dist. W. R. Kennedy, Ex., vs. George W. Ash¬ ford, et al.-¿Sill Jor Partition of Jteal Estate. IT appearing to my satisfaction, that Mary Luanna Farr, Leonora Walton, Mary Vaugn, Theodore IL Taylor. Clark Taylor, Charlotte C. Taylor, Daniel Scott, Maxcy O. Scott and Emma Scott, defend¬ ants in above stated case, resido beyond tho limits of tho State of South Carolina; on motion of J. D. Tradewoll, complain¬ ant's solicitor, it ia ordered that the said defendants do plead, answer or demur, to the said bill, within forty dava from date hereof, or a Decree, pro confessa, will he entered np against them. I). B. DESAUSSURE. Oct 13 mthl2 C. E. R. D. NEW STOCK. FAMILY GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Wince and Liquors, just received, and will bo sold at lowest market rates for canli, or in exchango for Country Produce. 10,000 pounds BACON SIDES, HAMS and Shoulders. 50 bags Rio. Lnguaira and Java Coffee. 10') barrels Crushed and Relined Sugars. 10 barrels Relined and Golden Syrup. 60 boxes E. D. and Cutting Cheese. 75 boxes Family and Toilet Soaps. 10 cheats Hvson, Gunpowder and Black Tea». 75 barrels, half barrels and kita New Mackel el. 40 baskets, pinta i,nl quarts, Heit! lek Ch'.imnago. 20.000 prime and low priced Segtus. 600 pounds Durham und Göhl Leaf Smok¬ ing Tobacco. 50 boxes Extra Scaled Herrings. CO bárrela Rectified and Pure Rye Whis¬ key. 100 dozen Pickles, Ketchups, Preserves, Fresh Peaches, Tomatoes, Ac, Ao. Oct 10 E. y G. D. HOPE. WINES AND LIQUORS. JUST RECEIVED, Pnro WHISKEYS and BRANDIES, Sherry and Madeira Winos, choice, Champagiin, favorite brands, Old Tom and Holland Gin, Jamaica Rum, A c. Guaranteed pure. OctOl_GEORGE SYMMEBS. »ps v" GPEGG & CO., B ROS ERS. STOCKS, Bond», Gold and Exohange bought and sold. Office at GREGG A OO.'a July 81 New York Advertisements. JAMES CONNER'S SONS United States Type Foundry AND PRINTEtt'S WAREHOUSE. NOS. 28,30 »nd 32 Contre street, (cornor of Reade street, ) New York. The typo on which this paper is printed is from the aboye Fonndry._ _Nov 18 La Mirandes' French Remedies HAVE saved thousand Jallover Europe Having boon for many years the First Assistant at Prof. La Mirandes' Privato Hospital in Paris, and having been induced to establish a branch in this country, I am now prepared to furnish bis celebrated remedies for CONSUMPTION, RHEUMA¬ TISM, SCROFULA, etc.; also, the genu¬ ino imported Vitella-Health's Grand Re¬ storer. Tho only cortaiu cure for a constitution shattered by tho excesses and abuses of youth. Do not be tampered with by iuexporienced physicians. Ad¬ dress your communications to Dr. G. W. FERNLER, 255 West 47th street, Now York. Advice Gratis-But if you givo us tho full history of your case, the consulta¬ tion feo of three dollars should be enclosed. Ladies may address us in full confidence. _ Nov 13 _ly STEVENS HOUSE, 21,23, 25 AND 27 BROADWAY, AT. Y. OPPOSITE BOWLING OBEEN. ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. THE STEVENS HOUSE is well and widely known to tho traveling public. Tho location is especially suitable to mor¬ díante and business men; it is in close proximity to tho business part of tho city, is on the highway of Southern and West- em travel, and adjacent to all tho princi¬ pal railroad and steamboat dep ts. Tho Stevens House has liberal accom¬ modation for over 300 guests; it ÍB well fur¬ nished, and possesses every modern improvement for tho comfort and enter tainmcnt of its inmates. The rooms hav ing been refurnished and remodelod, we are euablod to oller extra facilities for tho comfort and pleasure of our guests. Tho rooms aro spacious and wed ventilated- provided with gas and water; the attend¬ ance is prompt and respectful, and tho tablo is generously provided with every delicacy of thc soasen-at moderate ratos. GEO. K. CHASE A CO., May 31 Gmo_ Proprietors. SOUTHERN BANK NOTES! SOUTHERN SECURITIES! Bought ard sold on commission by LAWRENCE, BROS. ts CO., BANKERS, NO. 16 WALL STREBT. NEW YORK. MONEY received on deposit from banks, bankers, merchants and others. Or¬ ders in Gold, Government and other Secu¬ rities executed at tho regular Stock Ex¬ change bv a mombcr of tho firm. Oct 8 DEWITT C. LAWRENCE. JOHN R. CECIL. CYRUS J. LAWRENCE. WM. A. H/.LSTED South Carolina-Richland District. In re Simeon Fair, ex parie Orlando Z. Rates. npilE petitioner in tho above stated case X having tiled his petition in this Court to perpetuato the testimony of his titlo to two lots of land in Columbia-tho first of which fronts on Washington street, 42feet, running back 208J feet, bounded Westby Jonathan Dark, and Ea st by O. Z. Bates; tho second lot bounded East by Gates street, South by O. Z. Bates, West by Emma Coleman, North bv lots of Mrs. Walter, Miss Poindexter or NV. B. Stanley- on motion of Arthur, Melton A Moiton, for tho petitioner, it is ordered, in pursuance of the Act of General Assembly, in Buch case made and provided, that all persons interested do appear at this oflice, three months from publication hereof, to cross- examine tho tostimony produced, and pro¬ duce evidence in reply. D. B. DESAUSSURE, C. E. R. D. September 5 tb3ino Wo11\ Vi Schi<-<Ium Schnapps aro a preventive for chills and fever. St. James Hotel, SEW ORLEANS, LA. 1' Il O P II I F. T O R 8 : WM. A. HURD, of New Orleans. W. F. COREE RY, Spottswood Hotel, Rich¬ mond. Ya. MST Telegraph and Railroad Offices in rotunda of Hotel. July 3 fimo_ REMOVAL. n AVINO removed my FUR- NITURE business to tho Na-R\ _Itional Express old stand, I nra would he glad to neo my formor pa- M* trous and the public generally give me a call, as I have a nice stock of FURNITURE on hand, and will make to order or repair anything in lbs Furniture line very reason¬ able, and Workmanship to please evcu the most fastidious. JEROME FAGAN. Washington st., bet. .Main and A*H< m'y, A few doors from «dd stand. Ane- 10 __ foPQ REMOVAL. 6 UWSY PI STOLS ANO Sportsmen's Equipments, FISHING TACKLE. &c. ¿: THF undersigned has re- moved his stock of goods in ^^S^V Ibo ahovo line to tho storo |r ?next to Ficher A Heihiteb'á. Guns and Pistols repaired and put m pcrf«'ct order, at reasonable notice. SEWING MACHINES Unpaired. P. W. KRAFT, Tflniu niieoi, «»ppOSitO P/lOWX OfilCO. _Ang 28_ l»«w of the Alp».-Udolpho Wolfe, sole agent for tho above cordial, manufactured in Genova, Switaerland, la used by ail tho crowned beads of Europe. FISHER & LOWRANCE. COLUMBIA. &\ C. ' Apples, Apples. AFRESH SUPPLY received to-day, and for sale low. by Nov 13 FISHER ft LOWRANCE. Oats, Oats. QAA BUSHELS, for salo low, by ¿3UU FISHER * LOWRANCE. Moy. 18_? LIVERPOOL SALT. 2C\(\C\ LARGE Seamless SAC** .\J\J\J Liverpool SALT, at $2.75 to the connumera, with liberal discount* to large purchasers. Nov 12 FISHER Ai LOWRANCE. IRON, IRON. ENGLISH and SWEEDES, as low as can be purchased in this market, by Ï I Nov 10 FISHER tc LOWRANCE. IRON TIES. THE best kind. BEARD'S Self-Adjust* ing IBON TLE, low for cash. Nov 10 FISHER & LOWRANCE. HARDWARE. AFULL SUPPLY of English HARD¬ WARE, just received, and low, tye cash, by FISHER & LOWRANCE. Nov 10 New Buckwheat. FOR SALE LOW. by Oct 12 FISHER fe LOWRANCE. 15 Firkins North Carolina Butter, FRESH from tho Mountains, fe» eal« low, by FISHER & LO WRAN CE. Oct 23_(_^_ Twenty Dozen Canned Oysters, -j (\ DOZ. CANNED TOMATOES. AU Green Corn, Jellies, Gherkins, Mixed Pickles, As. Received to-dav, and for «ale low, bv Oct 12 FISHER fi LAWRANCE. SUGAR, COFFEE, MOI ASSE», GOSHEN BUTTER, LARD, SUGAR-HOUSE SYRUP, BACON, PICKLES, RICE, CHEESE, ETC. IRON. STEEL, Axles, Springs, Carriage Materials, Parlor Matcties, Etc. af Sept 20 FISHER A LOWRANCE. m THE TRIUMPH OF ART Ï MORE TESTIMONY IN FAVOR OF Heinitsh^Jilleen's Delight. EXTRACTS FROM" LETTERS: "The Queen's Delight is beginning .to , awaken tho attention of our physician's. Its remarkable curative power is seen in its wonderful effect upon disease. As a blood purifier, there ia no medicine like it known to tho profession. A gentleman told me that his son has been taking tho Quceu'B Delight, and is more bene:.ted >»y it than by any other medicine. He wants a dozon bottles." Extract from a lettor: "It is duo to yon to state in this public manner, in order that the people may kuow the truth, that I have tried your Queen's Delight, and found it not only what you said it v. a*-"a Euro medicine"-but the best medicine I avo ever taken for eruptions and gi neral bad health. I bad au eruption all over my body, with impaired digestion and disor¬ dered liver, and have tried A great many medicines without any bene lit. I have taken ono bottlo of your Queen's Delight, the eruption has disappeared, my appetite ia better, my liver und digestion is im- Cloved. I am satisfied one or two more <nth s will enre me." Extract from a letter: "At the close ol tho war, my constitution waa shattered. I could not eat, sleep or perform any dnbjr whatever, such was my prostrate condi¬ tion. Medicine and medical aid I hftd iu abundance, such was my condition up to » fow months BÍIICO, when I began the UBO of vour Queen's Delight. I have used two bottles, my constitution is greatly im¬ proved, my appetite ia good, enjoy rolieutt¬ ing sleep, and am able to perform my share of daily labor." ':'. ''. Extract bom a letter-Wonderful effeot of only one bottle: "I have used only » half bottlo of 'Queen's Delight' for boils sud eruptions of the skin am* itching hu¬ mor* of the blood, which annoyed mo very much. I am entirely cured. f think your' medicino a valuable one." A remarkable CUBO c ? liver complaint and headacho cured by the 080 of "ileinitsb'a Queen's Delight:" A lady of unquestioned worth and reputation voluntarily gives tea-v timon? of the wonderful effects of this- medicine. She has been fvnî early yaa^S a martyr to neudacbi B, caused hy imper¬ fect action of tho liver producing intrrse headache and pain over tho eyes, t he bas taken only four bottles, and ¡U-DIUC* OB iii tho perfect cure it ba» made. She now en¬ joys good health. Still another: "During last spring, I bid* been troubled with obstinate chills und fever, which, when cured, left my » ysl^m in a wroU lied condition, blood ¡mi UJ, *.ud. 1 was afflicted with an angiy. u '., AU i at one time thought, an incur:-; i eons- eruption over my entiro bod; o»t violent remedies suggested f. / : .. rk a cure, until, at thc instance ol a< i .. I tried Dr. lloiuitsh'S Queen's Deb' asa than t- o bottles oured mo, léwving m I In a healthy conditiuu. My gen., li is as good as even Foi such pm have, over since my euro, anneal recommended your Qui en'» Delight Don't buy any bnf toe right kin genuino Quotn's Delight has :i se p mark on tho outside, H> .1 it fa I medicino which produces thc e w$ intros. For salo wholesale and FISHER A. HEIN April . Drug

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Page 1: The Daily Phoenix.(Columbia, S.C.) 1867-11-14. · 2017. 12. 15. · 1 71 Dlily Paper $8 a Year "Let our Just Censure PH(EllI Attend the TrueEvent." BY JULIAN A. SELBY COLUMBIA, R



D lily Paper $8 a Year "Let our Just Censure

PH(EllIAttend the True Event."


Tri-Weekly 95 a Year





Office on Ifain atroot, a foi» doom aboveTaylor (or Camden) street.


Daily Paper, six months.$4 00Tri-Weekly, " "

. 2 50Weekly « "


Inserted at 75 cents per square for the firstInsertion, and 50 cents foreach subsequent.Weekly 75 cents each insertion.

tor A liberal discount made on the aboveratee when advertisements are inserted byIA« month or year.

AGENTS.Spartanburg-Hiram Mitchell.W. C. Moore, Abbeville.J. R. Allen, Chester.Julius Poppe, Anderson C. H.8. P. Kinard. Nowberry C. H.W. T. Sims, Union.J. M. Allen, Greenville

GOOD NEWS FOR THE Poon,-TheNashville Gazette says: "Men con¬versant with matters agricultural as¬sure us that from ten to fifteen foldthe usual amount of wheat will besown this fall. Our planters havebecome heartily Rick of cotton.Thousand:} on thousands of ncros de¬voted last year to the delusive staplowill be sown in wheat. Tho call forseed wheat is most extraordinary.From two to three thousaud bushelscould be sold here daily if obtainable.The mills have ceased making flourbecause it is more profitable to sellthe wheat for planting."An engraving machine-the most

wonderful specimen of human in¬genuity we ever saw-constructed byMessrs. Gnert ant & Field, of Leaks-ville, N. C. It letters with an earnand rapidity we never sow equalled.The first stroke of the drill is one-eighth of an inch deep upon anykind of metal. Impressions of livingmen can be taken from a model andcurved upon metal in an astonishingshort time, and with a beauty ofprecision that is astounding.

It is getting to be a common prac¬tice in New York for establishmon Ls,especially banks aud insurance com¬panies, employing a largo number ofclerks, to provide for thom a freelunch within the building where theywork.



few doors below R. C. Shiver's old stand.HOT, COLD and SHOWER RATHS on

short notice. Nov 7Ladies' Industrial Association.

MME. DEMOREST f. Bulletin of Ladies'and Children's Fashions, fir fall sud

winter, with paper patterns; also, HairGrimperB, Needles stuck liko Pins, Mark¬ing Cotton, and various fancy articles._OetL31__


HAMS.2,000 lbs, Sugar-Cured Breakfast Bacon.

8 tirkins Choice Gosh*n Hinter.Just to hand, and for salo low.Oct 31 GEOROH SYMMERS.'Wolfe's Sctilcilain Schnapps have

been beforo tho American public for tholast eighteen years.

* Kerosene Oil.-I rv BARRELS PURE KEROSENE OILXv/ just received, and for salo low, byOct 0 J. A T. R. AGNEW.Your beauty, your health, your easo

may bo restored, by using Heinitsh'sQuoen's Delight.


400 lbs. SMOKED HALIBUT.Bbls. No. 1 Mackerel." No. 3

Bids. Blue Fish.400 lbs. splendid Codfish.

Oct 25 JOHN (5._SEEGEnS A CO.Gen. Lee and his Lieutenants,

THEIR Early Lives, Public Services andCampaigns, with over thirty fine Por¬traits, by author of "Tho Lost Causo."Napoleon and Queen louisa, of Prussia;hy Mublbs !.. Prico ii SO »nd $2.00.Inez, a Tale of Texas; by author oí St.Elmo. Price $1.75.

Early and Lato Paper*, by Thackeray.Hand-Look of Practical Cookery, forLadies and Professional Cooks; by Prof.Blot.Diary of a Rrfngeo, bv a Lady of Virgi¬nia, Ac. For sale at MoCarter's bookstore.Od2d_R. L. HUYAN.Napoleon and Queen Louisa,

THE Vory Latest, by Louisa Mnhlbach.92.00.Birds of Prey, a Novol, by M. E. Rrad-

don. 75 cents.Caste, a Novel, by tho author of "Mr.

Arie" 50 cents. And many othor newNOVelo.Frank Forrester's Complete Manual for

young Sportsmen.Dinks, Mayhew and Hutchinson, on tho

^rfow stock of Episcopal and CatholicPrayer Books.DUFFIE & CHAPMAN'S Bookstore,Oot 25 Main street, Davis* Building.


ONLY $2 00, no gift concern, but a splen¬did SILVER PITCHER, worth MOO andmore, at T. \Y. RADCLIFFE'S, for thcbenefit of a ucodv au i r.Inicici family.Oct 20_Bartlett's Ucvernlblo Sewing Ma-

clilne«-Tho most ported and simple ma¬chino made, for stitching, hemming, tucking, braiding, Ac. ONLY #25.A now supply of tho UNIVERSAL

CLOTHES-WASHER AND WRINSER.Price $5. JOEL KETCHUM, JR. A CO.,July 30 j_A pents.Mrs. Wámlow'i Soothing Syrup-

Foa CHILDREN TEETHINO-Greaiiy facili¬tates tho process of teething, by softeningtho gums, reducing all inflammation-willallay AM. TAIN and spasmodic action, andÍH SUIU". TO REGULATE TUE BOWELS. Dcpeudupon it, mothers, it will givo rest to ^your-sclvoa and RELIEF AND HEALTH TO YOUR IN¬FANTS. We have put up and sold this arti-clo for years, and can say in confidence andtruth of it, what wo have never beon ableto say of any othor medicine-NEVER HASIT FAILLI) IN A SINQLE INSTANCE TO EFFECTA COBB, when timely used. Nevor did weknow au instance of dissatisfaction hy anyono who UBod it. On tho contrary, all arodelighted with its operation, und mterms of commendation of its magical ef¬fects und medical virtues. Wo speak inthis mattor "WHAT WF. DO ENOW," afteryears of experience, and pledge our repu¬tation for tho fullillmout of what wo herodeclare. In almost every instance wherethe infant is suffering from pain and ex¬haustion, relief will ho found in fifteen ortwenty minutes after the syrup isadministurad. Full directions for using will accoinpany oach ot le. Re sure and call i>.r

"Mus. WINSLOW'S SOOTHINO SYRUP,"Having the fac-aimde of "CURTIS & PEB-KINS" on the outside wraDDor. AU otlmr»aro baso imitations. Sold by Druggiststhroughout tho world. Price, only 35 (.tb.per bottle. Offices-215 Fulton street, Nev.York; 205 High Holborn, London, England;441 St. Paul street, Montreal, Canada.Sept 17 JtimoTO THE AFFLICTED-Nothing has

as yet been presented in the way of aTonic, possessing such properties as Pauk-nin's Hepatic Ritters. They invigoratetho system and impart now life to u uonati-tution shattered and worn out by th" t moatdistressing disease known as Dys;-- pj ¡a.They should bo tried by all thouc thusaffected, and will never fail to gi.e relief.For sale bv all druggists.April ll 'Oily Du. C. H. MIOT, AHeUt.Wolfe1« Sriiiciiiiin Schnapp« are íold

hy al) grocers and apotliecaries.NEW MAUUIAGE GUIDE.-^An Es¬

say for Young Men, on Physiological Er¬rors, Abuses mid Diseases, ineidert toYouth and Early Manhood, wliich croateImpedimenta to MARRIAGE, with bur«means of relief. Sent in sealed lotte* en¬

velopes, free of charge. Address. Dr. .7.SKILLIN HOUGHTON, Howard Associa-]tion, Philadelphia, Pa. Sept 25 8mo

DEW OK THE ALI'S.For salo wholesale by all tho grocers in

New Orleans, Charleston, Mobile, Savan¬nah and New York.

DEW OF THE ALPSReceived the first promium at tho Paris

Exposition.DEW OF THE ALTS.

Tho manufacturers of tho above cordialnot only received the first premium at theParis Exposition, but wero decorated bytho Emperor.

DEW OF THE ALPS.For salo hy all the druggists, grocers

and fruit stores in the United States.BRANDY, RUM AND WINES.

5,000 cases old Cognac Brandy, importedespecially for private use.300 cases old Jamaica and St. Croix Rum,

bottled before tho war.

10,000 cases Madeira, Sherry and Port-somo very old and superior-variousbrands: all warranted puro. Fer salo by

UDOLPHO WOLFE,Aug 16 3mo 22 Beaver st., Now York.


splendid Hair Dyo is tho best in tho world.Tho only true and perfect Dye*jaarmless,reliable, instantaneous. No disappoint¬ment. No ridiculous tints. Na* ural blackor brown Remedies the ill rffcsU nf baddyes. Invigorates the hair, leaving it softand beautiful. The genuine Ul Bignod WU-liam A. Batchelor. All otheis aro mere

imitations, and should ho avoided. Soldby nil druggists and perfumers. Factory81 Barclay street, Now York, tar Bewareof a counterfeit. Dee ll ly


Moen Fun, a toilet powder,Luhin's, Coudrav's, Yankee Soaps,Bun", Ivory and Woode.\ Comok,Comb Brushes, Bay Ruui,Hair Bi ushes, fine assortment,Colognes, Toilet Extraéis,Sponges, Tooth-Picke,Bneking Bottlee, Tubon and Nipples,Night Tapera. Italian Violin String*,and various other things too numerous tomention, for sale by

FISHER A HEINITSH,Oct 8 Druggists.


ier-rom New York of thoElNESTJanel CHEAPEST

Ever ofTerod in Columbia: also, CLOAKS,CORSETS, ZEPHYR WORSTED, HAIRBRAIDS, Ac, Ac., at »

Mus. C. E. REED'S, next door toMr. E. Pollard's drug store, Main st.


THE ANNUAL COMMUNICATION oftho Most Worshipful Gravd Lodge of

Ancient I reo Masons of South Carolina,will he holden at Masonic Hall, Charleston,on TUESDAY, 10th November, 1867, com¬mencing at High Twelve.Worshipful Masters and Wardens or

Delegates of subordínalo Lodges, OrandOfficers and Past Masters, will take duenotice and govern themselves accordingly.It. S. BRUNS,Nov 12 6 Orand Secretary.

Tl»«? (fcuitker Li ii i ni« n< ; the best lini¬ment for family use; can b<> n« ed internallyami ont wai div. lt is a great pain destroy¬er. It kills paiu -nd a1', kinds of aches*Sold hv_Ki..he- A- Hehrtbh.

..COMAKISB RESTAURANT."C. MINCRT & CO., - - Proprietors.

«ÈT*-*-** - - .

rrRIÍS establishment, on »ho North-east1 corner ol' Lady and Assembly «troet«,lins bei n r«*-opened.LUNCH will b« oorved cvetv day, from

ll till 2 o'clock. Perfect sr Jsfr.ction gua¬ranteed to all. Givo me a vail, Gentlemen.Nov li Imo


On A "tenthly Street, E's' ^'i<le, Opposite theNorth End t.f the Market.

LUNCH over} day,from ll to 1 o'clock.OYSTERS, F j P Ii»and GAME, of kinds, servedin tho host stvles at all hours.

Tho best of" WINES, LIQUORS, REER,SEGARS and TOBACCO, constantly onhand. Oct 0 3mo



flj^==glup IIÍH establishment, and bas ro-raajS33|ceived a large ntock of the titn-stqualities and brands of LIQUORS,WI NHS, ALES, SEOARS, Smoking und

Chewing TOBACCO, etc.; SYRUPS, COR¬DIALS and other articles.

ALSO,JELLIES and BRANDY FRUITS of homeproduction.In tho rear of tho wholesale store, he

bas a handsomely appointedSAMPLE II O O BI ,

SuWHERE tho best of everything is\¡s¿y dispensed.


-furnished at short notice,' -,"and in tho very best styles, ft-SCPPEIl UOOMS. ^ATTACHED to the estab- v

'liahment aro commodiousrooms, where private DINNERSand SUPPERS will ho furnished for anynumber of persona from two to 150.

LUNCH every dav, at ll o'clock.Tho Proprietor pledges himself that be

will continue, as heretofore, to un* his ut-inOnl endeavors to give perfect sat* factionto bin patrons and gut sta._Sept24 T. M. P'»' LOCK. Proprietor.To All Who Van L,l<niei- Wolfe's

Scbiodam Schnapps ia manufacturedHolland hy a process only known to theproprietor, s mi is warranted tho purestLiquor over manufactured.



"S now receiving fresh additions to his» stock of FAMILY and PLANTATION


at prices guaranteed aa low aa any in thiamarket.

MST ALL GOODS purchased at my storew)U nc delivered, FREE OF DRAYAGE, toany part of thé eity.

GEORGE W. PARKER,Corner of Main and Camden streets.

Oct 34 Imo

Dr. George Smith's Dental Labora¬tory.

THE subscriber offers inducc-«SSamenta-in thc wavof OOOD WORK*3iffl?and LOW PRICES-to ono and allrequiring bib professional services. Givehim a call. Perfect satisfaction guaran¬teed or no charge. OfVico on Camdenstreet, nearlv opposite tho ParkNov 3


DENTKTOYTTHE UNDERSIGNED,having been for eomo timo

associated with tho late Dr.D. P. Gregg in DENTAL

SURGERY, purposes continuing the busi¬ness in tho office recently occupied hy thedeceased.Tho patronage of my old friends, and

the public generally, ÍH respectfully solicit¬ed. Ofllce over T. W. Radcliffe's JewelryStore, Main street. D. L. ROOZER.Oct 26_gmo

Administrator's Notice.NOTICE ia hereby given that the under¬

signed has been duly appointed audqualified as Administrator dc bonis non,with thc Will annexed, of ELIJAH WIL¬LIS, deceased, who formerlv resided inbarnwell District, South Carolina.

All persona who aro indebted to theestate must account to mo, and thoao per¬sons who aro in possession of tho real andpersonal property sequestered under tholaws of tho Confederate Government, arohereby notified that, unless possessionthereof ia delivered to mo, amicably, I willbo compelled to resort to tho tribunals ofthe United States to enforce possession.JOHN PRESTON, Esq., of Columbia, ismv Attorney, and communications may beaddressed to him.

CHARLES B. COLLIER,Nov 5 9 Of Cincinnati, Ohio.






New Style PAPER and LINEN COLLARS.A splendid line of FRENCH and ENG¬

LISH CASS1MERE. which will bo made tnorder in tho LATEST STYLES and at LOWPRICES.Everything that ia new in thc way of

n T s iN. R.-Our CLOTHING is nearly all of


Sept_20 MAIN STREET.State South Carolina--Eichland Dist.W. R. Kennedy, Ex., vs. George W. Ash¬ford, et al.-¿Sill Jor Partition of Jteal


IT appearing to my satisfaction, thatMary Luanna Farr, Leonora Walton,

Mary Vaugn, Theodore IL Taylor. ClarkTaylor, Charlotte C. Taylor, Daniel Scott,Maxcy O. Scott and Emma Scott, defend¬ants in above stated case, resido beyondtho limits of tho State of South Carolina;on motion of J. D. Tradewoll, complain¬ant's solicitor, it ia ordered that the saiddefendants do plead, answer or demur, tothe said bill, within forty dava from datehereof, or a Decree, pro confessa, will heentered np against them.

I). B. DESAUSSURE.Oct 13 mthl2 C. E. R. D.


Wince and Liquors, just received, andwill bo sold at lowest market rates forcanli, or in exchango for Country Produce.

10,000 pounds BACON SIDES, HAMSand Shoulders.50 bags Rio. Lnguaira and Java Coffee.10') barrels Crushed and Relined Sugars.10 barrels Relined and Golden Syrup.60 boxes E. D. and Cutting Cheese.75 boxes Family and Toilet Soaps.10 cheats Hvson, Gunpowder and Black

Tea».75 barrels, half barrels and kita New

Mackel el.40 baskets, pinta i,nl quarts, Heit! lek

Ch'.imnago.20.000 prime and low priced Segtus.600 pounds Durham und Göhl Leaf Smok¬

ing Tobacco.50 boxes Extra Scaled Herrings.CO bárrela Rectified and Pure Rye Whis¬

key.100 dozen Pickles, Ketchups, Preserves,Fresh Peaches, Tomatoes, Ac, Ao.Oct 10 E. y G. D. HOPE.


Pnro WHISKEYS and BRANDIES,Sherry and Madeira Winos, choice,Champagiin, favorite brands,Old Tom and Holland Gin,Jamaica Rum, A c.

Guaranteed pure.OctOl_GEORGE SYMMEBS.»ps v" GPEGG & CO.,BROS ERS.

STOCKS, Bond», Gold and Exohangebought and sold. Office at GREGG A

OO.'a July 81

New York Advertisements.JAMES CONNER'S SONS

United States Type FoundryAND PRINTEtt'S WAREHOUSE.NOS. 28,30 »nd 32 Contre street, (cornorof Reade street, ) New York. The typoon which this paper is printed is from theaboye Fonndry._ _Nov 18La Mirandes' French Remedies

HAVE saved thousand Jallover EuropeHaving boon for many years the FirstAssistant at Prof. La Mirandes' PrivatoHospital in Paris, and having been inducedto establish a branch in this country, I amnow prepared to furnish bis celebratedremedies for CONSUMPTION, RHEUMA¬TISM, SCROFULA, etc.; also, the genu¬ino imported Vitella-Health's Grand Re¬storer. Tho only cortaiu cure for aconstitution shattered by tho excesses andabuses of youth. Do not be tamperedwith by iuexporienced physicians. Ad¬dress your communications to Dr. G. W.FERNLER, 255 West 47th street, NowYork. Advice Gratis-But if you givo ustho full history of your case, the consulta¬tion feo of three dollars should be enclosed.Ladies may address us in full confidence._




THE STEVENS HOUSE is well andwidely known to tho traveling public.Tho location is especially suitable to mor¬

díante and business men; it is in closeproximity to tho business part of tho city,is on the highway of Southern and West-em travel, and adjacent to all tho princi¬pal railroad and steamboat dep ts.Tho Stevens House has liberal accom¬

modation for over 300 guests; it ÍB well fur¬nished, and possesses every modernimprovement for tho comfort and entertainmcnt of its inmates. The rooms having been refurnished and remodelod, weare euablod to oller extra facilities for thocomfort and pleasure of our guests. Thorooms aro spacious and wed ventilated-provided with gas and water; the attend¬ance is prompt and respectful, and thotablo is generously provided with everydelicacy of thc soasen-at moderate ratos.

GEO. K. CHASE A CO.,May 31 Gmo_ Proprietors.SOUTHERN BANK NOTES!

SOUTHERN SECURITIES!Bought ard sold on commission by



MONEY received on deposit from banks,bankers, merchants and others. Or¬ders in Gold, Government and other Secu¬rities executed at tho regular Stock Ex¬change bv a mombcr of tho firm. Oct 8DEWITT C. LAWRENCE. JOHN R. CECIL.CYRUS J. LAWRENCE. WM. A. H/.LSTED

South Carolina-Richland District.In re Simeon Fair, ex parie Orlando Z.Rates.

npilE petitioner in tho above stated caseX having tiled his petition in this Courtto perpetuato the testimony of his titlo totwo lots of land in Columbia-tho first ofwhich fronts on Washington street, 42feet,running back 208J feet, bounded WestbyJonathan Dark, and Ea st by O. Z. Bates;tho second lot bounded East by Gatesstreet, South by O. Z. Bates, West byEmma Coleman, North bv lots of Mrs.Walter, Miss Poindexter or NV. B. Stanley-on motion of Arthur, Melton A Moiton, fortho petitioner, it is ordered, in pursuanceof the Act of General Assembly, in Buchcase made and provided, that all personsinterested do appear at this oflice, threemonths from publication hereof, to cross-examine tho tostimony produced, and pro¬duce evidence in reply.

D. B. DESAUSSURE, C. E. R. D.September 5 tb3inoWo11\ Vi Schi<-<Ium Schnapps aro a

preventive for chills and fever.

St. James Hotel,SEW ORLEANS, LA.

1' Il O P II I F. T O R 8 :WM. A. HURD, of New Orleans.W. F. COREERY, Spottswood Hotel, Rich¬mond. Ya.MST Telegraph and Railroad Offices in

rotunda of Hotel. July 3 fimo_REMOVAL.

n AVINO removed my FUR-NITURE business to tho Na-R\_Itional Express old stand, I nra

would he glad to neo my formor pa- M*trous and the public generally give me acall, as I have a nice stockofFURNITUREon hand, and will make to order or repairanything in lbs Furniture line very reason¬able, and Workmanship to please evcu themost fastidious. JEROME FAGAN.Washington st., bet. .Main and A*H< m'y,

A few doors from «dd stand.Ane- 10




Sportsmen's Equipments,FISHING TACKLE. &c.

¿:THF undersigned has re-moved his stock of goods in

^^S^V Ibo ahovo line to tho storo|r ?next to Ficher A Heihiteb'á.Guns and Pistols repaired and put m

pcrf«'ct order, at reasonable notice.SEWING MACHINES Unpaired.P. W. KRAFT,

Tflniu niieoi, «»ppOSitO P/lOWX OfilCO._Ang 28_l»«w of the Alp».-Udolpho Wolfe, sole

agent for tho above cordial, manufacturedin Genova, Switaerland, la used by ail thocrowned beads of Europe.


COLUMBIA. &\ C.' Apples, Apples.

AFRESH SUPPLY received to-day, andfor sale low. byNov 13 FISHER ft LOWRANCE.Oats, Oats.


2C\(\C\ LARGE Seamless SAC**.\J\J\J Liverpool SALT, at $2.75to the connumera, with liberal discount*to large purchasers.Nov 12 FISHER Ai LOWRANCE.

IRON, IRON.ENGLISH and SWEEDES, as low as can

be purchased in this market, by Ï INov 10 FISHER tc LOWRANCE.

IRON TIES.THE best kind. BEARD'S Self-Adjust*ing IBON TLE, low for cash.Nov 10 FISHER & LOWRANCE.


WARE, just received, and low, tyecash, by FISHER & LOWRANCE.Nov 10

New Buckwheat.FOR SALE LOW. byOct 12 FISHER fe LOWRANCE.15 Firkins North Carolina Butter,FRESH from tho Mountains, fe» eal«low, by FISHER & LOWRANCE.Oct 23_(_^_Twenty Dozen Canned Oysters,

-j (\ DOZ. CANNED TOMATOES.AU Green Corn, Jellies, Gherkins,Mixed Pickles, As.Received to-dav, and for «ale low, bvOct 12 FISHER fi LAWRANCE.


LARD,SUGAR-HOUSE SYRUP, BACON,PICKLES, RICE,CHEESE, ETC.IRON. STEEL, Axles, Springs, CarriageMaterials, Parlor Matcties, Etc. afSept 20 FISHER A LOWRANCE. m


Heinitsh^Jilleen's Delight.EXTRACTS FROM" LETTERS: "The

Queen's Delight is beginning .to ,awaken tho attention of our physician's.Its remarkable curative power is seen inits wonderful effect upon disease. As ablood purifier, there ia no medicine like itknown to tho profession. A gentlemantold me that his son has been taking thoQuceu'B Delight, and is more bene:.ted >»yit than by any other medicine. He wantsa dozon bottles."Extract from a lettor: "It is duo to yonto state in this public manner, in order

that the people may kuow the truth, thatI have tried your Queen's Delight, andfound it not only what you said it v. a*-"a

Euro medicine"-but the best medicine Iavo ever taken for eruptions and gi neral

bad health. I bad au eruption all over mybody, with impaired digestion and disor¬dered liver, and have tried A great manymedicines without any bene lit. I havetaken ono bottlo of your Queen's Delight,the eruption has disappeared, my appetiteia better, my liver und digestion is im-

Cloved. I am satisfied one or two more<nth s will enre me."Extract from a letter: "At the close ol

tho war, my constitution waa shattered. Icould not eat, sleep or perform any dnbjrwhatever, such was my prostrate condi¬tion. Medicine and medical aid I hftd iuabundance, such was my condition up to »fow months BÍIICO, when I began the UBO ofvour Queen's Delight. I have used twobottles, my constitution is greatly im¬proved, my appetite ia good, enjoy rolieutt¬ing sleep, and am able to perform my shareof daily labor." ':'. ''.Extract bom a letter-Wonderful effeot

of only one bottle: "I have used only »half bottlo of 'Queen's Delight' for boilssud eruptions of the skin am* itching hu¬mor* of the blood, which annoyed mo verymuch. I am entirely cured. f think your'medicino a valuable one."A remarkable CUBO c ? liver complaint and

headacho cured by the 080 of "ileinitsb'aQueen's Delight:" A lady of unquestionedworth and reputation voluntarily gives tea-vtimon? of the wonderful effects of this-medicine. She has been fvnî early yaa^Sa martyr to neudacbi B, caused hy imper¬fect action of tho liver producing intrrseheadache and pain over tho eyes, t he bastaken only four bottles, and ¡U-DIUC* OB iiitho perfect cure it ba» made. She now en¬joys good health.

Still another: "During last spring, I bid*been troubled with obstinate chills undfever, which, when cured, left my » ysl^min a wroU lied condition, blood ¡mi UJ, *.ud.1 was afflicted with an angiy. u '., AU i atone time thought, an incur:-; i eons-eruption over my entiro bod; i¡ o»tviolent remedies suggested f. / : .. rka cure, until, at thc instance ol a< i .. Itried Dr. lloiuitsh'S Queen's Deb' asathan t- o bottles oured mo, léwving m IIn a healthy conditiuu. My gen., liis as good as even Foi such pmhave, over since my euro, annealrecommended your Qui en'» DelightDon't buy any bnf toe right kingenuino Quotn's Delight has :i se pmark on tho outside, H> .1 it fa Imedicino which produces thc e w$intros. For salo wholesale and

FISHER A. HEINApril . Drug