the daily phoenix.(columbia, s.c.)...

THE PHONIX. PUBLISHED DAILY ASD TRI-WEE ELT. THE GLEANER, EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNING. ÖY JULIAN A. SELBY, EDITOB AMD PROPBIETOB. Office on Main Street, above Taylor. ? - er«r Book and Job Printing of every do-orip- tiou promptly and faithfully attended to. A1) VE UTI ÖI M1'* NTS Inserted in tho Daily at 75* cents per squaro for tho first and 50 cents each eubecquent In¬ sertion. Long advortisoments by tho week, month or year, at reasonable rates. SUBBOBIPTION. Dailv, six months, M 1)0; Tri-Weekly, 2 5i ; Weekly, 1 50. The Forum, tile Farm and the Foundry. The forum, Bays tho Banner of (he South, is n tempting place for nmbitious young men. It offers to them pince, power, and honor. Its bratten doors stand wide open, and its golden steps seem to lend to the very pinunclo ot tho temple of fame. But, nias! how many who enter therein reach tho coveted goal. Mony grow weary and faint by tho wny- Bide; and very few reach to positions of eminence, or at least of comparative suc¬ cess. Look at our court rooms on court days and see the number of young men, striplings, who are pleading there with all the ambition of Cresar, with all the learning of Cicero, and all tho supposed eloquence of Demosthenes. How many of them will become successful lawyers? Time will answer the question, ns it lins answered it before-few, very few. Now place the same number of young men, of equal talent, in the field, with plows and hoes to handle, and crops to raise; or, in tho work-shop, to learn some use¬ ful trade, and then watch tho result. The chances will be that the farmers and me¬ chanics will grow rich, will fill high po¬ sitions, while the lawyers will fail in nil their expectations, or eke ont very poor remuneration. The reason for this is that the foram is overstocked. There is too much supply for the demand ; and people who need legal advice will go to the most learned and experienced law¬ yers for it-so that tho young and inex¬ perienced soon find themselves disap¬ pointed in hope, and profitless in results. In the farm and the workshop, it is very different. There is not enough ma¬ terial to supply the demand. There is n vast amount of work to bo done, and tho laborers are few. Hence, wo say to our young men, learn a trade, or go to tho farm, if you can. It never will como amiss to you; but, on the contrary, will prove a benefit to you ns well as to the country. A HIVATJ FOR BONNER'S DEXTER.-At a race on the Magnolia course, at Mobile, on the 27th of May, n dark bay horse, formerly owned in Charleston, by a car¬ penter, trotted a race of five heats to a wagon weighing 130 pounds, mid the driver weighing 172 pounds. The lust and slowest heat was trotted in 2:28. The Indianapolis horse was beaten only a neck. Take the track at five seconds slow, and eight seconds for wagon, it will com¬ pare with the fastest time made ou tho best track in the country by the white- legged bay. Mr. Bonner mny yet have to fulfil his promise to pay $100,000 for a horse that can trot as fast ns Dexter. It was regarded ns a of cir¬ cumstantial evidence in a Pittsburg court, lately, when the plaintiff produced the skillet with which his wife struck him, aud showed the jury how nicely the three legs fitted into the holes in his head. Steam Engines. CITY HALL, COLUMBIA, S. C., June 10,187»). TnE following extracts from an "Ordinance regulating tho setting up of Steam En¬ gines and tho establishment of Manufactories in the City of Columbia," ratified October 2:5, 18G3, is published tor thc information of all concerned. . * * # * * SECTION 1. That hereafter, any person or perdons desiring to eiect any Steam Engine or Manufactory in which steam power id tided, within the corporate limits of the City of Co¬ lumbia, shall make application in writing to the City Council, setting fértil the place in which it is proposed to put up «aid Engine or erect said Manufactory, and the nature and extent of tho proposed establishment. SEC. 2. Upon complaint being made to Coun¬ cil of tho violation of this Ordinance, tho of¬ fending party «hall bo heard before Council, and Council may permit tho erection of said Steam Engino, Ac., or cause Haine to bo abated. Upon conviction of party sb offend¬ ing, a fino shall bo imposed of not less than twunty (20) nor moro than fifty (50) dollars. By order of tho Mavor. WILLIAM J. UTTER, Juno 17_City ( h il,. Notice. 1AURLIE months from dale, application will be made to thc Columbia bridge Compa¬ ny for renewal of Scrip No.-, for forty. seven and a half Slrires in uaid Company, standing in tho name of Dr. Thomas Wells- the original having been lost in transmistdon by mail. C. H. BALDWIN, Attorney. June 2 3mo Richland County. IN COMMON PLEAS. Brennen, Carroll &, Co., et al. vu. Hon ry P. De- Graaf, Executor, e( al. PURSUANT to tho order of Court in this caso, tho creditors of William Hitchcock, decoased, aro required to provo their claims boforo me, on or before tho FIRST MONDAY in July next. D. B. MILLER, Juno 14 18_ C.C.C. South Carolina, Richland County. IN TUE COMMON PLEAS. CLERK'S OFFICE, COLUMBIA. S. C., Juno 4,1870. ASPECIAL SESSION of the Couit of Common Pleas, for Richland County, will bo hold at Columbia, to commence oil tho third Monday (being the 20th day of the month) in Juno inst. By order of Hon. S. W. MELTON, Judgo Fifth Circuit. Juno 7_D.JB. MILLER, C. C. C. Exchange House Bar and Restaurant. OPEN at all hours-where you can always find tho boat of WINES, ALFS, LIQUORS, CIGARS, Ac. Fresh Lager Beer on ico. May Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powders, THE best now in uso, for salo by May 2(5 HARDY SOLOMON. Hungry people, go to Pollock's. Oharleston Advertisements. L^^ÎJ^T^I^ÀsANT^ÀBaï PROFITA. Hi.K BMPLOÏMENT guaranteed to Eersons in every part of tho country. Sui ta¬ lo for Ladies or Gentlenion. Boys or Girls. Addross XIX CENTURY PUBLICATION CO., Charleston. S. C._Juno 1 Notice to Travelers. TO accommodate tho large VEGETARLE BUSINESS offering hy Giis steam linoto New York, thc steamships aro appointed to sail SS' from Charleston as follows, arriving in New York on Friday morn¬ ing: TENNESSEE, Captain CHICHESTER, Tuesday, Ma / 31, « o'clock P. M. SOUTH CAROLINA, Captain ADKINS, Tues¬ day, Juno 7, o'clock P. M. TENNESSEE, Captain ClitCUESTER, Tuesday, Juuo 14, 0 o'clock P. M. SOUTH CAROLINA, Captain ADKINS, Tues¬ day, June 21, ti o'clock P. M. TENNESSEE, Captain CHICHESTER, Tuesday, Juno 28, (J o'clock P. M. Travelers from interior points will note this temporary change of sailing days. Both tho steamships on this linc arc newly constructed, tho largest and most commodi¬ ous on tho Atlantic coast, built of iron, with water-tight compartments, and all passenger accommodations ARE ox DECK, securing tho¬ rough ventilation and comfort. Oi~ Tickets can bc purchased at all iutcrior railroad points iu connection with Charleston, and of WM. A. COURTENAY, Agent, No. 1 Union ïVkarf. WAGNER, HUGER A CO., General Agents, Broad street, Charleston, S. C. May 18 New York Advertisements. FROSTTBTACK & coT~ WHOLESALE and Retail Dealers in and Manufacturers of FIRST CLASS FURNITURE, Of ovcry variety, GO Bowery, nerti- ennui Kt., New York. Steamboats, Hotels and Public Buildings furnished at tho shortest notice AB goods purchased of our house guaranteed as repre¬ sented. Mareil 31 3mo it. W. FROST: JAMES BLACK. OEO. SNYDER. J A M KS CONNER'S SONS United States Type and Electrotype Foundry PRINTERS' WAREHOUSE, Kos. 28, 30, 32 Centre Street, Kern York. ALABOE Assortment ot English and Ger¬ man facen, both Plain and Ornamental, kept on hand. All type cast at ibis establish¬ ment is manufactured from thc metal known as Connor's unequaled HARD TYPE METAL. Every article necessary for a perfect print¬ ing nflico furnished. Tho typo on which this paper is printed, is from thc above Foundry. March 30 Cmo Patent Office. ALEXANDER A MASON, Solicitors of Ame¬ rican and European Patents, and Coun¬ sellors at Patent Laws, (fifteen years experi¬ ence as solicitors of Patents,)" 4C0 Seventh street, opposito tho Patent Oflice, Washing¬ ton, D. C. Papers carefully prepared, and Patents secured without delay. Examinations in the Patent Oflico free of charge, and no in¬ dividual feo asked iu any case, unless a Patent ia allowed. Charges as reasonable as any other reliable Agency. Send for circular of terms, instructions and reference. Jan 30 Treasurer's Notice. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, STATE TREASURY OFFICE, COLUMIUA, S. C., June 2, 1870. ON and after the 13th inst, the Rooks of the Treasury, for the transfer of Stock, and for tho conversion of Stocka and Bonds, will bo closed till thc 1st proximo, for convenience in preparing statement of intorcsi due Julv 1, 1H70. NILES G. PARKER, Treasurer State of South Carolina. June 718 CERTAIN PRESERVATION OF TUT. 6 " fi* I Gr H T - '' I T I S A FACT PTUIAT tho celebrated perfected SPECTA- JL CLES and EYE GLASSES, manufactured by Lazarus A Morris, Hartford, Connecticut, strengthens and preserves thc Eyes-assists the Sight mont brilliantly, and hists a great many years without change. ISAAC SULZRACHER, Jew« 1er, Columbia Hotel How, is tho side appointed Agent in Columbia, S. C., and vicinity, for Hier sale._ Bec 31 ly To all Whom it May Concern. HAMBURG, S. c., JANUARY 1(5, 1870. BEING appointed and commissioned as the Receiver of the Hamburg Bank, all par- new having transactions with Huid Bank will communicate with FRANK ARNIM. Feb t! BREAKFAST BACON. £) AAA POUNDS OF BACON STRIPS Ä.V/V/U and RreaHt Pieces, 5 casks Davis' Sugar-Cured Hams, 25 bbls.. half-bbls. and kegs Leaf Lard, 3(H) lbs. Mutton Hains. For sale Itv Fob 26_ EDWARD'HOPE. Biscuit, Crackers, &c. ff /\ BARRELS and boxes Fresh Crackers, til/ Ac, just received and for tale low, con¬ sisting as follows: Ginger Schnapps, Ginger Cakes. Soda Biscuit, Butter Crackers, Cream Biscuit, Cream Crackers, Lomon Crackers, Egg Crackers, And Röxes assorted Family Crackers March ' A T. R. AONEW. "The Carolina House." THIS HOUSE haH always enjoyed the repu¬ tation of being the best place in tho city for obtaining the coolest and mont delicious mixed drinks. Tho new brand ot Whiskey, THE HIBERNIAN, is something out of the ordinary run. Call and see mo, on Washing' ten street. RICHARD RARRY, April 7_Proprietor. Fine Gold Watches OF all descriptions, for Ladies and Gentlemen, for salo at WILLIAM GLAZE'S, One door North of Messrs. Scott A Williams'Banking Housn. Dec 10 Guns and Ammunition. rfJST received hy William Glaze, line Eng¬ lish BREECH-LOADING GUNS, «no Eng¬ lish Powder, in Canisters, Shot aud Caps, of all kind. Ono door North of Messrs. Scott, Wil¬ liams A Co.'<! Banking House. Dec IC THE PHONIX BOOK, JOB AND NEWSrATEB PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT, A FEW DOOKS ABOVE TAYLOR, Oolumlaia, !&>. <ZJ- PPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPP PPPPP PPPPP pprpp ppppp ppppp PPP PP pppppppppp ppppppppp PPPPP PPPPP PPPPP ppp pppp ppp PPPP THE Proprietor of tho PnotXlX has fitted up and thoroughly furnished hie office for tho execution or all liinds of PLAIN AND ORNA¬ MENTAL LETTER PRESS PRINTING. BRRRRRRRRR RHRRRRRRRR RRRR BRR RR RRRR RRRKR RKRR RRRR BRRRRRB BRR R RBR RRRRRRRR RRRR RRRR RRRR RRRR RKRRBR RRRRR RBRBBR RR R RR The Type, Bordtr, Huies, Ornaments, Cuts, etc., are of MODERN STYLE, carefully BOlccted from the largest aud heat manufactories. iiniiiinniii iiiiiniiniiii iiiiiiiii niiiiiii IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIII minimum Thc Presses aro j^g: of the M O S T APPROVED ' TBgftg^ PATTERNS- HOC, Adams rv'ffijgSgjiL- and Liber¬ ty -inchid StWsSi^ffiSL iug Platen and lied ^cfc^-j-.^ - and Cylinder. NNNNNN NNNNN N N N N N N N NNNN NNNNNN NNN NNNN N N NNN NNNNNNN NNN NNNN N NNNNN NNNN N NNNNN NNN NNNNNNN NNN NNNNNN NNN NNNNNN N NN N N N N NN N N NNNNN NNNNNN Professional Men, Merchant*. Manufacturers and Mechanics, can be supplied with ANY KIND OR STYLE OK PRINTING, however large or .-mall their orders may be, muru expeditiously than al any other office in the State. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTrTTTTTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TT TT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTTTTT A LARGE AND Y A I'. I I'D STOCK OE CARDS Card board, Letter. Note, Cap and Colored Papera, Bill Heads, etc., will be kept constantly on hand from which .-elections can bo made. IIIIIIIIIIII1TI iiiimiiiiim ijiiinii numil munn munn IIIIIIIII nimm IIIIIIIII mm in TITTIIIIIIIIIII iiiiimiiimi With th.- LARGE AMOUNT OF MATERIAL on hand, the stylo, quality and cost of work cannot fail to give satisfaction. N N N N N NN N N N N NNNNNN NNNNN NNNNNN NNN NNNNNN NNN NNNNNNN NNN NNNN NN NNNN NNNN NNNNNN NNN NNNNNNN NNN NNNNNN NNN NNNNNN NNNNN NN N NNN NNNNN NNNNNN Orders from abroad will receive IMMEDIATE ATTENTION, and the work forwarded to its destination without delay. OGG GGGGG GGOGGGGGG GGGGG GGGGG GGGG GGGG GGGG GGGG GGGG GGGGGGG GGGG GG GGG GGGG GGGG GGGG GGGGG GGGGGGGGG G G GGGGGGGG GG This ia the only >^¿^Wl>'/>VA&0 establishment in the .State,where Sheet POSTERS, itC" Cj\ bC °AAND BE CONVINCED.E' JULIAN A. SELBY, PrtontiJETor.. liarleston A¿ PREPARED BY WALKER, EVANS & O rt O WE luke great pleasure in offering thc OLDCAROLINA BITTERS to the pub¬ lic. They are compounded with gnat cure, ?yxr .A. 3 MINING &' MANI C H A R L E S Factory end Uasel Blreci. Mines on A V\/ A JOL <3L O ZF"QX* G1ÍOUND ASHLE For sale by Aug 1 ly W. C. DUR A. C. KAUFMAN, Sanker and Broker, No. 25 Broad streeet. Charleston. S. C. SOUTHERN STOCKS, RONDS, COUPONS and Uncurrcnt Hank Notes bought and Boldon commission. Also, Gold and Silver Coin. Orders solicited and promptly attended to. New York Correspondents- Messrs. Howes A Macy, Henry Clews A Co., Luther Kountze, and J. M. Weith A Arcnts. Prices current ÍBBUCII weekly and forwarded gratuitously on application us above._ MOSES GOLDSMITH & SON, Nos. 10,12,14 Vendue Range, Charleston, S. C. WHOLESALE Dealers in all kinds of Hides, Wool, Skins, Furs, Ac. Have con¬ stantly on hand a large assortment of Hides and Skins. Tanners will do well to call upon us before purchasing. MOSES GOLDSMITH. ABllAnAM A. GOLDSMITH. ^ONT^Y^ISCHOFF & GO., WHOLESALE GROCERS AND Dealers in Wines, Liquors, Sel¬ lars, Tobacco, Ac, 1!>7 East Rav, Jharlcston, S. C. H. RISCHOFF, C. WULRERN. Aug 1 ly J. H. riEPEIL D7F. FLEMING & Co, Wholesale Dealers in BOOTS, SHOES AND TRUNKS, 'Wttfi No. 2 Haync etrcel, corner U IMÎVI a Church, CHARLESTON, S. C. D. F. FLEMING, SAM'L A. NELSON, Aug l iv JAMES M. W1LS0N._ Mills House, Charleston, S. C. IMUS elegant and commodious HOUSE bav- ing been renovated and newly furnished throughout, is second to none in tho South. Nov 13 J. PARKER. Proprietor. SOLUBLE" The Sulphuric Acid and Super-Phosj HAVING completed the ir extensive Manu Fertilizers, no other kinds being availab investments. This Company, under the direction entirely duccments which wlil recommend it to Sou largest and most complete in the United Stal abundant supply of the proper solvent for the; are near hy. From thCHC Phosphates they p in soluble Phosphate than those made from ra' quantity of Super-Phosphate of Lime found in sale, the rates at which we oller them being ne tilizer«, while the Manures contain twice us rn1 cheaper to thc consumer. They arc ottered or that the material lu each will correspond to tin ETI WAN, No. 1.-Soluble Phosphate, conlaii Pure Soluble Phosphate Of Lime, und fUrnishet ETIWAN, No. 2.-Peruvian SUpor-Phosphatf Soluble Phosphate, and two to four jar cent, ol proved acceptances, bearing intercut, or such < agents Orders to bo forwarded immediately I and arter Int January next. G. G. MKMMINOKU, President. Q'é~ The Fertilizers ol' this Company will he I Agentsfor Elton's Prtwinut Trenton Cravktrs. W. H. CHAFEE & CO., 11 HOL KS A L /.; ( ; ll 0 CE RS, 207 East Ray, C hin li ston, S. C. Agents for P. Hallantino A Sous' ? Cream Ale. WM. ll. CHAFEE. TI1ÖS. s. O'BRIEN. n. n. STonu.vnn. CAT.Kn KUONEBEROEII. E. B. STODDARD & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS in Roots, Shoes and Trunks, ut kMunuiacIurers' prices, 105 Meet¬ ing street, nearly opposite Charleston Hotel, Charleston, s. C. Aug 1 ly EDWIN BATES & CO., Wholesale Dealers in DRY GOODS O 31a O T IEE I KT G- , 122 and 121 Meeting street, CHAR LEST O N, S. C. EDWIN BATES, GEO. C. SELMAN, Aug 1 ly_TH OS. R. MeGAHAN\_ CHARLES KERRISON, Jr. DEALER in Hardware,Cutlery, Guns, Agricultural Implements, _|Ao., 24!) King street., Charleston, S. C. An assortment of IIouHC-kcepiug Hard- ward on hand. Aug 1 ly Show Cases ! Show Cases ! W. H. Conni's LATEST PATENT. At New York Kales, Constantly on hand and made to ordor. Ai.eo, TOYS I TRIMMINGS 11 FANCY GOODS II I MUSICAL Instruments, Stationery, &Base Balls, Fire-works, Ac. Stamping, "Embroidery and Braiding noatly exe¬ cuted, from latest designs, at Vii. MCLEAN'S. 433 King St., Aug Charleston, S. C. COGSWELL, ADVERTISING A GENIS. and contain aomo of tho heat Tónica in Pharma- copia. As ovidenco of tho superiority of our Bitters over all others, wo havo certiücatcB from many of tho leading Phyuiciaun in our State, who havo prescribed thcui in their practico. THE OLD CAROLINA DI TTEES will bo found invaluable for WANT OF AI TE- TITE. GEN Flt AL DEBILITY, CHILLS and FEYER, DYSPEPSIA. Wo do not oller em¬ bitters as a cure for all diseñaos, butas an Aromatic Tonic, they have no equal. For salo by Druggists and Grocore every¬ where. Principal Depot, GOODRICH. WIN EMAN Sc CO., Importers ol' Choice Drugs and Chemicals. Charleston, S. C. For sale in Columbia, wholesale and retal by H.SOLOMON. ST T3~0>~ JFACTTJRINGr CO. TON, S. C. .sliley River. tilisaor , Y RIVER BONE PHOSPHATE. COPELAND vt BEARDEN, Columbia. ES it CO., General Agents, Charleston, S. C. EÜR PALATKA, FLORIDA, Via Savannah, Fernandina, Jackso7iviUc and Dandinas on thc St. John's River. SI Ml-U I.KIvI.V LINE. THE elegant and first class ^Steamer DICTATOR, Capt. W. _i'V. McNelty, will leavo Charleston. S. C., for above places, every TUESDAY EVENING, at 8 o'clock. Tho elegant and first class Steamer CITY POINT, Capt. Georgo E. McMillan, will leave Charleston every FRIDAY EVENING, at 8 o'clock, for nhovo places. Through Tickets to bo had at railroad of¬ fices. No extra charge for Meals and State Rooms. For freight or passage, apply to J. D. AIKEN & CO., Agents, South Atlantic Wharf, Charleston. S. C. HENRY COBIA & CO., IG Venduo Range, CITA RLESTON, SO UTH CA R OLIN A, wm WHOLESALE Grocers and Commission Merchants, Keep constantly on hand a full assortment GROCERIES, PROVISIONS AND LIQUORS. Auir 1 __ly ZOGBAUM, YOUNG & CO., IMPORTERS and Dealers in .'Musical Instruments, Strings. I Ac. Ac. Agents of Steinway A Son's and J. B. Dunham's Pianos, earhart Si Needham's Mclodeons, Tiltou'a Patent Guitar. IUI King Street, Charleston, S. C. FERDINAND ZOGBAUM, New York; HEN¬ RY YOUNG, C. L. McCLENAHAN, Charles¬ ton, S. C. Aug 1 ly La Valentina Segar Factory, No. 118 East Bay Street, HAYE for (rale the choicest brands ef Tore Havana Segars. Also, good domestic Segars, at low prices. ALFRED A. BAHBOT, Agent, Aug 1 ly Charleston, S. C. MÄNÜREST )hate Company, of Charleston, S. C., factory, are now prepared to furnish Soluble lo to planters for immediate returns lor their af Southern men of high character, oilers In- them planters. Their works aro among thc tes, and enable them to prepare at heme an South Carolina native Bone Phosphates which ironoHe to manufacture a Fertilizer even richer W bones, and containing moro than twice the tho best average Manures heretofore offered for higher than the average price of other Fer- uch fertilizing material; they are in fact much thc market in I wo forms, with a guarantee D advertisement. lining from eighteen to twenty-five per cen., of I at sixty dollars per ton. ', containing from stxtct ll to twenty per cent, of f Ammonia, at seventy dollars per ton; for aj>- ither security as may be acceptable to the sub- o tho Agents, and delivery made directed on WM. C. BEE A CO., Agents. »randed ETI WAN, No. 1, and ETI WAN, No. 2 A Uselul Invention. HOUSE-KEEPERS who ¿lo their own cook¬ ing with Kerosene or Ons Stove s, liavu heretofore felt the want of a perfect Baking Oven. DUVAL'S PATENT BAKER, Attached to their Stoves, will hake Bread. Bia- cuit, Pies, kc., ami roast Poultry, Beef, Pota¬ toes, Ac., to perfection. A fii'I supply cf Kerosene and Gas Stoves, of the best kinds, together Müh Utensils for every purpose, for sale, at wholesale and retail, by J B. DUVAL A- SONS, Charleston, S. C., Agents for Patentees. Aug 1 ly Eaeou Iron Works,'' CHARLESTON, S. C. ST RAM ENGINES, Machinery * and Cast lugs. .""3 J. M. EASON A BBC _J§SfeKd áüíLL- ly Moses Goldsmith & Son, Nos. 4,0 and 8, Vendue Hange, Charleston, S. C. WHOLESALE DealerB in Iron, Metals, Hags, and all kinds of Paper Stock Highest cash prices paid for the above. MOSES oomaal ITU. AmtA HAM A. QOLUSMITII. J. THOS. KKIHI. UEBHANN BL'I.WINKI-E T. J. KERR &G0., Shipping and Commission Merchants, Kerr's Wharf, Charleston, S. C. WILL attend to the sales of all kinds Produce and Purchase of Merchandize. Dealers in No. 1 Peruvian Guano and other Fertilizers. Aug 1 ly Charleston Dental Depot'. 275 KING STREET. Çj_OLD and Tin Foil, Amalgam Minera Teeth, Steel Goods, and every article used bj tho Dentist. Aug 1 ly WALKER, EVANS & COGSWELL STATIONERS and Printers, and doalerB in Printers' Materials, Broad etreet, Charles- ton, S.e. Aug 1 ty To the Traveling Public. READ THIS. IP YOU want a Fino, Large, Airy ROOM, atop at tho EXCHANGE HOUSE, on Main struct, whore you can get a good Meal at tho regular Hmo. If you aro busy and not tboro at Meal times, you can order it when you come, without extra charge. RATES, per day,.$2.50 " per week, less. Stables on the premises. PAYSINGER A FRANKLIN, May 8 Proprietors. Beer! Beer!! SOME dealers in this city have been in doubt bat I could h.dd out supplying them with beer this summer. I now inform tho public that 1 have a largo supply ot' old Lager Beer on hand, which 1 put against any Reer brought from thu North, «ir oven imported from Ger¬ many, ns to purity and strength. I am ready to tcht il by the Beer seale. AI1 tr 2! 1_JOJ t N C. SEEGERS. Tobacco ! Tobacco I! ."T/\ BOXES COMMON TOBACCO, at low I w tiguroH. 30 boxes Fair Chewing Tobacco. 4 boxes Extra Rock City Chowing Tobacco. 4 boxes Commonwealth Chewing Tobacco. 10 boxes Rose Bud Chewing Tobacco. Jwly 20 JOHN C. SEEGERS. Greenville and Columbia Rni'road. GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, COLUMBIA, S. C., May 24, 1870, ON SUNDAY next, tho 28th instant, and until further notice, this Company will inn a Sunday train for Passengers hctwoen Columbia anil Helena, stopping at all stations, as follows: Leave Columbia at. 7.00 a m Arrive at Helena.10.40 a m RETL'UNINU. Leave nclena at. 3.20 p m Arrivo at Columbia. 7.00 p m May 25 JOHN H. MORE, Gen'I Sup't. Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta R. E.. COLUMBIA, 8. C., December 23,1869. THE following is tho Passenger Schedule over this Road: OOINO NORTH. Leave Augusta, at. 4.00 a.m. " Columbia, S. C., at. 9.40 a.m. " "VVinnsboro, at--- --11.40 a. m. " Chester, at.- 1.40 p. m. Arrive at Charlotte, N. C. 4.20 p. m. GOING 80UTU. Leave Charlotte, N. C.,at.10.30 a. m. '* Chester, at-1.25 p. m. " Winneboro, at-2.57 p. m. '* Columbia, S. C., at. 5.07 p.m. Arrive at Augusta.9.50 p. m Making closo connections witli TrainB of Central and Georgia Railroads for Savannah, and all points South and West. Palaco Sleeping Cars on all Night Trains. Through Tickets sold, and Baggage checked to all principal points. BTU- l'asf eugers hy this route GOING NonTH have choice Of THREE DIFFERENT ROUTES. ACCOMMODATION THAIN. Leave Columbia. 0.15 p. m Arrri ve at Augusta. 3.30 a. m. Leave Augusta. 4.15 p.m. Arrive at Columbia. 1.30 a. in. C. BOUKNIGHT, Superintendent. E. R. DORSEY, Gen. Freight and Ticket Agt. Spartanburg and Union Railroad. rwnwrmwjn ON and after the 18th October, yAaii£*!*°SB£i5»Passenger Trains will leave Spar¬ tanburg C. H. on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 7.30 a, m., and arrive at Alston at 1.35 p. m., connecting with Greenville down train. Returning Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, leave Alston 9.30 m.; arrivo Spar¬ tanburg'3.40 p. m., ns per following Schedule. Doini Train. Un Train. Miles. Arrive.Leave. Arrive.Leave. Spartanburg 0 7.30 3.40 Pacolct.10 8.15 8.20 2.50 2.55 Jonesville.. .19 8.55 9.00 2.10 2.H Unionville... 28 9.45 10.10 12.65 1.25 Santnc.37 10.45 10.50 12.15 12.26 Shelton.48 11.40 11.45 11.20 11.25 Eyles Ford. .G2 12.05 12.10 10.55 11.08 Strother_50 12.30 12.25 10.30 10.35 Alston.08 1.35 9.30 Oct 14 THOS. B. JETER, President. Schedule on Blue Ridge Railroad. .nn Leave Anderson.4.20 P. M. tägPSg^ » Pendleton..5.20 " -Jac " Perrvville.G.00 M Arrive at Walhalla.7.00 M Leave Walhalla.3.30 A. M. Perrvville. 4.10 " Pendleton.5.10 " Arrive at Anderson.0.10 " Waiting at Anderson one hour for the arrival of np train on Greenville and Columbia Road. March 4 W. H. D. PAILLARD, Sup, Greenville and Columbia Railroad. ON and after WEDNES¬ DAY, January 19, tho fol¬ lowing Schedule will bc run daily, Sunday excepted, connecting with Night Train on South Carolina Road, np and down, and with Night Train on Charlotte, Columbia and Au¬ gusta Road going South: Leave Columbia. 7.00 am " Alston . 8.40 a m " Newberry. 10.10 am Arrive Abbeville. 3.00 pm " Anderson_. 4.20 pm " Greenville. 5.00 pm Leave Greenville. 5.45 am " Anderdon. 0.25 a m " Abbeville. 8 00 a m " Newberry. 12 35 pm " Alston...". 2.10 p m Arrive Columbia. 3.45 pm The Train will return from Relton to Ander¬ don on Monday and Friday mornings. The North and South United, C7?f«>Eag3aigWG BY the great Metropoli- aw?a.,'y^ar*--trt»* tan Through Passenger Route. See that ymir Tickets are good via Petersburg, Weldon. Raleigh and Charlotte j NORTH CAROLINA R. R. TIME TABLE. Trains East. Trains West. ARRIVE. LEAVE. AIÍR1YE. LEAVE. Charlotte. 4.15 p ni 10.00 a m l l p m (¡19 p in 7.37 a m 7 56 s m Groonsb'o.8 ",7 p III 9.02 p in 5.00 a m 5.14 a m Raleigh ... LOO a ni 1.45 a in 12 GO 111 11 1.00 a m GoidHboro.5.30 a in 8 30 p m A Freight «nd Accommodation Train leaves Charlotte daily, at 3.40 a. m.. and ari ives at 12.25 p. m. * ALPERT JOHNSON, Sup. South Carolina Railroad Company, COLUMBIA, S.C., MAY 13, 1870. Passenger Trains upon thu South Carolina Railroad will run tho following schedule: FOB CHARLESTON. Leave Columbia.7.45 a m Arrive at Charleston. 3.30 p m Leave Charleston.8.30 am / rrivo at Columbia.4.10 p m von AUGUSTA. Leave Columbia.7.45 a m Arrive at Augusta.4.25 p m Leave Augusta.8.00 a m Arrive at Columbia..4.10 p m NIGHT EXPRESS THAIN (8UVDAY8 KXCF.PTFD). Leave Columbia.7-60 p m Arrive at Charleston.C.45 a m Arrive at Augusta.7.05 a m Leave Charleston.7.30 p ra Leave Augusta.6.00 p m Arrive at Columbia.6.00 a m CAMDEN THAIN. Camden and Columbia Passenger Trains will run Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays; and between Camden and Kin g ville daily. Leave Camden... .6.35a m Arrive at Columbia.11.00 am Leave Columbia. .1.00 p m Arrive at Camden. .5.40 p m H.T. PEAKE, Geu'1 Sup't.

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Office on Main Street, above Taylor.? -

er«r Book and Job Printing of every do-orip-tiou promptly and faithfully attended to.

A1) VEUTI ÖI M1'* NTSInserted in tho Daily at 75* cents per squarofor tho first and 50 cents each eubecquent In¬sertion. Long advortisoments by tho week,month or year, at reasonable rates.

SUBBOBIPTION.Dailv, six months, M 1)0; Tri-Weekly, 2 5i ;

Weekly, 1 50.

The Forum, tile Farm and the Foundry.The forum, Bays tho Banner of (he

South, is n tempting place for nmbitiousyoung men. It offers to them pince,power, and honor. Its bratten doorsstand wide open, and its golden stepsseem to lend to the very pinunclo ot thotemple of fame. But, nias! how manywho enter therein reach tho coveted goal.Mony grow weary and faint by tho wny-Bide; and very few reach to positions ofeminence, or at least of comparative suc¬cess. Look at our court rooms on courtdays and see the number of young men,striplings, who are pleading there withall the ambition of Cresar, with all thelearning of Cicero, and all tho supposedeloquence of Demosthenes. How manyof them will become successful lawyers?Time will answer the question, ns it linsanswered it before-few, very few. Nowplace the same number of young men,of equal talent, in the field, with plowsand hoes to handle, and crops to raise;or, in tho work-shop, to learn some use¬ful trade, and then watch tho result. Thechances will be that the farmers and me¬chanics will grow rich, will fill high po¬sitions, while the lawyers will fail in niltheir expectations, or eke ont very poorremuneration. The reason for this isthat the foram is overstocked. There istoo much supply for the demand ; andpeople who need legal advice will go tothe most learned and experienced law¬yers for it-so that tho young and inex¬perienced soon find themselves disap¬pointed in hope, and profitless in results.In the farm and the workshop, it isvery different. There is not enough ma¬terial to supply the demand. There is nvast amount of work to bo done, and tholaborers are few. Hence, wo say to ouryoung men, learn a trade, or go to thofarm, if you can. It never will comoamiss to you; but, on the contrary, willprove a benefit to you ns well as to thecountry.A HIVATJ FOR BONNER'S DEXTER.-At a

race on the Magnolia course, at Mobile,on the 27th of May, n dark bay horse,formerly owned in Charleston, by a car¬penter, trotted a race of five heats to awagon weighing 130 pounds, mid thedriver weighing 172 pounds. The lustand slowest heat was trotted in 2:28. TheIndianapolis horse was beaten only aneck. Take the track at five seconds slow,and eight seconds for wagon, it will com¬pare with the fastest time made ou thobest track in the country by the white-legged bay. Mr. Bonner mny yet haveto fulfil his promise to pay $100,000 fora horse that can trot as fast ns Dexter.

It was regarded ns a of cir¬cumstantial evidence in a Pittsburgcourt, lately, when the plaintiff producedthe skillet with which his wife struckhim, aud showed the jury how nicely thethree legs fitted into the holes in hishead.

Steam Engines.CITY HALL,

COLUMBIA, S. C., June 10,187»).TnE following extracts from an "Ordinance

regulating tho setting up of Steam En¬gines and tho establishment of Manufactoriesin the City of Columbia," ratified October 2:5,18G3, is published tor thc information of allconcerned.. * * # * *

SECTION 1. That hereafter, any person orperdons desiring to eiect any Steam Engineor Manufactory in which steam power id tided,within the corporate limits of the City of Co¬lumbia, shall make application in writing tothe City Council, setting fértil the place inwhich it is proposed to put up «aid Engine orerect said Manufactory, and the nature andextent of tho proposed establishment.

SEC. 2. Upon complaint being made to Coun¬cil of tho violation of this Ordinance, tho of¬fending party «hall bo heard before Council,and Council may permit tho erection of saidSteam Engino, Ac., or cause Haine to boabated. Upon conviction of party sb offend¬ing, a fino shall bo imposed of not less thantwunty (20) nor moro than fifty (50) dollars.By order of tho Mavor.

WILLIAM J. UTTER,Juno 17_City ( h il,.


1AURLIE months from dale, application willbe made to thc Columbia bridge Compa¬

ny for renewal of Scrip No.-, for and a half Slrires in uaid Company,standing in tho name of Dr. Thomas Wells-the original having been lost in transmistdonby mail. C. H. BALDWIN, Attorney.June 2 3mo

Richland County.IN COMMON PLEAS.

Brennen, Carroll &, Co., et al. vu. Honry P. De-Graaf, Executor, e( al.

PURSUANT to tho order of Court in thiscaso, tho creditors of William Hitchcock,decoased, aro required to provo their claimsboforo me, on or before tho FIRST MONDAYin July next. D. B. MILLER,Juno 1418_ C.C.C.

South Carolina, Richland County.IN TUE COMMON PLEAS.CLERK'S OFFICE,COLUMBIA. S. C., Juno 4,1870.

ASPECIAL SESSION of the Couit ofCommon Pleas, for Richland County, will

bo hold at Columbia, to commence oil thothird Monday (being the 20th day of themonth) in Juno inst. By order of Hon. S. W.MELTON, Judgo Fifth Circuit.Juno7_D.JB. MILLER, C. C. C.

Exchange House Bar and Restaurant.OPEN at all hours-where you can alwaysfind tho boat of WINES, ALFS, LIQUORS,CIGARS, Ac. Fresh Lager Beer on ico.MayDr. Price's Cream Baking Powders,

THE best now in uso, for salo byMay 2(5 HARDY SOLOMON.Hungry people, go to Pollock's.

Oharleston Advertisements.


Eersons in every part of tho country. Sui ta¬lo for Ladies or Gentlenion. Boys or Girls.

Addross XIX CENTURY PUBLICATION CO.,Charleston. S. C._Juno 1

Notice to Travelers.TOaccommodate tholarge VEGETARLEBUSINESS offering hyGiis steam linoto NewYork, thc steamshipsaro appointed to sail

SS' from Charleston asfollows, arriving in New York on Friday morn¬ing:TENNESSEE, Captain CHICHESTER, Tuesday,Ma / 31, « o'clock P. M.SOUTH CAROLINA, Captain ADKINS, Tues¬

day, Juno 7, (î o'clock P. M.TENNESSEE, Captain ClitCUESTER, Tuesday,

Juuo 14, 0 o'clock P. M.SOUTH CAROLINA, Captain ADKINS, Tues¬

day, June 21, ti o'clock P. M.TENNESSEE, Captain CHICHESTER, Tuesday,

Juno 28, (J o'clock P. M.Travelers from interior points will note this

temporary change of sailing days.Both tho steamships on this linc arc newly

constructed, tho largest and most commodi¬ous on tho Atlantic coast, built of iron, withwater-tight compartments, and all passengeraccommodations ARE ox DECK, securing tho¬rough ventilation and comfort.

Oi~ Tickets can bc purchased at all iutcriorrailroad points iu connection with Charleston,and of WM. A. COURTENAY, Agent,

No. 1 Union ïVkarf.WAGNER, HUGER A CO.,

General Agents, Broad street, Charleston,S. C. May 18

New York Advertisements.FROSTTBTACK & coT~

WHOLESALE and Retail Dealers in andManufacturers of


GO Bowery, nerti- ennui Kt., New York.Steamboats, Hotels and Public Buildingsfurnished at tho shortest notice AB goods

purchased of our house guaranteed as repre¬sented. Mareil 31 3moit. W. FROST: JAMES BLACK. OEO. SNYDER.


Type and Electrotype FoundryPRINTERS' WAREHOUSE,Kos. 28, 30, 32 Centre Street, Kern York.

ALABOE Assortment ot English and Ger¬man facen, both Plain and Ornamental,

kept on hand. All type cast at ibis establish¬ment is manufactured from thc metal knownas Connor's unequaled HARD TYPE METAL.Every article necessary for a perfect print¬

ing nflico furnished.Tho typo on which this paper is printed, is

from thc above Foundry. March 30 Cmo

Patent Office.

ALEXANDER A MASON, Solicitors of Ame¬rican and European Patents, and Coun¬

sellors at Patent Laws, (fifteen years experi¬ence as solicitors of Patents,)" 4C0 Seventhstreet, opposito tho Patent Oflice, Washing¬ton, D. C. Papers carefully prepared, andPatents secured without delay. Examinationsin the Patent Oflico free of charge, and no in¬dividual feo asked iu any case, unless a Patentia allowed. Charges as reasonable as anyother reliable Agency. Send for circular ofterms, instructions and reference. Jan 30

Treasurer's Notice.


COLUMIUA, S. C., June 2, 1870.

ON and after the 13th inst, the Rooks of theTreasury, for the transfer of Stock, and

for tho conversion of Stocka and Bonds, willbo closed till thc 1st proximo, for conveniencein preparing statement of intorcsi due Julv 1,1H70. NILES G. PARKER,

Treasurer State of South Carolina.June 718


6 " fi* I Gr H T -' '

I T I S A FACTPTUIAT tho celebrated perfected SPECTA-JL CLES and EYE GLASSES, manufacturedby Lazarus A Morris, Hartford, Connecticut,strengthens and preserves thc Eyes-assiststhe Sight mont brilliantly, and hists a greatmany years without change.

ISAAC SULZRACHER, Jew« 1er,Columbia Hotel How, is tho side appointedAgent in Columbia, S. C., and vicinity, for Hiersale._ Bec 31 ly

To all Whom it May Concern.HAMBURG, S. c., JANUARY 1(5, 1870.

BEING appointed and commissioned as theReceiver of the Hamburg Bank, all par-

new having transactions with Huid Bank willcommunicate with FRANK ARNIM.Feb t!

BREAKFAST BACON.£) AAA POUNDS OF BACON STRIPSÄ.V/V/U and RreaHt Pieces,5 casks Davis' Sugar-Cured Hams,25 bbls.. half-bbls. and kegs Leaf Lard,3(H) lbs. Mutton Hains. For sale ItvFob26_ EDWARD'HOPE.

Biscuit, Crackers, &c.ff /\ BARRELS and boxes Fresh Crackers,til/ Ac, just received and for tale low, con¬sisting as follows:Ginger Schnapps, Ginger Cakes.

Soda Biscuit, Butter Crackers,Cream Biscuit, Cream Crackers,Lomon Crackers, Egg Crackers,And Röxes assorted Family CrackersMarch f» ' A T. R. AONEW.

"The Carolina House."THIS HOUSE haH always enjoyed the repu¬tation of being the best place in tho cityfor obtaining the coolest and mont deliciousmixed drinks. Tho new brand ot Whiskey,THE HIBERNIAN, is something out of theordinary run. Call and see mo, on Washing'ten street. RICHARD RARRY,April 7_Proprietor.

Fine Gold WatchesOF all descriptions, for Ladies

and Gentlemen, for salo atWILLIAM GLAZE'S,One door North of Messrs.Scott A Williams'Banking Housn. Dec 10

Guns and Ammunition.rfJST received hy William Glaze, line Eng¬lish BREECH-LOADING GUNS, «no Eng¬lish Powder, in Canisters, Shot aud Caps, of allkind. Ono door North of Messrs. Scott, Wil¬liams A Co.'<! Banking House. Dec IC





ppp ppppppp PPPP

THE Proprietor of tho PnotXlX has fitted upand thoroughly furnished hie office for thoexecution or all liinds of PLAIN AND ORNA¬MENTAL LETTER PRESS PRINTING.


The Type, Bordtr, Huies, Ornaments, Cuts,etc., are of MODERN STYLE, carefullyBOlccted from the largest aud heatmanufactories.




Thc Presses aro j^g: of the M O S TAPPROVED ' TBgftg^ PATTERNS-HOC, Adams rv'ffijgSgjiL- and Liber¬

ty -inchid StWsSi^ffiSL iug Platenand lied ^cfc^-j-.^ - and



Professional Men, Merchant*. Manufacturersand Mechanics, can be supplied with ANYKIND OR STYLE OK PRINTING,however large or .-mall their orders

may be, muru expeditiouslythan al any other office in

the State.




A LARGE AND YA I'. I I'D STOCK OE CARDSCard board, Letter. Note, Cap and ColoredPapera, Bill Heads, etc., will be keptconstantly on hand from which

.-elections can bo made.IIIIIIIIIIII1TIiiiimiiiiim



With th.- LARGE AMOUNT OF MATERIALon hand, the stylo, quality and cost ofwork cannot fail to give satisfaction.



Orders from abroad will receive IMMEDIATEATTENTION, and the work forwarded


This ia the only >^¿^Wl>'/>VA&0 establishmentin the .State,where SheetPOSTERS, itC" Cj\ bC






WE luke great pleasure in offering thcOLDCAROLINA BITTERS to the pub¬lic. They are compounded with gnat cure,

?yxr .A. 3


Factory end Uasel Blreci. Mines on A


For sale byAug 1ly W. C. DUR

A. C. KAUFMAN,Sanker and Broker,

No. 25 Broad streeet. Charleston. S. C.

SOUTHERN STOCKS, RONDS, COUPONSand Uncurrcnt Hank Notes bought and

Boldon commission.Also, Gold and Silver Coin.Orders solicited and promptly attended to.New York Correspondents-Messrs. Howes

A Macy, Henry Clews A Co., Luther Kountze,and J. M. Weith A Arcnts.

Prices current ÍBBUCII weekly and forwardedgratuitously on application us above._

MOSES GOLDSMITH & SON,Nos. 10,12,14 Vendue Range, Charleston, S. C.

WHOLESALE Dealers in all kinds ofHides, Wool, Skins, Furs, Ac. Have con¬

stantly on hand a large assortment of Hidesand Skins. Tanners will do well to call uponus before purchasing.MOSES GOLDSMITH. ABllAnAM A. GOLDSMITH.


AND Dealers in Wines, Liquors, Sel¬lars, Tobacco, Ac, 1!>7 East Rav,Jharlcston, S. C. H. RISCHOFF,

C. WULRERN.Aug 1 ly J. H. riEPEIL

D7F.FLEMING & Co,Wholesale Dealers in

BOOTS, SHOES AND TRUNKS,'Wttfi No. 2 Haync etrcel, corner



Aug l iv JAMES M. W1LS0N._Mills House, Charleston, S. C.

IMUS elegant and commodious HOUSE bav-ing been renovated and newly furnished

throughout, is second to none in tho South.Nov 13 J. PARKER. Proprietor.

SOLUBLE"The Sulphuric Acid and Super-Phosj

HAVING completed the ir extensive ManuFertilizers, no other kinds being availab

investments.This Company, under the direction entirelyduccments which wlil recommend it to Sou

largest and most complete in the United Stalabundant supply of the proper solvent for the;are near hy. From thCHC Phosphates they pin soluble Phosphate than those made from ra'quantity of Super-Phosphate of Lime found insale, the rates at which we oller them being netilizer«, while the Manures contain twice us rn1cheaper to thc consumer. They arc ottered orthat the material lu each will correspond to tinETIWAN, No. 1.-Soluble Phosphate, conlaii

Pure Soluble Phosphate Of Lime, und fUrnishetETIWAN, No. 2.-Peruvian SUpor-PhosphatfSoluble Phosphate, and two to four jar cent, ol

proved acceptances, bearing intercut, or such <

agents Orders to bo forwarded immediately Iand arter Int January next.G. G. MKMMINOKU, President.Q'é~ The Fertilizers ol' this Company will he I

Agentsfor Elton's Prtwinut Trenton Cravktrs.W. H. CHAFEE & CO.,

11HOLKSA L /.; ( ; ll 0CERS,207 East Ray, C hin li ston, S. C.Agents for P. Hallantino A Sous'

?Cream Ale.WM. ll. CHAFEE. TI1ÖS. s. O'BRIEN.n. n. STonu.vnn. CAT.Kn KUONEBEROEII.


Roots, Shoes and Trunks, utkMunuiacIurers' prices, 105 Meet¬

ing street, nearly opposite Charleston Hotel,Charleston, s. C. Aug 1 lyEDWIN BATES & CO.,

Wholesale Dealers in


O 31a O T IEE I KT G- ,122 and 121 Meeting street,



DEALER in Hardware,Cutlery,Guns, Agricultural Implements,_|Ao., 24!) King street., Charleston,

S. C. An assortment of IIouHC-kcepiug Hard-ward on hand. Aug 1 ly

Show Cases ! Show Cases !W. H. Conni's LATEST PATENT.

At New York Kales,Constantly on hand and made to ordor.


MUSICAL Instruments, Stationery,&Base Balls, Fire-works, Ac. Stamping,"Embroidery and Braiding noatly exe¬cuted, from latest designs, at

Vii. MCLEAN'S. 433 King St.,Aug Charleston, S. C.


and contain aomo of tho heat Tónica in Pharma-copia. As ovidenco of tho superiority of ourBitters over all others, wo havo certiücatcBfrom many of tho leading Phyuiciaun in ourState, who havo prescribed thcui in theirpractico.

THE OLD CAROLINA DITTEESwill bo found invaluable for WANT OF AI TE-TITE. GEN FltAL DEBILITY, CHILLS andFEYER, DYSPEPSIA. Wo do not oller em¬bitters as a cure for all diseñaos, butas anAromatic Tonic, they have no equal.For salo by Druggists and Grocore every¬

where. Principal Depot,GOODRICH. WINEMAN Sc CO.,

Importers ol' Choice Drugs and Chemicals.Charleston, S. C.

For sale in Columbia, wholesale and retalby H.SOLOMON.


.sliley River.

tilisaor ,


COPELAND vt BEARDEN, Columbia.ES it CO., General Agents, Charleston, S. C.

EÜR PALATKA, FLORIDA,Via Savannah, Fernandina, Jackso7iviUc and

Dandinas on thc St. John's River.SI Ml-U I.KIvI.V LINE.

THE elegant and first class^Steamer DICTATOR, Capt. W.

_i'V. McNelty, will leavo Charleston.S. C., for above places, every TUESDAYEVENING, at 8 o'clock.Tho elegant and first class Steamer CITY

POINT, Capt. Georgo E. McMillan, will leaveCharleston every FRIDAY EVENING, at 8o'clock, for nhovo places.Through Tickets to bo had at railroad of¬

fices.No extra charge for Meals and State Rooms.For freight or passage, apply to

J. D. AIKEN & CO., Agents,South Atlantic Wharf, Charleston. S. C.

HENRY COBIA & CO.,IG Venduo Range,



Grocers and Commission Merchants,Keep constantly on hand a full assortment



IMPORTERS and Dealers in.'Musical Instruments, Strings.I Ac. Ac. Agents of Steinway A

Son's and J. B. Dunham's Pianos, earhart SiNeedham's Mclodeons, Tiltou'a Patent Guitar.IUI King Street, Charleston, S. C.FERDINAND ZOGBAUM, New York; HEN¬

RY YOUNG, C. L. McCLENAHAN, Charles¬ton, S. C. Aug 1 ly

La Valentina Segar Factory,No. 118 East Bay Street,

HAYE for (rale the choicest brands ef ToreHavana Segars. Also, good domestic

Segars, at low prices.ALFRED A. BAHBOT, Agent,

Aug 1ly Charleston, S. C.

MÄNÜREST)hate Company, of Charleston, S. C.,factory, are now prepared to furnish Solublelo to planters for immediate returns lor theiraf Southern men of high character, oilers In-them planters. Their works aro among thctes, and enable them to prepare at heme anSouth Carolina native Bone Phosphates whichironoHe to manufacture a Fertilizer even richerW bones, and containing moro than twice thetho best average Manures heretofore offered forhigher than the average price of other Fer-

uch fertilizing material; they are in fact muchthc market in Iwo forms, with a guarantee

D advertisement.lining from eighteen to twenty-five per cen., ofI at sixty dollars per ton.', containing from stxtct ll to twenty per cent, off Ammonia, at seventy dollars per ton; for aj>-ither security as may be acceptable to the sub-o tho Agents, and delivery made a« directed on

WM. C. BEE A CO., Agents.»randed ETIWAN, No. 1, and ETIWAN, No. 2

A Uselul Invention.HOUSE-KEEPERS who ¿lo their own cook¬

ing with Kerosene or Ons Stove s, liavuheretofore felt the want of a perfect BakingOven.

DUVAL'S PATENT BAKER,Attached to their Stoves, will hake Bread. Bia-cuit, Pies, kc., ami roast Poultry, Beef, Pota¬toes, Ac., to perfection. A fii'I supply cfKerosene and Gas Stoves, of the best kinds,together Müh Utensils for every purpose, forsale, at wholesale and retail, byJ B. DUVAL A- SONS,Charleston, S. C., Agents for Patentees.Aug 1 lyEaeou Iron Works,''


* and Cast lugs..""3 J. M. EASON A BBC_J§SfeKd áüíLL- lyMoses Goldsmith & Son,

Nos. 4,0 and 8, Vendue Hange, Charleston, S. C.

WHOLESALE DealerB in Iron, Metals,Hags, and all kinds of Paper Stock

Highest cash prices paid for the above.MOSES oomaal ITU. AmtAHAM A. QOLUSMITII.J. THOS. KKIHI. UEBHANN BL'I.WINKI-E

T. J. KERR &G0.,Shipping and Commission Merchants,

Kerr's Wharf, Charleston, S. C.

WILL attend to the sales of all kinds oíProduce and Purchase of Merchandize.

Dealers in No. 1 Peruvian Guano and otherFertilizers. Aug 1 lyCharleston Dental Depot'.


Çj_OLD and Tin Foil, Amalgam Minera

Teeth, Steel Goods, and every article used bjtho Dentist. Aug 1 lyWALKER, EVANS & COGSWELLSTATIONERS and Printers, and doalerB in

Printers' Materials, Broad etreet, Charles-ton, S.e. Aug 1 ty

To the Traveling Public.READ THIS.

IP YOU want a Fino, Large, Airy ROOM,atop at tho EXCHANGE HOUSE, on Main

struct, whore you can get a good Meal at thoregular Hmo. If you aro busy and not tboroat Meal times, you can order it when youcome, without extra charge.RATES, per day,.$2.50

" per week, less.Stables on the premises.


Beer! Beer!!SOME dealers in this city have been in doubt

bat I could h.dd out supplying them withbeer this summer. I now inform tho publicthat 1 have a largo supply ot' old Lager Beeron hand, which 1 put against any Reer broughtfrom thu North, «ir oven imported from Ger¬many, ns to purity and strength. I am readyto tcht il by the Beer seale.

AI1 tr 2!1_JOJ tN C. SEEGERS.Tobacco ! Tobacco I!

."T/\ BOXES COMMON TOBACCO, at lowI w tiguroH.30 boxes Fair Chewing Tobacco.4 boxes Extra Rock City Chowing Tobacco.4 boxes Commonwealth Chewing Tobacco.10 boxes Rose Bud Chewing Tobacco.Jwly 20 JOHN C. SEEGERS.Greenville and Columbia Rni'road.GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT'SOFFICE,COLUMBIA, S. C., May 24, 1870,

ON SUNDAY next, tho 28th instant, anduntil further notice, this Company will

inn a Sunday train for Passengers hctwoenColumbia anil Helena, stopping at all stations,as follows:Leave Columbia at. 7.00 a mArrive at Helena.10.40 a m

RETL'UNINU.Leave nclenaat. 3.20 p mArrivo at Columbia. 7.00 p mMay 25 JOHN H. MORE, Gen'I Sup't.

Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta R. E..

COLUMBIA, 8. C., December 23,1869.THE following is tho Passenger Schedule

over this Road:OOINO NORTH.

Leave Augusta, at. 4.00 a.m." Columbia, S. C.,at. 9.40 a.m." "VVinnsboro, at--- --11.40 a. m." Chester,at.- 1.40 p. m.Arrive at Charlotte, N.C. 4.20 p. m.

GOING 80UTU.Leave Charlotte, N. C.,at.10.30 a. m.

'* Chester,at-1.25 p. m." Winneboro,at-2.57 p. m.'* Columbia, S. C., at. 5.07 p.m.Arrive atAugusta.9.50 p. mMaking closo connections witli TrainB ofCentral and Georgia Railroads for Savannah,and all points South and West.Palaco Sleeping Cars on all Night Trains.

Through Tickets sold, and Baggage checked toall principal points.

BTU- l'asf eugers hy this route GOING NonTHhave choice Of THREE DIFFERENT ROUTES.

ACCOMMODATION THAIN.Leave Columbia. 0.15 p. mArrri ve at Augusta. 3.30 a. m.Leave Augusta. 4.15 p.m.Arrive at Columbia. 1.30 a. in.

C. BOUKNIGHT, Superintendent.E. R. DORSEY, Gen. Freight and Ticket Agt.Spartanburg and Union Railroad.

rwnwrmwjn ON and after the 18th October,yAaii£*!*°SB£i5»Passenger Trains will leave Spar¬tanburg C. H. on Mondays, Wednesdays andFridays, at 7.30 a, m., and arrive at Alston at1.35 p. m., connecting with Greenville downtrain. Returning Tuesdays, Thursdays andSaturdays, leave Alston 9.30 m.; arrivo Spar¬tanburg'3.40 p. m., ns per following Schedule.

Doini Train. Un Train.Miles. Arrive.Leave. Arrive.Leave.

Spartanburg 0 7.30 3.40Pacolct.10 8.15 8.20 2.50 2.55Jonesville.. .19 8.55 9.00 2.10 2.HUnionville... 28 9.45 10.10 12.65 1.25Santnc.37 10.45 10.50 12.15 12.26Shelton.48 11.40 11.45 11.20 11.25Eyles Ford. .G2 12.05 12.10 10.55 11.08Strother_50 12.30 12.25 10.30 10.35Alston.08 1.35 9.30Oct 14 THOS. B. JETER, President.Schedule on Blue Ridge Railroad.

.nn Leave Anderson.4.20 P. M.tägPSg^ » Pendleton..5.20 "-Jac " Perrvville.G.00 M

Arrive at Walhalla.7.00 MLeave Walhalla.3.30 A. M.

Perrvville. 4.10" Pendleton.5.10 "

Arrive at Anderson.0.10 "

Waiting at Anderson one hour for the arrivalof np train on Greenville and Columbia Road.March 4 W. H. D. PAILLARD, Sup,Greenville and Columbia Railroad.

ON and after WEDNES¬DAY, January 19, tho fol¬

lowing Schedule will bc run daily, Sundayexcepted, connecting with Night Train onSouth Carolina Road, np and down, and withNight Train on Charlotte, Columbia and Au¬gusta Road going South:Leave Columbia. 7.00 am" Alston . 8.40 a m" Newberry. 10.10 am

Arrive Abbeville. 3.00 pm" Anderson_. 4.20 pm" Greenville. 5.00 pmLeave Greenville. 5.45 am" Anderdon. 0.25 a m" Abbeville. 8 00 a m" Newberry. 1235 pm" Alston...". 2.10 p m

Arrive Columbia. 3.45 pmThe Train will return from Relton to Ander¬

don on Monday and Friday mornings.The North and South United,

C7?f«>Eag3aigWG BY the great Metropoli-aw?a.,'y^ar*--trt»* tan Through PassengerRoute. See that ymir Tickets are good viaPetersburg, Weldon. Raleigh and Charlottej NORTH CAROLINA R. R. TIME TABLE.

Trains East. Trains West.ARRIVE. LEAVE. AIÍR1YE. LEAVE.

Charlotte. 4.15 p ni 10.00 a l l p m (¡19 p in 7.37 a m 7 56 s mGroonsb'o.8 ",7 p III 9.02 p in 5.00 a m 5.14 a mRaleigh ... LOO a ni 1.45 a in 12 GO 111 11 1.00 a mGoidHboro.5.30 a in 8 30 p mA Freight «nd Accommodation Train leaves

Charlotte daily, at 3.40 a. m.. and ari ives at12.25 p. m.


ALPERT JOHNSON, Sup.South Carolina Railroad Company,

COLUMBIA, S.C., MAY 13, 1870.

Passenger Trains upon thu South CarolinaRailroad will run tho following schedule:

FOB CHARLESTON.Leave Columbia.7.45 a mArrive at Charleston. 3.30 p mLeave Charleston.8.30 am/ rrivo at Columbia.4.10 p m

von AUGUSTA.Leave Columbia.7.45 a mArrive at Augusta.4.25 p mLeave Augusta.8.00 a mArrive at Columbia..4.10 p mNIGHT EXPRESS THAIN (8UVDAY8 KXCF.PTFD).

Leave Columbia.7-60 p mArrive at Charleston.C.45 a mArrive at Augusta.7.05 a mLeave Charleston.7.30 p raLeave Augusta.6.00 p mArrive at Columbia.6.00 a m

CAMDEN THAIN.Camden and Columbia Passenger Trains

will run Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays;and between Camden and Kingville daily.Leave Camden... .6.35a mArrive at Columbia.11.00 amLeave Columbia. .1.00 p mArrive at Camden. .5.40 p mH.T. PEAKE, Geu'1 Sup't.