the daily · speaking in...

Film R CE S ) ITY :> -- SAVE AlE. nON OF NAILE EL 4 -- , '. , SIX plssenger VAUXHALL ,n ideal car for THE DAILY NEWS , Vol. 66. No. 21 ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND TUESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1959 (Price: 7 Cents) Charles Hutton Be Sons }all Is fated _ I'-,·,"P' Amin· t: -., '. , :;,iJ. : =0' ern· _ \., .... ,. (-' . . ." - ,"I!(IC'P. r=· ", I ",_".,. I n rar!ia. . _:(: .' .... ':r,'\'· '"i\t("S ,r",' th(' ';": ,,-:c .1rfralrd '-i." 1'- :",,' ':" 1<o.;"Ul'S. .. drp- · , ... (\Of' ,"01e' , ::,:"1 :r.:: or an. •. a : I .,,'" :hr :;0. _' .. - tLJ,:":".('': '.' 'J: .,. :-0.: "I am ,"', . ,- .. ': \ ('I:lr ... •• i •• ; .. ' ..... the " : -r ,':\: :tiOR. 1,1.'" ·'jnr,·i· . \ ' ",l'n. who . . i '. \ a 1('ft·· . .. ;..': :hrir , .:,' ,. ",·d tall., ;.. ,- .. " . 'I,r ,abo ... oe·, {' :1J' .., ... : P.";11on . !. \I -: :" or; -v ... D(tmo. ; . :Unity Of Christian Forces: I ,May Follow T,he Pope's Plea BY FRANK BRUTTO i , V ATICAN CITY lAP) - Thc: , first acclamation of Roman Cath· : olic bishops was receil'ed Monday for the ccumcncial council called · by POPe .John-a meeting Ihat · may !lrol'C to be Christianity's : most immcnse gathering . , ; The i7·year.old supremc ruler ! of the noman Catholic Church all. ! nounccd the ecumenical-world· : wide·meeting Sunday. Its prim· ,ary obJective. announced by a · brief Vatican press ollice com· : munique, is to be unity of Chris : tian forces. I The news was received with I mixed feelings in various parts 01 the world by Protestant, Chrls- I tian orthodox and other religious communities separaled from the Roman Church. I , DATE NOT SET The date for the council has not I becn set. Speculation in Vatican I circlcs ,about when it might be held atl the IVay from late i this year to as much as two , years from now. The last ecumenical council be- ;:an in 1869 and was never ofli· i cnded. Four years wcre reo i quircd for its preparation. It ,came 10 a halt when Italian troops occupied Rome to unify ltab·. :-'Iore than ROO cardinals, archbishops and bish()p5 attended il. Prelates Qf tlie church eligible 10 atlend the nell' council. indud· all resilient bisilOPS, today HIS HOLINESS POPE JOHN XXIII the of St. .Iohn Lateran. the Pope's Sce as Bishop ., nome. Some \' atienl! said !IIat preparat fOI' the co u nell mi;lht have he en started some time ago by the latc Pope XII. 1:'11 FIRST ;\IESSAGE The sulljcd of Christian unity. howcver. is olle that his succes· SOl', John XXIll. mentioned in hi! first message as Pope-the day after he was elected. On 29, speaking in Latin. the neW PoP' said: .. And as we do the western church. we embrace with equal paternal af£ection the Oriental i church: and open our heart dnd I arms to all those who are sellar· ,atcd from this Apostolic See, I where Peter himself lives in his , successors." I Vatican sources said that al· most ccrtainly leaders of Chris- tian reli;:ious olher than Roman Catholic would he invited tl) at. tend the council. at least ·as ob- ; ".;: 1 servers. I In London Canon Christop!ler I Douglas \\'addam:,. :,ccrctary III : Ihe Church of England council for : affairs. :,aid guardedly I that if there rcally should be an : accert abte imitation offering "a : uconuu move towal'ds co·op. total ahout .1,;00. Blit it nol! in the history of the church. It. rration betwcell the Roman Cath· proballie that all of them will at-I i5 likely. Vatican ,Ollrecs said: olic Church and othcr C:tri,lian tend. ! IhM it will be held I churches, it would be wei. The new cnlll1cil willl>e Ihp 11;t: either in 5t. Peter's Basilica or in comed." , ;-;-:- . -( :,-ouah!'t!> . :>t;, ",r .,j :'>rnm's,' -= 'Of " •. A :r.r . . , •. el!'mrng , h' , h ':' (\ n C I, Cdj'3L'I!y whlle 10 1 BROOKLYN, N. Y.-Before geUing a chance to walk down the aisle, prospective bride babel Hernandez, 20 (top), had to take this long hike down the fire escape at her home (at 743 Park Ave.) here Jan. 18th. A fire on the third floor of the building forced Miss Hernandez to use the fire escape. She kept her bridegroom, Eugene Lafont, waiting nearly fOllr hours at the church. Isabel got down the fire escape without soiling her gown and now she'll Mrs. Lafont. One of the bridemaids precedes Miss Hernandez New Labour Column In News Today 'Protestant Leaders Backing , ! Pope's Plea For Conference The Daily Newl to·day intro- BY GEORGE CORNELl, : be "a mutual coming together,: Canadian Protestant leaders I' fnrml'd down the fire escape.-(UPI Photo). ' fentur.e which will YORK (AP) - North I not Ullder conditions laid down I' cautious interest. Most be hi keeping witli It! policy to American Protestant and ortho·' by one church for all the others." Rev. Philip Carrington, act!ng M D · · A -t d I give every group represented in do" church leaders ap'l Officials noted that the Roman Primate of the Anglican Church Sk - ' any ec IS I on S wa I e' J the community an opportunity plauded Pope John's plan to calli Catholic has consistently i in Canada. said the Vatican an- les ,to e"press Its views on Import· an eCumenical council to seek' declined 10 participate in ecume-, nounCfment was "Iery interest· I ont current events. The new Christian IInity-iJut generally in.! nical councils of Ihe in):," but that it it too early to V "''h S . C t I fealure is a column entitled "In dicated that it must be on a mut- i and orthodox groups. : have a firm opinion concerning .. : r rom .I. J e up re lne A 0 U r !S uall f the)'! Ihat the' 7:3.1 a.m. . . .. I t? tell its it c.ould mark a far-reac.h.! nc,,:, Pope's announcement ough. Ont.. next week. and :he ' .. 8,35 p.m. By DUFRESNE ,Quellec premier ordered cancel" 1 cancelling hqllllr pel" . In s 11',.11 ap- mg step III the history on ChrIS':, a modificatIOn of this question will probably be discus· Canadian PrPII Slall Writer lation of Mr. Roncarelli's liquur, mil. 1 pear from to time In !hc tendom. . . pohcy. : sed there. OITAW\ ICP) The Supreme permit in Montreal : For sllllle limr pm'inu< 10 '11e I Sews. It Will have no speCifIC "Mythm!! Ihat lI'ould to· D F kl' C' k F h' I RI n A Q in the COlirt of Canada is scheduled to 2 The CBC's app'eal a: in Dcccmbe'r schcdule for appearanco but, J:ether all the churchc' of Cllmt I r. f 10 r y .. aIr; I rI' t rl'. f .; tccuccnh hand dOll'n a number of decisions dec'islon of the Ontario COIll·ts; ROl1carclli, a member' of rather win be printed as .its au·iwould of God." .5 aid i mthan rofm(,mhil.ce h 0 I nrloCerador a I .' . .' . 'I". \1" . h d d: thor sees Itt to commcnt In lah· Dr. EdWin T. Dahlbel·g. president' p. >(![" ounel 0 . IIIC ('5'1 0 ana a, sal e woe 109 and of WIde Intcrest today. when It that It must stand trial on char"cs '('.10Iah s Ilne:,scs. a postc i •. II H . '1 ,'1\ fiN . I C '1 (1 which IIlcludcs mosl major Prot-I revolves around what the Pope it! begin. winter lerm. of Violating Lord's Day Act bait in 393 cases of our s owe\eT. I I 0 t.le a t 1 0 a ounci. () 1 estant. orthodox an(1 means seeking unity:' If unity 10 bt In. by broadcastmJ: nn Sunda\'. members arrcs(ed for rllstnbul. be contmuou s feature betng embraCing .most bod' lAS dCC'lKnd If I o'I\'e ;n of I mOa"t "t' 0'1 n I' n g Rome" thpn ' '. . . ..... hI' h . . t' d b bl the basis roited State denominations ' . , "c . , c" , .- npunced include: S. A damage SUit by LOUIse 109 pamp cts Wit out a mUniel. I sus alOe pro a y on . ed I I t h I ricial appraisal of Ihr plan pend. i there would be little point in the .I.o\\' \. Frank . tfIO,OOO Lamb, .• membher I of th olumn ita ing filII official lext Ilf Ihe council. But ,,:hau,I'er _ 53 a m. damage tlllt again81 Premier the Jehovah s WItnesses. \V 0 IS '. e au or 0 e c.. . Pope s statement. was behmd the proposal, It a :i Ii p.m. i Duplessis on the ground that the asking from three Que. In the CBC c.ase, the the pen. name Charhe "I( the slatement warl'ants it." healthy sisn that Reme "is ver.l· .. · .... ill Humrous In , On Van Horne Cl' - The Eovern· been made. ..... about Mr. Van Horne has been quofed tb: o:t:,poken J.C. as writing to Labor Minister lilt of HI Commons Starr last year: :as made 01 unem· ") will not remain a lupporter of the government to see our peo- ll:, \'In Horne I pIe SUffer from hunger-and the but he ia privations caused by unemploy. · . tna, lint httle men. a problem whose just and lIlT. all':', !o1l1." said reasonable solution remains an unfulfilled promise of OIIr i()I'ern· ! ment." .o( at of the (It\t:l';'::\f for: Mr. Van Horne was not in the . Midha"a. :-:.8.: Commons when Mr. Pickersgill frr.m the .econd : said that. like the Brunswick ;. S;>!aktl, ('hair 10 I' member. he regards unemploy. fron' row ment as a serious and continuing .' door, Some; problem-a human problem. a:'11 havc' The unemployed don't want -- ' __ : history from Dielenbaker. he I They wanted the kind 01 ng : action that had been promised I belore the last election. bee ProvlRclal Police officers for owned con!ends It IS Gosse.. The fIrst column ap- RESUME PRODUCTION he added. "the matter will much concerned for the peace of false arrest. not to the s Day Act perna In today s News. England aeu· probably be discussed by the ex. the world and reCognizes that tbe 4. British Columbia's appeal for It .IS not men· ters-About 16,000 Mieland rar eCutive committee of the World contribution of the Cllrlstian lower Irelght rates on grain for tioned In It. The co.ur!S workers thrown out of work last Council o( C It u r c h e s when it churches is not very eflective be· consumption within the province. ruled the CBC IS a Beaverbrook's week by an unofficial strike of meets in Geneva. Feb. 9 to 13." cause of its dividedness." I. An appeal by PraIrie grain person as such is subject 160 crane drivers at a car body Dr. Fry. also president of the Bishop Germanos PoUzodas. Interests against an order last to thhe LoC;C d s Day Act. h f factory resumed work Monday at United Lutheran Church in Amer- patriarchal vicar In charge of the May by the Board of Transport vlT e_ h laLoccsd.a cDarge A at Da plants of the British Motor Cor· ica and 01 the world federation of Greek orthodox church in North Commissioners IlmlUng the time olatmg tel' s ay c, Brother les poration. The week's holdup over 50,000,000 Lutherans, said the pro· and South America, proposed I that loaded grain cars can stand lodged In Toronto on a complaint a caim lor a 45.shillings monthly posal also may be considered at preliminary conlerence of all at terminal elevators without be- by 'nih eTTo , ronlo Tlelegram.. '1 accident - free bonus was esti. the L WF· s Feb. 14 meeting in churches to work out the details Ing as&eued demurrage charges. Tee :gram aces a Simi ar MONTREAL (CP) -Private lu- mated to haVe cost the corpora· Gene\'a. and agenda . The board suspended It! order charge, laId after It. pub. neral services were held Monday tion more than £501),000 in produc. July 16 pending the outcome 01 lishlng a Sunday edllton March lor financier Allan A. Aitken, 69. tion. the Supreme Court 17, 195 7. The newspaper made who died in hospital Friday. He ---------::---- B -t· h G- W t complnmts - followed by courl was a brother of Lord Beaver· day to attend the funeral. rl IS ulana an S APPEALED EARLIER charges _ against the Toronto brook, British publisher. In 1914 Mr. Aitken joined the The appeals on these decisions Star, Toronto Globe and Mail and The services were held from Royal Navy, later transferring to were heard during earlier terms private radio station CKEY of the Aitken residence with inter· the Can ad ian Expeditionary d h I 01 the nlne·member court. Arter Toronto. The Telegl'am discon· ment at Mount Royal cemetery. Force. from which he retired in C · B P t delivering Ihe judgements, the tinued Sunrlay edition after ,They were conducted by Rev. Dr. 1918 with the and ana Ian ranc an s court w!ll begin hearings on 42 fil'e nH,ths, . R. J. Burlis of the Presbyterian the rank of major. , appeals that will keep it busy for Trial in these cases has been Church of SI. Andrew and 5t. He was to :-lcwcaslle. i GEORGl!:'l'O\\'X. Ilritish (iui. sillilities (or making ilaS$, cem. weeks. postpo.ned pending the Supreme Paul. . I .. As a ana CP-Canarlian businessmen ent. lime and pottery out 0{ sea. The list Is made up of 13 IIP-: Court's ruling on the CBC's claim; A spokesman ror the family f!1an he the Royal Secul·l. wel'e invited to estanlish shclls. . peal! from Western pro\·inces. 15' il is excmpt fl'om Ihp act. i said there lVere no pallbcarers. tIes Corporation Ltd. of Montreal. branch and in\'pst in new industries would from Quebec and 14 from On.! , ,UVED He was a of the the development of Ihis Brilish hetp 10 overcome employment. tarlo. . I PARIS (Reuters l - France s I Aitken hl'ed qUlcllyl" pre-. real Slock Exchange from 19.3 colonl' on Ihe South American About 20 per cent of the British The Ronc8l'elli Duplessis case, npw premier. Michel ;\'ilIl ferring .10 shlln the until 1928. .' . . .. I mainiaod. Guiana labor force was unem· has been before the courts more I visit London for talks With Prime I often l'lsltcd brook 111 i Hc reSigned as I 1ce.pre_ 1Mnt The invilalion was cxtrnded to ployed 0011'. than 11 years. Roncarclli is Macmillan probably 10· England and III made a .spe. i and a director I a Canadian economic mbsion by Generous tax conccssions were demanding dam age on Ihe ward the end of next month or at, cial trip to attend his 75th birth-I' an.d Company Llmllcd on .lan. L Sir Patrick Reni,on. gOI'crnor of :::ranted companics establishinl: ground that Mr. Duplessis forced the heginning of March. oHicials I day celebration. Lord Beal'er- thiS He also a director' British Guiana. and Cheddi ,Ia· hcre and busincss would find him out or restaurant busl· at his ollice said Monrlay brook arrived from England Sun· of national Brewenes Ltd. gan. leadcr of the majority party "thcre are no sharp or corrup, in the Icgislature. practices in this country." Tax IN PARLIAMENT: Both were among speakers at C. :\1. Bcrnard, president of the the formal opening of discussions Georgetown Chamber of Com· between members 'Of the mission meree. said British Guiana is an· and their British Guiana counter· xious to import more from Can· parts. ada and to attract Canadian in· .\1' -"early ><is!. Regis I tii:t 01 l\ale income I . &ltlitd to use 1 !It tu. I Plans For Northern Development Brighter The mi5sion, sponsored by Ihe 'vestment capitat here. Canadian Chamber of Comlnerce. One of the country'S largest in· is on a 17-day tour investigating dustries. is Demerera Oauxite possibilities of increasing trade Company, owned by Aluminium !It In our tong. lI! d:r . ' OTrAWA (CP) - The govern· ttton 01 Mad ment's vision of northern develop. t .. allied Tus. ment Is brighter than ever, Ir!n iIllall group Northern Affairs Mlnlstllr Hamil· Ii Q t of the town ton said Monday. In llld ripPed Relerrlng to the Commons " . throne speech debate to what he tar .. Regis had. said were pres. "hints that the III(ome tax vlslun Is fusing," he declared: bit Ia of etntury- "Exactly the opposite Is true. '. that September lie said these things are hap. ltt' Ddlans were pening: tax pay. J. A national conservation con· SQ. (erence Is being planned, lor 1960 ls Is in lor a which could start "a program of to:e nt of In. conservation and resource man· 1Itct .. lhe group. agement unparalleled in Cana· '" chiefs of dian history." bttalUe 2. The government is studyIng lit "-t to possibilities of atomic icebreakers ....... 011. aDd aubmarinet. and plans for ! Pickersgill Speaks better and cheaper arctic hous· ping ships and improvements in lng.· existing ones. 3. A CanadIan company. which ASKS FOR CONFERENCE he Idenlilied only as a subsidiary Armand' Dumas L-Vi1Ieneuve of a United firm, is trying suggested the government con- with (overnment co.opel'ation 10 vene as soon as possible a conler· work out prolliems in the way 01 encc of federal and provinCial building an economic nuclear ministers concerned in the gov- power planlf()r the ArcUc. 11 sUC· ernmen!'s·resources pro· cesslul the plant could also be· gram. come a new product for Canadian He said the program 01 build· export. ' ling access roads is a good one, 4. Geological and geophysical but that it is lagging because the activities are being doubled. government has not called a 5, Hydrographic activities will ference of interested parties. be doubled in five yearS througlt The more Immediate concerns CGostrucUon of new ocean·map. Of unemployment were empha· For Nfld. sized by J. W. Pickersgill L- Bonavista - Twillingate in a speech dealing largely with the eastern provinces. FIVE PROPOSALS He of(ered live proposals to the government for relief of unem· ployment and for an improvement of the economy in the Atlantic provinces. These were: 1. Give Ii 5 her men enough stamps to make them eligible for Unemployment Insurance . 2, Immediate payment to New. foundland of the grant recom· mended hy the McNair royal commission. in the Caribbean area. Limited of Canada. 3. Floor prices on pulpwood pro. TOUR ITINERARY Bernard said British Guiana's duced by lanners. It has already visited Jamaica resourses have scarcely been 4. Proceed with the federal elec- tricity program and make it apply to Newfoundland. 5. Payment by the federal gov. ernment of at least 90 per cent Of costs to complete the Trans· Canada Highway. Mr. Pickcrsgill said fishermen are just as entitled to aid as the Western were when the federal government paid them , $40,000,000 last year in the lorm of a 5udsity. Newfoundland fish· ermen has been obliged to g() on relief and the gOl'ernment had done nothing lor them and Trinidad and leaves here touched. Wednesday to conclude the tour J allUary 31 in Barbados. Iii Sir Patrick said 11 Canadian firms are unable' to capture markets here they can come here and establish plants. Jagan said a strong link should be froged between British Guiana and Canada. British Guiana did not want charity. She wanted loans and investments fOI' development pur. poses. He suggested that Canada es· tablish f10llr mills here 10 con· vert Canadian wheat inlo flour. There was room here also for Weather Mainly sunny with oc· casional snow flurries. Cold. TEMPERA TURES Toronto ...... .. Montreal .... .. Moncton ...... . Halifax ... , .. .. Sydney ...... .. SI. John's ... .. 29 43 16 14 24 19' 32 14 24 19 22 fruit canneries and enormous pos· !!!:==== __ a __ .... I' , I , I I' I . " , I r .' 't ' ! I :1. 1 :j \; , , " !. ! .. '

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Page 1: THE DAILY · speaking in Latin. the neW PoP' said: .. And as we do the western church. we embrace with equal

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• SIX plssenger

VAUXHALL ~ ,n ideal car for



.~~ &QC_~ , • •

Vol. 66. No. 21 ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND TUESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1959 (Price: 7 Cents) Charles Hutton Be Sons

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:Unity Of Christian Forces: I

,May Follow T,he Pope's Plea BY FRANK BRUTTO i

, V ATICAN CITY lAP) - Thc: , first acclamation of Roman Cath· : olic bishops was receil'ed Monday

for the ccumcncial council called · by POPe .John-a meeting Ihat · may !lrol'C to be Christianity's : most immcnse gathering . , ; The i7·year.old supremc ruler ! of the noman Catholic Church all. ! nounccd the ecumenical-world· : wide·meeting Sunday. Its prim· ,ary obJective. announced by a · brief Vatican press ollice com· : munique, is to be unity of Chris : tian forces.

I The news was received with

I mixed feelings in various parts 01 the world by Protestant, Chrls-

I tian orthodox and other religious communities separaled from the Roman Church.


The date for the council has not I becn set. Speculation in Vatican

I circlcs ,about when it might be held ran~c atl the IVay from late

i this year to as much as two , years from now.

The last ecumenical council be­;:an in 1869 and was never ofli· i ci~lI)' cnded. Four years wcre reo i quircd for its preparation. It

,came 10 a halt when Italian troops occupied Rome to unify ltab·. :-'Iore than ROO cardinals, archbishops and bish()p5 attended il.

Prelates Qf tlie church eligible 10 atlend the nell' council. indud· in~ all resilient bisilOPS, today


the Ba~ilica of St. .Iohn Lateran. the Pope's Sce as Bishop ., nome.

Some \' atienl! source~ said !IIat preparat ion~ fOI' the co u nell mi;lht have he en started some time ago by the latc Pope PlU~ XII.

1:'11 FIRST ;\IESSAGE The sulljcd of Christian unity.

howcver. is olle that his succes· SOl', John XXIll. mentioned in hi! first message as Pope-the day after he was elected. On Oc~. 29, speaking in Latin. the neW PoP' said:

.. And as we do the western church. we embrace with equal paternal af£ection the Oriental

i church: and open our heart dnd I arms to all those who are sellar· ,atcd from this Apostolic See, I where Peter himself lives in his , successors."

I Vatican sources said that al· most ccrtainly leaders of Chris­tian reli;:ious olher than Roman Catholic would he invited tl) at. tend the council. at least ·as ob-

; ".;: 1 servers.

I In London Canon Christop!ler I Douglas \\'addam:,. :,ccrctary III : Ihe Church of England council for : forci~n affairs. :,aid guardedly I that if there rcally should be an : accert abte imitation offering "a : uconuu move towal'ds co·op.

total ahout .1,;00. Blit it i~ nol! in the history of the church. It. rration betwcell the Roman Cath· proballie that all of them will at-I i5 likely. Vatican ,Ollrecs said: olic Church and othcr C:tri,lian tend. ! ~Ionday. IhM it will be held I churches, it would ~urcly be wei.

The new cnlll1cil willl>e Ihp 11;t: either in 5t. Peter's Basilica or in comed." , ;-;-:- . -( :,-ouah!'t!> . :>t;, ",r .,j :'>rnm's,'

-= 'Of ,-r'·:,!~·IJ:iI~l'.

" •. '~\(l\\'- A

• :r.r Rrrl~ . . , •. el!'mrng ,

• • h' , ~I" l~.~ h ':' (\ n C I,

Cdj'3L'I!y whlle ~ r~b~: 10 ~ta)' 1

BROOKLYN, N. Y.-Before geUing a chance to walk down the aisle, prospective bride babel Hernandez, 20 (top), had to take this long hike down the fire escape at her home (at 743 Park Ave.) here Jan. 18th. A fire on the third floor of the building forced Miss Hernandez to use the fire escape. She kept her bridegroom, Eugene Lafont, waiting nearly fOllr hours at the church. Isabel got down the fire escape without soiling her gown and now she'll Mrs. Lafont. One of the bridemaids precedes Miss Hernandez

New Labour Column In

News Today

'Protestant Leaders Backing ,

! Pope's Plea For Conference The Daily Newl to·day intro- BY GEORGE CORNELl, : be "a mutual coming together,: Canadian Protestant leaders

I' fnrml'd down the fire escape.-(UPI Photo).

• ' fentur.e which will 'NI~W YORK (AP) - North I not Ullder conditions laid down I' expres~p" cautious interest. Most --------------------~---"---=-----~,' be hi keeping witli It! policy to American Protestant and ortho·' by one church for all the others." Rev. Philip Carrington, act!ng

M D · · A -t d I give every group represented in do" church leaders ~f()nday ap'l Officials noted that the Roman Primate of the Anglican Church

Sk- ' any ec IS I on S wa I e' J the community an opportunity plauded Pope John's plan to calli Catholic Chur~h has consistently i in Canada. said the Vatican an-les ,to e"press Its views on Import· an eCumenical council to seek' declined 10 participate in ecume-, nounCfment was "Iery interest· I ont current events. The new Christian IInity-iJut generally in.! nical councils of Ihe Protes~ant: in):," but that it it too early to

V "''h S . C t I fealure is a column entitled "In dicated that it must be on a mut- i and orthodox groups. : have a firm opinion concerning

.. ~a~~~.ry~ ;~t~:m. : r rom .I. J e up re lne A 0 U r ;~~~r;iv~or~:~::rnd !S :ee:~t~; uallf b::i~ l~ ~~a~r~~~I~er. the)'! )1~~el~I~~s ~~~;~;l~;ion Ihat the' ~~u~~~ ~n~~:~n~°fnm~!;b::. 7:3.1 a.m. . . .. I op,~ortunity t? tell its "sIO~Y. ~aid, it c.ould mark a far-reac.h.! nc,,:, Pope's announcement mi~ht' ough. Ont.. next week. and :he

' .. 8,35 p.m. By BER~ARD DUFRESNE ,Quellec premier ordered cancel"1 ne,~ b~' cancelling hl~ hqllllr pel" . In Labou~ s Corn~r 11',.11 ap- mg step III the history on ChrIS':, ,"d~cate a modificatIOn of this ~ question will probably be discus·

Canadian PrPII Slall Writer lation of Mr. Roncarelli's liquur, mil. 1 pear from t~me to time In !hc tendom. . . pohcy. : sed there. OITAW\ ICP) The Supreme permit in Montreal : For sllllle limr pm'inu< 10 '11e I Sews. It Will have no speCifIC "Mythm!! Ihat lI'ould bfln~ to· D F kl' C' k F h' I RI n A ~I Q

in the COlirt of Canada is scheduled to 2 The CBC's app'eal a~ainst a: caneell'~tion in Dcccmbe'r 19'~ij' schcdule for appearanco but, J:ether all the churchc' of Cllmt I r. f ~~n' 10 '~I' ry .. :· aIr; I rI' t rl'. f tt~I't~ .; tccuccnh hand dOll'n a number of decisions dec'islon of the Ontario COIll·ts; ~Ir. ROl1carclli, a member' of ':h~: rather win be printed as .its au·iwould lJ~ blr~scd of God." .5aid i mthan \~ 'I~f! rofm(,mhil.ceh 0 I nrloCerador a ·dl~·th:n1 ~h I IltUh~c

.' . . ' . ~ 'I". \1" . h d d: thor sees Itt to commcnt In lah· Dr. EdWin T. Dahlbel·g. president' p. >(![" ounel 0 . IIIC ('5'1 0 ana a, sal e woe 109 and of WIde Intcrest today. when It that It must stand trial on char"cs '('.10Iah s Ilne:,scs. a postc i •. II H . '1 ,'1\ fiN . I C '1 (1 which IIlcludcs mosl major Prot-I revolves around what the Pope

~I."rp, it! begin. it~ winter lerm. of Violating ~he Lord's Day Act bait in 393 cases of fell~w ~ect'l our s bch~. owe\eT. I ~ I 0 t.le a t 1 0 ~. a ounci. () 1 estant. orthodox an(1 An~lican: means b~' seeking unity:' If unity D~ci,ion. ~rhpduled 10 bt In. by broadcastmJ: nn Sunda\'. members arrcs(ed for rllstnbul. be ~ contmuous feature betng Chulchc~. embraCing .most m~Jor bod' lAS dCC'lKnd If I o'I\'e ;n of I mOa"t "t' 0'1 n I' n g Rome" thpn ' '. . . ..... hI' h . . t' d b bl the basis roited State denominations ' . , "c ~." . , c" , .-npunced include: S. A damage SUit by LOUIse 109 pamp cts Wit out a mUniel. I sus alOe pro a y on ~h . ed I I t h I ricial appraisal of Ihr plan pend. i there would be little point in the

.I.o\\' \. Frank . Roncar~lIi'. tfIO,OOO Lamb, Verd~n. ~ue .• membher ~f ~aolrMlicEeJ;[~~kD~ I of ~nce ~hwee~. th olumn h~S he!;I\~e\~f~Pina~~~ fa:t~. ita m~~ ing ~ filII official lext Ilf Ihe ecumeni~al council. But ,,:hau,I'er _ 53 a m. damage tlllt again81 Premier the Jehovah s WItnesses. \V 0 IS • '. e au or 0 e c.. . Pope s statement. was behmd the proposal, It W~5 a :i Ii p.m. i Duplessis on the ground that the asking fo~ ~,OOO from three Que. In the CBC c.ase, the publ~cl~. chose~. the pen. name Charhe "I( the slatement warl'ants it." healthy sisn that Reme "is ver.l·

.. · .... ill Humrous In ,

On Van Horne Cl' - The Eovern· been made.

..... ~ ~onda\' about Mr. Van Horne has been quofed tb: o:t:,poken J.C. as writing to Labor Minister

lilt of HI Commons Starr last year: :as made 01 unem· ") will not remain a lupporter

of the government to see our peo­ll:, \'In Horne I pIe SUffer from hunger-and the

~ ~g(-d. but he ia privations caused by unemploy. · . tna, lint httle men. a problem whose just and

lIlT. all':', !o1l1." said reasonable solution remains an I~Bonal·i<ta· unfulfilled promise of OIIr i()I'ern·

! ment." I~t .o( at of the

(It\t:l';'::\f ~tP for: Mr. Van Horne was not in the . Midha"a. :-:.8.: Commons when Mr. Pickersgill

frr.m the .econd : said that. like the ~ew Brunswick ;. S;>!aktl, ('hair 10 I' member. he regards unemploy. ~ fron' row ~rxt ment as a serious and continuing

.' door, Some; problem-a human problem. ,~::. a:'11 havc' The unemployed don't want

-- ' __ : history from ~Ir. Dielenbaker. he I ~aid. They wanted the kind 01

ng : action that had been promised I belore the last election.

bee ProvlRclal Police officers for owned ~orporahon con!ends It IS Gosse.. The fIrst column ap- RESUME PRODUCTION he added. "the matter will much concerned for the peace of false arrest. not subJ:C~ to the Lo~~ s Day Act perna In today s News. BIRMI~GHAM, England aeu· probably be discussed by the ex. the world and reCognizes that tbe

4. British Columbia's appeal for becaus~ It .IS not speclllc~lIy men· ters-About 16,000 Mieland rar eCutive committee of the World contribution of the Cllrlstian lower Irelght rates on grain for tioned In It. The O~tan?, co.ur!S workers thrown out of work last Council o( C It u r c h e s when it churches is not very eflective be· consumption within the province. ruled !~at the CBC IS a jurl~hc Beaverbrook's week by an unofficial strike of meets in Geneva. Feb. 9 to 13." cause of its dividedness."

I. An appeal by PraIrie grain person an~ as such is subject 160 crane drivers at a car body Dr. Fry. also president of the Bishop Germanos PoUzodas. Interests against an order last to thhe LoC;Cd s Day Act. h f factory resumed work Monday at United Lutheran Church in Amer- patriarchal vicar In charge of the May by the Board of Transport vlT e_ h laLoccsd.a cDargeA at Da plants of the British Motor Cor· ica and 01 the world federation of Greek orthodox church in North Commissioners IlmlUng the time olatmg tel' s ay c, Brother les poration. The week's holdup over 50,000,000 Lutherans, said the pro· and South America, proposed I that loaded grain cars can stand lodged In Toronto on a complaint a caim lor a 45.shillings monthly posal also may be considered at preliminary conlerence of all at terminal elevators without be- by 'nih eTTo, ronlo Tlelegram.. '1 accident - free bonus was esti. the L WF· s Feb. 14 meeting in churches to work out the details Ing as&eued demurrage charges. Tee :gram aces a Simi ar MONTREAL (CP) -Private lu- mated to haVe cost the corpora· Gene\'a. and agenda . The board suspended It! order charge, laId after It. ~egan pub. neral services were held Monday tion more than £501),000 in produc. July 16 pending the outcome 01 lishlng a Sunday edllton March lor financier Allan A. Aitken, 69. tion. the Supreme Court cas~, 17, 1957. The newspaper made who died in hospital Friday. He ---------::---- B -t· h G - W t

complnmts - followed by courl was a brother of Lord Beaver· day to attend the funeral. rl IS ulana an S APPEALED EARLIER charges _ against the Toronto brook, British publisher. In 1914 Mr. Aitken joined the

The appeals on these decisions Star, Toronto Globe and Mail and The services were held from Royal Navy, later transferring to were heard during earlier terms private radio station CKEY of the Aitken residence with inter· the Can ad ian Expeditionary d h I 01 the nlne·member court. Arter Toronto. The Telegl'am discon· ment at Mount Royal cemetery. Force. from which he retired in C · B P t delivering Ihe judgements, the tinued it~ Sunrlay edition after ,They were conducted by Rev. Dr. 1918 with the ~ititary C~oss and ana Ian ranc an s court w!ll begin hearings on 42 fil'e nH,ths, . R. J. Burlis of the Presbyterian the rank of bflgad~ major. , appeals that will keep it busy for Trial in these cases has been Church of SI. Andrew and 5t. He was ~ducatcd to :-lcwcaslle. i GEORGl!:'l'O\\'X. Ilritish (iui. sillilities (or making ilaS$, cem. weeks. postpo.ned pending the Supreme Paul. . I ~.B .. As a youn~1 ana CP-Canarlian businessmen ent. lime and pottery out 0{ sea.

The list Is made up of 13 IIP-: Court's ruling on the CBC's claim; A spokesman ror the family f!1an he Jom~d the Royal Secul·l. ~Ionday wel'e invited to estanlish shclls. . peal! from Western pro\·inces. 15' il is excmpt fl'om Ihp act. i said there lVere no pallbcarers. tIes Corporation Ltd. of Montreal. branch pla~ls h~re and in\'pst in ~'If)f'eol'er, new industries would from Quebec and 14 from On.! , ,UVED ~UITE!,Y. He was a me~ber of the Mo~t. the development of Ihis Brilish hetp 10 overcome employment. tarlo. . I PARIS (Reuters l - France s I ~r. Aitken hl'ed qUlcllyl" pre-. real Slock Exchange from 19.3 colonl' on Ihe South American About 20 per cent of the British

The Ronc8l'elli • Duplessis case, npw premier. Michel D~bl'e. ;\'ilIl ferring .10 shlln the Iime~ight. ~c: until 1928. .' . . .. I mainiaod. Guiana labor force was unem· has been before the courts more I visit London for talks With Prime I often l'lsltcd ~ord ~cal'el brook 111 i Hc reSigned as I 1ce.pre_ 1Mnt The invilalion was cxtrnded to ployed 0011'. than 11 years. ~Ir. Roncarclli is ~Iinislrr Macmillan probably 10· England and III \9~4 made a .spe. i and a director ~f ~f1ce Brother~ I a Canadian economic mbsion by Generous tax conccssions were demanding dam age ~ on Ihe ward the end of next month or at, cial trip to attend his 75th birth-I' an.d Company Llmllcd on .lan. L Sir Patrick Reni,on. gOI'crnor of :::ranted companics establishinl: ground that Mr. Duplessis forced the heginning of March. oHicials I day celebration. Lord Beal'er- thiS y~ar. He also ~as a director' British Guiana. and Cheddi ,Ia· hcre and busincss would find him out or hl~ restaurant busl· at his ollice said Monrlay ni~ht. brook arrived from England Sun· of national Brewenes Ltd. gan. leadcr of the majority party "thcre are no sharp or corrup,

in the Icgislature. practices in this country."

Tax IN PARLIAMENT: Both were among speakers at C. :\1. Bcrnard, president of the the formal opening of discussions Georgetown Chamber of Com· between members 'Of the mission meree. said British Guiana is an· and their British Guiana counter· xious to import more from Can· parts. ada and to attract Canadian in·

~. .\1' -"early ~tstthrael ><is!. Regis I

~Ionday tii:t 01 l\ale income I . &ltlitd to use 1

!It ~ tu. d~artmeDt I Plans For Northern Development Brighter The mi5sion, sponsored by Ihe 'vestment capitat here.

Canadian Chamber of Comlnerce. One of the country'S largest in· is on a 17-day tour investigating dustries. is Demerera Oauxite possibilities of increasing trade Company, owned by Aluminium

!It In our tong. lI! d:r . ' OTrAWA (CP) - The govern·

~ ttton 01 Mad ment's vision of northern develop. t .. allied Tus. ment Is brighter than ever,

Ir!n iIllall group Northern Affairs Mlnlstllr Hamil· Ii Q t of the town ton said Monday. ~ In llld ripPed Relerrlng to the Commons " . throne speech debate to what he

tar ~~ .. Regis had. said were pres. "hints that the ,,~ III(ome tax vlslun Is fusing," he declared: bit Ia of etntury- "Exactly the opposite Is true. '. that ~ September lie said these things are hap.

ltt' Ddlans were pening: ~ tax pay. J. A national conservation con·

SQ. • (erence Is being planned, lor 1960 ls ~ Is in lor a which could start "a program of to:ent of In. conservation and resource man·

1Itct .. lhe group. agement unparalleled in Cana· '" chiefs of dian history." bttalUe th~y 2. The government is studyIng

lit "-t ~~rs to possibilities of atomic icebreakers ....... 011. aDd aubmarinet. and plans for



Pickersgill Speaks better and cheaper arctic hous· ping ships and improvements in lng.· existing ones.

3. A CanadIan company. which ASKS FOR CONFERENCE he Idenlilied only as a subsidiary Armand' Dumas L-Vi1Ieneuve of a United State~ firm, is trying suggested the government con­with (overnment co.opel'ation 10 vene as soon as possible a conler· work out prolliems in the way 01 encc of federal and provinCial building an economic nuclear ministers concerned in the gov­power planlf()r the ArcUc. 11 sUC· ernmen!'s·resources pro· cesslul the plant could also be· gram. come a new product for Canadian He said the program 01 build· export. ' ling access roads is a good one,

4. Geological and geophysical but that it is lagging because the activities are being doubled. government has not called a ~on·

5, Hydrographic activities will ference of interested parties. be doubled in five yearS througlt The more Immediate concerns CGostrucUon of new ocean·map. Of unemployment were empha·

For Nfld. sized by J. W. Pickersgill L­Bonavista - Twillingate in a speech dealing largely with the eastern provinces. FIVE PROPOSALS

He of(ered live proposals to the government for relief of unem· ployment and for an improvement of the economy in the Atlantic provinces. These were:

1. Give Ii 5 her men enough stamps to make them eligible for Unemployment Insurance .

2, Immediate payment to New. foundland of the grant recom· mended hy the McNair royal commission.

in the Caribbean area. Limited of Canada. 3. Floor prices on pulpwood pro. TOUR ITINERARY Bernard said British Guiana's

duced by lanners. It has already visited Jamaica resourses have scarcely been 4. Proceed with the federal elec­

tricity program and make it apply to Newfoundland.

5. Payment by the federal gov. ernment of at least 90 per cent Of costs to complete the Trans· Canada Highway.

Mr. Pickcrsgill said fishermen are just as entitled to aid as the Western fa~mers were when the federal government paid them , $40,000,000 last year in the lorm of a 5udsity. Newfoundland fish· ermen has been obliged to g() on relief and the gOl'ernment had done nothing lor them •

and Trinidad and leaves here touched. Wednesday to conclude the tour ~5;;;;;;;;;e;;;;;;;;;B J allUary 31 in Barbados. Iii

Sir Patrick said 11 Canadian firms are unable' to capture markets here they can come here and establish plants.

Jagan said a strong link should be froged between British Guiana and Canada. British Guiana did not want charity. She wanted loans and investments fOI' development pur. poses.

He suggested that Canada es· tablish f10llr mills here 10 con· vert Canadian wheat inlo flour. There was room here also for

Weather Mainly sunny with oc·

casional snow flurries. Cold.

TEMPERA TURES Toronto ...... .. Montreal .... .. Moncton ...... . Halifax ... , .. .. Sydney ...... .. SI. John's ... ..

29 43 16 ~3

14 24 19' 32 14 • 24 19 22

fruit canneries and enormous pos· !!!:==== __ a __ ....


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't ' !

I :1. 1

:j \; ,

, " !.

! .. '


I •

~ , '

Page 2: THE DAILY · speaking in Latin. the neW PoP' said: .. And as we do the western church. we embrace with equal

., , ,. ~

~ .' . -~ r


I' I

• -. I



,. :--.. !'

. , ..



Labour's Corner by Charlie Gosse


appears to be confused about rer- fashion they informed the Lab· Ob" Y' M ' \ this endeavour the lad:cs got ~ E W U~· tain aspect of the strugglr, if our Relations Board that they ltuary s en S of( to a good st~rt by presenting ~ 10 • lUSIln.l comments overheard frDm the were unconcerned with the ma:. the Y', Men with a cheque ob·, "'lIll man in the street are worth ter. withdrew to the sidelines JOHN C WALLIS Club News Itained frDm a jumble sale held Express anything. and left the two union groups The' .'.! " : on. Tue~da~ .. J~n. 20th., at s~.

This confusion appears to to battle out the legalism!. One die pas, cd 10 hiS eternal re'l Forty·six Y's men and Y's· Michael s ParISh Hall. Y s have been created by many CDm. of the'Companies decided it was f::9 ~~h~U~d~t· i:~nuary 2uth';menetts,attended ladies' night:presidenl, Ralph. accepted the Ernest W. HiseOtk mentalors who, lacking bacl:. not the employer of its woods whe~ m n . .a IS. at a lime of the SI. John's . Y's ~Ien's: cheque on be~aJf of the club .. ~ational Ex r II eround knowledge of the situ. labour. despite the fact that it ho e foros t of hiS. ffl~n~ saw! Club on Wednesday. January I Anothe!' .blghhght of the meet· I Fredericton J ~Il ation, have cholen to be a little had acted In this capacity for edP . d.;.ecov:;Y:"f hiS Improv·!20th., at the Newfoundlandi ing was a report by. ~'s presi' l nounced b\ '~'. rough on the union. The result 20 years of collective bargaining ing co~ d I loni e eta sorrow- Hotel. Y's Gordon French was dent Ralph of a decISion made: superintendent' 11\ hll been t., create In the public and eventually ,won its legai Johnw~ o~ 1I~0 s~n~ :ev. F~ chairman for the meeting, at a recent directoN meeting. I the Atlantic rel~ mind a mental Imale of the point in a split decision of the ne d . a 15 an 0 ert, an George Dyce, Fines Muter, and AI. a result of this, a motion pany. lOll union as.the villain In the piece. Labour Relations Board. 'L'h ~rosta~~~ter. ~stepso.n, Willl~m Jim Taylor, Sgt.·at·Arms. was unanimously carried to re- Mr. HlIcock True, the union In this Instance other Company, which . ~ould Wal1lis a de oted Sister, Alice After dlnnet the reeently quest the National Council of post from has not acted llke a eroup of claim no such legal immunity T . formed Y', Menetts Club were the YMCA to u.llln the aer· where he has bee Sunday School teachers on a was eventually obliged to bar: h-e deceased was marrIed presented with their Charter, vice. of an extension aervice since 1954. lie in picnIc but It Is hardly fair to gain with I.W.A. Local 2254 fo1. :1~:~:lrs\lY to Margaret Shea and the executive were Induct· secrelary to come here and help dent of the I. picture Its leaders and memo lowing its certification by the t onear who died about ff1. ed. Y', prelident, Ralph Ham· lU in the plannlnll stages of the I as well as the . bers a8 an invading horde of Board as bargaining agent. ThIS ~:n J;:r~e~flo, a~d secondly to mond, vice'presldent, Don WH· reorg.n~tlon of lbe YMCA In: and School

:,;. 'IblI Comer wUl be an occa­: _1 .ffort. The frequency and rtpJarlt1 of Its appearance will depend upon the spare time _ .. Uable to write it. It will eon·

of the why,. and wherefores of undesirables bent upon the de- certification was granted follow to mou n hi e w fm he leaves SOD, aeeretary, Bill Gun and St. John s. I A nalil·e of unlona and tbelr activities. .tructlon of the Newfollndland ing a vote among some 4000 log . He w~s edsu:a~e!. n!t St. Bona. treuurer Evan Johnlon, ma~e There followed a .ing-tong' foundland, "'r. Hi~

Some obaervatlons on the economy. gers wbo chose l.W.A. ten to venture's College and took his up Ih. Induction team. Y. with secretary Evan at the, t~r~h~ Royal Cana~ A.N.D .. I.W.A . baasle seema to There are many features in one oveJ; its old bargain!ll~ first position with Ayre & Sons ~~~~~~lr::depft NeVil JO:lllton piano and Gordon Anderson, I wa/:~~U\ th~ ~ be the logical point. the history of the whole sltua. agent, the N.L.A. Local 2·254 Limited on leaving the college fro Y' idaq~eR!1 ~ ar er long leader, and the weekly 1'1945 a tee , Thla particular which haa tlon which lead up to the pres. ~e~t through proct~acted n~go In the ensuing years he WIS en: m 'pres en p Ham· Chinese auction, with George tiona entered been in proll'elS since 19116 haa ent dillpute wlch bear recount. hahons, complied With the legal gaged at farming as a lalesman ~:~t~ The members of the In· Dye!! acting II auctioneer. The· clerk I E~presl receIved the full treatment from Ing If the confusion is to be dis. process of conciliation and ac· and ultimately' he beeame a ladlet nwlt~e~~. p~esent~~ h the eveninll was rounded out with a iug' at rruro.

: < taln eolDment and opinions on a •. nriety of aubjectJ from a union : .. fOlnt of view. It is hoped that .•. dIoM who read Ihe Corner wUl . eolllt to a better understanding

every .ource Imaginable. De- pelled and the responsibility epted. a conciliation board re· shareholder and Manager of comparable t:lr t~ OJ;' IC M It,e I card game and dancing. thcr'~l ~ ar~Qu\

esplte this tbe public at present for the present .tate of affairs port In an eCfort to achieve an Cabot Construction and Supplies lapel pins and sb:w t: t t~ S \ Th r f I r.asphe C Q a, . i. _ jlaced where It properly be. agr~em~~t. The Comany stlll Limited. In this work he found are member. of the Y's ~ene~~ will ~eme~ell~g oOn ~x~ \\:e~: follOI\ i;lo ~ce~. I; Illl

':; 1WA. dld .. t Inn" [::;; ;.~. ",\!~':~~,,7'::: :1.:; :~:' .;!'~.~,,::f,':~ ~3:rua"'. obi., ;, .,dd ; J,,,,,, 28th .t 'h. ,:,.':':;~:: :~d"~;;: ;:;:~; ';';'


. .

Smoother Sledding! We ftnd it easier sleddinl in our

family. That is because I lood bank

balance through regular saving has given

us security and peace of mind.

We're all steady sivers at



Newfoundland. They were In. oar 5 report and thus. ~orced greslve personality. . The Y's MeneU.. are Ihe, Stellarton. m,lar vUed to come here. By whom~ 2·254 Into th~ posillon of For a friend nothing was a ladies auxiliary of the Y', ~Ien's I . ---by the leadership of the hr~ng no alternative but to trouble to him. Generous in his Club and are pledged to aide I V Juan de ~~ca ltTBlt. between R~J1lclllb~r In .ooealled independent woods s rl e.. . . a,slstan~e and alert to another'~ and assist the Y's men In their I ancouver s an and Washing· of the mrn Ii;! unions. Why? Beea\lst tor sev. Th: u~lon. carrYing o~t ItS! difficulties he always helped various projects of .en·lce to ~n State. was named by Captain: Well. thc\ 'rr b; eral years previous to 1956 the I constitution a~d the law 10 reo without considering the cost and the YMCA and community In' arkley In 1787. i women. '1: ,!'(;~. possibility of the woods unions I gard to strikes proceeded to his direct methods solved many ...• ' whipperl up·a· \, affiliating. to the Internallonal\ t~ke a strike vote: Th: Co~pan~. difficulties. Witty. humorous, a the llood humour which he I S Originated .In th~ 1820~. the I ers for r

arlr ~prir, Trade UOIon Movement was be. w.eil protected b) leglslatl\c pr!' raconteur and collector of local .pread throughout iii ' ant. Fe Trail contInued In use I some "mail g. Inll exp!ored. What happened? vlleges.. obstructed the strike yarns .. he was welcomed by .11 t A. G. ; ~n:~ the ral~rold reached New! flowers. lo:~ ~ar~~; The l'\ewfoundland Lumber. vote b~ dosing Its woods roads his friends and they were many x co 60 ) ean later. deck~d with fru" !.'!

. men's Association, at Its Con. to the public. The unl~n unavold and widespread. '" ventlon in 1956, undertook to ably nudged t.he law In .exereis· He was active in parisb work. decide upon this matter. Repre. ing its lega! right 10 stnke. The He was in earlier days an active sentatlves of two International result of thiS was a court Injunc· member of the Knights of Co· UnIons, both reputabie organlza. tion against the union for aileg· lumbus.· In fact our deceased tiona and legitimate affiliates of ed. t~espass.. The court vaca!ed friend could not be auoclated the Canadian Labour CongresR, thiS Injun.ctlon ~gBlnst t~e ~~Ion with any effort without tending were in~lted to attend that Con. but ~eld It against the .lndlvldu. to it the tremendoUJ enerlY he

JUST ARRIVED ventlon to Inform the deiegates als Involved. The .tnke was possessed. about their respective organiza. evenlually called and picket With his Immediate friends he tions. A serious difference of Iin'es set up. Now strike break· was alw'1s an awaited guest who opinion on the qupstion of af. ers under the full protection of would supply the humour, the filiation VI. non.affillatlon de. the law continue to creat inci· apt story. and generally I puc· I

"eloped among the delegates. dents which. result in union tical solution. the leadership of the N.L.A. evi. m~mbers being arrested and I John C. Wallis was I peNon dently fS\'oured non-affiliation jailed. I of many parts. By his friends he -a switch from its original in. One commentator. in the face will be missed, but one does not lention-and the delpgates re., of all this, is prone to hold the forget the dominating personal· I belled by asking the J.W.A. to I Compan~' up to the public as a ity which he possessed. rep)'esent their membership in i simon·pure innocent while sug· He was always In active ancl I

place of thl' S.L.A. The I.W.A. I gesting that the Im'ading nnion interested member of the Laur· I complied lI'ilh this request and I U5 expendable in the Interests of \1 ier Cluh. a staunch Liberal sup- I shortly aft~rl\'ards launched an: oui' ecenomy. This Corner porter with a coil~ction of polio I organizing campaign among the the wrll·(oundrd conrt'f11 for: tical wisdom worlh preserving. I lo;:gcrs. The campaign met with, our eco~omic luture but su~· I Any organization misses such &tiff opposition from the Paper: gests that the Company be made I rersonages as .Iohn Wallis who' Companies and the old unions. share the blame Illr an\' adl'ersc ~ thriel·cd on difficulties these but the I.W.A. /lHined sufficient; effect;; this dispute might ha\'c mt'n are hard to replace and we

. support to apply for ccrtifica. i upon it. : 11111 not find many with his keen I tion. The lirst applications of i Other commentators who ar~ . sense of political sagacit,. : the I.\':.A. were rejected unani. I contin\ling to harp upnn the in·: He has lIone to his eternal reo

mously by the Labour Relations I cidents surrounding the strike: ward. He lea\'cs sorrowing rela· ' Board on legal grounds. The: and in their own inimitable I til·es. who pra~' that the Peace of Board ruled that the tnterna. slyle choose to hlow them up the Blesser be his out their lor· tional Union AS such was not out of all proportion are. I 5Ug· row and mine will be tinged by amendable to the pro\'ineial leg· gest. helping to auomerge the !slatlon and indicated that the real problem of achieving a set· ply of sensational news. ~Ir . establishment of local branches tJement rather Ihan keeping It Finn. in effect, commends the: was a prerequisite to ga\ning before the public. Maybe they union for its restraint in the'

.'C lellal .tatul in the province. can learn a lesson alAo from Ed face of possible provocation. f'





"HORSEY" 9' r:~'~ED JUICE 24·20 02:.




·T & M WINTER LIMITED GfNERAL MERCHANTS The l.W.A. retraced Its organlz. Finn, Jr. of Minority Report Thil writer i. disposed 10 won·

Ing .tepa, established chart.ered whose prolifiC 'pen points to an· der sometimes If the provoca· .:MAIN BRANCH ...................... E. E. EWING, Manag., loeal unionl and re·allled for other Mpeet of this 'regrettable tion 15 not planned. This has I tHAMILTON AVF.NUE end CASHIN ST_ BRANCH- certification. This time the situation which other commen· happened before In strikes witlt

Paper Compani" shifted their lators have apparently overlook- union·bustIng "ita ultimate 011· .••.. --------------------~R~.~N~I:t:H~~~S:O~N~,:M~e~n~a!9~.~'~0~p~p~OS~ln~g~~ta~c~tI:cS~ .. ~I~n~p~i1~a~te~e~d~in~th~e~m~1d~st~of~a~n~o~v~e:r~lu~p~-~je:c~th~~:. ______________ ~I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .'. \. .

: . ; ,4-


l -..... --

Small Quantity of Paints













NO C. O. D.'.





















KNOBS, etc" .IC.





coml The N

Dlefenba Minister, I

tDok part in meeting and NE

. Minister. I

Page 3: THE DAILY · speaking in Latin. the neW PoP' said: .. And as we do the western church. we embrace with equal

ED -:E








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C:.1TTUS fs & SAWS

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G:s ~'!"


~~: i;oacHES !tNOEIS (lCES ~. etc.. etc-

~s I I

. '

If, JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND .. ", , The Daily News TUiSOAY, JANUARY 27, 1959 I


Of SilenceO"n The i 29 Talks In Ottawa

. _~: r''II' ~f !ilence I "Just under an hour WH Ipent of '!Ie dlscuu~on.. It was un­"'.to ci:,.(U<",on~ be· i ~ur\'ty~ng the lene,rll picture:" cer~lln as to . whether there

• . Jwrh R. lOmall· Ithe Prime Mlnl.ter I Preu See- would be It III further meetinp · ,.. orr 'LnloJ rr John i retary stated. "It wal the first or whether the Premier and hi.

! .r ,'111"" ~n ~on· of a series of meetln ..... 1'do dele,allon would return to New· .'."t r-rJ1\ltr nor nnt know whether· the ·Prlme foundland t!ldtiy IS orlgin.lly

IP·~ r.'d' """Id malic ~lniJter will meet with Mr. pll;nned. · ~":~( rt~ulu of Smallwood again. The meeting Nf"r; .I1"'n which was at the mlnllterial level," he .-' ~I' ~ ~ntd :-:ew· concluded, ........ . . · he!'/' ~M a just The Press Secretary explaln-

II\! :~( I.- .:' financial ed that Mr. Dlefenbaker had Ir· " 1"'-- Ihl' Provo ranged for Mr. Smallwood, Mr. :;'"jt~.:"., "lIh Can· Spencer and their two advlsora ,. . 110 meel with Mr. F1emmlnll and ,...~ I.!.-,.'" through officials of hl£ department In · .. '-t:'f· ,,'I tr.lormed' the afternoon. At three o'clock ,~, ,~ •• '~He would: the Premier, Mr. Spencer, and

.~ .. :,,,,-r~: on th.: financial advisors H. Carl - '7'''' 'tl'· "a, told, Goldenberll and Albert B. Per­~ /'t"; ,! ~ ~ nd his, lin sat down with Mr. Flem­

\:.~; :·t- :".lrl flem· ,ming and his advisors for I .oi ~~ -, - h~ur·lon~ , meeting that 1& believed to hAve , ~"I' - :., ,th t h t : lasted for nearly three hours;

•. : ",., In'lland'~ , ~Ir. Smallwood had no com· v -,.,. I , 't't\\(·PT., mcnt to mAke on tbe outcome

Newfoundland'l representa. tive In the' Federal Cabinet, Minister Without Portfolio, W, J., Browne, did not Ittend the morning meeting. In fact, it Ia not believed th.t Mr, Brown took any part In the dlJcusslons at all.

The specific proposals o( the NeWfoundland clse were not ex­plained at the morning meeting. Illltead It Is believed the Premier Informed the Prime Mlnlster of the amount which Ne~oundland II seeking In ad­ditional, assistance Ind outlined the gener.1 financial position of the Proylnee at .the moment.

INfld. Captain I~ Active In N.S. Fishing

BURIN, N!ld, ICP1-NovlJco· tial fishing schoo~,ers .'''l .. :.~,a)

I an important part in any fishermen along

land's southwest coast, the days when more than of these vessels I'isited this area In summer and fall are gone for· ever. They're down to a teIith of that number. ••


The NOI'8 !:=otia schoonerll'.plc~ up their crews along the ,coast during the winter or early spring. In recent years thcir crews· have been drawn almost entirely Crom Newfoundland, with the exception of captains and engine~rs. Sum· mer fishing i local wilers, around Cape Pine and CaPt St. Mary'5, yields good catche~

i On~ young and energetic'~ew­, foundland skipper who stili: prt­

rers the old dory.and·trawl :style 10 that of the modern dragger i5 Edward 0, Grandy, a native of the small Burin Peninsula

I !own ~f Garni'h ..... ho now;\tves In Hahf~x. . :

I strR\'I\'EIl 51:-;1\1:-;r, ':

S · I Ruff' d \ . ... . Grand)' ha~ h~~n in ch~r'f 01

narlng n·. ·e· I '·11 ,Mo· re A.ND (i~hin~ crafl lor .<e\creal ~·ears. Mlrr a ~Iinl iI,· capt ain o[ one 01 'he ~Jl1aller hoals operatinl: out

thc fit· Ion ,c!,ooner .Joan· F:lla R I A 'i Loggers Jailed ,., 01 Rurin in 1~.;6 he took char,e of

e ease reas ~1<1e. last of the Banks' fi~hin, I It wu learned from a reliable I' (Jeet 10 ~ail from Burin POl'ts,

. source yesterday that eleven She ~prang a leak during a hliz· e;"; . ;",,""t1~d in Il'rohibiled In III these areas, mon AND Company loggers zard off St. Pierre bank in May • . -'-f r.r'r.'t aru~,: since the birds characteristic. I· 'I\,'erearrested over the week. Flight Lieutenant "Cy" Dunbar being congratulated by Wing Commander G. R. M. Hunt. CD. Com· J957. and Grandy and his crew

- .If :" ,'.M\ of the lly walk on the ~now In learch end on chirse.! of obstruction. manding OffIcer of RCAF Station Torbay, on his recent promotion from the rank of Flying Officer of nine were rescued from their r~ \!:~t! lnd Re·; of food. The eleven men tried to pre· to Flight Lieutenant. He was born at Spencer's Island, N.S" where he received his early educa. dories by a passing British

'~-~/'. ~f'Cfntl~ that 'I The progrm of the Ruffed vent wood being unloaded from tion. He also attended Canso High at Canso, N.S., and New Victoria High at New Victoria, N.S. steamer . . ·:~··.'f :~:roducllon Grouse In then areas has been two trucks belonging to Ben Grandy last season captained :lJ :off'. ::1('(':i~~ dif' ! favorable accordinll to observa· Elliott on the Botwood·Point I the Arthur J. Lynn, I Nova SeD-

~-•. : ~~t kd! bting itions by Wildlife Dlvl5lon per· Leamlnllton Road on Saturday. U N.EMPLOYMENT _ MI1SSI·on At St. I Preml'er, Party tia 8chooner that worked Belle ~ ~,:.: '~.I:t' I sonn~1. but the Introduction it RCMP usi8tance wal requtsted Isle Strait In summer and later "::- "'t. !0r !rltinlt I not ):et old enough to be eon· and the' men were taken into went to the fishing grounds ~ff ;" .. ' .- ~t:t.!r utas I sidered successful from I hunt· custody. They will be arraigned C i d d the Burin Peninsula.

:.w.~;: nr. the Wtst i ing view point, before Magistrate Cramm tn The following figures· show unplaced applicants. the total Mary's hurch : Homewar Boun 'i' ;o.,.~:td out by I' Eighty grouse were orlglnll· Grand FaUs today.. the number of un placed appli· would be 22,236. instead of 16,- ; Although the schooners still :' . :':. :hu the ,ly releAsed It Cormack and Meanwhile 111 other logaers cants and unfilled vacancics as 783. This is more than' 1,000 fish in the old way. with trawls " The Assistant Angiican Bish· d d' th q . ped ~,.,: •. ,,; the bi~h· i l'a~~andra in 19~. Later 80 aleo charlled with obstruction, of 22nd January, for last week less than at the !ame time last op of Newfoundland. Right Rev. Premi~r Smallwoo~ left )Ion' an orles. ey are e UJp

,.. ,' .. ' ~r ta~iI~: birds were purchased and reo 11'\11 appear In Magistrate's and for the same period last year. The rcason for thi~ de· rrcnd R. L. Srahorn, will con. lrpal ra~l)' lhl~ mormng abo.ard ~~~h ~~! ~::~llyna~'~~~t:~~~1 T~~~~ •• "."., Hr;;.C ~rr .Iea~cd in the SOllth Branch lind Court .Wednesday when their year. erea~e in male registration is duct a pari_h mi~sinn al th- i Tran~ (an~<la Alrllnc' .111/!ht - . ., "c""'rl arra.: Clarrn\'i!le areas. cas. will be heard. UNPLACE.:D APPLICANTS th~ inability of many to qualify Church 01 51. ~Iar)' Ihe Vir"m I 400 to relurn tn 51. .John s. He carry 10 10 12 tlori~s. with from ",'" ,.,' ." Ihr ('nil· It i.. urled that th. posted JAnuary 22, 1959: male. 16,71l.1. ,for ~JO~niployment in~u~ancr in SI. .John's. in ~Ia\ .. SI. .\tar~"< lI'a~ arrompalllPd by ~Ir, Speno n 10 ~ men .

. ' .. ":rlr~ nrar Meas be recognized to allow·the female, 1469., , henel.It, ~~ause of Insufflctent Rertor, RCI'crend Ii. R, Rabh, cpr and ~'r, Perhn, I Some or Iht <lra~gcr. t)~ra'il'1! ,:'h ncn Ruffpd Grous. 10' establish I R Smallwood January 15. 1959, male. 16,130, l.contrJbuflon~,.. savs tllr mission will take placr . b. h r ./ out of mainland ports ~130 halt· 'n~~ln£ I~ .thrmsel\'e~. I • female, 1458. . ., The. DommlOn Wabana. Ore I fr~m Ihe 10th to lh~ 171h of' .Th~ mecHng c'.,~ecn t c re . many ~ewfoundlandcrs amon,

January 23. 19~, male. 23.252, I Co, mines It Bell Island ',"111 br I that month and will he held in mlcr AnI! hl.~/d~;~o.r.~ an~ ~~.: their crews. While the drag;cl'!\'

Marrl.ed Frld y female, 1:127.· rlosed down for the pmod 26 obs~r\'ance' of the church's cen. Flcmmtn~ an. 0 ICla~. 0 IS I thrtaten to pul the dory· men our

S S I a UNFlLLF:D VACASCIf:S I January·'O )anuar)·. To accom· , te~ial rcar Departmpnl "as thr [,nal one, of business a~ time, ;:oes on, thp

er now torm ,January 22. 1959, male, 187., modate tho~e who will be laid; .:' .' I '" th.p d,'cusslon~. The matter; new·style Ii~hin, g will still be , .' i In I ,uiet etremony It the female 50 off officials. from the Une",. i 5t. :'\~r~ s t. r~lcblal,"~ IS: noll' 1.< to hr ~tudlcd by the fcd·' lar):clv dependpnt on ~ewfound.

, I ' J . C .' loolh hlrthdal' thIs \·car. and, era I Govcrnmcnt I: f f th . . United Church Manse, Brlgus, January IS, 1959. male", 1&:6, I p. oyme~t nsur~nce, o~mls·I' to mark Ihe 'occa~io~, prepara.·' . .: land fishermen. our 0 e maIn·

I' '. ~!lUe~ Smallwood Wit married Cemale. 52, I slon.olflce ,It. 51. John.s Will bc tions arc noll' wcllunMrw3Y for; The PI'emicr was una\'atlable I land dra~~ers Ihat called lIert All HIghway·s ntol;' on friday January 23, 1958.' male, 143, at·the Union Hall. Bel! Island, , a start on Ih~ construction of a ' fnr commenl foll?wiIl2. tonelll' . I~ pa.,1 month~ were skl~')cred by 6" female.44,· at 9, a',m, Tuesday. 2. Ja~u. new 51. ~tar\"s Church This sion of the merlmg with ~'r, ' \e',Vfo\lndlander~ - all ,rom the Mr. and Mra, William Small· At present there are· ~,4~3 ,ary. and at the Fcdcral Blllld· edifice i§ to' be loc~t·ed on' Flemming. ' Runn arca.

· .. ,·~~!all. eorn· not in firlt·da .. dri,ln, condl· ;::tmle~·r:n~· h~te~~~\~: ~::ye~~:~ :;~~I:r~~m~; !~; ~~g:J;:~:~;e:!~ at~!O:~r~::; o:r ;::~~~i~:~~e ~~'e~Ouebe 81:'id \t:: c-.. --_. _ .. - - 'e -I· ---T··· r··-av-·e·· lie rs :.:t~. r.~d~. £usting I lion, pr •• nt, a110 Mr. Ind Mn. Ed added to the, number of male taking claims. June.. .,' ommerlca .... - ~'~r, played A th Ir orba Ruaell and I few trlendl. ' BIshop S·aborn was ,peelal!

~~:.' ~~ ~he A\'alon ' Wei er report om T y It. 11 arty h' Id 1 • I t:: ,~ :~P ('1\\' of SI. : last nlaht st.ted th.t the winds Ima p wal e or THIS YEAR preacher at SI. )Iary's church k

. Id b t d I f c 1 oal lriendJ at JlIWwood on Sunday, and hc told the eon· H T W S '1 :~ .. ars "'pre ,wou . I a e In on y a ew InOW RaJleh, lollowin, the eeremony, ""egation that he ":as eagerly I onour par es ,~: .. : ,.,,' a~rI Cit)· [ flurrIes were expected today. ...

,""i'" .,. t ~.rtlllm~ I . W· th D· I No Open Sea· son On !~~i~: ~i~~~~n~ to the forth.!' •• . " ~ ~ ·~~~':\'J:hhreoJ: :.." aa er e ays To mark the retirement of ~r, ' ~;~~ R~~ ~Iartin: 16 Arrests Over'· New Ro{] And 'T.W. Sparkes as Secretary·

: ... :~I:. ~05thC~Y! Jaycee's Head Trapp,lng Of Beaver /'1 Cl b ' '1~:~~~ree~, ~~s!~~ati~~m07~~~~~1 t)< ~-••• : '~uo.u: dur~ i H lid . W k d ,yun u foundland, the Board onlanagc·

•• ,.1' .~ t I 0 ay ee en ,. . . . . 1'1 mcnt called on hIm at h'5 homc I ~~ •.• :" "lnl!S 5' . I . . . V,'slt To City There is n~ Open, Season on 'I' which stay \nth the adu ts ~nu. An organization~1 meetinR of: Io'rida': night. January 23rd, and

.~r III tht beaver trapping thiS ycar due after a year ol? At that time, a new rod and gun dub In 51. i thrir ·President. Hai~ Scotl, pre. ~"!~I "'if in u,e all to the large number of bea\'cr Itht young m.lgrate to other John's was held l~.'t )Ionday: ·1 d him with a ~ift suited to : 'O:::f .... t' co' ered Mr. Jack O'Rourke, National tr.a~~~d last year. The Wildlife! areas to .estabh~h .ne" colomes. evening ~ t the Touri~t Bureau: ~~~ er>CcaSion, Also presented r.t!~, '~~(f and four Police report 18 ITrests over Junior Board ef Trade Presi· DIVISIon of· the Department of' These chara~terlsl1cs of tbe bca· at Fort Townshcnd. ~Ir. ROher: IV ~ beaulifullv inscribed s~roll c:-~:.~. ,no". blcw the holida~' week-end. Illcludin& dent. had to eaned his Ichedul· Mines and Rcsour~e5 announced ~er enable. It t.o alm,ost. doub~e Bid~ood 01 Gould'~ Ird Ihe eli,.: w~'ich indicated the appreciati<m:

four for drunken dril'inl, two ed visit to Sl. John', yesterday '~day that' t21e bIg furbearers Its p.opulatlOn m a )eal. It IS, cusslOn. A derISIon was made; of all Ihe ·member~ 101' the 30 t::. D ,thefts. two for drunk and dis· because of poor flying weather, will: JOIn the marten· on the, predIcted that the trapptn~ Se!- 'tn hold another mectJn~ at tbe. ·e~r·' unstinled and oHoled·

· - .""0::1'1. \\'~ltr. orderh' beha\'ior In a city res· Mr. O'Rourkt. who comes from protected list for 1959, 'son for t~e anImals 11'111 a~am I Tourist Bureau at 8.30 Tuesday. ~ ~f.'~I';'e "i;'en to Iht organization. ""': .::rm \\ere taura~t and one lor I>saultlna I Cbatha"!, Ontario, made it 1'1 LI~I ytar'ssuson exlended: be, ,open In 1~. .: January 271h. :~II interl'f'ted· hv ,'~r. Sparkes and .hls efforts • ~~ ,·~~.d of the policeman It the Stadium S.tur· tar u liydney,.but fllghb Into from Pecember 15 to February I Ihe fo~. hnx, oller, mmk, , persons are il\\·Jteti to aUelld" in bin lill~ th~ memhers to it.

clay night. Thr remainder wel'e Newfoundland were cancelled It :l8Ih .. During. JiOl'mal w~ather. rahbit (varying hare). musknt Ouldoor film~ will nt' shown as, ( . , .'" :"'! .• tJ~~Jrt.· rnutin~ arresb for drunhnntss. that point. He WUI Iluted to Id· the expected takt by trappeI''; , and weasel are tbe only ~mmals part of the programme. . : )ir. Sp~rk~~ was one o( the

, ".". \ .1 th t . dre~.· tbe local JayceH at. a '1" approximately liv- thOllS. 'ndtha\ can be trapped during ~e Monday's meeting was 8lded, on~ll\al. charte.r .member.~ to ~ " "\0 I'ourh: werf al~n reported, ont at the ~pecial dinner II the New· beaver,· bllt Ihis doubled last '1959 season, by members of t~e T.ollrIst .orm t IS organtza Ion an ,e. ~'" '~.·),~t·,· ,"'U a: Two r~ses 01 break and entry " " j f h t d h Is

· '" '",. 11111 SI. i Canadian Tire Corp. on Ellu- fOllndland Hotel. year to over 8' thousand . ani· . Bureau and ProvinCIal Wildlife In effect the only remaining .... ,~. iI t I ' The dinner wat cancelled· and mals' The unusual mild weather C· ti· ..: Division, ~ __ =c __ h __ art:::e:::r:::m=em=b=e=r=t=od=a=y=. ======== __ ;;;,; · . ': y ~'es er· beth Avenue. and the other at M ompe non .. , II .,.\:.'n tfhe cosn. the Hilltop Garage on Portugal r. O'Rourke will postpone his coupied with a lack· of employ- j '.

~:~::;~:.~ rom t. Co\'e Road. Bolh Inclden.1I too~ vlalt to thll city early ln the ment, atttacted I large number F· ·A· hi· . · Lc~ l; .. ~n~"ht~t~ place on Saturday night between lummer. of people to trappln/! who would or· rc tects

't I!::~ .. o' . v n I 11 p.m. and the early houn of not consider .dolng ·80 during ~, ~', ,;. the morning. Some money In, d Date Of·· Public normal· winter '. weather Rnd The . result! of· the tompell,

"," ~_ R~l~ ... a.~ a quanlily of cigarette •. were huvy lee periods,· The. lack of lion. to ,design. a MW Winnipeg · .. :,~,d .. r~:~ ~~\,~, stolr.n from the HlIllop GaraJe. Speakteng Cnntest Ie,. and excell~nt travelhl)/! ron· City Hall estimated to cod $6,-

"':":~')"I' ,II I'" . b: hut It .s not yet known If In)" .ft1 ditlotl~ resulletl In hi~h 5Urrm, 1000,000· were announcpd by thi .... ,. '. ~ ~ t In i thing was laken fr!!m the Can· The free·for-all trAPPIng th~t re·, Mayor of Winnipell T~cenUy .. t., ... , ' '~".;~!man, d' T· C . 'nIe A11·Newfoundland 'Pub· Bulled. '. wiped nut entire lodl!.e~, I The tOntast 'II"S o-n to all · ", '~'\ h' I Ian Ire orp, II S 101 ' G Y'-

. • n.. t at' c· pea. n, Cnntests' tlatel althoullh there were lo~e I~O' ',' members of the Royal Arehi· i :: ••• ~':.: ~ ~r' no\\,· No arre~1! had 11,," made' up hlv~ tI~W been· announced: lated . areas where e~penenced I tectural Instltut,. of Canada. It i

If"" nmllW 111r1 ~ 10 ),psterda, afternoon. GIrls Wellern" Centr.~, . Ava- trapperA took two anlm.11s from was set up in two nallel, the I .... -- I Ion and SI. John B SemIfinals, I colony. thereby InsurInl! lood I Preliminary Stage Ind the Final

F U I . It I Thurlday. Februar, 10th (or trappln~ for .the (ollowin~ ,'car, i Stage. • • or nlverSI Y 1 durin, Jlme week). II was' pomted out that in; The lirm· of Craig Madill , Girls' AII·Newfoundland Fl· I some case~, ,inexperienced trap·, Horwood, Abram and ingleson: I nals, Thursday, March 5th. pen set their tr~ps too ~Iose to I Architee\! here in SI. John's

Th $600 000 I Boys' Weltern, Central. Ava· the lodges. ThiS pracllce reo ha\'e had their design lelected a n lion and SI. John's Semifinall, s~lted in the capture of young from a large field of entries in I Thuraday, March 19th (or dur- kits and the traps were reset un- the Preliminary Stage to com­

r~\ • .,' Ing same week). . til the adults were taken. Such pete with five others In the ~ '0 ~. my of ~e""1 he IS a Director. While away Boys' AII.Newfoundland FI- practices added to the already Final Stage. Partner in charge

.' , rtrPlI'p I fed· Dr. Gushue .110 Ipent some time nals, Thursday, April 2nd, large number of adults trapped. of the design was G. S. Abram. , ' In ~lt· ,al othpr matters In eonnection The public Ipeaklng pro- Pella brought an average of I Each of the six semi·finallsts .,';,:; lIt 'h3r~ or: with Mrmorial:, IIramme iA dpslRned In encour- $10.00 last year. but many prIme received $5,000 prize money, The :, nr 111M ~flJlOr· The. Uni\'e~~lty Prf'sld,nl ~ald age Ihe trRininllln public speak· pelt!!, were ,down.~raded due. to: winner of the Finhl Sta~e of the

.• t,;:nh: Ih. ha'l~ of thl're Is a r~sld~e from preVI?U5 inll of all hoys and lIirls In poor skinning and preparation contest will receive $15,000 ad· ::.--:" ,. U\l~n to Can· payments mad, from the na!lon. Grades 9. 10 and 11 throughout before sRl~ tn Ihe. fur buyer. vance on his fees for the pro· ~~, __ f~r furrrnt al fund. ~ut It~ use I~ ~onft~ed Newfoundland. ~al~ helic~~ter !hght~. h" ~hc jec!. The fee to produce the >r '::. Th\< "'a, rr· ,to ~pl'ndJn~ for admInIstrAtIve 11 Is now In lt~ 13~ year and ~'lldlire ~lvIslon s BLOlo~l~t~ winning design will be 6 per r·;.t ... · It< nr. Ray.j ~nd operational purpo~~s. ·11 i~ apo08ored by thr. SI. John's revealed little bcaver. activIty cent·,oC the tolal construction · . rr·'llirnt nf cannot be sppnt on capital ac- ROlary Club and· Lions and Ki. In area~ normally well pOpUlRt· cost.

~"~... , " count lor expansion or new wanis Ihroullhout the island. ed. Additional ground s~rveys til ~'~lnNi .Ihat construction. However" the Besidea those joininll In the pro~uced the SRmc e.\'lrience Final enlries-which need not

I:l:o. Ih, rn rrrrmnl! 2rant Is or major value to the Intertown contests a greal many leadmg to reco!"mendatJOns for he' the same as those already .. fIlA f,on<l for Ihr Unh'ersity. ,tnwns and schools annually conl a c!osed trap~mg ~cason. T~e judged-must be submitted by ~ 1:kl1, . ur,: E:lch Dr. r.u.~hue pointed ollt. 11011" duct their own contests, and the demion hR5 been l .. ac1e to mam· May 11, 1959 and a winner will ilIt f'1I $1.50 pt'r e\'er, that from time to time the objeclJ are achieved 10 a very tain A'closed season in 19119 to be announced in June.

I'l 0111 population. federal govemment does make IIratilyln, dell1'ee. .. permit the beaver population to . The Jury of award consists of ~IS 1rtre on the ,rants In aid for caplt.I.~nd- The deidllne . lor entry . Into reco~ef.: The beaver have been the following well·known archi·

&:0 U per person. In,. Memorial already h.are- the A~l-Newfoundland compel!. ~ighly successful. In re·establlsh- tect~: eztt the)· .. ·ere in· celved :$1.300,000 In, this form tlonls.Jlnuai'y' 31st. !ngthemselves smce 1~23 when Pietro B~lluschl a~d Ralph

.'tft dollar aad lut of .. liltanee. He .. Ii! the Na.' '. It was almost extln~t. In NeW-j Rapson, ~mted S.'ales, Alfr~d '1;. ~eued 10 the I tional Council of Uillversilles Your. handsw111 look, prettier. foundland.]n ·936 .W ildllfe men Roth, SWltzerlan~. Pe~er Tho! n· I , has apprnaehed Ottawa for mOre especially It night. If you ~ive re·located .approxlmately 1.000 to~, ,vancouver, ErIC ThrIft"

,O:I~' th, ~n·1 Alliistance. In thisfl/rm and ia Ihenf a \'e~y Ji;:ht dustin!! with ht.avt.r. which have now ~rI~p.t· Wll1mpe~: Profc~sor .Iohn A" ' ~ hl'. r~turn ' "very hopeful" nl .ome· np.w powder. ~fler you'vr Applied "nur rrl Ihem~ch'~5 a~d ~pr~ad .thNr RumB of ~~e ~c~oOI 01 Archl'l

Olt SAtiOnal! he I" from the Cederal lovern. hand cream which should be ma3' ranlle 10 all SUItable habitals. tedurt., UOl.lerslt) oC ~lamtoba I -""1!hih_ of 1I1lich lIlellt. ' sa,ed well in; Beaver average 3 kits each year IS the adVIsor to the purl',



Reg. 3.75 NOW

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• Also Siocks

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Page 4: THE DAILY · speaking in Latin. the neW PoP' said: .. And as we do the western church. we embrace with equal

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THE DAILY NE'~IS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., TUESDAY, JANUARY 21 ~~~~~~~=---~================~- , -- \ THE DAIL Y. NEWS _'O_U_T O-.,UR_W_A~Y -.~~~-_. __

Newfoundland's Only Morning Papel

; VE.:\RtY SUUSCRIPTION RATES ~ :anada .. .. .' .. . S12.00 per annum

rnited Kingdom In!l .• U foreign counlrles 514.00 per annum • Authorized n~ sccond class mall, Post

Office, Dep~rtment, nUawa.

The DAILY NEWS Is a ,1,01 ' .... 0

piper establlsbed In 1894. and publisb ed at the News buUdlna. 33~1I9 Ducll· wortb Street. St Jobn'l, NI'wfoundland.

.' . by Roblnlon " Company. LImited


The Canadlon Pre.!' I. excluslvel, entitled to tile use for republlcatlon of

. 011 npws d.'spatches In tbls paper credIt· ed to II or 10 the AssucLtted Prell or Reuters and .180 thr local new, pub­lished therein

All Press fl'rvke and feature arUcle. In this pappr iore copyrighted lind tbelr

. reproductloll If prohibited. •'. I I

Me mber Audll Bureal

of ClrculatioDi.


The Last German Emperor 'In the political history of the

twentieth centuJ'\' no figure has c\'oked more contro\·et·sv than tliat of William II, Emperor of Ger· man\' from 1888 to 1918. This is the cent~nal'\' of the birth of this un· fQrttll~at~ man \\'ho. more b.\' accid­ent than design. changed the his­tory of the world.

William was the son of the Crown Prince of Germany. for a few months Emperor. and a daugh­ter of Queen Victoria of England. He was inclined to wilfulness and imperiousness which enstranged him from his parents \\'hose in· clinations for the age were liberal. It ma\' well ha\'e been that a ph:'si~al defect. a withered left arm. sen'ed to de\'elop in William a: c01npensator:' arrogance.

Emperor in 1388. he forced two :'(';:;1'5 late!' the resignation of his chief adriser. Bismarck. the Iron Chancellor. an e\'ent that inspired a famous Punch cartoon entitled "Dropping the Pilot." With Bis­marck gone. William became his o\\'n polic~·-maker. working through off!cials \\'ho were largely the in­s~r\lments of his own desit·es.

The great tragedy of his career

, . was that the steps he took to mam-tain peace'through great alliances and the building of impressive naval strength and by other means were largely the causes of a war he did not want. In the heat of war, he became the focal point of mock­ery and hatred. He was mocked as Kaise'r Bill. Lloyd George won his famous "khaki election" to the slogan of "hang the kaiser." By this time, William was the exile of Doorn in Holland where he lived out the rest of his days until his death in 1941 after 23 years of ban· ishment from Germany.

The war he tried to avoid and yet created through his own inex­perience and impetuousness was the spark that plunged the world into a vortex of revolution and con­fusion. Out of it were spawned the Russian revolution and the rise of Communism. Hitler and the world of turmoil that followed him. Out of it came the destruction of the monarchal system in Europe and the final annihilation of the con­cept of divine right of kings.

It was William's fanatical belie! in tha,t outmoded concept that brought about his own rui~ and the end of an era.

Capital Punishment A sYHll:osium in the United

Church Ob.;en·er has produced an interesting and diverse group of well known people \\'ho are un­animous in their opposition to capital punishment:

Contributors to the s~'mposium included a pro\'incial premier, four members of the House of Commoris of whom t\\'o are prominent Queen's CO'.ll1sel, a judge and a clerg~man.

The legal contriblltors agree ,-er." emphatically on one main point. The death sentence is not a deterrent to the crime of murder. . Once that has been satisfactorily pro\·en. the case for abolition be-

comes completely invincible on moral grounds.

It is strange that there should be even a difference of opinion about this in the present age for th,ere is nothing more dreadful or debasing than the processes of judicial ex­ec.utions.

The fact that the Government of Canada has lately used its preroga­ti\'e to commute several death sen· tences to life imprisonment suggests that this is Mr. Diefenbaker's per­sonal conviction.

It should be the case, it is a con­dction shared by e\'ery humane person in the Dominion.

Next Summer's Fish I Hope. bolstered by experience, ,prings eternal in"'the breast of the Newfoundland inshore fishermen. Last year's trap voyage was a fail­ure. This year's may be bountiful. . Let us assume that it is prolific. What is going to happen to the catch that results from a very successful trap voyage?

In some areas much of it will find its way to processing plants. That is all to the good.

But a good quantity will go un· del' salt. Ho\\'? To become the basis for the prodUction of more heavy­salted fish than the markets in the Maritimes can absorb or to found

I What Others PEt'lCIT FACTS •

Calgary Herald wt's not think tbat a $700,000.000

(federal) deficit Is a cure·all - or even • eure. It Is an economic antibiotic and mUlt be usel with care.

BUNTER FATALITIES Saint John Telegraph·Journal

Here in the Maritime Provinces, only PrInce Edward Island-wblcb has gamo birds but no deer to ofier bunters-reo ported a death·free season, as It did also ill 1857. Nov Seotla experienced eight f.talltlu-al many u In any past )lear. III Ita blstory-wblle New Brunswick had lour. If there 1a any hopeful aspect 10 the melancholy picture, It Is the poIIl· blllty tbat the oft-repeated admonition to "10011 and make lure before you

~lIIoiIt" la havlq lome tUect 10 thll pro­tiDee.

the restoration of large-scale pro­duction of the hard-cured, light­salted fish which was synonymous with the name of this island in all the world's centres of salt-fish consumption? .

The answer may lie partly with Ottawa and its willingness to pro­vide a premium for the production of light-salted fish of good average. quality. That would be an experi­ment that would be well worth while. The result might be to re­volutionize the salt codfish in. dustry and make it once more the source of a product that will have a cordial welcome wherever good, hardcured salt cod is still desired.



1 From the New York Herald Tribun.

Sad new. tomes from London. III Sunday suita and clotb caps, slnglnz tbelr native Wellh longs, 150 coal mlneu from Cwmllynfell bave arrived at tbe capltalleeJdng a reprieve for their Imall Swansea Valley vl11age. It. 3,000 per­lOll! live by mining, an'd now the Na· tlonal Coal Board, barassed by losses, plans to tlose tbe nationalized but un· economlt pita. Wltb tbe pili closed tbere will be no work, and CwmUynfeIl will probably vanish. If the town were called lometblng like Pott's Landing we'd be sorrty, but· It wouldn't Ie em 10 poignant. For tbere aren't inany Cwmllynfels. True, the Unitel State.! hll III Ocbopee. OpeeouBlI and Ocoee, Ita Zelienople. Zumbrota, Zumwalt' alld ZwoD., ud 111 HobokUl. And It'. llot

I n T h e N e . ~~'>':ff,'~&W~~ ~~I~L'~~~a W 5 61-1""" CDLILC'.sEe TO Ut.lLO(.K •


• '-- THE '-I A TWIST, 1 THIS WA'f/



An editorial in Saturday's NEWS asked' "wben i~' a 10Sller?" It was un· derlined by a statement by an I.W.A. leader that many men with union memo bership have not worked In tbe woode since they paid tbelr dollar and got their white card. Perhaps the editorial in question sbould bave asked: when is a logger not a logger? It is a simple riddle to answer. Wben he Ia a flaher· man or a construction worker or a seeker after work in tbe woods that does not exist. The fact is tbat whether they did well by their membera or not, catch·all unions 6ucll as the F.P.U. or the Newfoundland Labourers were literally more representative of the part­time woods worker than a craft union with logging as its speclalty.

The worker is now likely to become Bubmerged in the side·issues that bave been created out of the prevailing woods dispute. The ·I.W.A. Is afflliated witb tbe C.L.C. That brings it the official support of that organlution. In the process the real facts of nature of woods labour are lost to sight. Since It Is In the nature of the good trade union to be humanitarian, we Ire not suggesting that the Federation Is unmindful of the worker. But there is more than a hint tbat the question of union solidarity: Influenced by national Ind International affiliations and alliances, may take pre· cedence over the fundameotal Issues.

The fact of the mailer Is that only ft

few loggers are specialists. By special· ists. we mean men who look to woods labour as the only means of income. The great majority of so-called loggers are members of a labour pool. They are men who may work at tbe fishery for I

month or two and then look to another few weells in the woods as I source of marginal income. If their choice Is between two jok many of them would prefer to go on I construction operation than go into the woods. That Is not necessarily because one job is more rewarding than another. It is that many who are members of the I.W.A. are not loggers by preference.

Space Race IS' Close By BRUCE BIOSSAT

Whenever the Russians .core a fresh luccess with a space vehicle, we hear clamor In this country for the spending of more money on U.S. rocketry pro· grams. Yet some experts doubt we coul d really make much use of beavier outlays.

They believe, first, that we stand very close to the Soviet Union in the missile field.

The key device In the competition up to now i~ the intercontinental ballistic missile. We're roughly even with the Kremlin of! this one. We'll both turn out smatl numbers this year for operl' lional use, though the Russians may pr~' duce somewhat more than we.

Our programs for our ICB~f, the 6,300· mile Atlas, and tbe solid-fueled Polaris are widely judged to be well managed and amply financed. Additional dollars would do little or nothing for them.

While the Russians fired I rocket shot that escaped earth's gravity and went past the moon, we narrowly missed Ihia on two earier tries. In each caSf, a Ii!· tie more speed per second and we woulrl have had tbe velocity to get to the m()i)n or beyond.

As always. our failures were well ad· vertised, while Soviet misfiring. ·.ver. not. Russia Is relinbll' said to IldVf. flubbed leveral earlier moon .bot fl· forts.

We have many more attempts coming up, and most specialists think It won't be long before we match or lurpass the Soviet lunik. Botb nations soon may be • tabbing for the planet Venus. Either of us could .ucceed, we are tbat do~e. Tbe one thing in wbich the Russians leem to enjoy lome clear advantage to· day Is tbeir ablUty to to" big "paylosds" of scientific eqUipment Into space. Thi. means their rocket engines are del'elop· Ing more power tban ours.

But we already bave the tecbnical cap· acity-and the plall!-to develop thre~ times aa mush engine power II tbe bi~ Atlas employs today. The feelinK IS

that withift a short time - say a few months-we can pick up ·tbis lag .

What we seem til need In the highly eompeUtiv. days ahead il not .0 mucb more money as the eontinuing, relent­less application of all our Iclentlfic and technical .klll. to the .tiff ehallengtl of this apace er •.

We blve mony and we have tbe "mai­inp". The premluh II upon our pul· tin, tbem together III the rigbt combln· atlons, .

VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY Not only doa adventurin, Mall Itlll

pr.1I into the unknown. He In.llta allo upon retracing the paths of tbe .arller exploreD.

The four darin, balloonlata found flOlting • few mUel off the Wilt Indian ialand of BarbadOlwere up to tbat very thing-trying to Jollow the trade wind cour .. Columbus took to tbe New World In 1t98.

They proved Ihelr point, tough tbe,

a. If Walta were faced ·with the Iou of KwyddvuJ, LlanflhanJel Lledrod, Y,tra' dgyniail, Glewynwril. Llanfaethlu, Llan· falrwllgwyngyll or Ylpytly Ystwyth. But .Ull. we'd have to lee eV.II • CwmUynfel;

. die.

But making full allOwance for tb. natural sympathies of organized labour for an affiliated or sister union, hal there been a close examination of the state of the newsprint economy In New. foundland and tbe effect on the pro .. perity of the province of a settlement wblch would undermine the profitability

, of tbe paper industry? Now the Fed· eration bas chiefly indicated its deslr. to lee D settlement by agreement. But any settlement hinges on mutual trust. The militancy of the I. W.A. record in British Columbia is not conducive to that confidence. Tbe fact that is hal ealled 1200 men out on strike In a year In which the relief distribution is the highest since the Btart of the war doel not Inspire confidence in its common· sense or its purpose •.

The whole situation is not merely c'tn. fused but also tragic. It I, confused because sight has been lost of the real Issues. It i. tragic because t21is province, sustained by • few primary Industries, the uncertain prop of American bases, and government disbursements, cannot afford the loss of employment and earn· ings that the strike Involves and the jeopardy in wbich It has pl~ced the existing newsprint industry and the hopes for ita extension. 11 could be that the newsprint companies are ex· aggerating the threat to their Industry tbat would follow I ptolonged dispute. But suppose they are not exaggerating, suppose that they would hal'e to close down if they had to pay more for pulp· wood. What happens then?

Well. we know what happened to Canada's foreign-going fleet. The sea· men's union forc'ed the issue. In the process they forced the government of Canada to sell its mercantile marine. Who won that strike? But Canada's economy can survive the loss of an in· dustry in which total tomployment was relath'ely low. Can Newfoundland sur· \;I'e the threatened loss or e\'en the curtailment of newsprint and ancillary operalion5~ Perhaps iliis is only a threat, in spite of last ~'ear's lay·offs at Corner Brook. Just the same, It gives food for careful thought.


Editor Daily News, Dear Sir-I received the "End or the

year edition" of the DAILY t-.'EWS sent -me by your paper.

Ii is the most remarkable compila· tion of Newfoundland's affairs for those who are interested in all aspects of her life Tell Mr. A. B. Perlin, "The Way· farer," that his work on the Interpreta· tion of the Royal Commission on New· foundland's affairs, especially Term No. 29 w1l1 always be remembered by grate· ful recorders of Newfoundland histoty. I view with pride the leadership and courage of our public men in New. foundland.

We are all looking forward to Sena· tor the Hon. John Higgins 10 be a bul· wark of strength in the affairs of New, foundland and In the affairs of Canada and the world at large. He no doubt will be an abl~ ad\'isor on local affairs to the Hon. William Browne, and tbe Right Han. John Diefenbaker concern· ing the Term No. 29 of the noyal Com· mission.

I notice also tbe budget of Newfound· land to be almost $70,000,000. In Sir Robert Bond's time. my father, the Hon. E. M. Jackman's budget was about $10,000,000.

We Newfoundlanders are all one family and should stop fighting our brothers. More is accomplis21ed In common peril by constructive criticism but united action of all regardless of party affiliation.

Yours sincerelt •

Suite 81~, Montreal.

L. J. JACK~IAl'>.

Sherbrook St. West,

DE GAULLE AND FRANCE Hamilton Spectator

When General Charll!$ de Gaulle be· came the first president of France's Filth Republic recently he told the peo­ple that "he had tbe bonor to give France, impose if need be what the pub­lic good demands." In this simple slate· ment Ihere Is a dictatorial ring, a warn· in, to those who place selfish interests before patriotic duty. this general who has never commanded an Irmy In bat-

\ tie, who became by a strange twist of flte the rallying point of • defeatel na· tlon and I living legend, puts above everything the greatness of France. The Frencb people can expect tp face stem discipline witb sucb • single-minded man at the beld of the nation.

didn't make It the wbole way in tbeir balloon, Storms foreed them to tbe cboppy Atlantic surface after an 1,801). mUe ballooll trip westward from the Can­ary islands, near Africa. The remaining l,2oo miles to Welt Indian waters they covered py sturdy gondola·lifeboat.

To cover 3,000 miles of ocean In 24 daYI without a flolle turn from a motor \I an .chlevement tbese days. So is en· during the adventure In good bealtb and Iplrlts.

Wbat tbese tour did may add but a Imalliootnote to the Ipectacular voyages of dbcovery. Yet, brief II It is. it 11 anotber qright chapter. in man's un· broken .earch for new understandinl of bls planet home.

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Dear Sir-Having been one of the Counsel engaged in the dispute belween the Originai Certified Union~ and the fnternational Woodworkers of America during the period December 1956 until May 1958 when the Inter!lational Wood· workers of America was certified. I feel that the public in general and the log· gers in particular should be made aware of all the facls leading to Ihe present dilemma. It alt revolves about Ihe number of paid·up members of Ihe International Woodworkers of America and/or the number of paid·up members on strike at the date the strike was calted and/or te number now prevent· ed from working because of the strike.

I do not feel that the figures given in the Premier's statement of 1200 and 5000 are sufficient to tell the story of the mix-up in which the Honourable ~Iinister of Welfare and his officers found themselves.

The facts as I remember them are as follows:

1. In ~Iarch of 1957 the International \\'oodwor~ers of America appeared be· fore the Labour Relation~ Board and asked for certification for A.:'\.D. log· gers as against the four local loggers unions.

2. In order to mak~ Ihat application the officers swore to an affidavit where· in they stated that they had a member· ship of 7110 Newfoundland loggers.

3. That number of 750 would give them a majority of the loggers then employ· ed and witltout that majority the In­ternational Woodworkers of America could not even appear before the Board for a hearing.

4. Everyone of the 750 loggers were given a slip by the International Wood· workers of America and for which each logger paid one dollar.

5. The Newfoundland Labour Rela· that the International Woodworkers of America at that time, was no properly organized as a union in Newfoundl3nd.

6. Their International then got busy and organized a local at Bishop's Falls and a local at Deer Lake.

7. Four months later. in July of 1957 the International Woodworkers of America again applied to the La bour Relations Board to be certified for the A.N.D. loggers.

8. Again the officers had to swear to an affidavit that a majority of the log­gen, then employed by the company. were memb~rs of the International Woodworkers of America.

9. Again the were members with the same white slips who paid the one dollar for membership.

10. This time the number of members ,worn to by International Woodworkers of America Officers was 1420.

11. The Labour Relations Board then ordered a \'ote by the loggers as to tile union of i11eir choice.

12. By the Board's order any logger was allowed to vote who may have been employed by Anglo Newfoundland De­velopment for a period of 25 days be· tween January 1st. 1~7. and September 30th, 1957.

13. A terrific campaign was then waged by the International Woodwork· ers of America officers, I:S was also done by the Newfoundland Lumber· men's Association, for the then 4060 loggers eligible under the Board's order, whose names and addresses each union possessed, to vote for one or the other union.

14. The voting took place, mostly by mail, during the first " months of 1858 it was declared that 3197 loggers 2lad voted for the International Woodwork· ers of America as the union they w1sb­ed to represent them, This was as one International Woodworkers of America official said "an overwhel:::ing majority of the loggers."

15. K was as a direct result of this vote that tbe Labour RelaUons Board certified the International Woodworkers of America as bargaining agent for the logger. of tbe Anglo Newfoundland De­velopment Company.

One would ordinarily expect that If the 3197 were not paid up members when they voted they would certainly becom~ so, soon afterwards even at the bargain rate now when there wu already a certified union, II In thl' case, a union cannot be certified under the Acl unlesa it bas, II paid-up member., I majority of the employees. wss thlll a year Igo there were 4060 loggers a· cording to the list of electors and 3699 according to tbe vote. A bare majority .veo of th. votes eltt would be 1861

-.-loggers. They h.d io h~ • bers under the ACI for the '. certification. ~lemhership ffe!" for one year, L~;-, than or.e the date of certification, to t! months, the Intern. tiona I of Amcrica calied a !trIke o! . gers. Therefore \\'h~n Ihe called on Decemher 31\'. IS!!. must have been al Ie", It! members or the tnlrrnat:~~.,: workers of America bUI 1200 were employed at LIe t::t

Many practical (PIP.llon, !~" this mes~. We start Irom tt.! . statement thaI M (;O\err."!." people while on slnkc in orc!;') the strike.

The questions are: (3) Are Ihert' no·.\ onl~ 12~

members of the Internalilr,; workers of America out 01 36" or 6000 loggers" If." the Woodworkers of Amema decertified.

(b) Apart from demtifir,~:: e\~r, if there are >tIll 185! paid·up then how cnn .n) cf:u: ber claim reJief~ They h!l'e llit: on strike funds.

(c) Thcn again. ~ Ne 11.,

1200. in the wood.' ~t th~ ti~l. members of the Inlernal:or.l: workers of America7 If r.Ot, all these loggers should get sistance because the)" ma~!lt the 3699 who ,"oted for the Woodworkers of America a~ tte of their choice hut Old 1.0:

members or ther mar ~ p.~ present 6000 loggm It rn:,~

well. be that none of tile bers wcre workin~ at !he ti~t are undoubtedly mnn)' o:h~r . which could be a;krd but tb! wish to make to the lo~gm il no government can support I

giving welfare as.'isunee to of a union on strike or paid·up members who wm at the time of the strike, Itll could our Department of . expected to know to whom 10

not to give welfare a'mtar.c! i: strike.

In the ordinary C;1 .. r J unilt

specified numbN of p,td·up who constitute a mnjoritr of employed. In the C;1.'~ of I~.e lional Woodworker, of Ameritl figures have been arc,red II:

wars during tht' past t\\O yW!.

I)f the lowest figure, for bership is given at thl' tim!. called a strike and It L. not whether that 1200 who wm the pald·up member, or not. be unfair to the 120() ;1'< ~III unfair to all or pari of thl


This is why I sa~ thlt lro! ate plight of the lo~~m I' f.! fare assistance is concerned blamed on the Department 01

Any assistance gi\'Pn no" Newfoundland Government .ill Iy voluntary gift from Ihe rather than a right (If the the Welfare Assistance Act. down to the fact a. mo~t realize that if a strike i, called union $hould be prepared to iii tbeir strike funds to support ben while on strike.

I ha\'e said it before and I again that of all Ihe partil! I have sympathy for onl,­the logger. He Is the only on! suffer because of the .<lfike b,1 tainly cannot lay any hla111t t~ ourable Mr. Heffcrt~" ~~ .~ the Department of \\ plfare 0,

his officers. r1t Q( ISAAC ~tERCL" -LO-N-G-T-IM-E-SO SEllE

BraritCord Expo,ilor . II

The argument 15 lomel1111 Britain sohuld take the Slll'~, line towards Red China as .ti'~ States does because the Bo' of Hong Kong Is under greatt! ace tban is Formosa. The nD real merits. Certaini)' mucb nearer Red China than ~ Actually most of the colop1 . mainland and borders ritory. So If tbe ChiOU! wanted to leize Hong Kon~ tle to atop them. Then tSI tbey done It any time tb _ years? There Ie I simple rl~ mainland section of the 1I0P/ ony, 3~~ of Its 392 Square ini lis main water supply the alrport. will revert to under a lease tbat bal only ruO •

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Page 5: THE DAILY · speaking in Latin. the neW PoP' said: .. And as we do the western church. we embrace with equal

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Other Worker I

(ll ... ,n. I'hy~io, f ment possible In each joint learnt, i1'aduaUng' from the lrot,DpJlmt ramp. I both actively and palllively I. floor until the .tandlng posl·

\nd 'carefully measured and record· Uon II lalned, then follows ~. \I.da'· is' ed. the muslcle power of each training of the walking paUern

,r;C. i'.l~:;r ;rnice muscHe Involved Is tested 'and in parallel ban and i1'adually Ii ~,. ,:;,'11 \'llc\L recorded, the funcUon of each to crutch ... All thla II • slow

. ' .1 1 ~5 p,m. limb is assesaed and by thl. and difficult proeel. needing .' .,.:".1 thruugh detailed examination, the con· encouragement and help to the " .... t : h,' Ik· dition can be summarized and paUent to conUnue in his ulti·

. ~. ,,'; ,.t Ihr the therapist Ii In a position to mate aim of belnl Independent ~'!i;;~:h Jr.d thr see where her service. will be individual again, in .pite of .' 1I.""on o( of most benefit. hil diasability. If braces and . E-r,;,'~ "rn: :;,'r· To make this a clearer pic' crutcbes are not considered

~:":r,:- "f re.! hire I will describe a hypo· tben to ;be Independent In a ')/ .... :~" h:,~<J'(,JPp'lthetical cast. a parapiegla who wheelchair II the aim, and this , :; \ :-. n\~ will you will have heard of as be· today as most of you wul know, • \.~ ,'. .,j lh~sr II ing someone who hal 1000t tbe i •• pracllcal poslbUlty .

' ••• ;.... f lise of both legs possibly by a T h. crippling disease of J"~~ '., : ::,' >w'nre, fracture of the spine or polio· children such .a polio and

:.' :l:.llIllaltl myelitis which 'attacks the cerebral pal.y (to mention the ," " \\'I,'ll Ihl'· nen'e cells and therefore two main ones) lIle tackled

;~~: .. ~, .::.:"rb~tI leal'rs tbc muscies useless. with the lame principals in ,~', ..... ::d If",1 In the actue stage the pa· mind. Beginning as 600n as the

:.' .~\.::.::n Ieil'l , tient is kept in a comfortable child is affected; If from ~. ':", .... ' ... ,:lIc to position b)' splinting. this is birth, then therapy Is starled " :. c. ,: ;11 b~' ,two·rold in Its work. one by with helping the parents to

~..:, " .. Ich as' giving the patient comfort and accept and adjust to the child's .. ':.:, '", ht'al. secondly by preventing de· abnormality followed up ., :: : c/'.· ullra· formity; as earty as possible. with exercises and. training I '.. .,,' ."mical: mOI'ements are done by the the pby.lcal development along "', : ",.,: Ihl're, therapist. moping each Joint the lines of a normal baby.

affected through its full range These children are Just as im· o! motion to prevent stiffness portant in the rehabilitation

• ,If th~ by lack of use, at the .ame team, they eventually become ':.' ml·di· time those Joints not affected adults and therefore need to :-.:;". fl" are exercised to maintain nor' be followed conscientiously

:r.l\nin~ mal function; in the case of & during the growlna period al, ~ .. ,r,'e of fracture. of course, utmoat thougb they may have reacbed

consideration Is IIlven to cor· independency in dressing acU· .. , •. u I hr rect immobilization. Breathinl pitiea and walking; but by '.:':.-1 III exercises are I'ery Important reason of their disabilities.

. .. Till; at the beginning to prevent they are still prone to develop " 'I :,· .. rlll tasis in the lungs and general· deformity.

, . .:: I hl> 'Iy improve the blood circula· The final staies of fUtina , .• ;,.: ,m'.' tion. tbe handicapped for hit place

I , . ,,: ht'lp' A! soon 8S is pOssible the in tbe community Is to teach . : .. CIll. palienl is started on buic blm goinll up and down steps,

'. ", ,";" rill. fUllctional activities such as up and down curbs, setting on "" ,,:her. rollin;: over. silting uP. getting and off the bus or in and out

:. ',. :u hiS from the bed into a wheel· of a car and, of course. all the chair and back again. all this activities of dally livlnll 8S I

:. -,,' _. 'J~Jrrlrd is done b)' the assistance of an Uiught by the rebablliUilion " , ' .. ", ,,'. Ill. overhead chain and handle. nurse. •

:, .. ,l r~ ci r hu t because of lack of use of There are numerous other .. '. molton the legs the patient has to be conditions, such as amp uta· ·;.I·~n alld shoWII and encouraged how to tion5 of the upper and lower

.: :.'", .. , i':"c,';,,'S do it. When it is practical the limb. when the stump Is exer·

. :', " .. :;t' human patient is brought to the phy· clsed to lIain full mobility. : ,', .. ",' .,: lip a. siotherap), dep~rtment. and and power sufficient to take ~. '_ ,.' I .or In' startrd on a dally roullne In strong resistance; and follow •

.',:;,' 'PrallI,; conjunction with the other ing the litting of the pros, .>, ., 'i"I·~tI pain services. With the loss of the thesis the training In tbe use .. ". \\,Jk wilh funrtion of part of the body of this in conjunction witb . ;.: : ::.; unless one aims at compensating by the oecupal1onal therapist. ::, ·,i''':., perma': using the rest of the body to Then there are fractures of . ; C':',.:.,! ~Ir"in; its maximum capacity. There· the muscles back to the normal. c~ : .. ; .,~;d spine' fore in the case of a para pie· Nerves lesions will require .. .,< I,) p:lIn l!i~ the. trunk and arms are of eiectricai stimulation followed .':' : -. ,;,'therapy 'prtm~ Importance, these. are by exercise to maintain the

". ':,' :" .. :or "arll' ,exercIsed within the pallent's muscle function until the nerve ::;: , .. : .. " .. :0 ;:~in Iimlt~ at flnt gradually In· reeeneratel.

'. :.:"" ;:IZ the, creasing the. range of function ~;:. :,c";.11 mOHo by usltlg reSlStan~e in the man· :_,::( ;'''',.'r WIll reo 'ncr of weight and pulleys. An :' -:".:, lllllP pre. 'Injury of this nature also dis, . ;: ..... ,:.:, of Ille turbs the balance mechanism.

i< :. ~e~l:oned this Is benefited by exercises ,designed to throw the bodyt

;:~ •. ~ :(r,~:rin~ re. i off baiance such as sitting on - • ~~:; a,scssed. I the floor and throwin, a ball, !:,: ': i "::~Illl\' tak.: increasin8 the weight and .Ize

. ::' . ~.' P\:~nt of I of the ball to progresa. ;: ::: 'C ;.n accidcnt' At this stage of the PI' t;:, :_:''''~ nf mo\·e.' tient's rehabilitation the uiU·

--- : mnte goal will have been dis· cussed and defined with all

. members of the team, and ac· (nf Fali~Ue cording to this the therapist _.... : will plan her programme for .... ~ " ,1: ~(pr~,,:;d? the pa lienl. If braces are eon.

,...~. ~;;Inn~, .. ( . ~idered then crutches will be ';,;,1:', :":'h"~~~~. 'necessary. therefore the arma

.. ". r t I: 'd are developed in the pushing ... I )\ TOI , • :' hbruory ,down function as In the use of

r>~ ... : ,.,;1, hnw a ,crutches when the weight o( iii"" : .. ,. on... h,.lpA . the body is transmitted through

. r.':tm~tlr3Ily: the hands .to the elbows a.nd "., (;~I vour ~ shouider glf(i1e. The funchon

n:~""1 tOday: ; of the braces Is to IUpport the . legs but balance of the trunk

----....;.- i and confidence ha, to b.

There are many others but (rom tbls account it will be seen that with any disturbance of the normal physical state the ultimate aim Is to regain that normal, or u near It II possible, with the prime co· operation of 'he patient and secondly the other membel't of the rebabUitation team .

EARLY RAZORS The practice of removing

bair from tbe face datu back to pre·hlstoric times. Before the use of metal razors. tbe hairs were cut off by means of flints or amall .tones wltb sbarp edges.


SaUors cali a small species of petrel "Motber Carey's chickenl." Legend aaya the birds are under the .peclal care of the Virgin, Mater Cara, thlll the nickname .

Photo finishing

PRICE For all black and whitt

films left with us tor


ING January 5th-31st.




At "Your Favourite KODAK Supplier"

• I

Boys' . Car Coats Red Poplin Car Coats with warm quilted lining, storm cuffs, black' jersey knit collar. Sizes to fit boys of 6 to 16 years. Very popular with the boys, they are wind and water­proof • Regular $11.95 value clearing at only


Boys' Breeks •

Here's a terrific value in boys' heavy Melton Cloth Br.eks with leather patch on knees for'longer wear. Sizes to fit boys of 6 to 14 years. Good looking and very serviceable breeks in Navy Blue only.

Regular $3.1 a value now only


Boys' Snow Pants Boys' heavy Melton Cloth Snow Pants in Navy Blue only. They have elastic webbing at cuffs and come in all sizes from 26 to 34. Sold regularly up to $6.75 now clearing at only


Broadcloth Shirts Famous nome Broadcloth Shirts in all sizes from 12~~ to 14. Collar at­tached, button cuffs, they are shown in a big assortment of popular stripes. As quantity is limited you should see them as quickly as possible.

Regular $1.98 value for only


Boys' Knee Socks Knee Socks for boys of all ages. Made in England from a Wool and Cotton mixture, they will give good service. Colors of Grey, Brown and Navy with turned down tops in both Plain and Fancy Striped.

Special per pair only


Rubber Gaiters A clearonce. group of Child's, and Misses' heavy duty Brown Rubber Gaiters, with warin Fleecy lining. Three buckle style, sizes 13 to 3, they will give exceptoinolly long wear. Regular $4.10 per pair, clearing at only


Boys' School Caps Warm all wool knitted Caps in the following School Colors ••• Prine. of Wales, St. Bon's, Bishop Feild, St. Pat'" Curtis and Holy Cross. Warm and comfortable, they fit any size head.

Special each only


Child's Dresses A tremendous c1eoranc. value in Child's and Misse,' Dresses. Assorted style, fashioned from Flannel, Blends, Cotton in plain shades, stripes and flecks, sizes to fit all age ••. formerly priced to $5.98, now clear­ing at only


Indian Blankets . Soft well-napped Cotton Blankets In

multi-colored Indian designs, finished with whipped .nds, size -54 x 66. A colorful throwover for cold --nights and popular for car use.

R.gular $3.25 each for only


Continuing our after inventory clearance of odds and ends of merchandise

brought to light durnig stocktaking, we offer you tremendous values from

.very department In the store. As we haven't space to mention them all we

suggest you visit us and browse, around the many different deportments . , . you

will find many worthwhile values.

Rummage Sale of

NANTS We have rummaged through all yard goods departments and picked out 011

short lengths and slightly soiled merchandise and marked them at prices that

should clear them out in a hurry. You will find remnants of Drapery Materials,

Curtoinings, Plain and Fancy Dress Cottons, Suitings, Flannels, Velvet, Pillow

Tubing and a hose of other materials in usuable lengths. Come In and buy

with an eye t6 ....... future • • • the savings are terrific .

-BLANKETS----, Here's a very special value in soft well.n~ Cotton ~Iankets. White with Pink and Blu~ striped borders, and well whipped ends. Full double­bed size. A regular $4.98 value now clearing at only.

$3.98 Pair

CURTAINS Very popular are these fine White MarquisP.tte Curtains. They have frilled edge and come complete with tie-backs, Our inventory so Ie brings them to you at a big saving.

Regular $4.75 value, now only

83.95 Pair

Clearance Carpet Squares This big clearance sale of tone·on·tone . Carpets, provides the opportunity to

spread beauty- in your home with handsome room size Carpets at a big

cash saving. Choose from lovely effects in Green, Grey and Rose. See them

soon ••• tomorrow may be too late t? secure the size and color you had

In mind .

Size 9 x 7·6 $86.50 for


Size 9 x 9 $105.00 for


~TUBING Hundreds of yards of fine White Pillow Tubing in one and two yard lengths. We suggest you stock up for future use while these remnants are available at such a very moder­ate price.

Regular 85c. value now

75c, Yard ..

Size 9 x 10·6 $118.00 for


Sin 9 x 12 $138.75 for


-SHOES Child's and Misses' Loce and Strop styles Shoes in both Black and Brown with long·wearing compositino soles and rubber heels, sizes B to 3. Outfit the Children with footwear at a special saving.

Regular $5.25 value, clearing al

$2.89 Pair

Special Towel Values A special purchase brings special value in lhoroughly absorbent Turkish quality :rowels. Plain shades of Blue, Green, Red, Yellow and Pink. .

Regular 59c. value for only

49c, Each

A group of large Turkish quality Bath Towels in assorted colored stripes on White ground. They are an excellent quality in 30 x 60 inch size.

Special at only

/ $1.49 Each

Sto~t =mrm ... I IZ 7 FfF'I'IIIi. I ---.-. IIl11l11f-1III murr,_amn I 711. aal_FEYIIA ·swnz'



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i i

i ..'

Page 6: THE DAILY · speaking in Latin. the neW PoP' said: .. And as we do the western church. we embrace with equal

. , - ;,,;: .. , ~;..,. - . ........ .....

.......... -. . - . : ,.:­.. :-"7" .. ,.-?.' -.

. . -.......

. ,~ .- .

\. , i


t .~


... . "


~--------------------------~--------~--~----------~--~' Personal

Chit-Chat· FOR· THE LADIES * It

~!~~ • '. .... ,~. . :::: PERSONAL ITEMS ARE PRINTED FREE. :" ... ;.:;: PHONE OR MAIL THEM TO: These ~: "SOCIAL COLUMN, DAILY NEWS". "-' ';.: TIi'.LEPHONE: 217'1. M$"LlCATE BRIDGt: I Brunncr. P/O John B)'rne, !.Ir

i· t Thursday night's session \ H. HeUernan. Mr. M. Heffernan e Newfoundland Holel was ~Ir~. Hef(erenBn and Infant

Ue diHennl 10 thc pre\'lous I ~115S L. Heffernan. Mr. V. Koch, _ions. Partners did nol learn I ~1r$ .. Koch and infant,·. Miss K. u~ tOl:cther before hand bUI I Koch, S/S~1. L. R. Lind,' Mrs. ~'I.'d with the pmon whose Lind, Dr. W.D. Parsons, ~1r, J. .1.' was on Ihe slip of paper I Palmon. Mr. D. E. PnYbylk~, t~. sell'cted. winnl.'rs werc: ,Mr~. Przybylka. Mr. Fred: Raw· l..~."", .• , ,*t. Charlic ~Iurphy and ·lin:;s. Mrs. RawliJ111s: M!s5 S.

CJc'ence ~Ioores; 2nd .. Art King Rawlins. LAC R. D. West. .... ~ Capt. Borgcn: 3rd .. John! To Boston-Mrs; G. Bailey.' l~i.l!t'::I CWuston and Fl.'lix ~turphy. : ~Ir. H. W. Folin, ~trs.Fo1in. ." I ~Ir .. J. Gri!Cin. ~lrs. K, Griffiths.

dil' CH,\PTERS 1 ~Istr, W. GriffiLS, Miss K. M. .~LECTED ,Griffiths. Mr. D: ~1. Smlth,·~trs. 11 ha. becn annollnwl that. Smit~. ~liss S, Smith.'

th~ ~Ionclon Chapters of Bela I ~a Phi ha\'c been selected FROM LIVERPOOL f*. this year 10 administer the The following passengers ar· S5IMIO in scholarships donated rived SI. John's Crom Liverpool. ",:>.alt Canadian chapters of the Jan. 23rd., via RMS Nova Scotia: lJIternational Sororities. ~tr. C. H. Brown, Mr. P. H. Dun·

ilonated annuall\'. the awards ran. Mr. J. Love, Miss B. F. lO: tO itudcllts in Canadian IIni· ~Icany. Miss M. C. O'Mahoney. ftnitics. and includc a firsl nOfel award. a mu.<ir scholar· IIhifl. and three English scholar· _s. One En~lish scholarhhip ftt~ to nch nf thrre ~rctions of: Canada: the .\1Iantic pro\,· in~. ctnlrat pro\inee., and .-estern I'ro\·iner5 .

r(lf the pa~l Ihrpc \'('ar~, ~Iu· m tht Unh'ersity of New Brun~\\il.'k hal'l~ beru successful in \I'nnin~ an Enj:lish scholar· ship.

Are Wearable .

Em' pire Styles I .Studcnts.dc,ote I lion of thclr lime the world arour.rt I'n

t I· . er:t no Imil their 'luJ: earth on which ~e ~ include thc a:mo'p' li·.t phy<ieal pan o! ih~!r! (al' as the 1~I~s~QP'c

. i This nWlcl'ial • I I'ast tl1~t Ihe

could get 10,\ ia

. !it

0111 rlTr ~,.i,,~ bn'lr; ::!ro~r(tpll1c hlJ\md~rI~ J

YuuCI \Oiby inCl:od'·;!'~

I cat;\lIl~1 1"'(t~t'ai11 :he'" . people a:'<1 Ihe hU:t:I' : o( indhi~lIall an1 -. I

\ We ~irc I~" a:'~"

, study of (~od ar.d· H;~ : I ship to n:an Ihar. "'e 4.

\ other ~Cl':IJ:', (JI ~~.,.i. related to


b~i,1~ in Ihe I'as: : . ought tn ~i\p more L:!~

, ! ing and dCI e!op:n· v~ . I ships 10 \'od. ,.

, \ Pur-r·fect I

lh;~ Cathcrinc Gale of Xi Alpha chaptcr. ~toncton. is chairm~n of the I.'ommittre. M' listed b~' ~Irs. \\'. J. Quart~r­main. ad"isor to Gamma chap, ter. ~iss Doroth~' Parkes, and

Going on cruise ships and 10 sunn)' winter \'acalion spots are heautiful. sharpely dresses like these. Desi·:;ned to f.aller, not concea\' the feminine figure, these dsigns are done in pure silk or linen b)' Olcg Cassin!. Empire line appears In modoft'ed version (left) ill dress of turquoise linen with satin rihbon defining

bodice and waistline. The sheath with high waistline (ccnter) is done in Italian i silk: the colors are white. r~:al and pumpkin. ';cl\'et ribhon is illscrtcrl at I bustline. A third Inlerpretation of Ihe high waislline appears in this dress \ (rghl) a citrus yellow silk wilh bodice of rc·embrou!ered ribbon lace .

Ihese Empre sheath dresses. the most for sun·kissed skins. ~1iss Esther Marr. BY GAILE DUGAS \ show the Empire line In modif- above the midriff; with eru\'cd

ied \'ersions for resort wear. belts, bands and buttons. New York - (NEAl - Girls. This means that the line is in· . MIDGE

Part of this ne\!' and daring' movement in the direction of lel- :"fany thin, textured ting women look like women is play an important role in these a tendency to colors that are resort collections. There arc flattering rather than shocking. lightweight wool knits. slubbed Soft greens. turquoise. a whole silks, nubby wool tweeds. soft family of creamy beiges. and cit- j silk-and·wool blends and "il'id rus yellow are all intended 10 do. printed ~ilk~.

The Sisters ot Ser\'iee A\lxil.! iuy held a \'er)' 6uccessflll, bridge and aurtion partv in the I lIe1'C~' Convent Auditorium on j

Tursda~' rvening, .Tan. 20th. i and the follo\l'ing were the prize \ ~nn('r!: Bfldgc-~IN', \\'. A.:

they're going to let us look like dlcated but not exaggerated. It While the silhouette remal~s women!or a change. E~pi~e or ~Iso !,"cans .that dl'es~es handled I slim it is also rounded. which is not, we I'e got our walstltnes III thIS fashion are highly wcar- to say cun·y. And high, sculp. back and curves are apparenl able. as dresses should be. tured bodices arc used in com· again. . This Empire look i< achicved bination with beautiful necklines

Mosl . New. York designers \ In many ways: with t!lin lacmgs, The waistline is well·dcfined In

Ho~an. ~trs. Chc~ :-ioscl\'orth"" • 1

Mr~. rail I Penlley: /lUclion­),Ir~ ~. O·Brien. ~Ir~ .• 1. Mh· Iry and A ~lichileh. Thc rioor. Jlri:r "a~ won hI' ~tr.'. /lub\' O'Krrft ln~ thr' ~Jlrrial rlra;,' ~ "r~. A .lohn'lnn.

~JSITISr. . Th I.iiiii ., r Rlthl Rrl'rrrll~ R. 1,. I ~aborn. .',~iHallt Bbhop o( I \ht' Diocesc of ~c\\foundland, I is presently \'Ibitin~ the dt\·.: and I~ a guest of tht' Rcr, R. it ~ atid ~Irs. Babb at SI. Mary'! Rectory.


The follollll1;: pas.;engers left ~e fer Halifax and Eo;ton. ~. :~Ih .. \'ia the R~IS No\'a Seoll~:

Looking. for .omethin. Ili!- I ferent! Try Ihis easy .cl'ochet! Favorite spider-web design com· bined with filet mesh.

Just OSE IS· Inch square In string makes doUy or TV cover. Pattern 7320: crochet dlrecUons for square. cloths. spreads.'

Send IUIRn.FIVE ,CENTS 'in coins) for this pattern

To Hahlax-:'Ir. C. H. Brown. 'stamp! cannot be accepted) to ~. John. Bennett. EBLR Patrtrk ST. JOHS'S .DAILl' .NEWS, !Gland. :oN \\' ,I, Brunner. "rs.\ Houlehold Arl~ Dept.. 60 FRONT . . 'I ST .•. WEST ,TORONTO, .ONT.

Print plainly NAt'lE, ADDRESS, ; PATTERN NUMBER,

n.c ••••••• esGe' ••••••

Manners Make

Friends· ••••••••••• ••••••••••

1I a ,irl Im'ites you to a for· mal dance. it 15 though/ul to send her a corsage. Ie you are ~n· sure about what color flowers to send, check with her mother or a friend .

Finding Oul whal color dress she pl~ns to wear is imp.ortan!.


Hints ""'1 Iiopolld .. ONfoho ...... t T.~"" to cIIock f!VfI'SHN!S5, AOIU. 'ANS.IIIHI!NGNOS!, __ .. ' ~ "'d.!gId;", _""II,",. til .... ,." .. r .....

BEY'S COlD CAPS1U T ..... .,.. 10.1 hll ••• 11 ........... 12 cIoMa ~I

, Our n!II' 1959 Ailee Brooks : :\eedlecrafl Catalogue has many I loreh' designs to ·order: crochet· : IIIg. knitting, embroidery, quill!. Add dlsUnction t.o an oidlnary ! dolls. weal'ing, A special gift, In chest of drawers or burtet by ; the catalog to keep a child hap- affixln. some of the ne\l' c~ra· , pil~' occupied-a cutout doli and I mlc and cloisonne drawe~ pull~ . ! clothes to color. Send 25 • centl which come In rich and unusual . for your copy of the book. .designs.

'. ',' '.­'.' ~~ ..


.: . '.



1£ hut~ition is imporlant ~~l~~rttamily. · · the day wltlTan 0 II I app,etizlng bowlful of 9 v. OgtMe's oatmeal. It's .. OUICICCOCIIIH a cinch to prepare OATCIRIAL when you use either Ogilvie's l'kstan6 or Quick·Coo In, at Cereal-and I costs 'onlya penny a serving. Look for the new. colourful packages . now at your grocers­they suggest fresh ways to serve this delicious cereal., Anywar, you serve Ogilvie s Oat Cereal it's delicious-try it.

HAIIVIY • co., LlMmD • ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND Dlllrlblltol'l fGr




The • • • Between Us Women , Mature Parent' "".h,,,,, IT HE LOVES YOt.: Hf;'LL .he j, IIfraici if ,he doesn't mllrr), nne fnr r' N\ ,)r I' .

STILL BE A~Ot.:XD IN THREE him noll' she' II IO:'r him~ : CHI!.DHE~, TOO, FEEL SEED, like Momm:: doe~ "ilh w and' add gay co:nr '0 ,~EARS : If. so, ~hc can t. be '·e,,· surc, t'OR .PROTECTI\'ECOLOR,\.· he nerer h~len~." 5~;l~; "·~r.o!,~':':~:~:. She IS 19 ) cars old. and just: of hiS lo\'e,,If she IS lure that he : TlOS i Then, unbutlonin~ hcr coal.

about has made up hcr mmd to lovcs he.r tnen she can be sure I __ Terry skipped ol'cr to me. "Sec' a m~'dlln: d1"C::~ qUit school, marry a. college that, he II ~ove her three years by MRS. !\JURIEL LAWRENCE I'\'e got a bulky sweatcr." she ~~~~sf~~I~n ~~~If\' sophomore and to \lork 10 Crom now \lhen both are through Th' . " Te 1'\' a b '''ht I said "I hid the one ~lomm\' Send TIIIRT\·.r"t Support both f them u tl'l h f' school ddt be' h' IS morntn... r - . fI..' I • '. " one 111- • an ~ea y 0 gm t elr eyed. pig-tailed neighbor of ours, bo~ght me under my mattrcss (in coin;; for ::.J Ishes his education,., !Ilarflage With an equal edul.'at- returned our worn copy of "Win- so she had to buy me this one. (stamps canr~~ b!

Her parents don t hke the lonal background. . th Ph" I'd told her I wanted a bulkv id~a bul sh~ is ~ure th~t I'll :ce There is another point for her nl~'Oh' I ~~'d R besl" sh sweater instead of that old hui- ~~U5~~~~I\~ts thm~~ h~r way And shp Asks me !o con.sldrr and 10 con;icil'r care 'd' "I ~ t OOd h' . K I' ton dnll'n Ih. front kind But to conl'incp hpr parents thaI she I (1111)'. If she nop; q;Iit ~chool sal I' I un rfrs an 1m. h~n. i <hp' ~1'c1n:t I' Ipn ' ST"WE".T .. Ilf '. 'n th . hi ' t I I '. . I(~ s ~ way.. lIS<,"~ ol'pr lin·" ,S . . • . I'r;ot o'a··'" ~ \. . I. I .r l'II: . .' .' i 0 ,"!~por 11.1' m~rm~p \\'hlie __ , ______ . - .• ---: - .. ~- I "I was th~ only 2irl In my "TTEIl\ >;1'IIBER. _ J can t, ~cc~usp I don t hehel: I her hllshan~ IS a slucient I~ he phYSical eXamlllallOn IS fa,rly ~ rlass with a hutton.down,tip. ~ P. ,he Is. ~urp. shp cO'llrl !JIIII ;::Oln,i:. 10 thmk more of her 'or simple. HowerPf. IhHP are SO (ront swpaler. Yon hare 10 hare' Onr P" '~;1 school and. Pilt. her hw,hanrl, sacrlhcl~~ her oWn opportunity many special tesls po"ihlp Ihal : ~ rulh one likp this. It's ~ot a: :-';pprllrrr,:' thr,~Ugh. 11 s bemg done these I (or hl~. il wOlild be 100 time consllmin~, rollNj,ol'rr collar. too. $P.'·' 10\'.11' M<:.'!

, da. s. Or \I III he t~ke It all for granl. -and too expcnSIH-to apply I Once I'd hare asked Terry ing kn:~lin~ . But In ?rder to marry at 19' ed. and expecI her to always be ali o( them to erery person ?nce why she had to be sweaterI'd dolis. wea'.m;. .\.

she is gll'lng up he~ own ch3nce the one to make the sacrifices or twice a year. !Iike e\'ervonc else in Ihe third tht C~'i<ln: '0 kif; for a c~ilege educalton. a chance for the marriage? I How often. for example. ~raM This morning I dirln·l., pill' nr\·\lp··"r,-; .

she. \\,111 probably ne\'er get I ,T~erc'~ ~o( much ~ense In a, should It be necessary to lake a, 1 just saici. "Hal'e you told YOllr I dOlh~~ '0 (oln' . aga,". ,.' girl 5 I~orkmg to educate a'l basal metabolic test. an X.ray! mother holY you'd hid ),our ~Id I for your e"r.' o! :"( . At .t9 I\h~ the hlg rl1s~ to ;t~1 : band "he~ she could be gelling of· the stomach, an electrocardio.! sweater to make her gct this \ .-marrled~ Why not 1I'alt :10111' an cducallon at the same lime I gram or cxamination of the olle··.. , ""T-

sh and h h I b d b th ~ . I f h II' . , • . . ' run or h' :.,t ,."

e. er. 1 ~ an . 0 "a\(~,. Or t.e sma pnce of puttlD~. of(! chemistry of !lie blood? . At ei;:ht year< of a;!c and for Ition \~" d:,J1~(;: their educations. Is II because I marriage unlll after graduatIOn., Such tests as these cannot Ill" 'onl tinle thereafter confor,' . . 111 , . ;. . ,. e ,: so thai :,,( rrri .

I mcluded In ereI'), ro.ut!De exam·, m~y seems to mean safety 10 I and cal ),' .. !lr·

S !Dallon unless there IS some par· . ('lIilciren. 1 ticular reason. What is SOI]1[" A nuncon(urlnisl !JI)"eIr. J'le Tnl'),. .,: ... ;:: ays : tinll"~ done i~ .10 ~I~{" ~t)(lll:" It' . ..,[~ 1 found yuuthful c.:ollfunnily f'a~.iel": ...... Ul·i~J! '\lr::~;]l J~; I at t4"dl rxalllillatlilil ~Jld gl"~.1(I.: lu lak ... sitll't,.' 1'\"E' IJt'gu!1 to tlllnk ... 11" 100t,,,, !r:p \11 .• ,\ Jordan . Doctor

t'f.KJt)1)1C I'HYSI('.~L IS WISE. 1111'1' IS Ni,

lNSUKANn: . pul.H·Y .

1\ "ally gt"l thrutl~~h tht" J11111"t' illl . ul it tt~ J h~,pl"udlH..'t of ft'ar of ..,\q.o;,Jlt·r lLJ: rll.oJ.Jt ,'r". .' J.lorl~lIl. i all:..ark_ . (lVp~JI It. I


H.-'\ •• ~ .•

I lump In dl. bred,t. s\\t:llIlIg of TII~ ",.< ul rt~;,,"alJlr IIIrll .. "t,; ~ II I' ,,'It 1111 I."hallt ur a 1;011, all IlIr 0:1,,: ;:.':

tilt' ~"kl", aillt ;,'IIIIlul' ('h~lIg~s 10f l,hl',lt'al ~~~llIillaliuli ;;. lid; .0 .• t "1 I' "1(1. "."Ir';' I,,: I . '1 .. I .... .'".' I VoU art> !'It) stfOn~ 1:1111 1'0\\ ~I \I a t"

W ~k I I."~). It \'~""IIg SI~lb sud, Ic,ls ~s Srrlll to h. iOlI,,·~I· : ihat Vull don'l ",jilt! olhd' ani. crilwJI J';"II!tvll ,.

~.xu""natlon 01 Ihe bloud ~res- N reveal mall\' t!j,pa,e lillldi- 1 • • • d'ff l'nd!'I"I ,ndln& Ib . '1 ld ,. . '1 d d' . . .' \ mals ret'ogl1ll1ng \'ollr I crence .' . " .IY EDWIN 1'. JORDAN. ~I.D.

A mlddle·aged bw;inessman,. who' wants to keep himself in the best possible health for· the sake o! his family and his bus i­ne3s associates. has 'asked me' how often h~ should \'isit his doc­tor and have I routine J)hy~ical examination.

~ure. ~ 1011 ue lIIe \I e III eler)! lions in their early stages. This. Indeed \'0\1 adveriise it by trum able to plondl .. I rOUllne exam'"~tlOn of grown- of course. is of enormous help in . • d' in bulk\' ,wea:er



PSt' A fhew ISlmdPle dlab?ralory treatment. as almost anything is pe~~~ ).~n "o~?ra;'";~ antelope or in good ~p,n! '. es 5 on I e b 00 an urine are . t t Ih be' " . . I" II d I easier 0 cure a e g,"~lIlg zebra neither strong nor power· Impallfn ,~. ~

genera y ,:,a e .a so. . than when it has bPcome adl'an- (Ill. y~u efface ~'Ollr~elf either \Jy )'ou alwa l' ~.~~:

":'~~t_~.t~s_~~~:'~I~!~:.-:~----.- ____ the ~peE'd ",ith "'hiel! ~·ou can e"er~'nn~ .1 ••

The questiCln is a gaM onp but the Inswer i! difficult.

A routine physical examlna, tion 'dot! not insure !lood health, nOr even always prol'e that an obscure diSorder is not presen!.

Once. years ago. after milking an txl.'eedingly careful rxamina· tion and finding Ihe patient in apparetly excellent heiJIlh, J I

;sent the man home. Within a few hours he came down with a violent . attack of flu. , .' Nevertheless, this does not mean that the periodic physical checkup Is not worthwhile. How often It should take place ~e­pend~ on the Age and physical condition of Ihe paticnt. hi~ 00 cupation and the judgment o( his physician.

What tesls should be malle at the lime also has 10 he left to the physician. since it is impos· sible to make PI'cry concei\'ahle test which is in the books. From the patient's point o( \'iew I

Iherefore. hr or she mu~t take \. thE! adl'ire of. the physician·con· suited wilh regarrl 10 hoW often . routine checkups should be made and what. lests should be made.

A person who visitslhe doc lor regularly ~ should always report 'any symptoms or suspicious signs which have developrd I since' the last appointment. Gain or los~ in weight is pnrticu. i larl\' imporlanl. i

\ Th~ doctor'~ examinalion ()fI~o

r.PI'eols !uch things as a chronit Infection of thp nose. broncltit;~.· the presence oi hemorrhoids,. a '


For Moond.,. January 26

Pre.:r.:-For YOIII end Yours . . . DoII't crewel JOII! Ithf.dule with too mlll1 aetjvj­tiel. bllt live close IltelltiOll to important tbinSI. ThoIIab you lIIay be entbu~iastie about plans. don'l act lost among .,isioD! of SUCCIM IJId forget bard ""or:' :: aeCClSaryl Don't let peop:: ;,'.' pede your proJIeSL

Past •• '. Tennessee 1<'.'-. li!~ FlJi'ure ' .. 1,\ ,onlinue our first stale to enact a prohibilion prestO) r.I~ (>[ improvement in law (on Jan. 26, J 838). The living slandards, lhe rrodutth'ity mea5ure wa "an act 10 repeal o~ the average Amencan worker

.5 . ," Will have 10 double by 1978, to all laws IICtI15:r: ,,;'~hng I"k~ t"~ of our c\'~;··i"creasing houses." r'" . .

The Day Under 'jvUI' ;:i9 i1

ARIES (8.", 21 I. April 19) LIBRA 2J I. Pel. 22) If Ibi"g~ floo', wcrk oul, don', 'fItItr/. ).I,Mr 'Work .nuh ll'I~kt TOll frrl tIC'-Kttp H,init pt"Usrd Ind 'srrU.lttd. Calm dowel

TAURUS I Ap,il 211 to M., 20) SCORPIO IOel. 2] 10 N ••• 211 Not & I'tl'd d:'lY 1.0 'J'lfTld mklutl,. Ttrllion ml)' c.a~,e ,.011 tll be tboft.\ Catch up on bill.. .ro'cen. Olhru ma,. Dot undcntlllcd.

GEMINI IMay 2110 J.n. 211 • SAGITTARIUS I No •• 2210 Doc. 21) Pe.orle may leem un~Ju:a!I)' ,uttt. 1'hi •. Cttl CIa ,oar .'DIO of humor ~ • Iitaa· mar be «tUN b7 IImldl!),. IloG ClU," 700 to iffl upltt.

~~CER(J.". 2f to July 21) <CAPRICORN (Doc. 2t 10 J .... 20) . t be Jared • .,.y fruaa 'Work b1 a· You may bat.t to forao IOIDtthia, to

tJU"1 pI( •• urc trip. b~p .. iritad. 11. uutJtithl LEO (July 2Z I. Aug, 21) lJooty m.y _, in ''''''' "Of" 0I00I. pte. AQUARIUS (J.o. 21 t. Fob. 191 Tl:.utI1_ Save it'll & rnerve fulld. CcaJwt other. about idu iDateU of

O I aUC'rDplinr tG launcb it alone.

. VIRG Au,. 2% to m Th,ne' art .. , ,·w ,h.,. It"" Von', PISCES I F.b. 20 '0 l.4arch 20) ~OQ:I"nt :rOWJc!1 CDtiI yC'U ~ tho:- tfr.ln' ,"CIa UP~'ln )"OUI' aetiOGIt )'fJIl :ruth.' ,mar ~ in'r"Olt"t:i in O1I,1"""tntsl.

I e 1111. Pld4 EaIaltri .... 1Ia.


Ladies' Leather Sn

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smooth uppers tho I

d 'th stOI me WI

long· rubber sole!: 4 !o 8;·

Page 7: THE DAILY · speaking in Latin. the neW PoP' said: .. And as we do the western church. we embrace with equal



•• ~ L,): r:I.,,,,:r' .. .,J' :,,':1; \ (".,\ I.~

... :11 ... : ~.!.!' .t


To Vote On Educational Plan

ence books; establishmenl of grants lind economies In ad min· ...... ;5 rOr .eaching supplies-SO Istration. toa:e1her wilh greatly in· ~?":nclary school teacher. creased benefits for the money per cent of the cost up to '$80 a spenl. make the \.aXlltionfellfl .~I>ED BIG ENROLMENT IDI'alid.

The royal commission con· It said local aulonomy would tpnded Ihat adequale secondllrv be k.ept In the elementllry Ichoot

~II I\ILlHW, I ondary schooling While local, school facilities can only be pro. level and local representatives "T\ f'lru ~Iall "',run I school dislricls would retain eon. ·.'IU~U 1\I1CI't! lHe nUL.q 01 s,.pd· would have pillces on the ,u1dmg

cr _Electors in Irol of elemenlary education up ents attending Is large enough to body of school divisions. 'Jln.I~~a Will \'ott to and including Grade 8. justify a diversilied program. Several thorny problems teo

'P'r/. .. n the rrol'incial 46 DIVISIONS Under the large school division main to be solved. :C I D.~i "Ill raise its A commission, set up to decide system students from outlying One of the most Importlnt Is

~~'S~('f!I from lit· on the new dll'lslons has mapped .reas could be transported to a . the question of curricula, ,:b.1~~ status to out 40, ~ , , n, SaIne critics contend Manitoba's

';i"..;o.-olin~ ,rail able The province proposed to pay Other advantaaes cited Included schools are rIve years behind r:: .rta~. 59.2 per cent of education costs, In .01\ C"Iel.: 0, admlnlslralion tho,se of other provinces In thIS ~i' ;.id out in the In 1950 It paid 23,6 per cent of eHiclency such as central pur· regard. Others SIlY the chlidreD !';ltl!lc' ~hool~ Act. such cOsts and 28.ft per cent In chasing and facilily of acquirin~ are learning Irom Americanized ;,. .. ttd rtcently. It 1956. The present proposal to Is. specialist Instructor. In larger text books that lire light on Can.· , 01 some 5ue grants totalling about $18000. units. dian standards,

000 compares with $14,000,000 Man objections I:olced agal~st The curricula question has Dot budeeted by the previous gOI'prn. larger dll'lslons during the bound· been Ignored, the royal commis·

inlo ~ cen. menl for education, ary commlsslon's hearings in· slon interim report indicated. but )!I.\!"' "h,lOl dil'I"1 The royal commission said thaI eluded fear of higher taxes, par· It Is sO complex that it required

~~ " lor the 1~5i.58 school year Mani. ticularly In areas wltb high as· adoitlonal study, ~ot :! :~ ~qllalile Ihe I toba's edllCation outlay was sec. sessments, and apprehension over . Another p~oblem to be solved

' .•. ,' l'<lx3:ion co~ts ond.lowest among the prol'lnces. the pOSSible. loss o( local control IS the question of. what govern· t;,:t::lf \'i';~lrttlnit~· of: ranking only slightly higher than over educal1on, . men~ assistance. i( any. s~ould

I' !\.;, .,nno, educa·: Prince Edward Island, whosp The royal commission, con· be Siren to separate and prll'!te chlid m Ihr prol"! poputation is about one.nlnlh as t~nded that larger prol'mcial schools,

... !I',; tnrrea<rd ,:o\,· i large. • ----------Sot,jlr.c ~n /'dtlcalion ~, Flldrr the new plan. thl' orOl'· : Anlwer to Previoul Punl. :I l''I',idr ",~re ,nd tnee (lro(loses to pay l'lrluall)' 100, Liberian Liberties

~:nN1:' and tiel· per cc t of teach!'rs' salaries and I .... ________ ......J I grants for this purpo~e are.

((l!'T 'weighted in (nor 01 divisions! ACROSS ~4 PrecedIng , , I Liberia _ (comb. form) ,,!tn'~ir~ 'ht hiring hil:hiy.qualified inslructors 1 on Ih~ 55 COlllumed

:f": !'Ii l'<iu,alitln t1nil~r: A teacher wth a bachelor of I southwesl 56 CoucMs '!" :t.f r'~\: year willi edu~lIllon dUree, together with, coaJlo! Alrlca DOWN .~ If ~ l11aJorll~' or the equi\'alpnt 01 ~ix )'P8r~ post· I .$ tts Iropical I Rows ,((t". 'n tach of the, graduate work and 44 years ex· I forests are rich 2 Form a notlon :.,~~~n' arl'ro\e~ the! perience. makes the division em· In - null 3 ClIck.beetle

rr~\ ;~.~ "ill pay: playing him eligible lor II maxi· • It, mineral 4 Harden J:>OJ: M l'pr cent t mum grant of $9,700, Al the other re~ources 'Larlssan t9 CapUvlte ~:. I fnd of the sCllle. a teacher with Include- mounlaln 201lfburnedtor

". I I . 12 Indotent • Follower. 23 Unk I d

I '.f ;pd~nh 01 ,,1M, on y a prov slonal Ifachlng per· 13 Saint- (ab ) v ee e • . 7 Unasplrated 25 Cuddle r/..:."r: ~~l~i~al school I mit and no experience brings the 14 Opnu. or true 8 O~llined 27 Le,al term

)'1' f~~J;h 10 quahf~' minimum grant or $2,000. olives 9 OleIc add .. It 28 Silkworm ·,dtr Iht act. ~o I FJ.AT GRANTS 15 Tidy 10 SUI,esliv. S3 Chlnee. rIver ~:~: ~ ~cmote arc as Under the old grants system. t; ~~~e:~!\:i:n Rizer IkllT t!:.~.:;~rd as ,p~c'l school distrlcls receh'ed a flat 12 and 20 11 Natives of 3. ColUslDII ~' rh~ ~d\lcallon I' 52.500 a teacher, less an adjust· 18 Consume Dpnmark 36 Am""

men I based on a flve·mlll lel'v I 19 Artist'. fram. p~ :~r ~,hools IIct on th~ district's asspssment, . I 21 Exist

!~:':. :ec0mmellda. i A~ with ~alarles. the gOI'ern .. 22 Inflexible :)'1: r.':r.mi"ion an·: ment'~ polic~' on school construc, ~: ~~~~ro~lake~

!' ~r !0~'l1er Liberai· i lion is weighted In fal'or 01 ad· 28 ArablanPoe ry F·t:-:::r.~n: to study I' ministrations building large, well· commander e: tC"ra:,on beJ.ow ~q\lipped schools. 29 BiblIcal . The government contribution pronoun

. ' under chair· i for building schools up to ril'e 30 Legal point ! 0 \!a;f~rlane. ~or· I rooms rema\,~ unchanlted at 40 ~i ~':!.t (Ib,)

t~~\a::on lini,tcr i per cent. but if ri~es sharply as 330rlentelgul1ar !.."f::~~ ~r th~ school i the ~ile 01 the school incre9~es 115 Book Df map. c:::.~<r3:lon :II ('ar:p· i Thp prol'incl', for example, pa~'s '38 Desert carrier

o-:3'a. n:a~~ ils In" ,;i.5 prr cpnl fo\' hi~h ~rhool con. 39 Conger .. :J.: la:: to :he Pro.: ,trllction inl'oll'inlt six room~. lI.hern:all 41 Wttte demon (o:,,,'\3';'t gOl'rrn· :M.Z prr c~nt for nine room~ and: 42Reslded .. : .... (,!:IC~ .tlln~ :In.: i" P~r cent (or 12 rooms or mor~. I 46 Sheltered ,Ide

t.:abl:,hing 50: O:her prol'lsions 1I11Mr thp pub.: 47 Brld" ~.':"0:1' eJch y,:lh 'Ik school~ act: Production of the' 49Lowhlun'

;; :rlL'ilrr< and number of ptipils ppr teacher 10: 60 Greek ,',,":nrn: 01 S:;.I~,. 35 from 40; an increase in gr~nts: &I ~fJe~'

='·,t.,lt aJmml:tra'lon for maintfnance. administration,: 62 Easl (I'r,) .. , :f'i'On"olht~ lor ,pc· slud~nt trasportation and refer· I 630lcl . -- "'--'-

You Get MORE Out of Music! MORE Out of Life!

with a


37 Appeared 38 Antlque

ROJllaIl cheet 40 Or,an PI'" 43 Notion 44 Sleevelell

.armenl 45 Grllted (her.' 48 Born 50 P'Iltft.h

You CUI do so much more with any kind of millie

you play on the Hammond Spinet OfP Its wide

TI!Ip of lOaes llId lastrumental voices aWe" evcn

thr simplest rune sound rich and beautifuL

The best pan. it doesn't matter if you play nOI\'.

In no time at aU you'" be playinl surprisingly

fint music. Thousandt llId thousands of pe0-


ple. younS Ind old, played their first tun.

afrer 001,. ODe lesson.

A ... II.~' •

.. •• 1 .... ~ •• tI

... HetIy


O"'J the HAMMOND SPINIT ORGAN gives lUll. 4U' U?iI •• pri" 1»'«#,1I11J .nJ I"mil, "11 "Dora. . - -.~ t ........ , 44 Icf)'t nth. 12 note pedal keyboard, No InJllllatlon, ptug in and ria), .

....... 1. D,. ... n-L" you blend fOnf\ In ,et exactly Ihe e/ffeu you WIDI for any "ieniol.

"fe4lth .... ,... .... "Nulll._Da'llin~ " .. ifIY 01 thrilllllll new efreen.

~''''I •• VI",.,. Cutrol.-SepaTllt lo\\'u Ind upper mln~al ,..----------• .,braln «1nlrol-. in 2 df/lrU' 0/ vihratl1 Ind vil>r_Io clIM~',

iii. , .. Itt. ..,..N-Hammnnd II Ihe only nrsan ~htl Cln _r pI out of Nne.

'LUS ... -Automltic Leplo" p!cl'l (lJ11:'''! ... , Maiolllf or prGfellional.

. ,It








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Page 8: THE DAILY · speaking in Latin. the neW PoP' said: .. And as we do the western church. we embrace with equal





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Toronto COllI 'al =00 121 HI lIS -I Gol4 IIIlI 17111 • II 30 Ctal .ete _ 19 17 11 + ~ or ·1Ir.. use II » )5 CbHklrk 1000 7 I~ 7 + ~ Orlllll,., 11m 21 25 25 CII .. t" too 20 20 :10 -I aron4u. laiD 17. 175 178 +1 Cl1lb Jae 5500 n .. 61 -. GI't)'IIII 1100 I&~ 15 IS - ~ CIIlbolll)' 2300 19 II 19 Guleb .500 10 I~ 10 +1 Cblb )l too 137 137 137 +2 Gul' Lead IS500 11 10 11 + ~ Chlmo lHOO n 72 U +5 OUMar am II. 1m I ... - ~~ Coch Will 7lG.l360 335 360 + 5 GUMar wb 1140 710 690 690 -10 C!ldJ'·R.e. 1500 19 II II Hard Rock 33300 \I~ 11 \I~ - ~ Cl>1. Lak. 1100 17 17 17 + ~ Har·lIla 17100 23~ 22 22~ - ~ Coldllrm 10000 45 42\; 43 H .1 Lake. 2000 10 10 10 Comb Met 1100 34 31 34 Headwl1 4000 51 5~ 54 + 1 Conla,.. 16.10 57 ~ 51 -I Heath 6000 9 81> I~ - ~ Conlaurum 500 31 31 31 +2 Hov. 141000 9 m' +2 Con·lley 1000 231; nI' 23~ -1'.. Hllh.Bell 2000 130 176 176 -4 C Boneken" 5500 12 12 12 - \2 Hollln,.r hi $31% 31~, 31V, - .. C G 28116 16\2 12\2 16\1 +1 HOfl. :IlOO liD 155 480 +10 C Cllllna. 1000 13 13\; 131'.1 Hud Bill 117.1 16m 601, m~ ... 1. I: Ilenllon 71HI JIll, 1210 13 HUlh,Plm 3000 II 18 IR -2 I: De. \iiI. 2131 330 3U ~30 + Sind Lake 38600 9 m 1\. C UII,.\,e1')' 4010 3al 3ll 38.1 + 10 InlplraU.. UOO 6.\ 62 62 C ren 1371 58 ;a 58 1.1 NICkel 1891 lal% MI, 8m - II cG AITOW :uoo :I~, 2)!~ 23 1'J -~., Int Ran 1;000 31 38 ]1 -1" C 1I.lIwell 713000 79 75 78 + 7 Irllh Cop 4400 254 2lG 250 Con 1I0we)' 3300 m 390 m Iron B.y 1100:30 225 22l C ~I .. bcn 3100 ~3 3t )a +1 Jar. Elpl 6100 41 U 47 ~% I: Ala,", 1971 60 sa 6il JllU... 13500 17\, 1l 17 - ... lon Mltntl S tOtill IUl,it :!1:J. !11. - 1,1 Joburll;t 2:300 30 23 30 -+] C ~lo,"1 <13800 130 Ibl 178 ~ 18 1500 28\; 2m 281. + V. C M.rri,o. :000 2,)'.; 23 23 - I, Jonamllh 6500 18 171. 18 C )lolher 8600 80 ,8 78 -I J.w •• , 1000 ~~ 61 61 _I Co. ~ecu. !ZOO %1 26 26 -I Kenvllle 36500 10 8\, 9\1 + I l' Sorthl."" 300 32 32 32 -I lC.rr Add 1461 1201, 20 20 I: Red P.p :otOO 10'; 10 10 IIIl.mbe 800 230 230 2;0 -t t" Rt$cuurt \1100 la l,l In 111 - ~~ KUem wt. IG!5 50 50 .1n -+1 l' Sanornl "DOtI 8 R R + h Kllem rt. 6lOO lt~J 14 l' (;11" 5Iutl 41CU in 72 16 1" 1 Kirk Mln 2~eol 711 75 7a i-' CO~~\'e~1 4i:" .. jO 410 410 ·dO Lake On 1800 119 U6 119 41 ('01) t:ltrp .100:11 31 31 + 1 L Duflult 8100 80 7~ 75 ~''''~I'" 131lO 15 Il', Il .1 Lilia 1000 \I 10 11 + (op ... d J707 21l 203 210 +2 L o'u 3300 2~ 22 21 + Coulee \t(o" 31 J3 31 -I L Shore 620 453 IS3 433 (''''em' 2U'l J63 3ll.l 3~ -3 Lamoqut :!$DO 313 330 313 ~ 10 I:ro;nor :.000 11 11 11 + I I .. Uch 2200 114 110 110 -t I:"",pal 28000 II', 11 II'., + \j Lencourt 12000 tl3 13 13 +1 ('YI"" 8000 \I '13 13 -I Lexlnell. 4300 m 31\ 5~ I> .. rl", m. 31 33 34 + LL ".e 1025:34 2:0 230 1'·Ar.~". 1800 42 39 10 -I Lorld... 2200 43 42' 42 n. (our 7(I(IQ 29 27 77 -2 Loud. wll 1110 18 \I 18 1> •• , 1I0rn 1000 18 17 17 -I l.y.dh.1 34700 35 32 34 _I ll'Eldono 1163 11 \1'.; 16 + 12 M...... 300 230 775 m +2 [}(1m. m IIn'l 10'. II~i M.cdo. 15100 41 41 12'.1 -112 11o._lda Z9<l<1O 13 11 U Moc/Ie 5000 II \3\\ 13\1-1 I' .... " ~OO 11 :12 21 + ',' MacLeod 900 129 . m 129 +4 t: .'mphl 11300 1.1 13'; 13\; -I Mad.en 5200 ~O 21\ 270 +5 F.asl M.I "'" 135 1\0 130 -3 IIlOO 10 9\1 9\\-1 Eilt 5011 1100 :03 :!O1 201 -, lIol.rtle 1300 106 103 106 F.I>I Mel 1100 10 9 9 )I •• ea,1 U 13000 10 I~ II. - l't Eldrr Jl10;5 m 110 110 -18 101...... moo t:! 40 ~ J

1:ldrlrh 40100 12 Jl J8 +1 Marcon !1300 1111 13 13 -II. I:ortk. 2000 29 18'. 29 + '" MoriUm. HS90 I~O m III +t 1:1 Sol 3;00 13 m, 13 + I Marti. llDO!!9 27 77 .,;.~I .\11 ;j(I<' I:', 11', 12 - ~ Malaleh !~ 18 \71,~ \8 ... ~h;on lIjS $29 18'" 2A~, ~ra)'bruD 4'800 ~6 22 22 -1 .'aradllY IIISG fIoa 01 P3 !ltdnt)'rt 210 "4 931,1 93~, + n, .·ilfa wt! I l!)flO :!J !J 2.1 +, :\(C'K~n 17100 3.\ 30 31 "I" 1 "'nest Tun, j;l:,(l 1) J.\ 1) ~Id'ar UOO 8!a 81,1: n; - 1.1 •• .. lIm. :iOOO tro !t4 •. \ -t :\tcWat 9100 21 rr 21 ... 1.i "unl'('IfUr ~ pl.!l' Mentor llOO 10 HI 20 .1 .',obithl"r TZM ~~ ~no :00 -, MtrtUL 4100 110 1M toS "rob deb' 10 ~7~ 18 ;R -I ~Iel. 'ro. ~ II 11 91 «frnex 1('100 18 18 la MUllktn U!'Ill ZIG :;1 ~IIO Geo Sci,." 13011 1::0 t.!O 1111 a·2 ~nl'l (orp :;.sO St3'. 13~4 13!i.!. I,

G;8nl "II m; 10 110 .. 0 .1 Mln.(),e 11100 \81'.1 17 II'" 4ilprier I~I~! :t2:\:O! Monel. ~OO r. ~2 82 Glt'lin l'rlln I:!OOO 11'1 It 1] ~t Wrl,llt :se15 A7 ~ At ~ 1 Gold.l. ;"M .'n I~ :0 + I ~1UIt1'M IWI 18 I~ " Gl'Ild ,.; .. ,1,. Ij:l~ Jt 3n 31 Sima cr 21300 2t :!, ~ -1 ------------------------

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HOW MUCH DO YOU NEED? f $500.? $1000··i . " O .' ••••••• • ........ ~,,' , You're always welcome at




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uth Shore News Glovertown

1 Personals , GLOVERrOWN - Congratu i lations to Mr. and ~Irs, Gordoh

:.._-----------------------__ - .... -------:--:-:-:---:- : Holloway, to whom a daughter ., was born recently, and also to (;"Idrn h~r~ wcre presented ~l1pply loan Julia Kearlry. pnl rcports ?r the assoelat.">11 . ~1I'. and Mrs. Jlle Dowden to I

Pond rio BI'I'llIta Hideout. Phyllis Chairmall womens work com· I II"OIS dealt with. books audited. whom a daughter was born' Ronncll. Joan Greenslade Rnd millec. Jul!a. ~earle~·. r~presen' , the hooks showed that the lodgc: ~Irs, Nelson Sparkes I~' at R(',~lilld Rideout. laUve to divIsIOn couilcil. Edith, II:as 1lI vcry gOOd. shape fman· TeSen! a pat ioot at Gander

Three ycars stars were P1'C' Saunders, assistant womens I ('Iall), and. otherWise. ~lter all [('spital. We wish her a speedy sl'nlcd to Sandl'a Rideout and work. Committee Josie Barnes lather bUSiness was dlspense!l: "ccovery

'.~ r,'r" Janis Butlcr. Two year stars helper. I with the W.M. Bro ,charlie:' ._ ... : 'Il'>f; ,;w""rrd hy : 10 SI'ivia Porler and Linda Rev. Goodland and ReI'. I Dawe callcd for cl~ctlOn of i ~Irs. Ken Keats has returned :'~ :; .. :: ... ,,, :'chool.' Evcl~igh. Barnes both addresscd the ~ath· I ofhccrs for the ensulRg year., from the Banting Memorial Has .

• "", .. :.11 Jnn Ihr' One year stars go to Brenda ering and expressed their Pleas., the ·W.M. then passed the gavel pital and is feeling better ~'J:.:(.~ :. S1:!7.00 Hideout. Linda Hennc,sey. Mary ure at being associated with to the Grand ~Iaster to conduct .

' •.• ~'C~ ferwJrd· Bishop Joyce Searle. . Joan the Red Cross Society and their the election in which he did ~Ir. and Mrs. George Blaek. '-~I-' :.~: J"hn·, .. Green$lade. willingness to render help at in a very able manner. and reo wood spent a few days in the

., .~:~ .",.,unt is Following t hc enrollment the all times, they also extended a sulled as follows: capital city on business this \t'" 1~' ,:.If' (or' Guides and Brownies entertain· cordial welcome to the visitors. W.~I .. Bro. Charlie Dawe. re- week. ' " •• ·•· .• ,·.i thai Ihe 1'0 members of the local as· ~liss Thomas and Mrs. Mit· elected: 0.:'1.. Bro. Norman

.; ~c' ; .• : .. " ~ren wa; ,,,ciation ano parents of the ch.ell spoke briefly to the gath· W~r~ord. elected: Chaplain. Bro: Born at Botwood hospital on :'-,'" .:': 'fnr. (;uidcs and' Brownies who were I erlRg. Miss Dove w~s the next WIlll3m DOWden. re·eiected. .January 15 was a daughter for

. '" :... : r,>lkct· lIwir ):lIests for this occasion b), ! speaker and spoke highly of th.r secretary .. Bra: Herbert Lear. I ;'Ir. and Mrs. Charlie Brett. Con. 'r~-;' \ . ~.oInt, An· ,in~in~ Christmas Carolds. folk I work done by the. Topsa.ll 'el~ctcd: fmanCiaI secr~ta.ry. Bro. , gratulations on their first born.

;: ... r·n.·: j'. which ;md Guide song.'. .; branch •. havin.g been In close Richard Lear. elected. llcn.surer, _. ::> ... , I·"·~ P,'uo Thc pr"~rammc wa$ hrougjlt ,conneCllon WIth them for the Bro. John ~aters. electcd. lSt.! A vcry pretty wedding took "~ •• "T' • •• ·;k,·lIon til a dn,c 'with thc Guidcs anrl I past f~1\' YDear~ be~.ore c~n~lu:I. lelctur~~. ~Iod Jntet ?aIIC'B~~' : place in the United Church at

:.... .., :'11" l.'ll1~ llrrOlll1ic" praq'rs. aftcr which 109 ~l1ss Olle ~\,tS as ear. eete. . n. cc uler. . : Glovertown South on .January . ' ': -,dr,. . I . I make a presentallon to onr of Frednek ~lor~an. clectcd: mar-: 15 '''''en Dorothy Rowsell 1"1'11'(,,1111('111.' IIcrc .<('n·ce. . h' d . D' I t n" .

, .. I "h,"r its oldest members. 111 t e P~I' shall. Bro. An rell aIle. c ec - daughter of Mr. and ~!rs. Calev · ...... ' T -I son of ~lrs. Hoiland who lIas ed. . Rowsell of Glovertown North : .. ,"'.1 .. I opsal asked to .accept a. pin ,on behalf Lodgr ComnllIlC!·:. Bro. H. was united in matrimony to ?IIr. : .,;, 1'''1It! . of hcr sister. ~l1ss Kothe. de· Lcar: Bro. H. Scotl. Blo. Geo. Sidnev Bult only son of Mr

?" .. ' I'rln· .\I:'.\" O/·TJiTI:S FUI/ rOI'S:IIL ceased. ~Irs. Holland ga\'c 10 :'Ior~an: Bro. Albcrt Dawe. and ~Irs .J~e Butt of Glover: ,:ho,,!. 1:1,':1.'\(,1/ or 'fllf: RED . years of valuable seT\'!ce to Ih~. Audilors-Bro: G~ol·ge Rob· town So~th. Rev Mr. Morgan:


: ....

.. ! ihr ("}WSS ' societ~·, She was the hrst presi' , erl~: Bro. Charlte \\ ;!rlord. I officiated.' . ·,11<',·1,. . dent when the society was form· . 1 \'Icr. Bro. H;Il'olel Dawc. reo I

II", :"llIlI.,1 IIw('lIn~ of Ihe .1' In49 SI cont'lnueel to· 1.'1 d i A daughter "'as horn to ~'r. uli

·t· . 1 h" '1 f h l" . It· eu 111 " . tc (' cc e . , d 'I . I "1)0.11 1.lll! I u t c and(.111 "k "tll the <ocietv ulllil \rler the clIlllplelion of the: an .' rs. Stell art HoI ol\"ay 1', .. I' I (" ,;. I' tll k place' 1101 III '. ,'. , 11 Ct' I "., n",. lI,'IC ): (I. forccd 10 rctir~ throll~h ill. rleclion or officrrs. the Grand I een y. ongra~.

.\ :,,,'\ 1"1'1'('1111, 111 1111' pa1'l,h h,llI. r~p· health. ~Ia.'tcr Ihanken all tho,e who ~Ir. Rnd ~Ir~. GiOcon .'ane~ . !" ihr ,,\HI. 1·1"1'>I·l1t. ("I' .Ihe mcelln~ ~Irs. Hollands lIas deepl)', look pari in Ihe eleclion cere· cclc.brated their 50th \\'cddinj( ,.1 the \\ crt' HCI .. 1. t,uodl.lIld .11\tI ReI. mOl'cd h\" this llne~peclc(\ J:es· ilion I'. and saiel how plea,ctl he anmversal'Y on Dec. 30. 1958.

· ,. ;·.';\n.1~r .1 (;: R"rn('.~. frum hC;ll'qllartel'~ ture and' accepted the pin with was 'with the cooperation of the Fricnds and relatil'e~ gathered "",''1''1\ 11\ ~i ... !phn,. IICIC .'hc follo1\' d('('p appreciation. members ror their willingness al the home or Iheir son Wil.

·.,il"' "f ~:I~' \Ir-. \Iwhel: ~II,,, Thomas. ~Ir. EwinJ: also addre,sed thl' , to sene in the I';:rious offices liam to tender them a surprise ".:~: "f .<11» 1l!~'I" J .. t::11"I1~!: .. ,of Ihe J:athering and expresscd plea~.: of the 10elJ:c. and said .thel:c was party. Th.e evening was thor.

:IC(':I1I: hl,>,,<1 1I:1n,fll>lon scrll~e, a~d ure at bein present for thiS I n great feeling of URlty 111 Ihe oughl.\· enjoyed by all and we .. : ,I ;.no .1:tnll" (,rr('I\'1 c:111ll1Palgll :~h~lr. meetin and expres,ed regrets i lodge. and wished ail thosc who extend ~eartiest congratulations

m:oa ~'f Ihe h OO! ! onor ~Cl'\ ICC that L. Parsons was unable to; took office. el'erd)" slIccess for to the fme couple. ~Ir. Janes Is, It'r \l'lI"fOllnlil3n!1. attcnd. i their future. After this the a I'ery ac!il'e member 01 the I

Thr 11l"t·'ldl·nl. \11',. .habrJ ~Ir. Green also gavc a short; Grand ~Iaster returned the avci local Tow" C~uneil. ! ,r 1·:trIIl'. oprned thc mrrtll1!l in address anel outlined some o[ to the WJI. to continue the ~Ir. ~Iac Butt, son of ~lr. and'

. d (;" 1 thr 11;11:11 manner ~nd before his work in connection with meeting. The W.~1. after rceeiv· ~Irs. King Butt arrived home I ,nnll:1I prol'redll1~ to . h1l5me~~. weI· the blood transfusion service. ing the gavel from the Grand a fell' days ago after working fnrClII· COll1eO Ihr 1"I>l\ors, She then The meeting was then elol'ed ~Iaster. thanked him for his awn)' for the past few months.

.. ' .. -.•... . . B •• I cure for po.I.Chri,tmu h •• d"h.-I O;o;S Cbri,tmu r"ft A_mtt

Guess who wishes he'd opened a BNS Christmas Gift Account last year? -n~rp's nothin~likp a thick la~·pr of Ioill~ tn Fmolhrr p081.l.hri~lma~ joy! Y pt it'~ on_ monrv worrv that'~ ra5ily 8voidprl. How? . . . h,' opening A Ch:i~n,n8~ (;ift AWJUnt at The Ran k of \ova ScolJa nnw •

Thr rarlil'r you ~tart. th! mor! you'lI Irave. on hand ",omP. Christma~ ••. 30. n6il ',,"r n~are~t Rank .f \ova Scnria branch ~lId npen a 1?~9 Chrishnas Gift Account . '\ow is th. time to do it.

The BANK o'f NOVA SCOTIA Mare.han 500 branchll aeron Canada. London. New York, Chicago, thl Caribbean.



.. -.,." c,' ,j rf' :I,kl'd Ihe ,('creta!'), ~n. rcad .the in the usual manncr by the verv able assistance. He then He will remain home for I lew

':--·!"l~rtin~ rp~m of thclr actlvll!e since ~~i~nt. after which ~r.ias~d~eGnndM~tffto~. j1\~.e~~~s~.~~~:~~~~~::::::::::::::::=:::::~~~~~;;;;:~ ~hcl1' Ia,t annual meetmg.. Ewing showed two rilms. "A gift dress the members of the lodge. - - ,. ,." Ell.. nllnn~ the. ~·ear. 16 meettng

t, of life" and prosecution for This he oid. and said owing to :,url \\(,I"e held \\:l1h an average a· life which pro\'ed very inter· the late hour of the night. ht

trncl;,ncr bemg 16 members. i esting. would make his remarks as ~ .. :." ., r::r"i!c,l Thr total numbr~ of memhers: tn conciusion ReI'. Goodland b!'icl as possible. Thc Grand '::- :.,. (.~\ mel hem 35. Tnree flres wcre at- i extcnded a vote of thanks to )Iaster spoke of his visits to


~f\rr:11 :cndcd 10 and many of our sup· ';'Ir. Ewing for :1 splendid locl"es onlide thc A\'alon Penin. . !~r' :lnri piit" and eq.uipment were loan· 1 showing also to ~Ir. Green. ~liss ! ula~ ~ncl hc expects to visit

... : : :.,) rr· "e) to thr sirk. A 11°131 ~of 380f I DOI·e. ~!rs. ~litchell and ~hss many more hefo!'e his term of ,·~:ml'~i(ln. ~:.rnwnIS wrrr m:1! e. - 0 Thomas. for Ihcir kcen inter· offke expircs. The Grand :llast.

, .• \. ".t' :'Imp 1111I("h \\"cr~ de·t~lI1pd 101' the est in coming alpng to make the cr concluded his speech by .x· .:, •. ' .:.r .• ~ 01 Ihe ·,rk room. Sl1ppl), cupboard and el'ening a very interestin and tending greetings to Hopewell

.' .. ;,,:" th!· rrmainder I\"~re ~cn! to informative one, lhe el'en!ng L.O.L. from his oll'n lodge at ~ Iw."lqu:!rl,·rs 111 st. John~. concluded with supper he 109 Corncl' Brook. . : ..•• :10"..r . I . f

· ,~(1111 In Ihr financJa campaign or <ert'cd b,· sHeral of the mem·, DeptH,· Grand ~[a,l~r John .• '. r r.roJlrd 1~5S thr ,um of SRi2.4Q was bel's. . ! \,orman' w~s Ihen cailed on to

.' .'~-I;;rlc cQllrcteo h~' ~rl'rral members, : address thr lodl:p. This he did fh-.,·Ir~. of lhr hr~nrh. who canvassed i U per Gull-Ies I in a I'ery capable manner. Bro.

- , .. r .k:!n· Top'ail ;":0 nr;lrhy se.Ulemcnts. : p I ;\orman spoke of different as· '.' '.,.,rpr. kl"lro ,lOre the ,~clrtl~9' 7wa~. I PERSO" Al I peets of Ihe association and

.:rf:('rd [(>I'I11C!\ at Top<ai.1 111 • 4 .• ,,: SOCIAL A:-.ID . ";'" .poke of the many lodges he had. :l'Orily for thIS dl,lmcllon was: :'11'. and Mrs. CalvJR Keefe. I I'i"iled throughout the Avalon

. r :·\:· prl"cnlrd to ~Ir~. B3rnes at I Coley's Point spent Sunday here I and expressed the hope that . :;, Rldr mretin~ held at SI. John\ I I'i.~iting ~Irs. Keefe's parents, he 1I'0uid ha"e the opportunity

. ;c· .',. ' .• :.n rr· In ~larch of 1958 a home ~[r. and ~Irs. Israll Scott. Ito I'isit many more throughout n\lr,in~ cia", was hej:un under :'lrs. William R. Warford who I the year. The Deputy Grand

, .. , rr. the oircrtion or ~Iiss Dorothy had the misfortune t~ fail on ~Iaster in ctosing brought greet • , .~-< .~" ';rrrn~. Pin,cnt. Oul of 2i home nurses the $lippery ice dunng the iugs to Hopewell L.O.L. from II hn wrote thc exams 26 passed Christmas holidays. and injured his lodge, Leeaming, L,O.L., St .

f1"r."\- "l"\:n~n {'om· :til ~.~ hu~bancl - hf.~ an,"thin!!". Hilbet in FC!lruaT\' .!}~ thmk~ she'; tn= ll"t' ~ c1Me'

CIt AA"~ th"re are ~"lr' ~~t d i fl'er· F~c !l<'r hint.~ on

::u. :nMl '.llk. Gt>t , D.""" todav : "I. . . .. ·'-lmg mit-rest.

and Teeeil'ed their diplomas. her back. ~Irs. Warford was John's The ITfaSlirer then read thp rushed 10 hospital f?r ~re~t· The' final speaker of the dele·

. financial report. hoth report1 ment. Mrs. Warford I~ shil 10 gation was Bro. John C. Bad. II"prc for adoption. hospital but have Improved cock, honorary member of the

Rr\" .• J. A. Barnes. United somewhat. Grand Lodge who brought Church minisler for Topsail was greetins from his lodge at Bay then askcd to conduct the eleel· HOPEWELL L.O.L. HOWS Roberts to Hopewell, L.O.L. ion of officers. which resulted ANNUAL MEETING AND Bro. Badcock in his very humor. as foilows: President. Mrs. Iso· ELECTION OFFICE~S ous way. spoek of his earlier hel Barnes; 1st "iee president, Hopewel, L.O.L. held Its an· I da)'s in the association com· ~Irs. Edith Saunders: 2nd vice nual meeting and election of I pared with today's. and spoke president. ~Irs. Vera Hiscock; officers on January 8t~. on ha~d of the different chanes that secretary. ~Irs. G. MacDonald; for the election of officers were have taken place, but to him, treasurer. !III'S. Lilian Kearley. the Grand Master. Bro. George he said, they all meant the same RCI". J. Goodlond. disaster chair· Warren, Deputy Grand lIIaster. but given a more modern look main servicc... Rev. J. G. John Norman, John C. Badcock just to keep up with the mod· Barnp< camp3ign chairman com., honorary member of the ~rand ern times. Bro. Badcock c.on· mittrp: Annie Eason siek room Orange Lodge. After the differ· eluded his I'~marks in saylltg

Our Engine Cepartment stocks the largest and most varied

how delighled he w~s 10 be present here tonight, being no stranger to 1I0peweli. L.O.L.,

I he said he would reserve a few I remarks for some future date. . The final speaker for the I niht was Bro. Herber Day. : newly elected secretary of , Hopewell. L.O.L. who gave a : very inspiring address to Ihe ! I'ery large gatherin, and laid : how pleased he was to he IIhle i to play some part in the as'

-a of machine parts and supplies in Newfoundland.












Stationary and Marin. Engines.

l H. MURRAY & Co., Ltd. ST. JOHN'S


, soeiation. : This heln 8)\ the Ipcakers : th~ W.M. calleel for a hearty I ,'ote of Ihanks to various speak·

I en lor tlteir 8plendid addresses. This was given in the good old Newfoundland way. After which the lodge dosed In due form. After the lodge closed a eup of tea was served by the junior members of the association.

NOTE: These are only high· lights from the various speak· era at the annual meeting of Hopewel. L.O.L. No. &0.

Daily demand for water in !be Uniter Stateals eetimated at ~ billion ,al1ons.

More than '750,000 boat traI· em are in use throughout "'. United States.

'Vermont Is the only atate In the east with a mountain range running through the middle of the state Cor Its entire length.




Shearling Cuff Style Heavy wool fleece lining for warmth. Real Shearling

inside InOW collor. Strop with self· locking buckle at


Women's (4·9) S3.88

Boys' (1·5) S3·88

Junior's (11·3) S3·18

Child's (6·10) $2.88

-." ;.' ,


h . ; ~ ; ,

, ..

, . :.-

, .


Page 10: THE DAILY · speaking in Latin. the neW PoP' said: .. And as we do the western church. we embrace with equal

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· H · The Weather' COUNCIL NEW! I'A .~~~, C~ ~~ .. " ~~: S T E P HEN V ILL E AS~~!%~L~vi1!~ ,ld C'~!~i~Hh:::~~:t.: ~~:: "~i~;£J;, "'lill li!rtel promlJU to be a boom ively by the Tourl.t Board, With saying i. lhat everyone talks Ing January 19th. at 7.30 p:m. of llain and ·Wes;r

• here In Stephenville as the failure of the·We.tport Tro- about the wealher. but no one The minutes of t21e last mee!lOg ! s~ore was disCU!I~ It ia faet it does all acroll Canada phy leason, maybe we are next Sh _ d9e5 anything about it. Anyway were read and passed. Various i ford lias apPointtd' ia apitl or many warnings of in line for the God. of sport to ootIng Stephenvl11le Cross1lng News the weather .is the biggest item correspondence was dealt with. \ the mntter.

; qdlation dln,tn u well II smile on ,of conversation here as else· First was an application from The Town ~\anl ~ pUfllls. The Influx of new Th B I vihere in Newfoundland this ~rr. Rose to move a business I had rcceil'cd on! Ifr ' .. s!.... the new building. One resource Is lying Idle that e reeze . I winter. Every winter seems to building from West Street to' the. propOsed .

that art 101111 up alonl Mlln Is the land and the Newfound· A baby boy WI. born to Mr. aft late mght o.perator. have "a distinct personality. one Rose's Avenue. This was put to eqUIpment shed D'eIt or bellll Idded to. Cor. lander'. ability to exist from it. By HARRY ROBERTS I and lIlrs, David Cashin at the . The mstallatlon crew has ar:, is fine and mild. Inoth~r is wet. the discretion of the Town by SO metal . Mr lrook Gan,l. Blnk of Many of our leadlnr people all STEPHENVlLLE-The other Crossing Cottail Hospital on rIVed to start work on the ne" again we have one With IIreat Man ger JIontrul, Galtoia BuUdin, with wlm that we have been In. day I was after one of the neigh· January 14. He WII christened !I~lcro W dve site for the TV net· frost like two years ago bUll A a letter from ~Ir. Doug Olio The Town ~13na BIIIk 0( CaDlda, Medical Hall crellinlly nellectful of this boura to sell me a bit of land on Sunday. January 18tb. and wot~ recently. not too much frost, next we phllOt announcing his appoint· structed to IIrlte I!! ftanaacJ and Stlop JUte In It. very important Item In the II. to put a lIaralit up for the old named Michael Joseph, Godpar· MISS Ohve Shears spent a have one with a lot of ,now ment as local representative of ler for the particUIlj! are I few atraws In the wind lind'. eeonomy, We ar. be- Jolopy. He was willing enoullh ent. were Doclor Murphy and week ~t Corner Brook recently but ~ot too .much frost. Civil Defense wu read. The to be carried Out f~ tbat abows I favourable time alnnln, to ape our American to Ifll aU right. bul since he was Margarite Cashin and \I as a. guest of Mrs. S. ThIS last IS the sort we seem Town ~Ianaller was instructed for permission t r for .. all. coullnl (and Canadian) in their trying to add a porch onto his The Lionettes' meeting was Brakes. MI~s.Shears had a very to be getting this year. So far. to congratulate Mr. Oliphant on i 000 loan. 0 f1e11 , .. :TIle expenditure by the Town fad of ,oing to the beach or houle. hi. Idea of the value of held at the home of Mrs. Ronald enjoyable VISIt there. . in spite of greal faUs of snow his appointment and effered alii The town ~a' tit: _.000 on a pavinl prob- stream. dance hall or just plain that piece of land and mine was MacIsaac on January 14th. with Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Gray and i without seltlin~ thaws. we are cooperation An attempt for I has read\' for Ie

t. aloal will be a very 1m· lo.t alcoholic week end. Inltead al far apart .. Uncle Sysfeet good attendance, It was decld· Infant daughter Donna. spe~t \ not experiencin~ the tempera· new equip~ent was to be made I 195Q Vetiirlp fa ! nt aid to thl lConomy of of the old virtues of putting ollr when be. got a load on. ed that the ladies would canvass t21e New Year with Mrs. Gray s tures down to 18 below such as (similar to the fire fighting II be acquired bl' A! pllce. And. primarily. the apare time into the loUd joy. "Look here." I leZ to him." from door to door for t21e blind. parents at Port aux Basques. , we got in 56,57, In fact the last equipment that Stephen\'iIIe Th~ registratio~nl

CIW ,.an work It tte Baae release and achievement of the "I don't want to put up the Blnk A dellc10ul lunch WI. served llr, Andrews. auditor for two days are Ilmost raining. has from the Dept of Civil De.\ been distributed 10 ' eoatiDlMI at the.rat. of luI ,arden. The hour. we wa.te of England there. ail I wants is and enjoyed by an, hDept. 0Hf Health dspentStaJwh·ee~ some of what feU on lasltl nl~ht fence). : they are urged to JUf unabated. now in a vain pursuit of pleas. to let room to back in thlt there Mrs. Alice Retleff Is visiting ere. e returne to . 0 n s (Jan .. 15~ was ~retty we ram. It was moved and seconded' and ~end them in .... 1111 illlpetlll .of the Royal ure .. It Is advertised In the beat·up·broke-down old pile of her daughter in Florida for a on January 15th. ThIS wlOte~ Will be one of the and passed that firemen be paid possible. Thi! is . vtDt with an Influx of visitors preuure marazlnes would be far tln that Detroit got clear of ten couple of months She will also Mr. and Mrs. A. !. Kirby ~f most expensIVe for the depart· a wage rate corresponding to proper up to dm will DlHn much to this town. better apent in IJ'Ubblnll out a yearl ago and I'm stuck with. visit some of her' other relatives Millertown, are viSiting theIr m~nt in the snow removal way. that paid In Corner Brook. . the town'! populat:DIl. In AUJlllt a convention meet· potalo plot from that bit of Heek Joe 10 I kin get room to before retuming. daughter and son in law. llr. WIth fortunately for the last A letter from an EngliSh f1rm 1.0 connection ~'b iDI 0( the Canadian Municipal· wood land we own (or could shove In her hood out of the The annual meeting of the Ralph Weils. . week or so rJ high winds blow·; offering to supply a ~1ayor's, ous right lurn al t~ I Ities will brlnl a ,reat number easily own) or In raialnlla flock anow and cold I'm satisfied. Ladies' Altar Society "Church Mrs. Ralph Wells rece1ve.d: ing. We have cuts up to ten 1 chain of office was read. Coun·' ~ain intersection! of Illata to thl Hotel. of th~ of chickenl or keepln, a cow. Now what do you want to go of the Assumption" was held on wOl'd from her so~ Clyde, who IS ! Ieet everywhere and lob .of cillor Holland and Ford were: Ford a~I'l~ed iUiillt place. '111. addiaional povlng Many of ua want weekend cab- oblrglng me that there price at January 18th. Reports were read. attending Unh:erslty: light snow down to drift. ~qulp.! appointed to look further into i would be rlan~eroullI of thl hl,hroad will mean work Ins In the woods. That is • 10 much gold per fnot fer what It was a successful year. Mem·' that he passed hIS ChrIStmas ment has been steady at. It and' thr matter and report back. : a.n~ unlr~s Ihey hll'

.. agaia to tbot. emplo)'ed by \'try lood w.y to get elear (I{ Iln't but • few feet of muddy bers were then elected for the exams. ..: the occasIOnal breakdol\ n ha~, A letter from the Dept. of! hght With arro\\ WeJtem ~ewfoundl.nd Engine· the tenaions of work da)·s. But tin can cO\'ered messley coming year: President. lfrs. Mr. L. Par~on~. Commlsslo~er I been nearly. I catastrophe.. I Public t:tility gal'! a form for The To·.\n l!anll! . enDl Is laid to be ta~ing k why not a plot of vegetabl", by gr~u~d.".. ." I Dolph\e. re-elected: Vlce·Presi· for the Branc~ .of the Canadian, Though Sidewalks ~a\'e gl\·en. approval of the town water and th~ Councit that thi

•• ~ntflet to build the Pier at that cabin Instead of I pole of· . Well. Joe lOlled. Did you denl. Mrs. Phil Shave; Secretar~·. Red Cross, .I·lslted th~ Branc:h: up the ghost 10 to"n for the sewerage rate~. ' C13b 11m IMkinr • 'Et. GIor,es. Stephendile l'ro~· bottles, If 'I'Ie will 10 back to e~er hear what they .11 seJIlng lirs. Jame~' Joy. re·elected: I at Stephen\'llle Crossmg and; wmter and banks of snow, A letter from the Dept. nf. ter of dl\ertm,

1m, now" incorporated,. II f1~at· the simpler joys of yesterday lots fer d~wn on M.Rln Stree.t. Treasurer. Mrs. Cahill. Father held a meetmg on Thllrsda~"! border the streets .,,·.erywhere. ~lllnicipal Affair~ was r~arl . in i relitre tht traffic 109 a loan with the IOtenlloll, In this manner we would gain in Why there s some pieces do\\n Costello was surprised and I January 15th. for the executll'e~. : the main traffic wa,s 0./ the connection with the parkmg! Str~el,'

• 01 ill$talhng water and sewerage. money. in bealth and in pleas. there that sold fer two htusand pleased when the ladies present. center of the street wllh at near hydrants and a notice was TIlt ~la~'or reQuutl! ill the,1'he Government ure from the .lUy trends we are dollar, and just big eno~~h to ed him with the sum of S300 to ISh ill least two lanes have been ke~t 10 be published in the Pre5~. . next r~g\ll.r has prunllsed added beds for faJling into. How better could, put a hot dog stand on. go towards the new sehool that'. tep env e admIrably open by the to~n: An application was received 2nd. would b@ the Cottage Hospital. The new we fight inflation than by In· \ "Ne~~r mind your ~,o~ dog I is now just about completed.:' ,equipment. Although durmg, from ~Ir. ~ike Power to ~5', cial mattm in Tourists park at Barachoi~' creasing our real wealth as our stands. I told him. I m not I The ladies of the Society will be 'n- ; Saturday's (Jan: 10) big [all: tablish a TV repair shop on, I?an that Ino bt J;rook nur the Sand. Banit artificial one shrinks dall~'. How startln~ .no hot dog stands and I holding a bingo game at their 'I lary ,they &ot prett~ rugged and, ~hin Street. l~cula~. It II hopfd 1'001 Is to be opened thiS lea· better could we fght the lit this alO t Main Street. Now school every Friday night in aid Jan i5-The nell' Council, rutty. : A motion to appoint . the fmanclal report ,on. We have th~ Carson on In~ health or over Indulgence. blood how about giving your old chum of their sChool, I sworn' in at Ste henvllie Cross. Snow removal has always I Towll Manager Chairman of the I The me@tlnl Gull Ba. it A Oil Company are pressure and sedentary live. a sensible p~lce fer room to park ~frs. Ronald MacIsaac and· I . h ~v h Minister been a bIg problem f.or nor~h' Pension Retirement Plan "m I 10.30 p.m, putti~, In Stora&e tankl al the than by a aample of the lIv81 that limOUSine of mine on. Look Mr!. Earl MacFatridge visited Ing ;st I nllg It Aif It e h e. ern areas that h~ve industrial Crossang, New transmlslion, that made our fathers strong I I'y,. I'll make the old woman St John's for a few days and for. din hC pa ,t rs. WM

0 p~ economys depending on wheel· lines are being extended all hearty active men Into thel~ shift her clothes line, and I'll w~re gu~sts at the Newfound. sente It he ne~. ayor; r$3~ ed transport. Fifty years ago anlund the Bay by Western elllhti~s cui the corner of the neighbour land Hotel gan. w t a c eque or. the only thing that kept going (oast Power (probally to West' on the other side a foot when I M J 'H t h d for the Council, and promised in the winter was the railroad. nor Flat Bro~k toward Robin How much effort I. t2te to- come. in then I can just get t t~' ~e ~n o~ :sk return;i ali aid and backing In their n.ew Now with the advent of the

LAMALINE ,nn' I .\11 in all the piclure il ral Ch~mber of Commerce put· her straightened out to go into fO e ros.~~ng !Jt: ~h uPC~ program to. pu~ Stephenville diesel tractor wit h dozers. Much appreciation is extend· i Mrs. John Crews, PI.

: ... pr'U!: hri~hl. , • tin21ntn ~ttracting business and this little scrap of land that is P051 on e Crossing affalfs 10 order... graders and blowers. it is ~()s'l ed to the postmistress and Stacey, POint (lj rn\lf,r 1(1 rNly ~'I,I<I(I~ III: ' tnrlll~try to the area. Yet else· only big enough to build what won·t." 1 says. "How much fer StilI much snow but no wlDd sible to keep hundreds of mIles '\ postal staff. who were excep-. 'I' the txparuoio,lI we neru i whPrp that Is the main etrort the Council won't let me any. a dOl( house." to matter fortunately. Hockey of highroad in almost constant tionally busy during the Christ·

~round hrrp \\'4' nlll<t hal'~ mor~ ; of ~uch bodle~. and the end reo more even If I would talk about "Three hundred." He says. game between Stephenville operation in spite of terribie mas season. Thousands of letters pow,r madp Haliable. hl'ttcr 5UIt~ ,re often an amazing it In public." "O.K. Joe" I says. "You ask. CrosslnlC and 51. Georlle's, played blinards. The need of keeping lind parcels were handled by the

'Toad, and lome Ilarbour ra~II' growth of the town 10 for· "Three hundred is my price ed fer it. I teU you what I'm and won by St. George s, who open flying fields in World .War \ staff and all done exceptionally , itles. fast. th4'11 we need 10' tun ate 81 to have a hustllnl and three hundred is all I'll going to do. I'm going to do seem to be local cha":lp~. A 11 was a big impetus to thl5 of well and In record time. For

. tlustriea of the right sort and Chamber of Commerce. Look at take" says Joe stubborn like the Federal Government game between Steollenvllle and course and the use particularly their kindness and cooperation with a future, Now the Hard· the active part the St. John's "Three hundred I yelis. You when some feller tries to hold St. George's .scheduled. of the blower mostly stems I during the past year. a "Happy thei~ infant Ion at board plant I. destroyed and Board of Trade hal laken In 121, mean you want three hundred a gun to the head of progress. Jan. 17-Fmally I':'e have the from this. : New Year" and a big "Thank Stallon on JanuJrY lIu to be Installed all over Harbour Development plan that dollars worth of lumber to build I'm going to eproprlate it, build breakup we have walled so long In some highly developed i You" are extended to Mrs. I M~ .. Clem ttarnrllll, 1111n. Why can't we attrct It this )'ear begins to add a great that porch and I'm the goat. my shed on it then arbitrate fer [or. Temoeratures have gone up towns sub heated sidewalks are: Tobin at the G.P. Offic~. ~Irs. I receIving tr~atmtr.t here in the bome of the Hard· al5et to that elty. Similar pres· CrIpe! I'm glad you ain't build. It after What do you say to tn 44 and the bank~ of sno~ that being installed. Steam and other I Vincent Firminll. Allan'. Island. II rence ~Iemonal ., 1I'OCId section of Newfoundland I sure and attention could bring, Ing the Lorn Selson Hotel that" . threatened ht're h al'edwmdled' heat means have been tricd for. , Mr. Rohert lll:i.

, in, of it .~arrylng the silly I equivalent thing. to Stephen· I Come on. now Joe gil'e me ~ J~e say~ quiet like. "You rio \ t~ merp .normal ~iZtd eut.,.! removal ~r ~mail area.!. bul the' St phen,,)olle i Cove. ,"'ho had 11m bur~tn of Railroad cost, addeti i \'IIII'. I lower prlCt. What would )·ou I and I'll gil'e ynu the hlat'hst Flpld~ halt' bt'come ?are In I main weIght of SIt)' snow re·, e . . I ~Ji durlng.lht . to Itl expenses. I.. take fer tnough to put chicken' !I·t VIIU I'I'e~ looked through for '~pot~. the roarl~ UP ilke ~um- I mOl'al falls on the In'arler and . ° ! 1« mueh ImprolM III

Why doesn't lome attempt be; ,\\e. art fHC1~1t a ,rut .:vur. 'shed nn~" : many a da ." ! mer an<l rain fall~ in th, .~ven· i the pay loader and trucks. Per· SO~lal : to get around !RaiD 'nlde In try th. tUlia or other' \\ e Cdn make It mllch brl~hter ~ ''Thret hundred" II'" Joe So I did Y And he did d ' inl( making what Ice remalD~ as. hap~ in Ihe day~ to come citie~ \. ~Ir. John Hodal. cieep It I {!ShIRl of Bay 5t. and ~rllance el'en further If 11't: firm. '. lTe all square. Onl ... the al~I\':e~' ~lillpery H glm, . . will hal·e. in these latitudes. .\ card part)· 11'8' hpln It th .. : POint ~!a: Scbool.lI Cieor;e a~ lI'ell a' ConceptIOn '0 dC\I:·t and tin. I ""'ell I'll eom .. dn"ll if ~nll Jill the t2!rte hllnd~ed dnlla~,. .Jan .. IS-Frozp. la't nI~ht .~nrl: built·in snow removal equIp, home nf ~Ir~. S, r.,. Whup. Hill· i III. at hi! hom!,

.______ the kln~ h~l'e It madP: PI~rr i ment Ihe same as they all ha\"~, ,i~II' AI' •. nn Fl'lnay, .Ianuar:; HIS m .. n~ frl~nd!

, .. .... ! .


l·:: .. · :' · ....... ~.: :1t "., .1 ',,' ... ~" -,. ~ .,. .' '.~ ...

•••• ~fII , .. '~,:.;: · . ....

. ~.. .


I I • revolutionary new CAS E· T ERR AT R A C~ I

, ...... '

I ...... I


Blade tilts· ... tips fW«~ from operater's seat

. Here" just wtlat t:ncfiIIr..,. ....... Wlnted fir ,un ... lor ditcbiq, CfOMIlnr, ~ rilIpIn, hard pound. etc. It'. the MW eu.TerraTno -nl~ Crown" dozer- a ",,,14 " r ",.,. diet tIlli ",d tipe to delired anile with the lHeIt ef • ~ullc valve­lever. Quick! Simpltl !Myl EnDI .. epatal' to bull­.. with full efficiency Itl .U limn, witmut CIOfttimJ. Illy bivin, to stop and "wratle" • bIt beavy blade lato ~It or tip poIilion by band. •

And that's not all! This new tot'quHOllVllttr-tlllllpped dozer alS() pv. you f4f' lIlore powtr, ,ptrcllJlltl f(UC of IIIIJ/leUUfrcltility than any other erawler in ill prioe NIl", New palalt.applied·for counttr·rotatinl traM' "'Oft a1cm. practically DOUBLES dow output be­•• it IIIIbl .. machint to ~. full 360' turne "in itl own tracb1'-thUlMtp dorin, ill 10TH dirl!CtiOM. iMtIacI 01 backiJl, up empty. See tm! l!eftlatioital "TOt· Clown" doIer ~ It )'OW' Cue IndUltrial Dealer'"


I.. II l.fI., ~

I.' .. r d.wto •• ,

SPECIAL FEATURES no other rig can claim

1 10 Of 11111 HP wi'" pe .. , II .. ",,,, .... lIIMItIr .


4 lIod, tills 14- elth,r .Ide , •• lips 10' fe .. eM aft • ,.lIfls 3~· ftOIll g,OUIICI. with flnoeNIII .molt.

5 TOllioft·bor fqualiu,. 111l1IIit fun track .. dllctliOll ••.• "P blad. ltvet for -'II cult.

6 Automatic 'reck lubrication I\'."'m cull O_i"O in· lel'lol from once a doy 10 cs few limit e year •




bank .of ~now I~ ~ glISSading: sewerage noll'. Cnder.ground! 16th. Prize, for highest score ilpeedy reco\pJ;.

I panrl1~~ ~mall skatlng pon~5 are i sle~m piping, fed from a cell' \lcnt to B,tty Snook. boobr tn: Specl!1 JT@Ptlnp I el',rywh,re for th, be~l~ner~ i tral heating or a~ain hot Belt)· Ha\\'k5. A de.liciou~ lunch I ed to ~'r. Andrtw I ~nrl for tho5e whn are. ()ldUmf'rs air blowers. With atomIc fired \\'a~ ~er\'ed and enjoyed by ali. I who c~lebra:~d.h : there i~ heautiful ~kallnJ[ nn the \ furnaces gradually coming into, A bab~' shower was held for on ,January 14

harbour that extends from St;1 use these days loom ever near· ~irs. Charles Sweetland at her completel)" George's to Sandy Point in the I er. It i.! all a question of com· I home on Monday, January 12. recent illness . upper reaches of the plsce. I parati\'e costs and demand. I Se\'enteen ladies attended. much improl'ed . ?ofany take adl'antage of the I Cities o[ the future were once I Cards were played. First prize to mOI'e around au beautiful spring like day and pictured 88 Klass domed hot· I went to Mrs. B. Evans. Second day. Ice to 1(0 across and catch smelts houses. With the growing use of i to Mrs. R. Roberts. Traveller to The man\' /rind! through the ice off Cow Island. tough. light plastics this be· i Mrs. sweetland. Booby to !\trl. Bonnell L~malin.

The all star team mad; up of comes ever more likely. F~r. Rendall. A lovely lunch wa~ extend 10 him ' members of St. George s, Ste· instance eanopy. of plastic I served after. on his 82 birthda,. p'henville and Crossin!( teams strung over city streets II the Mrs. Jean Durrett celebrated returns Cncle bll~ played the Humber Hawks In circus in ancient Rome was her birthday recently and en· • the afternoon holding them to a covered by a canvas canopy tertained some of her friend~. tie but lost to them in the night wouid make .now free. rain Cards were played. First prize game. It b good to see hockey free. healed thoroughfares the went to Mn. Heber Noel. Sec· coming back here alter a poor yelr round. , and to ~frs. B. Evans. Traveller season last year. This promises I Outside ol the nuisance to I to !.Irs. Gordon Butler. Booby to be a good winter for the I roads and streets snow itself ~s I ~frs. Gene Pottle. Buffett IUP' sport. beneficial. It protects the SOli per was ~rv@d and enj()yed by

JAS. 11l-Tht Slephenl'ilIe: with a blanket that insulates all ,Town. Council held its regular! (rom kilii~g frost It contains \ Brigadier a~d ~Ir~, Gunnery many happ, return!

meetlOg and wa~ attended by! ItseJI In Important percentage of the SalvatIOn Army from I ~I' U.OIent the ~Iayor, \Ir. Hru~e. ('ouncll· i of Dltrog~n washed from the \ St .John·s, Ntld .. made an annu·1 r 1\ ·th. pl>;N

I lor. Ilolland. Forti. Rus.ell. Sla, i air that h(·ld in the snow bank, al vi,it here rec~ntly, The\' were i Jlltl . 0: I r hln:1 I cey. Tompldn and town mana·, ali wi,lIter is relea,ed ill the 'I guests of ~Ir, and ~!r~, rharle~' cnhy ii, I<f ",J Sbl

k .' t1" t' • h " d' at I c k;i 0 .1 ger ~Ir. B3 ·er, ;jJl'lllj; Just al Ie r1~,lt Ilue.~ I Ash They also a" Inner at I b'! IJU 'hIH":' ,Iany Ihing~ came lip hpfore giv~ all added jJlllh tn the e~llj' i )Ir. and ~!r~, Rol .. nd Rideout"I' D' IJlt.' 'I~npal

. ... h :-.; t' 1 d .. eepe,.' ' the body for dlSCUS510~ an". a('· Krass grOWl . • ~x ;ie~son 1\. ~Ir., rharle~ Sweet an vlSlt·: t the bueJ"d tlon. Some of Ihe main 1111ng~. IIkelv to be a gond onc fr"lIl! NI ,:orner Brook recently for a U

I taking the atlention of the; lhe point of \'lew ur farOler.~ or i f~\r ~aYA. . ~Ir. Illd ~Irs Council are the parking prob· \' garden~rs and most people 81 e: A baby boy II'JI born recent· St. L1IIHnCl. lem of the pro'po~ed new Post the latter in s()me small I.~an' I Iy to 'Irs. Ale ~Iaclntosh at St. their relatlvel hIli

Office building, trailer rourts nero i Josep:h', Ho&pital. Glace Bay. past tll'O .·etkl )Ill regulations. fire prevention and: Winter~ here also seem to' Wcil(ht 8 Ibs. He was named the formrr Anna S the proposed new loan for next. keep a time pattern also. Thus i Kenneth. i AlIan's t!:l"d. year's paling program. The nexi' we seem to get our WO~3t i ~fr. and ~frs. ~eil Din/i:WeJl~' meeting will be a financial one 1 weather in Deeember a" d I bab'\' received her name "" Jan.l· Mr. Ind ~I:IJI to let final arrangements on the I ,lanuary with ,a rising crescendo 'I' uarY 11. She "'as called .Janet i Pomt au~ ~:tll' matter. The loan Is for the !um IlP to the middl .. of Februarv )fu:. Godparents ",ere Mr. and i afternoon, • . of $2110.000 but this may b@; then Il'.mgs seem to settl~ ·'10WI! "rs. Pat lIran. Father ~iurphy I parents. tll " boosted to $280.000. 'and w~ h3\'e us.ualy in ~an:h officiated . . i RenOl~. AI :~i/I

Tn regards to the parking pro-I some of the ,)\'elest weath2r m Mr. and Mrs. Tom :\facInto~h s : we,re accom~ler Ir. J!'am negotiation. are under I the year for those who like 10l'g babr also receil'ed her name on I children. P wa,. The fire prevention mit· shinin~ da)'s when I~~ SUI" on January 11. Mary Elirabpth Bern8dett~. ter Is the installation of floor' the white snow an1 distant blue Candice. Godparents were !tin. Mr. Ind ~rt'!· fumaces and ordlntry basement \ hills is almost tlnheJ~abl! to I G. Haweo. Cyril Ku!lng. Point auX ' furnaees without adequate in· look at from an excess of beauty A baby ,hower wa~ held at afternoon With ,ulatlon. . Councillor Russell. as well as r~om the gla~,! of reo Mrs. Harvey Hulan's home on and daughter, who II also Fire Marshal "ery flected sunlight. One ler!s. as January 17th. fifteen ladies at· William Haley. emphatically declared t2Jat pres· though the feet were ,hfllng tended. Bingo was played. A de· ent .peclfication for these fur· from .the· earth. and .thl' Yl'ars Jicious lunch was served. The H.S,S. St-nlces are not suitable and he drOPplOg away. To sk: or skate Sheila House daughter of Mr. held a three act Sly. that already firel have or bobsleigh i. a delillum f()r and Mrs. Har~1d HOUle, cele· Cove on been caused by not using auffi· the youngeh and a walk or borse brated her birt21day today. fhe Is "Climbing cient Insulation. Th~ matter I~ \ sleigh ride a renewinil for t~e one year old. .. rectio~ of cP:' hfoing rel'itwed h:v 8 committee. older ones. Take away uar, Terry Styles rrlebr8tfd hl~ thp RUtr "

In rpgarrls til the trailcr ~larch days from u~ !nd ),ou: fir,.t hirthday, .January t!llh. rrnct. ,\ ,PC\'II;bt rourU. Ihp whole matter i~ take half Ih~ JOY of ,!\'Ing In 1 A bowling tournament i, b~·, is PXlr, I\Mrl 10 ,J pending nn I prnmi~crl ,.jsit New(:.undland. . , : in~ run nf{ at Sl. Steph!n's I Lawfenr' fM Ih here from the Director nf Tnwn I :lInch of the nl~hke of loleler \I:ymnasium. A complcle repnrl ~ ~ell~ro<liY I." . Plannin~. Mr. AI.~ton. Tn Augmt I wl'ather stem- from the fad th~1 an~ _cnre will appeRr in ~ later time Rnd I~.rn'r, the new regulation will {'orne in' h.1> ~prUllll up In 1~ler of I i5~UP of the DAILY ~EWS. of ollr pal"lih effect And thl'! tnwn i~ anxiou~ 11i.l1h'er clothinl(. Bolh nnl~ and i !>Ir. ~Iorgan Mc~sel'\'e~·. hi~ th. dlrrcl{lr .. "/ tn have thp wholp mattl'r. which I r~:.,a~t n~{'d~ to he p:·.lcrr':: i 50n in la .. ·. Georlte El'an~. inn" "Thank ~n\l at prr~ent i~ Vfry confu~ed. i c'od tu enJoy our wlOtel, An,! I tored to Cod roy nver the week· I play such • . Ale.rad un : that doe~ not mean ,)11'. ·clad.· enn On their r~turn the v w~re, <d"Lot • ft < ~. 'T' k"' f' J" .. I,cl·alrlIl1• ,.

Councillor ford wbo IS ~: .1:1'. s ling' .~now.~roo ,SUI,: I a.1I1 stopped by the !looded road at' " and )\I~ former member 01 the Police \' Similar g.~rb :5 Just r1g~. McKay's and had to come on by o( ~Ir. fell and' Force Is familiar with traffic the body S Winter exeWie alv, train wards. . ISW. control was appointed a commit. ina thP heat needed t'l keep , on Janua~ tee of one to study the matter supplied thl thermal level lllat tabn. I~ fO~ at traffic IIghta at the present was a IIvlly a~air. of dilCU5&lon rlahl.. • HOSp1la corner of Qlleen and l[ail1 a5 on thl. very Vital part of th~ Newfoundland (.nd c.nada I, . I 'n~ton ,~ well as the propost'd Iigohts for communilY life. A further re', climate is one of th emo;t Ir.·, h" t I~n on SOl

the intersection or ~Iain and' port of the meeting will be i \·j~nl'atillg and healthful in tile t e III '1 We~t Strcet ~I Gallant's corntr.1 made later. ,·.~nr;c!. from it will come a ~real SllInnint- Ih/

Thft :'>I.T.A. ,harl I me~tinl(; The Mil' Council at the Cross· ra('p Ir Wf are .e'l~, Ihl ~ oC our l ei L I <no\l".· wh'~t .1, ~'nn._\' n1'~ht ann tpachpT5 from , in~ harl their first meeting as a inheritanct. ~t It sno}" ... , . " • I I k' • ,coat. prf'ltr' , nearby' schools attend~d \\"h~t i incorporate body. wonder where my 0 d g II Ire.


Page 11: THE DAILY · speaking in Latin. the neW PoP' said: .. And as we do the western church. we embrace with equal

,c. !I::t! son at -. 011 JanUl1T '-'1':11 RU'1IPU ill

. ,~.t U1' '!~:no:'la\ RI'beM

-no Md b!w - -I: t~ • ~ 1!'l\IWO"td I ·"und uai. •. ,1111 Roap. '!.,. ~b!l(ll.

:-.0. to him ;s 82 blrtbdIY·

.n .. 1:nclt lsIlC.

.. ' er.d)ln .... " bl" _ "'lata .... lit" , . ." ftf k. )1ft.

: o~er ."111\& J. ,:, Island.

(: l:'ld Jtn ptttr -~ ux Gaul. -00:: .1tl1 ,; :·a.. ~tr a~ . :,. Allan" _. I ('('OlTIpanlf'll !If .. ~n. Pfttr IT. """I.dttt •.



S·aturday Night i • ~ iI

ithers Scores In Overtime Give St. Pat's 5·4 Win

St. Bon's Win 1 .. 1 In Junior Intercollegiate

Junior Caps Drop B. Island 6-3 Sunday St. Bon t s Undefeated

I ~.

~~,:!7~:;:::~:3: :;~'::=::~]~::~!;i::i:,;, Drop Guards By ~.,~ arterno,\11 when they took a tilln series with the Bcll i 4.1 win over Bishop Feild Island Junior Stan R~ on , SI. Bon'~ (ir~d fil"r rinal fraDle 1

Contge In the second ~ame Sunday afternoon thr Cap~ : COil Is 10 lake A 6·4 .comeba.c~ i 01 the second round. . took a 6·3 win O\'er the Js. I win o\"er Guards IJ\ ~enlor I The Bluegold~ outplayed the lanrlers on Bell Island. 1 hockey at the St~dium on sat.·\

Double Blues all the way a~ In the Ilrst gflme 01 thc twn· 1 urda)' night. The viclory h~s . thc\' outshot their opponen!s ~amf! exhibition played here I the ntuc~old5 undereated m: 62.7 in the 45·minute comites! at the Stadium on Thursday i lour ~amr5 And learling the!

,and it was the .netminding of I ni~ht thf le~m~ battled 10 a Ira!(nc. . ' Lose Fourth In· Five Starts; Irish In 2nd Place

... ~~~: ~! tans ~a\\' _ .~.;" ,1mr- for the ,.,. '\i .......... \lrfr out played .--:.."!: ;<::Pci but came up "'II ~~mt~~rk rffort to ~~"(;t .f:tr t-rin~ down

._.~ lhr ~econd \.'"J";.';~ :hr enrounter ~

·~.r:r ., a· r nou,h 0(' ~": ,~ dldn't turn

. Icd ~':h r:ubs dis· ",,,.r :,,~ c"mlllnalion " H' • .:(\\'ICi ~~mr.

. Waft tht top performer for cam .. baek to el'cn the game Henry SUOlmcr.~ In the Feild net I two lIoal tI~. Tcrl Coillir~ came up II'lth lour 1

Guards while Bern Gooblc also' with Ralph Rowsl'1I rCllistcring which kept the score at a, fairly GOl'don Goohie of Ihl' Caps points in tile rncollnler to keep, played well. Ralph Rowsell gHve from Bern Goobie at 5.13 and close range. 1 and ~like Kelly of th~ Islanders I liP his hot scorins:. Gillies had :1

the 51. Pat's team trouble in Bern Goobic counlering from The game II'flS tied flt OM all Iwcre the top scorcrs o{ the game' tl'.O goals and the same number their own zone. Rowsell at 10.55 {or a 4-4 gamc. at the end o{ the first period. on Sunday with both coming up I of assists. Noel Hutton also

St. Pat's had two Injuries In Both teams got two penalties in St. Bon's hcld a slim 2·1 lead with a brace eilch. Bcsides had 1\1'0 goals with Noel Spar· thc game with Joe Murphy out the third stanza. Bowe for at the end o{ the second frame Goobie's two, Clay Reid, Henry row and Bob Redmond having with a les injury after ha was charging at 9.51 and Kelly for and added two more unanswered Hounsell, Don Yrtman and John the other markers. Tom ~rur· dragged along the boards by roughing at 14.42 were the Irish markers in the last frame. Perry added singies for the s:x phy. Damirn Ryan. Bill Gillies John Sweetland and Charlie !entences while Rex Smith at Bob Power. John Dalton. City goals, while Ed. Kelly got and Len COlIghlan cach drew i Walsh hit the Guards loal post 14.42 for roughing and Max Graham HoUihan and Errol the third marker fur Bell Islanr!. an assist. Cyril lvany, Bern I with . hIs head In the third Howell at 7.55 for tripping were Rowe scored for the Bluegolds In the sixty minute contest Goobie Rollie Clarke and ~Iax 1

period. He flnl!hed the overtime the Guards penalties. The final while John Willar netted the played before a large attendanc~ Howell' accounted for the, TED GILLlES ", but wUl have an examination fra,!,e saw Guards outs hoot St., lone Feildian goal. E~rol R,o;ve, 11 penalties werp called with I Collards goals with Art Pearce' .'. today. Pat s 11·7. . I Gary Come~ord •. KeIth 0 ~eJl Bell Island getting nabbed tor. and Warren England picking up ~ sive remarks. Bob Badco~~. of

Jim Malone set Ray Bowe Jack WIthers grabbed ~he, and Bill PICCO picked asSISts six of them. I nn assist each. I the same team got two mllYJtes free at 1.24 for the opening puck near the Guards bluehne ! for St. Bon's. while Bob ~{ercer Bell Island defenceman Dicl< I II was 2·1 for Guards after 1 for slashing at 19.37 and _Uke Irish marker of the first period 1 after It bounced off the .top of I got the assist on Willar's goal I Power was the bad man ~f the: I he first pcriod and 3·1 for thc Chaulk had a misconduct 8;l\ded and Tony Walsh tipped Joe I the boards. to score. the bIg goal for the Fcild. . 1 game as hc collected 15 mInutes· same tcam a~ the £inal frame I for abusj\'e remarks. Noei-Hut· Murphy's. rebound into the open fo~ t~e Irish. WIthers fooled! SI. Bon's ~utshot the FeIld· in the sinbin.having to sit out 31 opencd. Thr last pcriod was i ton for tripping at 6.1~. a~ ~or corner at 2.40 for.1 2·0 gamc.1 Sklrvlllg on a break at 0.23 .{or 125.3 in the first frame. 20·0 10. maJor and mIsconduct penal lies. , the hi" one for St. Bon's. i elbowing at 8.50 and BIll Gilhes Ray BOlVe tallied with 51. Pat's. a 6·5 game early in the over· the middle stanza and 7-4 in the The Junior Caps and Bell Is·' 'Iler~ Grrcn in the SI. Bon's 1 for interference ~t 15.00 were

JACK WITHERS shorthanded at 5.02 to hal'c it time. John Sweetland of Guards I last period for the 62·7 total land Junior Stars will opcn ne~s stopper! 19 shots during the i the St. Bon's penaitie! in dhe '. . 3.0 aa his goal wa~ ·unassisted got the. lone penaity of the extra I edge. . ' their regular E~st Coasl semi· I contest II hile Ron Skin'ing he· I thirr!. The final fram~ ~a'" St.

~Iurphy drawlni an assIst. Bern Ion' a break away. Frank Brockle· tcn mmutes {or nnneccssary Referees Joe SmIth and C~ar .. fmals for the rI~ht to playoff twcen the pipes for Guards had Bon's hold 10·8 shooting edge. Goobie and Ralph R?WSCI~ were hurst at 3.29. Cor tripping and at ,roughn.ess at. 7.03. Guards pull· I Ii~ Field passed out fou~ mInor; for the Nfld. Tit Ie around I hc '21 ~alr,. :. tops for Guards With a score 7.10 for crosschecking were the ~ ed thmr goalie for an extra at· 1 penalties in the game with the ' middl~ oC February and {rom all' Art Pearce and \\'ilrrrn Eng· 1 R II I I d··:·

: and a set·up. each, while Rex 51. Pat'~ penalties in the first.! tacker in thc dymg minuteso{' Feildians being nabbed for thrce . indications the scri~s should· land rxchanged pmcs to set i . e s an i Smith and Bob Chaulk wcre Rol1ic Clarke. of Guards lVasl the game·and Ray BOIVe hit the! 01 them. prol'e to b! another exhibition, CITil Il'any liP (or the !irst I ." • . the other 1I0algetter~. Max ca!led for hooking at 7.~. The post on a clean. break. ~uards I of top·notch hoch)". I G'uards ::oal at 0.22 o.f the f,rst. : SplIt Sefles ! HO~l'II. Bob Baddock picked up Guards outshot SI. Pat's 13·9: held .a +2 shootmg edge In the I' . :\"ocl Hutton had hi; slap shot:, : asmts. In the {Irst. : overtime.' C B T k I mah the rcd Ii~ht blink at 2.38 i W· I A· : SI. Pat's ~ol'ed out. front 3·0 •. Guards got close at .3.2 in ~hc I Referees: . . M· Le .ee ees a e i for ~ SI. Bon's ~oal ~nd a \.1! III lrport after the fIrst period. Gunds middle slanza. Rex ·Smlth talhed 1 Terry Tmnor and Gordon .. lners ave 1 2:1mr Collards went nut front i d • made It 3·2 going inlo the on Max Howell's rebound at 6.24 Duff. Stal, rarts 17-2 I ".1 a~ Rrrn Goobic at 7.50 put' GANlJER-In the sc.ron .. p'l'e

1\ second and had It 4-4 aUer the with 51. Pat's shorlhanded and On Tour \ 1 ~I k b hinn Green on a ~olo ! of thc 1\10 game exhIbItion ·s~r· third to srt thc stage for With· Bob Chaulk scored when Bar. Llncups: __ i t ;~ T\lIC ~~rl Hullon for cross· IC~ in thc Gander Gardens. on er's big seo~e.· . rlnllton had Bob Badcock's shot! ST. PAT·S-P. Barringlon, J. _ The Conception Bay Cre· ~h;;l;in~' at t U7 ~nrl I.rn Salt~rday night. the Bell ~.sland. I Pat BarrtnKton In t~e IrIsh bounce free. The second score, Malone, J. Kenny, J. Browne. The Bellls1an" ~enlor All· Br~~ walked ol'er the st. . ('ou"hl~n for lInn~cr~,ary rou!!h· Junlor~ look a 7 tn 2 I !Ctor, ,nets 11'88 II big factor In their came.t 8.36 for a 3.2 game. Ray I J. Brocklehurst, J. Withers, J. I star tum left b)' TCA last John's Stal\l'arl~ 1'·2 in an I rs; I' ~r~ thr St. Bon'~ pen~l· 1I,I'cr Ihe Gander :lUnlor~. ~n t~e win. He gBl"f a great perform· Bowe for tripping It. :1.32 and, Murphy. T. Walsh. L. Kelly. R. I night at approximately 10.15 exhibition ~me at the Br. I ~ir·~ in the Imt whil~ 1)0u~ fmt gam~ on Fr~da)" n1g t •. tf ; anre with 39 saves over the Joe Browne for !lashing at I Bowe. C. Walsh. J. Byrne, ~I.' lor Gander AIrport lin their Grace Stadium on Saturday (hanlk lor nnncce«ary rOI1~h· home team II on ,a score 0

route and made .everalextra 10.00 were the Irl!h trips to I Fitzpatrick. J. Perry, G. Goobie, I flrst leg of I four·game eJ:. nt~ht. The ('eeBpes harl II nr~S .1 1/;.5R and Raloh Rowsell to 2. Paced .b~· BIll. "ac~\I)1al~ 1I0?cI .grab~ In elch stann. R?n the ,Inbln .In the second while: B. Voisey. .. \ hlbltlon tour. playing coach George Faulk· I lor rI11nw;n~ at 19.45 wrre thr II"ho gill. credit for t\\o. ~oa \.a~. Sklrvlnjl had 24 shots on hIm Bern .Gooble at 10.00 for charg. GUARDS _ R. Sklrl'mg, B. The team wu scheduled ner ~col'ing se\'en times with r. ~ Irip~ In the .in bIn. one aSSISt. the Bell Lland o. s between' the pipel for Guards. Ing and Bob Chaulk for tripping I' Goobie, ~{. Howell, W. England. I to leare here Sunday nIght Alex Faulkner adding four G'I~I:;'rl: oUI<jlnt St. Ron's '·6 in 1 tnok an parl~' Ira~ an~ !\'cre

i He ml,cued, on ~ne Irish loal at l3.1N! had the Guards short. A. Pearce, F. North. C. Ivany, R. bllt wen lorced to postpone markers. tile fi;~1 pr'rino. never seriously threaten~ 10 s~ i but made some fIne stope. handed. Guards held a 11.8 Rowsell, B. Chaulk, D. Chaulk. \ their departure due to tran.· Boyd Penny got three tallir~ I Rollie Clarke firrd an IInas·1 far a5 Ihe score board \Ias:co


~ Joe Browne pla),ed hI! first Ihootin, edge· in the eecond. B. Badcock, R. Smilh, R. Par· portation difficulties. ,for the CeeBees with BTlan. tr I gO'1 for Gumls at 3.11 i ecrncrl h)· thr Gander team, ;~'f rmd Ihe Irish win I senior game of the senior for st. Pat', took a 4-2 advantage sons. R. Clarke. J. Sweetland, The Miners will play 3t Wakehn. Nel' Pike and carll Tt;c sr;onn ~tanza to make II I Th~ Gander team pla.)ed I ~ ", markers while i St. Pat's and was their .tandout in the final frame with Jim Ma. B. Thistle. : Gander tonight then on to Penny getting their other goals. I ;.\ Dou~ Hillis for interfer" eQuall)' ~s wcIt as. the prc~lous

~It a ~oal and an I defender. Lloyd Kelly looked lone having his slap I Shots on Goal: Grand FaUs. Buchans and Ed. Billard and Jim Walsh got . t 635 and Bob Chalilk for. I1Ight but thclr fal~urc t~ .. ~o~e \\I!ir.. anrl Withers I great up front while John Perry shot 10 behind Sklrvlng at 4.31 Ba,l'hington 13 11 11 4-39' CornK Brook. the Staltwarts' markrrs. , ~~~~i~g ·at 154 were the sec·' after the comPleuohn °B n ~Ir

r.!f~ :a!lIr. \11th Joe also played well. Rollie Clarke for In unaSilsted 1C0re. Guards ISkirving 9 8 7 2-24 It was 5.0 after the first per· I J p"rl'od 'Guards penaltie~; team play around t e e\l s· . ,on" c . I d I 'as laroeh' re.ponsl·

St P t' H iod and 9·1 after the second for i whilr Bill Gillie, at 934 and: an goa~' ··l ~ap in. the

ai,bl II S\. ParR Ut Imptml 011 boys

.p • "t.. bOI\'Un, iJ Ibi< I.Ulllt "h.n

th, pin' for. lllal ~I llH.

foUo_inc art the

l.l I Sh t t· LIS C I' N ~ . a s ave the eeeBees. In the fi~al frame i Tom ~Iurphy at 19.5~ both for ble for t. c B:; ~sl;nd nett~d :., va on U ou . oca cene Dr lng ews 4 3 V. the Stalwart~ got theIr second unnecc~<aI'Y roughnrs' wel'P ~h.r score. boa~d. r· t I eriod I'hlle

1 lctory goals with the CreBecs rCllistN' I trip' to thr sin bin SI. Bon' tllO 10 t r liS P ,. ore .

T leg a 8-0 S B · f Speciol Mired Bml.~picl - ing eight tImes, I I i a ~ 4 shootinG rrl"C in thr holdm~ Ihe home tealll dOCB 11 ! e r m I port rle S I .Wedllesd.ay. Jallilary 28111. . ,_-:-.':... • Oer ~llIl"phy in the SI~I\\'al'lS" ! il~il'd .. ' . ~ ". i Ir,s. In Ihe ,ec~n;:, P~;~~e' I\"~h 1 _ __ I (."mes WIll be player! It 7. I SI. Pat s, CIty llll!h !~hool nets had 56 ,hnt' tOIllIlI~ Ills: St 1\ .. 11', h"n~~d III fOllr. bland added t~ r ·'1 t.;Jlh. i The A\·alon.UnHed .hutoul SENIOR HOCKt'Y 8.30 and 10 p.m. Please he at i champions. ended their two· I wa,· over the gi""'·. II'hlll' \1111"' . fillal tr:II11. lIIi1rkt-r, Iw(nr<' and,'r 2t'ltlllg ". '1

m- r .. ill "Ie

h T I 8 0 I C . 'I h . k I I 10' b h·b·t·· t " I ' \1 I . I (. II . I ' 'fh" ,,'II U" sC'" Cl IIIIC( " 't e e egram . n ommer· 'l'~e "enlor hock e)' )cheuule t e rln' at eas mlOllks e· game ex I I IOn sel"les a "r~ol 'ray ilt WI·,u" '" I I!' ~,. ('," ("II .r,l. ,",,111,1 1:0111' ~~.IIII ." Ile~ .' . I I (' , .. , II 'ill , . I H k t th 5t d' It' . f' I I I I I I 'I' 11 S tift ·tl· I .. "1' J •• I '1' liolld II" line II II e ."nu~ , 'cIa oc e,' a e a 111m· 31 tor the remainder 01 the week' ore you are s~ le( II rr 0 pay. 'a ~ 011. a un ay a errloon WI I· xoa marll' .!.I sa' •. '. t I,· Sia I"'" Ih.· "'.,.1 rll" ~'"'' 0111 . •... Sh~t' UII : nighl. ror' netmlnder Sam Pin· wiJ1 have .St BOII's meetin~ I . i p.lI!. : a (I\'er SI. :l-lithael's of: w"ts drew til"<' lIIiuul' Mid mis· ""1'111" alld lIa. mil'" Ry,," ,., .. 11\,' 111"1 . o~~I.y I O'RI("~·I I blld 2<1 I f A I It th- first . . & SI' P'" 11 J E Butl 'Ih J' t I th f··t I 1 I I 1'1 I c· . I '"' I ",lal 1It"1' ., ,\ l , , . sent 0 va on was < Felldians on Wednesday night: • 1I11~: . r.. ue. .:. er., e aper nwn .. n e Ir, el' I '·"0' IIC p,'na Iy WI' l' I 1(' .,.. ,·hang,·" ~JS'l" In laW." t· I' '.'. . .

shutout of Ihe Commercial with Guards and Feild facing i ~lrs. Butler. ~Irs. E. HIscock, 11.\ cuunter the Irish ~d!!cd the I !Ices Jifre caliI'd for tlW !'PiI''I"''\I· lIIal,e it a :I·:! ~aml'. I h~ (,ilndcl. __ _ '5e~50n. Adrian "~OUSt" Mol· off on .'rlday night. Both these" I P. Car\er. ~\'. Weir, D. ~1. Clous· \ Grand Falls Academ: 4.3~ ! miuors. i SpaITO\\" ,rorrd at :!.3~ .. :I'r tl 1 -~ ".

Ilo~' ~f AI'alon had four of hi! encounters wUl.start at 8.00 p.m. ton. V.. \\ Insor. (;illi,·s WiOS ~ll'en.a 1I,'na,~t) ~ 110t 1\'len's CIVIl team s gonls. • while the final encounter for Ihe Mates:. R. ~{. French. ~Irs. I i ~t 3.0~ \\"hpn Rollle ('Iar.,e ~rab· J..

John Hayward fired two week on Saturday night will French, Mrs. Howse, R. C. B. Da -.Iy News bell the puck in the ~oal mouth. (' • B 1" markers for the winners with have St. Bon', and SI. Pat's Mercer, Mrs. Burgess, L. Stead, 1 i r.illies fired a hIgh ~hot behind ;~erVICe OW lng Bob Woods and Ray WllldllJ cl88hlnc at 9.30. This week will A. G. Crane. R. ~artlett. : Skin·inl! to .hal·e It 3·3. ~. 'IGHT'S G.\~lES

~:~ 3J5 3U !IS' getting the othen. have the second round oC senior Seconds: T. Grl{flths. 11. F. I LIS t At 5.06 :'\oel Hutton ~ot hIS TON 00

, ,

;~~ ;~~ ~!i ~:; 'I' fi:StV~~~o~~O[~e ~I~:s \~ ~: ~:~~ti~I~~.ln one ,arne of its ~~r:.~tI~. ~1~r~~1~0~:~/~p~~~,C~: \ . oca . por s ~c~~~~1 (;~~ 1r~t~i~~~~I:~t~0~~ II· J'2_H~a1th71:~. ~c;6a~0 ~~9 1~9 ~63 131 second and lidded four In the MERCANTILE W. ~lacDonalrl, Mrs. ~laeDonald. SI. Bon's inln a 4·3 Ir.d and Trd :\-4-V. elfarc s. ~. S' . 2.

1m \ m 1196 sa341 third. Avalon.drew the three In Mercantile hockel' at the: Leads: E. Plnfold, :'lrs. Pin· Gillip~ Irom Rill Ginic5 ~~ 11.32! ~.n-Exprcss I~. I·' E\I~challiC3 _ ! tr.lnor penalties. called . by Prinee· of Wales Arena tonight: Cold. :\{iss ~I. ':"ard, ~liss .T. . ',.. . had SI. Bon'~ holdln: a:,·3 ~d· i 1.8_~loto~Reg~ _s.. ,

Y.l1 •. ,,,.~ !o hmita. i rffprees Mike Breen and Peter E, F, Barnel will play Canada 1 King. Mis~ O. ~hllcr. Mls~ ~I. Three Game I 'orsl~ht. of .1~1IIl:5 to come In '·~nta2r. ~lax Howell \\I!h ~n: . IIl~I~·arrier •. 1;1"" or'llnable IDuf{~·. Pack en Tbe lame \\;11 start at I Del'ereaux,H. F. Coady, L. H. , S what 1001.5 hk.e. ~nolhcr light. Ilnassi,tNI coal al 14.IJ 20t· 1.2-Alldlt,":. rRS .• ~, 'ndi,idual . Plnsent stopped 18 .sholl In 10.5 • I· Burdock. lId I ~encs In Ihat dll·ISlon. Altrr thc Guard~ close at 5-1 hut Boh R~rl. ~4-Flshenc~ I.. '~\'

. the winner', net, whIle Dne ., JUNIOR COLLEGE B.31) )).111. . I P aye n ! Lancasters had taken thc Icad monn finisher! off ~ play with: 5.&-Storcs ,IS. T:~a .. u . 'ur ! Dowd~n faced 2B sholl betweell ]n· J u n·1 0 I' Intercollegiate I Skip5: W. Tiller. i. Hall. T. i' l at 6.10 of the flr~1 penod Il"Ith. Trn Gillir~ ~nd I.en (oll::hlan ~t I 7·S-GPO No. I :.,.c. Labo . ,'the pipes {or the Tel.egram. hocke at the 'Prince of Wales' G. Stentaford. D. Tiller. ~lrs. IP W H k la.n unaSSISted ~oal.b, Bobby 15.3610 i1a\'r the )(amr cnd 6·4.. . 9.30.

AI'alon Rre now thll'd in. the ,. y lhi l'A St B 's 1 L t r :'Ilr' O'Lcarl' J P. Chei· ee. ee oc ey I Sm~·lhp. Itlchard \\ Isrmao of Boh Chaulk 01 (~uard~ was' \·2-nocks IS. lie. (Rr<ull" ~: 1 H,c·"·' o.

.1 L l po .• tr o. 1 Pu\cr. 0

h t II ~ena s. "",rnoon . on es c •.. ,. .,. I . th Ib t (I·" h' ~ ~Shop~ I'S Gen Hoc. standings. T e nex lIame and Bishop Feild will clash. This ,'ers. ~Irs. Cheil·prs. Bv WILSON BUTLER 1 e .1 era or! ,came y Ing.'" nilhbrrl for unnrre~sar\' rou: : I' .' '. r . ht set for night with '11 t d t 4 3D I !llates' J R Parson3 F G 1 . : for the equahzcr Ju>t SIX mIn·' nrs' at \5 .. ,\R anr! han a ten mm· 50S-Defence H. relg .

in .. = T ,:cium 1. ! &.t:r.t~~·~ 1 I

, Pepperrell faclnl T. N. Motora. W.abme.Wtlh Ie tun er uWaadY 'f c' d K'~lley .".D· L~we W 'Sh'ecl~' Pee Wee hDckey opened lis; utes laler 10 tie the ~core al I·\. ut~· mi,cnn<luct addrr! for abu·! 7.J1-CPO \'5. CNT. en ese wo sq s a e I~ •• ". . • I . . 'I" d h h h f I h If

. . each otber in the first round 5t. W. Pennell •. !>Irs. Shaw. ~Irs. J' I full schedule ol'er th~ weekend I· I way t r~ug t e Ina a , ; C' I t CI b Bon'. took a 5-1 victory. R Parsons, E. Craniford. WIth three games. being played I Lancasters lIere grounded wIth! 1 SrorMldd 0 3. J. Clou.<ton O.

3. ~ LHltl 0 ~:; 3 \ilf~1 O.

Ally n er- U ST. BON'S PRACTICE AND 'Seconds: S. M. Cannon. t~e Stadium on ~aturday!a penally a~ GuzzweU went.offl . S h d GAMES SCHEDULE . Tessier, Mrs. Lush, ~Irs. Carter. ~O~~lIIg, one. game m e~ch 1 for tl~O mmutes. for tnppmg'j Bowling c e. Jan. 27th:, Forum, 7.1~;· Jan. Mrs .. D. Wills, Mrs. A. Bartlett, dlVls~on. The first ~a.,-n~, whIch I but ."ere unable to . :!. Oi\pefe's 1.

's:. E F. Rak. 1. J. Mm. I\" orks o .

Tw.t rram~:

~ague Practice

TUESDA Y. Jlnua" 27th. Alley. 1 " 2

7.t~Patricians VI. MacDonald'. B.30-Parker's vs. Royal Gar. 9.4~JmPf'rlal vs. Amher.1. .

AlleY' a Ie t . 7.1~Holy Croll VI .. T.N. 'friLl. 8.30-Ramblen va. Pontiae.. ' 9.4~Royai T<: v •. B.L.C ..

Alley. 5 " • 17.1~~larshall" VI. M.~my's. 18.30-Horwood·s I·S. Curtis AA. 19.45-M. Workers vs. Central.

28th., lame; Jan. 29th.; .·orum, M. Whalen, F. Snow. was In the Na\'Y DIVISIon, saw I score the "I~nmg marker an.d 7.15; Jan. 30th., Stadium, 10.15; Lead~: Mrs. Cannon, Miss Nelson. runners:up last season. i had to be satisfied WIth the lie Jan. 311t., .ame. R. Bishop. Miss C. Parsons, ~tiss drop the defendmg champs Mag· i game.

CLUB DARTS M Kiel1ey, Miss B. BO'Jrne, Miss ificent2·0, Black Watch r05(' 10, . Shol.5 on goal were by the . In Club Darts at the Cottage M: Ryan Miss F. Darby. a 1~ shutout o\'~r tb. com··


LIberators 13 and by the Lan· , • mandoes and LIberators allli casters .. 8. Referees for the

Gardent tonight the early game .10 p.m. : LancaSters battle it out to a games.were Ralph Chancey and ~t 7 .. ~~ wl~f~atur; ~~ardS an: Skips: J. G. Bearns, J. K. one to one tie. Danny Corcoran.

ana an Ion. n e secon Pratt. L. Taylor. W. Watson, S. Brian Gibbons, flashy veteran MONDAY'S GAME contest at 9.00 REWA wl11 face H. Stack, Mrs. C.Pratt. . d { I r the Nelson Jels of the Airforcp. division St. Pat',; Mates: Mrs Watson, G. Glan· e -enceman o. • h . d f £ h SOUTHERN SHORE ROCItEY -G ··E- K' . ht - M A J countered both hIS tcam~ goals I ale ~ovc out ~ont 0 t c

, nou, . . nlg , ,r~. . . I and proved to be thc bIg gun, pack WIth a one pomt le~d orer

" rrlldlans.! WEDNESD~nua" IItll. . Alleys 1 I: 2

19.45':'-1'. Clerks V~. City Elee.

Up on the Southern Shore. ~unne. Mrs .. 1IIa~Namara. Mrs. in pacing his club to win the I the other teams a~ they dropped Bay B~lIs edged Petty Harbour \. Glouston. . • I Nal'y Division opener ovcr Ihe' the Spitfires 2 to 0 in the only 4-3 whIle Cape Broyle Itopped Seconds:' G. Macr-;amara. H .. dcf nding champs as Nelson ~ame played in the Pce Wee Bay Buill 8·3 In a .econd en· I' Ruckingh.a~. n. ~Inom. Mrs.: bro~e up rush after rush started I league ycsterd. ay Afternoon . counter over the weekend. Cox, MISS 0 Re~an. ~Irs. Herder .. bv th Magnificent while pound· niek Andrcws And Gerald

HILLVIEW DARTS ... ... . '.' e l • , • • I k I : Action in the Hillview Dart.~! Lud~: n. Fmmson. R. Pack· i Ing the M~l!gle 5 netmlllder, JIm : MlIrr~y wrre the mar '~mcn lor ILeague tonight will set Fori: cr. ~Iis~ B. Dnb~on. ~1i~5 Wyalt.' Do~lcy, WIth 11 shots, II'hlle al· i tl,'c I'lctors. eachcollntms: unas· Hamilton facing Newfoundland I C. L. B~Tne" R. Moores. II0wing Ih.m opponrn'-' only 5 : m.lerl as Andrell ~ cOll?ted on a and NOI" Scotia la in Belli . , I shol$ dllrlng the J!amc.Dool~y dn\"~ from cen~r~ Ire ."hICh Isle: ~t 7.30 whileP Ii t:e lite . Spom 'I played a~ outstanding game In : goalie Gordon Kls~. nlls.lud~ed . • . . .'. : I:oal robbing Glbhons on sevcral anr! ~lurray had hIS shot de· I

. AUeys 3 &. , Guard~. .1I.4~Woolworth·~ VI. CJON.

Alley. 5 '" ; 9.45Streets Dept. VI. Council: - .

THURSDA Y. IlnuI" 29th, SAlim 1. 2 . ~t 9.00. North Pioneer WIll SkIPS .. A . .T. LUSh.. loccasions and· proved to be the flected of a Spitfire player and I play Bedford. Mates: V. Clou~tlln. big .factor in. keeping the Nel· i into the net. ..

Leads. ~trs. MacGrar. P. I. son score to only two goals. I Spitfires thou outhustlcd III I

. t. Pat's. 7.1~A\'alon.U. n .. FelldiallJ. 8.3O-Central TC.~ VI. Roy.l TC. 1/.45-Holy Cross VI. Pontiac. .

Se~or C. Bay Hockey·

~'I!C P!1~ Ily Al1·Stm will .Ute lom.h t 1\ the ,,6 U to B.IS under

IlUColllbe. tohltned the foUow· C atttnd:_Ed. BII· ~, Rollie Clarke.

AUe,.. J It t 7.1~lmp.erlal v •. M. Worker •. 8.30-Avalon T VI; CurUs AA. 9.4~Marlhall·1 vS. Horwood·s.

, Alley. II " • 7.1~Patrlclan. vS. BLC TC. 8.30-P. Clerb V~. MacDonald's. 9.45-Clty Elec. Vt. Ramblers.

In Senior C. B. Hoekey at the Hr. Grace Stadium last night Carbon ear and Bay Roberts bat· tied to a 9·9 deadlock. while Hr. Grace edged Brlgus 4·3 in the second encounter. Brian Wakelln waa the big man for

NOTE: Members are asked til Hr. Grace with. three goal out· check this schedule carefully 18 put. three sames wl\l be played The next senior C.B. lIames every Wednesday nl,ht·!n. order: ,will' lake place on .Wednesda! to finiah the twenty ·seven. team nlibt with Hr. Grace faclns Ca. le,pI. on time. .' bonear and Brlp. meeting Bay


. Mitior Officials Friday: . ' .• Ed Ptarce •. Ed· Janes. John Murphy, D. Fox, D. Ready.

pol1ard j f M' d' B . !' Only one. pcnalty was handed the first halC caught firc in the Rtsu ts,; dalX~6th on~t out by referees W. Butler and sceond period firing fourteen

on . y.' . Danny Puddester, that one to shots at the Jets net only to find

MWO~bY the i:~am Sk\PP~td ~~. Robert LeDrelV of. the Magnifi· Brian Kelly guarding the Jets r8. ster w a ma.orl y cent, who got the gate at 19.55 goal unbeatable.

48. ?ther memb~rs of t~e team of the final periDd {or unneces· i No penalties .... ere handed out ~ere. ~Irs. Howse. mate. W. A. sary roughness. i i~ the game which wa; under' Knowltng. ,econ~ and Mrs. A. In the Army Division game th~ control of ~linor Hockey 1

Bartlett,' lea/d·c ,_ PI • ff Black Watch .who roundcd out Ref~re~s Peler Roberts and Neill Res!r Is 0 onso. ~lIO .. V 9 the 57.58 sea~on in the cellar, Corcoran. . .

Lush 13 11 Half:[tls I5 got away to a flying start as Nexl games are scheduled for! Hermanson. I they marched to a 1·0 Will over t his afternoon. I Hallett 9. . Lus~ 14 Ithe Commandoes. hilly Driscoll I __ , Tuesday-Filial Playoffs Bntlsh scored the lone marker unassist·1 THIS WEEK'S SCHEDULE I

Consol~ 8 P:nl. ed on a breakaway with just Today -at 4.35 p.m. Cansos: Four . rinks avaIlable for two minutes gone in the game; 1'5 Hurricanes: at 5.0; p.m. Gun·'

scratch games. the "rest of the game was pretty ner. vs Black Watch; at 5.35 pm, Curlers are reminded dlat even. although both teams seem Briton Vs Victory.

January 15th w~s the time on to be"bunching on the puck In· Wednesday -at 4,25 p.m. l,lber· which 1111 dues ah'ould have been stead. of. pl!lylng a better posi· alol'~ vs Spitfires. . paId: however. a .few members tional g~me. which would loosen Thursday -at 4.25 p.m. SIgnal· have overlooked this (act and up the play. lers \'s Comandoes:at 5.05 !l.m.: the executive would appreciate In· the ~irforce Division open· Ne!son YS Yor~:. at 5.35 p.m.:





i ,

J~ tf Rpndmon, JCIf l\r It:alonr. Geoff ft~ . Bob &deoek. ~. [d. Vateher,

On Gnobit. Johr, t;.DilOII)". Eric SI.

Ittn, Don Yet.

Wednudar. . G. Smith. F. Gamber., H.

Murphy, R: Scevlour, .A;.Wbe .. Ilf.

Saturday: . ~ .. J. Reardigan, F. Gamberg~ W . Driaeoll, G. William., H. SImp'

immediate attention In order to er defending cham~s Lancasters I Bnton \"5 Magnificent. i .. avoid the' necessity. of further and runners up Liberators bat· 1 Friday-at 4.25 p.m. Lancasters I .... __ .. _ ... ~~!!!!!I!~J!IIll---------. Iction.' . tied to a 1-1 tie to sive the tallJ I vs Hurricanes. . .

Maaoa. • 011:·,' . . ,.

, , , '. ,

, .

, . ,

:: .

Page 12: THE DAILY · speaking in Latin. the neW PoP' said: .. And as we do the western church. we embrace with equal

• • -: I

• • . ( ~

J "

I •


. , .

. I


, j • t

I J , , :,

. -. . "


;:;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~--~----------;---~TH~E~S;TO~k~Y~O;F~M:A~R~TH~A~W~A~YN~E~----------------------" ,


· · .~



The President Oil ~ange oHen an

out5tanding combination of quality

features and modern design that

will win the heart of any homemaker. . This factory. built range Is engineer·

· $229.00 up

ed in conformity to the latest stand.

ard, of safety and service. It fea·

tures a breexe.pot type burner, duro •

able white porcelain enamel finish

and polished steel top. The Presi.

dent is availabl. with choice of shelf

or warming closet and with or with·

out forced draft. TERMS AVAILABLE


FOR COAL & WO·OD . The L'lslet Cool Range is a familiar sight in

hundreds of homes all over N.wfoundland. Their enviable record of dependability and service has earned for these rang •• a repu. tation for genuine quality that i. your assurance that you are buying the best when you buy L'lslet. Modern foundry en· .. MODELS AVAILABLE gineering methods, combined with the finest materials, have produced a range that Is 17 9 ideally suited to Newfoundland conditions. S 50 up The sturdy construction, finished in gleaming •• white porcelain enamel, makes the L'lslet Range an outstanding combination of TERMS AVAILABLE strength and beauty.



As modern as today'. bu.y homemaker., this Marchand 011 Space Heater brings you the sam •• mart trend that enhances the most modern room. You can h~ b.auty and .(onom·y all at a prlc. wh.n you own a Marchand. • Side Door LIghting for convenience. • C.S.A. Approved • Automatic Saf.ty 011 Contr.ol Valve • Contempory Design for Today's Modern

LIving. • Leg Levelling • Long L1f. Staboloy Pilot Rings. • H.avy Spilt Cost Burner Rings.

COAL HEATERS Here's cozy comfort with .conomy.

These sturdy cabinet heaters are built

to give a lifetime of service with heat.

ing satisfaction that's backed by a

IIOme famous for quality. Heavy .teel

construction, castiron heating unit with


Availabl. in your choice of block ancl.

ftlck.1 or brown porcelain .namtl




Jacoby On .'. Bridge



I The St. Paul Wlnler Carnl·' : val tournament wUl be held I on Feb. 13, 14, and 15 this ~ year. It Is always one of the ! lIesl lournaments and pro-I duce3 lots of the fine bridge. S. J. Widman, who I. Ihl. year'. tournament chairman, held the N'orth hand In lilt year'. tour~ament and opened one club.

When hi. partner respond· ed one diamDnd Sev decided to ,tart the Ilam ball rollinl with a bid of two spades. His partner', thre-elub response - to the two·,padt bid confirmed his Intention to bid a Ilam .0 he checked for aces with a four no-trump bid. When South could not show an ace, Sev bid Ilx diamondJ, not III clubl •• many players did.

It was well that lit put the slam in hla . partner's suit. East opena the ace of hearts against a dub Ilam and eon·

--------, NOUJI CD) l' .AQ .8 .AKQ8 .AQU32

WIST .J842 .KJ7U

JAn .KSH .A 10142

• ]0 I .85 . '" .10 .Otml .10U .Q5 .JlU .KJU

No ont ""tllerable Norlh Ian 'tilt) Wesl 1 • Pw 1. Pus: 2 • Pall J. Pus I • N.T. Pa.. '. Pin, • • ,... Pu. PIlI I

Openln, 1.4-. 2

: Unues the luit. Declarer ruth land then play. diamonds and club. for a 'while but .ven· tuaJJ.y lias to try the .pade f1nene. It lona and the hand i. I.t.

Playln, at all lliamondt, Soutll had to make a decision

! at trick one, alnce a .padt wu i opened. It wasn't too difficult a decision. Ht went up with dummy'. ace and drtW trumps with three leacit. Then he dis­carded both his remalnin, spades on dummy', lon, eluN and gave up one heart trick.

ICard Sense Q-Tbl bidding has been:

South - W •• t. Horth Eat 1 ¥ Pa.. I. Pau

You. South, !lold: tA 2 .A Q II , • 8 +1\: Q

10 ., .2-VVhat do you do? A-Bid four lIearil. There

. may )I05llbly be a alam her. but It reflulrH .pecillc eardt In )'our pal1ner'. hand IlId ne effort Ihoald be .ad, .. "ach II.

TODAY" QUESTION Allain your partner hll ral.·

ed your one· bid to two. Thll tim. you hold:

t2 ¥A Q II ., I I t. tit Q J 5.

What do YOIl do nowT A .. "tI' T...."."

VEIMONT'. 'IUT Vermont 11'.. the first .tatt

In tile Union to provide lor full manhood ,ullra,. ..b1eh wu 1I0t dependent on prop­erty, owned or rented, or on a Ipeeifled Incom •.

LlellellJ, eurlou. pia,," tllat .t.m Immunt to eold or ex . posure. product an aeid that can etch the ,ortae. of the hndat rock and lIe1, N'tIk it down Into .oi!.



GUIDE TUESDAY JAN. Z'lth. U5-Noraery School

Time 4.00-Dr. HutllOJl'

- Seeret Journ.l UO-Open Houh 5.ClO-Patti P.g.

Pr •••• ". 5.30-Fri.ndl, Giant 5,45-Gumb, 5,55-Billboard 5.00-W)ustle Town lUG-Sky Kin. 7.ClO-New. W .. ther

& Sports 'f .30-M .... u.r.d.

Party I.OO-Panoram.

1.3D-Spike Jone. I.OO-Front ra,'

Chall'Il,. ,.SO-Chevy Show

lO.30-Meet MeGr.w 11.00-Stull.hi






N$J 1:D LIKe 10 '!JOAACMJ 'ltlJR o.R "'ORe OFTeN ... "T LEAST EVE,...'!' WEfl(fNO.'

..----;,--.., ,F;..t·~~L:~. Ot..fq i YOU SoE ,(OUIt.. lit-T>-IE~ DO!9Ir ~~P.. 'TOU!

'~Cl\ ~\..~ ~~, ,,-\~~'P ~'=> \ "U\'c~R.~ \3\:)\ ~~W


Page 13: THE DAILY · speaking in Latin. the neW PoP' said: .. And as we do the western church. we embrace with equal

:. w


~. ST. JOHN'S, NflD., TUESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1959

Wood), a beautiful AmmaaD "I don't lUIow bow ta, "lit 1 ramamber - lomethlnl about girl who llvel In Nice w1tl1 ber have to tell )'ou. She wanta novels. And you .ald If there widowed molber. He a • II. UI to promlae. Ob, Adam, wu even 'a little gatitude It Monlqua to ml!T1 blm, but .b. Adam." was a 10rt of love." refUle •. Sha explain. that .h, II "Marty', been hare?" "I know. But Dan-" I the rblld of I mixed manial'; FA I T H B A L D WIN Sbe drew away; Sbe liked, "Maybe he'. grateful. Don't ber fltber whom .h. adored, "You know lbout her?" ever delpile It, darling. And was a Negro. After the aboek • "" .. , ........ Co*tI. .101 ...... ., lilA.......... "Hal know •. He told me lut 1 think I've' laid that before. Sam go .. back to ber. Tbey run " week. I promilid to t,U no I'll go a little further. Tbere Into Serl/eant Britt Harrla (Tony XXVI "He has to know, Hope one-not epen you SUlle" he can be qualities Inberent In

~ W ~rlrl War Curtis) Sam', radio operator. "Hal ian't to know. 1 won't argued, "you ~an't keep It aald, and pushed' ber' balr even the briefest encounter ':1':0;: ,\.mv l~ still and tbe two loldlen bteom' lave It," Marty .ald, and ber from him long. from her forebead. "He was which left it ahove the ani· !l"t ....

J• ;n . ~outhcrn !tIonlque'. rel/ular ucorta. BI . ul.t broke Into I 10ft of Marty know tbat. afraid that wben you IIW mil. 1 don't mean anything

it~' . '1m Lo"cins fore long Sam realize. th~ :'lIdneaJ U ",b.n a .udden "Until he dOli, unlil he hili Marty you'd alve It away." derogatorY to .nlmalJ:' he ~:t:Jr., ~~ trl1tthls llonlque and Britt are In love :Ind come •• lI'IiIlgly from no· 10 .•• Promise me, Hope. "But how did he know? She added, laughing, "but, In the 5:J::I:d -j31:" In 10\'e He tells Britt about Monlque' Ibere, Yeers aver thl tranquil Promlae!" " hasn't told him, ahe mad. me human, evolution hal to be a i

I C'.'l~ (~atalie I ancestry. but Britt shrull It of lC. of a pond, and .Ur. It Into "You'U let me tell Adam. swear w. wouldn't,'! sbe .ald. step ahead." , ". Navea. "1 won't havi It." Marty healtated. She asked, "She would - but not until "He's lonely, but I don't like


Hope redilcovered her volte. "Should I? Men ... ~nd they sbe had to." his attitude toward loneliness. It wal lower tban ah. maant are together aU d~y- , "DON ahl forget h. loves He's laken to looking 15 If he . It to be. "Tbat', not falrl" .he Hope broke in. 1 can t walk her and lives with her day In wore medall inscribed 'I know '1Id. around witb this alone." day' out? He did queatlon h.; all about women.'''

"Suppo.e II WII Adsm?" So now It was Marty whOlt ~ometime allo, but .h. turned (To Be Con'inued) . Marty alked. eyes beld compassion. She it aside. She .ald .b, would

Hope tald presently, "I said, 'Yes, tell Adam but make sce the dodor but wu aUfe Pudget Sound Is' the l)eare3t don't know, Marty, booeltly 1 him promise." it was notblng: jUlt In after· American gateway to the portl don't." ihe looked at ber When Adam came home math of the virus whleh Jett of Alia. friend with achlnl love and Emmy came to meet him. It her tired. She did ." her: doe. _. ---__ .ucb eompanlon that Marty I wa. the routine. Hop. would lor-and others, u h. after· Kappa Alpha Theta, the first Sink In her chair and put her presently put their dau~hter to warda iearned - and eame sorority, was eltabllsbed on Jan. hand over her eyes; the hand bed, Adam would go mto tbe back with pIUs and old Ihe'd 27, 1870. with Hal'. ring on It, a plain I room, play a game or two, and be flne. So he wen' to tbelr ---------­gold circle, a blu.e of dla· then announce that It must be doetor. and to the relt. That'l monds. The rlnlls wire ioose, dinnertime and unlen he was how It tlands." H. rocked bla they turned upon her finger. Ill5tantly fed he would e~t wife in his arml. "H. will not

Now Ibe look her hand away Emmy reported that Vangie tell her he know •. Ibt will 1I0t and old, "Hope. for God's was putting her to bed, as her teU him." He ahook her Iud. sake don't be '01'11 for m •. 1 mother'. head hurt. "You come, denly 10 that her balr flew don't want \0 be lOrry for my· too." sb. urged Adam. about' her fac.. HI Illd, "I'd self. Som.tlm.. I am." He looked at Vangie. Vangie rather know. U ever then'.

"How lonl have you known ald. "She do .eem to feel anything you'll tell m.?" thl.?" bad," scooped up Emmy, and "You know 1 will."

"A few weeki." bora her off, protestl!\i, but • • • Adam paased them on the Sh. and Adam IlIeDUntered

and tella Sam h. II lolnl to ataira, .a he took lwo at a Dan every now anel tIIen. He marry th. alrl. Later, however. time. was after offiee hOUri play. Sam dlscoven that Britt doesn't • ." . ini • the field. They m~t him mean It. A few hours belore Hope was Iymg on thelf bed ber and there alway. witb a





ElIdie ARtSTONE ........ ,......, ....... PIlI. ~. _ e ~., /DIE.1lOO$ D. U1l/I


al Added






tbey Ire to leave on a dangerous fully dressed. She had been girl rarely th. IIml one mllslon Sam brings Britt to the tbere for lome time trying to twl~e, Uluali1 eilnald.rably Blair hom. and foreea hlm to think of things without Marty. younger Tbil bad btln after tell Monlque that he hu no She badn't had Ume to think of tbe sleepln. pllta anel .om. of Intention of marrying her. things without Dr. Emile until the airls had' eonventlonal Monlque becomea by,terieal at afterwards. Now she must ad· backgroundl Ind requirements. hearing Brltl" ,tatement. just before. Sbe had ailo been othen 1I0t. '


:,:,<. 5HOWS: 7 P.M. - 9 P.M. .. v.ith Gifts and Greetings Will Knock at Youlr Door

.from FfIIlndly Business Nei~hbours and Your

Civic and Social

MATINEE: 2 P.M. . Sam Iwear. to kUl Britt duro thinklnll herself Into Marty'. HOP~ Isked onee. "But wut TIMES OF SHOWS Inll the dan.erous mission, but beart and mind. doea It let him?" And Adam .ome German Iniper does the "You sick?" looked at ber with die Innate

NEXT ATTRACTION job for him. After the million "No." She lit up, looked at mate wisdom "hleh is not (during which Sam loae. an him, and It WBJ loS If unity wbolly of tbe mind. He laid, arm) he pays a sentimental visit returned. She (Iung her arms "Look, woman, don't tell me to Monlque'. villa. He learll5 about him and pulled him to that you_It Welfare leaders

On the occasion of:




that Monlque'. mother It dead her. She said, muffled, "I cry She .ald, "So It'. jUit 111[." and Monlqu. bll turned the 10 much latelv." "Nothing wrong with lex," villa Into a .chool for war 'Twice. Dr. Emlle, and said Adam. "Haven't we dl ••

The Birth of a Baby, New Comer to the City. LAST TIME TO -DAY

orphans. now." He lat on the side of cussed thl. before?" ~V:~TURE-THRillS-SUSPENSE. AI Sam watchea Mon!que In the bed and held her. "What's "A number If tAm... 1 PHONE, liKINGS GO FORTHII

front of the eiBl., his heart the matter. darllnl?" be uk· i think." apln filII wit hlov. tor ber. ed. I "But one •• peeitleally. Ob, 1 2503, 93498, or .90943.


snd. Armature

\I·or •• 38

Bambrick Street

DIal 7191-2


SHOP. W. ar. DO" operat­Ing eigbt chain. You tiD bt lISured of the best polllbtl lerncI' ptlll the 1 .. 1l poto libll Wilting. 24 Ne" Gower Strut, opp. Adelald. MOo tor ..



AleaC1 Deprtnant ... "at... Dial"" !tOUR FRlGIDAlU



EMPIRE FRUIT STURES .... the Freshelt hull 1&

Town call EMPIRE nUJT STOllE

t4f Palrlck lllreet, DIal !IR .,. Daehort. St., DIal .,11

• 1MatteR1:



HARRI~ & IDSCOCK LTD GENERAL ILUDW ARK Diltrlbuton far 51mbelm

Electrical ApplJm: •. SportJna GoodJ and 8porta wear (CIS aU oecat.c. .



Distributed by ",,,--at Me NAMARA LTD .. C1ueea St. 01.1 614S. 44



Ctr. J'REIIo.'1WATEa ,ad nNNYftLL 1l0AD

DIAL 141. W\rIJII lhttrIalJ, Wire .ad CROSBIE CO" LTD. CabI .. , MotorA, 1I.artera, AJenta for

LImpI, Bwltdlea, LlIhUII VNDEftWRfrEBS A'f 1'txtunI, etc. LLO'rnS.



m ME" GO .... II. OIInplete Up·to-dlte

Meat Market DIAL lilT

t.mplet. Plumblq IIICI HeaUq ..,Ict



att WATER IT. DJAL 4111

PiIDO IDd OrtID ShowrOOlll: fOPUn. ROAD

N TD • PUlCO'IT 11'. nOUSEHOLD J,:OVERS lit SO : L . ow. tal 6: SD'PPE'RS LTD. HEATING

DI.1 .'181 or t·1161 Factory: Water St., Hr. Grace

P.O. BOlt 358


NOTICE D \\' 'AR"L·S For Appraisals 01 Real Estate'" . II ~~ l,

and Auctions in private IN STOCK bomes. BOSTON 8KEEZ'·.

DIAl. 9031~ on BUIlNERS JOHN D. O'VRtSCOLL No. 1 Bideford Place





Gu~teed agalnsl CUte. BlowC)uts. Bruises.

Under Inflation. CaD MAJtSDALL MOTORS

Wlter St. :>tal 80011

Immediate Del; ver) DIAl 92:'8

TRASl\ FOUNUIl. LTD. 36% WATF.R aT. Manufacturers oj





laduatrtal Ilealrtel_ Ilpedlista II Moton, toDAY lOAD

0 .. 3 '!',m111ft I$rte&.... u_ "eraton, Iteam Iron. IDII PaekIq. Crallnl· ShIpping C. x: HUfiLfi, LTD. PHOTOGRAPHY SHEPPARD'S SERVICE u_ ... • -, aU BOIIIIIIoM AppIi-. "'.ntl for North Amwa PLVMBING... DAlDie DO

:----- CUNl'RACI'OftS ELECTlUCAL l.E •.. Vl- Van Lin... CONDACfOIl GAJlLANi)'S STUDIO STATU~E REPAIRINO ~..... .... C. mil, Maulti' .... GaerIl ....... ,. PLEAMNT n. WA81I1NG

Distributed '" 'RANK

tlcN.utAlU ~~F::G. ~'~ RID'om;:l:cmc.u. Rea. MIS: OffIce IOGIl·J II llae .... Dial ." DIAL IKI IlA'rnRl' CBARofiINC. REPAlR8. 11e ..... Ct.__ ---------- HEARING AIDS "tddlnl Pboltlp. Po:tr" GREASING

" IBId CGmnerel.t JIItotograpb, DIAL !lot At I'f'l¥OIIlbll ratea. til .... IUMt, L!D~WS EXP'"ESS LID

PRONE "'1. a' ...... N.......... 111 eaUKWoatll ft. BELTONE H&"lING CAMERA suo .. -========== ...... .. 1Me:l..,u:..... ~.... . ...... GLASSES II LOHr-'. lOLL .. -------- Cbm .,~ . .r.:. ~.JI.'f.A 8-"'0- DU' ...... SEkVICES



cu. be obtaiJlt/l at CONNOU DRUO non

1M WATEa ft. DIAL_



Coverln& St. John'. w1~ rut, Efficient 1ItrvJee. .If ~MILTON AVI,

DIAL'" •


NGINI ~~~~~- ~&~. ~~ CE E 5 I. .. lAlla,.. .'N,oza HBARING Newfoundland view. artIstfc- SERVl - .. 1tI .. W.r""" IIIU GUSS.. _II ted d ~ • OIL FUB!laCE

J:oO ... ,. I'IID\III an UlUIIaI. • aEFBIGEIlATOU. .. .. .. • ••• A .... - • au, .ee eur 1e1ed10D • WUBEIlI

............ ::::" .. u .. : .. & ... GIFT SHOPS - • BANGES u............... " W SHOltl NORMAN Olel fm. IeMD .... D1eae1t •• PAPER PRODUCTS DUL ,... WAlEa II!

lelvin RleudII Gu !q\nH. I'uII LIae II bare Perta. m . 174 .. ATEIl fl ••



LARA~8 UMl .... ANCE DOr

Glftl, Gamea. TIIf'. Novtltlet. Oout'l Cardt

for aD ClCculOIII DIAL_


WIlOS ... BIRTHDAY; Oertalnl, 1 1I1111!mac;, 1rt6III. fnm NONIA U CIIIl1 tile ..

wiD ••

~~~WRE~~N~'~ ",-- SERVl(,'E FOR mE LA """PlANOS AlIID CRGANS NFLD. CO., In. 'I'tuIInI lod alpalr1D,.

N.. 1AIcatlall: ()Io., T1drt} ,ean' esporl.-- • tIl DUCKWORTII ft. ......... rom,.t .. , .. "I.e"". /IV. E. It. ROGERS Paper Ind Paper ProductJ '1 IleF.,lane .~




DAIL 11288 . 7636 SN.l' CKBARS .,ur .............. ,

Gt .... · er... 'rn.... B. W ALSD ~ ....... 0, •••• Ny..... BEST IN LEADING ... ".:,Ii., f'lWaUftllO qROCERY /JNU.

.",,:. J'~ Yoa CboIee ef "bat 7IU uepo " ... r' ....... '..... DIAL tI-m "AT,a It. Oft'

.~;u.,~'~ • ........ DOIn · ........ -• Mad".. ,.., ~&-..

w ... it=' LtD. Ceo .. , 'p' Ie r.1 W' FLORISTS









LTD Dial 61'1'"


AIIrwbere, An1 oIace. Any time.

N soua 8E&V1C8



DIAl "It . II7JI


t: ..

MARJN~ DlE8!L AND ELI!.(,"l1\tUL E~C

,. HOlD' Service felt RepaIra to Motora. GeDeratOrl aid

IlauJebllld AJlllIIaeea.

HOW!E OF FLOWElI.! IerYIIII St. J ..... '. . frem 'I IICId",1

117 IlAXJLTON A VENtII . ow. 100II ••• Tn 11'.


You elD buJ JOIIf trOCWIN . III W UJ\ IT. .,. "ATER STUI'l' r B E S 1 , B just at dI,ap It ill 8t. JohD, WbeJI III""", • D\tmMld CALI. 1115 WHIt ~" Trleeloar II'tuIIIIt

. IDd "" them illllvered to RInJl tel eur ~.te Dlamaad At NlIIIt. Day, HoI1dQ Of CALL 1m JOW' doIr witbout 011.... lJoetIL s.w for rut semce ud AUJED AOENClEI



DIAL lUI IW. 'rUI ". at" D..... ....... DLU. .. Guaruteed work eall mil.· It, N.. Gww .. DIAL 1111


igned For Our Readers' Conv.enience , . -------,

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:1 l-. , , . 1 .,



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Page 14: THE DAILY · speaking in Latin. the neW PoP' said: .. And as we do the western church. we embrace with equal

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!U~ ____ ~ ____________ ~ ______ ~~ __ ~================::==========:::,

t Radio Programmes .' Queen's Visi~ STEAMSHIP ~. Rouncf . ',To S.t~phenVlne MOVEMENTS • CIN 19.00-GCn~ral Prol'l!lClal New •. I STEPHENVILLE -' T h p' 'nD CANADA STEiHlSHIPS ' TUESDA\', January 27th. 9.0S-llu5IC for M~llIonl. Queen's visit to Stephenville on IS' . I

REG. T. MORGAN femp!1 Bldg. Duckworth &t

DIal 80370·1"56


Temple Rldg., Duckwortb 51 Dial lIl)370·775F ~~------- I' 9.20-Thc ~ob Lewls·Show. June. 19.20, highlights the new Bclle l~le 11. leaving Halifax I

A.M. 9.4S-Prodlgal Father. importa!1cc' 01 .this town as .thc i Jan. 23rd .. due St. John's Jan.: '!IO-CBC News. 110.OO-News. • Westerh Newfoundland ter,:"lnaI126th .. sailing Jan: 2?th. . i --Sf: John's West 'i~Top of The )lornlng. IO.Ol-~hrtin s Corncr. of the transportation systcm- I Bedford 11, leavmg Hahfax i IIiOO-CBC ~ews and Weathcr 10.1S-:->0 Love for Linda. . I the air route nown by TCA. All ; ,Jan. 26th., due st. John's Jan., 8.l5-Musical Clock, IO.30-N,tw!;. , ' the important passengers now '1 28th .. sailing Jan. 30~h. . : II.IIO-Morning Devotions. 10.35-\\. hat s Cook 111: . I mOI'e by this means and most of Belle Isle II, Icavlng Halllax i US-Prog~am Preview. lO.45-W ho's That SIO~lng? the high Cla's! goods. This trenrl ! Jan. 31st.. due St. John's Feb, 'I

II.3O-News. .IO.55-Housewives ChOice. Is one that will expand very rap· . 2nd., sailing Feb. 3rd.

CROSBIE & CO., LTD Woolworth Bldll. Water &t

nw 50S1

II:36-Dlrect Reporls. ' 11.00-New.. Idl~' In tbe Imm,diale future. I Bcdiord 11, leaving Halifax I

U5-Records al Randc.m. II.OI-John Turners Family. We will no doubt gh'e !ler I Feb. 2nd., due SI. John's Feb. 1.1

10.00-0ne Man's Family. 11.SO-Honour, Your Parlner Majesty a loyal welcome with 4th., sailing Feb. 6th. ST. JOHN'S CENTRAL 10.15-Doris Janes. 1l.45-Sound O. the various bodies turning out Belle Isle 11. leaving Halifax I 10J5.-For Consumer,. P.I\I. en mUI to greet her, Vets. I Feb. 7th., due SI. Jolin's Feb.


10:30 Atlantic School Broadcast. 12.01-!own and Countl'1. Guides Scouts and so forth. The II 9th., sailing Feb. 11th. I lo.45-BBC Variely. tOO-News. Mayor 'with his new chain 01 of· Bedford II, leapirg Halifax l1.15-Nfld. School Broadcast. l.ol-Town Illd Country Show fice and of course that great' Feb. 10th., due St. John's Fcb,. 1l.45-Sacred Heart Program. 1.0S-Weather Foreeast. example of International good· I 12th.; sailing F'eb. 14th. I P.M. 1.1S-News,. wm Earnest Harmon Aii-Forec I (;LARKE STEAMSHIP CO. I l:'OO-BBC Nell·s. 1.3S-Editorlal Comment. . Base will as always do .itself "Novaport. Icl! SI. John, X.B., i l:!.IO-Announeers C!Ioiee. l.40-Sports.., T • proud. ! leaving Halifax Jan. 23rd .• due: 1:!.30-Farm Broadcast. 1.45-A~t ~akcr s ~~!ebook. This Is a wonderful opportuni· : St. John's Jan. 26th., sailing! 12.4S-~id Day Serenade. 2.01-" hat s Cookm. Iy for us and our children to see: Jan. 27th. I l.OO-Doyle Bulletin. 2.03-The . Story at Jane lor the first time Ihe Queen i 't'\ovaporticavlllg St. John,:


DIal 2206

----~,. John's North


Cor. Moncby 4: Empire An Dial 90D70 US-To Lore and HOllour. I hrmltage. who for us symbolizes all that I Feb. 3. Halifax Feb. ~, due St.1

UO-CBC NeilS and Weather.: 2.IS-The. Bennett Affair. we hold dear in the memory of I John's Feb. 9, sailing Feb. 10 .. H5-0peration ~Ioor Satel· I 2 30-~I,ellnee. our grcat. Commonwealth anri.; "Novaport .len\·ing SI. John, I DUNN'S

hie. 3.01-\\ estern Ja~boree. . our .proud history. Too many of I Feb. 17, N.B. Halifax Feb. 20, PHAR~IACY :!.OG-Words and Music. 4.00-Gelleral ProvlIlcial News. our dear ones died lor that con· due St John's Feb. 23, sailing I Cor. alayor and :!.:!9-Dominion Obs. Time 4,05-Rraneh Party: . ecpt not. to. hold it sacred. and Feb. 24. . i Merrymeeting Rd.

51!:naL 5.01-~he Gerry WIUIDS above all else. . 'Nol'aport. Ica\'in~. 5t. John,: DIAL 7388 2.30-Atlanllc School Broad· Show. . N.B. Mar. 3rd., Halifax ~Iar.! BINDON'S PHARMAC~

Cilst. ! 6.00-News, and We;ther. .World·s widfSt bridge is the, 6th .. due st. John's Mar. 9th.,! Bonaventure and :!45-~.appy Gang. . . 6.02-What~ Cooklll. . Crawford Street Bridge in Provo! iaiting ~Iar. 10th. . Cor. Em ire Ave. 3.1S-~ndergartcn of the Air .. 6.0S-Bul~ehn Board. Idenee, R.I., which is 1,147fect 1 'Nol'aport. leaving. SI. John. D1KL 5921 3.30-News and Trans Canada: 6.10-Nallonal News, wide..' . . I N.B. Mar. 17th. Halifax ~Iar.

)Iatinee. . I 6.15-Spo~ts. 1 20th., due st. John's ~Iar. 23d., 4.30-Stm Obhge. I 6.2S-Ne\\s. About 750,000 Americans are sailing :Olar .. 24th. 5.00-CBC ~ews. I 6.30-P.M. Theatre. afflicted by poison ivy every *Nol'aport leaving SI. John, 5.30-Flshmes Broadcas~ ,7.01_C1Ub 93. year.' N.B. Mar. 31sl., Halifax Apr. I 5.45-Woman 10 my House. 7.30-News. 3rd., due SI. John's Apr. 6th., 6.00-lntermeuo, 8.~~-~eht t!ro~ t~.e ,West. Major lOurce of U.S. uranium sailing Apr. 7th. e.30-Supper Guest. I 9. - a S 00 In. is carnotite. a canary.yellow * Refrigeration. US-Granny ~Iartin Step, I 9.03-Nfld. Soiree. . f earthy·looking material found

Out. 9.3O-Chapel by the Side 0 I chiefly In Colorado. FURNESS WARREN LINE '.OO-:"ell's and Weather. I the Road. Newfoundland en route to 7.15-Roving Reporter. 9.4S-Dosco News: LiI'erpool. 7.25-Brlinc. !10.o1-Under Arrest. If! I 11VRFRONT Nova Scotia due SI. John's 'i.30-Tops Today. I lO.30-NAtional News. W l'l .I!J . Jan. 22nd .• leaving for Halilax 7.4S-Do\·le Bulletin. i 10.4S-Sports. and Boston Jan. 24th.

l,due Hali.

8.1S-Rawhide. i 1l.01-Houseparty. DIRECTORY fax Jan. 26th and Boston Jan. 8.30-Prol'ineial Affairs. I 12,30-Newl Roundup. 29th., leaving Boston Jan. 30th., a..tS-ln\'itation to Worship. I 12.35-Houseparty. ON DRY DOCK and Halifax Feb. 4th .• due SI. IUS-Public Libraries. 1.o1-5ign Off. The S.S. Barhs"en and the U. John's Feb. 6th., sailing again 9.30-Drama In Sound. S.A.F. tug C.52. 1222. These two same day for Liverpool.

10.00-Ja),cce Forum. VOUS are expected to be on dry dock NeWfoundland, leaving Liver. 10.20-)lu~ical Program. for about two months. pool Jan. 3D, due SI. John's 10.30-50Iidaire,. TUESDAY. Jalluar1 %7th. - AT DOCK Feb. 5, leaving for Halifax and 11.00-Leicester Squarr. The 5.5. Kyle. the S.S. :-iorth· Boston Feb. 7, due Halifax Feb. 1l.30-CBC :-ialional News, i A.M. ern Ranger. M.V. Kipawo under 9 and Boston Feb. 12, ieaving

Roundup and Talk, ; 6.00-Sulldial. repairs. S.S. Nonia. M.V. Elmer Boston Feb. 13 and Halifax Feb. lZ.00-Sisn Off - 0 canada-I' 6.3O-News and Wealher. .Jones under repairs, and Ihe 18, due SI. John's Feb. 20, sail.

The Queen. . 7.0()-i'lews and Weather. Henry W. Stone.' TheS.S. Ma~'as ing again: same day for Liver.! 7.30-News . and Weather. Is taking bunker after which will pool. I 8.00-Breakfast Club. sail for her des.tined port .. The Nova Scotia. leaving Liver. VOCM


!04 Duckworth St. Dial 2381


Elizabeth Ave. DIal 91120


119 MlJltlary Road Dial 6U6


.5 Quldl Vldl Road


:lt5 Pennywell Road Dial 92937 ---

'"t. John's West

JOHN J. FEEHAN Around St. John'.

'90 Water Sl. Dial 3531 8.30-Bert Parks Bandstand, M.B. Tas~al] which christen· pool Feb. 20. due SI. John's Feb.

9.00-1t Happened Lalt Nnghl I ed on Wednesday Will be used 26. leaving for Halifax and T.V. REPAIRS 9.5S-News and Weather. for harbour tende~ service. and Boston . Feb. 28, due Halifax

Tl'ESD'\ y, Jaullarf 2~tlt.

A.M. l0.0O-Coffee Time. the 5.5. Glencoe IS moored up March 2 and Boston ~areh 5, ll.OO-Turn back the Clock. for the season. le3\'ing Boston March 6 and 1l.2S-Polnt of Law. Halifax March 11, due SI. John's 11.30-Pepperrell Juke Club. AT A.E. RICKMANS CO. LT~ ~{arch 13, sailing again same'

CJTV ANTENNA SERVICE. Television Antennas In· stalled. Parts sold. PhoDe 92761 or 90173.

6.2B-SiJ:n OD the Air. 6.30-News. 6.3S-Brealdast Club. 6.M-News. 7.1S-Sporlscast. 7.30-New •. 7.M-Waterfront Directory. 7.55-NclYl.

P.M. Thed Mb .V~. PSRY. hOI! fWChlCI'h ,I~ day for Liverpool. ! 12,00-?tIarch of Eve'lts. owne y "Jr. IC e 0 0 oma, Newfoundland, leaving Liver'j BEAUTY PARLOURS 12.45-Sport, Page, Street ma~' later on be offered I pool March 6, due SI. J4hn's 12.3O-Juke Box. for sale. March 12. leaving for Halifax 1.00-Marvin Miller. • and Boston March 14, due Hali.' St. John's Cenfral B.25-New •.

8.3o-Hit of the Day. B.35-Sports Calendar. II.OO-~ornlng Date. 9.15-Betty and Bob. 9.30-Morning Date.

10.OO-NeWJ, 10.05-Mornlng Date. 10.M-Newl.

. 1l.OO-Jukeboll Jamboree. ; lU5-News. : 12.00-Barlaln Hour. 12.15-Jukebox Jamboree. 12.30-N ews.

'. 12.35-Rambllna with Record.!. :·12.45-Fisberman'l Forecall

U5-The Couple Next Door. AT H.M.C. DOCKl ARD fax March 16 and Boston March t30-Country Jamboree. The following are ~oorcd up 19, leaving Boston March 20 I

N lor the seBson, InvestJltator II.. and Halifax March 24, due st. ;:~ts:S~ Pale. Aureola. Christmas Seal. the John's March 26, sailing again 2 30-" tl noatln~ dock Y.r.M. 254, the ~. same da~ for Liverpool. I · ... a nee. V. Msnnus and the M.V. Jeanllle J

3.00-N.ell's. . . Barno are moored up for the sea· ,FURNESS RED CROSS LINE! ~·~t~I\'e ~ta~:lattine~h son, The M.V. Cinderella and the; Manchester Explorer leaving! 4'OO-Nay ea er on ow. M.V. BoUanla which sailed ~n: St. John's Jan. 21st .• for Corner · ews. Thursday morning lor Place~lJa Brook Halifax And New York.

!'~tf:at;:re t~ge. t Bay and Trinity' Bays respect-j AIa~ehester Explorer leal'ing · or 0 por I. fully hEld to return to pori owing New York, Feb. 2nd; Saint

4.4&-SpotUght on Mu!le. to encountering heavy leas. but I John, N.B., Feb. 5th; Halifax, 5.00-Ne

ws· wUi sail aeala when weather con· Feb. 9th; arriving St, John's ~·~~t°tl~~h~·I dltlons are !Ultable. Feb. 12th, leaving Feb. 14th, for 6·,OO-Ne

ewcs. n n. Corner Brook, Halifax and N.Y.

ATft'EERS !LTD:, WEST END 6.15-Checkin' In. ll'HARFi' .

Records. 8.00-Sporls Today: The M,V. Norma and Giadys in 8.1~Answer Man. charre of Capt Charles Kean

~. 1.15-Sportscast. '1.30-NeWJ, .

US-Rambling with :!.~News. 3.IIO-Do\]an on Parade. 3.M-New ••

:. 4.00-Westernalret. :- 4.S5-New •.

5.00-Westernalre •. 5.30-Supper Stren3de. 6.IIO-News, 6.05-Bulletin Board, 6.15-Sportscast.

8.30-Suspense. which some time ago came (rom f~ •• :fni~=~~!: 8.M-News and Weather. northern ports with a cargo of U '-~n 9.00-City Hospital.'. fish and landed same at the east _'''i'·.'· .. ',-", 9.25-What's the Qutstlon.. end premises is now moored. up 9.30-Sez Who? at.the west end premi5~s .for the 9.55-Songs by Valentino .. ' winler.

1 O.OO-Fina I f;dition; .. '.

10.l5-News Yorken,. AT CANADA PACKERS LTD .. lO.30-Robert· Q.' Lewis Show. 'The ?ttV. Trepassey in' charge

UO-Supper Serenade. 6.30-That Fasclnatinl US-News.

1l.OO-Muslc Till Midnight. of Capt. Winsor arivedin. port Story. 12.00-Sign Off. '. r on yesterday from Clarenville

where .flftycasks. of .oil. and. other ,oods were landed. Tne v~ssel is I ; 7.00-The Inside Story.

7.05-Wellern Jamboree. 8.00-Cream of the Crop. 9.45-New,. 10.08-~usic from the Show,. 10.30-Eventide Meditations. 10.4~porbcast. 10.S~News and Torbay

Weather. 1U5-Club 590. 12.00-Newe. 12.M-Club 590. 1.00-CIOSt Down.

CJON nItSDA Y, January 2?th.

.CJON·CJOX TV now moored ~JI at the' abol'e /'':: •• i·~ ).~iC~leQI,:~y.:~~~rt~: TUESDAY, JlnUll'V 21th, wharf for a rehital. .;;

.' . , I 5.LOpen House. AT CROSBIE AND CO. LTD' ! ::.30-Dr. Hudson'S Setret Th,. M.V ... Western .Explorer. i

Journal, the M.V. Veleran Explorer,' M, a.OO-Nursery School Time.'· V. Colin.Il,. 'and theM.V. Linda a,lS-Matlnee, "D.O.A.", IUr. May are moored up for the sea.

ring Edmund O'Brien " son. The two whalers Finback Pamela Brllton, and Olaf Olsen areslill offered

UO-Frlendly Glint. for sale by tender. . '. . . U~Science All Around Us. AT THE GREAT EASTERN OIL 5.00-Whiatletown. . AND.JMPORT. CO. LTD. . . 5.30-Sky Rln,. The: M,V. M. aDd; S ... Johnson 6.0D-Ranch Party. which lome time 810 came from 6.3D-News Cavalcade. Trinity, Bay . and discharged' a 7.00-Leave II to Beaver. .' cargo of lumber at the abol'e

NEWS ON THE HOUR AND 1.30-Jo·ablan 01 StGtland Yard. 'premises Is' now moored up for HALF HOUR 8.09-Front Page Challenge. the winter. .

A.M. 6,3S-The Bob Lew!! Show. 6.3O-Nfld, Ne~ and Weather 8.45-HeadlIDe News and Fore·

wt. N ewa and Sports. 7.M-Loeal . Weather. 7.15-News. 7.20-The Bob Lewis Show. 'UO-Round Ihe World New.

and Weather. U5-Nfld? New. and Sport.. 'f.»-'What'. ecoldn. . I;OO-NOd. News and Weatber. tl5-Shlptling \ Report. I.2G-Klddl'il <:alander. '.30-NOd. News and Wealher. •. ....:JlorDln •.. AI. rr )' Go

8.31l-The Chevy Show. l'.3Il-CBC Folio,. AT.A.H .. MURRAY, AND CO LTD'

IO.36-Glee Club Connrt. . . The M.V. 'Pinta ·whieh came l1.00-Natlonal New •• · c, from St. Pierre some time a.~o 1UO-Local Newi. Is .having a general refittal. .'fhe IUS-The Late Show""Mad S.S .. Manchester. in chari/!' of

.• Doctor 81 Market Sireet" Capt. . Lewis arrived .. yeste:liay with LIonel· Atwlll· and from New.York. St .. John N.B .• Claire Tedd. . and Hali£ax' to discharge a part ---'-'-'-' _ .. _.... . carao alld'after the cargo Iplls.

The eyes .have It these days. cbarged wlllsaU' today for Corner For speclat holiday .. effeets use Brook.' ' •. eyeliner and" Iridescent eye IJhad .' .: . . :..~, " ( ow to mateli Ihe·lrlsllf.Ybur lIye. AT 'JOB BROS AND' CO.: ·LTD .• Violet Is'. best·fo(·dark,.eyel,'.and ,. ~ORTH SlDE.: ':1 white eyebrow p e n·c·j.]·should The M.\. Blue Prince ,10. c.large I match your hair. blollll~s'may use :01 Capt.· Gillett is ~baY.IOI:.' re-j a charcoal aray penCil. . ; Ifiler8tor nlachlnery •. inst~lIed .

.. . i ~'~


CORNWALL AVE. . 'co.,..


~ TRUCK Dealer


246 Water Street /)ial 3089

Sf. John's North


Elizabeth Av~. Dial 90~99


Rowan St. . Dial 91055


We Clean Gardens. Blsementl. Two Commerical Pick·UIll

DIAL 93212.


• Prescott St. Dial 6398



Dial 6029 Res. . fI667F ST. JOHN'S CENTRAL


J, V.' DAWE LTD. EleCtrical Contractor

No fire when we wire Dial 90901


W. AnBOTT . 24 J,lvingstone St.

Dial 4953 NORMAN DOWNE')'

45 New Gower St. Dial 5121


%0 Calver St. Dial 3728


'If King's BridJ(e had DIal 69%8' .


EARLY RAZORS ! The practice of removing I I hair from the bee dates back tn pre·hisloric lime.~. Before: the use of metal razors, the I

hairs were cut' off by means of' . flints or small stones with. sharp edges. ,

• I Sailors call a small speCICS,

of petrel "~Iothcr Carey's: chickens." Legend says the: birds are under the' speCial

I care of the Virgin, Mater Cara, thus the nickname




I PASSENGER I --------- \ C' !\:\,ECTIO\ SOlID

! TENDERS i Train "T~~~';~~~QJ" Gerry Halley Surveys Ltd.



CO., LTD. Radio. Television Washers.

R~frilterators Deep Freezers Electric Ranger •• Floor Poli~hers. Gramophones

Public Address Systems. Tape Recorders.


DIAL 3001 to 300~ WATER STREET

"Tcndrrs arc solicited for the daih' hire of a suitable half lOll exp;'e,s truck or scdan de1il'cry \'an. including dri\·cr. for the transportation of one employee and equipmcnt. to such places 3S

required thro\l~hout the ":ew. foundland Pro\·ince. during 11159.

The CO\'era~c cnl'"h'cd will

: SI. ./olm·, Tltu'ral '" will mi1kr co~n~:·l;~;'·. aux Ba"l1lr; ·.'I!h )1 r a\'i~t:t r or r('~Jlar i1r! Coast ~cn:rr

CO:\'~'E(n(J\ ll111 PI.VF\TI.\ BI\

Rc~ul~r (\ 1'1 l':l I". in~ SI. .I"hn·' hl".,I ... will 1l1~\.:1' ('I\nll(,t::~~ a- I

tia with II1nlnr \"Ct~;:

· entail cxtcns!l'c Iral'ellin~, All contingent expenscs of the "chicle and operator. as board'

Wc,t Run I'l:tcrr.·;, E.:

· and lodging. gas. and adequate commercial insurance ctc .. must ing St. .John·, frld, •.

· be incorporated in Ihe submit·: will makr tonnrclicn ; ted daill' rate. which will con·' tia with S, •

1, Shtilutc the total li~bility oC the' lar port. SOlllh Co;" Irer in connection with the I

hire of the ,"chicle. , The lowest or allY lender will i

not necessarily be acceplcd.

Tenders will close on JA!\l' AR \' 28. 1959." ..

Apply Box No. 101

~;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;~~:: Daily News. ,; - - . jan22,27


For Fast Taxi Service : FURNESS, WITHY & CO.,

Liverpool SI. ,~ohn'5 to 10 Ilrs &

SI. John's Hoslon HOTEL TAXI Dial 2424-2410 , "1\0\'3 Scotia"

"I\cw!oundlanrt" Dec. 31 hn. 7 .lan. 11

()p~n Iro1l' to ! •. m. I ":-';ova Scotia" ,Jan 16 .Jan. 24 .Jan :111 ! ":-';ewfollndan,l" .Jan. ~o ~·eb. 7 Felt 1:1

QUEEN'S ROAD p",,28.1yr I ~~~:;:-= .. ;: Where To Stay I Balsam Hotel ,

BARNES ROAD I Situated in tbe Heart of the

City. Quiet, Comfortable Almol'


I I ,

For Reservations and I,,· I (ormation :

Dial 6336 MRS. JOliN FACEY ResIdent Manaler,.11





'5 x 200 I

Penetanguishene is located OD the Portugal Cove Road .nnd is situate in t he center of a grow· Ing community, only a few lois remain in this area.

Octagon Heights Is situate In a beautiful area un the Topsail Road and already new Modern Bungalows are being erected on this subdivision.

If you are interested In secur· ing one of those lots either tn the East or the West end apply Immediately to

~valon Realty Co., Limited


':-';o\'a Scotia" Frh. 2n Feb. 28 .Ilar. Ii 'I\ewfoundland" .\Jar. 6 ;\lar. 14 ~Jac. ~11'J.'r ,j

Person, contempiating p3":J~" ill Europe tihould make bookin~" ,,\'11 in "O\Jntt .

AIR PASSAGES ARRANGED BY, !\O\C. Hl A~IERICAN A I R'\' A YS, SCA:\DI:\.\ \'\.\:\. TW.\ connecting Airlines.

Consult u., regarding "our tral'cl problc:rJ FURNESS TRAVEL OFFICE


Nfld .• Canada Steamships FREIGHT SAILINGS


l.eal In/t R~lifax;

Jail. 27 .................. . Feb. 4 .... " .. " ......... . Feb. t3 ..................... .. ~-eb. 21. " .............. " -'Iar. 2 ................... . ~far. 10 ................. .. ;\tar. 18 ......... '"

pur ""Jh~'! llur ,,; .I.)h:l·~

Dlir ,; .lob Dur :->: .Ionr.; Due ,: .Iehr· flue " .Iohr.:, Due ,: .Io~";·

~.s. ''BELLE ISI.E II" HALlf.-\x - ST. JOJl\~

Lcnillg Halifal:

Jan. 23 ...................... . Jan. 31 ......................... . Feb. ~ ........................ . reb. 18 ........................ . ~·elJ. ~j ........................... . ~Iar. 7 ......................... . \lar. 16 .................. . .\Jar.:!4 ............... .

Due ~I Johr:'! Our <;;. John;, Dllr s: Joh~.! Oil" ':. Joh~.; Uu,' ~1. JoI.O' Uu,' Sr Jo"~.i nut' ~1 John.: pue ~: .Ioh~'

" '" For immcdiate clearance per dlr0.1,.'"ln'i~ For rates space and other informed ' .... m···

HARVEY & CO., LTD., General Agent!, R. N. COLE, Special Representative, St.



iSTAN CONDON NEWFOUN , . Dial 4813-'848 IIr 1103 .


MEAT MARKET, 53 William Streel

Dial 7450 and 6062


H. R.CLARKE Topsail Re" Dla11l28B5

L. HEALEY CrOSI Roads and Water St

Dial 3026


JOB BROTHERS " CO LTD. Water' Streel

Dial 2858, 41%3 ---MEEHAN & CO.

t.A. Bid,. Duckwortb St. Dial 10.16·7D67 .


to ST. JOHN'S. a D' rl ~trl1rf Direct Sen'ice from b 1~,\LlfA~ SAINT JOHN, N.B. :.,:! • ort

NOI'3P . Kovaport .... Jan. 20 e NOl'3port Novaport . .. Feb. 3 NOI'??Ort Novaport '" Feb. 17 :"ol'?fort Nr.vaport. .. Mar. 3 No\,rorl NOl'aport ... ~Iar. 17 NOl'aport .... :'!ar. 31

• IItgulo, Sailings Th.reolt.

Fo. reservations eonlaCI

R.SELLARS Special Representative

Ttl. 5~83 01' 2151

II.\R\·F.\' " CO. I.TIl '\/1l'1I15





H~ Exp brig life.




Page 15: THE DAILY · speaking in Latin. the neW PoP' said: .. And as we do the western church. we embrace with equal


... ~ .' - .

.. . . .. '


& CO., .,

.-I.,: 4 ',.: :l


amships LINGS

- .;

- "' ~.

-I' n-o .~:-- ~

- • I :0-: ~ • # :"-.

, ~.

. • !'-. ,. . .

. .. .... : . " ~:

I· c ~~ ... jlllp..

. -:n.\,b: ~

~ . .::. "gen~ Oiol r.'E'"''t!tNe. 51. I r. 1"(\

I ':~;;NT~~·· • \ llf .0:. ".'.


HN'S ~~ ._,ur·~ ~~ , ,,,~ '··'11~ , ... t'~~ '~~, .~

t-/N'S, ST. JOHN'S, NFlD., TUESDAY, JANUARY 27, .1959 . 15

KINSMEN 80ys Club



I N G 0 17 36 57 74 ":6 32 59 67 n 31 49 72 :9 45 53 70 15 43 56 62 27 37 47 68 16 39 51 69 :'0 40 58 71 19 38 54

64 21

Kin - Help Kiddies

CAl~ 92186 FOR

HOUR MARTINIZING hctrt Dry Cleaning makes colours b'gnter. fresher. Fabrics take on new


ndland Government Association

GENERAL MEETING Cathedral Parish Hall, Queen's


TIME: 8 p.m. sharpe. TUESDAY, January 27th., 1959.

Presentation of Reports. Elec-Boord of Directors for ensuing year.

attendance of membll!rs is requested. • Dinner, Dance and Cards, Nfld.

THURSDA Y, January 29th., 7 p.m.

available from any member of the

R. SNOW, Secretary.

RDPARTY ~ ClQr~ ~ Mercy Hospital Alumnae Anoda· ., ~oki 0 Card Party at Our Lady of

;;o!: (Nurses' Residence) on THURSDAY,

m.ot 8:15 p.m.

"'ci CoH~t will be served ... Admission 75e,


IN ST. PATRICK'S AUDITORIUM Sonaventure Avenue TO-NIGHT at 8:30

PRIZES 20 LUCKY NUMBERS Arl" . SOC t mISSIon ..... ... en s

. b' in2 Own B~~ket as Tea will b. served

~ Di\tinguished Patronage of His Grace the Archbishop)

Patricians Association

Communion Supper ~;~!~'rick's Hall Auditorium ·;;;:SOAY, FEBRUARY 4th, 1959

ot the Basilica at '130 p.m. E. l. FORAN, Esq., J.P., F.C.I.S

Tickets $1.50 "oilahl, from The Hotel Drugstore,

DrUQltore, Ray Manning, 6627 AI ~ 2439H; Jerry Green 9315l, Bren

, Frank Wall or J, A. Clancy.

Our Used Car Lot on Topsail Road is Open

Daily 8.45 a.m, to 9 p.m. and il completely

free from ice and snow.

SLIVERS and KNOT HOLES All carl are reconditioned and ready to drive

"By golly Martha-it ~a\"s here that the HorWOOd Lumber Company will help U5 out on our building problems!"

I 'PHONE 2094-5-6 ,-------------------------------------That's right! And if YOU are stuck on your building pro· ject and need Advice or ilelp on Material~ or Financing, then you should come in to. day and let us help you. We ha\'e what it takes 10 help you build.

IJUST ARRIVED T ........ Itd.OI'f<

.-.,-_... ,.Z'f . I "I'm tired of mush. I ju.t phoned the ChInese ..,.jl L restaurant to tend oyer 10"" chow mtIn!" A _. -",=;:, .. _. . - .--


I Statutory Notice I 'In Ihe matter of Ihe Will and

Estate of Denis J. Furlong, lale of SI. John's in the Provo


One carload of


DIAL 4249

COADY/S COAL Ince of Newfoundland, Tailor GENERAL SKATING Retired, deceased. 8130 p.m.-10130 p.m. Buy Nfld, Brand All persons claiming to be Admission .......... SOc Eggs

creditors of or who have any 25 I . d d f Spectators. ....... c. d d 1 c alms or eman s upon or 8 • Finest eggs pro uce n

feeling the e!ltate of Denis J. Practices: Furlong, late of SI. John'. afore- 6115 Junior All Stan the Province. said, Tailor Retired, deceased. For supply contact

~;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;~Iare hereby requested to send WEONESOAY Nfld P I :-' particulars thereof In writing, Senior Hockev ' OU try

I duly attested, to the undersign- 8 Velvet Horn



9 am. to 11 p.m.


I ed Solicitors for the Executor p.m. P d ce Ltd 'of the WllI of the said deceased, St. Bon's vs Feilcllans ro u rs , 'on or before the 20th da~' of '!~~~~~~~~ Thorburn Rood, St. John's I : February A.D. 1959. after which ': DIAL 91239 or 92178 r

date the said Execulor will pro· NOTICE i ceed to distribute the said estate _ja_n8_.1_m _____ ._. __ I hal'ing regard only to the claims Three weeks after date, I, of which he shall then have had d b

application will b. ma e y , notice. h , Dated this 27th day of Janu· the undersigned, to t e

Wall Washing

. ary A.D. 19511. Board of liquor Control for , CONROY It BRADSR-' W, II : Soliclton 'or Eucutor. a Club license, '0 51

.~=======:!!.i ADDRESS: liquor, beer' and wines on - Reid Building, the premise. to be known

WALL WASmMj - .WaD' cleaned by .... ew lIIacWoI. R,sulU p.rfeet; ,av" paint.-New Method Rug alld Wan Cleaners, Fresh­water Road, 'Phon. 91033.


Jessie Mifflen gives

an up-to-date picture of Regional Library Services.

A Public Library


Duckworth Street, as 'he Palm Garden Club, S!. John's. 'I R d

Jan27,feb3,10,17 situ CIted on TOpiol oa near Blackmcrsh Road.

Statutory Notice In the matler of the Will and

Estatl! of John Robert Crltch, Jate (If 51. John'~ In the Prnv· Inre of Sewfoundland, ]leUr· ed, dece8!ecl.


Proprietor. j~n20,21feb3

Statutory Notice, In the matter of th, lilt Will i

THE CENTRAL BARBER IIHOP-We are now operat· ing eigl' . chairs. You can b. assured of the best poseibl. aervice' plus the least po .. lible waiting, 24 New Gilw· er st. opp. Adelaide Motors Ltd. Aug ---._-------- .-

NEW METHOD RUG CLEAN· ERS. RUls and Carpet mdde

All p~rsonw chiming to b. and 'F.!tate of the Honourahle I crediturs of or who have any Sir Alhert Jo!eph Wabh, IU .•

FOR SALE • claims or demAnd! upon or Rf- . f St fectln" the· Estate of John, K.S.Cl.. un., Jat. It •

D John's In the Provlnc. tf

to look like new. Von ·1 Schrader procels add, :vean I

to life of rugs. Cleaned in I home, or at our plant. I 'Phont 91033. New Method Rug C1eanen. Fresbwater I Road.

A new boat 24 ft.

long, 7 ft. 3 inches

wide, 3S inches deep. For particulars apply:


Glovertown, B. Bay.

Robert Critch late of S!. John'. Newfltnndlantl, Chief Jastlce aforesaid, Retired, deceased, are at the !luprelft. Court of New. SALESMAN or agency wilb requested to aend puliculara of foundland, ,ood connection. In chil· their claim In writing, duly at· dren', wear lint to carry tested, to the undenlgned Soliel· popular priced line IIf coati lOTI for the Executor named In All perion. elalmlng to be .ius I • l4x, in Newfound. the Will of the said decuBed credltol'l of or who have any land. Pleue eontaet: on or before the 26th day claim. or demandl upon or Morri, Alias Mfg. Co. Ine~ February A.D. 1956, after which affectine the Eltate of the Hon· 371 Dowd SI., Montreat. date the Executor will proceed Durable Sil" Albert Josepb Wal'~' Ja02O,71 lo dLstribute the .ald utate hav.1 Kt., K.S.G., Ll.D., of 51. John I ________ _

. Ing rellard only to the dalms of I aforNaid, Chitf JUltiee of the --------- : which he ,hall then bav. bad I Supreme Court of Newfound·

P. O. BOX 182

CITY CLU B i notice. : land. decea.ed, ar. rtllUe$ted to

BEAUTYLAND, 1%9 Queen" Road. Spleial for two we.b, $15.00 cold WIV. for sa.OO; S10.00 ~rmanent wave, $5.00. AI~ cuttinl and tlDtlnl. Open neninlls. Dial 8534 .

! Dated at St. John's tbl5 23rd i se~d. particulat. of pm. in! I I day of January A.D. 1909. wntmll, duly aUe.lted, to tbe

Th. annua Genera 1 ISAAC MERCER, Q.C., undenianed SoliCitors. for the Meeting of thte Club I Sollclwr for the J!~eculor. Executrix of lbe last WlIl of the

, ADDRESS' said deceased on or before the will be held on THURS- 365 Duckworth Itret\, 15th day of February,195~, aft~r .w. re,aIr &84108, Tu.ter .. DAY January 29th at St. John's. which date .th •. Execu"IX Will lrOlll, Vacuum Cleanm.

, jan27.reb2,9,18 proceed to distrIbute the .Estate Heaten, .te. Prompt and 8.15 p m of the aid deeeaaed, havmg re- expert Itrvlce at lowest

• •• d· 5 t t ..... t' gard only to tb. claim. of whleh pric ... - Corner Electrical By Or ,r, ta u ory I~O Ice she ,han then have bad notice. Shop, 7 HtIIlY Street. Phon. R. C. KNIGHT, D.ted at St. John'. this 2nd MIOH.-(1I0v25, 1 mo.)

III tile JIIatter of the WiD .nd day cl January, A.D. 19511. Yo ANTED TO im: Com., Secretary. Estlte of Hlnry Charl.a cooK, BARTLE'IT, CBALDIl

--------- Brown, lale or St. John's III "MARSHALL, " Ift"ulnN, poUlt boob, the Province of Newfound. 80Ucltol'l for til, Euetltrb. aultarl, radiOl, I 'W I I

P .... lIIa.hln •• bllloeulUl, wlltho Jand, Retired Ho",1 roo j.n5,12,19,.". d prletor, deeeantl. ~~:-.:.---:--:--::- er "III." JUIII, ,.leatN III

St t t Nota'c. IIoeb, Iftlll', elotll.. and All perlOnl having any claim I U ory . ...:JolID D. Snow ••

or demand upon or aHectin. - Ntw Gow .. Sl. ,lyJ,1m the estate of Henry Charlea In the Iftatter of the Eltate of Brovln, late of st. John', In the Domllllc Blckettl, late of STOIlM WINDOWS Iftad. to Province of Newfoundland, Re· KII1pt's Cove, Bonavieta Bay order. Price. rluonlbl,. tired Hotel Proprietor, deceas· In the ProviDce or NewfoUJId· Prompt delivery.· Contact 1956 ed, are required to foward par· land, Miner deceased. R. P.ney, 'Phon. m9-H.

A US TIN tlculaTi of same In writing, duly. . be janll,(lm)

1 050 attested, to the undersigned All person. claiming to .00 Solicitor for the Administratrix creditors of or who have In),

· . cum testamento annexo of the claims or demands upon or. a.e-· d I said pstale, on or before Ihe 26th fe.cling the es!ale, of DominiC Baird Motors Lt day of February A.D. 1959 after I RIcketts. of Knight 5 Cov. afore-

· ' II whleh dat~ the ~aid Admint- said, Miner decea~ed. are reo DIAL 80378-9 islrRlrix will proceed to dis-: quir.ed to ~~nt particulars (here·

Ilribule lhe said eslate having reo ! of, In writ~ng, duly. ~ttesled, to MERRYMEETING ROAD I )lArd onl\' 10 the c1~im5 of Ithe undersIgned SoiLcltor for the I -- .-- .... _. which she shall then have had! Administratrix of the md cst~te 1\

II Ion or before the 26th day of ·PAT I no D~~~d at Ilt. John', lhi~ 2ard February A.D: 19511. after which I

d r J A D 1959 dille the Administratrix will pro' ay 0 anuary ... d dl tr'b t th- laid

CONNORS ISAAC MERCER, Q.C., cee to I I U e ~ Sollcltor for AdmlnIIlratris estat" having. relard only to the

Be Modern

Live Electrically ! , C.T"". claims ofwblCh .h, ,hall then

Stove and Furnace ADDRESS' have M4 notice. -3611 Du kworth Street, , Dated at SI. John" this 23rd ~_

Oil Delivery. .... . St. JOhri", Newfoundland. day OfliUU~1t::C-E:,s~.C., LI •• ~ ..... Jan27,feb2,9,18 Sollc1l4r for Administratrix. to I1j f Ii ~ I :;~

24-Hour Service I I wish to thank Holy Mary. ADDRESS: 'I Cheap Rellahle Electricity II DIAL 93 , 0 J

: ~ther of Perpetual Hel~ for, I .. 3811 Due~worlh Street, i In and Around St. Jehn's I I very speei,1 favllur recelved.- I· St. J&hn s, Newfbundland. ; j

11. _______ 1011 :i.D. J jan27,eb2,9,11 1 :...--------

• .

REMOVAL NOTICE The Law firm of



(Two Doors East of Prescott Street)

Telephones 2544 and 5490 jan27,29

Carbonear Hospital: All X-Ray and Laboratory Serv;ces.

suspended for period

JANUARY 26th, to fEBRUARY 7th, 1959,

Both dates-inclusive.


Medical Superintendent.


leasehold land on Pennywell Road near C. 01 E. Regional High School with two dwelling hou~es erected thereon, one containing six rooms and other four rooms, both having separate 11 0- 22Q volt wiring, and all modern conveni~I1~!:-'. Separate driveways and enlran(e; to each house. Immediate possession 10 four roo!" hQlJoe which is fully furnished; posse!sion of si~ r'Jcl1l house one month from dote of· ~cr1e. This property would make en ideal family h;m! with on additional income.

For further particulars aprl, to:


.-Ml'I6.podolf .. . ... : T;

Distinctive Modern Home:. ~ FOR SALE

Architect designed, superior construction, located in quiet residential or(la. large picture windows at rear command a beautiful, unobslrucl«=c.l view. "Patio" has complete privacy and faces south· west. "Sunken" living room, lurge kl!chen. House has many built·in features. Powder room, bathroom, three bedrooms.

Reason for sale - Owner leaving Province . 'PHONE 9·1064



... , ..... ,. rirtsfOn.


Nfld. Armature Works Ltd. BAMBRICK ST. DIAL 7191 • 7192

Smith Corona




Advertise In The News , .

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Page 16: THE DAILY · speaking in Latin. the neW PoP' said: .. And as we do the western church. we embrace with equal

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-: .... • !:'. ~ '". · , , _: . t " THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., TUESDAY, JANUARy 2', ',"', ~-=-==-=-===-=:-:-:::=--~--:--~----:=~========::;' · ,


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Just Opened







NoraitdiClose,s IAT THE ; Niagara . Plant SIGN .

NIAGRA FALLS, Ont. (CPI -. Norarida Mines has announced. it 'Is, suspendin, indefinitely opera· tions next 'week at its multi,mil­lion. dollar processing plant neir

he~~randaofficia15 said neW di~.11 WHITAKER'S ALMANAC cove~ies of natural sulphur in 1959.................. $3.7 5 ~ MeXICO. a~d othe~ countT1es.l~a\'c, INfORMATION' PLEASE I made It Impractical to contInue, ' ' operations here. ,. \ ALMANAC ............ 1.60: . ' DAILY MAIL YEAR ! Home & School ' BOOK ..................... 75\


, THE WONDER O! PRAYER i A mceting of the St. John's: Shelton Hafe 81shop 2.25 :

Regional Council of Home and LIGHT ABOVE' THE LAKE , School AssocIations. will be L A. G. Strong .... 3.00 1

held In the Vera Perlin School A MIXTURE Of fRAILTIES at 8.15 p.m. on Wtdnesday, January 28. A fun attendance is Robertson Davies 3.95. requested as·a film \\;Drkshop THE DAY ON FIRE Is to be dii;cu~sed. .

'Cowan Mission A~sociation

James Ramsey . Ullman ................ 6.95 i

HAPPY JOURNEY ! Roy Fraser ............ 3.00

MY TEN YEARS AS A Cowan Mission Association. COUNTER-SPY

Old Ladles' Home. Forest Road. Boris Morros ........ .4oso i gra~cfully acknowledge the fol- W, L' M KENZIE KING· I Io.wmg gifts sent to the Home OB • • ac , .

FREE 5" X 5" or. 5" X 7"

GLOSSY ENLARGEMENT (Relative to Site of Negative)

With eV,ery Roll of Black and White Film Developed at TOOTON'S

• Take your Xmas Films to TOOTON'S

• Get your Gift Certificate

• Pick out your ,favorite negative

.• Give it to us and we will enlarge it FREE!!

... 6




ChrIstmas, 1958: A Political Biography I 1. B. 1IIite~ell, Ltd., S25.00; R. MacGregor 'LEADERS IN THE FIELD OF PH,OTOG,. RAP,H, Y FOR 54 YEAM

D. H. Murray, $20.00; Rev. F. E. D ft) Vipond, $5.00; lIIrs. T. Coady" awson ................ 1"' ______ --.; ____ ----------.;..----.:... Burlng, $5.00; Mr. and Mrs; J. \ SEA STORIES FROM S.Canning, $5.00. " , NEWfOUNDLAND

Beta Sigma Phi, corsagcs 'Cor all' the ladies' (13); Pratt Micnael Harrington 4.00 I Agencies,. box DC a p pie s; I Chle.vers. ,carton of ginger' snaps; . D.-cks & (0 ltd Rotary .Group, two large boxes 0, - I chocolates; Ayre &£ Sons, large turkey; . Haliday's .Meat ,.SlUIp, large' turkey; Tessier's,. :two

'!'he Booksellers' sponge cakes and fruit; Gower' ~ 2008 3191 Street. Church W~fA, gifts Cor Spin 442.1 or , or all the ladies; Mrs. H. Outcr- - .... -.-.---',--.---. - ,

, .

JUST ARRIVED CAR OF bridge, flowers and eggs;· A. H.

'Murray, flowers;' The' Murrays. : flowers; Wm. Nufield. box of I apple.; Mrs. and Miss White, gifts for e\'eryone and bOl( of \ fruit; ~Iiss Caldwell, assorted

..... - tins of fruit and biscuits; Mrs .. CEDAR CLAPBOARD IN STOCK .. ..

"', ... '-to/,·r,.: __

~ ,~ -"';




. '


W. J. FiCield, case of orange juice; Miss E. Heale, tin of candy; Mrs. I. F. Perlin, box of chocolates; Miss P. Murray, box of chocolates; Mrs. W. H. Peters . gifts for everyone; Mrs. T. Col· lingwood, electric hot plate; Mrs. H. Herder, gifts for all the ladles; Mrs. (Dr.) Bennett. gills for all the ladles; Miss M. Gill, two dozen desert plates; Miss H. Young, let of Pyrex dishes; Mrs. Anna M. Pushie, assort· ment of dishes; Mrs. Ed Mc· Donald, tin of biscuits.

Women' Are


Dial 51 B 1 - 2 - 3


LA WLOR - Born to Patrick

Forg·ng Al . d and Eileen (nee O'Flaherty) ,Ilea Lawlor. at st. Clare's ~Iercy Ho.·

I J pital, on Jan. 2Znd. a son .

n apan DEATIIS---VICTORIA tCPI-Women arc, -'-:--

making headway in Japan. says JACK~IAN. - su~delth. o,n Dal'id E. Woodsworth. director DC Sunday morntn~. at hts resl~ence Victoria'~ Family and Children's 88 B?nd SI.: Roberl E. hckman. Aid S[)Ciety who returned reo Leal'tng wtfe Clara. daughter cenlly from the Orient. Elsie, son Bob; fath~r: step·

"In Japan today," he said in mother. 5 .orothers, 6 mlers. to an interview. "as I see it. women mourn lhetr. sad loss. Funera~ at are the healthier, happier and 9 o'cl[)Ck t1~IS Tuesday morning stronger of the sexes. Japanesc to the Ba,cllica.

'B' and leI GRADES


Plywood Sheating


.wATER STREET DIAL 3011 men are worried, but seemins:ly KEARLEY - Passed 1I~'ay helpless in the face of great suddenly at the General HospJlal change." on Saturday. Jan. 24th., George

During his three.month visit as P. Kearley of Gander. Aged 49 a delegate to a series of interna. years. Leaving to mourn his -----------.-----------------tional conferences on welfare and wife, one son, John, at Acadia social work he saw' everywhpre University; father and mother. apparent acceptance oC democ- ~r. and Mrs. Thomas Kearley at racy. but detected beneath a Belleoram, and one sister, Mrs. "seething unrest." Dorothy Petite of English Har·

--------- --.. "Social services are modelled bour West. The funeral took

I' TIME TO BUY ••••• TIME TO SAVE 01 on the North American plan, but place at Gander. they aren't what they appear to :"iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij be." he said. . I

"There are loans instead of so· cial assistance as We know it to widows. old-age pensioners and war veterans,

"Then there Ii aD institution knoWn a5 the public pawnshop where people can pawngoods and end' up In debt to the govern-ment." ,


In I,ovlng MemOfY of My Dear Father


who departed this life January 26, 1954, aged 5:1

I il

i. il

To' day's Reel·pe --Ever remembered by hIs i I loving wife and family.

For the le[t·over mrkl'Y or I ~iiiiii~iiiii~ii~ I chickpn - if there is any leU i over trv I IN MEMORIAM : MOLDED TURKEY. CHICKEN ' .• "" I

SALAD DEAN 2 tSP5. gelatin ' In U1\'ln_ MemOf,. of My

.. ',; cup told ".ter ... ... .,. Dear Father I', I 2 cups cold chicken or lurkey.

diced WILLIAM DEAN ,~ Clip celery diced . \, cup chopped ,reen pepper who departed thIs life \~ cup stuffed olives chopped January 29. 1954, .ged 53 Ik up. salt . -Ever remembered by hls Soak gelatin In cold water I daughter and lon·ln·law

minutes and dissolve over boil· Phyllis and George Mac· ing water. Add remaining in· Kay and Ion . William gredlents., Put Into rIng molds. Dean. Chill. thoroughly. When set' un· mold on crisp lettuee 11)d. serV41 ~~~~~~~~~ with mayonnaise or 1.000 Island dre.sln,.



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.'. Electroni'c: ' '. • .J.' •

··Centre Ltd. . . 90 CAMP8ELL AVE.· :

, After .hours 'PHONE ~lA

in Helen Morgan

DRESSES Sizes 14 - 24~

















SHAW ST .... DIAL-S-0161, TOPSAil ROAD ... r;>IAL-9-117·1.2-3-~
