the daily tlttt jjullij111 - university of hawaii · 2015-05-30 · for sale, a no. 2 warehouse...

1 m ;i 1 t, 1 f; 1 1 r ) i JJ v P . ' ,;'' nrajs3! TlTTT T TimTIT THE DAILY JjULLIj111 No. 186. II. SEPTEMBE l( 1S82. Subscription HONOLULU, I., TUESDAY, 5,' SO CcuU per Monti. i THE DAILY BULLETIN Is published every morning by the Daily Bulletin Pudlmukci Co., and circulated throughout the town, nud forwarded to the other Inlands by every opportunity. Subscription, CO eta. per month. G. Camon Kunyon, . Editor. All business communications to be ad. dressed, Manager Dally Bulletin, Post Offlcc Box No. 14. J G. Clevioii, Manager. Boyish "Wit. The late Dr. William Artiot, of Scotland, was noted for broad and accuiate knowledge of the Bible, and for a ready wit, equal to every enicrcencj'. Ho was the youngest child in a largo Scotch family, and, having a weak body with an alert tongue, was often imposed on by hit older brothers and sister. In con- tests with the tongue ho was pretty 6uro of a victory, but stood no clmncu of success in rougher squab- bles. After a brief nbsence from home, the father called the children to give an account of their behavior. They all turned on William, and told hard stories about him, each one putting on an extra touch and making him out a great mischief-make- r. Many of their tales were ma- nufactured out of whole cloth, and William listened with wonder. At length the fathci turned to liitrt and said, "Well, William, what have you to say to all this?" lie could hard- ly keep his face when tho little fel- low replied, "Blessed are yc when all men shall revile and persecute you." The aptness of tho reply atoned in part for an irreverent use of Scripture, and the father came into full sympathy with the persecuted boy. An illustration of the uses of the telephone in submarine work is afforded in the operations connected with the raising of the vessel La Provence, which sank in the Bos-phoru- a. A telephone whs added to the diver's dress, one of the glasses of the helmet being replaced by n copper plate, in which a telephone Tvas inserted, so that the diver had only to turn his head slightly in order to receive his instructions and report what he saw. Well ! well ! Just think of Admir- al Nicholson obeying that order to distribute his squadron (?) about the Mediterranean and protect Amer- ican interests. Poor Nicholson, will you put one man afloat on the chick- en coop, another on the main hatch, and so on ? Now that we have discovered that I'rin uo Charles of Germany smokes three cigars at once, we feel it our duty to warn all Americans visiting tho Fatherland against ask- ing tho grasping old follow to bmoke. The Coldstream and Grenadier Guards have been quartered at tho Royal Palace at Rutnloh, near this city. FOR SALE, a No. 2 Warehouse Feed Mill Grinds from i to 10 tons per day. Also, pulleys, belts, etc., all In good order; cau be run by steam or horse power, just the article for a plantation. ALSO, HAY, OATS, CORN, Wheat, Bran, Barley, Whole nnd Ground, Mixed Feed, etc. AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST 5'J LAINE & Co.. 34 Fort st. Carriage (s. Builder. Buggies, Carriages, Express Wagons and every kind of vehicles manufactured. Blocksmithing, horfco-Hhoein- and all kinds of repairing done, B. F. EHLERS. & Co., All tho Latest Novolties in Fancy. Goods 71 EMPORIUM, A. M. MBLLIS, Proprietor, and Dealer in Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, and All the Latest Novelties by every steamer. A. M. MELL1S, 104 A. KRAFT, JEWELER, OPTICIAN, Dealer In Hawaiian Curiosities. Store In the "Hawaiian Gazette" bulld-4- 4 lng, opposite the Bank. A.X EC K ART, Manufacturing m- - Jeweler, No. 113 and 115 Fort street. i"o Chas. D. Genisch, Practical g Watchmaker. Bgy Hotel Street, opposite the 123 3m International Hotel, -- a D. W. Watch Maker and Jeweler, Always on hniitl a nice stock of Clocks and Jewolry.lBa Repairing Watches and Clocks a Spoci-alt- y, No. 55 Hotel Street. 32 Drink Fisher's CHAMPAGNE CIDER! So favorably known throughout the Hawaiian Islands. Sold by all respectable dealers. No. 13 Liliha st., Honolulu 71 PERSONS SEEKING Employment, and all parties either 11 Honolulu 'or at uuy of the Islands In the Group In want of Employees will please make their wants known to the anderaigncd, who will do all in their power to HH their orders. P. C. Jones, jr., J. 11. Atherton, B. F. Dillingham, Employment Committee Y. M. C. A. 1 Five Different Views or KEALAKEKUA BAY And Kaawaloa, Hawaii, Tho place where Capt. Cook was killed. ALSO, OF COOK'S MONUMENT. For bale by 100 2w J. W. ROBERTSON ft, Co. E AND BRICKS Ex IJurlc Almy, FOR SALE In quantities to suit, At Lowest Prices. 104 By Castle Sa Oooiu;. B&Y GOODS IMPORTERS, Received by every stcamor. v"-- - w -.-.- '. - HONOLULU CLOTHING Importer Clothing, Staple Goods, &o. CLARK, Fost street, Honolulu. Hubert Lew ore, c, a. Coot.-- . L EWERS & COOKE (successors to Lowers S. Dickson. Importers ami Dealers In Lumbr nnd all kinds of Bulletin Materials, Fort street, Houoluln. 1 WILD Ell & Co., Dealers ltr Paints, Oils, Nails, Salt ami Building Materials of every klud, cor. Fort and Queen sts., Honolulu. 1 & ROBINSON, Dealers In Lumbar and all kinds of Building Matciials, Faints, Oils, Nails, etc. 71 H OLL1STER & Co., Wholesale and Retail Drucclsts. and Imncrt- - cr.s of Flue Tobaccos and Cigars, and Manufacturer:? nf UoUa Water, Ginger Aic, &c, &o. 13 BROWN & PHILLIPS, Practical GasFlttorsnnd Copper- smiths, No. IS Niiuuniist., Honolulu. House and Ship Job Work promptly executed. 17 GERTZ, No. 80 Fort st. Impor'er aud dealer In Gent's, Ladies' and Children's boots, shoes and slippers. 63 BROWN & CO., Iraportors nnd In Ales, Wines and Spirits, No. 9 Merchant St., Honolulu. 12 HONOLULU IRON Works Co. Steam engines, sugar mills, boilers, coolers. Iron, brass and lead castings; machinery of every description made to onler. 'Particular attention paid to ship's blacksmithlng. Job work executed on short notice. 1 JAMES H. HANLON OENEKAL Blacksmith and Farrier. Is now permanently located at tho Miop on King street, lately occupied by Mr. Geo. West. 113 Dr. Do Fries, Veterinary Surgeon. The Doctor ha just returned from a tour around the Islands, nnd holds ilut-terln-g recommendations from numerous manager and private owners of lior.-e- s for his skill and capabilities in curiitir all manlier of diseases and complainisj 111 stocit. , All ordiTK to be left at .las. Dodd' Pantheon Stables 115 JOHN N0TT, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Worker, Plumber, Gaa Fitter, Sx. Stoves and Ranges of all kinds. Pliunbors' stock nnd inrtnls, IIouso Furni&hing Good, 7r Chandoliors, Lnmps, &o. npIJE Hawaiian Journal, " KoIIa-J- . waii Pai:," owned and edited by Kuwuinui Bros. ; lins a weekly edition of .1,200 copies, and is tho beat ndvertibing iQRdium. Of-ue-u, No. G Merchant et. 1 1 & WD PT RTT? Til W77 Commission Merchants. Geo. AV. Macfarlunc II. It. Macfurlanc. 0. W. MACPARLANE & Co. IMPORTERS, COMMISSION MER. CHANTS and Sugar Factors, Fiie-I'roo- f Huildlng, 02 Quceu ktreet, Honolulu. II. I. AOF.STB for The Wulkapu Sugar Plantation, Maul, The Spencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii, The Ileum Sugar Plantation, Oaku, Huelo Sugar Plantation, Otilni, IIuclo Sugar Plantation, Maui, Puuloa Sheep Ranch Co., Hawaii, J. Fowler & Co. Steam Plow and Port- able Tramway Works, Leeds, Mirrleeji, WaUon & Go's Sugar Machln ery, Glasgow, Glasgow and Honolulu Lino of Packets, 185 Olaut ScrcckuU. Wm. 0. Irwin. G, IRWIN & COMPANY, hiugar Factors nnd Commission Agents, Honolulu. 1 TT HACKFELD & COMPANY. AA Guneral Commission Agents, Quceu street, Honolulu. 1 AS. CLEOIIORN &. Co., Importers Commission Merchants, Deal ers In General Merchandise, Queen aud Kaabumamt sts., Honolulu. 78 II. A. P. Carter. P. C. Junta, Jr. C. BREWER & CO.. Shipping and Commission Merchants Queen street, Honolulu. rpHEO. H. DAVIES fa CO., Import-- crs and Commission Merchants; agents for Lloyd's and the Liverpool Underwriters, British and Forelun In. suratice Company, and Northern Assur- - nnre company. 71 TOHN T. WATERIIOUSE. v Tmiinrtpr mum Uea er In Himnioil Merchandise, Queen st., Honolulu T S. GHINDAUM & CO., XtX. importers of General Conimi.s8!on Merchants Honolulu. i TVT S. GRINBAUM & C 0 Commission Merchants, 121 California street, Bun Francisco, tal. j 17 T. L 13 N E II A N & OO ., Importers mid Commission Mer. chants, Nuumiu St., Honolulu. 1 S. K. Cn,lU. J. II. Atlicrtun. PAST LE & COOKE. Shippinir aud Commission Afnr. chants. Importers nnd Dealers in Gen. end Merchandise, No. HO King street, Honolulu, WING WO CHAN & Co., and General Dealers In Kngllsh. American aud Chinese Pro- visions, Plantation Tea and General Supplies. Also, white and colored con- tract matting, all qualities and prices. J6- Q- Xo. 22 Jiuuanu Street, opposito Mr. Afong's. 81 n.D.WUllniiin, A.ChoKclirounli, W. II, Dlmond WILLIAMS, D1MOND & Co.. ' ' Shipping and Commission Mer- chants, Union Block, corner Pine and Market streets, San Fram-lcco- , Cal. .WiUMS Kilt Pacific Mall Steamship Company, raclHc Steam Navigation Company, Cunnrd Royal Mall .Steamship Company Cnl. lino of Packets from New York, Hawaiian lint: of Packets. China Traders Insurance Co. (limited), jiiinni; insurance 1.0. 01 j.onuon QIIARLKS T. GULICK, NOTARY PUBLIC, Agent to take AeknowlcdginentR to Labor Contracts, AND GENERAL BUSINESS AGENT. Office, In Mnkeo's Work, corner Queen aud Knnburaami stiects. Honolulu. 21 JOHN A. HA SS I N G E R, Agent to tako Acknowledgments to Contracts for Labor, Interior 'Mllee, Honolulu. J E. WISEMAN, 27 Merchant ht. ' ' Real F.ptatu Uro!.er. Kinploynient t and General Ofl'.ci: IluincsH. Tclcphoue, No. 172. Id '.G. II. ROBERTSON, Dniyman best teams n toven. Telephonfi No. 65. 15 PEOPLE'S LINE Off -- OMNIBUSSES-BC Jamts Dodd, - Proprlstor. NUUANU VALLEY ROUTE 1 Up trlpa; Lono W. O. Irwin & Co'. a.m. C:15, 7i00, 8:00, 10:30. P.M. 12 :0o, 2 :00, 1 :00, 5 : 10, 6 :30, 0 tOO Dimu trlp: Lene Itc. orJ. II. Pair. A.M. 0:30, 7:110, 8:30, 11:00. P.M. 12:45, i! .30, 4 : 10, Sunday Timk Table. Up trips; Lenvo W. O. Irwin & Oo'i. A.M. 0:00, 10:00. P.M. 12:10, i!;00, 1:00, C:30, 8:16. Down trip; Li-n- !ec of J. II, I'ntr, A.M. 0:30, 10:80. P.M. 12:15, 2:30, 1:30, 7:10, OilO. UERKTANIA & PUNAHOU ST. ROUTO Up trlpa: Lvmu W U truln Jli Cu'o, a.m. 0:00, 0:50, 7:4.", 10:00. P.M. 12:03, 2:00, 1:00, 0:10, 0:15, 10) Down trip: I.uao Puualiou tKot, A.M. 0:30, 7:23, 8.40, U:10. p.m. 12 :43, : :10, 1 :30, 0 :10,7 :10,10 iW Sunday Time Taiim:. Loave the Stables, cor. Fort and Hotel 8ts., for Punahoti Street, Long Branch Baths., fare 30 ets., baths Included a.m. 0:30 to Walklkl; 0:00, 10:00. and 12:115. p.m. 2:00, 4:00 to Walklklj 0:45 and 8:415. Down trip: I.eovc Punshon suevt, a.m. S:00, 0:30, 10:30. p.m. 12:40, 3:10, 5:30, 7:10, 0;00. . WAIKIKI ROUTE: Out trips: Leave W. G. Irwin & Co.'a A. M 7:43, 10:00. p. M. 2:00, 3:10. Down trlp: Leave Walklkl. a. M. 8:20, 10:50. p. M. 2:30, 3:50. Sunday trlpb: Loave atablcs. a. M. f.:r.0. P.M. 2:00, 4:00. Leave Walklkl: a.m. 7:10. p.m. 2:30, 5:10. The Long Branch Baths will be tho ter- minus. Professionals. Q B. DOLE, Lawyer and Notary Pub-k- J He, No. 15 Kuuhunianu nt. 11 JJI. DAVinSON.Attorney atLaw Merchant streut. 18 IRANCIS M. HATCH, Attorney 15 Kanhuumuu st. 23 JOHN hT'SSKLL. Attorney at Law, corner of Port and Merchant streets (up stairs') 1 15 Oni RI CHARD F. IJICKERTOn", Attorney nnd Counsellor at I.nw. Money to lend on Mortgages of Free-- holds. Ofllce, No. 31 Merchant st. 1 pECIL BROWN, ATTORNEY and Counsellor at Law, Noi iry Pul-11- c, and Agent for taking Acknowledg- ments of Instruments for the Island of Oahu. No. 8 Kunhumanu street, Hono- lulu. 1 TT7ILLIAM O. SMITH, Attor" V T noy at Law, No. 30 Merchant street. T.) M. HAGAN, M. I)., Physician & Surgeon, Olllcc, 223 Fort street . Olilec hour from 10 to 12 a.m.; ami 3 to 5 p.m Roshlenci: 101 Ntiunnu st. lot DR. O. TROUSSr.AU begs I to notlfr friends thai he has resumed practice In Honolulu. Residence and consilium: rooms. No. 73 Punchbowl st. opposite the niaknt gntn of the Queen' I Hospital. Consulting hours from II it. in to 12. Telepliono No. 1!)3. (film DR. KMKHSON, residence and rooms at No. 2 Kukul t., f corner of Port. , Telephone No. HO. iW 2m ' A FULLER, SurwH'or for Btironn Veritas. 71 ! 7"RAY TAYLOR. Teacher of Piano- - ' ' forto and Organ. Tuning In all Its branches. 40 Cm W E. ROWELL, Consulting and Constructing Engineer j offlco 08 .Merchant street SO 2m J. "WILLIii.MS & Co. 120 Fort Street, . . Honolulu, Portrait and Landscape itO ly

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Page 1: THE DAILY TlTTT JjULLIj111 - University of Hawaii · 2015-05-30 · FOR SALE, a No. 2 Warehouse Feed Mill Grinds from i to 10 tons per day. Also, pulleys, belts, etc., all In good


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TlTTT T TimTITTHE DAILY JjULLIj111No. 186. II. SEPTEMBE l( 1S82. SubscriptionHONOLULU, I., TUESDAY, 5,' SO CcuU per Monti.


THE DAILY BULLETINIs published every morning by the

Daily Bulletin Pudlmukci Co.,and circulated throughout the town, nudforwarded to the other Inlands by everyopportunity.

Subscription, CO eta. per month.G. Camon Kunyon, . Editor.All business communications to be ad.

dressed, Manager Dally Bulletin, PostOfflcc Box No. 14.

J G. Clevioii, Manager.

Boyish "Wit.The late Dr. William Artiot, of

Scotland, was noted for broad andaccuiate knowledge of the Bible,and for a ready wit, equal to everyenicrcencj'. Ho was the youngestchild in a largo Scotch family, and,having a weak body with an alerttongue, was often imposed on by hitolder brothers and sister. In con-

tests with the tongue ho was pretty6uro of a victory, but stood noclmncu of success in rougher squab-bles. After a brief nbsence fromhome, the father called the childrento give an account of their behavior.

They all turned on William, andtold hard stories about him, eachone putting on an extra touch andmaking him out a great mischief-make- r.

Many of their tales were ma-nufactured out of whole cloth, andWilliam listened with wonder. Atlength the fathci turned to liitrt andsaid,

"Well, William, what have youto say to all this?" lie could hard-ly keep his face when tho little fel-

low replied,"Blessed are yc when all men

shall revile and persecute you."The aptness of tho reply atoned

in part for an irreverent use ofScripture, and the father came intofull sympathy with the persecutedboy.

An illustration of the uses of thetelephone in submarine work isafforded in the operations connectedwith the raising of the vessel LaProvence, which sank in the Bos-phoru- a.

A telephone whs added tothe diver's dress, one of the glassesof the helmet being replaced by ncopper plate, in which a telephoneTvas inserted, so that the diver hadonly to turn his head slightly inorder to receive his instructions andreport what he saw.

Well ! well ! Just think of Admir-al Nicholson obeying that order todistribute his squadron (?) aboutthe Mediterranean and protect Amer-ican interests. Poor Nicholson, willyou put one man afloat on the chick-en coop, another on the main hatch,and so on ?

Now that we have discoveredthat I'rin uo Charles of Germanysmokes three cigars at once, we feelit our duty to warn all Americansvisiting tho Fatherland against ask-

ing tho grasping old follow to bmoke.

The Coldstream and GrenadierGuards have been quartered at thoRoyal Palace at Rutnloh, near thiscity.

FOR SALE, a No. 2

Warehouse Feed MillGrinds from i to 10 tons per day.

Also, pulleys, belts, etc., all In goodorder; cau be run by steam or horsepower, just the article for a plantation.


HAY, OATS, CORN,Wheat, Bran, Barley, Whole nnd

Ground, Mixed Feed, etc.


Carriage(s. Builder.

Buggies, Carriages, Express Wagonsand every kind of vehicles


Blocksmithing, horfco-Hhoein-

and all kinds of repairing done,

B. F. EHLERS. & Co.,

All tho Latest Novolties in Fancy. Goods71


A. M. MBLLIS, Proprietor,

and Dealer in

Dry Goods, Fancy Goods,


All the Latest Novelties by every steamer.

A. M. MELL1S, 104


Dealer In Hawaiian Curiosities.Store In the "Hawaiian Gazette" bulld-4- 4

lng, opposite the Bank.

A.X EC K ART, Manufacturingm- -

Jeweler, No. 113 and 115 Fortstreet. i"o

Chas. D. Genisch,Practical g Watchmaker.

Bgy Hotel Street, opposite the123 3m International Hotel, -- a

D. W.Watch Maker and Jeweler,

Always on hniitl a nice stock of

Clocks and Jewolry.lBaRepairing Watches and Clocks a Spoci-alt- y,

No. 55 Hotel Street. 32


So favorably known throughout theHawaiian Islands. Sold by all

respectable dealers.

No. 13 Liliha st., Honolulu 71

PERSONS SEEKINGEmployment, and all parties either

11 Honolulu 'or at uuy of the Islands Inthe Group In want of Employees willplease make their wants known to theanderaigncd, who will do all in theirpower to HH their orders.

P. C. Jones, jr., J. 11. Atherton, B. F.Dillingham, Employment Committee Y.M. C. A. 1

Five Different Viewsor

KEALAKEKUA BAYAnd Kaawaloa, Hawaii,

Tho place where Capt. Cook was killed.



100 2w J. W. ROBERTSON ft, Co.


FOR SALE In quantities to suit,

At Lowest Prices.104 By Castle Sa Oooiu;.

B&Y GOODS IMPORTERS,Received by every stcamor.

v"-- - w -.-.- '. -


Importer Clothing,

Staple Goods, &o.


Fost street, Honolulu.

Hubert Lew ore, c, a. Coot.--.

L EWERS & COOKE(successors to Lowers S. Dickson.

Importers ami Dealers In Lumbr nnd allkinds of Bulletin Materials, Fort street,Houoluln. 1

WILD Ell & Co., Dealers ltrPaints, Oils, Nails, Salt

ami Building Materials of every klud,cor. Fort and Queen sts., Honolulu. 1

& ROBINSON, Dealers InLumbar and all kinds of Building

Matciials, Faints, Oils, Nails, etc. 71

HOLL1STER & Co., Wholesaleand Retail Drucclsts. and Imncrt- -

cr.s of Flue Tobaccos and Cigars, andManufacturer:? nf UoUa Water, GingerAic, &c, &o. 13

BROWN & PHILLIPS, PracticalGasFlttorsnnd Copper-

smiths, No. IS Niiuuniist., Honolulu.House and Ship Job Work promptlyexecuted. 17

GERTZ, No. 80 Fort st.Impor'er aud dealer In Gent's,

Ladies' and Children's boots, shoes andslippers. 63

BROWN & CO., Iraportors nndIn Ales, Wines and Spirits,

No. 9 Merchant St., Honolulu. 12

HONOLULU IRONWorks Co. Steam engines, sugarmills, boilers, coolers. Iron, brass

and lead castings; machinery of everydescription made to onler. 'Particularattention paid to ship's blacksmithlng.Job work executed on short notice. 1


Blacksmith and Farrier.Is now permanently located at tho

Miop on King street, lately occupied byMr. Geo. West. 113

Dr. Do Fries,Veterinary Surgeon.

The Doctor ha just returned from atour around the Islands, nnd holds ilut-terln-g

recommendations from numerousmanager and private owners of lior.-e-sfor his skill and capabilities in curiitirall manlier of diseases and complainisj111 stocit. ,

All ordiTK to be left at .las. Dodd'Pantheon Stables 115

JOHN N0TT,Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Worker,

Plumber, Gaa Fitter, Sx.

Stoves and Rangesof all kinds.

Pliunbors' stock nnd inrtnls,IIouso Furni&hing Good,

7r Chandoliors, Lnmps, &o.

npIJE Hawaiian Journal, " KoIIa-J- .waii Pai:," owned and

edited by Kuwuinui Bros. ; lins aweekly edition of .1,200 copies, andis tho beat ndvertibing iQRdium. Of-ue-u,

No. G Merchant et. 1



WD PT RTT? Til W77

Commission Merchants.Geo. AV. Macfarlunc II. It. Macfurlanc.



Sugar Factors,Fiie-I'roo- f Huildlng, 02 Quceu ktreet,

Honolulu. II. I.AOF.STB for

The Wulkapu Sugar Plantation, Maul,The Spencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii,The Ileum Sugar Plantation, Oaku,Huelo Sugar Plantation, Otilni,IIuclo Sugar Plantation, Maui,Puuloa Sheep Ranch Co., Hawaii,J. Fowler & Co. Steam Plow and Port-

able Tramway Works, Leeds,Mirrleeji, WaUon & Go's Sugar Machln

ery, Glasgow,Glasgow and Honolulu Lino of Packets,


Olaut ScrcckuU. Wm. 0. Irwin.

G, IRWIN & COMPANY,hiugar Factors nnd Commission

Agents, Honolulu. 1

TT HACKFELD & COMPANY.AA Guneral Commission Agents,Quceu street, Honolulu. 1

AS. CLEOIIORN &. Co., ImportersCommission Merchants, Deal

ers In General Merchandise, Queen audKaabumamt sts., Honolulu. 78

II. A. P. Carter. P. C. Junta, Jr.

C. BREWER & CO..Shipping and Commission Merchants

Queen street, Honolulu.

rpHEO. H. DAVIES fa CO., Import--crs and Commission Merchants;

agents for Lloyd's and the LiverpoolUnderwriters, British and Forelun In.suratice Company, and Northern Assur- -

nnre company. 71

TOHN T. WATERIIOUSE.v Tmiinrtpr mum Uea er In HimnioilMerchandise, Queen st., Honolulu

T S. GHINDAUM & CO.,XtX. importers of GeneralConimi.s8!on Merchants

Honolulu. i

TVT S. GRINBAUM & C 0Commission Merchants, 121

California street, Bun Francisco,tal. j

17 T. L 13 N E II A N & O O .,Importers mid Commission Mer.

chants, Nuumiu St., Honolulu. 1

S. K. Cn,lU. J. II. Atlicrtun.

PAST L E & COOKE.Shippinir aud Commission Afnr.

chants. Importers nnd Dealers in Gen.end Merchandise, No. HO King street,Honolulu,

WING WO CHAN & Co.,and General Dealers

In Kngllsh. American aud Chinese Pro-visions, Plantation Tea and GeneralSupplies. Also, white and colored con-tract matting, all qualities and prices.

J6- Q- Xo. 22 Jiuuanu Street, oppositoMr. Afong's. 81

n.D.WUllniiin, A.ChoKclirounli, W. II, DlmondWILLIAMS, D1MOND & Co..' ' Shipping and Commission Mer-

chants, Union Block, corner Pine andMarket streets, San Fram-lcco- , Cal.

.WiUMS KiltPacific Mall Steamship Company,raclHc Steam Navigation Company,Cunnrd Royal Mall .Steamship CompanyCnl. lino of Packets from New York,Hawaiian lint: of Packets.China Traders Insurance Co. (limited),jiiinni; insurance 1.0. 01 j.onuon


Agent to take AeknowlcdginentR toLabor Contracts,

AND GENERAL BUSINESS AGENT.Office, In Mnkeo's Work, corner Queen

aud Knnburaami stiects. Honolulu. 21

JOHN A. H A S S I N G E R,Agent to tako Acknowledgments to

Contracts for Labor, Interior 'Mllee,Honolulu.

J E. WISEMAN, 27 Merchant ht.' ' Real F.ptatu Uro!.er. Kinploynient

t and General Ofl'.ci: IluincsH.Tclcphoue, No. 172. Id

'.G. II. ROBERTSON,Dniyman best teams

n toven. Telephonfi No. 65. 15


-- OMNIBUSSES-BCJamts Dodd, - Proprlstor.


Up trlpa; Lono W. O. Irwin & Co'.a.m. C:15, 7i00, 8:00, 10:30.P.M. 12 :0o, 2 :00, 1 :00, 5 : 10, 6 :30, 0 tOO

Dimu trlp: Lene Itc. orJ. II. Pair.A.M. 0:30, 7:110, 8:30, 11:00.P.M. 12:45, i! .30, 4 : 10,

Sunday Timk Table.Up trips; Lenvo W. O. Irwin & Oo'i.

A.M. 0:00, 10:00.P.M. 12:10, i!;00, 1:00, C:30, 8:16.

Down trip; Li-n- !ec of J. II, I'ntr,A.M. 0:30, 10:80.P.M. 12:15, 2:30, 1:30, 7:10, OilO.

UERKTANIA & PUNAHOU ST. ROUTOUp trlpa: Lvmu W U truln Jli Cu'o,

a.m. 0:00, 0:50, 7:4.", 10:00.P.M. 12:03, 2:00, 1:00, 0:10, 0:15, 10)

Down trip: I.uao Puualiou tKot,A.M. 0:30, 7:23, 8.40, U:10.p.m. 12 :43, : :10, 1 :30, 0 :10,7 :10,10 iW

Sunday Time Taiim:.Loave the Stables, cor. Fort and Hotel

8ts., for Punahoti Street, Long BranchBaths., fare 30 ets., baths Included

a.m. 0:30 to Walklkl; 0:00, 10:00.and 12:115.

p.m. 2:00, 4:00 to Walklklj 0:45and 8:415.Down trip: I.eovc Punshon suevt,

a.m. S:00, 0:30, 10:30.p.m. 12:40, 3:10, 5:30, 7:10, 0;00.

. WAIKIKI ROUTE:Out trips: Leave W. G. Irwin & Co.'a

A. M 7:43, 10:00.p. M. 2:00, 3:10.

Down trlp: Leave Walklkl.a. M. 8:20, 10:50.p. M. 2:30, 3:50.

Sunday trlpb: Loave atablcs.a. M. f.:r.0.P.M. 2:00, 4:00.

Leave Walklkl:a.m. 7:10.p.m. 2:30, 5:10.

The Long Branch Baths will be tho ter-minus.


Q B. DOLE, Lawyer and Notary Pub-k- JHe, No. 15 Kuuhunianu nt. 11

JJI. DAVinSON.Attorney atLawMerchant streut. 18

IRANCIS M. HATCH, Attorney15 Kanhuumuu st. 23

JOHNhT'SSKLL. Attorney at Law,corner of Port and Merchant

streets (up stairs') 1 15 Oni

RI CHARD F. IJICKERTOn",Attorney nnd Counsellor at I.nw.

Money to lend on Mortgages of Free--holds. Ofllce, No. 31 Merchant st. 1

pECIL BROWN, ATTORNEYand Counsellor at Law, Noi iry Pul-11- c,

and Agent for taking Acknowledg-ments of Instruments for the Island ofOahu. No. 8 Kunhumanu street, Hono-lulu. 1

TT7ILLIAM O. SMITH, Attor"V T noy at Law, No. 30 Merchant

street. T.)

M. HAGAN, M. I).,Physician & Surgeon,

Olllcc, 223 Fort street . Olilec hourfrom 10 to 12 a.m.; ami 3 to 5 p.m

Roshlenci: 101 Ntiunnu st. lot

DR. O. TROUSSr.AU begs Ito notlfrfriends thai he has resumed

practice In Honolulu. Residence andconsilium: rooms. No. 73 Punchbowl st.opposite the niaknt gntn of the Queen'

I Hospital. Consulting hours from II it. into 12. Telepliono No. 1!)3. (film

DR. KMKHSON, residence androoms at No. 2 Kukul t., f

corner of Port. ,

Telephone No. HO. iW 2m '

A FULLER, SurwH'or for BtironnVeritas. 71 !

7"RAY TAYLOR. Teacher of Piano- -' ' forto and Organ. Tuning In all

Its branches. 40 Cm

W E. ROWELL, Consulting andConstructing Engineer j offlco

08 .Merchant street SO 2m

J. "WILLIii.MS & Co.120 Fort Street, . . Honolulu,

Portrait and Landscape

itO ly

Page 2: THE DAILY TlTTT JjULLIj111 - University of Hawaii · 2015-05-30 · FOR SALE, a No. 2 Warehouse Feed Mill Grinds from i to 10 tons per day. Also, pulleys, belts, etc., all In good










ta 1h l8ttMlt--



Bible class, Lyceum 7:30.Spiviul inectiiip: Y.M.C.A.Bethel Veoliv, ":30.Excol&ior Lodgo, I.O.O.F., 7 :S0.

post-offic- e facilities.Any observant man who has t rav-

elled the great countries of the world

would have been struck dumb at the

eight which gicota the eye duringthe distribution of letters by the

mail Hlciinu'r from San Francisco.Men, women and children crowding

struggling and pushing to be the

first ut the window. Indeed onceanyone got into the front rank it wasstill more dillluult to get out. And

for a Sabbath day, a duy of rest and

quiet, the scene was disgraceful.Every vessel that comes here brings

more inhabitants to our islands and

the majority of these cannot aflordpost-boxe- s, and so have to get theirletters from the delivery window.

And the discomfort and inconveni-

ence will increase with the years ifsome steps arc not taken to preventit. In the uar'.y dayo of Californiaand Australia, similar troubles oc-

curred and the wisdom of the thenpostmasters, suggested that n file

should be formed and each take hisplace as lie came. This worked wellenough while the population wasemail and unbusinesslike!

Now, however, in both placesmore convenient method is adopted.The various delivery windows aremarked with the letters of the alpha-

bet and only those whose surnamescommence with the letter indicatedover the window surround that win-

dow. Now we do not suppose thatthis is necessary here for ordinaryoccasions but on tho mail steamerdays this system might be adoptedhere. It would add greatly to theconvenience not only of the publicbut the officials.

Although wb have pointed outabove the inconveniences of the pre-fce- nt

system, it must not be supposedthat we blame the Post Office offici-

als. From the highest to the lowestwe havo found them uniformlyobliging and courteous ; and we arcsure that the matter needs only tobe pointed out for them totake some

teps to alleviate thetrouble.

Inter-Islan- d Kote3.Fine rain. at Kauai. Crops look-

ing well, but complaints of thescarcity of labor are heard.

L'it week at Wailuku, Maui, thefields of cane belonging to C. A.Bailey and A. Barnes were fired,and about li acres of heavy caneburnt. The Wailuku mill madeLurried pieparatious and ground thecane. It ir bupposed to be the workof an incendiary. One man has beenaricsled and is awaiting trial.

Mr. W. G. Irwin returned on Suu-da- y

by the Kilauca IIou from his tripwith Mr. Sprockets and party.Amongst other things noticed bytho party we note the following:

Fne raius throughout Hawaii butparticularly in Kan. Tho cropsthere look unusually well,

Mr. Spreokolu in putting in a largearea of cauo by means of tho steam-ploug- h.

Tiie flume bringing water from"Waihco is a.lready on Kahului plains.

It is a stupendous piece of engineer-

ing. Sand hills havo been tunnelledthrough and over 1,250,000 feet ofredwood lumber used.

Messrs. Irwin & Co. have-boug-

the old plantation lauds of Kaiwiki,about COO aert'H for 30,000, with aview of cxteniiing the Wannakuplantation. Mr. Costu, tho man-ager- of

Wniinaku, has erected his

new vacuum pan and other machin-

ery, and is now at work grinding.Col. Jonathan Austin, of Faukaa,

showed the party somo very fine

fields of cane grown on what havegenerally been considered exhaustedlands. But by the uso of boucmcalin the proportion of only 1 ,000 the acre these lands are giving asgood results as most any lands inlllio.

All the young canes throughoutthe Hamakua and Hilo districts arclooking well though the coming cropwill not come up to standard owingto thu protracted cold winter anddrought in the fore part of thesummer.


Cnrrcpondrnrc ifl solicited on the top-i-c

of the dny, or what may become so.Wo reierve the right to excise pure-

ly pcrhoual matter.We do not hold ourselves responsible

for the pinions expressed by our oor.respondents. En.

San Fiukcisco, Aug. 25, 1882.

Mn. Editou, Deaii Sik: Asnone of the papers here have thetime of my passage correct, pleaseset them right. I left Honolulu, Aug.3d, and arrived in San Francisco onthe 20th, consequently 17 dayspa&sagc. I am going to Kahului.

Respectfully Yours,H. N. Tur.NEn.

Brigtnn W. G. Irwin.

Mn. Editou: Will you allow mespace in your columns for the fol-

lowing reply :

To "An Amorican."I saw your embittered notice of

103 communication to the lastGazette and am surprised at the dis-

jointed style, the conglomeration ofattempted ridicule, spleen andpathos that you have had thecourage to put forth to public viewwithout signing your name to it.Let me tell you that abuse is notargument, even though u&iguitous.For one American to attack anotherin a foreign country under a nom dcplume is scarcely the honorable con-

duct to be expected from one whostyles himself a soldier and r. de-

fender of his country. As a rule,soldiers are renowned for their openand honorable methods of warfare,and their contempt for secret attacksof all kinds. If you have been asoldier come out openly to the frontand show yourself, that the publicmay see that you can display asclean a bib as your dear sonny.

c. n. 8.

SHIPPING NOTES.Brig W. G. Irwin sailed for Kahu

lui, Aug. 26.Schr Anna Failed for Honolulu,

Aug. 2G.

The Tahitian brig Tawera arrivedat Victoria on Aug. 11.

Tun A Ita of Aug. 25th, says:The little steamer James Makec,which arrived yesterday from Honolulu, came here to got a now boilerput in, as the old one is used up.This vefasel was built about threeyears ago by the Hall Brotheis atPort Ludlow, and has performedefficient service among the HawaiianIslands since that time. She looksnone the worse for wear.

Tiik City of Sydney arrived Sun-day at 1 p.m., bringing dates tothe 27th.

Oun llilo correspondent says:H. 15. M.'s Sappho arrived here onSaturday morning. The Commis-sioners come overland this evening,Aug. 31st. We hear by telcphonothat they found some rather dirtyplaces in thu course of their investi-gations. Capt. Clark, Capt. Haleyand several officers of the Sapphowont to the volcano on Monday andreturned to-da- y. They report it asvery active quite aline sight. ThoHallcnbeek meetings here have nrov- -cd an immenbc succes. The church1was crowded every night.

The mail closes by tho Ella at 9

o'clock this morning.

Mn. D. K. Fvfe is now employedin the Clerk's office of the SupremoCourt.

Nailh,rlaiei.a who was so severely burnt when his house was burntdown a few days ago, died yesterday.

A full attendance is desired at thespecial meeting of the Y.M.C.A. to-

night, to consider tho ceremony atthe laying of the foundation stone.

Serious charges of attemptedbribery have been mado by the Al-

bany Evening Journal against or


Ox Friday night at 9 r.M. therewas a drunken row on BcretaniaBtrcet. The liquor seems circulatingrather freely lately.

We return our thanks to J. W.Robertson & Co. for tho generousway with which they have suppliedour table with files of all the latestprpcrs.

Tun Telephone Company has notyet received tho instruments andwire and other telephone matc.nalordered. It has been on the waj fortwo months, so we are informed, andma be expected at any time.

Mr. L. A. Thurston foimcrly withMr. Ilartwcll, has returned by thoCity of after having com-

pleted his law studies in New York.We hear ho is about to commencepractice in these islands.

A certain party lias incommodedtravellers on tho foot-pa- rt ofBcretania Street by gathering uptho dirt from tho fence and leavingU on tho foot path. Will ho takethe hint?

Oun reporter visited Mr3. Mellls'display of new hats on Saturday,and was literally struck dumb by;.their beauty and stylishness. Thofashionable materials seem to be,plush both plain and shaded, beads,plumes. Some stylish terra-cott- a

and French hats attracted notice.

Mn. CniTis Iaukea assures usthat the Foreign Office has not spentone dollar of the museum appropri-ation, and so far as he knows thoonly purchase made with it wasmade when the fund was under theEducatiou Board, and then amount-ed to but a small sum.

On Saturday a horse and wagonbelonging to Dillingham & Co. andrau away up Fort street. The buggywas upset near E. O. Hall's anddragged along tho pavement pastBush's. We hear from anothersource that it backed in Dr.Rodger's window and cut its legrather badly.

An Enterprising FirmAdvertises for

"Hands to put on Nica M&i Waist; , pi

Every young inuu in thu city went forthat adveitiscment,

With the same Rushthat they


Want a Good Cigar !

lw or anything in tho smokers' line. 18C


.A. 10 n, Cord.Apply to

8 W3. CARTER,137 lm P.M.S.S. Wharf



OFFER FOR SALE, goods receivedbark Oberon, and other recent

arrhals:Coal, Sugar, & Rico Bags,

CofTec Hags, Ilusslnna,Burncll's patent Barb Wire,Smooth Fencing Wire annealed;1. 11. Qaulen Hose,

Ornamontal Water Sprinklers, now,

Brussels CnipL-to-, Rugs and Mats,China Matting, Coroa Matting,Btueh Matb, India Rubber Mats,

Marine JField cfi Opera Glasses

Photograph Albums,Colored Wrapping and Printing Paper,

I Upright Cottage Piano, of AucherFrores, Paris.

1 Superior Square Piano, of RichardLlpp & Son, Stuttgart.


Liquors and Liqueurs,Genuine Manila Cigars,

Further to arrive, per bark Kale, duo inall September, a fresh

Supply of Pilsoner Boor,

in quarts and pints.Further to arrive, per bark Imacos, from

New York, due thi. month,

Household Sewing Machines,Kerosene Oil,

Matches, in tin, &c, &c.For sale by


3FyjEL SA.3L.EJ,Ex Lamp Ladyson,

C COTS' WOOL BUCKS.1 Spanish Merino Buck,1 Southdown Buck,7 Southdown Buck Lambs,3 Southdown Ewe Lambs.

180 lw A. W. BUSH.

LOST A thia Walking Cane with acrook handle, and a oil.

vcr band round tho top, engraved withthe letters "P. R." Was last left in acottage in the Hotel Yard. Probablytaken by mistake. Will the finder pleasereturn it to the Hotel. 185 3t

NOTICE On and after tho 1st dav ofnext, all Outstandlng'Ae-count- s

will be presented at tho cud ofeach month,

N.B. Cash sales of over $5.00 willthe nsual discount of 3 per cent.

A. M. MELLIS, 104 Fort St.Honolulu, Sept. 4, 18S2. 185

WANTED. A Competent Plantationone who under-

stands the Native language, and canshow good references. Apply Imme-diately to180 3t O. W. MflCFARLANE & Co.

"Wanted.THE under igncd will pay full market

for Shares of Stock ofThe Hawaiian Bell Telephone Co.

W. O. SMITH & Co.,Stock Brokers.

Honolulu, Aue. 25. 177 tf


JtX. WHEREABOUTS of any of our..... ...0J.. 1,'.. m i i -

viujiij tjuuu Miner or uingcr jwc uouic.1Baskets or Cases will be thankfully re.ceivedby (s21w) Hou.iSTUn & Co.

ANTED. A live man with rinWll wlifi le Hntli ,i,ni- -

chant and accountant, can hear of agood business opportunity by addi eas-ing C V D., Bulletin ofllcc. Princlp.ilsonly. All communications htrletlv


jJSHdb F0R SALE OR LEASE- -AewSWSStore Building and Outhouses.aiBir.'SBThat desirable store formerlyoccupied by L. Turner, at Waiohinu,Hawaii. For particular apply to L.Turner. Waiohinu; or to A. S. Clcejiorn& Co., Honolulu. ICO lm

LOST On Sunday evening, betweensteamer wharf and Hotel street,

a gold BRACELET bet with a small ledstone. Handsome reward. Apply to .1.W. Robertson & Co. 180 Im

missIerrvs schoolWILL

Re-Op- en on Monday,161 September 11th. 3t


For sale in quantities to suit purchasersBy M. S. GRINBAUM & Co.,

181 Ira . Queen street.

Just Receivedex Kalakaua,

Table ami Pio Fruits,Nice Breakfast Goods, sucha.

Candle Fish, Salmon andl'li: Pork in 01b. Tins,

Stilt adlc for families,. Tor bale byOu A. S, Ci.eghok.s- - Co--.

a,W.MAOFARLANE&Oo.Offer for Sale

The following

Merchandise and Machinory

Just received per bark Oberon and toarrive per steamship Hansa,

nearly due:

Cases, 0, 7, 8, and t) feet best EugllshCorrugated Roofing.

Barrels Best English Portland Cement.Bundles Best Annealed Fencing Wire,

Nos. 4, 5, and 0. .Bundles Best English Galvanized Fenc

ingWire, Nos. 5andC.Colls Galvanized Wire Rope, all sizes.Bales Genuine Twilled, Blue Stripe

Sugar Bags,(of which there is a number of worth,

less Imitations in the market).

We arc the original Importers andbole acients of these cclcbiatcd Bags,and the great demand for them from thoplanters has Induced some manufactur-ers and their agents to get up a cheapimitation of them.

A fine assortment of Crockery,A splendid lot of English and French

Groceries,Particulars will be given on arrival of

steamship Hansa, also,A smnll invoice of beautiful

Iiish Linen Damask, Sheetingsand Cambric handkerchief,

direct from Belfast, Ireland.A small invoice of

Choice Water Colorsby celebrated artists.

Also to arrive by vessel now loadingat Glasgow.

A Oast Iron Vacuum Pan,G feet diameter and 7 feet deep.

1 Voc Pumping Engine, 14 in. cylinder,and 12 in. stroke.

3 Wrought Iron Tanks, each 1,000 galls.capacity.

1 Wrought Iron Chimney, C5 feet high,37 in. dla. in. thic'k.

1 Multitubular Boiler, 10 feel long, 0 ft.diameter, with furncss front, doors,Ac, complete.

4 CO inch Wcstcn's Patent g

Suspended, Sugar Curing Centrifu-ga- lMachines, with the requisite in.

dependent iron framing; wroughtiron sugar mixer, of JJ,000 gallonscapacity, with stirrer, driving gear,fcc.

A High Pressure Diagonal Steam En-glu-

0 inch cylinder, 18 in. stroke,with governor, and bolt-ing, for driving Centrifugals.

2 Wrought Iron Evaporators4 COO gallon SteamlClarificrs. 184 3t

SHARES OF STOCK,(limited liability).

FOR SALE.10 Shares Kohila Sugar Company.20 Shares Prlnccvllle Plantation Co.55 Shares Wailuku Sugar Co.

30 Shares Hawaiian Agricultural Co.50 Shares Grove Ranch Plantation Co.

WM. O, SMITH & Co.,Stock Brokers

Honolulu, Sept. 5. 170

Elegantly Furnished RoomsTO LET,

I? OR FAMILIES or SINGLETLEMEN, with all the convenien-

ces and comforts ol a home, with

Use of Parlor.Booms are large and well ventilated.

Terms, Strictly Moderate.MRS. SCHRADER.

Corner of Hotel and Alakea streets.172 3m

The firm of John A.NOTICE, Co. is this day DISSOLVEDby mutual consent. All panics indebtedto the lute fum will pleiiM: settle with.Ino. A. Palmer, who will nho settle allclaims against the late firm upon presen-tation.


Honolulu, Aug. 20, 1882. 180 lw

"M OTICE. The next Term of OahuJ. College will begin on Wednesday,September 0th.

Examination of Candidates for admis-sion on Hlondav, Sept. 4, 1S2.180 lw , W. L. JONES.

4.,1"VT OTICE. Any Outstanding DebtsIs that may have been kit unpaidagainst Gen. Jas. M. Comly, lalu U. S.Minister t, should bu picscnttdat nncu at the olllee of180 lw C. URL'WEU & Co.


101! U. Haekfeld it Co.

rp0 PFl'lCES TO LET, on the seci ouil floor of thu bulldln; occupiedby J. W. ltobertfeon & Co 180

Page 3: THE DAILY TlTTT JjULLIj111 - University of Hawaii · 2015-05-30 · FOR SALE, a No. 2 Warehouse Feed Mill Grinds from i to 10 tons per day. Also, pulleys, belts, etc., all In good


4t i


t ,

a y

wtmmmmmmsmmmmmm "sipiwwpwei TifW' '

TELEPHONIC.Dunond Head, Sept. 4, 0:30 n.m

Light E Wind,Nothing in sight.

Arrivals.Sept. 1

Sehr Pntiahl from OokalaSclir Knluna from Moloaa

Departures.Sept. 4

Sch Nottio Merrill for LahainaStmr Iwalani for Kona unci KnuStmr C It Bishop for KauaiStmr Lclnta for Molokai and MauiStmr Mokolii tor KoolauSehr Eliukai for Wninlua

Vessels Leaving this day.Bktne Ella for San FranciscoKulamanu for KoholaleloKainoi for LaupahoehoeMarion for KukuilmeloJennie for KoloaManuokawai for NawiliwiliPrince for ElcclcEmma for WniannoLikeliko for Ililo

Passengers.For Maui and Hawaii, per Iwalani,

Sept 1 E M Pomroy, D Ackcrmen,Brookes O Baker, Capt Dutton, WE Rowcll, Yim Quon, C A Bailey,P N Makeo, Mrs II Kuihclnni and85 deck.

For Kauai, per C It Bishop, Sept4 J II Phillips, Juo A Moore, S W"Wilcox, J II Khlcrs, A Irvine, LieutRoberts, Rev II F E Whalley, E--

Boyd, C Ilorswill, Mrs Boyd, A TAtkinson, F Bindt, and about 55deck.

For Maui and Molokai, per Lc-hu- a,

Sept 4 E C "Winston, MrMcssitcr, Mr Howell, Dr Fitch, and45 deck.

For San Francisco, per Consuelo,Sept 4 Rev Andrews and 2 children, SN Hindley, W Robbe, CAVan Nistrand, r D Bcaden, CEdwards.

Vessels in Port.Qcr hk Jcsefa,Gr bk Adolph. Koppclma'nnHaw brig Ninito, CameronAm bktne Ella, Brown.Am bgtne Consuelo, HowardAm bktne Eureka,Am bk EmeraldBr. bark Oberon.Am. bark Kulakaua.Br bark Lady Larapsnn, Marston.

Vessels Expected.Me Nnmc Krom linolit stmr Uuusa, fm St Michaels. Sept 8Bk Emma, from Pucet Sound, Aug 18Hawbk Kale, fm Bremen SeptBrit stm Suez, Ilortd, from S.F. Sept 1G

Am bk Martha Davis, from Boston SpStmr City of Hew York, fm Syd. Sep 25Haw bk folaui, from Bremen. OctNor bk Imacos, fm Xew York, Oct 17Br bk Ullock from Liverpool, DecMary Dodd, fm Humboldt,Bark Forest Queen fin Pugct SoundM. K. Smith fm Paget Sd, lor MahukonaBktne Kllkital, from Pugct SoundBk Camden, from Puiret SoundBr bk Cilcngaber, fm Liverpool,Brit ship UrltUh Ambassador, NC.NSWNic hk Remijlo, inim N:, NSW dueGer bk Pelho, fm HongkongBrlgWG Irwin, fin HP, for KahuluiSehr Anna, fm S F


with a good and well foundin sails, &c is now forsab. For of

117 A. J.



Tho Brig Ninito,Ilavin.T, undergone extensive repairs;

inventory,rigging. oflervd

pnrilculaiE inquireCaktwkioht.

OH SALE, at Palmlti, Kau, Hawaii,

The Hawaiian Asrriculturnl Companyhaving put in a Hail Huad, will sell


CaHf'ornia Styles.For particulars apply to I). Fister, ilana-Kcr- .

at Kau: orC. BHEAVEH & Co.,

181 lm AgentB

M. W. McChesney & Son,,'t Proprietors Honolulu Tnnnery:JDoalcrs in Hides, Tullow & Leather,

Also, Groceries, Provisions eto.71 Salt, etc., etc.,

Lewers & Cooke,Lumber Merchants,

Keep constantly on hand u full

tissoitmcnt of

Lumber oi' all Kinds.Paints, Oils, Vnrnislies,

Bruslios of all sorta.Wall P.xper, Nails,

71x f ., . , - ' Spikes, At-.-, Ac. '

Oceanic Steamship Oomp'y.


Iron Suez,UODU, - COMMANDKlt

Will Icavo Honolulu


For freight or passage, having superioraccomodations, apply toI'll Wa. 0. Ihwi.n & Co., Agents.

&2gbFOIl SAN

The clipper bktneElla.

Brown, ... Master,Will havu quick dispatch fortho aboveport. For freight or passage apply to





j. unrcwfcii v;o., Agents.


The clipper Bark

Kalakaua,Miller, .... master,

Will havo quick dispatch for tho aboveport. For height or passage apply to

F. A. bciiAcrr.n & Co., Agents.

"sLfe,. Steamer Likolike,King, - Master.

Leaves Honolulu each Tuesday at4 p.m., touching at Lahaina, Maa-lap- a

Uay, MnUuna, Mahukona,Laupahoelioe and Hllo.

returning, vui union hi an uionlove ports, arriving at tlonolulueach Sunday a.m. 1


shjp Company.

FOR SAN FRANCISCO,The Splendid Steamship

City of New York,Cobb, - commander,

"Will leave'' Honolulu for Sun Fianciscoon or about Sept. 2S.

FOR SYDNEY via AUCKLANDThe Splendid Steamship

City of Sydney,Dearborn Commander,

On or about Sept. 8,For freight or passage apply to

II. Hackkuuj & Co., Agents.

T. R. FOSTER & Co.'s

Line of Steamers&


The Iwalani,Batus, ..... Commander

Runs regularly to Komi nnd Kau,as per following Time Tabic:

Li:avks Honolulu at ! r.M. onMonday, JulyTliurhday, July 13

Moiidav, July 8 1

Thursday, Aug.Monday. Aug, 11

Thursday, Aug. 24Mom! ay, ,Sopt. !ThurPday, Sept. 14

Monday, Spt. 25

Am:ivi:s at Honolulu:Tuesday, July 11 Friday, SeptFiidny, July 21 Tuesday,Tuendny, Aug. 1 Friday,'Friday, Aug, 11 Tuesday,Tuesday, Aug. 22

Sept. 12

Sept. 22Oct.

Tho C. R. Bishop,Berry, ..... Commander

Lr.AVKrt Honolulu everyMonday, at ,1 f.M for Nawiliwili,Koloa, Eleelo, and Waimea, Kauai.

Rkiuhning leavesNawiliwili every Friday evening.



Schooner Ehukaiwill ruu regularly

TO WA1ALUA EVEItY MONDAY,Returning on ThiUMlay, weather

perinittlng.For freight or passage apply to the

Captain on boaul, or to181 P. A. Cooke, Agent.

Schoonor JMA&.e


Emma,"leave Honolulu EVERY TUES- -


Returning S.ituidny.s.For fi eight or pn.sagc, having superiorcabin teroiniiKxlatlons, apply to thoC'tniiilu on board. lfil


Ofllee, corner Nuuanuand Queen streets,Honolulu, II. I.,

Agent for the following Packets:Wnllelu, ft Waioll.Waicliu, $)? Wnimftl- -

Mnlolo, fimi&A Kaluna,Mnna, 3SHaa .lulta,

Ka .Mul, fien. Slogel, and Eliuknl.

Bed Flag, with White Ball.181


Just Received, oi bark Oberon, new

' lot of

Hawaiian and American

Flags!3, C, and 7 yard lengths.








Fresh Millinery




Ladies' Underwear

181 ly


For aalo by

J. "W.

181 lm

Children's Clothing.



By every




MRS. WILKINSON,103 Fort street.

New Millinery !

New Millinery !

New Millinery !


CHAS. J. FISHEL'SPopular Store.

Removal Notice.rpiIANKFUL for that liberal patron1JL age which has been extended tothe undersigned, rendering it necessaryto enlarge his Printing Department andmove to more spacious quarters, hewould respectfully inform the public ofits change to

No. 6 Kaahumanu Street,(Flitner's old stand, and more recentlyoccupied by Mr. Max Eckart), adjoiningTlico. II. DavieV olhcc, where all workin the bcvcral branchei of

News, Book & Job PrintingWill be attended to faithfully, and

in a stvlc of art inferiorto none.

Tho Bindery DepartmentAt the Old Stand on Merchant street, hasrecently received nddllions of .euiw Ma.chiucry, for expedition and perfection ofwork, and Is wholly carried on by ex-

perienced Koieign Workmen,Perforating, Hiding, Paging,

Marbling, Gilding and Finishing,Executed In u manner equal to any officeon the coutt179 lm THOS. O. THRUM.

Artesian Ice Works

pacltv aud suhuilib at all hours of the

dav.Oidcrs from thu other Islauds prompt-

ly attended to. -Ollleo at W. U. Fostek's, Saddler,

Foil fctreet.150 Telephone No. 111. 2in

ICE MANUFACTORY.Ice delivered to all putts of the

City. Shipping supplied iu quantltlento stilt. Tclephoue, No. 58. Ofllco atWilder & Co.'o. 18

TTN10N FEI'.D COMPANY, A. WUi'fin. Manager.

tnent ou other page.


See adverting

St?rciH5iai;gj HATS



9. & W


lf t'1y 'v!$3ffVHflllH

.tarty i gI'"MA NUMBER OF


MRS. A. M. MELLfaSron the


NOW OPEN for INSPECTSBBSsaaauH --atMrs. A. M. Mollis' Millinery and DreBs-makin- tj

.84 Establishment, 104 Fort street, Etonoi

i jJtXi



Watchmaker and Manufacturing Jev)t!er

N03. 113 and US Fort Street, ; : Honolulu.

Splendid New Stock of Solid Gold and Plated 3ere J,Elegant Gold a7id Silver Watches.

Bllvcr.Plated Ware, &c, &c.

-- AND

Established 1850.

J. W. ROBERTSON & CO.,(successors to h. m. wiiitnbv.)

Importing and Manufacturing Statiours.PUBLISHERS,

Printers and Book-Binder- s,

Nos. 19 and 21 Merchant street,

The Oldest, Largest, and GheapStationery Establishment in the Kingdom.

Keep constantly on hand a large assortment ofBlank Books, of all descriptions;

Foolscap, Legal and Bill Cap,Journal and Trial Balance Papers,

Linen Paper and Envelopes, all sizes;

Writing and Copying Inks, in quarts, pints and cont..Mucilage In all sizes, especially adapted to this climate;

Drawing Paper and Pencils,Tracing Paper and Cloth,

Transit Books, Field and Level Rooks, adapted for tho useof Surveyors and Engines ;

Memorandum and Pas3 Books.Silver and Perforated Card Hoard,

Shipping Taqs, Shipping Receipt Books and Pads,Note, Draft, aud Receipt Books,

And Humorous other articles in our line to be found in a well kept sleds

MUSIC! RAUSBC!Wo have made audi arrangements with our Music Agents, as wilt ennblo us

hereafter to keep on hand a full assortment, and also to receive the latest pieces atthev are published. Any special order will receive our best and prompt Htten.tloii. 162jtumji. iji ggBBmUJU'Ll JJUULLHU" U"l. L u j fgyyi , ,

Nos. 105 and 107 Fort Street.WE ARE HERE !

And we don't want your moneyif we don't give you value !

Mathushck Orchestral Planou!MaUiushek Grand and Squuru Pianos I

Mathushck I'urlor Grand and Upright Pianos I

Fives makes of German Piano I

Five makes of American Organs!

General Musical Merchandise'of every description.

German Pianos, $250, inoro or less.We import direct, and will hell cheaper than any other importer.

Parlor, Bedroom & Drawing-roo- m Furniture,Latent Designs just received.

1'ictuves, Paintinfs, Brackets,and .Inpancsc Goods in great variety.

Plain and Fancy Picture Frames of every description made toorder on the shortest notice.

WELLS' MUSIC STORE.Honolulu, Aug. 25, 1P83. (177)

PHIL STEIN,Carriage Maker,

Nos. 28 aud 30 l'ort (street,(above notel.)

Now Carriages of all lcindton hand and built to order.

Repairing, Painting 'and Trimming75 promptly executed.

t plNP?

fj27"AdvortiBe in TjiuBui.Lr.TiN-xg- a

:.i:;L-:::fc:f- c ''; ', &:&tot&M&- -


-- J L - .11.UJU.J

Page 4: THE DAILY TlTTT JjULLIj111 - University of Hawaii · 2015-05-30 · FOR SALE, a No. 2 Warehouse Feed Mill Grinds from i to 10 tons per day. Also, pulleys, belts, etc., all In good



Jft' IP'

M''.'M'INERNY, ' " DILLiNG-HA- & CO.Importers and Dealers In

Importer and Dealar ta Hardware, Agricultural Implements, 'I

Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Perfumery,House Furnishing Goods, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, &c. n

Toilet Articles, Poukct Ciillcry, etc., eU,

Have made large additions to their stock of goodsGeriiV Furnishing Goods, Trunks, Valises, rk

To which they Invite the attention of buyers.Diamonds, Jewolery m1 Sllver-war- o, etcTraveling Bags, Watches, Weston's IDiiFe rential Ixilley Block.Northeast Corner of Fort and Merchant t., Honolulu.

TRUMAN'S IMPROVED IRON &&-- a. cheapest & best.ESTABLISHMENT .AT THIS WELL KNOWN A XKTyUUV.HARROW. A.kjSrirlrTtrG&ite- -Can always be found

Full Lines.of Superior Furnishing Goods,i





it i

EST Call and Solcot one of thorn Celebrated ""a

Gold Medal Waltham WatchesMay 12 (32)

t tMu l''i--


Trade in the Tropics.Arthur Sullivan bought a carpet in

Alexandria, and the purchase tookhim three months. One morning, soruns Dr. Sullivan's narrative, he waspassing by one of the bazars wheretapestries and such things are sold,when a particularly handsome and richfabric caught his eye. He went in,

. and, after pretending to look over alot of tilings which in reality he didnot want, he said to the man whosolemnly presided over the place," And whal is the price of that car- -

pctV"That," replied the dealer, "is

not for sale. 1 purchased that par-

ticular carpet at a great cost, to feastmy own eye upon. It is magnificent

superb. I could not part withthat. No, by Allah!" or words tothat effect.

" Will the Englishman have a cupcoffee?" The English gcntlcmunwould. He would also have a cigar-

ette. After that he went away. Ina day or two he came around, againand once more made the pretense oflooking through Macdallah's stock.He had obviously failed to fool thesly Egyptian before as to the articlobe really wanted, so he took moretime to it upon this occasion. Abbe expected, the sedate owner of thebazar finally approached him.

'I have concluded, after severalBlcepless nights," said the merchant.41 to wart with that carpet. It grievesroe very much to do so, for I havebecome verv fond of it. I hadhoped that it would be the light ofmy eyes in my om age. mit meProphet has counseled unselfishnessamong his people, and I will sell tothe English gentleman."

"How much?"' One hundred pounds."" Nonsense. I'll give you 5."The Egyptian's dignity was ob-

viously wounded. An expression ofabsolute pain crossed his face. Butbe forgave Dr. Sullivan, aud theyhad another cup of coffee aud acigarette together. Then Dr. Sulli-Ta- n

went away as before. In aweek or so he dropped around again.After going through the regular busi-

ness of looking over the stock, he wasagain approached by Macdallah.

" I have concluded, after muchthought," said that worthy, " thatI asked you too much for tho carpetthe other day. When Macdallahfeels that he is in tho wrong, ho isquick to acknowledge it. ThoEnglish gcntloman can have thebeautiful carpet for 90."

" Now you acknowledge your er-

ror," replied Mr. Sullivan. " I willconfess that I was wrong in offeringyou only 5 for your carpet thoother day. I did that in joke, ofcourse. I didn't mean it. Blessyou, no. And sinco you are pre-

pared to make concessions, I'll dothe same. Instead of 5, I willgive you G."

More coffco and another cigarette.The next timo Dr. Sullivan went

Around, tho mcrcbaut took off 5

jnoro, and the purchaser added 1.So it wont on, with haggling and

coffee, until Dr. Sullivan had finallyagreed to givo 12, at which pricehe took away tho carpet. It wouldhavo cost about 330 in London. Ho


npHsmnmRBnisays that kind of business mentionedis considered the strictly properthing in Egypt and Turkey. ButAmericans, he adds, and spoilingthe trade in this direction. Whilebe was in Alexandria a i;entlemannamed Morgan, from New York,came along and visited the bazar ofMacuaMah. Three carpets struckhis fancy and he j.need them.

" JLhree hundred pounds," saidMacdallah. "Well," replied Mr.Morgan, "that seems a fair priceand! will tako them. Here's yourtnonev." Tho noxt time Dr. Sullivan saw tho merchant he was almost tcariiur his bale with race a- -gainst tho" dog of a Christian,"

He explained the matter in an injured tone to the sympathizingEnglishman, adding that Mr. Mor-

gan's method was not " business."


A Large Assortmentor TDK


Fine Wall PapersAND

BORDERS!Just received, and for Bale by


BQi. Call and examine. 147

H. HACKFELD & CO.Have Just received

Ex " Consuelo,"60 barrels Lime,

20 barrels G. O. Flour,

00 CHFC4 Medium Bread,

Cosed Boda Crackers,Canes Fancy Crackers,

Leather Belting,

Babbit Metal,

Cane Knives,

Seeing Machines,

Ball Twine,

Etc., Etc., Bto.


H. HACKFELD & Co.Aug 7th 161

Just Received,Par bktno Enroka, a full line of

BYCICLE SHIRTSSilk, merino and cotton.

Pajama Suits, Etc.91 A. W. Richardson & co.

A. S. CLEGHORN & Go.Have received a large assortment of

Colonial Saddles,to suit all claeees of purchasers. pr B. 8,

181 Australia.

60 6--8 Steel Teeth.New styles of Plows, Harrows, Cultivators, &c, &c, &c.

A of Tinware, many Novelties, new so market, too numerous to mention.

Call and examine our stock. (J77) DILLINGHAM & CO., Fort Street.

THE OLD CORNEREstablishes, 1868.

Hart Bkos., : : Proprietors.

MEALSServed np In flrst-cla- ss style at all hours

Open from 2 a. m. to 10 p. m.

Always on hand

Cigars, Tobacco, PipesAc., tc. Also,

Iced Xiinls!75



COOL DRINKS!if want a Really

Nice Cool Drink!00 TO THE


178 lm Proprietor.



Elite Ice Cream ParlorHART BROS.,

177 Proprietors.

Why so muchPolitical Newspaper Gas?


GO TO MARCHANTS'Where you can

Some Gas! all Gas! or no Gas!in your Glass, with



The Following GoodsTo arrive on the

S.S. " Hansa " from London,Due here on Sept. 8th:

Tons Black Annealed Fencing Wire,ossoriea,

Tons Galvanl7ed Iron Rooflng, storkuruim,

Nests round oval Galv. Iron TubGalvanized Iron Buckets,Tinned. iron Saucepans Kettlw,Cases Cane Knives,Cases Taper Saw Files,Cases Kutchcr Knives,Barrels of J. B. Whlto & Bros' Portland

Cement,Cases of Box Irons,

A small assortment of

O XJ rJ? I--, 3E It Y.171

v I Jul i hi ii rv.-r3- - "Four

full line and this

But you







- -


Bruce CartwrlghL W.




Union Feed Company--CARRIES THE--

Largest and-



Of All description, and guarantees to keep a full supplyconstantly on hand.

BST-Sen- orders to A. "W. BUSH, Fort St., Honolulu.


Subscription Department"fX7'E are prepared to receive further orders for any Paper or Magazine publish--

T cd in California, the Eastern Stales, Canada, anil Europe.At the present time wo receive by overy mail over ono hundred aud fifty

different Papers and Magazines, published in French, German, andScandinavian Languages,

As our subscription list is large, we arc enabled to furnish the Papers andMagazines at a low rate of Subscription. 182

mi inraTTr'Trr



F. HORN, Practical Confectioner,Pastry Cook and Baker.

No. 71 Hotel st. Telephone 74. 59


Colonial CandiesJust received at

A. S. Cloghoru & Co's,181 per S.S. Australia.


SfsElfkand Builder,1

Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Espla-nade, Honolulu.

Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings,Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds,

Sashes. Doors, and all kinds of Wood-work ilnlsh. Turning, Scroll and BandSawIiiK. All kinds of Sawing and Plan-ing, Morticing and Tenanting.

Orders promptly attended to aud workguaranteed. Orders from the other Is-

lands solicited j


S. Luce. A. W. Bush.

Best Stock





f,l . lfiJ,H ' m

For sale at25 A. W. HlCIUltD50Nfl

Cs Medium Bread,ex Caibaricn, for sale in

auqntltleH to uult byOfl A. 8. Ouecoioic; dt Oo.


