the davidson legacy intro

The Davidson Legacy Intro

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Post on 26-May-2015



Self Improvement

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Page 1: The Davidson Legacy Intro

The Davidson Legacy Intro

Page 2: The Davidson Legacy Intro

George Mountain, a small mountainside town, was no longer the happy place it used to be. Seven years had passed since The Resistance had taken over it, seven years since every family had been forced into a small house identical to every other one there . The place had been surrounded by a magical barrier so no one could enter or leave, the children (the ones which weren’t killed by The Resistance) received no education, the adults were poor because there was no work and the place became more and more like a ghost town every day.

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“So,” said Ivan to Julia, the woman sitting opposite to him. “Tell me why you are here.”

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Since no one else would go, Julia Davidson had offered to speak to the leader of the resistance. “Well, the people... They aren’t very... Happy. They’re bored, and are constantly scared that their children will be the next to be killed. They want holidays, they want to see their families, they want the barrier to be gone.”

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“Not a chance. We kill the children to avoid overpopulation. We give them free food and shelter... What else do they need?”

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“I see. But people can’t just live on the basics of life! They want to be happier! The TVs and phones and computers don’t work! Please! Fix them at least!”

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“But that would mean taking down the barrier. Is there anything else? This discussion is closed.”

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“Can’t we come to some sort of agreement? I don’t know... One day without the barrier a year?” “And would people come back? No.”

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“Well get out!” said Ivan, shooing Julia away. Slowly, she stood up and left the room.

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What can I do? she thought when she was back at home. I can’t go and tell everyone I have failed...

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“There is something you can do!” said a blonde woman who appeared beside her. “W-who are you?” “Katie. Now, do you want to know what you can do?”

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“Of- of course, but...” “You can get out of here. You can start a legacy!”

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“B-but they’re banned!” “Of course they’re banned! If they weren’t, everyone could start one and get out of here!”

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“I have the contract forms! Just sign them, and in ten generations your descendant can come and save this rotten place! Who knows? Maybe by then The Resistance will have spread their rule further...”

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“So... If I can create a bloodline strong enough... This place can be freed?” “Exactly.

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They sat down at Julia’s small table. “Just sign here,” said Katie, pushing a piece of paper towards her. “You’re sure?” “Absolutely.” And so she did.

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Julia looked around. It was nice to be free of the boring town, but a bit lonely not to be surrounded by people she knew.

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Still, she had a house, and a better future ahead of her than most of the people she knew!

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That’s the end of the intro! Hope you enjoyed it!