the development of “” – the first … · 2016-08-23 · in moldova, the most widely...

MOLDOVA STATE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF PHYSICS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS "IU. PERLIN" TITUȘCHINA TATIANA THE DEVELOPMENT OF “LAPA.MD” – THE FIRST MULTIFUNCTIONAL PORTAL IN MOLDOVA ABOUT PETS 52. Engineering and engineering activities MANAGEMENT OF INNOVATION AND TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER Masters Thesis Head of the department ___________ (signature) Scientific adviser: ___________ Ciobu Victor, senior lecturer (signature) Author: ___________ (signature) CHIȘINĂU-2016

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52. Engineering and engineering activities


Master’s Thesis

Head of the department ___________


Scientific adviser: ___________ Ciobu Victor, senior lecturer


Author: ___________





Abbreviations ...................................................................................................................... 3 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 4

Chapter 1. The General Theory of Development of a Website and a Virtual Bulletin Board... 7 1.1. Content Management of a Website .......................................................................................... 7 1.2. Commercial Open Source CMS ............................................................................................. 10 1.3. CMS WordPress ..................................................................................................................... 12 1.4. CMS Joomla ........................................................................................................................... 13 1.5. CMS Drupal ............................................................................................................................ 14

1.6. Modern Web Design Trends .................................................................................................. 16

1.7. Top Usability Mistakes in Web Design .................................................................................. 18 1.8. History of Bulletin Boards ...................................................................................................... 21

1.9. Virtual Bulletin Boards’ Special Features .............................................................................. 23

Chapter 2. Project’s Management ...................................................................................... 26 2.1. Software Development Activities ........................................................................................... 26

2.2. Analysis of Slovak Websites about Pets................................................................................. 28 2.3. Project’s Form ........................................................................................................................ 31

Summary of the Project ............................................................................................................. 31

Planned Activities ...................................................................................................................... 31 Planned Results and Estimators ................................................................................................. 32

Strategies ................................................................................................................................... 33 The Potential of Administrator to Carry Out Successfully the Project ..................................... 33

SWOT Analysis ......................................................................................................................... 34 2.4. Business Model Canvas .......................................................................................................... 36

Chapter 3. Implementation of the Website about Pets ......................................................... 37 3.1. Technical Task ........................................................................................................................ 37 3.2. Download of a Theme and Management of its Settings ......................................................... 38

3.3. Creating Website’s Main Menu .............................................................................................. 42

3.4. Development of Category “Animals”..................................................................................... 44 3.5. Development of Category “Advertisements” ......................................................................... 57 3.6. Development of Category “Forum” ....................................................................................... 70 3.7. Development of Category “Health” ....................................................................................... 71 3.8. Development of Category “Organizations” ............................................................................ 72

3.9. Development of Category “Entertainment” ........................................................................... 73

Conclusions ........................................................................................................................ 74

Bibliography ...................................................................................................................... 77

Annex 1.............................................................................................................................. 78 Annex 2.............................................................................................................................. 83

Annex 3.............................................................................................................................. 91



CMF (Content Management Framework) – is a system that facilitates the use of customized

software for managing Web content.

CMS (Content Management System) – is a computer application that allows publishing,

editing and modifying content, organizing, deleting as well as maintenance from a central


PHP (PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor; at the beginning – Personal Home Page Tools) – is a

server-side scripting language designed for web development.

HTML (HyperText Markup Language) – is the standard markup language used to create

web pages.

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) – is a style sheet language used for describing the

presentation of a document written in a markup language.

HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) – is an application protocol for distributed,

collaborative, hypermedia information systems. HTTP is the foundation of data communication

for the World Wide Web. Hypertext is structured text that uses logical links (hyperlinks)

between nodes containing text. HTTP is the protocol to exchange or transfer hypertext.

Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) – is a string of characters used to identify the name of a

resource. Such identification enables interaction with representations of the resource over a

network, typically the World Wide Web, using specific protocols. The most common form of

URI is the Uniform Resource Locator (URL), frequently referred to informally as a web


IP (Internet Protocol) – is the main communications protocol in the Internet protocol suite

for delivering packets from the source host to the destination host solely based on the IP

addresses in the packet headers.

IP address (Internet Protocol Address) – is a numerical label assigned to each device (e.g.,

computer, printer) participating in a computer network that uses the Internet Protocol for


FUD factor (Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt) - is generally a strategic attempt to influence

perception by disseminating negative and dubious or false information.



Nowadays human life in many ways is relating to the use of computers. Someone uses them with

a cognitive aim (looking for a variety of information in the form of text, images, video or audio

files), others – with the purpose of entertainment (games, movies, songs, favorite artists), and the

rest to communicate. Of course, many do their work with the help of computers, that have a huge

potential, and some people have built a business by using various online resources.

However, ordinary users often use computer to access the Internet. The objectives, as I

mentioned earlier, can be very different. To implement any of them, you have to go to a certain

website. Without all these sites would be impossible to do this. So, the urgency of creating more

and more new web pages is not in doubt.

Website is a set of related web pages typically served from a single web domain. A website is

hosted on at least one web server, accessible via a network such as the Internet or a private local

area network through an Internet address known as a uniform resource locator (URL). All publicly

accessible websites collectively constitute the World Wide Web.

Web pages, which are the building blocks of websites, are documents, typically written in plain

text interspersed with formatting instructions of Hypertext Markup Language (HTML, XHTML).

They may incorporate elements from other websites with suitable markup anchors. Webpages are

accessed and transported with the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), which may optionally

employ encryption (HTTP Secure, HTTPS) to provide security and privacy for the user of the

webpage content. The user's application, often a web browser, renders the page content according to

its HTML markup instructions onto a display terminal.

The pages of a website can usually be accessed from a simple Uniform Resource Locator (URL)

called the web address. The URLs of the pages organize them into a hierarchy, although

hyperlinking between them guides the reader's navigation of the site, which generally includes a

home page with most of the links to the site's web content, and a supplementary about, contact and

link page.

Some websites require a subscription to access some or all of their content. Examples of

subscription websites include many business sites, parts of news websites, academic journal

websites, gaming websites, file-sharing websites, message boards, web-based email, social

networking websites, websites providing real-time stock market data, and websites providing

various other services.

Tim Berners-Lee created the first website in the world in 1990. He published there the

description of new technology called World Wide Web and based on HTTP protocol, URI and


markup language HTML. There were described the principles of installation and work of servers

and browsers, too. This site became the first internet catalogue, because later his author placed there

a list of other sites’ links.

Therefore, there are many websites in Internet nowadays. They are created using HTML, CSS,

PHP and other languages. Besides developers, web-designers work on creation of a website – they

are responsible for its appearance, because it is well known, that from two similar looking products

user choose the most attractive one. So, like on any market, there exists an intense competition

among the websites.

However, sometimes an ordinary user wants to create a website to place there some information

for oher people – for example, an advertisement. Nevertheless, he cannot understand many pages

with long and complex codes and their meanings, because he does not have this knowledge and

necessary skills. Different CMF and developed on its base CMS (platforms for creating websites)

can help him in this task. There is already created website’s framework and are written all codes in

these systems. All that user needs is to have a server at home and download suitable CMS from its

official site. He must choose a name for a new site and launch it by following simple instructions

and selecting necessary points, but not to write long codes to develop an own website. However, if

he wants to change it and to create a complex functionality, he can change site’s code.

Free acquisition and simplicity of installation and operation make the growing popularity of

open CMS, which proves the relevance of their use for the creation of many new web pages or

entire portals. CMS – is an excellent tool for beginning web developers, especially for those who

are invited by different companies to create their websites, where will be exhibited products that are

offered by these firms.

The products are exhibited on the site on a virtual bulletin board. This may be a section of the

website dedicated to specific postings to represent a product or a website fully dedicated to all

possible types of ads.

The virtual board is not the first advertising medium and reminder for public about provided

products and services. Currently, the most common in this area are newspapers and magazines

(specialized or with specific section for advertisement), advertising on radio and television, as well

as actively developing recently method of placing ads on the Internet at a variety of sites.

In Moldova, the most widely used message boards are – newspaper and site "Makler", covering

the 4 city of Moldova (Chishinau, Balti, Tiraspol, Ribnita) and 2 cities of the Ukraine (Odessa,

Nikolaev), and the site Rate of this biggest portal in Moldova, dedicated to the sale of any

goods and services in the local market, according to, only in March 2014 was

amounted to 145.659.014 visitors.


However, in order to achieve such a huge site traffic, it is necessary from the beginning to

develop a plan for the development of the project. In the course of its preparation, you need to

identify the main goals and objectives of the project, to analyze the market – who are the main

competitors, who may be an investor and who is a potential customer (that is for what part of

society all provided online products would be sent). Only after the preparation of the plan and

carrying out the detailed marketing analysis, taking into account current market trends, you can

begin to create a site.

Before to start, I have set a few goals. The first was to study corresponding to the selected

category of the theory through the literature: basics of management; business planning; marketing

and current trends in the development of sites; the creation of websites using the CMS and basic

tools of HTML and CSS.

The second objective was the acquisition of practical skills through the study of theory. In

particular, I was participating in internship program at Technicel University of Kosice in Slovakia,

where I had the exchange of experience with our Slovak colleagues.

As application of the achieved skills, I set a goal to create my own website about pets using the

selected CMS. It will be the first multifunctional portal in Moldova about pets with the

enciclopedia, a bulletin board (pets’ sales, purchases, etc.), forum, etc.

Finally, the concluding aim was writing a thesis, which will describe all the stages of creating a a

website, its business plan and bulletin boards using funds provided by the selected CMS, as well as

the details of the development.


Chapter 1. The General Theory of Development of a Website and a Virtual Bulletin Board

1.1. Content Management of a Website

Content Management Framework (CMF) – is a system that facilitates the use of reusable

components or customized software for managing Web content. It shares aspects of a Web

application framework and a content management system (CMS).

Content management system (CMS) — is a computer application that allows publishing, editing

and modifying content, organizing, deleting as well as maintenance from a central interface. Such

systems of content management provide procedures to manage workflow in a collaborative

environment. These procedures can be manual steps or an automated cascade. CMSs have been

available since the late 1990s. [21]

CMSs are often used to run websites containing blogs, news and shopping. Many corporate and

marketing websites use CMSs. CMSs typically aim to avoid the need for hand coding, but may help

it for specific elements or entire pages. [21]

The main functions of CMS:

Providing tools to create content, collaborate on content;

Content Management: storage, version control, adhearance to the access mode, control of

documents’ flow, etc.;

Publish content;

Presenting information in a form convenient for navigation and search.

The content management system can contain a variety of data: documents, films, photos, phone

numbers, scientific data, etc. Such a system is often used for storing, managing, reviewing and

publishing of documentation. Version control is one of its main advantages, when a group of

individuals changes the content.

There are two types of content management systems:

Enterprise Content Management System (ECMS);

Web Content Management System (WCMS).

Due to the fact that the ECMS have a deep internal classification by subject area, the term CMS

has replaced a WCMS, becoming synonymous with it. These CMS allow you to manage text and

graphic content of a website, providing to the user an interface to work with site content, useful

tools for storage and publication of information by automating the process of placing the

information in databases and its issuance in HTML.


There are many ready-made content management systems, including free ones. They can be

divided into three types according to the methods of work:

Generation of pages on a request. Systems of this type operate on the basis of ligament

"Editing module → Database → Presentation module". Presentation module generates a

page with a content when there is a request based on the information from the database.

Editing module changes information in the database. Server re-creates pages for every

request that creates an additional load on system resources. The load may be reduced by

using caching agents that are available in modern web servers.

Generation of pages while editing. Systems of this type are a program for editing pages that

create a set of static pages while you make changes in the content of the site. In this way,

interactivity between the visitor and the site content is sacrificed.

Mixed. As the name implies, it combines the advantages of the first two. It can be realized

by caching – representation module generates a page once, and, in the future, it is several

times faster loaded from the cache. The cache can be updated automatically after a certain

period of time or when changes are made in certain sections of the site, or manually by

administrator. Another approach – the conservation of certain information blocks on the

stage of editing the site and page assembly of these units at the request of the relevant page

by the user.

The content management system (CMS) has two elements:

Content management application (CMA) is the front-end user interface that allows a user,

even with limited expertise, to add, modify and remove content from a Web site without the

intervention of a Webmaster.

Content delivery application (CDA) compiles that information and updates the Web site. [21]

Feature of management system is in that it is a program that provides tools to add, edit and delete

information on the site. There is a huge variety of content management systems, among which there

are both free and paid, built on different technologies. Each site has a control panel that is only a

part of the entire program, but enough to control it.

The term content manager refers to the kind of professional activity – the site editor.

Most modern CMS are implemented in the form of visual (WYSIWYG) editor – a program that

creates a HTML-code from a special simplified layout, allowing the user to format text easier.

Most people use Drupal, WordPress and Joomla, as the top three open CMS [3], but in recent

years more and more open commercial CMS are launched, too. So what are the differences between

all these CMS?


Just some years ago, WordPress actually started to build up as a true CMS. However, the other

two, Drupal and Joomla, have always fought for the first place in the community. Both of these

systems are open source, and both are widely developed, and thousands of members in their

community help to develop and expand the possibilities of using these systems for everybody else.

While WordPress is considered weak in the CMS war, it is definitely the king of blogging software

(something that Joomla and Drupal cannot do just as effective). [3]

In contrast, commercial open source systems are based on technology with the open code, but

delivered as software service platform with a large number of standard features built into the

platform. These platforms have a tendency to eliminate the FUD (Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt)

factor, when implementing the latest web technologies. [3] This is an abbreviation accepted in e-

mail. According to the legend, manager of IBM recommended when there are discussins about

competitors' products with customers not to abuse it and to say FUD.

Commercial open source CMS eliminate their own licensing fees and lower the cost of

ownership of web sites on them is carried out by simplifying development and support efforts.

These systems provide a scalable solution that meets the requirements of small and large

businesses, and thus, they are very attractive for both business owners and for web developers alike.

The last point is the key difference between the free open source platforms and the currently

available commercial open source platforms. [3]


1.2. Commercial Open Source CMS

I shall start my deeper analysis of CMS from commercial open source CMS.

Commercial open platforms set new standards in the creation of Web sites.

Open source CMS systems like WordPress, Drupal and Joomla are built by a community of

developers and have as such never the-end user in perspective. Commercial open source platforms

are using the same open source tools as Joomla or Drupal, but they have a strong tolerance towards

service and servicing the end-user, being the owner of the website and the viewer, being the

customer of a particular website.

Main advantages of Commercial Open source systems are: the friendliness for all types of users -

Designers, Developers and Administrators, Content Managers or end-users, the use of standard

HTML and CSS coding, time to market for a Complete WEB Systems and a Total service concept,

including Hosting, Training and Helpdesk to help oser, when he stopped in development and

module’s implementation. [3]

In my opinion, the biggest advantage of commercial open source platforms is the time to market

and the implementation time for your website. Once you have a design (which is basically a PSD

File) or once you have picked one of the many available standard templates, implementation time

for the standard modules is a matter of hours. Even more complicated modules like the shopping

cart can be configured in days and be online within a week, not weeks.

The implementation cost of ownership and the risks in the creation and launch quite reasonably

relate to the modularity of the design and content management modules.

In commercial open source CMS is collected all the best: a fascinating and easy to use module

design, fully featured online content management system and extremely user-friendly tools for

administrators and content managers. All this is reflected in the code.

Nowadays one of the main trends in the creation of platforms and content management is the de-

mystification of the content management system of the site and development activities. Anyone

who has information shares knowledge on the Internet, so if you know exactly what you need, you

can quickly find a necessary answer and instantly implement your plans. Commercial open source

CMS plays an important role in this area, due to the extreme attention to users, easy activation of

many modules for content generation and a set of application-driven templates. All this can be

configured as by regular users and by content managers. It does not require in-depth knowledge of

web coding.

However, this is a kind of contradiction, because free open source softwares such as Joomla and

Drupal use the special coding to create templates and web sites, which thus becomes proprietary


software. Commercial open source software has a tendency to stick to widespread standards, such

as HTML and CSS, to create templates and manage websites. So much easier is to obtain these

skills rather than learn from the developers about their entire flavor, hidden in the code, because

information about HTML and CSS standards is widespread and well documented in online and

offline publications.

Commercial open source systems are built on open technologies. The set of its software includes

a large number of standard features built into the platform. They reduce the cost of ownership by

simplifying development and maintenance. Also commercial open source CMS deliver a scalable

solution that meets the requirements of small and large enterprises. They provide tolerance to the

end-users and a short time of the sites’ release on the market: for standard templates – just in a few

hours, for more complex modules – setup and launch within a week.

These are main advantages of commercial open source systems:

convenience for all types of users – designers, developers and administrators, content

managers and end-users;

the use of standard HTML and CSS coding;

fast market entry of a complete WEB-system and the overall presentation of the

service, including hosting, training and help.

There are the following disadvantages in such systems:

no access to the source code;

design community is growing more slowly than the Joomla community;

developers and designers need to start thinking in terms of business drivers, not codes

or modules.


1.3. CMS WordPress

Now I will analyze three major free open souce CMS.

So, what is a first of them – WordPress?

It is generally accepted that WordPress is an excellent system, if you want to spread quickly your

ideas on the Internet. Therefore, it is often used as a blog. Nevertheless, WordPress can be

configured in different ways. [3]

WordPress is extremely easy to use and configure. Naturally, it can work as a blog. The system

has built-in comments, as well as diagnostic services, multiple blogger profiles, backlinks, and

various other features common to each blog. Most of the functionality is already built into the

system, and therefore allows you to work as expected, without the need to set up. [3]

However, absence of need to set up a web site on WordPress is its limitation. That is, because

very often, if you try to change, or just something to do with the system, this leads to the fact that

the website stops working, or may disappear altogether. WordPress is far from friendly to

developers: too frequent system upgrades made on your website may result to its disappearance, or,

for example, with a simple upgrade and modification of the settings you have made, they can be no

longer available.

Advantages of WordPress:

very easy to use;

requires minimal setup;

excellent for blogging or sharing information in a sequential manner.

Disadvantages of WordPress:

unfriendly for developers;

update can bring more bugs than fixes.

Examples of the most famous websites created using WordPress:

National Geographic

The New York Times



BBC America

Startup Weekend

The Official Star Wars Blog

MTV News


1.4. CMS Joomla

Joomla means in Swahili (Urdu) "all together" and to a certain extend they have been living up

their name of being a system that is end-user and developer friendly, also takes care of the design of

your website and the way a CMS should work. [3]

In my opinion, designers choose Joomla because of the amazing capabilities that its engine has

in making websites look so fantastic. Newcomers to Joomla (and website management) love the

fact that it is very easy to use and even customize as more and more developers create tools that are

easier to understand. Developers choose this system because of its large capacity for development

and customization. The new MVC framework was built just so that anyone with the knowledge

could override the core of the CMS without actually modifying the original code. [3]

However, Joomla is not as flexible for developers as Drupal is and it is not as user-friendly as

WordPress. It cannot run multisites from one backend database, because parts of the system have to

be taken as is and cannot be customized or modified. Therefore, you need to learn the limitations of

platform and modules that are in essence self-contained. [3]

Joomla community argues that this system is user friendly, and to a certain extent it is so, but

when you create a website, you have to rely on specific proprietary code of Joomla, and if you are

not a developer or a designer, only a desire to create your website may not be enough.

Therefore, trying to be with all together to build a websites community, Joomla has the risk of

being "caught" by Drupal or WordPress. In other words, people who want simplicity will go to

WordPress, and developers who love to develop and code will choose Drupal.

Advantages of Joomla:

friendly for designers, developers and administrators;

its huge community is awesome for assisting with creation of websites;

has been rapidly growing and improving itself for the past years.

Disadvantages of Joomla:

is not so simple for end-users and content managers like WordPress is;

is not quite as powerful as Drupal;

there are still many features from the old versions.

Examples of the most famous websites created using Joomla:




1.5. CMS Drupal

Finally, I shall analyse a third of the free open source CMS – Drupal.

In my opinion, Drupal is the best platform, if you enjoy tweaking the code that makes up the

framework of a website. This advanced Content Management System is more a developer platform

than a traditional CMS. Although I cannot say that only developers can use it, but they will feel at

home there, but not in two other free CMS. [3]

Unfortunately, being more developer friendly does not automatically make it more user friendly.

Therefore, the developer has to work hard to make the product in that way that he needs.

For those who are not very versed in the code, the creation of a site on such a system can be a

real hard labor, but people who "live" in the code can literally get lost in the very slowly developing

technologies that help to create a website.

CMS Drupal is, in fact, the development of a platform. If you are a developer and are willing to

learn all the nuances of your own system, you will be able to create great and powerful websites

using Drupal. However, it is not easy to get them to look as attractive as they work well. The

underlying technology is perfect, but the usability and design are far from perfect. You can create a

perfectly working website, but, in most cases, it will be difficult to use, and it will not be very

carefully designed. [3]

Advantages of Drupal:

is extremely developer friendly;

there is a strong community to help distinguish the hundreds of functions and tags


can be used to create some really powerful websites that can outstrip a majority of

other sites created by other CMS.

Disadvantages of Drupal:

is not very designer and user-friendly;

hard for someone with little code knowledge;

themes are made by developers, not designers;

publishing a Drupal website could cost more time, and thus more money, than

WordPress or Joomla and certainly compared to commercial open source software.

Because I am a programmer and I like to understand the codes, I choose CMS Drupal to create

my website. Now I shall analyse it more.

Particular attention should be paid to the relevance of using exactly this CMS.


Drupal is a free and open-source content-management framework (CMF) written in PHP. It is

used as a back-end framework for at least 2.1% of all Web sites worldwide [14][15] ranging from

personal blogs to corporate, political, and government sites [16] like and

It is also used for knowledge management and business collaboration. [17]

The standard release of Drupal, known as Drupal core, contains basic features common to all

content management systems (CMS). These include user account registration and maintenance,

menu management, RSS feeds, taxonomy, page layout customization, and system administration.

Drupal can serve as a simple website, a single- or multi-user blog, an Internet forum or a

community website providing for user-generated content.

The Drupal community comprises more than one million members (as of October 2013) [19] and

31,000 developers (as of February 2014) [20]. As of April 2015, the Drupal community has provided

more than 31,000 contributed modules, which alter and extend the core capabilities, behavior and

appearance of a Drupal site [18]. Because of this plug-in extensibility and modular design, Drupal is

described as a content management system. It is defined as a system of web applications, too.

Additional modules allow to add image galleries, custom content types, lists, private messages,

third-party integration tools. Drupal offers a sophisticated programming interface for developers,

without requiring any special skills to launch and manage the default website.

Drupal runs on any computing platform that supports work on PHP and a database to store

content and settings. It isolates core files from the additional modules and themes that, in my

opinion, increases the flexibility, security and allows administrators to upgrade easily to the new

versions without overwriting the settings of the site.

Drupal themes use standard formats with which on the common core can be created new design

themes. Many of them are written in PHPTemplate or engine XTemplate. The system theming

Drupal uses templates to separate HTML and CSS from PHP. Module called "Devel" favored for

the Drupal popularity that provides a GUI for developers and information about setting page.

Distributions help create new Drupal website without having to manually search for and install

third-party plugins or change the configuration parameters. They are a set of modules, themes and

the related with them configuration settings that are "preparing" Drupal for custom operations.


1.6. Modern Web Design Trends

Web design is a diverse industry that is changing and evolving very quickly. It is not an end

product. Web design is an asset in the presentation of a product, connecting people with other

people, providing a tool or service.

However, there are some trends in this area each year. Here I shall describe the most popular of

them this year.

1. One-Color Dominance

This means that all things on the site are by the same color: backgrounds, image overlays and

buttons. Strong accent on one color puts emphasis and makes it more memorable as well as easily

associates that color with the brand.

2. Big and Bold Typography

The oversized headlines are very popular, because it works and has an impact on the visitor –

they are easier to remember.

3. Flat Design

Big tech companies quickly adopted flat design and many designers already use this paradigm

by default.

4. Video Backgrounds

Video background is the ultimate experience portraying emotions, intentions and tells us more

than any picture.

5. Unique Navigation Menus

Starting with floating and sticky menus, now we can see more solutions that are creative in

website navigation: slide down, slide up, pop-up, spiced up with imagery, secondary information

and dynamic animations.

6. Illustrations

We all know the iconic Dropbox website with hand-drawn illustrations. Illustrations have always

been a part of web design, because, when beautiful illustrations are implemented in it, they better

represent the brand, tell a story and connect with the visitor.

7. Human Touch

Hand drawn illustrations and type are very trendy, too. Therefore, web designers are taking

advantage of using handwritten font to give that look and feel of human touch that connects with

the visitor.

8. Geometry

Beautiful geometrical shapes and patterns are the hit on the web design scene.


9. Cards and Tiles

This design means that all web page is in cards with some information, deviding by subjects, and

user can click on them and see more pcturs or other information on chosen theme. Pinterest is the

leader in this design trend.

10. Fixed Blocks

This means that not only navigation menus can be fixed, but also some other parts like sidebars

or other elements of a design can be fixed and do a great job.

11. Scrolling

Some of the latest research, including “Everybody Scrolls” conducted by Rebecca Gordon of

Huge, shows that people scroll and they love it. Therefore, long one-pagers with various

interactions and transitions that enables scrolling are now very trendy.

12. Big Data and Graphs

Big data is becoming more important in the tech industry as well as in web design. Therefore, it

is trendy to use in web design more sophisticated, complex, unknown, but beautiful and engaging,

graphs, charts and interactive data projections.

13. Product First

Many startups produce complicated physical products and create on their websites interactive,

3D based experiences that allow visitors to move products and observe even the smallest details.

14. Mobile First

The number of mobile web users is growing very quickly. That is, why the responsive design is

no more a feature, it is necessary and designers have to rethink the way they design websites for

mobile users to give the best experiences possible.

15. Micro UX

That means micro copy and little details in design and interactions that surprise and delight the

user: funny images and expressions, hidden functionality, smart personalized data and more.

16. Personal Brands

Personal branding is becoming very important these days. Designers, engineers, bloggers and

entrepreneurs build stronger personal brands online to become more authoritative and findable.

17. Material Design

Material Design, invented by Google, is a subtle modification of the flat design, but more

sophisticated, unified yet universal and very promising.

18. Interactive Digital Experiences

More interaction websites create unique and personalized experiences by playing sound, connecting

camera and microphone and allowing interaction and storytelling based on the viewer’s actions.


1.7. Top Usability Mistakes in Web Design

High-quality usability becomes more and more important for users, because it can improve their

opinion about a website or a company. Good usability has been in the past couple of years at the

heart of successful startups. It means making a feature or a product easy to use, while still keeping

its quality at a high level.

Here I shall analyse the most abundant of usability mistakes in web design.

1. Color for links

One of the dumbest mistakes is not highlighted links in a way or another. Users need to know

how to navigate and where they can click. They would not search for links by hovering with the

mouse on all the words in text until the cursor changes to a pointer.

Links must be highlighted in a color near to website colors, but not by color, that stands out too

much from the page’s design.

Visited links must be emphasized in a different way than with the default color, too, because it

helps users know where they have been before and helps them have a better overview of a website.

2. Poor typography

When we think about usability, it is not so important when typography is beautiful, it is more

important when typography makes content easy to read, and it is not only big headings and

beautiful blocks of text.

Non-scannable text gives headaches to many visitors. However, there are many simple things,

which can do text more readable: increasing line height, breaking text into smaller chunks,

increasing the font size or choosing a better font.

Therefore, it does not necessary need to attract visitors visually, it just need to work. Like an

example, there are two latest trends in web design – minimalism and flat design. They are so

popular, because they are simple and work. Still, if there are not some distracting features like flash,

JavaScript, drawings, people will come, read content and go away. Nevertheless, on a first place

text must be readable.

3. Not following design conventions

Designer of a website must know design conventions, usability considerations, and such things,

when navigators do not work or links that bring a pop-up when hovering on them with the mouse,

simply not supposed to happen.

4. Avoiding answering questions

Users browse webpages with a purpose. It can be for entertainment, seeking information, staying

connected with friends and family and for other purposes. They go on Google and Wikipedia to


search for something. They go on company websites to learn more about the products. They always

have an aim.

If it is a website about company’s products, there must be their prices, because people visit it

with only one purpose – what kind of products are there and how much they cost. These sites are

useless without such information.

We must know the purpose of your audience when they visit our website. If people visit to

download blog themes, we must guide them to the download section, and so on.

We have to think of our audience’s needs, if we are not going to create a website only for


5. Small clickable areas

Small clickable areas can be uncomfortable, when visitors do not use mice. Therefore, it is

important to make sure, that links are not only visible, but also clickable. The smaller the areas are

the more difficult will be for people to click on them.

When people visit a website from mobile, it adapts to a smaller screen. Therefore, first we must

adapt the buttons – they must be much bigger on a portable device to be easy clickable.

6. Missing contact information

It is a big problem and bad customer service, when there is not a contact information on

company’s website. We must find a way, how customers will contact to us. It is not necessary to

write a personal telephone – it can be e-mail, Twitter or Facebook address. It simply does not

matter, as long as we give visitors an opportunity to get to us in a way or another.

7. Absence of search function

Many users come on a webpage only to get specific information. In this case, a good search

function become a very important tool. It does not mean that we should feature a search bar on all

websites. If it is a single-page website about some project and contact information, we do not need a

search function. However, if it is a big blog or another content-heavy website, people first will go to

the search bar to find the information they need. Studies show that a half of websites’ visitors are

scanning them first with a search bar.

In addition, if we run a website on a CMS platform, there is a built-in search functionality, which

we only must activate. Besides that, we can always use Google’s. Therefore, we do not need to code

a search function on our own that is why it is no excuse for not having it on the website.

8. Registration required all the way

Allowing people to get a demo version of a feature or software before they have to register or

pay is better than asking them to register right away, because they do not want give their personal

information before they would not understand what product is it and is it necessary for them.


Therefore, whatever we do, sell or produce, we should not ask users on the internet to commit to

it before they are sure they want to use it. We must offer them a free demo version, and if our

product is good, they will like it and will register and buy a full version.

9. Long registration forms

When registration form is too long, we can lose the potential business customer. The registration

forms should be as short as possible, including only the most important information like e-mail,

password and username. After registration and use of our product user can fill spaces with more

details on his account page.

Also nowadays, there is another even shorter variant – we can use registration with Twitter,

Facebook or another social network API login. Therefore, now user does not need to remember

password and login and fill a registration form, he only should be logged in on one of these social


10. Inconsistent design

The layout through all website must be the same. The same principle applies to background

colors, link colors, typography, and design principles. That helps user to understand that he remains

on the same website.

11. Wrong usage of images

A basic rule of design is not using elements that we do not really need. The same thing is with

images – they should not be on the page simple to fill empty spaces. There should be only images

about that we want to show users and placed right.

For example, it is very annoing when content is written on a two-column grid and broken by

images as wide as the container, and user must read one column, then the second, and then once

again the first one, but under the picture. Therefore, we should not do such mistakes, because users

do not want to think how to read, they want only to read.

Thus, if we want to be good web designers, we must follow these rules. We must think more of

our visitors and wish to offer them a good experience on our website. In addition, we must keep in

mind that a website just need to be functional, but beauty is on the second place.


1.8. History of Bulletin Boards

Advertisement – is small message created by individuals or legal entities and provide a summary

of the proposed product or service, as well as contacts, by which you can connect with those who

put this announcement.

Such messages entered in everyday life in the time of antiquity, although the exact date of their

appearance is not established until now. However, there are so many examples where during

archaeological excavations are found more and more ancient announcements – on clay tablets and

cuneiform, such as "The Inquisition urgently buy fagots," "Shall destroy Carthage. Inexpensive"

and others. They were composed in the interval from 1000 BC to 1650 AD. In addition, the

contemporaries of the first dynasty of the Pharaohs on the walls of tombs touted oil, lipstick,

lapping of different fats, fragrances and other most popular and exclusive products. Due to the

Chinese who invented paper (the earliest findings date back to II century BC, but it passed into

widespread use after the invention paper from cotton by Cai Lun in 105 AD), ads were placed in a

more convenient format.

There is a version that even some famous ancient Greek sage made a great conclusion, that we

can sell, buy, or change anything we want. Greeks so much liked this idea and began to pass it

down from generation to generation. Thus, the ads remained in use to this day.

Currently, all ads are sorted by type. These are the most common areas:

The sale, purchase or exchange of apartments;

The sale, purchase or exchange of any inanimate objects and objects;


Invitation to job for applicants and search for available jobs;

Consumer services;

Repair service;



Entertainment and leisure;


The sale, purchase or exchange of pets, etc.


Nowadays, ads can be found everywhere: in newspapers, magazines, television, radio, on poles,

bus stops, supermarkets or small kiosks, the Internet, transport and, of course, in specialized areas -

on bulletin boards. Such boards have been specially invented to accommodate short messages and

later became the foundation for the entire advertising industry. The most interesting fact is that the

first bulletin board are considered the tablets of the covenant.

Now the bulletin board has several forms – a wooden plate, located in the premises or on the

street, special stand with the inscription "For the ads" at bus stops, online bulletin board on Internet

sites and others.

The greatest recognition among consumers, whos area of activity and daily entertainment is

rapidly moving into the virtual space called the World Wide Web, naturally received a virtual

bulletin board, as you can at any time of the day place there your own advertising message without

the use of glue and prying eyes. There also you should not be afraid that the rain and the wind

quickly lead paper to unsuitable state, or other users are stuck up your information or even strip off

it from the post. The message can be removed from the page only in two cases: if it has been

published a long time ago or if this section is very quickly filled with new and new ads, and your

ad, as published previously, erased when moving abroad, the number of posts available in this


All virtual bulletin boards on the Internet unite with each other by topics in a special section and

work on the principle of free classified ads in newspapers, while now in the newspapers usually

advertise is for money. Thus, electronic bulletin boards are either a web portal, the pages of which

are divided into several thematic sections and subsection, or a separate section of a website

specializing in advertising messages. To place your own ads you only need to register on this

website and fill the required fields by relevant information (details of the advertised product in the

form of text and / or photos, as well as contacts for communication with those who put this

message). Thus, all visitors of this website can read this advertisment.

At the beginning, messages on the virtual bulletin board were placed just to get familiar with the

products. However, now, in order to survive in the harsh conditions of growing competition, the

boards are filled not only by accurate information, but by also all kinds of pictures, screensavers and

other advertising.


1.9. Virtual Bulletin Boards’ Special Features

Virtual or electronic bulletin board is a website for online publication and storage of

advertisements placed by visitors of this site. Bulletin board can also be a section of the site that

performs the same function as a separate site, classed as a virtual bulletin board. However, these are

narrowly specialized resources in most cases.

Initially, the concept of virtual boards belonged exclusively to the BBS. BBS (Bulletin Board

System – an electronic bulletin board) is a way to communicate through the computer users

switched by telephone network, which has been widely used in times of scarcity of cable computer

networks. In other words, BBS is a computer system with installed software that allows users to

connect and log into the system using the terminal. Once registered, the user can take advantage of

such features as uploading and downloading software and data, reading news and bulletins, as well

as the exchange of messages with other registered users via e-mail, public forums or chats. Many

systems BBS also offer on-line games, where users can compete against each other, and, in

addition, there are BBS, which involves a lot of telephone lines, thus creating a kind of chat rooms,

allowing users to communicate with each other in an interactive mode.

However, with the spread of the Internet, appeared a great number of sites similar to bulletin

boards and advertising newspapers. They inherited the name of the bulletin boards (but a BBS

abbreviation for similar Russian-language resources is rarely used). Their content is a set of

commercial and / or non-commercial ads, and is located both by paid and free of charge base,

depending on the particular site. Many advertising companies, which have paper publications and

work in television and radio area, also create and maintain their own electronic bulletin boards. For

example, there is a newspaper "Makler" in Moldova and its website

By its functionality, a bulletin board is like the ordinary one – it is a site, where each user can put

his ads, and visitors can read it. Generally, according to the content of advertising messages, the

virtual bulletin board is divided into several thematic sections.

Most electronic bulletin boards are free. To place ads user need only to write in a special form

the ads’ theme and his coordinates: e-mail address, mailing address, phone number, URL of his own

site, etc. This set of the requested data depends from the particular resource. As a rule, at the

beginning, visitors can see only the names of the authors and themes of ads and, if they want to

view the full text, they must click on the link leading to it. On some bulletin boards, only registred

users can place their ads, while on others – any visitors. Now there is a great number of bulletin

boards on the Internet. Typically, each of them is dedicated to any particular type of ad. There are


national boards, intended for the residents of a particular area – for example, is a bulletin

board for Moldova.

Most bulletin boards on the Internet are made to place advertisements about sale and purchase of

goods and services. However, there are services that offer to place ads about transfer of an item as a

gift, as well as finding new homes for pets, which are transferred in safe hands free. Free ads are the

best way to express our products, services and ourselves on the Internet.

There are presented thousands of free announcements on the pages of bulletin boards about:

the real estate,



job search,


buying and selling equipment, computers, and equipment for communications, etc.

There are message boards, which offer placing ads with photos and without additional

registration. You can also place not only free, but also ads on a commercial basis – for maximum


You can improve the performance of your ad by adding a detailed description of the goods or

services, photos, as well as the exact value of the goods, its location and the conditions of delivery.

It is recommended to specify a maximum number of contacts, which may include a phone number,

e-mail, skype and other data. Using keywords in the title and text of the ad, you can ensure that it

will be displayed in the search engines on the first page of search results for the specified words that

will attract more visitors to the announcement.

Often the placement of ads on only one board does not bring the desired result. Therefore, it

makes sense, as with municipal boards to place ads on multiple resources at once. In cases where

the expected effect is achieved by placing at least then ten boards, this can be done manually.

Nevertheless, if the announcement should reach the widest possible audience, it is advisable to

place it on a large number of electronic boards with the use of automation services.

In addition, as shown by experience and practice, ads located on the first page of the electronic

board rivet the most attention of consumers. Sorting is done in the simplest way – by the date of

receipt that is, older messages are continuously shifted to the second, the third page, and then

completely removed.


Therefore, if there is the regular publication of announcements, it is necessary to follow the

constant renewal of the message on the first page. Existing service facilitates this task allowing you

to book the show of the announcement at in the top positions of the first page for a prescribed pay.

Recently, due to the large number of virtual boards we should pay particular attention to certain

criteria when submitting ads to them. First, the board should have a regional attachment; and if it is

not, it is better to not work with this site as it is not moderated, and can contain a lot of unnecessary

messages. Second, each ad should be placed on a separate page optimized for the search engines.

Then these ads can see not only the users of the site, but also people from the search engines, which

are interested in a particular product or service.

In today's Internet, all virtual bulletin boards can be divided into several types. The most

important criterion is the possibility of paid or free ads. Most popular highly frequented boards use

a paid ad type, so a user places an ad and then makes a fixed amount to the announcement that was

published. Therefore, the smaller sites, in order to compete for the visitor, must publish ads for free.

In addition, virtual bulletin boards vary by their specialization: highly specialized and widely

themed. Widely themed bulletin boards represent the independent websites specialized directly on

the performance of the functions of virtual boards and there can be found almost everything.

Narrowly specialized boards are, basically, sections of the thematic sites.

Finally, electronic bulletin boards also can be moderated (those who have a moderator – a person

who controls the work of the board) and unmoderated – running automatically.


Chapter 2. Project’s Management

2.1. Software Development Activities

1. Identification of need.

First, we must identificate, what we need for software development. There are many sources of

ideas for this purpose. At the beginning, they are usually evaluated by marketing personnel for

economic feasibility, for fit with existing distribution channels, for possible effects on existing

product lines, required features, and for fit with the company's marketing objectives. This is

marketing evaluation phase, where are elaborated all costs and time assumptions, which we need

and which we have, to decide, what we can develop and what kind of project we shall do.

We all have studies and knowledge only in our disciplines: engineerknow all about something

technical, students from marketing – about marketing, etc. Nevertheless, they rarely know

something about other areas and this is a big problem, because when plan to create a software

product to be a success story we need to have knowledge in different disciplines.

Software development may involve compromising with the client, so, this kind of projecting is

near business development, because of thinking about budgeting, human resources, risk

management, intellectual property, crisis management, etc.

2. Planning.

Planning is an objective of each and every activity, where we want to discover things that belong

to the project. An important task in creating a software program is extracting the requirements or

requirements analysis. Customers typically have an abstract idea of what they want as an end result,

but do not know what software should do. Skilled and experienced software engineers recognize

incomplete, ambiguous, or even contradictory requirements at this point. Frequently demonstrating

live code may help reduce the risk that the requirements are incorrect.

Once the general requirements are gathered from the client, an analysis of the scope of the

development should be determined and clearly stated. This is often called a scope document.

Certain functionality may be out of scope of the project as a function of cost or as a result of

unclear requirements at the start of development. If the development is done externally, this

document can be considered a legal document so that if there are ever disputes, any ambiguity of

what was promised to the client can be clarified.

3. Designing.

Once the requirements are established, the design of the software can be established in a

software design document. This involves a preliminary, or high-level design of the main modules

with an overall picture (such as a block diagram) of how the parts fit together. The language,


operating system, and hardware components should all be known at this time. Then a detailed or

low-level design is created, perhaps with prototyping as proof-of-concept or to firm up


4. Implementation, testing and documenting

Implementation is the part of the process where software engineers actually program the code for

the project.

Software testing is an integral and important phase of the software development process. This

part of the process ensures that defects are recognized as soon as possible.

Documenting the internal design of software for the purpose of future maintenance and

enhancement is done throughout development. This may also include the writing of an API, be it

external or internal. The software engineering process chosen by the developing team will

determine how much internal documentation is necessary. Plan-driven models generally produce

more documentation than Agile models.

5. Deployment and maintenance

Deployment starts directly after the code is appropriately tested, approved for release, and sold

or otherwise distributed into a production environment. This may involve installation,

customization (such as by setting parameters to the customer's values), testing, and possibly an

extended period of evaluation.

Software training and support is important, as software is only effective if it is used correctly.

Maintaining and enhancing software to cope with newly discovered faults or requirements can take

substantial time and effort, as missed requirements may force redesign of the software.


2.2. Analysis of Slovak Websites about Pets

PhD Ing. Zlatica Dolná from TUKE (Technical University of Košice) in Slovakia, where I have

participated in internship program, gave me I list of Slovak websites about animals. Most of them is

dedicated to the dog shelters, like in Moldova, and only two are partially or full dedicated to the

cats. I have made an analyse for each of them and used their good solutions in my website:


It is a site of one dog shelter. There are placed photos of each dog on the main page. When you

click on one of them, there appear a new page with the detailed information about the selected dog.

All design of the site is made in several colors and look very good. Site’s title is big and made in

bold characters. In addition, there is a drawn picture near it. So, it is made in modern trends.

There is a main menu under a site’s logo and a secondary one on the left sight of a page, where

are some useful links.

In my opinion, the design of this website is simple, but functional and in modern trends.


It is a site of one dog shelter. There are information about it and some events dedicated to pets

on the main page.

All design of the site is made in four colors: main menu in the top of the page is made from two

sections and one of them is blue, and another one is orange, background of left and right colomns

with some useful links is ligh grey, backround of other parts of the page is white. Therefore, it is

simple, but not boring and all main parts are highlighted that is common to the modern trends.

Useful links in the secondary menu on the left sight of a page go to sections about lost, found

animals, animals that live in this shelter and need home. When we go on these pages – we can see

photoes of these dogs and small informations about each of them in form of their names, sex and

years of life.

In my opinion, the design of this website is simple, but quite good.


Background of this site is light green and it is good for eyes. The site’s main menu is on the left

sight of the page.

However, other things are not good. First, all site’s content is shifted to the right, but not aligned

to the center, as we got accustomed to it. Another mistake consist in sparkling logo. Therefore, it is

not good readable. In addition, if you click on menu items, page does not load. Perhaps this site is

not working now.



It is a site of one dog shelter. There is information about it on the main page. All background are

made in tints of blue color, pleasant to eyes. The title of the site on its logo is yellow, big, and very

good visible.

Site’s main menu is under its logo. When you are hovering its section, you can see a pop-up

menu, which parts change color, when you hover them.

Therefore, site is very good and developed in modern trends. There I have seen only one minus –

on the page with dog, which live in tnis shelter, there is only detailed information about each of

them, but no one photoe.


The design of this site is good, but a little bit old fashion, because now there are sites with

simple designes in trend. Still it is very warm and pretty, with beautiful images.

Main menu is under the site’s logo, and when you hover its sections, they change their color to

the opposite one (from the beginning their background is yellow, but then become light blue).

There are photos and names of dogs on the page with pets, which live in this shelter. When you

click on one of them, you can see large photoe of this dog and detailed information about it in two

languages – Slovak and German. Therefore, it is very good, because more people can understand

this information and can take home this dog.


This is the site for a shelter in Kosice, where live dogs and cats. It has excellent modern design.

It is all in tints of brown color, simple, but not boring, good visible and readable. Site’s logo is on

the top of the page. There is a photoe of a dog on the left sight that is blending in site’s name and

moto on the right one.

There are some main links under it. There is, also, a main menu of the site on its left column, and

other place in the center of the page is dedicated to the site’s content. When you hover links in the

menu, they become lighter.

There are photos and names of dogs and cats on the page with pets, which live in this shelter.

When you click on one of them, appear a new page with a large photoe of this animal and detailed

information. There is a gallery of photos of this pet under this information. Therefore, you can see it

from all sights and make a right decision – who do you like most.


This site about dog shelter has the most modern design in the list of links that Ing. Zlatica Dolna

gave me. Perhaps, that is becauseit is developed using one of Slovak hosting services. There is a

site’s logo united to its main menu in the top of the page. Its background is by fuchsia color, but all


titles on it are white. When you hover or click links in the main menu, under them appear a blue


There are photos of dogs and a small information about them on the main page. They appear,

when you scroll down the page – that is one of the most popular modern trends. When you hover

one of these photos, appear two signs – one to enlarge this photoe and other to view full

information. When you click the second one, a new page opens with the detailed information and

gallery of photos of this dog.

Therefore, using these modern trends and new technologies, this site is more usable and can

attract more people.


This is a site of a shelter for cats. Its design is very good, too. There is a main menu in the top of

the page. Its background is orange, but all titles – white. When you hover its sections, appear pop-

up menu, and all sections that you hover, change colors – background become white, but titles –


There is site’s logo under the main menu in the left sight of the page. It consists of a drawn

picture and site’s title. There are contact information and other two languages in the right sight of

this block. Therefore, you can read the information of this site in Slovak, English and German that

can attract more visitors to the site’s information and cats of this shelter have more possibilities to

find a new home.

There are big posters with some useful information behind this block, but under them, there are

main sections of the site, dedicated to the cats: Newcomers, Urgently, Search Home, Articles, and

Stories of cats for adoption. In all sections, you can see small photos and a title. There are cats’

names near the photos, where is situated the information about pets from this shelter. When you

click them, a new page opens with the detailed information and gallery of photos of this cat.

Therefore, you can see this pet from all its sights and make a right decision – who do you like most.

There are all this sections in site’s main menu, too. In addition, there are links to the information

about this shelter, its contacts, and a site’s forum.


2.3. Project’s Form

Project’s Title: The First Multifunctional Portal in Moldova About Pets – ””.

Strategic Direction: programming, site’s support, marketing, communication with the customers.

Place of Implementation: Chișinau.

Implementation Period: 1 year (taking into account the promotion of the site).

The Main Activity: development and support to the bulletin board of the pets (from breeders and

from animal shelters): buying, selling, donating, missing and found pets.

Director of the Organization / Administrator: Titushkina Tatiana, [email protected].

The Contact Details of the Persons Responsible for the Project

Titushkina Tatiana | creator, developer, designer and site administrator

Summary of the Project

- create the country's first online advertisement and informational service, fully dedicated to

pets. This niche in the field of online ads is free now. However, the demand for this kind of

offer exists and it is necessary to provide the appropriate service to potential customers.

- give breeders a modern way to place ads for the sale of pets. This will help them to find

buyers more effectively or to buy purebred pets by themselves.

- provide shelters the most modern and popular method for notification of their available

animals and effective search for new owners for them. There are very few people in the

Republic of Moldova, who know that here exists shelters. All animals there are contained

mainly due to the donations of ordinary citizens. There live dozens of homeless animals, and

we need to provide an online platform where people can get to know about them and choose

their future pet by the photo and description. This will solve greatly the problem of the large

number of homeless animals.

Planned Activities

- purchase and installation of the necessary equipment (computer, server, router, printer);

- design of the site layout;

- selection of a suitable CMS platform;

- creation of a site by the appropriate template;

- change the template’s design, according to a predetermined layout;

- installation of additional functional modules;

- set up of modules according to the planned site’s functionality;

- search and download of the original site’s content;


- the acquisition of the domain;

- the study of the latest business and marketing trends;

- search for sponsors for the further development and maintenance of the project;

- to inform breeders and managers of shelters for pets about the existence of established

online service;

- administration and support of functioning online service.

Planned Results and Estimators

- installed and attached to each other equipment (computer, server, router, printer);

- layout of the site in the form of color drawings in Paint or Adobe Photoshop, containing:

site’s logo and favicon that is displayed in the browser;

form for site search;

form to register and login;

main menu with all the sections and subsections in the form of drop-down submenus;

pages for each of the sections and subsections of the menu, including pages boards;

quick search menu with the most popular sections;

form for data entry for the ads.

- found, downloaded and installed version of CMS Drupal;

- found and fixed theme with the presence of the pull-down submenu – the theme ZeroPoint;

uploaded logo and icon of the site; developed sections and subsections of menu, templates

for each type of ads;

- the overwrited .css files, associated with the appearance of the site, according to a

predetermined layout;

- found on the official website of Drupal –, downloaded and installed modules:

Views, Forum;

- pages of the site created by using the Views module, which will get relevant ads, and link

them to the site menu;

- ads about pets found on the Internet and uploaded to the website;

- set domain md;

- knowledge of the latest trends in business and marketing;

- found sponsors for the further development and maintenance of the project;

- site’s advertising among breeders and shelters for pets;

- authorization of new users of the site, editing the ads and their upload to the site, the

answers to the letters from site’s users by e-mail, eliminating the emerging problems.



For collaboration with partners: information about partner organizations (canine, feline, animal

shelters, pet stores, veterinary clinics) in a special section on the site.

For attracting investments: advertising of the site in the form of leaflets on poles; the story of the

site in a personal meeting with the heads of shelters, representatives of canine (dog) and feline (cat)

organizations, the administration of leading pet stores, breeders, which sell at the special areas in

the markets; website advertising in newspapers, on radio and television.

For promotion of Park / Incubator and residents: information on the website and in advertising that

the site has been created with the support of the incubator.

The Potential of Administrator to Carry Out Successfully the Project

Human resources: at the initial stage it is sufficient to have one person who will be the developer

and designer, and a site administrator. Further, when this service is more known, and a large

number of people leave there the ads, will be necessary to invite to the team more people (two or

three) as administrators to successfully manage with all incoming requests: timely authorization of

new users, the answer to their letters by email, troubleshooting on the site or conducting


Informational resources: training manuals about improvement of the appearance and functionality

of the site, business and marketing; a set of common rules about the use of the site and its support;

database dedicated to the site’s users.

Available materials: computer, server, router, printer, and connections between them, packages with

paper for printing.

The way of Resource Management: machine and manual way, because it is necessary to connect the

machines with each other, specify and set up their programs, parameters, and then they are

themselves working, carrying out the given instructions.


SWOT Analysis

A SWOT analysis (or SWOT matrix) is a structured planning method used to evaluate the

strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats involved in a project or in a business venture. It can

be done for a product, place, industry or a person. SWOT analysis involves specifying the objective

of the business venture or project and identifying the internal and external factors that are favorable

and unfavorable to achieve that objective. [22]

Strengths (characteristics of the project that give it an advantage over others):

- The first online service of the advertisement only in the field of pets;

- Authorization on the site;

- Quick and easy form to fill in the ad with the information;

- The ability to post photos of animals in ads;

- Online encyclopedia about pets that contain sections about the most popular types of pets,

and allows potential buyers to specify what breed is more appropriate to them;

- Distribution system for the ads that, depending on its type, places them on the relevant


- Search form;

- Main sections of the site in the main menu;

- Pull-down submenu with subsections;

- Quick search menu to the most popular sections or materials;

- Page with information about the partner organizations of the project;

- A forum for communication between users;

- Receiving letters with users’ requests, suggestions, complaints, and rapid response to them

via e-mail;

- Security procuring, by providing access to the functional of the site only to administrators.

Weaknesses (characteristics that place the project at a disadvantage relative to others):

- Authorization of users on the site is only after the permission of one of the administrators

that comes in a form of a notification on the user’s e-mail;

- A new service, which requires a well thought out and paid advertising campaign.


Opportunities (elements, from which the project could take advantage):

- Be the first and most popular online bulletin board service, specializing exclusively on pets;

- Give people a modern service for the sale of pets;

- Provide shelters opportunity to express themselves and to provide information about each of

their pets, to find owners for them;

- Solve in a large extent the problem of the large number of homeless animals.

Threats (elements in the environment that could cause trouble for the project):

- The presence of competitors, such as site, which has a small section dedicated to ads

about pets;

- If the user requests are too much, the server cannot stand.

The way of risk mitigation:

- Write code in such a way as to prevent cyber attacks, trying to break into a database and

disrupt the function of site;

- To deliver a powerful server from the beginning or closely monitor the growing number of

users of the site and, when is a big amount of visitors, immediately purchase new and more

powerful equipment.


2.4. Business Model Canvas



- canine


- feline


- animal


- pet shops;

- breeders;

- veterinary


- consultants.



- website’s

development and


- creating suitable

forms to fill the ads;

- creating pages for

each type of ads;

- communication

with partners;

- user authentica-tion

on the website;

- response to the

customers’ letters.



- the country’s first

online ads and


service, fully

dedicated to pets;

- user authentica-

tion on the site;

- easy form to fill

ads with text and


- navigation through

sections of site

through the main


- distribution system

for various types of

ads to their pages;

- site search;

- informative page

about partner


- forum;

- response to the

customers’ letters by


- a modern solution

to the problem of

homeless animals.



- website



- animal


- pet shops;

- breeders;

- people who

love animals.



- equipment

(computers, server,

router, printer);

- developers and site



- an information

platform on the


- e-mail

- personal

meetings with

project partners


- purchase, installation of equipment;

- salary for project employees;

- electricity and Internet;

- promotion.


- agreements with project partners;

- a percentage of advertising;

- from the website activities.


Chapter 3. Implementation of the Website about Pets

3.1. Technical Task

The main purpose of my work is to create a website about pets with the section as a form of

bulletin board, using features provided by the CMF Drupal.

After the creation of the web site, I should think about its functionality. In addition, all

components must meet the content, and the various types of content should be right distributed on

the relevant pages. All this should be as user-friendly as possible for the end-users of the site for

which everything is created.

First, I need to create an original logo and favicon. Both must comply with the chosen theme of

the website.

Further, the site’s menu should be created that displays its main sections. Almost every section

will have subsections for concretization. They should be presented as a sub-menu that appears,

when you hover or click on the main menu items. Therefore, it is required to develop a multi-level

drop-down menu on the site.

In addition, I need to think about the site’s content. Since the site is about pets, at this stage of

the design is necessary to create the bulletin board and an encyclopedia of animals on it.

The site’s bulletin board should be accessed via the menu’s item Advertisements. After clicking

on it will be given a list of possible types of ads about pets. Each type of ads will have subsections,

each of which should provide information about the different types of animals, the most popular in

a particular type of ad. Moreover, I need to develop simple forms to fill the ads.

Through the menu’s item Animals, visitors must have access to the encyclopedia of pets. After

clicking on it will shown the most popular types of pets. In addition, if you click on this kind, there

should appear the information about each breed.

The most important is to create unique content types and to develop methods for their

distribution by appropriate pages of the sections for the proper display of the information on the

site. It is necessary also to customize the default website’s search bar.

In addition, as a supplement to this web site, I need to create a forum associated with the menu

item Forum, pages about pets’ health and partner-organizations and for visitors’ entertainment with

a photo gallery of animals.


3.2. Download of a Theme and Management of its Settings

To begin creation of any site in the CMS Drupal, I need to go to the official website of Drupal – – and download from there the installer of Drupal 7 to my computer. However, first, I

must also download and install a server on my PC – for example, Denwer.

When this all is done, I must think about the website’s area and subject. My website will display

information about pets, therefore, I chose the name (лапа, from Russian – paw).

My site is created on the server of university and, until buy a domain, it has the name –

Now I need to create an original logo and favicon. I did it with the help of the program Adobe

Photoshop CS5.1. That is what I got:



Paw on the favicon is light green, because this color is usually used in areas connected with

ecology and animals. Logo of the site contain pictures of the most popular pets: cat, dog, parrot, fish

and rabbits.

Now I need to upload them to the website by myself. However, before doing that, it is necessary

to realize a few things. First, I choose a theme, with which I will create this website. It can be

downloaded free from the official website To the list with themes I can reach following

this: Download & Extend Themes.

However, I know that I need that the chosen for the site theme has embedded multi-level menu,

so, instead of the usual search for themes, I write in the search bar drop-down menu, note the

section Themes and run a search. In selected results I specifie in the section Filter by compatibility:

7x, because I installed Drupal version 7, and hence the desired theme should be compatible with it.

All other items leave the default.


Among all themes, which issued because of the search, I stopped on the theme Zero Point, as, at

first, it has an integrated multi-level drop-down menu. Secondly, it can help to represent the

information on the page as one, two or three columns. Thirdly, it includes 18 regions for the

location of site content.

After choosing the theme, is necessary to download it. To do this, I click on the theme’s title and

go to the bottom of the page. There will be heading Downloads. In the column Version I choose

7.x-4.7, as I have set the seventh version of Drupal. In the column Downloads I choose tar.gz (724.5

KB) and click the right button on the mouse. In the appeared context menu, I choose Copy the link.

Next, I need to install the selected theme. To do this, I go to my website and

enter from the registration form. After successful registration, there will appear a black strip with

various items on the top of the page – this is a tool for site management.

Among them, I select the section Appearance. There are shown all installed on the site themes.

At the beginning, there are only some standard themes, and Zero Point is not among them.

Therefore, it needs to be downloaded. To do this, is necessary to unpack the .zip file to a folder on

the server located at\sites\all\themes. Then I need to restart the website on the page

Appearance, and the theme Zero Point will be among the inactive site’s themes.

After successful download, theme must be activated. To do this, I find it in the list of all installed

on the site themes and click Enable and set default. Thus, this theme will be not only activated (will

appear in the list Enabled themes), but set as a basic, i.e. current to work with it.

When theme is installed and activated, it is necessary to set up its basic visual settings and add a

previously created icon and logo of the site. To do this, I click Settings near to the selected theme.

In the appeared window, in the graph Toggle display I put a checkmark near Logo, because site has

its logo. Uncheck the Site name, as the separately write the name of the site is not necessary – it is

already on the logo. I uncheck the Site slogan, because I have not it. Put a checkmark at User

pictures in posts, User pictures in comments and User verification status in comments to allow users

to see their avatars in the articles and comments that they leave, and that their status has been seen

in the comments. I put a checkmark at Shortcut icon to make the icon of my site visible near to its

name in the browser. Select the item Main menu to display it. I put a checkmark at the item

Secondary menu to display the pop-up menu.

In the section Logo image settings I uncheck Use the default logo, and in Shortcut icon settings

uncheck Use the default shortcut icon, because I will use the original logo and icon of my site,

which are not installed in the selected theme. After that, there will appear graphs below to download

my own images – Upload logo image / Upload icon image.


At section Layout settings in the item Style I choose the color scheme of the site: Lime – the

menu and all the headers of green color, and the background of the logo on the sides of a light

yellow color. In the paragraph Menu style and position I choose the option Center, therefore, site’s

main menu and the same variant the page’s footer, including information about the user's account,

and exit from the account will be placed in the middle. I uncheck Rounded corners to have the

menu items without rounded corners. I uncheck the Header image rotator, too, to make the banner

of the site immovable, as in its place I have set my website logo.

I leave marked the item Display breadcrumb at the section Breadcrumb, so the user can see his

previous passes. This is done for ease of going from one menu level to another.

At section Slideshow, I put a checkmark on Show slideshow to show it only on the front page. In

addition, there I can change titles, images and text near them for three slides. Previously, I go to the

folder on the server, find the address sites/all/themes/zeropoint/_custom/sliderimg and

download there pictures for the slides of slideshow. Using the Photoshop I put the sign of my

website – a paw – on all these images.

First image is for the slide 1 – about animals, second – for slide 2 about advertisements, and

third one – for slide 3 about website’s gallery. There is a section for every slide, where I write its

name, text about it, pass to the image and its URL to go from the slide to the defined page.

Then I customized the block with search function and placed it under the site’s logo.

I should also customize the look of site’s date, since the default is in the American version and

does not agree with the perception, taken in our region. I write in the browser the path

admin/config/regional/date-time/locale/en/edit, go on the administration page for the date and time

on the site, and change them on these variants:

Long: Monday, November 2, 19:40

Medium: Mon, 02/11/2015 - 19:40

Short: 27 Nov 2015 - 19:40


Therefore, I figured out with the look of my site and downloaded its original icon and logo in the

following way:

icon and the name of the selected page in the browser menu:


In addition, the block with slideshow is looking this way now:


3.3. Creating Website’s Main Menu

Now I need to add the items to the main menu. There will be seven items: Animals (Животные),

Advertisements (Объявления), Organizations (Организации), Health (Здоровье), News

(Новости), Forum (Форум), Entertainment (Развлечения).

At the beginning, I rename the default menu item Home on News (Новости) as there are

displaying all the latest articles on the site. To do this, I go to the Structure, and then choose the

item Menus. I find Main menu in the appeared table and on the opposite of it click list links. I find

Home in the appeared table Menu link and click edit in front of it. It is necessary to introduce a new

menu item name in the opened window under the Menu link title. I write News (Новости).

Everything else I leave the default and click Save to save the changes.

To add a menu item I go to the Content. Click there Add content. To add pages for the main

menu items I will use the type of content Basic page. I click on it and there appears a form to fill. I

write Животные (Animals) at the Title.

I pass into the lower sections. To make page Животные (Animals) a menu item, I put a

checkmark at Provide a menu link in the section Menu settings. In the heading Menu link title

writing its name – Животные (Animals). In Description I write Энциклопедия животных

(Enciclopedia about animals) – this inscription will appear when the mouse arrow cursor howers the

menu item. In the dropdown list Parent item I choose <Main menu> – item Животные (Animals) is

located in the main menu bar of the site. Since the menu item Новости (News) has the default

priority 0, in the graph Weight, indicating the priority of the menu item, I install -2, and this point

will be located most extreme left. At section URL path settings in the heading URL alias I write

animals – this word will be displayed next to the site in the browser, when the user will go to this

page. Under the heading Comment settings I note Closed – it is not allowed to post comments at

this page.

At the Publishing options, I check Publish – the page will be published (visible to the users of

the website). Then I click Save, to save all modifications.

In the same way I create menu items Объявления (Advertisements), Организации

(Organizations), Здоровье (Health), Форум (Forum), Развлечения (Entertainment). The difference

will be in the titles, pop-up explanations of these menu items and the location by the priorities in the

main menu bar: -1, 1, 2, 3, 4, respectively.

I also decided to change the original background color of the website, defined by the chosen

style Lime. At first, to create this, I went to the folder at the address\sites\all\themes\zeropoint\images\lime and changed using Photoshop images: fill_top.png,


fill_top_left.png, fill_top_right.png. I changed there its color spectrum from yellow to light green

and saved in the same folder. Thus, I do not need to change the code, and my website now has

another background that is better blending with the other elements.

There are not any drop-down submenus on the site now, but I prescribe the style of their

displaying at the beginning, so when they are added, I will not need to change anything. How my

website is looking now is shown in Annex 1, Figure 8.

At this stage, I was able to realize the following:

main menu items (the item Форум (Forum) is hovered by mouse and looks a little bit lighter

then others, items Животные (Animals), Объявления (Advertisements) and Развлечения

(Entertainment) will have drop-down submenus) :

light green background of the website.


3.4. Development of Category “Animals”

So, the main menu is made. Now it is necessary to arrange the drop-down menu. At this stage, it

is expected at three menu items – Animals, Advertisements and Entertainment.

I will start with the menu item Animals (Животные). It will have six subs: Cats (Кошки), Dogs

(Собаки), Birds (Птицы), Fish (Рыбы), Rodents (Грызуны), and Reptiles (Рептилии). Since I

want that content will properly distribute between pages, I cannot create a page for these sub-items

in the same way as for the main menu items. This requires a different approach.

But before to do all the planned activities I need to understand why it is necessary to create

specific types of content, rather than using the built in ones – Basic page or the Article, and why

articles do not get where it is necessary, but only are publishing on the News page.

On the page News, all the added content of the site has no separation by content types, and each

new post added appears at the top of the page and the previous shifts down. However, There are

designed other sections on my website: Animals (with the categories: Cats (Кошки), Dogs

(Собаки), Birds (Птицы), Fish (Рыбы), Rodents (Грызуны), Reptiles (Рептилии)) and

Advertisements (with categories: Buy (Куплю), Sell (Продам), Accept a gift (Приму в дар), Gift

(Подарю), Pairing (Спаривание), Lost / Found (Потерялся / Нашёлся), Temporary housing /

Hotels (Передержка / Гостиницы)).

At first, to do this, I need to create a Vocabulary of Terms for the category Animals. This is the

simplest way to ensure of getting the information about the different breeds of dogs on the Dogs

page (Собаки), of cats – on Cats page (Кошки), etc.

Therefore, I go to the administrative bar on the top of the page and find there Structure

Taxonomy. I click Add vocabulary on the opened page. Then I write its Name (Pets) and

Description (For different species of pets). Thus, the vocabulary Pets is created, and I need to add

terms to it. I click Add term and a new page appears. There I write the Name of new term – Кошки

/ cats. I choose <root> as a parent term in the section Relations. After this, I choose 0 in the list

Weigth. Then I save all this modifications.

To create other terms I do the same operations, but write necessary names and choose other

priorites in the list Weigth: Собаки / dogs – 1, Птицы / birds – 2, Рыбы / fish – 3, Грызуны /

rodents – 4, Рептилии / reptiles – 5. At the end, I save all these terms and the vocabulary Pets is



Then I need to create a new content type that will correspond to the menu item Animals. I will

call it Pets. To do this I go to the Structure Content types. Click there Add content type. In the

form that appears in the Name I write Pets – this is a required item, which contains the title of the

content. I place the description of this content type at Description: "For pages about pets". In the

Publishing options section below box Default options are checked items Published and Promoted to

front page (placed on the main page – it is my page News (Новости)).

Then I go to the Display settings section, where uncheck Display author and date information, as

I do not need that to indicate at this content data when and who created it. Under the heading Menu

settings in the box Available menus, I check the Main menu, and in the list Default parent item I

select Animals (Животные), that is, this type of content will relate to the main menu item Animals.

Then I click Save and add fields and go to the editing form for fields that allow to fill in the

content with information. Fields Title and Body I leave the default.

Then I click Add new field. It will be designed for a detailed description of certain breeds of

pets, so in the graph Label I write the name – Детали (Details). Because this title is written of

Russian letters, I must indicate in the Machine name its English analogue – field_about_pet. In the

column Field type, I select from the list field’s type – Long text. Click Save. I write the name of the

field displayed on the site on the next page under the column Label. Again, I write there Детали

(Details). I uncheck Required field, because this field is not mandatory to fill in and display on the

site. I specify the maximum number of rows of text in the column Rows. I write there 400, since in

this field will be a lot of information. I check Filtered text (user selects text format) at Text

processing section to allow users to use HTML tags in text. Everything else I leave the default and

click Save settings to save the changes.


Then I need to add another one field – with the name tag, in which I will select the term from the

vocabulary Pets to every type of pets so they will have a possibility to be distributed to the specified

pages: information about dogs – on the page Dogs, about cats – on the page Cats, etc. Therefore, I

choose Term reference from a list at the column Field type. At the opened page, I write tag at the

Label and check Required field, because this field need to be mandatory to fill in and display on the

site, as without it different types of content about diverse specied of pets cannot be distributed to the

specified pages. Everything else I leave the default and click Save settings to save the changes.

I pass on the tab Manage display for adjusting the mode of display fields on the page. At the

column Label, opposite to the field Body is selected <Hidden> – name of this field will not be

displayed on the page. The same variant I choose for the field tag. However, opposite to the field

Детали (Details) I select Above – the title of this field will be written above the text. At the column

Format, I choose Default for the Body and Детали (Details), and Link for tag. Therefore, clicking

on the vocabulary terms under the text, users can see all articles about this species of pets.


Therefore, I added all necessary fields in a new content type and managed their display on the

future pages of this type, so I click Save.

Now, I will create a page of this type about dogs without breed, as the most prevalent

representatives of this species. I go to the Content, click there Add content and choose the type of

content Pets. I click on it and there appears a form to fill it with the information.

It is mandatory to fill in the field Title and I write there Без породы (Without breed). In the

section Body I write the text that appears on the page as a teaser, that is a summary of the article. I

choose Full HTML in the list at subparagraph Text format. Then I rise above and write in the field

Body the following:

<div align="justify"><a href = ""><img src =


alt="Без породы" align="right" hspace="10"/></a>Первым одомашненным видом животных

были волки, ставшие собаками. Поначалу они служили помощниками в охоте, а позже

исполняли и сторожевые функции.

<a href = "">Собаки</a>



Now I need to describe all applied tags. First, I wrote <div align = "justify"> – all the text in the

block <div> is aligned with the width of the page (the simultaneous alignment of the text on its left

and right edge by adding spaces between words by browser).

In the tag <a> in href I specify the path to the desired page, and using <img> tag – the path to the

necessary image and this will be link to the page about dogs without breed. For visitors, going to

the section Dogs, will be able to go to this page by three ways: by clicking on the title of the article,

click on the "Read more", or on the photo of dogs, also shown in the teaser to the right of the text.

To display the picture at the right sight of the teaser, I write at the <img> tag parameter

align="right" – right-aligned. More I specify the parameter hspace = "10" to the right and left of the

picture to be indented 10 pixels. Therefore, the text that appears next to it does not abut closely to it

and does not interfere with your viewing experience.

Below is indicated by a tag <a> another link – to the page Dogs to allow visitors of this page

about dogs without breed to return to the general page with all dogs’ species.

Then I add tag <br/>, to create a blank line for their visual separation between the text of the

summary field and details.

I write text, using tags HTML, in the section Детали (details). I will describe it apart piece by

piece. That is what is written in the title:


<head> <meta charset="utf-8" />

<link href="/css/gal5.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />


I use the encoding <meta charset = "utf-8" /> for the correct display of Russian letters. The

<link> tag specifies the path to the file with the styles gal5.css, which will display the gallery. I will

describe it later.

I place the text with a detailed description of the breed in the tag <body>. I write <div align =

"justify"> before it toplace the text across the entire width of the page. The item Фото галерея

(Gallery) will be displayed in bold with the tag <strong>. To be able to use gallery styles prescribed

in the file gal5.css for the images, I enclose them in a block <div> and point class = "gallery1",

because in the file with the styles they are applied to the objects of this class.

Now I must decide how the pictures will be positioned on the page. I concluded that it is best to

place them at the center three in a row. The fact is that by checking the results of the gallery display

on the monitors with different extensions, I have noticed that on monitors with a smaller extension

of the screen, close to the square, there are only three images placed in a row, and the fourth one

appears on the next line. Therefore, although on the large-format screens, which are now

increasingly widespread, four pictures are placed in a row, I must take into account the comfort of

site’s viewing for all visitors. That is why I will place from the beginning three images in a row. To

place picture in the center, I use the block <div align = "center">, and include in it three other <div>

tags with the default settings:

<div style="display: inline-block;">

<p><a tabindex = "1"><img src = "/sites/all/themes/zeropoint/images/dogs_bez_porodi/"></a></a></p></div>

Display style inline-block is a block element, streamlined by other elements like a built-in one.

By its action, it looks like built-in elements (such as tag <img>). Withal the internal part is

formatted as a block element, and the element itself – as a built-in one. Each picture in the gallery

will be these block.

I specify with tabindex how images by its priority will be displayed after pressing on the

keyboard button Tab. I note the location of the image below it.

Then I need to deside what kind of styles will be applied to the photos of this gallery. File

gal5.css fully is shown in Annex 2. Now I will describe its aspects.

The rule gallery1 a img responds for the main style. I predetermine radius of curvature on the

edges of the frame around the image using border-radius: 25px. Since the color of the frame is not

specified, it is transparent, and only at the edges is shaded to be evident that the frame exists there.


Therefore, it does not strike visitor's eyes and looks very stylish and neat. Then I describe the

appearance of all images on the screen using transition. They appear for 1 second.

Next, I make a shadow around the frame using the parameters box-shadow (because of its

transparent frame will be seen). box-shadow: 0px 2px 4px 1px #DFDFDF – these parameters

indicate the value of the shadow in pixels on each side: there are no shadow on the top, on the right

sight – 2 pixels, on the bottom – 4 pixels, and on the left – 1 pixel. After them there is indicated the

shadow color in the form of one of the shades of gray.

I set the transparency of images: opacity: 1 - the picture will be completely opaque. Next, I

describe the location of the photos themselves:


padding:10px; /* internal paddings */



For the behavior of the images when you click on them responds the rule gallery1 a: focus img.

With the help of parameter position: absolute I point positioning of photos, that is, they will be

positioned independently of the other elements on the page, but because of this it is necessary to set

clear location parameters for them after clicking:

margin-top:-250px; /* the up displacement to 250 pixels */

margin-left:-400px; /* the left displacement to 400 pixels*/

Here I had to solve one more problem that could cause a visual discomfort at users. The fact that

with the gradual reduction of the image, when you select another picture, the photo on the right

sight in the row is shifted to the lower row, and then back again, when originally selected picture

permanently reduced and acquires its original form. To correct this, I set up the following

parameter: margin-right:-200px;

Therefore, the selected image, when it is decreasing, comes on 200 pixels behind the left edge of

the picure that is placed righter in the row, and the image situated on the right edge is not shifted to

the bottom row. When the image decreases, it comes out of the left edge of the next picture and

becomes in its place.

Next, I define the height of the image when you click on it: height: 300px;

Because I originally gave its height for 150 pixels, regardless of the actual value of the image,

when user click on the picture, it increases to 300 pixels. Therefore, if visitor want to see all detailes

of the photos, he can click on them to enlarge.

The following indicates the type of cursor – in the form of a hand : cursor: pointer;


That is, when an image is enlarged, when user hovers it, the cursor changes from an arrow to a

hand and the user knows that he can again click on the picture and it will decrease.

Then use the transition to describe the increase of all pictures on the screen. They are increasing

quickly – within 1 second: transition: all 1.0s ease.

The size of the shadow around the frame, when it zoomes, changes:

box-shadow: 0px 4px 4px 1px #DFDFDF;

The rule gallery1 a specifies the parameters not for the photos, but for the whole gallery. In

addition, I specify that there will not be any framework around it: outline: 0; border: 0;

The rule gallery1 a:hover img sets the parameters when user hover over the image. It can be

without it, but now when user moves the mouse over the picture, cursor does not change, and the

user cannot guess that he can click on this image. Therefore, I write for it the parameter:

cursor: pointer;

Now, when user hovers over the image, the cursor changes from an arrow to a hand, giving user

understand what he can click there, as well as cursor behaves when you hover over links. The

problem is solved and the gallery is ready to use:

Therefore, the text box is filled. I pass to the lower sections. I choose vocabulary term Собаки /

dogs at the field tag, and now this article is associated with the main page about dogs.

Then I make changes in the column Comment settings, noting Open – users can leave comments

on the page.

At the Publishing options, I put checkmarks near Publish – the page will be published, that is

visible to users of the website, Promoted to front page – the page will appear on the page Новости

(News). Finally, I click Save to save all modifications.

Thus, a page about dogs without breed is ready. However, there is not so much information on it.

The situation is different with the pages of purebred dogs, where are indicated the characterizing

features, how to care of these species of dogs, requirements of canine organization, etc. Because of


that, such kind of page should look different and have the content, so that users can easily navigate

through it.

Therefore, I will create a page about the most popular nowadays breed of dogs – golden

retriever. I go to the Content, click Add content and choose the type of content Pets. I write

Золотистый ретривер (Golden Retriever) in the obligatory to fill in field Title in the opened form.

I write the text displayed on the page in the text area Body. I select Full HTML from the drop-

down list Text format behind it. Then I rise above and write the text in the field. This area will not

be different from the page about dogs without breed. Its style will be standard on all pages with

information about animals.

However, heading Детали (Details), in which I write a new text, will concern some changes.

There is this text with HTML tags in it:

<ul><li>О породе</li> /* About breed */

<li>Характер</li> /* Temper */

<li>Содержание</li> /* Keep */

<li>История породы</li> /* History of the breed */

<li>Стандарт FCI</li> /* FCI Standard */

<li>Источники информации</li> /* Information sources */

<li>Фото галерея</li></ul> /* Photo gallery */

Depending on the available information about the breed, the content of articles about different

breeds may be different.

I organize the list with the tag <ul> and use <li> to indicate each list item starting with a point

and from a new line. This list displays the content of the information provided below. Now I need to

make sure that it will act like a real content of the page: when users click on the items, they can

move to the necessary rubrics. To do this, I use tools provided by HTML – anchors. Anchor is a

kind of link, so they also use tag <a>, but it does not lead beyond the current page, it leads to any

part of it. Therefore, I give a unique name for each anchor and write it next to each item on my list,

and it gets the following form:

<ul><li><a href="#about">О породе</a></li>

<li><a href="#character">Характер</a></li>

<li><a href="#keep">Содержание</a></li>

<li><a href="#history">История породы</a></li>

<li><a href="#fci">Стандарт FCI</a></li>

<li><a href="#info">Источники информации</a></li>

<li><a href="#foto">Фото галерея</a></li></ul>


Below, using tags <strong> I make these items bold. In addition, in front of them, I write a link

with the appropriate name of the item, but it has a different look. For example, for the item "About

breed": <a name="about"><strong>О породе</strong></a>

Now the content of the page allows user to navigate through it. However, because of the large

volume of information, the user, once he is in the end of the article, in order to return to the top,

should scroll the slider up for a long time that is awkward, and will take some time. Because I want

to create a website as comfortable as possible for its users, I should solve this problem, and the

solution is to use one more anchor.

For this purpose, before the list of contents I place this anchor: <a name="top"> </a>

In its appearance it meets the anchors with titles of sections of the article located in the text, that

is users will come to this anchor when they click on its another end, which I place at the end of the

article with the title "Вверх" (Up): <a href="#top">Вверх</a>. By clicking on it, users will be

instantly at the beginning of the page that is very convenient. Anchor at the top of the page has no

visible title, because visitor can understand and without it that he is at the very beginning of the


Next, filling of this field corresponds to the similar one about dogs without breed – there is a

text, and below – a gallery with pictures, for which at the beginning of this field is defined file with

styles gal5.css, applied to all the galleries on the pages about animals.

Below this area, I select the item Full HTML from the drop-down list box Text format.

I make the same actions in the lower sections, which I have done creating the previous page.

Now it is necessary to make sure that each article on the site (existing or newly added) will be

published not only on the news page, but also on the page corresponding to it by content type

(article about dogs on Dog page, etc.).

To solve this problem by using additional module Views. I download it from the official website Then I install it at the folder at the directory\sites\all\modules on server. Now I

can activate it from a list of available modules of my site, goig on the page Modules. However,

before it I also must download and install in the folder with all modules on server one more module

– Chaos Tools (CTools), because without it I cannot activate module Views. Therefore, I can

activate it now, too. After their downloading and activation, it is possible to create my own unique

look (view) for each type of content. To do this, I go to the Structure -> Views and click Add new


A window appears with a form to fill in. I write the name of a new view in the field View name.

Because I create a view for the page Собаки, I will call it Dogs. Below it, I can add an explanation

(optional item that allows the administrator to know about what responds this view). Then I selecte


from the drop-down list content type associated with the view (Pets) and near it select the

vocabulary term – Собаки / dogs. This allows articles about dogs to be on the necessary page.

I define the display order of the articles next to it. I will publish articles in a direct manner for

pages about animals – previously created article will be located above the later, because first I will

create articles about the most popular breeds.

Then I create a separate page, which will get content about dogs. I give it a name Собаки (Dogs)

and point its URL: I note, in which form articles will be displayed on it

(in the form of teasers or completely, with or without comments). For comfortable and quick

reading information about different breeds will be displayed as a teaser (in the form of a summary

with general information and a picture). I note for them the opportunity to comment, so that users

can communicate with each other and discuss the details of a particular breed. Then I indicate the

number of articles displayed per page (for example, 10), and to view others, use pagination, ie the

eleventh article will be located on the next page.

I save all modifications. There a window with all settings appears on the screen, where you can

change them. In the preview, I can see what content gets to the created page.

However, it is impossible now to find it through the menu of the site. I create for this page a

separate menu item, which is a submenu of the category Животные (Animals). I go to the Structure

-> Menus and opposite to the Main menu click the item list links. In the window that appears, I

click Add link. I write the name of the new menu item in the section Menu link title – Собаки

(Dogs). Below it, I specify the path to the page (Path), which was used to create the view Dogs: I specify the text-description that appears, when you hover the cursor

on this menu item, in the Description: Информация о собаках (Info about dogs). I put a checkmark

at Enabled to make this page visible. I select the item --Животные (Animals) as a parent menu at

the list Parent link. I determine its priority in the list Weight - 1. Then I save it.

Similarly, I add other items of the menu Животные (Animals): Кошки (Cats), Птицы (Birds),

Рыбы (Fish), Грызуны (Rodents), Рептилии (Reptiles), previously created the appropriate views

(Cats, Birds, Fish, Rodents, Reptiles). The difference will be the priority – 0, 2, 3, 4, and 5,

respectively. The item Cats will have the priority 0 to locate this item above the item Dogs, because,

as I have studied various Sociological polls, cats are the most popular pets. Other species are also

placed taking into account their popularity - from more popular to less.

Thus, the submenu items are ready, but they are not visible. I must activate drop-down menu. I

hover the cursor at the edge of the main menu. Appears a cog. By clicking on it appears a context

menu, where I select Configure block. I went at the section Region settings and choose Drop Down


menu from the list under the theme 0 Point (default theme). I click Save block to save changes in it.

Now the drop down menu appears when you click on the category Animals.

However, it is more comfortable for user not when drop-down menu appears if he clicks on the

main menu item, but when he hovers it with the cursor. To do this, I go into Structure Menus

Main menu list links Animals edit. There I put a checkmark at Show as expanded.

So I activated the option, when you hover over a menu item, appears its submenus, and next to

the name now is an arrow, signifying that main menu item Animals has submenus:

Now there is a transition to the pages with the breeds of pets’ species through the menu items.

Nevertheless, the menu Animals has its own page, so it is logical to organize transitions through it,

too. I click on the menu item Animals and choose Edit on the appeared page. There appeared a form

to fill in. I add text with changes in the field Body. I will describe it sequentially and will start with

the heading:

<head><meta charset="utf-8" />

<link href="/css/bold_links.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />


Here I connect to the page the file with styles bold links.css, the appointment of his is to change

the color and the fat of font of links with headings’ names when user hovers the mouse over them.

<head> <meta charset="utf-8" />

<link href="/css/bold_links.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />


<body> <div class="links">


In addition, to make links changing their color and became with a bold font when you hover

them, I put the entire text into block <div> and, where there were these links, I write to them

class="links". Then, by adding to the header line <link href="/css/bold_links.css" rel="stylesheet"

type="text/css"/>, I connect to the page file with styles bold_links.css. This file describes how the

text of links, when you hover it with the mouse cursor, will become bold and change color from

dark green #006400 (which I also by my own prescribe to it like default) to the chocolate #D2691E.


.links a{

color: #006400; /*исходный цвет ссылок – тёмно-зелёный | default color of links*/

text-decoration: underline; /*изначально ссылки изображаются с подчёркиванием*/ }

.links a:hover{ /*при наведении*/

font-weight: bolder; /*шрифт ссылок становится жирным*/

color: #D2691E; /*цвет ссылки меняется на шоколадный | new color, when link is hovered*/


Then I write the introductory text. I place pictures with inscriptions below it. Each of them

represents an appropriate heading and species of pets. The blocks with them are located (each with

three items) in the center with the help of <div style="text-align: center;">. Next to each,

individually, I define the parameters of the location on the page and in relation to each other. For

example, for the first picture in the top row I indicate the distance from the beginning of the page –

margin-top: 35px. For the rest of the images in the row I determine the distance of 15 pixels from

the left edge to the previous image – margin-left: 15px. Each picture with explanatory text

underneath it is a separate block, which is determined by the display: inline-block.

I write code to make from pictures and explanatory text below them some links to jump to the

desired pages. The block with links for paragraph Кошки (Cats) looks like that:

<div style="width: 200px; display: inline-block; margin-top: 35px;">

<p><a href = ""><img src = "

1small_cats_7479d95e35d1350c501cac7bd33915a5.jpg" alt="Кошки"></a></p>

<p style="text-align:center;"><a href = "">Кошки</a></p></div>

That is, there is specified a separate link for picture and for the text below it, and with the help of

<p style="text-align: center;"> I place this text in the center of the image below it.


For the final inscription on the page, where are wishes from the administration of the site, I

created a separate block with opened and closed tags <div>. Inside, in the tags <cite>, the text is

written in italics. I determine the style of the text in the opening tag <div>: text-align: right – it is

located on the right, margin-top: 100px – the distance from the top of the page to the down consists

100 pixels. In addition, as a nice finale, there is a picture of a parrot walking on the green (in color

tone of the website) ribbon below all text symbolizing the end of the page:

<div style="text-align:right; margin-top: 100px;"><cite>

Желаем Вам приятного просмотра по сайту! /* We hope you enjoy viewing the site! */

С уважением, Администрация. /* Best regards, Administration. */


<div><p><img src ="

2dcdb214400b9fd12054e2ca625e45f5.png" alt="Footer"></p></div></body>

I close tag </body> and choose for this field in the column Text format the type Full HTML to

make all tags activated and the page look exactly as intended.

How the page Animals is looking now, is shown in Annex 1 on Figure 1.

The page Dogs is shown in Annex 1 on Figure 2.

The view of pages about dogs without breed and about golden retriever can be seen in Annex 1

on Figure 3 and Figure 4, respectively.


3.5. Development of Category “Advertisements”

There are planned seven sections in the category Advertisements: Buy (Куплю), Sell (Продам),

Accept a gift (Приму в дар), Gift (Подарю), Pairing (Спаривание), Lost / Found (Потерялся /

Нашёлся), Temporary housing / Hotels (Передержка / Гостиницы). All visitors will be able to

view messages there, but to leave their own ads can only registered users. This is done to

immediately view the user’s name and, if desired, all ads, which he placed on the site. In addition,

to increase the speed and comfort of the users finding the necessary announcements, for each of the

sections mentioned above it is necessary to develop areas that will correspond to the animal species,

to which these types of ads are written most frequently.

I cannot create for ads a single content type with the different terms from the vocabulary, as I

have done for pets, because users, when they create their ads, can accidentally select the not that

term, tht should be for this type of advertisement, and the ad will not get to the right page. I have to

create for users the simplest forms to fill the ads that there was no error. For this reason, I will

create a separate content type for each type of ad. In this case, when you click on the button

"Добавить объявление" (Add announcement) at the top of the page with the announcements of one

theme, there can be added only the ad of this type.

Therefore, it is necessary to create appropriate content types. I go to the Structure Content

types and click there Add content type. I write the name of a new type of content in the field Name:

1.1 | Объявление о продаже кошек (The announcement of the sale of cats). I indicate these figures

for the convenience of the administration with further associating of these content types with the

appropriate views. Since the name is in Russian, I should enter its English analogue for the system

in the column Machine name: 1_1_sell_cat. I specify a short description of this content type in the

field Description to know for what it exists: Форма для создания объявлений о продаже кошек

(A form for creating ads about sell of cats).

I put checkmarks in the section Publishing options below the box Default options at Published

and Promoted to front page (to post ads on the main page, which is page Новости (News)). At the

heading Display settings I check Display author and date information, so under the advertisement

will be information about who and when created it. In the Menu settings in the list Available menus

I choose Main menu and from the list Default parent item select Продам (Sell), therefore, this type

of content refers to the sub-menu item Продам (Sell).

I press the button Save and add fields and go to the form for editing fields of the content. I leave

field Title the default. I change the name of the field Body on Описание (Description), as it will be


displayed on the page for filling in the ad. The average user will better understand this new title

than the original one that does not carry any meaning relevant to a particular case.

I click Add new field to add the field about the sales region. I write his name in the Label

column – Регион (Region). Since the name is in Russian, I should enter its English analogue in the

Machine name – field_reg_1_1. I select the field type from the list Field type – Text. Than I click

Save. On the next page, I write the name of the field displayed on the site in the column Label –

Регион (Region). I put a checkmark at the Required field – it is a mandatory to fill and display on

the site this field. I leave the default maximum number of rows (60) to fill with the text in the field

Rows, as there will be little information in this area, and the default number is sufficient. I select

Plain text at Text processing, as in this field is not supposed to use HTML tags. In section

DEFAULT VALUE, I specifies it: ---. This dash would mean that the author of the ad did not want

to leave the coordinates of his location. I click Save settings to save this field.

Then, I add a field to indicate the phone number to communicate with the author of the ad. I

click Add new field. I write the name of the field in the column Label – Контакты (Contact) and in

the Machine name indicate its English analogue – field_tel_1_1. I select in the Field type type Text.

Then I produce the same changes as in the creation of the field Регион (Region), since their

difference consist only in titles.

Next, I add one more field – Фото (Photo), so that visitors can see selling pets, as only

description is insufficient. I write its English analogue in the Machine name – field_foto_1_1. I

select the type Image in the Field type. Then I click Save. On the Field settings page, in the Default

image column is available for download the default image that appears when the other is not loaded.

I press Save field settings. On the next page, I write the name in the field Label – Фото (Photo). I

uncheck the option Required field for Photo. I load the default picture, which I previously created in

Photoshop, in section Default image. I check the point Enable Alt field, so that the author could

specify explanatory text associated with a photo, which appears when it absents (for example,

picture does not loaded because of the bad work of the browser). In addition, I put a checkmark next

to Enable Title field, so that the author can specify the name of the picture that appears when you

hover the cursor on it. I choose 5 in the list Number of values to be able to download five images to

the ad, which is especially important when selling a lot of puppies. All other items I leave the

default and click Save settings.

I pass on the Manage display tab to adjust the display of the fields on the page. Opposite to the

Field description in the column Label is selected <Hidden> – name of the field will not be

displayed. I select Inline next to the fields Регион (Region) and Контакты (Contacts) – the names


of these areas will be located in one line with the content. In the field Фото (Photo) is selected

Above – the name will be above the content.

I save it and a new type of content is ready. Then I create content types for other categories of

ads, do not forget that all machine names of fields must be unique, not only in the same content, but

also in all together, otherwise errors may occur in the system. However, if you accidentally forget

about it, the system will protect itself by issuing a warning that the machine name for this field is

already set, and you must write another one.

If the authors do not wish to download any image to their ad, on the page will show a standard

image with the inscription ФОТО (PHOTO) created by me using the program Adobe Photoshop:

Now it is necessary to arrange the drop-down menu for the main menu item Объявления

(Advertisements). There are will be seven items: Buy (Куплю), Sell (Продам), Accept a gift

(Приму в дар), Gift (Подарю), Pairing (Спаривание), Lost / Found (Потерялся / Нашёлся),

Temporary housing / Hotels (Передержка / Гостиницы). I will create these items and paged for

them in the same way as the items of main menu item Animals. The difference is that, I select in

paragraph Menu settings in the list Parent item the point -- Объявления (Advertisements). Put the

priorities to display submenu items in the right order: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, respectively. In addition,

each item will have an appearing explanatory label, when you hover it.

Further, I do that this submenu appears when you hover the cursor on the main menu item

Advertisements. I go to the Structure Menus Main menu list links Объявления

(Announcements) edit and check there Show as expanded. Now this option is activated, and next

to the main menu item Announcements is always an arrow, which helps the user to understand that

the column Ads have the following sections:


The menu item Объявления (Ads) has its own page, so it is logical to organize through it

transitions to its rubrics. I click on the menu item Объявления (Ads) and choose Edit. I add text

with changes in the Body field. At the beginning, as well as on the page Животные (Animals), I

connect to the header file with the styles bold_links.css, and, therefore, its purpose will be the same

– to change the color and the fat of font in links with names of headings when you hover the mouse

over them.

Next, I fill the main page’s area in the tag <body>. I connect to it a tag with the class links (<div

class = "links">) for the entire text of a page that links, which are below, can change with the styles

specified in bold_links.css file.

Then I arrange the blocks, each of which will have a picture and explanatory text (display:

inline-block). For each block, separately, I define parameters and location on the page and in

relation to each other. For example, I indicate the distance from the left edge of the page for the first

picture in the top row – margin-left: 15px. I write the distance from the left edge to the previous

image for the rest pictures, depending on its size. The width of each unit – 200 pixels (width:

200px). In addition, I want to make links from explanatory text and the picture itself to the relevant

pages of classified species of ads. That looks like a block with a link to the item Куплю (Buy):

<div style="width: 200px;display: inline-block; margin-left:15px">

<p><a href = ""><img src =

"" alt="Куплю"></a></p>

<p style = "text-align: center; margin-right: 5px"> <a href =


That is, I specifies a separate links for pictures and text below them. I place the text below the

image in center with the help of <p style = "text-align: center;">. In addition, I specify the text that

appears on the page, if the picture is not loaded (alt = "Куплю" (Buy)).

Images for each ad I have created from photos of real animals, changing them by the program

Adobe Photoshop CS5.1.


Finally, the bottom of the page I make the standard "footer" as well as on the page Животные

(Animals) with wishes from the administration of the site and a photo of parrot:

<div style="text-align:right; margin-top: 100px;"><cite>

Желаем Вам приятного просмотра по сайту! /* We hope you enjoy viewing the site! */

С уважением, Администрация. /* Best regards, Administration. */


<div><p><img src ="

2dcdb214400b9fd12054e2ca625e45f5.png" alt="Footer"></p></div></body>

I close the tag </body> and choose for this field in the Text format type Full HTML, to have

worked all these tags and the page looks as designed.

How the page Объявления (Advertisements) looks now is shown at Annex 1 in Figure 5.

Now I have to create unique views for each type of content. I go to the Structure -> Views and

click Add new view. A window appears with a form to fill in. I indicate the name of the new view

in the first field. Because I create a view for page about the sale of birds, I call it 1.3 Selling birds


(birds come third in the list of pets after cats and dogs). Below it, I can add an explanation (optional

item that allows the administrator to know about what responds this view): Объявления о продаже

птиц (Ads about sale of birds).

Then I indicate what type of content will be associated with this view – I choose it from the drop

down list – 1.3 | Объявления о продаже птиц (Ads about sale of birds).

I define the display order of articles on the page next to it. For pages with ads I use the

publication in reverse order, that is an ad created later than the other will be placed above all the rest

– from the newer one to the previously created. All bulletin boards adhere to theis principle of the

location of the messages as users primarily are interested in the most relevant in the latest ads.

Then I create a separate page, where will be distributed necessary ads, and point the way to it: I specify the display of articles on this page (as a teaser or

in full version, with or without comments). For comfortable and quick viewing ads will be shown as

teasers (summary). I also note for it a possibility to comment, so the users can communicate there

with each other and with the author and discuss the details associated with a specific ad.

Further I indicate the number of ads displayed per page (for example, 10), and to view those that

are not on this page it is used pagination, that is, when the user comes to the tenth message on the

page, he will see at the bottom of the page numbers of other pages and can view ads located there.

I save it and a window with all settings appears where you can change them. In particular, the

changes requires the title of the created page. I click on it and a form appears to make changes. In

my opinion, a normal visitor could not understand what content could be on the page that is called

1.3 Selling birds. That is why I change this title to a more appropriate – Объявления о продаже

птиц (Ads about sale of birds).

In addition, it is necessary that before the list of ads was an area with a button, clicking on which

the user will go directly to the form to create the appropriate type of ad. To do this, I find in the

second column the section Header and click Add. I choose as a header that I want to add at the

opened window – Global: Text area, because I can place everything that I needed in it with the help

of HTML tags. Then I fill it after selecting the item below Full HTML:

<head><link href="/sites/all/themes/zeropoint/css/advertisment8.css" rel="stylesheet"

type="text/css" /></head>

<body><a href="" class="a-btn">

<span class="a-btn-text">Добавить объявление</span> /* Add an ad in Russian*/

<span class="a-btn-slide-text">Adaugă un anunț</span> /* Add an ad in Romanian*/

<span class="a-btn-icon-right"><span></span></span></a>

<p><img src="/sites/all/themes/zeropoint/images/white_background1.jpg"></p></body>


I connect to it the file with the styles advertisement8.css in the header. There are described styles

of the new button in its original state, when it is hovered and pressed. The entire file

advertisment8.css is shown in Annex 2. I will describe its aspects later.

The code in the tags <body> defines the elements, which are located in the established area. The

first element is a reference specified by tag <a> with several parameters. Therefore, when you click

on each of its components, proceeds a transition to the necessary page. As a link is the path to the

page with a form to create a certain type of ads for a specific category of animals (ie the creation of

relevant content). Thus, author is previously protected from erroneous creation of ad of another

type, without being able to choose the type of ad from the general list – registered user can create an

ad just of the type that is defined on the page, from which he decides to create it.

For the link is defined a class a-btn, for which in the attached file of styles is prescribed style as

for a button. Inside the tag <a> three times is applied tag <span>. It determines the line elements of

the document. Unlike block-level elements, such as <table>, <p> or <div>, using the tag <span>

you can mark a part of the data inside the other tags and set its own style, that is required, in fact.

I set a separate class to describe the style for each tag <span>:

for the first – a-btn-text;

for the second – a-btn-slide-text;

for the third – a-btn-icon-right.

First with the text "Добавить объявление" (Add announcement) is the constant label on the

button. The text of the second tag «Adaugă un anunţ» appears below the first title when you hover

the cursor over the button. I set another tag <span> inside the third one. Its element is defined by the

class a-btn-icon-right. There will be a picture with the right arrow, slightly deviating from its

original position when you hover the cursor over the button.

The second element of this area is the picture in the form of a white background, necessary for

the correct action of the button located above, as, otherwise, the content on the page will be located

close to it and will not allow to move apart when you hover the cursor on it. This contrivance can be

added as a separate header with text area beneath the first, too. Both methods are equivalent.

Now I will describe the main aspect of the file advertisment8.css.

The rule a-btn responds for the main style of the button. I define general background color in

background:#699939. I use background:linear-gradient(top,#6b9943 0%,#64992c 100%) to allocate

the button’s color blend from top to bottom from color #6b9943 to color #64992c.

Then I prescribe parameters of the frame around the button:

border:1px solid #5d912f; /* 1px thickness of the frame, the frame is painted in color #5d912f */

border-color:#5d912f #538223 #427319;


/* border colors on sides: #5d912f – top, #538223 – right and left, #427319 – below */

border-radius:4px; /* corner radius is 4px */

Then I use the box-shadow option to add shadow tj the button:

box-shadow: 0 1px 1px #707070, /* outer shadow: no horizontal shift, vertical shift down to 1px,

shadow blur radius is 1px, shade color – #707070 */

inset 0 1px 0 #78995a; /* inner shadow: no horizontal shift, vertical shift down from the top

edge of the button to 1px, no shadow blur radius, shadow color – #78995a */

Using the padding, I install the fields around the content (the distance from the inner edge of the

element’s frame to the imaginary rectangle bounding its content):

padding: 0px 80px 10px 10px; /* distance from the top, right, bottom and left edge */

I determine the height of the button – height: 38px. I do so that the inside part of the element is

formatted as a block-level element and the element itself – as a built-in one (display:inline-block).

Button’s position is set at its original location (position:relative). I apply a setting float:left, so that

the element is on the left, and all the other flows around it on the right. I define a space from the

each edge of the button (margin:10px). Margin represents the space from the boundaries of the

current element to the inner edge of the parent element (boundaries of the page with content). Using

the overflow, I control display of the content of a block element (my button) if it does not fit

entirely and goes out of the specified size. I write overflow:hidden to display only the area inside

the element, and the rest is hidden.

Using transition:all 0.3s linear, I determine the effect of the transition between the two states of

the element, which can be determined by a pseudo-element :hover or :active. Transition is made

with the same speed from start to finish, within 0.3 seconds for all style properties. Their value is

controlled to create a transition effect.

Now I define style of the class a-btn-text (the label "Добавить объявление" (Add Ads)) in its

normal state. This is a block element (display:block). I set the size of the font – font-size:18px. By

using the parameter white-space:nowrap, I do so that spaces are not taken into account, line breaks

in HTML are ignored and all text is displayed in one line. I specify the text color:#223612 and the

shadow with a vertical shift down (text-shadow:0 1px 0 #79995d). The effect of the transition

between the two states of the element prescribed using :hover and :active, I define as for the button

itself to make it look natural.

I define styles for the class a-btn-slide-text (sliding label «Adaugă un anunţ») in its normal state.

I specify position:absolute – the element is absolutely positioned, while others appear as if it is not

there. Its position is defined by the properties left, top and right (top:35px; left:0px; right:52px). I

set the width based on the type and element’s content (width:auto). I specify the height:0px. Then,


in the normal state of the button, when it does not hovered over with the cursor and do not click, the

inscription «Adaugă un anunţ» is not visible. Background of this label is white – background:#fff,

and text color is dark green – color:#223612. With white-space:nowrap, I doing so all text displays

in one line, spaces and line breaks are not taken into account. I set the font (font-family: Georgia,

serif), writing in italics (font-style:italic) in font-size:13px. Using text-indent:15px, I set the value of

margin of the first line. I specify overflow:hidden to display only the area inside the element, and

the rest is hidden. I prescribe the line spacing of the text, starting from the base line of the font (line-

height:30px). Then I define settings of the shadow from the text:

box-shadow:-1px 0px 1px rgba(255,255,255,0.4), /* outer shadow: a shift to the left by 1px, no

vertical shift, shadow blur radius of 1px, color – white, saturation – 40% */

1px 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.5) inset; /* inner shadow: a shift to the right by 1px, shift

down to 1px, shadow blur radius by 1px, shadow color – black, saturation – 50% */

I use transition:all 0.3s linear to set the element’s transition effect as well as for a whole button.

Now I define styles for the class a-btn-icon-right (right button unit with an icon with an arrow) in

its normal state. I use position:absolute to indicate that the element is absolutely positioned, while

others displayed on the page, if it is not there. Its position is defined by the properties right:0px and

top:0px. I set the width:52px and height:100% (according to the size of the element). I add the left

border via border-left:1px solid #5d912f, so the block, where will be an arrow, was visually

separated from the block with the text. Then I prescribe the inner shadow (box-shadow:1px 0px 1px

rgba(255,255,255,0.4) inset).

I will define styles for element within the class a-btn-icon-right in the tag span (there is in it an

icon arrow), in its normal state. I specify the width:38px, height:38px and opacity:0.7. I use

position:absolute to indicate that the element is absolutely positioned, while others displayed on the

page, if it is not there. Its position is defined by the properties left:50% and top:50%, that is – in the

middle. I set the amount of padding from each edge of the button (top, right, bottom, left) with the

margin:-20px 0px 0px -20px. The icon arrow is a background and I write the way to it (background:

transparent url(/sites/all/themes/zeropoint/images/arrow_right.png) no-repeat 50% 55%). It is

shown in the middle once, without repetition. I use transition:all 0.3s linear to set the transition

effect of the element as well as for the button itself.

Using the rule a-btn:hover, I define the style of behavior of the button when it is hovered by a

cursor. Its height will increase to 65 pixels (height:65px). In addition, there will slightly change the

brightness of the shadow (box-shadow:0px 1px 1px rgba(255,255,255,0.8) inset, 1px 1px 5px



Style of the block with the label "Добавить объявление" (Add announcement), when it is

hovered, is given by the rule a-btn:hover .a-btn-text. I add blur of text-shadow:0px 1px 1px rgba

(0,0,0,0.2). I remove underlining of the link (text-decoration: none). I change color to white (#fff).

I use the rule a-btn:hover .a-btn-slide-text to set a behavioral style of the block with the label

«Adaugă un anunţ» when it is hovered with the cursor. Its height increases from 0 to 30px (height:

30px). Therefore, now this inscription is visible. Also by increasing of the height of the button, is

created the effect that this line is sliding out of the main title.

Using the rule a-btn:hover .a-btn-icon-right span I set a behavioral style of the block with arrow

when I hover it with a cursor. I increase the opacity from 0.7 to 1 (opacity:1). Now it is completely

opaque, the arrow looks brighter. I turn it on 450 counterclockwise (transform: rotate (-45deg)).

Rule a-btn:active defines style of the button’s behavior when it is pressed. The position will be

relative to the original place (position:relative), with the parameter top:1px I move it down. I

change the color of background: #669932, color of background:linear-gradient (top, # 669 932 0%,

# 6a993a 100%), the border-color:#446e1f #3f691b #3c6319, shift and color of the shadow around

the text (text-shadow:0 1px 0 #7c9960), outer and inner shades of button (box-shadow:0 1px 1px

#707070, inset 0 1px 0 #73994c).

Button in the normal state: Button hovered with a mouse:

View is created. The desired content is destributed to the created page (Annex 1, Figure 7).

Now, on the page of each type of ad I need to create links to this type of ad for a particular type

of pet. I write as links the way to the page created with the appropriate view. First, I make these

changes on the page Куплю (Buy). I go on it and click Edit. In the appeared window, I add the

necessary code in the field Body. At the beginning, I write in the header the path to the file with the

styles kategorii9.css, responsible for the display and behavior of the links on this page:

<head><link href="/css/kategorii9.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /></head>

Code of the file kategorii9.css I will describe later. Fully it can be seen in Annex 2.

Now I need to decide what will be located in the tag <body>. The category Куплю (Buy) will be

five types of ads, for each of which I will made links to the corresponding page: Кошки (Cats),

Собаки (Dogs), Птицы (Birds), Рыбы (Fish), Другие (Other). I use the tag <div> to arrange all

links in one block of 200 pixels wide and with margin from the left edge of the page in 15 px:

<div style="width: 200px; display: inline-block; margin-left:15px">


Each link of a particular page is contained in the separate block using <p>:

<p><a href="" class="a-btn">

<img src="/images/kupliu_cat.png" alt="Cats" />

<span class="a-btn-text">Кошки</span>

<span class="a-btn-icon-right"><span></span></span></a></p>

Link is given via tag <a> and has several parameters, so that when you click on each of its

components you can go to the necessary page. For it is defined the class a-btn, for which in the

attached file of styles is defined style as for a button. Inside the tag <a> twice is applied the tag

<span>. It is designed to determine the line elements of the document and to mark a part of data

within other tags and set its own style.

I set a separate class to describe the style for each tag <span>:

for the first – a-btn-text;

for the second – a-btn-icon-right.

In addition, there is a tag <img> within the link before the tags <span>, so that the button has a

picture corresponding to the animal species, about which will give the ads.

The button will look in such way: the picture on the left, then the name of the category (in this

case Кошки (Cats)), and on the right – arrow in the red circle. Normally, the saturation of the image

and the arrow in the circle will be only a half, and they will look pretty bleak, but when you hover

over the button, their intensity will be restored, and the circle around the arrow turns red, which will

give the user know that he chose this button. Moreover, when you click it, the arrow in the circle

make a full rotation around its axis.

Now I will describe main aspects of the file kategorii9.css.

The button’s initial style defines the rule a-btn. General color of background: #699939. I use

background:linear-gradient(top, #699939 0%, #64992c 100%) to determine the background of the

color blend from top to bottom from color #699939 to #64992c. I establish the fields from the left

and right edges of the content of the element using padding-left:90px and padding-right:105px.

Button’s – height: 90px. By using display:inline-block inner part of the button is formatted as a

block element, and the element itself – as built-in. The position of button is relative to its original

location (position:relative). I apply parameter float:left, so that the element is on the left, while the

others flow around his right sight. A margin from the top and bottom edges of the button is 10px,

and from the left and right – 0px (margin: 10px 0px). I prescribe overflow:hidden to display only

the area inside the button, and the rest is hidden.

Next, I define parameters of the frame around the button:

border:1px solid #5d912f; /* 1px thickness of the frame, the frame color #5d912f */


border-radius:4px; /* radius of curvature of the corners is 4px */

Then I use a parameter box-shadow to add a shadow to the button:

box-shadow: 1px 1px 3px rgba(0,0,0,0.2), /* outer shadow: a shift to the right and down in 1 px,

shadow blur radius of 3px, shadow color – black with saturation 0,2 */

0px 1px 1px rgba(255,255,255,0.8) inset; /* inner shadow: no horizontal shift, shift

down and the radius of the blur is 1px, color shade – white with saturation 0,8 */

As for the element is specified a radius of curvature with a parameter border-radius, the shadow

will also be with rounded corners. I set a transition effect between states of the element defined by

:hover and :active using transition:box-shadow 0.3s ease-in-out. The animation starts and ends

slowly, lasts 0.3 seconds for the style parameter box-shadow (the shadow of a button). Its value is

controlled to create a transition effect.

Parameter clear:both cancels flow around element at the same time on the right and left edges.

Then I specify the style of picture class a-btn img in the normal state. Due to position: absolute I

show absolute position of the element. His position is set by parameters left:15px and top:13px.

There is not a frame around the picture (border:none). I reduce its intensity by half (opacity:0.5). I

establish a transition effect between states of the element, defined by :hover and :active, with the

help of transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out. The animation starts and ends slowly, lasts 0.3 seconds for

all style parameters. Its value is controlled to create a transition effect.

I define styles of class a-btn-text (the label "Кошки/Cats" or other category of pets) in its normal

state. I set it as a block element (display:block) and font-size:30px. The text color: #fff (white) and

the shadow is with a vertical shift upward and with a 1px blur (text-shadow:0px -1px 1px #5d912f).

I prescribe the styles for the class a-btn-icon-right (right block with an arrow icon) in its normal

state. Element will have the position:absolute. His position I will define by parameters right:0px and

top:0px. I establish its width:80px and height:100% (element’s size). Moreover, I add a left border

via border-left:1px solid #5d912f, to make the block with an arrow visually separated from the

block with the text. I establish an inner shadow with a shift to the right and 1px blur, white color

with 40% opacity: box-shadow:1px 0px 1px rgba(255,255,255,0.4) inset.

I specify styles of element in tag span in class a-btn-icon-right (arrow icon) in its normal state. I

establish the width:38px, height:38px and opacity:0.7. Element has position:absolute. I set the

element’s position by parameters left:50% and top:50% (in the middle). I set the amount of padding

from each edge of the button (on the top, right, bottom and left) by margin:-20px 0px 0px -20px.

Instead of the background will be the arrow icon, situated on the server at the following dirrectory:

background: #5b5b5b url(/sites/all/themes/zeropoint/images/arrow_right.png) no-repeat center

center). It will be shown in the middle once without repetition. The background behind it is gray.


A frame around the arrow has 1px thickness, black color and the opacity 50%:

border:1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.5);

I determine for it a border-radius:20px, whereby around arrow is a gray circle. I use box-shadow

option to add a shadow to the button:

box-shadow: 0px 1px 2px rgba(255,255,255,0.5), /* outer shadow: no horizontal shift, shift down to

1px, shadow blur radius of 2px, color - white with saturation 0,5 */

0px 1px 1px rgba(255,255,255,0.3) inset; /* inner shadow: no horizontal shift, shift

down and shadow blur radius of 1px, shade’s color – white with saturation 0,3 */

For the element is specified a radius of curvature with a parameter border-radius and the shadow

will be with rounded corners, too. I set a transition effect between states of the element defined by

:hover and :active using transition:box-shadow 0.3s ease-in-out. The animation starts and ends

slowly, lasts 0.3 seconds for all style parameters. Its value is controlled to create a transition effect.

The brightness of the inner and outer shadows slightly changes (box-shadow:0px 1px 1px

rgba(255,255,255,0.8) inset, 1px 1px 5px rgba(0,0,0,0.4)).

Then I define the style of behavior of the block with a picture when it is hovered by the cursor

with the rule a-btn:hover img and restore its saturation (opacity:1).

I define the style of behavior of the block with an arrow when it is hovered by the cursor using

the rule a-btn:hover.a-btn-icon-right span. I increase its intensity from 0.7 to 1 (opacity:1). Now it is

opaque, arrow looks brighter. background-color:#bc3532 – red circle’s background around arrow.

Now, I define the style of behavior when you press a button with the rule a-btn:active. I set the

button at its original location (position:relative) and use the top:1px to move it at 1px down. I

establishe a new color of background:#669932. I change the border-color:#3c6319 and inner

shadow of the button (box-shadow:1px 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.4) inset). Rule a-btn:active .a-btn-icon-

right span defines the style of behavior of the block with the arrow when it is clicked – the arrow

will make a full rotation around its axis (transform:rotate(360deg)).

Buttons in the normal state: Buttons hovered with a mouse:

You can view page Куплю (Buy) in Annex 1, Figure 6.


3.6. Development of Category “Forum”

The Drupal websites have a built-in module that is responsible for the creation and operation of

the forum. However, initially, when Drupal is downloaded and installed, it is disconnected. To

activate it, I must go to the Modules, found in the list of modules – Forum and check it. Then I click

Save. In a fast navigation menu of the site showing on the left of the page in the orange box,

appeared the item Forums. Now registered users by clicking on it can get on the page with a

standard forum and start communicating, by creating their own discussion topics or joining the

already established ones.

However, I need to go to the forum via the main menu of the site. I have previously created an

item Форум (Forum) in the main menu. Yet when you presse this item, you do not find a forum,

and get on a blank page with the name Forum. In order to fix it, I go to the Structure -> Menus. I

find there Forum and click edit near it. In the window that opens as a Path, I write a path to that

page with a forum where we get clicking on the item Forums in the quick navigation menu: Everything else I leave unchanged and save. Now I get on the page

clicking on the main menu item Forum with absolutely ready to work forum in which I can add new

topics for discussions. To create new sections in it I go to the Modules -> Forum and click

Configure. On the opened page, I click Add forum and fill in the form of new section of forum.


3.7. Development of Category “Health”

Previously I created a main menu item dedicated to pets’ health – Здоровье. First, I develop a

content type for such types of articles. I go to the Structure->Content types and click Add content

type. It will have a title Здоровье (its machine name in English: health). Then I create a page for

this type of articles together with a view. I go to the Structure->Views and click Add view. Its name

will be Health and I write in the description – For articles about health. Then I indicate what type of

content will be associated with this view – Здоровье (Health).

I define the display order of articles on the page next to it – a direct one – previously created

article will be located above the later, because first I will write articles about veterinary clinics.

Then I create a separate page, where will be distributed necessary ads, and point the way to it: I specify the display of articles on this page (as a teaser or in full

version, with or without comments). For comfortable and quick viewing ads will be shown as

teasers (summary). I also note for it a possibility to comment, so the users can communicate there

with each other and discuss the details associated with a specific ad.

Further I indicate the number of ads displayed per page (for example, 10), and to view those that

are not on this page it is used pagination, that is, when the user comes to the tenth message on the

page, he will see at the bottom of the page numbers of other pages and can view ads located there.

I save it and a window with all settings appears where you can change them. In particular, the

changes requires the title of the created page. I click on it and a form appears to make changes. I

change the title of the page on Здоровье (Health) and save it.


3.8. Development of Category “Organizations”

Previously I created a main menu item dedicated to organizations for pets – Организации. First,

I develop a content type for such types of articles. I go to the Structure->Content types and click

Add content type. It will have a title Organizations. Then I create a page for this type of articles

together with a view. I go to the Structure->Views and click Add view. Its name will be the same

and I write in the description – For articles about organizations for pets. Then I indicate what type

of content will be associated with this view – Organizations.

I define the display order of articles on the page next to it – by title in a direct order, which will

be very comfortable for users to find and read such information.

Then I create a separate page, where will be distributed necessary ads, and point the way to it: I specify the display of articles on this page (as a teaser or in

full version, with or without comments). For comfortable and quick viewing ads will be shown as

teasers (summary). I also uncheck for it a possibility to comment.

Further I indicate the number of ads displayed per page (for example, 10), and to view those that

are not on this page it is used pagination, that is, when the user comes to the tenth message on the

page, he will see at the bottom of the page numbers of other pages and can view ads located there.

I save it and a window with all settings appears where you can change them. In particular, the

changes requires the title of the created page. I click on it and a form appears to make changes. I

change the title of the page on Организации (Organizations) and save it.


3.9. Development of Category “Entertainment”

Previously I created a main menu item dedicated to entertainment – Развлечения. Together with

it I developed its page, where I prescribed a link to the page with the gallery of pets’ photos – It is possible to go to this page from the submenu item of

Entertainment item – Галерея (Gallery), too. I organized a gallery of pets’ photos there using the

file gal5.css that I used before for articles about pets and attached to the header in the text field,

creating this page. Therefore, the gallery will work in the same way. The titles of pets’ species I

made bold using the tag <strong>.

Creating this page, I noted that to its content would be used Text format type Full HTML, to

have worked all these tags and the page looks as designed.



During this work I analyzed commercial and free open source CMS (WordPress, Joomla,

Drupal) and made some conclusions. WordPress is better for blogs; Joomla is very friendly for

designers and Drupal is friendly for developers. Finally, I chose Drupal to develop my site, because

I wanted to deepen the study and configuration of codes to create sophisticated, but fantastic

looking systems.

Moreover, I have analyzed modern web design trends and top usability mistakes. In addition, I

have analyzed the content and design of Slovak websites about pets. I used their good and modern

solutions in my website. For exemple, I created a website’s logo with big, bold and good visible

title of the site. There are photos of different species of pets around it, but not very much. Main

colors of site are from the green palette and well matched, so it does not irritate visitors of the site.

Menu items and links change their colors, when user hovers over them with a mouse. The cursors

are changing, too, when visitor hovers the photos of galleries. Articles have sections and fast

passages between them by using anchors in the contents. Therefore, it is not boring to read them – it

is comfortable and pleasant.

Then I have studied software development activities, and wrote a Business Model Canvas for

this project and filled the Project’s Form. I planned project’s activities and results that I must

achieve. Moreover, I determined project’s strategies and resources, main partners and customers,

and SWOT analysis, where I defined all strengths and weaknesses of my project, riscs, which can

occur, and opportunities, from which I can take advantages.

I have prepared project’s summary, where I wrote, that I create the country's first online

advertisement and informational service, fully dedicated to pets – This niche in the field of

online ads is free now. However, the demand for this kind of offer exists and it is necessary to

provide the appropriate service to potential customers. It give breeders a modern way to place ads

for the sale of pets. This will help them to find buyers more effectively or to buy purebred pets by

themselves. provides shelters the most modern and popular method for notification of their

available animals and effective search for new owners for them. There live dozens of homeless

animals in Moldova, and we need to provide an online platform where people can get to know about

them and choose their future pet by the photo and description. This will solve greatly the problem of

the large number of homeless animals.

After this step, in the practical part, I developed a website, that is now situated on the

server of Moldova State University and its online address is This site was created

on the Drupal platform. I have drawn its original logo and icon following all modern web design


trends and the subject of the site. In addition, I changed the default color scheme of the site from the

yellow background to light green that is more suitable for the other elements.

I configured a block with a search function on the top of the page, near the entrance on the site.

Next, I organized website main menu, where I placed seven main sections: Animals,

Advertisements, Organizations, Health, News, Forum, and Entertainment. I also configured the

drop-down menu at the items Animals, Advertisements and Entertainment that appears when users

hover the cursor over these sections. So on the site appeared a multi-level drop-down menu.

On the main page with News, under the main menu, I organized a block with a slideshow with

pictures and text informations about the most popular sections of my site – Animals,

Advertisements and Gallery that is a subitem of the Entertainment. In addition, I placed there the

links to these pages.

Moreover, I took care of the content of my site. Since this is a site about pets, I have created an

encyclopedia of animals on it, arranging access to its main sections from the menu item Animals.

When you go to this page, there appears a list of species of pets in the form of images and

explanatory text below them, by clicking on them you can go to the list of representatives of each

species. I organized a drop-down submenu for this main menu item. When you click on each of

subitems, you can go to the list of representatives of this species, too. Using Views module, I was

able to organize the distribution of content on the necessary pages according to its type and

meaning. Thus, articles about dogs are on the page Dogs, about cats – on the page Cats, etc.

Information aboud breeds is located on the necessary page in the form of teasers (summary) and

images on its right side. Clicking on them users can go to a page with a detailed description of this

breed. The content there is organized with fast transitions through the page, return from the bottom

of the page to the top; the return to a common species list, as well as a gallery with photos with

increasing images of the animals of this breed by clicking on them.

I have also created sections for the main menu item Advertisements divided by types, through

which is organized access to the bulletin board of the website. On the page of each section is placed

a list of animal species, for which this type of ad is created most often. The items of this list

represent animated buttons with images of each animal species, changing their display style, when

are hovered or clicked. This buttons are created using CSS3. Clicking on any of these points there is

a transition to the page of the corresponding type of advertisement about necessary species of pet.

The Views module established proper distribution of content through the pages of a virtual bulletin

board, by creating the unique views and a separate page for each type of content. There is an

animated button above the relevant messages, at the top of each page of ads, which changes its

display style when is hovered or clicked, also created using CSS3. Registered users can, clicking on


it, create an ad of type and category of animals determined by the page, on which the button "Add

announcement" was pressed. As an effect of the animation, is used a technique of extension button

down, when you hover it, and disclosure of one more label in Romanian language, representing the

translation of the main line written in Russian. This is especially important in the Republic of

Moldova, as the essence of this button will be clear to all people of our country.

As a complement for the most active users of the site, I organized the section Forum, connecting

it to the appropriate module that helped to create a complete ready-to-use forum. In addition, I

developed a page Organizations with information about organizations for pets, which can become

the partners of this project. Then I have created a page Health with the articles about veterinary

clinics. Moreover, I organized a section Enterntaiment with an amazing Gallery of pets, which can

attract visitors and they will enjoy the time spent on this site.

Thus, during this work, all goals were achieved. I have studied the relevant literature about the

websites development using CMS and the programming languages PHP, HTML and CSS, about top

usability mistakes and modern web design trends, about main software development activities and

writing Project’s Form and Business Model Canvas. I also received the practical skills based on

study of the theory and its application in the development of my own website using the CMS

Drupal. As a result, I wrote a masterate thesis, which describes all my analyses in this field and all

steps of creating a website with a virtual bulletin board on it.

As a result of the work was developed a web site with the following composition:

a page with description of the main sections of the site and the rapid transition to them from

slides and with all the latest news of the site;

a full-fledged virtual bulletin board, due of its detail not only by type of ads, but also by animal

species, for which these ads are created, realizes a quick search and creation of ads by these

specific parameters. Newest ads are located above all the latest on the respective pages. There are

also developed convenient forms to add information to creating ads;

an excellent encyclopedia of pets, where users can find a detailed information with a photo

gallery of each breed of the selected species of animals. In addition, the articles in the list of

breeds are represented in the form of a summary with a photo attached to it, allowing the user to

immediately determine, he is looking for a description of this breed, or any other. All breeds in

the list are placed by their popularity, starting with the most attractive for the population;

pages about organizations for pets, their health and with forum and a photo gallery.

Thus, all the functionality, content and color schemes created on this site, I tried to make as

convenient as possible for the end user, taking into account all modern trends and own experience.



1. Никсон Р., “Создаем динамические веб-сайты с помощью PHP, MySQL и JavaScript.” –

СПб.: Питер,2011.- 496 с.: ил.- (Серия «Бестселлеры O'Reilly»). ISBN 978-5-4237-0016-4.

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3. "A comparison between Commercial Open Source Web Development, CMS and E-

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4. Nirav Mehta. “Choosing an Open Source CMS. Beginner's Guide.” - Packt, April 2009. - 340

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5. Martin Brampton. “PHP5 CMS Framework Development.” - PACKT publishing, June 2008. -

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6. Денис Колисниченко, “Движок для вашего сайта. CMS Joomla!, Slaed, PHP-Nuke.” -

Петербург: БХВ, 2008. - 352 с. - ISBN 978-5-9775-0258-0.

7. Савельева Н., “Системы управления контентом (рус.)//Открытые системы.”- 2004 - № 4.

8. Хаген Граф, “Создание веб-сайтов с помощью Joomla! 1.5.” - Издательский дом

"Вильямс", 2009. - 312 c. - ISBN 978-5-8459-1506-1.

9. Виктор Ромашев, “CMS Drupal: Система управления содержимым сайта.” - Питер, 2010.

- 255 c. - ISBN 978-5-49807-241-8.

10. Paul Boag, "10 Things To Consider When Choosing The Perfect CMS". SMASHING

MAGAZINE, 2009-05-05.

11. "Licensing FAQ",, 2009-04-08.

12. "The Drupal Overview",, 2009-04-08.

13. "System Requirements",, 2009-04-08.

14. "Usage of content management systems for websites",, 2011-07-15.

15. "Drupal Usage Statistics"., 2011-03-28.

16. "The State of Drupal 2010 speech",, 2001-03-10.

17. Bèr Kessels, "Knowledge management with Drupal",, 2004-05-19.

18. "Drupal Homepage",, 2014-10-15.

19. "1 Million Users on",, 2013-10-11.

20. Sandip Choudhury, "30,000 Developers in and growing",, 2013-11-11.




Annex 1

Figure 1. Page of category Animals.


Figure 2. Page Dogs.

Figure 3. Page about Dogs without Breed.


Figure 4. Page about the breed Golden Retriever.


Figure 5. Page of the category Advertisements.

Figure 6. Page of the ads by type Buy.


Figure 7. Page Advertisements about sell of birds. Button “Add the ad” is hovered by the cursor.

Figure 8. The main page – News.


Annex 2

The file with the styles display a photo gallery of various animal species gal5.css:

.gallery1 a img{

-webkit-border-radius: 25px;

-moz-border-radius: 25px;

border-radius: 25px;

-webkit-transition:All 1s ease;

-moz-transition:All 1s ease;

-o-transition:All 1s ease;

transition: all 1.0s ease;

-webkit-box-shadow: 0px 2px 4px 1px #DFDFDF;

-moz-box-shadow: 0px 2px 4px 1px #DFDFDF;

box-shadow: 0px 2px 4px 1px #DFDFDF;

-moz-opacity: 1;

opacity: 1;







.gallery1 a:focus img{

position: absolute;





cursor: pointer;

-webkit-transition:All 1s ease;

-moz-transition:All 1s ease;

-o-transition:All 1s ease;

transition: all 1.0s ease;

-webkit-box-shadow: 0px 4px 4px 1px #DFDFDF;


-moz-box-shadow: 0px 4px 4px 1px #DFDFDF;

box-shadow: 0px 4px 4px 1px #DFDFDF;


.gallery1 a{

outline:0; border:0;


.gallery1 a:hover img{

cursor: pointer;


The file with the styles display of the button to add the advert advertisment8.css:

.a-btn{ /* original button style */


background:-webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(#6b9943,0), color-


background:-webkit-linear-gradient(top, #6b9943 0%, #64992c 100%);

background:-moz-linear-gradient(top, #6b9943 0%, #64992c 100%);

background:-o-linear-gradient(top, #6b9943 0%, #64992c 100%);

background:linear-gradient(top, #6b9943 0%, #64992c 100%);

filter:progid: DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient ( startColorstr = '#6b9943', endColorstr =

'#64992c', GradientType=0 );

border:1px solid #5d912f;

border-color:#5d912f #538223 #427319;

-webkit-box-shadow:0 1px 1px #707070, inset 0 1px 0 #78995a;

-moz-box-shadow:0 1px 1px #707070, inset 0 1px 0 #78995a;

box-shadow:0 1px 1px #707070, inset 0 1px 0 #78995a;

padding:0px 80px 10px 10px;











-webkit-transition:all 0.3s linear;

-moz-transition:all 0.3s linear;

-o-transition:all 0.3s linear;

transition:all 0.3s linear;


.a-btn-text{ /* the original style of the main button’s label */





text-shadow:0 1px 0 #79995d;

-webkit-transition:all 0.3s linear;

-moz-transition:all 0.3s linear;

-o-transition:all 0.3s linear;

transition:all 0.3s linear;


.a-btn-slide-text{ /* the original style of the second button’s label */











font-family:Georgia, serif;






-webkit-box-shadow:-1px 0px 1px rgba(255,255,255,0.4), 1px 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.5) inset;

-moz-box-shadow:-1px 0px 1px rgba(255,255,255,0.4), 1px 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.5) inset;

box-shadow:-1px 0px 1px rgba(255,255,255,0.4), 1px 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.5) inset;

-webkit-transition:height 0.3s linear;

-moz-transition:height 0.3s linear;

-o-transition:height 0.3s linear;

transition:height 0.3s linear;


.a-btn-icon-right{ /* the original style of the button’s right block */






border-left:1px solid #5d912f;

-webkit-box-shadow:1px 0px 1px rgba(255,255,255,0.4) inset;

-moz-box-shadow:1px 0px 1px rgba(255,255,255,0.4) inset;

box-shadow:1px 0px 1px rgba(255,255,255,0.4) inset;


.a-btn-icon-right span{ /* the original style of the arrow in the button’s right block */







margin:-20px 0px 0px -20px;

background:transparent url(sites/all/zeropoint/images/arrow_right.png) no-repeat 50% 55%;

-webkit-transition:all 0.3s linear;

-moz-transition:all 0.3s linear;

-o-transition:all 0.3s linear;

transition:all 0.3s linear; }




-webkit-box-shadow:0px 1px 1px rgba(255,255,255,0.8) inset, 1px 1px 5px rgba(0,0,0,0.4);

-moz-box-shadow:0px 1px 1px rgba(255,255,255,0.8) inset, 1px 1px 5px rgba(0,0,0,0.4);

box-shadow:0px 1px 1px rgba(255,255,255,0.8) inset, 1px 1px 5px rgba(0,0,0,0.4);


.a-btn:hover .a-btn-text{ /* the main label is hovered */

text-shadow:0px 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.2);

text-decoration: none;


.a-btn:hover .a-btn-slide-text{ /* the second label is hovered */


.a-btn:hover .a-btn-icon-right span{ /* the arrow is hovered */






transform:rotate(-45deg); }

.a-btn:active{ /* button is clicked */




background:-webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(#669932,0), color-


background:-webkit-linear-gradient(top, #669932 0%, #6a993a 100%);

background:-moz-linear-gradient(top, #669932 0%, #6a993a 100%);

background:-o-linear-gradient(top, #669932 0%, #6a993a 100%);

background:linear-gradient(top, #669932 0%, #6a993a 100%);

filter:progid: DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient ( startColorstr = '#669932', endColorstr =

'#6a993a',GradientType=0 );

border-color:#446e1f #3f691b #3c6319;

text-shadow:0 1px 0 #7c9960;

-webkit-box-shadow:0 1px 1px #707070, inset 0 1px 0 #73994c;

-moz-box-shadow:0 1px 1px #707070, inset 0 1px 0 #73994c;

box-shadow:0 1px 1px #707070, inset 0 1px 0 #73994c; }


The file with the display style of a button for categories of ads kategorii9.css:

.a-btn{ /* original button style */


background:-webkit-gradient(linear,left top,left bottom,color-stop(#699939,0),color-


background:-webkit-linear-gradient(top, #699939 0%, #64992c 100%);

background:-moz-linear-gradient(top, #699939 0%, #64992c 100%);

background:-o-linear-gradient(top, #699939 0%, #64992c 100%);

background:linear-gradient(top, #699939 0%, #64992c 100%);

filter:progid: DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient ( startColorstr = '#699939', endColorstr =

'#64992c',GradientType=0 );






border:1px solid #5d912f;

-webkit-box-shadow:0px 1px 1px rgba(255,255,255,0.8) inset, 1px 1px 3px rgba(0,0,0,0.2);

-moz-box-shadow:0px 1px 1px rgba(255,255,255,0.8) inset, 1px 1px 3px rgba(0,0,0,0.2);

box-shadow:0px 1px 1px rgba(255,255,255,0.8) inset, 1px 1px 3px rgba(0,0,0,0.2);






margin:10px 0px;


-webkit-transition:box-shadow 0.3s ease-in-out;

-moz-transition:box-shadow 0.3s ease-in-out;

-o-transition:box-shadow 0.3s ease-in-out;

transition:box-shadow 0.3s ease-in-out; }

.a-btn img{ /* original image style */







-webkit-transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;

-moz-transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;

-o-transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;

transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out; }

.a-btn-text{ /* original text style */



text-shadow:0px -1px 1px #5d912f;

color:#fff; }

.a-btn-icon-right{ /* original style of the button’s right block */






border-left:1px solid #5d912f;

-webkit-box-shadow:1px 0px 1px rgba(255,255,255,0.4) inset;

-moz-box-shadow:1px 0px 1px rgba(255,255,255,0.4) inset;

box-shadow:1px 0px 1px rgba(255,255,255,0.4) inset; }

.a-btn-icon-right span{ /* original style of the arrow in the button’s right block */










margin:-20px 0px 0px -20px;

border:1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.5);


background:#5b5b5b url(sites/all/zeropoint/images/arrow_right.png) no-repeat center center;

-webkit-box-shadow:0px 1px 1px rgba(255,255,255,0.3) inset, 0px 1px 2px


-moz-box-shadow:0px 1px 1px rgba(255,255,255,0.3) inset, 0px 1px 2px rgba(255,255,255,0.5);

box-shadow:0px 1px 1px rgba(255,255,255,0.3) inset, 0px 1px 2px rgba(255,255,255,0.5);

-webkit-transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;

-moz-transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;

-o-transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;

transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out; }

.a-btn:hover{ /* style of the hovered button */

-webkit-box-shadow:0px 1px 1px rgba(255,255,255,0.8) inset, 1px 1px 5px rgba(0,0,0,0.4);

-moz-box-shadow:0px 1px 1px rgba(255,255,255,0.8) inset, 1px 1px 5px rgba(0,0,0,0.4);

box-shadow:0px 1px 1px rgba(255,255,255,0.8) inset, 1px 1px 5px rgba(0,0,0,0.4);}

.a-btn:hover img{ /* style of the hovered image */

opacity:1; }

.a-btn:hover .a-btn-icon-right span{ /* style of the hovered arrow */



.a-btn:active{ /* style of the clicked button */




-webkit-box-shadow:1px 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.4) inset;

-moz-box-shadow:1px 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.4) inset;

box-shadow:1px 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.4) inset;

border-color:#3c6319; }

.a-btn:active .a-btn-icon-right span{ /* style of the clicked arrow */








Annex 3

Diploma for the 3rd place in the first round of the conference «Sesiune Naţională de comunicări

ştiinţifice studenţeşti» for the work titled "Content Distribution through the pages of a site on the

CMF Drupal», which principles formed the basis of this thesis and allowed to properly distribute

the ads by their types throw the website pages.


Diploma for the 3rd place in the second round of the conference «Sesiune Naţională de

comunicări ştiinţifice studenţeşti» for the work titled "Content Distribution through the pages of a

site on the CMF Drupal», which principles formed the basis of this thesis and allowed to properly

distribute the ads by their types throw the website pages.


Statement of Honesty

The undersigned, declare under personal responsibility that the material presented in this

masterate thesis is the result of the personal research and development.

I realize that otherwise will be liable in accordance with the current legislation.

Full name __________________TITUȘCHINA Tatiana_

Signature ______________________________________

Date __________________________________________