the development of historical dramatic structure in radw ... · the third section clarifies the...

" 1992 2010 " The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw Ashour's Fiction From"1992-2010" 2013 2014

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Page 1: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's

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The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure

in Radw Ashour's Fiction


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The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw

Ashour's Fiction


Student:Khoulod Ebrahem Abdullah Jarad

Supervisor :Dr.Saud Mahmoud Abd Al6Jaber


The study aimed at tracing the steps of evoluotion and identifying its extent in the

historical dramatic structure of the novels of the writer, Radwa Ashour.The study has been

divided into four chapters.

The first chapter handled the introduction of the study, its importance, limitations as

well as its methodology .

And presented the theoretical framework of the study and the previous studies related

to the subject of the research.

The second chapter was divided into two sections .The first one presents a

translation of the writer, Radwa Ashour ,and introduces the most important factors that

affected her life in addition to discussing her scientific efforts and literary works . The

second section introduces the theme of the novel and its relationship with history indicating

the writer's relationship with history and illustrating her literary doctrine.

The third chapter , which is the last one, is subdivided into three sections. The first

section explained the concept of the dramatic structure and its elements. The second section

analyzes the writer's five historical novels: "Seraj","Thulatheiat Ghernata",

"Kita' Men Oropa ","Faraj", and "Atantoriah".

Page 12: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's

The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic

structure in the writer's novels.

Finally, the study introduces the most important results and raises its

recommendations as well as the list of references and sources relied on to carry out the

research until it has been completed.

Page 13: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's


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16 � ��� )1968(

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Page 22: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's


46 < >�)1986(

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56 >��N)1990(

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136 :�)2004(

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Page 27: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's


146 @ @+�� ��)2006(

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G��� �� 4����� �� 4*�? >� P�* �*� )� ��� 4 .�( B���1� )��*�1975.

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Page 71: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's


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Page 72: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's


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Page 75: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's


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Page 76: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's


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Page 80: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's


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Page 86: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's


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Page 88: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's


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Page 89: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's


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Page 91: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's


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Page 92: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's


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Page 109: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's


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Page 110: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's


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Page 111: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's


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Page 112: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's


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Page 113: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's


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Page 116: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's


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Page 117: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's


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Page 120: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's


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Page 121: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's


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Page 122: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's


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Page 123: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's


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Page 124: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's


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Page 125: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's


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Page 126: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's


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Page 127: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's


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Page 128: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's


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Page 129: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's


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Page 130: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's


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Page 131: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's


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Page 132: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's


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Page 133: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's


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Page 134: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's


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Page 135: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's


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Page 136: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's


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Page 137: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's


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Page 138: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's


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Page 142: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's


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Page 143: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's


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Page 144: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's


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Page 145: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's


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Page 146: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's


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Page 153: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's


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Page 160: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's


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Page 161: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's


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Page 162: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's


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Page 163: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's


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Page 164: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's


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Page 165: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's


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Page 166: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's


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Page 167: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's


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Page 172: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's


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Page 173: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's



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Page 175: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's


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Page 176: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's


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Page 199: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's


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Page 200: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's


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Page 201: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's


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Page 202: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's


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Page 203: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's


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Page 205: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's


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Page 206: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's


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Page 208: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's


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Page 209: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's


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Page 210: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's


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Page 211: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's


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Page 213: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's


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Page 214: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's


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Page 215: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's


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Page 216: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's


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Page 217: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's


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Page 219: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's


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Page 220: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's


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Page 221: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's


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Page 222: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's


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Page 224: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's


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Page 225: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's


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Page 226: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's


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Page 229: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's


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Page 232: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's


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Page 233: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's


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Page 236: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's


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Page 238: The Development of Historical Dramatic Structure in Radw ... · The third section clarifies the extent of development in the elements of historical dramatic structure in the writer's


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1- � � ��K�-�+����)2012.(��� ��� )�������� )�����)���� �� )������� ��� �� � � �=�


2- ���� �=*! )1978.(� ����� 7�� ���I�� )��&D�� G��K 4�� � 4���6)�(����� )��? ���

3- ����� K� ���� *� )1983 .(E��� ��J�G�+�&�� 5 ������ �1I�� ��� 8.

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K P��! �*� �1.( 4�����J���� 4�� � 53.

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