the devil inside' movie poster analysis

The title font is very simple, small and not in a stand out colour as not to steal attention from the images and titles above. The credit block still stands out however because it is all in capitals and the grey stands out from the white and black background. The logo of the production and distribution are shown at the bottom of the credit block. They are shown so that they can stake their claim in the films revenue as well as advertising their company. ‘Paramount’ are an internationally recognised and successful production company, The poster uses religious iconography by including the cross as a presentational device. There is a second cross/ crucifix shown around the priests neck. This sets up a Barthes enigma code as we question what religious has to do with the contents and storyline of the film. There is a third cross is shown in a scene from the film where a priest is protecting himself with a crucifix from a disturbed looking girl affirming that religious possession is a key feature and theme in the film. All of the photos being positioned inside the cross suggests that religion is a major theme in the film as there is a blank white background outside of the cross. This is a teaser poster as it says “Evil Is Spreading” rather than a official cinema realise date. “Evil Is Spreading” is a twist of “Coming Soon”. This indicates to the audience that they will have to wait to find out more about the film and look out for more information about the film such as in other forms of media like a trailer or website. Having “Devil” in red and standing out above the other text indicates to the audience that the religion particularly the negative side to religion will be a main theme in the film. Red has connotations of blood and anger which links to the contents of the film. The photos and screen grabs from the film are quite dark and eerie. However, at the centre of the cross there is light, the church in Rome is being lit from behind suggesting that religion may solve the problem in the film and be the answer. “This the film the Vatican doesn’t want you to see” this is another example of religious iconography as the Vatican is a major religious symbol. It is also controversial and gives the audience a sense ‘The Devil Inside’ is a modern horror film. In this poster they have included the executive producers previous popular work. Advertising the films link the hugely popular ‘Paranormal Activity’ tells the audience that there may be similarities and reoccurring themes. It also tells them that if they enjoyed ‘Paranormal Activity’ they are likely to enjoy this new film.

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Post on 07-Aug-2015




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Page 1: The Devil Inside' Movie Poster Analysis

The title font is very simple, small and not in a stand out colour as not to steal attention from the images and titles above. The credit block still stands out however because it is all in capitals and the grey stands out from the white and black background.

The logo of the production and distribution are shown at the bottom of the credit block. They are shown so that they can stake their claim in the films revenue as well as advertising their company. ‘Paramount’ are an internationally recognised and successful production company, the inclusion of their logo would set an standard to those seeing the poster.

The poster uses religious iconography by including the cross as a presentational device. There is a second cross/ crucifix shown around the priests neck. This sets up a Barthes enigma code as we question what religious has to do with the contents and storyline of the film. There is a third cross is shown in a scene from the film where a priest is protecting himself with a crucifix from a disturbed looking girl affirming that religious possession is a key feature and theme in the film. All of the photos being positioned inside the cross suggests that religion is a major theme in the film as there is a blank white background outside of the cross.

This is a teaser poster as it says “Evil Is Spreading” rather than a official cinema realise date. “Evil Is Spreading” is a twist of “Coming Soon”. This indicates to the audience that they will have to wait to find out more about the film and look out for more information about the film such as in other forms of media like a trailer or website.

Having “Devil” in red and standing out above the other text indicates to the audience that the religion particularly the negative side to religion will be a main theme in the film. Red has connotations of blood and anger which links to the contents of the film.

The photos and screen grabs from the film are quite dark and eerie. However, at the centre of the cross there is light, the church in Rome is being lit from behind suggesting that religion may solve the problem in the film and be the answer.

“This the film the Vatican doesn’t want you to see” this is another example of religious iconography as the Vatican is a major religious symbol. It is also controversial and gives the audience a sense of rebellion if they go to watch the film.

‘The Devil Inside’ is a modern horror film. In this poster they have included the executive producers previous popular work. Advertising the films link the hugely popular ‘Paranormal Activity’ tells the audience that there may be similarities and reoccurring themes. It also tells them that if they enjoyed ‘Paranormal Activity’ they are likely to enjoy this new film.

Page 2: The Devil Inside' Movie Poster Analysis

In the poster numerous shots have been featured. There is an extreme close up of our central character, her facial expressions indicate she is scared and nervous of something suggesting to the audience there is something to be afraid of. She is wearing simple make up and appears to be an innocent character. Her extreme close up is positioned on the left side which indicates that she is just a side factor and religion is the main feature of the film. A long shot has also been used to capture the scenery in which the film has been set around, it is a church in Rome. This also gives the audience a glimpse if the surroundings they will expect to see in the film. The montage of photos means the audiences attention is pulled in many different directions. However, lighting has been used in the poster to highlight the central photo, the church in Rome the in the photos surrounding it low-key lighting has been used. There are no clear boundary markings around the photos which implies all of the shots are linked. The faces featured in the shots are not looking directly at the camera and have shadows on their faces suggesting they are hiding something or something is being kept in the dark.

Page 3: The Devil Inside' Movie Poster Analysis

The priest in the bottom two photos has his back to the camera in both photos so we are unable to see his facial expressions and have a clear view of the character. This connotes to the audience that this character has something to hide, the character is possibly looking away from the cameras as not to give away any of the films plot line. Having numerous shots in the poster connotes that the film will contain many characters and there will be lots of events/action. Having crosses and crucifixes and religious iconography feature three times poster connotes that religion particularly the devil will be a major theme in this horror film.

Page 4: The Devil Inside' Movie Poster Analysis

The purpose of this poster is to advertise the film. It is created to draw audiences to the film. There are elements in the poster that would attract fans of horror films. In many horror films religion and exorcism in the main basses of the storyline, the poster with its numerous examples of religious iconography makes it clearly that “The Devil Inside” will use this convention. The poster leaves the audience questioning what role religion will have and how all of these characters will link into one storyline. The message of the poster is to portray religion in a negative way. “This is the film the Vatican doesn’t want you to see” this suggests that religious power is negative and controlling.

Page 5: The Devil Inside' Movie Poster Analysis

The poster lives up to its purpose and is effective in engaging the audience in the storyline of the poster and film. Having numerous shots including long shots and close ups of both characters and settings intrigues the audience. The audience would be interested in knowing how this characters link together with the setting. The contrasts of high key lighting and low key lighting is another interesting feature of the poster that would further attract the audience.

An intertextual reference featured in the poster is the inclusion of “Insurge Pictures” who are also refereed to as Paramount pictures. They are popular film company which would attract an audience looking for a good quality to film to watch. Interestingly the poster has not included a website address or an social media platforms where the audience can learn more. This is possibly because it is just a ‘coming soon’ poster.

Page 6: The Devil Inside' Movie Poster Analysis

The age rating for “The Devil Inside” is 15 so this poster like the film would be aimed at 15+. Teenagers and young adults are a popular audience group to target horror films as young people like and thrive on the idea of being shocked, scared and excited. The film having a target audience means the producers and directors can include conventions and features that a young adult audience can relate to or would like.

In the poster religion represented in a negative light, the low key lighting and use of shadows suggests a dark side to religion. Religion is a popular theme in many horror films, this being included in this film would attract an audience who already enjoy horror films