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J>FMI WKF.KLY DISPATCH tsHwnod» veryTu-'fday *r«! «t $\lnadvance.

ftyTHK WXKKLY DI6PATCH t* l*an»d everyfri.Ur. ftr<' ma io,! subscribers at $1 per unutu.



IfTOU h»vp Prxpip*wsT I'am: BAMPTON'd TiNCIURK.If you have Kh»untaii*ra,13 TAKK lIAMPTON'S TINCTURK.if vnu have iJrontbitto.}

TAhK HAMPTON'S T1NOTCH*.If von h*vf Pa.o in tho Kh. k.1 T KK HAMPTON'P TINCTURK.If ron Br? all Week'1 TAKK HAMPTON'S TINCTURE.

?1 »on have Ifoadach..7 f.vK 1? HAMPTON £ TINCTURK.asthma. oor<<n. mi-ton The writer

U m *>. t .iiily e* .flue!; iih" thousands ol our Witkn.<« n ciu*en*. «'<vts it a duty to t>w ti«fiMi>ttr ofth? » tubiiv coram* pi *« «.f HAMPTON*#

NCTi KK tthyM fvur furud* suii r aud die» Ith Hi giving 11 it tri*. i Call and get B pamphlet.Bad testimony.

P»i.rn*C?. Sipt. 2S, ISM.V- \u25a0 M rt. Air <f V »e- ? tp- iitutfmrm; I have

Ihi Jit r ? ?«!<«? llltioBiillCt .1 W itll ASfhtttß. SfCOlUpn-i-i, .i »itshort? a» ct breath. with i»>B-iy «<,m i' ion A friend, knowing of the U.aimg. P<rii - t IU«ITI.N c VMihThltl.K 11 C-Tt : I from having us.-d tiiO same, mo tol-t . a b.»tt!«* ct tin- I'niitiire, .tnJ by Ui« cue of. r. ;\u25a0 >tti« w*«* jfc'.iii !>? .fir tb»t i wn» ind ic-d tot.x m" pi'! if. An! l't 'itKiuit hvf or kix U>tti«* I «tiMivttorol to ? v binhm bNttk, *r.d will !Wy to <MIper-*?.: < wHo sr. »" > »* i V .«? U uso HAMPWN'|i\ KiKT AH i Kll > ITU K K

(iciiilemeo? \ oi; .-«t> »: lioorty to use my namefor the bei.t'flt ot the a'liu i«J.

KU.KN Fin e,f ffnti corner of L)l<ert> and Clay sts.,

lialttmorn. Md.®(<~ i'*ll an.l g;-t Pa nphlet* ami sf <- ourea.»»IJ t v l't Kt '%1.1. I,AHI> A Co. Kichmond: by

DrCMKtv, Fre* i ii-kuKnrg \u25a0 by all the Otttgiii***'ii t'ef-t-i i;ry ; j .MOKIIMKK A 'HiWMhAV.bal'im re. by Drcssu'ts and Shop-keeperjet ? r jr« here

t r ,, r lotf'e; six bottle* for $ 1 -dA wts

rar All those who ass Afflictedas? Cnronlc Pi* a*t> considered Incurable, will

receive * Letter civi,.g information which will in-jure a and permanent ciue, t y sending t.'eirm>me« »nJ <n,<\u25a0 stamp (to prepay postage) to f.r KH Foots, the eel '.ra*t»d Chrcnic Cbrucun, andauthor of Medical Oomaioo Henae," SaratogaSpring* N Y. se 13?dAw3iu

Pair ABT1» OUtl i fcfc I H ?Tllti ClfSO-HASfic r»ocr.s« ?G. W. JON KB. hav-ing purchase-1 balf the*jr<::«t.*tr* rtght tor t».» »Wv»:iv,nie of snaking 1 KKTm, and after using andUs'tnn it in the meet ens.'S, H'hrrt athrrftiults had it t'.Urtlu so."i firI rjf i's absotutriup-rutnli/ over the (T'-'iO. s Iver platina Hieth.>d, can,therefore, with confidence, rec .mmen.i itto all *k« mriMi* tall or partial imi of teeth;ti i > *tt»eui'li/ to fu->' as mij, Ix di/jatisfini in",?, s thiy ,rrf n-vm ii' In trtis process. all of thei tertt >ns ra the «? >1.1 plate *r< removed?the mk*

r. 6MM|llj(it. «ao«r. immtrrt and t'a'nlil j tothcr.r and cij- t«*<th lieini embedded in theBteial, ?h>-fir \i i" excluded from nijii- r or between them: thny».*e, therefore, cletu-r, smoother, and in every re-sp S bet tee. Itconsequence of the perfect adipta-ti. ti >?- the piaie to the month, and th> suctionth-rebf *ecnr«d, he can insert one or more teeth» \u25a0 ij- ' lafjtf and in all eases guarantee a perfectand «*ti-lac<or» fit

This method having be*n adopted arid commend-f-d by 'bo*" standing tish"»t in the profession,*>orrh and testimonials will bo given. and«j>-s iiuens t :;siil>ite**, to any who iuay dusii e to wetbem he \u25a0*J of those wishing toexchangethe old method f. r tfc«i new, will be taken ic partpay. Will of course, make teeth on the eld modetor thoaewbomav preler it.

Filing lhor.-u«iily and gsntly done: and teethiitracted by electricity for those who wish it.

Office opposite i'orinthi'in I! tit. se Si?Csu

t&r Eass, Grack, Bhautt aho Cob-nsctxtss are com! mod in the Puoto<»rapi"j andAMUtoTTPba »Xt*cu:ed al the iftrge I'hotogiai'h acdFine Art U»!lene#of MiNN'ld, iVr Main street, op-posite the t'ostoffice, and bjciunore street, I'oters;Dttrg. Va.

K»»e aud gr»'-e in p.>sitioa, boautj in finieh. andcorre. rn«ss in [* Ttraitnre.

who »;«h to obtain something really fine inthe *rt cf a Likeness, either in Ambtotypeor t'ho-togrnph, pian' . in India iak. water colors, oil colora,or Pusiilie, "t any si/,e up to tliesi/eot life, are re-spe<'tiiiiiy s.>iici i d ti? vi.-'t Uis (.iitllerieu and eiam-Jl- hi' varioussiyles of Portraitures.

lia.lerie* a.wajsopei andfree to visitors, whethertbeydeaire work ext<cuied or cot. go a

ternA&T6HO&HS 8 tU&K-Al,X.?nil. >iHEAI J'AiX AySIRILATOR,

AND KfcMKD* ft'.i U\riPh.P.-lA, WfcAKfcTOMA H AM) .VKAK BOWKi?-VREI'AlitD Ji I' A CHEMIST.Bottiss »r. '£> and cents uat one dollar.


HAKTSHORNE"S Ct K K-ALL should be kept inat! accidents or guduen sickness,a» it frequently cu.cs in loss time than it requires tc(«t a physician.

it cure? pain in any p;\rt onhesystem and is usedexteruaHyand mt' rnaily.

?W As the lit qnent charters of the weather pro-duce a bnd Cold, Khtun atism Neuralgia, soreTLro*t, Pam in theßowelsand stomach, I'oothandKai Ac is, Ague »..r Lumps in tbe Breast, Pain in theLimbs and Body: also, cititT Neck?every persc>nguould get a bottle, it a: ts upon the Nerves, Mus-tier. Siuvtrs, blotid and Boii>-s, and, t-y its waraiiugeicciro-mag ietic pow er,expels all i-ainIrom thes>»-tein Uet a bottle Mid try it.

N B ?If you tji. a Couv-fi, use H ARTSHOKNE'SP ECTORAt SYKIiP OF CHERRY-it is thet-e»t Oougb rnp world. Z" and."sic'« a bottle

11 >on are Bilious, UK' U AKTsHUrINfc. !S AMI-PIL!jJ» l'her act upoc the Liver, !*tomat b and Boweis. carrying off ail Bile andFoul Se-cretions. 2iCents a b x

lb above medicines to be bad at all Drug Storesla Kichmon l, Norf.iS,Petersburg and all towns inVirginia. oc 15?t>m

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The best Ottgh Syrnp in the world is Hartshome's Sectoral Syrnpot Vti!d< harry.

This article is prepared by a chemist, and is pro-nounce-! l>r medical m-n, and tiioso> who have usedit. to be the best pr»-pHration for Coughs. Colds.Catarrh. Br mchitis, Hoarseness, tore Throat froma cold, and; a prevctitUe of that lion ot diseases.Consumption

Persons who s'ng should use it. It is pi-asant tothe taste, softens,cbwis and stri'na'hcns the voiw,allavs allimratioQ of thethroat aud lungs,and pre-vents t'.>kia« edd.

Bottl 's Y-> *t.i 50 ccnts and $1. Bold by all Drug-gist" ti Richmond, Norfolk, Petersburg, and alltowas in Virginia


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fQf- Li7« She Photcoeaphs.?TLesubscriber tiifccs pleasure in aunouueiug to his numerous patrons and the pnhlic at iaigo.tb&t he lenow pr-.-parad to furnish t'hotographs frumminiaturee to FULL LIFE efZS, either plain or coloredwhich, foraccuracy and finish, he warrants equal,if not superior to any produced in this city, at lea*than the usual price. Old Pictures copivd an-i en-larged to any «i«:e.

Citim-us and strangers are invited to call and examine specimens at GIBB-' Teiupla of Art, Coristhiaa Hail, Maia street, between C'th aua 10th.

P E GIBBS.P. B?lf you want a genuine Arabrotype, this ifthe place toget it, waeie you willneither be hum-bugged iu price or work. Also, Mel&motypes, otany other Picture ia the Photographic Art

ju U P. K. Q.

I©TMbdioal Caed ?De. StlyaucsL. Ingram having located in thiscity, respectfullyt-ndeis tut proft-aaional servic- sto it* citizens ?

Office am! residence t r the present oa BAtvKfcTrtFKT, near the Mechanics' Institute.

no 27?lm*

W&T Fkmgtal?Da. Brioo* ha* re-moved bis office t<> basement of Metropolitan liail,with K B Ljne.

Othse hours, 10 A M and 6 P M daily. Residence,corner27th and Broad s'reets de fi-lm

war Cloaks foe Mioses add CqilW ?Rica Head Dresses, Fancy Hair Pins, Bon-u»u, Ribtions, Flowers, Ruches, Feathers, with allkinds o! Fancy Notions at prices to defy competition. REZs-KIKL'S

Cloak and Mantle Depot,6« Main street.

Dress Trisitnings ot all kinds, at great bargain*The gold medal Skirt, 21 springs Come aud see it.


The ceUbrated Holland reaiedytorDi'bFfcF«lA,



And the vktiotu aflactious eonstxjnent upon ? dl»* ?U r< 'rJ STOMACH OR LIVES.tucb as Indigestion, Aculity ot the Stomach,

Colicky Pains, Heartburn, Loss of Appetite. Daepon-ieticy, Cwstivenwss, Blind aud Bleeding Pil>s. Inail Nervous, Rheuuiatic, and Neuralgic AflectionsIt has iunumerous iaatancoi proved highlybecelicial, and in others eflocted a deeded cure.

TiiU ip a purely vegetabia compound, preoared onstrictly scientihc priacipltts, after the manruirof ther*>lebraU*i Holland Profwasor, Boerhave. Because ofIU gr»at tu moat oftUe EuropeanHtartes, its Introductiou intotheU. Stttt<awas intended more espe-cially tor tiiose of our latii< rland scattered here andthere ovt-r tn< tiu-o of tainKigbty courtrjr. Meetingwith gr<»t succe&a anion* them, I now offer it to theAmerican public, that its truly wonderfulm«ylkiuai vijtuos must be acknowledged.

It is p»rticulai!y rocorumentled t those personswhose may have been impaired by theeocticui>us useof ardeat spirits, or other forms<4disaipatiofi Uenera'ly instaiianeons in effect, itBuds its way direct!/ to the seat of life, thrillingand udtczening every nerve, raiting np the droop-log spirit, aud, in tact, infoaing new health andvigor in the \u25ba/steal.KOTlCK.? Whoever expects t® Ond this a beve-rage will be disappointed; but to the sick, weak andlow spirited, ft will prove a grateful aromatic cord»al, possessed of singular r ,-iedial proporties,

CAUTUtNIThe great popularityot tLtsd. lightfnl Arema ha>induced mauy imitations, which taepublic sli- oldguard against purrhasmg. Bo not peiauaded to bay

WV'Hf fin" n£kf l oave given BOERHAVE'tiIOLLAIiD BITTERS a fair trial. Oue little wl!iIkwehnitatiOß ' io* lu^6't'r ' )r ? l *Perl'W Uis to allfcdd at $1 per bottle or six bottles fur $} by theSOLK PBOPRitTORB,IEAIJA»IS PAOK, jk,*CO


Mr*- M by ail th. Druggists la this city. J

VOL. XIV?NO- 140.THE I) ISP Ato H.SATURDAY Mt)RNINtrZ.?UeOKI|BKK «"»««.A MyatorlOM* Hvrirr-Clrrumatßii.

tlal k \u25a0% id*u«s.It baa l)»en stsimt. a Mr. Uolden was fonnd InAagust, ta6T,nearly dead In auio(a«i.,titat his resi>

dßnce at Ann Arbor, Michigan. He b hibu Iotuodctate eircuoiataukiß, aud had procured au in-surance of $20,000 on bis life lielom be died be aaijbe was wa»|*iu kud shol; but his account ol tha af-fair led to tne auspickiu that be had killed Ibobeuelitol Ins tamlty,andtho torurance com-pany refused to pay the policy oa tbiagiound Suuianme ago, however, the matter was couipraulitodby paying the widow two-thirda of tho iu»uiauwe.Notwithstanding the aibg«Hl suicide, two Jouugtueu. named K bert Fial.or and Frankweie charged with Ins murder and indicted. Wi.enthe Ibdictuieut* were flrat lonnd, it was srjijiotodby manj, that it wa» mo o srith tto vlow of it;Utt»encing the suit biought by Mr*. Hidden agaiustthe companies In which her husband'* lit'j wasinsured than t r any «.|l»rr purpose, aftor thets-e settlement bet-»»eu Mrs. U. and the companiesIt w ts expected that the charge if murder wouldbedroppid The trtal.liowtver,came on week beforeIsKt. and was concluded ou Friday, the SO iu.taut,when tbe jury returned a verdict of gniKy, andthe accQteil were sentencet to toiitaiy aou»flaeniene a< hard labor in the State prison for lile?the death penality having been übolishod inMichigan. At tbia case lias so ruany sinuular lea>\u25a0ures about It. wo ijtiote from au Anu Arbor lot»ter to thelietroit IVtt l\tn:

The ou which tbe prisoners were coo*victed w«» purely circumstantial. It consisted ofthe agreement ot tbe accused with the generaldescription gi»eu by Holdeu of his murderers?one being ratber tail, tbe other a shorter person.After their arrest f>r the larcenies, a bullet wasfound in a vest belonging to Walker, correspon-ding wi;b the one taken from Holdeu'* body, and 'of the same weightprecisely. These bullets woreptculiar, being corrugated. Walker admittedthat he had prepared the one tonud upon him,andalso that he had prepared one other like it,which he said be hind shot at a dock. These bullets tit precisely ibe bote cf tbe pistol alleged tobate been found near the rc«ne < f tbe murdereotne tiuie alter, and thispistol is identified|*i onewhich Fuller had Lew stocked at a gtin shop Inthi» city kotne time before. The readitibas withwnicb the accused pretended to account for theirwhereabouts ou tbe oight of the murder, wheal(.nestioned on the saiject. after bo long a timp !elapsed, their attempt to prove au alibi, »ud theirfailure to do so successfully, with discrepanciesbetween their testimony ou thispoint, and theirown prior statements, went strongly againstthem. Other minor circumstances, aud some de-claration* and doggerel poetry which were tracedto the prisoners?foolish aud simple as they were?help to streugtben the chain ol circumstanceswith which theywere surrounded.The piisoners arebo'h young?mere boys?Fulsler being probably twenty-one. and Walker tomeyears young, r. aud it stems improbable that theyth iulj have planned and executed so successfullybo bold a murder a-t that for which they bavebeeu"convicted. The evidence, too, seems hardlycient. and pro-jably uad their characters blood tairin other reapecta, do jury would bare convictedtheui on it. liut th* y stood cvnlesstiiiy gailiy ofCrimea suißcieut to debase ihe human mini event ) the ievei of murder, and tbe conclusion toguiltfrom the clrcnm fauces was more easy aud natn*ra.Mrs Fuller, mother of Robert, and Jas. Fuller,a younger son and brother, are amung those con*victed at tho present term of court on several in-dietmer.tß for burgiary and larceuy. Those to besentenced this aTternoon are therefore Mrs. Fullerand hor two sons, aud the boy Walker. 1he fitherof Walker is also iu jail, nuder indictment for thesame burglaries and larcenies, and Anna, a voungwoman,daughter of Mrs. Fuller. The scene iu thejail aaiocg these unfortunate wretcbra. connectedby the ties < f blood and by their participation iuthe same crimes against scciety.oau hetwr beimagined than described.

The Oprra.?Some one writing for this New YorkEvening Tost imaginary letters from MohammedI'asha in New York to bis friend Able Beu HassanIn Turkey, makes th-a Turkish Admiral give thefollowing opinion of the Opera:

?'i cannot repress my admiration at the ingeniousnature of the opera?to me a musical novelty.It appears to be a representation of humau lifeand p.issi >a In a s'rictly or'siaal w-y; though bymeans of established formu k, which, when fami-liar rea lily explain to the bearer otherwise uiystti'rious plans of the dramatist. A tenor is always anuiifortuiiata lover, aijd, like all lovers, immenselyself-conceited. A soprauo is a pale,and theoreti-cally beautiful maiden, with astern parent, a pro-clivity to iii-s, moonshine, and tears.andares.lute determination to hare white flowersstrewn over her early tomb. A baritone is a viUlatu of cut throat visage and ma«sive muscles, whopersecutes the unhappycouple hf resaid. A bassoprofundo is either a villain of more consaoimatent«cality, or aservant of low but bumoruDi cun-ning cr a soldier of deep lungs and strict morality,Just as the composer maydaem expedient A coiltr*!to is either a peasant g : rl who knows nothing,a gil»y who knows everytbit g, or a page of temj tißg appearance, whose hasinees it is to do as Imleas possible fjr the benefit of s> ciety, and as muchas possible in the wuy of mischief."The chorus is a colllection of very ugly but(juiet harmless J ergons of butb sex<-s, who arealternately dejectedand delighted,at the principalcharacters are sad or merry and whomanifest theiremottous by a small number of chords and a largsnumber of accords. They also incidental'y explain such portions of the [dotand action of theopera as would otherwise tie entirely incompre-hensible. Iu the meantime the orchestra pleysthe part of co:nmenta-ors with unc .maiori skill ?

Is the soprano weary of the World? The flatesand hautboys sob and "Sgli Is the tenor giadually arriving at thcCJrißlusion that this world is aSahara with but one oasis?or that he has notloved the world nor the world him? T he violinsand cornets wail and pout with melodious w « ?

I>oes thecontralto take pleasure in informing herstalwart persecutor that he, has just burned hisown brothet J The violencellos and trombonesunite to express the astonishment of the bereavedparty. 1* the mu-cnlar villiao preparing to\u25a0take all good angels weep? The ophecieides and double and contra basses give notice ofhis diabolical designs by groans atid hisses, andcurses deep and loud. Is confusion, moral andsocial, prevalent upou the scene? Theentire f >rceof the instrumentation ia employed to give tbehearer a t'.vely idea of the wreck of matter, andthe ci ush of worlds, and chaos come again."Thus, O Able Ben Hasseo, you see with what

natural and pleasing picture of human existencethe Americans are accustomed to regale them*selves, at the corner of Fourteenth street audIrving place "

Coal Bibsiso LocoMoiivs.?Mr. M. Cohen, As-sistant Superintendent of the Hudson River Rail-way, has furnished for the American RailwayTimes, a coucise statement of the performance ot{ ur of their coal burning locomotives, on ttie planof Mr. A. F. Smith, theOeneral Superintendentofthe road. The distance run, from New Votk toPt.uglikeopsie, seventy-three miles, was run intwo hours and nine minutes, being the average ofninety-three tripe: with nine intermediate stop»,by the "Michigan" a'd ? Sam Sloan," with pas-senger trains, at an average cost of 7.31 per toowith coal, while the averaue cost with woc.l was$25.60 per trip. Two freight engines, carryiug snaverage of thirteen and a half freight cars each,were tun thirty five trips each at an average costfor each of $8.521.2, atid for wood of $.'io pet trip.The table given by Mr. Cohen is very complete,giving the capacity of each of thefour loci motivesaud the amount oi coal and wood consumed, show-ing an economy iu favor of coal on the passenger? rains of 60 per ceut, and on tbe frii<ht trains of71 per cent.

BxrTALtTT to Soldiers?l'Le New Orleans (La.)Commercial Bulletin says, that Capt. N. C. Evans,of the U. S. Army, stationed in Texas, has writtena letter explanatory of the statemout which wentthe rounds of thepress some mouths siuce, to theeflect that three dt-surteis, arrested, had been tiedto the rear of a wagon, with ball and chaiu,andthat one of them died immediately after the traina/rivedat Fort Belknap Tbe man died as report-ed. but the Captain thinks bs was uot cruellytreated. The disciplius that requires or permitsasick muo to walk for miles with a ball and cbaiuis brutal aud iofamoos, and a disgrace to the gov-ernmentthat tolerates it.

Thti Methodist Episcopal Church.?The minutesof the Methodist Episcopal Cl.nrch North, justissued, show tbe following figures: Number olConferences, 49; Sunday Schools, 11,490; churchmembers, yj6,655, being au increase during theyear of LMMkHi; cburofieo, 9 <»i 3; parsonages, 2407,value o: church edifices, $17,060 000; number oftravelling preachers, 6,502 ; local preucbers, 7,68vi.The Southern Church has a membership ol«56,»OK), 2.4:*4 travelling,and 4 907 local preachers ? gTotal Methodist membership, North and South,1,462,332.

lOmakkabu lo»o#*i*c« ~ll#cßßtLoudon paperscontain (be report of tbe R»v. Mr. Camelton, tothe magistrates of th« county of E*m>x. which?hows * moot deplorableamount of iguorauee.?Us says:

"To afl.>r jBny irfoaof tb« mam of Ignorancebrought Intu contact with this bti<na»« prori.ioa.It may autllcß to addaca 4W caava of prltoD^ricom-muted fur t<>l«uy during tbe paat year, of whomonly nliia poa««««cd a dn« acqnaiuUncxwith tbaClirittian religion; that In ?ev«niy-*ix caaei, tber*esutada total Ig iorßoc® t.f ih« Uan« of tba. aviuur, and that froui the con*eraailon of oneman on the »nhject It came out that tbe knowledgeol tbe fact of tbe cracifliioo not only excluded allid** of thu atouemoat, but repreaeolrd to hi*mind that our blea*«d Lord died jnetly for a breachol human lawa, that to thu deplorable dfflcieooyin reliHtoua knowledgemu.t be aodedan equalproportion of l|(tiorauc« of the moat commontbinti., evenextending to the currant month ofthe year."

J,rR ",Kt) To I'KAta AT Oms I.i?r, Onto?WIS* Abbte Summer*, cf UHogatou county,..t 1.8', be "D conntc>J with the Femalea? u's wn " ?bocklngly burntd oatridaj. Sli. h»d gotten aomewbat behind hercUm and retired to her room to study, and set odL»l TkiHll' flnid w *" e*h »«>«ed in herlamp. Thitikiog ahe might again need altgbtaheJl",! «'u th* lHmf- ,A» la too ofteti thecase, iu© flnfd canyhr fie and >»i«e wat iotUotlveu»elopod Hi)liiniea;«he rmhed.acreaming. into tbenail, but tb« occnpauucf the other rooma think-ing there were burglara iu the hi uie, in theiralarm fa»tened their doora upon her, and tbe poorgitl ran down into tbe basen.ent bef ,re auy onacame toberrelief. Itwax then too late.and,althoughbllwbs doue that contd be, she died In about lliminute*. The occurn-nre has spread a

the whole Tiilnge, aud the exercises in the collegeare suspended.I acino HHLftoAD.?Tbe bill which was intro»daced by Mr. Cortis, in the House or

tires on Tuesday, to secure theconstruction of acentral Pucilic railroad. pro*idea for bratichea fromtwo polnt» on the naTigable waters of the Missi*.Blppi river?one opposite to fowa. aud the otheropposite to Missouri?the two brunches to ron*

and unite witliiu two hundred miles of tbeMissouri rifer, r.nd thenc« rnn to tbe navigablewatersof tb* Sicramento. The usual appropria.tlons ol the alternate tectious within six mile*are to be appropriated, and government Is io ap/propriate the contractors twelve thousand dollarsa mile, to be reimbursed to the government intransportation el mail? and military stores. Tlieconstruction to l»e ofleied by the President to tbebest bidder, as proposed in SenatorUwin'a bill.

A Sixoulab Casb.?The lJjstou Courier relatesthe following: "On Monday morning last, a youngladyabont IS jears of age. who had taken pnssagaon board the train of cars from Fall Kiver forUuston. complained of a sadden illiieas when nearl?ridg< water aud requested to be left at that place.She 'ett tbe ca \u25a0 there and proceeded to thePridowa'er hotel, and after a room had been shownto her, immediately retired. As shedid not makeber appeftrance on Tuesday morning, her roomwas entered, aud she was found In bed. apparentlya»!eet>, but all endeavors to awake her were nu*availing. Physicians were called, and up to yes-terday they had not been able to bring her toconsciousuesj; nor to accouut for her aiotfulartrance."

How to Collect Tkbtimosy.? in the Thirteenthwnrd are gold tho most dungerons beverages iatown. A few weeks since a wau diatik ihr?ecents worth of brandy, which proved fatal infour bonis Hut somehow tbo law has failed toreach the matter. Capt Steers havingreporteda number of instance* of liquor selling ou theSabbath, the court required such positive testi-mony, relative to the character of the liquor audits gale, 'hat the prosecutions failed. The Inspec-tor of the Thirteenth precinct was determined notto be b ifll >d by any device of magistrates, andtook apl«u to procure the most concinsive testi*mo:iy. lie sent ont policemen to report violationsof the law, providing tbem with vials, and wher.they saw anybody drink and pay for liquor, theytook a portion of the game, put it in a vial, sea!e jit up, and marked ou it the tiaie and playe ol saleThese vials were taken by theCaptain, to be bst>d-ed (o thecourt, for the jury to determine the cha-meter of their contents, whether camphene ordriukable liquor. The collection n"w on baudwouid be an interesting sulject for chemical analysis.?y. I'. /W.

Thr Missiku "ImiKm Estirs."?As the City ofWashington, from brings no ictelli.gonco of the steamship Indian Kmpire, whichsailed f-oin New York f.r (ialway, Ireland, on the23d of October last, the geueral impression is thatshe has been, lost at set, with all on boi.rd, iocli?"dit g 15 Cibin and 67 forward ciibiu passengers,besides her captain, 9 officersaLd S6 men Amongher cabin passeugert there were P Kiordan. sonof Matthew liiordau, sged 17; Michael Cliffordson of James Cliff .rd, 15 and Francis McOovern. a<ed 16 years, all of Chicago, I|| , t,u routefor Rome?the two former to enter college, andthe latter to enter the Propagtuda, where hisbrother, James McGovern, has been a stndunt forover flve ystrs They were all intended for theCatholic priesthood.

Ou the »»uie ve«sel, and in company with theseyoung men of Chicago, was ihe He*. Mr. llonresy,» Catholic clergymau. and late mperior of theEcclesiastical Seminary at St. Louis. (1* was onhi* way to Rome on some ni'usinn from the arch-bishop of that diocese, and is said to have beeo ageuM mail of great pergonal wealth and highlyesteemed. Mr. D»vid llfone«y.n brother of thereverend gentleman. agedaboui 18 years, was alsod passenjter ou board the steamer,and km ou hi*way to Europe to recruit his health.

Sav»: Tour Rags ?There are in in the UnitedStates nearly hundred paper mills, whichproduce two hundred millions of dollars worth ofpaper. To produce this amount of pap«r,about sixteen niilllous d liars worth of lag* arerequired, and this lurge quanti'y must be savedfrom the scraps of the domestic circle. Is it nota paraut to all that economy should be practisedby|{»iuiiieß in this particular, even if they do notdesire to proSt by the saving themselves?

OFSNLVO THSATRSS o.i SrxiMT EviJn.No._7t uproposed in Uoston to imitate the success'ul planof the preachers in New York at the Acadei.y ofUntie,and open the Boston Theatre or HowardAihei tsuni iu lhat city for public worship cn Snn-dnj eveuings. Different preachers will lesd theservices, and "fom Cornar," to whom Bish pE-stburn refused ronflrmstiou becanse he led theOichesira at the Bjstoti Theatre, it is said, wilbe induced to conduct the psalmody. a Depot.?On Saturday evening, therear end wall of the depot bu.lditg of MessrsHarding 1 Carroll, commission merchants, inNorth Howard street, Baltimore, Md., gave way,precipitating the contonts of three stories intoL rew alley, with a torriflc crash. There werebetween ftOOatd 600 barrels of flour and about CO,-000 bushels ot feed in the store, which were com.ple?elyburied in the ruins. Fortunately therewas no person about the building at the tints.?There were also 10 horehends of sugar, and be-tween COarid 100 sacks of salt, allot which was aloss, beiuj; nnx-d up with the bricks and mortar.About ijO barrels of fl-jur will be saved from thewreck.

Sssmuti t5 thi Massachusetts Lwjislatciis.?lion. Caleb Cushing.whowas a member oftoe Mas-sachusetts Uonse of Representatives in 1826, isprobabiy the senior member of the new House.?Don. Increase Sumner,ofGreat Harrington, servHas a representative in 1833-4, and is perhrps nextin seniority.

Dsath of a L-.te U. 8. Consul.?N. P. Bolton,late United States Consul to Geneva, Switzerland,appointed by Geti. Pierce, died at Indiauapolis. In(liana, la, t week. He was the husband of MrsSarah T. Bolton, the taleuted poetess and nnthoress.and was for many jears couuected with tbe leadiogpress of Indiana.

A Pr:xi Poim.?The English Crystal Palace Comfr«ny iuTiie a prize poem to be ready for tbe Bamscalibration?2sth January next?to be not lessthan not hundred, aor more than two hundredlines long, and contrif>ntcJ on or before the lftthJanuary. Tbe poem* are to be addressed to ibesecretary of the company, at Sy<leuham, and thesuccessful one wiil be awarded $250.

The Yallet Tan is the name of a newspaperjost started at Great Salt Lake ciiy by Mr. KirkAnderson. The name is of Mormon origin?ths"Saints"applyingit to the fiist leather made inSalt Lske Valley, and then genarally to "homemanulactures."

Novfl Orpination.?At the late Indian confer-scce of the Met bod ist Episcopal cUurch, South,the venerable Bi»hop Karly trlained twelve In»dians. principally chiefs of their tribes, to thagospel ministry.

A small drove of bogs, about 200 In numberwere sold in Danville, Va., last week at $B perhundred.

Hhociiko Accid*!«t ?A shocking accident oc«curred iu Cortland, Me, on Saturday afternoou,by which a liitl# ({itl, five years old, daughter ofMr. Nattan W. Smith, «ai so dreadfully burtitthat she died in a f«w hours. The girl bad beenleft fastened iu a room with a younger brotherwhile their mother was temporarily abneu, audit appears thatiu atttia-,»tiug to light a lamp herclottles caught fire, as did alao the clothes of tbelittle boy. A tnau who wan passing heard theirscreams and attempted to lurst in the door, butfailing, went to the window, broke iu tbe sash,aud drew the girl, enveloped in flames, into thestreet. Tbe injuries she sustained were sorb thatshe died about ten o'clock iu the evenlug. Thelittle boy was only slightly burnt.

The "Ditohcs The Mississippi Legisla-ture has pasatd a law granting divorc* to all pareties who have lived separate three years. A '-tideof emigration" uiay he expected to set t-'WaidsMississippi. Indian is about going out of thabusiness.

(tfitniKSu.\k ?Tin steamer K. Howard, fromMew Orleans h»r Nashville, Tenn , sunk on l»otor*day mm o%ine's landing. «ho had a cargo of su-gar aml toffee. The ho4taud nrgo w#re Talttad»t |100,wk% Ho U»«# wm lost.

The Whittenton Mills, in Taunton, Masi., willcommence operations about the Ist of Jan., andwill furnish employment for about 300 bands.

The iron horse of the Sau'hem Pacific railroadwill probablyreach Marshall, Texas, by tbe middleof January.

LOCAL MATTERSJ'?""?A"<" ®a'ieoao ?The «ab£2nL« e*^",,on

.of «? K<*«.ok. T.H.. Kail

im ' *Wrict«l acoutitiortibJe ah*re of ih

ft itjJf®''? ' n city fur soma days, and tbstockholders of tbe Dan nil' Railroad m ibeir anrT-LfJ y?4*5 h** iUg fi? °rabl? ,oU w'} h to it, It WM determined vaster"*n MrlJhoar, to convene » UM||II? »»a<niUc»orer» aud otben, toexK P ul»Hc ?eotimeat bare with regard to tbi-17 <uUprise. a uuiober ot public spirife<jtenilemausoon drummed up a highly resptcUbUu»«H.tiu??especially «o, for tbe wraith and busi.? i?»"« by it. Tbo meeting wai

Cocupao'y " the *«rcl»auU' f»ra lusaramaIlia meeting was called to order by Mr. Joii>

? m o^l"0.0 *b,,M «"oiiou, Jos . 11 Aabusoa wait '?LW 11,0 mi.l J. U>\va*dim, uud M-j

° f "" W b<*' "ero ?ppmntod Socre-Mr. Andmsos, in a brief address, explained th<objec» ol tbe ruseting and urged tbicoDsideraHonof those present the importance to rbii oiti

*? *"*? "

Ou motion of .Mr Pctcat, tho»e gentlemen prosent, not cinaeus or Richmond, who l«ke t.n in-Itran: in tbe Improvement, weie invited to takeceediDg*"1 * !U(*"&g »ud participate iu its pro.Mr Davib J Brut, at the close of a brief speech

iu wbicb be concurred with tbe chairman in hi«views of tbrt value of the proposed impiovememto thin city, andadded a few strongreasons in it.behail, ofiered a series of resolutions, which woreudoptvd,after tome slight change in the third outof theai.

Mr. it.W.Joxix.of theDinville Railroad, beimrpresent, was called npon, w bile the resolutionswere pending, to address tbe meeting. He re-sponded in a clear and succinct statement of tbegeueral advantages of tbe proposed road to thepeople in tberegion about and beyond the point olits location, to the Danville Railroad, and to tbepeople of Richmond. He alladed especially to tteproductive less ar;d wealth of tbe counties olGranville, Warren, franklin and Wa^e,which wereimmediately iaterested iu thin improvement, andwhose wheat and tobacco would all coma to Rich*mond when it is completed.He referred more particularly to the flnt namedcouury. whose people be had addresss.l ou thisS'J* ject,and wuo bad declare! themselves warialytnlavcrofa routo that would euable tbew tobring tbeir produce to Kichuiood. aud were there-fore willing to subscribe liberally to tbe Clsrks-ville and Koysville extension. The bnlk of tbeirtobacco now c'tmo to Richmond; bat their wheatdid not, yet tbeir tobacco was subjected to chargessna delaye by the present line of transportationthat were expensiveand anuoying. and v'ch wasthe obstruction to commerce with llicbnsbud tbattbey fouud it easier to get supplies from Balti-more. The district in question was wealthy, aUrge proportion of its population being moueyleaders, aud few of them borrowers: the numberof slaves w<.s gifrit, and tbe demand for goods audgroceries rery lu-avy. The trade of such a couu«try wonid swell the business of the Danville Ran.r.iad very much, aud would add largely to thecommerce aud prosperity ?! this city.

Mr. Jonis stated that by the construction ofchis linkbetween Key»vil!v and Clatksville, theDanville Road wouldhave a new feeder of someeighty live miles of railrcad, consisting of fif.ymiles ol ihe Yallcj Road, and iLiny-five milea oftue R»,e ; iib and liastou Railroad, fiom Ridgoaayto Raleigh. Aud lie showed the uupjriauce ofthis auxiliary by supposiug tha; if it yielded only»o0 uo«ot revenue in and pasaeugers totbe Danville r iad, that would Ims per eent ontbe capital cf tbe Danville road, wbica would paytbe city of RichuiODd oo her subscription to tuatKtad, $o,r»i)0 per aunum. But lie c.-ntended thatt would luruish mora?tbat tbe cjuotiesof Meck»lenburg. Va , and Granville, C., would contri-bute a trade fully equal to that of II ilifix audPittsylvania, the exieutof which the people ofRichmond we 1 understood.

Mr. Jones incidentallyahuded to tbe clfort nowbeing uiude toestt-ud the Dauville liadroad fromDauville to Greeusborougb, M. C. Tuat extensioowould reach the tortile valiey cf tbe Vadkin auda larite aud productive c?wutry whose productswere especia.iy adapted to the Richmond market,chould . heLegislature of .N.CaroUuadooy thepeopieof that country of coming di-rectly to tbis tuaiket by prohibitingthi»extet.sijuthey might, uevertLeiesn. wun some greater ex-pei fj auu by a somewtiat louger ruute rtach themarket thiy suugn;. They could take tbe Cen-tral Railroal to Raleigh, thf Kaleiitb ana GastonRailroad to Ridgeway. aud thence by tbe KoanokeVallty and Danville Railroad to Richmond. Hebad uo doubt a large trade from the Yadkin \ al-ley would take this route. He furtuer aigued.tbat a curreutof through travel would follow thesame Hue? that it was snorter than tbat by Fe»loruburg,and contracted witL- the present scued-ule ou ine Petersburg route, be assertod tint thenaveller lrom the Ai.OiioJiu* Central would saves x houis m time by taking the Koanoke Valleyaud Dtsnvihe Roads to Richmond. Vyoa thesegrounds Mr. J. argued that not only would theValleyroad be an important feeder to the Dauvillelionet, and an iiumeuce contributor to the tradeit city, but tbat it would ltaell be a prosper*

oat roadMr. DiWW E. llißVir, President of the D-»nvilie

Ru tuo. , Mas aiso La led out tie endorsed ali ibe? guuieuis aud slaumeuts of Mr. Joues as validajdc riect. They were ueitber overestimated,uor over colored Me enlarged b puu the aigu*meutb ttiac tbetbrougu travel wouid be nttiacttdirotn Nortb Caioin.a along iboßoauoke Valiey auat e D juvule ltailioads. llw tp ke with much euip'jaals of the weal lb of the pjople and ttie pio-ductivouess ot tbe couutiy about and beyondClarksville. lie represented thecine us ibe.eas,idi ouiy willing, but luiiy able tosuosciibe lioer-a ly to the proposed toau, aud desirous ot baviugduect comiuuuicatior.wnhKicbmond.

Mr. Wool> tsoUi.mji,'ji Cnarlotle, being requestedto address themeeting, bore testimony to ilie nu-poitauceot the road, and to tile ability and WiU

oi the peep » immediately interested idit in and beyond u to he.p to bundit. lie assured ib« people of ilicliuioud that ibe)mightrely,implicitlyupon the efficient coopera-tion of the KOlil and substantial popu,»t.ou he alluded. lie spoke ot the pres-ntKuanoke Valley K&llro&d us uot only puyiug rsexpenses. but gradually reducing itn floatingdebt. With the proposed extension it would be-come atouce a piospe-ous improvement.

£ For the informationol the reader, we state thatat the preseut time the Ro-innkr Valley nailrooil isfinished froui Claiksville, lu .Mecklenburg coun'.y,to iu Orauville, N.C,on tho Kaleiguand Gaston Uailroad, u distance of luvnty-tirjmilts, The Itsv Legislatuie autiiuiized an exten-sion of this road from Ciarksvilie to one of tnreepoints, vizto Keysvilie, ou the Uauville Rail-road, or the .lunctiou of the lUuville and South*Side Railroad; or to Black* & Whites, onthe South-Side Railroad. 'lte distkuce Irom Ciarkesville toKeysvilie is (wenty-teeta mites, and from CiarkessTitle to either of tl.e other points, milt*.It is estimated that it will cost $4oO,(ib<i to con-* tuct the road to Keyaville, includinga bridgeacross the Roanoke at Ciarkesville. of courseeither of the longer routes would not coot lessthau $>00,000.]

Mr. J. H. liupot, of this city, being familiarwith tne locality, ui&de a brie! statement as to theinterest tell iu the project iu the country aboveCiarksvilie.

At tho suggestion of Mr. 11. L. Ksnt, the fifth ofthe resolutions proposed by Mr. Burr, was soamended as to make it "piedi/i' oar ciitans to raiseau equal awouut to that raise*! iu tne country,Mr. Burr read:ly sgreeing to the amendment. Asauieudej.thertsolujobs were uniiUmouslyadu-ptri,as f jilows:

At »n ii forital meeting of s-.tno of ths citizens ofi\icbm <nd, ta»ti y called together to consult, as to.1 enti re) advisable ou their part, to Secure thocon< nation of the Roanok \u25a0> Valley Railroad fromlar&eavi.le to lioyftviile, it wasuesolved, as the sentiment ot this mteting, Tha»the citizens of Ricliaioud art- fully eeusibln ot themipoitauce of tne proponed connection betweenClatkesvilie and Keysvilie and are exticmtly desi-

ious to see the road completed.Heaolved, Ibat iu our opinion the trade and tra-

vel which may be re itd upon as tributary to thisroad, win pay good dividends upon investments intnestock of the roid.

hesoived 'ft-a we entertain no drubt thatas largea sub trtpti'in to the road caa be obtained fiomttichuionu *? will ue subscribed by the friends oithe line in ih? country, and we hereby pledge our-? ives to set are it.

Resolved, '? bat the increase of revenue wh'ch thisC junettioiiwill at once bring to the Ru Imcuu andI'anviile ' ailroad, as Well as th» large additionaltra;e it will add to thecity, make it politic for tnecUy of hichmond in its corporate c»(«city to s«bscribe lib r-»l y to thisstock.

Oa motiv n of Mr. Jo.nks, the Secretaries wets re-quested to forward the resolutions of the meetingto Uk.nrt Wood, Esq., President of the KoanokeValley Railroad, aud to Jso. U. Boin, Ksf., jditorof the Tubacco Plant. Ciarkesville.

On motion of Mr. ?). B. Veugcsos,Hwsolved, that theChairman appointa committee

cf jiv- citi/.ens, to receive any communication tramthe friends of the improvement mih«c nntry.0a motion, the Chairman of the meeting wasa intiii to the committee, as chairman of thatb»dy. The chairman having named the five, thecommittee is m follows:

Messrp. Joseph R. Anderson,J. B. Fsrgaion, Joo.l'urcell, Wm. O Paine. I> J Burr, as 111.C.Cabell.

On motion, tbe meeting tbon adjournal.

Two thousand mackerel were taken In one hauloff Provincetown, Mass., last week, and in threenights ten thousand were taken.

The extensive brewery i f Frank Fortmao, atCincinnati, was sold on Saturday to tlipp A Brandtfjr $-2!>,V00.

Capt. Charles Harper, of the firm of Spratt kHarper, cl L-iuisville, was found dead in bad onMonday.

A bill is before tbe Arkansas Legislature toprohibit the sale of patent medicines in tteState.

The appropriation of$30,000 made by the Missis*alppl Senate, to build a monumunt in honor of Gen.Quitman, has been rejected in the Mouse.

A report of the Indiana sinking fund commit*?loners show a .balance of $2,780,601 SO in theirhands over all 6abts.

Dr. William! Browne, an aged physician ofFredericksburg Va., Ciad Monday.

OaJjr 1$ dttttu la Norfolk last mouth.

Stk.vliso Lettbr Bags ?A negro fel-low, named Frank, slave to Mr. Faulkner, of Pe-t-rsVmrg, has been examined before tbe U. S. Corn-uii*tiiii;er, Wm. F. Wataon, and sent on for trialbefoie Judge Ualyburton, on tbe 20ih lust, on thechaige of btealing l'. 8. Mail letter baga from theP«t<-r»>>org and Weldoii Railroad. Tbe prisoneracta wtedces the crime, and is thereforealiaoatcertain of conviction.*. Mka> Bog üb.~Henry, slave to JosephBrnmmell, was ordered a sejre of (trip** yester-day morning, forforcibly taking fiotu a little begr,the night before, two caudles, which his motherfca l sent him to pnrcha**. Watchman Bote, who,hy-the.way Is anexcellent iffloer, on hearing ofthu affair, took Ueory into custody and securedhim the reward heso ricttly merited.

Disobdsblt. ?Peter bla*e to R. 4.Mayo, for being disorderly fa tbe street, tree at-tested and toendlj punished.


I EtiiDii Diath.?W# rfgret to MitiIJ* 1 Joll* Nowub. a wail known printer iitbto clfy, dlsi quit* suddenlyyesterday mornlnithe hoars of 10 and li o'clock. Mr. Nhad been Indisposed lor two weeks, hut no oatthought bin to be io a dMgsriass condition. B<slept In his printingotto* on Uth street, and ye*terday, about if o'clock, atked one of the yoanimen in the office to have his break teat sent to bimI Us thsa arose from his bed, walked across tb<

' riK ia, to.>U a dose ef medicine sod again laid down,where be soon after breathed hi* tast, apparei tlywithout a struggle. As the cause of bis death istiot entirely certain, ills presumed (bat anwill be held and a pest mortem examination fakeplace to*day.SiAMEt'a Faig Mt> dociarr. ?An al-journed meeting of this society was bsld at thehail of the Young Men's Christian Association, lastThursday eveniog, Wm. F. Taylor, E beingI called to chair, aud Abel U. Mayo appointed 3e«

I creiary.| Aftor prayer by Itev. A'eX. MrOlasban. a const!i tutiou was reported by Mr. Wm. B Smith, and: Adoptoi, thesubstance of wjich is herewith ap-pended :

"The obj-ct of 'his ('be Union teamen's Friend)r iciety shall be to improre tbe sccial, moral andspiritual condition of seamen by nniting the ef-forts of the wise and good in their beball?by se-curing for Ibem moral boarding houses or Sailor**House*, reading looms, a place of worship, andespecially tbe ministrations of tbe gospel and oth-er religious blessings.Tbe el setion of officers being next io order, the

| following gentlemen were chosen,IWridtnt?Lewis D. Crenshaw.I terPresidfnbi-Joel B. Watkios, Juo. PtewartWalker, Je«»a Keesee, A. Y. Stokes, ?am l M. Prte*.Wm 11. Cleminitt.TrM»urrr?Vim. F.Taylor.Stcretary?Wm Willis, Jr,Cbupl Hitebamd.?l dward FeWy wmarraigned before the Mayor yesterday morning toapswar tbe charge of crnelly "beating his wife thsuight before. When tbe witnesses were called,

wle poor, heart-brcken wif» appeared upon thestand, her face, head idl bands marked and bruis*fd by hercrual nusbaud, and testified that he badben'nn her without cau*e or provocation,and thathe bad threatened to take her life it ever he wasarrested far his conduct to hsr. She called uponthe prisoner to say if she had ever given biuicause to treat hsr thus,aud be admitted that shehad not?that h'S temper bad gotten the better ofir.m?and ihat he was ashamed of what be baddone. Other witnesses testified to tho beating,having been attracted by the cries of murder, andto bis biling her hand in the most savage manner.wayof learniug the prisoner his duty as a hus-band and a citizen, the Mayor held bim to bail inf2OO for bis good behaviot; and to answer an in«dictment by the uext Grand Jury.

Noblh Act.?Within ? few weeks pastone of onrciiiiens who has in his charge a largenumber of Irish laborers, bad the mistirtune tobecome heavily involved, by attempting to aidother partios in their business operations. Assoon as bis embarra*smen*s became known to bisemployees, they resolved to extend to him all theaid io their power, aud for that purpose calledbim and insisted cpou bis receiving, as a to*ksn of theirhigh appreciation, their pay roll forone mouth. Thegentlemau alluded to. his eyes?sffused with tsars, declined the generons cli'.r;but doubtless felt more grateful far this noblemanifestation on tbe part of ihoaeunder him, whohad nothing to give save what they earned by in-cessant toil, than if all bis creditors had profferedtheir claims as a friendly offering. Trae charityis more often found among the poor than anyother class. Feelingthe continual sting* of pov*erty themselves, they are ever sympathising withtheir fellows, and nothing gives them more plea-sure thau to distribute liberally tbeir bard earn-ed dimes among tbe unfortunate and destitute.

Citt Poob ?As jetno steps hare beentaken to provide for tbe destitnte women mad chll-dreu in thiscity, dnrlog the winter months. For-tunately there are but lew of them, bat these fewmust havetbe uecesaaries of life. The ladies whovisit the poor at a!] timed, can give relief fo?ome. but there .ireothers?wynieo who haveseenbetter days, but who have baco overtaken bv niiufortune, ana are uow weariest oat their lives toearn a cruet of bread for their children andthemselves, th«t will suffer severely if not assist-ed Too prond to ben or to make their necessitiesknown, tbey may perish from cjld and hunger, ifnot succored. Let oor readers search out thisclass of needy, and from their private mtaus givethem astistatice. A load of fuel, or suppliesfromthe family larder,sent as present*.will be received,aud give timely, substantial c mfort to such a>are perishing f>r waut of the substantial* of life.

R \u25a0 w A a d or Mimr. ?In the NightSchool of the Mecbamos Institute, now in successful operation at the tew ball, thereare a largenumber of intelligent lads, who seem so much de-voted to their studies, that one or two membersof the Institute bave determined to cet up a haijd'some silver medal, ta be awarded to tbe pupil thathas made tbe greatest progress during the sessionaud is most highly recommended by the TeachersI'ir and correct deportment,rhe taedal will bave tbe name of the successfulscholar engraved up..a it, aud is a trophy worthstruggling for. Let tbe pupils bear the fact lumind, and <ach out) strive unceasingly to dtaervathe prize.

Cmld Bu. hed ?A lit le girl, namedAm* Carson, aged foor years, daughter of JohnCarson, w«s burned jesterlay morning. by herclo'hes aicideutally takingfire. She wan standinglu front of a grate, near her father's knees, whenher apron was drawn Into the fire pUci, and in-stantly took fire. Her father immediately toreihe burning garment from her pers >u, hut uut be-fore she was severely bar tied aboat the arms andbands The frequent accidents of this sort an-nounced in the papers, should be ? warning topatents uot to allow their lime gum to wear cot-ton clothing in wiuler.

Discovs&bd.?A bag of surgioal in-struments, stolen from some Doctor, and after*wards thrown into a garden ou Shockos Hill, Lasbeen sent to oar office Tbethief, no doubt mis-took the contents of the bag when he lifted it, audon discovering his error, dropped it like a hotpotatoe.

lob formed i« the gutie s on Tharedaynight, aud yesterday the win ! was as cold andkeen as if justwhetted on au ice berg. U<d win*ter seems to be commencing in earnest.

AimtiL Paihtinos.?At the cffice ofthe State Agricultural Society in tbia city, raaybow be seen two or three animal pictures justpainted by Taors, which are well worthy a visit.

WiFf Whippino ? John F. Ames, ar-rested and cagcd for bsatiog his wife Elizabethappeared before the Mayor yesterday, bnt a* thewitness was absent, theexamination was postpon-ed ntitil this morning.

Tn« Schooier The Schooner Sosati es-caped from Mobile on Tuesday afternoon, insteadof at eight, as before stated, Thecutter McLellandgot aground at >avy Cove, and before she could begot off the schooner was four hundred miles away.The filibusters there are greatly elated. Privateadvices received at Washington indicate thai thefilibusters intend to rendezvous at some islaud,possibly iu theFlorida lieya, before proceeding toNicaragua.

Expoms or CetTo* to Eubop*.?The exports ofcotton frem New Orleans daring the past weekreached 41,000 bates, of which 2"J.OOO were to Knit*laod, and the balance to the continent. Thetotalexports from that port sine? the Ist Septembermid op 3t&,0C0 bales. The exports from Mobile toOreat Britain during tbe week were 10,000 bales.

Sister Mary Eleanor, of St Francis Xavierdiedon tbe 4th iust., at tha Carmelite Convent in Bal*tiraore.

The Argentina Republic hasg ceded to Brazil4.u00 »(jnare leagaes of land, in consideration ofbeing allowed to send into Brazil beef tree of doty.

Columbia College. 8. C., baa conferted tbe titleofLL I), npon Dr. Oensner Harrison, tbe distin-guished Professor of Latin, at tbe Univeralty ofVirginia.

Tbe Governor of Miaaiaafppi baa signed tbe billpnsaed by tbe Legislature ceding to tbe UnitedElates jurisdiction overSbip Island.

OL.1) HYJS WHia KM'8. &o.?Alargetteck. v -ryold and line, with a full stock ofWines and Liauora xenerallr, tor sale low by

KOOLKSTON * FITZQSRALD,di 18?fit Noli Pearl atre»t."JUTTISR.?9 firkins Mountain Butter," in atoro and for sa'e by

£GU LEaTON A FITZQBKALD,d» 10-2t No 14 Pearl atreet.

r\VJSft<j<>Aib. ?Moscow Beaver *sg .

lana: Basket Beaver Over-Sacka; For aiidS -»!akin do; fine black, brown and b!aeOrer--<ac*»;alen, u«w I' tof Business Soits: black c'oth Frcckand Dr-sea Coau. N <\u25a0?* I,K * CO,

do It) 103 cor. Mala and nth an, Richmond.f UlfcriS TAttLt?Beautiful pattern*

of Cheaa Table*, very anitable frrpresents fortheappriachiag holida*e Jn«t received at

de 10 BOuHmVM. 137 Maine*.

P&PISK Mache Work Box s and Wri-ting Deaka, Boeewood Desks ai d Boxes, Red-

colei. Ac. to be bad ofde 10 THOi A BULK LEY.ptllNA VAhJfitt.?£l«gatt Vases of

China, from the tlneat to the rbeape»t qsality.Parian Ware, Vane* ' hina and Bohemian FancyArticles. Colognes. Motto Cupa a d mboki, withmany «ner tkacj (Jooda, suitable f.»r prmenta, to I*bad of TUiM A BULKLkrqUPERIOR ('OLD W ATCHJSB.?A fewO Binof 'hies very jadlr celebrated Watch**,made bj'lHAdatas/* wtt'ch keep the very best ortime, joat received, for sale by

da to Oil N*T. rMielaairaCHoT?6OO bags, as .01 ted six**, itr


a'awAAi fIOT vU«

PRICE OWE CENTMf Notbmbbb20th, 1848.

""J® 4**JIITWAMD OLiOIg CLOAKS AXDKauLvMH, KVHi AM it '~ "HT4In ttwM.'-T*rt*> PRIC * * 00. are addlag daily to ttUt

LADIW PURS, in (tut varietyJltLV*X AM) OtiUiH UWIU|L*liK itlil CUi'b oUriU ntfli.iMCU&rAl.t UuOliU, uiMIJoCATBUdto, LAUIt UUtifAINSr MOJUiLN CUfcTAIAS. *0, Ac.

1 K fiOCB A 00.MT Coughs, CoLDS, HlUMimi, to.Pho.prevalenceof the above cdmpiatota at Ibis eaa-?m kti (to*Mhctof bringing oat aboat of sinhia?edra new specifics. ud waits m few Mr b«food, Mkru«MhM*M mm even -iTiaKtnraeTo prevent uiseppoiutaient, tl* boat cuoreeu> nr.wcoauolt 7our ftuuiirpli\ liciao, or otherwiw

f k® 4 " a£ "le ?ApefleaCSaaeproved utw ufc »ud tfflcacious. Of tniS*-/* 9ulivu^',, oißUf Of UCM AKA*SIC originally the favorite pro*.,-iption ol u to.iiicut phjmod, it aooa bocauie t popular Muaiiriuedioue, ami without advertising, has continuedto enjoya groaiug reputation tor the last twentyrear*. In .«U teceut caawa itacta like a charm. andtau&rotiiccase*, Bronchitw,Hooping Oongh.tfroun

! Asthma, Ac, it is uatxl with unparalleled £| Jl'Wl families will testify. "aooeee.a*

Soi l b; yiSHCR A W inSTeH, MZAKI * Itnw 4Bodkkib,Ac, at ii cents per bottle, and in an eie<»ut anu pieaaant form, 12* and 25 ceo «gar box. called Tylsas Hi cat aaasicOotwn Uasbt

Dibiutatbd tma.aom*?Thosewho have suffered from iactuanl fevers, lou ot ap-fetite, or improper riiggatiou?may easily be coredj the a«e of Hai»r'b Bittkbh We have knownpernotw potirtly restored tohealth by these eittrr*.after viutiagall litewatering placeswithout receiv-

ing any benefit if any of onrreaders are sufferingfrom Dyspepsia, Nervous Debility, lorpiii Liver, in-digestion, Ague andKevtr, aour Sioir.ach or toss ofAppetite, they will ilnil Certain relief by usins theseBitters as directed. Delicate females may test as-sured that these Hitters are admirably adapted to 'their diseares, and never fail in Quickening nature s«nd restoring theblooin of health to their cheeks.Teething inlants may abo ba improved by theiruse?whilst ail classes and sexes will be benefittedby their strengthening properties. As a familymedicine, these tlilUrn standunrivalled, and musteventually supersedeail ether* We invite a trialat once.

For saleby Puixell. Ladd M Co. and by a!I theprominent Druggists in Virginia. oc ftJ&*HABTSHOBNg » ABTI-jfILIOUS PlLLfl

*re thesafest and beat Purgative Piito in use. They*«t upon (beLiver, dtornacb and Bowels, carrying}fl all bile aud erery foul secretion. They don'tgripe, are easy in their operation,and can be taken*tany time without four of expoiure. They removeLotus from tbe aydtein and preventKheutaa«ini.~If you suffer with any pa<c, use HAtTsIIOUNB'SUtJKci-\l.L,the great PAIN ANNIEIILATOK Ifhave " «ugh. use HAKTSUOHNE'S COUGHifBUP, which la the treet Cough Cyras in theworld.

Sold by all Druggists in Richmond, oc lft?4mliichcb.?i ii&ve just ra-

Adami' Express, a fresh lot of SwedishLKMJHBS, which wilTbe applied upon moetreason-able terms.P. B.?Cupping and Leeching promptly attendedto. Can be fouud at all hours of the HairDressing Kootn under the American Hotel,and atnighton 9thstreet, French Garden Mill.Mrv-u a. o. hobsovmtrFkanelim Papbb Mill, Rich-

mond, Va.? Manufacturing CompanyKeep eons.antly onhand all descriptions Knvetope,*?nilla una Wiapping PAPER, News and BookPAPLKB, of all and sizes, furnished atihort notice.

W_Cash paid for RAGS.UKO WHITFIELD, President.0 Ooi>cr, Sapt oc4?3 m

Lcmp and Anthba-ciie ooal ?The subscribe- has now on hand, anditaiiv receiving, a Urge supply of very superior Mid-lothian Lump (bailnnd smith s)Coal, which he is de-livering at tne lowest market pric« ,and has also ouhand a Urge supply of Ked and White Ash Egg An-thracite Cial, which he Will sell by the loml, shortor long ton. orders left at either of his office*, onsat Danville depot, one on Dock, between 17th nLdl*tb street*, or at the Anctionstore of Larus A b hinewill meet with prompt attention,no 1 p. C. LARDS.

IQ.6ATBB Baths, xJaths?Hot,>>ld aud Shower Baths can be bad daily at allhoars, at ths American Hair Cutting, Shaving, andShampooing Saloon, under the American Hotel.?Kntranee on 11th street.SingleBaths il> cents. or & tickets for $1 ap 10Mr Paskji Poibdkxtbb,


Kichm >sd. Ya.,Will practice In the city of Richmond and In tn«counties of Chesterfield. Powhatan and Amelia.

Office in Lisle's Building, corner of Main andUth treels. se23?lSm

JST> Hobson'b Hair Cuttins, ShayikoAim SuAMfootxo Saloon, under the American Ho-el?entrance on 11th street

N. B.?Hot. Cold and Shower Baths can be had atall hoars. Single Batb 26 cents, or 6 tickets lor onedollar. jei

gtg" Da. John 6 Walthall, (Homoeo»athist,> offers his pro essional services'to thecitisensof Richcioud an>' its vicinity. Office at his reddenco, on Leigh str et. two doors from 9th.

je 12?dly


LEAF AND MANUFAOTOKD TOBACCO.A large and well selected stock,whJlksalm and rbtatl. -

JOHN BOUCUBR.14th street,between Main and Franklin sis.

N B.?CIGARS made in ail? style toorder,oc s?tw


»n>l JOHN M tfATTON, Jr . have entered into >«

partnership to practice Law, noder the name of"i resit* A I'attjH," in thu Court of Appeal* atKicbmuud aod bewisburg, usd iu the Superior andinferior Court* of the cit» of Richmond

Any business entrusted to their care will bepromptl) attended to no25?Im

fig?* Btotks, Kanqjis and Fcrraors. 'Vow in (tore a full mpply, c%rgt> of «chr Mignio-aette. Purchaser* are invited to examine the qual-ity of our wares. We especially recommend theAlchm»nd Portable Furnace, Bay State Cookingrlangeand Harp Cook Stove.

Kupairt> always on hand for all leadingarticle# sold ?*t the Governor Street Stove Store.

%%. Wanted immediately twoflrstcla**workmen, ioc iC GRORUBJSTARRK.T. 1SOTOROROR B. idt\u25a0<!,, Dentin, Office

?ud residesce, No. 3SI, on Main. N tweennth and Mb jstreets. Richmond v« ntyJft?iy



For sale by JNO W G aRLICK,Apothecary ana Lruggiit,

de i? £t Market Place, Franklin street-

BPQrßuaiiiMa Fluid. Burring Fluid,Burning Fluid ?Alwars on hand and for tale atthe Drug and Prescription Ptoreof

JOHN W. GARLICK,no 10?lm Market place, franklin «t.gyWhat'h thr Nrw» ??Wation, at

Wbiteburst's old gallery,77 Main street. Usoinato Kurope, and i* lelling off his stock of line CASKSat coat, and he gives y.»u a large sined AMBRO-TYt'Kfor 54i cents?sold at $1 iuanyother gallery.

PHOTOGRAPHS from fi upward. Pictures pntiamedaliou and breastpin for 75 cents.

Good flre*cou*tantly kept._

no 15?lmiffOP"ExTRACTios or Thrth bt Galvan-

ism.?Thi* has been introduced into th» prac-lice of the subscriber with entire sureess Hl# per-lec'ly simple and harrnlesa. A g>w»t!e current ofe'ertricity Is made to pa-8 through the tircepe uponihet oih to be extracted, which ebtiiely deetroi*the painful sensations u«n*liy f«lt in the effort ofextracion. JOS WO m)WARU, Dentist.

? illlce on Mrs, between 9th and 10th itreete.8025-I»»

DLACKBMITHB' TOOLS,?We h»v«inD store, for ial« cheap?

Berrian's rxtra and warranted BelloWl"We«t»rn" Bellow*, a newand anperiurarticleWright's Patent Anvilstsolia Box Vice*Riujj'j rtock andDie*, to eat train X inch to l.'i

IDC he*Sledue and Hand Hammer*Horie BHoeing doTongs, Farrier*' Kbltc*, Rajp*. fie*, Ac.CUARK.SO-V, AKDRR-ON * 00.

<t« 2 Moit* Main »t.nN CONSIGNMENT, AND FOB B\LEU CHEAP, splendid Bofa* and Teto-aTete*;.«prii.(C Uu»k-» and Bed*; Bnreau; Cat in* *; Mar-Me To* Table* and Wauhataada; Hahigam andPine Wardrobe*; Jeney Uud Bedstead* ; Hair *ndehuck ktattia*«r*i Mahocany,Par'or, at d RockingCbalr*; Tinßafis.Ac. ALkX NO'*r,

d? 9 Ot posite St. Ch\rU » Hotel| ANDING from toaooßtr B F. StockLi ton?

lti6 041 f-«t seasoned White Pine2V mi »»< 14 lirch Button V* ovd16,1 V'J 'set .V 8 do. do.

454 'i f»et l do. OakWhich 1 will «*ll very low ftxa the wharfBD * D *. DCDLry.d>» 9 ivth atreet. be ween Main and Frank.Mn.

Hebkinu*.?iidi barrel* No \ Halifax Cat HBRRIRGKS,75 do do B"«ton do do,

> U do do Labrador do d \41 do da New found land Cot HI BKINOe,i do do Pickled 11KRRINQ9,

»»? boxt*Scaled HRRBINQj.For tale onconsignment by

BRIDOPOBD *y),4a » onth*Dek.

'I niMATCB111

[ PKI JV.Ve'WV,?I Qvmtif JWR ffcWwA JMMfcHMHfe/Ofll D. UMiUMIY I ~

hta * for Caju"*- *" \u25a0««n- a»lr^a^Si!sS ,?ir2sja^?,

woriMU Mm shortest passible stUM.n*ucmt ms prtyarbim to Ui iTrMM fj

In this branch of the busineae the unjiiliiiirs*a2Safely CHAIAMMKOOMUmiOM.pEoflPfcOTOa UP TAB IHUIxTIQmk«srvi?*A»bove title, devotedto Pt>Ul» *, Literatur*. Oom-BsrciAi Matters, and theOntnl Raws at tktfef.Aa to the political complexionofthepaper. Isadnotsay more than that M will be true 10 ibeoMDemocratic principlesof Vit ginia. 14mm it ssarsa-ly n»*saary to make even this announcementkm,in.yT :.B*J lT ' But «. eigbtwiyeeAwwcsttwwith its Democratic preaa Beepasttwi th» acaef"*® ***}*' aspire toof-fices, ftate and "?ational?i deem it aot tnappronrl-ateto »ay that Tns Ixvi*will bo jast to all,baMb*partisanof none, and without implicitcoefldsDM hiany. Particular aUention will be paid to the Out-tnercial D. partment or Tn litwn Ito LiteraryDepartment will ba antroatod to ci?nslint teoto.In tvery department it will havj the aid of thanblest pent in thefonth. It is my determination,toa word, to eetabliah Tss Isms ae a readable femllyjournalat the metropolis of Virginia

Ta»-!'«ni Weekly papers 4 pernnnu>. Weeh»ly Paper $2. invariably in»-wAdlm BBNNBT M DIWIK.PXECUTOE'S NOTICE ?f he uadar-V Mgned. havisjr qualified MBxacutor ofJoha M.Patton, deceased, hereby gives notice to »U who areindebted to his estate to come forward and settleand all perwns having claim against Mi rM*Kwill please proeent thai to the undersigned for a*fr>tlement. JNO. M. PATTON, JjuLpiFIY DOLLAR#?I. M BUtuEtt ft *

f OVS CELEBRATED NATIONAL B*WIN«MACHIMKB?ornci *17 Mai* toman, Rumors,Ya?We wonld most respectfully invite all to «i 3and examine oar new slock of Family,Plantationand Leather Machines, which for durability Mtibeautyof finish, cannot be wtriamd br any. (tarMachine*are ao constructed, that by the ?*g*~ychangee they ara made to aew, hem, gather ana\u25a0titch from the coarsest cotton bale at heavyleather, to the fiieet ailk, satin or lace, of aaydescription, without trouble. The elm pie con-struction, ease of managementand aavtag of tima,makes the Machine invaluable, and warranted toeve perfect satisfaction to all. Oar new faraihrtchiue, for lightwork, will be (onad oaa of tteprettiest and best in use; it is pat up in Rosewood,Mahogany or Enamelvd cases, to rait tbe Barter srwork-room. Our agent, being % Cm macniajst.ltprepared to repair Machines, and to give all the la-structions, so that tbe operators can adjust theirMachine*with all ease. Ladies will he laili liaSsdat their rwideoces; alto, servants. Ifdealred, free otcharge. We inviteali t» call ana examine,wher*all potnible attention will be paidby oar lady ilir?tore and Agent to gi>e explanations,whether thafpurchaseor not.

Bilk, Threadand Cotton, of ail colon sad dsauitotione; Needles; Oaugee far tackiagaad bind(kg.No charge for shipping. Circulars will ho aaat toall o*> applicationb* mail or otherwise.Stitching and Quilting of ev.ry deserlfUua.oaCloth or Leatbet.Shirts, ac, made toorder, at short notice.en 23?ly IMS! N GBR * 00.

300 000 CYPMBS BHWOLIB for} \u25a0tofcr

*dwt> m w»Mjrr,da9 19U *t.,between Mateaad Franklin.

O/IH SBLB. Hwiifltdfor mU by

DEBT BARBItTKMM?D -dJ- #1 ?JsS^>&labd.

NOTICE TO TAX PAYERB.?Puran-ant to an firdlnancs passed 11th of January,

IKStS,I willattend *t the collector's Office, la tbaOity Hall,fromthe lftth to the3ist of December, la-elusive to receive tbe remaining half ol tax*t, fromKurh persoas as are entitled toa deduction of IS parcent, by having previouily paid tbe ft ret half iaJune last, in accordance with saiiOnMoauss

J A HOBSO*, UCEN B?lt will be seenfrom the above, tha theCol-lector is nquired to attend at the office, from ihoISth to the 3i»t of this month, to receive taxea to-mainingdue from June last; before tbe Jsenaryterm ot the Hustit gs Court,hs is required by Ot»ntneeto advertise delinquentreal estate to besoldfor non-paymoi.t of rax-s Peison* who hare not'done so will see the necessity of callingand palingtheir taxes, as it will b» impossiblsfor ths Oolkctart*call onthem before he advertises


RICHMOND GROUND PLABTRK.Thesubscriber has completed his now mill forgriuding Plaster, located on tbe the mouthof rhockee cr< ek, with enlarged aiid co mplete ma-chinery, sufficient (o supply any demand for thopre-ent,er that may arise in many >ears to owowlie is now to supply orders for POKIOKOUSD P. ASTKR. pulverised to a degree thatcannot be surpassed, from a heavy stork ofsuperiorNova Scotia Lump procured with thegreatest(with afull knowledge thata great aesd of LumpPlas*er is entirely worthless to the Isrraer.) atraflatters himself that his long experience ia taleb»smess, wiih the close att* ntion aud stody given iCwill enable him tosnplv the demand from this ai>dsdjeining States, with this valuable fl»«tillaer, ia Hapnrest and richest state, and at satisfactory priest,

With a full determination to sustain the estab-lished reputation of his brand for nnuTTABB ucg-kiss, ho respectfully solicits orders.

JOHN H CLAIBIRVBnolj? tlstA No U Pearl stroot.

IVIOTI E.?All persons h%vi g cl-iima£ ' against thee<t«tenf the late Dr John W Pow-er", arer»<ioe»ti«i) tu present (hem. and all person*Indebted to Mid estate are herebv not'Ord to partheir respective indebted aea*. either to mj \u25a0»\u25a0\u25a0(.Vir Thob Boodab, who U authorised to receive magrant receipt, or to me.on Ift? lm* J K POWRR. Adit'rl.TfEBoSINB OIL LAMPd ?Ike *«b---" eeribsr having just returned from t)M IM,and while there mvL# such arrangements with 'hemanufactu- »r* of Lampsand Oil*. aa to enable histo compete with any houiM In the 'rade, North *Tfouth, and will be happv toeee Me IHIiW a*4Ikepublic at 143 Main utreet, opposite ericas

de 2?lm*


A fu'l supply on baud; al«o, P*My 'sMe by EDWIN WORTHAM AOOI

BORNEITB COCiMINB FUK tttlHAIR ?The Cocoaioe bold* la a Ikjaid <e*w a

larse proportion of deodorised*'-ptred expressly for this purpoee. It le Mid tonethe best and cheapest hair dressinf In the world.?Vor cale by

t WARING * I'RARCI, Druggists,del?fnt Broaditreet, aboVe9tn.

UMOKEY CHIMNEYS?Ckimntj tap#.We have "n hand a "Of plr ef the above ( ape

which will prevent chimney* from smokisg, whichwe aieaelllngvery cheap, at oar Pottery, eetmmm12th and Cary street*.

del? KUBw A PARK.

D'OBBAY COLOGNI.?M*. CHAB. 8.DAWSON, my *ucce«eor. at the eld l<ia<.W>

uerof Main and 15thitreete. ha* the genuine Wr-tayCologne Water. idenOoaily tbeaaiM ae tomertrmade h» we a* It?to J H wfVH)

BBaUTIFUL T&ETU?P' BPtMBORREATn?Hound and Healthy aue*»,-I>OW-.

DP.N'B DRSTAL FLUID arreet* Docay, reetofaeDiseased Uutn* to a healthy condition, reiieveeToothache. perAime* the Breath, and ftnder* theTeeth white aa alabaster. Recommended by K*rao*t celebrated DentiM*. lee circular round «wJkbottle.Price?cents. Fortftlebyall Druggie. 1

MANUFACTURE-I hare a large and altH»tive assortment of Kervan»* Wear of my etn* 00Vmalr. which I wilt warrant tooompar* with any ofteied In this market in point of durability. w«rmtnand prlcc?jonr attetirlon I*especial!r e -IW.s..n»Laving large ausntitieeto pUTChaee will find itto their inter«»t to examine aay atoek he<ur« pmr-

uin KBLB. No. 8 MACKIItBL: 40I' " ' bbU No 1 do: 400kit* So I do; 300 bbU Po-tomac Herring*: 40DblaOlMOM. Far Mllkf

«1e 10 TttO*ioim >00fil | HHUP. striei'y prim* *14 M* Mm" bacon Sides and dbowider*. laad)»« m» rtaaai

CA U 8 A GI MEAT CUWBRe AMtiSTUrFBRB, of tk* ant ia»<».«4 kiada,*?tore and for*aie bj

CHURCH * FLBWMJ,noll -ftp OcnarOar* *wHMii>'

17mTB\BB1L8 etQßrvß ,4t/" jjufar",* tot itlfl brd»i 7 »aoo» *imwmt. \u25a0

L'HLHH CRAWBERBIStJ?Juit rtoaUadI? 4UrraU of


rO*>A KOTB-CUWAMOtB-WflpULIBB'B Compound EztpftoTcf *tUTa Cherry Candy, for tba t»*MdiaU Nilrf JtrVMMka, and ear* af Or>W*. h«*m*in> «fRSS^S-SB2S'PI»CTSS»iuT? to-ui.,

4tel-MK Drmggia**. Bread el.HwM».E08MOK1W«

«i«»>r JOBN waAß^wKpl»9IUVl».

gfgTMlitHti oTw. iTtw