the disruptive impact of the nexus of forces

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The Disruptive Impact Of The Nexus of Forces. Chris Howard VP, Distinguished Analyst Chief of Research @chrishoward88. ‘It’s the first time that a company [Burberry] is blurring the lines between physical and digital.’ - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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© 2013 Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Gartner is a registered trademark of Gartner, Inc. or its affiliates. This publication may not be reproduced or distributed in any form without Gartner's prior written permission. If you are authorized to access this publication, your use of it is subject to the Usage Guidelines for Gartner Services posted on The information contained in this publication has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable. Gartner disclaims all warranties as to the accuracy, completeness or adequacy of such information and shall have no liability for errors, omissions or inadequacies in such information. This publication consists of the opinions of Gartner's research organization and should not be construed as statements of fact. The opinions expressed herein are subject to change without notice. Although Gartner research may include a discussion of related legal issues, Gartner does not provide legal advice or services and its research should not be construed or used as such. Gartner is a public company, and its shareholders may include firms and funds that have financial interests in entities covered in Gartner research. Gartner's Board of Directors may include senior managers of these firms or funds. Gartner research is produced independently by its research organization without input or influence from these firms, funds or their managers. For further information on the independence and integrity of Gartner research, see "Guiding Principles on Independence and Objectivity."

Chris HowardVP, Distinguished Analyst

Chief of Research@chrishoward88

The Disruptive ImpactOf The Nexus of Forces

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‘It’s the first time that a company [Burberry] is

blurring the lines between physical and digital.’

Angela Ahrendts, former CEO of Burberry, now heading Apple’s retail operations

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Jeffrey ImmeltCEO, GETalking about his company's“Industrial Internet" initiative in 2012

‘The ability to marry real-time customer data with real-time performance data of our products — to me that's the holy grail in our business.’

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• The Nexus forces (Information, Mobile, Cloud, Social) remain top priorities for CIOs

• The Nexus of Forces applies to people inside and outside the organization, in multiple roles

• Many emergent Nexus of Forces scenarios involve the Internet of Things

• The Nexus of Forces is the platform for the Digital Business

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Where are we now?

Nexus of Forces 2014

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Nexus of ForcesConvergence and mutual reinforcement

Driven by human behavior

Amplifies human behavior

Creates new opportunities for engagement

Engagement creates new business opportunities

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2009 2010 2011 2012 20130123456789


CIO Technology Priorities 2009-13

Analytics and BIMobileCloudCollaborationCIO Ranking


Gartner introduces "Nexus of Forces" at

Symposium 2011

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2014: CIO Technology Priorities

Ranking Based on How Many CIOs Cited Each as a Top-Three New Spending Priority for 2014

Exploitthe New

Renovate the Core


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Analog Web E-Business D-Marketing D-Business Autonomous


relationships that drive business or lower cost

Extend relationships into

new markets/ geographies

Transform sales channel into a

global medium to drive efficiencies

Exploit Nexus to drive greater


Extend potential customers from people to things

Smart, semi-autonomous things

become the primary ‘customer’

Outcomes Optimize relationships

Extend relationships

Optimize channels.

Optimize interactions

Build new business models

Maximize retention of and relationships

with things


Disruptions Emerging technologies

Internet and digital


Automationof business operations

Deeper customer relationships,


Creation of

new value and new nonhuman


Smart machines and things

as customers

Technologies CRM CRMWeb


BIBig DataSocial

Sensors3D printing

Smart machines

RoboticsSmarter machines


The Journey to Digital BusinessPost NexusPre NexusPre Web













Change of Kind Change of Degree

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• Networks, transactions- Our relationship with “things”- Among Individuals, organizations

• The distinction between physical and virtual• Privacy and security• Traditional IT-controlled solution delivery

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Gartner for Technical Professionals

Disruption: Networks and Transactions

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Human Behavior

• They participate in value relationships

• They expect those relationships to be based on "knowing"

• One person's "OK" is another person's "Creepy"

• They are mostly irrational

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Sentiment Analysis

Text Mining

Text Mining


Proximity to Friends

Buying Patterns



Life Events

Financial Habits

Health Data

Search Habits

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Observation + Mediation = Value

Digital Value Network

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Powering the Search


Text Analytics

Sentiment AnalysisClickstream


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10% to 15% increase in online shoppers

completing a purchase

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Information: From Descriptive to Prescriptive

Human Input

Data DecisionPredictiveWhat will happen?

DiagnosticWhy did it happen?

DescriptiveWhat happened?

PrescriptiveWhat should I do?



Decision Automation

Decision Support

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Sourcing Information Broadly

Operational Enterprise "Dark Data"

Public Commercial

Social MediaEconomic












Correlations and patterns from disparate, linked data sources yield the greatest insights and transformative



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Personal Cloud:Moving Beyond Personal Computing








Tax Info.NewsSports

Standings E-gov.











TV CalendarMemories



IM EmailPersonalRecords









Work at













Your Digital Life

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Quantified Self



Insurance Company?

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Gartner for Technical Professionals

Disruption: Security and Risk Management

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What the IoT Means for Security – Dispersion of Infrastructure Building Blocks



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What the IoT Means for Security – Cloud and Mobile Inevitability


Accelerated Adoption

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When fridges attack…

Proofpoint Uncovers Internet of Things (IoT) Cyberattack

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Disruption: Physical and Virtual


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Human Behavior

• People are mobile• They spread their

experience over a constantly shifting array of devices

• They expect context-aware delivery of "experiences"

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Insert Yelp Monocle slide

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Smart Components


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Collaborative Asset Management



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© 2013 Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Collaborative Asset Management

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Disruption: Traditional IT


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Let's do this Nexus thing!

No way! Too risky!

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Let's do this Nexus thing!

The benefit outweighs the risk!

Just do it. Go around IT if necessary!

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New Sources of Value Related to IT

• Digital Business

• Remote work and mobile drives technology needs

• Demand for great customer experience

• Ecosystem of players

• Business directed choice driving innovation

Technology understanding is becoming a business skill

Invent new work practices

Focus on individual and personalization

Thinking like a broker

Dynamic collaboration and participation are essential

49*Source: Gartner March 2013 “Field Research Summary: The Changing IT Career”

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Seven Essential Qualities

1. Be outcome oriented — outcome must become more important

2. Participate and have a participative culture

3. Be advisors and influencers

4. Be openly experimental and enable innovation

5. Be knowledgeable, yet remain open to many perspectives

6. Encourage autonomy within a known context

7. Be adaptable and always learning

Source: Gartner March 2013 "Field Research Summary: The Changing IT Career"

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Work Toward the New Hybrid Role: Hybrid IT Is an Opportunity

Liaisons with business leaders

Forges relationships

Builds and manages

private cloud

Maintains the traditional IT environment

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In Summary, the Nexus of Forces

• Introduces new business opportunities• Is a platform for engagement with external and

internal parties• Increasingly incorporates the Internet of Things• Is the platform for Digital Business• Requires a shift from “IT as Builder” to “IT as


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Recommended Gartner Research

• Transform Your Business With the Nexus of ForcesChris Howard, and others (G00262353)

• Maverick* Research: Ethics Are at the Center of the Nexus of Forces Frank Buytendijk, Jay Heiser (G00256392)

• Nexus Forces Fuel the Engagement InitiativeJeffrey Mann, Matt Cain, Chris Howard (G00254938)

• Talent on the Digital Frontier: New Capabilities, Built Out Quickly, Will Dominate Digital BusinessDiane Morello (G00257633)

• Agenda Overview for Digital Business, 2014Jorge Lopez and others (G00260349)

For more information, stop by Gartner Research Zone.