the dobhar-chu

Dobhar Chu King of all lakes and father of all otters

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Post on 17-Aug-2015




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Page 1: The Dobhar-Chu

Dobhar Chu

King of all

lakes and

father of

all otters

Page 2: The Dobhar-Chu

He looks like a hound and an otter, it is white and he has got a black cross in the back. Its length is about seven feet long, like a crocodile, so he is called also the Irish crocodile. They are migratory, not living in the lake all the year.

Page 3: The Dobhar-Chu

The Dobhar Chu is a mythical lake monster that has inhabited the lakes of the British Islands since ancient times.

The name means ‘water hound’, or ‘hound of the deep’ because his appearance is like a dog and he lives in the lakes of Ireland.

People describe him as a blood-thirsty and gruesome hound who lives deep in the water, waiting for his next victim.

This monster hound is known for its speed, aggression and appetite for human flesh.

Page 4: The Dobhar-Chu

There are usually two of these creatures, and when one is killed, its mate will swim up from the depths of the water and avenge its oppressor. This happens because, when the Dobhar Chu is about to die, it gives off an eerie high-pitched whistle to warn its mate.

Page 5: The Dobhar-Chu

In Ireland a man has got a hideous story about the Dobhar Chu. He said that one day, his wife was doing the laundry near the lake when she screamed. The man went quickly to his wife with his shotgun. When he arrived, his wife was dead and she was being eaten by a Dobhar Chu. The man shot the Dohbar Chu and he killed it. Then, the dead Dubhar Chu gave off an eerie high-pitched whistle which was a warning for its mate. The second Dohbar Chu appeared from the depth of the lake and tried to kill the man. After ten minutes of a bloody battle, the man won because he had a weapon.

The man said that the Dobhar Chu almost killed him.

Page 6: The Dobhar-Chu

So, if you have a meeting with the gruesome Duhbar Chu, run and try to save yourself.

Good Luck, because you’ll need it

Page 7: The Dobhar-Chu

Mario Herrero Sánchez

Diego Alonso Yelo Class 2C

Secondary Education