the -€¦  · web view05/40 minutes of previous meeting (crt 05/33) ... stipulated...

the COURT MINUTES of the third meeting of the 2005/2006 academic year held on Monday, 20 th March, 2006, in the Council Room, Queen Anne Court, Maritime Greenwich Campus, commencing at 5.30 pm. Present: Mr J C Gould (in the Chair) Mr S Atkinson Mr R J Baglin Mr J R H Loudon Mrs M McKinlay Baroness Blackstone Dr T Meers Ms M Branch-Davis Dr A S Pugh Ms F Chandia Dr D Quarmby Mr S Etherington Mr M Sharp Dr L Garner Lady Paulette Tomlinson In attendance: Mrs T A Brighton (Minutes Secretary) Mrs L Cording (Secretary and Registrar) Mr R V T Daly (Director of Finance) Prof R Hayward (Head of School: A&C) (for item 05/39) Prof J Humphreys (Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research & Enterprise)) Dr M Noble (Pro Vice-Chancellor (Learning & Quality) Prof D Wills (Pro Vice-Chancellor (Resources)) Apologies: Sir Callum McCarthy Mrs A-M Nelson Mr R Spinney In the absence of the Chair of Court due to illness, John Gould, Court: 20 March 2006 page 1

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MINUTES of the third meeting of the 2005/2006 academic year held on Monday, 20th March, 2006, in the Council Room, Queen Anne Court, Maritime Greenwich Campus, commencing at 5.30 pm.

Present: Mr J C Gould (in the Chair)

Mr S AtkinsonMr R J Baglin

Mr J R H LoudonMrs M McKinlay

Baroness Blackstone Dr T MeersMs M Branch-Davis Dr A S PughMs F Chandia Dr D Quarmby Mr S Etherington Mr M SharpDr L Garner Lady Paulette Tomlinson

In attendance:

Mrs T A Brighton (Minutes Secretary)Mrs L Cording (Secretary and Registrar) Mr R V T Daly (Director of Finance)Prof R Hayward (Head of School: A&C) (for item 05/39)Prof J Humphreys (Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research & Enterprise))Dr M Noble (Pro Vice-Chancellor (Learning & Quality) Prof D Wills (Pro Vice-Chancellor (Resources))


Sir Callum McCarthyMrs A-M NelsonMr R Spinney

In the absence of the Chair of Court due to illness, John Gould, as Vice-Chairman, chaired the meeting.


There were no declarations of conflicts of interest.

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The Court received a presentation on the work of the School of Architecture and Construction from Professor Richard Hayward, Head of the School.


The minutes of the meeting held on 5 December 2005 were agreed to be a true record and signed.


There were no Matters Arising.


The Vice-Chancellor reported verbally on the following recent developments:

42.1 Student Recruitment – bearing in mind the University’s strategy of lower than average tuition fees the current position was disappointing. Although overall under-graduate applications in England were known to be 4% lower than in previous years, Greenwich’s position was slightly worse. A new marketing strategy was being formulated using “Higher Education, Lower Fees” as the new strap line. An advertising campaign concentrating on the London and north-west Kent regions would be undertaken together with a programme of additional Open Days.

There was some discussion on the implications of the current student application numbers. Based on previous experience, University Officers were cautiously optimistic that the position would improve. Factors affecting recruitment, such as a lack of student awareness of Greenwich’s fees, were identified and discussed. Officers reassured Court Members that mitigating action would be taken to manage the position including targeted marketing at the areas critical to achievement of the HEFCE contract.

It was reported that overseas student applications were a little lower than at the same time in previous years. As the cycle of recruitment fairs had taken place later in the year a more accurate measure of the international position was likely to be available after Easter.

It was agreed that an update on student recruitment would be made to Court Members at the Strategy Half-Day.

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42.2 Partner Colleges – Canterbury College and the European School of Osteopathy would be joining the University’s Partner College network with effect from the 2006/2007 academic session. It was anticipated that the University would gain an additional 500 or so students, which would be beneficial both to meeting the Foundation Degree contract and boosting overall Medway numbers.

42.3 Bids for Funding – The University had been unsuccessful in two recent bids for funding. A collaborative bid with W S Atkins for HEIF competitive funding for a study on regeneration models within the Thames Gateway and China had not been selected. A further bid involving Greenwich, University of Kent, Canterbury Christ Church University and Kings College London for a new Medical School had also been unsuccessful. A decision on whether to bid for the next round of available Medical places would be made once feedback on the initial bid had been received.

42.4 School of Pharmacy – At its recent visit, the Royal Pharmaceutical Society had approved the School’s business plan. The School was continuing to flourish; more staff had been appointed, student places were over-subscribed and on line programmes for continuing professional development programmes were being developed.

42.5 Overseas Degree Ceremonies – The Vice-Chancellor and the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Learning & Quality) would be attending degree ceremonies for the conferment of approximately 320 students in Hong Kong and Malaysia the following month.

42.6 Overseas Partnerships – The University was continuing to develop its international relationships and recruitment in India, Vietnam, Pakistan and Nigeria. Particular emphasis was being given to bolstering recruitment in China.

42.7 Prime Minister’s Initiative – the Prime Minister would be re-launching the Government’s campaign to promote British higher education internationally on 18th April 2006 at Downing Street. The launch would be followed by a Ministerial event at the University’s Maritime Greenwich campus when a range of representatives including Bill Rammell, Minister of State for Lifelong Learning, Further & Higher Education, would be speaking. The event was being organised by the Department for Education and Skills and Court Members would receive an invitation.

Dr Les Garner reported that there would be a one-day strike in support of pay issues by AUT and NATFHE staff on 7th March 2006. Thereafter industrial action short of a strike would follow.

42.8 Fund Raising Developments – The University had been successful in its bid for matched funding in support of its fund-raising programme for a period of three years. Funding to provide bursaries for students who were the children of naval ratings had also been secured.

42.9 NRI – The bid for the DfID research programme, due in by the end of the month, was currently being finalised.

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42.10 Staffing – Advertisements for 17 new academic posts had recently been placed. It was hoped that these positions would be filled for the start of the next session. Recruitment of these staff would help to improve the staff: student ratio and as they would be advertised at the lower end of the pay scale, were likely to help meet the objective in the HR Strategy to even out the age distribution of the University’s staff profile.


The Court recalled that a job description for the Chair of Court was necessary to conform to the CUC Guidelines on Governance and considered a draft drawn up following the recent meeting of the Pro Chancellor’s Advisory Group (PCAG).

The Group had also considered the formal process for appointing the Chair of Court in the immediate future and in the longer term. The present procedure, as agreed by Court in July 2002, stipulated that the normal term of office of the Chair of Court should be three years and that, exceptionally, a second term could be served. Taking into account CUC guidance and common practice amongst other universities, PCAG Members had concluded that there would be merit in strengthening the possibility of a second term of office for the Chair.

The Court:

i resolved that the job description for the Chair of Court be approved (attached as appendix 1)

ii resolved that the normal term of office for the Chair of Court be three years, renewable for up to a further three years

iii resolved that Anne-Marie Nelson be reappointed as Chair of Court from August 2006 to July 2008

iv noted that procedures for appointing the Chair of Court in the long term would be brought forward to a future meeting of Court.


The Chairman of the Strategy Committee introduced the report to Court highlighting principal items of significance arising from the meeting of the Committee held on 23rd January 2006. The following issues were discussed:

44.1 University Mission and Objectives

The Committee had reviewed whether the current Mission Statement and Objectives remained appropriate. Revised versions would be drawn up for discussion at the Court Strategy meeting on 12th May 2006.

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44.2 Key Performance Indicators

There had been considerable discussion on a set of key performance indicators which had compared the University’s performance against the peer group agreed by Court in 2004-05. The key performance indicators had been narrowed down and a definitive set together with individual targets had been agreed.

44.3 Folkestone Collaboration

The Committee had considered the proposed collaboration with Canterbury Christ Church University at Folkestone. The University Centre would offer a range of Arts related programmes for 400 students, and Greenwich would focus on providing IT and business programmes of study. Discussions were continuing with Roger de Haan, the local philanthropist eager to regenerate Folkestone, and financial support from SEEDA was still being sought. The Committee had expressed its support for the principle of the collaboration (see also Finance Committee minute 05/45.1). 44.4 Strategic Plan

It was reported that work on developing the Plan was continuing in preparation for discussion at the Executive Committee and Academic Council. If time allowed following this consultation process, modifications would be made to the Plan prior to the Court Strategy meeting. The accompanying targets were still under discussion but it was likely that these would include a mixture of measurable and non-measurable targets. The Court was pleased to note progress and encouraged Officers to circulate the papers for the Strategy meeting as early as possible.


The Chairman of the Finance Committee introduced the report to Court outlining principal items of significance arising from the meetings of the Committee held on 30th January 2006 an 27th February 2006. The following items were discussed:

45.1 Collaboration with Canterbury Christ Church at Folkestone

It was reported that the Committee had had a lengthy discussion on the proposed collaboration which had included scrutiny of a detailed business plan. Considerable work had been undertaken by the Creative Foundation established by Roger de Haan to support the regeneration of Folkestone, and both universities were planning programmes for the proposed start date of autumn 2006. The Committee had agreed that the project was attractive for a number of reasons but that it was not risk free. Whilst the University would be contributing to the regeneration of a local community and its involvement in the project would help meet the HEFCE Foundation Degree contract, the demands on management and existing resources would be considerable.

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The Committee noted that on the basis of the proposed business plan the project forecast a deficit even with SEEDA’s financial assistance. Members had therefore agreed to consider the matter further once the financial situation was clearer. Officers had been asked to produce a financial plan to achieve break-even together with an explanation of how the project fitted in with the University’s overall strategy.

The Court noted that, as a formal decision on funding was not expected until May 2006 at the earliest, it was possible that the timescale for the start of the programmes would be postponed.

45.2 Students’ Union Finances

The Committee had been pleased to note that the Students’ Union was now forecasting a surplus for the current financial year. However, Members remained concerned about the Students’ Union’s priorities in relation to its overall strategy for the provision of services and facilities. Students’ Union officers had been asked to re-assess its activities, focussing particularly on those areas where losses were occurring, and to report back to the next meeting.

The Court noted that a Memorandum of Understanding between the University and the Students’ Union was to be drawn up as a framework of control over the use of the subvention.

45.3 Analysis of Risks, Reserves and Liquidity

The Chairman was pleased to report that the University’s reserves were in a much healthier position than for some years and equated to around 22% of turnover. The Committee had discussed an analysis by the Director of Finance which had prompted a full discussion on the appropriate level of reserves, assessed against the major risks facing the University. The Director of Finance had been asked to strengthen the analysis by specifying and quantifying the risks in greater depth together with a fuller evaluation of the liabilities which the risks represented. The Court noted that these issues would be revisited during its discussions on the 2006-2007 budget.

45.3 University Estate Issues 45.3.1 Alderwood Nursery, Avery Hill

It was reported that alternative and improved accommodation had been agreed with the London Borough of Greenwich for the University Nursery at Avery Hill, Alderwood School. Noting that the new premises would provide a better service for students and staff from whom the demand for places was high, the Court resolved that:

i the Director of Estates be authorised to finalise the lease negotiations for the Alderwood Nursery, Avery Hill, on the best terms available from the London Borough of Greenwich

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ii delegated authority be granted to the Chair of Court/Chairman of Finance Committee and the Vice-Chancellor/Secretary and Registrar to sign the lease at an appropriate time.

45.3.2 Medway Halls of Residence

Court Members were reminded that there was a commitment to increase student numbers on the Medway campus. The provision of additional high quality student accommodation was essential and the University had entered negotiations to build an additional 280 rooms on site under a PFI arrangement. It was planned that the residences would be ready for occupation in 2007-08. The developer would grant 30 years sub-leases to the University in respect of the new Halls of Residence and the University of Kent would be offered rights to half of the additional rooms. There was no capital investment required and any other risks associated with the project would be shared between the two institutions.

The Court, having been satisfied that the proposals were advantageous to the University, resolved that:

i delegated authority be granted to the Vice-Chancellor and Chair of Finance Committee/Chair of Court to approve the Agreement on behalf of Court

ii delegated authority be granted to the Chair of Court/Vice Chairman of Court and the Secretary and Registrar/any other Governor to sign the necessary agreements and any other contracts.

45.3.3 Long Term Maintenance

The Committee had received the long term maintenance plan covering the next five years. The Committee remained concerned that the gap between the amount being spent on long term maintenance and the amount required was too wide. It had therefore agreed, as the previous year, to set aside some additional funding on maintenance once the overall financial position was clearer. The Court supported this course of action and resolved that:

i the Director of Estates make provision for arrangements for additional maintenance work up to a total of £500,000 to be undertaken before 31st July 2006

ii provided the Committee received reassurance from the Director of Finance that additional funds could be committed, delegated authority be granted to the Chairman of the Committee and Vice-Chancellor to approve orders for additional long term maintenance projects within the budget agreed and exceeding £150,000.

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The Chairman of the Audit Committee introduced the report to Court detailing principal items of significance arising from the meeting held on 20th February 2006. The following issues were discussed:

46.1 Guidelines on the Commercialisation of Intellectual Property

The Chairman recalled that the exploitation of intellectual property had been of particular concern for the Committee for some time. Committee Members were particularly anxious to ensure the transparency of all commercial transactions and had required reassured from University Officers that the necessary controls and arrangements for spin out companies and the decisions involved in choosing whether to licence intellectual property or to create a spin out company were clear. The Committee had been content that the guidelines produced as a supplement to the Policy and Procedures on the Exploitation of Intellectual Property addressed these issues and had approved the document for immediate implementation.

46.2 Memorandum of Understanding between the University of Greenwich and UGMT Limited

It was reported that the Committee had considered the final version of a proposed Memorandum of Understanding between the University of Greenwich and UGMT Limited. This was the remaining item from the Committee’s prolonged deliberations on the University’s arrangements for subsidiary companies.

The Court expressed its appreciation for the Committee’s work in this area and, subject to minor amendment, approved the Memorandum of Understanding for immediate adoption.

46.3 Internal Audit

The Chairman highlighted the Committee’s disappointment that the recently appointed Internal Auditors, Pritchard Wood, had merged with another firm, Bentley Jennison, with effect from 1st January 2006.

The Chairman drew the Court’s attention to the recent audit on the control systems governing debtors which were felt to be inadequate and ineffective. This was an area of known weakness and work was already under way to address the issues causing concern.


The Court received a report from the Clerk of Academic Council on Items of Academic Significance raised at the recent meeting of Academic Council held on 1st March 2006 reporting on:

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i the E-Learning Strategy, which had been approved for implementation. The Strategy set out a clear institutional framework for the development of e-learning, but it was recognised that adoption of the strategy would raise a number of resource and long term funding implications which would need to be considered at a strategic level.

ii the revised Race Equality Policy and accompanying interim action plan which had been endorsed for adoption. The updated Policy superseded the version originally approved by Court in June 2003 and, amongst other things, took into account changes in legislation.

iii annual progression data for 2004-2005 for under-graduate students. Progression performance was significant in terms of fulfilling the University’s widening access and participation objectives and positioning in the league tables and Academic Council would be considering proposals for retention initiatives at its next meeting.


The Court considered a report by the Secretary and Registrar examining the issues relating to Risk 4 of the Institutional Risk Register - “Management effort spread too thinly”. Court noted the continuing effect of recent financial difficulties, organisational restructuring and subsequent erosion of staffing on management at all levels. Members were reassured that through the measures specified in the paper University Officers would seek to monitor managerial responsibilities and ensure that the day-to-day activities of the University were not jeopardized through the time-consuming and resource-intensive pursuit of new initiatives.



The Court received:

i Management Accounts to 31 January 2006 ii Balance Sheet as at 31 January 2006 iii Cash Forecast iv Management Accounts – Contribution Format.


The minutes of the following Court Committees were received:

i Strategy Committee meeting held on 23rd January 2006 (CRT 05/41)ii Finance Committee meeting held on 30th January 2006 (CRT 05/42)iii Audit Committee meeting held on 20th February 2006 (CRT 05/43)iv Finance Committee meeting held on 27th February 2006 (CRT 05/44).

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The minutes of the following Academic Council meetings were received:

i 23rd November 2005 (CRT 05/45)ii 1st March 2006 (CRT 05/46).

05/52 HONORARY DEGREES 2006 (CRT 05/47)

The Court noted that the following had accepted the offer of Honorary Degrees from the University:

Honorary Graduand Award Conferment

Sir Sandy BRUCE- LOCKHART OBE HonDBA Tuesday, 18th July 2006 Nawal El-Degwi HonDEd Wednesday, 25th October 2006 Margaret EWING HonDBA Wednesday, 26th July 2006 Denis HEATHCOTE HonDUniv Friday, 28th July 2006 Sue JENNINGS CBE HonDUniv Thursday, 26th October 2006 Doreen LAWRENCE OBE HonDUniv Monday, 23rd October 2006 Paul MARSON-SMITH HonDBA Wednesday, 26th July 2006 Simon SINGH HonDSc Friday, 28th July 2006 John SORRELL HonDDes Postponed to 2007 Claire TOMALIN HonDLitt Monday, 23rd October 2006


The Court resolved that:

Professor John Humphreys, Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research & Enterprise), and/or Linda Cording, Secretary and Registrar, and/or John Wallace, Administrative Secretary, and/or Reginald Daly, Director of Finance, and/or Marc Hume, Director of Enterprise, be authorised to grant on behalf of the University limited powers of attorney to named firms and/or individuals for the purposes of securing legal protection including patent, trademark and other registrable rights protection worldwide at the national Intellectual Property Offices and/or offices dealing with the granting of such rights under international treaties, and for the execution of any incidental acts related thereto.

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The Court noted the signing as a Deed of the following “Group B” documents:

i AGREEMENT FOR GRANT for The Single Regeneration Budget Challenge Fund Woolwich and North Bexley Regeneration Scheme between The Mayor and Burgesses of the London Borough of Greenwich and UoG Centre for Entrepreneurship

ii BUILDING CONTRACT re: new sports teaching building and new academic building with associated drainage and external works at Avery Hill Campus between Willmott Dixon Construction Limited and UoG

iii DEED OF VARIATION re: lease dated 18 May 2005 made between the parties hereto in respect ct of Block H McMillan Court Creek Road Greenwich between UPP (Rachel McMillan Limited and UoG

iv LICENCE FOR ALTERATIONS re: Kings Hill, 6 Alexander Grove, West Malling, Kent (re fire escape ramp for disabled and air conditioning units) between Rouse Kent Developments Limited and UoG

The meeting finished at 7.15 pm.

T.A.Brighton 03.04.06LC/Court\minutes\2006 March 20 Court minutes

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Appendix 1 to the minutes of the Court meeting held on 20th March 2006


Key responsibilities

■ To lead the University Court in all of its activities

■ To ensure that the University Court works effectively and efficiently and observes the principles of public life.

■ To foster a supporting yet challenging relationship with the Vice Chancellor.

■ To encourage constructive and appropriate relationships between the members of the University Court and the senior management of the University

■ Supported by Nominations Committee to ensure a transparent appointment process, for members of the University Court.

■ With the Vice Chancellor, to promote external relationships strategically useful to the University.

■ To appraise the performance of the Vice-Chancellor.

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